ondersteund door
Situering De Indische NGO Village Reconstruction Organisation werd in 1971 opgericht door de Belgische jezuïet Michael Windey. Toen hij Gandhi ontmoette, en hem vroeg hoe hij zich in India nuttig kon maken, sprak Gandhi hem over het belang van de dorpsgemeenschap. Goede uitgebouwde, economisch en vooral ook sociaal gezonde dorpen vormden volgens hem een emancipatorische kracht voor de arme bevolking in de rurale gebieden, en een natuurlijke rem op de hopeloze trek naar de stad. Sindsdien richtte pater Windey’s VRO in India al zo’n vijfhonderd dorpen in, met nutsvoorzieningen als opleidings- en gezondheidscentra. De VRO-dorpelingen plantten al meer dan vijf miljoen bomen. VRO wordt vanuit verschillende Europese landen ondersteund. Het Belgische BIVRO zorgt daarbij vooral voor de financiering van de VRO-projecten in de deelstaat Odisha. Zo’n kleine veertig miljoen inwoners wonen hier op een oppervlakte van 155.707 km², ofwel vijf maal België. Het merendeel van de bevolking is hindoe. Het Odia, één van de 23 officiële talen van India, is er de voertaal (overheid, onderwijs ...). 85% leeft op het land. Odisha is binnen India de deelstaat met het hoogste percentage aan inwoners onder de armoedegrens. De meest recente cijfers spreken van 46,4%. Meer dan 20% van de bevolking van Odisha behoort tot de 'scheduled tribes' of Adivasis, een verzamelnaam voor de meer dan zeshonderd volkeren die als de oorspronkelijke bewoners van India beschouwd worden. De meesten spreken een eigen taal. 62 van die volkeren leven in Odisha. Daarnaast zijn er de ‘scheduled castes’ of Dalits, bij ons beter bekend als de onaanraakbaren. In Odisha zijn er 95 Dalit-groepen aanwezig, die er samen zo’n 15% van de bevolking uitmaken. Beide groepen leven voor het merendeel in armoede, in achtergestelde gebieden, en worden ook vandaag nog op allerlei wijzen gediscrimineerd. Het was precies op deze mensen dat pater Windey zijn aandacht wilde richten. Odisha is bestuurlijk onderverdeeld in dertig districten. Het in dit dossier beschreven project wordt uitgevoerd in het district Kendujhar, in het noorden van Odisha, waar de Adivasis in de meerderheid zijn. Dankzij VRO kwamen er in Kendujhar een nieuw dorp, en daarnaast ook twee programma’s voor naschoolse begeleiding van inheemse kinderen, drie vakscholen, twee gezondheidscentra, twee mini-dorpsontwikkelingsprogramma’s, een lagere school en een tehuis voor ouden van dagen. Dit dossier gaat over die lagere school, in het dorp Nanpur. De dorpskinderen kunnen er de drie eerste jaren school lopen vlak bij huis, waarna ze de overstap maken naar het onderwijs van de overheid.
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PROGRAM PROFILE FOR 2013-14 CHILDREN LEARNING CENTER (CLC) NANPUR (Non Residential) Region Name of the Site About Site
Program Title Stakeholder Rationale
Objectives Inputs
North Odisha Nanpur (Dalai sahi) Location: Nanpur Village, Balichandrapur post, Balichandrapur Gram Panchayath, Barchana block, Jajpur district, Odisha Land Details: 0.46 AC, VRO land. Infrastructure: Program runs in the 3 huts with straw thatched roof, and 1 tin sheet roof. One bore well supplies water; boundary fencing made by local bushes. Children learning Centre (CLC) 30 children (6 – 8 years)1st to 3rd Standard & Sewing and Designing skill for 15 girls and women in the age group of 17-35 yrs. The people are poor, illiterate and superstitious belonging to Scheduled Caste. They depend on daily wages and also catch fish to earn their livelihood. The women and children assist their family members in their work. Educational facilities are not available. As a result day by day their condition deteriorates. VRO has established this centre and providing service to the people. The focus of the centre is to bring the children to the main stream of the Society through education and also to impart literacy and skill trainee to adult women. A Children Learning Center provides educational support to children between the age group of (6 – 8 years). The main aim of the center is to help the child to develop holistically in a better environment i.e. both academic and other curricular activities like sports, debate, music, singing, etc. The proposed Program is non-residential CLC for boys and girls between the age group of 6 – 8 years. This CLC Program also includes mid-day meal. The Sewing & designing Course has been affiliated to USHA International sewing school, Ltd Cuttack and at the end of the course USHA conducts examination for the trainees and awards Certificates. The course duration is for 10 months. To enhance a holistic development of the child i.e. social, physical and intellectual development so as to fit in the mainstream of education system. Staffing: Site in-charge – 01, Tailoring Instructor– 01 & Cook(PT)-01 Material: Repairs of Sewing Machine -6, Tools-6nos, Scissor-6 Table-1 etc.Teaching aids, sports materials. Facility: One bore well, Three huts for running class, one zinc sheet hall for class, one toilet and site boundary fencing. Staff Training: The volunteer is given in-service training to improve her talent and skill. The volunteer will undergo training on program management, planning & evaluation, networking with government & other NGOs, Spoken English etc.
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To achieve the objective a series of activities will be carried out under the Program Creating awareness about education among the parents of the children and motivating them to send their children to CLC Lower Primary school teaching methodology will be adopted and state Government syllabus will be followed. Education support to children through evening supervised study For a healthy life of children - one healthy meal per day will be provided Value education and extra circular activities i.e. sports, singing, dance, drawing, physical exercise classes will be provided to the children Health and Hygiene classes to the children. USHA International teaching syllabus with appropriate teaching methods. Vocational training certificate will be issued by USHA International Sewing School and the same will provide employment opportunities also.
The following are the outputs that are expected by the end of the Program: Holistic development of the children i.e. social, physical and intellectual development through healthy, safe and productive environment. Children gain excellence in their education so as to get into the mainstream of education system. A quality education with good learning experience to children. Improved awareness about importance of education among the parents. Each one will get USHA certificate which will be useful for their future.
Monitoring Evaluation
A series of meetings will be organized to measure the progress and impact of the Program. The following are techniques used to evaluate the Program at different perspectives. Parents meeting will be organized once a month to present and assess the progress of the child at the center and also to get a detailed family situation of the trainee. Monthly test will be conducted to evaluate there progress. A staff meeting will be organized at the site once in every 15 days to assess the progress of each trainee. The site volunteers will also report the issues to the concerned site in-charge to be handled. A review meeting will be organized at regional level each month to track the progress of the Program. During this meeting, the volunteer working in the respective site will present the monthly progress report. The Program will be evaluated at regional level by the Field Coordinator before sending it to Area Coordinator Odisha for his observation. After studying the area coordinator will report the same to the Project Coordinator and Operational Director, Guntur.
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Projectvoorstel VRO – lagere school - Nanpur – blz 4 van 9
Village Reconstruction Organization (VRO), India Annual Report – [April to March] 2012-13 Site Name: Nanpur Project Type: CLC-Non-Residential Number of Children: 31 (Profile: 30) Location: Barchana Block, Jajpur (Dist) North Odisha Region Site In-charge: Mrs. Parbati Moharana Field Coordinator: Mr. Sujit Kumar Rout Area Coordiantor: Mr.Pitambar Sethy Supporting Donor Agency: BIVRO
Overall Status – Comments The centre provides education to the children of the primary school up to 3rd standard and there after they continue their studies in Government schools. Tailoring classes were conducted for 15 girl trainees (day scholars) from the village. Significant Actions and Steps Taken The Government syllabus was followed in the school and 7 children were promoted to 4th class. A special meeting was organized for local village women on 24th August, 2012 and they were provided information on mother and childcare. The village survey was made in Nanpur and the details are as follows: there are 45 families belonging to Scheduled caste community with the total population of 275 persons. Two Self Help Groups (MAA Tarani, MAA Banadurga) are active with 22 women who benefitted from this program. The Tailoring program conducted by Ms. Sujata Sahoo, will be linked to USHA International Ltd to obtain Certificates in the future. The entire village as well as Centre is electrified from 2006.
Site and Project Description This centre was established in the year 1990. Earlier, it was known as Village Learning Programme. Now the title is changed to ‘Children Learning Centre’ with special objectives and plan of action. The village comprises 45 families belonging to Baghuti Caste which was recognized by Government as scheduled Caste community. All belong to Scheduled Caste i.e. fishermen community. They were poor, illiterate and daily labourer. They used to catch fish from the Birupa River to earn their livelihood. With long term plan of service, VRO volunteers had succeeded in bringing about a small change in their life.
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Accomplishments during the reporting period During the summer, the volunteer underwent a series of trainings to improve her technical skills and capacity. She also attended a First Aid Camp at Ashapuri on 18th &19th May. Josobanta Narayana Jena and Mr. Girish Chandra Satpathy were the resource persons who taught Anatomy of the body both theory and practice. In the same month, a workshop on the Cluster program was organized by CENDERET at Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIMB). The resource persons Fr. Sirinus Topno SJ and Mr. Bipin Bihari Das explained the participatory methods of village survey and resource mobilization. She also attended a training camp on Spoken English at Ashapuri on 28th May. The resource persons Bro. Kashian Mallick and Bro. Cajitan taught tenses, verbs, nouns, articles etc. In August, a training camp about the panchayat level welfare schemes was conducted at Chandikhole office. Mr. Raj Kishore Mishra, Supreme Court State Advisor from Odisha explained about Government schemes for the people of below the poverty line category, like pensions for widows, old people and handicapped and other welfare measures such as Anganwadi, Mid-day meals and Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme etc. The Site in Charge attended a report writing training camp at Ashapuri, VDTC from 8th to 10th October, the resource persons were Mr. Jean Paul Boddu, Project Coordinator and Mr. Prakash, from Head Office, Guntur. In the month of January he also attended a training camp on profile preparation at Ashapuri, under the guidance of Mr. Jean Paul Boddu Project Coordinator and Mr. Samuel from Head Office, Guntur. The Site in Charge organized parents meetings every month and assessed the progress of the children. The volunteer actively participated in all regional volunteers review meetings and gave his suggestions for the improvement of the program. She also participated in all regional level meetings and camps of VRO Odisha region including village service camps and neighbourhood festival. A numbers of special days and festivals were observed and celebrated at this centre with the children and villagers. Some of the prominent days observed were Independence Day, Republic day, children’s day etc. Some of the prominent festivals were Dashera, Deewali, Holi, Saraswathi Puja, Ganesh puja and other tribal festivals such as worshiping the mother earth, sky, trees, animals and rain for safety, prosperity and peace.
Report prepared by the Project Coordinator along with the respective Field Coordinator and checked by Operational Director.
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Projectvoorstel VRO – lagere school - Nanpur – blz 7 van 9
Budget for the Financial Year 2013--2014 CLC-Nanpur (Non-Residential) Area
North Odisha
Location of the centre
Nanpur,Balichandrapur-Po,Barchana-Block,Jajpur-District CLC-Nanpur Total Amount Donor Qty Amount L.C Remarks Rs. Contribution
Name of the site Particulars 1. Personnel
2. Training External/InternalTraining
6.000 2 3.000
3. Transport Diesel
Number of Children Mess per day Number of days for year
75.000 3.750
10 250 3.600 12
Electrical Goods/Labour
6. House Establishment
Material for Sanitation
Material for Accomadation
7. Water and Electricity
5. Health Care Medicine
6.000 15.000
4. Food/Nutrition
8. Communication
6.000 6.240
Mobile Cards
9. Printing/Stationery
10.800 6.000
10.800 Photos
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10. Learning and Teaching Material
11. Cultural Festival
750 5
2.500 307.112 3.750 30.711
2.500 303.362 30.711
337.823 3.750
Overhead cost 10% Budget
Pedakakani March-2013
Totaal budget in € Lokale bijdrage Gevraagde steun
4.826,04 53,57 4.772,47
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