Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students (USAID PRIORITAS)
Quarterly Report No. 17 April–June 2016
July 2016 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by RTI International. The contents are the responsibility of RTI International and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students (USAID PRIORITAS) Quarterly Report No. 17
Contract AID-497-C-12-00003 April–June 2016
Prepared for USAID/Indonesia
Prepared by RTI International 3040 Cornwallis Road Post Office Box 12194 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194 Cover Photo: Director General of Primary and Secondary Education, Dr. Hamid Mohammad, and U.S. Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission, Brian McFeeters, watching pupils at SD Jelupang 2, South Tangerang using USAID-funded leveled reading books, following an official handover of the books by USAID to the Government of Indonesia on April 27, 2016. RTI International is a registered trademark and a trade name of Research Triangle Institute.
The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.
Table of Contents LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................... III LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................. IV LIST OF ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND TERMS ................................................. III EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... 1 RINGKASAN UTAMA (INDONESIAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY).................................... 6 1
PROJECT ROLLOUT, GRANTS, AND PARTNERSHIPS .......................................... 11 1.1 LEVELED READING BOOK PROGRAM ....................................................................................................... 11 1.1.1 Book Handovers ................................................................................................................................................ 11 1.1.2 District Level Planning Workshop ................................................................................................................. 12 1.1.3 Training of Teachers and Principals at Cluster Level............................................................................... 12 1.1.4 Mentoring of Teachers .................................................................................................................................... 12 1.1.5 Book Distribution ............................................................................................................................................... 12 1.1.6 Training of Teachers and Principals at Cluster Level............................................................................... 13 1.2 PAPUA AND WEST PAPUA ......................................................................................................................... 14 1.3 PARTNERSHIPS TO SUPPORT READING IMPROVEMENT .......................................................................... 15 1.3.1 US-Indonesia TTI Partnership ........................................................................................................................ 15 1.3.2 Partnership with YLAI ....................................................................................................................................... 15
STRENGTHENED INSTRUCTION IN SCHOOLS: TTI DEVELOPMENT ............. 16 2.1 MATERIALS ADAPTATION FOR TTI .......................................................................................................... 16 2.2 REVIEW AND PREPARATION WORKSHOPS FOR TRAINING PEDAGOGY LECTURERS ........................ 16 2.3 MATERIALS ADAPTATION FOR GOOD PRACTICE SCHOOLS ................................................................ 17 2.4 TTI LAB AND PARTNER SCHOOLS ........................................................................................................... 18 2.4.1 Training of Lab and Partner Schools: Primary and Junior Secondary School Level and SchoolBased Management ......................................................................................................................................... 18 2.4.2 Meeting and Working with Lab and Partner Schools ............................................................................. 18 2.4.3 Mentoring TTI Lab and Partner Schools ..................................................................................................... 18 2.5 GOOD PRACTICE SCHOOLS PROGRAM................................................................................................... 19 2.5.1 Selection of Good Practice Schools Cohort 3 ............................................................................................. 19 2.5.2 Review Meetings with Good Practice Schools: Cohorts 1 and 2 .......................................................... 20 2.6 TEACHER PRACTICUM PROGRAM ............................................................................................................. 20 2.6.1 Developing Improved Teacher Practicums ................................................................................................. 20 2.7 TTI REVIEW AND PREPARATION MEETINGS ........................................................................................... 21 2.8 SUPPORT FOR DISSEMINATION IN TTIS ................................................................................................... 21 2.9 PROVINCIAL CONSORTIA MEETINGS ....................................................................................................... 22 2.10 TTI SHOWCASE .......................................................................................................................................... 22
STRENGTHENED INSTRUCTION IN SCHOOLS: WHOLE-SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT.............................................................................................................. 24 3.1 MODULE FOR SCHOOL PRINCIPALS AND SUPERVISORS ........................................................................ 24 3.1.1 Piloting and Module Revision ......................................................................................................................... 24 3.1.2 Planning for Provincial TOT ............................................................................................................................ 24 3.2 PROVINCIAL TOT FOR MODULE 3 .......................................................................................................... 25 3.3 MODULE TO MENTOR DISTRICT FACILITATORS .................................................................................... 25 3.4 SCHOOL-LEVEL ACTIVITIES, COHORT 1 .................................................................................................. 25 3.5 SCHOOL-LEVEL ACTIVITIES, COHORT 2 .................................................................................................. 26 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April-June 2016
3.6 SCHOOL-LEVEL ACTIVITIES, COHORT 3 .................................................................................................. 27 3.7 NATIONAL MODEL LITERACY DISTRICT PROGRAM .............................................................................. 28 3.7.1 Model Literacy Districts ................................................................................................................................... 28 3.7.2 Development of the Program at the District Level .................................................................................. 29 3.7.3 Declaration of Literacy Districts .................................................................................................................... 29 3.8 USAID PRIORITAS DISTRICT FACILITATORS AND TRAINING PARTICIPANTS SELECTED AS NATIONAL INSTRUCTORS BY MOEC. ..................................................................................................... 30 4
GOVERNANCE, MANAGEMENT, AND LINKAGES ................................................ 31 4.1 MANAGEMENT OF MADRASAH TEACHERS .............................................................................................. 32 4.2 DISTRICT PLANNING FOR DISSEMINATION AND SUSTAINABILITY ....................................................... 34 4.3 DATA ANALYSIS, UPDATING TOOLS ....................................................................................................... 35 4.4 POLICY STUDIES .......................................................................................................................................... 36 4.4.1 Teacher Supply and Demand Study ............................................................................................................ 36 4.4.2 Teacher Deployment and Teacher CPD Study ......................................................................................... 37
DISSEMINATION OF SCHOOL-LEVEL PROGRAMS ............................................... 38
TECHNICAL COORDINATION ................................................................................... 40 6.1 COORDINATION WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF INDONESIA (GOI) .................................................... 40
COMMUNICATIONS ..................................................................................................... 41 7.1 NEWSLETTER ............................................................................................................................................... 41 7.2 PROJECT WEBSITE ....................................................................................................................................... 42 7.3 MEDIA MONITORING ................................................................................................................................. 42 7.4 PROJECT VIDEOS ......................................................................................................................................... 43 7.5 MEDIA BRIEFING .......................................................................................................................................... 44
GENDER AND INCLUSIVE EDUCATION .................................................................. 45 8.1 GENDER STUDY RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 45 8.2 INCLUSIVE EDUCATION SURVEY ............................................................................................................... 46
MONITORING AND EVALUATION ........................................................................... 47 9.1 RESULTS OF THE SCHOOL MONITORING DATA .................................................................................... 47 9.2 HEADCOUNT OF SCHOOLS....................................................................................................................... 49
10 OTHER ACTIVITIES ...................................................................................................... 51 10.1 DATA REVOLUTION FOR DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................ 51 10.2 WORLD EDUCATION CAMBODIA TEAM VISIT ....................................................................................... 51 11 PROJECT MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................ 52 11.1 PROJECT EXTENSION .................................................................................................................................. 52 11.2 USAID LIMITED FINANCIAL REVIEW ........................................................................................................ 52 11.3 OPERATIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 52 11.3.1 Vehicles ........................................................................................................................................................... 52 11.3.2 Distribution of Books and Materials ....................................................................................................... 52 11.4 HUMAN RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................... 52 12 PLANS FOR QUARTER 18 ............................................................................................ 54 ANNEX 1: PROVINCIAL REPORTS .................................................................................... 55 ANNEX 2: COORDINATION WITH GOI ........................................................................ 106 ANNEX 3: LEVELED READER PROGRAM – STOCK OF BOOKS AS OF JUNE 2016 .......................................................................................................... 115 ii
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
ANNEX 4: DISSEMINATION ............................................................................................. 116 ANNEX 5: INCLUSIVE EDUCATION SURVEY .............................................................. 120
List of Tables Book Distribution .................................................................................................................................... 13 Training of Teachers and Principals at Cluster Level ...................................................................... 14 Training of Lab and Partner Schools: Module 3 Training for Primary, Junior Secondary, and School-Based Management .......................................................................................................... 18 Good Practice Schools Cohort 3: East Java....................................................................................... 19 Good Practice Schools Cohort 3: North Sumatra .......................................................................... 20 Dissemination Support to TTIs during Quarter 17 ......................................................................... 22 School-Level Training in Primary School-Based Management (Module 3) ................................. 25 School-Level Training in Primary Teaching and Learning (Module 3, Cohort 2) ...................... 26 School-Level Training in Primary School-Based Management (Module 3, Cohort 2) .............. 26 School-level training in Junior-Secondary School-Based Management (Module 3, Cohort 2) ................................................................................................................................................. 26 School-level training in Teaching and Learning, Junior-Secondary (Module 3, Cohort 2) ................................................................................................................................................. 27 School-Level Training in Primary School-Based Management, (Module 3, Cohort 3) ......... 27 School-level training in Teaching & Learning, Primary, (Module 3, Cohort 3) ........................ 27 School-Level Training in School-Based Management Junior-Secondary, (Module 3, Cohort 3) ................................................................................................................................................. 27 School-Level Training in Teaching and Learning, Junior-Secondary, (Module 3, Cohort 3) ................................................................................................................................................. 27 USAID PRIORITAS Partner Districts Nominated as Model Literacy Districts ...................... 29 Literacy District Declarations ............................................................................................................. 29 Teacher Management Pilot Program with MORA, East Java ....................................................... 33 Preparation Workshops for Strategic Planning .............................................................................. 35 Number of Participants in Dissemination Activities in Quarter 17, by Province ................... 38 Total Number of Participants in Dissemination Activities in 2013–2017 (Quarters 4–17), by Province ............................................................................................................. 38 Expenditure for Dissemination Activities in Quarter 17 (in USD) ............................................ 39 Total Expenditure for Dissemination Activities in 2013–2016 (Quarters 4–17 [in USD]) .................................................................................................................................................. 39 Distribution of the National Newsletter, Fourteenth Edition .................................................... 42 Number of Hits on Project Website in Quarter 17 ..................................................................... 42 Monthly Media Coverage ..................................................................................................................... 42 Summary of School-Level Indicator Monitoring Results .............................................................. 47
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April-June 2016
Number of Schools Participating in the Dissemination Program, Based on Attendance List and Head Count, by Province ............................................................................... 49 Staff – New Hires .................................................................................................................................. 53 Short-Term Technical Assistance ...................................................................................................... 53 Staff – Terminations/Resignations ...................................................................................................... 53 Staff – Total Number (RTI, EDC, WEI) ........................................................................................... 53 Activities for Quarter 18 ..................................................................................................................... 54
List of Figures Figure.1: Madrasah Teacher Management Pilot Program ............................................................................. 32
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Education Sector Analytical & Capacity Development Partnership Aplikasi Laporan Pertanggungjawaban Keuangan BOS Tingkat Sekolah (software application for school finance reporting) National Education Budget Alat Pendedeksi Isolatoor dan Konduktor Bantuan Operasi Sekolah (Government-allocated School Operational Grants) Buku Pembelajaran Kontekstual Papua (Papua-contextualized Textbook) compact disc Chief of Party Continuing Professional Development Centre for Strategic and International Studies Cognizant Technical Officer Diploma 4 (Bachelor equivalent – one of the minimum qualifications for new teachers entering the profession) Data Pokok Pendidikan (MOEC’s national web-based EMIS) Decentralized Basic Education Project District Education Office Data Revolution for Development Education Development Center Early Grade Reading Assessment Education Management Information System Focus Group Discussion Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (Education Faculty) Florida State University Gigabytes Government of Indonesia Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan (Teachers and Education Personnel) Human resources Institut Agama Islam Negeri (State Islamic Institute) Indonesian rupiah Intermediate Result Information technology Junior-secondary school District or Regency Kementrian Koordinasi Pengembangan Masyarakat dan Kebudayayaan (Coordinating Ministry for Community Development and Culture) Kelompok Kerja Guru (Teacher Working Group-regular primary schools) Kelompok Kerja Madrasah (Madrasah Teacher Working Group) City or Municipality Kantor Sekretariat Presiden (Office of the President) Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (Center for Research and Community Outreach) Islamic School Megabytes per second Monitoring and Evaluation Local Association of Secondary Teachers (grouped by subject matter) Madrasah Ibtidiayah Madrasah Ibtidiayah Negeri (state primary madrasah)
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April-June 2016
Ministry of Education and Culture Ministry of Religious Affairs Ministry for Research, Technology, and Higher Education Memorandum of Understanding Michigan State University Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Junior Secondary Islamic School) Museum Rekor Dunia Indonesia (Indonesian World Records Museum) nongovernmental organization Nomor Pokok Sekolah Nasional (National school number) Pembelajaran yang Aktif, Efektif dan Menyenangkan (Active, Effective and Enjoyable Learning) Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan (Continuing Professional Development) Pegawai Negeri Sipil (Civil Servant) Penataan & Pemerataan Guru (Equitable Teacher Deployment) Teacher Professional Education Program (one year post-graduate) Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (Student Teacher Practicum Program) Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students Project Rencana Pengembangan Jangka Menengah Daerah (Mid-Term Regional Development Plan) RTI International (a registered trademark and a trade name of Research Triangle Institute) Bachelor’s degree (one of the minimum qualifications for new teachers entering the profession) School-Based Management Sekolah Dasar (Primary School) Sekolah Dasar Negeri (State Primary School) Sistem Informasi Madrasah (Madrasah Education Information management System) Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar (Basic Education Information Management System) formal decree Sekolah Menengah Pertama (Junior Secondary School) Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri (State Junior Secondary School) Short-Term Technical Assistance Teacher Deployment Program (USAID PRIORITAS) Training of Trainers Teacher Training Institute Universitas Islam Negeri (State Islamic University) Ujian Kompetensi Guru (Teacher Competency Test) Universitas Negeri Malang (State University of Malang) Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al Washliyah (Nusantara Al Washliyah Muslim University) Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra) Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang (Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang) Ujian Nasional (national examination) Universitas Negeri Surabaya (State University of Surabaya) Universitas Islam Nusantara (Nusantara Islamic University) Universitas Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli Utara Universitas Negeri Makassar (Makassar State University) Universitas Negeri Semarang (State University of Semarang) Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (State University of Yogyakarta) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Indonesia University of Education) Unit Pelaksanaan Teknis Daerah (Sub-district level government office) United States USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
United States Agency for International Development United States dollar World Education Indonesia Yayasan Sosial Untuk Masyarakat Terpencil (Social Foundation for Isolated Communities) Yayasan Kristen Wamena (Wamena Christian Foundation) Yayasan Literasi Anak Indonesia (Indonesian Children’s Literacy Foundation)
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April-June 2016
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The United States Agency for International Development–Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students (USAID PRIORITAS) project began in May 2012 with the aim of achieving expanded access to quality basic education (IR1). The intermediate results (IRs) that the project aims to achieve are as follows: •
strengthened instruction in schools in targeted districts (IR1-1)
improved education management and governance in targeted schools (IR1-2)
strengthened coordination between all levels of the Government of Indonesia (GOI) and education institutions (IR1-3).
This report covers the period from April through June 2016 (quarter 17 of the project).
Key Accomplishments in Quarter 17 USAID PRIORITAS achieved the following during quarter 17:
Leveled Reading Book Program •
All 90 partner districts have now held District Level Planning Workshops for the book program.
Most districts conducted training for school teachers in managing and using the leveled reading books. A total of 13,352 participants from 3,483 non-partner primary schools have now been trained.
A total of 3,483 sets of books (29% of the total number of books) have now been distributed to schools and districts.
Developing a Reading Culture •
Following a request from the Director General of Primary and Secondary Education, USAID PRIORITAS recommended 20 partner districts to the Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC) as Model Literacy Districts. The Director General was particularly impressed with partner schools that have implemented a reading culture program, regulations promulgated by the districts to support the development of a reading culture, budget allocations to support implementation, and the formation of teams to implement a literacy movement program in the districts.
Workshops took place in the provinces to discuss the role and responsibilities of the districts in creating a reading culture and developing the Model Literacy District program. A number of districts subsequently conducted events to formally declare the district as a “Literacy District.”
Papua and West Papua •
Project activities in Papua included school visits and monitoring. YKW (Yayasan Kristen Wamena or Wamena Christian Foundation) conducted training for partner schools (second stage) and continued training for parents. A training-of-trainers TOT for trainers in the Leveled Reading Book Program was also conducted.
YASUMAT (Yayasan Sosial Untuk Masyarakat Terpencil or Social Foundation for Isolated Communities) conducted teacher training and mentoring in schools. Papuan Contextual Textbooks (Buku Paket Kontekstual Papua or BPKP) were distributed.
Monitoring and evaluation of project impacts was conducted in both districts.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
West Papua Program •
Activities in West Papua included training for teachers in partner schools in using the leveled reading books.
Following the training, monitoring and mentoring visits were conducted to support and observe the effectiveness of implementation in schools.
Discussions were also held with the District Education Office (DEO) on preparing their FiveYear Strategic Plan (Renstra).
Partnerships to Support Reading Improvement •
Florida State University (FSU) and the State University of Semarang (UNNES) have completed 12 modules to support the preservice training of teachers in early grade reading. The modules will be rolled out to the other partner Teacher Training Institutes (TTIs) in the coming quarter.
Strengthened Instruction in Schools: TTI Development •
Adaptation of Module 3 for use by TTI lecturers was completed in quarter 17, including modules for Teaching and Learning at primary and junior-secondary school level, and for School-Based Management. Two workshops were held to socialize and train lecturers in partner TTIs in using the adapted materials.
A Materials Adaptation Workshop was also held to adapt existing pre-service curriculum materials for in-service training in “good practice schools” in the areas of primary and juniorsecondary mathematics, primary and junior secondary science, and primary school literacy.
Training in Module 3 for all TTI lab and partner schools was completed.
Four meetings between TTIs and their lab and partner schools brought together TTI staff, project staff, and school staff for the purpose of reviewing training and planning for upcoming training activities.
A “key persons meeting” was held to complete draft materials for teaching practicum assistance.
Dissemination training took place in six non-partner TTIs, using project activities and modules and a cost share arrangement with the TTIs.
Aceh, West Java, Central Java, and South Sulawesi provinces held meetings to bring together partner TTIs and their consortia members during quarter 17.
TTI showcase meetings took place in Banten and West Java. The events showcased the progress and programs of partner TTIs. Over 400 persons attended the two events, including project stakeholders, GOI representatives, university rectors and staff, lab and partner school teachers, district education representatives, and consortia partners.
Strengthened Instruction in Schools: Whole School Development •
A new module for training principals and supervisors was piloted in Maros, South Sulawesi, in quarter 17. The pilot involved 61 participants, consisting of primary and junior-secondary supervisors and the heads of 14 sub-district education offices (UPTD) in Maros. As a result of the pilot, some changes were made to the timing of the units, and the module was finalized.
TOT took place in several provinces to prepare province-level facilitators to train district facilitators in USAID PRIORITAS Module 3.
School training using Module 3 then took place in many districts. School-level mentoring (pendampingan) also took place to assist principals and teachers in implementing new approaches learned in the Module 3 training.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Over 230 USAID PRIORITAS facilitators and teacher trainees have been selected to join MOEC’s TOT to support their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program intended for all teachers. Many of these will become national instructors, while some will be trained as province- or district-level instructors. This is expected to result in further dissemination of USAID PRIORITAS training approaches and good practices, institutionalized through MOEC’s continuing professional development system.
Governance, Management, and Linkages •
With the exception of a small number of multi-stakeholder forums due to take place in Cohort 3 districts early in the next quarter, all programs to facilitate improved Teacher Deployment (PPG) and preparation of budgets and plans for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in districts were completed in quarter 17, with final workshops taking place in North Sumatra, South Sulawesi, and Central Java.
The focus has now shifted to (1) monitoring the implementation of policies and plans prepared by the districts and (2) supporting districts to integrate dissemination plans into Five-Year District Strategic Plans (Renstra). This includes review meetings and advocacy in the districts.
The small teacher management program piloted in East Java with the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) was completed. The pilot focused on three districts, but much of the analysis took place at province level. Policy recommendations resulting from the pilot were discussed with MORA in province- and national-level workshops. Recommendations focused on the need for greater support for teacher professional development, dissemination of good practices, and improved teacher deployment through such strategies as multi-grade and mobile teachers.
Two policy studies were conducted during quarter 17: (1) a study of the USAID PRIORITAS Teacher Deployment (TDP) and Teacher Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programs, and (2) a study to assess the supply and demand for new teachers in coming years to assist MOEC and the Ministry for Research, Technology, and Higher Education (MORHE) and TTIs to better plan for teacher training. The first of these studies was completed during quarter 17; the second is ongoing.
Technical Coordination •
Coordination with national level ministries, especially MOEC, MORA, and MORHE continued during quarter 17, including meetings with the Director General of Early Childhood Education and Community Support, the Director General of Basic Education, and MORA’s Director General of Islamic Education. Meetings were also held with MORA’s Director for Madrasah; and with senior officials of MOEC’s Secretary General’s office, the Directorate General for Education Personnel, and the Directorates for Primary and Junior-Secondary Schooling.
On April 27 an event was held for USAID to ceremonially hand over the 8 million reading books provided to 13,000 schools. Accompanied by the USAID Mission Director, the Deputy Ambassador formally presented the Director General of Basic Education with a set of books to represent the grant.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between USAID PRIORITAS and MORA was signed in a simple ceremony held at MORA on May 27. On this occasion, MORA was represented by the Director General of Islamic Education and USAID PRIORITAS by the Chief of Party (COP). Representatives of USAID also attended the event.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
Communications •
The fourteenth edition of the USAID PRIORITAS national newsletter, PRIORITAS PENDIDIKAN, was printed and published in quarter 17.
The project website promotes project outcomes, including its training modules; videos; newsletters; research studies; good practices; and inspiring stories from teachers, school principals, supervisors, and other education stakeholders. The number of hits to the website increased from 4,663,508 in quarter16 to 4,854,351 in quarter 17.
A total of 1,550 news items were published in the mass media about project activity. The media covered reading programs, Continuing Professional Development (CPD), the Teacher Deployment Program (TDP), School-Based Management, Teaching and Learning, TTIs, and the Reading Program.
The project’s Communication team produced 23 videos during quarter 17. These are very useful in illustrating the processes and goals that the project aims to accomplish.
A second round of media briefing activities took place in East Java, West Java, North Sumatra, and Central Java.
Gender and Inclusion •
A gender study was completed during quarter 17. The aim was to confirm or disprove the findings of the Mid-Term Review about gender in schools and to explore the dynamics behind gender differences in student achievement.
The gender study results support the Mid-Term Review findings in general terms, but with some important exceptions. For example, the study found that male students tend to be more dominant in lessons than girls in urban areas. Most schools tend to have more female teachers than male teachers but, in contrast to the gender study findings, many schools are led by women, and women are represented in leadership positions in government offices in the districts and provinces. School committees, however, are mostly headed by men.
In the past three months, the progress of inclusive education program implementation was monitored in schools and through discussions with District Education Offices.
Monitoring and Evaluation •
During quarter 17, the Monitoring and Evaluation (ME) team undertook three main activities: (1) processing Cohort 1 and Cohort 3 school monitoring data, (2) continuing to head-count the schools participating in the project and work with the Leveled Reading Book Program team in collecting the data on schools participating in the program, and (3) collecting data about project and dissemination activity participants.
Steady and significant increases were found in indicators related to teaching and learning. The data were obtained from one-hour observations of teacher and student interaction in the classroom.
Modest increases took place in the indicators related to school governance such as leadership in curriculum, transparency, and participation in school budgeting. This may partly be explained by data on governance being based on focus group discussions (FGD) with school principals, senior teachers, and school committee members regarding the school principal leadership in the previous year.
Student tests in subjects (reading, writing, mathematics, and science) both in primary and in junior-secondary schools were implemented in Cohort 2 districts. Increases were found in the results of all but one of the tests.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
The results of the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) test showed an increase in the percentage of students demonstrating that they can read and understand grade level text—from 55.6% of students in the baseline survey to 72.8% at the midline survey.
Project Management •
RTI is currently preparing a plan and budget for a no-cost project extension to support the dissemination and sustainability of project interventions.
Dissemination During quarter 17, dissemination training activities took place in seven provinces. A total of 14,470 participants from 3,040 schools took part in the training. This was supported by USD473,002 of local funding from district, MORA, or school budgets, and USD123,973 of project funding. Since the start of the project, 136,160 participants from 23,033 schools have taken part in training—benefiting an estimated 6.1 million students. This training has been supported by USD4.84 million of GOI and school funding and USD1.1 million of project funding.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
RINGKASAN UTAMA (INDONESIAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY) Program United States Agency for International Development–Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students (USAID PRIORITAS) dimulai pada bulan Mei 2012 dengan tujuan meningkatkan akses pendidikan dasar yang berkualitas (IR1). Hasil menengah (IRs) yang akan dicapai proyek adalah: •
Meningkatnya pembelajaran di sekolah pada daerah mitra (IRI-1).
Meningkatnya manajemen dan tata kelola pendidikan di sekolah mitra (IRI-2).
Menguatnya dukungan koordinasi antarsemua jenjang pemerintah Indonesia dengan institusi pendidikan (IRI-3).
Laporan ini mencakup periode bulan April hingga Juni 2016 (Triwulan 17 proyek).
Pencapaian Utama pada Triwulan 17 Berikut adalah ringkasan pencapaian USAID PRIORITAS selama Triwulan 17.
Manajemen Proyek •
RTI sedang mempersiapkan rencana dan anggaran untuk perpanjangan proyek tanpa penambahan biaya untuk mendukung diseminasi dan keberlanjutan intervensi proyek.
Program Buku Bacaan Berjenjang •
Semua 90 kabupaten mitra telah melaksanakan Lokakarya Perencanaan Tingkat Kabupaten untuk program buku.
Sebagian besar kabupaten melaksanakan pelatihan guru tentang manajemen dan penggunaan buku bacaan berjenjang. Sejumlah 13.352 peserta dari 3.483 SD/MI non-mitra telah dilatih.
Sejumlah 3.483 set buku (29% dari seluruh jumlah buku) telah didistribusikan ke sekolah dan kabupaten.
Pengembangan budaya baca •
Melanjutkan permintaan dari Direktur Jendral, USAID PRIORITAS merekomendasikan 20 kabupaten mitra sebagai kabupaten model literasi kepada Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Direktur Jendral khususnya terkesan dengan sekolah mitra yang telah mengimplementasikan program budaya baca, peraturan-peraturan yang diresmikan oleh kabupaten mitra untuk mendukung pengembangan budaya baca, alokasi anggaran untuk mendukung implementasi, dan pembentukan tim untuk mengimplementasi program gerakan literasi di kabupaten.
Lokakarya dilakukan di provinsi untuk mendiskusikan peran dan tanggung jawab kabupaten dalam menciptakan budaya baca dan mengembangkan program Kabupaten Model Literasi. Beberapa kabupaten kemudian mengadakan acara untuk mendeklarasikan diri secara resmi sebagai ‘Kabupaten Literasi’.
Papua dan Papua Barat •
Kegiatan proyek di Papua termasuk kunjungan sekolah dan monitoring. YKW (Yayasan Kristen Wamena) melaksanakan pelatihan untuk sekolah mitra (tahap kedua) dan pelatihan berkelanjutan untuk orang tua. Sebuah TOT untuk pelatih program Buku Bacaan Berjenjang juga dilaksanakan.
Yasumat (Yayasan Sosial Untuk Masyarakat Terpencil) melaksanakan pelatihan guru dan pendampingan di sekolah. Buku Paket Kontekstual Papua (BPKP) didistribusikan.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Monitoring dan evaluasi dampak proyek dilaksanakan di kedua kabupaten di Papua.
Program Papua Barat •
Kegiatan di Papua Barat meliputi pelatihan guru di sekolah mitra untuk penggunaan buku bacaan berjenjang.
Monitoring dan pendampingan dilaksanakan setelah pelatihan untuk mendukung dan mengamati keefektifan implementasi di sekolah.
Diskusi juga diadakan dengan Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten mengenai persiapan rencana strategi lima tahun mereka (Renstra).
Kemitraan untuk mendukung peningkatan membaca •
Florida State University (FSU) dan Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) telah menyelesaikan 12 modul untuk mendukung pelatihan pra-jabatan para guru dalam membaca di kelas awal. Modul-modul tersebut akan dilatihkan kepada LPTK mitra lainnya pada triwulan mendatang.
Peningkatan Pembelajaran di Sekolah, Pengembangan LPTK •
Adaptasi Modul 3 untuk digunakan dosen LPTK telah diselesaikan pada Triwulan 17, termasuk modul untuk pembelajaran di SD/MI dan SMP/MTs, dan untuk manajemen berbasis sekolah. Dua lokakarya sosialisasi dan pelatihan modul dilakukan bagi dosen di LPTK mitra dalam penggunaan materi adaptasi.
Lokakarya Adaptasi Materi juga telah dilakukan untuk mengadaptasi materi kurikulum pra-jabatan untuk pelatihan guru di ‘sekolah praktik yang baik’ di bidang matematika SD/MI dan SMP/MTs, IPA SD/MI dan SMP/MTs dan literasi SD.
Pelatihan Modul 3 untuk seluruh sekolah lab dan mitra LPTK telah diselesaikan.
Empat pertemuan antara LPTK dan sekolah lab dan mitra mereka mempertemukan LPTK, staf proyek dan staf sekolah dengan tujuan mereviu pelatihan dan merencanakan kegiatan pelatihan berikutnya.
Sebuah ‘pertemuan staf kunci’ telah dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan draf materi untuk dukungan praktikum mengajar.
Pelatihan diseminasi dilakukan di enam LPTK non-mitra, menggunakan kegiatan dan modul proyek dengan berbagi biaya dengan LPTK.
Aceh, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah dan Sulawesi Selatan mengadakan pertemuan untuk mempertemukan LPTK mitra dan anggota konsorsium selama Triwulan 17.
Kegiatan unjuk karya praktik yang baik di LPTK dilakukan di Banten dan Jawa Barat. Acara ini menampilkan perkembangan dan program LPTK mitra. Lebih dari 400 orang menghadiri acaraacara tersebut, termasuk para pemangku kepentingan proyek, Pemerintah Indonesia, rektor dan staf universitas, guru sekolah lab dan mitra, perwakilan dinas pendidikan kabupaten dan mitra konsorsium.
Peningkatan Pembelajaran di Sekolah, Pengembangan Sekolah Menyeluruh •
Sebuah modul baru untuk pelatihan kepala sekolah dan pengawas sekolah diujicobakan di Maros, Sulawesi Selatan, Triwulan 17. Pelatihan uji coba ini melibatkan 61 peserta, terdiri dari pengawas SD/MI dan SMP/MTs dan 14 kepala dinas pendidikan kecamatan (UPTD) di Maros. Sebagai hasil dari uji coba ini, beberapa perubahan dilakukan terhadap durasi unit-unit modul dan modul telah selesai direvisi.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
Pelatihan bagi Pelatih (TOT) dilakukan di beberapa provinsi untuk menyiapkan fasilitator tingkat provinsi dalam melatih fasilitator kabupaten dalam modul ketiga USAID PRIORITAS.
Pelatihan sekolah Modul 3 dilakukan di banyak kabupaten. Pendampingan tingkat sekolah juga dilakukan untuk mendampingi kepala sekolah dan guru dalam implementasi pendekatan baru yang diajarkan di pelatihan Modul 3.
Lebih dari 230 fasilitator USAID PRIORITAS telah dipilih untuk mengikuti pelatihan bagi pelatih Kemdikbud untuk mendukung program pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan yang ditujukan bagi seluruh guru. Kebanyakan mereka akan menjadi instruktur nasional, sementara sebagian akan dilatih sebagai instruktur provinsi atau kabupaten. Dapat diharapkan akan terjadinya diseminasi lebih lanjut dari pendekatan pelatihan dan praktik yang baik USAID PRIORITAS, yang dilembagakan melalui sistem PKB Kemdikbud.
Tata Kelola, Manajemen dan Keterkaitan •
Seluruh program fasilitasi peningkatan Penataan dan Pemerataan Guru dan persiapan anggaran dan rencana untuk Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan (PKB) di kabupaten diselesaikan pada Triwulan 17, dengan lokakarya terakhir dilakukan di Sumatra Utara, Sulawesi Selatan dan Jawa Tengah. Sebagian kecil kegiatan forum-multi-stakeholder di kabupaten kohor 3 akan diakukan pada awal triwulan mendatang.
Fokus kegiatan tata kelola telah bergeser kepada (1) monitoring implementasi kebijakan dan rencana yang disiapkan kabupaten dan (2) mendukung kabupaten untuk mengintegrasikan rencana diseminasi ke dalam rencana strategis kabupaten lima tahunan (renstra). Hal ini termasuk pertemuan reviu dan advokasi di kabupaten.
Program uji coba kecil dalam manajemen guru yang dilakukan di Jawa Timur dengan Kemenag telah diselesaikan. Uji coba ini berfokus pada tiga kabupaten, namun sebagian besar analisis dilakukan pada tingkat provinsi. Rekomendasi kebijakan yang menjadi hasil dari uji coba ini didiskusikan dengan Kemenag dalam lokakarya tingkat provinsi dan nasional. Rekomendasi berfokus pada kebutuhan dukungan yang lebih besar untuk pengembangan professional guru, diseminasi praktik yang baik serta penataan dan peningkatan pemerataan guru melalui strategi seperti kelas rangkap dan guru “mobile.”
Dua studi kebijakan telah dilakukan selama Triwulan 17: (1) studi tentang Penataan dan Pemerataan Guru serta Program Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan PRIORITAS, dan (2) studi untuk mengases suplai dan kebutuhan untuk guru baru pada tahun-tahun mendatang untuk mendukung Kemdikbud dan Kemenrian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemristekdikti) dan LPTK untuk merencanakan pelatihan guru dengan lebih baik. Studi pertama telah diselesaikan selama Triwulan 17, studi kedua masih berlangsung.
Koordinasi Teknis •
Koordinasi dengan kementerian tingkat nasional, terutama Kemdikbud, Kemenag dan Kemristekdikti, berlanjut selama Triwulan 17. Koordinasi termasuk pertemuan dengan Direktur Jendral Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dan Dukungan Masyarakat, Direktur Jendral Pendidikan Dasar, dan Direktur Jendral Pendidikan Islam Kemenag. Pertemuan juga dilakukan dengan Direktur Madrasah Kemenag, dan dengan pejabat senior kantor Sekjen Kemdikbud, Direktorat Jendral Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan, dan Direktorat Pendidikan SD dan SMP.
Pada tanggal 27 April USAID secara simbolis menyerahkan lebih dari 8 juta buku bacaan ke 13.000 sekolah. Wakil Duta Besar AS untuk Indonesia, didampingi oleh Direktur Misi USAID, secara resmi memberikan satu set buku untuk mewakili seluruh hibah buku kepada Direktur Jendral Pendidikan Dasar .
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
MOU antara USAID PRIORITAS dan Kemenag ditandatangani pada sebuah upacara sederhana di Kemenag pada tanggal 27 Mei. Pada kesempatan ini, Kemenag diwakili oleh Direktur Jendral Pendidikan Islam dan USAID PRIORITAS oleh Direktur Program. Perwakilan USAID juga hadir pada acara tersebut.
Komunikasi •
Edisi ke-14 buletin nasional USAID PRIORITAS, PRIORITAS PENDIDIKAN, telah dicetak dan diterbitkan pada Triwulan 17.
Situs proyek memuat hasil proyek, termasuk modul pelatihan; video; buletin; studi penelitian; praktik yang baik; kisah inspiratif dari para guru, kepala sekolah, pengawas sekolah, dan Dinas Pendidikan Daerah. Jumlah kunjungan pada situs proyek meningkat dari 4.663.508 di Triwulan 16 hingga 4.854.351 di Triwulan 17.
Sejumlah 1.550 berita terkait kegiatan proyek diterbitkan media massa. Topik yang diliput oleh media adalah pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan, penataan dan pemerataan guru, manajemen berbasis sekolah, pembelajaran, LPTK dan program membaca.
Tim komunikasi proyek menghasilkan sekitar 23 video selama Triwulan 17. Video tersebut sangat berguna dalam menggambarkan proses dan tujuan yang ingin dicapai proyek.
Media briefing tahap dua telah dilaksanakan di Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat, Sumatra Utara, dan Jawa Tengah.
Gender dan Inklusi •
Sebuah studi gender diselesaikan pada Triwulan 17. Tujuan studi adalah untuk konfirmasi atau atau memperoleh penjelasan terhadap temuan pada Reviu Tengah Waktu tentang gender di sekolah dan untuk menjajaki dinamika di balik perbedaan gender dalam pencapaian siswa.
Hasil studi ini pada umumnya mendukung temuan Reviu Tengah Waktu, namun terdapat beberapa pengecualian penting. Sebagai contoh, studi ini menemukan bahwa siswa laki-laki cenderung lebih dominan dibanding siswa perempuan di area perkotaan. Guru perempuan lebih banyak di sebagian besar sekolah, namun, terbalik dengan temuan evaluasi, banyak sekolah dipimpin oleh perempuan dan terdapat perwakilan perempuan yang menjabat posisi kepemimpinan di kantor pemerintahan di kabupaten dan provinsi. Komite sekolah sebagian besar dipimpin laki-laki.
Pada tiga bulan terakhir, monitoring perkembangan implementasi program pendidikan inklusif dilaksanakan di sekolah dan melalui diskusi dengan kantor Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten.
Monitoring dan Evaluasi •
Selama Triwulan 17, tim ME melakukan tiga kegiatan utama: (1) memproses data monitoring sekolah Kohor 1 dan Kohor 3, (2) melanjutkan penghitungan jumlah sekolah yang berpartisipasi dalam proyek dan bekerja bersama tim Buku Bacaan Berjenjang dalam pengumpulan data sekolah yang berpartisipasi dalam program tersebut, dan (3) mengumpulkan data terkait peserta dalam kegiatan proyek dan diseminasi.
Peningkatan yang konstan dan signifikan ditemukan pada indikator terkait pembelajaran. Data didapatkan dari satu jam observasi pada interaksi guru dan siswa di ruang kelas.
Peningkatan yang sedang ditemukan dalam indikator terkait tata kelola sekolah seperti kepemimpinan dalam kurikulum/pembelajran, transparansi, dan partisipasi dalam penganggaran sekolah. Hal ini mungkin sebagian dapat dijelaskan karena data tata kelola didasarkan pada diskusi
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
grup fokus (focus group discussions/FGD) dengan kepala sekolah, guru senior, dan anggota komite sekolah terkait kepemimpinan kepala sekolah di tahun sebelumnya. •
Tes siswa dalam mata pelajaran (membaca, menulis, matematika dan IPA) di SD/MI dan SMP/MTs diimplementasikan di kabupaten Kohor 2. Peningkatan ditemukan di seluruh hasil tes kecuali satu tes.
Hasil tes EGRA di kohor 2 menunjukkan peningkatan dalam persentase siswa yang mampu membaca dan memahami teks yang sesuai dengan tingkatnya dari 55,6% siswa pada survey awal, menjadi 72,8% pada survey tengah waktu.
Diseminasi Selama Triwulan 17, kegiatan pelatihan diseminasi dilakukan di tujuh provinsi. Sejumlah 14.470 peserta dari 3.040 sekolah berpartisipasi dalam pelatihan. Kegiatan ini didanai 473.002 juta USD dari pendanaan lokal kabupaten, Kemenag, atau anggaran sekolah, dan 123.973 USD dari dana proyek. Sejak awal proyek, 136.160 peserta dari 23.033 sekolah berpartisipasi dalam pelatihan, yang memberikan dampak positif pada sekitar 6,1 juta siswa. Pelatihan ini didukung oleh 4,84 juta USD dari pendanaan Pemerintah Indonesia dan sekolah dan 1,1 juta USD dari dana proyek.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Leveled Reading Book Program Book Handovers a. National Level Handover of Leveled Reading Books in South Tangerang
Top left: On April 27, 2016, Brian McFeeters, Deputy Chief of Mission from the U.S. Embassy Jakarta, Indonesia, symbolically handed over 8 million leveled reading books to Dr. Hamid Muhammad, the Director General for Primary and Junior Secondary Education. Then (top right), Dr. Muhammad handed the book to the Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang. Lower left and right: High-ranking officials observing the use of the leveled reading books in the classrooms.
On April 27, 2016, an event was held at SDN Jelupang 2 in Banten where USAID ceremonially handed over the 8 million leveled reading books they had procured and that will be provided to approximately 12,000 schools. Accompanied by the USAID Mission Director, Andrew Sisson, the U.S. Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission, Brian McFeeters, formally presented the Director General of Primary and Secondary Education, Dr. Hamid Mohammad, with a set of books to represent the grant. The formal handover was followed by a visit to two classes to observe teachers using the books. During the classroom visits, the Director General sat down in a class of grade 1 students, read a big book to the children, and asked them questions about the book.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
b. Symbolic Handover of Leveled Reading Books in Tana Toraja USAID PRIORITAS organized an event to symbolically hand over the sets of USAID-procured leveled reading books to the district government of Tana Toraja on April 25, 2016. The event was held at the Regent’s office. The USAID Education Director, Lawrence Dolan, handed the books over to the Toraja Vice Regent. The District Secretary and District Head of Education also attended the event. Following the book handover, the USAID On April 25, 2016, the USAID Education Director, Lawrence Dolan, handing the leveled reading books over to the Tana Toraja Vice Regent, Victor Datuan. Education Director, the District Secretary, and the District Head of Education visited SDN 3 Bungin to see how leveled readers were being used in the classrooms. Finally, the delegation also attended a training for non-USAID PRIORITAS partner schools on using the leveled reading books that they had received. 1.1.2
District Level Planning Workshop
All 90 partner districts have now held their District Level Planning Workshops. A total of 4,783 participants (38% female and 62% male) represented local government and actively participated in the workshop. Most participants came from District Education Offices (66%) and Religious Affairs Offices (17%). The implementation of the district planning workshop in some districts was integrated with other activities, such as a CPD workshop. 1.1.3
Training of Teachers and Principals at Cluster Level
Most districts in the nine partner provinces conducted trainings for school teachers in quarter 17. Implementation of teacher training in East Java began at the end of May, while in Papua it will begin in July. A total of 13,352 participants from 3,388 schools have now been trained. Of these, 76% are teachers, 22% are school principals, and 1.8% are school supervisors. Approximately 75% of the participants were female (10,061 out of 13,352 participants). In West Papua, training has been conducted in 16 schools. A total of 112 participants took part, including 94 early grade teachers, 16 school principals, and two school supervisors. Approximately 80% of the participants were female. 1.1.4
Mentoring of Teachers
Preparation for mentoring of teachers has begun in all provinces. In two provinces, South Sulawesi and Aceh, mentoring of teachers has already been implemented. 1.1.5
Book Distribution
Table 1 shows that, as of the end of June 2016, 3,388 sets of the USAID-procured leveled reading books (30% of the total number of sets so far allocated to schools) have been distributed to schools. Below are details of distributions from the five warehouses. 12
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Jakarta – 13% of total books at the warehouse, equaling 23% of total books allocated to Banten and West Java.
Semarang – 81% of total books in the warehouse, equaling 62% of total books allocated to Central Java.
Surabaya – 1% of total books needed for East Java, because teacher training in East Java only started in the second week of June 2016.
Medan – 40% of total books allocated to North Sumatera and Aceh
Makassar – 43% of total books in the warehouse, including some sent to Papua.
Further details of the book distribution and warehouse stocks are provided in Annex 3. In early June, USAID agreed to differentiate the size of book packages supplied to small schools (with less than 90 students) and large schools (generally more than 300 students). Small schools will receive half or three-quarter sets of the books (four or six copies of each small book, instead of a complete set of eight of each), while the surplus books from the small schools will be distributed to the large schools. This policy change received a positive response from local governments. Book Distribution Clusters Province
North Sumatra
West Java
Central Java
East Java
South Sulawesi
Papua West Papua Total
Various activities related to the leveled reading book program have already taken place or are planned in the near future, as noted below. 1.1.6
Training of Teachers and Principals at Cluster Level
In the next three months, most districts will complete teacher training at the cluster level. Most districts will be ready to conduct mentoring for teachers in the third week of July. Book distribution will continue, in line with the schedule for teacher training at cluster level. Table 2 shows that 13,352 teachers, school principals, and supervisors from 3,219 schools had been trained by the end of quarter 17.
Teacher training at cluster level in Central Aceh in using the leveled reading books.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
Training of Teachers and Principals at Cluster Level
North Sumatra
West Java
Central Java
East Java
South Sulawesi
Papua West Papua Total
Training Participants SuperPrincipals visors
Papua and West Papua
Activities in West Papua this quarter included training for teachers in partner schools in using leveled readers. Monitoring and mentoring visits were conducted after the training to observe the effectiveness of implementation in schools. Discussions about preparing their Five-Year Strategic Plan (Renstra) were also held with the District Education Office. USAID approved increases in the grants for YKW (Yayasan Kristen Wamena or Wamena Christian Foundation) and YASUMAT (Yayasan Sosial Untuk Masyarakat Terpencil or Social Foundation for Isolated Communities) and extensions of their implementation periods to December 2016 (YKW) and November 2016 (YASUMAT), to allow time for them to distribute sets of the leveled reading books to their 97 partner schools and train teachers in using the books.
Students of SD Inpres 74 South Manokwari sitting in the school yard reading books donated by
USAID PRIORITAS. Project activities during quarter 17 in Papua included school visits and monitoring. YKW conducted training for partner schools (second stage) and continued training for parents. A TOT for trainers in the Leveled Reader program was also conducted. Monitoring and evaluation of project impacts took place. YASUMAT conducted teacher training and mentoring in schools. Papuan Contextual Textbooks (Buku Paket Kontekstual Papua or BPKP) were distributed. Monitoring and evaluation also took place.
These activities are described in more detail in the provincial report section in Annex 1. 14
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
1.3 1.3.1
Partnerships to Support Reading Improvement US-Indonesia TTI Partnership
The partnership between Florida State University (FSU) and the State University of Semarang (UNNES) continued during quarter 17. FSU and UNNES are finalizing the eight modules of early grade reading materials that have already been piloted to support teachers’ pre-service training. Four further modules are being piloted by UNNES lecturers and will be finalized after feedback is provided by the lecturers who have been using them. The complete 12 modules will be rolled out to the other partner TTIs in the coming quarter. A final evaluation of the partnership is planned to be conducted in September or October 2016. 1.3.2
Partnership with YLAI
The final activity of the grant partnership with YLAI involved monitoring schools in using the leveled readers. YLAI completed the monitoring of 12 primary schools in six districts in the three provinces of West Java (April 4–7), East Java (April 18–22) and North Sumatra (April 25–28). The activities of their YLAI grant have now been completed, and the grant will be closed out on July 31, 2016.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
2 STRENGTHENED INSTRUCTION IN SCHOOLS: TTI DEVELOPMENT USAID PRIORITAS is working to improve the quality of instruction in schools by developing more effective in- and pre-service training programs for teachers and is working to support teacher training providers, specifically TTIs and the District Education Offices, to implement these programs.
Materials Adaptation for TTI
During quarter 17, a team of key persons, including project TTI facilitators, staff, and consultants, reviewed and adapted materials from Module 3 for primary and junior-secondary schools and school-based management. The adapted module emphasizes pedagogy and activities that are more suited to pre-service teacher training lectures but retains the main content and activity focus of the in-service materials. Following the completion of the draft materials, facilitators, lecturers, and teacher representatives from partner universities were introduced to the materials through a series of training workshops.
Review and Preparation Workshops for Training Pedagogy Lecturers
Two workshops were held during quarter 17 to socialize and train lecturers using materials adapted from Module 3 in-service materials. The materials were reviewed and adapted by a small team of project staff, lecturers, and consultants to ensure relevance to the TTI context and to address any additional information required by the TTI lecturers when using the materials in their lecture programs. The first workshop for Training Pedagogy Lecturers (Early Grades and Junior Secondary) was held in Surabaya on April 26–28. A total of 125 participants attended the workshop, including staff and consultants. A highlight of the workshop was the practice teaching by lecturers in the university setting. The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) and State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Ampel kindly allowed the project to use their students and lecture rooms at a number of their campuses for this teaching practice. Previously, peer simulation and peer teaching were used to try out activities during such workshops. This was the first time the participants taught in real lecture rooms with currently enrolled students. Strong collaborative relationships with project partner TTIs allowed the project
Teaching practice during training of primary school pedagogy lecturers in UPI Bandung.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
team to carry out an activity that TTI lecturers would not have been willing to take part in during the early days of the project. Some of the science lessons observed included practical investigations relating to contraction of the heart, experiments with salinity, and the effects of pollution on water and fish. At UIN Sunan Ampel, students were given the task of calculating the height of the minaret on the mosque and the challenging task of calculating the amount of paint needed to paint the interior walls of the mosque. The second workshop for Training Pedagogy Lecturers (Upper Grades and School-Based Management) was conducted in Bandung on May 10–12. A total of 120 people participated in the training, including staff, consultants, and MORHE staff. Practice teaching took place in two partner TTIs: Indonesia University of Education (UPI) and UIN Gunung Jati Bandung. Lecturers felt confident and more comfortable conducting real teaching with university students rather than school students. Upper grades lecturers conducted real teaching in the partner TTIs while the school-based management training focused on management of the reading program and management support to promote improved teaching and learning.
Materials Adaptation for Good Practice Schools
Good Practice schools are those identified in each project partner district as displaying strong commitment and evidence of improvement in teaching and learning and effective management practices. To provide additional support to these schools that serve as a professional development resource to others in the district, new project materials are developed and shared with this group. USAID PRIORITAS has developed seven pre-service curriculum modules A teacher of a TTI partner school conducting a teaching practicum at SD Sudirman covering best practices and active Makassar, during Module 3 Training for TTI lecturers and teachers of TTI partner schools in Makassar. learning approaches in literacy, mathematics, and science, for use both in primary and junior-secondary pre-service education programs. The materials were designed to assist lecturers in providing clear content information that covers a variety of topics taught in the three subjects, accompanied by activities to apply the concepts in a student-centered, investigative approach. These materials are also highly suitable for use by teachers in in-service training programs; however, some adaptation is necessary to move the focus to school-based activities carried out by teachers. A Materials Adaptation Workshop was held in Makassar on June 1–3. The aim of the workshop was to adapt existing pre-service curriculum materials for in-service training in the areas of primary and junior-secondary mathematics, primary and junior-secondary science, and early grades and primary literacy. Thirty-two lecturers, project staff, and consultants worked in five subject groups to review the existing pre-service material, develop drafts of all units, and finalize units over a three-day period. The material provides specific content and application for a total of 45 topics across the three key subject areas, organized into units and subunits. This material will be completed and finalized by a smaller team of project staff and consultants during the next project quarter. A full list of units will be reported in quarter 18.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
TTI Lab and Partner Schools
Training of Lab and Partner Schools: Primary and Junior Secondary School Level and School-Based Management
Training in Module 3 for all project TTI Lab and Partner Schools was completed quarter 17, as shown in Table 3. TTI facilitators introduced and facilitated the training for their partner schools, supported by project staff. The aim is both to strengthen the lecturers’ understanding of current best practices in teaching and learning and to continue to build the relationships between their institution and the schools that they use for practice teaching. Training of Lab and Partner Schools: Module 3 Training for Primary, Junior Secondary, and School-Based Management Province
April 6–7, 2016
Primary, School-Based Management
All TTI partners
April 5–6, 2016
Primary, School-Based Management
All TTI partners
West Java
April 4–6, 2016 April 7–8, 2016
Primary, Teaching and Learning Primary, School-Based Management
All TTI partners
Central Java
April 5–6, 2016
Primary and Junior Secondary, School-Based Management
East Java
April 2–4, 2016 April 18–19, 2016
Primary, Teaching and Learning Primary and Junior Secondary, School-Based Management Primary and Junior Secondary, School-Based Management
Primary, Teaching and Learning Primary, School-Based Management
All TTI Partners
April 28–30, 2016 South Sulawesi
April 4–6, 2016 April 8–9, 2016
Meeting and Working with Lab and Partner Schools
During quarter 17, the project facilitated four meetings between TTIs and their Lab and Partner schools. North Sumatra held a meeting on April 22, Banten on April 15, and Central Java met with State University of Yogyakarta (UNY) partner schools on April 12. State University of Semarang (UNNES) and UIN Walisongo met with their partner schools on April 14. The meetings provided the opportunity to bring together TTI, project, and school staff for the purpose of reviewing training and planning for upcoming training activities. Meetings in quarter 17 were focused on updates, issues related to the Module 3 training implementation, and planning for effective mentoring. 2.4.3
Mentoring TTI Lab and Partner Schools
TTI partner school mentoring by UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya lecturers.
USAID PRIORITAS encourages and supports partner TTI facilitators with assistance from project staff to provide ongoing mentoring and development of teachers and school management staff in the 18
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
TTI Lab and Partner School Program. The program is developed by the TTI partners, their lab schools, and project staff according to the capacity and needs of their partners. The activities are connected and support the work done during training and meetings with the partner schools. During quarter 17, mentoring activities were conducted in Aceh, Central Java, and South Sulawesi. TTI facilitators visited lab and partner schools to conduct observation, reflection, and discussion of lessons taught by lab school staff. Following a program review, the project’s Year 5 Work Plan includes group mentoring, with a stronger emphasis on group lesson study approaches that can be sustained after the project interventions are complete. A cycle of four meetings will reflect the cycle of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting on teaching episodes in a teacher working group environment.
Good Practice Schools Program
The “Good Practice Schools” are those project partner schools that have been selected for their progress towards improvement of overall whole school development. They are good examples of change in action, and provide a focal point in each district for sharing and exemplifying good practices in teaching and learning, school-based management, and community participation. On average, there are four schools in each district, representing primary and junior secondary levels, government and madrasah schools. The Good Practice Schools also provide provincial TTIs and their student teachers with places where effective teaching and learning and school management can be observed, as well as a supportive environment for student teachers when completing their teaching practice in the field. 2.5.1
Selection of Good Practice Schools Cohort 3
Following the expansion of project activities to three districts in North Sumatra and four districts in East Java, Good Practice Schools were selected in each of the seven Cohort 3 districts. Four schools in each of the seven districts were selected for their progress in school improvement: both in teaching and learning and school-based management. The names of the schools are presented in Tables 4 and 5. The schools were selected by a team of district education officials, TTI representatives, and project staff using criteria developed for earlier cohorts. These schools provide the best examples of change in the new project districts and will serve as a resource for good practice to others looking for examples of successful education improvement and change. Good Practice Schools Cohort 3: East Java District Lamongan
Name of School MI Unggulan Sabilillah Lamongan SDN Made IV SMPN 3 Lamongan SMPN Babat SDN Bareng 111 MI Islamiyah Al Wathawiyah SMPN 1 Diwek MTsN1 Diwek SDN 4 Singotrunan SD Al Irsyad Al Islamiyah SMPN 1 Banyuwangi SMPN 3 Rogojampi SDN Tulungrejo 4 SMPN 6
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
Level Primary Primary Junior Secondary Junior Secondary Primary Primary Junior Secondary Junior Secondary Primary Primary Junior Secondary Junior Secondary Primary Junior Secondary
Name of School SMP Raden Fatah SDN Sumbergondo 2
Level Junior Secondary Primary
Good Practice Schools Cohort 3: North Sumatra District Humbahas
Serdang Bedagai
Labuhanbatu Utara
Name of School SDN 173203 Sirisirisi SDN 174535 Nagasaribu SDN 173395 Doloksanggul SMPN 2 Doloksanggul SDN 102020 Firdaus MIS Al Washliyah SDN 108293 Pebaungan SMPN 3 Perbaungan SD Muhammadiyah 1 SDN 112321 KP Pajak MIS Islamiyah Londut SMPN 3 Kualuh Hulu
Level Primary Primary Primary Junior Secondary Primary Primary Primary Junior Secondary Primary Primary Primary Junior Secondary
Review Meetings with Good Practice Schools: Cohorts 1 and 2
During quarter 17, the Central Java team met with Good Practice Schools in five districts to review progress and ensure continued project support for school improvement. These visits involved representatives from TTIs and district and project staff. Review meetings were held four times per year during Year 4. See provincial reports in Annex 1 for details.
Teacher Practicum Program
USAID PRIORITAS is working with partner TTIs to improve the quality and effectiveness of teacher practicum programs. TTIs currently offer practice teaching programs as part of the pre-service component Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) or Student Teacher Practicum Program, (onesemester program) and the one-year post graduate Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG), or Teacher Professional Education Program, consisting of university workshops and practical teaching in schools. At present, some TTIs are offering the PPG program, and some are offering the shorter undergraduate PPL program only. In the next three years, all TTIs will be required to offer PPG programs in an effort to improve the preparation of new teachers for the classroom. The PPG program consists of two parts: (1) a workshop lecture program in the first semester and (2) a school placement for the second semester. The project will assist partner TTIs to review current practices and programs offered by partner TTIs and to agree on a program to improve teacher practicums. 2.6.1
Developing Improved Teacher Practicums
USAID PRIORITAS is working with heads of practicum departments from partner TTIs, GOI representatives from the Higher Education Directorate, lecturers, supervising teachers, consultants and project staff to develop materials which will improve the effectiveness of the one-semester school experience program for student teachers. Materials for the one-semester PPG Workshop program which precedes the practice teaching semester were completed and socialized last quarter. The second part of the practicum program, Materials for Improved Teacher Practicum, began last quarter and continued in quarter 17.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
A “key persons meeting,” Finalizing Improved Teacher Practicum Materials, was held April 12–14 in Jakarta, to complete drafting materials for this second phase of practicum assistance. The meeting was attended by 12 people: TTI facilitators, consultants, and USAID PRIORITAS technical staff. Module materials include the following units: •
Unit 1. Reflective Journal
Unit 2. Conference
Unit 3. Observation
Unit 4. Guided Teaching
Unit 5. Independent Teaching
Unit 6. Authentic Assessment
Unit 7. Practice in School
Unit 8. Follow-up Planning
During quarter 18, a national training in teacher practicums for primary and junior secondary school level will take place to socialize and train lecturers and Dean of the Education Faculty of UIN Sunan Ampel and the USAID PRIORITAS supervising teachers in using the draft Teaching and Learning Advisor, Lynne Hill, observing the practical lecturing activity materials developed during quarter 17. in UIN Sunan Ampel. This will be followed by provincial workshops to pilot the materials in Lab and Partner schools during quarters 18 and 19. Once completed, training for PPG lecturers in all partner TTIs will take place for lecturers not previously included in the development and pilot workshops.
TTI Review and Preparation Meetings
These TTI review and preparation meetings, held up to six times per year, provide the project staff with the opportunity to meet with TTI facilitators to review completed activities and prepare for upcoming activities. Aceh, Central Java, and South Sulawesi held meetings during quarter 17. Please see provincial reports in Annex 1 for details.
Support for Dissemination in TTIs
USAID PRIORITAS facilitates the dissemination of project activities and modules using a cost share arrangement upon request from non-partner TTIs, as shown in Table 6. The project also responds to requests to train additional teachers and lecturers to increase the numbers trained in a school or TTI department, thereby strengthening capacity and quality. The project provides facilitators and materials upon request. The requesting institution meets all other costs associated with the training.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
Dissemination Support to TTIs during Quarter 17 Province Aceh
Dates May 19–21
North Sumatra
June 16–18
North Sumatra North Sumatra Banten West Java
June 20–22 June 23–25 June 22–24 June 14–15
TTI Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) Unsyiah Universitas Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli Utara (UNITA) Universitas Muslim Nusantara (UMN) Al Washliyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU) Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang (UMT) Universitas Islam Nusantara (UNINUS)
Focus PPG Module PPG Module PPG Module PPG Module PPG Module PPG Module
Note: FKIP = Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (Education Faculty)
Provincial Consortia Meetings
Aceh, West Java, Central Java, and South Sulawesi provinces held meetings to bring together partner TTIs and their consortia TTI members during quarter 17. These meetings provide the opportunity for partners to share information, update project activities, and share progress. They also provide the impetus for dissemination requests and improved networking between the project partners and their consortia members. See provincial reports in Annex 1 for details.
2.10 TTI Showcase Provincial TTI Showcase meetings provide the opportunity for project stakeholders to share the progress and challenges of implementing USAID PRIORITAS program initiatives with a wider audience. The showcases draw a large number of interested participants, including district, provincial, and central government representatives from the public and madrasah sectors, lecturers, teachers, and members of the community. During quarter 17, the Banten team held a showcase meeting at Hotel Ratu, Serang, on April 20, 2016. The event showcased the progress and programs of partner TTIs in Banten; UNTIRTA, and IAIN Banten. 200 persons, representing project stakeholders, GOI, university rectors and staff, teachers of lab and partner schools, district education representatives and consortia partners attended the event.
Ibu Femmy Eka Kartika Putri, Deputy Assistant, Menko PMK, observing the lab and partner school displays during the Banten TTI Showcase.
The USAID PRIORITAS Teaching and Learning Advisor gave opening remarks, and guest speakers included Ibu Femmy from the Coordinating Ministry for Social Welfare (Menko Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaaan or PMK) and Bapak Abdul Wahid Maktub from MORHE. The program included musical performances from partner schools, demonstrations of active learning in mathematics and science, a video presentation highlighting the work of the project in Banten, and a panel discussion about revitalizing TTIs in Indonesia. The panel included the rectors of the Banten universities, Dr. Fauzul Imam and Bapak Anis from MORA. Showcase highlights were the displays presented by each of the TTI partner schools, demonstrating active learning approaches and providing examples of teacher and student work products. The high22
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
level GOI officials spent time visiting the displays and discussing programs with teachers and students from each school staffing the booths. The displays were open to the public in the afternoon, and local school students and teachers were seen visiting the venue and discussing the products and project program with project stakeholders. West Java held a showcase on May 30 at the Grand Royal Panghegar Hotel, Bandung. This event showcased the work of partner TTIs in West Java: UPI and UIN Sunan Gunung Djati. Approximately 160 people attended this event. Eighteen TTI partner lab schools were also represented. The opening remarks were given by the USAID PRIORITAS COP, and the opening address was given by Dr. Dindin, Director of Student Affairs, MORHE. The program followed a similar format to that in Banten. The panel session included the rector of UIN Bandung, Professor Dr. Mahmud, Dr. Dindin from MORHE, and Professor Soemarto, Head of the Center for Research and Community Outreach (LPPM), UPI. The panel responded to questions from the audience related to the role of the universities in producing quality teachers, advances in technology, quality of training, and project activities. All TTI partners have now completed the showcase event program.
Students of SMPN 6 Serang City conducting an experiment on mixtures and solutions, observed by Prof. Muchlas Samani (USAID PRIORITAS TTI Development Consultant), Prof. Dr. Sholeh Hidayat (Rektor of UNTIRTA), and Prof. Dr. Fauzul Iman, MA (Rektor of IAIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten) during the TTI Showcase in Banten.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
3 STRENGTHENED INSTRUCTION IN SCHOOLS: WHOLESCHOOL DEVELOPMENT To support the improvement of in-service teacher training, USAID PRIORITAS works with TTIs, districts, and district facilitators drawn from the ranks of teachers, principals, and supervisors, to develop their capacity to deliver training to teachers, initially in clusters of project partner schools. The focus is on cluster-based training (teacher working groups, known as KKG and MGMP) and whole-school development. Activities include module development, training of trainers (TOT) at the national and provincial level, school-level training delivered to clusters of schools, and in-school mentoring (known in Bahasa Indonesia as “pendampingan”) to support schools and teachers in implementing the results of class-based training.
3.1 3.1.1
Module for School Principals and Supervisors Piloting and Module Revision
A new module for training principals and supervisors was piloted in Maros, South Sulawesi, during quarter 17. The pilot involved 61 participants, consisting of primary and junior-secondary supervisors and the heads of 14 sub-district education offices (UPTD) in Maros. The pilot confirmed that the training materials are well aligned with the duties and functions of supervisors and the heads of UPTD. Revisions to units in the Maros District Head, M. Hatta Rahman, delivers his keynote speech while opening the module, based on the pilot in training for school principals and school supervisors. Maros, have been completed. Allocation of time for each unit has been adjusted to address the issue. The module will be rolled out in districts so that school principals are aware of the USAID PRIORITAS quality improvement programs and of their role in supporting their implementation and application. 3.1.2
Planning for Provincial TOT
Training for facilitators (TOT) in the Principals and Supervisors Module will be conducted at the province or province-cluster level as follows: (1) Aceh and North Sumatra cluster, (2) Banten and West Java cluster, (3) Central Java Province, (4) East Java Province, and (5) South Sulawesi Province. The TOTs for Central Java and East Java will be conducted in the province because of the large number of districts, while in South Sulawesi, it will be conducted at the provincial level because, when combined with Java, the travel would be very costly.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Provincial TOT for Module 3
TOT took place in several provinces during quarter 17 to prepare province-level facilitators to train district facilitators in the USAID PRIORITAS Module 3. A TOT for Module 3, primary school level, was held in Aceh on April 9–12. The TOT was conducted for Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 districts. A provincial TOT for Module 3, primary and junior-secondary levels (Cohort 2), took place in Banten on April 7–9.
A local facilitator for higher grade classes of the primary school conducting a teaching practicum at MIN Masjid Raya Banda Aceh during TOT on Module 3, at the primary school level for Cohort 2 Districts.
A province-level TOT for Module 3, primary school level, was held in Aceh on March 28–April 2, and in West Java for Cohort 2 on March 26–April 4.
Module to Mentor District Facilitators
The project is currently preparing a training module to increase the mentoring skills of the district and TTI training facilitators, on whom the program relies for its sustainability and further development at district level. The module will focus on classroom observation. The participants in the training will watch videos of lessons and identify good practices, as well as those practices that need improving in various teaching areas, including the following: •
Cooperative learning
Classroom management
Questioning and task giving
Students’ written work.
The participants will then observe real teaching in class to observe these good and not so good practices and discuss how to address any issues they find. The module will be rolled out in each province to a small number of facilitators from each district and TTI. These facilitators will subsequently roll out the module to the remaining facilitators in their districts and TTIs.
School-Level Activities, Cohort 1
Training for Cohort 1 schools in Module 3 took place in four districts, as shown in Table 7. School-Level Training in Primary School-Based Management (Module 3) Province Aceh Banten South Sulawesi
District Bener Meriah Serang Wajo Bantaeng
Date April 27–30 (two clusters separately) April 16–17 April 13–14 April 20–21
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
In addition to school training in the four districts listed above, school-level mentoring (pendampingan) took place during quarter 17 to assist principals and teachers in implementing new approaches learned in the Module 3 training.
School-Level Activities, Cohort 2
Training for Cohort 2 schools took place as noted in Tables 8 to 11 below. Most activity focused on Module 3 training and mentoring. School-Level Training in Primary Teaching and Learning (Module 3, Cohort 2) Province North Sumatra
District Langkat Toba Samosir
Banten West Java
South Tangerang Cirebon Tasikmalaya Bekasi Kuningan Ngawi Lumajang
South Sulawesi
Pare-Pare Takalar Bone Tana Toraja
Date Early Grades: April 14–16 Upper Grades: May 2–4 Early Grades: April 18–20 Upper Grades: Feb 21–23 Early Grades: May 2–5 Early Grades : May 24–26 Early Grades: May 11–13 Early Grades: May 9–11 Early Grades: April 20–22 Upper Grades: May 31–June 3 Early Grades: May 19–21 Early Grades: April 26–28 Upper Grades: May 2–4 Early Grades: May 1–3 Parallel Early Grades and Upper Grades: April 27–29 Early Grades: April 28–30 Upper Grades: May 1–3 Upper Grades: April 27–29 April (Cluster 1) Upper Grades: May 1–3 (Cluster 2)
The only district which has not yet implemented school-level training for early grades is Tana Toraja (one of 20 districts in Cohort 2). The majority have also implemented the training for upper grades. This training will be completed in August 2016. School-Level Training in Primary School-Based Management (Module 3, Cohort 2) Province Aceh North Sumatra Banten
District Aceh Utara Aceh Tamiang Langkat Tobasa Pandeglang
Date April 18–19 May 3–4 May 9–10 June 1–4 (two clusters separately) May 11–12
School-level training in Junior-Secondary School-Based Management (Module 3, Cohort 2) Province North Sumatra
District Langkat Tobasa
Date May 18–19 June 1–2
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
School-level training in Teaching and Learning, Junior-Secondary (Module 3, Cohort 2) Province North Sumatra
District Langkat Toba Samosir
Date April 25–27 (Group 1) April 28–30 (Group 2) May 18–20
At this point, eight out of 10 Cohort 2 districts have implemented the school-level training. With the exception of East Java, all schools in Cohort 2 districts have also received mentoring in the implementation of good practices learned in Module 3 training. In East Java, the mentoring has focused on Module 2 good practices.
School-Level Activities, Cohort 3
Activities in Cohort 3 schools during quarter 17 took place as shown in Tables 12 to 15. School-Level Training in Primary School-Based Management, (Module 3, Cohort 3) Province North Sumatra
District Humbang Hasundutan
Date May 26–30 (two clusters separately)
School-level training in Teaching & Learning, Primary, (Module 3, Cohort 3) Province North Sumatra
District Serdang Bedagai Labuhan Batu Humbang Hasundutan
East Java
Lamongan Jombang Banyuwangi
Date April 30–May 1 (Module 2) April 2–4 (Module 3) Early Grades: April 26–30 Upper Grades: April 2–6 Early Grades: April 11–15 Upper Grades: April 25–29 Early Grades: May 12–14 Early Grades : May 21–23 Early Grades: May 19–21
Module 3 school-level training for upper grades primary school teachers is due to be completed in August 2016. School-Level Training in School-Based Management Junior-Secondary, (Module 3, Cohort 3) Province North Sumatra
District Humbang Hasundutan
Date May 3–June 1
School-Level Training in Teaching and Learning, Junior-Secondary, (Module 3, Cohort 3) Province North Sumatra
District Sedang Bedagai Labuan Batu Utara Humbang Hasudutan
Date April 25–29 (Module 2 & 3) May 24–28 (Module 2 & 3) April 25–29 (Group 1) and May 7–21 (Group 2) (Module 2 & 3)
Three of the seven Cohort 3 districts have now completed implementation of school-level training.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
Serdang Bedagai and Labuhan Batu Utara districts are currently mentoring teachers in schools for the implementation of good practices learned in the Module 3 training. Cohort 3 districts in East Java are conducting mentoring for implementation of Module 2–based good practices.
National Model Literacy District Program
In the context of the National Regulation on Character Development (Permendikbud 23/2015), the Director General of Basic Education announced that by the end of 2016 all schools must implement a program of daily silent reading for 15 minutes before beginning the formal learning process. The Directorate General has also nominated a number of districts and provinces to be declared “model literacy regions.” The hope is that these model regions can support other districts and provinces to learn about successful implementation of the regulation. 3.7.1
Model Literacy Districts
Following a request from the Director General, USAID PRIORITAS has recommended the 20 districts listed in Table 16 to MOEC as Model Literacy Districts. The initial request was for one district to be recommended. However, after the Director General saw the quality of USAID PRIORITAS partner districts, he Aisyah, a student at SDN 1 Allakuang, Sidrap, South Sulawesi, pictured with Satria Darma, MOEC’s asked for ten Literacy Culture Consultant, who visited the school. Aisyah read 117 books in five months. Sidrap recommendations. Based Education Office has implemented a program of silent reading for 15 minutes before classes begin each day. Sidrap is one of the USAID PRIORITAS partner districts that has been recommended as a model on the advice of the literacy district. provincial offices, 20 districts were subsequently proposed. The Director General was particularly impressed with partner schools that have implemented a reading culture program, regulations promulgated by the districts to support the development of a reading culture, budget allocations to support implementation, and the formation of teams to implement a literacy movement program in the districts. The criteria used internally to select the districts were as follows: 1. The literacy program is covered by district regulations such as a Decree or Circular Letter from the District Head. 2. There is a clear budget to finance literacy programs. 3. There is a team and a nominated coordinator to oversee the implementation of the program. 4. Partner/dissemination schools are implementing the 15-minutes reading activity. 5. There is a clear program for supplying books to schools. 6. There is a program for training schools and teachers in developing literacy.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
USAID PRIORITAS Partner Districts Nominated as Model Literacy Districts Province Aceh North Sumatra Banten West Java
Central Java
East Java
South Sulawesi
District Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya Kabupaten Bireun Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai Kabupaten Serang Kabupaten Tangerang Kota Cimahi Kabupaten Bandung Barat Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Kabupaten Banjarnegara Kabupaten Demak Kabupaten Sragen Kabupaten Banyuwangi Kabupaten Blitar Kabupaten Lumajang Kabupaten Sidoarjo Kabupaten Sidrap Kabupaten Bantaeng Kabupaten Maros Kabupaten Wajo
Development of the Program at the District Level
Workshops have been held in the provinces to discuss the role and responsibilities of the districts in creating a reading culture and developing the Model Literacy District program. East Java conducted the workshop in Surabaya on April 21. Aceh Barat Daya conducted a workshop to design the Literacy District program on April 14. Demak District held a meeting to discuss the program on May 12. 3.7.3
Declaration of Literacy Districts
(Right to left) A representative of the Indonesia World Records Museum (MURI), Sragen District Head, Sragen Education Office Head, and member of USAID PRIORITAS staff pose for a picture during the declaration of Sragen as a Literacy District, after the award of MURI certificates to the district for producing the highest number of book reviews.
Several districts listed in Table 17 have conducted events to formally declare the district as a “Literacy District.” These declarations took place after the district had prepared a design and program, as described above. Literacy District Declarations Province North Sumatra Banten Central Java
District Kota Binjai Toba Samosir Tangerang Sragen
Date of formal Declaration April 5 April 29 April 27 May 27
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
USAID PRIORITAS District Facilitators and Training Participants Selected as National Instructors by MOEC.
To implement MOEC’s continuing professional development (PKB) program, the Directorate General of Personnel (GTK) has selected teachers, based on their high scores in the online competency test (UKG), to join a program to train national instructors. The instructors will be responsible for assisting teachers in the regions, by providing appropriate training to improve their professionalism. Teacher training will be delivered through three modes: (1) an online system, (2) combined online and in-person training, and (3) in-person training. A significant number of USAID PRIORITAS facilitators and teacher trainees have been selected to join the training. At last count, over 230 have been selected. This figure is likely to increase. Many of these will become national instructors, while some will be trained as provincial or district level instructors. The training will reportedly focus more on the logistics than the content of training to be delivered to teachers. This development is expected to result in further dissemination of USAID PRIORITAS training approaches and good practices, institutionalized through MOEC’s continuing professional development system.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
4 GOVERNANCE, MANAGEMENT, AND LINKAGES The overall focus of the Governance and Management program in the final year of the project is to support the dissemination and sustainability of project interventions and outcomes through the following activities: 1. Supporting policy dialogue and facilitation at national and subnational levels; 2. Assisting districts to integrate plans and policies for dissemination of good Madrasah Teacher Governance Workshop, a collaboration between MORA and USAID PRIORITAS, in Jakarta practices, literacy/reading culture, teacher deployment, and CPD, known in Indonesia as PKB, into five-year strategic education sector plans (renstra)— particularly the 45 districts that have recently conducted local elections and are required to develop plans this year; 3. Assisting MORA to develop information-based policies and budgeted plans for dissemination of good practices at national and province levels; 4. Providing on-the-job consolidation training for “service provider” personnel from TTIs and support for dissemination of district-level programs in teacher management at province and district levels in response to demand; and 5. Conducting studies in partnership with MOEC and MORHE on (i) supply and demand for teacher pre-service training and (ii) outcomes and lessons learned from district-level interventions in teacher deployment and CPD. This work (1) supports dissemination of USAID PRIORITAS training, resulting in improvements to teacher quality; (2) helps districts to better deploy teachers, maximizing the resources available for better teaching and learning; (3) helps develop a reading culture in districts; and (4) aims to improve policy coordination among districts, provinces, and the center, focusing on the management and improvement of teachers. This approach is designed to support the institutionalization, sustainability, and ongoing implementation of good practices developed under USAID PRIORITAS, beyond the life of the project. With the exception of a small number of multi-stakeholder forums due to take place in Cohort 3 districts early in the next quarter, all programs to facilitate improved teacher deployment (PPG) and preparation of budgets and plans for CPD in districts were completed during quarter 17, with final workshops taking place in North Sumatra, South Sulawesi, and Central Java. The focus has now shifted to (1) monitoring the implementation of policies and plans prepared by the districts and (2) supporting districts to integrate these plans into five-year district strategic plans (renstra). This includes review meetings and advocacy in the districts. One result of the assistance during quarter 17 was the publication of Decree No. 2 of 2016, addressing CPD for Teachers and Education Personnel in Purbalingga District. Several other districts have already promulgated, or prepared drafts of, District Head Regulations on CPD. A number of
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
these districts are still in the process of analyzing legal aspects of the CPD regulations through the Law Department in the District Secretary’s Office.
Management of Madrasah Teachers
During quarter 17, USAID PRIORITAS completed a small pilot on madrasah teacher management that was conducted in East Java in collaboration with MORA. The pilot focused on three pilot districts – Blitar, Jombang, and Pamekasan – but much of the analysis took place at province level. The program in East Java was implemented as shown in Figure 1.
Madrasah Teacher Management Pilot Program
Introduction to Teacher Deployment (PPG) and Continuing Professional Development (PKB) programs
Data Analysis Workshop for Teacher Management (PPG & PKB)
Provincial Policy Development & Planning Workshop
Assistance to collect EMIS data
Assistance to prepare for teacher management policy development (PPG & PKB)
Public consultation (province level) National Policy Forum
As illustrated in Table 18, the first three activities took place in the previous quarter; the provincial introductory meeting on March 10, 2016; the Data Analysis Workshop on March 22–24; and the Policy Development and Planning Workshop on March 28–30, 2016. A multi-stakeholder forum (public consultation) took place at the province level on May 17, 2016, and a National Policy Forum with MORA was held in Jakarta on June 3, 2016.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Teacher Management Pilot Program with MORA, East Java Activity
Socialization & Preparation Workshop
March 10
Workshop 1: Data Analysis
March 22–24
Workshop 2: Policy Development and Planning
March 28–30
Multi-stakeholder forum (province)
May 17
MORA National Policy Forum
June 3
MORA’s EMIS database was used as a data source to produce two outputs: (1) a map of teacher distribution and (2) a map of the numbers of teachers in different types of working groups for CPD planning. The analysis was undertaken with representatives from MORA’s province and district offices. The results highlighted class sizes, student–teacher ratios, teacher–class ratios, teacher qualifications, teacher teaching loads, and projected attrition rates due to retirement. One particularly interesting finding was the large number of madrasah (Madrasah Ibtidiayah [MIs] and Madrasah Tsanawiyah [MTs]) in each district—up to 90 institutions—although MORA provides no service or support to madrasah at the subdistrict level. The analysis of teacher professional development needs took two approaches: (1) mapping the numbers of teachers based on teacher working groups (Kelompak Kerja Guru [KKG]/Kelompok Kerja Madrasah [KKM]), both civil servant (PNS) and non-civil servant (non-PNS] teachers); and (2) disaggregating the data on uncertified and mismatched teachers (i.e., those teaching subjects for which they are not qualified). A substantial number of madrasah teachers have not yet obtained a four-year Bachelor’s Degree (S1) or a Diploma 4 – Bachelor equivalent (D4)1 qualification, and mismatching is common. Results of the online teacher competency test (UKG) were also considered as an indicator of training needs. PNS teachers in MIs and MTs took the UKG: the average score was 49 for MI teachers and 48 for MT teachers, which is similar to scores for teachers in regular schools. The resulting policy recommendations, discussed at province and national levels, were as follows: 1. Introduce multi-grade teaching in very small madrasah. 2. Redistribute teachers according to government standards, giving options to teachers who are impacted: teachers can choose to be transferred to madrasah where there is a need within the subdistrict or district. 3. Standardize teacher competencies through UKG: teachers who do not meet the standards can be downgraded to become a teacher's assistant (losing their eligibility for professional allowances). 4. Downgraded teachers should be given the opportunity to improve their competencies; if the teacher is unable to meet the standards, they can relocate to a madrasah outside the district. 5. Train core teachers at district or provincial level (National Education Budget [APBN]) and then disseminate the training to KKGs, KKMs, and MGMPs (lesson study). 6. Establish subdistrict-based education service centers in certain areas. 7. Allocate funds from the state budget, (provincial and local district) to increase teacher competencies (commencing 2017). 1
SI or D4 are the minimum qualifications most recently mandated for new teachers entering the profession.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
8. Propose funds from Government-allocated School Operational Grants (Bantuan Operasi Sekolah [BOS]) and from teacher professional allowances (5%) to be allocated to professional development programs to increase teacher competencies through a MORA Regulation (minimum level of legal protection).
District Planning for Dissemination and Sustainability
Of the project’s 90 partner districts (Decentralized Basic Education [DBE] and USAID PRIORITAS), 45 held local elections in late 2015. These districts are now required to prepare five-year strategic plans (renstra) for education, to align with the newly installed district head’s five-year tenure. This provides us with an excellent opportunity to ensure that the USAID PRIORITAS project’s outcomes are integrated into the district government Socialization on strategic plan drafting for USAID PRIORITAS Banten partner districts planning and budgeting system to support sustainability and ongoing development and implementation of the programs over the coming five years: literacy and reading culture, dissemination of good practices and training, CPD, implementation of teacher deployment policies, coordination with TTIs, and so forth. Plans and programs that are not included in the renstra are far less likely to be supported with funding in annual district budgets and work plans. To facilitate this integration, during quarter 17, USAID PRIORITAS commenced a simple program to assist districts to review and revise their new strategic plans before they are finalized. The program consists of two workshops: a one-day introductory workshop to confirm the districts’ commitment and share their progress thus far in preparing renstra, and a second two-day workshop to assist districts to complete a review and update. To support this process, the project is providing on-thejob assistance to help district personnel prepare the data and documents required for workshops, conduct revisions and reviews in line with the status of the planning in each district, and prepare final revisions for discussion and approval. In addition to the main purpose of the review program, which is to advocate for the inclusion of USAID PRIORITAS dissemination programs in regional planning (Rencana Pengembangan Jangka Menengah Daerah [Mid-Term Regional Development Plan; RPJMD] and the District Education Office Strategic Plan), the review of strategic plans for district education offices also helps MOEC to harmonize national policies with district plans by way of a simple checklist of the indicators that have been formulated nationally. The initial preparation workshop took place in all provinces during quarter 17. A total of 49 districts participated—the 45 districts that had conducted elections in 2015 and 4 additional districts that requested to attend (2 from Banten and 2 from South Sulawesi). The dates of the workshops are shown in Table 19.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Preparation Workshops for Strategic Planning Province
North Sumatra
May 31
East Java
June 1
Central Java
June 1
West Java
June 9
June 9
South Sulawesi
June 16
The following participants attended each event: •
A representative of MOEC’s Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation
Representatives of the TTI in each province
Representatives of the Provincial Education Office
From each district, the following were represented: •
District Education Office
District Planning and Development Body (Bappeda)
District Legislature
Board of Education
Based on the outcomes of these meetings, commitment between USAID PRIORITAS and the districts to review their strategic plans together is strong. One interesting observation is that, judging from the progress in preparing their strategic plans, the former DBE districts seem to be more advanced and be taking a sounder approach to the planning. It is reasonable to assume that this is because DBE1 previously facilitated the process of information-based strategic planning in these districts. The second workshop to complete the renstra review process took place in Surabaya in the final week of quarter 17. Representatives of the eight districts – specifically planning and policy personnel from the District Education Office and the Regional Planning Body (Bappeda) and representatives of the district legislature—attended the two-day workshop. Each of eight districts shared their draft five-year plans, focusing on programs included that relate to the USAID PRIORITAS agendas for ongoing dissemination of good practices, dissemination of USAID training and mentoring, literacy and building a reading culture, CPD, implementation of teacher deployment policies, and, where appropriate, inclusive education. Strategies for further increasing the focus on these areas, and for ensuring that programs are adequately funded in the indicative budgets that are part of the plans, were discussed. Other provinces are planning to hold the workshop in July 2016. This is important because most district heads took office in mid-February 2016, and strategic plans must be completed within six months of assuming their duties.
Data Analysis, Updating Tools
A number of changes were made to software applications used in the field to support governance and management activities in quarter 17. •
A change in the structure of the data in MORA’s EMIS between the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 school years has required changes to the USAID PRIORITAS-developed application known as
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
SIMADRASAH. (Sistem Informasi Madrasah [Madrasah Education Information Management System]) This revision is currently underway. •
Revisions to the SIMDIKDAS (Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar [Basic Education Information Management System]) application have also been made to enable teams to complete the analysis of DAPODIK (Data Pokok Pendidikan [Basic Education Data]) for preparation of strategic education plans (renstra). The revised application now includes individual school data.
Data for the study on supply and demand of teachers has been obtained.
Improvements to the ALPEKA (Aplikasi Laporan Pertanggungjawaban Keuangan BOS Tingkat Sekolah [Application for School Operational Funding Reporting]) application, developed by USAID PRIORITAS to enable schools to report online on their BOS spending, have been made, specifically to align the application with MOEC’s 2016 BOS manual and also to accommodate input from the field.
Policy Studies
Two studies were conducted during quarter 17: (1) a study of the USAID PRIORITAS Teacher Deployment and Teacher CPD programs and (2) a study to assess the supply and demand for new teachers in coming years to assist MOEC, MORHE, and TTIs to better plan for teacher training. The first of these studies was completed during quarter 17; the second is ongoing. 4.4.1
Teacher Supply and Demand Study
USAID PRIORITAS has completed the Teacher Deployment program, known as Penataan dan Pemerataan Guru (PPG), in 50 districts. As part of the program, the project mapped teacher deployment in approximately 15% of primary and junior secondary schools in Indonesia. As a result of this analysis, it is clear that there is a substantial oversupply of teachers in Indonesia – especially at the junior secondary level. Meanwhile, improved incomes for teachers as a result of the teacher certification program have made teaching a more desirable profession, and there is increased demand for placement in TTIs. Partly as a result of this, recent years have seen an increase in the number of small, independent TTIs. According to MORHE, many of these are poor quality. Because of these factors, a substantial oversupply of teachers, especially in the junior secondary area, is likely to continue in coming years. This will create political problems for the government and could lead to a drain on resources that could otherwise be allocated to improving the quality of the existing teaching force and of TTI programs for a restricted number of trainee teachers. In response to a request from MORHE’s Director General of Institutions (Dirjen Kelembagaan), USAID PRIORITAS is conducting a small study to determine (1) the demand for new teachers over coming years and (2) the supply of new teachers over coming years, given current conditions. The outcome of this study will enable MORHE to determine numbers required for different disciplines and levels in the system and to regulate TTIs accordingly. The existing teacher deployment analysis can be expanded to address this request. Although this study is ongoing, USAID PRIORITAS has already conducted a substantial amount of analysis. The study considers current teacher numbers and deployment, population trends (predicted growth in student enrollment), current and trending average class size in different provinces and districts, and attrition due to teacher retirement over coming years. Preliminary results suggest that, even without improving the efficiency of teacher deployment through policies recommended by USAID PRIORITAS, there may be no need for further primary school teachers to be recruited in the coming eight years. In other words, the current supply is sufficient to meet the 36
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
demand, even if teachers retire, class sizes continue to decline, and student numbers rise in coming years. Further analysis is required to verify these findings and to consider the supply side of the equation before results are published. 4.4.2
Teacher Deployment and Teacher CPD Study
During quarter 17, Dr. Hank Healey, a researcher from RTI International home office, conducted an investigation into the Teacher Deployment and Teacher CPD programs in Indonesia. The purpose was to determine the factors associated with success and lack of success of the USAID PRIORITAS interventions to improve teacher management in districts, particularly the Teacher Deployment and CPD programs. The study took place in seven districts located in two provinces. The sampling of these districts was purposive, and provided a balance of districts considered generally successful and less successful in implementing policies. Three were in the province of Central Java and four in the province of South Sulawesi. Although CPD plans were considered, the study focused mainly on outcomes of the Teacher Deployment program because these were more advanced. The investigation revealed examples of implementation of all the main policy solutions recommended to improve teacher deployment. Eleven success factors were hypothesized. Of these, the four most strongly associated with success were as follows: (1) the degree of high-level district support for the Teacher Deployment program; (2) cultural differences – the degree of political interference in teacher deployment; (3) the degree to which the affected parties agreed to the policy option selected; and (4) organizational culture, leadership, and internal drive in the district administration. These four factors are to some extent interrelated. In every district where the program met with success, the District Head, the District Education Head and senior officers, and the District Assembly were all in support of the program. In every district where the program met with little success, such high-level support was not in place. Dr. Healey presented the preliminary results of the study at an internal meeting, including the USAID PRIORITAS Cognizant Technical Officer (CTO), at the project office on June 2, 2016. A report on the study will be submitted in the next quarter. The results will also be shared and discussed in an appropriate forum with GOI counterparts and other donors.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
5 DISSEMINATION OF SCHOOL-LEVEL PROGRAMS Table 20 shows that during quarter 17, dissemination in seven provinces involved 14,470 participants (mainly teachers). As in the previous quarters, the dissemination involved more female (64.4%) than male teachers (35.6%). These participants came from 3,040 schools, with the largest number from Central Java, West Java, and East Java. The table shows that the average number of participants per school was 4.8. Number of Participants in Dissemination Activities in Quarter 17, by Province Province
Male (1)
Female (2)
Male + Female (3)
No. of Schools (4)
Participant/School (5 = 3:4)
North Sumatra
West Java
Central Java
East Java
South Sulawesi
D.I. Yogyakarta
Grand Total
Table 21 presents the total number of participants in training between 2013 and 2016 (quarters 4– 17). During 14 quarters of project implementation, the total number of participants in dissemination activities is more than 136,000. The percentage of female participants (57.5%) has always been higher than that of male participants (42.5%), and the average number of participants per school is 5.9. Total Number of Participants in Dissemination Activities in 2013–2017 (Quarters 4–17), by Province Male (1)
Female (2)
Male + Female (3)
No. of Schools (4)
Participant/School (5=3:4)
North Sumatra
West Java
Central Java
East Java
South Sulawesi
D.I. Yogyakarta
Grand Total
The project is currently working to obtain an accurate count of the number of schools participating in project activities. The number in column 4 (No. of Schools) is the latest count, based on reports 38
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
from training; this number for schools reached is slightly lower than previously reported, as some double counting of schools has been removed. The project is continuing the process of identifying schools that are in the records under two different spellings, which may further slightly reduce the total number of schools reached. The numbers in these tables do not include the training implemented under the leveled reading book program, which is reported separately in Section 1 of the report. The data from those schools will be aggregated in the overall dissemination figures in the next quarterly report. The process of incorporation is somewhat lengthy; many thousands of school names have to be checked to avoid double counting. Table 22 shows that during quarter 17, the local contribution (mainly from district or school budget) was 473,002 USD (79.2%), and USAID PRIORITAS contributed 123,973 USD (20.8%). Expenditure for Dissemination Activities in Quarter 17 (in USD)* Province Aceh North Sumatra
GOI 16,249
TOTAL 19,498
West Java
Central Java
East Java
South Sulawesi
D.I. Yogyakarta
Grand Total Percentage
* At the time of reporting, 1 USD = 13.000 IDR.
Table 23 shows that during 14 quarters of the project life (2013–2016), the total expenditure for dissemination activities was more than 5.9 million USD, of which 81.3% was from local contributions. Total Expenditure for Dissemination Activities in 2013–2016 (Quarters 4–17 [in USD]) Province Aceh North Sumatra
GOI 442,836
TOTAL 509,426
West Java
Central Java
South Sulawesi
D.I. Yogyakarta
East Java
Grand Total Percentage
Details of dissemination activities by district are presented in Annex 4.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
Coordination with the Government of Indonesia (GOI)
Coordination with national level ministries, especially MOEC, MORA, and MORHE, has been ongoing during quarter 17. This coordination has taken the form of several high-level meetings with Directors and Directors General from both MOEC and MORA and frequent policy dialogue with ministerial advisors and related bodies such as Paramadina Public Policy Institute, Education Sector Analytical & Capacity Development Partnership (ACDP), and other donor-funded programs and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). High-level representatives of national government have also taken part in a number of project activities in provinces and districts. Several meetings were held quarter 17 with the Director General of Early Childhood Education and Community Support, the Director General of Basic Education, and MORA’s Director General of Islamic Education. Meetings were also held with MORA’s Director for Madrasah, and with senior officials of MOEC’s Secretary General’s office, the Directorate General for Education Personnel, and the Directorates for Primary and Junior-Secondary Schooling. In addition, USAID PRIORITAS met with ministerial advisors. An MOU between USAID PRIORITAS and MORA was signed in a simple ceremony held at MORA on May 27, 2016. On this occasion, MORA was represented by the Director General of Islamic Education and USAID PRIORITAS by the COP. Representatives of USAID also attended the event. Meanwhile, coordination continued at provincial and district levels through ongoing technical workshops and routine meetings. This coordination is now routine and frequent at all levels of government. The extensive and widespread nature of coordination is reflected in reports included as an annex to this report. Full details can be found in Annex 2.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
The fourteenth edition of the USAID PRIORITAS national newsletter, PRIORITAS PENDIDIKAN, was printed and published in quarter 17. The newsletter contains information on many of the project’s activities and good practices, including the following articles: 1. Expand Good Practices in Madrasah 2. Aisyah, A Fourth Grader of SDN Allakuang, Reads 117 Books in Five Months 3. Central and Local Governments Support Sustainability and Expansion of USAID PRIORITAS 4. 1.1 Million Leveled Reading Book Grant for North Sumatra 5. Improving the Quality of Teacher Professional Education Program for Professional Teachers 6. Sharing Study Results and Assistance for Teacher Management 7. Learning About Teacher Quality Improvement with Michigan State University
Front page of the national newsletter, PRIORITAS PENDIDIKAN, fourteenth edition
8. Lecturers and TTI Partner Schools in West Papua Received Trainings on PAKEM and SchoolBased Management 9. Indonesia Reading Movement in Lebak. Good practice stories from all partner provinces were also included in the newsletter: 1. From a School of Low Quality to a Good Practice School 2. A Teaching Parents Program 3. MI Islamiyah Alwathaniyah Decides to Support Students with Special Needs 4. Learning about Wind Energy and Rocket Launching 5. Detecting Isolators and Conductors 6. Learning History From Students’ Experiences 7. Traveling, Learning, and Reporting 8. Learning about Volcano Monitoring Activities 9. Talk Show in Indonesian Language Learning 10. Encouraging Students to Read Newspapers Every Day 11. Book Exchanges Develop the Joy of Reading among University Students. A total of 11,100 copies were published and distributed to key partners and stakeholders in all project provinces, as shown in Table 24.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
Distribution of the National Newsletter, Fourteenth Edition Province
Total 1,080
Aceh North Sumatra
West Java
Central Java
East Java
South Sulawesi
West Papua
Project Website
The project website is used as a medium to disseminate good education practices and innovations developed by USAID PRIORITAS. Project products such as training modules; videos; newsletters; research studies; good practices; and inspiring stories from teachers, school principals, supervisors, and the Regional Education Office are uploaded onto the website. The number of hits to the website increased from 4,663,508 in quarter 16 to 4,854,351 in quarter 17 (Table 25). Number of Hits on Project Website in Quarter 17 Month April 2016
Hits 1,791,511
Bandwidth 123.85 GB
May 2016
109.13 GB
June 2016
75.44 GB
Unique Visitors 48,571
Media Monitoring
During the period of April to June 2016, USAID PRIORITAS activities were published in the mass media, totaling 1,550 news items. The media covered reading programs, continuing professional development, teacher deployment, school-based management, teaching and learning, teacher training institutes, and the reading program. Table 26 shows the total monthly media coverage. Monthly Media Coverage Month April 2016
Total Media 262
Total News Stories 530
May 2016
June 2016
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Project Videos
The project Communication team produced 23 videos during quarter 17. These are very useful in illustrating the processes and goals that the project is aiming to accomplish. The following videos were produced during quarter 17: •
Guided Teaching Practicum for the Professional Education of Teachers (PPG) at the Indonesian Education University (UPI) and Makassar State University (UNM) – 14 videos −
School Observation by UPI Students in SDN Sukarasa 34 Bandung and UNM Students in SMPN 4 Makassar
Lecturers Teaching, University Students Observing
Lecturers Teaching, University Students Observing and Assisting Pupils in Small Groups
University Students and Lecturers Teaching Together
University Students Teaching, Lecturers Observing
Independent Teaching Practicum
Guided Teaching Practicum Results Conference
Monitoring TTI Partner School Progress in MIN Cilegon (TTI Program)
Lesson on Water Filtration for Grade IV in MIN Cilegon
Presentation by SDN Sumbergondo 2, Batu, East Java School Principal in an ACDP Education Discussion Event at MOEC
Learning in Grade 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 in SDN Sumbergondo 2, Batu, East Java
Madrasah Teacher Management Program
USAID PRIORITAS Madrasah Program
Good Practices in Learning, School-Based Management, and Reading Culture for School Principal and School Supervisor Training (2 videos)
TTI Lecturers’ Learning Practicum in UPI Bandung
Left: Media briefing phase 2 in Medan: The Rector of Medan State University, Prof. Syawal Gultom, and senior figures of the press, with HM Yazid as a keynote speaker. Right: Journalists sharing good practices from the results of visits to USAID PRIORITAS partner schools in Cikarang, West Java.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
Media Briefing
USAID PRIORITAS held a second-phase media briefing in East Java, West Java, North Sumatra, and Central Java. In West Java and Central Java, the event was conducted for two days in conjunction with the training of trainers for district facilitators. On the first day, participants were given materials on good practices in teaching and learning, school-based management, and continuing professional development. On the second day, reporters were invited to visit a partner school to see the implementation of active learning and school management. In East Java the event was conducted for one day, with the material focused on reading programs; this part of the event was followed by a media briefing in some partner districts in conjunction with a district facilitators’ meeting. Journalists trained the district facilitators on how to write good practice stories for the media. In addition, in North Sumatra a one-day activity took place that focused on USAID PRIORITAS TTI program activities. The journalists were given materials on good practices in TTIs, and they observed lectures at the State University of Medan to see the implementation of good practices in lecturing.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
8 GENDER AND INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Developments on the issue of gender and inclusive education in this period are as noted in the following.
Gender Study Results
In line with recommendations of the USAID PRIORITAS Mid-Term Review, the project conducted a gender study. The aim was to confirm or disprove the findings of the Mid-Term Review on gender in schools and to explore the dynamics behind gender differences in student achievement. Data collection and preliminary analysis took place last quarter. During quarter 17, the analysis was completed. The Mid-Term Review findings were as follows: 1. The performance/achievement of boys is lower than that of girls. 2. Girls are more active learners in lessons, as evident from their liveliness in completing group tasks, compared with boys, who are often the “audience.” 3. There are more female teachers than male, and more male principals than female. 4. There are no women in district and provincial leadership roles or as school committee heads. 5. The training module on gender (Good Practice Training Module II, Unit 7 on Gender in Schools) does not reflect cultural differences in each region. As described below, results of the study support the Mid-Term Review findings in general terms, but with some important exceptions: 1. The main evaluation finding was confirmed; boys tend to have lower academic achievement then girls. But when viewed more closely, there are some differences based on location (urban and rural), type of school (public schools and religious schools), school level (primary and junior secondary school), as well as grade levels and classroom management approaches. 2. The second finding of the Mid-Term Review was that girls are more active and engaged in the learning process. The findings of the study were somewhat different: the study found that male students tend to be more dominant than girls in urban areas, and more active and sometimes more assertive (or aggressive), especially in conducting experiments and activities outside the classroom. 3. The study partially confirmed the third of the Mid-Term Review findings. Female teachers dominate in almost all schools visited, but in contrast to the evaluation findings, 10 of the 15 schools visited were led by women. 4. Regarding the fourth of the Review findings, the study found some representation of women in leadership positions in government offices in the districts and provinces. With regard to the school committees, this study confirmed the general lack of female leadership. School committees are mostly headed by men. USAID PRIORITAS could play a role to change this through a community-based management program. 5. On the fifth of the Review findings, this study found that the USAID PRIORITAS gender training module is a national-level, generic module and does not focus specifically on the local context, but encourages training participants to identify issues relevant to each local area. Possibly, supervision and mentoring are needed so that teachers can monitor the extent to which they identify and address gender issues appropriate to their local context.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
The study also identified seven factors that influence and may explain why the academic achievement of boys is lower than that of girls. The factors are as follows: 1. The difference in the interests and talents of male and female learners 2. The difference in psychological and physical development of male and female learners 3. The importance of support in the form of assistance from adults (parents and siblings) during after-school learning. 4. Parents’ awareness of their responsibility for children's education. 5. Differences in the socio-cultural and economic impacts of gender-specific issues for rural and urban areas 6. The ability of teachers to identify and address gender equity issues 7. The absence of gender equity policies in education, relevant and appropriate to the local context Several implications of the study for policy and practice were identified. Gender equity is important in teaching and learning. Teachers need to develop competence to identify the specific needs of each gender and gender-based discrimination. Children’s character development is important in this context. There is a need to help government develop policies and programs that support gender equity. District Education Offices (particularly supervisors) need support to increase the professional commitment and awareness of teachers regarding the needs of different learners; capacity building (for principals and teachers, school committees, and parents) on parenting would assist. A good strategy is to establish and develop focal points and networks for gender education as well as a gender discrimination instrument or even a simple checklist for teachers.
Inclusive Education Survey
In the past three months, monitoring of progress in the implementation of inclusive education programs was conducted in schools and through discussions with District Education Offices. Results are included in Annex 5.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
9 MONITORING AND EVALUATION During quarter 17, the Monitoring and Evaluation (ME) team undertook three main activities: (1) processing of Cohort 1 and Cohort 3 school monitoring data (the summary of monitoring results is presented in this report), (2) continuing the headcount of schools participating in the project and work with the Leveled Reading Book Program team in collecting data on schools participating in the program, and (3) collecting data regarding the participants in project and dissemination activities.
Results of the School Monitoring Data
Monitoring of Cohort 1, Cohort 2, and Cohort 3 schools was conducted October–November 2015. The Cohort 2 districts were in the third year of implementation in 2015, and the third round of monitoring provided midline results of the project in Cohort 2 districts. The monitoring included classroom observations; interviews with school management; and student assessments in reading, writing, mathematics, and science, as well as an Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA). A full report of the monitoring, student assessments, and EGRA was submitted to USAID during quarter 17. In 2015, Cohort 1 districts received their fourth round of school monitoring, and Cohort 3 districts their second round of monitoring. This monitoring was confined to classroom observation and interviews with school management to assess progress on teaching and learning and school management indicators. The results of the monitoring in these two cohorts show that there was constant improvement in almost all indicators (from the first monitoring round to the fourth in Cohort 1, and in the two monitoring rounds in Cohort 3; see Table 27). Steady and significant increases were found in indicators related to teaching and learning. The biggest increases occurred in the second monitoring round, both for Cohort 1 and Cohort 3. The increases were not as large in the third and fourth monitoring rounds. The data were obtained from one-hour observations of teacher and student interaction in the classroom. Modest increases took place in the indicators related to school governance, such as leadership in curriculum, transparency, and participation in school budgeting. This could partly be explained by the fact that the data on governance were based on focus group discussions with school principals, senior teachers, and school committee members regarding the school principal leadership in the previous year rather than direct observation. Summary of School-Level Indicator Monitoring Results COHORT 1 INDICATOR 1.R1
1.R2 1.R3
Teachers demonstrate good practices in teaching and assessment Total: Primary: (Junior secondary school) JSS: Early grade teachers demonstrate good practice in teaching and assessing reading Teachers of all subjects support the development and reinforcement of students’ reading skills Total: Primary:
Partner Schools 2012 2013 2014
COHORT 3 Partner Schools 2014 2015
21.5% 23.9% 18.4% 13.0%
55.2% 58.5% 50.7% 47.3%
59.6% 60.7% 58.0% 66.5%
71.5% 72.8% 69.7% 76.1%
19.0% 20.2% 17.5% 5.4%
85.0% 84.5% 85.7% 67.9%
8.7% 8.7%
40.1% 41.9%
48.4% 53.1%
57.1% 58.3%
8.2% 9.5%
57.8% 56.0%
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
1 R6 1R8a 1R8b
2 R1
2 R2
2 R3
Partner Schools 2012 2013 2014 8.7% 37.7% 42.0%
2015 55.4%
COHORT 3 Partner Schools 2014 2015 6.3% 60.3%
Students demonstrate positive learning behaviors Total: Primary: JSS: Early grade reading materials are regularly used Early grade students demonstrate that they can read and understand the meaning of grade-level text Performance of grade 4 students in reading, writing, and mathematics, and grade 5 students in science improves Reading: Writing: Mathematics: Science: Performance of students in grade 8 in reading, writing, mathematics, and science improves Reading: Writing: Mathematics: Science: Instructional leadership in schools is improving Total: Primary: JSS: Schools produce annual budgeted plans in a transparent and participative manner Total: Primary: JSS: Increased parent and community participation in activities which focus on teaching and learning and/or improving the school environment (Primary school only) Schools managers initiate activities to create a school reading culture Total : Primary: JSS: Teachers’ working groups are more effective Total: KKG: MGMP:
16.8% 16.7% 16.9% 21.7%
73.1% 71.8% 74.9% 43.5%
81.3% 80.7% 82.0% 50.0%
86.0% 86.2% 85.6% 54.9%
15.6% 20.2% 9.5% 30.4%
43.0% 41.8% 40.7% 35.8%
47.1% 44.6% 46.0% 43.2%
42.1% 35.6% 47.8% 38.5%
64.0% 50.1% 33.9% 38.4%
71.2% 52.0% 36.6% 43.4%
70.6% 47.3% 35.8% 46.2%
82.3% 79.8% 85.7% 41.1%
7.5% 10.9% 2.9%
14.3% 19.6% 7.2%
19.8% 24.4% 13.4%
22.9% 30.4% 12.3%
10.2% 14.3% 4.8%
10.2% 14.3% 4.8%
14.9% 17.4% 11.6% 27.2%
28.0% 26.1% 30.4% 50.0%
26.1% 22.2% 31.3% 65.6%
43.9% 40.2% 49.2% 91.3%
24.5% 42.9% 0.0% 24.5%
44.9% 46.4% 42.9% 34.7%
24.8% 30.4% 17.4%
64.6% 75.0% 50.7%
78.3% 82.2% 73.1%
87.3% 91.3% 81.5%
14.3% 10.7% 19.0%
73.5% 78.6% 66.7%
31.1% 31.3% 30.9%
48.6% 64.7% 39.1%
52.2% 70.7% 32.7%
51.7% 79.2% 30.9%
50.0% 66.7% 38.1%
44.1% 76.9% 23.8%
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Headcount of Schools
The statistics for schools participating in training are mostly based on the training attendance lists. If the participants from a school attended the training more than once, the school may be counted twice or more. Since the beginning of the project, the ME team has taken precautions to minimize the occurrence of double counting schools by comparing their names: schools with the same name will be counted as one, regardless of the frequency of their participation in dissemination activities. At times, however, this goal cannot be fully achieved because the name of a school may be written differently in different reports. During the past two quarters, the ME team has tried to find the identity number (Nomor Pokok Sekolah Nasional – NPSN) of all schools participating in the training organized by the project and by the districts (dissemination program). A school with a name written differently but with the same NPSN will be counted as one school. Table 28 indicates that the total number of schools participating in dissemination activities since the beginning of the project was 24,448. The statistics are based on the periodic reports about the total number of schools participating in project activities. During the headcount process, 20,202 schools with an NPSN had been identified. Unfortunately, 2,831 schools had no NPSN, and most of these schools are madrasah. The work is ongoing to accurately count the 2,831 schools, which belong to two major categories: 1. Two (or more schools) with different names are actually only one school. 2. Two (or more schools) with the same names are actually different schools. On the island of Madura, for example, many different schools have the same name, such as “MI Miftahul Ulum.” Identifying the specific administrative location (preferably the kelurahan/desa of the schools) could help the school headcount process. Number of Schools Participating in the Dissemination Program, Based on Attendance List and Head Count, by Province
Province 1 Aceh
Number of schools based on attendance list 2 1,410
Headcount of schools based on NPSN 3 1,272
Number of schools without NPSN 4 11
Differences between attendance list and headcount (2 - 3) n % 5 6 138 10%
North Sumatra
West Java
Central Java
East Java
South Sulawesi
D.I. Yogyakarta
As shown in Table 28, D.I. Yogyakarta, Central Java, West Java, and Aceh have relatively few discrepancies (based on the low percentages of difference between the number of schools from the attendance list and number of schools from the NPSN headcount). This indicates two things: first, that the NPSN of almost all of the recipient schools in these three provinces had been identified. Secondly, it shows that the majority of schools in these provinces had only one opportunity to participate in the dissemination activities.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
The bigger percentages of difference in Banten, East Java, North Sumatra, and South Sulawesi were caused by the fact that either the NPSN had not been identified or the schools had no NPSN yet. The majority of these schools are madrasah. The ME team is working closely with the Leveled Reading Book program to prepare data collection for the schools participating in the program: the same format of Dissemination program data collection is also used by the book program so that the chance of double counting will be minimized.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
10 OTHER ACTIVITIES 10.1 Data Revolution for Development A high-level delegation from RTI International home office spent a week in Jakarta in April to work with counterparts from GOI and national NGOs on Data Revolution for Development (DRD). USAID PRIORITAS took part in a DRD workshop, which was held on April 20–21, 2016, at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta. The objectives of the workshop were as follows: 1. Showcase innovative DRD individuals and organizations working in Indonesia 2. Develop a core group of lead innovators within Indonesia for future DRD collaboration 3. Discuss the influence of DRD innovations on Indonesian policies and programming 4. Identify and discuss new ways of measuring DRD results Leading Indonesian policymakers and industry leaders, including Dr. Yanuar Nugroho, from the Office of the President (KSP), took part, along with various representatives of government, development practitioners, and international development partners. Participants shared their thoughts on a vision for DRD and some of the key priority areas that development partners and other actors could help to address. The RTI delegation included Paul Weisenfeld, Executive Vice President, International Development Group; Luis Crouch, Senior Education Researcher; Clay Heaton, Data Scientist; and Carmen Strigel, Software Specialist. Senior representatives from three USAID PRIORITAS partner districts attended the event, including District Heads from Sragen and Serdang Bedagai and a representative from Bappeda, Banyuwangi. The District Education Office Head from Serdang Bedagai also attended (at the district’s expense). As an outcome of this event, RTI subsequently visited Sragen and Serdang Bedagai districts: plans are being developed for the “rapid prototyping” of an integrated and interactive data system to improve transparency and enhance the governance of education and related sectors in these districts. This activity is fully funded by RTI International home office.
10.2 World Education Cambodia Team Visit A team from World Education’s Cambodia Early Grade Reading Program visited USAID PRIORITAS, April 18–23, 2016. The team consisted of four World Education staff and one representative from a local partner NGO. Visits were made to study the Early Grade Reading program, monitoring systems, and USAID PRIORITAS school training in general. The team met with USAID PRIORITAS and visited Wonosobo. In Wonosobo, they witnessed the implementation of active learning in World Education’s Cambodia team observing a lesson in SDN I Garung, Wonosobo, schools and the implementation of Central Java reading culture programs. They also met with staff of the Wonosobo District Education Office for discussions. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
11 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 11.1 Project Extension USAID has requested RTI to draw up a plan and budget for a no-cost project extension. The main purpose of the extension will be to respond to the request from the Minister of Education and Culture to sustain and replicate the project’s quality improvement initiatives at the school level in the project partner districts; to build district organizational capacity to take over the role of the project; and to build the capacity of Indonesian institutions, particularly the project partner TTIs, to ensure ongoing innovation and the development of new and updated training materials for teachers. Consultations have been ongoing with RTI’s subcontractors and senior project staff to develop a plan and budget, which will be submitted to USAID by July 15, 2016.
11.2 USAID Limited Financial Review A team from USAID implemented a limited financial review of USAID PRIORITAS in May and June 2016. A review of documents and procedures took place in the Jakarta project office May 23–27. The South Sulawesi project office was also selected for similar review, which took place June 13–16. The project management team has received some verbal feedback from the USAID review team and is awaiting written feedback before responding.
11.3 Operations 11.3.1 Vehicles Ownership of three vehicles, located in North Sumatra, East Java, and Central Java, is in process of being transferred from the previous project (DBE) to USAID PRIORITAS. The project is also currently processing the extension of the registration/plate number of the project vehicle located in Bandung. 11.3.2 Distribution of Books and Materials The administration team has distributed books and other communication material to provincial offices, including reading books for Papua and leveled reading books for partner districts in East Java.
11.4 Human Resources USAID PRIORITAS has completed the recruitment, transfer, and also resignation of posts in several provinces. The Human Resources team has managed the recruitment for six new staff and four short-term technical assistance consultants, as well as the resignation of three staff. Tables 29–32 illustrate the staffing changes.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Staff – New Hires Name Purwadi Prihandoko Deni Nurzaman M. Romdoni Faurina Desiandi Indra Meira Al Fadhir
Position Office Assistant Program Assistant Office Assistant Temp. Admin Assistant Operation Manager Program Assistant
Location North Sumatra West Java Banten North Sumatra Banten Aceh
Starting Date April 1, 2016 April 6, 2016 May 1, 2016 May 11, 2016 May 16, 2016 May 18, 2016
Short-Term Technical Assistance Name Dr. Evi Fatimatur R, M.Ag
Title TTI Coordinator (EDC)
Location East Java
Starting Date April 9, 2016
Fitri Hilmiyati, M.Ed.
TTI Coordinator (EDC)
April 9, 2016
Fibri Rakhmawati, S.Si, M.Si
TTI Coordinator (EDC)
North Sumatra
April 14, 2016
Mawardi, S.Ag., M.Pd
TTI Coordinator (EDC)
May 1, 2016
Staff – Terminations/Resignations Name Roy J. Panjaitan Rahmat Idris Eva Rahmi
Title Admin Assistant Admin Assistant Sr. HR Manager
Organization RTI EDC EDC
Location Jakarta South Sulawesi Jakarta
Last Day June 7, 2016 May 7, 2016 June 9, 2016
Staff – Total Number (RTI, EDC, WEI) Province Jakarta Aceh North Sumatra Banten West Java Central Java East Java South Sulawesi Papua Total
Male 21 21 29 13 20 23 28 20 3 178
RTI Female 13 9 11 8 10 9 12 9 2 83
Male 3 3 2 4 3 4 7 3
EDC Female 4 3 5 2 2 2 1 2
Male 1 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 6
WEI Female 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 6
Total 43 37 49 28 36 39 50 35 6 323
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June 2016
12 PLANS FOR QUARTER 18 The main activities planned for quarter 18 are listed in Table 33. Activities for Quarter 18 Project management •
Submit a proposal for a project no-cost extension
Conduct a National Coordination Meeting (Surabaya, August)
Grants and Partnerships •
Roll out Leveled Reading Book program in Papua
Disseminate Reading Modules developed by UNNES and FSU to all TTIs
Leveled Readers for Early Grades •
Continue book distribution, teacher training, and mentoring at cluster level in all provinces
Improved School Instruction and Management •
Conduct training for facilitators (training of trainers [TOT]) in the School Principal and Supervisor Module Training at province level
Implement the School Principal and Supervisor Module Training at district level
Complete mentoring module for district facilitators, followed by provincial TOT
Improved Teacher Training •
Continue meeting and working with TTI lab and partner schools (ongoing)
Continue mentoring TTI lab and partner schools: teaching and learning/school-based management, primary and junior secondary school level (ongoing)
Continue supporting dissemination training for TTIs (ongoing)
Hold key persons meeting: Materials Adaptation Workshop for Good Practice schools
Conduct National Training of Teacher Practicum Program – Primary School Level
Conduct National Training of Teacher Practicum Program – Secondary School Level
Hold key persons meeting: Finalizing Materials for Improved Practicum Training
Conduct Teacher Practicum Lab and Partner School training: Primary and Junior Secondary
Improved Governance, Management, and Linkages •
Complete current round of province-level workshops with districts currently completing a strategic plan (renstra) to integrate USAID PRIORITAS dissemination and sustainability programs into five-year plans
Complete study on teacher supply and demand
Publish report on study of teacher governance programs in districts and discuss results with counterparts and other donors
Conduct workshops to support planning of dissemination
Dissemination Training using USAID PRIORITAS Modules •
Continue in all districts
Monitoring and Evaluation •
Prepare for student testing and data collection to take place in Cohort 1, 2, and 3 schools in October–November 2016
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
ANNEX 1: PROVINCIAL REPORTS Provinsi: ACEH Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Provinsi Tanggal
Dengan siapa
4 April
Disdik Aceh
11 April
Disdik Aceh
15 April
Disdik Aceh, pengawas provinsi dan LPTK Disdik Aceh
3 Mei
Hasil koordinasi Tersusunnya strategi pelaksanaan ToT Paedagogik dan MBS di Provinsi, pelatihan Pedagogik dan MBS tingkat kabupaten serta pembagian tugas antara USAID PRIORITAS dan Disdik Aceh Pembagian tugas seleksi fasilitator daerah di 10 Kab/kota diseminasi provinsi Aceh antara USAID PRIROITAS, Disdik Aceh, LPMP Aceh dan LPTK Tim seleksi fasilitator (LPTK, LPMP dan Pengawas Provinsi) memahami formulir seleksi fasda Tersusunnya rencana persiapan ToT fasilitator daerah Disdik Provinsi Aceh (untuk diseminasi 400 fasilitator daerah)
Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Kabupaten/kota Tanggal 13 Juni 14 Juni 13 Juni 14 Juni 15 Juni 16 Juni
Dengan siapa Fasilitator SMP/MTs dan Buku Bacaan Berjenjang (B3) Kab. Bireuen Disdik, Kemenag, sekolah mitra, perwakilan fasilitator Kab. Bireuen Fasilitator SD/MI, SMP/MTs, B3 Kab. Bener Meriah Disdik, Kemenag, sekolah mitra, perwakilan fasilitator Kab. Bener Meriah Fasilitator SD/MI, SMP/MTs, B3 Kab. Pidie Jaya
Hasil koordinasi Dokumen identifikasi permasalahan dan perencanaan pedampingan tahun ke-5. Dinas Pendidikan Bireuen akan melakukan diseminasi dengan mengambil sekolah mitra SMP/MTs menjadi model bagi sekolah lain. Sudah tersedia jadwal pengaktifan KKG dan MGMP. Bupati menyatakan akan mendukung dana revitalisasi KKG/MGMP. Sudah ada dokumen tentang strategi pengaktifan KKG/MGMP Pidie Jaya untuk tahun 2016.
Disdik, Kemenag, sekolah mitra, perwakilan fasilitator Kab. Pidie Jaya Fasilitator SMP/MTs, B3 Kab. Aceh Tengah Disdik, Kemenag, sekolah mitra, perwakilan fasilitator Kab. Aceh Tengah
Disdik akan membiayai diseminasi SD dan SMP, Kemenag belum memberikan kepastian. Tersusun rencana advokasi diseminasi ke sekolah. Disdik dan Kemenag akan mendorong sekolah untuk menggunakan dana mandiri melakukan diseminasi.
17 Juni
Fasilitator SMP/MTs, B3 Kab. Pidie
Tersusun jadwal diseminasi di seluruh UPTD.
18 Juni
Disdik, Kemenag, sekolah mitra, perwakilan fasilitator Kab. Pidie
20 Juni
Fasilitator SD/MI, SMP/MTs, B3 Kab. Aceh Jaya Disdik, Kemenag, sekolah mitra, perwakilan fasilitator Kab. Aceh Jaya Fasilitator SD/MI, SMP/MTs, B3 Kab. Aceh Utara Disdik, Kemenag, sekolah mitra, perwakilan fasilitator Kab. Aceh Utara
Disdik dan Kemenag akan menindaklanjut jadwal diseminasi dan akan mewajibkan sekolah untuk mengikuti pelatihan diseminasi. Tersusunnya jadwal pendampingan dan pengaktifan KKG/MGMP. Disdik dan Kemenag akan instruksikan seluruh sekolah untuk aktifkan KKG/MGMP. Tersusun jadwal pengaktifan KKG dan MGMP.
15 Juni 16 Juni
21 Juni 20 Juni 21 Juni 22 Juni 23 Juni
Fasilitator SD/MI, SMP/MTs, B3 Kab. Aceh Tamiang Disdik, Kemenag, sekolah mitra,
Disdik dan Kemenag akan membuat surat edaran, khususnya UPTD di wilayah sekolah mitra untuk mengaktifkan KKG dan MGMP. Tersusunnya jadwal pendampingan dan identifikasi kemajuan/tantangan di sekolah mitra. Disdik dan Kemenag akan bersinergi untuk
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Dengan siapa
Hasil koordinasi
perwakilan fasilitator Kab. Aceh Tamiang 22 Juni 23 Juni
Fasilitator SD/MI, SMP/MTs, B3 Kab. Aceh Barat Daya Disdik, Kemenag, sekolah mitra, perwakilan fasilitator Kab. Aceh Barat Daya
memantau pendampingan dan akan mengeluarkan surat tugas guru terdamping. Tersusunnya jadwal pendampingan di KKG/MGMP. Disdik dan kemenag akan mengeluarkan surat pengaktifan KKG/MGMP.
KOHOR 1 dan 2 ToT PROVINSI Pelatihan untuk Pelatih PAKEM Modul 3 dan Pelatih Tambahan B3 (ToT) Kohor 2 Jenjang SD/MI, di Banda Aceh diadakan pada tanggal 1-8 April dengan jumlah peserta sebanyak 93 orang. Peserta adalah fasilitator kelas awal 63 orang (L:18; P:45) dan kelas tinggi 30 orang (L:16;P:14) dari unsur kepala sekolah, guru dan pengawas. Guru KS Pengawas Total Kabupaten LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR Total Aceh Barat Daya Aceh Tamiang Aceh Utara Pidie Jaya Aceh Jaya Bener Meriah Aceh Tengah Bireuen Pidie
3 3 6 6 0 2 1 0 1
6 5 10 6 2 4 1 6 6
4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 4 6 6 0 2 3 0 1
6 9 11 6 2 4 1 6 7
13 13 17 12 2 6 4 6 8
Pelatihan untuk Pelatih MBS SD/MI Modul 3 (ToT) Kohor 2 diadakan di Banda Aceh pada tanggal 9-12 April dengan jumlah peserta sebanyak 20 orang fasilitator (L:14;P:6) dari unsur kepala sekolah, pengawas dan lain. KS Pengawas Lain Total Total Kabupaten LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR Aceh Barat Daya Aceh Tamiang Aceh Utara Pidie Jaya
5 1 2 1
0 1 1 2
0 1 1 2
0 2 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0
5 2 4 3
0 3 1 2
5 5 5 5
PELATIHAN SEKOLAH (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) Pelatihan MBS Kohor 2 Modul 3 Jenjang SMP/MTs dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Aceh Utara pada tanggal 20-21 April dengan peserta dari unsur kepala sekolah, guru, dan komite, sebanyak 39 orang (L:26;P:13). Pelatihan di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang pada tangal 3-4 Mei dihaidiri oleh peserta dari unsur kepala sekolah, guru, pengawas dan komite sebanyak 47 orang (L:23;P:24).
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Guru LK PR
Aceh Utara Aceh Tamiang
5 5
10 14
Komite sekolah LK PR 13 10
0 3
Kepala Sekolah LK PR 6 3
Pengawas LK PR
0 2
0 4
0 4
Lain LK PR 2 1
Total LK PR
3 1
26 23
13 24
Total 39 47
Pelatihan MBS Kohor 1 Modul 3 Jenjang SD/MI di Kabupaten Bener Meriah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 29-30 April untuk peserta kepala sekolah, guru, pengawas dan komite sebanyak 77 orang (L:32;P:45). Komite Kepala Guru sekolah Sekolah Pengawas Total Kabupaten LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR Total Bener Meriah
LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN TENAGA KEPENDIDIKAN (LPTK) RAPAT TINGKAT LPTK Rapat Konsorsium LPTK diadakan pada tanggal 14 April di Banda Aceh dan diikuti oleh 19 peserta (L:13;P:6) yaitu dekan, wakil dekan, dan kepala PPL dari universitas mitra (Univ. Syiah Kuala dan UIN Ar-Raniry) serta Universitas konsorsium (Universitas Almuslim, Universitas Muhammadiyah, Universitas Jabal Ghafur, dan Universitas Serambi Mekkah). Pada pertemuan, universitas berbagi pengalaman mengajar dan program jangka pendek Universitas Connect, termasuk berbagi hasil pengamatan kelas di Michigan State University, pengalaman program PPL, dan lainnya. Rapat perencanaan fasilitator LPTK diadakan pada tanggal 22 April dengan 33 fasilitator PAKEM dan MBS LPTK (L:15;P:18) di Banda Aceh. Pertemuan ini mendiskusikan program pendampingan tahun kelima berupa penjadwalan pendampingan di sekolah lab/mitra LPTK yaitu untuk pedagogi dilakukan dalam dua siklus (setiap siklus tiga kali kunjungan) dan pendampingan manajemen sekolah dalam satu siklus.
PELATIHAN SEKOLAH LAB/MITRA LPTK (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) Pelatihan MBS Modul 3 SD/MI untuk sekolah Lab/Mitra LPTK Univ. Syiah Kuala dan UIN Ar Raniry dilaksanakan untuk 12 SD/MI pada tanggal 6-7 April. Peserta pelatihan berjumlah 64 orang (L:17;P:47) dari unsur kepala sekolah, guru, komite dan pengawas. Komite Kepala Guru sekolah Sekolah Pengawas Total Kabupaten LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR Total Banda Aceh Aceh Besar
0 1
16 8
2 6
13 2
2 2
6 1
3 1
1 0
7 10
36 11
43 21
PENDAMPINGAN PAKEM/CTL/MBS SEKOLAH LAB AND SEKOLAH MITRA LPTK Pendampingan pembelajaran dan MBS sekolah lab/mitra LPTK jenjang SD/MI dan SMP/MTs dilaksankaan pada bulan April 2016 dan melibatkan 12 kepala sekolah dan 76 guru SD/MI dan 6 kepala sekolah serta 79 guru SMP/MTs. Pendampingan pedagogi dilakukan dalam dua siklus, setiap siklus terdiri dari tiga kali kunjungan yaitu rencana (fasilitator membantu guru untuk mengembangkan rencana pelajaran); melihat (guru menerapkan rencana pembelajaran di kelas dan USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
fasilitator mengamati proses mengajar); melakukan dan melihat seperti pada langkah sebelumnya, termasuk refleksi. Pendampingan MBS dilakukan dalam satu siklus atau tiga kali kunjungan. Fasilitator membantu kepala sekolah dan komite sekolah untuk mengevaluasi manajemen, mengembangkan rencana kegiatan sekolah termasuk anggaran, dan mengembangkan rencana program baca.
DISEMINASI PADA TINGKAT LTPK Diseminasi Lokakarya PPG di FKIP Universitas Syiah Kuala dilaksanakan pada tanggal 19-21 Mei untuk 43 dosen dan guru sekolah lab/mitra LPTK Universitas Syiah Kuala. Peserta berasal dari berbagai program studi yakni Prodi Bahasa Inggris: 15 orang (L:4;P:11) atau 11 dosen dan 4 guru; Prodi Fisika: 13 orang (L:5;P:8) atau 8 dosen dan 5 guru; serta Prodi Matematika: 15 orang (L:5;P:10) atau 10 dosen dan 5 guru. Kegiatan didanai oleh FKIP Universitas Syiah Kuala.
TATA KELOLA DAN MANAJEMEN DISEMINASI PROGRAM PRAKTIK YANG BAIK Pada kuartal ini beberapa kabupaten telah melakukan diseminasi dan telah membelanjakan sebesar Rp 246.585.500,- dengan perincian sebagai berikut: Kabupaten Pidie (Rp178.759.000) untuk pelatihan PAKEM Modul 1 di Gugus Sakti (2/5-5/5) melibatkan 39 guru dan kepala sekolah (L:2;P:37) dengan sumber anggaran lainnya sebesar Rp 22.468.000,-. Pelatihan PAKEM Modul 1 di Gugus 06 SDN Inti Ilot pada tanggal 19-22 April melibatkan 43 guru dan kepsek (L:9;P:34) dengan sumber anggaran lainnya sebesar Rp 24.124.500,-. Pelatihan PAKEM Modul 1 di Gugus SDN 1 Tgk dilaweueng pada tanggal 4-7 April melibatkan 78 guru dan kepala sekolah (L:18;P:60) dengan sumber anggaran lainnya sebesar Rp 41.524.500,-. Pelatihan PAKEM Modul 1 di UPTD Wilayah V Mutiara pada tanggal 11-18 April melibatkan 263 guru dan kepala sekolah (L:69;P:194) dengan sumber anggaran lainnya sebesar Rp 90.642.000,-. Kabupaten Aceh Utara (Rp 35.366.500): pelatihan PAKEM Modul 1 di UPTD Muara Batu pada tanggal 27 April -7 Mei melibatkan 110 guru dan kepala sekolah (L:11;P:99) dengan sumber anggaran lainnya sebesar Rp 35.366.500,-. Kabupaten Bireuen (Rp 32.460.000): pelatihan CTL Modul 1 di UPTD Pandrah pada tanggal 14-25 April melibatkan 67 guru dan kepala sekolah (L:14;P:43) dengan sumber anggaran lainnya sebesar Rp 32.460.000,-. Diseminasi Tingkat Provinsi (Rp660.600.597): pelaksanaan ToT PAKEM dan MBS Modul 1, 2 dan 3 di Banda Aceh pada tanggal 6-13 Mei melibatkan 141 fasilitator pembelajaran (L:56 ;P:74 ) dan 44 fasilitator MBS SD (L:22;P:36) dengan sumber anggaran APBD Provinsi Rp 310.180.483,-. Pelatihan untuk pelatih (ToT) CTL dan MBS Modul 1, 2 dan 3 di Banda Aceh pada tanggal 24-31 Mei melibatkan 136 fasilitator pembelajaran (L:52 ;P:84 ) dan 59 fasilitator MBS SMP (L:24 ;P:35) dengan sumber anggaran APBD Provinsi Rp. 350.420.114,-.
PROGRAM BUKU (Pelatihan pada tingkat sekolah) Pelatihan Buku Bacaan Berjenjang (B3) tingkat sekolah dilaksanakan di beberapa kabupaten sebagai berikut: Kabupaten Aceh Jaya untuk Gugus 2 Jaya dan Gugus 1 Teunom melibatkan 13 sekolah pada tanggal 20-22 April, Kabupaten Pidie Jaya untuk Gugus Timur dan Tengah melibatkan 10 sekolah pada tanggal 26-28 April, Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya untuk Gugus 1 Blang Pidie melibatkan 9 sekolah pada tanggal 2-3 Mei, Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang untuk Gugus I Banta Ahmad, Gugus II Iskandar Muda dan Gugus I Sungai Liput melibatkan 25 sekolah pada tanggal 20 April -3 Mei, Kabupaten Bener Meriah untuk Gugus 4 dan 5 Timang Gajah serta Gugus 5 Bukit melibatkan 14 sekolah pada tanggal 23-29 April, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah untuk Gugus 2 Lut Tawar dan Gugus 2 Bebesen melibatkan 11 sekolah pada tanggal 29 April -3 Mei, Kabupaten Bireuen untuk Gugus SDN 7 Bireuen dan Gugus 1 Seulanga melibatkan 13 sekolah pada tanggal 25-30 April, dan terakhir Kabupaten Aceh Utara untuk Gugus 1 Dewantara, Gugus 1 Tanah Luas, Gugus 2 Tanah Jambo Aye dan Gugus 1 Lhoksukon melibatkan 33 sekolah pada tanggal 20-27 April. Rincian peserta ada pada tabel berikut: 58
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Kabupaten Aceh Jaya Pidie Jaya Aceh Barat Daya Aceh Tamiang Bener Meriah Aceh Tengah Bireuen Aceh Utara
Guru LK PR 9 0 3 9 3 0 2 8
29 33 27 67 40 40 39 106
Kepala Sekolah LK PR 6 8 2 10 0 0 4 9
4 2 6 15 12 7 8 15
Pengawas LK PR 2 2 0 7 1 2 2 0
0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0
Lain LK PR 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
Total LK PR 17 10 5 29 4 2 8 18
33 35 37 84 54 47 47 121
50 45 42 113 58 49 55 139
KEGIATAN LAIN Sosialisasi Diseminasi Tingkat Provinsi Aceh diadakan pada tanggal 16 April melibatkan unsur dinas pendidikan, Bupati, dan Bappeda dari provinsi dan 10 kabupaten/kota diseminasi program USAID PRIORITAS di Provinsi Aceh. Kegiatan dibuka oleh Gubernur Aceh diwakili Asisten 3. Tujuan kegiatan adalah untuk penyamaan persepsi, membangun komitmen, dan mendiskusikan teknis pelaksanaan pelatihan Pedagogik dan MBS di masing-masing kabupaten/kota. Sebagai hasil sosiliasasi,10 kabupaten/kota diseminasi provinsi Aceh memahami maksud dan tujuan pelatihan serta mengatur jadwal seleksi fasilitator serta pelatihan tingkat sekolah. Seleksi Fasilitator Daerah untuk Diseminasi Tingkat Provinsi Aceh dilaksanakan pada tanggal 18-29 April oleh USAID PRIORITAS bersama Pengawas Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Aceh, LPTK, dan LPMP Aceh yang ikut serta ke 10 kabupaten/kota diseminasi tingkat provinsi. Setiap kabupaten telah terpilih 15 fasilitator pembelajaran jenjang SD, 15 fasilitator pembelajaran jenjang SMP, 5 fasilitator MBS jenjang SD dan 5 fasilitator MBS jenjang SMP dengan total 40 fasilitator per kabupaten.
Tingkat sekolah: pelatihan PAKEM dan MBS Modul 3 tingkat sekolah di kabupaten Kohor 2, pelatihan dan pendampingan Penggunaan B3 bagi sekolah mitra dan non-mitra
LPTK: pertemuan sekolah lab/mitra LPTK, lokakarya PPG sekolah lab/mitra LPTK jenjang SD/MI dan SMP/MTs
Diseminasi provinsi Aceh: pelatihan tingkat sekolah Modul 1 dan 2 di 10 kabupaten/kota
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Galeri Foto
Demo mengajar pada seleksi fasilitator diseminasi Provinsi Aceh di Kab. Aceh Tenggara dan 9 kab/kota lainnya bersama USAID PRIORITAS, Disdik Prov, LPTK dan LPMP Aceh.
Fasilitator Diseminasi Provinsi Aceh saat ToT PAKEM Modul 1, 2 dan 3 di Banda Aceh. Seluruh fasilitator merasakan perbedaan pelatihan dari sebelumnya yang mereka ikuti.
Bupati Bireuen menerima Buku Bacaan Berjenjang (B3) secara simbolis dari USAID PRIORITAS tanda dimulainya program tersebut di Kab. Bireuen.
Guru melakukan praktik penggunaan buku bacaan berjenjang pada pelatihan di salah satu gugus di Kabupaten Pidie.
Bupati Bener Meriah menyampaikan arahannya saat menghadiri District Stakeholder Meeting di Bener Meriah. Beliau instruksikan revitalisasi KKG/MGMP.
Praktik B3 di sekolah oleh fasilitator pada ToT PAKEM Modul 3 Kohor 2 bersama ToT Fasda Program B3.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Provinsi: Sumatera Utara Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Provinsi Tanggal
Dengan siapa
27 April 2016
Kasi Pendidikan Agama Islam Kanwil Kemenag Sumut
23 Mei 2016
Kabid Program P4TK Medan Bapak Dr. Mian Siahaan
30 Mei 2016
Kepala Kanwil Kemenag Sumut Bapak Tohar Bayoangin
1 Juni 2016
Rektor UNIMED dan didampingi oleh Wakil Rektor II.
Hasil koordinasi Mendukung program Biro Konsultasi Guru yang digagas Kanwil Kemenag melalui dukungan narasumber dari fasilitator. Saling berbagi informasi terkait implementasi PKB di daerah, agar P4TK memprioritaskan guru-guru yang belum pernah dilatih untuk mengikuti program Guru Pembelajar. Kanwil Kemenag mendukung dan berkomitmen untuk implementasi proram CPD untuk madrasah, dan sepakat untuk menggunakan data EMIS. Rektor menyetujui para serive provider untuk mendukung pendampingan penyusunan renstra, dan sepakat untuk mendukung daerah untuk pengembangan Renstra Pendidikan.
Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Kabupaten/kota Tanggal
Dengan siapa
11 April 2016
Bupati Toba Samosir, Sekda dan Asisten 2.
6 April 2016 30 April 2016
Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Labuhan Batu & Kasubag Program Bupati Nias Selatan
6 Mei 2016
Bupati Labuhan Batu
14 Mei 2016
Bupati Humbang Hasundutan
13 Juni 2016
Kepala Bappeda dan kasi Sosial budaya, Kabid Dikdas Dinas Pendidikan Kota Medan
22 Juni 2016
Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Langkat
Hasil koordinasi Bupati baru terpilih berkomitmen mendukung program dan siap untuk mendukung gerakan literasi di Tobasa. Telah disepakati pelaksanaan diseminasi dengan anggaran tahun 2016/2017. Bupati baru terpilih akan mendukung implementasi program dan siap untuk bersinergi. Bupati baru yang terpilih sangat mendukung program dan siap untuk menghadiri kegiatan konsultasi publik PKB. Bupati mendukung program serta mengapresiasi dampak yang sudah terjadi di Humbahas. Adanya penambahan indikator kinerja pendidikan di dokumen RPJMD Medan tentang guru pembelajar, budaya literasi, penataan dan pengelolaan guru, pendidikan inklusi. Kepala Dinas Pendidikan yang baru Bapak Drs. Salam, M.Pd mendukung program dan siap untuk melanjutkan kerjasama yang telah dijalin.
KOHOR 1, 2 dan 3 Pelatihan Modul 3 Kohor 2 Toba Samosir. SD/MI: Pelatihan MBS SD Modul 3 dilakukan di Kecamatan Balige pada tanggal 1415 Juni 2016 dan Kecamatan Laguboti pada tanggal 16-17 Juni 2016. Pelatihan PAKEM Modul 3 untuk kelas rendah dan kelas tinggi dilaksanakan pada tanggal 23-25 Mei 2016. Keseluruhan pelatihan diikuti 182 peserta (34 Laki-laki dan 148 perempuan). SMP/MTs: Pelatihan CLT Modul 3 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 18-20 Mei 2016 dan pelatihan MBS dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14-15 Juni 2016. Keseluruhan pelatihan diikuti 112 peserta (35 laki-laki dan 77perempuan).
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Langkat. SD/MI : Pelatihan MBS SD Modul 3 dilakukan di Kecamatan Stabat pada tanggal 13 -14 Mei 2016 dan Kecamatan Tanjung Pura pada tanggal 11 – 12 Mei 2016. Pelatihan PAKEM Modul 3 untuk kelas rendah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14 – 16 April 2016 dan kelas tinggi dilaksanakan pada tanggal 2-4 Mei 2016. Keseluruhan pelatihan diikuti 212 peserta (46 laki-laki dan 161 perempuan). SMP/MTs: Pelatihan CLT Modul 3 kecamatan Stabat dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25-27 April 2016 dan Kecamatan Tanjungpura dilaksanakan pada tanggal 28-30 April 2016. Pelatihan MBS dilaksanakan pada tanggal 18-19 Mei 2016. Keseluruhan pelatihan diikuti 159 peserta (68 laki-laki dan 91 perempuan)
Pelatihan Modul 2 dan 3 Kohor 3 Serdang Bedagai. SD/MI: Pelatihan MBS SD Modul 3 dilakukan di Kecamatan Perbaungan pada tanggal 9-11 Mei 2016 dan Kecamatan Sei Rampah pada tanggal 11-14 Mei 2016. Pelatihan PAKEM dilaksanakan pada tanggal 30 April – 4 Mei 2016. Keseluruhan pelatihan diikuti 186 peserta (48 lakilaki dan 138 perempuan). SMP/MTs: Pelatihan CLT dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25-29 April 2016 dan pelatihan MBS dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16–18 Mei 2016. Keseluruhan pelatihan diikuti 117 peserta (42 laki-laki dan 65 perempuan). Labuhanbatu Utara. SD/MI : Pelatihan MBS SD Modul 3 dilakukan di Kuala Hulu pada tanggal 30 Mei – 1 Juni 2016 dan di Kecamatan NA IX-X pada tanggal 2-4 Juni 2016. Sedangkan pelatihan PAKEM dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10-14 Mei 2016. Keseluruhan pelatihan diikuti 178 peserta (141 laki-laki dan 37 perempuan). SMP/MTs: Pelatihan CTL dilaksanakan pada tanggal 24 – 28 Mei 2016 dan pelatihan MBS dilaksanakan pada tanggal 30 Mei- 1 Juni 2016. Keseluruhan pelatihan diikuti 80 peserta (20 laki-laki dan 60 perempuan). Humbang Hasundutan. SD/MI : Pelatihan MBS SD Modul 3 dilakukan di Dolok Sanggul pada tanggal 30 Mei – 1 Juni 2016 dan di Kecamatan Lintong Ni Huta pada tanggal 26 – 28 Mei 2016. Pelatihan PAKEM untuk kelas awal dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25 – 29 April 2016 dan untuk kelas tinggi pada tanggal 9-13 Mei 2016. Keseluruhan pelatihan diikuti 210 peserta (48 laki-laki dan 154 perempuan). SMP/MTs: Pelatihan CTL dilakukan di Dolok Sanggul pada tanggal 25-29 April 2016 dan di Kecamatan Lintong Ni Huta pada tanggal 17-21 Mei 2016. Pelatihan MBS dilaksanakan pada tanggal 30 Mei - 1 Juni 2016. Keseluruhan pelatihan diikuti 170 peserta (67 laki-laki dan 103 perempuan). Tabel berikut memuat rincian peserta. Komite Kepala Guru sekolah Sekolah Pengawas Lain Total Kabupaten LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR Total Tobasa Langkat Sergai Labura Humbahas Total
29 47 50 24 57 206
187 209 164 169 201 929
19 35 32 21 38 144
12 13 15 13 8 60
21 26 18 10 23 98
25 30 24 19 34 132
0 6 0 0 4 10
0 0 0 0 3 3
5 0 1 1 8
1 0 0 0 1 2
69 114 90 57 115 445
225 252 203 201 257 1138
294 366 293 258 372 1583
LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN TENAGA KEPENDIDIKAN (LPTK) SEKOLAH PRAKTIK BAIK Pemilihan sekolah praktik yang baik untuk kohor 3 dilaksanakan di Serdang Bedagai (Sergai), Labuhanbatu Utara (Labura) dan Humbang Hasundutan (Humbahas). Pemilihan sekolah praktik baik dilakukan oleh dosen LPTK, dinas pendidikan, kantor kementerian agama dan USAID PRIORITAS. Di Humbang Hasundutan, pemilihan sekolah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 4 – 5 April 2016. Sekolah yang terpilih adalah: (1) SDN 173403 Sirisirisi Doloksanggul, (2) SDN 174535 Nagasaribu, (3) SDN
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
173395 Doloksanggul, dan (4) SMPN 2 Doloksanggul. Di Serdang Bedagai pemilihan sekolah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 7-8 April 2016. Sekolah yang terpilih adalah (1) SDN 102020 Firdaus, (2) MIS Al Washliyah Betung, (3) dan (4) SDN 108293 Perbaungan. Sedangkan di Labuhanbatu Utara pemilhan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 12-13 April 2016. Sekolah yang terpilih adalah (1) SD Muhammadiyah I Aek Kanopan, (2) SDN 112321 KP Pajak, (3) MIS Islamiyah Londut, dan (4) SMPN 3 Kualuh Hulu.
DISEMINASI PADA TINGKAT LTPK Diseminasi dilakukan oleh Universitas Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli Utara (UNITA), Universitas Muslim Nusantara (UMN) Al-Wasliyah dan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. Diseminasi di UNITA dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16-18 Juni 2016 di Kampus UNITA, Siborong-borong, Tapanuli Utara. Kegiatan ini dibuka oleh Rektor UNITA Ibu Ir. Adriani A. Siahaan, M.P dan diikuti 31 orang dosen (22 perempuan dan 9 laki-laki). Kegiatan diseminasi di UMN Al-Wasliyah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 20-22 Juni 2016. Kegiatan ini dibuka oleh Wakil Rektor I UMN Al-Wasliyah Dr. H. Firmansyah, M.Si dengan peserta 38 dosen (31 perempuan dan 7 laki-laki). Sedangkan kegiatan diseminasi di UMSU dibuka oleh Wakil Rektor I dengan peserta sebanyak 38 orang (25 perempuan dan 13 laki-laki)
PENGEMBANGAN KEPROFESIAN BERKELANJUTAN (PKB) Konsultasi Publik PKB di Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14 April 2016, Tanjung Balai 12 Mei 2016, Tebing Tinggi 18 Mei 2016, Toba Samosir 20 Mei 2016 dan Labuhanbatu 3 Juni 2016. Persiapan konsultasi publik di Tapanuli Selatan telah dilaksanakan, pelaksanaan konsultasi publik ditunda hingga setelah lebaran. Selain dihadiri jajaran Dinas Pendidikan dan pemangku kepentingan pendidikan di kabupaten/kota. Khusus di Toba Samosir dan Labuhanbatu dihadiri Bupati yang menanggapi dengan baik rencana pelatihan guru melalui PKB selama 5 tahun ke depan. Bupati juga menyetujui Perbup untuk mendukung hal tersebut. Hasil dari Konsultasi Publik ini adalah: a. b.
c. d.
Forum menyetujui rencana pelatihan yang akan melibatkan seluruh guru selama 5 tahun ke depan melalui PKB atau Guru Pembelajar. Forum menyepakati anggaran yang digunakan untuk PKB. Dipahami bahwa untuk menuntaskan modul 123 untuk semua guru terlalu lama kalau hanya mengandalkan APBD. Maka disepakati adanya kontribusi dana BOS dan sebagian juga dana tunjangan profesi pendidik (TPP). Kontribusi dana BOS disepakati 2% di Tobasa dan 5% di Labuhanbatu. Sementara di Tapanuli Selatan sudah disepakati 5% pada Rapat Perencanaan sebelumnya dan telah mulai dilaksanakan. Forum menyepakati perlunya ada payung hukum (Perbup) yang menaungi kegiatan ini agar berjalan sesuai rencana.
Lokakarya Sosialisasi Renstra Lokakarya dilaksanakan pada tanggal 31 Mei 2016 di Hotel Grand Kanaya. Lokakarya diikuti 51 peserta (42 laki-laki dan 9 perempuan) dari 12 kabupaten yang telah selesai melaksanakan Pilkada dan memiliki Pimpinan Daerah, kecuali Tebing Tinggi (masih proses di MK). Sosialisasi disampaikan dari Biro Perencanaan Kemendikbud yang menyampaikan desain Renstra terbaru 2015-2019 yang akan menjadi pedoman daerah untuk menyusun Renstra. Selain itu dipresentasikan G and M (Governance and Management) Jakarta tentang pendekatan PRIORITAS dalam penyusunan ini yang hanya akan memberikan review dan bukan membantu menyusun hingga final.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
KEGIATAN KOMUNIKASI (MEDIA BRIEFING) Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada Selasa tanggal 17 Mei 2016 di Universitas Negeri Medan degan tema “Membangun Indonesia dari LPTK: Penerapan Active Learning For Higher Education untuk Menghasilkan Guru Bermutu.” Briefing diikuti 23 wartawan dan humas dari media lokal, nasional dan internasional seperti Kompas, The Jakarta Post dan BBC Indonesia. Peserta melakukan observasi perkuliahan dan mendapatkan masukan dari narasumber ahli yaitu Rektor Unimed Prof.Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd dan Wartawan Senior Bapak Muhammad Yazid.
DISEMINASI PROGRAM PRAKTIK YANG BAIK Deli Serdang melakukan 5 pelatihan yang terdiri dari 4 pelatihan CTL untuk SMP dan 1 MBS untuk SMP dengan total peserta 327 orang. Labuhanbatu melakukan 8 pelatihan yang terdiri dari 1 Training of Trainer (ToT) untuk pembelajaran SD, 1 ToT untuk Pembelajaran SMP, 1 ToT untuk MBS SD, 1 ToT MBS SMP, 2 pelatihan CTL untuk SMP dan 1pelatihan MBS untuk SMP dengan total peserta 273 orang. Medan melakukan 4 pelatihan, terdiri dari 3 PAKEM untuk SD dan 1 CTL untuk SMP dengan total peserta 141 orang. Tapanuli Selatan melakukan 9 pelatihan yang terdiri dari 1 ToT pembelajaran PAKEM untuk SD dan 8 pelatihan pembelajaran PAKEM untuk SD dengan total peserta 552 orang. Tapanuli Utara melakukan 2 pelatihan MBS yang terdiri dari 1 pelatihan MBS SD dan 1 MBS SMP dengan total peserta 52 orang. Tebing Tinggi melakukan 1 pelatihan pembelajaran CTL untuk SMP dengan jumlah peserta 110 orang, dan Toba Samosir melakukan 2 pelatihan yang terdiri dari 1 pelatihan MBS dan 1 pelatihan pembelajaran PAKEM SD dengan jumlah peserta 140 orang.
PROGRAM BUKU Sampai Juni 2016 pelatihan sudah dilaksanakan di 15 kabupaten/kota. Jumlah sekolah yang sudah dilatih sebanyak 802 sekolah di 130 gugus. Total peserta yang dilatih sebanyak 2.967 orang yang terdiri dari guru sebanyak 2.335 guru dan 566 kepala sekolah serta 66 pengawas. Pelatihan ini diselenggarakan di 110 gugus untuk 813 sekolah. Empat kabupaten/kota telah menyelesaikan pelatihan tingkat gugus yakni: Labuhanbatu Utara, Tebing Tinggi, Sibolga dan Tapanuli Selatan. Kepala Guru Sekolah Pengawas Total Kabupaten LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR Total Medan Labuhanbatu Nias Selatan Langkat Tobasa Sergai Labura Humbahas Binjai Deli Serdang Tebing Tinggi Tanjungbalai Taput Tapsel Sibolga Total
9 8 0 18 7 3 13 7 8 30 21 13 1 19 2 159
317 213 0 132 61 39 133 74 142 190 246 245 13 284 87 2176
10 3 0 30 1 4 22 11 12 0 8 7 3 38 16 165
30 26 0 19 15 10 36 16 36 0 72 63 2 51 25 401
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 1 21 2 30
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 5 0 16 2 36
19 11 0 48 8 7 35 18 20 30 33 22 5 78 20 354
351 239 0 151 76 49 169 90 178 193 324 313 15 351 114 2613
370 250 0 199 84 56 204 108 198 223 357 335 20 429 134 2,967
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Spesialis Komunikasi Sumut diundang menjadi narasumber dalam seminar nasional yang bertajuk “Peran Media Masa dan Sinematografi untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan” pada tanggal 14 Mei 2016 di Universitas Muslim Nusantara (UMN) Al-Wasliya, Medan. Kegiatan ini diikuti lebih dari 200 dosen dan mahasiswa LPTK di Medan.
Penasehat Tata Kelola dan Manajemen Pendidikan dan Koordinator Provinsi Sumut menjadi pembicara utama dalam seminar Internasional Pendidikan di Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sumatera Utara pada Rabu, 1 Juni 2016. Kegiatan ini diikuti lebih dari 500 mahasiswa LPTK yang ada di Medan.
Koordinator Provinsi Sumut dan Bupati Serdang Bedagai (Sergai) Bapak Ir. H. Soekirman melakukan pengambilkan gambar untuk talkshow Kompas TV dengan topik Membangun Gerakan Literasi di Sekolah. Pengambilan gambar dilakukan pada Selasa, 14 Juni 2016 di Hotel Santika Dyandra, Medan.
Tingkat sekolah: pendampingan gugus untuk program B3, pendampingan sekolah untuk Modul 2 dan 3, pelatihan dan distribusi Buku Bacaan Berjenjang
Tingkat daerah: konsultasi publik PKB, Lokakarya PKB untuk Madrasah
Tingkat provinsi: Lokakarya Provinsi untuk mendukung Perencanaan Strategis, ToT provinsi untuk Modul Kepala Sekolah dan Pengawas
LPTK: pertemuan konsorsium LPTK, pelatihan praktikum guru untuk sekolah lab/mitra
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Galeri Foto
Dosen Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU) mengikuti pelatihan pedagody di Medan (23/6).
Peserta pelatihan modul 2 dan 3 di Labuhanbatu Utara melakukan kunjungan belajar.
Walikota Medan Bapak Drs. H.T.Dzulmi Eldin, MSi, Pembina Yayasan Pendidikan Khairul Imam Drs. H. Hasrul Azwar, MM dan Koordinator Provinsi USAID PRIORITAS Sumut Agus Marwan membuka pelatihan Praktik Yang Bak di Sekolah Islam Terpadu Khairul Imam, Medan (27/6).
Wartawan yang mengikuti media briefing bekerja secara kelompok untuk mengidentifikasi active learning dalam kegiatan media briefing di Unimed, Medan (17/5).
Bupati Tobasa Bapak Darwin Siagian, Wakil Bupati Bapak Hulman Sitorus dan Sekda Bapak Audy Sitorus memberikan tanggapan atas hasil konsultasi public PKB Tobasa, Balige (20/5).
Koordinator Provinsi Sumut Bapak Agus Marwan dan Bupati Sergai Bapak Soekirman berbicara dalam talkshow Kompas TV di Medan (14/6).
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Provinsi: Banten Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Provinsi Tanggal 8 April 2016
12 Mei 2016
Dengan siapa
Hasil koordinasi
Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Banten : Sekretaris Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Banten Sekretariat Gubernur Banten: staf ahli Gubernur Kanwil Kemenag Banten: Kabid Pendidikan Madrasah Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Banten : Sekretaris Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Banten Sekretariat Gubernur Banten: staf ahli Gubernur
• • •
Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Banten siap untuk mendukung pelaksanaan LPTK Showcase dan memfasilitasi audiensi dengan Gubernur Banten Penjadwalan sementara kehadiran Gubernur Banten dalam kegiatan LPTK Showcase Kanwil Kemenag Provinsi Banten siap mendukung pelaksanaan LPTK Showcase Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Banten siap hadir dan membantu koordinasi dengan secretariat gubernur untuk mempersiapkan kegiatan serah terima simbolik B3 dari Pemerintah Amerika kepada Menteri Pendidikan. Penjadwalan sementara kehadiran Gubernur Banten dalam kegiatan serah terima simbolik B3 dari Pemerintah Amerika kepada Menteri Pendidikan.
Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Kabupaten/kota Dengan siapa 11 April 2016
12 April 2016
13 April 2016
14 April 2016
15 April 2016
11 Mei 2016
Dinas Pendidikan dan Bappeda Kabupaten Serang • Kabid Pembinaan SMP • Sekretaris Bappeda • Dinas Pendidikan Kota Cilegon : • Kabid PMPTK • Staff PMPTK • Pengawas SMP Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Lebak • Kabid Perencanaan Dinas Pendidikan • Kabid PTK • Kasi PTK Bappeda Kabupaten Lebak Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tangerang Selatan • Kabid PTK • Kasi PTK Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Tangerang • Kasubag Perencanaan • Kasi Data Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Pandeglang • Kabid Pendas • Kasi Kurikulum Pendas • Staf Perencanaan Dinas Pendidikan dan Pemkot Tangerang Selatan
Hasil koordinasi •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
Penjadwalan pelaksanaan Konsultasi Publik Perencanaan PKB Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Serang pada tanggal 3 Mei 2016 Penyusunan paparan hasil perencanaan PKB Penjadwalan pelaksanaan Konsultasi Publik Perencanaan PKB Dinas Pendidikan Kota Cilegon pada tanggal 13 Mei 2016 Finalisasai paparan hasil perencanaan PKB Penjadwalan pelaksanaan Konsultasi Publik Perencanaan PKB Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Lebak pada tanggal 22 April 2016 Finalisasi paparan hasil perencanaan PKB
Penjadwalan pelaksanaan Konsultasi Publik Perencanaan PKB Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tangerang Selatan pada tanggal 25 April 2016 Finalisasi paparan hasil perencanaan PKB Penjadwalan pelaksanaan Konsultasi Publik Perencanaan PKB Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Tangerang pada tanggal 4 Mei 2016 Finalisasi paparan hasil perencanaan PKB Penjadwalan pelaksanaan Konsultasi Publik Perencanaan PKB Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Pandeglang pada tanggal 2 Mei 2016 Finalisasi paparan hasil perencanaan PKB Penyusunan jadwal persiapan teknis kegiatan Penyerahan Simbolis Buku Bacaan Berjenjang
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Dengan siapa • •
12 Mei 2016
Hasil koordinasi
Kabid PTK Staf Ahli Walikota Tangerang Selatan
Sekretariat Gubernur Banten: Staf Ahli Gubernur Banten
• •
18 Mei 2016
Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tangerang Selatan • Kasi SD
• 20 Mei 2016
Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Lebak • Kabid Dikdas • Kabid PTK
(B3) dari Pemerintah Amerika kepada Menteri Pendidikan Penjadwalan audiensi dengan Walikota Tangerang Selatan untuk mempersiapkan kegiatan Penyerahan Secara Simbolik B3 dari Pemerintah Amerika kepada Mendikbud. Penjadwalan sementara kehadiran Gubernur Banten Penjadwalan audiensi dengan Gubernur Banten untuk mempersiapkan kegiatan Penyerahan Secara Simbolik B3 dari Pemerintah Amerika kepada Mendikbud. Sejak tahun 2014 Kota Tangerang Selatan sudah mendapat penghargaan sebagai kota menuju KLA dan sudah ada Perwali tentang KLA. Untuk perlindungan anak, sudah ada Satgas PA (Satuan tugas perlindungan anak) ada di setiap kelurahan dan dilantik oleh Walikota. Terkait dengan pendidikan inklusif, ada pengarahan dan surat edaran dari Dinas Pendidikan kepada para kepala sekolah agar setiap sekolah menerima ABK. Sudah ada sosialisasi ke kepala sekolah tentang SRA. Dukungan secara finansial dari Dinas Pendidikan kota/kab belum diberikan, namun beberapa kepala sekolah sudah pernah dilatih tentang pendidikan inklusif. Ada 2.700 m tanah yang sudah disiapkan untuk pengembangan pendidikan inklusif. Pokja inklusif adanya di provinsi, di kabupaten pokja yang lama tidak aktif. Di Kab. Lebak, beberapa sekolah sudah mendapat SK penunjukkan sebagai sekolah penyelenggara pendidikan inklusif termasuk beberapa sekolah mitra. Namun kabupaten belum mendapat salinannya. Semua kegiatan penyelenggaraan pendidikan inklusif langsung dikoordinasikan oleh DInas Pendidikan Provinsi Banten tanpa koordinasi dengan Kabupaten sehingga pihak kabupaten tidak tahu menahu. Pokja inklusif adanya di provinsi, sehingg jika sekolah mengalami permasalahan terkendala koordinasinya.
KOHOR 1, 2 dan 3 ToT PROVINSI (termasuk program buku) Pelatihan untuk Pelatih (ToT) tingkat SMP/MTs pembelajaran (CTL) modul III untuk kohor 2 (Tangerang Selatan dan Kabupaten Tangerang) pada tanggal 1-5 April 2016 di Hotel Sol Marina, Serpong. Total peserta ada 19 guru (8 Lk dan 11 Pr), sembilan dari Tangerang dan 10 dari Tangerang Seletan. Fasilitator berjumlah 4 orang (0 Lk dan 4 Pr) yang berasal dari 3 guru dan 1 Pengawas. Pelatihan dibuka secara resmi oleh Kabid Dikdas Kota Tangerang Selatan, Yahya Suhaya dan ditutup oleh Machdum Bachtiar, Kabid Penma Kemenag Provinsi Banten.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
ToT MBS modul III kohor 2 untuk tingkat SD/MI dan SMP/MTs dilaksanakan paralel pada tanggal 6-9 April 2016 di Hotel Yasmin, Karawaci. ToT dibuka oleh Drs. Teteng Jumara, M.Si., Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kab. Tangerang dan ditutup oleh Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tangerang Selatan, Drs. H. Mathoda, M.Pd. Total peserta ada 16 orang (12 Lk dan 4 Pr), yang berasal dari 3 Kepala sekolah/madrasah dan 13 Pengawas. Peserta dari Kabupaten Tangerang 8 orang dan Kota Tangerang Selatan 8 orang. Ada 5 fasilitator MBS yang tidak mengikuti ToT atau belum mengikuti secara penuh ToT dikarenakan mendapat tugas dari sekolah. Guru KS Pengawas Total Kabupaten LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR Tangerang Tangsel
0 0
0 0
2 0
0 1
5 4
1 4
7 4
1 6
PELATIHAN SEKOLAH (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) Pelatihan sekolah MBS modul III tingkat SD/MI kohor 1 dilaksanakan di kabupaten Serang pada tanggal 15-17 April 2016 di aula pertemuan De Wiza. Total peserta ada 77 orang (45 Lk dan 32 Pr) dari 17 SD/MI mitra terdiri atas 30 guru, 15 kepala sekolah, 29 komite sekolah dan 3 pengawas. Pelatihan di kabupaten Pandeglang diadakan pada tanggal 11-12 Mei 2016 di Aula Pertemuan S’Rizki dan diikuti oleh 70 orang (43 Lk dan 37 Pr) dari 14 SD/MI mitra yang terdiri atas 28 guru, 12 kepala sekolah, 28 komite sekolah dan 2 lain-lain. Fasilitator ada 6 orang (2 Lk dan 4 Pr) terdiri atas 2 kepala sekolah dan 4 pengawas. Pelatihan dibuka secara resmi oleh Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Pandeglang, Muhamad Amri. Selanjutnya pelatihan sekolah PAKEM modul III kota Tangerang Selatan tingkat SD/MI untuk kelas awal dilaksanakan pada tanggal 2-4 Mei 2016 di Aula Pertemuan Kampung Anggrek. Total peserta ada 61 orang (19 Lk dan 42 Pr) terdiri atas 47 guru dan 14 kepala sekolah. Fasilitator pelatihan ada 5 orang (0 Lk dan 5 Pr). Pelatihan dibuka secara resmi oleh Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tangerang Selatan, Drs. H. Mathodah, M.Si., Pelatihan ini memberikan keterampilan penggunaan buku B3 dan juga bermanfaat mendorong kemampuan membaca siswa di kelas awal. Komite Kepala Guru sekolah Sekolah Pengawas Lain Total Kabupaten/ Kota LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR Total Pelatihan sekolah MBS modul III tingkat SD/MI kohor 1 Serang 12 18 20 9 9 6 2 Pandeglang 15 13 19 9 7 5 0 Pelatihan sekolah PAKEM modul III kelas awal Tangsel 9 38 10 4 0 0 0
1 0
0 2
0 0
43 43
31 27
77 70
PENDAMPINGAN SEKOLAH KOHOR 1, 2 dan 3 Pendampingan Kohor 1 dan 2 melalui Lesson Study (Plan – Do – See) dalam periode April – Juni 2016. Pada saat akhir pelatihan, fasilitator mengumpulkan dan mengidentifikasi kegiatan RTL pelatihan putaran III (PAKEM/CTL dan MBS) yang dibuat peserta. Pada identifikasi RTL ini terlihat kegiatan yang memiliki kecenderungan sama, semisal banyak guru akan melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan Pertanyaan Tingkat Tinggi dan Lembar Kerja (Unit 5 Modul 2). Maka unit 5 ini kemudian menjadi topik pendampingan pada 1 bulan pendampingan yang terbagi pada minggu I, II, III dan IV melalui siklus I (Plan Do See). Tim fasilitator mata pelajaran bersama guru sekolah mitra melakukan pembagian dan pelaksanaan peran yang berbeda yaitu: guru model, guru sejawat dan fasilitator dan mengacu pada Indikator Monitoring Kemajuan Sekolah sebagai panduan bersama. Di USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Kabupaten Serang untuk pendampingan siklus I pembelajaran sudah selesai dengan 4 – 5 pendampingan, dan akan akan dilanjutkan siklus II, III dan seterusnya sesuai dengan kecenderungan kegiatan RTL ditemukan serta sesuai Unit – unit yang dilatihkan. Begitu juga untuk MBS, pembagian peran antara Tim fasilitator dan kepala sekolah yang didampingi adalah : kepala sekolah model, kepala sekolah sejawat dan peran fasilitator. Topik yang dibaha sesuai dengan unit – unit MBS pada pelatihan Putaran III. Sekolah mitra di Kohor 1, Program Budaya Baca II (Lanjutan) adalah RTL yang paling banyak akan dilakukan sekolah dengan banyak kegiatan seperti Menyediakan waktu khusus membaca, Menambah Jam Layanan Perpustakaan dan Pengadaan sarana prasarana budaya baca. Untuk PAKEM, sebanyak 6 guru kelas SD/MI di tiap sekolah mitra, masing – masing 16 SD/MI mitra di masing – masing Kabupaten/Kota Kohor 1 dan II. Untuk CTL, sebanyak 15 guru mata pelajaran SMP/MTs di tiap sekolah mitra, masing – masing 8 SMP/MTs mitra di masing – masing Kabupaten/ Kota Kohor 1 dan II. Untuk MBS, masing – masing sebanyak 16 Kepala SD/MI dan 8 Kepala SMP/MTs di masing – masing Kabupaten/Kota Kohor 1 dan II.
LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN TENAGA KEPENDIDIKAN (LPTK) RAPAT TINGKAT LPTK: Rapat kerja sekolah mitra LPTK dan fasilitator LPTK dilaksanakan pada 18 April 2016 untuk membahas persiapan dan pelaksanaan LPTK showcase pada tanggal 20 April 2016 di Hotel Ratu Bidakara Kota Serang. Tujuan rapat ini adalah memastikan praktik yang baik yang dipamerkan dalam pameran, melakukan simulasi untuk demonstrasi siswa dan melakukan latihan teknis untuk para pemandu acara yang melibatkan fasilitator LPTK dari IAIN SMH dan UNTIRTA. Hasilnya rapat kerja ini memutuskan pengisi pameran yakni SDN Karundang I, MIN 1 Kota Cilegon, SMPN 6 Kota Serang, MIN 1 Kota Serang; IAIN SMH, UNTIRTA dan STKIP Setia Budhi Rangkasbitung. Demonstrasi siswa yang tampil adalah Matematika (MIN 1 Kota Cilegon) dan IPA (SMPN 3 Kota Serang).
PELATIHAN SEKOLAH LAB/MITRA LPTK (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) Pelatihan sekolah lab/mitra LPTK tingkat SD/MI PAKEM modul III dilaksanakan pada tanggal 22-24 Maret 2016 di Hotel Ratu Bidakara, Kota Serang. Peserta berjumlah total 81 orang (59 Lk dan 22 Pr) dari 12 sekolah mitra terdiri atas 70 guru, 7 kepala sekolah dan 4 pengawas. Wakil Rektor IV UNTIRTA, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kartina AM.MP. membuka secara resmi pelatihan. Fasilitator ada 6 orang (2 Lk dan 4 Pr). Selanjutnya untuk memperkuat manajemen sekolah, dilaksanakan pelatihan sekolah modul III tingkat SD/MI pada 5-6 April 2016 di Hotel Ratu Bidakara Kota Serang. Total peserta ada 62 orang (29 Lk dan 33 Pr) terdiri atas 34 guru; 7 kepala sekolah; 16 komite sekolah; dan 5 pengawas. Fasilitator ada 6 orang (2 Lk dan 4 Pr) yang berasal dari 5 dosen dan 1 guru SD mitra LPTK. Kepala Guru Komsek Sekolah Pengawas Lain Kabupaten / Kota LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR Pelatihan sekolah mitra LPTK PAKEM modul III 22-24 Maret 2016 Kota Serang 7 27 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 Kab. Serang 6 23 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 Kota Cilegon 3 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Pelatihan sekolah mitra LPTK MBS tingkat SD/MI 5-6 April 2016 Kota Serang 7 13 4 2 0 2 1 1 0 0 Kab. Serang 3 7 7 3 3 1 1 2 0 0 Kota Cilegon 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Total LK PR
7 11 4
32 23 4
39 34 8
12 14 3
18 13 2
30 27 5
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
UNJUK KARYA PRAKTIK YANG BAIK LPTK (Banten dan Jawa Barat) Unjuk karya praktik yang baik LPTK dilaksanakan pada tanggal 20 April 2016 di Hotel Ratu Bidakara, Kota Serang. Kegiatan dihadiri oleh 154 orang (73 Lk dan 81 Pr) yang berasal dari 18 sekolah mitra, perwakilan LPTK dan LPTK Konsorsium (UMT, UNMA, UNBAJA dan STKIP SETIA BUDHI RANGKASBITUNG). Para undangan yang hadir seperti Dr. Femmy Eka Kartika Putri, M.Psi., Asisten Deputy Kemenko PMK RI, Dr. Abdul Wahid Maktub, Staf Khusus Kemeristekdikti RI, Rektor UNTIRTA, Prof. Dr. Sholeh Hidayat, M.Pd., Rektor IAIN SMH Banten Prof. Dr. Fauzul Iman MA., Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani, dan Kabid PMPTK Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Banten. Acara berjalan sukses sejak jam 08.30 hingga 12.15 yang terbagi menjadi tiga bagian pokok yakni pameran pendidikan, demonstrasi siswa dan dialog pendidikan yang bertemakan Revitalisasi Pendidikan dan Peningkatan Mutu Guru. Hasilnya berupa gagasan revitalisasi LPTK melalui sinkronisasi tri darma perguruan tinggi dengan kebutuhan sekolah.
TATA KELOLA DAN MANAJEMEN PENGEMBANGAN KEPROFESIAN BERKELANJUTAN (PKB) 1. Konsultasi Publik Perencanaan PKB Kabupaten/Kota. Kegiatan Konsultasi Publik Perencanaan PKB di enam kabupaten/kota yaitu Kabupaten Lebak, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Kabupaten Pandeglang, Kabupaten Serang, Kabupaten Tangerang, dan Kota Cilegon telah dilaksanakan pada kurun waktu 22 April 2016 – 13 Mei 2016. Kegiatan ini melibatkan peserta dari komponen Bupati/Walikota, DPRD, Dinas Pendidikan, Bappeda, Dewan Pendidikan, BKD, UPTD, KKG, MGMP, MKKS, pengawas, LPTK, PGRI, LPMP dan Media. Hasilnya antara lain: (1) Renstra PKB menjadi bagian dari Renstra Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan; (2) Untuk menjamin keterlaksanaan Renstra PKB yang menggunakan multi sumber dana diharapkan ada dukungan regulasi berupa Peraturan/Kebijakan Daerah tentang PKB (3) Adanya MOU dengan Lembaga Penyedia Layanan Pengembangan Profesi Guru (LPTK, LPMP, P4TK). Rincian kegiatan yang berlangsung di kabupaten/kota : a. Kabupaten Lebak Konsultasi publik perencanaan PKB dilaksanakan pada tanggal 22 April 2016 bertempat di Aula Setda Kabupaten Lebak dan dihadiri 67 peserta. Kegiatan dihadiri oleh Asisten Daerah IV Kabupaten Lebak. Hasil dari kegiatan tersebut adalah payung kebijakan untuk mendukung pelaksanaan pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan bagi guru-guru akan segera disusun. b. Kota Tangerang Selatan Berlokasi di ruang pertemuan RM Kampung Anggrek pada tanggal 25 April 2016 konsultasi publik dihadiri 31 peserta dan dibuka oleh staf walikota bidang kesejahteraan masyarakat.. Hal penting yang muncul dalam kegiatan ini adalah perencanaan PKB sudah masuk dalam draf Renstra Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tangerang Selatan Tahun 2016-2021 dan Prioritas mendorong Dinas Pendidikan menyusun ulang Pedoman Pengelolaan Gugus c. Kabupaten Pandeglang Hasil perencanaan PKB dipaparkan dalam konsultasi publik pada tanggal 2 Mei 2016 yang diselenggarakan di Pendopo Kabupaten dan dihadiri oleh Bupati Pandeglang. Kegiatan ini melibatkan 68 peserta dan memunculkan hal penting yaitu perencanaan PKB ini menjadi bagian dari renstra dinas pendidikan tahun 2016-2021. d. Kabupaten Serang Bertempat di Aula II Setda Kabupaten Serang pada tanggal 3 Mei 2016, konsultasi publik PKB dibuka oleh staf ahli bupati dan dihadiri peserta sejumlah 43 orang. Poin penting yang dihasilkan dalam kegiatan tersebut bahwa PKB menjadi prioritas kegiatan Dinas Pendidikan periode 5 tahun ke depan dan masuk dalam Rancangan RPJMD Tahun 2016-2021 Kabupaten Serang. e. Kabupaten Tangerang Konsultasi publik PKB kabupaten Tangerang dilaksanakan di Ruang Rapat Wareng Setda Tangerang pada tanggal 4 Mei 2016 dan dihadiri langsung oleh Bupati Tangerang dan diikuti oleh
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
51 peserta. Dukungan penuh disampaikan oleh Bupati agar perencanaan PKB yang telah tersusun dapat dilaksanakan dan Dinas Pendidikan akan menindaklanjuti dalam penyusunan kebijakan PKB. Kota Cilegon Dinas Pendidikan melaksanakan Konsultasi Publik Perencanaan PKB tanggal 13 Mei 2016 bertempat di Aula Dinas Pendidikan Kota Cilegon dan melibatkan 36 peserta dan dibuka oleh Wakil Walikota Cilegon.
2. Lokakarya 1 : Sosialisasi Penyusunan Rencana Strategis (Renstra) Dinas Pendidikan Kegiatan Sosialisasi Penyusunan Rencana Strategis Dinas Pendidikan untuk kabupaten/kota mitra bertujuan untuk membangun komitmen bersama dari seluruh pemangku kepentingan pendidikan kabupaten untuk merencanakan dan mengimplementasikan renstra dinas pendidikan di kabupaten/kota yang bersangkutan, khususnya Bidang Pendidikan Dasar dan PTK. Kegiatan ini merupakan lanjutan dari fasilitasi kegiatan Penataan dan Pemerataan Guru ( PPG) dan Pengenmbaangan Keprofesian Berkelnajutan (PKB) yang telah dilaksanakan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 9 Juni 2016 di Hotel Fame Serpong Tangerang dengan melibatkan 37 peserta dari 4 kabupaten/kota yang baru saja melaksanakan pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) tahun 2015 yaitu kabupaten Serang, Pandeglang, kota Tangerang Selatan, dan kota Cilegon yang terdiri dari unsur DPRD, Dinas Pendidikan, Bappeda, BKD, dan Dewan Pendidikan. Perwakilan dari kabupaten/kota yang belum melaksanakan pilkada juga hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut ditambah dengan peserta dari provinsi yang terdiri dari LPMP, LPTK mitra, Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi dan Bappeda Provinsi Banten. Kegiatan ini difasilitasi oleh enam (4) service provider dari IAIN SMH dan LPMP Banten.
KEGIATAN MONITORING & EVALUASI (LPTK dan Kabupaten) Pengumpulan data pada periode ini dilaksanakan dua kali yakni (1) pengumpulan di LPTK selama Maret 2016 melalui wawancara dosen LPTK tentang keikutsertaan dosen dalam pelatihan dan pemanfaatan hasil pelatihan tersebut. Dosen terdiri atas 10 orang dosen UNTIRTA dan 10 orang dosen IAIN SMH Banten dari jurusan Matematika, IPA, Bahasa Indonesia dan PGSD/PGMI; (2) Pengumpulan data di sekolah praktik yang baik. Kegiatan wawancara ke kepala sekolah tentang praktik yang baik di Kabupaten/Kota Mitra USAID PRIORITAS yakni kabupaten Serang (17 Juli 2016), Pandeglang (11 Mei 2016), Tangerang (11 Maret 2016) dan Tangerang Selatan (8 Maret 2015). Masing-masing kabupaten terdiri dari 2 SD/MI dan 2 SMP/MTS.
DISEMINASI PROGRAM PRAKTIK YANG BAIK Periode April dan Mei 2016 dipenuhi oleh berbagai pelatihan diseminasi yang dirinci sebagai berikut: (1) Tanggal 31 Maret-2 April 2016 modul 2 PAKEM KKM MI Kecamatan Ciputat Tangsel diikuti oleh 94 orang (27 Lk dan 67 Pr) didanai oleh PRIORITAS Rp 8.460.000,- dan BOS Rp 15.000.000,- (2) Tanggal 2-4 April 2016 modul 2 PAKEM untuk SD Islamic Village bertempat di Aula SD Islamic Village Kabupaten Tangerang diikuti oleh 59 orang (19 Lk dan 40 Pr) dibiayai oleh PRIORITAS Rp 13.437.000- dan swadana Rp 9.400.000 (3) Tanggal 5-7 April Modul 2 PAKEM SD Kabupaten Lebak diikuti oleh 146 orang (71 Lk dan 75 Pr) dibiayai BOS Rp 163.930.000,- (4) Tanggal 12-14 Aprill 2016 Modul 1 dan 2 SMP Kabupaten Lebak diikuti oleh 128 orang (69 Lk dan 59 Pr) dibiayai oleh BOS Rp 60.585.000,- (5) Tanggal 18-20 April 2016 modul 1 dan 2 CTL pendidikan menengah Kabupaten Lebak diikuti oleh 138 orang (48 Lk dan 90 Pr) dibiayai BOS Rp 60.585.000,- (6) Tanggal 23-25 April 2016 modul 2 PAKEM untuk SD Citra Islamic Kabupaten Tangerang bertempat di Aula sekolah diikuti oleh 42 orang (7 Lk dan 35 Pr) dibiayai oleh PRIORITAS Rp 12.860.000,- dan BOS Rp 13.730.000,- (7) Tanggal 26-28 April 2016 Modul 2 PAKEM untuk KKG Kabuapten Lebak diikuti oleh 51 orang (43 Lk dan 8 Pr) dibiayai APBD Rp 173.434.000,- (8) Tanggal 26-28 April 2016 modul 2 PAKEM kecamatan Neglasari Kabupaten Tangerang diikuti oleh 141 orang (29 Lk dan 112 Pr) dibiayai oleh PRIORITAS Rp 12.800.000,- dan BOS Rp 55.000.000,- (9) Tanggal 28-30 April 2016 modul 2 72
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
PAKEM gugus 02 dan 04 Kecamatan Tigaraksa Kabupaten Tangerang diikuti oleh 136 orang (25 Lk dan 111 Pr) dibiayai oleh PRIORITAS Rp 14.750.000,- dan BOS Rp 10.100.000,- (10) Tanggal 28-29 April 2016 Modul 2 MBS untuk sekolah Citra Islami Kabuapten Tangerang diikuti oleh 35 orang (17 Lk dan 18 Pr) dibiayai oleh PRIORITAS Rp 5.634.500,- dan BOS Rp 12.500.000,- (11) Tanggal 17-18 Mei modul CTL untuk MGMP Dinas Pendidikan Kota Cilegon 2016 bertempat SMK 17 Kota Cilegon yang didanai oleh APBD Rp 35.000.000,- (12) Tanggal 21-23 Mei 2016 modul CTL untuk SMP Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Serang 2016 diikuti oleh 85 orang (32 Lk dan 53 Pr) bertempat di D’Wiza Resto dan SMPN 1 Ciruas didanai APBD, Rp 105.000.000,- (13) Tanggal 23-24 Mei 2016 Lokakarya Penyusunan PTS SD-SMP Dinas Pendidikan Kota Cilegon 2016 bertempat di Aula Dinas Pendidikan diikuti oleh 74 orang (28 Lk dan 46 Pr) didanai APBD Rp 35.000.000,- (14) Tanggal 25-26 Mei Lokakarya Penyusunan PTK SD-SMP Dinas Pendidikan Kota Cilegon 2016 di Aula Dinas Pendidikan diikuti oleh 74 orang (11 Lk dan 63 Pr) didanai APBD Rp 35.000.000,- (15) Tanggal 27-28 Mei 2016 Lokakarya Penyusunan RKS dan RKAS Dinas Pendidikan Kota Cilegon 2016 bertempat di Aula Dinas Pendidikan diikuti oleh 67 orang (6 Lk dan 61 Pr) didanai APBD, Rp 35.000.000,-
PROGRAM BUKU (Pelatihan pada tingkat sekolah) Pada periode April-Mei 2016 telah dilaksanakan pelatihan sekolah program penggunaan buku bacaan berjenjang yang mencakup total 166 sekolah terdiri atas (1) Cilegon untuk 30 sekolah (7 MI dan 23 SD); (2) Lebak untuk 23 sekolah (3 MI dan 20 SD); (3) Pandeglang untuk 43 SD; (4) Serang untuk 27 sekolah (6 MI dan 21 SD); (5) Tangerang untuk 26 (4 MI dan 22 SD); (6) Tangerang Selatan untuk 17 SD. Semua kegiatan diikuti oleh 707 orang (110 Lk dan 597 Pr) dan didanai total Rp 214.500.000, Komite Kepala Guru sekolah Sekolah Pengawas Lain Total Kabupaten/ Kota LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR Total Cilegon Lebak Pandeglang Serang Tangerang Tangsel
7 17 6 7 15 8
84 86 124 71 72 78
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
7 6 6 14 10 1
24 2 23 9 9 8
0 1 0 3 2 0
3 1 0 2 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
14 24 12 24 27 9
111 89 147 82 81 87
125 113 159 106 108 96
KEGIATAN LAIN – Gerakan Literasi & Serah Terima Buku Bacaan Berjenjang Gerakan Literasi dan Serah Terima Buku Bacaan Berjenjang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 24 Mei 2016 di SDN Jelupang 2 Tangerang Selatan dari jam 08.30-09.30. Acara dihadiri oleh Wakil Duta Besar AS Brian McFeeters, Dirjen Dikdasmen Kemendikbud Hamid Muhamad, Wakil Walikota Tangerang Selatan Benyamin Davnie dan Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Banten, Engkos Kosasih beserta Direktur USAID Indonesia, Andrew Sisson dan Direktur program USAID PRIORITAS, Stuart Weston. Undangan dihadiri oleh 133 orang yang berasal dari Kemendikbud, Kemenag, Perwakilan Dinas Pendidikan Mitra, Pemkot Tangerang Selatan. Selain penyerahan secara simbolis buku bacaan berjenjang, acara diawali dengan demonstrasi kemahiran siswa dalam program literasi yang sudah dilaksanakan di SDN Jelupang 2. Setelah penyerahan buku bacaan berjenjang secara simbolis dilaksanakan kunjungan ke kelas awal yakni kelas III yang sedang mempraktikkan membaca terbimbing dan kelas I yang sedang mempraktikkan membaca bersama. Acara ini berhasil menyedot publikasi media hingga mencapai lebih dari 200 media cetak, online dan elektronik.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Tingkat sekolah: modul III PAKEM kelas tinggi Kota Tangsel, modul III PAKEM kelas awal dan kelas tinggi Kabupaten Tangerang dan modul III CTL Kabupaten Tangerang.
Tingkat kabupaten: Lokakarya Review dan Penyusunan Rencana Strategis Dinas Pendidikan bagi kabupaten/kota yang melaksanakan pilkada 2015, Pertemuan review implementasi PKB di masingmasing kabupaten/kota, Pertemuan review dan persiapan PKB Madrasah
LPTK: Pelatihan sekolah untuk sekolah lab/mitra LPTK
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Galeri Foto
Kadisdindik Kota Cilegon menerima paket buku bacaan berjenjang secara simbolis dari Koordinator Provinsi Banten USAID PRIORITAS untuk mengawali pelatihan sekolah penggunaan buku bacaan berjenjang.
Perwakilan MIN 1 Kota Cilegon mencatat kemajuan sekolah yang akan didiskusikan dan ditindaklanjuti di sekolahnya usai pelatihan modul III MBS sekolah lab/mitra LPTK.
Bupati Tangerang didampingi oleh Kepala Dinas Pendidikan kabupaten Tangerang, Teteng Jumara saat Konsultasi Publik.
Bupati Pandeglang Hj. Irna Narulita, SE menerima hibah paket buku bacaan berjenjang secara simbolis dari Koordinator Provinsi USAID PRIORITAS, Rifki Rosyad saat konsultasi publik PKB.
Delegasi USAID dan Kemdikbud mengamati praktik membaca terbimbing di kelas III saat serah terima buku bacaan berjenjang di SDN Jelupang 2.
Sosialisasi penyusunan renstra tingkat kabupaten/kota yang dikelola oleh GMS.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Provinsi: Jawa Barat Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Kabupaten/kota Tanggal 12 April 2016 18 Mei 2016
13 Mei 2016
12 Mei 2016 18-19 Mei 14 Juni 2016
Dengan siapa
Hasil koordinasi
Kepala Kantor Kemenag, Staf Kemenag, kepala sekolah MTs Karangampel Indramayu Dewan Pendidikan, Dinas Pendidikan, Kemenag, Perpusda, K3S, Bagian Hukum Indramayu
Kepala Kemenag menetapkan 14 MTs dan 17 MI sebagai sekolah diseminasi pembelajaran dan MBS sampai dengan tahun 2016. Menyepakati adanya Gerakan Literasi Indramayu yang fokus pada gerasakan literasi sekolah/madrasah dan gerakan literasi masayarakat serta TBM. GLI akan diluncurkan pada tanggal 7 Oktober 2016. Draf Perbup KBB tentang literasi dan singkronisasi program antar semua lini untuk mendukung gerakan budaya baca di KBB
Kepala disdikpora, Kasie kurikulm SMP, Perwakilan program perpuseru, perwakilan fasilitator perpuseru, perwakilan fasilitator Bandung Barat Kepala UPT Plered, Cirebon Bidang Sosbud Bappeda Cirebon Kabid Penda dan Kasie SD/SMP Disdikpora Kab. Kuningan
Proposal CSR untuk mengadakan Buku Bacaan Berjenjang bagi sekolah yang tidak menerima bantuan B3. Mengalokasikan anggaran pelatihan B3 bagi 788 SD di 40 kecamatan pada APBD 2017. Tersusunnya jadwal kegiatan diseminasi bagi MGMP.
KOHOR 1, 2 dan 3 ToT PROVINSI Pelatihan bagi fasilitator daerah MBS SD/MI Kohor 2 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1-4 April 2016 bertempat di Hotel Britz, Karawang. Pelatihan dihadiri oleh 19 orang (L:15/P:4). Hasil dari pelatihan ini adalah para fasilitator memahami unit per unit sehingga siap untuk memberikan pelatihan di tingkat sekolah.
Jumlah Peserta TOT Modul 3 MBS SD/MI Kohor 2
Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Kuningan Cirebon Bekasi
Guru LK PR 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
KS LK PR 1 3 1 1
2 0 0 0
Pengawas LK PR 0 1 4 4
2 0 0 0
Dinas Pend LK PR 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Kemenag LK PR 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Lain LK PR 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Total LK PR 1 4 5 5
4 0 0 0
PELATIHAN SEKOLAH (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) Pelatihan sekolah Modul 3 di daerah kohor 2 untuk periode April - Juni 2016 adalah:
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Jenis Pelatihan Pembelajaran Kelas Awal
Pembelajaran Kelas Tinggi Pembelajaran SMP/MTs (Cluster 1)
20-22 April 2016
1-3 Juni 2016
18-20 Mei 2016
Pembelajaran Kelas Awal 9-11 Mei 2016
Pembelajaran SMP/MTs (Cluster 1)
24-26 Mei 2016
Pembelajaran Kelas Awal 25-27 Mei 2016
Pembelajaran Kelas Awal 11-13 mei 2016
Sekolah/Instansi Kuningan MIN Manis Kidul, MIS Cokroaminoto, MIS PUI Cikaso, MIS PUI Ciwedus 2, SDN 1 Cilimus, SDN 1 Lengkong, SDN 1 Purwasari, SDN 2 Cilimus, SDN 2 Purwasari, SDN 3 Bojong, SDN 3 Lengkong, SDN 3 Purwasari, SDN 4 Bojong, SDN 4 Cilimus, SDN 5 Cilimus, SDN Tembong, UPTD kec. Cilimus, UPTD kec. Garawangi MIN Manis Kidul, MIS Cokroaminoto, MIS PUI Cikaso, MIS PUI Ciwedus 2-5, SDN 1 Cilimus, SDN 1 Lengkong, SDN 1 Purwasari, SDN 2 Cilimus, SDN 2 Purwasari, SDN 3 Bojong, SDN 3 Lengkong, SDN 3 Purwasari, SDN 4 Bojong, SDN 4 Cilimus, SDN 5 Cilimus, SDN Tembong, UPTD Cilimus MTsN Cigugur, MTsN Darma, MTsN Sangkanurip, MTsN Sindangsari, MTsN Wanayasa Ciamis, SMPN 1 Sindangagung, SMPN 1 Cigandamekar, SMPN 1 Cilimus, SMPN 1 Garawangi, SMPN 1 Pancalang, SMPN 2 Cilimus, SMPN 2 Garawangi, SMPN 3 Cilimus, SMPN 4 Tarogong Kidul Garut, SuaraKuningan.Com Bekasi MIS Al Hidayah, MIS Al Islamiyah 01, MIS At Taqwa, SD Karya Iman, SDIT An Nur, SD Ar Rahman, SDN 01 Hegarmukti, SDN 02 Hegarmukti, SDN 03 Hegarmukti, SDN 01 Jayamukti, SDN 02 Jayamukti, SDN 03 Jayamukti, SDN 01 Sukaresmi, SDN 03 Sukaresmi, SDN 05 Sukaresmi, SDN 06 Sukaresmi, KKG Cikarang Pusat, UPTD PAUD/SD Cikarang Pusat, Dinas Pendidikan kab. Bekasi, Kemenag kab. Bekasi SMPN 1 Cikarang Pusat, SMPN 1 Cikarang Selatan, SMPN 2 Cikarang Pusat, SMPN 2 Cikarang Selatan, SMPN 3 Cikarang Pusat, SMPN 3 Cikarang Selatan, MTsN Serang, MTs Nurul Huda, Dinas Pendidikan kab. Bekasi Cirebon MIS As Salafiah Bode, MIS Miftahul Muta’alamin, MIS NU As Shobirin, MIN Cangkoak, SDN 1 Kepunduan, SDN 1 Panembahan, SDN 1 Sindangjawa, SDN 1 Trusmi Kulon, SDN 1 Trusmi Wetan, SDN 2 Balad, SDN 2 Cangkoak, SDN 2 Panembahan, SDN 2 Sindangmekar, SDN 2 Trusmi Wetan, SDN 3 Panembahan, UPTD Dukupuntang, UPTD Plered, Dinas Pendidikan kab. Cirebon Tasikmalaya MIN Sukaratu, MIS Al Hidayah, MIS Leuwiseeng, MIS Cicarulang, SDN Bugelalis, SDN 1 Cikunten, SDN 2 Cikunten, SDN Cintawana, SDN Citatah, SDN Moh. Toha, SDN 1 Pakemitan, SDN 2 Pakemitan, SDN 3 Pakemitan, SDN 4 Pakemitan, SDN 5 Pakemitan, SDN Sindangsari, SDN Sukamaju, SDN Sukasenang,
Komite Kepala Guru sekolah Sekolah Pengawas Lain Total Kabupaten LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR Total Jumlah Peserta Pelatihan Pembelajaran Kelas Awal Modul 3 Kohor 2 (April-Juni 2016) Kuningan 7 45 0 0 6 5 2 0 0 0 15 50 65 Bekasi 7 45 0 0 9 4 5 1 1 0 22 50 72 Cirebon 5 38 0 0 3 6 1 1 1 0 10 45 55 Tasikmalaya 3 53 0 0 3 11 0 1 0 0 6 65 71 Jumlah Peserta Pelatihan Pembelajaran Kelas Tinggi Modul 3 Kohor 2 (April-Juni 2016) Kuningan 19 35 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 21 40 61 Jumlah Peserta Pelatihan Pembelajaran SMP/MTs Modul 3 Kohor 2 (April-Juni 2016) Kuningan 21 40 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 24 40 64 Bekasi 11 44 0 0 4 1 0 0 1 1 16 46 62
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
PENDAMPINGAN SEKOLAH KOHOR 1 dan 2 Periode April-Juni 2016 menuntaskan pendampingan modul 3 pembelajaran SMP dan MBS SMP di daerah kohor 1. Adapun pendampingan jenjang SD baru akan dilaksanakan pada tahun ajaran baru mengingat adanya keterlambatan pelatihan sebagai dampak dari revisi modul. Pendampingan yang dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan “lesson study.”
LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN TENAGA KEPENDIDIKAN (LPTK) RAPAT TINGKAT LPTK Rapat konsorsia dilaksanakan pada tanggal 21 April 2016 bertempat di Hotel Aston Tropicana Bandung. Rapat ini dihadiri oleh 21 orang yang berasal dari 2 LPTK mitra USAID PRIORITAS (UPI+UIN) dan 4 LPTK konsorsia (UNPAS, UNINUS, STAI Siliwangi, dan IAID Ciamis. Hasil yang dicapai dari pertemuan ini adalah (1) disepakati secara bersama bahwa program PRIORITAS-LPTK perlu diperkuat dan diperluas dan melibatkan semua pemangku kepentingan LPTK dan sekolah mitra, (2) pertemuan sejenis dapat dilakukan antara LPTK mitra dan konsorsia terutama dalam penguatan kapasitas fasilitator dalam mengimplementasikan hasil pelatihan dalam perkuliahan di kelas dan program pendampingan di sekolah mitra, dan (3) disepakati program dan kegiatan setiap LPTK mitra dan konsorsia selama 6 bulan ke depan sesuai dengan kapasitas masing-masing.
PELATIHAN SEKOLAH LAB/MITRA LPTK (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) Pelatihan sekolah lab/mitra LPTK untuk jenjang SD/MI dilaksanakan pada tanggal 4-6 April 2016 untuk pembelajaran dan 7-8 April 2016 untuk MBS. Pelatihan pembelajaran diikuti oleh 43 Orang (L:17/P :26) dan pelatihan MBS diikuti 46 orang (L:20/P:26). Hasil yang dicapai adalah peserta terlatih untuk mengembangkan keterampilan informasi pada siswa dan terampil mengembangkan budaya baca di sekolah.
Jumlah Peserta Pelatihan Pembelajaran Sekolah Lab/Mitra LPTK
Guru LK PR 1 3
9 7
Komsek LK PR 2 6
2 0
Kepala Sekolah LK PR 1 3
4 3
Pengawas LK PR 1 0
1 0
Lain LK PR 0 0
0 0
Total LK PR 5 12
16 10
Total 21 22
Jumlah Peserta Pelatihan MBS Sekolah Lab/Mitra LPTK
Guru LK PR 1 5
9 5
Komsek LK PR 3 7
3 2
Kepala Sekolah LK PR 0 3
4 2
Pengawas LK PR 1 0
1 0
Lain LK PR 0 0
0 0
Total LK PR 5 15
17 9
Total 22 24
UNJUK KARYA PRAKTIK YANG BAIK LPTK Unjuk karya praktik yang baik LPTK diselenggarakan pada tanggal 30 Mei 2016 bertempat di Hotel Panghegar Bandung. Kegiatan dihadiri oleh 141 orang yang terdiri dari unsur Kemenristek Dikti, Kemenag provinsi/kota Bandung, Dinas Pendidikan provinsi/Kabupaten Bandung Barat, pimpinan dan dosen 2 LPTK mitra (UPI-UIN), pimpinan dan dosen 4 LPTK konsorsia (UNPAS, UNINUS, STAI Siliwangi, dan IAID Ciamis), 18 sekolah mitra LPTK (6 SD, 6 MI, 3 SMP, dan 3 MTs). Kegiatan ini 78
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
dibuka oleh Direktur Kemahasiswaan, Direktorat Jenderal Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Perguruan Tinggi (Bapak Dr. Didin Wahidin). Dari kegiatan ini tampak bahwa sekolah lab/mitra UPI dan UIN telah menerapkan proses pembelajaran yang aktif, kreatif, dan menyenangkan, sekolah-sekolah telah melakukan budaya baca, LPTK pun telah mampu membuat buku berjenjang secara sederhana.
TATA KELOLA DAN MANAJEMEN PENGEMBANGAN KEPROFESIAN BERKELANJUTAN (PKB) Konsultasi publik PKB telah dilaksanakan di daerah kohor 1, 2, dan DBE pada tanggal 8 April 2016 (Garut), 14 April 2016 (Kota Bogor), 14 April 2016 (Indramayu), 19 April 2016 (Karawang), 19 April 2016 (Tasikmalaya), 21 April 2016 (Bekasi), 25 April 2016 (Cimahi), 26 April 2016 (Kuningan), 19 Mei 2016 (Ciamis), 23 Mei 2016 (Bandung Barat), 30 Mei 2016 (Cirebon), 2 Juni 2016 (Sukabumi). Hasil yang dicapai pada umumnya adalah menyusun Perbup PKB, merencanakan TOT Fasda baru, membuat sekolah model, melakukan bimbingan teknis B3 bagi sekolah penerima bantuan dan yang tidak, dan diseminasi modul 1,2, 3.
Jumlah Peserta Konsultasi Publik PKB
Kabupaten Cimahi Bandung Barat Ciamis Kuningan Cirebon Bekasi Tasikmalaya Garut Bogor Karawang Sukabumi Indramayu
LPTK (Fasilitator) LK PR
Dinas Pend. LK PR
Kantor MenAg LK PR
Bappeda dll LK PR
Total LK PR
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
25 36 24 40 37 28 25 45 22 36
14 10 8 8 5 3 7 9 4 2
8 3 2 4 0 3 7 6 3 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 40 27 46 38 31 34 53 27 42
14 10 8 8 5 4 11 11 4 2
49 50 35 54 43 35 45 64 31 44
PERENCANAAN STRATEGIS UNTUK DISEMINASI Rapat tinjauan (review meeting) dan persiapan dilakukan pada tanggal 9 Juni 2016 bertempat di Hotel Santika Bandung. Peserta berasal dari daerah yang telah melakukan Pilkada serentak pada tahun 2015, yaitu Karawang, Sukabumi, Indramayu, dan Tasikmalaya. Rapat dihadiri oleh sekitar 30 orang (23L/7P). Hadir pula Kasubbag Kebijakan Biro Perencanaan Kemdikbud sebagai narasumber. Hasil yang dicapai adalah keempat daerah berkomitmen untuk menyusun/merevisi renstra dinas pendidikan yang berfokus pada peningkatan mutu pendidikan dasar.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Jumlah Peserta Meeting Review & Persiapan Renstra
Kabupaten Karawang Sukabumi Indramayu Tasikmalaya UPI UIN
LPTK (Fasilitator) LK PR 0 0 0 0 2 2
0 0 0 0 0 1
Dinas Pend. LK PR 3 3 2 2 0 0
1 1 2 0 0 0
DPRD LK PR 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Bappeda LK PR 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 0
Dewan Pendidikan, dll LK PR 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
LPTK (Peserta) LK PR 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
6 6 6 5 3 4
KEGIATAN MONITORING & EVALUASI (LPTK dan Kabupaten) Pengumpulan data di LPTK tentang pemanfaatan Modul di LPTK dilakukan di bulan April 2016. Monitoring Program Komponen-2 (Improved Education Management and Governance) dilakukan dengan metoda FGD di Cimahi pada tanggal 12 Mei, di Kabupaten Bandung Barat pada tanggal 13 Mei, di Ciamis pada tanggal 17 Mei, di Tasikmalaya pada tanggal 18 Mei, di Kuningan pada tanggal19 Mei, di Cirebon pada tanggal 20 Mei, dan di Bekasi pada tanggal 24 Mei, 2016. Monitoring terhadap sekolah praktik yang baik dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2016.
KEGIATAN KOMUNIKASI (MEDIA BRIEFING) Media briefing dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25-26 Mei 2016 bertempat di hotel Santika Cikarang Bekasi. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 29 orang, yang terdiri dari 24 peserta (17L / 7P), dan 5 narasumber (3L /2P). Latar belakang peserta yang hadir adalah para jurnalis yang berasal dari beberapa jaringan media cetak harian dan Jaringan TV Lokal dari kabupaten/kota mitra USAID PRIORITAS provinsi Jawa Barat. Fokus dari kegiatan ini adalah menunjukkan kepada media berbagai praktik yang baik dalam pembelajaran, MBS, dan budaya baca di sekolah. Setelah mengikuti kegiatan ini para awak media menemukan bahwa banyak praktik-praktik yang baik di bidang pendidikan yang dapat dipublikasikan sehingga akan memberikan inspirasi dan motivasi bagi pihak-pihak terkait.
DISEMINASI PROGRAM PRAKTIK YANG BAIK Pada rentang waktu bulan April-Juni 2016, di Provinsi Jawa Barat telah dilaksanakan 49 kegiatan diseminasi di kota Cimahi (wilayah kohor-1); Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Kuningan, Cirebon, Bekasi (wilayah kohor-2); dan Kota Bogor, Kabupaten Indramayu dan Garut (Wilayah DBE). Ruang lingkup kegiatan diseminasi dilaksanakan di tingkat SD/MI dan SMP/MTs mulai dari tingkat wilayah kecamatan, komisariat sampai dengan tingkat kabupaten/kota. Sebanyak 489 sekolah dilibatkan dalam kegiatan tersebut, diantaranya terdiri dari 177 SD/MI dan 312 SMP/MTs. Sebanyak 2.976 (1.207 L / 1769 P) orang guru, kepala sekolah, pengawas dan lainnya hadir sebagai peserta kegiatan diseminasi. Total anggaran sejumlah Rp 1.138.803.000 telah dibelanjakan pada keseluruhan kegiatan diseminasi tersebut, dengan sumber dana yang berasal dari APBD sejumlah Rp 136.000.000 (12%), berasal dari Dana Mandiri sejumlah Rp 729.815.000 (64%), berasal dari program USAID PRIORITAS sejumlah Rp 272.988.000 (24%).
PROGRAM BUKU (Pelatihan pada tingkat sekolah) Periode April-Juni 2016 telah ada 44 Gugus dan 6 KKM yang dilatih dengan rincian sebagai berikut :
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Tanggal Pelatihan
Gugus yang Dilatih
3-4 Mei 2016 3-4 Mei 2016 09 – 10 Mei 2016
Cirebon Gugus Hasanudin, Kec. Susukan; Gugus M. Yamin, Kec. Jambang Gugus Dewi Sartika, Kec. Losari Gugus Kartini, Kec. Ciledug; Gugus Teuku Umar, Kec. Ciledug Gugus Ahmad Yani, Plumbon Ciamis Gugus 3 kec. Banjarsari Gugus 5 Kec. Banjarsari Gugus 2 dan gugus 4 Kec. Purwadadi
09 – 10 Mei 2016 11-12 Mei 2016 11-12 Mei 2016 20-21 Mei 2016 20-21 Mei 2016 24-25 Mei 2016 24-25 Mei 2016 26-27 Mei 2016 26-27 Mei 2016
Gugus 4 Kec. Banjarsari Gugus 1 Kec. Pamarican; Gugus 4 Kec. Pamarican KKM Banjarsari Gugus 6 Kec. Banjarsari Gugus 6 Kec. Cihaurbeuti Gugus 1 Kec. Lakbok Gugus 1 Kec. Banjarsari; Gugus 2 Kec. Banjarsari
3-4 Mei 2016 3-4 Mei 2016 9-10 Mei 2016 11-12 Mei 2016 11-12 Mei 2016 25-26 Mei 2016
23-24 Mei 2016 23-24 Mei 2016 30-31 Mei 2016 30-31 Mei 2016 27-28 Mei 2016 15-16 April 2016 15-16 April 2016 15-16 April 2016 15-16 April 2016 15-16 April 2016 18-19 April 2016 20-21 April 2016 23-25 April 2016 26-27 April 2016 27-28 April 2016 27-28 April 2016 27-28 April 2016 27-28 April 2016 28-29 April 2016 2-3 Mei 2016 2-3 Mei 2016 2-3 Mei 2016 2-3 Mei 2016 23-24 Mei 2016 24-25 Mei 2016 25-26 Mei 2016 27-28 Mei 2016 27-28 Mei 2016 27-28 Mei 2016 30-31 Mei 2016
Garut Gugus Cigedug Gugus 1 Banjarwangi Gugus Mandalawangi dan Indraprahasta Cikajang Gugus Mandala Giri, Cikajang Tasikmalaya Gugus 1 Singaparna Sukabumi Gugus Saptapesona Gugus Legokloa Gugus Batusapi Gugus Tonjong Gugus Buniwangi KKM Bantargadung KKM Cisaat KKM Sukabumi KKM Kadudampit Gugus Cisaat Gugus Sukamanah Gugus Gadis Gugus Sukasari KKM Warung Kiara Gugus Warung Kiara Gugus Cikembar Gugus Cicantayan Gugus Caringin Gugus Padabeunghar Gugus Cibaregbeg Gugus Bojonglopang Gugus Sukaraja Gugus Sukalarang Gugus Kebonpedes Gugus Ciracap
Lokasi Pelatihan
Jumlah Sekolah
SDN 1 Ujunggebang SDN I Sitiwinangun SDN 1 Losari Lor SDN 1 Ciledug Kulon SDN 1 Ciledug Kulon SDN 1 Gombang
8 10 9 5 6 6
SDN 1 Kawasen SDN 1 Cikupa SDN 1 Karangpaninggal SDN 1 Cigayam SDN 1 Pamarican SDN 1 Kertahayu MI Kaum Banjarsari SDN 1 banjarsari SDN 2 Pamokolan SDN 2 Sukanagara SDN 2 Sukasari SDN 2 Cibadak
10 10 8
SDN Cisurupan SDN Banjarwangi 1 SDN Mekarsari 1 SDN Cikandang 1
10 8 11 8
SDN 1 Cikunir
SDN Sudalarang SDN Legokloa SDN Moh. Toha SDN Tonjong SD Sindangpalay MIN Sampora MI MWB MI Cisarua Girang Gedung UPK SDN Cisaat SDN Sukamanah 3 SDN Cisaat Gadis SDN 1 Sukasari MI Simpenan SDN 1 Cilandak SDN 1 Cikembar SDN 1 Lembursawah SDN 5 Caringin SDN Padabeunghar SDN Hegarmanah SDN 1 Bojonglopang SDN 1 Selaawi SDN Manglid SDN Ranji SDN Ciburial
10 6 5 8 4 8 17 6 12 10 10 10 10 11 10 11 7 8 11 7 9 9 8 6 9
10 8 7 10 10 5 8 10 10
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Jumlah Peserta Pelatihan Buku Bacaan Berjenjang di Tingkat Sekolah
Guru LK PR
Kepala Sekolah LK PR
Ciamis Cirebon Tasikmalaya Garut Sukabumi
39 24 1 18 243
47 21 2 15 137
286 116 23 100 654
33 23 5 23 40
Pengawas LK PR 0 1 0 0 10
0 0 0 0 6
Lain LK PR 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Total LK PR
86 46 3 33 390
405 185 31 156 1090
319 139 28 123 700
Total anggaran sebesar Rp. 553.744.000. Sumber dari BOS (Mandiri) Rp. 398.984.000 (72%) dan sumber dari PRIORITAS Rp. 154.760.000 (28%).
KEGIATAN LAIN 12 April 2016 2 Mei 2016 24 Mei 2016 3 Juni 2016
Penyerahan Buku Bacaan Berjenjang secara simbolis kepada Bupati Ciamis dalam kegiatan Pencanangan Gerakan Membaca Indonesia. Penyerahan Buku Bacaan Berjenjang secara simbolis kepada Wakil Bupati Kuningan dalam kegiatan Pencanangan Bupati Kuningan sebagai Kabupaten Pendidikan. Penyerahan Buku Bacaan Berjenjang secara simbolis kepada Bupati Bekasi dalam kegiatan Peringatan Hari Gotong Royong Kabupaten Bekasi. USAID PRIORITAS diundang dalam acara Pameran Hasil Karya Siswa dan Guru SMPN 6 Cimahi. Pameran menampilkan karya siswa berupa buku-buku hasil budaya baca serta media pembelajaran yang dibuat oleh para guru dan pajangan hasil karya siswa dari pelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan di kelas-kelas.
Tingkat sekolah: pelatihan Modul 3 di daerah Kohor 2, pendampingan Modul 3 di Kohor 1 dan 2, pelatihan Buku Bacaan Berjenjang, pelatihan diseminasi di daerah DBE, Kohor 1, dan Kohor 2
Tingkat provinsi: TOT Modul bagi kepala sekolah dan pengawas, lokakarya perencanaan strategis
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Galeri Foto
Bupati Ciamis Iing Syam Arifin terima secara simbolis buku hibah dari USAID pada peluncuran Gerakan Indonesia Membaca di Ciamis (12/4).
Aan Kurnianingsih, Kasubag Perencanaan & Pelaporan Disdik Bogor, jelaskan program PKB pada lokakarya perencanaan strategis PKB (14/4).
Bupati Kuningan Acep Purnama jamin keberlanjutan program USAID PRIORITAS pada upacara Hardiknas di Kuningan (2/5).
Kelompok peserta pelatihan guru kelas awal Bekasi tengah bekerjasama kembangkan skenario pembelajaran membaca (10/5).
Kelompok siswa SDN Cintawana Tasikmalaya antusias ikuti proses belajar membaca terbimbing pada sesi real teaching pelatihan guru putaran tiga untuk guru kelas awal SD/MI (13/5).
Gloria Gracia (kiri), staf media Kemendikbud RI, wakili rekan jurnalis kelompoknya sajikan rencana tindak lanjut pada Media Briefing tingkat Jabar yang dipusatkan di Bekasi (26/5).
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Provinsi: Jawa Tengah Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Provinsi Tanggal 11 Mei ‘16 10 Juni 2016
Dengan siapa
Hasil koordinasi
Kabid PPTK Diknas Provinsi (Pak Jukri) Ismail SM (Wakil Dekan 1 Fakultas Saintek UIN Walisongo dan TTI koordinator UIN)
Kesediaan menjadi narasumber pada studi kebijakan PPG dan PKB dari RTI NC Kegiatan USAID PRIORITAS bulan juli 2016 didiskusikan dan identifikasi peserta dan fasilitator untuk Lokakarya nasional PPL.
Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Kabupaten/kota Dengan siapa 20 April 2016 13 April 2016 3 Mei 2016 26 Mei 2016 26 Mei 2016 20 Juni 2016
Hasil koordinasi
Kasi SD Dinas Pendidikan Kab. Karanganyar Bagian Progam Disdikpora Wonosobo Kabid Tendik & Kepala UPT Dikpora Demak Kepala Dinas Pendidikan, Kasi SD Dinas Pendidikan Kabid Tendik Dikpora Banjarnegara dan Fasda Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Semarang & Kabid SD
Diperolehnya SK sekolah penerima Buku B3 Penetapan tanggal sosialisasi pelatihan B3 dana cost sharing antara sekolah dan Dinas tanggal 20 April 2016 Siapnya pelaksanaan Diseminasi UPTD Kebonagung dalam rangka PKB Pencanangan Kabupaten Sragen berliterasi TOT untuk fasilitator MGMP 7 mata pelajaran di Banjarnegara Draf Perbup Literasi dapat diuji publik
KOHOR 1, 2 dan 3 PENDAMPINGAN SEKOLAH KOHOR 1, 2 dan 3 Pendampingan Pembelajaran SD/MI Pendampingan sekolah menggunakan pola lesson study dan dilakukan dengan dua tahap. Tahap 1 yaitu perencanan, plan, do, dan see. Tahap 2 meliputi plan, do, refleksi dan penyusunan laporan. Dari 7 kabupaten mitra, 5 Kabupaten (Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Semarang, Sragen, dan Wonosobo) telah menyelesaikan tahap 1. Sedang 2 lainnya (Batang dan Pekalongan) belum menyelesaikan pendampingan tahap 1. Pendampingan diberikan kepada para guru dan kepala sekolah mitra di masing-masing gugus. Jumlah guru yang mengikuti pendampingan masing-masing sekolah sejumlah 6 guru. Jumlah guru dimasingmasing gugus 48 guru ditambah 8 kepala sekolah. Untuk Kecamatan Sambungmacan Kabupaten Sragen jumlah guru 54 kepala sekolah 9 orang. Pendampingan MBS SD/MI Pendampingan MBS tahap 3 dilaksanakan dengan mengacu pada metode Plan Do See. Perencanaan dilakukan secara bersama-sama dan dilaksanakan oleh salah satu sekolah sebagai model, kemudian direfleksikan bersama untuk saling mengetahui keberhasilan dan hal hal yang perlu diperbaiki. Pada pendampingan tahap pertama, 80% sekolah mitra memfokuskan pada program budaya baca. Persentase sekolah mitra yang didampingi sampai bulan Juni sebagai berikut. Di Purbalingga jenjang SMP/MTs 60 %, SD/MI 80 %; di Banjarnegara 100 % disemua jenjang, di Batang jenjang SMP/MTs 50%,
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
jenjang SD/MI 100%; di Semarang 100 % disemua jenjang; di Sragen Jenjang SMP/MTs 40%, jenjang SD/MI 50%; di Wonosobo jenjang SMP/MTs 0%, jenjang SD/MI 100%; dan di Pekalongan jenjang SMP/MTs 100%, jenjang SD/MI 80%.
LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN TENAGA KEPENDIDIKAN (LPTK) KEGIATAN SEKOLAH PRAKTIK YANG BAIK KOHOR 1 DAN 2 Pertemuan reviu sekolah paktik yang baik (GPS) kohor 1 telah dilaksanakan di lima kabupaten, yaitu Purbalingga (8 April), Banjarnegara (19 April), Semarang (20 April), Sragen (22 April), dan Batang (23 April). Kegiatan diikuti oleh 11 SD/MI dan 8 SMP/MTs GPS yang terdiri atas guru kelas 1-6 SD/MI, guru 5 mata pelajaran SMP/MTs, kepala sekolah, komite sekolah, fasilitator daerah, dan pengawas atau pejabat dinas pendidikan dan Kemenag. Mengawali kegiatan, tim melakukan kunjungan ke GPS untuk melihat pelaksanaan pembelajaran di kelas, manajemen sekolah, dan budaya baca. Hasilnya, GPS telah mengimplementasi pembelajaran aktif dengan baik dan memiliki program budaya baca. Setelah kunjungan sekolah, para peserta dikumpulkan dalam pertemuan untuk mendiskusikan capaian masing-masing, mengidentifikasi tantangan dan solusi yang perlukan. Para peserta juga diberikan penyegaran dalam menyusun dan menilai portofolio siswa. Kegiatan ini difasilitasi oleh fasilitator LPTK dan staf USAID PRIORITAS.
RAPAT TINGKAT LPTK Rapat Perencanaan Fasilitator LPTK Rapat perencanaan fasilitator LPTK dilaksanakan pada tanggal 8 April 2016 untuk UIN Walisongo dan Unnes di hotel Grand Candi, Semarang. Kegiatan tersebut diikuti oleh 28 fasilitator SD/MI dan SMP/MTs dari UIN dan UNNES. Pertemuan ini membahas rencana kegiatan LPTK bulan April- Juni 2016, mendiskusikan implementasi program USAID PRIORITAS di sekolah dan LPTK, khususnya pendampingan di sekolah mitra dan lab LPTK. Rakor dengan sekolah lab dan sekolah mitra LPTK Koordinasi dengan sekolah lab dan mitra LPTK dilaksanakan pada tanggal 12 April 2016 di hotel Jogja Plaza, Jogjakarta untuk UNY dan tanggal 14 April 2016 di hotel Semesta, Semarang untuk Unnes dan UIN Walisongo. Kegiatan diikuti oleh 20 SD/MI dan 10 SMP/MTs yang terdiri atas kepala sekolah, guru dan komite sekolah. Pertemuan ini mendiskusikan implementasi program di sekolah, identifikasi tantangan dan solusi, dan membahas rencana kegiatan bulan April – Juni 2016. Rapat Konsorsia LPTK Rapat konsosia LPTK dilaksanakan pada tanggal 29 April 2016 di hotel Premiere Santika, Semarang. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 3 LPTK mitra dan 5 LPTK konsorsia yang diwakili oleh para wakil rektor, dekan atau ketua jurusan dari LPTK masing-masing. Rektor Unnes Prof. Dr. Fathur Rokhman, M.Hum membuka acara. Tiga topik utama telah didisksuikan, yaitu hasil kerjasama LPTK dengan dinas pendidikan dan Kemenag kabupaten dalam pelaksanana pengembangan keprofesian guru sebagai tindak lanjut lokakarya pengembangan rencana strategis LPTK, hasil lokakarya pengembangan bahan ajar literasi kelas awal kerjasama UNNES dan Florida State University (FSU), dan hasil lokakarya peningkatan praktikum di Amerika (Michigan State University).
PELATIHAN SEKOLAH LAB/MITRA LPTK (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) Pelatihan modul III - MBS untuk sekolah lab/mitra LPTK dilakukan pada tanggal 4-5 April 2016 di hotel Grand Candi, Semarang. Sejumlah 84 orang (L: 48, P:36) dari 18 SD/MI dan SMP/MTs mitra/lab Unnes dan UIN Walisongo menjadi peserta. Acara dibuka oleh Dr. Raharjo, M.Ed. (Dekan FITK UIN). Setelah pembukaan, peserta dibagi dalam dua kelompok yaitu SD/MI dan SMP/MTs. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Guru LK PR
Komsek LK PR 18
Kepala Sekolah LK PR 8
Pengawas LK PR 0
Lain LK PR 1
Total LK PR 48
Total 84
PENDAMPINGAN PAKEM/CTL/MBS SEKOLAH LAB DAN SEKOLAH MITRA LPTK Pada bulan April - Juni 2016, pendampingan sekolah mitra/lab LPTK dilakukan di 30 SD/MI dan SMP/MTs lab/mitra LPTK. Pendampingan dilakukan dengan pendekatan lesson study. Secara kesuluruhan pendampingan diikuti oleh 165 orang (L:123, P:42) dari unsur kepala sekolah dan guru. Di SD/MI pendampingan berbasis kelas, yaitu kelas awal dan kelas tinggi. Guru-guru kelas awal di satu sekolah atau beberapa sekolah menyusun RPP dan perangkat pembelajaran (plan), kemudian pada pertemuan berikutnya memilih guru model untuk melaksanakan RPP di kelas dan menyiapkan pelaksanaannya. Tahap berikutnya guru model melaksanakan pembelajaran sesuai RPP (do) sementara guru lainnya mengamati. Para guru kemudian melakukan refleksi pelaksanaan pembalajaran (see). Hal yang sama dilakukan oleh kelompok guru kelas tinggi. Di SMP/MTs kegiatan pendampingan berbasis mata pelajaran. Guru mata pelajaran yang sama di satu sekolah (MGMP sekolah) atau bersama dengan sekolah mitra lainnya berkumpulkan melakukan tahapan plan, do dan see.
TATA KELOLA DAN MANAJEMEN PENATAAN DAN PEMERATAAN GURU KOHOR 1, 2 dan 3 Program Penataan dan Pemerataan Guru (PPG) dilaksanakan oleh Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda dan Olahraga (Dikpora) Kabupaten Demak dalam bentuk diseminasi. Data sekolah dan guru telah disiapkan untuk diolah dan dianalisis. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dalam 4 tahap dengan peserta tim PPG Kabupaten Demak berjumlah 6 orang (L:4, P:2) meliputi : 1. 2. 3. 4.
Verifikasi data PPG yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 15-17 Juni 2016 Analisis data PPG dilaksanakan pada tanggal 21-22 Juni 2016 Menyusun rumusan kebijakan PPG pada tanggal 23-24 Juni 2016 Konsultasi Publik Program PPG yang meliputi tahap persiapan dan pelaksanaan. Peserta konsultasi publik adalah pemangku kepentingan pendidikan yang akan dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2016.
PENGEMBANGAN KEPROFESIAN BERKELANJUTAN (PKB) Kegiatan konsultasi publik renstra pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan (PKB) bertujuan menyosialisasikan rencana implementasi PKB, khususnya yang diselenggarakan secara mandiri oleh KKG/MGMP serta mendapatkan masukan dari para pemangku kepentingan pendidikan. Konsultasi publik mengundang 50 orang pemangku kepentingan pendidikan kabupaten. Kegiatan hari pertama berupa laporan hasil fasilitasi Renstra PKB kepada Kepala Dinas Pendidikan dan Kepala Kantor Kemenag kabupaten dan mengakomodasi masukan-masukannya. Hari kedua adalah pemaparan hasil fasilitasi dan diskusi dengan pemangku kepentingan pendidikan. Out put kegiatan berupa komitmen bersama untuk mengimplementasikan rencana implementasi PKB, khususnya yang diselenggarakan secara mandiri oleh KKG/ MGMP. Jadwal kegiatan sebagai berikut: di Kabupaten Grobogan pada tanggal 6-8 April 2016, di Kabupaten Sragen pada tanggal 12-13 April 2016, dan di Kabupaten Boyolali pada tanggal 14-15 April 2016.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Selain konsultasi publik perencanaan PKB, pada tanggal 14 Juni 2016, Koordinator Provinsi, Spesialis G and M dan Koordinator Kabupaten (DC) Banjarnegara beraudiensi dengan Bupati Banjarnegara untuk memperoleh masukan dan saran berkaitan dengan rencana menyusun Peraturan Bupati Banjarnegara tentang PKB.
KEGIATAN PENYUSUNAN RENCANA STRATEGIS DINAS PENDIDIKAN KABUPATEN Pada tanggal 1 Mei 2016 di hotel Plaza Yogjakarta dilaksanakan kegiatan sosialisasi/penyamaan persepsi penyusunan Rencana Strategis (Renstra) Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten. Kegiatan sosialisasi bertujuan membangun komitmen seluruh pemangku kepentingan pendidikan kabupaten untuk merencanakan dan mengimplementasikan renstra dinas pendidikan di kabupatennya. Kegiatan diikuti oleh 10 kabupaten yang melaksanakan Pilkada serentak di Jawa Tengah. Yaitu, Kabupaten Blora, Grobogan, Demak, Boyolali, Sragen, Semarang, Purworejo, Purbalingga, Pekalongan, dan Kabupaten Wonosobo. Setiap kabupaten mengirimkan 6 orang terdiri dari unsur Bappeda, BKD, dewan pendidikan, komisi pendidikan DPRD, dan dinas pendidikan berjumlah 48 orang (L:38, P:10).
KEGIATAN MONITORING & EVALUASI (LPTK dan Kabupaten) Kegiatan Pengambilan data tahunan dilakukan untuk mengambil data pemanfaatan sekolah praktik yang baik (GPS) di kabupaten mitra baik kohor 1 dan 2 pada tanggal 9 Mei – 6 Juni 2016. Specialis M and E, dibantu oleh DC sebagai enumerator. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara kepala sekolah/wakil kepala sekolah terkait dengan pemanfaatan sekolah praktik yang baik. Pemanfaatannya antara lain adalah dipakainya sekolah praktik yang baik sebagai tempat PPL oleh LPTK dan studi banding dari sekolah atau lembaga lain.
KEGIATAN KOMUNIKASI (MEDIA BRIEFING) Media briefing dilakukan pada tanggal 29-30 April 2016 di Hotel Edge Semarang. Peserta berjumlah 24 orang (L:21, P:3) berasal dari media cetak, online, humas kabupaten, dan humas LPTK. Beberapa rekomendasi yang dihasilkan yaitu media cetak dan online akan menyediakan kolom-kolom untuk berita di media yang mereka miliki. Media juga akan membantu dalam advokasi isu-isu pendidikan baik di kabupaten maupun di provinsi.
DISEMINASI PROGRAM PRAKTIK YANG BAIK Diseminasi telah dilakukan oleh 9 kabupaten/kota yaitu, Banjarnegara, Demak, Grobogan, Karanganyar, Kota Surakarta, Semarang, Sragen, Wonosobo, dan Yogyakarta. Total kegiatan sebanyak 59 kegiatan berupa diseminasi Modul I, II, dan III serta aplikasi sofwere Alpeka. Jumlah instansi yang mengikuti kegiatan ini sebanyak 967 lembaga dengan peserta berjumlah 5.245 (L:1973, P:3272). Dana yang digunakan berasal dari USAID PRIORITAS sebanyak Rp. 550,013,500 dan berasal dari dana mandiri/APBD/BOS sebanyak Rp. 1,130,549,700.
PROGRAM BUKU (Pelatihan pada tingkat sekolah) Program buku sudah memasuki tahap pelatihan tingkat gugus/sekolah. Sampai pada periode ini (akhir Juni 2016), pelatihan B3 sudah diselenggarakan oleh 155 gugus sekolah dengan jumlah 1.288 sekolah (61%) non-mitra dari total sekolah non-mitra pemanfaat program B3 (2100). Peserta berjumlah 5.304 orang (L:1713, P:3591) dari unsur guru dan kepala sekolah. Dua kabupaten yang belum menyelenggarakan pelatihan adalah Banjarnegara dan Karanganyar.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Guru LK PR
Kepala Sekolah LK PR
Semarang Boyolali Purbalingga Demak Kudus Blora Batang Grobogan Sragen Wonosobo Purworejo Jepara Pekalongan
67 71 119 63 106 124 56 56 23 13 46 53 67
46 62 113 64 98 69 51 62 18 14 45 50 70
195 237 483 252 423 312 180 283 81 49 180 164 240
33 31 88 35 76 53 23 36 11 7 29 19 28
Pengawas LK PR 9 23 12 20
2 6 6 3 14 2
4 2 2
2 1
Lain LK PR 1 8 2
2 2 1
Total LK PR 114 150 257 138 224 193 113 120 43 27 91 106 137
232 276 578 290 513 367 203 231 93 56 209 185 268
Total 346 426 835 428 737 560 316 441 136 83 300 291 405
KEGIATAN LAIN Diseminasi ALPEKA. Diseminasi pelatihan Alpeka BOS 2016 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10-11 Mei 2016 di Aula SDN Giwangan Yogyakarta, diikuti oleh 68 sekolah dengan jumlah peserta 84 orang (L:20, P:64) dari unsur bendahara dan operator BOS SD. Kegiatan terbagi dalam 2 gelombang (2 hari). Selain di Yogyakarta, diseminasi Alpeka juga dilaksanakan di SDN 1 Garung, Wonosobo pada 14 Juni 2016. Peserta yang mengikuti sebanyak 48 orang (L:16, P:31). Hasil kegiatan ini adalah telah terlatihnya 84 orang dari 68 sekolah serta 48 orang untuk menghitung penggunaan BOS dengan softwere Alpeka. Diseminasi BOSP. Pada 15 April dan 26 April 2016 USAID PRIORITAS Jawa Tengah memfasilitasi penghitungan BOSP di Kota Magelang. Sejumlah 25 orang dari perwakilan TK 3 orang, SD 3 orang, SMP 3 orang, SMA 3 orang, SMK 3 orang, dan Dinas Pendidikan serta Dewan Pendidikan sebanyak 5 orang menjadi peserta. Mereka melakukan penghitungan biaya operasional pendidikan di semua jenjang. Hal ini dilakukan karena Kota Magelang pada tahun 2017 akan memberikan layanan pendidikan gratis sesuai dengan visi dan misi bupati terpilih. Hari pertama dikenalkan proses penghitungan dan format penghitungan serta menyepakati harga satuan. Selang 1 minggu, masingmasing tim memaparkan hasil dan mendapat reviu dari Dinas Pendidikan dan Dewan Pendidikan. Diseminasi Literasi. Kegiatan literasi di tingkat kabupaten dilakukan setelah pemerintah daerah melihat implementasi modul 2 dan 3 tentang program literasi dan budaya baca di sekolah mitra. Kabupaten Sragen, Demak, dan Semarang difasilitasi oleh USAID PRIORITAS kemudian menindaklanjuti untuk menghasilkan regulasi berupa peraturan bupati. Di Sragen, pertemuan dilakukan beberapa tahap dan menghasilkan Perbup literasi nomor 20 tahun 2016. Pada 27 Mei 2016 Sragen dicanangkan sebagai kabupatan literasi. Sragen juga memperoleh piagam Museum Rekor Dunia Indonesia sebagai penyelenggara terbanyak membuat resensi buku. Di Kabupaten Demak, pendampingan dilakukan beberapa tahap dan pada 25 April 2016 di Aula Pemda Demak telah dilakukan konsultasi publik dan audiensi dengan Bupati Demak. Hasilnya Draft Perbup saat ini dalam proses pengkajian bagian hukum dan Bupati. Kabupaten Semarang pada tanggal 4 Mei 2016 mendeklarasikan diri sebagai kabupaten literasi. Pada tanggal 12, 19 Mei 2016 dilakukan pendampingan dan 23 Juni 2016 telah melakukan konsultasi publik draft Perbup. Draf Perbup literasi telah berada di bagian hukum dan menunggu ditetapkan oleh Bupati. Setelah Perbup di setujui, langkah selanjutnya adalah menyosialisasikan peraturan tersebut kepada para pemangku kepentingan pendidikan.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Tingkat sekolah: pedampingan modul 3, pelatihan dan pendampingan buku B3 di setiap gugus.
Tingkat kabupaten: pendampingan Renstra Dinas Pendidikan di 10 kabupaten dan PKB di 2 kabupaten
Tingkat provinsi: TOT fasilitator MBS untuk pemantauan kemajuan sekolah bagi pengawas dan kepala sekolah. ToT MBS untuk pemantauan kemajuan sekolah di kabupaten, PKB Kemenag Provinsi.
LPTK: pelatihan praktikum untuk guru SMP/MTs bagi sekolah lab dan mitra LPTK.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Galeri Foto
Bupati Mundjirin memotong pita penanda diresmikannya Semarang sebagai Kabupaten Literasi (2/5).
Pembelajaran IPA kelas 5 di MI Ma’arif Tangkisan 2, Purbalingga. Guru memanfaatkan sendok stainless steel untuk mempelajari pembentukan bayangan pada cermin cekung dan cembung (7/4).
Perwakilan USAID PRIORITAS Handoko Widagdo menerima piagam MURI sebagai pendukung penyelenggara resensi terbanyak (27/5).
Praktik mengajar peserta pelatihan program buku bacaan berjenjang di Jepara (11/5).
Prof. Dr. Fathur Rokhman, M.Hum dan Rektor UIN Walisong, Prof. Dr. Muhibin, M.Ag, memberikan sambutan dan membuka kegiatan pertemuan konsorsia LPTK (29/4)
Diseminasi ToT Pembelajaran Modul 1-2 dengan biaya APBD sebagai tindak lanjut kegiatan PKB guru bertempat di Hotel Pondok Asri, Tawangmangu, Karanganyar (7/4).
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Provinsi: Jawa Timur Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Provinsi Tanggal 21 April 2016
1 Juni 2016
Dengan siapa
Hasil koordinasi
Kemendikbud Pusat (M. Chozin), Ketua Satuan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah Kemdikbud, Dispendik 11 Kab/Kota (Blitar, Situbondo, Madiun, Ngawi, Lumajang, Lamongan, Jombang, Kota Batu, Banyuwangi, Pamekasan) Kemdikbud Jakarta, Dispendik Provinsi, Dispendik dan Kabid Sungram dari 8 kab (Banyuwangi, Blitar, Lamongan, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Tuban, Ngawi, Situbondo), LPMP, dewan Pendidikan dan LPTK
• •
• • • •
Pemahaman tentang kebijakan nasional gerakan literasi Komitmen bersama kab/kota yang hadir untuk menyukseskan gerakan literasi dengan merancang strategi kebijakan Kesepakatan untuk melaksanakan renstra dalam bentuk RTL kegiatan Sinkronisasi renstra mulai tingkat nasional, provinsi hingga kabupaten Pembentukan tim renstra dinas Pendidikan Draf renstra yang akan direviu sudah terkumpul
Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Kabupaten/kota Tanggal 2 Mei 2016 30 Mei 2016
7 Juni 2016
8 Juni 2016
8 Juni 2016 21 Juni
Dengan siapa
Hasil koordinasi
Bupati Lamongan, seluruh sekolah mitra Walikota Batu Edy Rumpoko, Kadisdik Batu Mistin, KaBappeda, Kabag Hukum Pemkot Batu, Kabid PTK Disdik Pemangku kepentingan disabilitas Kabupaten Situbondo
Penyerahan secara simbolis Buku B3 dari PC kepada Bupati Lamongan sebagai pencanangan Kabupaten Literasi Menjelaskan kepada Walikota tentang rencana program PKB dan produk hukum yang akan dihasilkan yaitu Perwali tentang Pengembangan Profesional Berkesinambungan (PKB) • Memberi masukan dan poin-poin penting terkait hakhak Pendidikan anak disabilitas dalam kegiatan Public hearing penyandang disabilitas di Kabupaten Situbondo • Memberi gambaran kondisi siswa inklusi di sekolah mitra dan teknis pembelajaran khusus untuk siswa inklusi Mempersiapkan kegiatan konsultasi publik PKB dan penyampaian draf Perbup terkait PKB
Bupati Blitar, Kabid PTK Dispendik Blitar, Kabid Dikmen, Kasie Kurikulum TK/SD, Kasubag Sungram Bupati Lumajang, Kepala Dispendik, Kabid Dikdas, Kabid Dikmen Bupati Lamongan, Staff Dispendik
Mempersiapkan kegiatan konsultasi public PKB dan penyampaian draf Perbup terkait PKB Mempersiapkan kegiatan konsultasi public PKB dan penyampaian draf Perbup terkait PKB
KOHOR 1, 2 dan 3 ToT PROVINSI ToT Modul 3 SMP/MTs Kohor 2 & 3 dilaksanakan di Hotel Harris Malang pada tanggal 6-9 April 2016. Pelatihan diikuti oleh fasiliator SMP/MTs 2 Kabupaten Kohor 2 (Lumajang dan Ngawi) dan 4 Kabupaten/Kota Kohor 3 (Banyuwangi, Lamongan, Jombang, Kota Batu) dengan peserta sebagai berikut:
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Guru LK PR
Kabupaten Kohor 2 Ngawi Lumajang Kohor 3 Kota Batu Lamongan Banyuwangi Jombang
5 3
3 4
6 4 6 7
4 2 4 2
Pengawas LK PR
1 1
3 1 2
Dinas Pend LK PR
1 2
1 2
Kemenag LK PR
1 1
Total LK
8 6
3 6
6 10 7 9
7 3 4 3
ToT Modul 3 Khusus Fasda B3 dilaksanakan dalam 2 gelombang, gelombang 1 (28-31 Maret 2016) diikuti oleh 62 orang fasilitator dari 7 kabupaten/kota (Lumajang, Ngawi, Banyuwangi, Lamongan, Jombang, Kota Batu, Bojonegoro). Sedangkan gelombang 2 (10-13 April 2016) diikuti oleh 80 orang dari 14 kabupaten (Situbondo, Madiun, Blitar, Pamekasan, Kab Mojokerto, Kota Mojokerto, Nganjuk, Sampang, Tuban, Pasuruan, Bangkalan, Sidoarjo, Banyuwangi, Bojonegoro). Adapun pesertanya sebagai berikut: Gelombang 1: 28-31 maret 2016 Kabupaten Lumajang Ngawi Banyuwangi Lamongan Jombang Kota Batu Bojonegoro
Guru LK PR 1 1 3 3 2
1 2 7 5 2 2
3 1 2
Pengawas LK PR 9 1 2 1 3
Dinas Pend LK PR
Kemenag LK PR
Lain LK PR
1 1
Total LK PR 9 1 6 2 5 4 5 7 3 6 2 4 8
Gelombang 2: 10-13 April 2016
Kabupaten Situbondo Madiun Blitar Pamekasan Kab. Mojokerto Kota Mojokerto Nganjuk Sampang Tuban Pasuruan Bangkalan Sidoarjo Banyuwangi Jombang
Guru LK PR 6 1 3 3 1 3 2
2 2
Pengawas LK PR
Dinas Pend LK PR
Kemenag LK PR
Lain LK PR
Total LK PR 6 1 3 2 6 1 3 3 3
2 1 4 1 2
3 2 6 8 1
2 4 5
2 3 4 1 2 7 5
1 1 1
1 1
PELATIHAN SEKOLAH (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) Kegiatan pelatihan tingkat sekolah dilaksanakan di Kohor 1 dan 2 meliputi:
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
5 2 7 8 1 3 1 1
MBS Modul 3 SD/MI Gel 2 MBS Modul 3 SD/MI Gel 1-2 MBS Modul 3 SD/MI Gel 2 MBS Modul 3 SD/MI Gel 2 MBS Modul 3 SD/MI Gel 1 MBS Modul 3 SD/MI Gel 2 Modul 3 SD/MI kelas tinggi Modul 3 SD/MI kelas awal Modul 3 SD/MI kelas awal Modul 3 SD/MI kelas awal Modul 3 SD/MI kelas tinggi Modul 3 SD/MI kelas awal
29-30 Maret 2016 4-5 April 2016 30-31 Maret 2016 29-30 Maret 2016 30-31 Maret 2016 1-2 April 2016 26-28 April 2016 2-4 Mei 2016 11-13 Mei 2016 12-14 Mei 2016 19-21 Mei 2016 21-23 Mei 2016
Madiun Blitar Situbondo Mojokerto Pamekasan Pamekasan Lumajang Lumajang Banyuwangi Lamongan Ngawi Jombang
M=33, F=19, total=52 M=62, F=55, total=117 M=27, F=18, total=45 M=29, F=15, total=44 M=39, F=9, total=48 M=37, F=10, total=47 M=36, F=29, total=65 M=24, F=30, total=54 M=21, F=47, total=68 M=13, F=56, Total=69 M=14, F=46, total=60 M=20, F=57, total=77
Kabupaten Madiun Blitar Situbondo Mojokerto Pamekasan 1 Pamekasan II Lumajang (kls tinggi) Lumajang (kls awal) Banyuwangi Lamongan Ngawi Jombang
Guru LK PR
Komite sekolah LK PR
Kepala Sekolah LK PR
13 28 14 11 16 16
8 14 6 5 7 6 6
4 11 2 5 2 2 8
6 8 2 2 3 4 16
1 6 2
4 2 5
3 10 2 4
Pengawas LK PR
Lainnya LK PR
6 12 4 11 9 9 9
11 17 12 6 7 7 16
7 3 5 16
42 46 41 53
11 8 9
4 6 5 1
2 1
1 3
1 1
Total LK PR
33 62 27 29 39 37 36
19 55 18 15 9 10 29
52 117 45 44 48 47 65
21 13 14 20
47 56 46 57
68 69 60 77
PELATIHAN SEKOLAH (KHUSUS PROGRAM BUKU/B3) Kegiatan pelatihan tingkat sekolah modul 3 khusus B3 dilakukan di Kabupaten Ngawi yakni Kecamatan Padas pada tanggal 15-17 Juni dan Kecamatan Gerih pada tanggal 20-23 Juni 2016 dengan rincian peserta sebagai berikut:
Kabupaten Kab. Ngawi Kec. Padas dan Ngawi Kab. Ngawi Kec. Gerih1,2,3
Guru LK PR
Komite sekolah LK PR
Kepala Sekolah LK PR
Pengawas LK PR
Lain LK PR
Total LK PR
PENDAMPINGAN SEKOLAH KOHOR 1, 2 dan 3 Pendampingan sekolah mitra kohor 1, 2 dan 3 dilakukan pada bulan April-Mei 2016 untuk modul 2 yang dilakukan oleh fasilitator dengan rincian jumlah sekolah yang didampingi sebagai berikut:
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Kab / Kota
3 3 2 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
Lamongan Jombang Lumajang Pamekasan Blitar Mojokerto
Sekolah yang didampingi
Guru yang didampingi
16 16 15 16 17 16 96
96 96 96 96 102 96 582
Keterangan 2 lembaga merger
LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN TENAGA KEPENDIDIKAN (LPTK) PELATIHAN SEKOLAH LAB/MITRA LPTK (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) Pelatihan sekolah lab dan mitra LPTK untuk pembelajaran SD/MI modul 3 dilaksanakan di Malang untuk partner UM (20-24 Maret 2016) dan Surabaya untuk mitra UNESA dan UINSA (1-4 April 2016) dengan peserta sebagai berikut: Guru LK PR
13 6 12
Komsek LK PR
25 29 29
Kepala Sekolah LK PR 2
3 3
Pengawas LK PR
Lain LK PR
1 1
2 3
Total LK PR 13 12 15
31 33 29
Total 44 43 44
Pelatihan sekolah lab dan mitra LPTK untuk MBS SD/MI dan SMP/MTs modul 3 dilaksanakan di Malang untuk partner UM (18-19 April 2016) dan Surabaya untuk partner UNESA dan UINSA (29-30 April 2016) dengan peserta sebagai berikut:
Guru LK PR
Komsek LK PR
3 7 10
12 7 9
23 16 10
3 8 7
Kepala Sekolah LK PR 9 2 4
3 4 4
Pengawas LK PR
Lain LK PR 2
Total LK PR 26 17 23
28 28 21
Total 54 45 44
PEMILIHAN SEKOLAH PRAKTIK YANG BAIK UNTUK KOHOR 3 Pemilihan sekolah praktik yang baik untuk Kohor 3 dilaksanakan di 4 mitra Kohor 3 dengan peserta sebagai berikut:
Kabupaten Lamongan Jombang Banyuwangi Batu
Guru LK PR
1 1
KS LK 1 1
Pengawas LK PR 2 1
LPTK LK PR 2 2 1 1 1 1
Dinas Pend LK PR 2 2 2 2
Kemenag LK PR 2 2 2
Lain/ Komite LK PR
Total LK PR 8 0 6 2 4 4 2 4
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Sekolah praktik yang baik terpilih SD/MI SMP/MTs
20-22 April 2016
15-16 April 2016
28-30 April 2016
Kota Batu
3-4 Mei 2016
• • • • • • • •
SDN Bareng III MI Islamiyah Al Wathawiyah MI Unggulan Sabilillah Lamongan SDN Made IV SDN 4 Singotrunan SD Al Irsyad Al Islamiyah SDN Tulungrejo 4 SDN Sumbergondo 2
• • • • • • • •
SMPN 1 Diwek MTsN 1 Diwek SMPN 3 Babat SMPN 3 Lamongan SMPN 1 Banyuwangi SMPN 3 Rogojampi SMPN 6 SMP Raden Fatah
DISEMINASI PADA TINGKAT LTPK Diseminasi praktik pembelajarn yang baik modul 1 SMP/MTs dilakukan pada 26-30 Maret 2016 oleh MGMP Al-Ittihad di Malang dengan peserta sebagai berikut:
Guru LK PR 9
Komsek LK PR
Kepala Sekolah LK PR
Pengawas LK PR
Lain LK PR 4
Total LK PR 13
Total 44
Dengan siapa
16-17 Mei 2016
Kanwil Kemenag Jatim; perwakilan Muhammadiyah; perwakilan Ikatan Guru Madrasah Jatim; Kemenag, Bappeda, DPRD dan Dewan Pendidikan dari 4 Kab (Jombang, Blitar, Pamekasan, Pasuruan)
Hasil koordinasi • • •
Sosialisasi hasil rekomendasi pengembangan kebijakan PPG dan PKB khusus guru madrasah Meminta masukan dari para pemegang kepentingan dalam upaya menyusun kebijakan terkait PPG dan PKB Kesepakatan rekomendasi kebijakan dalam PPG dan PKB yang nantinya akan menjadi masukan dalam kegiatan lokakarya dengan Kemenag di tingkat pusat.
PENGEMBANGAN KEPROFESIAN BERKELANJUTAN (PKB) PENDAMPINGAN LOKAKARYA #3 untuk penyusunan dokumen renstra dan persiapan konsultasi publik dilaksanakan di kabupaten/kota dilakukan di 12 kabupaten/kota kohor 1-3 yaitu:
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Kabupaten/kota Lumajang Situbondo Pamekasan Kota Batu Blitar Ngawi Pasuruan Madiun Sampang Lamongan Jombang Bojonegoro
kohor/DBE 2 1 1 3 1 2 DBE 1 DBE 3 3 DBE
Tanggal 14-15 April 2016 18-19 April 2016 20-21 April 2016 28-29 April 2016 3-4 Mei 2016 3-4 Mei 2016 12-13 Mei 2016 18-19 Mei 2016 19-20 Mei 2016 13-14 Juni 2016 14-15 Juni 2016 22-23 Juni 2016
Peserta L=5, P=1, total=6 L=4, P=1, total=5 L=5 L=4, P=1, total=5 L=5, P=1, total=6 L=5 L=4, P=1, total=5 L=4, P=2, total=6 L=5 L=5, P=1, total=6 L=4, P=1, total=5 L=3
KONSULTASI PUBLIK Kegiatan konsultasi publik PKB dilaksanakan di empat kabupaten/kota kohort 1, 2, 3 dengan tujuan meminta masukan dari para pemangku pendidikan terkait rencana pengembangan profesionalisme guru berkelanjutan dan penyusunan draf PKB: No
Kabupaten/ Kota
Hasil yang Dicapai
Kota Batu
31 Mei 2016
L=18, P=16, total=34
9 Juni 2016
L=15, P=2, total=17
9 Juni 2016
L=35, P=3, total=38
16 Juni 2016
L=20, P=10, total=30
30 Juni 2016
L=17, P=11, total=28
Menyepakati draf Perwali tentang PKB bahwa akan ada kewajiban guru untuk menyisihkan dana TPP sebesar maksimal 10% Rencana penyusunan Perbup PKB agar guru wajib menyisihkan dana TPP Antara 2,5-5% Rencana pengembangan PKB melalui Perbup Rencana pengembangan PKB melalui Perbup Rencana pengembangan PKB melalui Perbup
LOKAKARYA REVIEW RENSTRA Lokakarya Review Renstra untuk menindaklanjuti kegiatan pendampingan lokakarya #3 digunakan sebagai penyusunan dokumen renstra. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 28-29 Juni 2016 dan diikuti unsur DPRD, Bappeda dan Dinas Pendidikan dari 7 kabupaten/kota dengan jumlah peserta 37 orang (M=31, P=6).
KEGIATAN KOMUNIKASI (MEDIA BRIEFING) Kegiatan media briefing dilaksanakan di provinsi dan di 4 kab/kota diikuti oleh seluruh fasilitator SD/MI dan SMP/MTs dan B3. Untuk level kabupaten media briefing dilaksanakan bersamaan dengan rapat fasilitator. Kegiatan media briefing provinsi mengundang 20 media (13 media provinsi/nasional dan 7 media lokal kabupaten). Peserta diajak mulai melakukan penulisan praktik yang baik dan diskusi dengan narasumber yang sudah berpengalaman dalam menulis. Di akhir kegiatan seluruh peserta telah menghasilkan tulisan praktik yang baik.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Provinsi / Kab
Tanggal Pelaksanaan
Level Provinsi Sidoarjo
27 April 2016
20 media
• • •
Kukuh (Wakil AJI Surabaya) Dyah Eko (Guru SMP Lab Sby) Yuli Ambarsari (Guru SDN Segunung Kab Mojokerto)
Kabupaten Situbondo
18 April 2016
19 April 2016
35 fasilitator & 4 media 45 fasilitator & 5 media
Kota Batu
30 April 2016
35 fasilitator & 4 media
9 Mei 2016
30 fasilitator & 2 media
Edy Yakub (Korlip LKBN Antara Jatim) Dedik Kurniawan (Penulis best seller dan guru MTs Nurul Huda Sidoarjo) Dedik Kurniawan (Penulis best seller dan guru MTs Nurul Huda Sidoarjo) Agus (Wapemred Radar Banyuwangi)
DISEMINASI PROGRAM PRAKTIK YANG BAIK Selama bulan April-Juni 2016 telah dilaksanakan 25 kegiatan diseminasi di 11 Kab/Kota, dengan dana pendamping dari kabupaten/sekolah sebanyak Rp. 729 juta dan melibatkan 2.525 peserta (L=591, P=1.676). Ke-11 Kabupaten/Kota meliputi Kabupaten Blitar, Bojonegoro, Jombang, Nganjuk, Ngawi, Pasuruan, Sampang, Sidoarjo, Lamongan, Bangkalan dan Madiun. Diseminasi terbanyak terjadi pada program pembelajaran (PAKEM SD). Kabupaten/ Kota Blitar Bojonegoro Jombang Nganjuk Ngawi Pasuruan Sampang Sidoarjo Lamongan Bangkalan Madiun Grand Total
Jml Kegiatan Diseminasi
Dana Sharing Kab (APBD, BOS, Mandiri) Rp.
6 1 1 2 3 5 3 7 2 3 1 34
126,860,000 23,400,000 30,536,000 26,200,000 49,200,000 64,200,000 33,640,000 84,200,000 31,800,000 225,000,000 34,000,000 729,036,000
179 61 27 41 37 74 95 121 58 92 64 849
510 56 56 90 127 215 107 300 101 61 53 1,676
689 117 83 131 164 289 202 421 159 153 117 2,525
MONITORING & EVALUASI Monev Sekolah Praktik yang Baik (Good Practice Schools - GPS) Selama bulan Mei dan Juni, telah dilaksanakan pengumpulan data kuesioner untuk instrumen 12 tentang sekolah praktik yang baik (GPS) di kabupaten kohor 1,2,3. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh seluruh sekolah mitra yang terpiih menjadi sekolah GPS 22 SD/MI dan 22 SMP/MTs, dimana sekolah GPS ini
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
hanya ada 4 sekolah di setiap kabupatennya 2 SD/MI dan 2 SMP/MTs. Pengumpulan data ini bertujuan untuk memenuhi indicator R15 pada Instrumen 12 tentang sekolah yang berpraktik yang baik apakah melakukan fungsinya dengan baik di setiap kabupaten/kota, khususnya pada sekolah menjadi pusat studi visit dari sekolah lainnya di sekitar wilayah ataupun di luar wilayah dan apakah sekolah menjalin kerjasama dengan LPTK dalam hal menjadikan sekolah sebagai tempat praktik mengajar mahasiswa calon guru. Pada kenyataannya tidak banyak sekolah GPS yang menjadi pusat studi visit, kecuali sekolah sekolah yang memang sudah menerapkan inovasi baru dan banyak di dengar oleh pihak luar seperti pada SMPN 4 Lumajang, SDN Guyung 2 Ngawi, dan SDN Mojokarang Mojokerto yang sudah menerapkan budaya baca dan bagus dari sisi proses pembelajarannya serta SMPN 1 Larangan Pamekasan yang sudah menjadi sekolah adiwiyata nasional. Sedangkan LPTK lokal maupun non lokal yang bekerjsama dengan sekolah mitra GPS, masih sedikit sekali. Diharapkan ke depan sekolah GPS ini benar benar menjadi sekolah acuan dan pusat studi banding sekolah sekolah lainnya. Monitoring: Wawancara Dosen LTPK Pada rentang tanggal 20 April sampai 10 Mei, telah dilakukan wawancara dosen LPTK tentang bahan ajar dari pelatihan proyek PRIORITAS apakah di terapkan dalam kuliah mahasiswa calon guru dan guru di 3 LPTK Mitra, yaitu UNESA Surabaya, UM Malang dan UIN Sunan Ampel. Wawancara tersebut untuk memenuhi indkator ME R11 pada instrumen 13. Sampel dosen yang diwawancarai sebanyak 10 orang untuk setiap LPTK, yaitu 4 dosen PGSD/MI, 2 dosen IPA, 2 dosen Matematika dan 2 dosen Bahasa Indonesia.
KEGIATAN LAIN Monitoring oleh YLAI bertujuan mengumpulkan data di lapangan terkait pemanfaatan buku B3. Kegiatan tersebut dilakukan di dua kabupaten mitra yakni Blitar dan Mojokerto dengan rincian sekolah seperti dibawah. Hasil monitoring dari kedua kabupaten sangat menggembirakan dimana para guru kelas awal di dua kabupaten tsb telah mengimplementasikan pemanfaatan buku B3 dengan sangat baik di kelas dan siswa tampak senang & aktif mengikuti pembelajaran. Kabupaten yang Dikunjungi Kab Blitar Kab Blitar Kab Mojokerto Kab Mojokerto
Tanggal 19 April 2016 20 April 2016 21 April 2016 22 April 2016
Sekolah yang Dikunjungi SDN Kalipang 1 SDN Kebonduren 1 SDN Mojokarang SDN Segunung
Pameran Pendidikan Momen peringatan Hari Pendidikan 2 Mei 2016 di kabupaten/kota dimanfaatkan oleh pemkab setempat untuk menggelar pameran Pendidikan. Berikut kabupaten mitra yang mengikuti kegiatan pameran Pendidikan:
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Kabupaten Madiun
Tanggal 1-3 Mei 2016
Hasil Kegiatan • •
1-3 Juni 2016
• • • •
Menyerahkan secara simbolis buku praktik yang baik dan buku B3 kepada Bupati Madiun secara langsung Menginformasikan kepada pengunjung tentang kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan di Kab Madiun dan hasilnya di tingkat sekolah hingga dinas Mengkampanyekan budaya baca saat kegiatan pameran berlangsung Memamerkan hasil karya guru dan siswa implementasi program Mengkampanyekan budaya baca saat kegiatan pameran berlangsung Memamerkan hasil karya guru dan siswa implementasi program
Tingkat sekolah: pelatihan Modul 3 untuk SD/MI dan SMP/MTs pembelajaran dan MBS Kohor 3,
pelatihan dan pendampingan Modul 3 khusus B3 di 345 gugus di 18 kabupaten/kota
Tingkat kabupaten: diseminasi Modul III untuk SD/MI dan SMP/MTs di Kab Blitar
Tingkat provinsi: ToT MBS untuk SD/MI dan SMP/MTs Modul 3 Kohor 2 dan 3, ToT Modul kepala sekolah dan pengawas
LPTK: pendampingan pembelajaran dan MBS untuk sekolah lab/mitra LPTK, pelatihan modul praktikum
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Galeri Foto
Bupati Lamongan saat menerima secara simbolis buku B3 pada acara peringatan Hardiknas 2 Mei 2016 di Lamongan.
Kegiatan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan buku B3 oleh guru kelas III di SDN Mojokarang dilakukan diluar kelas.
Kegiatan media briefing di Provinsi tanggal 27 April 2016 diikuti oleh 20 media. Tampak para wartawan mengikuti peer teaching sebagai peserta dalam pembelajaran menggunakan buku B3
M Chozin Staff Khusus Kemdikbud didampingi PC tertarik dengan buku-buku hibah dari USAID PRIORITAS yang diberikan kepada sekolah.
Kegiatan konsultasi public di Blitar terkait pembahasan draft PKB di Kab Blitar
Audiensi dengan Bupati Kab Lumajang terkait draft PKB yang akan dibahas dalam konsultasi public PKB di Kab Lumajang
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Provinsi: Sulawesi Selatan KOHOR 1, 2 dan 3 PELATIHAN SEKOLAH (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) Dalam periode ini telah dilaksanakan beberapa pelatihan. Dua daerah kohor 1 yaitu Kabupaten Bantaeng dan Wajo menuntaskan pelatihan modul 3 MBS jenjang SD/MI (Kabupaten Maros sudah tuntas), sementara empat daerah kohor 2 baru memulai pelatihan pembelajaran (PAKEM) kelas awal & tinggi. Pelatihan MBS SD/MI Kabuapten Bantaeng dan Wajo dilaksanakan secara paralel pada tanggal 13 – 14 April. Jumlah peserta adalah sebagai berikut: Bantaeng 87 orang (35 laki, 52 perempuan); dan Wajo 88 orang (37 laki, 51 perempuan). Daerah kohor 2: KabupatenTakalar tanggal 27 – 29 April (paralel kelas awal & tinggi), jumlah peserta 122 orang (25 laki, 97 perempuan); Kabupaten Bone tanggal 28 – 30 April (kelas awal), jumlah peserta 68 orang (16 laki, 52 perempuan), dan tanggal 1 – 3 Mei (kelas tinggi) dengan jumlah peserta 60 orang (23 laki, 37 perempuan); Kabupaten Tana Toraja (kelas tinggi) tanggal 28 April – 4 Mei (bersambung gugus Makale & Bittuang), jumlah peserta 88 orang (38 laki, 50 perempuan); dan terakhir Kota Parepare (kelas awal) tanggal 2 – 4 Mei, jumlah peserta 70 orang (16 laki, 54 perempuan). Pelatihan kelas awal Tana Toraja dan kelas tinggi Kota Parepare akan dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2016. Tabel 1 dan 2 berikut memuat rincian peserta. Tabel. 1. Peserta Pelatihan Modul 3 (MBS) Menurut Unsur di Daerah Kohor 1
Kabupaten Bantaeng Wajo
Guru LK PR 7 7
35 27
Komite sekolah LK PR
Kepala Sekolah LK PR
15 17
10 6
4 13
10 10
Pengawas LK PR 0 7
0 1
Lain LK PR 3 0
3 0
Total LK PR 35 37
52 51
Total 87 88
Tabel. 2. Peserta Pelatihan Modul 3 (PAKEM) Kelas Awal & Tinggi Menurut Unsur di Daerah Kohor 2
Kabupaten Bone* Parepare (KA) Takalar Tana Toraja
Guru LK PR 15 4 13 17
78 47 89 44
Komite sekolah LK PR 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Kepala Sekolah LK PR 19 10 5 8
10 6 4 5
Pengawas LK PR 5 2 5 9
0 1 4 1
Lain LK PR 0 0 2 4
1 0 0 0
Total LK PR 39 16 25 38
89 54 97 50
Total 128 70 122 88
*) lebih dari separuh kepala sekolah 2 kali mengikuti kegiatan
PENDAMPINGAN SEKOLAH KOHOR 1, 2 dan 3 Dalam periode ini telah dilaksanakan pendampingan modul 3 jenjang SMP/MTs di daerah kohor 1. Pendampingan mengunakan pendekata lesson study (Plan – Do – See) berbasis MGMP dan MKKS. Semua sekolah dan guru peserta pelatihan modul 3 di daerah kohor 1 telah mengikuti pendampingan. Pengamatan hanya dilakukan di sekolah tempat praktik mengajar guru model yang telah ditunjuk pada tahapan ‘plan’. Beberapa poin capain dari kegiatan tersebut: 1) pendekatan lesson study berbasis MGMP telah meningkatkan fungsi MGMP sebagai media pengembangan kompetensi guru, 2) ada peningkatan signifikan kemampuan guru melakukan penilaian autentik dan pembuatan rubric, 3) ada peningkatan signifikan kemampuan guru mengelola portofolia dan hasil karya siswa sebagai sumber belajar, 4) ada peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam penerapan literasi lintas kurikulum, dan untuk
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
aspek MBS ada beberapa hasil: 5) ada peningkatan minat baca, 6) kepala sekolah memiliki dan menggunakan instrument supervisi yang lebih baik dan lebih terukur, 7) ada peningkatan signifikan peran serta masyarakat di beberapa sekolah.
LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN TENAGA KEPENDIDIKAN (LPTK) RAPAT TINGKAT LPTK (Rapat konsorsium LPTK, rapat perencanaan fasilitator LPTK dan rakor dengan sekolah lab dan sekolah mitra LPTK) Pada tanggal 21 April 2016 dilaksanakan rapat konsorsium LPTK mitra dan anggota konsorsiumnya di hotel Clarion Makassar. Kegiatan dimaksud dihadiri oleh Rektor/Wakil Rektor, Dekan, Ketua PPL, dan perwakilan fasilitator LPTK. Jumlah peserta rapat adalah 19 orang (16 laki, 3 perempuan). Kegiatan dimaksud menghasilkan dua kesepakatan penting, yaitu: 1) pernyataan komitmen untuk memperkuat kerjasama antar LPTK untuk meningkatkan mutu perkualihan dan kegiatan yang terkait dengan penyiapan calon guru untuk menjadi guru professional; 2) komitmen LPTK mitra dan anggota konsorsium untuk melanjutkan diseminasi program USAID PRIORITAS di kampus masing-masing.
PELATIHAN SEKOLAH LAB/MITRA LPTK (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) Ada dua kegiatan pelatihan untuk sekolah Lab/Mitra LPTK dalam periode ini yaitu pelatihan PAKEM & MBS Modul 3 jenjang SD/MI di Makassar. Pelatihan PAKEM dilaksanakan tanggal 4 – 6 April dan pelatihan MBS dilaksanakan tanggal 7 – 9 April 2016. Jumlah peserta PAKEM adalah 94 orang (32 laki, 62 perempuan), dan peserta MBS adalah 70 orang (26 laki, 44 perempuan) jumlah tersebut termasuk fasilitator. Unsur yang terlibat diuraikan pada table 3 & 4 berikut. Tabel. 3. Peserta Pelatihan Modul 3 (PAKEM) Kelas Awal & Tinggi Menurut Unsur Sekolah Lab/mitra
Kabupaten Makassar Gowa Fasilitator*
Guru LK PR 18 1
46 4
Komsek LK PR 0 0
0 0
Kepala Sekolah LK PR 5 0
5 1
Pengawas LK PR 0 0
1 0
Lain/ Dosen LK PR 0 0 8
1 0 4
Total LK PR 23 1 8
53 5 4
Total 76 6 12
*) adalah dosen dari LPTK (UNM & UIN)
Tabel. 4. Peserta Pelatihan Modul 3 (MBS) Menurut Unsur Sekolah Lab/mitra
Kabupaten Makassar Gowa Fasilitator*
Guru LK PR 6 0
16 2
Komsek LK PR 8 2
12 0
Kepala Sekolah LK PR 6 0
6 1
Pengawas LK PR 0 0
3 0
Lain/ Dosen LK PR 1 0 3
1 0 3
Total LK PR 21 2 3
38 3 3
Total 59 5 6
*) adalah dosen dari LPTK (UNM & UIN)
TATA KELOLA DAN MANAJEMEN PENATAAN DAN PEMERATAAN GURU KOHOR 1, 2 dan 3 Untuk mendorong dan memfasilitasi pengintegrasian program PPG, PKB, Program Sekolah (termasuk program B3) ke dalam rencana strategis (Renstra) Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten/Kota, pada tanggal 16 Juni 2016 dilaksanakan Sosialisasi Penyusunan Renstra Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten/Kota. Jumlah peserta 28 orang (19 laki, 9 perempuan) termasuk fasilitator (SP-LPTK mitra). USAID PRIORITAS akan memberikan pendampingan terbatas kepada 6 kabupaten untuk memastikan bahwa diseminasi
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
program USAID PRIORITAS (khususnya program tingkat sekolah) menjadi bagian dalam Rensta Dinas Pendidikan kabupaten/kota mitra. LPTK Dinas Kantor Bappeda (Fasilitator) Pend. MenAg BKD DPRD/dll Total Kabupaten LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR Total Enrekang Maros Pangkep Sidrap Soppeng Tana Toraja Provinsi* Jakarta**
2 3 2 4 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 3 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0 0
2 3 3 5 1 1 4 0
0 2 1 0 1 3 1 1
2 5 4 5 2 4 5 1
*) SP dari LPTK mitra, **) Kementerian Pendidikan Pusat Jakarta
PENGEMBANGAN KEPROFESIAN BERKELANJUTAN (PKB) Untuk menindakalnjuti beberapa kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan di tingkat kabupaten, pada tanggal 7 – 9 April 2016 dilaksanakan lokakarya perencaan strategis provinsi (PKB). Jumlah peserta sebanyak 87 orang (65 laki, 22 perempuan) termasuk fasilitator dan narasumber. Kegiatan ini dimaksudkan untuk mereviu perencanaan strategis PKB 13 kabupaten/kota, sekaligus memfasilitasi sesi berbagi dan diskusi antar kabupaten/kota. Kegiatan ini juga memfasilitasi diskusi antar kabupaten/kota dengan pihak Service Provider (LPTK, LP3TK, dan LPMP). Kegiatan ini menghasilkan kesepakatan tentang rencana strategis PKB masing-masing kabupaten/kota, dan kesepakatan kerjasama antara kabupaten/kota dengan pihak service provider. LPTK Dinas Kantor Bappeda (Fasilitator) Pend. MenAg BKD DPRD/dll Total Kabupaten LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR Total Bantaeng Bone Enrekang Makassar Maros Pangkep Parepare Pinrang Sidrap Soppeng Takalar Tana Toraja Wajo Provinsi* Jakarta**
4 4 3 1 5 4 3 3 3 4 4 1 5 1 2
1 1 1 1 0 0 2 2 2 1 0 3 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3
1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 4 5 3 5 6 4 4 4 5 6 2 6 9 2
2 2 1 2 1 0 2 2 2 1 0 4 0 1 0
6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 2
*) meliputi Dinas Provinsi, LPTK, LPMP, LP3TK, **) Kementerian Pendidikan Jakarta
DISEMINASI PROGRAM PRAKTIK YANG BAIK Hanya 5 kabupaten/kota yang melakukan diseminasi program dalam periode ini. Hal tersebut diakibatkan oleh padatnya kegiatan Dinas Pendidikan dan sekolah dalam bulan April – Mei, sementara bulan Juni memasuki masa libur sekolah. Sebagian besar kabupaten/kota mitra merencanakan diseminasi pada periode Juli – September hingga akhir Desember 2016, khususya untuk modul 3 pembelajaran baik jenjang SD/MI maupun jenjang SMP/MTs. Semua kegiatan dimaksud adalah diseminasi pembelajaran, oleh karena itu pesetanya adalah para guru dan kepala sekolah. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
1 Bantaeng
Jumlah Dana (Rp) Sekolah/ USAID Pemda, Lainnya 23,126,000 105,000,000
2 Bone
3 Enrekang
4 Makassar
5 Parepare Jumlah Total
34,960,000 189,826,000
145,100,000 467,250,000
PROGRAM BUKU (Pelatihan pada tingkat sekolah) Pelatihan program buku telah dilaksanakan di 12 kabupaten, hanya kabupaten Pangkep yang belum melaksanakan namun segera mulai pada bulan Juli mendatang. Pelatihan program buku melibatkan guru kelas awal, kepala sekolah, dan beberapa orang pengawas. Telah dilaksanakan pelatihan di 83 gugus dari 208 gugus penerima buku di 13 kabupaten/kota di Sulawesi Selatan. Pelatihan ditargetkan tuntas pada bulan Oktober 2016. Rinican peserta ditunjukkan pada tabel berikut. Komite Kepala Guru sekolah Sekolah Pengawas Lain Total Ket Kabupaten LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR Total (gugus) Bantaeng Bone Enrekang Makassar Maros Parepare Pinrang Sidrap Soppeng Takalar Tana Toraja Wajo Total
1 16 9 0 33 4 10 5 2 2 6 9 97
25 257 127 75 362 116 157 82 61 67 181 136 1.646
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 53 20 14 68 23 42 12 12 13 33 28 323
5 23 18 11 45 19 12 12 9 10 14 21 199
0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 69 31 14 101 27 52 17 14 15 40 37 423
30 280 145 86 407 135 169 94 70 77 195 157 1.845
36 349 176 100 508 162 221 111 84 92 235 194 2.268
1 12 6 2 14 8 9 4 3 4 12 8 83
KEGIATAN LAIN Pada tanggal 24 – 25 Mei 2016 dilaksanakan pelatihan pengawas di kabupaten Maros sebagai bagian dari uji coba modul khusus bagi pengawas untuk melakukan monitoring kemajuan sekolah. Peserta kegiatan tersebut adalah para pengawas, kepala UPTD, dan perwakilan fasilitator dari LPTK mitra. Jumlah peserta adalah 57 orang (47 laki, 10 perempuan). Pelatihan difasilitasi secara langsung specialist Nasional dari kantor Jakarta dan perwakilan dari TTO dan WSD dari 7 provinsi mitra.
RENCANA KUARTAL DEPAN Tuliskan poin-poin kegiatan yang direncanakan untuk triwulan mendatang: •
Tingkat sekolah: pelatihan pembelajaran Modul 3 Jenjang SD/MI di 2 kabupaten kohor 2, pelatihan pembelajaran dan MBS modul 3 jenjang SD/MI dan SMP/MTs di 4 kabupaten kohor 2, pelatihan Program Buku Berjenjang di 11 kabupaten non-mitra, pendampingan guru dan kepala sekolah dalam implementasi modul 3 (pembelajaran & MBS) di Kohor 1 dan 2
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Tingkat kabupaten: pendampingan terbatas reviu Renstra Dinas Pendidikan di 6 kabupaten, konsultasi publik hasil PKB dan hasil reviu Renstra (dua kegiatan diintegrasikan)
Galeri Foto
Jamaruddin, Koordinator Provinsi USAID PRIORITAS Sulawesi Selatan memberikan sambutan, didampingi oleh Kepala Kanwil Kemenag Sulsel Abdul Wahid Tahir dan TTO Pembelajaran SMP/MTs (27/3).
Guru Sekolah Mitra LPTK sedang Prakik mengajar dengan menggunakan modul tiga untuk siswa –siswi kelas tinggi di SD Sudirman Makassar pada pelatihan sekolah lab/mitra LPTK (5/4).
DCOP Feiny Sentosa melakukan tanya jawab dengan salah satu siswa di kelas awal pada kunjungan ke SDN 5 Makale, Tana Toraja (26/4)
C0P USAID PRIORITAS Stuart Weston menyempatkan hadir pada kegiatan Pelatihan Pemantauan Kemajuan Sekolah Bagi Pengawas dan meninjau sekolah (9/4).
Wabup Tana Toraja Victor Datuan Batara secara simbolis menerima hibah buku bacaan berjenjang dari Direktur Program Pendidikan USAID PRIORITAS Indonesia, Lawrence W. Dolan di Ruang Rapat Bupati Tana Toraja (25/4).
Jamaruddin, Provincial Coordinator menyerahkan bantuan Buku Bacaan Berjenjang secara simbolis kepada Bupati Wajo, H. Burhanuddin Unri pada peringatan Hardiknas (2/5).
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
ANNEX 2: COORDINATION WITH GOI Hasil Pertemuan Koordinasi dengan Pemangku Kepentingan Pemerintah Indonesia No
Agenda dan Hasil
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Sekretariat Jenderal
13 April 2016
Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dan Bimbingan Masyarakat
8 April 2016
Ir. Haris Iskandar, Ph.D Direktur Jenderal PAUD dan Pendidikan Masyarakat
Agenda : Gerakan Literasi Sekolah dan Budaya Baca Hasil : Sepakat perlu ada Sinkronisasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah Kemdikbud dengan USAID PRIORITAS khususnya di kabupaten/kota Mitra USAID PRIORITAS.
8 April 2016
Dr. Erman Syamsudin, SH, M.Pd, Direktur Pembinaan Pendidikan Keaksaraan & Kesetaraan
Agenda : Sinkronisasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah Kemdikbud di Kabupaten/Kota Hasil : 1. Terdapat 4 kabupaten/kota yang menjadi Mitra USAID PRIORITAS sebagai daerah literasi oleh Kemdikbud (Lebak, Ciamis, Aceh Utara dan Pamekasan) 2. Pada saat acara deklarasi Literasi, USAID PRIORITAS propinsi diberikan waktu untuk memberikan hibah buku berjenjang secara simbolis ke Bupati/Walikota. 3. Tim USAID PRIORITAS propinsi membantu fasilitasi teknis dalam acara Deklarasi Literasi Kemdikbud.
• Dr Susanto, SH, MA, Ketua Panitia Hari Kebangkitan Nasional, Kepala Biro Umum, Setdirjen. • Kreshna Aditya, staf khusus Mendikbud
Agenda : Perayaan Hari Kebangkitan Nasional (20 Mei) Hasil : 1. Penyerahan buku dari USAID masuk agenda Kemdikbud dalam rangka Hari Kebangkitan Nasional. 2. Kegiatan USAID masuk dalam Tema “Kembali Ke Sekolah”. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 24 Mei 2016.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Agenda dan Hasil
Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah
27 April 2016
Bp. Hamid Muhammad, Dirjend Dikdasmen
Agenda : Acara Penyerahan Buku Hibah USAID PRIORITAS kepada Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Hasil : Dirjend berkomitmen hadir dan akan berusaha mengajak Bapak Mendikbud
Direktorat Pembinaan SD 1)
28 April 2016
Bp. Wowon Wirdayat, Direktur SD
10 Mei 2016
Tim Teknis Direktorat SD
Agenda : Disain Sekolah SD Rujukan Hasil : 1. Daftar SD Rujukan dalam proses surat keputusan Dirjend Dikdasmen 2. USAID PRIORITAS diminta untuk melakukan penguatan SD Rujukan dengan memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan di 7 Propinsi Mitra. 3. USAID PRIORITAS akan melakukan penguatan di 3 hal yaitu Pembelajaran, MBS dan Budaya Baca 4. USAID PRIORITAS akan dilibatkan dalam perencanaan, penyusunan modul dan panduan. Agenda : Sinkronisasi Kegiatan Budaya Baca Hasil : 1. Direktorat SD akan melibatkan USAID PRIORITAS dalam proses pelaksanaan kegiatan Budaya Baca 2. Tiga kardus (3x75 judul) buku berjenjang diberikan kepada Kemdikbud atas permintaan mereka. 3. Rencana Piloting Kab/Kota Budaya Baca USAID PRIORITAS perlu didiskusikan lebih lanjut tentang apa yang bisa diberikan oleh Kemdikbud.
Direktorat Pembinaan SMP 1)
27 April 2016
Bp. Supriono, Direktur SMP
Agenda : Disain Sekolah SMP Rujukan Hasil : 1. Daftar SMP Rujukan dalam proses surat keputusan Dirjend Dikdasmen 2. USAID PRIORITAS diminta untuk melakukan penguatan SMP Rujukan dengan memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan di 7 Propinsi Mitra. 3. USAID PRIORITAS akan melakukan penguatan di 3 hal yaitu Pembelajaran, MBS dan Budaya Baca 4. USAID PRIORITAS akan dilibatkan dalam perencanaan, penyusunan modul dan panduan.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
17 Mei 2016
Ibu Mudjiyem, Kasubdit Pembelajaran dan Ibu Ninik dan tim Teknis.
7 Juni 2016
Ibu Mudjiyem, Kasubdit Pembelajaran, dan Tim Teknis
Agenda dan Hasil Agenda : Modul Pelatihan untuk SMP Rujukan Hasil : 1. Kemdikbud akan merivisi dan menyusun anggaran yang disesuaikan dengan disain USAID PRIORITAS 2. Daftar nama fasilitator dan nama SMP Mitra diberikan kepada Kemdikbud atas permintaan. 3. Sasaran Sekolah Rujukan bisa sekolah Mitra USAID PRIORITAS maupun non-mitra. Agenda : Disain SMP Rujukan Hasil : 1. Kemdikbud akan melakukan review terhadap modul proyek. 2. Kemdikbud akan merancang ulang disain pelatihan dan fasilitator untuk propinsi lainnya dengan mengadop disain dari USAID PRIORITAS. 3. USAID PRIORITAS akan dilbatkan mulai dari proses persiapan hingga pelaksanaan kegiatan untuk menjaga kualitas kegiatan
Direktorat Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan
1 April 2016
Bp. Nurzaman dan Bp. Achmad Rizali
Agenda : Lokakarya PKB di kab/kota Mitra Hasil : Kemdikbud memberikan dukungan terhadap lokakarya PKB yang diselenggarakan oleh masing masing propinsi dengan mengirimkan tim dari Kemdikbud.
Staf Khusus Mendikbud 5 April 2016
M. Chozin, Staff bidang Kerjasama Kelembagaan
Agenda : Sinkronisasi Kegiatan Budaya Baca Hasil : USAID PRIORITAS bisa masuk dalam agenda kegiatan Literasi Indonesia yang dicanangkan oleh Kemdikbud melalui Dirjen PAUD dan Pendidikan Masyarakat sebagai Koordinator Literasi dan Budaya Baca Kemdikbud.
5 April 2016
Bp. Acmad Rizali, Staff Khusus bidang Pendidikan
Agenda : Kegiatan PKB Di Sumatera Utara Hasil : Siap hadir pada acara lokakarya PKB di Propinsi Sumatera Utara
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Staf Ahli Mendikbud
27 Juni 2016
Bp Dr.James Modouw, M.MT, Staf Ahli Bidang Hubungan Pusat dan Daerah.
Agenda dan Hasil
Agenda : Program di Papua dan Papua Barat Hasil : 1. menyampaikan kemajuan program di Papua dan Papua Barat. 2. Dukungan proyek terhadap gerakan literasi Kemdikbud melalui hibah buku bacaan berjenjang dan pelatihan kepada sekolah mitra di Papua da Papua Barat.
Kementerian Agama Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Islam 1
Mei 2016
Prof. Kamarudin Amin, Dirjend Pendidikan Islam
17 Juni 2016
Prof. Kamarudin Amin, Dirjend Pendidikan Islam
Agenda : Kerjasama dengan USAID PRIORITAS Hasil : 1. Draf kerjasama antara USAID PRIORITAS dengan Ditjend Kemenag sudah disetujui 2. Penentuan waktu penandatanganan dan pada tanggal 27 Mei 2016 Naskah Kerjasama ditandatangani oleh Dirjen Pendidikan Islam Kemenag dan Direktur USAID PRIORITAS Agenda : Kerjasama Penguatan LPTK Hasil : 1. Kemenag akan menyusun Grand Disain Penguatan LPTK dimulai 2016 sebagai tahun persiapan dan tahun 2017 adalah implementasi dan Prioritas diminta membantu. 2. USAID PRIORITAS diminta sebagai nara sumber praktik yang baik penguatan LPTK di forum Dekan Tarbiyah seluruh Indonesia pada tanggal 22 Juni 2016 di Bogor.
Direktorat Madrasah
1. 1
Mei 2016
Prof. Nurkholis Direktur Madrasah
Agenda : Laporan hasil tata kelola Guru Madrasah di Jatim Hasil : 1. PKB untuk Jatim jalan terus sebagai ujicoba. 2. Kemenag meminta dukungan PKB di Propinsi Mitra USAID PRIORITAS.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Lampiran I: Kegiatan USAID PRIORITAS yang dihadiri oleh perwakilan dari Pemerintah Indonesia
No 1
Jenis Kegiatan Lokakarya Perencanaan PKB Propinsi Sulsel
Waktu dan tempat pelaksanaan kegiatan Makasar, 7 April 2016
LPTK Showcase Meeting Propinsi Banten
Banten, 20 April 2016
Lokakarya Literasi dan Budaya Baca Propinsi Jawa Timur
Surabaya, 20-21 April 2016
Penyerahan Hibah Buku Berjenjang dari USAID ke Kemdikbud Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Tangerang Selatan, 24 Mei 2016
Perwakilan Pemerintah yang hadir
1) Achmad Rizali , StafKhusus Mendikbud
1) M. Chozin, Staf Khusus Mendikbud bidang Kerjasama Kelembagaan 2) Dr. Pangestuti, Ketua Literasi dan Budaya Baca Kemdikbud. 1) Hamid Muhammad, Ph.D, Dirjend Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah 2) Asianto Sinambela, SH,LLM, Kepala Biro Komunikasi dan Layanan Masyarakat , Setdijen
Bp. Imam Syafii (Kasubdit Kelembagaan, Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi Islam.
MenkoPMK -
Drs. Abdul Wahid Maktub, Staff Khusus Menristekdikti
Dr. Femmy Eka Kartika Putri, M.Psi., Asisten Deputy Kemenko PMK RI,-
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Perwakilan Pemerintah yang hadir
Waktu dan tempat pelaksanaan kegiatan
Jenis Kegiatan
Penandatanganan Kerjasama antara USAID PRIORITAS dengan Ditjend Pendidikan Islam , Kemenag
Kantor Kemenag Jakarta, 27 Mei 2016
TTI Showcase Meeting propinsi Jawa Barat
Bandung, 30 Mei 2016
Lokakarya National Tata Kelola Guru Madrasah
Jakarta, 31 Mei 2016
Lokakarya Fasilitasi Review Renstra Pendidikan kab/Kota Propinsi Jateng.
Jogjakarta, 1 Juni 2016
Lokakarya Fasilitasi Review Renstra Pendidikan kab/Kota Propinsi Jatim.
Surabaya, 1 Juni 2016
1) Prof. Moch. Isom, Sekretaris Ditjend Pendis, Kemenag 2) Biltizer Bachtiar, kepala Seksi Kelembagaan Direktorat Madrasah Drs. Luluk Budiyono Kepala Bagian Perencanaan dan Evaluasi Kebijakan, Setditjend Diana Damey, Kasubag Kebijakan (Eselon 4)
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Pejabat Eselon 1, Eselon 2, Eselon 3 dan Eselon 4 di lingkungan Ditjend Pendidikan Dasar (Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi Islam dan Direktorat Madrasah).
Dr. Didin Wahidin, Direktur Kemahasiswaan Ditjen Belmawa -
Waktu dan tempat pelaksanaan kegiatan
Perwakilan Pemerintah yang hadir
Jenis Kegiatan
Lokakarya Fasilitasi Review Renstra Pendidikan kab/Kota Propinsi Sumatera Utara.
Medan, 30 Mei 2016
Dr.Kwarta Adhimphrana, Kasubag Informasi Kebijakan
Lokakarya Fasilitasi Review Renstra Pendidikan kab/Kota Propinsi Banten
Serang,9 Juni 2016
Siti Marfuah, MDM Kasubag Evaluasi Program (Eselon 4)
Lokakarya Fasilitasi Review Renstra Pendidikan kab/Kota Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan.
Makasar, 16 Juni 2016
Siti Marfuah, MDM Kasubag Evaluasi Program (Eselon 4)
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Lampiran 2: Kegiatan Pemerintah yang dihadiri oleh USAID PRIORITAS No
Waktu dan tempat pelaksanaan kegiatan
Ditjend PAUD dan Pendidikan Masyarakat , Kemdikbud.
Rapat Gerakan Literasi Nasional
Jakarta, 7 April 2016
Peserta dan Nara Sumber
Kementerian Bappenas dan LIPI
Local Knowledge Conference
Jakarta, 12–13 April 2016
Kemdikbud dan ACDP
Kopi Darat “ Kepala Sekolah : Tata Kelola, Otoritas dan Peranannya sebagai Penentu Kualitas Sekolah
Jakarta, 27 April 2016
Peserta dan Nara Sumber
Direktorat Pembinaan SD, Kemdikbud.
Lokakarya Gerakan Literasi Sekolah
Jogjakarta, 28–30 April 2016
Peserta dan Nara Sumber
Direktorat Pembinaan SD, Kemdikbud.
Penyusunan Materi Program Induksi Bagi Tenaga Pendidikan pada Unit Sekolah Baru (USB)
Jakarta, 19 Mei 2016
Ditjend Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan, Kemdikbud.
Pengembangan kompetensi dan kinerja guru, kepala sekolah dan pengawas
Jakarta, 20 Mei 2016
Peserta dan Nara Sumber
Ditjend Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, Kemdikbud.
Lokakarya Finalisasi Juknis Pengelolaan dan Bogor, 26–29 Mei 2016 Pengembangan Perpustakaan, sudut Baca dan Area Baca
Peserta dan Nara Sumber
Kemdikbud dan ACDP.
Kopi Darat : Penguatan KKG MGMP
Peserta & Nara Sumber
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Jakarta, 8 Juni 2016
No 9
Kementerian Direktorat Pembinaan SD, Kemdikbud
Waktu dan tempat pelaksanaan kegiatan
Sosialisasi SD Rujukan : “Praktik yang Baik Program USAID PRIORITAS”
Bogor, 8 Juni 2016
Nara Sumber
10 Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi Islam, Ditjend Pendidikan Islam, Kemenag
Lokakarya Penguatan LPTK IAIN/UIN Fakultas Tarbiyah Seluruh Indonesia
Bogor, 22 Juni 2016
Nara Sumber
11 Direktorat Pembinaan SD, Kemdikbud
Sosialisasi SD Rujukan : “Praktik yang Baik Program USAID PRIORITAS”(Regional 2)
Bogor, 22 Juni 2016
Nara Sumber
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
ANNEX 3: LEVELED READER PROGRAM – STOCK OF BOOKS AS OF JUNE 2016 Province Banten West Java Central Java East Java North Sumatra Aceh South Sulawesi West Papua Papua
Total Original Stock Sets 4,185* 2,115 2,100 2,400** 1,300*** 12,100
Sets Distributed To Trainers To Schools 7 164 12 424 15 1,288 19 27 15 802 9 145 13 522 2 16 2 0 94 3,388
Stock as of June 30, 2016 Sets
1,303 46 971 555 3,482
812 2,054 1,429** 745*** 8,618
*In Jakarta Warehouse **In Medan Warehouse ***In Makassar Warehouse
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
ANNEX 4: DISSEMINATION Participants in Dissemination Activities in Quarter 17 (April–June 2016) Province Aceh North Sumatra
West Java
Central Java
East Java
South Sulawesi
D.I. Yogyakarta Grand Total
District Bireuen Pidie Deli Serdang Kota Medan Labuhanbatu Tapanuli Selatan Tapanuli Utara Tebing Tinggi Toba Samosir Cilegon Kota Tangerang Lebak Serang Tangerang Tangerang Selatan Bekasi Cirebon Garut Indramayu Karawang Kota Bogor Kota Cimahi Kuningan Sukabumi Tasikmalaya Banjarnegara Demak Grobogan Karanganyar Kota Surakarta Semarang Sragen Wonosobo Bangkalan Blitar Bojonegoro Jombang Madiun Nganjuk Ngawi Pasuruan Sampang Sidoarjo Bantaeng Bone Enrekang Kota Makassar Kota Parepare Yogyakarta
Male 14 98 113 47 108 78 38 34 28 63 26 227 32 67 27 35 23 353 379 33 11 42 117 37 16 56 545 352 119 9 166 549 172 92 179 61 27 64 41 37 74 93 94 76 128 77 31 46 19 5,153
Female 53 325 198 130 155 417 42 76 105 221 111 232 53 204 67 63 30 546 435 17 19 75 156 43 11 44 502 387 278 27 416 1,330 295 61 510 56 56 53 90 127 215 106 197 229 39 191 142 119 63 9,317
Male+Female 67 423 311 177 263 495 80 110 133 284 137 459 85 271 94 98 53 899 814 50 30 117 273 80 27 100 1,047 739 397 36 582 1,879 467 153 689 117 83 117 131 164 289 199 291 305 167 268 173 165 82 14,470
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Participants per School of the Dissemination Activities April–June 2016 Province
Bireuen Pidie Deli Serdang Kota Medan Labuhanbatu Tapanuli Selatan Tapanuli Utara Tebing Tinggi Toba Samosir Cilegon Kota Tangerang Lebak Serang Tangerang Tangerang Selatan Bekasi Cirebon Garut Indramayu Karawang Kota Bogor Kota Cimahi Kuningan Sukabumi Tasikmalaya Banjarnegara Demak Grobogan Karanganyar Kota Surakarta Semarang Sragen Wonosobo Bangkalan Blitar Bojonegoro Jombang Madiun Nganjuk Ngawi Pasuruan Sampang Sidoarjo Bantaeng Bone Enrekang Kota Makassar Kota Parepare Yogyakarta
North Sumatra
West Java
Central Java
East Java
South Sulawesi
D.I. Yogyakarta Grand Total
No. of Participants 67 423 311 177 263 495 80 110 133 284 137 459 85 271 94 98 53 899 814 50 30 117 273 80 27 100 1,047 739 397 36 582 1,879 467 153 689 117 83 117 131 164 289 199 291 305 167 268 173 165 82 14,470
No. of No. of Schools Participants/ 3 62 51 14 36 279 18 10 21 114 20 275 35 20 16 7 1 232 46 0 10 15 31 9 1 46 192 89 84 1 105 290 111 75 101 38 18 32 23 22 98 46 27 53 58 59 31 51 64 3,040
22.3 6.8 6.1 12.6 7.3 1.8 4.4 11.0 6.3 2.5 6.9 1.7 2.4 13.6 5.9 14.0 53.0 3.9 17.7 50.0 3.0 7.8 8.8 8.9 27.0 2.2 5.5 8.3 4.7 36.0 5.5 6.5 4.2 2.0 6.8 3.1 4.6 3.7 5.7 7.5 2.9 4.3 10.8 5.8 2.9 4.5 5.6 3.2 1.3 4.8
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Expenditure for Dissemination Activities April–June 2016 (in IDR.000) Province
Bireuen Pidie
Aceh Total North Sumatra
North Sumatra Total West Java
West Java Total Banten
Banten Total Central Java
Central Java Total East Java
East Java Total South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi Total
Deli Serdang Kota Medan Labuhanbatu Tapanuli Selatan Tapanuli Utara Tebing Tinggi Tobasa Bekasi Cirebon Garut Indramayu Karawang Kota Bogor Kota Cimahi Kuningan Sukabumi Tasikmalaya Cilegon Kota Tangerang Lebak Serang Tangerang Tangerang Selatan Banjarnegara Demak Grobogan Karanganyar Kota Surakarta Semarang Sragen Wonosobo Bangkalan Blitar Bojonegoro Jombang Madiun Nganjuk Ngawi Pasuruan Sampang Sidoarjo Bantaeng Bone Enrekang Kota Makassar Kota Parepare
GOI (in Rp) 32,460 178,779 211,239 342,000 50,000 750,000 390,600 62,447 100,000 150,000 1,845,047 15,000 5,300 372,300 149,650 7,500 4,500 105,000 44,000 20,250 11,415 734,915 140,000 55,000 550,000 105,000 45,730 15,000 910,730 30,000 229,650 112,350 80,000 9,180 115,210 473,788 120,032 1,170,210 225,000 126,860 23,400 30,536 34,000 26,200 49,200 64,200 33,640 58,400 671,436 105,000 58,450 79,500 34,400 325,160 602,510
PRIORITAS (in Rp) 0 42,240 42,240 67,670 31,966 0 47,763 28,930 18,486 26,123 220,938 13,550 5,800 50,750 127,800 6,050 0 1,780 20,448 8,759 4,839 239,776 30,969 12,800 21,513 0 46,682 8,460 120,423 14,782 167,210 62,910 52,990 18,890 74,850 102,062 65,800 559,494 8,400 78,840 10,530 14,000 8,310 16,800 25,200 35,370 22,500 36,600 256,550 23,126 32,240 53,400 28,500 34,960 172,226
Total (in Rp) 32,460 221,019 253,479 409,670 81,966 750,000 438,363 91,377 118,486 176,123 2,065,985 28,550 11,100 423,050 277,450 13,550 4,500 106,780 64,448 29,009 16,254 974,691 170,969 67,800 571,513 105,000 92,412 23,460 1,031,153 44,782 396,860 175,260 132,990 28,070 190,060 575,850 185,832 1,729,703 233,400 205,700 33,930 44,536 42,310 43,000 74,400 99,570 56,140 95,000 927,986 128,126 90,690 132,900 62,900 360,120 774,736
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
D.I. Yogyakarta D.I. Yogyakarta Total Grand Total In USD (=Rp. 13,000) %
GOI (in Rp) 2,940 2,940 6,149,027 473,002 79.2%
PRIORITAS (in Rp) 0 0 1,611,646 123,973 20.8%
Total (in Rp) 2,940 2,940 7,760,673 596,975 100.0%
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
ANNEX 5: INCLUSIVE EDUCATION SURVEY Province & District Aceh Pidie Jaya Pidie District Banten South Tangerang City
Tangerang District
Lebak District
West Java Karawang District
Bekasi District
East Java Situbondo District
Inclusion programs Currently drafting of a decree on inclusive education; the decree is at the stage of a second revision by the District Legal Section. Collecting data in 90 schools nominated (receiving a decree as implementer of inclusive education). 32 schools preparing inclusive activities with funding of 30 million IDR per school. Some schools have been appointed as an inclusive education providers, including some USAID PRIORITAS partner schools. But a formal decree (SK) has not been issued so they cannot proceed yet. A workshop to introduce the inclusive education program being implemented by schools took place in Setu Sub-district, with 14 primary schools invited. Ibu Misda, a Supervisor in Ciputat and also a district facilitator, has received training from the Banten Provincial Education Office on inclusive education, so that if a school has difficulties they can contact her. A working group on inclusive education has been established at the provincial level, to support schools experiencing problems with coordination and implementation. The Education Office reports that, as the program is still new, it does not have information related to the implementation of inclusive education. The partner schools visited had special needs students (ABK) but have never been given training or socialization in inclusive education, so they had to learn independently to be able to provide learning programs for these children. In Rangkas Bitung, six schools are designated as inclusive education providers. The implementation of inclusive education is directly coordinated by the Education Office of Banten Province. Not all schools visited have received socialization on inclusive education. Based on the latest data collection, currently 15 schools have students with special needs, with a total of 327 children. The number in each school ranged from 5 to 63 children. There is already a teachers working group (KKG) specifically for teachers who handle special-needs children, with the costs borne by each school. It is hoped that the Education Office will provide support in the future. The Education Office has nominated 17 schools as inclusive education schools, including nine primary schools, four junior secondary schools, and four seniorsecondary schools. One is a USAID PRIORITAS partner school (SMP Negeri 1 Cikarang Selatan). The Education Office is in the process of updating the data on learners with special needs and of mapping schools. In 2016, training on inclusive education is to be incorporated into the training provided by the curriculum development team. In 2017, the budget specifically for inclusive education is 100 million IDR. Currently drafting a draft Decree on Disability (inclusive education to be included in it) and now in the process review. USAID PRIORITAS (the local District Coordinator and the Inclusion and Equity Specialist.) are among the parties asked to review and provide input.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016
Province & District Jombang District
South Sulawesi Bantaeng
Inclusion programs Has issued a district regulation, Perbup No. 39 of 2014, on the implementation of inclusive education. Is sending trainees on study visits to SDN Weak Putro 1 Sidoarjo. Direct broadcast, or "Talk Show," on the Voice of Education Radio Jombang District on inclusive education, gender, child protection, and whole-school development to encourage learning services that match the needs of children. The Jombang Education Office has conducted an evaluation of all schools in the district that are inclusive education providers. Schools have been given an inclusive learning CD and have prepared Individual Education Programs for special needs students, based on student needs mapping. Data collection for an assessment/mapping of children with special needs has been completed. An analysis of the data is currently being conducted.
USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 17, April–June, 2016