Project Powerplant
Table of contents 1.
Problem definition........................................................................................................................... 1
Objectives ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Delineation ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Chapter One - Analysis Jet Engine ....................................................................................................... 3 1.1
Basic Principles of operation ............................................................................................... 3
Components ........................................................................................................................ 3
Related systems ................................................................................................................... 3
Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 3
Survey .................................................................................................................................. 4
Chapter 2 - New Jet engine design ...................................................................................................... 4 2.1
Performance calculations .................................................................................................... 4
Current engine performance ............................................................................................... 4
Morfologic overview and concepts ..................................................................................... 4
Engines performance........................................................................................................... 4
New jet engine .................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 3 P670EP ................................................................................................................................ 4 3.1
Certification ......................................................................................................................... 4
Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 4
Financial analysis ................................................................................................................. 4
Recommendation ................................................................................................................ 4
Bibliography............................................................................................................................................. 6 Annexes ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Project Powerplant 1.
Problem definition
The Amsterdam Aircraft Engines (AAE) has given project group 2A2P a new project. This is the second project of the second year of Aviation studies. The project group was asked to make a concept design of a new engine for the Fokker 70. The reason to make a new engine is that the current engine, the Rolls Roys Tay, has a high fuel consumption and they do not compare to the current emission requirements. The new engine must meet the same performance as the Rolls Roys Tay (RR Tay) and has to operate for the next 20 years. The new engine has to give enough power to can make the aircraft take-off and land on the airports with an airport elevation with a maximum of 9000 feet. These airports are located in Europe and in the south part of America. The required range of the new Fokker 70 engine must be at least 1500 nm without refueling. The cruising speed must be 0.77 mach en the cruise altitude 35000 feet. The EASA demands that the aircraft gets a new airworthiness certificate by all major changes. The main question of this project will be: What kind of engine must be designed for the Fokker 70 which conforms to the asked requirements set by the parties involved? The main requirements are: Elevation of airport maximum 9000 feet Minimum range must me 1500 nm Maximum speed must be 320 kts/ 0.77 Mach Maximum altitude must be 35000 feet Maximum temperature must be ISA+35°C or 45°C
Project Powerplant 2.
The project group 2A2P will write a report about the results of the performed research commissioned by the management of the AAE. The management wants a engine with lower fuel consumption compare to the current emission requirements. The Fokker 70 must be get an airworthiness certification with the new designed engine what is able to operate in the required conditions. While per-forming the project, the following constraints apply:
The duration of the project is seven weeks of classes (week 45-01), the report must be handed in on Thursday, January 6, 2011, before 15.30; By the end of the second week a startdocument must be handed, which the planning of the project, the roles within the group, the demands on the engine and the airplane contains; The final report is presented in the form of an English report, which conforms to the dictates Wentzel (2009); The report has excluding appendix, a volume of 30-40 pages; To create the thrust calculations, must preferably the Excel program be use. In addition, the report on CD / DVD, with the Excel files per calculation will be handed, the Excel file must also contain charts of temperature and pressure through the engine; Formulas, assumptions and arguments must be clearly formulated.
Project Powerplant 3.
Chapter One - Analysis Jet Engine 1.1 Basic Principles of operation To understand the working of a jet engine the basic operating principles are explained. This is done in section 1.1. 1.1.1 Introduction All jet engines used in aviation are working on the same principle. This is explained basically. 1.1.2 Basic Physics To zoom in on the basic operating principle the working is explained by physics. The most important laws are Newton’s laws, Laws of Thermodynamics and the Brayton process. 1.1.3 External influences Outside factors like altitude outside air temperature have effect on the performance. 1.1.4 Working cycle A jet engine is composed of several parts. Each part contributes to the operation. The main three components are the compressor, combustion chamber, turbine and the nozzle 1.2 Components Now we know the basic operation we can zoom in further on the different parts of the jet engine. Each section is explained in the same order: the technical operation, different types, potential problem, the building materials and the design of the engine. The parts explained are: 1.2.1 Inlet 1.2.2 Compressor ( including the turbo fan) 1.2.3 Combustion Chamber 1.2.4 Turbine 1.2.5 Nozzle 1.3 Related systems To keep the jet engine working subsystems are needed. These systems are installed for several reasons. We will explain seven systems which contributes to the safety ( lubrication and cooling) and supply other airplane systems with pressure air and electricity (bleed air, fire protection). 1.3.1 Starting Mechanism 1.3.2 Gearbox 1.3.3 Bleed Air 1.3.4 Fuel System 1.3.5 Thrust Reverser 1.3.6 Lubrication and Cooling 1.3.7 Fire Protection 1.4 Requirements Two different requirements play a role in designing an engine. The first requirements are from Amsterdam Leeuwenburg Airlines. These requirements are the reason for designing a new engine, better performance and better fuel efficiency must be achieved A jet engine must also meet stringent requirements for maximum safety. These requirements are determined by international organizations. 1.4.1 ALA Demands 1.4.2 Law 3
Project Powerplant
1.5 Survey Because the operating principle of the new engine will be the same as the current Rolls Royce, we need to understand the parameters we can change to get a better performance and fuel efficiency.
Chapter 2 - New Jet engine design The second chapter of the project report includes a morphologic overview where three possible design are chosen. The engines performance properties are calculated and eventually the best jet engine design will be chosen (based on the performance properties). 2.1 Performance calculations The formulas to calculated forces in and on an jet engine will be told in this paragraph. The relevant formulas are the formulas that include the engine parameters used for determining possible jet engine designs. 2.2 Current engine performance This paragraph includes the calculations of the engine performance of the current Fokker 70 engines. The results of this calculations can be compared to the results of the new engine design calculations. 2.3 Morfologic overview and concepts The morphologic overview displays all possible jet engine components. There will be chosen three possible engine designs: 1. Strong engine; 2. Efficient (fuel efficient); 3. Environmental friendly (emission/ noise polution). 2.4 Engines performance In this paragraph the calculations are made for the three possible engine types. Within this calculations poor operational conditions are taken into consideration as well. For example a take-off with one operating engine. 2.5 New jet engine By the use of the engines performance calculations, the engine designs will be compared and the engine which has the best performance will be chosen as the new Fokker 70 engine. This is an engine which can operate on the Fokker 70 for the next 20 years.
Chapter 3 P670EP The last chapter of the project report will include the maintenance and financial aspects. 3.1 Certification This paragraph includes the certification process which will be done on the new concept engine and the Fokker 70 to make the aircraft airworthiness. Besides, the noise pollution and emission of the new engine design will be taken into consideration. 3.2 Maintenance To keep the new engines operate a maintenance program will be made or the current maintenance plan will be adapted. 3.3 Financial analysis To make the new Fokker 70 a profitable aircraft a financial analysis will be made. An analyze will make clear what the new engine costs are and what costs could come in the future. 3.4 Recommendation To make a total conclusion of the new Fokker 70 engine a recommendation will be made for the AAE so they can make a choice if they want to buy new engines for the Fokker 70. There will be presented 4
Project Powerplant
what the advantages are of the new engine and why the new engine should be replaced for the new jet engine design. Moreover, the set demands by AAE and the law are feed backed as well.
Project Powerplant
Bibliography Books Delft University of Technology, faculty of aerospace engineering Prices, noise levels and re-engineing costs of aircraft Delft, 1998 EASA Certification Specifications for Engines (CSE) Amendment 2 2009 Fokker B.V. AOM Fokker 100 Amsterdam, 1988 H.S. Kooijman Gasturbines algemeen Bleskensgraaf, 2003 H.S. Kooijman Gasturbines systemen Bleskensgraaf, 2004 H.S. Kooijman Vliegtuigzuigermotoren Amerongen, 1995 J. Kurzke GASTURB User's Manual 1995 Knovel Databank Gas Turbine Performance (2nd Edition) 2004 M. Baseley Gas Turbine Theory Sixth Edition. Harlow, 2009 Prof. Ir. H Wittenberg Dictaat Voortstuwing en Prestatieberekening Delft, 1968
Project Powerplant
Annexes I II III IV
Project Assignment Pyramid model Planning Group Information a. Photo and information b. Group agreements c. Chairman and minutes list
1 3 4 5 5 6 7
Project Powerplant I
Project Assignment
De projectopdracht is het maken van een conceptontwerp van een nieuwe voortstuwingsinstallatie zoals die kan worden toegepast op de Fokker 70 vliegtuigen. (2.1) Voor de uitvoering van het project worden algemene randvoorwaarden gegeven. (2.2) Aan het eind van periode 6 wordt het conceptontwerp gepresenteerd en getoetst. (2.3)
De opdracht
Uitgangssituatie Amsterdam Aircraft Engines geeft de opdracht een conceptontwerp van de voortstuwingsinstallatie, waarmee huidige Fokker 70 (met nog 20 jaar operational life) vloot kan worden uitgerust. De huidige motoren (Rolls Royce Tay) hebben een hoog brandstofverbruik en een te hoge milieubelasting. De luchtvaartmaatschappijen die de motorfabrikant AAE als doelgroep ziet, voeren vooral operaties uit in Europa en Zuid-Amerika, de eisen voor bepaalde vliegvelden op hoogte zijn met de huidige motoren niet haalbaar. Opdrachtformulering Als projectteam van de opleiding Aviation Studies aan het domein Techniek gaan jullie een conceptontwerp maken van een nieuwe motor, die voldoende stuwkracht levert om de klant van bestaande vliegvelden te kunnen laten vertrekken en landen onder verschillende weersomstandigheden, zoals “hot day” condities. De elevatie van deze vliegvelden is maximaal 9000 feet. Verder dient het specifiek brandstofverbruik, dus het rendement zo te zijn dat de vereiste range meer dan 1500 nm (zonder “refueling”) wordt waargemaakt, bij een Vmo = 320 kts/Mmo = M 0.77 en 35000ft. Ook de thrust, die op MSL bij “standard day” condities nodig is om het bovenstaande te bereiken, dient berekend te worden, hiervoor geldt dat de static T/O thrust groter is dan de huidige motoren. Wat temperatuur betreft moet de OATlimitations voor T/O = OATmax ISA+35ºC of 45ºC in acht worden genomen. Verder stelt de EASA dat alle “major changes” van een vliegtuig opnieuw certificering vereisen, voor het verkrijgen van het luchtwaardigheidscertificaat. Beschrijf het certificatieproces voor een gasturbine motor en welke invloed dat heeft op de totale certificering van het toestel. Daarnaast moet voor een commercieel succes van de nieuwe motoren minimaal voldaan worden aan de veldhoogte eis en een lager TSFC dan de huidige motoren. Richtlijnen - Wat is in de basis de werking van een gasturbine motor? - Welke materialen worden toegepast en waarop is deze keuze gebaseerd? - In hoeverre kunnen trillingen ontstaan en hoe worden die voorkomen of gedempt? - Aan welke eisen moet deze gasturbine motor technisch voldoen? - Aan welke eisen moet een nieuwe gasturbine motor voldoen (Chapter 4, ICAO Annex 16 en CS-25, CS-E, EASA)? - Welke onderdelen zijn geschikt voor een gasturbine motor en wat zijn de thermodynamische ren-dementen daarvan - Welke berekeningen zijn nodig om aan te tonen dat het conceptontwerp voldoet en kan opereren in de eerder genoemde condities? - Het toestel heeft een bepaalde energie behoefte, kan de bedrijfszekerheid gegarandeerd worden voor van de motoren afhankelijke systemen? - Blijft de emissie van schadelijke stoffen binnen de hiervoor vastgestelde normering?
Project Powerplant 2.2
Randvoorwaarden voor het project
De opdrachtgever heeft de volgende randvoorwaarden geformuleerd, waar het project absoluut aan moet voldoen. Deze zijn: - De tijdsduur van het project is zeven lesweken (week 45-01), het verslag moet ingeleverd zijn op donderdag 6 januari 2011, vóór 15.30u; - Uiterlijk aan het eind van de tweede week moet een Startdocument worden ingeleverd, waarin de planning van het project, de taakverdeling binnen de groep, de eisen aan de motor en het vliegtuig is opgenomen; - Het eindrapport wordt gepresenteerd in de vorm van een Engelstalig verslag, dat voldoet aan het dictaat Wentzel (2009); - Het verslag heeft exclusief Bijlagen, een omvang van 30-40 pagina‟s; - Voor het maken van de stuwkrachtberekeningen, moet - bij voorkeur - gebruik gemaakt worden van het programma Excel. Daarnaast moet het verslag op CD/DVD inclusief Excel bestanden per bereke-ning worden ingeleverd, het Excel bestand moet verder grafieken bevatten van temperatuur en drukverloop door de motor; - Gebruikte formules, aannames en argumenten moeten duidelijk zijn geformuleerd.
Beoordeling van het project
Met dit vijfde project in periode 6 kunnen zes studiepunten worden behaald. De systematiek hiervan wordt vanaf nu als bekend verondersteld. Uiterlijk aan het eind van de tweede week wordt het Startdocument ingeleverd bij de begeleider, waarna jullie met zijn “GO” verder kunnen met het project. Slechts een verslag, dat als voldoende is beoordeeld, geeft toegang tot de mondelinge toets.
Project Powerplant II
Pyramid Model
Project Powerplant III
Beter te bekijken op BSCW
Project Powerplant IV
Group Information a.
Photo and information
Below a picture of projectgroup 2A2P is displayed.
From left to right: Ryans Tegusi, Mahmut Terzi, Luuk Nagtegaal, Rob van Loon, Diederik Philippens, Joran Hoogenberg en Sander van Noorloos. Marco Boot is not on the picture. Naam Boot, Marco
Woonplaats Castricum (NH)
06-nummer 0610732035
HvA mail
[email protected]
Hoogenberg, Joran
Apeldoorn (GLD)
Loon, Rob van Nagtegaal, Luuk Noorloos, Sander van
Milheeze (NB)
Joran.Hoogenberg@hva. nl
[email protected]
Naarden (NH)
Wieringer-werf (NH)
Philippens, Diederik Tegusi, Ryans Terzi, Mahmut
Utrecht (UT)
Amsterdam (NH)
Luuk.nagtegaal@hva. nl Sander.van.Noorloos@Hv
[email protected] [email protected]
Amsterdam (NH)
[email protected]
Alt. E-mail Here_is_marco@hotm
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Sander_noorloos@hot
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Project Powerplant b.
Group Agreements
Underneath the group agreements are displayed. These agreements must help the group members to keep a professional working attitude. Meetings • Every week, there is a standard meeting scheduled. This standard meeting takes place every Tuesday at the fifth hour. • One day before a meeting is held, the chairman informs the group members which topic will be discussed on the next meeting. This is preferable done via e-mail. • The scribe uploads his or her minutes at least within 24 hours after the meeting. Absence / delay • When one of the group members is delayed or will be absent, it is first priority to inform the chairmen. If the chairman does not respond, the scribe has to be informed. When the scribe does not respond, the next group member in the list has to be informed. Valid reasons for absence are: sickness, public transport delay and personal problems. Warnings • Project group 2A2P works with a so called warning system. If one of the group members cannot make an assessment before the scheduled deadline, and does not have an explanation for his or her actions, a warning is given. • When a member of project group 2A2P is given a second warning, the chairman arranges a meeting with the whole project group to talk about the actions which might follow. To do and planning • The group works using the so called “Buddy-system”. This implies that every group member is coupled with another group member and that they are responsible for each other’s work. The grouping is found in the starting document. • A deadline houses multiple data and time aspects. On the first day, the assessment must be finished so it can be checked by the corresponding buddy on the second day. On the third day the assessment can be mended and handed over. • When the above logic is transferred faster than described, the next assessment can be started. This is not required.
Project Powerplant c. Week 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1
Chairman and Minutes list (including buddylist)
Voorzitter Marco Boot Rob van Loon Joran Hoogenberg Luuk Nagtegaal Sander van Noorloos Diederik Philippens Ryans Tegusi Ryans Tegusi Terzi Mahmut
Groepslid Marco Boot Rob van Loon Sander van Noorloos Ryans Tegusi
Notulist Joran Hoogenberg Luuk Nagtegaal Rob van Loon Sander van Noorloos Diederik Philippens Ryans Tegusi Terzi Mahmut Terzi Mahmut Marco Boot
Buddy Joran Hoogenberg Luuk Nagtegaal Diederik Philippens Mahmut Terzi