SOYBEAN PRODUCTIVITY IN SWAMPY LAND IN BATANGHARI DISTRICT JAMBI PROVINCE Endrizal dan Julistia Bobihoe Assessment Institute of Agricultural Technology (AIAT) Jambi Jl. Samarinda Paal Lima Kotabaru Jambi E-mail :
[email protected] Studies of soybean productivity in swampy wetlands during the dry season in 2010 at Batanghari district of Jambi Province with shallow swampy wetlands typology. The purpose of this study was to determine the productivity of soybean through Integrated Ceop Management (ICM) swampy land in Batanghari regency of Jambi Province. The assessment was conducted the farmers' fields 500 ha spread over 19 villages and six districts. The varieties used were Anjasmoro. Technological innovation is implemented through an integrated approach to crop management (ICM) includes soil cultivation, micro water system, improved varieties, fertilizer and ameliorant (urea, SP36, Phonska, dolomite and manure), IPM, harvest and post harvest. From the results of the assessment indicate that the variability of soybean plants are quite varied in each location and the average growth quite well . The highest soybean productivity of 1.30 t / ha and the average productivity of soybean 0.70 to 1.3 t / ha . Income earned by a production of 1.30 t / ha of Rp . 3,900,000 , while the revenue earned by the production of 0.70 t / ha is Rp . 1,850,000 .
Key words : Produsction, Soybean, ICM, Swampy Land
PRODUKTIVITAS KEDELAI PADA LAHAN RAWA LEBAK DI KABUPATEN BATANGHARI JAMBI Endrizal dan Julistia Bobihoe Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Jambi E-mail :
[email protected] RINGKASAN Kajian produktivitas kedelai di lahan rawa lebak dilakukan pada musim kemarau (MK) 2010 di Kabupaten Batanghari Provinsi Jambi dengan tipologi lahan rawa lebak dangkal. Tujuan pengkajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui produktivitas kedelai melalui kegiatan SL-PTT kedelai di lahan rawa lebak Kabupaten Batanghari Provinsi Jambi. Pengkajian ini dilaksanakan di lahan petani seluas 500 ha yang tersebar di 19 desa dan enam kecamatan. Varietas yang digunakan adalah Anjasmoro. Inovasi teknologi yang diterapkan melalui pendekatan pengelolaan tanaman terpadu (PTT) meliputi pengolahan tanah, tata air mikro, varietas unggul, pemupukan dan amelioran (pupuk urea, SP36, Phonska, dolomit dan pupuk kandang), PHT, panen dan pasca panen. Dari hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa keragaan tanaman kedelai cukup beragam di masing-masing lokasi dan pertumbuhannya rata-rata cukup baik. Produktivitas kedelai tertinggi yaitu 1,30 t/ha dan rata-rata produktivitas kedelai 0,70 sampai 1,3 t/ha. Pendapatan yang diperoleh dengan produksi sebesar 1,30 t/ha yaitu Rp. 3.900.000, sedangkan pendapatan yang diperoleh dengan produksi 0,70 t/ha adalah Rp. 1.850.000.
Kata kunci : Produksi, Kedelai, SL-PTT, Lahan rawa lebak
INTRODUCTION Swampy wetlands is one of the areas of agricultural development future perspectives which have the nature of agroecosystems swampy marsh, traits and characteristics are very distinctive and unique with inundation and soil properties are specific compared to other agroecosystems (Noor and Fadjry, 2008) . Swampy wetlands can also be distinguished by the presence or absence of the influence of the surrounding rivers . Puddle swampy marsh land which is influenced by the surrounding river valley called the valley of the river while free or not affected by the river called the Valley of confined or semi- confined (Kosman and Jumberi , 1996) . According to Noor (2007 ) that the problems faced in the field in addition to the technical issues are also a problem of socio-economic and cultural . Therefore there are many wetlands are planted bed only once a year and the result is low due to limited use of inputs , still using inferior seeds / seed labeled and locally with low yield potential and pest and disease control potluck . Furthermore Noor and Fadjry (2008 ) says that the main obstacle in the swampy marsh land use for this is the high inundation and arrival of water sometimes suddenly and allegedly difficult. Origin rain can cause puddles, swampy region so that puddles in the rainy season increased to 1-3 m . Waterlogging conditions are largely influenced by local and around regional rainfall (Ismail et al, 1993). Soybean is one of the major food commodities needed as cheap and nutritious food , animal feed and industrial raw materials . Demand for soybeans continues to increase from year to year in line with the increasing rate of population growth and increasing public awareness of food nutrition . Soybean is a source of food that is high in protein , low in cholesterol and affordable prices . Government's attention to soybean increased with the increasing national soybean consumption from year to year as food , industrial raw materials as well as animal feed . The increase in demand is not accompanied by an increase in domestic soybean production . Based on the statistical data during the period 1992-2008 harvest area and national soybean production declined each of the 1.6 million acres and 1.87 million tons in 1992 to 0.59 million tonnes / ha and 0.78 million tons in 2008 . government was forced to import soybeans to meet the needs of the spent soy ± 5 trillion rupiah of foreign exchange in 2008 (Herman, 2010).
The government launched a soybean self-sufficiency in 2015 to save foreign exchange that is used in order to bring soybeans from outside and reduce Indonesia's dependence on imported goods . Various attempts were made to increase domestic production but constrained by low crop productivity at farmer level and reduced productive land in Java . Efforts to do is to increase the productivity and development of soybean acreage outside Java , including Jambi Province . Soybean productivity at the farm level is still low , in the central areas of soybean production in Jambi province reached 1.3 t/ha (Department of Agriculture , 2013). Productivity soybean in Batanghari district is still low at 0.72 t/ha . Opportunities increase in soybean production is still quite large , particularly through the application of soybean cultivation technology with an integrated approach to crop management (ICM) of soybean production in wetlands can reach 2.0 t/ha (Balitkabi, 2006). The purpose of this study was to determine the productivity of soybean through integrated crop management field school (FFS - ICM ) in the swampy wetlands Batanghari regency in Jambi Province.
METHODOLOGY Assessment activities conducted on soybean land in the dry season from June to September in 2010 in the region of the SL - PTT Batanghari regency in Jambi Province with shallow swampy wetlands typology. The assessment was conducted in farmers' fields at 6 locations SL - PTT on each LL unit of 1 ha , scattered in Maro Sebo sub district (Tebing Tinggi), District Mersam (Tapah Sari Village), Muara Tembesi (Tanjung Marwo Village), Batin XXIV District (Jangga Baru Village), Muara Bulian (Aro Village), District Pemayung (Pulau Raman Village). The varieties used were Anjasmoro . Table 1 . Locations SL - PTT soybeans in swampy wetlands Batang District MK 2010 No
Jumlah Desa
Luas (ha)
Maro Sebo Ulu
Muara Tembesi
4 5 6
Batin XXIV Muara Bulian Pemayung Number
5 4 2 19
113 87 21 500
This assessment is done through Integrated Crop Management (ICM) before soybean and soybean cultivation technical socialization in swampy wetlands with PTT approach, which was attended by Provincial Bakorluh, BP4K Kabupaen Batang, Agriculture Office, Head of the village and farmer group technology components PTT soy applied in the location SLPTT soybean covers include tillage, micro water management, improved varieties, fertilizer and ameliorant (Urea, SP36, Phonska, dolomite and manure), IPM, harvest and post- harvest. Seeds were taken from Balitkabi Malang. The parameters observed are characteristic of the SL - PTT location, characteristics of the area , planting area , harvested area and productivity of soybean and analysis of farming. The analysis used is the analysis of income and balance analysis of receipts over costs (R C) ( Swastika Malian 2004 and 2004) .
Tabel 1. ICM technology components of soybean in soybean SLPTT location in swampy wetlands Batanghari District dry season 2010 No 1. 2. 3.
Component Technology Soil tillage Micro water system Seed
4. 5. 6. 7.
Variety cropping systems Spacing Organic fertilizer
8. 9.
Dolomit An organic fertilizer (kg/ha) - Urea - SP 36 - KCl - Phonska 10. Pest control
ICM Tillage Kemalir channel spacing of 6 m Labeled / quality 40 kg/ha Anjasmoro Tugal 40x15 cm Manure 1000 kg/ha 750 kg/ha
0 50 0 150 integrated pest management (based on observations)
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Regional Characteristics Location of assessment activities is located in the Batanghari District. Geographically located at coordinates 10 15' - 20 20 ' south latitude and 1020 30 ' 1040 30 ' east longitude. This area has a tropical climate with elevation level consists mostly of lowlands with a height of 11-100 meters above sea level. Land is an important asset in agriculture as plant growth media . Based on the data potential of land in Batanghari regency consists of 18 189 ha of paddy field and dry land 277 677 ha . This land has the potential for crop enterprises . The ability of soil physical properties of soil are limited by various factors such as the slope of the land ( slope ) , drainage , effective soil depth , soil texture . The usefulness of the land is the ability to assess the suitability or appropriateness of the level of physical soil against various types of land use in agriculture to be made from the analysis of the soil physical and agronomic environment . The slope of the land is divided into 4 classes: Flat 0-2 % , Ramps 2-15 % , Waves 15-40 % and the Steep > 40 % . Land with a slope of > 40 % have started the steep 's not good for farming , due to landslides , land is only suitable for protected forests . Crops should be cultivated on land with a slope of 0-2 % , but still can be cultivated on land with a slope of up to 15 % with terracing and tree planting action in accordance with the contour lines to prevent erosion. So the potential of land in Batanghari district based on the slope of the land can be cultivated agricultural crops (rice and pulses). Basically the type of soil in Batanghari district can be classified into two groups: Azonal and Zonal. Land Azonal like Organosol , Alluvial , Gley Humus Low , and hidromorfik Grey is the land which is still experiencing continued proses because such land has not shown the perfect profile . While such Zonal Andosol soil type , Latosol , Podsolic are lands that are already experiencing more robust growth profile. Soil type Podsolic Red Yellow is the most extensive land in Batanghari district of 435 451 ha or 84.06 % , mostly consisting of Alluvial located along the Batanghari and river its tributaries an area of 82 584 ha or 15.94 % . The most dominant source of water to the plant life comes from rain , therefore in the division where the plants grow when water is associated with the presence of the factors to consider are the most rainfall . The state of rainfall and rainy days in the District of Batanghari listed in Table 2. Based on the table below shows that
rainfall is the highest average monthly fall in November , while the lowest rainfall in the month of February . Table. 2. Rainfall and Rainy Day in the Batanghari District Bulan January February March April May June July August September October November December Average
2009 CH 436 262 229 499 101 46 195 103 20 77 256 199 202
HH 10 10 11 11 4 3 8 3 1 4 7 11 7
2010 CH HH 100,8 12 66,4 10 324,5 18 183,8 13 157,1 19 101,6 8 81,5 8 251,3 15 215,6 12 260,1 20 330,2 18 209,8 12 190,2 13,7
2011 CH 280,9 313,4 158,3 379,4 142,4 121,3 119,5 76,1 150,1 106,3 176,2 206,2 185,8
HH 17 12 10 16 13 16 13 5 8 8 14 16 12
2012 CH HH 333,9 23 131,7 16 169,4 21 218,8 16 201,8 17 135,8 16 234,1 15 139,1 10 215,8 18 166,4 14 145,3 17 304,9 23 199,8 17,2
2013 CH HH 239 5 40,5 2 309,5 10 276 9 161,5 6 78 2 21,5 2 200 7 133,5 6 214,5 11 191,5 6 358,5 12 199,8 17,2
Source: Meteorological Station Jambi
Planted area and harvested area of soybeans in the location of the SL-PTT Batanghari district listed in Table 3. Targets soybean acreage in the District of Batang is 500 ha, of which realized the extent of an area of 408 ha and soybean harvested area of 197.5 ha. The low harvest area due waterlogged acquired land on soybean, soybean planting especially in December. Planting is done in December can not be harvested by Anjasmoro because soybean varieties under water. Table 3. Area planted and harvested area of soybeans in the location of the SL-PTT swampy wetlands Batang District Court, 2010 No 1 2 3 4 5 6
Sub-District Planting wide (ha) Area Harvested (ha) Maro Sebo Ulu 100 60,0 Mersam 38 28,5 Muara Tembesi 116 40,0 Batin XXIV 119 53,5 Muara Bulian 20 11,0 Pemayung 15 4,5 Number 408 197,5 Source: Department of Agriculture Batanghari District 2010
Soybean production The growth of soybean plants in locations SLPTT pretty good and pests that appear on paddy crop vegetative phase as leaf rollers while the generative phase is armyworms and winches pods . The intensity of pest attacks on vegetative and generative phase low . Pest control is done by controlling the spraying of insecticides . Performance of soybean plants from each location SLPTT quite varied because it is influenced by the condition of the water , so that the land is rather low influence on the growth of soybean while exhibiting high land somewhat better soybean growth . The diversity of the growth of soybean plants in swampy wetlands are influenced by environmental factors such as weather or rainfall . At low fields can cause soybean plants submerged in water . Performance of the plant can be determined diversity and diversity of genotype and environment interactions both ( Satoto and Suprihatno , 1998) . Soybean production showed the diversity of the results obtained from each of the locations SL - PTT ( Table 4 ) . Soybean production in the SL - PTT activities ranged from 0.70 / ha - 1.30 t / ha . Production was highest in the District Mersam is 1.30 t / ha , and the lowest production of 0.70 t / ha in Muara Bulian . The diversity of soybean production due to water logged in land planted in June / July , planting is done in December so that the land is experiencing flooding affecting soybean production . Low produkivitas soybeans caused by standing water and fertilization . Generally, only soybean farmers fertilizing urea fertilizer receipts and SP 36 , whereas KCl and dolomite are not used . Increased productivity of soybean in swamp land can still be improved by the addition of nutrients and dolomite . Results of research on tidal wetlands Jambi Province with PTT approach soybean production could reach 2 t / ha ( Taufiq et al . , 2007) .
Table 3. Soybean production in locations SLPTT swampy wetlands Batanghari District, 2010 No 1 2 3 4 5 6
Kecamatan Maro Sebo Ulu Mersam Muara Tembesi Batin XXIV Muara Bulian Pemayung
Performance 5 3 5 5 5 5
Production (t / ha) 0,80 1,30 0,90 0,75 0,70 0,90
Performance of 1 = excellent and equitable growth 3 = good and equitable growth 5 = moderate and uneven growth
Analysis of Farming. The results of the analysis of soybean at swampy wetland marsh Batanghari regency of Jambi province is presented in Table 4. Results of the analysis showed that farm receipts and farm income in the location of the SL-PTT quite diverse, soybean analysis carried out by the highest production of 1.30 t / ha and the lowest production 0.70 kg / ha. Income earned by a production of 1.30 t / ha of Rp. 3,900,000, while the revenue earned by the production of 0.70 t / ha is Rp. 1,850,000. When viewed from the farm efficiency is the R / C ratio of 2.00 and 1.79 soybean farming. This suggests that the location of soybean farming SLPTT the benefit.
Table 4. Analysis of soybean per hectare at swampy wetland marsh in locations SLPTT Batang regency in 2010 Description Production (kg/ha) Price (Rp/kg) Receipts (Rp) Cost of production (Rp) Revenue (Rp) R/C ratio
ICM 1.300 6.000 7.800.000 3.900.000 3.900.000 2,00
Non ICM 700 6.000 4.200.000 2.350.000 1.850.000 1,79
CONCLUSION 1. Growth and production of soybean plants are quite varied in each location SLPTT. Average soybean production in the swampy wetlands of 0.70 to 0.90 t / ha. 2. Soybean production was highest in the District Mersam is 1.30 t / ha and lows in Muara Bulian is 0.70 t / ha. 3. Revenue obtained with a production of 1.30 t / ha of Rp. 3,900,000, while the revenue earned by the production of 0.70 t / ha is Rp. 1,850,000. REFERENCES Balitkabi. 2006. Produksi kedelai melalui pendekatan pengelolaan sumberdaya dan tanaman terpadu (PTT). Padu-Padan dan Umpan Balik Litkaji di Puslitbangtan, Bogor 13-14 Desember 2005. Badan Litbang Bappeda. 2000. Potensi, prospek dan pengembangan usahatani lahan pasang surut. Dalam Seminar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut Kuala Tungkal , 27-28 Maret 2000. ISDP-Jambi Busyra, BS, N Izhar, Mugiyanto, Lindawati dan Suharyon 2000. Karakterisasi zona agro ekologi (AEZ). Pedoman Pengembangan Pertanian di Propinsi Jambi. Instansi Penelitian dan Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Jambi. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Departemen Pertanian. Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan. 2009. Data pertanian tanaman pangan dan hortikultura tahun 2008. Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Provinsi Jambi. 134 hal. Ismail IG, T Alihamsyah, IPG Widjaja Adhi, Suwarno, T Herawati, R Taher dan DE Sianturi. 1993. Sewindu penelitian pertanian di lahan rawa (1985-1993) Kontribusi dan prospek pengembangan. Swamps II. Badan Litbang Pertanian. Jakarta Hermanto. 2010. Inovasi Teknologi Memacu Produksi Kedelai, Meraih Swasembada. Dalam Sinar Tani. Ed 23- 29 Juni 2010. No. 3360 Kosman E dan Jumberi A. 1996. Tampilan potensi usahatani di lahan lebak. Dalam B Prayudi et al. (eds). Prosiding Seminar Teknologi SUT Lahan Rawa dan Lahan Kering. Buku I. Balittra Banjarbaru.
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