JULIANA Reg. No. 080721022
UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA FACULTY OF LETTERS ENGLISH DEPARTMENT MEDAN 2009 Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Co. Supervisor
Dra. Masdiana Lubis, M. Hum
Dra. Roma Ayuni Lubis, M. A
Submitted to Faculty of Letters, University of North Sumatera Medan in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Literature/ Linguistics
UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA FACULTY OF LETTERS ENGLISH DEPARTMENT MEDAN 2009 Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Approved by the English Department of Faculty of Letters University of North Sumatera (USU) Medan as thesis for the sarjana Sastra Examination
Dra. Swesana M. Lubis, M. Hum
Drs. Yulianus Harefa, M. Ed TESOL
NIP: 131 570 481
NIP: 131 570 483
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Accepted by the board examination in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree Sarjana Sastra from English Department, Faculty of Letters, University of North Sumatera, Medan
The examination is held at the faculty of letters, English Department, University of North Sumatera on Tuesday, December 29th 2009
The Dean of the Faculty of Letters, University of North Sumatera
Drs. Syaifuddin, M. A, Ph. D NIP. 132 098 531
Board Examiners Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M. Hum
Drs. Yulianus Harefa, M. Ed TESOL
Dra. Masdiana Lubis, M. Hum
Drs. Siamir Marulafau, M. Hum
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah Azza wa Jalla, the Almighty for all His bounties and blessings and for enabling me to accomplish writing my thesis one of requirements to achieve scholar degree for undergraduate level, majoring English Literature Department in the Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatera Utara. May Allah continuously bless His mercy upon Rasulullah Muhammad SAW (peace upon him) by his guidance human being can finally be in current condition which is the better men of the previous condition. In this occasion, my sincere gratitude goes to the persons below who have already contributed their great involvement and support so that I can finish my sturdy. First of all, I would like to thank the Dean of Faculty of Letters Drs. Syaifuddin, M.A., Ph.D and all his staffs, my supervisor Dra. Hj. Masdiana Lubis, M.Hum, who always guides and supports me in writing this thesis. I would also like to thank Co. Supervisor Dra. Roma Ayuni Lubis, M.A who provides the time to assist me. I realize that I will not be able to fi8nish writing this thesis without guidance and help from both of them. My highest respect and grateful goes to Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum and Drs. Yulianus Harefa, M. Ed TESOL who give me a memorable chance as a student of this faculty. To all of my beloved lectures, I cannot put a word as the compensation for what they have given to me. It was their contributions so that I know that it is not as simple as I see.
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Secondly, my deepest gratitude goes to my beloved father H. Muhammad Dahlan and my beloved mother Sri Wahyuni who have continuously, mentally, and materially given me their patience and supporting so that I can be a person as I am now. I would also like to thank to my beloved sisters Laili Fitriani, SHI. S. Pdi., and Leni Marlina, SE and brother Zarkasih for their unforgettable love that always support and guide me. Thirdly, I would also like to thank all my fiends in English Literature Department especially Mam, Selvi, Dewi, Novi, Poppy, and Fitri for their friendship and ideas. And the last for all extension students of 2008 whose names cannot be mentioned one by one
Medan, Desember 2009
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
I, Juliana, declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. Except where reference is made in the text of this thesis, this thesis contains no material published else where or extracted in whole or in part from a thesis by which I have qualified for awarded another degree. No other person’s work has been submitted for the aware of another degree in any tertiary education.
Signed : Dated : December 2009
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
: Juliana
Title of Thesis
: Morphemic Shifts in Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana
: S-1/ Sarjana Sastra
: English
I am willing that my thesis should be available for reduplication at the discretion of the librarian of the English Department University of Sumatera Utara (USU) on the understanding that users are made of their obligation under law of Republic Indonesia.
Signed : Dated : December 2009
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Skripsi ini berjudul “Morphemic Shifts in Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana”, yang merupakan suatu analisis tentang pergeseran-pergeseran pada tataran morfem dan terjemahannya antara teks bahasa sumber (English) dari sebuah novel karya Colleen Mc Cullough berjudul The Thorn Birds ke dalam teks bahasa sasaran (Bahasa Indonesia) berjudul Burung-Burung Semak Berduri yang diterjemahkan oleh Lanny Murtihardjana. Landasan teori yang digunakan adalah teori J. C Catford (1965) dalam buku Hatim (2000) yang menjelaskan tentang pembagian shift, teori Maurits D. Simatupang (1999) yang menjelaskan tentang pergeseran dalam terjemahan pada tataran morfem dan teori Sibarani (2001) serta Arifin (2007) yang menjelaskan tentang morfem. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kepustakaan untuk mencari teori yang mendukung, kemudian metode tertulis untuk mendeskripsikan data, metode kualitatif untuk menganalisis data dengan mengaplikasikan metode purposive serta formula Bungin untuk mencari pergeseran pada tataran morfem yang paling sering digunakan dalam novel terjemahan. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa pergeseran terjemahan pada tataran morfem terjadi dari morfem ke kata dan dari morfem ke frase. Pergeseran dari morfem ke kata terjadi pada prefiks a-, dis-, un-, in-, im, re-, co-, suffiks -ly, ing-, less-, -ent, -er, -est, -s, -os, -ful, -‘s, -hood, -able, ous, -ive, -ed, -ness, and konfiks in-….-able, in-…ible, un-…-able, un-….-ly, un-…ed, mis-….-ed, ir-….-ible, dis-….-age, dis-…-ed, un….-ing, non-…-ion, re-…-ed, in…-ed, im-…-ly, im-…-al, un-…-ant, Sedangkan pergeseran dari morfem ke frase terjadi pada prefiks dis-, un-, mis-, in-, suffiks -less, -est, -ant, -ous, -er, -ful, and konfiks dis-…ate, im-….-able, im-…-ed, im-…-ly, in-…-able, in-….-ible, in-…-ence, un-…-ing, un-…..-able, un-….ed, non-…-ent, im-…-al, dis-…-age, dis-…-ed, un-…al, in-…-ate, re-…-ing, un-…-ness.
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
: Source Language
: Target Language
: Receptor Language
: Source Text
: Target Text
: Translation Equivalence
: Noun
: Verb
: Adjective
: Adverb
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
INTRODUCTION The Background of the Analysis
The Problem of the Analysis
The Objective of the Analysis
The Scope of the Analysis
The Significances of the Analysis
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 The Understanding of Translation
2.1.1 The Definitions of Translation
2.1.2 The Function of Translation
2.1.3 The Types of Translation
2.1.4 The Shifts in Translation
2.2 The Understanding of Morpheme
2.2.1 English Morphemes
19 The Definitions of Morphemes
19 The Types of English Morphemes
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
2.2.2 Morphemes of Bahasa Indonesia The Definitions of Morphemes
21 The Types of Morphemes
2.3 Review of Related Literature
RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Method
3.2 Data Source and Data
3.2 1 Data Source
3.2.2 Data
3.3 Data Collecting Method
3.4 Data Analysis Method
ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS OF DATA 4.1 Shifts from Morpheme to Word
4.1.1 Prefixes are a-, dis-, un-, in-, im, re-, and co-
4.1.2 Suffixes are -ly, ing-, less-, -ent, -er, -est, -s, -os, -ful, -‘s, -hood, -able, -ous, -ive, -ed, and -ness
4.1.3 Confixes are in-….-able, in-…-ible, un-…-able, un-….ly, un-…-ed,
mis-….-ed, ir-….-ible, dis-….-age, dis-…-ed,
un-….-ing, non-…-ion, re-…-ed, In-…-ed, im-…-ly, im-…-al, and un-…-ant
4.2 Shifts from Morpheme to Phrase
4.2.1 Prefixes are dis-, un-, mis-, in-
4.2.2 Suffixes are -less, -est, -ant, -ous, -er, and -ful
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
4.3 Confixes are dis-…ate, im-….-able, im-…-ed, im-…-ly, in…-able, in-….-ible, in-…-ence, un-…-ing, un-…..-able, un….ed, non-…-ent, im-…-al, dis-…-age, dis-…-ed, un-…-al, in-…-ate, re-…-ing, and un-…-ness
4.3 Others (No Shifts) 4.3.1 Prefix to affixes 4.3.2 Suffix to affixes 4.3.3 Confix to affixes 4.4 The Frequency of Morphemic Shifts from a morpheme to a word and Form morpheme to phrase CHAPTER V1
CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1 Conclusions 5.2 Suggestions
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of the Analysis Translation is basically a change of form (Larson, 1984:3). The form refers to the actual words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, etc which are spoken and written. It consists of transferring the meaning of the source language into target language and reproducing a source language message into target language. The form from which the translation is made will be called the source language (SL), while the form into which it is to be changed will be called the target language (TL). So, translation is a process of transferring and reproducing message from source language (SL) into target language (TL). The process of translation is done by studying the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context of source language text, analyzing it and then reconstructing the meaning using the lexicon and grammatical structure of target language context in order to produce a good translation (Larson, 1984:1). A translation is considered good when it arouses in the same effect, as did the original (Zilahy, 1963) in (House, 1977:8). Of course, it is not easy for a translator to do this, because every language has its own rule that may not affect for another language. For example, English and Bahasa Indonesia have the different rules in linguistics units; one of them is in forming words especially the use of morphemes.
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Morpheme is the smallest meaningful element into which words can be analyzed (Sibarani, 2001:22). For example, the word prejudge can be divided into minimal elements where each has meaning such as pre- and judge. It can be classified into free and bound morphemes. Free morphemes are linguistics forms which can be used on its own or which can exist as independent word. For example, horse, red, write, love etc. While bound morphemes are linguistics form that are never used alone but must be used with another morpheme. For example, the English suffix -ing must be used with another morpheme such as writing, loving, and driving Bound morphemes can be at the beginning and at the end of the free morphemes. The bound morphemes with their position are known as affixes. Affixes are the bound morphemes attached to a stem or root morpheme. It can be classified into prefixes and suffixes. Affix morphemes can be classified into derivational and inflectional morphemes. Bahasa Indonesia has also morphemes. Morfem adalah satuan bahasa terkecil yang mengandung makna. For example, the word diperjualbelikan can be divided into the smallest meaningful unit is jual, beli, and di- +….-kan. It can be classified into free and bound morphemes. Free morpheme is a morpheme which can stand alone as a word such as beli, duduk, tidur. Bound morpheme is a morpheme which cannot stand alone such as mem, men, ke-an, pem-an. The bound morphemes with their position are known as affixes. They are prefix (awalan), infix (sisipan), suffix (akhiran), and confix (imbuhan terbelah) (Arifin and Junaiyah, 2007:2)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
a. Prefixes are in-, -im, un-, a-, dis-, re-, a. Prefiks seperti ber-, per-, meng-, di-, ex-, en-, under-, out-, non-, mis-, co-, bi- ter-, ke, dan se, be-, by-, di-, ex-, en-, and interb. Sisipan (infiks) seperti -el-, -em-, -er-, dan -inb. Suffixes are -hood, -ship, -ness, -ity, ment, -less, -full, -ic, -al, -er, -ly, -s, ed, c. Akhiran (sufiks) seperti -i, -kan, -an, ing, er, and est -dom, ion-, -ance, -ence, wan, -wati, -wi, -wiah, dan -nya -er, -or, -ist, -ive, -ic, -al, -able, -y, -ous, d. Imbuhan terbelah (konfiks) seperti ke-full, -less, -en, -ize, -ate, and -ify an, ber-an, peng-an, per-an, dan se-nya
There are no two identical languages, either in meaning or structure (Nida in Venuti, 2000:126). This fact causes some difficulties for a translator to find the equivalence in TL. The equivalence is taken to be the basis on which source language (SL) textual material is replaced by target language (TL) textual material (Catford, 1965) in (Hatim, 2000:14). Therefore, to produce a good translation, a translator should be able to do adjustments either in meaning or structure to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. One of the possible ways is by making shifts. As Catford (1965:80) says, “Shift is needed to produce natural translation and establish translation equivalence between SL and TL which usually occurs in the unit of grammar, class, structure, and system”. Shifts are firstly proposed by J.C Catford. A shift is a translation procedure involving the change in the grammar from SL to TL (Newmark, 1988:85). Shifts can be classified into level and category shifts. Level shift occurs when an SL item has a TL translation equivalent at a different linguistic level from its own (grammatical,
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
lexical, etc). For example, the English word, books can be translated into a phrase beberapa buku in Bahasa Indonesia. Category shift refers to unbounded and rankbound translation; the first being approximately ‘normal or ‘free translation in which SL-TL equivalences are set up at whatever rank is appropriate. It involves four categories of class, structure, system and unit. For example, the adjective in medical student becomes an adverbial phrase in the French equivalent student in medicine (Catford, 1965) in (Hatim, 2000:15). This thesis discusses about morphemic shifts. From the explanation of shifts above, it can be concluded that morphemic shift belongs to level shift that involve the change from SL to TL at a different linguistic level from its own (grammatical, lexical, etc). In the translation, level shift can be realized through category shift. As Hatim (2000:16) says “A translation through level shift could on a different occasion or by a different translator, be achieved through category shift”. For example, the word unable consists of two morphemes un- as a bound and able as a free morpheme. The bound morpheme un- is translated into a word tidak. It shows that there is morphemic shift from morpheme to word. And the word unable can be translated into a phrase tidak bisa. This shows that there is morphemic shift from word to phrase. In this thesis, I use novel as the data source, because novel is one of literary works in which are commonly used any shifts; one of them is morphemic shifts. I find some morphemic shifts in Colleen Mc Cullough’s novel The Thorn Birds which translated into Bahasa Indonesia Burung-Burung Semak Berduri by Lanny Murtihardjana.
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
a. Morphemic Shifts from morpheme to word: -less (ST)
Tanpa (TT)
All her attention had been focused on Seluruh perhatiannya tercurah pada sang the priest, a being sexless and pastor, makhluk tanpa seks dan selibat itu emasculated (p. 113) (p. 124) The bound morpheme -less is translated into a word tanpa. It shows that there is morphemic shift from morpheme to word in the translated novel. b. Morphemic Shifts from morpheme to phrase -less (ST)
Yang Tak (TT)
They had come Pyrmont, a meaningless Mereka telah tiba di Pyrmont, nama kota name, on a foggy winter morning at the yang tak berarti, pada suaqtu pagi end of August, 1921 (p.83) dimusim dingin di akhir Agustus 1921 (p.89) The bound morpheme -less is translated into a phrase yang tak. It shows that there is morphemic shift from morpheme to phrase in the translated novel. Based on the explanations above, I am interested to analyze the morphemic shifts in the novel of Colleen Mc Cullough The Thorn Birds which translated into Bahasa Indonesia Burung-Burung Semak Berduri by Lanny Murtihardjana. 1.2 The Problem of the Analysis The problems of this analysis are: 1. What the morphemes are found in Colleen Mc Cullough’s novel The Thorn Birds and its translation Burung-Burung Semak Berduri by Lanny Murtihardjana? 2. How are the morphemic shifts in the translation of this novel? Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
3. Which morphemic shifts are the most dominant used in the translation of this novel? 1.3 The Objective of the Analysis The objectives of this analysis are: 1. To find out the morphemes in Colleen Mc Cullough’s novel The Thorn Birds and its translation Burung-Burung Semak Berduri by Lanny Murtihardjana 2. To analyze the morphemic shifts used in the translation of this novel 3. To find out the most dominant of morphemic shifts used in the translation of this novel 1.4 The Scope of the Analysis The analysis is focused on morphemic shifts that consist of shifts from morpheme to word and shifts from word to phrase. In this case, I limit the analysis on the words that has bound morphemes. 1.5 The Significances of the Analysis The significances of this analysis are: 1. To expand the knowledge of the readers especially for those who are interested in this subject theoretically 2. To assist in teaching and training translation practically 3. To be one of the references for those who are interested to analyze the morphemic shifts practically
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 The Understanding of Translation This thesis analyses the morphemic shifts in translation from English to Bahasa Indonesia, so I want to explain about translation in brief first. 2.1.1 The Definitions of Translation The term translation itself has several meaning. It can refer to the general subject field, the product (the text that has been translated) or the process (the act of producing the translation, otherwise known as translating) (Munday, 2004:5). It means that translation refers to the general subject, product and the process. Translation is to reproduce a source language message in the receptor language is both receptor (of the original message) and source (of the new message) (House, 1977:1). It means that translation is to reproduce a source language message into receptor language (the original message of source language). Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. It means that in translation the meaning of a text should be same with what the author’s intend (Newmark, 1988:28). Translation consists of reproducing in the receptor language (RL) the closest natural equivalent of the source language (SL) message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style (Nida and Taber, 1974:12). It means that in reproducing the
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
message in translation there should be natural equivalent in terms of meaning and style between SL to RL. Translation is the result of a text-processing activity, by means of which a source language text is transposed into a target language text (Koller (1995) in Hatim, 2000:27). It means between the resultant text in L2 (the target language text) and the source text in L1 (the source language text), there is a relationship which can be designed as a translational or equivalence relation. Terjemahan dapat diartikan sebagai semua kegiatan manusia dalam mengalihkan seperangkat informasi atau pesan, baik verbal maupun non-verbal dari informasi asal atau informasi sumber kedalam informasi sasaran (Yusuf, 1994:8). It means that in translation there is a transfer from source language message into target language (the original message) where the message can be understood by the readers. Penerjemahan adalah kegiatan yang dapat membuktikan dengan jelas tentang peran bahasa dalam kehidupan sosial. Melalui kegiatan penerjemahan seorang penerjemah menyampaikan kembali isi sebuah teks dalam bahasa lain. Penyampaian ini bukan sekedar kegiatan pergantian, karena penerjemah dalam hal ini melakukan kegiatan komunikasi baru melalui hasil kegiatan komunikasi baru melalui hasil kegiatan komunikasi yang sudah ada (yakni dalam bentuk text), tetapi dengan memperhatikan aspek-aspek sosial ketika teks baru itu akan dibaca atau dikomunikasikan (Hatim & Mason (1990) in Machali, 2000:5). It means that translation not only transfers the meaning or the message of SL into another language
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
but also communicate the information by analyzing social aspects in order to the result of translation can be understood and communicated well. From the definitions above, it can be concluded that translation refers to the general subject, product and the process of reproducing the source language information or message into target language (the original information or message) which the information or message should be equivalent with what the author’s intend. 2.1.2 The Function of Translation Generally, translation functions as transferring the meaning of the source language into target language and reproducing a source language message into target language. As Yusuf (1994:8) says “Translation as all of human activities in transferring verbal or nonverbal message from Source language into target language”. It means that in translation there is a transfer from source language message into target language (the original message) where the message can be understood by the readers. Besides translation is also the act which can establish clearly the language role in social life. Through this translating act, a translator not only reproduce the message of a text into another language, but also analyze social aspects when a text will be read and communicated, because a translator should do communication through the activity result of new communication which has been exist (in text form) (Hatim and Mason (1990) in Machali, 2000:5). It means that translation not only transfers the meaning or the message of SL into another language but also communicate the
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
information by analyzing social aspects in order to the result of translation can be communicated and understood well by the speakers of the target language. 2.1.3 The Types of Translation In a translation process is needed some types of translation. It is caused there are some factors that influence in the translation process (Nababan, 1997:20). First, there are the differences between source language system and target language system. Second, there are the differences between the material texts that will be translated. Third, there is assumption that translation functions as communication. Fourth, there are the purposes differences in translation a text. Newmark (1988:45) classifies the types of translation into eight. They are word-for-word translation, literal translation, faithful
communicative translation. Furthermore, the brief description of these types will be discussed below: a. Word-for-Word translation A Word-for-word translation is often demonstrated as interlinear translation, with the TL immediately below the SL words. The SL word-order is preserved and the words translated singly by their most common meanings, out of context. It means that a word in SL is translated by a word in TL. For example: English (SL) I like that clever student
Bahasa Indonesia (TL) Saya menyukai itu anak pintar
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Each word in SL sentence I like that clever student is translated into word-forword in TL sentence Saya menyukai itu anak pintar b. Literal Translation A Literal translation is a translation which the SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest TL equivalents but the lexical words are again translated singly, out of context. It means that the words in SL are still translated into the words in TL, but the structure of SL is different with the structure of TL. For example: English (SL) His heart is in the right place
Bahasa Indonesia (TL) Hatinya berada ditempat yang benar
Each word in SL sentence His heart is in the right place is compatible with words in TL sentence Hatinya berada ditempat yang benar, but the structure of SL is different with the structure of TL c. Faithful Translation A faithful translation is a translation which attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures. It transfers cultural words and preserves the degree of grammatical and lexical abnormality (deviation from SL norms) in the translation. It attempts to be completely faithful to the intention and the text-realization of the SL writer. For example: English (SL) Bahasa Indonesia (TL) Ben is too well aware that he is Ben menyadari terlalu baik bahwa Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
ia nakal
The meaning of this translation is faith with SL, but strange in TL. It should be better translated into Ben sangat sadar bahwa ia nakal. d. Semantic Translation A semantic translation is a translation which differs from faithful translation. It differs only in as far as it must take more account of the aesthetic value that is the beautiful and natural sound of the SL text, compromising on meaning where appropriate so that no assonance word play or repetition jars in the finished version. Further, it may translate less important cultural words by culturally neutral third or functional terms but not by cultural equivalents. The distinction between faithful and semantic translation is that the first uncompromising and dogmatic while the second, is more flexible, admits the creative exception to 100% fidelity and allows for the translator’s intuitive empathy with the original. It means that this translation is more focused on the culture of SL not the culture of TL. For example: English (SL) Bahasa Indonesia (TL) Context / Situation A: Konteks/ Situasi A: Mr. Andrew : You must not go out Papa Andrew: Kau tidak boleh keluar sore ini. this evening Harry : Yes, dad Harry : Ya, pa Context / Situation B: Konteks/ Situasi B: Mr. Andrew : You must not go out Pak Andrew : Kamu tidak boleh this evening keluar sore ini. Harry : Yes, sir Harry : Ya, pak.
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Both sentences above show that Harry gives different responses which are reflected from his words. In dialog A, Harry uses the word dad and in dialog B Harry uses the word sir. Although both words refer to the same reference or object that is Mr. Andrew (Harry’s father). The word dad must be translated into pa, while the word sir must be translated into pak. e. Adaptation An Adaptation is the freest form of translation. It is used mainly for plays (comedies) and poetry; the themes, characters, plots are usually preserved, the SL culture converted to the TL culture and the text rewritten by an established dramatist or poet has produced many poor adaptations, but other adaptations have rescued period plays. For example, English (SL) Dear sir,
Bahasa Indonesia (TL) Dengan hormat
Dear sir is translated into dengan hormat by using adaptation; it is not translated into Tuan yang terhormat. f. Free Translation A free translation is a translation which reproduces the matter without the manner or the content without the form of the original. Usually, it is a paraphrase much longer than the original, a so-called intra-lingual translation, often prolix and
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pretentious and not translation at all. It means that this translation not focus on the equivalence, but focus on the meaning or the message of SL. For example: English (SL) His heart is in the right place
Bahasa Indonesia (TL) Dia baik hati
The SL sentence His heart is in the right place is not translated by focusing the equivalence of words, but it is translated by focusing on the meaning or the message of SL which it can be understood with Dia baik hati g. Idiomatic Translation An idiomatic translation is a translation which reproduces the message of the original but tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialisms and idioms where these do not exist in the original. It means that idiomatic translation uses the natural forms of the target language, both in the grammatical constructions and in the choice of lexical items. It focuses on the original message in the TL. For example: Bahasa Indonesia (SL) English (TL) Saya masih mengingatnya dalam I never forgot her or hatiku I’ve kept her memory in my heart
h. Communicative Translation A communicative translation is a translation which attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership. Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
For example: English (SL) I would admit that I am wrong I will admit that I am wrong
Bahasa Indonesia (TL) Saya mau mengakui bahwa saya salah Saya akan mengakui bahwa saya salah
Both sentences above have the different responses which reflected on the use of words would and will. The word would in the first sentence shows there is a will to do something, but in the second sentence the word will shows an activity will be done by the subject of the sentence. There are also two types of translation; they are form-based translation and meaning-based translation (Larson, 1984:15). a. Form based-Translation Form-based translation attempts to follow the form of the source language. The form represents the grammatical surface structure of the language. It is the structural part of language which is actually seen in print or heard in speech. Form based translation also known as literal translation. It is useful if one is studying the structure of the source text as in an interlinear translation, but it a literal translation does not communicate the meaning of the source text well. It is generally no more than a string of words intended to help someone read a text in its originals language. It is unnatural and hard to understand and may even be quite meaningless, or give a wrong meaning in the receptor language. For example, Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
SL: His heart is in the right place (English) TL: Hatinya berada ditempat yang benar (Bahasa Indonesia) b. Meaning-Based Translation Meaning-based translation attempts to communicate the meaning of the source language text in the natural forms of the receptor language. Meaning refers to the semantic deep structures. A translation based on the semantic structure of the language takes also into consideration the communication situation: historical setting, cultural setting, intention of the author, as well as the different kinds of meaning contained in the explicit and implicit information of the text. Besides referential and structural meaning, situational meaning is presented as an important element that would help the translator interpret the author’s culture or the cultural information given in the text. Such translation is called an idiomatic translation. It is a translation which has the same meaning as the source language but is expressed in the natural form of the receptor language. For example, SL: Saya tidak pernah melupakannya (Bahasa Indonesia) TL: I’ve kept her memory in my heart (English) 2.1.4 The Shifts in Translation A translator will always attempt to reproduce the messages of SL into TL (the original message of SL). In doing this, a translator not only studies and analyzes the form of SL, but also reconstructs the meaning of SL using the form that appropriate
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in target language in order to produce a good translation (Larson, 1984:1). A translation is considered good when it arouses in the same effect, as did the original (Zilahy in House, 1977:8). Of course, it is not easy to do this, because every language has its own rule that may not affect for another language. This fact causes some difficulties for a translator to find the same equivalent and the exact structure (form) in TL. Therefore, in translation a translator should be able to do adjustments either in meaning or structure to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. One of the possible ways is by making shifts. As Catford (1965:80) says “Shift is needed to produce natural translation and establish translation equivalence between SL and TL which usually occurs in the unit of grammar, class, structure, and system”. Shifts are defined in terms of departures from formal correspondence in the process of going from the SL to the TL (Catford, 1965:73). Shift can also be called as transference which means a translation procedure involving the change in grammar from SL to TL (Newmark, 1988:85). It means shift is a translation strategy that involves a grammatical change from SL to TL. The phenomenon of shifts should be redefined positively as the consequence of the translator's effort to establish translation equivalence (TE) between two different language-systems: that of the SL and that of the TL. In this sense, shifts can be defined as problem-solving strategies adopted consciously to minimize the inevitable loss of meaning when rendering a text from one language into another.
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Catford proposes two major types of shifts; they are level and category shifts (Catford in Hatim, 2000:15). A level shift occurs when an SL item has a TL translation equivalent at a different linguistic level from its own (grammatical, lexical, etc). In short, it can be concluded that in level shifts the SL word at one linguistic level may be translated at a different level in the TL, it might occur in grammatical, lexical, etc. For example, the English word books can be translated into a phrase beberapa buku in Bahasa Indonesia. A category shift refers to unbounded and rank-bound translation: the first being approximately ‘normal or ‘free translation in which SL-TL equivalences are set up at whatever rank is appropriate. It is clear that in category shift is which might be unbounded and rank-bound translation ‘normal or ‘free translation, depend on what rank is appropriate. In short, it can also be concluded that category shift may involve class, structure, system and unit shifts. A class shift occurs when an SL item is translated by means of a TL items belongs to a different grammatical class. For example, He is in danger is translated into Dia dalam keadaan berbahaya. There is a change in grammatical class from noun to adjective. While a Structure shift involves a change in grammatical structure between ST and target text TT. For example, Beautiful flower is translated into Bunga yang cantik. There is a change in a grammatical structure.
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Unit shift may occur when a strict rank for rank correspondence between SL and TL sentences, clauses groups, words and morphemes is not observed. It can be concluded that unit shift occurs when there is a strict rank for rank correspondence between SL and TL as a result a unit at one rank in the SL is translated into a unit at a different rank min the TL. For example, the word girl is translated into a phrase anak perempuan. While an intra-system shift occurs within a system when translation involves selection of a non-corresponding term in the TL systems when approximately correspond formally. For example, a pair of trousers is translated into sebuah celana. 2.2 The Understanding of Morpheme This thesis talks about the morphemic shifts in a translation work in the case of the translation from English to Bahasa Indonesia, so I want to explain about morpheme in brief. 2.2.1 English Morphemes Definitions of English Morphemes The word morpheme is derived from the Greek word morphe which means form. Fromkin and Robert (1983:114) says “A morpheme may be also defined as the minimal linguistic sign, a grammatical unit in which there is an arbitrary union of a sound and a meaning and that cannot be further analyzed”. Katamba (1993:20) says “Morpheme is used to refer to the smallest, indivisible units of semantic content or grammatical function which words are made up of”. While Sibarani (2001:22) says
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“A morpheme is the smallest meaningful element into which word can be analyzed”. In short, morpheme is the smallest meaningful element into which words can be analyzed. The Types of English Morphemes English morphemes are the smallest meaningful elements into which words can be analyzed (Sibarani, 2001:22). For example, the word prejudge can be divided into minimal units where each has meaning such as pre- and judge. It can be classified into free and bound morphemes. Free morphemes are linguistics forms which can be used on its own or which can exist as independent word. For example, horse, red, write, love etc. While bound morphemes are linguistics form which are never used alone but must be used with another morpheme. For example, the English suffix -ing must be used with another morpheme such as writing, loving, and driving Bound morphemes can be at the beginning and at the end of the free morphemes. The bound morphemes with their position are known as affixes. Affixes are the bound morphemes attached to a stem or root morpheme. It can be classified into prefixes and suffixes. Affixes are the bound morphemes which are added to a word which change the meaning, category, or the grammatical function of the word. It can be classified into prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes are the affixes which are added to the beginning of a word. For example, the English prefix –un is added in the beginning of word do changes the meaning of the word to its opposite do becomes undo. Suffixes are the
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
affixes which are added to the end of a word. For example, the English suffix -s is added at the end of a word and shows the grammatical information of plural shoulder becomes shoulders. Affix morphemes can be classified into derivational and inflectional morphemes. Derivational morpheme is a bound morpheme creating new words by changing either the meaning (happy vs. unhappy) or the part of speech (syntactic category such as ripe an adjective vs. ripen a verb). While inflectional morpheme is a bound morpheme creating a different form of the same word by changing neither part of speech nor meaning, but only refine and give extra grammatical information about the already existing meaning of a word. 2.2.2 Morphemes of Bahasa Indonesia Definitions of Morphemes Morfem adalah satuan bahasa terkecil yang mengandung makna. Contohnya kata diperjualbelikan bisa dibagi menjadi satuan bahasa terkecil yang mempunyai maknanya masing masing menjadi jual, beli, dan di- +….-kan (Arifin and Junaiyah, 2007:2). Morfem adalah satuan terkecil yang maknanya secara relative stabil dan yang tidak dapat dibagi atas bagian bermakna yang lebih kecil; misalnya ter, dipensil, buku, dll. (Kridalaksana, 1986:141). In short, morpheme is the smallest units of language which has meaning.
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010. Types of Morphemes There are also two types of morphemes in Bahasa Indonesia; they are free and bound morphemes (Arifin and Junaiyah, 2007:2). A free morpheme is a morpheme which can stand alone as a word. For example, beli, duduk, tidur. Bound morpheme is a morpheme which cannot stand alone as a word; it is usually used with another morpheme. For example, mem, men, ke-an, pem-an. A bound morpheme can be at the beginning and at the end of the free morphemes. The bound morphemes with their position are known as affixes. Bahasa Indonesia has four kinds of affixes such as awalan, (prefiks), sisipan (infiks), akhiran (sufiks), dan imbuhan terbelah (konfiks). A Prefix (awalan) is an affix which attached to the beginning of a word such as ber-, per-, meng-, di-, ter-, ke, and se-. For example, bersegi, persegi, bertinju, dan petinju, menggali, penggali, meninju, peninju, dilipat, ditiru, dilihat, tertawa, kedua, keempat, sedesa, and setempat. An Infix (Sisipan) is an affix which inserted within a word such as -el-, -em- -er-, and -in-. For example, getar (geletar), getar (gemetar), gigi (gerigi), kerja (kinerja), geger (gelegar, and kelut (kemelut). A Suffix (Akhiran) is an affix which attached to the end of a word such as -i, kan, -an, -wan, -wati, -wi, -wiah, dan -nya. For example, ambil (ambili, ambilkan, ambilan), seni (seniman), warta (wartawan, wartawati), dunia (duniawi), and turun (turunnya).A Confix (Imbuhan terbelah) is an affix which attached to the beginning and the end of a word such as ke-an, ber-an, peng-an, per-an, and se-nya. For example, ke-…-an (keuangan, kematian, dan keahlian), ber-…-an (bertabrakan,
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
berhamburan dan berciuman), peng-…-an (penemuan, pengaloaman, pengambilan), per-…-an (perjuangan, perhgaulan, dan peretemuan), se-..-nya (sebaik-baiknya dan sebesar-besarnya. From the morphemes explanations of English and Bahasa Indonesia, it can be concluded that: 1. The definitions of Morpheme between English and Bahasa Indonesia basically have same meaning as the smallest linguistic units which have meaning. 2. The types of morphemes in English and Bahasa Indonesia are basically also same; free and bound morphemes. 3. The types of affixes in English and Bahasa Indonesia are different. English classifies Affixes into two; prefix and suffix while Bahasa Indonesia classifies affixes into four; prefix, infix, suffix, confix. 2.3 Review of Related Literature In process of writing this thesis, I use some theoretical backgrounds and previous thesis as follow: 1. Catford (1965), in Hatim’s book classifies shift into two major types. They are level and category shifts. Category shift can be classified into four categories of class, structure, unit and intra-system. A class shift is when an SL item is translated by means of a TL item belonging to a different grammatical class. A structure shift involves a change in grammatical structure between ST and Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
target text TT. A unit shift is a strict rank for rank correspondence between SL and TL sentences, clauses, groups, words, and morphemes is not observed. An Intra-system shift occurs when translation involves selection of a noncorresponding term in the TL system-this is regardless of whether the SL and TL process system which approximately corresponds formally. 2. Sahrial (2003), in his thesis An Analysis of Grammatical Unit Shift in The Translation of John Grisham’s The Street Lawyer to Pengacara Jalanan presents about translation shifts in grammatical units that consist of shift in morpheme, word, phrase, clause and sentence. He concludes that the grammatical unit shifts in translation occurs because the differences in language system and grammatical structures between source language to target language and shifts are done for sake of natural translation. 3. Oktaria (2004), in her thesis An Analysis of grammatical Unit shifts in the Transation of Agatha Christies Why Didn’t They Ask Evans into Pembunuh dibalik kabut. She concludes that the unit shifts in the grammatical structure of language occur for the interest of the naturalness of the translation and establishing the translation equivalence between the two different language systems. The unit shifts in the level of phrase is taking the first place in the total of shifts (44, 2 %). It is because the phrase level can be shifted to the all of grammatical level. Then the unit shifts from the word level to the other levels (the shifts in the word level) with (31, 9 %). Next the unit shifts in the
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
level of clause with (15, 4%), followed by the unit shifts in the level of morpheme with (5,1%) and then the unit shifts in the sentence level with (3,4 %). 4. Rahmadhani (2008), in her thesis The Translation of Morphemic Shifts in Sidney Seldon’s Bloodline into Garis Darah by Threes Susilastuti presents about translation shift from morpheme to word and from morpheme to phrase. She concludes that the translator makes morphemic shift to establish equivalent and the exact structure in target language so that the translation could be natural and communicative. From those explanations above, it can be concluded that a translator makes shift to produce natural translation and establish translation equivalence between SL and TL that usually occurs in the unit of grammar, class, structure, and system.
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3.1 Library Research Library research is the method used in doing the analysis. It is applied by reading and studying some books concerned with the topic of the problem. As Nawawi (1991:30) says: “Penelitian Kepustakaan (Library Research), kegiatan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menghimpun data dari berbagai literatur, baik di perpustakaan maupun di tempat-tempat lain. Literatur yang dipergunakan tidak terbatas hanya pada bukubuku, tetapi dapat juga berupa bahan-bahan dokumentasi, majalah-majalah, koran-koran, dll” 3.2 Data Source and Data 3.2.1 Data Source The data source of this study is written text, which are taken from one of the International best selling novels written by Colleen Mc Cullough, under the title The Thorn Birds in 1977. This novel consists of 7 chapters and 591 pages. While its translation Burung-Burung Semak Berduri translated by Lanny Murtihardjana in 2007. It consists of 7 chapters and 685 pages. 3.2.2 Data The data of this study is words that has bound morphemes and used in Colleen Mc Cullough’s novel The Thorn Birds and its translation Burung-Burung Semak Berduri by Lanny Murtihardjana.
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3.3 Data Collecting Method Dede Oetomo (in Suyanto, 1995:186) says “There are three methods of collecting data such as interview, observation, and analysis on written documents such as quotation, notes, memorandum, publications, and official reports, diaries, and written answer to questioner and survey”. Since the data of this analysis are collected from Colleen Mc Cullough’s novel The Thorn Birds and also from the translation of this novel into Bahasa Indonesia Burung-Burung Semak Berduri by Lanny Murtihardjana, so the method of collecting the data is the written documents. The data will be taken by using purposive sampling. It means that I take only the samples of which are concerned with the purpose of this study. As Sutopo states (2004:64): “Karena pengambilan cuplikannya didasarkan atas berbagai pertimbangan tertentu, maka pengertiannya sejajar dengan jenis teknik cuplikan yang dikenal sebagai purposive sampling, dengan kecendrungan peneliti untuk memilih informannya berdasarkan posisi dengan akses tertentu yang dianggap memiliki informasi yang berkaitan dengan permasalahanya secara mendalam dan dapat dipercaya untuk menjadi sumber data yang mantap.” The novel consists of 7 chapters and 591 pages. The translated novel itself consists of 7 chapters and 685 pages. The data to be analyzed will be taken purposively. It can be 10, 20, 30, from each of morphemic shifts from morpheme to word and shifts from word to phrase. Each sample has already been on the homogeny data. Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
3.4 Data Analysis Method In this thesis, I apply qualitative method to analyze data. Qualitative method is applied by describing or explaining the data from Colleen Mc Cullough’s novel The Thorn Birds translated into Burung Burung Semak Berduri by Lanny Murtihardjana. Qualitative method means an analysis which uses some instruments for collecting the data. As Sutopo (2006:257) says: “Dalam penelitian kuantitatif proses pengumpulan data dan analisisnya terpisah secara jelas, dan analisisnya dilakukan pada tahap akhir pengumpulan data selesai. Tidak demikian halnya dalam penelitian kualitatif, yang proses analisisnya harus dilakukan sejak awal bersamaan dengan proses pengumpulan data”. To find the most dominant of morphemic shifts is used in the novel, so I use Bungin’s formula. The following formula is: N = X x100% Y Where, X
= the number of each morphemic shift found in the novel
= the total number of all morphemic shifts
= Percentage of morphemic shift
The systematic procedures in conducting the analysis are as follow: 1. Reading the original novel (SL) and its translation (TL) repeatedly. 2. Identifying and selecting morphemes from the original novel (SL) and its translation (TL). 3. Categorizing and underlining the morphemic shift from the original novel (SL) and its translation (TL). Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
4. Analyzing the morphemic shifts by using J. C Catford’s theory in Basil Hatim’s book 5. Calculating the morphemic shifts in percentage 6. Drawing the tables which show the most dominant of morphemic shifts used in the novel. 7. Making some conclusions based on the result of analysis
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS OF DATA After collecting and analyzing the data from the novels The Thorn Birds by Colleen Mc Cullough and its translation Burung-Burung Semak Berduri by Lanny Murtihardjana, I try to describe the morphemic Shifts that occur from morpheme to word and from word to phrase. In analyzing the data, I use qualitative method by describing or explaining the data. The results of these analyses are in the forms of table. The table of English Morphemes and Morphemes of Bahasa Indonesia English Morphemes Free morphemes The words are thorn, play, kitchen, stool, love, duty, father, mother, imagine, sorrow, school, etc
Bound Morphemes 1. Prefixes are a. dis- such as discontent, disgrace, etc b. un- such as untidy, unlike, unease, etc c. in- such as incapable, etc d. im- such as impossible e. re- such as reborn, rewrote, etc f. co- such as coexist, etc g. a- such as alive, etc 2. Suffixes are: a. -ing such as throwing, stroking, gathering, etc b. -ly such as gently, tightly, etc c. -less such as sexless, rootless, meaningless, etc d.-ent such as excellent, magnificent, etc e. -er such as grander,
Morphemes of Bahasa Indonesia Free Morphemes The words are tua, wanita, dingin, manusia, pergi, mereka, datang, turun, bersih, kayu, indah, yakin, resmi, etc
Bound Morphemes 1. Prefixes are: a. ber- such as berair, berjalan, berjuang, bersemangat, berperan, etc b. di- such as dikelola, diatur, dikenal, digendong, dibanding, etc c. ke- such as keempat, ketiga, kedelapan, kedua, etc d. tersuch as tersandung, tersenyum, terkecil, terhebat, tertunduk, terpengaruh, etc e. pe- such as pelukis, pekerja, penopang, perayu, pemimpin, pemanas, petinju, etc f. mensuch as
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
higher, etc f. -est such as smallest, slowest, etc g. -s such as pearl, boys, girls, etc h. -os such as kangaroos, etc i. -ful such as peaceful, graceful, pitiful etc j. -'s such as Mr. Jarman’s dairy, etc k. -‘s such as Mr. Jarman’s dairy, Angus Macwhirter’s dray etc l. -hood such as girlhood, childhood, babyhood, priesthood, etc m. -able such as profitable, equitable, etc n. -ous such as curious, scandalous, etc o. -ive such as sensitive, etc p. -ed such as gnarled, startled, etc q -ness such as tidiness, softness, etc 3. Confixes are a. in-…-able such as indescribable, etc b. in-…-ible such as intangible, etc c. un-…-able such as unspeakable, etc d. un-…-ly such as unearthly, etc e. un-…-ed such as unscarred, uncontrolled,
mendidih, mencegah, mencekal, menjulang, etc g. meng- such as menggenggam, menggelinding, mengingat, and h. se-. such as seorang, sepotong, setebal, separuh, setampan, sesudah, semester, setiap, sejauh, etc i. mem- such as membungkuk, merunduk, memnbentang, membawa, 2. Infixes are a. -elsuch as gemeletuk, etc b. -er- such as gemerlap, etc dan 3. Suffixes are a. -i such as etc b. -kan such as cemaskan, bagaikan, etc c. -an such as perabotan, bungkusan, antrean, pakaian genangan, pandangan, pelukan, etc d. -wan such as rupawan, etc e. -wati such as biarawati etc f. -wi such as duniawi, manusiawi, etc g. -wiah such as etc dan h.-nya. such as goyangnya, kepalanya, pukulannya, habisnya,
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
unquestioned, etc f. mis-…-ed such as mistimed, etc g. ir-…-ible such as irrestible, etc h. dis-…-age such as disadvantage, etc i. dis-…-ed such as disappearded, etc j. un-…-able such as unbearable, unsuitable, etc k. un-…-ing such as unfolding, unfailing, etc l. non-…-ion such as nonfunction, etc m. re-…-ed such as reloaded, replaced, retrieved, etc m. in-…-ed such as inexperienced, etc n. im-…-ly such as impatiently, etc o. im-…-al such as impractical, etc p. un-…-ant such as unimportant, etc q. dis-…ate such as dispassionate, etcunnatural, etc r. im-….-able such as impeccable, etc s. im-…ed such as immobilized, etc t. in-…-ence such as indifference, etc u. un-…al such as v. in-…ate such as inarticulate, etc w. re-…-ing such as reaaranging and x. un-…-ness such as unkindness, etc
khayalannya usianya, ketatnya, memangnya, hatinya, cintanya, etc 4. Confixes are: a. ke-an, kemampuan, kebiasaan, kekudusan, kedudukan, keemasan, kehilangan, kedamaian, etc b. ber-an such as berdasarkan, berlepotan, berkenalan, etc c. peng-an such as penggembalaan, pengawasan, etc d. per-an such as perhatian, perjalanan, pertengkaran, perubahan, perbedaan, perkampungan, peralatan, pertandingan, etc and e. se-nya such as sepertinya, sebaiknya, etc f. pe-an such as pekerjaan, pencukuran, perapian, pedalaman, perbedaan, etc g. meng-kan such as mengerikan, mengaggumkan, menggantungkan, etc
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
4.1 Shifts from Morpheme to Word Shifts from morpheme to word is shifts from morpheme level in Source Text (ST) into word level in Target Text (TT) in which the meaning still correspondent. Shifts from morpheme to word occur in prefixes, suffixes and confixes. 4.1.1 Prefixes are a-, dis-, un-, in-, im, re-, and coa. Prefix aMorphemic Shifts No a- (ST) Yang (TT) 1 Not while there’s a Cleary alive Selama masih ada anggota keluarga (p. 434) Cleary yang hidup (p. 503)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or prefix a- is translated into the word yang in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. b. Prefix disMorphemic Shifts No dis- (ST) 1 Her eyes as they rested on her son were vaguely worried, sensing his bitter discontent, more than the normal railing of a workingman against his lot (p.26) 2
Tidak or Tak (TT) Matanya menatap putranya denagn risau karena ia bisa merasakan ketidakpuasannya yang getir, lebih dari sekadar keluhan pekerja mengenai nasibnya (p.28)
But it’s no disgrace to have Tapi punya tangan kapalan tidaklah calluses on your hands (p. 27) memalukan (p. 28)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
He knew her to give her any hint Karena mengenal gadis ini dengan of his embarrassment or sangat baik, Pastor Ralph tidak mau discomfort (p. 151) menunjukkan rasa jengah atau tak nyaman sedikitpun (p. 169) Resentment and discontent had Rasa kesal dan tidak puas Meggie flown out the window while he langsung menguap sementara Paddy talked (p. 202) bicara tadi (p. 230) In spite of her dislike for beer (p. Meskipun tidak menyukainya (p. 326) 283) Whenever I displease you (p. 456) Setiap kali aku membuatmu tak senang (p. 529) Do you disapprove Nanna? (p. Apa kau tak setuju, Nanan?(p. 530) 458)
5 6 7
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or prefix -dis is translated into the word tidak or tak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages cans be conveyed naturally and communicatively. c. Prefix un-
un- (ST)
Sister Agatha used to demonstrate the ugliness of untidy work (p. 45)
Morphemic Shifts Tidak or Tak No un- (ST) (TT) Suster Agatha 8 She had become untuk a withered, menunjukkan unwanted and hasil unwelcome (p. 297) pekerjanya yang jelek dan tidak rapi (p.48)
Tanpa, Jarang, Yang (TT) Meggie yang sekarang telah menjadi bayangan layu, tak diinginkan, tak diharapkan (p. 342)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
But in its appurtenances it was not unlike the house they had left behind in New Zealand (p. 90) Unable to make it sound as light as he had intended (p. 122)
Tapi dalam hal perlengkapanny a, rumah ini tak beda jauh dengan rumah yang mereka tinggalkan di New Zealand (p. 98) Tak mampu bersikap sesantai yang dikehendakinya (p. 135)
I was in pain, worn out, and terribly unhappy (p. 333)
Aku sedang kesakitan, kecapekkan, dan sangat tidak bahagia (p. 185)
He grinned in spite of his pain, at her unconscious echoing of Fee’s way of speaking (p. 59)
Unaware of the thoughts of his companion harbored (p. 254) He could have passed among us so many years and not made an unfriend (p. 519)
Walau hatinya pedih, amu tak mau Frank tersenyum juga mendengar adiknya menggemakan ucapan Fee tanpa sadar (p. 64) Tanpa menyadari pergolakan dibenbak teman seperjalananya (p. 291) Ia ternyata berhasil melalui masa sepanjang itu tanpa kehilangan persahabatan (p. 602)
Though it was unusual, it was not unknown for a man out of the crowd to last the distance against of one of the
Walaupun jarang terjadi, ada saja seseorang dari antara pengunjung yang berhasil bertahan sampai akhir dalam
Womanly and Feminin dan a little unreal nyaris tak nyata (p. 168) (p. 190)
He’s my only living relative closer than some unknown cousins back in Ireland (p. 75)
Dia satusatunya sanak terdekatku yang masih hidup dibandingkan dengan beberapa kerabat tak dikenal yang masih tinggal di Irlandia (p. 81) Unconscious Tidak sadar of his bahwa ada audience (p. yang 431) memperhatikan nya (p. 500)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
professional boxers (p. 115)
Empty words, untrue; suddenly she knew very well what had frightened (p. 525)
Saat menyadari kata-katanya kosong dan tidak benar mendadak ia paham ia paham betul apa yang telah membuatnya begitu ketakutan (p. 609)
pertarungan melawan salah satu dari para petinju professional itu (p. 127) An unusual Benar-benar animal, Your hewan yang luar Eminence (p. biasa yang Mulia 404) (p. 468)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or prefix -un is translated differently from each sentence into the word tidak or tak (1-9) tanpa (10, 11, 12), jarang (13) and yang (14) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. d. Prefix inMorphemic Shifts No 1
in- (ST)
Tidak (TT)
They were riveting, Mata yang menatap dengan tajam, uncomfortable, inhuman eyes, meresahkan, dan tidak manusiawi mirip rather blind-looking (p. 331) mata buta (p. 382)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
The English bound morpheme or prefix -in is translated into the word tidak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. e. Prefix imMorphemic Shifts No 1
3 4
im- (ST)
Tak, Tidak (TT)
Knowing it was quite impossible, Karena tahu bahwa cintanya tak she permitted herself the luxury of mungkin jadi kenyataan, ia memanjakan dreaming about him (p. 154) diri dengan berkhayal tentang diri sang pujaan hati (p. 173) Then the lady pricked her mount Kemudian perempuan cantik itu with an impatient spur and memacu kudanya tak sabaran melintasi cantered across the soggy ground, tanah yang berlumpur dan berhenti reiningto a halt in front of Meggie tepat didepan Meggie (p. 123) (p. 111) But I am far the more immature Tapi sejauh ini akulah justru yang lebih (p. 353) tidak dewasa (p. 409) Singapore islands and came across Pulau Singapura dan memasuki kota to the city behind its impotent dari belakang senjata-senjata yang guns (p. 392) sekarang tak berdaya itu (p. 454) Finding it impossible to resist the Tak mampu mengelak dari pesona charm of that smile (p. 431) senyuman itu (p. 500)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or prefix -im is translated into the word tak, tidak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
f. Prefix reMorphemic Shifts No re- (ST) Kembali (TT) 1 The gnarled finger plucked Jari yang bergonggol-bonggol itu another sheet from a pigeonhole, menarik sehelai kertas baru, dipped the pen in the Standish mencelupkan pena kedalam botol tinta, again, and rewrote the words as dan menulis kembali kata-kata tadi surely as the first time (p. 155) tanpa ragu (p. 174) 2 I am reborn (p. 182) Aku dilahirkan kembali (p. 207) 3 A pause to reload, the second shot, Berhenti sebentar untuk mengissi reload the third shot (p. 229) kembali, melepaskan tembakan kedua, mengisi peluru, lalu tembakan ketiga (p. 261) 4 A certain percentage of the timber Namun sejumlah pohon takkan tumbuh would not regenerate at all, but kembali dan tetap mati serta kehitaman remain dead and dark (p. 249) (p. 285) 5 Bartle Frere disappear behind a Bartele Frere ynag lenyap dari waqll of dense rain, then reappear pandangan dibalik tirai hujan lebat, (p. 331) kemudian muncul kembali (p. 383) 6 Began seeing how best to restock Mulai melengapi persediaan ternak (p. 415) kembali (p. 480) 7 He never displayed the slightest Ia tak pernah menyatakan keinginan wish to reopen that phase of their sekecil apapun untuk membuka kembali lives (p. 574) lembaran lama ini (p. 665) 8 He had no wish to resurrect it (p. Ia tidak ingin membangkitkannya 577) kembali (p. 668) 9 I can’t rekindle it (p. 588) Aku tak mampu menyalakannya kembali (p. 681) 10 Let the cycle renew itself with Biarlah siklus itu berulang kembali unknown people (p. 591) dengan orang-orang yang tak dikenal (p. 684)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or prefix re- is translated into the word kembali in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. g. Prefix coMorphemic Shifts No co- (ST) Bersamaan (TT) 1 Priest and man cannot coexist (p. Peran pastor dan laki-laki tak mungkin 166) dijalankan bersamaan (p. 187)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or prefix co- is translated into the word bersama in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. 4.1.2. Suffixes are -ly, ing-, less-, -ent, -er, -est, -s, -os, -ful, -‘s, -hood, -able, -ous, ive, -ed, and -ness a. Suffix -ly
-ly (ST)
The rains fell gently without bruising the tender sweetness of all growing things, there was snow, and the sun had just enough strength to
Morphemic Shifts Dengan (TT) No -ly (ST) Hujan jatuh dengan lembut tanpa merusak aroma manis semua makhluk hidup (p.17)
She became mentally deaf, dumb and blind; that useless appendage her right hand was no more linked to her thought processes than her toes (p. 46)
Secara (TT) Ia seakan-akan jadi tuli, bisu dan buta secara mental kemampuan anggota badan tak berguna alias tangan kananya itu untuk mengikuti
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
cherish, never enough to sap (p.16)
She held the doll’s clothes tightly in one hand, the other pushing vainly at Hughie (p.17)
Ia memegang 5 tangan boneka dengan erat di satu tangan, sedangkan tangan yang alin sia-sia saja mendorong (p. 18)
Privately father Ralph preferred the giant pepper trees which shaded all these outbuildings and their attendant activities to the ghost gums of the main house (p. 69)
They had been aligned to fit snugly yet swing easily open or closed (p. 19)
Kedua bola itu 6 dipasang agar dapat terpejam dan terbuka dengan bebas (p. 20)
But now she was old enough to be officially beyond the drives of the body (p. 73)
perintah otaknya tak lebih dari kemampuan jari-jari kakinya (p. 49) Secara pribadi, Pastor Ralph lebih menyukai pohon-pohon lada besar yang menaungi bangunanbangunan tambahan dan aktivitas para pekerjanya dibanding pohon ghost gum dekat bangunan utama (p. 73) Namun sekarang ia sudah cukup tua untuk bisa secara resmi disebut tidak mengalami doronganan nafsu birahi lagi (p. 78)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or suffix -ly is translated differently from each sentence into the word dengan (1, 2, 3) and secara (4, 5, 6) in Bahasa Indonesia. It
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
means that there is shift from a morpheme to a word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. b. Suffix -ing Morphemic Shifts No
-ing (ST)
Stroking the bright pink folds of the dress, grander than any she had ever seen on a human woman, she picked Agnes up tenderly (p.13)
Sambil (TT)
-ing (ST)
Yang (TT)
Sambil membelai gaun merah jambu yang lebih indah daripada gaun kaum wanita yang pernah dilihatnya, ia mengangkat boneka itu dengan penuh kasih saying (p.14) Jack shouted, Teriak Jack pouncing. Show sambil berlari us ! (p. 14) mendekat, tunjukkan pada kami (p. 14)
Sank her fingers into that satisfying hair (p. 590)
Membenamkan jari-jarinya kedalam rambut yang lebat itu (p. 684)
Bisa memiliki uang untuk membayar karcis masuk dan menikmati semua tontonan yang memikat itu terasa sangat menyenangkan (p. 125)
Throwing the hammer into its box, he pushed the lank black hair off his brow with a
Father Ralph had given Meggie five whole shillings, and Frank had his five pounds; to own the price of admission to all those enticing booths was wonderful (p. 113) A man with a megaphone in his hand was shouting to the gathering people (p. 113)
Sambil melemparkan palu kedalam kotak perkakas, ia menyibakkan rambut hitamnya
Seorang lakilaki yang memegang Megafon berteriak-teriak kepada orang-
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
trembling hand and dragged the old leather apron from around his neck (p. 15) Swinging her up into his arms and tucking the doll between his chest and hers (p. 19)
-ing (ST)
dengan tangan gemetar dan menarik celemek kulit tuanya dari leher (p. 16) Sambil mengendong Meggie dan menempatkan boneka itu diantara mereka (p. 20)
orang yang bergerombol didepannya (p. 125)
Meaning Frank was very definitely the secondstring man (p. 99)
Morphemic Shifts Sedang (TT) -ing (ST)
Yang berarti bahwa Frank jelas-jelas hanya menduduki posisi kedua (p. 108)
Sungguh (TT)
Paddy waiting for in the downstairs 175)
was him hall (p.
Paddy sedang menantinya diruang depan dilantai bawah (p. 199)
Amazing that she persisted when she was usually so reticent (p. 151)
Mary esays she’s redying the head stockman’s house and that it’s got everything we’re likely to be neding (p. 81)
Mary berkata bahwa ia sedang mempersiapkan rumah bekas mandor dan semua yang kita butuhkan sudah tersedia (p. 88)
Interesting to take a face apart which was already so well known (p. 518)
Frank’s getting Frank sedang you some memesankan sandwiches and sandwich dan aku
Fascinating! Sungguh What’s she menarik seperti like? (p. 523) apa wanita itu
Sungguh mengherankan melihat sikap ngotot Meggie yang biasanya pendiam itu (p. 169) Sungguh menarik untuk menbelusuri setiap bagian wajah yang serasa sudah dikenalnya (p. 600)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
I’ll see the boys akan mengajak are fed (p. 85) anak-anak lelaki makan (p. 92)
(p. 606)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or suffix -ing is translated differently from each sentence into the word sambil (1-4), sedang (5-8), yang (9-11), and sungguh (12-14) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. c. Suffix -less Morphemic Shifts Tak, Tidak No -less (ST) No (TT) 1 Many priest left Begitu banyak 12 All her their people pastor yang attention had membuat umat been focused feeling guilthy, on the priest, a worthless, or mereka merasa being sexless bestial (p. 150) bersalah, tak and berguna atau emasculated seperti hewan (p. 168) (p. 113) 2 Ralph; An Ralph, Laki-laki 13 The two impotent, palsu impotent spinters maid useless sham! dan tak and the (p. 165) berguna (p. widowed 187) childless housekeeper (p. 127) -less (ST)
Tanpa (TT) Seluruh perhatiannya tercurah pada sang pastor, makhluk tanpa seks dan selibat itu (p. 124) Kedua pelayan yang tidak menikah dan poengurus rumah tangga yang sudah menjanda tanpa anak (p. 141)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Those priceless benches without anything to set them off (p. 192)
Bangku-bangku 14 tak ternilai tapi tanpa hiasan sepotong pun (p. 219)
Life went on in the rhythmic, endless cycle of the land (p. 140)
In return for plenty of food and a small wage; an endless procession of swaggies were temporarily entered on the station book (p. 199)
And somehow you could be sure these rootless wanderers had dug a grave, buried a child or a wife, a husband or a mate (p.143)
After that it seemed rather senseless to send him a mile down the track to sleep (p. 262)
Dengan upah 15 kecil dan makanan sepuas hati, para pengembara tak henti-hentinya datng untuk dipekerjakan sementara waktu (p. 227) Sesudah itu 16 rasanya tak masuk akal; membiarkannya menempuh jarak setengah kilometer hanya untuk pulang dan tidur (p. 302)
Fee sepertinya 17 mengetaui takdirnya dan tak berdaya untuk menangkisnya (p. 156)
It is not causeless, you know, the Irish hatred of the English (p. 213)
Knowing her fate and powerless to avoid it (p. 139)
A sphere like the inside of a gigantic ballon full of soaring choirs and light attenuated through limitless stained-glass windows (p. 145)
Hidup terus berjaklan menurut lingkaran hidup daerah itu yang berirama dan tanpa ujung (p. 156) Yang jelas, para pengembara tanpa tempat tinggal tetap ini pasti pernah menggali lubang untuk menguburkan anak atau istri, suami atau teman (p.160) Bagaikan bola seperti bagian dalam balon raksasa yang penuh paduan suara yang mengalun dan cahaya yang menerobos jendela kaca patri tanpa batas (p. 162) Karena itu bukan tanpa alas an bila orang Irlandia membenci orang Inggris (p. 243)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Sagging from treetop, continous and endless (p. 314)
Hutan 18 disekeliling mereka begitu lebat dan hampir tak tertembusi (p. 362)
Fee’s pinched, hopeless face, Meggie’s expression of mingled sorrow and anger (p. 240)
They’re just Mereka 19 defenseless hanyalah dolls (p. 424) boneka-boneka tak berdaya (p. 490)
Tonight it was cold as she stood by a fence looking across a moonless landscape (p. 268)
Not for her a penniless existence clinging to the fringes of Earl’s Court (p. 492)
Ia tak perlu 20 tinggal didaerah pinggiran yang biasa dihuni kaum tak berduit, yakni Earl’s Court (p. 569)
As yet the town possessed no garage, horseless carriages being a limited to a very few (p. 34)
Wjah Fee yang kurus dan tanpa harapan ke ekspresi wajah Meggie yang bercampur aduk antra sedih dan marah (p. 274) Malam ini, sementara Meggie berdiri dekat pagar sambil memandang lanskap tanpa cahaya bulan (p. 308) Ketika itu dikota belum ada bengkel karena jumlah kereta tanpa kuda alias mobil masih sangat terbatas (p. 37)
A man who genuinely wanted to be the boss cocky would never have settled for landless Meggie’s Cleary (p. 268)
Seseorang yang 21 benar-benar uingin menjadi pengawas bagi bosnya takkan pernah merasa puas endapatkan Meggie Cleaary tidak punya tanah (p. 307)
Either side of one dusty wide street, treeless and tired (p. 86)
Kedua sisi jalan lebar berdebu tanpa pepohonan (p. 93)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Sweet pea vines were sere and scentless (p. 250)
The possibilities Kemungkinanny are endless (p. a begitu tak 509) terbatas (p. 589)
Rain says it’s Rain bilang ini harmless and tak berbahaya necessary (p. dan memang 511) diperlukan (p. 592)
No -less (ST) 23 The older boys grieved deeply for their mother, spent sleepless nights remembering hwer face at that awful moment (p. 198)
Sulur-sulur 22 buncis juga mongering dan tidak beraroma (p. 286)
The great Bassilica of Saint Peter’s, when his aimless progress had led him (p. 405)
Bassilica Santo Petrus yang agung itu tanpa tujuan (p. 469)
The terror of Russia did not produce a soulless caricature of a man (p. 504)
Teror dingin yang membeku di Rusia itu tidaklah membuatnya menjadi laki-laki tanpa perasaan (p. 582) The soundless Gelak tawa laugh quivered tanpa suara in him (p. 525) bergetar dalam dirinya (p. 608)
Morphemic Shifts Sulit (TT) -less (ST) Bermalam24 So Meggie malam mereka spokeless often sulit tidur of her friend karena when she was membayangkan a t home (p. wajah ibu 44) mereka poada hari yang celaka itu (p. 226)
Jarang (TT) Akibatnya, dirumah Meggie jadi jarang bicara tentang sahabatnya (p. 48)
From the above table, it can be concluded that:
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
The English bound morpheme or suffix -less is translated differently from each sentence into the word tak (1-9), tidak (10, 11) tanpa (12-22), sulit (23), and Jarang (24) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. d. Suffix -ent No
-ent (ST)
She had an excellent figure with a tiny waist which had not thickened in spite of six babies she had carried beneath it (p. 20) His nose was magnificent, a true Roman nose which must have puzzled his Irish confrere, but Ireland has ever been a shipwreck coast (p. 23)
Morphemic Shifts Sangat, Sungguh No -ent (ST) (TT)
Yang (TT)
Perawakannya sangat indah dengan pinggang kecil walau sudah pernah mengandung adan melahirkan enam bayi (p. 21)
Then proceded to give her some excellent advice (p. 363)
Kemudian memberinya saran yang hebat (p. 421)
Hidungnya sungguh besar, hidung Romawi tulen yang tentunya membuat binggung rekanrekannya yang berdarah Irlandia, tapi sejak dulu pantai Irlandia yang ganas memang terkenal sering membuat tenggelam kapal-
A magnificent name, said the priest gravely (p. 407)
Nama yang bagus sekali, ujar sang Iman serius (p. 471)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
kapal yang melintas (p. 25)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or suffix -ent is translated differently from each sentence into the word sangat (1), sungguh (2), and yang (3, 4) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from a morpheme to a word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. e. Suffix -er No 1
-er (ST) The house lay on top of a small hill about one hundred feet higher than the barn and stables (p. 16)
A happy man, he had managed to weather his hard and drugging existence better than most (p. 24)
Morphemic Shifts Lebih (TT) No -er (ST) Rumah itu 8 The bigger terletak di and tougher puncak bukit they were, the kecil, kira-kira more Frank tiga puluh wanted to see them humbled meter lebih in the dust (p. tinggi daripada gudang dan 56) kanddangkandangternak (p. 16) Sebagai lelaki 9 Work became berbahagia, ia increasingly berhasil harder to get mengatasi (p. 76) kerasnya kehidupan, lebih baik daripada kebanyakan orang lain (p. 25)
Semakin (TT) Semakin besar dan tangguh lawan-lawanya, semakin besar hasrat Frank untuk merobohkan mereka (p. 61)
Lapangan pekerjaan semakin sulit dihadapkan (p. 83)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
The league faster than any other animal save the emu (p. 207)
Lompatanlompatan yang anggun lebih cepat daripada binatang lain (p. 235)
The harder he worked the better he felt (p. 266)
Semakin keras ia bekerja, semakin nyaman rasanya (p. 305)
The stables were closer than the stockyards (p. 210)
Kandang berada lebih dekat daripada perkarangan kuda (p. 239)
This quite unexpected reminder of home suddenly trigerred a wild elation in Patsy (p. 411)
But sadder without his gentleness (p. 397)
Hanya saja lebih muram dan tanpa kelembutannya (p. 397)
Paddy than ever, older, slower in speech (p. 438)
Kejadian tak terduga yang semakin mengigatkannya pada kampong halamanya itu tiba-tiba memicu kegembiraan yang luar biasa dari dalam diri Patsy (p. 476) Paddy semakin tua dan lamban dalam berbicara (p. 509)
What could be nicer than falling in love? (p. 507)
Apa pula yang bisa lebih menyenangkan ketimbang jatuh cinta? (p. 586)
The older I become the greater my love for God grows (p. 474)
If you are dryer than a secondhand sermon (p. 528)
Meskipun tenggorokanmu lebih kering daripada pembawa khotbah kedua (p. 612)
Semakin bertambah umurku semakin dalam cintaku kepada Tuhan bertumbuh (p. 548) The wedges Serpihan kayu of wood flew yang melenting out closer (p. keluar dari celah 59) semakin dekat saja (p. 63)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Morphemic Shifts No -er (ST) 15 She could no longer manage any but the simplest pieces (p. 78)
Begitu (TT) No -er (ST) Tukang (TT) Karena telah 17 The fencer, a Tukang begitu lama drifter like all reperasi pagar, tidak terlatih, his breed, had pengembara sehingga hanya been pulled seperti nenek mampu from the moyangnya endless task of dialihkan dari mendentingkan lagu-lagu stringing taut tugas wire between memasang sederhana (p. posts in the kawat pagar 84) ppaddocks to yang tak ada repair the habisnya itu homestead’s untuk white pickets mewmperbaiki for the party (p. tiang pagar putih wisma 155) sebagai persiapan pesta mendatang (p. 175) Work became Lapangan 18 The materials Bahan-bahan increasingly pekerjaan arrived, so did yang harder to get (p. begitu sulit the painters and dipesanpun 76) dihadapkan (p. the upholsterer tiba, begitu juga 83) (p. 193) para tukang cat dan pelapis mebel (p. 220)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or suffix -er is translated differently from each sentence into the word lebih (1-7), semakin (8-14) begitu (15, 16), and tukang (17, 18) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
f. Suffix -est Morphemic Shifts No -st (ST) 1 At school he had always been the smallest boys in his class (p. 56) 2 Buit it was at Meggie everyone stared the longest (p. 157) 3 But there was a log on the side of the pool farthest from the borehead itself (p. 180) 4 Pushed into a double desk in the back row of the youngest children’s classroom (p. 37) 5 January came and went, the slackest month of the year for cane cutters (p. 302) 6 You’re the youngest and last experience as stockmen (p. 385) 7 The biggest and most decisive battle of the North African theater had been fought (p. 396)
Paling (TT) Di sekolah ia selalu jadi anak dengan badan paling kecil (p. 60) Namun, pada Meggielah semua orang menatap kagum paling lama (p. 177) Tapi sisi kolam yang terletak paling jauh dari sumur bor (p. 204) Meggie ditempatkan dibangku untuk dua ank dideretan belakang kelas bagi anak-anak paling kecil (p. 40) Bulan januari pun tiba dan berlalu, bulan paling sepi bagi para penebang tebu (p. 347) Kalian berdualah paling muda dan tidak berpengalaman (p. 445) Pertempuran paling hebat dan menentukan di kancah Afrika Utara telah usai (p. 458)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme -est is translated in to the word paling in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. g. Suffix -s No
-s (ST)
His fleet of eleven ships held over one thousand convicts, plus
Morphemic Shifts Para (TT) No -s (ST) Armadanya yang terdiri atas sebelas kapal membawa lebih dari
She played happily with the whistles and slingshots and battered soldiers
Kedua (TT) Selama ini ia senang-senang saja bermain dengan peluit, ketapel serta
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
sailors, naval officers and a contingent of Marines (p. 31)
seribu narapidana, belum lagi para kelasi, perwira AL, dan satu kontingern Marinir (p. 33)
The occasional drovers were welcomed as they rode in for a beee and a talk, a homecooked meal (p. 143)
Fathers and husbands had gone tramping (p. 216)
Players who greeted her appearance with cheers and affectionate pats (p. 364)
Para penggiring domba yang sesekali melintas disambut dengan baik saat mereka singgah untuk mendapatkan bird an makanan sambil mengobrol (p. 160) Para ayah dan suami telah pergi mengembara (p. 246) Para pemain yang mabuk dan setengah telanjang menyambut Meggie dengan sorai-sorai dan tepukan mesra (p. 422)
her brothers discarded, got her hands dirty and her boots muddy (p. 13)
serdadu mainan rusak milik abangabangnuya dengan kedua tangan dan sepatu botnya yang kotor terkena lumpur (p. 14) Kedua lengannya berlepotan karena membersihkan kotoran sapi di perusahaan susu milik Mr. Jarman (p. 45)
His arms were filthy from mucking out Mr Jarman’s dairy (p. 42)
The twins were beaming in administration (p. 157)
The eyes didn’t Kedua mata liven (p. 198) Fee masih tetap suram (p. 225)
Kedua bocah kembar itu pun tersenyum kagum (p. 177)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
His secretary informed him had come from Cardinal de Bricassart’s lawyers in Rome (p. 562) For shearers would not touch soaked wool (p. 251)
Sekretarisnya dikirimkan oleh para pengacara Cardinal de Briscart di Roma (p. 650)
Her hands clencing and unclenching on the desktop (p. 39)
Sebab para pencukur tidak sudi menangani bulu yang basah (p. 287)
The rainbows Kedua pelangi had gone (p. tadi sudah 333) lenyap (p. 384)
Kedua tanganya mencengkeream pinggiran meja didepannya (p. 41)
Morphemic Shifts No
Banyak, Sejumlah Beberapa (TT) These were tales Banyak cerita about Teresa’s tentang extraordianary alien keluarga family (p. 47) Teresa yang sangat asing (p. 51)
-s (ST)
Semua (TT)
Inspite of the open windows the stench had become a reeking fug (p. 174)
Walaupun semua jendela telah dibuka lebar-lebar bau busuk itu semakin menyengat (p. 198)
Many other yellow sandstone houses of one storey behind it and to each side (p. 68)
The rabbits Semua kelinci are dead (p. sudah mati (p. 448) 520)
The cost of shipping Fee’s few
The boys Semua gathered lelaki
-s (ST)
Adanya sejumlah rumah berlantai satu yang juga terbuat dari batu paras kuning yang berada dibelakang dan dikedua sisi (p. 73) Barangbarang
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
bits and pieces in the parlor, hers pinet and rugs, and chairs (p. 80)
kebanggan Fee diruang tamu yakni piano permadani, dan beberapa kursih (p. 87)
round (p. 77)
mengerumuniny a (p. 82)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or suffix -s is translated differently from each sentence into the word para (1-6) kedua (7-12) banyak (13), sejumlah (14), beberapa (15), and semua (16-18) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done tokeep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. h. Suffix -os Morphemic Shifts No -os (ST) Kawanan (TT) 1 Kangaroos in flocks of thousands Kawanan kangguru berjumlah ribuan streamed leaping through the trees ekor berloncatan menembus pepohonan (p. 93) (p. 101) From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme -os is translated into the word kawanan in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from a morpheme to a word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
i. Suffix -ful
No -ful (ST) 1 Stuart just looked on quietly, from out of his peaceful, sympathetic little soul (p. 62)
The small pointed face was all eyes staring at some dreadful prospect (p. 146)
Father de Bricassart’s manner to his present master was perfect, light, easy, respectful, but man to aman, full of humor (p 212)
He was so nice, thoughtful and
Morphemic Shifts Penuh (TT) No -ful (ST) Stuart Cuma 9 The older memeandang boys grieved dengan tenang deeply for dari dalam their mother, jiwanya penuh spent sleepless kedamaian dari simpatik itu (p. nights remembering 67) hwer face at that awful moment (p. 198) Wajah lancip 10 Bringing her yang mungil itu face up to menunggu within inches of those dengan penuh dreadful kewaspadaan menantikan spectacles (p. kemungkinan 39) mengerikan yang bakal terjadi (p. 163) Sikap Pastor De 11 She grew very Briscart quite, but in a terhadap manner quite atasanya yang different from sekarang Stuart’s sungguh peaceful, sempurna, dreamy ringan, santai, isolation (p. penuh hormat, 145) sekaligus terbuka dengan rasa humor yang tinggi (p. 242) Paddy begitu 12 One of the baik, begitu rare handful
Yang (TT) Bermalammalam mereka sulit tidur karena membayangkan wajah ibu mereka poada hari yang celaka itu (p. 226)
Menariknya lebih dekat sampai wajah kecil itu hanya terpisah beberapa senti dari kacamata yang mengerikan itu (p. 42) Ia menjadi gadis yang sangat pendiam namun caranya berbeda dengan sikap menyendiri Stuart yang tenang dan penuh khayalan (p. 163)
Salah satu dari sedikit pencukur
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
forgiving and penuh perhatian, loving (p. 208) pengampunan dan kasih saaing (p. 237)
of men who managed to shear over three hundred merino sheep a day (p. 266)
Morphemic Shifts Sangat (TT) No -ful (ST)
-ful (ST)
The spiders were dreadful (p. 94)
He watched her walk across the graves, step over the railing; in the rosebud dress her retrating form was graceful (p. 168)
It would be Dia akan 18 dreadful for sangat him (p. 228) menderita (p. 260)
She insisted be put in every inconspicious corener to keep her skin youthful (p. 169)
Meggie felt Meggie wonderful merasa (p. 375) sangat nyaman 434)
The gesture sat well on a man as tall and graceful as he was (p. 69)
Sikap Meggie 20 cukup buruk karena merasa sangat beruntung
There was something awful in her eyes (p. 552)
Meggie was unprincipled enough to be very thankful Luke (p.
Laba-labanya sangat mengerikan (p. 103)
yang mampu mencukur lebih dari tiga ratus domba sehari (p. 306)
Tampak, Semakin, Begitu (TT) Ia memperhatikan gadis itu melangkah diantara makam-makam dan melangkahio pagar sosok dalma gaun bersulamkan kuncup-kuncup mawar itu tampak anggun (p. 190) Wanita tua tu bersihkeras agar wadah-wadah ceper dan lebar berisi air ditempatkan disetiap sudut supaya kulitnya tetap tampak muda (p. 191) Sikap ini sangat serasi bagi pria yang tinggi dan membuat dirinya semakin anggun (p. 74) Sorot mata Meggie begitu menakutkan (p. 552)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Luke memiliki sosok yang mirip sekali dengan Ralph (p. 434)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or suffix -ful is translated differently from each sentence into the word penuh (1-4), yang (5-8), sangat (13-19) tampak (17, 18) semakin (19), and begitu (20) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. j. Suffix -‘s Morphemic Shifts No -‘s (ST) Milik (TT) 1 His arms were filthy from mucking Kedua lengannya berlepotan karena out Mr. Jarman’s dairy (p. 42) membersihkan kotoran sapi di perusahaan susu milik Mr. Jarman (p. 45) 2 The horses and the buggy sold, the Kuda-kuda berikut keretanya dijual, furniture loaded onto old Angus perabotan rumah diangkut dengan Macwhirter’s dray and taken into gerobak milik Angus MacWhirter ke Wanganui for auction (p. 81) Wanganui untuk dileleang (p. 87) 3 The shearers loaded their swags Para pencukur memasukkan hasil jerih into the contractor’s old fork truck payah mereka ke truk Ford tua milik and disappeared down the truck to kontraktor dan pergi menyusuri jalan their next shed (p. 106) menuju bangsal berikutnya (p. 117) 4 All the woman’s preoperty should Seluruh harta milik perempuan itu become the man’s harus menjadi milik si laki-laki (p. 319) 5 His Eminence’s cats stalked out of Kucing milik yang mulia bangkit dari the sunny corner (p. 382) sudut hangat (p. 442) 6 You stole a woman’s man (p. 422) Kau mencuri leleaki milik seorang perempuan (p. 489)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme -‘s is translated into the word milik in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively k. Suffix -hood Morphemic Shifts No -hood (ST) 1 Maybe a leaving-behind childhood (p. 126) 2
3 4
Perhaps remembering her own girlhood, and angered that all the other young ladies uinvited had ordered their growns from Sydney (p. 157) Dane who had laugh from babyhood (p. 391) My god, it is all over! The babyhood, the boyhood (p. 473) My god, it is all over! The babyhood, the boyhood (p. 473)
Masa and Masih (TT)s Mungkin ini saat ketika dia harus meninggalkan masa kanak-kanaknya (p. 140) Boleh jadi karena teringat masa remajanya sendiri dan kesal karena semua gadis yang diundang kepesta itu telah memesan gaun pesta dari Sydney (p. 177) Dane yang memang suka tertawa sejak masih kecil (p. 452) Ya tuhan semua sudah berlalu, masa kanak-kanak dan masa remaja itu (p. 547) Ya tuhan semua sudah berlalu, masa kanak-kanak dan masa remaja itu (p. 547)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: 1. The English bound morpheme -hood is translated into word masa and masih in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from a morpheme to a word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
l. Suffix -able
Morphemic Shifts No -able (ST) Yang (TT) 1 It was no more than a profitable Drogheda tidak lagi dianggap sumber hobby (p. 160) pendapatanya dan tak lebih daripada sekedar hobi yang menguntungkan belaka (p. 180) 2 She be awarded an equitable Ia juga akan diberi uang pensiun yang pension (p. 173) pantas (p. 196) 3 The only place where flammable Satu-satunya teempat terdapat bendathings came lose enough to the benda yang gampang terbakar dan cuku trees on the far side of the creek to p dekat dengan pepohonan di seberang catch (p. 221) sungai (p. 252) 4 Meggie was very agreeable Meggie benar-benar alternative yang alternative (p. 365) menggiurkan (p. 423) 5 I’ve come a long way since that Aku telah mengalami banyak kemajuan memorable ninght (p. 518) sejak malam pertama yang mengesankan itu (p. 601) From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme -able is translated into word yang in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from a morpheme to a word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. m. Suffix -ous Morphemic Shifts Yang, Sungguh and Penuh (TT) No -ous (ST) 1 A curious sensation, disturbing (p. Sensasi yang aneh sekaligus 183) mengganggu (p. 208) 2 3
Curious, how many priest were handsome as Adonis (p. 71) When the tale was done he sighed and shifted his gaze to their
Sungguh mengherankan betapa banyak pastor setampan Adonis (p. 76) Setelah kisah mereka berakhir, Ralph menghela nafas dan mengalihkan
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
anxious faces (p. 325) 4 5 6
pandangannya kepada wajah mereka yang cemas (p. 376) God is mysterious (p. 378) Tuhan memang penuh misteri (p. 438) This is marvelous (p. 447) Ini sungguh luar biasa (p. 519) To wear a skirt one millimeter Memakai rok lebih panjang satu longer is scandalous (p. 515) mililiterlah yang memalukan (p. 597) From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme -ous is translated differently into word yang,
sungguh, penuh in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from a morpheme to a word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. n. Suffix -ive Morphemic Shifts No -ive (ST) Yang (TT) 1 She was sensitive and proud (p. Dia gadis yang peka dan punya harga 183) diri (p. 208) 2
The better to work at that dizzying Lebih leluasa menikmati bibir amazingly responsive mouth (p. menggairahkan yang responsif itu (p. 273) 313) From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme -ive is translated into word yang in Bahasa
Indonesia. It means that there is shift from a morpheme to a word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
o. Suffix edMorphemic Shifts Dengan (TT) No -ed (ST) Dengan ngeri 7 The gnarled Meggie finger plucked menatap tangan another sheet from a Bob yang mantap (p. 39) pigeonhole, dipped the pen in the Standish again, and rewrote the words as surely as the first time (p. 155) Starled, she 8 She scanned a Dengan took her terkejut Meggie yellowed sheet unwilling menjauhkan of the Sydney miuth away bibirnya dari Morning Herald (p. 194) from his to bibir Luke look at what untuk melihat lay under her apa gerangan hand (p. 289) yang berada dibawah tangannya (p. 332) Terrified, Dengan ngeri 9 The five bright Meggie Meggie heads haloed watched Bob’s menatap tangan against a puffily steady hands Bob yang clouded sky (p. (p. 37) mantap (p. 39) 33)
No -ed (ST) 1 Terrified, Meggie watched Bob’s steady hands (p. 37)
Surprised, she realized that keeping physically busy is the most effective blockade (p. 341)
Dengan heran ia menyadari bahwa menyibukkan diri adalah cara terampuh yang bisa dibangun manusia (p. 395)
Yang (TT) Jari yang bergonggolbonggol itu menarik sehelai kertas baru, mencelupkan pena kedalam botol tinta, dan menulis kembali kata-kata tadi tanpa ragu (p. 174) Fee melihat sekilas sehelai Koran Sydney Morning Herald yang menguning (p. 221)
Lima kepala berambut terang dengan latar belakang langit yang mendung (p. 36) Wahine Wahine straggled down terbentang each side of a memanjang di tar centered kedua sisi jalan utama yang road (p. 34) dilapisi aspal (p. 37)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Fee controlled, walked briskally down the platform (p. 445)
Dengan mantap Fee melangkah cepat di Peron (p. 517)
She stared up at the nun in suffocated fear (p. 39)
Ia menatap biarawati itu dengan kekuatan yang mencekik lehernya (p. 41)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or suffix -ed is translated differently into the word dengan (1-6) and yang (7-12) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. p. Suffix -ness No -ness (ST) 1 So grateful for his calmness and sympathy (p. 116) 2 You’ve always retained your sweetness (p. 328) 3 Thinking of her longing to be with them as selfishnes s (p. 390)
Morphemic Shifts Sikap (TT) No -ness (ST) Bersyukur 6 A blind streak of karena sikap stubbornness in tenang dan him wouldn’t let him back down simapati Pastor Ralph (p. 128) (p. 279)
Kau selalu berhasil mempertahanka n sikap manismu (p. 379) Menganggap kerinduan pada mereka sebagai sikap egois (p. 451)
Sifat, Rasa (TT) Sifat keras kepala buta dalam dirinya tak sudi mundur setapak pun (p. 321)
We took pushing neatness and tidiness into your head too (p. 489)
Sudah begitu keras upaya kami menjejalkan sifat rapi kekepalamu (p. 565)
It arrested the Pengalaman itu growth of menahan sifat softness and lembut dan manis sweetness in him dalam dirinya (p. (p. 504) 582)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Facetious ness doesn’t set the rigt mood (p. 466) Behind her mask of politeness, Meggie couldn’t get away from what Rain had told her (p. 570)
Sikap jenaka tidak membangun suasana yang tepat (p. 540)
The harrowing details of his loneliness and despair (p. 439)
Mendengar detaidetail mengerikan tentang rasa kesepian dan putus asanya (p. 510)
Dibalik topeng sikap sopan, Meggie tak mampu menghapus apa yang dikatakan Rain dari ingatanya (p. 660)
The loneliness Rasa kesepian itu would be well akan sepadan (p. worth it (p. 564) 653)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme -ness is translated differently into the word sikap (1-5), sifat (6-8) and rasas (9, 10) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from a morpheme to a word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. 4.1.3 Confixes are in-….-able, in-…-ible, un-…-able, un-….-ly, un-…-ed, mis-….-ed, ir-….-ible, dis-….-age, dis-…-ed, un-….-ing, non-…-ion, re-…-ed, In-…-ed, im-…-ly, im-…-al, and un-…-ant a. Confix in-…-able Morphemic Shifts No in-…-able (ST) 1 If she put her fingers in her mouth the taste was indescribable (p. 47) 2 That had faded too, was practically indecipherable (p. 436)
Tak (TT) Kalau ia memasukkan jari kemulut, rasa pahitnya tak terkatakan (p. 50) Di batu nisanya pun sudah memudar dan nyaris tak terbaca (p. 505)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix in-…-able is translated into the word tak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. b. Confix in-…-ible Morphemic Shifts No in- …ible (ST) 1 There was always a suffocated sense of waiting, an intangible shuddering and thumping that actually transmitted itself through the feet (p. 16) 2
Tak (TT) Sepanjang waktu, terasa penantian yang menyesakkan, getaran dan gejolak tak teraba yang merambat melalui kaki (p. 17)
Most of them were insensible (p. Mereka sudah terkapar tak sadarkan 364) diri (p. 423) I find that incredible (p. 508) Menurutku itu tak masuk akal (p. 588)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix in-…-ible is translated into the word tak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. c. Confix un-…-able
No 1
un-…-able (ST) But it was an uncomfortable
Morphemic Shifts Kurang (TT) No un- …-able Tak (TT) (ST) Namun, 4 All through the Sepanjang uapacaranya unspeakable perjalan tak
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
ceremony (p. 279)
sendiri terassa kurang nyaman (p. 321)
It made them uncontrollable (p. 527)
Ini membuat mereka tidak nyaman (p. 611)
The same sort of furtile, wasted, unavoidable pain (p. 588)
Rasa tak berdaya yang sama (p. 681)
eight months voyage to New South Wales he proved a stubborn, difficult prisoner, further endearing himself to his ship’s officers by refusing to die (p. 31) She was one of thosae people whose feelings are so intense they become unbearable, unlivable, and her lesson had been a harsh one (p. 140)
terkatakan selama delapan bulan menuju South Wales itu, tampak jelas bahwa ia napi yang keras kepala dan sulit diatur (p.33)
Fee termasuk salah satu dari sekian banyak orang yang memiliki perasaan begitu mendalam hingga tak tertahankan, sulit dijalani dan pelajaran yang ditariknya sangatlkah keras (p. 156) It was so Penampilan incongruously perempuan tua bridal, so yang mirip grossly pengantin itu unsuitable (p. begitu tak pantas (p. 178) 158)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix un-…-able is translated differently from each sentence into the word kurang (1) and tak or tidak (2-6) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
d. Confix un-…-ly
un-…-ly (ST)
Yes, upthere somewhere between the winking points to light so pure and unearthly (p. 166)
Morphemic Shifts Tak, Tanpa No un-…-ly (ST) (TT) Ya, dia ada nun 2 She turned jauh disana, then toward diantara kelapthe bed, her kelip bintang breathing yang begitu unconsciously murni sekaligus suspended (p. tak wajar 13) (p. 187)
Dengan (TT) Paddy sedang tertidur lelap, Fee menarik napas dengan lega (p. 31)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix un-…-ly is translated differently from each sentence into the word tak (1), and dengan (2) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. e. Confix un-…-ed Morphemic Shifts Tak, tidak, and tanpa (TT) No un-…-ed (ST) 1 The finely painted bone china face Wajah caytik boneka yang terbuat dari was beautiful, left unglazed to porselin itu dilukis dengan sangat halus give the delicately tinted skin a dan tidak diglasir agar lebih mirip natural matte texture (p. 14) dengan kulit alami (p. 14) 2 Not a tooth in his mouth or an inch Seluruh gigi dan kulitnya tak ada yang of his skin unscarred (p. 31) utuh (p. 34) 3 The normally incendiary remark Komentar yang biasanya bisa nmenbuat was permitted to pass Megie marah itu kali ini tidak unchallenged (p. 61) ditanggapi (p. 66) 4 But it was dying and coming back Namun rasanya seolah-olah mereka to life again, to have survived the mati dan bangkit kembali setelah atmospheric tantrum unscathed melewati murka alam tanpa terluka sedikitpun (p. 149) Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
And an answer came directed in a writing unexpected (p. 142) And he would listen totally unmoved save for a sick contempt (p. 148) Her thigs and that unnamed region at their top rammed (p. 274) She had become a withered, unwanted and unwelcome (p. 297)
7 8
Sometimes he brought people sitting beside him on his unsheltered leather seat (p. 97)
Unembarrassed, she watched him peel off his shirt (p. 102)
The leg in its polished black boot hooked round the saddle was unhooked (p. 111) But it had all come and gone in such tangled unrelated clumps and chains (p. 341) Prime Minister Curatin rode the swells of Churchillian wrath undismayed (p. 393) This quite unexpected reminder of home suddenly trigerred a wild elation in Patsy (p. 411)
15 16 17
She shrugged her shoulders, unimpressed (p. 461) Some things are better left undiscussed (p. 502) He’s lying in an unmarked grave somewhere!
Balasanpun tiba dengan tulisan tak dikenal (p. 159) Ia akan mendengarkan dan sama sekali tak terpengaruh kecuali merasa jijik (p. 166) Paha dan bagian tak bernama dibagian atasnya itu (p. 315) Meggie yang sekarang telah menjadi bayangan layu, tak diinginkan, tak diharapkan (p. 342) Adakaalanya ia membawa orang-orang yang menumpang keretanya dan duduk disampingnya dijok kulit tanpa naungan (p. 106) Tanpa rasa malu sedikitpun Mary Carson memperhatikan pria itu menanggalkan kemeja (p. 112) Kakinya yang dibalut sepatu bot hitam mengilat dan disangga pelananya tidak terkait disanggurdi (p. 123) Namun semua ini dating dan pergi begitu saja tanpa ada kaitanya satu sama lain (p. 395) Perdana menteri Curtain menentang kemarahan Churchill tanpa gentar (p. 454) Kejadian tak terduga yang semakin mengigatkannya pada kampong halamanya itu tiba-tiba memicu kegembiraan yang luar biasa dari dalam diri Patsy (p. 476) Ia hanya mengangkat bahu dan tak terkesan sedikitpun (p. 534) Beberapa hal tidak baik dibicarakan (p. 580) Dia sedang berbarin di kuburan tanpa nisanentah dimana (p. 637)
From the above table, it can be concluded that:
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
The English bound morpheme or confix un-…-ed is translated differently from each sentence into the word tak, tidak, and tanpa in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. f. Confix mis-…-ed Morphemic Shifts No mis-…-ed (ST) Salah (TT) 1 one mistimed or badly directed Salah memperhitungkan atau hack (p. 58) mengarahkan kapak satu kali saja (p. 63)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix mis-…-ed is translated into the word salah in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. g. Confix ir-…-ible Morphemic Shifts No ir-…-ible (ST) 1 Something in her little soul was old enough and woman enough to feel the irresistible, stinging joy of being needed (p. 63)
Tak (TT) Jiwanya yang belia itu sudah cukup dewasa dan sifat kewanitaanya cukup kuat untuk bisa merasakan suka cita tak tertahankan karena dibutuhkan (p. 68)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix ir-…-ible is translated into the word tak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. h. Confix dis-…-age Morphemic Shifts No dis-…-age (ST) Tanpa (TT) 1 Nothing is given without a Tak ada sesuatu pun yang diberikan disadvantage in it (p. 67) tanpa pengorbanan (p. 72)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix dis-…-age is translated into the word tanpa in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. i. Confix dis-…-ed Morphemic Shifts No dis- ….. -ed (ST) 1 Only when the last child had disappeared did sister Agatha break her rigid pose (p. 35) 2 She resented being so summarily dismissed (p. 80) 3 He still disliked his sister as much as he had back in his early childhood in Ireland (p. 118) 4 5 6
Meggie and the priest had long since disappered (p. 156) She also was disowned (p. 265) The very dispeleased priest making everyone feel he only through with it to save himself (p.
Tak and Tidak (TT) Baru setelah anak terakhir tak tampak lagi, suster Agatha mengubah sikap tubuhnya yang kaku (p. 38) Dia kesal karena pendapatnya tak digubris lagi (p. 86) Ia masih saja tidak menyukai kakaknya sama seperti dimasa kecilnua dulu ketika mereka masih tinggal di Irlandia (p. 130) Sementara itu Megie dan pastor sudah tak terlihat lagi (p. 175) Ia juga dibuang keluarganya dan tidak diakui lagi (p. 304) Perasaan tidak senang Pastor membuat semua orang merasa bahwa dai melaksanakannay hanya untuk
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
280) Disgruntled the most elite division in Australian military history (p. 409) She was completely disarmed (p. 535)
memnghindari rasa malu (p. 321) Merasa tidak puas, divisi paling elit dalam sejarah militer Australia (p. 474) Justin benar-benar tak berdaya (p. 620)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix dis-…-ed is translated into the word tak, tidak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. k. Confix un-…-ing
No un- … -ing (ST) 1
Even Ralph de Bricassart, could fail to see the unfolding rose (p. 155)
Away from Fee , her brothers, Luke, the unsparing, unthinking domination of her whole life (p. 340)
Morphemic Shifts Tidak, Tak No un- … -ing (ST) Bahkan 4 He would far seorang Ralph rather have de Bricassart been born sekalipun, ugly, totally unprepossessi Tidak melihat mawar yang ng (p. 478) sedang mulai mekar ini (p. 174) Jauh dari Fee 5 British justice saudaraof the time saudaranya, was grim and Luke dan tanpa unflinching dominasi (p. 30) membabi buta yang tak kenal ampun atas seluruh kehidupannya
Tanpa (TT) Sang adik lebih suka seandainya terlahir dengan wajah buruk dan sama sekali tak menawan (p. 553)
Peradilan Inggris pada masa itu cukup tegas dan tanpa komfromi (p. 33)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Unwilling to push him to quickly (p. 446)
itu (p. 394) Ia tak mau terlalu memaksa (p. 518)
Unfailing support that I so dispose of my assets (p. 172)
Dukungan tanpa henti yang diberikannya sehingga saya menyerahkan asset-aset saya kepadanya (p. 195)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix un-…-ing is translated differently from each sentence into the word tidak, tak (1, 2, 3, 4), tanpa (5, 6) in Bahasa Indonesia.. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. i. Confix non-…-ion Morphemic Shifts No non-…-ion (ST) Tak (TT) 1 The last things that go, finally Organ-organ tubuh yang terakhir cooked to the point nof setelah terpanggang sampai tak nonfunction (p. 219) berfungsi (p. 250)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix non-…-ion is translated into the word tak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
f. Confix re-…-ed Morphemic Shifts No re-…-ed (ST) Kembali, Lagi (TT) 1 He pointed his riffle at the sky, Stuart mengarahkan senapannya fired a shot, reloaded, fireed s kelangit, melepaskan tembakan, second shot, reloaded, let off the mengisinya kembali, melepaskan third (p. 229) tembakan kedua, mengisi kembali, dan melepaskan tembakan ketiga (p. 261) 2 The water tanks during the lire Air yang telah dipompa dari tangkwas replaced by the heavy rain tangki air telah terisi kembali lewat that followed hard on it (p. 250) curah hujan lebatb yang langsung turun diatas kebakaran itu (p. 286) 3 He retrieved it (p. 346) Pria itu memungut botol itu kembali (p. 401) 4 Archbishop Ralph started to laugh, Uskup Agung Ralph tertawa, lalu then got up and refilled the glasses bangkit berdiri dan mengisigelas-gelas (p. 408) itu kembali (p. 472) 5 The wavelets ran up rushing and Riak-riak ombak kecil berkejaran dan retreated (p. 543) surut kembali (p. 629) 6 Why he had reentered her life nine Untuk apa ia masuk lagi monts ago? (p. 577) kekehidupannya sembilan bulan yang lalu (p. 668)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix re-…-ed is translated into the word kembali, lagi in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. g. Confix in-…-ed Morphemic Shifts No in-…-ed (ST) Tak (TT) 1 We’d all be equally inexperienced Kita semua sama-sama tak punya (p. 385) pengalaman (p. 446) Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix in-…-ed is translated into the word tak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. h. Confix im-…-ly Morphemic Shifts No im-…-ly (ST) Tak (TT) 1 Jims propmpted impatiently (p. Jims tak sabar (p. 477) 412)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix im-…-ly is translated into the word tak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. i. Confix im-…-al Morphemic Shifts No im-…-al (ST) Tak (TT) 1 You are so impractical (p. 454) Kau ini begitu tak praktis (p. 527)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix im-…-al is translated into the word tak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. i. Confix un-…-ant Morphemic Shifts No un-…-ant (ST) Tidak (TT) 1 How to make it seem unimportant Bagaimana caranya agar hal ini tampak (p. 501) tidak penting (p. 579)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix un-…-ant is translated into the word tidak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. 4.2 Shifts from morpheme to Phrase Shifts from morpheme to phrase is shifts from morpheme level in Source Text (ST) into phrase level in Target Text (TT) in which the meaning still correspondent. Shifts from morpheme to word occur in prefixes and suffixes. 4.2.1 Prefixes are dis-, un-, mis-, ina. Prefix disMorphemic Shifts No dis- (ST) tak pernah bisa (TT) 1 It never quite disappear (p. 295) Bau yang satu ini tak pernah bisa hilang sepenuhnya (p. 339)
From the above table, it can be concluded that:
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
The English bound morpheme or confix dis- is translated into the phrase tak pernah bisa in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. b. Prefix unMorphemic Shifts Yang Belum, Yang Tak or Tidak (TT) No un- (ST) 1 It would be a constant flurry of Mereka senantiasa sibuk mengatur arus excahanging mobs, unshorn for domba yang belum dicukur shorn (p. 106) menggantikan tempat yang sudah dicukur (p. 117) 2 As if there is an unconscious Sepertinya telah terjadi proses healing process which mends us kesembuhan batin yang tak disadari (p. 127) (p. 142) 3 It was a hidden, unspoken thing Ini adalah sesuatu yang tersembunyi between them something to buffer diantara mereka yang tidak diucapkan, their loneliness (p. 128) sesuatu untuk menahan rasa kesepian merelka (p. 142) 4 There were the finest wool sheep Ini adalah bulu domba atau wol terbaik in the world, raised on a scale diseluruh dunai, yang dipelihara dalam unheard of in any other country (p. jumlah yang tak tersaingi dinegara 140) manapun (p. 157) 5 Then have to marry her one day to Kemudian terpaksa memberkati some unknown man (p. 179) pernikahanya dengan yang tak dikenalnya (p. 203) 6 Often killing an unwary dog (p. Tak jarang bahkan membunuh anjing 205) yang tidak waspada (p. 205) 7 Luke helped Meggie across the Luke membantunyas melewati tanah uneven ground (p. 262) yang tidak rata (p. 300) 8 I’ m a very unhappy woman (p. Aku sebenarnya wanita yang sangat 422) tidak bahagia (p. 488)
From the above table, it can be concluded that:
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
The English bound morpheme or confix un- is translated differently from each sentence into the phrase yang belum, yang tak, yang tidak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. c. Prefix misMorphemic Shifts No mis- (ST) Yang Salah No mis- (ST) (TT) 1 She, poor Meggie insan 2 Their peculiar misunderstood malang yang British creature (p. salah dipahami mistrust of 353) (p. 409) demonstrative ness (p. 386)
Yang tidak(TT) Kebiasaan orang Inggris yang tidak suka menampakkan perasaan (p. 447)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix mis- is translated differently from each sentence into the phrase yang salah and yang tidak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. d. Prefix in-
Morphemic Shifts Yang Tak, No in- (ST) Sikap Tak, Tidak bisa Tidak Mampu (TT) (ST) The Tuduhan Meg 3 The perfidies Penghiantan dan sikap injustice yang tak adil and tak tahu terima kasih of her itu sungguh ingratitude of kaum wanita (p. 425) accusation mengaggetkan women (p. s appaled nya (p. 425) 367) him (p. in- (ST)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
366) As for Meggie, she was incapable of equating Teresa’s beaming, portly little mother with her own slender unsmiling mother (p. 47)
Mengenai Meggie sendiri ia tidak bisa menyamakan ibu Teresa yang gemuk pendek dan berseri-seri itu dengan ibunya sendiri yang langsing dan tak pernah tersenyum (p. 51)
Idiots, incapable of understanding even the rudiments of survival (p. 371)
Bodoh, bahkan tidak mampu memahami halhal mendasar untuk bertahan hidup (p. 431)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix in- is translated differently from each sentence into the phrase yang tak, tidak bisa, sikap tak, and tidak mampu in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. 4.2.2 Suffixes are -less, -est, -ant, -ous, -er, and -ful a. Suffix -less No -less(ST)
Tak Pernah, Tak Mampu, Tak Tahu (TT)
No -less (ST)
Yang Tak, Tidak, Tidak Bisa, Tak Punya (TT)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Rob masih hidup, ia tak pernah punya anak sendiri, dan bertahun lamanya runmah induk ini tak pernah dihuni anakanak (p 232) She was Meggie nayaris speechless tak mampu first from bicara (p. 300) terror (p. 262)
The Persian carpets and the spindly priceless furniture (p. 95)
Permadani Persia serta perabotan langsing yang tak ternilai (p. 104)
Mereka telah tiba di Pyrmont, nama kota yang tak berarti, pada suaqtu pagi dimusim dingin di akhir Agustus 1921 (p. 89)
Powerless to Tak mampu call a halt (p. berhenti, dan nyaris gila (p. 273) 313)
They had come Pyrmont, a meaningless name, on a foggy winter morning at the end of August, 1921 (p. 83) Her eyes going from her brother to her father in helpless (p. 119)
Meggie, That is what you were. Shameless! (p. 420) Its state governments virtually powerless (p. 425)
The fencer, a drifter like all his breed, had been pulled from the endless task of stringing taut wire between posts in the
Tukang reperasi pagar, pengembara seperti nenek moyangnya dialihkan dari tugas memasang kawat pagar yang tak ada habisnya itu untuk
Rob had been alive, and for years the big house had been childless (p. 204)
Meggie kau benar-benar tak tahu malu (p. 486)
Pemerintah 11 negaranya nyaris tak punya kuasa (p. 492)
Pandanganya berpindah-pindah dari kakak ke ayahnya dengan kesedihan yang tak terkatakan (p. 132) Gear was a Sikap sok aksi useless yang tak berguna affection (p. (p. 432) 373)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Their friendship was useless (p. 575)
Hubungan 12 persahabatan mereka tak ada gunanya (p. 666)
paddocks to repair the homestead’s white pickets for the party (p. 155) But after a long think about her husbandless, friendless, situation he decided she would be better off with Luddie and Anne (p. 318)
mewmperbaiki tiang pagar putih wisma sebagai persiapan pesta mendatang (p. 175) Namun setelah mempertimbangk an keadaannya yang tidak bisa didampingi suami dan sahabat, ia memutuskan bahwa sebaiknya Meggie tetap tinggal dengan Luddie and Anne (p. 368)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme -less is translated into the phrase tak pernah (1), tak mampu (2, 3), tak tahu (4), tak punya (5), tak ada (6), yang tak (7-10), and yang tidak ada (11) and yang tak bisa (12) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. b. Suffix -est Morphemic Shifts No -st (ST) Yang Paling (TT) 1 Frank was not on a block; he was Frank tidak sedang bekerja ditanggul. working on a massive eucalyptus Ia sibuk membelah sebatnag kayu log and undercutting it to get it eucalyptus utuh dan memotong bagian small enough to place in the pangkalnya supaya dapat ditempatkan slowest, widest stump (p. 58) ditunggul yang paling pendek dan lebar (p. 62) Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme -est is translated into the phrase yang paling in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. c. Suffix -ant Morphemic Shifts No -ant (ST) Tidak Tahu (TT) 1 Meggie was ignorant even of the Meggie bahkan sama sekali tidak tahu meaning of a phrase as hackneyed apapun tentang arti kalimat usang as the facts of life (p. 144) seperti misalnya fakta hidup (p. 161)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme -ant is translated into the phrase tidak tahu in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. d. Suffix -ous Morphemic Shifts No -ous (ST) Yang Takkan (TT) 1 The sort who could become Dia bukanlah sosok yang takkan anonymous in a crowd (p. 350) dikenali ditengah kerumunan orang (p. 405)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme -ous is translated into the phrase yang takkan in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. e. Suffix -er Morphemic Shifts No -er (ST) Yang Lebih (TT) 1 Notice anything farther away than Bisa melihat apapun yang lebih jauh their feet beer glasses (p. 364) daripada gelas bir mereka (p.423)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme -er is translated into the phrase yang lebih in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. f. Suffix -ful Morphemic Shifts No -er (ST) Yang Penuh (TT) 1 It couldn’t fail to be powerful Perpaduan ini pasti akan mengahsilkan human soup (p. 375) sup manusiawi yang penuh daya (p. 434)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme -er is translated into the phrase yang penuh in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
4.2.3 Confixes are dis-…ate, im-….-able, im-…-ed, im-…-ly, in-…-able, in-….-ible, in-…-ence, un-…-ing, un-…..-able, un-….ed, non-…-ent, im-…-al, dis-…-age, dis…-ed, un-…-al, in-…-ate, re-…-ing, and un-…-ness a. Confix dis-…ate Morphemic Shifts No dis-…-ate (ST) Sikap tidak (TT) 1 He must have hurt deeply when he Pastor Ralph pasti telah sangat held up her precious dreams to menyakiti hatinya pada saat menelaah dispassionate inspection (p. 183) mimpi-mimpi indahnya dengan sikap tidak memihak (p. 208)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix di-…ate is translated into the phrase dengan sikap tidak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. b. Confix im-…-able
im-…-able (ST)
Meggie had heard the boys whispering that she stood in as much awe of Daddy as they did, but if that was true she hidit under a veneer of
Morphemic Shifts Tak Dapat, No im-… able Tanpa ada (ST) (TT) Meggie pernah 3 Difficult to mendengar say why, kakak-kakaknya except that the berbisik bahwa Amstrongs ibu mereka were old menaruh pioneering hormat stock of terhadap impeccable suaminya, sama Church of
Yang tak (TT)
Memang sulit dijelaskan mengapa, kecuali bahwa keluarga Amstrong sudah sejak lama berasal dari keturunan
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
impenetrable, besarnya slightly dour calm dengan mereka (p. 20) sendiri seandainnya pun hal ini benar wanita itu tel;ah menyembunyika n perasaanya dibawah sikap tenang yang tak dapat ditembus dan agak keras (p. 21) Your taste is Seleramu impeccable (p. benar-benar 433) tanpa ada cela (p. 503)
England jemaat Church extraction (p. of England yang tak tercela 30) (p. 32)
She raised hunted eyes and saw that he was smiling; an immeasurable contentment filled her soul at once (p. 149)
Meggie mengangkat matanya yang ketakutan itu dan melihat bahwa sang pastor tersenyum; rasa lega yang tak terkatakan langsung memenuhi kalbunya (p. 166)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix im-…-able is translated differently from each sentence into the phrase tak dapat (1) and yang tak (2) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
c. Confix im-…-ed
im- … -ed (ST)
Paddy, Bob, Fee, Bob, Jack, were immobilized behind starched shirt fronts (p. 156)
Morphemic Shifts Tak bisa (TT) No im- … -ed (ST) Paddy, Bob, 2 Even at dan Jack lunchtime she nyaris tak bisa had to eat, bergerak walk around dalam kemeja and play merkea yang games with kaku (p. 176) her left side firmly immobilized (p. 46)
Tak dapat (TT) Bahkan pada jam istirahat pun, ia terpaksa makan, berjalan dan bermain dengan lengan kiri yang tak dapat digerakkan (p. 50)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix im-…-ed is translated differently from each sentence into the phrase tak bisa (1) and tak dapat (2) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. d. Confix im-…-ly Morphemic Shifts No im-…-ly (ST) Dengan tak (TT) 1 So Meggie squatted down behind Meggie lalu berjongkok di balik semak the gorse bush next to the front gate gorse dekat pintu pagar depan dan and tugged impatiently (p. 13) menarik-narik kertas pembungkus dengan tak sabar (p. 13)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix im-…-ly is translated into the phrase dengan tak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. e. Confix in-…-able
No in- … able (ST)
The sole smell the fragnant, indefinable scent of the bush (p. 262) Yielding to the inevitable, he dug into his pocket for the required coins and approached the open flap of the marquee (p. 114) This was inarguable (p. 418)
Morphemic Shifts Yang Sulit, Tak No Mampu, Tak bisa (TT) Yang tercium 4 hanyalah aroma semaksemak yang sulit dijabarkan (p. 301) Karena tak mampu 5 menghindar lagi, ia merioggoh saku dan mengeluarkan koin lalu menghampiri tenda pertunjukkan sambil gelisah (p. 127) Yang satu ini 6 memang tak bisa dibantah (p. 484)
in-…able (ST)
Yang Tak, Tak Dapat (TT)
Insufferable Kecongkakan conceit (p. yang tak 164) tertahankan (p. 185) Perhaps it Boleh jadi ini was memang tak inevitable dapat (p. 128) dihindari (p. 142)
To die so is Mati dengan indescribabl cara seperti ini e (p. 219) benar-benar tak dapat terlukiskan (p. 250)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix in-…-able is translated differently from each sentence into the phrase yang sulit (1), tak mampu (2), tak bisa (3), yang tak (4) and tak dapat (5, 6) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. f. Confix in-…-ible Morphemic Shifts No in-…-ible (ST) Yang Tak (TT) 1 It was took dark to see her, and the Suasana terlampau gelap untuk bisa invisible substance of her melihat gadis cilik itu, dan rasa sympathy undid him (p. 63) simpatinya yang tak tampak meluruhkan hati Frank (p. 68) 2
His God and his church which to Tuhan dan gerejannya hal-hal yang him were indivisible (p. 313) tidak dapat dibagi-baginya (p. 361)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix in-…-ible is translated into the phrase yang tak or yang tidak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. g. Confix in-…-ence Morphemic Shifts No in-…-ence (ST) Tak ada (TT) 1 It is a matter of complete Bagiku sama sekali tak ada bedanya indifference to me which one of siapa dari antara kalian yang you was responsible bertanggung jawab (p. 39) (p. 37)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix in-…-ence is translated into the phrase tak ada in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. h. Confix un-…-ing
No 1
un-…-ing (ST) His father was the black sheep of a prosperous but unforgiving Irish family (p. 265)
Away from Fee, her brothers, Luke, the unsparing, unthinking domination of her whole life (p. 340)
Morphemic Shifts Tidak mau and No un-…-ing Yang tak (TT) (ST) Ayahnya dianggap 3 As for Meggie, kambing hitam she was dalam keluarga incapable of Irlandia yang kaya equating raya tetapi tidak Teresa’s mau mengampuni beaming, portly little (p. 304) mother with her own slender unsmiling mother (p. 47)
Jauh dari Fee saudarasaudaranya, Luke dan tanpa dominasi membabi buta yang tak kenal ampun atas seluruh kehidupannya itu (p. 394)
Tak pernah (TT) Mengenai Meggie sendiri ia tidak bisa menyamakan ibu Teresa yang gemuk pendek dan berseri-seri itu dengan ibunya sendiri yang langsing dan tak pernah tersenyum (p. 51) Your taste is Seleramu impeccable benar-benar and unerring tanpa ada cela dan tak (p. 433) pernah salah (p. 503)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix un-…-ing is translated differently from each sentence into the phrase tidak mau (1) yang tak (2), and tak pernah (3, 4) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. i. Confix un-…-able
un…-able (ST)
His hands plucked at his mouth as if to tear out the tongue which had uttered the unutterable (p. 119)
Too many thoughts, too many emotions, all of them ungovernable (p. 179) Unbearable to say yes (p. 526)
Morphemic Shifts Tidak Boleh, Tak No un-…-ed Dapat, (ST) Tak Sanggup, (TT) Kedua tangannya 4 It’s a part of menarik-narik God’s great mulutnya seakan unfathomable hendak plan; think of merengutkan it like that (p. lidah yang telah 120) mengucapkan hal yang seharusnya tidak boleh diucapkan itu (p. 132) Terlampau 5 Luke not a banyak pikiran, bad man or terlampua even an banyak emosi, unlikable one (p. 329) dan semuanya tak dapat dicegah (p. 203) an Tak sanggup 6 What berkata ya (p. unforgivable 609) idiot you are into the bargain! (p. 366)
Yang Tak (TT)
Ini adalah bagian dari rencana agung Tuhan yang tak terselami (p. 133)
Luke bukan orang jahat atau bahkan orang yang tak menyenangkan (p. 380) Kau juga idiot yang tak ketolongan (p. 425)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix im-…..-able is translated differently from each sentence into the phrase tak boleh (1), tak dapat (2) tak sanggup (3) and Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
yang tak (4-6) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. j. Confix un-….-ed
un…-ed (ST)
Then he went out to the shed and fetched in an unopened five gallon can of Kerosene (p. 51) For his own private and unquestioned use (p. 173)
Stilled, absolute silence, breaking like waves on distented eardrums; unbearable silence (p. 394) Watched him with undisguished appreciation
Morphemic Shifts Yang belum/ No un-…-ed (ST) Yang Tidak perlu (TT) Setelah itu ia 5 The pergi kegudang overwhelming mengambil impression was sekaleng minyak one of tanah yang uncontrolled (p. belum dibuka 284) (p. 55)
Tanpa sempat, Yang Tak/ Tidak (TT) Kesan yang terasa adalah pertumbuhan tanaman yang tak terkendali (p. 326)
Bagi keperluan pribadi dan lain hal yang tidak perlu dipertanyakan (p. 196)
Karena menahan berat badan Luke dan posisi yang tidak biasa baginya itu (p. 330)
Keheningan yang mencekam, bergelombang menghantam gendang telinga yang gembung, benar-benar kesunyian yang tak tertahankan (p. 456) Sambil mengamati pemuda itu dengan
Her groin muscles went into crampy spasm from the weight of him and the unaccustomed posture (p. 287) An insane and unfounded accusation (p. 419)
The bright bird brought home with the sky unplumbed,
Ia merasa begitu malu, bagaikan burung yang dibawa pulang
Tuduhan gila yang tak berdasar itu (p. 485)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
(p. 481)
kekaguman yang tak ditutuptutupi (p. 522)
wings clipped, song drowned into silence (p. 62)
tanpa sempat menjelajahilangit dengan sayap terpotong dan kicau yang dibungkam (p. 68)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix un-…-ed is translated differently from each sentence into the phrase yang belum (1), yang tidak perlu (2), yang tidak/tak (3-7) and tanpa sempat (8) in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. k. Confix non-….-ent Morphemic Shifts No un-…-ent (ST) Tak terdapat (TT) 1 Darwin was a frontier town; Darwis merupakan kota didaerah women were almost nonexistent perbatasan, Ditempat itu nyaris tak (p. 211) terdapat kaum wanita (p. 240) From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix non-…-ent is translated into the phrase tak terdapat in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
l. Confix im-…-al Morphemic Shifts No im-…-al (ST) Yang tidak (TT) 1 Sebelum itu, kesendirian adalah Before his loneliness had been an sesuatu yang tidak berkaitan impersonal thing (p. 215) dengan dirinya (p. 244)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix im-…-al is translated into the phrase yang tidak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. m. Confix dis-…-age Morphemic Shifts No dis-…-age (ST) Yang tak (TT) 1 Put her at a disadvantage (p. 109) Menempatkannya pada posisi yang tak menguntungkan (p. 120)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix dis-…-age is translated into the phrase yang tak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. n. Confix dis-…-ed Morphemic Shifts No dis-…-ed (ST) Yang Tidak (TT) 1 Visitors or discontented stockmen Para pengunjung atau pengurus ternak Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
or maids or rousebouts ver pelayan atau pekerja baru yang tidak occasionally a governess (p. 97) puas (p. 106)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix dis-…-ed is translated into the phrase yang tidak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. o. Confix un-…-al Morphemic Shifts No un-…-al (ST) Yang tidak (TT) 1 Man must be an unnatural Manusialah yang harus menjadi predator (p. 374) predator yang tidak alami (p. 433)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix un-…-al is translated into the phrase yang tidak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. p. Confix in-…-ate Morphemic Shifts No in-…-ate(ST) Yang tak (TT) 1 Jims on behalf of himself and the Jims atas nama diri sendiri dan Patsy inarticulate Patsy (p. 384) yang tak fasih bicara itu (p. 444)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
The English bound morpheme or confix in-…-ate is translated into the phrase yang tak in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. q. Confix re-…-ing Morphemic Shifts No re-…-ing (ST) Sambil kembali (TT) 1 Bob rearranging his hat to shade Bob sambil kembali menutupi mata his eyes (p. 387) dengan topinya (p. 448)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix re-…-ing is translated into the phrase sambil kembali in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. r. Confix un-…-ness Morphemic Shifts No un-…-ness (ST) Yang mungkin kurang (TT) 1 As if to soften any unkindness in Seakan hendak memperlembut kataher words (p. 507) katanya yang mungkin kurang ramah (p. 585)
From the above table, it can be concluded that: The English bound morpheme or confix un-…-ness is translated into the phrase yang mungkin kurang ramah in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there is shift from
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
morpheme to phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. 4.3 Others (No Shifts) 4.3.1 Prefix to affixes a. Prefix to Prefix No 1 2
Prefix to Prefix ST (English) Page asleep 31 unlike 144
Page 28 129
TT (Bahasa Indonesia) tertidur berbeda
4.3.2 Suffix to affixes a. Suffix to Prefix Suffix to Prefix No Page 1 32 2 38 3 43 4 50 5 73 6 91
(ST) Eating Beaten Happened lousy Widowhood artist
Page 34 41 47 54 78 99
(TT) Memakan Dipukul Terjadi Berkutu Menjanda Pelukis
b. Suffix to Suffix Suffix to Suffix No Page 1 18 2 31 3 34 4 41 5 41 6 83 7 83
(ST) Easily skinny Socks Painful Kisses Driver Streets
Page 19 34 36 43 44 89 90
(TT) Lembutnya Tubuhnya Kausnya Tangisan Kecupan Sopirnya Jalanan
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
b. Suffix to Confix Suffix to Confix No Page 1 19 2 30 3 31 4 31 5 47 6 47 7 47 8 62 9 73
(ST) Horrible Slavery Defiance Bitterness Peaceful Isolation Tenderness Rapidity Connection
Page 20 33 34 34 78 85 85 90 90
(TT) Mengerikan Perbudakkan Pertahanan Kegetiran Kedamaian Kesendirian Kelembutan Kesibukkan Perhubungan
4.3.3 Confix to affixes a. Confix to Confix Confix to confix No Page 1 73
(ST) Imperfection
Page 78
(TT) Ketidaksempurnaan
4.4 The Frequency of Morphemic Shifts from Morpheme to Word and Morpheme to Phrase No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Source Text (ST) Morpheme Unit Page 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Target Text (TT) Word Unit
Phrase Unit
Page 13, 14 14, 20 16 16, 17 18
Total 3 2 1 3 1
Page 13
Total 1
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
25 25
1 1
28 28
1 1
33 33, 34
1 3
36 37 38
1 2 1
39, 40
41, 42
48 48 49 50, 51
1 1 1 2
60, 61
63 63, 64
1 2
50 51
1 2
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101
66 67 68
1 1 1
72 73 73, 74
1 1 2
83 82 84
1 1 1
86, 87 87
2 2
92 93
1 1
98 100
1 1
101 103 104
1 1 1
68 68
1 1
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142
124, 125
140 141
1 1
156 156
1 2
132 133
2 1
142 142
1 1
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171
143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183
162 163
1 1
168 169
1 2
173 174 175 177 178
1 4 1 3 1
187 187
1 2
190 191
2 1
175 176
1 1
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212
184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224
219 220 221
1 1 1
226 227
2 1
235 237
232 233
1 1
1 1
242 243
1 1
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213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253
225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265
260 261
1 2
286 286 287
1 2 1
300, 302
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254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294
266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306
305, 306
307, 308
319 321 321
1 1 1
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295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335
307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347
382, 383
383, 384
394 395
1 2
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376
348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388
421 422, 423 423
1 2 1
432 433 434
1 1 1
446 448
1 1
445, 446
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417
389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429
451 452 454 454
1 1 1 1
458 459
1 1
468 469
1 1
471 472 474
1 1 1
476 477
2 1
484 485 485
1 1 1
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458
430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470
509 510
1 1
517 518 519 520
1 1 1 1
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 171 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499
171 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511
547 548
2 1
579 580
1 1
586 588 589
1 1 1
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 521 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539
512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 521 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551
600, 601 602
2 1
608, 609
2 609
611 612
1 1
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579
552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 Total
1 666
681 684
2 2
244 (77 %)
73 (23%)
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Note: In short, the frequency of all Morphemic Shifts occur in the ranslated novel: a. The percentage of Morphemic Shifts from morpheme to word is: N = 244 x 100% = 77 % 317 b. The percentage of Morphemic Shifts from morpheme to phrase is: N = 73 x 100% 317
= 23 %
Morphemic Shifts
From Morpheme to Word
77 %
From Word to Phrase
23 %
100 %
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
5.1 Conclusions After analyzing the data from the novel of Colleen Mc Cullough The Thorn Birds and its translation Burung-Burung Semak Berduri by Lanny Murtihardjana, I conclude some descriptions as follows: Firstly, the best translation is the translation which uses the natural language forms of the receptor language, communicates as much as possible to the receptor language speakers and has the same meaning that is understood with the speakers of the source language. Besides, it also must maintain the dynamics of the original source language text. Maintaining the “dynamics” of the original source text means that translation is presented in such a way that it will hopefully, evoke the same response as the source text attempted to evoke. Secondly, to find the same equivalent and the exact structure (form) between the two different of language systems is the difficult thing in translation. Therefore, a translator should be able to do adjustments either in meaning or structure to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. One of the possible ways is by making shifts. As Catford (1965:80) says “Shift is needed to produce natural translation and establish translation equivalence between SL and TL. Thirdly, after I analyze the morphemic shifts from the novel of Collen Mc Cullough The Thorn Birds into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
Murtihardjana, it can be concluded that there are 244 morphemic shifts from morpheme to word level with (77 %) and 73 morphemic shifts from morpheme to phrase level with (23 %). From the analysis of the data, it can be seen that the morphemic shifts from morpheme to word is in the total of (77 %). Then the morphemic shifts from morpheme to phrase is in the total of (23 %). 5.2 Suggestions The suggestions to the readers especially the students of English Department are to learn and analyze translation as deeply as possible because it is very important in every science fields that uses English.
Juliana : Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana, 2010.
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