Issue 1
PBS Newsletter
WELCOME BACK to Permata Bangsa School, I hope you enjoyed the summer break and have spent quality time with your family and friends. I would like to give our new students and their parents a warm welcome to our school community. Beginning a new school is an exciting and daunting experience. PBS’s strong support teams will ensure that all new students settle in to school life quickly and smoothly. I look forward to working with you in ensuring your child has a happy and successful future at Permata Bangsa School. SELAMAT DATANG KEMBALI ke Permata Bangsa School, kami berharap Bapak/Ibu sekeluarga menikmati liburan musim panas dan telah menghabiskan waktu berkualitas dengan keluarga dan teman-teman. Ijinkan kami memberikan sambutan yang hangat kepada Bapak, Ibu dan siswa-siswa kami.
Awal sekolah baru adalah pengalaman yang menarik dan mendebarkan. Dukungan tim PBS akan memastikan bahwa semua siswa baru bisa menyatu dengan lingkungan barunya dengan cepat dan lancar. Kami berharap untuk bekerja dengan Bapak/Ibu dalam memastikan putra/putri Bapak/Ibu memiliki masa depan yang bahagia dan sukses di Permata Bangsa School.
Independence Day 2017
June 2016 Examination Results We start the new school year by celebrating our National and Cambridge results for the June 2016 exams. SD, SMP, SMA and IGCSE candidates achieved great results. Kita mengawali tahun ajaran baru ini dengan merayakan hasil Ujian Nasional dan Cambridge untuk periode Juni 2016. Siswa yang mengikuti Ujian Nasional SD, SMP dan SMA dan IGCSE memperoleh hasil yang baik.
PBS Clubs: Successful Turnout!
Cambridge November 2016 Examination Series It's not too late to register for the Cambridge November 2016 Examinations. We have already registered students through the 1st Registration and are supporting students hoping to be ready by the 2nd Registration. Parents please support your candidates by providing them plenty of quiet time at home to work, mark and reflect on Past Paper activities. Saat ini belum terlalu terlambat untuk mendaftarkan siswa untuk mengikuti ujian Cambridge periode November 2016. Kami telah mendaftaran siswa melalui Pendaftaran tahap 1 dan mendukung siswa yang sedang bersiap untuk Pendaftaran tahap 2. Kami berharap orang tua mendukung putra/putri mereka dengan menyediakan banyak waktu tenang di rumah untuk mengerjakan past papers, mengecek jawaban dan belajar dari jawaban dan pekerjaan mereka. Uniform This month has been a very positive start to the new academic year with students showing great encouragement within their own expectations. Students look extremely smart and have set high standards as they put their best foot forward. I ask that all parents support the correct wearing of the Permata Bangsa School uniform and emphasize the importance of the uniform to their children. Uniform and other school details can be found in the School Handbook which is available on the
school website or through our Administration Team.
memiliki buku dan bahan yang mereka butuhkan.
Bulan ini menjadi awal yang sangat positif untuk tahun ajaran baru dimana siswa menunjukkan dorongan besar sesuai dengan harapan mereka sendiri. Siswa terlihat sangat cerdas dan telah menetapkan standar yang tinggi seiring langkah mereka menuju masa depan. Kami meminta dukungan semua orang tua untuk memastikan siswa mengenakan seragam Permata Bangsa School sesuai aturan dan menekankan pentingnya seragam untuk anak-anak mereka. Peraturan mengenai Seragam dan rincian sekolah lainnya dapat ditemukan dalam Handbook Sekolah yang dapat diperoleh memlalui website sekolah atau Tim Administrasi kami.
Books Students should be in possession of all the books necessary for their prescribed courses. During August our Admin and teaching teams will be checking to ensure all students have the books and materials they need. Siswa wajib memiliki semua buku yang diperlukan untuk mata pelajaran yang mereka ikuti. Selama bulan Agustus tim pengajar dan Admin akan memeriksa untuk memastikan semua siswa
I’d like to thank parents and students alike for their patience as we transfer 2016 data into our 2017 Edupage programme. If you have not received your login details, please contact PBS Admin for assistance. Please note that we have scheduled workshops in the
September 2016 Events calendar if you need further assistance. Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada orang tua dan siswa atas kesabarannya selama proses peralihan data dari tahun 2016 ke 2017. Jika Bapak/Ibu belum menerima detil login, silakan hubungi Administrasi PBS. Sebagai informasi kami telah menambahkah jadwal workshops di bulan September 2016 ke kalender kegiatan bagi Bapak/Ibu yang membutuhkan bantuan lebih lanjut.
3 Independence Day. “Thank you” to Kelly, Tata, Irin and Marco from grade 7 and to Renata, Sasha, Zahra and Devan from grade 8, who performed their duties proudly during the Flag Ceremony. “Thank you”, also, to Grade 3, 4 and 5 students who sang very well in the choir; and to Sky, the conductor.
We are celebrating our 71st Indonesian Anniversary on August, 17, 2016. Our independence was not a gift from other countries. Our heroes and ancestors had been working hard for more than 300 years to reach it. In 2030, Indonesia has the potential to be one of the seven strongest countries in the world economy. Work on it!
nineteen students in Hip Hop that will use the Primary Corridor for the function on Tuesdays at 2.30 PM. While fourteen students are learning to produce art and crafts that have economic value on Mondays at 2.30 PM in the Primary Multi- Purpose Room. Eco-science, Spelling Bee and Mandarin are ready to color our AY 2016/2017. Permata Bangsa menawarkan dua kegiatan ektra dan club baru. Para siswa sangat antusias mengikuti kegiatan ekstra tersebut. Ada Sembilan belas siswa berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ekstra Hip Hop yang akan diselenggaran di koridor primary setiap hari Selasa pukul 14.30. Sedangkan empat belas siswa aktif dalam belajar memproduksi kerajinan tangan yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi tinggi setiap hari Senin pukul 14.30 di Primary Multi-Purpose Room. Club Eco-Science, Spelling Bee dan mandarin juga siap mewarnai tahun ajaran 2016/2017 ini.
MERDEKA! Kita merayakan HUT RI yang ke 71 pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2016. Kemerdekaan Indonesia bukan hadiah dari Negara lain tetapi hasil kerja keras dan perjuangan para pahlawan dan nenek moyang kita selama lebih dari 300 tahun. Pada tahun 2030 nanti Indonesia berpotensi menjadi satu dari tujuh negara terkuat dalam ekonomi dunia. Raihlah! Students also released the red and white balloons to the sky as part of the celebration.
Our PROUD performance on Independence Day: Permata Bangsa Students participated in the Flag Ceremony to celebrate our
A GREAT turnout for our Student Clubs and Extra Curricular Activities: Permata Bangsa School offered two new ECAs and Clubs. Our students are very enthusiast to join them. We have FOR MORE INFORMATION
Login to your Edupage Account at: https://pbi.edupage.org
Issue 1
Please mark August 30th in your calendar as PBS Picture Day. Attendance is important. Students must report to school in their Permata Bangsa School Uniform. Location: Primary Building, MultiPurpose Room 1 Photographer:
Pak Lazuardy
Back Drop:
Book shelf
Permata Bangsa Uniform
Individual & class picture
Rundown Phase I 8.00- 9.45 10.00-10.45
Grade 1-6 Play Group, PSA and PSB
Phase II 10.45 -12.00
Grade 7 to Grade 9
Phase III 12.45-14.15
Grade 10 to Grade 12
PBS Newsletter
Gombel Lama Golf Road Semarang, Indonesia (+62) 24 746-4482