Pengaruh Ekstrak Air Cincau Hitam (Mesona Palustris BL) terhadap Ekspresi Interferon Gama Dan Aktivasi Immunosurveillance serta Efek Sitotoksiknya pada Kultur Sel Mieloma Mencit
Oleh : Ketua : Ir. Tri Dewanti W. M.Kes. Anggota : Novita Wijayanti STP
Dibiayai Oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional, melalui DIPA Universitas Brawijaya berdasarkan SK Rektor Nomor: 039/SK/2010, tanggal 17 Februari 2010.
Universitas Brawijaya Nopember 2010
Potensi Cincau Hitam (Mesona palustris BL) Sebagai Bahan Pangan Fungsional yang bersifat Imunomodulator Tri Dewanti Widyaningsih *Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian FTP Universitas Brawijaya
[email protected] ABSTRACT Potential Black Cincau (Mesona palustris BL) As Functional Food Ingredients is Imunomodulator Black cincau (Mesona palustris BL) or Grass black jelly is a traditional Indonesian food that has been used as a folk medicine and is effective against heat-shock,hypertension,diabetes and muscle and joint pains. Extracts black cincau (Mesona palustris BL) component bioactive compounds containing phenols, tannins, and steroids. In relation to the immune system, polyphenol compounds have been shown to be as imunomodulator are effectively able to inhibit mitogen stimulated proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), Ig production, IL-2 and interferon gamma (IFN-4). The purpose of this research is to know the role of water extracts black cincau (Mesona palustris BL) as is the expression imunomodulator interferon gamma (IFN-4) and components of immunosurveillance NK cells, cytotoxic T cells (CD 8 +) and macrophages. The research in mice shows that water extracts black Cincau (Mesona palustris BL) concentrations of 0.1; 0.5 and 1.0 g / kg body weight can increase expression of interferon gamma (IFN-4) is meaningless. The higher concentration of water extract of black Cincau in mice given increasing levels of interferon gamma as well as NK cells, cytotoxic T cells (CD 8 +) and macrophages as evidenced by flowcytometry analysis. Body weight of mice during treatment with water extract of black cincau also showed a significant increase. Keywords: Water Extract Black Cincau (Mesona palustris BL), Interferon Gamma (IFN-4), immuno surveillance, NK cells, cytotoxic T cells (CD 8 +) and macrophages.
Tanaman cincau hitam (Mesona palustris BL) yang merupakan bahan baku gel cincau hitam, selain sebagai bahan pangan sudah lama dipercaya berkhasiat sebagai obat ”panas dalam” maupun penyakit lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pengaruh ekstrak air cincau hitam terhadap ekspressi/kadar Interferon gama dan aktifitas sel NK, Sel sitotoksik dan makrofag secara in vivo dan menentukan efek sitotoksiknya dengan kultur sel mieloma mencit secara in vitro. Tahapan penelitian dalam 2 tahun. Tahun 1 : Skrining fitokimia ekstrak cincau hitam dan Pengaruh Ekstrak Air Cincau Hitam (Mesona Palustris BL) terhadap Ekspresi Interferon Gama dan Aktivasi Immun surveillance dalam darah mencit yaitu peningkatan aktivitas sel Natural Killer, Sel T sitotoksik dan makrofag dengan metode flowcytometri. Tahun 2. Efek Sitotoksik ekstrak air cincau hitam pada kultur sel mieloma mencit. Hasil Penelitian tahun 1 : Hasil analisis pada ekstrak air cincau hitam (Mesona palustris BL) menunjukkan aktifitas antioksidan yang cukup tinggi 86,89 % dan total senyawa fenol17,33 %. Rendemen sebagai bubuk 16.18 %. Hasil analisis IFN-? dan komponen immune surveillance sel NK, sel CD8+ dan makrofag dari limfa mencit sehat yang diberi perlakuan ekstrak air cincau hitam mengalami kenaikan yang sangat signifikan pada dosis 0,1 dan terus meningkat pada dosis 0,5 dan 1,0 mg /kg BB bila dibandingkan dengan mencit yang tanpa diberi perlakuan ekstrak air cincau hitam. Ekstrak air cincau hitam dengan kandungan senyawa bioaktifnya terbukti bersifat imunomodulator karena berhasil meningkarkan IFN-? dan komponen immune surveillance sel NK, sel CD8+ sehingga status imun tubuh atau daya imun tubuh meningkat.
Black cincau (Mesona palustris BL) or Grass black jelly is a traditional Indonesian food that has been used as a folk medicine and is effective against heatshock, hypertension,diabetes and muscle and joint pains. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of water extract of black of cincau (Mesona palustris BL) expression of interferon gamma and NK cell activity, Cell cytotoxic and macrophages in vivo and determine the cytotoxic effects of mice with myeloma cell cultures in vitro. Stages of the study within 2 years. Year 1: Phytochemical screening of extracts of black cincau (Mesona palustris BL) and Effect of Water Extracts of Black Cincau (Mesona Palustris BL) against Interferon Gamma Expression and Activation of immune surveillance in the blood of mice is increased activity of Natural Killer cells, cytotoxic T cells and macrophages with flowcytometri method. Year 2. Cytotoxic effect of water extract of black grass jelly in mice myeloma cell culture. Result Year 1: The analysis of water extract of black Cincau (Mesona Palustris BL) showed a fairly high antioxidant activity of 86.89% and total compound fenol 17, 33%. Results of analysis of IFN-C and NK cell components of immune surveillance, CD8 + cells and macrophages from spleen of healthy mice treated with water extract of black Cincau (Mesona Palustris BL), the increase is highly significant at doses of 0.1 and continued to increase at doses of 0.5 and 1.0 mg / kg body weight when compared with treated mice without water extract of black cincau. The higher concentration of water extract of black Cincau in mice given increasing levels of interferon gamma as well as NK cells, cytotoxic T cells (CD 8 +) and macrophages as evidenced by flowcytometry analysis. Body weight of mice during treatment with water extract of black cincau also showed a significant increase.
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