PLANTING SYSTEM ASSESMENT OF RICE NEW VARIETY TROUGH INTEGRATED CROP MANAGEMENT APPROACH IN LOW LAND SEMI INTENSIVE IN JAMBI PROVINCE Endrizal dan Julistia Bobihoe Assesment Institute of Agricultural Technology Jambi ABSTRACT The assesment aims to know performance of rice growth and yield then financial on rice planting system in low land semi intensive. The assesment was conducted in Primatani location Sri Agung Village, Batang Asam sub District, Tanjung Jabung Barat District in the dry season (MK) 2007. Planting system assessment implemented by the approach of planting rice integrated crop management (ICM) with rice major technology components that were examined are Ciherang varieties, planting systems and planting row legowo 4:1, 6:1 and the way farmers planting conventional tegel systems (25 cm x 25 cm) with a planting area of 3 ha. The data collected includes data agronomic (plant height, number of tillers, pests and diseases, and yield of rice), and data economic (expenditure, revenue and profitability of farming). Agronomic data were tabulated and then performed a descriptive analysis. While the economic data were analyzed by the method of financial analysis. The results of the assessment indicate that the legowo 4:1 cropping systems results 7.68 t / ha and legowo 6: 1 (7.61 t / ha). Legowo system 4:1 and 6:1 showed growth and better results than tegel systems (6.56 t / ha). Application of planting systems to increase rice production by legowo system 1 - 1.2 / ha paddy. In the legowo 4:1 cropping systems production obtained 7.68 t / ha with a financial benefit Rp. 7.6185, legowo 6:1 cropping systems obtained 7.61 t / ha with Rp 6.650.000 while the financial benefits gained 6.56 t/ha tegel system t / ha with a profit of Rp 5.951.000. Planting systems economically most advantageous by legowo 4:1 with the added advantage of Rp Rp. 1.443.000 per ha and R / C ratio of 2.42 is appropriate to develop in a larger scale. Key words: Integrated Crop Management, Rice new superior variety, planting system, income and low land semi intensive ABSTRAK Pengkajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaan pertumbuhan dan hasil padi serta keragaan finansial pada sistem pertanaman padi VUB di lahan semi intensif. Pengkajian ini dilaksanakan pada lahan petani yang merupakan lokasi kegiatan Primatani di Desa Sri Agung Kecamatan Batang Asam Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat Provinsi Jambi pada musim kemarau (MK) 2007. Pengkajian system tanam padi dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan pengelolaan tanaman terpadu (PTT) padi sawah dengan komponen teknologi utama yang dikaji adalah varietas Ciherang, penanaman sistem tanam jajar legowo 4:1 dan legowo 6:1 (introduksi) dan cara penanaman konvensional petani sistem tegel (25 cm x 25 cm) dengan luas tanam 3 ha. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data agronomis (tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan, serangan hama dan penyakit, serta hasil padi), dan data ekonomis (pengeluaran, pendapatan dan keuntungan usahatani). Data agronomis ditabulasi dan selanjutnya dilakukan analisis secara deskriptif. Sedangkan data ekonomi dianalisis dengan metode analisis finansial. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa sistem tanam jajar legowo 4:1 memperoleh hasil 7,68 t/ha dan legowo 6 : 1 (7,61 t/ha). Sietem tanam jajar legowo 4:1 dan 6:1 memberikan pertumbuhan dan hasil yang lebih baik dibanding sistem tanam tegel (6,56 t/ha). Penerapan sistem tanam legowo meningkatkan produksi padi sebesar 1-1,2 /ha GKG. Pada sistem tanam jajar legowo 4:1 diperoleh produksi 7,68 t/ha dengan keuntungan finansial Rp 7.618.500, sistem tanam jajar legowo 6:1 diperoleh 7,61 t/ha dengan keuntungan finansial Rp 6.650.000 sedangkan sistem tegel diperoleh 6,56 t/ha dengan keuntungan Rp 5.951.000. Secara ekonomis sistem tanam jajar legowo 4:1 lebih menguntungkan dengan tambahan pendapatan Rp 1.443.000 per ha dan R/C ratio 2,42 sistem tanam tersebut layak dikembangkan dalam skala yang lebih luas. Kata kunci ; Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (PTT), Padi VUB, Sistem tanam, pendapatan dan lahan sawah semiintensif.
INTRODUCTION Rice farming in Indonesia is still the backbone of rural economies, as well as to the sustainability of national food security (Budianto, 2002; Suryatna, 2007). Potential areas of Jambi province to support food self-sufficiency is still open because the total area of 5.1 million ha, 3 million (59 %) of which is agricultural land, such as dry land (2.65 million ha), swamp land (684 million ha), and technical irrigated land (352,410 ha) (Jambi Provincial Agricultural Office, 2002). Total production of rice from Jambi province reached 501,144 tons, while the number of needs for 244,832.784 tons (Jambi Provincial Agricultural Office, 2006), means there is an excess supply of 105,968.02 tons of rice. The results of the identification and characterization of AEZ in Jambi Province showed there were approximately 1,380,700 ha of dry land is suitable for developing dry land rice, maize and pulses, while the land suitable for paddy rice plant 246,482 ha (Busyra et al. 2000). This means that the rice crop and the crops are important commodities to support agricultural programs in the province of Jambi (Jambi Province Agricultural Office, 2002). The survey results Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) BPTP Jambi cooperation with the Department of Food Crops and Horticulture Jambi Province, in some district Kerinci regency, Merangin, Sarolangun, Tebo and West Tanjung Jabung, shows that the average production of paddy in the district is still low, ie 3.36 t / ha compared with the average national production of 3,95 t / ha. The highest rice productivity obtained in Kerinci Regency (4.87 t / ha), whereas in the districts of West Tanjung Jabung and East Tanjung Jabung, Muaro Jambi and Merangin was 3.2 t / ha (Dinas Pertanian Jambi Province, 2002). Rice production in Jambi Province in general can still be improved because of the potential production of several varieties of cultivated rice farmers, such as Mekongga Ciherang and can reach 6-7 t / ha. Meanwhile, the production potential of varieties Ciherang 8.5 t / ha and Mekongga 8.4 t / ha (Suprihatno et al, 2007). One district that has the potential to increase rice production is Jabung Tanjung Jabung. District has an area of land irrigated lowland rice 1050 ha, but only 70 percent of the cultivated in semi-intensive (Harahap, 2003). In this district centers scattered planting
rice in many villages, one village among Sri Agung Batang Asam District. Sri Agung Village is one of the Javanese transmigrants villages which has an area of agricultural land reached 1288 ha, but only a small portion (70%) who attempted to sidah rice planting. Planting rice in the village of Sri Agung began pioneered in 1994 by transmigrants. Dominant rice varieties are IR 64, but there are also several other rice varieties like Cisadane and IR 42. Rice cultivation technology in the village is done conventionally, such as how imperfect cultivation, planting tile system, the seeds from the previous harvest season, fertilizing is very limited and not balanced (Endrizal et al. 2003). Thus, the average production of paddy in this village is still low, ie 3.0 t / ha (Harahap, 2003). With the removal of fertilizer subsidies that result in higher fertilizer prices and timely inperfect stock, then the application of fertilizers to lower the rice so that rice production can be expected to be lower. One to increase rice production in these villages is by planting new varieties (VUB) as Ciherang, Legowo row planting system, and balanced fertilization. According to Abdullah et al. (2008), One of the causes of low rice production is already achieving the optimum outcome of the potential are planted by farmers or the limited ability of genetic varieties available to produce higher (Balitpa, 2003). Efforts to increase rice productivity in a sustainable with technological innovations that could improve the efficiency of rice farming. One alternative technology is Legowo row planting system. From the results of previous studies showed that application of the PTT model with Legowo row planting system can increase the harvest of dry grain yield of the technology by farmers planting system tiles by 18% or about 1.0 t / ha (Zaini et al. 2002 and Budianto, 2003) . Meanwhile, research from Bahrein (2005) that the system consistently Legowo planting and real increase crop yields by an average of 1.4 tons / ha GKP (26.9%) compared with planting tegel system. This assessment aims to find out keragaan rice growth and yield as well as financial keragaan rice cropping systems in the low land semiintensif new superior variety.
RESEARCH METHOD The study was conducted at the Sri Agung Village, Batang Asam District West Tanjung Jabung Jambi Province in the dry season (MK) in 2007. This form of assessment activity undertaken land farmers (on-farm research). The approach is done by working with farmers as providing agricultural land, Agricultural District West Tanjung Jabung, BPP, PPL and researchers to guide the technology. Study of planning system of rice conducted with integtrated crop management.In this study introduced a system of farmers planting legowo 4:1, 6:1 and tegel system (25 cm x 25 cm) with an area of 3 ha planted. Other cultivation technologies such as fertilizing with Leaf Color Chart (LCC), Integrated Pest Management (IPM), harvesting and post harvest are listed in Table 1. The data collected in this study include: Data agronomist (growth and crop yields), the data are tabulated and then performed a descriptive analysis. Table 1. Technology Performance new variety rice planting systems in rice field village semi intensif Sri Agung village, Jambi Province No.
Component technology
1. Cultivation
2. . Seed 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Seedbed Age of seedlings Variety Organic fertilizer Inorganic fertilizer - Urea (kg/ha) - SP 36 (kg / ha) - KCl (kg / ha) 8. Control OPT
Legowo 4:1 Perfect (1x Plough, 1x Harrow) Labeled 25 kg/ha Wet 21 days Ciherang 1000 kg / ha
Planting System Legowo 6:1 Perfect (1x Plough, 1x Harrow) Labeled 25 kg/ha Wet 21 days Ciherang 1000 kg / ha
Tegel System Perfect (1x Plough, 1x Harrow) Labeled 25 kg/ha Wet 21 days Ciherang 1000 kg / ha
100 + LCC 100 100 IPM
100 + LCC 100 100 IPM
100 + LCC 100 100 IPM
9. Harvest / post harvest
Sickle / Threser
Sickle / Threser
Sickle / Threser
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Plants Performance Growth of rice plants look good enough for the three systems of planting tall plants range from 92.40 cm to 96.83 cm. High on the highest crop planting system is Legowo 4:1 and 96.83 cm high 92.40 cm plant lowest planting system tiles. While the number of chicks most 16.0 (Legowo planting system 4:1) and the lowest number of chicks 13.40 (tiles planting system). From observing the reaction to pests / diseases indicates that the pests that appear as orong-orong, fake white pests, sundep, walang sangit and outs of a low-intensity attacks. Reaction to diseases and varieties respond Ciherang resistant to Helminthosporium diseases, Leaf and Neck Blas Blas. At 4:1 Legowo cultivation system showed a higher production than 6:1 Legowo planting system and tile system that is 7.68 tons / ha, 7.15 tonnes / ha and 6.56 tonnes / ha GKP (Table 2). Viewed from the production obtained from each planting system showed increased production of 1.12 tons / ha (the difference between planting system and tiles Legowo 4:1). According to Suwono et al. (2000) that the benefits of row planting Legowo way when compared with the tegel system are: 1) the number of plants more widespread unity, so that more production, 2) with distance causing intermittent alternating air circulation and sunlight in more, thereby reducing pest disease and 3) fertilizing and weeding easier, so save money and manpower. Permana and Syamsiah (1995) that the system Legowo planting can increase the number of seedlings and yield components which in turn increases the harvest. From the research in four location, integrated cprop management approach with legowo row planting system in dry seoason can increase milled grain yield between 0,8-1,3 t / ha or 16.3 to 25.6% compared to technologies with farmers planting system tiles (Bahrein et al, 2003). Bahrein (2005) that the production of rice cultivation legowo system height of the tegel system due to the planting of a grove of increased production resulting from all the rows of rice paddies, with the open space get more sunlight like a plant height edge of the planting system tiles.
Tabel 2. Performance planting rice new variety in rice field village semi intensif Sri Agung village, Jambi Province Parameters Higher plants (cm) Number of saplings Production (t / ha) GKP
Legowo 4:1 96.83 16.0 7.68
Planting System Legowo 6:1 93.50 14.80 7.15
Tegel System 92.40 13.40 6.56
Facility Production and Employment The use of production facilities and labor in rice cultivation legowo system 4:1, 6:1 and tegel system basically the same ie in the form of seeds, manure, urea and KCl 36 SP and pesticides, while the labor of tilling, remove seeds, planting, fertilizing, weeding, pest and disease control and harvesting / processing. Differences in the use of facilities there are in volume production for use / purchase of pesticides so that the financing structure distinguishes between these three systems of planting, while for the use of labor that distinguishes it is the planting. The planting legowo system labor is higher than the tegel system. Cropping system of tiles per hectare planting cost of Rp 280,000, while the system Legowo per hectare USD 320,000. Other differences in the use of labor is the harvest / processing, the system applies to the rice crop is bawon system 7:1 (ie 6 for the owner and 1 for the harvest). Thus the labor / costs which depend on the results obtained rice and there is a difference on the three systems is growing. In the study of rice cultivation system, shown in 6:1 Legowo planting system cost for larger production facilities than legowo 4:1 and tegel system, the largest proportion of costs is the purchase of pesticides, followed by planting system tiles and Legowo 4:1. whereas labor for harvest / processing plant systems legowo 4:1, expenses costs legowo greater than 6:1 and tiles. This is because the results obtained rice more compared to the two planting system. Taken as a whole the use of cost production, which is the highest cultivation system Legowo 6:1 followed by 4:1 Legowo planting systems and tegel system.
Table 3. The use of production facilities and labor in rice cultivation system in rice field village semi intensif Sri Agung village, Jambi Province Description Production Facility (Rp) - Seed - Manure - Urea - SP 36 - KCl - Pesticides Amount Labor (USD) - Seedling - Pough land - Tick - Remove the seeds - Planting - Fertilization - Weeding - Control Pests / diseases - Harvest / processing Amount Total
Sistem Tanam Planting System Legowo 4:1 Legowo 6:1 Tegel System 375,000 375,000 375,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 210,000 210,000 210,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 270,000 270,000 270,000 372,500 559,000 448,000 1,567,500 1,752,000 1,643,000 60,000 560,000 60,000 280,000 320,000 90,000 90,000 120,000 2,254,000 3,794,000 5,361,500
60,000 560,000 60,000 280,000 320,000 90,000 90,000 120,000 2,100,000 3,680,000 5,434,000
60,000 560,000 60,000 280,000 280,000 90,000 90,000 120,000 1,934,000 3,494,000 5,137,000
Farm Analysis From the analysis of farms indicates acceptance of the three rice-planting system quite diverse (Table 4). Acceptance by planting legowo system higher 4:1 followed by a reception legowo system 6:1 tegel system. The amount of revenue Legowo 4:1 planting system of Rp 12,980,000 to Rp 5,361,500 production cost and income of Rp. 7,618,500 obtained by R / C ratio of 2.42. The amount of revenue Legowo 6:1 planting system of Rp 12,084,000 to Rp 5,334,000 production cost and earned revenue Rp. 6,650,000 and the R /
C ratio of 2.22, while the number of tegel system revenues of Rp 11,088,000 with production costs Rp 5,137,000 and Rp 5,951,000 earned income and R / C ratio of 2.16.
Table 4. Analysis of farm labor in rice cultivation system on rice field semi intensif Sri Agung village, Jambi Province Description Legowo 4:1 Input Costs a. Saprodi (Rp / ha) b. Labor (Rp/ha) Total (a + b) Acceptance a. Results (kg / ha of rice) b. Rice prices (Rp/kg) Amount (AxB) Income (Rp) R/C B/C
Planting System Legowo 6:1
Tegel System
1,567,500 3,794,000 5,361,500
1,754,000 3,680,000 5,434,000
1,643,000 3,494,000 5,137,000
3245 4000 12,980,000 7,618,500 2.42 1.42
3021 4000 12,084,000 6,650,000 2.22 1.22
2772 4000 11,088,000 5,951,000 2.16 1.16
When viewed from the value of farm business efficiency R / C farming rice planting system Legowo 4:1 and 2.42 values Legowo 6:1 planting system value 2.22 while planting system of tiles 2.16. This shows that the three rice farming system is more competitive because the value of R / C more than two. But the R / C ratio of 4:1 legowo planting system is better than R / C ratio of these two planting systems. CONCLUSION 1. Legowo cultivation system and growth of 4:1 gives better results than 6:1 legowo planting systems and tegel system. Increased production of 1.12 / ha compared with planting tegel system. 2. In the cultivation system of production obtained 4:1 Legowo 3245 kg / ha with a financial profit Rp 7,618,500, 6:1 Legowo planting system obtained 3021 kg / ha with a
financial profit Rp 6,650,000, while tegel system obtained 2772 kg / ha with a profit Rp. 5,951,000. 3. Planting system is economically most advantageous Legowo 4:1 with additional benefits Rp 1,443,000 per ha and R / C ratio of 2.42 is feasible planting system developed in a broader scale.
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