Social Marketing Objectives & Segmentation
L6 Social Marketing Mix Fitri H Oktaviani
Hastings, G. (2007). Chapters 3 & 4 Pervite, J. (2011) Lecture 2&3 Social Marketing, UQBS
‣ Manfaat mutual dan orientasi pelanggan berfokus pada memahami orang2 dan faktor2 internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi perilaku mereka dan secara nyata memenuhi kebutuhan mereka – social marketer perlu lebih memikirkan mengenai bagaimana membangun hubungan jangka panjang. ‣ Segmentation assist social marketers in “getting a better fix” on whose behaviour we want to change. ‣ Objective setting helps “pin down” exactly what we
want the target population to know, think/feel and do.
Today’s seminar learning points ‣ Tujuan utama dari kampanye sosial marketing adalah perubahan perilaku dan semua kapanye perubahan perilaku harus didesain dan direncanakan dengan tujuan perilaku spesifik. ‣ Occasionally, the social marketer will also need to
establish one or two additional objectives (i.e. Knowledge objectives and/or Belief objectives).
‣ There is value and function in applying the marketing mix – as means to understanding and changing individual and societal behaviour(s).
What to take away
S Mampu menggunakan social marketing
mix sebagai alat untuk membuat penawaran yang menarik, terkangkau, tersedia, dan diapresiasi.
S Examining product strategy more closely S Weighing behavioural costs and benefits
to informing a pricing approach
S Considering how place relates to making
access convenient to behaviours and services.
Formulating the offer – Marketing Mix
Product Strategy
8. Methods Mix (Source: Social marketing National Benchmark Criteria) Identifies an appropriate mix of methods
Range of methods used to establish an appropriate mix of methods
Intervention mix = Strategic SM Marketing mix = Operational SM
Avoids reliance on single methods or approaches used in isolation Methods and approaches developed, taking full account of any other interventions in order to achieve synergy and enhance the overall impact Four primary intervention domains considered: 1: informing / encouraging; 2: servicing / supporting; 3: designing / adjusting environment; 4: controlling / regulating
S Mendesain marketing mix dan membuat
keputusan mengenai : product, price, place and promotion
S Product strategy berfokus pada
mengembangkan intervensi dan taktik dalam empat wilayah: S S S S
New or improved products or services Staff training Policy change Communication
Product attributes
Product Strategy
Tangible objects & services to support behaviour change
Table 4.1: Social marketing product attributes Trialability
Can the behaviour be tried out beforehand before permanent or full adoption? (e.g. wearing a cycling helmet)
How easy or difficult is it to adopt the behaviour (e.g. wearing a seat belt, versus giving up smoking)
What are the risks of adopting the behaviour?
Is the behaviour attractive or unattractive?
Is the behaviour socially acceptable?
Is the behaviour to be practiced once or repeatedly? Is it to be sustained over the short or long term?
Does the behaviour have a financial cost or not? (e.g. eating a healthier diet may involve more expense, drinking less alcohol does not).
Source: Hastings, 2007, p. 73
S Produk – ide,
perilaku dan/jasa yang dipertukarkan dengan target audiens dalam harga tertentu (i.e. monetary/nonmonetary) and benefit.
ACTUAL S Perilaku, jasa,
produk harus berkompetisi dengan sukses melawan manfaat dari perilaku saat ini.
Benefits of Desired Behaviour
PRODUCT The desired behaviour
3 Levels of the Social Marketing Product
3 Product Levels – for improved health Core Product (Benefits) Protection from preventable diseases
Actual Product (Behaviour) Immunise children on time
Augmented Product (Tangible objects & Services) Wallet-size immunisation ‘reminder’ cards
3 Product Levels – for community involvement Core Product (Benefits)
Actual Product (Behaviour)
Augmented Product (Tangible objects & Services)
Saving someone’s life
Become an organ donor National Organ Donor Card
Early detection & Conduct a monthly self- Laminated instruction card for treatment of breast breast exam placement on shower nozzle cancer 2 year mammogram BreastScreen Queensland’s free mammogram service
Helping members of your community
Volunteer 5 hours a week
Training for crisis line
Natural immunities Practice exclusive for infants and breastfeeding (EBF) mother-child bonding
Saving an animal from being euthanized
Adopt a dog or cat
Website: Adopt A Pet
In-home support services; telephone help-line; moderated discussion list sponsored by credible source.
Contoh: Road Crew
Changing drink-driving behaviour
S Masalah: penyalahgunaan alkohol
bertanggung jawab atas
S 6.5% tabrakan mobil di Wisconsin; S 38% fatalitas kendaraan bermotor, dan S 11% luka2 kendaraan bermotor
S Goal/ Tujuan:
S Mengurangi tabrakan akibat alkohal sebanyak 5%, dan S Menciptakan program antar-jemput yang berkelanjutan
S Primary target market:
Laki-laki usia 2 1 – 35 tahun single hidup di wilayah pedasaan (prior evidence showed that the group of people most likely to drink, drive and crash) S Road Crew pada umumnya tersedia pada siapa saja yang ingin menggunakannya
S Approach:
Social marketing (new product development)
S “Kebutuhan dalam kasus project Road Crew adalah agar
orang bisa sampai di rumah dengan aman setelah minum berlebihan S “appealing” transportation options must exist
S Dua masyarakat lokal menggunakan limousines dan
satu kelompok masyarakat menggunakan jasa taksi. Limousines (& kendaraan mewah lain) berhasil: S Novelty for some people S Limos were seen as cool S Allowed socialisation and drinking en route S Cost per passenger $15-20 per evening.
S Results: Antar jemput diperkirakan mencegah 15 jenis
kecelakaan akibat alkohol Rides di jalanan, daan ini pengurangan sebanyak 17%
Positioning strategy
Positioning is guided by:
S Positioning adalah tindakan
mendesain penawaran aktual dan penawaran yang dipersepsi dari organisasi sehingga berada di tempat tertentu di benak target market – dimanakah kita menghendaki posisi penawaran kita.
S Positing Road Crew as a Cool
Way to Get Around and Have Fun
S Target audience wanted to have
Road Crew provides a needed service, rather than telling people how they ought to behave
fun and drinking was a part of having fun S Target didn’t feel driving drunk was fun, but is was necessary in order to have fun earlier in the evening.
Price & Value are closely related
S Pemasaran sosial kondom di negara berkembang memberikan
pelajaran instruktif tentang menyediakan biaya ”gratis" produk pemasaran sosial atau jasa. S Usaha awal untuk menggunakan kontasepsi di India
adalah dengan mendatangkan kuantitas kondom gratis dalam jumlah besar S Karena kondom2 tersebut gratis, maka distributor dan calon pengguna tidak memperlakukan kondom2 tersebut dengan baik. S Produk berakhir di gudang dan mendapatkan reputasi yang buruk
S Biaya untuk mengadopsi perilaku baru bisa berupa
moneter / non moneter S Monetary costs in social marketing are more often related to tangible objects and services associated with adopting the behaviour. Ä Monetary : tangible object - Nicotine patches, Condoms, Bike helmets, Energy-saving light bulbs Ä Monetary : services – smoking cessation classes, gym memberships, taxi rides home from a bar.
Price: What are adoption costs?
1. Bagaimana konsumen melihat produk 2. Bagaimana produk (penawaran) di bandingkan
dengan kompetisi
Social marketers can choose to position on: S
Specific behaviours
Highlight benefits
Overcome barriers
Upstage the competition
Reposition an ‘old brand’
Price & Value are closely related
S Doesn
t mean social marketers need to rush to commercialization.
S It does mean that social marketers need to
think carefully about what free actually means
S ensure product/service is not assumed/expected
to be a
S Nonmonetary costs are more intangible. Examples
Ä time, effort and energy to perform the behaviour Ä Example: pulling over to use a mobile phone;
cooking a balanced meal.
Ä psychological risks and losses that might be perceived
or experienced
Ä Example: Finding out whether a lump is cancerous; telling a friend you think they smoke too much. Ä Physical discomfort that may be related with the
What are adoption costs?
Ä Example: exercising, taking shorter showers.
Exercise 4.6 (Hastings, p. 75)
Thinking systematically about price Low Cost
Berpikir secara sistematis mengenai harga Tangible
Low Cost
Manfaat personal e.g. menggunakan sabuk pengaman
Manfaat Sosial e.g. program recycling
High costs
Manfaat personal Manfaat Sosial e.g. berhenti merokok e.g. menghindari berhenti merokok
Personal benefits e.g. wearing seatbelts.
Societal benefits e.g. recycling programmes
Relatively easy – communication a key element
Behaviour change relatively easy to adopt – perceived benefits do not go directly to the individual. Key is convenience – benefits to recycler & society stressed.
Kombinasi mana yang paling berat bagi pemasar sosial? Kombinasi mana yang paling mudah? Mengapa ?
Thinking systematically about price High costs
Personal benefits e.g. smoking cessation
Societal benefits e.g. avoiding use of cars.
Clear personal benefits – costs associated with giving-up are high Use push-marketing approaches providing support services & augmented products that will reduce costs.
Hardest type of behaviour change to induce – costs are high & benefits are hard to personalize & quantify. Adopt a de-marketing approach using moral persuasion or social influence Increase the cost of current behaviour (e.g. increasing fuel tax)
S Name: the VERB Summer Scorecard S Target: tweens (9-13 year old) S Location: start from Lexington, Kentucky,
Mission: Meningkatkan dan membpertahankan aktivitas fisik remaja (usia 9-13). Campaign Audiences—The VERB campaign mendorong remaja untuk aktif secara fisik setiap hari Goals: S Increase knowledge and improve attitudes and beliefs about tweens’ regular participation in physical activity. S Increase parental and influencer support and encouragement of tweens’ participation in physical activity. S Heighten awareness of options and opportunities for tween participation in physical activity. S Facilitate opportunities for tweens to participate in regular physical activity. S Increase and maintain the number of tweens who regularly participate in physical activity.
The VERB campaign
S To show tweens that physical activity is for everybody,
they included kids of various shapes and sizes, ability levels and ethnicities in the campaign visuals.
S The PRICE that tweens identified for physical activity
S Financial costs (e.g. for classes or equipment) S Psychological costs (e.g. not feeling good enough
participate in a particular sport)
S Environmental costs (e.g. no safe places to play in the
S Too keep tweens from dismiss all physical activity
because they don t like certain sports, the campaign emphasized finding their own verb – what they enjoy doing most.
S Time-related costs (e.g. parents are not available to supervise or
drive tweens to activities)
S The campaign emphasized the benefits to show that they far
outweigh the price.
Place – Making Access Convienient S Place is where and when the
S To demonstrate that physical activity does not just
mean team sports and expensive equipment, the campaign included backyard-centered activities as well.
S To help ensure that tweens are supported when
they seek out physical activity opportunities, the campaign focused on their parents as secondary target audiences.
Place (cont…)
In commercial marketing place is the distribution channel, this translates to social marketing as:
S Physical locations: walking
S Phone: Domestic violence
S Mail: Immunization wallet
card to keep track of a child’s immunizations
S Where people shop:
Mammograms in a department store
S Where people hang out: HIV/
AIDS tests at gay bars
S Drive-throughs: For flu shots
at medical centres
S Internet: Rideshare
S Home delivery/house calls:
S Mobile unit: for hazardous
S Kiosks: For determining
matching (car pooling) waste
target market will perform the desired behaviour, acquire any related tangible objects, and receive any associated services.
Place: Making Access Convenient
S Place objectives should focus on developing
strategies that will make the desired behaviour convenient and as pleasant as possible for the target audience to perform the behaviour, acquire any tangible objects, and receive any services.
Home energy audits
body mass index (BMI)
S Vending machines: Condoms
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