Teknik Penyusunan & Pehitungan HPS/OE
[email protected]
Tanggung Jawab Penyusunan HPS/OE
Tahap I
Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen Diusulkan
Draft HPS/OE Engineer Estimate
Panitia/Pejabat Pengadaan
HPS/OE Panitia
Melakukan penyesuaian thdp harga yang berlaku Menetapkan berdasarkan keahlian Berdasarkan etika dan pakta integritas Sebagai acuan evaluasi penawaran
FAKTOR2 PENTING DLM MENYUSUN HPS/OE Spesifikasi teknis pekerjaan Hasil observasi lapangan (lokasi pekerjaan, sarana, medan kerja) yang dijelaskan saat aanwijzing. Metode kerja, termasuk pemilihan dan komposisi peralatan. Data harga dan ketersediaan sumber daya dalam pelaksanaan proyek Syarat-syarat khusus yang berlaku atas pekerjaan tsb.
Prinsip-prinsip untuk menghitung HPS/OE (1 dari 2)
Sederhana Murah &
perhitungan mudah dimengerti
Dapat diuji kewajarannya
Murah dan waktu singkat
Murah dan sumberdaya tersedia Bisa dilaksanakan dengan metode
kerja yang disepakati
Aman dilaksanakan
Unsur-unsur Membentuk Harga HPS/OE (2 dari 2) Upah Kerja Harga/tarif upah persatuan waktu (Rp/jam, Rp/hari) Produksi hasil kerja persatuan waktu (unit jam, M3/jam)
Harga material persatuan volume/ berat/unit.
Kuantitas material persatuan pekerjaan. Risiko hilang, rusak, kenaikan harga per pekerjaan
Harga sewa alat persatuan waktu
Harga/tarif biaya investasi persatuan waktu Biaya operasi alat per satuan waktu (Latihan -3)
Masukan Penyusunan HPS/OE
Informasi /data utk (Susun HPS/OE))
Tahap II Draft HPS/OE ACTIVITY 1 Describe briefly the problems identified in the self-evaluation pertinent to the planned activity. This may include also analysis regarding why the problems had occurred and possible solutions to them. The link between the planned activities presented in the Chapter 2 to 5 and the problem analysis (SWOT analysis ACTIVITY 1 and other conclusion drawn from the self-evaluation) presented in the Document II should be explicitly mentioned, briefly thetoproblems identified self-evaluation pertinent to the planned Background by makingDescribe explicit references the relevant sectionsinofthe Document II. Thisdetail may include also analysis regarding why resolve the problems had occurred and Discuss inactivity. sufficient how this activity would possibly the problems Rationale solutions section. to them. Empirical The link between the planned activities in the referred inpossible the background or theoretical facts can be usedpresented as a 2 toargument 5 and the problem analysis (SWOT analysis ACTIVITY 1 and other conclusion drawn ground to Chapter support the from the self-evaluation) presented in the Document II should be explicitly mentioned, State clearly the objective of this briefly activity, including theidentified intended in outcomes. Descriptionpertinent to the planned Objectives Describe the self-evaluation Background by making explicit references tothe theproblems relevant sections of Document II. should clearly present all direct This as well asinclude indirectalso benefits to the respective S1 activity. analysis thestudy problems had occurred and detailmay how this activity wouldregarding possibly why resolve the problems Rationale program Discuss in sufficient possible solutions to them. The link between the planned activities in the referred in the background section. Empirical or theoretical facts can be used aspresented a Explain how the activityChapter will be set it will be analysis implemented. 2 toup5 and andhow the problem (SWOT analysis Mechanism ACTIVITY 1 and other conclusion drawn ground to support the argument <detail activity a>. from the self-evaluation) presented in the Document II should be explicitly mentioned, and design Stateb>. clearly the objective of this activity, the intended outcomes. Description pertinent to the planned Objectives Describe brieflyincluding identified the self-evaluation Background <detailactivity by making explicit references tothe theproblems relevant sections ofinDocument II. shouldc>.clearly present all direct as This well may as indirect benefits to the regarding respective S1 study activity. include also analysis the problems had occurred and <detail activity Discuss in sufficient detail how this activity would possibly why resolve the problems Rationale program possible solutions to them. The link between the planned activities in the Indicators referred in the background Baseline section. Empirical Mid Final facts can be used aspresented or theoretical a Performance Explain how the activity will be set up howthe it will be implemented. Chapter 2 toand 5 and problem analysis (SWOT analysis Mechanism ACTIVITY 1 and other conclusion drawn ground to support the argument
indicators <detail activity a>. from the self-evaluation) presented in the Document II should be explicitly mentioned, and design State the objective of this activity, the intended outcomes. Description pertinent to the planned Objectives Describe brieflyincluding identified the self-evaluation Background <detailactivity b>. clearly by making explicit references tothe theproblems relevant sections ofinDocument II. should present all direct as This well may as indirect benefits to the regarding respective S1 study activity. include also analysis the problems had occurred and activity c>. clearlyDiscuss in sufficient detail how this activity would possibly why resolve the problems Rationale program possible solutions to them. The link between the planned activities in the Explain additional resources neededreferred from the investment implement Resources Indicators Baseline Mid in TPSDP the background section. Empiricalthe or Final theoretical facts can be used aspresented a Performance Explain how the activityrequired will be set up how it will befunds implemented. Chapter 2addition toand 5 and problem analysis (SWOT analysis and other conclusion drawn Mechanism activity. If additional investment <detail activity a>. from theand self-evaluation) presented in the Document II should be explicitly mentioned, implement the plan, describe clearly all past, current, future investment from and Objectives b>. clearly by making references to the relevant sections of Document II. sources outside of this <detailactivity project. The should proposer should assureallexplicit thedirect reviewers present as wellthat as double indirect benefits to the respective S1 study 3><detailbyactivity c>.andclearly funding of additional investment inthe addition tohow TPSDP to required ground required to support argument tion schedule <detail activity implement thedesign plan, describe clearly alla>. past, current, and future investment from and the objective of this activity, including the intended outcomes. Description <detailactivityState Objectives outside b>. clearly sources of this project. The proposer should should clearlyassure presenttheallreviewers direct as that well double as indirect benefits to the respective S1 study 3><detail of the.non-TPSDP funding same activities by TPSDP and resources would be prevented program Explain additional resources needed from the project. TPSDP investment implement the Resources Describe how this activity will maintained after periodYr of this Aspects Indicators Mid Final SustainabiliPerformance 5 years planbe YrExplain 1the YrBaseline 3be Yr4to Implementahow the2 activity will up and it willfunds be implemented. Mechanism activity. If there are any 1> additional investment required in set addition tohow TPSDP to described should include its financial implication, allocation of resources to support this required tion schedule . past, current, and future investment from and activity, and management commitment <detailactivity b>. outside sources of this project. The proposer should assure the reviewers that double Name of staff who will be responsible<detail of the same activities activityand c>.non-TPSDP resources would be prevented funding by TPSDP charge Explain additional resources neededofYr from the TPSDP the Describe Resources how this activity will plan be maintained afterIndicators the1period this Aspects Baseline Mid Final Sustainabili-ImplementaPerformance 5 years Yr 2 project. Yr 3 investment Yr4to implement activity. If implication, there are anyallocation additional investment required in addition to TPSDP funds to described should include its financial of resources to support this required ty indicators a> tion schedule outside sources of activity this project. The proposer should assure the reviewers that double Name of staff who will be responsible for this Person in 3> by TPSDP and non-TPSDP resources would be prevented of the tion schedule outside of this project. The proposer should assure the reviewers that double sources Name of staff who will be responsible for this activity Person in of the same activities by TPSDP and non-TPSDP resources would be prevented funding charge Describe how this activity will plan be maintained after Yr the1period ofYr this Aspects Sustainabili-Implementa5 years 2 project.Yr 3 Yr4 include its financial implication, allocation of resources to support this ty tiondescribed scheduleshould activity, and management commitment Name of staff who will be responsible for this activity Person in
Sustainability Person in charge
Identifikasi Resources yg dibutuhkan
Describe how this activity will be maintained after the period of this project. Aspects described should include its financial implication, allocation of resources to support this activity, and management commitment Name of staff who will be responsible for this activity
Biaya kontrak sebelumnya/ Sedang berjalan
Kualifikasi PBJ Engineer Estimate
Informasi Resmi ttg Harga
Survey Pasar
Dokumen Anggaran
Daftar Harga Strandar Yg dikeluarkan oleh Gub/Bupati
Daftar tarif yg dikel Pemth Pabrikan/agen tunggal
Menimbang : a. Bahwa untuk menunjang efisiensi dan efektifitas pelaksanaan Anggaran Belanja Negara, perlu disiapkan Harga Satuan Umum Tahun Anggaran 2005 sebagai dokumen anggaran; b. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam huruf a, serta dalam rangka pelaksanaan Pasal 14 Keputusan Presiden Nomor 42 Tahun 2002 perlu menetapkan Keputusan Menteri Keuangan tentang Harga Satuan Umum Tahun Anggaran 2005;
Mengingat : 1. Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1999 Nomor 60, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 3839); 2. Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1999 tentang Perimbangan Keuangan antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1999 Nomor 72, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 3848); 3. Undang-undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2003 tentang Keuangan Negara (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2003 Nomor 47, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4287); 4. Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2004 tentang Perbendaharaan Negara (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2004 Nomor 5, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4355); 5. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 106 Tahun 2000 tentang Pengelolaan dan Pertanggungjawaban Keuangan dalam Pelaksanaan Dekonsentrasi dan Tugas Pembantuan (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2000 Nomor 203, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4023); 6. Keputusan Presiden Nomor 228/M Tahun 2001; 7. Keputusan Presiden Nomor 42 Tahun 2002 Tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2002 Nomor 73, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4214); 8. Keputusan Presiden Nomor 80 Tahun 2003 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2003 Nomor 120, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4330) sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Keputusan Presiden Nomor 61 Tahun 2004 (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2004 Nomor 77);
Penjabaran Estimasi harga Suatu pekerj Yg )akan dilaks
Klasifikasi HPS/OE
HPS/OE ACTIVITY 1 Describe briefly the problems identified in the self-evaluation pertinent to the planned activity. This may include also analysis regarding why the problems had occurred and possible solutions to them. The link between the planned activities presented in the Chapter 2 to 5 and the problem analysis (SWOT analysis ACTIVITY 1 and other conclusion drawn from the self-evaluation) presented in the Document II should be explicitly mentioned, briefly thetoproblems identified self-evaluation pertinent to the planned Background by makingDescribe explicit references the relevant sectionsinofthe Document II. Thisdetail may include also analysis regarding why resolve the problems had occurred and Discuss inactivity. sufficient how this activity would possibly the problems Rationale solutions section. to them. Empirical The link between the planned activities in the referred inpossible the background or theoretical facts can be usedpresented as a 2 toargument 5 and the problem analysis (SWOT analysis ACTIVITY 1 and other conclusion drawn ground to Chapter support the from the self-evaluation) presented in the Document II should be explicitly mentioned, State clearly the objective of this briefly activity, including theidentified intended in outcomes. Descriptionpertinent to the planned Objectives Describe the self-evaluation Background by making explicit references tothe theproblems relevant sections of Document II. should clearly present all direct This as well asinclude indirectalso benefits to the respective S1 activity. analysis thestudy problems had occurred and detailmay how this activity wouldregarding possibly why resolve the problems Rationale program Discuss in sufficient possible solutions to them. The link between the planned activities in the referred in the background section. Empirical or theoretical facts can be used aspresented a Explain how the activityChapter will be set it will be analysis implemented. 2 toup5 and andhow the problem (SWOT analysis Mechanism ACTIVITY 1 and other conclusion drawn ground to support the argument <detail activity a>. from the self-evaluation) presented in the Document II should be explicitly mentioned, and design Stateb>. clearly the objective of this activity, the intended outcomes. Description pertinent to the planned Objectives Describe brieflyincluding identified the self-evaluation Background <detailactivity by making explicit references tothe theproblems relevant sections ofinDocument II. shouldc>.clearly present all direct as This well may as indirect benefits to the regarding respective S1 study activity. include also analysis the problems had occurred and <detail activity Discuss in sufficient detail how this activity would possibly why resolve the problems Rationale program possible solutions to them. The link between the planned activities in the Indicators referred in the background Baseline section. Empirical Mid Final facts can be used aspresented or theoretical a Performance Explain how the activity will be set up howthe it will be implemented. Chapter 2 toand 5 and problem analysis (SWOT analysis Mechanism ACTIVITY 1 and other conclusion drawn ground to support the argument indicators <detail activity a>. from the self-evaluation) presented in the Document II should be explicitly mentioned, and design State the objective of this activity, the intended outcomes. Description pertinent to the planned Objectives Describe brieflyincluding identified the self-evaluation Background <detailactivity b>. clearly by making explicit references tothe theproblems relevant sections ofinDocument II. should present all direct as This well may as indirect benefits to the regarding respective S1 study activity. include also analysis the problems had occurred and activity c>. clearlyDiscuss in sufficient detail how this activity would possibly why resolve the problems Rationale program possible solutions to them. The link between the planned activities in the Explain additional resources neededreferred from the investment implement Resources Indicators Baseline Mid in TPSDP the background section. Empiricalthe or Final theoretical facts can be used aspresented a Performance Explain how the activityrequired will be set up how it will befunds implemented. Chapter 2addition toand 5 and problem analysis (SWOT analysis and other conclusion drawn Mechanism activity. If additional investment <detail activity a>. from theand self-evaluation) presented in the Document II should be explicitly mentioned, implement the plan, describe clearly all past, current, future investment from and Objectives b>. clearly by making references to the relevant sections of Document II. sources outside of this <detailactivity project. The should proposer should assureallexplicit thedirect reviewers present as wellthat as double indirect benefits to the respective S1 study 3><detailbyactivity c>.andclearly funding of additional investment inthe addition tohow TPSDP to required ground required to support argument tion schedule <detail activity implement thedesign plan, describe clearly alla>. past, current, and future investment from and the objective of this activity, including the intended outcomes. Description <detailactivityState Objectives outside b>. clearly sources of this project. The proposer should should clearlyassure presenttheallreviewers direct as that well double as indirect benefits to the respective S1 study 3><detail of the.non-TPSDP funding same activities by TPSDP and resources would be prevented program Explain additional resources needed from the project. TPSDP investment implement the Resources Describe how this activity will maintained after periodYr of this Aspects Indicators Mid Final SustainabiliPerformance 5 years planbe YrExplain 1the YrBaseline 3be Yr4to Implementahow the2 activity will up and it willfunds be implemented. Mechanism activity. If there are any 1> additional investment required in set addition tohow TPSDP to described should include its financial implication, allocation of resources to support this required tion schedule . past, current, and future investment from and activity, and management commitment <detailactivity b>. outside sources of this project. The proposer should assure the reviewers that double Name of staff who will be responsible<detail of the same activities activityand c>.non-TPSDP resources would be prevented funding by TPSDP charge Explain additional resources neededofYr from the TPSDP the Describe Resources how this activity will plan be maintained afterIndicators the1period this Aspects Baseline Mid Final Sustainabili-ImplementaPerformance 5 years Yr 2 project. Yr 3 investment Yr4to implement activity. If implication, there are anyallocation additional investment required in addition to TPSDP funds to described should include its financial of resources to support this required ty indicators a> tion schedule outside sources of activity this project. The proposer should assure the reviewers that double Name of staff who will be responsible for this Person in 3> by TPSDP and non-TPSDP resources would be prevented of the tion schedule outside of this project. The proposer should assure the reviewers that double sources Name of staff who will be responsible for this activity Person in of the same activities by TPSDP and non-TPSDP resources would be prevented funding charge Describe how this activity will plan be maintained after Yr the1period ofYr this Aspects Sustainabili-Implementa5 years 2 project.Yr 3 Yr4 include its financial implication, allocation of resources to support this ty tiondescribed scheduleshould activity, and management commitment Name of staff who will be responsible for this activity Person in
Sustainability Person in charge
Describe how this activity will be maintained after the period of this project. Aspects described should include its financial implication, allocation of resources to support this activity, and management commitment Name of staff who will be responsible for this activity
Jasa Pemborongan ACTIVITY 1 Background
Rationale Objectives Mechanism and design Performance indicators
Resources required
Implementation schedule
Sustainability Person in charge
Describe briefly the problems identified in the self-evaluation pertinent to the planned activity. This may include also analysis regarding why the problems had occurred and possible solutions to them. The link between the planned activities presented in the Chapter 2 to 5 and the problem analysis (SWOT analysis and other conclusion drawn from the self-evaluation) presented in the Document II should be explicitly mentioned, by making explicit references to the relevant sections of Document II. Discuss in sufficient detail how this activity would possibly resolve the problems referred in the background section. Empirical or theoretical facts can be used as a ground to support the argument State clearly the objective of this activity, including the intended outcomes. Description should clearly present all direct as well as indirect benefits to the respective S1 study program Explain how the activity will be set up and how it will be implemented. Background <detail activity a>. <detailactivity b>. <detail activity c>. Indicators Baseline Mid Final Rationale Explain additional resources needed from the TPSDP investment to implement the activity. If there are any additional investment required in addition to TPSDP funds to Objectives implement the plan, describe clearly all past, current, and future investment from sources outside of this project. The proposer should assure the reviewers that double funding of the same activities by TPSDP and non-TPSDP resources would be prevented Mechanism 5 years plan Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr4 and design Performance Describe how this activity will be maintained after the period of this project. Aspects indicators described should include its financial implication, allocation of resources to support this activity, and management commitment Name of staff who will be responsible for this activity
Brg/Jasa lainnya ACTIVITY 1
PbL Resources required
Implementation schedule
Sustainability Person in charge
Describe briefly the problems identified in the self-evaluation pertinent to the planned activity. This may include also analysis regarding why the problems had occurred and possible solutions to them. The link between the planned activities presented in the Chapter 2 to 5 and the problem analysis (SWOT analysis and other conclusion drawn from the self-evaluation) presented in the Document II should be explicitly mentioned, by making explicit references to the relevant sections of Document II. Discuss in sufficient detail how this activity would possibly resolve the problems referred in the background section. Empirical or theoretical facts can be used as a ground to support the argument State clearly the objective of this activity, including the intended outcomes. Description should clearly present all direct as well as indirect benefits to the respective S1 study program Explain how the activity will be set up and how it will be implemented. <detail activity a>. <detailactivity b>. Background <detail activity c>. Indicators Baseline Mid Final Explain additional resources needed from the TPSDP investment to implement the Rationale activity. If there are any additional investment required in addition to TPSDP funds to implement the plan, describe clearly all past, current, and future investment from sources outside of this project. The proposer should assure the reviewers that double Objectives funding of the same activities by TPSDP and non-TPSDP resources would be prevented 5 years plan Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr4 Mechanism and design Describe how this activity will be maintained after the period of this project. Aspects described should include its financial implication, allocation of resources to support this Performance activity, and management commitment indicators Name of staff who will be responsible for this activity
Resources required
Implementation schedule
Sustainability Person in charge
ACTIVITY 1 Describe briefly the problems identified in the self-evaluation pertinent to the planned activity. This may include also analysis regarding why the problems had occurred and possible solutions to them. The link between the planned activities presented in the Chapter 2 to 5 and the problem analysis (SWOT analysis and other conclusion drawn from the self-evaluation) presented in the Document II should be explicitly mentioned, by making explicit references to the relevant sections of Document II. Discuss in sufficient detail how this activity would possibly resolve the problems referred in the background section. Empirical or theoretical facts can be used as a ground to support the argument State clearly the objective of this activity, including the intended outcomes. Description should clearly present all direct as well as indirect benefits to the respective S1 study program Explain how the activity will be set up and how it will be implemented. <detail activity a>. <detailactivity b>. <detail activity c>. Indicators Baseline Mid Final Explain additional resources needed from the TPSDP investment to implement the activity. If there are any additional investment required in addition to TPSDP funds to implement the plan, describe clearly all past, current, and future investment from sources outside of this project. The proposer should assure the reviewers that double funding of the same activities by TPSDP and non-TPSDP resources would be prevented 5 years plan Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr4 Describe how this activity will be maintained after the period of this project. Aspects described should include its financial implication, allocation of resources to support this activity, and management commitment Name of staff who will be responsible for this activity
K Jasa Konsultansi
Prosedur Penyusunan HPS/OE (Jasa Pemborongan) Teliti Kebenaran Pagu Anggaran
Dapatkan harga
Pelajari Dokumen Kualifikasi
Satuan dasar Bahan, upah & alat
[Pekerjaan berdasar keahlian] [HPS= Jumlah pay item + PPN] Analisa pay item
Tambahkan PPN 10%
Jlh semua biaya utk pek yg dilaks
Analisa harga + 10% Profit
Analisa setiap pay item
Penjabaran Aktivitas-1 Teliti
besaran dana dari pagu anggaran yeng tersedia dalam DIPA/DPA/RKAP/Dokumen lain yang dipersamakan. Besaran pagu anggaran merupakan batas maksimal untuk perhitungan HPS/OE, sehingga harus diupayakan HPS/OE lebih kecil dari pagu anggaran
Penjabaran Aktivitas-2 Pelajari dokumen pemilihan penyedia jasa, terutama yang terkait dengan instruksi kepada penyedia jasa, syarat umum/khusus, gambar, spesifikasi teknis, serta hasil peninjauan lapangan. Untuk pekerjaan dengan kontrak harga satuan, volume pekerjaan yang dibuat dalam HPS = yang ditetapkan dalam Bill of Quantity (BoQ) dokumen pemilihan penyedia jasa. Untuk kontrak lump-sum dapat diputuskan utk menggunakan atau tidak menggunakan sepenuhnya volume, metode yang ada dalam EE/RAB
Penjabaran Aktivitas-3 Hitung
harga satuan dasar dari bahan, upah, dan alat dengan mengacu pada harga pasar setempat harga di lokasi (termasuk ongkos). Jika harga pasar setempat tidak diperoleh, gunakan harga yang termuat dalam SPK/kontrak sebelumnya dengan memperhitungkan kemungkinan perubahan berdasar indeks BPS
Penjabaran Aktivitas-4/5 Hitung
analisa harga untuk setiap pembayaran (pay item) dengan formula/rumus yang sudah digunakan untuk perhitungan untuk mendapatkan RAB Tetapkan harga satuan: Analisa harga + 10% laba bagi penyedia jasa (kenapa 10% ???)
Penjabaran Aktivitas-6-9 Hitung
jumlah pada setiap pay item: Volume x Harga satuan. Jumlahkan semua unsur pay-item Hitung PPN 10% untuk seluruh pay-item Total harga pekerjaan yang dituangkan dalam HPS/OE = total pay item + PPN
Contoh HPS/OE REKAPITULASI DAFTAR KUANTITAS DAN HARGA No. Paket Kontrak : Nama Paket : Propinsi : No. Bab
JUMLAH HARGA PEKERJAAN (termasuk Biaya Umum dan Keuntungan)
Jumlah Total harga Pekerjaan = (A) + (B)
Terbilang : Dua milyar tiga ratus empat puluh juta seratus tiga puluh satu ribu enam ratus tiga 28/100 Rupiah
1,196,510,391.21 86,898,819.90
270,592,989.40 0.00 93,478,840.23 2,127,392,366.62 212,739,236.66 2,340,131,603.28
Daftar Kuantitas & Harga REKAPITULASI DAFTAR KUANTITAS DAN HARGA No. Paket Kontrak : Nama Paket : Propinsi : MATA PEMBAYARAN
Jumlah Harga Penawaran Bab 1 (Masuk pada Rekapitulasi Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga)
10, 000,000.00
Daftar Kuantitas & Harga No. Paket Kontrak Nama Paket Propinsi
: : :
Pekerjaan Galian untuk Selokan Drainase dan Saluran Air
Pek. Pasangan Batu dengan Mortar
Gorong-gorong Pipa Beton Bertulang Diameter dalam < 45 Cm
Gorong-gorong Pipa Beton Bertulang Diameter dalam 45 – 75 Cm
Gorong-gorong Pipa Beton Bertulang Diameter dalam 75 – 120 Cm
Angkutan Gorong-gorong ARMCO
Pemasangan Gorong-gorong ARMCO
Anyaman Filter Plastik untuk Pekerjaan Drainase dibawah Permukaan.
Pipa untuk Pekerjaan Drainase dibawah Permukaan
Jumlah Harga Penawaran Bab 2 (Masuk pada Rekapitulasi Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga)
Daftar Kuantitas & Harga No. Paket Kontrak Nama Paket Propinsi
: : :
Galian Biasa
Galian Padas/batuan
Urugan Biasa
Urugan Pilihan
Penyiapan Badan Jalan
Jumlah Harga Penawaran Bab 3 (Masuk pada Rekapitulasi Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga)
Daftar Kuantitas & Harga No. Paket Kontrak Nama Paket Propinsi
: : :
Lapis Pondasi Aggregate Klas A
Lapis Pondasi Aggregate Klas B
Semen Untuk pondasi Tanah Semen
Lapis pondasi Tanah Semen
Aggregate Penutup Burtu
Material Aspal untuk Pekerjaan Pelaburan
Lapis Resap Pengikat
Jumlah Harga Penawaran Bab 4 (Masuk Pada Rekapitulasi Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga)
Prosedur Penyusunan HPS/OE (Pengad Barang/Jasa lainnya) Teliti Kebenaran Pagu Anggaran
Dapatkan harga
Pelajari Dokumen Kualifikasi
Satuan dasar Barang/jasa lainnya
[Pekerjaan berdasar keahlian] [HPS= Jumlah harga barang + PPN]
Tambahkan PPN 10%
Jlh semua biaya utk pek yg dilaks
Analisa harga + %tase Profit
Jumlah volume x Harga satuan
Penjabaran Aktivitas-1 Teliti
besaran dana dari pagu anggaran yeng tersedia dalam DIPA/DPA/RKAP/Dokumen lain yang dipersamakan. Besaran pagu anggaran merupakan batas maksimal untuk perhitungan HPS/OE, sehingga harus diupayakan HPS/OE lebih kecil dari pagu anggaran
Penjabaran Aktivitas-2 Pelajari dokumen pemilihan penyedia jasa, terutama yang terkait dengan instruksi kepada penyedia jasa, syarat umum/khusus, gambar, spesifikasi teknis, serta hasil peninjauan lapangan. Untuk pekerjaan dengan kontrak harga satuan, volume pekerjaan yang dibuat dalam HPS = yang ditetapkan dalam Bill of Quantity (BoQ) dokumen pemilihan penyedia jasa. Untuk kontrak lump-sum dapat diputuskan utk menggunakan atau tidak menggunakan sepenuhnya volume, metode yang ada dalam EE/RAB
Penjabaran Aktivitas-3 Hitung
harga satuan dasar barang/jasa lainnya dengan mengacu pada rata-rata harga barang/jasa lainnya yang mengacu pada pasar setempat. Jika harga pasar setempat tidak diperoleh, gunakan harga yang termuat dalam SPK/kontrak sebelumnya dengan memperhitungkan kemungkinan perubahan berdasar indeks BPS
Penjabaran Aktivitas-4-8 Tetapkan harga satuan: Harga satuan dasar + 10% laba bagi penyedia jasa (kenapa 10% ???) Hitung jumlah pada setiap pay item: Volume x Harga satuan. Jumlahkan semua unsur item barang/jasa lainnya Hitung PPN 10% untuk seluruh item yang di adakan Total harga pekerjaan yang dituangkan dalam HPS/OE = total pay item + PPN
Mengapa kegiatan Penyusunan HPS/OE dalam Pelaksanaan pengadaan Jasa Konsultansi Berbeda dengan 2 Aktivitas sebelumnya ?
HPS Pekerjaan Jasa Konsultansi Harga Perkiraan Sendiri (HPS) atau Owner’s Estimate (OE) adalah perhitungan biaya pelaksanaan pekerjaan layanan jasa konsultansi seperti yang tercantum dalam dokumen KAK yang meliputi perhitungan biaya langsung personil (remuneration) dan biaya langsung non personil (direct reimbursable cost). Biaya langsung personil adalah biaya tenaga ahli, asisten tenaga ahli dan tenaga pendukung yang dihitung berdasarkan satuan biaya orang terhadap waktu. Sedangkan biaya langsung non personil antara lain meliputi biaya perjalanan, biaya sewa kantor, sewa kendaraan, penggandaan laporan, pengiriman dokumen dan lain-lain.
Prosedur Penyusunan HPS/OE (Pek Jasa Konsultansi) Pelajari Dokumen Kualifikasi (KAK + TA)
Teliti Kebenaran Pagu Anggaran
Komponen Biaya BLP + BLNP BLNP Max 40%
[Pekerjaan berdasar keahlian] [HPS= BLP + BLNP + PPN] Jumlah seluruh item pengeluaran
Tambahkan PPN 10%
BLP = GD +BBS + BBU + TP + K
BLP per Satuan waktu
BLP = JP x LP x fee/sat waktu
Kerangka Acuan Kerja (KAK) atau Terms of Reference (TOR) adalah dokumen yang memuat uraian tentang: Latar belakang, maksud dan tujuan, lingkup, serta hasil (output) yang diharapkan dari pekerjaan layanan jasa konsultansi yang akan dilaksanakan. Dalam dokumen KAK dimasukkan tentang jenis keahlian, jumlah, kualifikasi dan lamanya waktu penugasan tenaga ahli yang diperlukan. Untuk pengendalian dimasukan ketentuan tentang jangka waktu pelayanan jasa konsultansi serta jenis, jumlah dan waktu (kapan) laporan kegiatan atau hasil pelaksanaan layanan jasa konsultansi harus disampaikan kepada pengguna.
PENYUSUNAN KAK KAK pada prinsipnya disusun oleh pengguna. Penyusunan KAK harus berdasarkan dokumen dasar pengadaan, khususnya dokumen perencanaan proyek dan laporan atau hasil layanan jasa konsultansi lain yang pernah dilakukan. KAK akan menjadi dasar untuk menyusun dokumen pengadaan lainnya (Dokumen prakualifikasi, dokumen permintaan usulan dan harga perhitungan sendiri), serta akan menjadi dasar untuk evaluasi, klarifikasi dan negosiasi dokumen usulan.
Bentuk dan Isi KAK
Bentuk KAK untuk setiap paket pengadaan jasa konsultansi tidak selalu sama atau standar. Namun isi KAK umumnya mempunyai unsur yang sama, yaitu : Latar belakang dan alasan mengapa layanan jasa konsultansi yang akan dilaksanakan perlu dilakukan; Maksud, tujuan dan output yang diharapkan dari layanan jasa konsultansi yang akan dilaksanakan; Lingkup layanan jasa konsultansi yang dilaksanakan serta hasilnya; Jangka waktu pelayanan jasa konsultansi yang diberikan; Tenaga ahli yang dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakan layanan jasa konsultansi yang dilaksanakan; Sumber daya lain yang dibutuhkan untuk mendukung pelaksanaan layanan jasa konsultansi yang dilaksanakan; Cara atau sistem pengendalian pelaksanaan (biasanya melalui sistem laporan); Jenis dan jumlah serta waktu penyampaian laporan;
Penjabaran Aktivitas-1 Teliti
besaran dana dari pagu anggaran yeng tersedia dalam DIPA/DPA/RKAP/Dokumen lain yang dipersamakan. Besaran pagu anggaran merupakan batas maksimal untuk perhitungan HPS/OE, sehingga harus diupayakan HPS/OE lebih kecil dari pagu anggaran
Penjabaran Aktivitas-2 Pelajari dokumen pemilihan penyedia jasa, terutama yang terkait dengan KAK/TOR, sehingga dapat diketahui kualifikasi tenaga ahli yang dibutuhkan, data/fasilitas pelaksanaan jasa yang diperlukan dan sistem pelaporannya. Komponen biaya secara garis besar terdiri dari BLP + BNLP, dengan ketentuan BLNP maksimum 40% dari total biaya pekerjaan (kecuali js konsultansi ttt, spt pemetaan udara, survey lap, pengukuran & penyeld tanah dll )
Penjabaran Aktivitas-3 Bila suatu pekerjaan dilaks oleh konsultan perorangan maka BLP tidak boleh ditambahkan biaya overhead dan keuntungan BLP pada dasarnya mengacu pada pasar yang berlaku. Jika harga pasar setempat tidak diperoleh, gunakan harga yang termuat dalam SPK/kontrak sebelumnya dengan memperhitungkan kemungkinan perubahan berdasar indeks BPS (Lihat SKB Menkeu dengan Ka Bappenas tentang Petunjuk Penyusunan RAB Pekerjaan Jasa Konsultansi)
BLP = GD + BBS + BBU + TP +K Komponen BLP GD = Gaji Dasar
Undangan Nasional 1 x GD
BBS = Biaya Beban Sosial
(0,3 s/d 0,4) x GD
BBU = Biaya Beban Umum (0,5 s/d 1,3) x GD TP = Tunjangan Penugasan
(0,1 s/d 0,3) x GD
K = Laba
0,1 (GD + BBS + BBU)
Total BLP
(2,2 s/d 3,1) x GD
BLP = GD + BBS + BBU + TP +K Komponen BLP GD = Gaji Dasar
Undangan Internasional 1 x GD
BBS = Biaya Beban Sosial
(0,3 s/d 0,6) x GD
BBU = Biaya Beban Umum (0,7 s/d 1,4) x GD TP = Tunjangan Penugasan
(0,1 s/d 0,3) x GD
K = Laba
0,1 (GD + BBS + BBU)
Total BLP
(2,4 s/d 3,6) x GD
Jika penugasan konsultan dihitung dalam satuan selain bulan (month) maka konversi maksimum BLP = Rumus konversi maksimum Biaya Langsung Personil : SBOM = SBOB/4,1 SBOH = (SBOB/2,2) x 1,1 SBOJ = (SBOH/8) x 1,3 Catatan : SBOB = Satuan Biaya Orang Bulan (Person Month Rate) SBOM = Satuan Biaya Orang Minggu (Person Week Rate) SBOH = Satuan Biaya Orang Hari (Person Day Rate) SBOJ = Satuan Biaya Orang Jam (Person Hour Rate)
Penjabaran Aktivitas-4 Hitung
semua biaya BLP + BLNP dgn cara sbb: BLP = Jumlah Personil x Lama Penugasan x Imbalan per satuan Waktu BLNP = Jumlah Volume pekerjaan x harga satuan Jumlah personil = tenaga ahli/tenaga pendukung sesuai pendidikan/pengalamannya Utk Team Leader dgn AT 5 s/d 10 + imbalan 3% Utk TL dgn AT > 10 + imbalan 6%
Outsourcing Penyusunan HPS Untuk
menghindari penyalahgunaan HPS, dibeberapa negara maju, pengguna/panitia tidak menyusun sendiri HPS tetapi meminta jasa penyusunan HPS dari konsultan Quantity Surveying (QS) yang mendapat ijin praktek dengan disumpah, menjelang pelaksanaan pengadaan. HPS yang disusun oleh konsultan QS tersebut akan dibuka bersamaan waktu membuka dokumen usulan dari penyedia jasa konsultansi.
Komponen Biaya BLP -1
Biaya langsung personil dihitung berdasarkan jumlah orangbulan (man-months) daftar tenaga ahli, asisten ahli dan tenaga pendukung yang disusun berdasarkan dokumen KAK dikalikan dengan harga satuan biaya orang bulan. Besarnya harga satuan biaya orang atau yang terkenal sebagai billing rate, terutama untuk tenaga ahli/profesional, ditentukan berdasarkan keahlian dan lama pengalaman tenaga ahli bersangkutan, yang besarnya mengikuti perkembangan harga pasar. Berdasarkan hasil survei yang pernah dilakukan oleh Bappenas harga satuan biaya ahli adalah antara 2,2 sampai 3,1 kali gaji dasar atau penerimaan tiap bulan dari tenaga ahli bersangkutan. Hal tersebut disebabkan didalam harga satuan biaya tenaga ahli termasuk beban biaya sosial (BBS), beban biaya umum (BBU), dan keuntungan bagi penyedia jasa konsultansi.
Komponen Biaya BLP -2 Rincian unsur-unsur yang terkandung didalam masing-masing komponen beban biaya adalah sebagai berikut : Gaji Dasar (GD) Merupakan gaji bruto sebelum dipotong pajak pendapatan. Beban Biaya Sosial (BBS) Terdiri dari unsur biaya sebagai berikut: Tunjangan hari libur; Cuti tahunan, cuti sakit; Tunjangan pengobatan; Tunjangan transportasi dan makan; Tunjangan pensiun; Asuransi tenaga kerja; Tunjangan sosial lainnya;
Komponen Biaya BLP -3 Beban Biaya Umum (BBU) Terdiri dari unsur biaya sebagai berikut : Biaya manajemen dan administrasi kantor; Gaji tenaga administrasi, juru ketik, pelayan, pengemudi, dan sebagainya; Biaya jasa hukum, auditor, dan sebagainya Biaya kantor/ruang kerja; Biaya listrik, air, telepon, dan sebagainya; Pengeluaran biaya karena kekosongan kerja; Biaya depresiasi; Bunga modal; Biaya penelitian dan pengembangan; Biaya umum lainnya;
Komponen Biaya BLP -4 Keuntungan (K) Terdiri dari unsur biaya sebagai berikut : Keuntungan perusahaan; Dividen/bonus; Dana cadangan dan investasi; Pajak perusahaan Tunjangan Pekerjaan (TP) Tunjangan khusus untuk tenaga ahli dalam penugasan tertentu.
Komponen Biaya BLP -5
Harga satuan biaya tenaga ahli dari penyedia jasa konsultansi yang bersifat nir laba (non profit making firm) seperti Universitas, Lembaga Penelitian, Rumah Sakit, Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat serta lembaga sosial lainnya, diperhitungkan maksimum 70% dari harga satuan biaya tenaga ahli dari penyedia jasa konsultansi yang berbentuk perusahaan (profit making firm); Harga satuan biaya tenaga ahli perorangan diperhitungkan maksimum 60% dari Harga satuan biaya tenaga ahli dari perusahaan. Penugasan tenaga ahli yang berstatus pegawai negeri/dosen pada pekerjaan layanan jasa konsultansi Dilarang, kecuali cuti diluar tanggungan negara.
Komponen Biaya BLNP
Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi kegiatan serta kebutuhan peralatan dan bahan yang diperlukan untuk mendukung pelaksanaan pekerjaan layanan jasa konsultansi seperti yang tercantum dalam KAK, disusun kegiatan serta kebutuhan peralatan dan bahan pendukung tersebut. Untuk dapat menghitung biaya langsung non personil perlu dihitung harga satuan setiap kegiatan dan peralatan tersebut berdasarkan harga yang berlaku pada saat menyusun HPS. Dalam menyusun HPS sudah diidentifikasikan kegiatan serta biaya peralatan dan bahan yang tergolong lumpsum dan yang tergolong at cost. Kegiatan, peralatan dan bahan yang tergolong biaya langsung non personil antara lain: Perjalanan/biaya tiket dan uang harian; Pembahasan laporan/biaya konsumsi dan akomodasi; Fasilitas kerja/biaya sewa ruang kerja, peralatan kerja, komputer dll; Transportasi/biaya sewa kendaraan, transport lokal/ taksi, bus dll; Komunikasi/biaya pembayaran telpon, fax, internet dll – lumpsum; Laporan/Biaya pencetakan dan penggandaan laporan dan dokumen lainnya.
Jika HPS OE > Anggaran ? Paket A Paket B Paket C
OE +/- Oth.
100 110 104 .. ++
110 102 109 .. +
Langkah yang harus ditempuh: 1. Merubah Spek (down grade) 2. Mengurangi kuantitas (jika mungkin) 3. Revisi Pedomen/Petunjuk Operasional
-10 OK -5 … +
?? ++ ?? .. +++
Aktivitas 1
Aktivitas 2
Tahun Lulus
IPK < 2.5 Jumlah %
IPK 2.5 - 3.0 Jumlah %
2 3 IPK < 2.54 1995/1996 Tahun Lulus 15 Jumlah 40.54% %18 1996/1997 1 13 33.33% 2 320 1997/1998 1995/199614 28.57%15 40.54% 27 1998/1999 1996/199715 30.00%13 33.33% 26 1999/2000 1997/199817 25.37%14 28.57% 39 Total 130 1998/199974 30.58%15 30.00%
1999/2000 Total
Tahun Lulus 1
IPK < 2.5 Jumlah %
48.65% Jumlah 51.28% 4 55.10%18 52.00%20 58.21%27 53.72%26
17 25.37% 74 30.58%
IPK 2.5 - 3.0 Jumlah %
IPK > 3.0 Jumlah %
5IPK 2.5 - 3.0 6
%4 56 8 48.65% 9 51.28% 11 55.10% 38 52.00%
9 Total IPK Rata2.58 rata %37 Lulusan 39 2.67 8 9 7 49 2.7037 10.81% 2.58 50 2.7039 15.38% 2.67 67 2.6749 16.33% 2.70 242 2.6750 18.00% 2.70 11 16.42% 67 2.67 38 15.70% 242 2.67
Total IPK RataLulusan rata
IPK3 < 2.5 4 IPK52.5 - 3.0 6 IPK7 > 3.0 8 Total 9 IPK RataTahun Lulus 15 40.54% 1995/1996 48.65% % 4Jumlah 10.81% % 37Lulusan2.58 rata Jumlah % 18Jumlah 1996/1997 1 13 2 33.33%IPK3 < 2.520 4 51.28% IPK52.5 - 3.06 6 15.38%IPK7 > 3.039 8 2.67 Total 9 IPK RataTahun 14 Lulus 28.57% 1997/1998 2.70 2.58 rata 1995/1996 15Jumlah 40.54% 27 18Jumlah 48.65% %8 16.33% 4Jumlah 10.81% 49 % 55.10% % 37Lulusan 1998/1999 1996/1997 115 30.00% 13 2 33.33% 263 52.00% 20 4 51.28% 59 18.00% 6 6 15.38% 507 392.708 2.67 9 1999/2000 17 25.37% 39 58.21% 11 16.42% 67 492.67 372.70 2.58 1997/1998 14 28.57% 27 55.10% 8 16.33% 1995/1996 15 40.54% 18 48.65% 4 10.81% Total 1998/1999 74 30.58% 38 15.70% 15 30.00% 26 52.00% 9 18.00% 1996/1997 13 130 33.33% 53.72% 20 51.28% 6 242 15.38% 502.67 392.70 2.67 2
1999/2000 1997/1998 17 Total 1998/1999 74 1999/2000 Total
25.37% 14 28.57% 39 30.58% 15 30.00%130
58.21% 27 55.10% 11 53.72% 26 52.00% 38
16.42% 8 16.33% 67 15.70% 9 18.00%242
17 74
39 130
11 38
25.37% 30.58%
58.21% 53.72%
Resources 2.1 Funding Agency A Resources 2.2 Funding Agency B Resources 2.3 Funding Agency B
16.42% 15.70%
Mission Project Proposal A Objective
Project Proposal B
492.67 2.70 502.67 2.70 67 2.67 242 2.67
Plan Project Proposal C
Self Evaluation Report
Aktivitas n
10.81% Jumlah 15.38% 6 16.33%4 18.00%6 16.42%8 15.70%9
39 58.21% 130 53.72%
IPK > 3.0 Jumlah %
Total IPK RataLulusan rata
7 IPK > 3.08
Resources 1.1 Funding Agency A Resources 1.2 Funding Agency B Resources 1.3 DRK
Institutional Objective
Penyusunan Usulan Anggaran SE-Report
Kapasitas/Kemampuan Institusi dalam
Usulan Anggaran disesuaikan dengan : Contoh : Kemampuan mengenerate revenue Rp. 25 juta/thn atau Rp. 75 juta/3 thn
kemampuan menyediakan dana pendamping & kemampuan menjaga keberlangsungan investasi
Anggaran yg diusulkan Rp. 75 juta x 100/5 = Rp. 1.5 milyar Usulan Proposal max. = Rp. 1.5 milyar
Mengoperasionalkan institusi Men-generate revenue/income
Penyediaan Dana Pendamping
Kemampuan men-generate revenue sebanding dengan Kemampuan disbursement anggaran
Daya Tampung Berlebihan
Kualitas Lulusan rendah
Pelaksanaan & Penanggungjawab :
Local Project Implementation Unit (LPIU)
Koordinasi DIKTI - PT, Fak, Jur, PS & PIC
Kebutuhan Sumberdaya
Menyediakan dana
Pengadaan/Penyediaan Resources
RAISE Kegiatan untuk meningkatkan RAISE
Pelaksanaan & Penanggungjawab :
Ketua Jurusan, PS & PIC