advertisement article comics daily (paper) editor headline interview interviewee
interviewer journal journalist magazine monthly (paper) news newsagent newsagent’s
newspaper online media the Press print media publication publish publisher report
agony coloumn broadcast broadcast media broadsheet caption cartoon catalogue celebrity circulation column columnist commercials
copy commentary commercial correspondent editorial editor in chief / chief editor e-zine fact feature freedom of speech
freedom of the Press freesheet funnies gossip coloumn leaflet local press mass media national press newsreel publication readership
reporter radio small ad tabloid television weekly (paper)
review scandal sensation sensationalism spelling mistake subscribe (for sg.) title typesetter viewer
1) Name what you can see in the pictures.
1. _______________ 2. _______________
3. _______________
4. _______________
5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. _______________
8. _______________
2) Unjumble the following letters to have meaningful words. y
3) Match the words with the definitions. advertisement
the Press
1. a person who prepares a final copy of something by taking out extra words and fixing errors 2. a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service 3. a book, a magazine, etc. that has been published, or the act of printing a book, a magazine, etc. 4. the title of a newspaper article printed in large letters (especially at the top of the front page) or the main points of the news that are broadcast on television or radio 5. a piece of writing on a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine 6. a newspaper which is published every day of the week except Sunday 7. a person who owns or works in a shop selling newspapers and magazines 8. a type of popular newspaper with small pages which has short articles and a lot of pictures and stories about famous people 9. newspapers and magazines, and those parts of television and radio which broadcast news, or reporters and photographers who work for them 10. a magazine, especially for children, which contains a set of stories told in pictures with a small amount of writing 11. a serious magazine or newspaper which is published regularly, usually about a specialist subject or profession 12. a person who gathers information and writes about it for a newspaper or for radio or television
4) Complete the sentences with the words listed and translate the sentences into your language. advertisements
the Press
1. An undercover _______________ recorded the speeches which were later broadcast on BBC. 2. The story was covered in all the national _______________. 3. There was an interesting _______________ on vegetarianism in the paper yesterday. 4. Our latest _______________ is a magazine for health enthusiasts. 5. Who is the current _______________ of the Times? 6. The love affair of the celebrated star made the front page in all the _______________. 7. They ran the story under the _______________ ‘Home at last!’. 8. I love _______________. There are so many funny pictures in them! 9. Do you want anything from the _______________ apart from a paper? 10. _______________ was not allowed to attend the trial. 11. I like leafing through the medical _______________ in the surgery while I’m waiting for my turn at the dentist. 12. She scanned the job _______________ in the paper. 5) Translate the following sentences from Hungarian into English. EASY 1. El akartam adni az autómat, ezért betettem egy hirdetést a helyi újságba. 2. Sok fiú szeret képregényeket olvasni. 3. Olvastad a legutóbbi cikkemet? 4. Olvastam a barátom nevét a főcímekben. 5. Sok riporter akar interjút készíteni a híres sztárokkal. 6. Milyen folyóiratokat szoktál olvasni? 7. Nem minden havi- és hetilap drága. 8. Az eltűnt fiú benne volt a rádió és televízió híreiben. 9. Az újságárusnál nem csak pletykalapokat vásárolhatunk. 10. Miért van olyan sok újság a WC-dben? 11. Az online média ugyanolyan népszerű, mint a nyomtatott média. 12. A sajtó mindent megírt a botrányról. 13. Ebben a kiadványban sok a helyesírási hiba. 14. Melyik kiadó adta ki ezt a könyvet? 15. Soha nem olvasok apróhirdetéseket, mert kicsik a betűk bennük. MORE DIFFICULT 1. Tegyél be egy hirdetést a helyi újságba, hogy eladd az autódat. 2. A képregények szuperhősei számomra nevetségesek. 3. A szerkesztőm elég sok szót kihúzott a cikkemből. 4. A botrány hetekig szerepelt a napilapok főcímei között. 5. Amikor nyertem a lottón, számos riporter akart interjút készíteni velem. 6. Vilma az egészséges életmód megszállottja – tele van a szobája orvosi folyóiratokkal.
7. Sok ember szereti a havi- és hetilapokat, mert szép képek vannak bennük, de nem mindenki vásárol a pletykalapokat. 8. Légy szíves, ne kiabálj, nem szeretnék benne lenni a rádió vagy televízió híreiben. 9. Az újságárus nem volt hajlandó odaadni a szexlapot a kisfiúnak. 10. Napjainkban egyre többen részesítik előnyben az online médiát a nyomtatott médiával szemben. 11. Mi történt a sajtószabadsággal? 12. A városról szóló kiadványban egy szó sem esik a rengeteg zsebtolvajról. 13. Mivel egyetlen kiadót sem találtam, magam fogom publikálni a könyvemet. 14. Csak akkor nézem meg az apróhirdetéseket, amikor valami különlegeset keresek. 6) Give the words for the definitions. Headline Typesetter
Freedom of Speech Advertising
Feature Caption
Column Editorial
Publisher Funnies
1. _______________________ One who sets written material into type 2. _______________________ The right to speak freely 3. _______________________ A public promotion of some product or service 4. _______________________ A sequence of drawings telling a story in a newspaper or comic book 5. _______________________ Brief description accompanying an illustration 6. _______________________ The proprietor or head of a newspaper 7. _______________________ An article giving opinions or perspectives 8. _______________________ A special or prominent article in a newspaper or magazine 9. _______________________ The heading or caption of a newspaper article 10. _______________________ The vertical sections into which the printed page of a book, newspaper, etc. is divided
7) Fill in the gaps with the words listed in the box. viewers channels
subjective objective
mass media soap operas
quiz shows commercials
indoctrinate switch
__________ is a phrase often used to describe ways of giving information and entertainment to very large numbers of people. It includes newspapers, advertising and radio and of course, television. In most countries people can __________ to any of three or four different __________. Do television programmes influence our minds? Do they __________ us? Is the news completely __________ (neutral) or is it __________ (considered from one particular point of view)? Don’t the __________ for alcohol, food and other goods condition our minds? Even the __________ going on week after week telling the story of one family or group of people sometimes make us want to copy the life style we see on the screen. Also __________ which give people big prizes for answering simple questions can make us greedy. Some programmes are watched by tens of millions of __________.
1 )
2 )
1. newspaper 2. radio 3. online media 4. headline 5. interview 6. reporter 7. article 8. television
weekly advertisement publish small ad tabloid magazine
3 )
1. editor 2. advertisement 3. publication 4. headline 5. article 6. daily
5 EASY 1. I wanted to sell my car so I pu an advertisement into the local paper. 2. A lot of boys like reading comics. 3. Have you read my latest article? 4. I have read my friend’s name in the headlines. 5. A lot of reporters want to make an interview with celebrities. 6. What journals do you read? 7. Not all weelies and monthlies are expensive. 8. The lost boy was in the news of the radio and TV. 9. We can buy not only tabloids at the newsagent’s. 10. Why are there so many newspapers in your toilet? 11. Online media is as popular as print media. 12. The Press wrote (/has written) everything about the scandal. 13. There are a lot of spelling mistakes in this publication. 14. Which publisher published this book? 15. I never read small ads because the letters are small in them. MORE DIFFICULT 1. Put an advertisement in the local paper to sell your car. 2. The superheroes of comics are ridiculous for me. 3. My editor deleted quite a lot of words from my article. 4. The scandal was in the headlines of dailies for weeks. 5. When I won the lottery, several reporters wanted to make an interview with me. 6. Vilma is obsessed with healthy lifestyle – her room is full of medical journals. 7. Many people like weeklies and monthlies because there are nice pictures in them but not everybody buys tabloids. 8. Don’t shout, please, I wouldn’t like to be in the news of the radio or television. 9. The newsagent refused to give the little boy the sex magazine. 10. In our days more and more people prefer online media to the print media. 11. What has happened to the freedom of the Press? 12. There is no word about the numerous pickpockets in the publication about the city. 13. As I haven’t found any publishers, I will publish my book myself. 14. I look at the small ads only when I’m looking for something special.
7. newsagent 8. tabloid 9. the Press 10. comics 11. journal 12. reporter 4 ) 1. reporter 7. headline 2. dailies 8. comics 3. article 9. newsagent’s 4. publication 10. the Press 5. editor 11. journals 6. tabloids 12. advertisements
6 ) 1. typesetter 2. freedom of speech 3. advertising 4. funnies 5. caption 6. publisher 7. editorial 8. feature 9. headline 10. column
7 Mass media is a phrase often used to describe ways of giving information and entertainment to very large numbers of people. It includes newspapers, advertising and radio and of course, television. In most countries people can switch to any of three or four different channels. Do television programmes influence our minds? Do they indoctrinate us? Is the news completely objective (neutral) or is it subjective (considered from one particular point of view)? Don’t the commercials for alcohol, food and other goods condition our minds? Even the soap operas going on week after week telling the story of one family or group of people sometimes make us want to copy the life style we see on the screen. Also quiz shows which give people big prizes for answering simple questions can make us greedy. Some programmes are watched by tens of millions of viewers.