J a b r
I s l a m i c
S c h o o l
Semester I,September 2015/2016
TA BL E OF C ON TE N T S 2 From the Head of School 3 From the Principal From the PYP Coordinator 4 From the MYP Coordinator 5 MYP/HS: Chemistry In The Class 6 Pre K: Shaping the Identity K1:How to Build Relationship in K1 7 K2: Appreciate Differences to Develop Social Skills
7 8 9 10 11 12
G1: Healthy Lifestyle G2: Role Model and Heroes G3: Human Body Systems G4: Open Mindedness in Belief System G5: Human Stages of Life Student Council: Refleksi Kegiatan From Parents Association Special Event: Indonesia’s Independence Day
Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter September 2015/2016
Dear Al Jabr Students, Parents and Teachers, Assalamualaikum wr wb., First of all, on behalf of Al Jabr Islamic School, allow me to wish you, Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri, mohon maaf lahir dan bathin. Bismillahirahmanirahiim, semoga dua (2) bagian rahmat Allah swt berupa cahaya untuk menjalani hidup di dunia ini dan ampunan yang kita terima dari Allah yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang dapat terus kita pelihara selama kita terus mempelajari dan mengamalkan Al Quran (Ilmu, petunjuk, perintah dan menjauhkan larangan Nya). (Surat 57:28) Ramadhan is one of the month that i take it as a privileged bless and opportunity for us to connect, reflect and responsible of the ayat ayat Quran. Its written, “Ketahuilah bahwa sesungguhnya kehidupan dunia itu hanyalah permainan dan suatu yang melalaikan, perhiasan dan bermegah megahan antara kamu serta ber bangga banggaan tentang banyaknya harta dan anak seperti hujan yang tanam tanamannya mengagumkan… lalu menjadi kering.. kemudian hancur… kehidupan dunia hanyalah kesenangan yang menipu. Berlomba lombalah kamu kpd ampunan yang disediakan bagi orang orang yang beriman kpd Allah dan rasul rasul Nya” (Surat 57 20 & 21). Tanggung jawab atas pendidikan, according to Ignas Kleden in opini harian Kompas recently, said that “seakan akan sekolah hanyalah mengurus pengajaran, sementara pendidikan anak didik menjadi tanggung jawab masing masing keluarga; filantropi rupanya asing pada awal kapitalisme – no wonder – dana lebaran yang ada dipakai misalnya untuk membeli sepeda motor, telepon selular, televisi (konsumtif) dibanding dulu misalnya untuk yang bersifat jangka pnajang seperti hewan piaraan kambing, sapi dan kerbau yg dipedesaan digunakan sebagai tabungan (Kompas 21/7/15); orang orang yang dididik dengan baik akan membantu memperkuat integrasi sosial, sebaliknya, pendidikan yang centang perenang tanpa arah dan tujuan yang jelas hanya akan menghasilkan orang orang
The Head of School yang menjadi beban masyarakat and sumber masalah yang mempersulit kehidupan bersama((Ignas Kleden). Additional to that, still in Kompas it is said that “media dituntut untuk mendidik – tayangan tak berkualitas pengaruhi moral public – sebagai pembodohan masa (Kompas, B07/IVV). So can we say that if our children one day become the society burdens we should not blame to school but parents? The Rules of Parenting by Richard Templar said at the Section two, Love is not enough – there are a few other things you have to give them too: discipline, selfdiscipline, values, the ability to form good relationships, a healthy lifestyle, a decent education, the ability to think for themselves, an understanding of the value of money etc. However, first section for parents to relax and no one is perfect. So don’t panic. Last but not least, my intention here is to express our niat to collaborate school, homes and our environment seriously. As I hope Al Jabr is not only seen as a school for “pengajaran” but as well as home for “pendidikan”. We love there for we educate, and not to only learn mathematics, science, singing and dance BUT importantly to be the kalifah di muka bumi untuk membuat perbaikan dan perdamaian untuk dunia yang lebih baik dengan kasih sayang. Bismillahirahmanirahiim, that my Lebaran resolution with hope you all feel the same! Welcome to Al Jabr Islamic School Family, I am very grateful to have you all with us and Bismillah, Insya Allah dua(2) rahmat Allah swt berupa cahaya dan ampunan will remain with us dunia akhirat dengan terus menimba ilmu dan mengamalkan ilmu dunia akhirat. Amin YRA
Wasswrwb, Uchu Riza Head of School Resources : Al Quran, Harian Kompas, Book The Rules of Parenting by Templar, Pearson
Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter September 2015/2016
from The PYP Coordinator
The Principal Assalaamu’alaikum wr.wb.
Alhamdulillah, we are now in the new school academic year 2015-2016. We had started this year with parents who joined in the classes in the first 3 days of school. They were enthusiastic to take part in the process of making the essential agreements, expected learning outcomes and experienced on how the class would look and be like. Not only parents, we also invited our grandparents in the commemoration of Indonesia Independence Day! Through these events, we hope that such participation will strengthen our relationships as one big family. This first week of September, our Grade 6, 9 and 12 will have their first Try Outs and Summative Assessment for all grades. On October 2015, we will have Hari Berbahasa to commemorate Hari Sumpah Pemuda. Insya Allah, with everyone’s support and Allah’s will, Al Jabr students can develop and maximize their potential throughout different experiences and events along the year that will enable them to become well rounded individuals intellectually, physically and emotionally and socially. Allah says in Q.S An Nahl 16:128 “Allah is with those who keep their duty unto Him and those who are doers of good.” Wassalamualaikum wr.wb. Kartika Desy Wardani Principal
Three-Way Conference
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. The purpose of conferences is to share information between teachers, students and parents. Starting the 2015-2016 academic year, Al Jabr held the 3 way conference involving the student, parents and teachers on last 20 – 21 August 2015. Students identify their strength and weaknesses and develop goals to achieve in their grade level. To measure their goals, students made the smart plan format. Using the specific, measureable, attainable, resources and time frame form, students discussed areas that need improvement. Parent’s role is providing support in establishing and achieving students’ goal. Goals are realistic and age appropriate based on the child’s ability. Parents can use the IB scope and sequence document sent by teachers. Teachers highlighted the areas which are recommended for students based on the observation in class. The teacher is an integral part of the process and takes notes of the discussion. Teachers provide guidance and support in developing the goals and achieving them in school. Before the conference day, teachers send students’ smart plan and IB documents that are recommended for students leaning outcomes through email. Parents can read and discuss these documents at home with students and add on their smart plan at home. During the conference day, parents printed related document to discuss with teachers in school. The result form the conference will be used in the written report in students’ portfolio. Every now and then all participants must review and refer to the goal setting. All conference result are copied and kept in the school diary as reminder for all. Our next upcoming event is the Islamic Art Festival. This year we would explore the musical drama inspired by the story of Prophet Moses in the Prince of Egypt. Looking forward for everyone’s enthusiasm and creativity, parents are welcome to take part in volunteering throughout the process. You may contact the PYP/MYP Coordinators for more details on this. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Dwi Murtayuningsih PYP Coordinator
Siswa Kelas 1-12 melaksanakan upacara bendera memperingati HUT RI yang Ke-70
Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter September 2015/2016
The MYP Coordinator
In the programme model for the MYP, the first ring around the student at the centre describes the features of the programme that helps students develop disciplinary (and interdisciplinary) understanding. •
Approaches to learning (ATL)—demonstrating a commitment to approaches to learning as a key component of the MYP for developing skills for learning. • Approaches to teaching—emphasizing MYP pedagogy, including collaborative learning through inquiry. • Concepts—highlighting a concept-driven curriculum. • Global contexts—showing how learning best takes place in context. In this newsletter I am going to share about Global Contexts. What are Global Contexts? The main aim of the MYP is to develop internationally minded students; it means to consider the world around the students. This could be thinking about local community or thinking as wide as the global community. By understanding different cultures, being aware of global issues and identifying students’ own personal beliefs, students can make a difference to the world around them. To help students do this, the MYP has created the global contexts. Whatever student learns in the MYP can be linked to one of the six global contexts. For example: students learn about “what should a good school look like” in the Individuals and Societies under Identities and Relationships Global Contexts and learn how to design their own blog to be used for their portfolio also under Identities and Relationships Global Context.
Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter September 2015/2016
from the MYP Coordinator -Continued
MYP Global Contexts Identities and relationships
Who am I? Who are we? Students will explore identity; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures; what it means to be human.
Orientation in Space and Time
What is the meaning of ‘where’ and ‘when’? Students will explore personal histories; homes and journeys; turning points in humankind; discoveries; explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between, and the interconnectedness of, individuals and civilizations, from personal, local and global perspectives.
Personal and cultural expression
What is the nature and purpose of creative expression? Students will explore the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.
Scientific and technical innovation
How do we understand the world in which we live? Students will explore the natural world and its laws; the interaction between people and the natural world; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on communities and environments; the impact of environments on human activity; how humans adapt environments to their needs.
Globalization and sustainability
How is everything connected? Students will explore the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the relationship between local and global processes; how local experiences mediate the global; reflect on the opportunities and tensions provided by world-interconnectedness; the impact of decision-making on humankind and the environment.
Fairness and development
What are the consequences of our common humanity? Students will explore rights and responsibilities; the relationship between communities; sharing finite resources with other people and with other living things; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.
Unit 2 is just around the corner and do you know what global context it is in unit 2? For further inquiries about the curriculum, please contact Ms. Meisha. Amelia Bertyapaty (Meisha) MYP Coordinator
Chemistry in the Class
G10 students had an experiment in the laboratory
Chemistry is one of the branches of Science in high school. Students have learned basic part of chemistry in junior high school but they will learn deeper in senior high school. There are three branches of Science in high school. These are biology that deals with living things, physics that deals with the movement and chemistry that deals with changes. In tenth grade, students begin learning deeper understanding of chemistry. They are introduced to chemicals in our daily life. However, chemistry and physics are inseparable. In unit 1 of grade 10, students learned that a mixture of chemicals can be separated using physical separation methods. They can separate solid material from liquid by performing filtration and evaporation. They can also separate liquid from liquid by performing distillation. They also did color separation with a method called chromatography. To make students have more understanding of the separation techniques, we conducted some experiments in the laboratory. The eagerness to try all the separation techniques for the first time made the students enjoy the learning process even more and hopefully they will have deeper understanding of the process. (Novi/Chemistry G10/Sept. 2015)
Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter September 2015/2016
Shaping The Identity Who We Are As a provocation of our unit ‘family relationships contribute to shaping our identity,’ Pre K students showed some pictures of different families with different characteristics and house pictures. They had to identify who live in the house. In this unit, the students learned about family member. To develop their communication skills, Pre K students presented their knowledge about their family pictures and discussed about gender. Every student learned to be principled and caring to their friends and teachers.
Students are getting used to following the rules in school areas especially in class, such as; put off their shoes before entering the class and put it in the shoe rack, tidy up after playing and eating, walk in the class, being quiet in the library, be caring, etc. The students were encouraged to make commitment to the rules everywhere. Moreover, they learned to take responsibility for themselves. The celebration of Independence Day involved the collaboration of grandparents, parents and kids. This was the best opportunity for students to learn how to make a good cooperation. (Ulfah&Lisa/Pre K/August 2015)
A Pre-K student had a presentation about family
Kindergarten 1:
How to Build Relationship in K1
We have been very excited to explore this unit of inquiry of ‘people’s relationships with each other can have an impact on well-being.’ We introduced the students to their classroom routine which included how to act appropriately and interact with one another as they began the K1 level. In order to deliver the knowledge, we have used strategies such as presenting pictures (friends and family) and going to friends’ house. During the presentations, the students have developed their communication skills and thus became more confident and independent. We also have two big events in Al Jabr Islamic School. The first event was commemorating the Independence Day. In that day, we had some collaboration competition between grandmother, grandfather and their grandchild. The goal of this event was to build positive connection between students and their family especially grandma and grandpa.
A student practiced her communication skills by having a presentation confidently
And the second event was 3 way Conferences, the goal of this event was to have teachers, parents and student sit together and discuss about SMART plan. The SMART plan is to identify strength and the weakness of students, and for the parents to support in achieving the goals and as well as to have the teachers to provide guidance and support their students. Hopefully both the two events will be a good start for the students to continue developing positive characters and build healthy relationships by acting appropriately and being polite to others in any kind of environment. (Mona/Sept/2015)
Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter September 2015/2016
Kindergarten 2:
Appreciate Differences to Develop Social Skill
Can you describe yourself? What are the differences and similarities between you and your friends? How do we deal with the different characteristic of people? That was some of the provoking question for K2 students regarding our unit of characteristics, abilities and interests to be able to understand about themselves for their learning. In this unit, we are expecting the students to explore more about themselves and their communities both at home and in school. We started the learning engagement by describing themselves through drawing and making self puppet and continued with simple Venn diagram to compare and contrast about themselves and their friends. We acknowledge students by showing the video about people around the word to stimulate their thinking skill to create Reflection through picture and discussion. Moreover, to enhance their communication and research skill, they are challenged to interview school community about their interests in every aspect. After collecting data, the students are expected to convert the data into different graphs and present their finding. To reach an optimal learning engagement, we need support from parents and communities to help the students to be more engaged with this unit. We hope the students will be able to understand and recognize about themselves and their family characteristic to develop and optimize their thinking skills in the future. (Anisah/Icha/Sept/2015)
Students had some fun by drawing a figure of one of their friends
Grade One students started the unit of “Who We Are” with a very exciting activity. The students were encouraged to know how a healthy lifestyle was like. The grade one teachers and the guest speaker played a drama about healthy and unhealthy habits, while students observed about activities which were healthy and unhealthy. The students were able to identify that washing hands before eating, eating healthy foods and drinks, and exercise were the healthy habits. Meanwhile, not washing hands, eating junk foods, and no exercise were not good at all. This activity meets our central idea “That the choices people make may affect their health and well-being.”
Grade 1:
Healthy Lifestyle
A dentist was invited to enrich the students’ knowledge. They learned how to brush their teeth properly, what foods were good for their teeth, and what foods were bad for their teeth. A healthy potluck was another engaging activity. The students were divided into groups and brought foods based on the food pyramid. They were free to choose the foods they needed. Some students chose a balanced diet; some students just chose the foods they liked without considering a balanced diet. After the activity, they identified whether the foods they have chosen were balanced and they reflected on it and added some foods to make it balanced based on the food pyramid. To be able to achieve our learning outcome, the students are expected to recognize human needs to achieve
Grade 1 students experienced healthy lifestyle by having healthy food at school
balanced lifestyle and the parents are also expected to be involved in supporting their children to maintain their healthy life especially in bringing healthy foods for snack and lunch for their children. (Ayu/G1/Unit1/September 2015)
Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter September 2015/2016
Grade 2:
Role Model & Heroes
In this ‘role model’ unit, the students learned to recognize Indonesian heroes such as Kapitan Pattimura, Jendral Sudirman, Sultan Hasanudin and many more. They found that our national heroes came from many different places in Indonesia. This time, the students learned the value from the best effort of those national heroes had shown for our country. For examples, the value that we got from R.A Kartini, the Indonesian woman hero who fought educational freedom for Indonesian women in the past; she was a risk-taker woman who built a school for Indonesian women to learn and share their ideas as learners. Another example was coming from Jendral Soedirman. He was committed to lead Indonesian soldiers when fighting against colonialist even though in his sick condition.
Knowing National Heroes in early ages is important to help students find a good role model.
Grade 3 students started this unit by inquiring about what it means to be human. They learned about levels of organization in their body, key organ systems, a balanced nutrition, and making responsible choices to keep our body healthy. They investigated the systems of the body and how they relate to each other, changes in the body, and how the human body has specialized structures to support and transport materials within the body. After this, students created life size outlines of their body and made the intricate systems that work together to sustain life from classroom supplies. They also watched relevant films, used 3-D models of body organs, did experiments, studied posters, searched on Internet, and did hands-on activities to learn about the human body. As the students researched the lungs, they connected their learning of the world by gaining knowledge about the Agua Lung and how Jacques Cousteau developed this body part and how his invention impacted the world. The students reflected throughout the unit and made important connections between nutritional choices made every day and dangerous activities that may harm their bodies. Students were involved in learning about the digestive system, respiratory system, and bones in the body through songs. They were constantly thinking and inquiring about how and why systems in our body work together. In the end, it was clear that students understood that even though we are all human, the positive and negative actions have effects on our body in different ways. (Hana/G3/Sept/2015)
After exploring the information through the pictures, articles, and videos, the students will acknowledge their patriotism and nationalism characters and learn to put them into their habits and attitudes to fulfill their education experiences as Indonesian citizens. (Yepi/G2/Sept/2015)
Grade 3:
Human Body Systems
G3 students explored to find out how human internal organs looked like
Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter September 2015/2016
Grade 5:
Who We Are: The Human Stages of Life Observing a worshipping tool from other religion to develop students’ respect and tolerance towards differences
Grade 4:
Open-Mindedness In Belief System
Grade 4 started the year with a unit about belief systems. Teachers brought some artifacts that referred to Christian, and the students were encouraged to look at and examine the artifacts. We were happy to see how kid’s were openminded by respecting those artifacts as something that other people respect. Aside from exploring, the students started to ask question, such as what are the differences between Catholics and Christians?” A week after tuning in to the unit, the students gathered information about belief systems that exist on earth. They located belief systems to two parts; faith-based beliefs and secular beliefs. The students focused on understanding that different beliefs exist in this world. The trans-disciplinary unit about belief systems will continue with deepening understanding through the application of knowledge by preparing presentations from each student about one belief system that they will research. At the end of the unit, we hope the students will get new perspectives about diversity and show commitment to Islam as the religion that they chose. (Dluha/G4/Unit 1/Sept 2015)
Changes people experience at different stages of their lives affect their evolving sense of self. That is the central idea that Grade 5 students learnt under the theme of Who We Are’. Children must pass through several stages or take specific steps to become an adult. For most people, there are four or five stages of growth where the children learn certain things in infancy (birth to age two), early childhood (ages 3 to 8 years), late childhood (ages 9 to 12) and adolescence (ages 13 to 18) stages with different experiences. To acknowledge these stages, students described these human developments physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually by creating a graph and illustration using their own serial pictures from birth up to now. They even interviewed their parents to recognize factors that influenced and changed behaviorally. By exploring with this, students are now starting to realize that who they are now is shaped through experiences from their previous stages. Furthermore, students surveyed MYP students about problems and ways to handle those to achieve wellbeing. They had a close and personal sharing about puberty with their teachers separately, between boys and girls, to have clear image what is puberty, changes happen and impact on well-being during passing through the stages. We invited a guest speaker, Bapak Habibi –a motivational speaker and entrepreneur consultantto demonstrate that even though he has physical disability, yet his intellectual and emo-social can be grown beyond his age standard of development by maintaining positive relationship and image. These learning experiences allowed the students to prepare ideas and action for their next stage becoming an adolescent which is considered as one of the most difficult stage by psychologist Stanley Hall (1846-1924) due to emotional fluctuation that happens in this stage. This unit also helps students to understand the role of and strategies for optimism in the development of their own wellbeing. Over all, this unit has many relevancies for students to be reflective persons about who they are and ways to maintain balanced wellbeing. (Wini & Kia/G5/Unit1/Sept.2015)
Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter September 2015/2016
Refleksi Kegiatan 2014/2015
positif antar kakak dan adik kelas yang bisa mencegah kesenioritasan dan bullying, (2) murid saling mengenal satu sama lain supaya bisa lebih akrab, (3) melatih kerja sama dan (4) membuat komunitas sekolah kami menjadi lebih aktif dan membaur dari berbagai tingkatan kelas. Acara yang berlangsung pada tanggal 3 Juni – 5 Juni ini adalah awal dari Mini Olympics. Kami memulai dengan membuat group dengan skala kecil; kami mengumpulkan 8 sukarelawan dari setiap kelas MYP-HS dan memasukan mereka ke dalam 8 kelompok yang berbeda secara acak. Lalu kami merencanakan lomba-lomba yang akan diadakan. Dengan waktu yang terbatas, saat itu PYP juga sedang mengadakan Sport Day, kami berhasil mengadakan lomba futsal, basket, catur dan billiard. Setelah Mini Olympics selesai, kami mengumpulkan feedback dari murid-murid yang ikut serta. Kami harap, kami bisa memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualitas Mini Olympics berikutnya.
Sebagai bagian dari komunitas Al Jabr, Student Council Al Jabr sering terlibat dalam berbagai acara yang diadakan sekolah. Sebelum libur akhir tahun ajaran 2014-2015 bahkan beberapa minggu setelah tahun ajaran 20152016 dimulai, pihak Student Council Sekolah Al-Jabr telah disibukkan dengan beberapa event dan agenda penting seperti mengundang sekolah-sekolah untuk acara The Cats, mengadakan Mini Olympics dan Environmental Environmental Police Police. Selain kami membuat program baru, kamipun meneruskan beberapa program yang sudah di jalankan CATS dan Kerja Sama Antar Sekolah Pada bulan Mei 2015, Student Council mengundang pada tahun lalu seperti Environmental Police. Di perwakilan student council (OSIS) lain dari sekolah- mana Environmental Police dilakukan untuk menjaga sekolah di sekitar Pondok Labu dan Jagakarsa untuk kebersihan dalam maupun luar sekolah Al-Jabr Islamic berkunjung dan menyaksikan School Play “CATS”. Ini school. Pada tahun ini kami membuat program merupakan salah satu cara mewujudkan misi kami Environmental Police dengan lebih menarik dan sedikit untuk mengenalkan dan memberi informasi tentang Al- berbeda dari tahun lalu. Kami tidak hanya mengajak Jabr Islamic Schoool ke ruang publik yang lebih luas dari siswa High School dan MYP, tetapi kami juga mengajak sebelumnya; serta, kami ingin membangun kerja sama siswa PYP untuk berpartisipasi dalam program ini. dengan organisasi siswa (OSIS) dari sekolah-sekolah lain Selain itu, hal ini bertujuan untuk lebih mendekatkan baik itu negeri maupun swasta dalam pengembangan Student Council kepada siswa PYP. Berdasarkan dan perbaikan organisasi student council yang ada di hasil refleksi tahun lalu kami akan lebih banyak Al-Jabr Islamic School. Alhamdulillah, student council Al- mengikutsertakan siswa PYP dalam program Student Jabr Islamic School telah menjadi organisasi kesiswaan Council. Kami berharap dengan adanya perubahan ini, yang masuk dalam organisasi MPK/OSIS se-Jakarta akan mampu meningkatkan solidaritas antara siswa High School, MYP maupun PYP. Selatan periode 2015-2016. Kami mendapatkan ruang untuk mengeluarkan pendapat dalam kemajuan organisasi MPK/OSIS se- Awal tahun akademik baru ini, kami melakukan pelatihan Jakarta Selatan. Kami pun mendapatkan masukan dari untuk Environment Police. Para kandidat dijelaskan mereka untuk memperbaiki dan mengembangkan tentang tanggung jawab mereka sebagai Environment organisasi student council kami sendiri. Sejauh ini, tahap Police, yaitu antara lain mengingatkan dan juga kerja sama dengan sekolah lain adalah diundangnya memberikan contoh kepada komunitas Al Jabr tentang kami untuk mengikuti berbagai kegiatan kesiswaan yang standar kebersihan. Kami berharap dengan adanya dilakukan oleh mereka. Kami harap kerja sama ini akan petugas-petugas Environment Police ini, kesadaran para terus berlangsung sehingga ada ruang pula bagi siswa- anggota komunitas Al Jabr dalam menjaga kebersihan di siswi Al-Jabr Islamic School untuk mengekspresikan dalam maupun luar sekolah akan terus meningkat. minat dan bakat mereka dalam mengikuti kegiatan Ketiga program inilah yang sudah kami lakukan sejauh ini. Kami Student Council berharap program-program kesiswaan di sekolah lain. ini akan mampu meningkatkan rasa hormat, toleransi dan kolaborasi antar siswa Al Jabr Islamic School. Selain Mini Olympics untuk Pertama Kalinya Mini Olympics adalah acara semacam hubungan dalam sekolah yang semakin kuat, kami pun Sports Day yang telah kami modifikasi. Acara ini bisa menjalin hubungan dengan sekolah lain, sehingga menggabungkan murid-murid dari kelas 6 - 11 menjadi menciptakan hubungan yang lebih baik dan mampu beberapa kelompok yang siap bertanding. Setiap menjaga silaturahim antara satu sama lain. Semoga di anggota kelompok merupakan perwakilan dari setiap tahun ajaran baru ini kami mampu melaksanakan semua kelas dengan proporsi gender (jumlah anggota murid program dan mampu menjadi lebih baik lagi. InsyaAllah. laki-laki dan perempuan) berimbang. Dari sistem ini Amin. kami ingin mendapatkan hasil seperti: (1) interaksi (Een/Student Council/2015)
Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter September 2015/2016
Parents Association Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim…
Salah satu workshop Parents Association yang diadakan di Auditorium Al Jabr
Assalaamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Q : Sejauh mana bisa melarang anak tanpa membatasi keingintahuan mereka (curiousity)? A: Salah satunya dengan cara selalu menjelaskan alur logika pada anak kita dengan memanfaatkan WH questions: What? When? Where? Why? Who? How? Sehingga pemikiran dan kreatifitas mereka bisa Parents Workshop ini dirancang agar dapat memiliki seimbang. garis merah pembelajaran yang jelas antara sekolah dan orangtua/wali. Sehingga lebih memahami dan Q: How to handle tentrum? menjalankan peran dalam mendukung dan berkolaborasi A: Dicari dulu penyebabnya apa; Who? Where? When? dengan komunitas Al Jabr Islamic School untuk tujuan Why? How? Lalu diskusikan untuk mencari solusi. yang sama. Parents Workshop ini Insya Allah akan diadakan secara rutin setiap bulan sekali dan selalu Q: Bagaimana melatih rasa keingintahuan (curiousity) sesuai dan sejalan dengan visi misi sekolah yang berarti pada anak usia SD agar berpikir kritis dan memiliki selalu bersinergi dengan standard and practice, central attitude yang baik? idea, serta learning outcomes yang diambil dari POI A: Bisa dengan memberi provokasi, lalu diskusi (kritis) dan attitude dengan memberikan contoh dan menjelaskan (Program of Inquiry) Al Jabr. maksud dan tujuannya untuk apa. Alhamdulillah, agenda untuk orangtua/wali yakni Parents Workshop yang pertama sudah berjalan dengan baik Q: Untuk kami yang sudah dewasa dan merasa ada pada hari Senin, 10 Agustus 2015 dengan nara sumber salah satu tahap perkembangan yang terlewati, Ibu Uchu Riza, Al Jabr Head of School. Setelah dibuka misalnya identity, apakah masih bisa diperbaiki? dengan pemanasan selama 15 menit, ilmu parenting A: Insya Allah, dengan cara self reflection, diskusi dan dari Erickson disampaikan oleh Ibu Uchu. Yaitu tentang pelajari tahapan ‘who we are’, sebagai acuan kita yang tahapan perkembangan (stages of developments) sesuai sesuai dengan yang ada di school diary. dengan usia anak/manusia serta pandangan Vygotsky tentang zone of proximal development (scaffolding). Agenda Parent Workshop berikutnya Insya Allah akan Sharing dilanjutkan dengan info kurikulum di Al Jabr: diadakan pada hari Selasa, 8 September 2015 jam 9-11 written curriculum, teaching & learning, assessment and WIB di Auditorium Lantai 3. Pengumuman mengenai collaboration, yang mana attitude adalah alat utama kita acara ini akan diberitahukan kemudian melalui memo di mencapai 4 elemen esensial dalam belajar secara utuh. School Diary dan juga surat elektronik . Selamat datang dan selamat bergabung di keluarga besar Al Jabr Islamic School. Rangkaian kegiatan untuk orangtua dan wali telah dirancang agar kita selalu dapat belajar dan bersilaturahmi, salah satunya Parents Workshop.
Untuk mencapai Good Profile dengan metode Backward Design. Yaitu kita menentukan mempunyai sikap (attitude) yang baik di awal. Lalu dilanjutkan dengan ilmu pengetahuan (knowledge), konsep (concept), keterampilan (skill) dan terutama tindakan nyata (action).
Insya Allah, kita semua dapat berkolaborasi membuat harmoni yang indah menuju satu tujuan yang senada, seirama, seiring sejalan untuk menciptakan dunia yang lebih baik melalui pendidikan berkualitas tinggi serta menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai Islam. Aamiin Yaa Rabbal ‘Aalamiin.
Ada beberapa pertanyaan yang muncul pada saat Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. workshop berlangsung, yakni: Hilda C Purnomo
Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter September 2015/2016
Special Article:
Mengapa Kita Merayakan dan Memperingati HUT RI? Perayaan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia (RI) dari tahun ke tahun senantiasa dirayakan dengan beragam lomba di berbagai kalangan masyarakat. Adapun jenis-jenis lombanya sangat khas, yaitu di antaranya seperti lomba makan kerupuk, balap karung, balap bakiak , tarik tambang, egrang, dan panjat pinang. Lomba-lomba tersebut mempunyai makna dan filosofi tersendiri, yang mempunyai hubungan erat dengan sejarah perjuangan bangsa Indonesia untuk meraih kemerdekaan. Seperti lomba balap karung, mengingatkan rakyat Indonesia pada masa-masa sulit dijajah Jepang, ketika bahan sandang direnggut penjajah, sehingga mayoritas rakyat ketika itu pakaiannya adalah karung goni yang saat dipakai terasa gatal. Lain lagi dengan lomba makan kerupuk, lomba ini menggambarkan simbol keprihatinan tentang kondisi rakyat Indonesia saat zaman penjajahan Belanda. Pada masa itu hasil panen diambil penjajah sehingga rakyat menjadi kelaparan. Rasa empati atas kondisi itu ditunjukkan lewat lomba makan kerupuk yang dijadikan sebagai simbol pangan.
Suasana kemeriahan Lomba Bakiak di Al Jabr
Sedangkan untuk lomba bakiak, permainan ini mempererat persaudaraan karena harus menyelaraskan gerakan kaki. Permainan ini mempunyai pesan moral bahwa kemerdekaan hanya bisa dicapai dengan menyelaraskan hati dan pikiran untuk satu tujuan, yaitu meraih dan mempertahankan kemerdekaan. Al Jabr Islamic School mengadakan lomba-lomba tersebut pada hari Senin, tanggal 17 Agustus 2015. Lomba-lomba tersebut diselenggarakan sebagai bentuk refleksi agar kita sebagai anak bangsa mulai dari siswa, guru, orang tua, para kakek dan nenek dapat mensyukuri apa yang kita nikmati sekarang, sekaligus sebagai ajang silaturahmi komunitas Al Jabr.
Salah satu lomba yang menjadi favorit adalah lomba tarik tambang. Lomba tarik tambang memiliki makna gotong royong, kebersamaan, dan solidaritas masyarakat Indonesia. Tarik ulur unjuk kekuatan diiringi dengan sorak-sorai penonton. Seringkali lomba ini dijadikan puncak acara setiap kegiatan peringatan HUT RI.
Insya Allah, kita semua dapat mengisi kemerdekaan ini dengan kerja keras, gotong royong dan tak kenal putus asa untuk ikut turut membangun bangsa. Tanggung jawab kita semua dalam memastikan bahwa kemerdekaan akan diisi dengan ibadah kepada-Nya untuk mencapai kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat. (Esti/PE/Sept.2015)
Misi dari Al Jabr Islamic School
Al Jabr Islamic School Mission Statement
Misi kami adalah menyediakan pendidikan yang berkualitas tinggi untuk komunitas pelajar di sekolah guna mengembangkan semaksimal mungkin potensi yang dimilikinya melalui pembelajaran yang aktif, sepanjang masa dan kesempatan mendapatkan pengalaman yang nyata demi membentuk individuindividu yang seutuhnya baik mental, fisik, emosi dan akademis dalam rangka ikut mendorong terciptanya dunia yang lebih baik dan menghormati nilai-nilai luhur Islam yang ada di komunitas global.
Our mission is to provide a high quality education for our community of learners to develop and maximize their potential through active, lifelong learning and real life experiences to become well-rounded individuals mentally, physically, emotionally and academically in creating a better world with respect of Islamic values in a global community
Al Jabr Islamic School Jl. Bango II No. 34 Pondok Labu, Cilandak Jakarta Selatan 12450, Indonesia