Issue 2
From the Principal by Ms. Kerry
Dear Parents,
Edupage Workshops
As always, we have had a very busy Term 1 with kicking off the 2016-17 school year and getting everyone settled into the new 201617 programmes. We had a great response to the extra-curricular programme and look forward to hearing from parents this Term to plan for an even more exciting programme in Semester II.
I’d like to thank all the parents who made it out to our Edupage Workshops in September. We are all having to “keep up with the times” as new advancements in the use of cloud technology change the way we communicate with each other. We will have regular workshops for parents wanting more support. Please contact Ms. Cecilia if you are still having problems logging onto your account.
Dengan hormat, Seperti biasanya, kami mengalami Term 1 yang sangat sibuk dengan dimulainya tahun ajaran 2016-2017 dimana kami mempersiapkan semua orang agar program baru ditahun ajaran 2016-2017 ini dapat berjalan dengan baik. Kami mendapat respond yang cukup baik tentang program extra kurikuler dan berharap untuk mendapat masukan dari para orang tua untuk perencanaan extra kurikuler yang lebih menarik semester depan.
Workshops Edupage Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua orang tua yang telah hadir pada Workshop Edupage bulan September lalu. Kita semua harus “berkejaran dengan waktu” sebagaimana kemajuan penggunaan tekhnologi cloud merubah cara kita berkomunikasi satu sama lain.Kami akan terus menyelenggarakan workshop secara berkala bagi para orang tua yang membutuhkan.. Diharap untuk menghubungi Ms Cecilia jika masih menemui masalah untuk mengakses akun anda.
Inside this issue: From the Principal
From the Principal
Making Pizza at Massimo
Nine Temples
Halloween Bulletin
Letter to Parents
Parent Information Sessions - Edupage Survey Results: Thank you parents for participating in our on-line survey. Results will be posted in the November Newsletter. If you have not participated and would like to, follow the “Survey” link from the Edupage “Start Page. For more information, contact Ms. Cecilia.
Sesi Informasi Untuk Orang Tua – Hasil Survey Edupage Terima kasih bagi para orang tua yang telah berpartisipasi pada survey online kami. Hasilnya akan segera kami sampaian pada Newletter bulan November. Jika anda belum berpartisipasi namun ingin , silahkan follow tautan “Survey” dari menu “Star Page” Edupage. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan menghubungi Ms Cecilia.
schools in Java and chose Permata Bangsa for their Semarang visit. We look forward to supporting them as they embark on their developmental plans.
Tamu dari Brawijaya Smart School - Malang Pada hari Jumat, 30 September, kami kedatangan 80 tamu dari Brawijaya Smart School Malang. Guru, administrasi, dan staff pendukung dalam rangka kunjungan ke salah satu sekolah SPK di Jawa dan mereka memilih Permata Bangsa dalam kunjungannya di Semarang. Kami menanti untuk dapat mendukung mereka sebagaimana sekolah tersebut memulai rencana pengembanganynya.
Visitors from Brawijaya Smart School - Malang On Friday, September 30th, we had 80 guests arrive from Brawijaya Smart School in Malang. Teachers, administrators and support staff from the school were visiting SPK
PBS Spooky Halloween Party Friday, October 28, 2016
Term II Timetable Changes: Grades 4 – 6 (removed 1 Religious Studies period, added 1 Reading Time period) Grade 7 (removed 1 ICT, added 1 Reading Time period) Grades 11 & 12 (removed 1 ICT, added 1 Career and Personal Planning)
Perubahan Jadwal Term II : Kelas 4 – 6 (mengganti 1 unit Religious Studies dengan 1 unit Reading Time) Kelas 7 (menghilangkan 1 unit ICT, menambahkan 1 unit Reading Time) Kelas 11 & 12 (menghilangkan 1 unit ICT, menambahkan 1 unit Career and Personal Planning)
Preschool Fieldtrip ke Massimo Pizzeria Pada hari Jumat, 23 September 2016, Permata Bangsa School megadakan kegiatan fieldtrip untuk kelas TK A dan TK B di Massimo Pizzeria Grand Edge, Jalan Sultan Agung no. 96 Semarang. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh seluruh siswa TK A dan TK B sebanyak 11 anak dengan didampingi dua orang guru yaitu Ibu Wulan dan Ibu Anissa. Tujuan dari kegiatan fieldtrip ini diantaranya adalah anak diharapkan mampu membangun konsep dasar matematika dengan menghitung jumlah bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat pizza, mampu menggunakan panca indera anak dalam mengenal bahan-bahan pizza, dan untuk mengembangan kemampuan berbahasa anak-anak. Anak-anak sangat antusias melakukan kegiatan memasak pizza bersama Chef Ardi dengan dibantu oleh Ibu Ina dari Massimo Pizzeria. Kegiatan diawali dengan melihat demonstrasi memasak pizza oleh Chef Ardi, setelah itu anak-anak dibebaskan untuk memasak dan memilih sendiri topping pizza yang mereka inginkan. Pizza-pizza ini kemudian dimasak dan dibawa pulang oleh anak-anak. Dari kegiatan ini, diharapkan anak-anak bisa mendapatkan pengalaman untuk memasak pizza secara langsung. Sangat menyenangkan!
PreSchool Fieldtrip to Massimo Pizzeria On Friday, September 23, 2016, students of PSA and PSB Permata Bangsa School went on a field trip to Massimo Pizzeria Grand Edge Semarang. All 11 preschool students joined this fieldtrip activity together with their teachers, Miss Wulan and Miss Anissa. Through this activity, the students were experiencing how to make pizza on their own. The objectives of the field trip were to: build their basic math concepts by counting the ingredients needed to make a pizza, exploring their five senses during the process of making pizza, and to improve their language skills. The children were very excited about doing the cooking activity with Chef Ardi and Miss Ina from Massimo Pizzeria. Chef Ardi demonstrated how to make pizza at first, then the children got their chance to make their own pizza with whatever topping they liked (homemade topping from Massimo). Children got to take their self-made pizza home at the end of the day along with the balloons they received as a bonus. So much fun!
Grade 11 students research Gedong Songo,
Researching the Temples Grade 11 research team investigating the Hindu temples.
THE NINE TEMPLES by Grade 11 Students
Researching the Springs Grade 11 research team investigating the sulphur springs.
The Nine Temples are situated in 110 20' 27" ples remains unknown even for some exeast longitude and 07 14' 3" south latitude, perts due to the lack of records. on Mt. Ungaran, Darum Village, Bandungan The engineering achievement is amazing! District, Semarang Regency, Central Java. The temples have withstood strongly Gedong Songo is the name given by the against weather without each of the stone Javanese inhabitants of the area at that blocks being cemented to each other. Of time. ‘Gedong’ means house, building or the nine temples, there are only five which temple while ‘songo’ means nine. Gedong have been found, the other four are still Songo represents the nine temples. Even buried somewhere deep in the mountain. though the name says that there are nine temples, there are only five temples found. In fact, the other four temple locations is still a mystery. Some believe that the other three are not normal temples. They believe that the temples are mystical and can only be seen by some people.
100% Of the PBS Grade 11 research team agreed that we should continue to respective and preserve Gedong Songo.
100% Of the PBS Grade 11 research team agreed that the Nine Temples are worth keeping!
Each of the temples has a purpose as a Pura (Hindu prayer place), but they have a hierarchy system. Slaves would pray on the temples near or on the ground, while the political elites and the king would pray near or on the highest temple. Are the nine temples worth keeping? Before the trip, the 11th grade students of PBS pondered ‘Why are the nine temples so popular?’ They travelled one hour to Bandungan, Indonesia to research those very questions. Located on the slopes of Ungaran, the mysThe mystery keeps on adding and adding, tical complex has beautifully landscaped, mesmerizing panoramas. The temples are making the site very attractive to visitors. mysterious in all matter. Who built the tem-
Ms. Kerry and Mr. Shane will be meeting with parents to discuss “Promoting Positive Behavior at PBS”.
Ms Kerry and Mr. Shane akan bertemu dengan para orang tua untuk membahas tentang “Meningkatkan Perilaku Positive di PBS.”
Coming Soon to PBS
Newsletter PERMATA BANGSA SCHOOL Global Education Tel: 024 746 4482
PBS Contact
Gombel Lama Golf Road Semarang JT, Indonesia 50261 PBS Location
HALLOWEEN INVITATION Permata Bangsa’s Halloween Potluck Yang terhormat orang tua murid,
Kami mengundang para orang tua murid untuk menghadiri Pesta Halloween yang diadakan pada hari Jumat, tanggal 28 Oktober 2016 dari pukul 05:00 sore sampai 7:30 malam. Kami telah menyusun berbagai acara spesial hasil kreatifitas dan kepedulian para siswa terhadap kebudayaan yang dimiliki oleh bangsa lain. Para siswa diharapkan datang dengan memakai kostum dan akan dinilai dalam kontes kostum Permata Bangsa. Akan ada banyak permainan untuk murid-murid Preschool, Primary dan High School serta berbagi hidangan untuk para murid, orang tua dan guru. Maka dari itu, jika memungkinkan, kami akan sangat berterima kasih apabila para orang tua sanggup menyediakan dua porsi hidangan (bukan snack). Kami mengharapkan kehadiran bapak dan ibu sekalian dalam pesta itu. __________________________________ Dear Parents, You are cordially invited to attend our Halloween Party which will be held on Friday night, 28 October 2016 from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM. We have arranged special activities to express students’ creativity and awareness of different cultural activities that take place in other countries. Students should come in costume and will be judged in the Permata Bangsa costume contest. There will be plenty of games for Preschool, Primary and High School students and food sharing for all students, parents and teachers. Therefore, if possible, we would appreciate it if parents could please prepare 2 portions of food (not snack). We are looking forward to meeting you at the party. Hormat kami / Sincerely yours,
Kerry Neuman - Principal