MANAJEMEN STRATEGI (Sessi 5) TI-021 Rudy Wawolumaja
STRATEGI BERSAING PADA TINGKAT BISNIS 1. Kepemimpinan biaya (cost leadership) 2. Diferensiasi 3. Fokus: Focused cost leadership Focused differentiation
Generic Business Level Strategies Sumber Keunggulan Kompetitif
Luas Cakupan Kompetisi
Target Pasar Luas
Target Pasar Sempit
Cost Diferensiasi Leadership
Biaya Rendah yang Terfokus
Diferensia si yang Terfokus 4
Strategi dan Competitive Advantage 1.
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE terjadi bila strategi perusahaan berhasil untuk : 1. Bertahan terhadap kekuatan persaingan (competitive forces) dan 2. Mempertahankan pelanggan Meyakinkan pelanggan bahwa produk yg diberikan mempunyai SUPERIOR VALUE 1. Menawarkan pelanggan dengan produk yang memiliki lower price 2. Menawarkan differentiation yaitu better product dimana pembeli bersedia membeli dengan harga tinggi.
Apakah Competitive Strategy? •
Terdiri dari pendekatan bisnis untuk – Menarik pelanggan / Attract customers – Menahan /Withstand competitive pressures – Memperkuat/Strengthen market position Termasuk langkah/tindakan offensive dan defensive – Counter actions of key rivals – Shift resources to improve long-term market position – Respond utk memenangkan market
Tujuan Competitive Strategy 1.
Mengalahkan pesaing , secara etis dan terhormat
A Low-Cost Leadership Strategy Tujuan 1.
Mendapatkan keunggulan biaya yang langgeng terhadap pesaing, sehingga 1. Menjual lebih murah dan mendapat keuntungan meraih pangsa pasar ATAU 2. Mendapatkan profit margin lebih tinggi dengan menjual dgn harga yg berlaku sekarang
Low-Cost Leadership Keysto to Success Success Keys • •
Mencapai low-cost relative thdp pesaing sbg THEMA business strategy perusahaan Melakukan penghematan biaya setiap saat dari tahun ke tahun.
Low-cost leadership berarti Low-cost leadership means low BIAYA OVERALL OVERALL costs, not just low lebih rendah, tidak biayacosts! rendah manufacturing or hanya production di manufacturing atau produksi !
Cost Leadership Strategi PadaTingkat Bisnis
Kriteria Kunci: Produk yang terstandarisasi secara relatif Features yang dapat diterima oleh banyak pelanggan Harga kompetitif terendah Sumber: Lecture Note Dr. Mudradjad Kuncoro
Approaches to Securing a Cost Advantage Approach 1 Do a better job than rivals of performing value chain activities efficiently and cost effectively Approach 2 Revamp value chain to bypass some cost-producing activities
Control costs! By-pass costs!
Approach 1: Controlling the Cost Drivers 1.
Capture scale economies; avoid scale diseconomies
Capture learning and experience curve effects
Manage costs of key resource inputs
Consider linkages with other activities in value chain
Find sharing opportunities with other business units
Compare vertical integration vs. outsourcing
Assess first-mover advantages vs. disadvantages
Control percentage of capacity utilization
Make prudent strategic choices related to operations
Approach 2: Revamping the Value Chain 1.
2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
Simplify product design Offer basic, no-frills product/service Shift to a simpler, less capital-intensive, or more streamlined technological process Find ways to bypass use of high-cost raw materials Use direct-to-end user sales/marketing approaches Relocate facilities closer to suppliers or customers Reengineer core business processes---be creative in finding ways to eliminate value chain activities Use PC technology to delete works steps, modify processes, cut out cost-producing activities
Diferensiasi Strategi pada Tingkat Kriteria Kunci:
Nilai yang disediakan oleh features yang khas dan karakteristik nilai Command premium price Pelayanan pelanggan yang tinggi Kualitas super Gengsi atau ekslusifitas Inovasi yang sangat cepat Sumber: Lecture Note Dr. Mudradjad Kuncoro
Where to Find Differentiation Opportunities in the Value Chain Purchasing and procurement activities • Product R&D activities • Production R&D; technology-related activities • Manufacturing activities • Outbound logistics and distribution activities • Marketing, sales, and customer service activities •
Activities, Costs, & Margins of Suppliers
Internally Performed Activities, Costs, & Margins
Activities, Costs, & Margins of Forward Channel Allies & Strategic Partners
Buyer/User Value Chains
Diferensiasi Strategi Pada Tingkat Bisnis Persyaratan: Usaha konstan untuk membedakan produk dengan cara: - Mengembangkan sistem atau proses baru Membentuk persepsi lewat iklan
Fokus pada kualitas Kemampuan dalam R&D Memaksimalkan kontribusi SDM dengan turnover yang rendah dan motivasi yang tinggi
Where to Find Differentiation Opportunities in the Value Chain Purchasing and procurement activities • Product R&D activities • Production R&D; technology-related activities • Manufacturing activities • Outbound logistics and distribution activities • Marketing, sales, and customer service activities •
Activities, Costs, & Margins of Suppliers
Internally Performed Activities, Costs, & Margins
Activities, Costs, & Margins of Forward Channel Allies & Strategic Partners
Buyer/User Value Chains
Types of Differentiation Themes •
Unique taste -- Dr. Pepper
Special features -- America Online
Superior service -- FedEx, Ritz-Carlton
Spare parts availability -- Caterpillar
More for your money -- McDonald’s, Wal-Mart
Engineering design and performance -- Mercedes
Prestige -- Rolex
Quality manufacture -- Honda , Toyota
Technological leadership -- 3M Corporation, Intel
Top-of-the-line image -- Ralph Lauren, Chanel
Focus / Niche Strategies •
Involve concentrated attention on a narrow piece of the total market
Objective Serve niche buyers better than rivals
Keys to Success •
Choose a market niche where buyers have distinctive preferences, special requirements, or unique needs Develop unique capabilities to serve needs of target buyer segment
Focus / Niche Strategies and Competitive Advantage Approach 1 Achieve LOWER COSTS than rivals in serving the segment-A low-cost strategy
Approach 2 Offer niche buyers SOMETHING DIFFERENT from rivals-A differentiation strategy
Which hat is unique?
Examples of Focus Strategies •
Netscape –
Porsche –
Mountain bikes
Horizon and Comair - Commuter airlines –
Sports cars
Cannondale –
Software to browse World Wide Web
Link major airports with small cities
Jiffy Lube International –
Maintenance for motor vehicles
Dasar untuk Segmentasi Pelanggan Pasar Konsumen
1. Faktor demografis (usia, penghasilan, jenis kelamin) 2. Faktor Sosioekonomi (kelas sosial, tahapan dalam siklus kehidupan keluarga) 3. Faktor Geografis (budaya, perbedaan wilayah atau negara) 4. Faktor Psikologis (gaya hidup, kepribadian) 5. Pola Konsumsi (berat, moderat, dan pengguna ringan) 6. Faktor Persepsi (segmentasi manfaat, pemetaan persepsi) 7. Pola loyalitas merek
Dasar untuk Segmentasi Pelanggan Pasar Industri
1. Segmen guna akhir (identified by SIC code) 2. Segmen Produk (berdasar perbedaan teknologi atau ekonomi produksi) 3. Segmen Geografis (ditetapkan berdasar batas antar negara atau perbedaan regional dalam region) 4. Segmen faktor pembelian yang seragam (lintas produk/pasar dan segmen geografis)
5. Segmen ukuran pelanggan 23
What Makes a NicheAttractive for Focusing? •
Big enough to be profitable
Good growth potential
Not crucial to success of major competitors (making it unlikely they will compete hard in niche)
Focuser has resources to effectively serve segment
Focuser can defend against challengers via superior ability to serve buyers in segment and customer goodwill