Kevin Jeremy Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Yohannes Frank Williams Laurenz Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Tujuan dari pembuatan skripsi ini adalah untuk menerapkan sistem pelaporan untuk proses recruitment dengan menggunakan sistem Dashboard. M etode-metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode studi pustaka yaitu metode yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan buku, jurnal dan bahan tertulis lainnya. Studi pustaka meliputi literatur yang berkaitan dengan Dashboard. Kemudian metode pengumpulan data, metode ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode fact-finding, yang meliputi Wawancara dan Studi dokumentasi. Terakhir metode perancangan, yang meliputi perancangan database multidimensional, perancangan skema bintang, perancangan user interface dengan menggunakan konsep Dashboard. Hasil yang dicapai dari skripsi ini
adalah terciptanya sebuah sistem dashboard yang menghasilkan knowledge untuk mendukung aksi dalam proses pencapaian tujuan.
Kata Kunci : Pelaporan Interaktif, Dashboard, Recruitment.
1. Pendahuluan
Pada era globalisasi ini penggunaan komputer sebagai tools untuk medukung aktivitas perusahaan sudah lazim ditemukan. Ditambah dengan beberapa faktor lain dimana dibutuhkannya informasi dengan cepat dan mudah. Namun dari pada itu tak lepas bahwa hardware dan software yang digunakan mampu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masa depan perusahaan. Dimana semakin banyak pesaing yang muncul ke permukaan dengan segala inovasi dan ide-ide baru yang mana memaksa perusahaan untuk tetap survive dalam dunia bisnis. PT. M SV merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang penyediaan jasa TV berbayar dengan produknya IDV san TTV yang sudah dikenal namanya di masyarakat luas. Dengan jumlah staff sebesar 6500 orang dan area yang tersebar di 58 kota di indonesia menyebabkan ada beberapa masalah yang mulai menjadi kendala dalam aktivitasnya. Pada Divisi Human ResourceDevelopment sistem pelaporan staff recruitment pada Departemen Staffing & Organization Development yaitu pada proses recruitment dilakukan dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Bentuk dari laporan hanya berupa angka dan grafik sederhana saja. Pelaporan dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan pivoting dari microsoft excel yang sumber datanya adalah data warehouse milik PT. M SV. Walaupun sistem sudah terkomputerisasi, perlahan namun pasti masalah kerap timbul. Dimana kebutuhan data tidak dapat diperoleh secara cepat dan akurat, padahal informasi tersebut penting dalam meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan. Sering terjadi kebutuhan laporan secara tiba – tiba dimana laporan tersebut harus ringkas dan dibutuhkan oleh
bagian M anajemen untuk mendukung pemenuhan manpower planning (M PP) dalam periode 1 tahun. Namun untuk mendapatkan laporan secara ringkas masih dibutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama karena informasi pada Microsoft Excel tidak secara langsung ter-update menjadi informasi yang paling baru melainkan perlu di-generate ulang dari data warehouse yang ada kemudian dilakukan pivoting untuk mendapatkan informasi ringkas terbaru. Data dan informasi yang diperoleh perusahaan tidak mudah dicari dan didapatkan secara cepat dikarenakan banyaknya informasi yang dihasilkan oleh data warehouse dan sulit berfokus pada informasi penting untuk bagian recruitment saja. Laporan yang dihasilkan juga tidak mudah dipahami karena masih dalam bentuk angka dalam jumlah yang banyak dan grafik sederhana. Dashboard merupakan sebuah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja. Dashboard dapat meringkas semua kebutuhan informasi perusahaan secara rinci dengan tampilan yang interaktif. Detail dari pada kebutuhan informasi dapat diakses dengan mudah dan cepat yang mana akan sangat berguna bagi user untuk mengambil langkah selanjutnya. Dashboard dapat mengukur kinerja baik dari segi secara keseluruhan dan rinci. Dengan adanya dashboard, Departemen Staffing & Organization Development akan dengan mudah dan cepat mendapatkan informasi utama yang akan dijadikan sebagai knowledge untuk acuan dalam menjalankan aksi yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja. Kinerja daripada perusahaan dapat diukur secara jelas serta informasi yang dibutuhkan dapat diakses secara cepat dan detail.
M ethodolo gy Penelitian dilakukan dengan memperhatikan hal-hal sebagai berikut : 1. Studi Pustaka M etode studi pustaka dilakukan dengan menggunakan buku, jurnal, dan bahan tertulis lainnya yang berhubungan dengan materi penelitian ini. Studi pustaka meliputi literatur yang berkaitan dengan Sistem Informasi, Database, Business Intelligence, Dashboard, dan beberapa UM L diagram seperti use case diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram, dan deployment diagram. 2. M etode pengumpulan data M etode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode fact-finding menurut Connolly & Begg (2005), yang meliputi: •
Wawancara dengan pihak Divisi Human Resource Development, khususnya Departemen Staffing & Organizational Development yang menangani proses recruitment pada PT. M SV.
Studi dokumentasi terhadap dokumen yang berlaku pada proses recruitment PT. M SV.
3. M etode perancangan, yang meliputi: •
Perancangan database multidimensional yang bersumber dari database relasional berdasarkan teori dari Inmon (2005).
Perancangan skema bintang menurut Connolly & Begg (2005).
Perancangan user interface dengan menggunakan konsep Dashboard
Pemodelan perangkat lunak dengan menggunakan beberapa UM L diagram yaitu use case diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram, dan deployment diagram.
3. Simpulan Setelah melakukan penelitian ini, maka dapat diambil simpulan sebagai berikut: 1. Informasi – informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh pihak manajemen adalah informasi fulfillment dan success rate. Informasi tersebut dirangkum dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk aplikasi Dashboard. 2. Tabel – tabel yang dihasilkan yang menjadi isi daridata mart untuk Departemen Staffing & Organization adalah Dimensi Area, Dimensi Status Job, Dimensi Location, Dimensi Office Type, Dimensi Result, Dimensi Failed On, Dimensi Time, Dimensi Job Title, Dimensi Candidate, Dimensi Instatiation, Fakta Turn Over, Fakta Fulfillment, Fakta Success Rate, dan Fakta Participation. 3. Dashboard memudahkan pelaporan bagi Departemen Staffing & Organization Development. Pelaporan dihasilkan dengan cepat dan menampilkan informasi ringkas untuk pengambilan keputusan secara cepat dan tepat. Dashboard juga membantu Departemen Staffing & Organization Development untuk melihat performa dari proses recruitment dengan menampilkan ringkasan dan detail yang diinginkan sesuai kebutuhan.
DAFTAR PUS TAKA Arlow, J., & Neustadt, I. (2005). UML 2 and the Unified Process: Practical Object‐Oriented Analysis and Design. Westford: Pearson Education. Bellinger, G., Castro, D., & Mills, A. (2004). Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom. Retrieved January 30, 2012, from systems‐thinking:‐ Bennett, S., McRobb, S., & Farmer, R. (2006). Object‐Oriented Systems Analysis and Design using UML (3rd ed.). United Kingdom: McGraw‐Hill. Booch, G., Maksimchuk, R. A., Engle, M. W., Young, B. J., Conallen, J., & Houston, K. A. (2007). Object‐Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson Education. Bratton, J., & Gold, J. (2007). Human Resource Management Theory and Practice (4th ed.). United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. Chan, X. (2011). A SWOT Study of the Development Strategy of Haier Group a s One of the Most Successful Chinese Enterprises. International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 11, 148. Connolly, T. M., & Begg, C. E. (2005). Database Systems A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management (4th ed.). United Kingdom: Pearson Education. Cosmato, D. (2011, November 3). Using A Value Chain Analysis in Project Management. Retrieved February 1, 2012, from Bright Hub:‐management/articles/51759.aspx
Dalci, I., & Tanis, V. N. (2005). Benefits of Computerized Accounting Information Systems on the JIT Production Systems. Review of Social, Economic & Business Studies, Vol.2, 45‐64. Eckerson, W. W. (2011). Performance Dashboard Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business (2nd ed.). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. IBM. (2004, March). Red Brick Help. Retrieved March 30, 2012, from Software Information Center: edbrick.doc6.3%2Fwag%2Fwag32.htm IBM. (2012). What is Metadata. Retrieved January 30, 2012, from ibmsystemsmag:‐Web‐ Query/What‐is‐Metadata‐/ Ibrahim, N., Ibrahim, R., Zainuri, M., Mansor, D., & Herawan, T. (2011). Consistency Rules between UML Use Case and Activity Diagrams Using Logical Approach. International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications Vol. 5 No. 3, 4. Inmon, W. H. (2005). Building the Data Warehouse (4th ed.). Canada: Wiley Publishing. Jeremy. (2009, March). 4 Advantages of Dashboard. Retrieved January 30, 2012, from Refocusing Technology:‐adv‐ dashboard/ Kaplan, R. S. (2010). Leading Change with the Strategy Execution System. Balanced Scorecard Report The Strategy Execution Source, 12, 1‐6.
Khan, R. A., & Quardi, K. (2012). Business Intelligence: An Integrated Approach. Business Intelligence Journal, 5, 64‐70. Kimball, R., & Ross, M. (2002). The Data Warehouse Toolkit The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling (2nd ed.). Canada: John Wiley & Sons. Larson, B. (2009). Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2008. New York: McGraw‐Hill. Loshin, D. (2003). Business Intelligence The Savvy Manager's Guide. San Fransisco: Elsevier Inc. Microsoft. (2008). Data warehousing and PerformancePoint Server. Retrieved Januay 30, 2012, from Microsoft TechNet:‐ us/library/cc879142%28office.12%29.aspx Microsoft. (2008, September 21). What is business intelligence? Retrieved 1 27, 2012, from Microsoft TechNet:‐ us/library/cc811595%28office.12%29.aspx Microsoft. (2010, June 2). Microsoft Application Virtualization Dashboard. Retrieved January 30, 2012, from Microsoft TechNet:‐ us/library/cc917548.aspx Microsoft. (2012). Dimension Tables. Retrieved January 29, 2012, from MSDN:‐us/library/aa905979%28v=sql.80%29.aspx Microsoft. (2012). Fact Tables. Retrieved January 29, 2012, from MSDN:‐us/library/aa905984%28v=sql.80%29.aspx
Microsoft. (2012). Using Dimensional Modeling. Retrieved January 29, 2012, from MSDN:‐us/library/aa905989%28v=sql.80%29.aspx Naurkub. (2007). Recruitment Process. Retrieved January 31, 2012, from Recruitement ‐‐process.html O'Brien, J. A., & Marakas, G. M. (2010). Introduction to Information Systems (15th ed.). New York: McGraw‐Hill. Oracle. (2005). Data Warehousing Concepts. Retrieved January 30, 2012, from Oracle10g Database Online Documentation: Oracle. (2007). Data Mart Concepts. Retrieved January 31, 2012, from Oracle® Business Intelligence Standard Edition One Tutorial: Oracle. (2007). Managing Metadata with Oracle Data Integrator. Retrieved January 30, 2012, from Oracle Doc:‐ integrator/overview/oracledi‐metadata‐134453.pdf Rainer, R. K., & Cegielski, C. G. (2011). Introduction to Information Systems Supporting and Transforming Business (3rd ed.). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. Rasmussen, N., Chen, C. Y., & Bansal, M. (2009). Business Dashboard. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. Richardson, M. (2007). Managing and Effecting Recruitement Process. RECRUITMENT STRATEGIES Vol 2, 24‐33.
Rosenberg, D., & Stephens, M. (2007). Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML Theory and Practice. New York: Apress. Satzinger, J. W., Jackson, R. B., & Burd, S. D. (2004). Object‐Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process. United Kingdom: Course Technology. Srikantaiah, K., Koenig, M. E., & Hawamdeh, S. (2012). Convergence of Project Management and Knowledge Management. Torontox: THE SC ARECROW PRESS. Stewart, S. (2008). Definition of SWOT. Retrieved February 1, 2012, from Rapid Business Intelligence Success: http://www.rapid‐business‐intelligence‐‐ of‐swot‐analysis.html Stredwick, J. (2005). An Introduction to Human Resource Management (2nd ed.). Burlington: Elsevier. Suri, P., & Sharma, M. (2011). Implementation of Object Oriented Data Warehousing using a Narrower Compassed Data Model in Oracle 10g. International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 17– No.5,, 26. TechTarget. (2005). Definition of use Case. Retrieved January 30, 2012, from‐case Turban, E., Sharda, R., Aronson, J. E., & King, D. (2008). Business Intelligence A Managerial Approach. New Jersey: Pearson Education. Tyson, S. (2006). Essentials of Human Resource Management. Burlington: Elsevier.
Vercellis, C. (2009). Business Intelligence: Data Mining and Optimization for Decision Making. United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons. Whitten, J. L., & Bentley, L. D. (2007). System Analysis & Design Methods (7th ed.). New York: McGraw‐Hill. Williams, S., & Williams, N. (2007). The Profit Impact of Business Intelligence. San Fransisco: Elsevier. Wright, J. (2008). SAS: The Ultimate Dashboard Machine. p. 1.
Kevin Jeremy Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Yohannes Frank Williams Laurenz Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
The purpose of the creation of this thesis is to implement a reporting system for the recruitment process by using Dashboard System. The research methods used are the Literature studies using the method books, journals and other written materials.M ethods included literature relating to the Dashboard. This method is done by using the method of fact-finding, that includes interview and observationt. The last method of design, including the design of multidimensional database, schema design, star design the user interface by using the concept of a Dashboard. Results achieved from this thesis is the creation of a dashboard system that generates knowledge to support action in the process of the achievement of the goals. Keywords : Interactive Reporting, Dashboard, Recruitment.
1. Preliminary In the era of globalization is the use of computers as tools to support company activity it is not unusual to find. Plus a few other factors which it needs information quickly and easily. But it was nothing off of on that hardware and software are used to be able to meet the future needs of the company. Where more and more competitors who comes to the surface with all the innovation and new ideas which forced the company to stick to survive in the business world. PT. M SV is a company engaged in the field of the provision of pay-TV with products already IDV san TTV known name in public. With a total staff of 6500 people and areas in 58 cities in indonesia cause there are some issues that are starting to become constraints in its activities. On the Division of the Human ResourceDevelopment system of reporting staff recruitment on the Department Staffing & amp; Organization Development that is in the process of recruitment is done with the use of M icrosoft Excel. The form of the report only numbers and graphs simple only. Reporting can be done by doing a pivoting from microsoft excel that the source data is the data warehouse belonging to the company M SV. Although the system was computerized, slowly but steadily problems often arise. Where the needs of the data cannot be retrieved quickly and accurately, when such information is important in improving the performance of the company. Often the case needs reports unexpectedly arrived where these reports should be concise and required by the M anagement to support the fulfillment of manpower planning (M PP) in a period of 1 year. However, to get a report in brief still required considerable time for
information on M icrosoft Excel does not directly ter-update to the most recent information but needs to be in the kind of data warehouse that is then conducted pivoting to get information of the latest compact. Data and information obtained by the company are not easily sought and obtained quickly due to the large number of information generated by data warehouse and it's hard to focus on the important information for the recruitment only. Report generated is also not easy to understand because it is still in the form of numbers and the graph is simple. The Dashboard is a tool used to measure performance. The Dashboard can summarize all the information needs of companies in detail with the interactive view. The Detail of the information needs can be accessed quickly and easily which will be very useful for the user to take the next step. The Dashboard can measure performance both in terms of overall and detailed. With the dashboard, the Department Staffing & amp; Organization Development will easily and quickly get a headline that will serve as a knowledge base for reference in the running action that aims to improve performance. Performance than the company clearly can be measured as well as the needed information can be accessed quickly and detail.
2.M ethodology research is done with regard to the matters as follows : 1. Literature Study Literature study method is done using books, journals, and other written materials related to this research material. Study Library include literature relating to information systems, databases, Business Intelligence, Dashboard, and
some UM L diagrams like use case diagrams, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and deployment diagrams.M etode pengumpulan data M ethod of data collection is done using methods of fact-finding according to Connolly & Begg (2005), which includes interview with the Division of Human Resource Development, in particular the Department Staffing & amp; Organizational Development that handles the process of recruitment in pt. M SV. documentation against applicable document on the process of recruitment of PT. M SV. Design M ethods, that includes : design of a database multi-dimensional come from a relational database based on a theory of inmon ( 2005 ) . design schemas star- tuharso connolly &; begg ( 2005 ) . design of user interface by using the concept of dashboard modeling software by using several diagram uml is use case ordination diagram , class ordination diagram , a diagram of the sequence , and the deployment of a diagram .
3. Conclusions 1. Informations required by management is information fulfillment and success rate . The information been recorded and displayed in the application dashboard . 2. Table contents into data mart for Department Staffing & amp; The Organization Dimension is the dimension Area, the Status of Job, Location, Dimension Type, Dimension Dimension Office Result, Dimensions Failed On, the dimensions
Time, Job Title, Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Instatiation, Candidate, Turn Over, fact Fact Fulfillment, Success Rate, and the Fact the fact of Participation.Dashboard 3. Dashboard make ease for repotting for Department Staffing & amp; Organization Development. Reporting generated fast and concise information for decisionmaking in a fast and precise. Dashboards also help the Department Staffing & amp; Organization Development to see the performance of the process of recruitment by displaying the summary and detail desired as required.
DAFTAR PUS TAKA Arlow, J., & Neustadt, I. (2005). UML 2 and the Unified Process: Practical Object‐Oriented Analysis and Design. Westford: Pearson Education. Bellinger, G., Castro, D., & Mills, A. (2004). Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom. Retrieved January 30, 2012, from systems‐thinking:‐ Bennett, S., McRobb, S., & Farmer, R. (2006). Object‐Oriented Systems Analysis and Design using UML (3rd ed.). United Kingdom: McGraw‐Hill. Booch, G., Maksimchuk, R. A., Engle, M. W., Young, B. J., Conallen, J., & Houston, K. A. (2007). Object‐Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson Education. Bratton, J., & Gold, J. (2007). Human Resource Management Theory and Practice (4th ed.). United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. Chan, X. (2011). A SWOT Study of the Development Strategy of Haier Group a s One of the Most Successful Chinese Enterprises. International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 11, 148. Connolly, T. M., & Begg, C. E. (2005). Database Systems A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management (4th ed.). United Kingdom: Pearson Education. Cosmato, D. (2011, November 3). Using A Value Chain Analysis in Project Management. Retrieved February 1, 2012, from Bright Hub:‐management/articles/51759.aspx
Dalci, I., & Tanis, V. N. (2005). Benefits of Computerized Accounting Information Systems on the JIT Production Systems. Review of Social, Economic & Business Studies, Vol.2, 45‐64. Eckerson, W. W. (2011). Performance Dashboard Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business (2nd ed.). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. IBM. (2004, March). Red Brick Help. Retrieved March 30, 2012, from Software Information Center: edbrick.doc6.3%2Fwag%2Fwag32.htm IBM. (2012). What is Metadata. Retrieved January 30, 2012, from ibmsystemsmag:‐Web‐ Query/What‐is‐Metadata‐/ Ibrahim, N., Ibrahim, R., Zainuri, M., Mansor, D., & Herawan, T. (2011). Consistency Rules between UML Use Case and Activity Diagrams Using Logical Approach. International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications Vol. 5 No. 3, 4. Inmon, W. H. (2005). Building the Data Warehouse (4th ed.). Canada: Wiley Publishing. Jeremy. (2009, March). 4 Advantages of Dashboard. Retrieved January 30, 2012, from Refocusing Technology:‐adv‐ dashboard/ Kaplan, R. S. (2010). Leading Change with the Strategy Execution System. Balanced Scorecard Report The Strategy Execution Source, 12, 1‐6.
Khan, R. A., & Quardi, K. (2012). Business Intelligence: An Integrated Approach. Business Intelligence Journal, 5, 64‐70. Kimball, R., & Ross, M. (2002). The Data Warehouse Toolkit The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling (2nd ed.). Canada: John Wiley & Sons. Larson, B. (2009). Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2008. New York: McGraw‐Hill. Loshin, D. (2003). Business Intelligence The Savvy Manager's Guide. San Fransisco: Elsevier Inc. Microsoft. (2008). Data warehousing and PerformancePoint Server. Retrieved Januay 30, 2012, from Microsoft TechNet:‐ us/library/cc879142%28office.12%29.aspx Microsoft. (2008, September 21). What is business intelligence? Retrieved 1 27, 2012, from Microsoft TechNet:‐ us/library/cc811595%28office.12%29.aspx Microsoft. (2010, June 2). Microsoft Application Virtualization Dashboard. Retrieved January 30, 2012, from Microsoft TechNet:‐ us/library/cc917548.aspx Microsoft. (2012). Dimension Tables. Retrieved January 29, 2012, from MSDN:‐us/library/aa905979%28v=sql.80%29.aspx Microsoft. (2012). Fact Tables. Retrieved January 29, 2012, from MSDN:‐us/library/aa905984%28v=sql.80%29.aspx
Microsoft. (2012). Using Dimensional Modeling. Retrieved January 29, 2012, from MSDN:‐us/library/aa905989%28v=sql.80%29.aspx Naurkub. (2007). Recruitment Process. Retrieved January 31, 2012, from Recruitement ‐‐process.html O'Brien, J. A., & Marakas, G. M. (2010). Introduction to Information Systems (15th ed.). New York: McGraw‐Hill. Oracle. (2005). Data Warehousing Concepts. Retrieved January 30, 2012, from Oracle10g Database Online Documentation: Oracle. (2007). Data Mart Concepts. Retrieved January 31, 2012, from Oracle® Business Intelligence Standard Edition One Tutorial: Oracle. (2007). Managing Metadata with Oracle Data Integrator. Retrieved January 30, 2012, from Oracle Doc:‐ integrator/overview/oracledi‐metadata‐134453.pdf Rainer, R. K., & Cegielski, C. G. (2011). Introduction to Information Systems Supporting and Transforming Business (3rd ed.). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. Rasmussen, N., Chen, C. Y., & Bansal, M. (2009). Business Dashboard. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. Richardson, M. (2007). Managing and Effecting Recruitement Process. RECRUITMENT STRATEGIES Vol 2, 24‐33.
Rosenberg, D., & Stephens, M. (2007). Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML Theory and Practice. New York: Apress. Satzinger, J. W., Jackson, R. B., & Burd, S. D. (2004). Object‐Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process. United Kingdom: Course Technology. Srikantaiah, K., Koenig, M. E., & Hawamdeh, S. (2012). Convergence of Project Management and Knowledge Management. Torontox: THE SC ARECROW PRESS. Stewart, S. (2008). Definition of SWOT. Retrieved February 1, 2012, from Rapid Business Intelligence Success: http://www.rapid‐business‐intelligence‐‐ of‐swot‐analysis.html Stredwick, J. (2005). An Introduction to Human Resource Management (2nd ed.). Burlington: Elsevier. Suri, P., & Sharma, M. (2011). Implementation of Object Oriented Data Warehousing using a Narrower Compassed Data Model in Oracle 10g. International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 17– No.5,, 26. TechTarget. (2005). Definition of use Case. Retrieved January 30, 2012, from‐case Turban, E., Sharda, R., Aronson, J. E., & King, D. (2008). Business Intelligence A Managerial Approach. New Jersey: Pearson Education. Tyson, S. (2006). Essentials of Human Resource Management. Burlington: Elsevier.
Vercellis, C. (2009). Business Intelligence: Data Mining and Optimization for Decision Making. United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons. Whitten, J. L., & Bentley, L. D. (2007). System Analysis & Design Methods (7th ed.). New York: McGraw‐Hill. Williams, S., & Williams, N. (2007). The Profit Impact of Business Intelligence. San Fransisco: Elsevier. Wright, J. (2008). SAS: The Ultimate Dashboard Machine. p. 1.