Copyright © 2009 and published by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, without written permission from the publisher. The full papers are available in CD.
ISSN 2086‐1931
SAMBUTAN REKTOR ITS Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua, semoga Allah SWT selalu melimpahkan rahmat dan karuniaNya kepada kita sekalian. Saya mengucapkan selamat datang untuk peserta National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science and Arts (APTECS) yang telah datang dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Seminar ini merupakan forum komunikasi ilmiah dalam rangka sharing ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni. Sebagai komponen bangsa, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) ikut menyelesaikan permasalahan bangsa yang menyangkut krisis sosial dan ekonomi melalui pengelolaan sumber-sumber energi yang tepat dan terarah yang merupakan topik APTECS kali ini. Topik APTECS yang pertama ini bersesuaian (selaras) dengan 3 (tiga) unggulan penelitian di ITS yaitu, Energi, Permukiman, dan Kelautan. Energi merupakan salah satu daya dukung penguatan sektor ekonomi dan pembangunan Indonesia. Krisis di sektor riil dan investasi global berimplikasi signifikan pada daya dukung tersebut, dan berdampak pada penurunan kemampuan pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar masyarakat (sandang, papan, dan pangan). Oleh karena itu melalui APTECS yang pertama ini ITS menggagas tentang kesinergian yang berkesinambungan di bidang teknologi, sosial dan ekonomi dalam upaya menghadapi krisis tersebut secara regional maupun global, sehingga pemecahan dan tanggung jawabnya tidak terpisah hanya di satu negara saja, namun menjadi tanggungjawab semua negara. Bentuk sumbangsih ini akan dipresentasikan dalam bentuk diskusi ilmiah yang merangkai berbagai disiplin ilmu di seminar ini. Dalam kesempatan ini ITS berterima-kasih kesemua pihak (LPPM-ITS, Panitia APTECS, peserta seminar dan semua pihak yang mendukung acara ini). Akhir kata, kami mengucapkan selamat berseminar semoga sukses dan sampai jumpa tahun depan pada 2nd APTECS 2010.
Surabaya, 22 Desember 2009 Rektor ITS
SAMBUTAN KETUA LPPM ITS Puji syukur patut kita panjatkan kehadapan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, yang dengan karunia dan rahmatNya APTECS dapat berjalan dengan baik. Dua ratus enam puluh paper ilmiah terpilih akan dipresentasikan, dan lebih dari 400 peneliti, industriawan, dan akademisi dari dalam negeri dan luar negeri akan hadir untuk menyampaikan ide dan kontribusinya terhadap perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Seni untuk kemaslahatan umat manusia. Prestasi ini patut disyukuri dan dengan usaha yang keras penyelenggara, dan ada kebangkitan kesadaran dari para peneliti selaku Core Creative Comunity untuk terus berpartisipasi atmosfir akademika ini. Seminar ini diselenggarakan oleh LPPM-ITS dalam rangka Dies Natalis ITS yang ke 49 dan menunjang program FIND-11, dan juga dalam rangka membangun jaring dan komunikasi antar peneliti, pelaku industri, dan akademisi di tingkat nasional maupun internasional. Karena salah satu bidang unggulan yang dikembangkan ITS adalah bidang Energi, pemukiman, dan kelautan, maka seminar yang pertama ini mengambil tema Keunggulan Pengelolaan Sumber-sumber Energi dalam Menghadapi Krisis Sosial-Ekonomi Global. Sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia yang banyak sudah tidak dapat dijadikan modal utama dalam menghadapi persaingan global, tetapi yang sekarang lebih dibutuhkan adalah modal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi dan Kreativitas. Tanpa memiliki tiga modal tersebut maka akan terjadi paradok-paradok yang negatif pada kehidupan yaitu: negara yang berlimpah sumber daya alam, tetapi rakyatnya miskin dan negara dengan banyak sumber daya manusia tetapi menghasilkan nilai tambah yang sangat kecil pada perekonomian dunia. Dalam rangka menguatkan modal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi dan membangun masyarakat yang kreatif maka LPPM-ITS menyelenggarakan APTECS ini yang akan dikembangkan setiap tahun, dan akan menjadi seminar Internasional di tahun yang akan datang, sehingga dapat menghimpun penelitipeneliti dunia yang berkualitas dalam mencari pemecahan berbagai persoalan kehidupan umat manusia. Dalam kesempatan yang berbahagia ini, LPPM-ITS selaku penyelenggara menyampaikan rasa banyak terimakasih dan menyampaikan rasa salut dan berbangga kepada para peneliti yang berpartisipasi. Terimakasih yang sangat dalam juga kami sampaikan kepada pimpinan ITS yang telah mendukung sepenuhnya seminar ini. LPPM-ITS juga merasa patut untuk memberi penghargaan yang tinggi kepada panitia pelaksana yang telah bekerja keras dan cerdas dalam penyiapkan APTECS ini. LPPM-ITS mengucapkan selamat berpartisipasi dalam seminar, dan teruslah berkarya dan meneliti semoga Tuhan selalu melimpahkan karunia-Nya, sehingga kontribusi yang diberikan oleh para peneliti dapat bermakna untuk kemakmuran, kesejahteraan, dan kemaslahatan umat manusia.
Surabaya, 22 Desember 2009 Ketua LPPM-ITS
Welcome to APTECS 2009 Assalamu’alaykum warohmatullaahi wabarokatuh Selamat datang kepada para peserta 1st APTECS, dan semoga Saudara dalam satu hari ini dapat menikmati suasana harmonis di seminar ini dan dapat menikmati keindahan kampus ITS. Seminar yang dilaksanakan dalam rangka memperingati Dies Natalis ITS ke 49 dan kerjasama FIND-11, sebagai perwujudan dari ajang komunitas para peneliti dan pengkaji bidang Iptek, sosial dan seni yang mengambil tema tahun 2009 “Keunggulan Pengelolaan Sumber–sumber Energi dalam Menghadapi Krisis Sosial Ekonomi Global. Di samping tema utama tersebut, beberapa hal yang berhubungan bidang aplikasi teknologi, aplikasi pada sistem pendidikan, aplikasi ICT pada sistem pendidikan, energi dibarukan, efisiensi energi, dan restrukturisasi energi, elektrik, elektronik, bioteknologi, komunikasi dan game technology, transportasi, kebumian dan kebencanaan, manufaktur, material dan proses industri, dan kelautan (biologi laut, bangunan laut dan kepesisiran). Untuk bidang science terdiri dari ilmu sosial dan humaniora, rekayasa sosial, nano science, medical, medicine, pemodelan, komputasi, dan kecerdasan tiruan, nuclear science, seni dan industri kreatif, pendidikan secara umum, pertanian dan kehutanan. Dalam seminar ini akan dilakukan diskusi secara sinergi antara peneliti, praktisi, dan juga dapat diambil sebagai pijakan dalam pengambilan keputusan oleh para pejabat pengambil keputusan, dan juga akan dipresentasikan hasil karya seni anak bangsa sebagai usaha untuk mengangkat karya seni domestik sebagai karya international. Pada kesempatan ini kami menyampaikan rasa terima kasih kepada Rektor ITS yang memberi semangat dan fasilitas dalam penyelenggaraan APTECS ini, Kepada Ketua LPPM ITS dan keluarga besar LPPM ITS yang sangat mensupport dan mengawal acara ini hingga sukses, dan Kepada seluruh civitas akademika ITS. Kepada para sponsorship yang ikut berpartisipasi dalam menyukseskan acara ini kami menyampaikan rasa terima kasih, semoga kerjasama ini dapat terjalin dengan lebih hangat lagi di waktu yang akan datang. Kepada rekan-rekan panitia, Dr. Aulia, Dr Bambang Sampurno, Dr. Heru Mirmanto, Dr. Tavio, Mr. Hendra Cordova, Ms Kamilia, Mr Tamaji, Ms Listiani, Ms Eftrita, Ms Febriana, Ms Liza, Ms Erni, Ms Syiska, Mr Phonny Aditiawan, dan yang lain yang tidak dapat saya sebut satu-persatu yang telah bekerja dengan semangat luar biasa dengan penuh keceriaan dan loyalitas. Kepada para profesor yang berada di technical program committee, Prof Gamantyo, Prof. Noor Endah, Prof. Ali Altway, Prof Perry Burhan, Prof. Suprapto, Prof Triwulan, Prof Djatmiko, Prof Djauhar M., Prof Endang, Prof Eko Budi, dan Prof IN Pujawan, kami menghaturkan rasa terima kasih yang sangat tinggi dengan kesediaan mereka untuk meluangkan waktu untuk APTECS. Terima kasih kepada Tim Gamelan dari Elektro Budoyo Group pimpinan Pak Joko Susila (Jurusan Teknik Elektro ITS), Tim Tari Ngremo Kolosal pimpinan Pak Solihin Fanani (dari SDM 4 Pucang Surabaya), dan Tari Kiprah Glipang pimpinan Pak Boediono dari PDM Probolinggo yang telah menyumbangkan karya kreativitasnya, semoga dapat menjadi titik tonggak awal kebangkitan kreativitas karya seni Indonesia yang selalu digemari oleh putra-putri Indonesia. Our special thanksfull to Professor HIYAMA Takashi from Kumamoto Univ., Japan, as Keynote Speaker in this event, and welcome to Surabaya. Mohon maaf dengan segala kekurangan, dan sampai jumpa di International APTECS, 21 Desember 2010 yang akan datang. Assalamu’alaykum warohmatullaahi wabarokatuh General Chair of 1st APTECS 2009
6.40 – 7.40 Registrasi 7.40‐8.19 Banjaran Srepeg oleh Elektro Budoyo 08.19 – 08.26 MC 08.26 – 08.33 Ngremo Kolosal oleh SD Muhammadiyah 4 Surabaya & Elektro Budoyo 08.33 – 08.43 Welcome to APTECS oleh Prof. IMAM ROBANDI 08.43 – 08.50 Musik dan Tari Kiprah Glipang oleh Lembaga Seni dan Budaya PDM Probolinggo 08.50 – 09.00 Sambutan oleh Prof. I NYOMAN SUTANTRA (Ka LPPM ITS) 09.00 – 09.08 Gending Ladrang APTECS oleh Elektro Budoyo 09.08 – 09.28 Opening Term oleh Prof. PRIYO SUPROBO (Rektor ITS) 09.28 – 09.34 Ladrang Parisuko oleh Elektro Budoyo 09.34 – 09.40 Launching Buku oleh Prof. ARIF DJUNAIDY (Pembantu Rektor I ITS) 09.40 – 10.50 Keynote Speech oleh Prof. HIYAMA TAKASHI (Kumamoto University, Japan) A B C D E F G H I J
Break for Lunch
ENG‐111 ENG‐191
MED‐ 11
: : : : :
Ruang Argopuro 1 (Lt. 1) Ruang Argopuro 2 (Lt. 1) Ruang Kawi (Lt. 1) Ruang Lawu (Lt. 1) Ruang Semeru 1 (Lt. 1)
: : : : :
Ruang Semeru 2 (Lt. 1) Ruang Anjasmoro 1 (Lt. 2) Ruang Anjasmoro 2 (Lt. 2) Ruang Anjasmoro 3 (Lt. 2) Ruang Kelud (Lt. 2)
‐ 11.32 is time for Dzuhur prayer, 14.58 is time for Ashar prayer.
Moderator Sesion 1 (10.00 – 12.00) A
Ruang Argopuro 1 (Lt.1)
Prof. Agus Rubiyanto
Ruang Argopuro 2 (Lt. 1)
Prof. Djauhar Manfaat
Ruang Kawi (Lt. 1)
Prof. Basuki Widodo
Ruang Lawu (Lt. 1)
Prof. Djatmiko Ichsani
Ruang Semeru 1 (Lt. 1)
Prof. Suprapto
Ruang Semeru 2 (Lt. 1)
Prof. Sutardi
Ruang Anjasmoro 1 (Lt. 2)
Prof. Paulus Indiyono
Ruang Anjasmoro 2 (Lt. 2)
Prof. Noor Endah B. Mochtar
Ruang Anjasmoro 3 (Lt. 2)
Prof. Nyoman Pujawan
Ruang Kelud (Lt. 2)
Prof. Mauridhi Hery Purnomo
Moderator Sesion 2 (13.00 – 17.00) A
Ruang Argopuro 1 (Lt.1)
Dr. Agus Purwanto
Ruang Argopuro 2 (Lt. 1)
Dr. Achmad Arifin
Ruang Kawi (Lt. 1)
Dr. Bambang Lelono
Ruang Lawu (Lt. 1)
Dr. Sigit Darmawan
Ruang Semeru 1 (Lt. 1)
Dr. Endah Wahyuni
Ruang Semeru 2 (Lt. 1)
Dr. Djoko Purwanto
Ruang Anjasmoro 1 (Lt. 2)
Dr. Ketut Eddy Purnama
Ruang Anjasmoro 2 (Lt. 2)
Dr. Surya Rosa Putra
Ruang Anjasmoro 3 (Lt. 2)
Dr. Sri Gunani Pertiwi
Ruang Kelud (Lt. 2)
Dr. Prabowo
Aturan Presentasi Seminar a. Waktu presentasi adalah 12 menit/judul termasuk diskusi. b. Bel pertama pada menit ke 7, bel kedua pada menit ke 9, sisanya untuk berdiskusi sampai bel ke 3 di menit ke 12. c. Presenter dimohon untuk efisien dalam menggunakan waktu. d. Time keeper dimohon sangat ketat dalam menjaga waktu
DAFTAR ISI i iii vii viii x
Cover Sambutan Ucapan Terima Kasih Susunan Acara Daftar Isi
ENGINEERING [Eng-1] A Concept Risk Management Model for Ship Construction Process With Externality Factors
[Eng-2] Application of Particle Swarm Optimization for Tuning PID Controller in Automatic Generation Control Including Excitation System
[Eng-3] A Random Counter Using Shift Register and Encoder
[Eng-4] Application of Geographical Information System (GIS) for Mapping Landslide Susceptibility: A Case Study of Timor Tengah Selatan, NTT Province
[Eng-5] Fuzzy PID Controller for Shaft Torque Wind Turbine
[Eng-6] Application of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Based Power System Stabilizer for Dynamic Power System Stability
[Eng-7] Application of PCMSR Nuclear Power Reactor for Cogeneration as Eceltricity Production and Desalination
[Eng-8] Lead Acid Battery Modeling for Electric Vehicle
[Eng-9] Maximum Power Point Tracking Using PID and Fuzzy Logic Control for GridConnected Photovoltaic System
[Eng-10] Load Forecasting for The Distribution Network of South and Middle Kalimantan Using Artificial Neural Networks Resilient Propagation
[Eng-12] GPU-Based Parallel Algorithm for Construction of Uniform Grid Structure
[Eng-13] Creative Sublasi in Furniture Design from Used Corrugated Paper
[Eng-14] Design of PSO-SVR for Monthly Maximum Load Forecasting (case of study in Bali)
[Eng-15] Dissolved Ammonia Removal from Aqueous Solution Through Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactor
[Eng-16]Causal Factors of Landslides at Panti Kabupaten Jember
[Eng-17] Craziness Particle Swarm Optimization (CRPSO) Solution for Optimal Economic Dispatch
[Eng-18] Design of Feedback Control Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) for the Statcom (Case Study: Sulselbar System) INDAR CHAERAH G, MUKHTAR SALEH, AND ADI SUPRIJANTO
[Eng-19] Design of Three Phase Half Wave Rectifier With Minimum THD and Power Factor Close to Unity Using PI Fuzzy Switching Control in Boost Converter
[Eng-20] Dissolved Gas Analysis using Fuzzy Neural Network
[Eng-21] Empowering of Information Technology to Increase HDI Level at Jembrana Regency
[Eng-22] Design Optimal Linear Quadratic Regulator for Static Synchronous Compensator (Statcom) Using Particle Swarm Optimization
[Eng-23] Improvement of Dynamic Stability in Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) using Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) based Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm
[Eng-24] Study of Wastewater Treatment (WWT) Seaweed Factory Capacity: 360 m3 per day
[Eng-25] Fuzzy Modulation in Networked Control System with Multiple Plant
[Eng-26] An Investigation Into the Resistance/Powering and Seakeeping Characteristics of River Catamaran/Trimaran
[Eng-27] Internet-Based Information System of Shortest Route Management in Madiun’s Transportation Using Greedy Algorithm
[Eng-28] Binary Response Nonparametric Regression Model With Single Smoothing Predictor
[Eng-29] Identification of St Segment Changes of ECG Output Signal Using Wavelet Transformation
[Eng-30] Model Predictive Control Design Study on Multivariable Tennessee Eastman Plant
[Eng-31] Early Leak Detection of Pneumatic System using Pressure Differentiator
[Eng-32] Natural Energy Utilization for Simple Walk-Up Flat's Design In Indonesia
[Eng-33]Optimal Control Design of Power System Stabilizer in Single Machine Infinite Bus Using Craziness Particle Swarm Optimization
[Eng-34] Optimal Load Frequency Control Design on Multi Area Power System Using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy PI Controller
[Eng-35] Optimal Placement of Capacitor for Reactive Power Compensation using Particle Swarm Optimization Time Varying Acceleration Coefficient
[Eng-36] Optimization of Cooling Water Network Using Water Pinch Analysis and Superstructure Optimization at Pulp and Paper Industry
[Eng-37] Finding the Best Fishing Ship Principal Dimensions Using a Non-linear Programming Optimization Technique
[Eng-38] An Implementation of Grid-Computing on Large-Scale Structural Analysis Problems DATA IRANATA, AND RADITYO ANGGORO
[Eng-39] Improvement of Respons Frequency and Noise Figure (Fn) of Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Si(1-x)Gex (HBT SiGe) based on Arrangement Mole Fraction (x) and Germanium Profile
[Eng-40] Usage of Silica Powder for High Strength Concrete
[Eng-42] Performance of High Strength of Self Compacting Concrete with Hyperplasticizer and High Volume Fly Ash
[Eng-44] Percentages Influence of Non Organic Waste to Value Briquettes Waste Heat from Organic Waste Biomass Banten City Type Cilegon Rdf - 5 (Refused Derived Fuel 5) as an Alternative Fuel
[Eng-45] Rain Cell Size Determination using Granger Causality Test
[Eng-46] Reduce Rank and Ensemble Kalman Filter : Analize and Its Application
[Eng-48] Simulation Study of Injection Temperature, Holding Pressure, and Cooling Time Effects on Sink Mark Formation on Plastic Injection Moldings HDPE
[Eng-49] Study on Effects of Statcom Installation to Improved Voltage Stability in Sulselbar System
[Eng-50] The Effect of Calcium on Strontium Waste Treatment using Electro Coagulation Method
[Eng-51] Controller Design SMIB by Direct Feedback Linearization
[Eng-54] Task Oriented Behaviour-Based State-Adaptive PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) Control for Low-Cost Mobile Robot
[Eng-53] Increasing The Acceptance And on-Line Transaction of an E-Commerce Site Using Technology Acceptance Model
[Eng-52] Controller Design of Chua’s Circuit by Sliding Mode Control and LMI
[Eng-55] The Effect of Copper Wire Extension under Grounding Cable to Ground Fault Current
[Eng-56] The Performance Analysis of Traffic Patterns on Routing Protocols in Manet Using Network Simulator (Ns-2) and Tracegraph 202
[Eng-57] The Role of Control Systems for Improvement Quality of Human Resources
[Eng-58] The Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube from the Waste of Ethanol Plant with Ni/Co Catalyst and Natural Zeolite as Supported Catalyst
[Eng-59] The Use of Ceramic Membrane Contactor for Dissolved Ammonia Removal from Aqueous Solution
[Eng-60] Transient Stability Study on Sulselbar Interconnection System INDAR CHAERAH GUNADIN, NADJAMUDDIN HARUN, AND ADI SUPRIJANTO
[Eng-61] Application Technology Vacum for Making Packaging Sea Pearl and Polymer Material Transparant
[Eng-62] Implementation Airport Sequence Flasher using Cascade Villard Methode
[Eng-64] Development of Graph Mining for Activity Network Prediction in Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) Payment System
[Eng-65] Short Term Load Forecasting Using Hybrid Artificial Neural Networks and Particle Swarm Optimization
[Eng-67] Design of Linear Quadratic(LQ) Optimal Control using Bacteria Foraging Algorithm (BFA) for Frequency Performance Improvement on Power System
[Eng-68] Potential of Waste Biomass Palm Oil Energy as a Source of Electrical Energy in Indonesia
[Eng-69] Design to Develop Build with Modular System Sludge as Mixture of Material Wall Partisi and Plafond Simple Building
[Eng-73] The Characterization of Ring Laser Gyroscope System for Aircraft Navigation
[Eng-76] Reconstruction of Object 3D using Poisson Surface
[Eng-81] Design of 12 Pulse AC to DC Converter With Power Factor Closed Unity and Minimum Harmonics Using Fuzzy Logic Controller On Boost Converter
[Eng-83] Simulation Design Control System PID for Flexible-Link Cantilever Beam
[Eng-84] Effect of Residual Stress to Behavior of Stub-Column Stress-Strain Curve
[Eng-85] Optimization Coolpad and Auto Charger with PI Controller BENNY SINGGIH SANTOSO
[Eng-86] Early Detection for Short Circuit Symptom at Single Phase Induction Motor Winding Using Neural Networks
[Eng-87] Transistor Gas Sensor from Conducting Polymer as the Material
[Eng-88] The Solution of Economic Dispatch for 26 Bus Power System Using Chaotic Ant Swarm Optimization (CASO)
[Eng-90] Pumping Station for Kali Medokan Flood Control using HecRas Program
[Eng-91] Amperometric Glucose Biosensor based on Adsorption of Glucose Oxidize at Electrode by Screen Tension and Deflection Thick Film Method
[Eng-92] Application of Quasi-Passive Filter for Reduce Harmonic Distortion in Distribution Networks
[Eng-93] Application of Empirical Mode Decomposition Technique for Identifying Damage in a Frame Structure Excited by Earthquake Loadings AGUNG BUDIPRIYANTO
[Eng-94] Low Cost Method for the Fabrication Of SNO2:F Film for Transparent Conductive Glass Application
[Eng-97] Natural Coastal Defence in Indonesia as Wave Energy Dissipation
[Eng-98] Fuzzy Logic Controler Optimal for Charger Battery to Photovoltaic with Buck Boost Converter
[Eng-99] Design for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (RMS)
[Eng-105] Integrated Model of Balanced Score Card and Technology Component Measurement : a Strategic Perspective in Indonesia Biofuel Engineering Development
[Eng-107] The Formation of Star Topology in Zigbee Network on the JN5139 Microcontroller Based
[Eng-108] The Effect of Air Entry Velocity Variation to the Temperature Distribution of Conditioned Room, a Three Dimensional Experiment Study
[Eng-109] Application of Biodiesel in Transportation Aspects a Review
[Eng-110] Design and Fabrication of Heater System NiCr Thin Films for the Application Gas Sensor Carbon Monoxide (CO) Environmental Monitoring
[Eng-111] Grouting Application for Strengthening Foundation Structure of Dam Construction
[Eng-112] Reduction of Fuel Consumption And CO2 Emmisions as Impact of Economic Global Crisis and Imo Regulations
[Eng-113] Slope Stability Analysis to Determine Slope Strengthens Method in Avoiding Landmass Movement: Case Study in Gombel Lama Golf Course Semarang, Central Java
[Eng-116] Genetic Programing and L-System Method for Representing Identification of Plant Growth Visualization
[Eng-121] Petroleum Derivative Test with Clusters Gas Sensor
[Eng-124] Analisys of Fully Controlled 12 Pulse Converte R System And Single Tuned Passive Filter Design to Reduce Harmonics
[Eng-125] Rainfall-Runoff Modelling in Deluwang Watershed With Storm Water Management Model (SWMM)
[Eng-130] Modelling of Temperature Distribution During Machining Process using HSS Cutting Tool
[Eng-131] Biodiesel Production Continuous System using Oscilation Flow Reactor (OFR)
[Eng-132] Optimal Tuning of PSS and AVR Gain Using Particle Swarm Optimization Time Varying Acceleration in Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB)
[Eng-137] Design and Manufacturing Electronics Control of Brown Gas Electrolyzer System RASIAWAN, I NYOMAN SUTANTRA, AND BAMBANG SAMPURNO
[Eng-138] Optimal Power Flow by Improved Adaptive Genetic Algorithm
[Eng-139] Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources in Rural (a Case Study in the Village Slawu, Patrang, Jember)
[Eng-141] The Application of Reduced Rank Ensemble Kalman Filter to Estimate Heat Conduction Distribution
[Eng-142] The Soil Layer Clasification in Panti – Jember Based on Geoelectric Data’s Intepretation
[Eng-144] Bending Strength Test and Fatigue Test in Composite Material AlSi10Mg + SiC (as Alternative Material for Ship Building)
[Eng-146] Biofuel Production from Catalytic Cracking Process of Oleic Acid and Metil Ester
[Eng-147] Application Maintenance Engineering Technology Based Predictive Analysis and Experimental Review of Vibration Signals Bearing Damage Internal Combustion Engine
[Eng-151] Influence of Shock Loading (4-Chlorophenol and 2,4 Dichlorophenol) Concerning Submerged Adsorption Hybrid Bioreactor (SMAHBR) Performance
[Eng-152] Ethanol Production from Molasses with Immobilized Cells Technique in Packed Bed Bioreactor by Extractive Fermentation
[Eng-153 ] Enzimatic Hydrolysis of Rice Straw to Glucose
[Eng-154] The Sunda Strait Infrastructure : a Concept Selection
[Eng-156] Ethanol Production from Molasses by Using of Mutated Zymomonas Mobilis which is Immobilized on κ-Carrageenan with Continous Stirred Tank Reactor
[Eng-157] Design of AC to DC 3 Phase Fullwave Rectifier with Minimum THD and Unity Power Factor use PID Fuzzy Switching Control
[Eng-158] Mass Transfer Modelling of Extraction of Asbuton using Kerosene Solvent
[Eng-159] Safety Footpegs Design for Motorcycles Passenger
[Eng-162] Frequency Control on Micro Hydro Power Plant using Fuzzy PI Controller
[Eng-164] Solid Waste Digestate of Biogas Production from Blotong and Azotobacter Chroococcum – Aspergillus Niger Microbe Combined as Sources of Compost Production
[Eng-166] The First Design Automation System Power Crank Press Machine Based on PLC and Electro Pneumatic
[Eng-168] Isolation and Modification of Starch from Breadfruit
[Eng-169] Flood Mitigation by Application in Situ Early Warning System in Panti – Jember, East Java ALBERTUS DJOKO LESMON AND SUPRIYADI
[Eng-171] The Aliphatic Hydrocarbon of Medium Rank Coal From Kalimantan as Feasibility Indicator for Coal Liquefaction
[Eng-172] Design of one phase AC- DC Full Wave Rectifier with Flyback Converter as DC Regulator Using PI Fuzzy Switching Controller
[Eng-173] Human Motion Variation Synthesis using BVH Data
[Eng-175] Vibration Modeling of Flexible-Link Arm Robot
[Eng-177] Design and Development of Weather Forcase Simulators for Surabaya City by using Neural Network
[Eng-178] Performance of Ventilation at Housing in Limited Area in Hot-Humid Region
[Eng-179] Fabrication of Magnetic Field Censor’s Base on Fluxgate Magnetometer
[Eng-181] Behaviour of Precast Concrete Beam Column Joint for Earthquake Resistant House and Fast Build with Open Frame Structure
[Eng-182] An Investigation into the Mechanism System of Wave Movement to Power Catamaran
[Eng-184] A Study Into the Development of Catamaran Fishing Vessel
[Eng-185] Optimal Capacity of Capasitor using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for Economic Dispatch
[Eng-187] Reduction of Marine Diesel Exhaust Emission Using Seawater Electrolysis
[Eng-191] Influence of Glucose from Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Sorghum Flour on Etanol Production Using Baker’s Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
[Eng-192] Interpretation of Resistivity Data to Determine Distribution and Geometric of Sulphide Mineralization at Silo Jember East Java
[Eng-194] Permanent Magnet Fabrication With Lumajang’s IRON ORE as Raw Material
[Eng-195] Flexural and Shear Behavior at Beam Column Joint Precast Concrete for Fast Build House and Earthquake Resistance with Infill Frame System
[Eng-197] Seismic Design of Precast Concrete House
[Eng-198] Behaviour of Precast Concrete Beam for Earthquake Resistance and Fast Build House using Infill Frame System
[Eng-199] Behavior of Precast Concrete Column for Fast-Build and Earthquake-Resistant House with Open Frame System
[Eng-200] Design of Precast Concrete Column for Earthquake Resistant and Fast-Build House with Infill Frame System RECKY TIRTAJAYA, TAVIO, KURDIAN SUPRAPTO, AND AMAN SUBAKTI
[Eng-201] Design of Smart Course Control System Based on Fuzzy Logic in the Tracking Ship at Tanjung Perak Port Surabaya
[Eng-202] Islamic Urinal Design to Increase the Quality of Sholat and Business Opportunity of Sanitary Industry in Indonesia
[Eng-203] The Making of Natural Food Colours from Roselle Flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa)
[Eng-208] The Modeling Development of Induction Motor Propulsion for Electric Vehicle by Vector Control Model
[Eng-209] Applying of Open Source Software : a Smart Solution to Face the Emulation in Creative Industries of Design and Architecture
[Eng-210] Inhibition of Development Stages and Globin Accumulation of P. Falciparum by
Giving Prenylated Xanthones from Garcinia Tetranda Pierre Stem Bark HADI KUNCORO, ATY WIDYAWARUYANTI, AND TASLIM ERSAM
[Eng-211] Predicting Silica Deposition in Enhanced Geothermal Systems
[Eng-212] Multivariable Predictive Control of the Anaerobic Digestion Based Generalized Predictive Control Algorithm
[Eng-214] Improvement Performance of Micro Hydro Power Plant Model Based Power Electronics
[Eng-215] Application Model Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Controller Simulator as a Steam Turbine Speed
[Eng-216] Removal of Iron and Manganese using Micro Bubbles Ozonation and Membrane Filtration
[Eng-219] Simulation of Distributorless Digital with Software Proteus 62.S4
[Eng-221] Build the Control of Temperature and Dampness at Automatic Process Nesting Egg of Industrial Scale Home
[Eng-223] Increasing Indonesia Sea Endurance by Designing Fast Patrol Boat Maneuvering Control
[Eng-224] Increasing the Safety and Efficiency Sea Transportation by Designing Monitoring and Control System at Tanjung Perak Port
[Eng-225] Maximum Power Point Tracker based on Fuzzy Logic Controller for Stand-alone Photovoltaic SYISKA YANA
[Eng-227] The Use of Acetylated Sago Starch as Soy Milk Ice Cream Stabilizer
[Eng-228] Design and Implementation of Infrared Wireless Sensor Networks and RS-485 Network for Multi-floor Parking Information System
[Eng-230] Mixing Urea and Zeolite for Slow Release Fertilizer using Orbiting Screw Mixer
[Eng-231] The Application of an Hybrid Trilateration Method for Multi-Robot Localization System ENDAH S. NINGRUM AND ALI HUSEIN A.
[Eng-232] Human-Friendly Arm Robot using Interactive Genetic Algorithm
[Eng-233] Energy Efficiency and Optimization of Hybrid Power System Configuration in Sebesi Island (Krakatau Conservation Area)
[Eng-237] Housing Provision for Low Income Household in Bekasi Case Study : Self-help Housing
[Eng-238] Internet Filter Software for Pornography Sites
[Eng-240] Materials Engineering of CuZn/Al2O3 Composite for Bullet Application
[Eng-241] The Role of Art, Spiritual, Science, Engineering & Technology (ASSET) for Improving Quality of the Indonesian Human Resources (IQIHR)
[Eng-242] Optimization of Heat Exchanger Network at Unit CDU on Petroleum Refinery
[Eng-243] Characteristics of Bottom Shear Stress and the Net Sediment Transport for Solitary Wave
[Eng-244] Influence of Temperature Increase with Respect to Absorbed Energy, Lateral Expansion, and Shear Fracture Area of This Material (SA 350 LF 2 Class 1) to Determine the Transition Temperature HARI SUBIYANTO
[Eng-245] Comparative Study of Connection Quality of Welding (Submerged Arc Welding) between SS400 and Q235 Plate
[Eng-249] Designing and Testing of Heat Engine for Small Scale Biomass Power Generation in Rural Area
[Eng-250] Application of Interval Type 2 Fuzzy PI based Power System Stabilizers for Dynamic Stability Improvement in Single Machine Infinite Bus
[Eng-251] Optimal Sizing of Static Var Compensators (SVCs) for Reducing Power Losses in 500 kV JAMALI Grid Power System using Bacteria Foraging Algorithm (BFA)
[Eng-252] The Prospect of Developing Combined Cooling, Heating and Power System with Biomass Energy in China
[Eng-253] Preliminary Experiments of Biomass Gasification in a Self-Heated fluidized Bed
[Eng-254] Kinetic Study of Acetol Formation (2-Hidroxy Propanone) through Dehydration of Glycerol
[Eng-255] Making Biodiesel from Rubber Seed Oil by Transesterification Process using Packed Bed Reactor
[Eng-256] Material Stone Box
[Eng-259] Design of Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) for Sea Water Quality Monitoring IWAN MUHAMMAD ERWIN
EDUCATION [Edu-1] Weblog: a Selected Means for Promoting Learners’ Autonomy in Learning English in Big Classes
[Edu-4] Influence of Smart Game to Upgrade Memorize Ability in Social Science Subject of Fifth Grade Elementary School
[Edu-5] Implementation of Information Technology in Improving Service Management Quality at Stakeholders on SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik
[Edu-6] Education in Family: Strategy to Antisipate Side Effects Technology Development
[Edu-7] Material Development in Life Skill Education in Indonesian Text Book by using Literacy Learning Model
SOCIAL ENGINEERING, SCIENCE, AND ARTS [Soc-3] Market Branding and Macro Ergonomic Intervention to Revitalize Traditional Market using Dynamic System Model
[Soc-7] The Mediating Effect of Satisfaction in Relationship Service Quality toward Word of Mouth of Passengers’ Ferry’s Transport after Suramadu Bridge Building
[Soc-8] Study in Aesthetic "Budoyo Resik", a Basic Guide one of the Trust Java Community
[Soc-9] Earthquake : Mitigation Action , Hazard Mitigation Goals and Objectives, Grand Challenge for Disaster Reduction
[Soc-10] Case Study of Housing Subsidies Formal in Gresik
[Soc-12] Housing Condition in Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, in 2009
[Soc-14] In Search of New “Religion “in George Elliot’s Middle March
[Soc-15] The Needs of Formal Housing, Housing by People, and Housing in Slum Area of Bengkulu
[Soc-16] Housing Delivery Systems in Banjarmasin
[Soc-17] Energy and Behavior in Term of Interior Design
[Soc-18] Ergonomic Design Emergency Disaster Kitchen using Mobile and Portable Concept
[Soc-19] Identification of Green Open Space Private on Simple Housing Estate in Surabaya
[Soc-20] Adapting to Changing Times: Energy, Economy and Environment Alternatives in Sidoarjo Regency, Indonesia
MEDICAL AND LIFE SCIENCE [Med-1] Three Prenylated Xhantone from Garcinia as Cancer Inhibitor DWI OKTAVIANI JAMIL AND TASLIM ERSAM
[Med-3] Evaluation of Mucoadhesive Metronidazole Tablets Containing Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Celullose In Vitro
[Med-4] Voltammetric Determination of Antimalarial Xanthone Compounds
[Med-5] Effect of Citric Acid and Tartaric Acid to Physical Characteristics of Spray Dried Effervescent Kemuning ( Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack) Leaf Extract
[Med-6] Optimization of Chitin Production from Penaeus Monodon Shells at Ambient Temperature
[Med-7] Live Hope Prediction for Diabetes Patients Using Adaptif Swam Optimized Organizing Map (ASWOM)
[Med-8] Dreg and Husk of Jathropa Seed and the Mixed of Organic Garbage for Making the Briquette as an Alternatif Energy
[Med-9] Synthesis and Characterization of Mesopourous ZSM-5: Influence of Aging Time
[Med-11] Development Indonesian Wood Qualities by Complexs Reaction
[Med-12] Bioactivity Study of Alkaloid Compounds from Actinodaphne Glomerata
[Med-13] Sustainability of Fragraea Elliptica as an Endemic Species of Karimunjawa Island
[Med-16] Preliminary Observation on Marine Sponge Diversity at Pecaron Bay Pasir Putih Situbondo - East Java
[Med-17] Simple Microbial Soil Slant Technological Application in the Dish-washing Greywater Recycling Process
[Med-18] Design and Fabrication Gas Sensor Based on Conductive Polymer
[Med-19] Transient Stability Analysis with Solving Differential Equation Of Multimachine Power System
[Med-20] The Influence of Nursing Intervention through Family Pathnership toward the Practice of Feeding Pattern on Infant of Age 6-24 Months for Nuclear and Extended Family
[Med-21] Reducing Large Data by Squashing Method
AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT [Agr-4] Application Agrogeology Geotech in Landslide Disaster Langkap – Purbalingga
[Agr-6] The Subsurface Interpretation of The Mrawan Tunnel Based on Ground Penetrating Radar Data’s
[Agr-7] Ecological Function of Tree as Noise Abatement for Supporting Environment Health Surrounding Streetscape IMAWAN WAHYU HIDAYAT
ENGINEERING [Eng-63] Rancang Bangun Perlengkapan Motor untuk Penumpang Sebagai Solusi Peningkatan Keamanan Penumpang
[Eng-71] “PLAZORE” Sistem Goreng Kantung Plastik untuk Bahan Baku Produk Kerajinan
[Eng-72] Pengembangan Simulasi Aliran Air pada Saluran Drainase Kota Menggunakan Pemodelan Network Flow
[Eng-75] Aplikasi Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) Untuk Optimasi Penjadwalan Perawatan Unit Pembangkit Thermal
[Eng-77] Variabilitas Spasial Hujan Bulanan dan Hujan Tahunan Di Jawa Timur
[Eng-79] Monitoring Eutrofikasi Secara In Situ dengan Teknik Diffusive Gradient in Thin Film (DGT): Kajian Interaksi antara Sedimen dan Badan Air
[Eng-80] Kinetika Dekomposisi Metana dengan Katalis Ni/Cu/Al2o3 Menggunakan Reaktor Katalis Terstruktur
[Eng-89] Kolaborasi Mahasiswa dan Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan dan Swakelola Sistem Pengangkatan Air Menggunakan Energi Matahari
[Eng-95] Desain, Implementasi, dan Analisa Kinerja Sistem Pengaturan Berjaringan pada Skala Laboratorium
[Eng-96] Perancangan dan Realisasi Kontroler PID Adaptif pada Pressure Process Rig 38-714
[Eng-102] Sistem Pengaturan Berjaringan: Perancangan dan Realisasi Koneksi Plant pada Jaringan
[Eng-103] Perancangan dan Realisasi Kontroller untuk Pengaturan Motor DC melalui Jaringan
[Eng-119] Optimalisasi daya pada Solar Cell menggunakan Power Tracker
[Eng-115] Pengembangan Mekanisme Multiplatform Robot Pencari Korban Bencana Alam
[Eng-104] Studi Eksperimen Sistem Pengaturan Berjaringan dengan Pendekatan Logika Fuzzy pada Motor DC berbasis LabVIEW
[Eng-123] Model Hidrologi DAS ITN 2, Mengakomodasi Pengaruh Penggunaan Lahan dalam Analisa Potensi Sumberdaya Air
[Eng-127] Proses Produksi Dietil Eter dengan Berbagai Jenis Katalis dan Reaktor Unggun Tetap
[Eng-128] Identifikasi Partial Discharge pada Motor Tegangan Tinggi Menggunakan ANFIS Berdasarkan Spektrum RTDs
[Eng-129] Peningkatan Prosentase Fe2O3 dari Pasir Besi sebagai Bahan Baku Magnet Permanen Keramik dengan Metode Hydrothermal Oxidation DYAH SAWITRI, SEKARTEDJO, ZULKIFLI, DAN LIZDA JOHAR
[Eng-133] Peningkatan Produktifitas Etanol oleh Sacharomyces cereviseae dengan Operasi Tekanan Vakum
[Eng-134] Analisis Manfaat Teknis Pengintegrasian PLTM Tersebar pada Sistem Distribusi (Studi Kasus pada Rencana Pembangunan PLTM Muaro Sako Di Wilayah Kerja PLN Ranting Balai Selasa, Kab. Pesisir Selatan, Sumatera Barat)
[Eng-135] Pengembangan Klasifikasi Berbasis Gravitasi Data untuk Data Pelatihan yang Tidak Imbang
[Eng-140] Pembuatan Aplikasi Peta Potensi Rawan Banjir Berbasis Gis pada Badan Lingkungan Hidup Surabaya
[Eng-148] Development of Integrated Hydro Powerplant Design Module
[Eng-149] Rancang Bangun Text to Sound Menggunakan Metode Hybrid sebagai Sarana Membantu Komunikasi Tuna Netra dan Tuna Wicara
[Eng-160] Rancang Bangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Portable untuk Daerah Terpencil
[Eng-161] Rancang Bangun Interior Modular Car Body Kereta Api Kelas Satu Generasi Baru untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Industri Transportasi Nasional
[Eng-165] Sistem Pengaturan Berjaringan: Analisis Kinerja Kontroler terhadap Delay dan Packet Dropout
[Eng-174] Efisiensi Peredaman Energi dan Oksigen Terlarut dalam Aliran di Bendung Dawuan Situbondo
[Eng-183] Penempatan Multigate pada Produk Plastik Injection Mold untuk Meminimasi Cacat Lentingan (Warpage) Studi Kasus Rak Kandang Ayam
[Eng-186] Perancangan dan Realisasi Kontroler Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) pada Pressure Process RIG 38-714
[Eng-193] Pengendalian Rasio Continuous Variable Transmission (CVT) Terbaru dengan 2 Penggerak untuk Kendaraan Roda 4 Berbasis Close Loop Control
[Eng-196] Analisa Statistik untuk Studi Karakteristik Hidrologi Das-Das di Jawa Timur
[Eng-206] Teknologi Informasi dan Pendataran Indonesia
[Eng-213] Digitalisasi – AWLR(Automatic Water Level Recorder) Pada FEWS (Flood Early Warning System) DAS Sampean Madura Di Kab. Situbondo – Jawa Timur dengan Komunikasi GSM (DIAL & SMS) Gateway
[Eng-218] Aplikasi Gelombang Ultrasonik Efek Doppler untuk Pengukuran Kecepatan Pergerakan Benda
[Eng-220] Pengembangan Material Karet Bantalan Mesin (Engine Mesin) pada Formula Kompon Karet Alam NUR HUSODO
[Eng-235] Pengembangan Teknologi PLTPH dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Daya Gunanya sebagai Sumber Energi Listrik Rumah Tangga
[Eng-246] City Branding Surabaya sebagai Pusat Industri Kreatif Nasional
[Eng-247] Improvement of Process Data Quality Using Data Reconciliation and Gross Error Detection, Case: Steam Metering System – Methanol Synthesis Unit
[Eng-248] Aplikasi SIS (Safety Instrumented System) pada Kontrol Temperatur Turbin Gas
[Eng-258] Experiment and Simulation for Drying Characteristics of Ammonium Sulphate Fertilizer
[Eng-260] Estimator Growth Rate of Anaerob Microorganisme Based on Artificial Neural Network
EDUCATION [Edu-2] Kualitas Kekaryaan dan Komitmen Terhadap Kinerja Guru Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Wonokromo Surabaya
[Edu-3] Kajian Pendidikan Menengah Formal di Indonesia dalam Kaitan Menyeimbangkan antara Lulusan dengan Kebutuhan Kerja ( Studi Kasus Sistem Pendidikan di Jawa Timur )
SOCIAL ENGINEERING, SCIENCE, AND ARTS [Soc-4] Logofilosofi dan Unconditional Forgiveness : Sebuah Upaya Pelembagaan Ingatan Sosial pada Korban dan Keluarga Korban Tragedi Politik yang Traumatis
[Soc-5] Pengaruh Penentuan Lokasi Backing Plate dengan Pendekatan Teori ABC dan Skenario Simulasi Monte Carlo
[Soc-6] Mempergunakan Paradigma Seni untuk Membangun Identitas dalam Desain: Estetika Terintegrasi
[Soc-13] Konsep Housing Queue dalam Menentukan Prioritas Subsidi Perumahan
MEDICAL AND LIFE SCIENCE [Med-2] Pembuatan Sensor Elektrokimia Berbasis Emas Nanopartikel untuk Kuantisasi Rasa Pedas secara Voltametri
[Med-10] Uji Senyawa Antimalaria Golongan Alkaloid secara Voltametri Siklik
AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT [Agr-8] Potensi dan Prospek Pengembangan Tanaman Sorgum Manis (Sorghum Bicolor L.) sebagai Sumber Energi Baru dan Terbarukan SAMANHUDI
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
A Concept Risk Management Model for Ship Construction Process with Externality Factors MINTO BASUKI Jurusan Teknik Perkapalan, FTK, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — The aim of this research is to construct and develop risk management model for new building business of shipyard industries. This research was conducted through some steps: identification, evaluation, analysis of risk ratio influence for liability cost of new building business shipyard industries within externality factors. The discussion and analysis of risk management in shipyard business are not done yet even though its risk is even higher that other business. Shipyard business industry is an industry of big capital and slow yielding industry; therefore, it is operated with attentiveness principles. The research sample was obtained from shipyard of new ship building, risk data related to its operation were obtained five years ago with respondents of managers above and stakeholders. The data were analyzed with Value at Risk of the aid of statistical method. By applying this model of this analysis, risk management model and the application of new shipyard were found out.
Keywords⎯ Risk management, new building, externalities
Application of Particle Swarm Optimization for Tuning PID Controller in Automatic Generation Control Including Excitation System CHALIS ZAMANI 1, MUHAMMAD ABDILLAH 2, IMAM ROBANDI 3 Power System Operation and Control Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Surabaya Indonesia 60111 email:
[email protected] 1,
[email protected]),
[email protected]
Abstract — This paper present application of PID controller in Automatic Generation Control Including Excitation System. Parameters of PID controller namely KP, KI and KD are tuning with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). This method applied in AGC for an isolated power system. Using simulink Matlab this method is simulated and obtained that the application of PSO for tuning parameters of PID controller (PID-PSO) can reduce overshoot of machine angular velocity deviation (deviation of frequency) and terminal voltage compared with AGC without controller and tuning of PID parameters with trial error method (PID-TEM). Overshoot that occurs at deviation of frequency in AGC without controller is -0.03933 become -0.0333 in AGC with trial error method and -0.02411 with PID-PSO.
Keywords⎯ Automatic generation control (AGC), PID controller, particle swarm optimization (PSO).
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
A Random Counter Using Shift Register and Encoder LIANLY ROMPIS Universitas Katolik De la Salle Manado email:
[email protected]
Abstract — In specific purposes of circuit design, usually a digital circuit design needs a random counter. It is easier and better to be able to design it using a standard template of synchronous. counter that is a little bit complicated because needs a solution with the help of truth table and karnaugh-map, to find the equations for flip-flop inputs. This paper is trying to introduce a new concept of design, using shift register and encoder.
Keywords⎯ Random counter, shift register, encoder
Application of Geographical Information System (GIS) for Mapping Landslide Susceptibility: A Case Study of Timor Tengah Selatan, NTT Province HERRY Z. KOTTA1, GREGORIUS KLAU2 , SILVESTER TENA3 , HENDRO LAMI4 , YATURSANCE MANAFE5 , NIXSON MEOK6, GODLIEF E. S. MIGE7 K. RANTELOBO8 1 Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan - FST, Universitas Nusa Cendana, email:
[email protected] 2 Dinas Pertambangan Prop. NTT, Jl. W. J. Lalamentik 15, Kupang, email:
[email protected] 3,4,5,6,7,8 Jurusan Teknik Elektro – FST, Universitas Nusa Cendana, email: stena;hlami;ymanafe;nixson;rantelobo}
Abstract — Landslide is one of the most serious natural disasters causing great losses in term of materials and lives. Digital maps of geology, ground slope, and dormant landslides are combined statistically in a geographic information system (GIS) to identify sites of future land sliding over a broad area. The case study area is at Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS) District, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) Province, Indonesia. Landslide hazard potential and prediction model were assessed at regional scale 1:25.000 [1]. In this study, weighting and ranking of importance of factors to landslide occurrence are used to identification landslide potential areas. It is based on the observed relationship between each instability factor and the past landslide distribution. The obtained results allow to define the main factors causing land sliding as: slope rate, hydro-geological structure, surface weathering factors, distance to active faults and impact of human activities (land usage, plantation coverage etc). The degree of landslide hazard is expressed in relative term from very low to very high hazard level, and represents the expectation of future landslide occurrence based on the conditions of that particular area. It is obvious from the result map that the areas under high and very high hazard level are near the first and second stream orders of the study area. Finally, landslide hazard maps were produced. The result from this study represents differing hazard levels that show only the order of relative hazard at a particular site and not the absolute hazard. Keywords⎯ GIS, landslide susceptibility, NTT privince, mapping, TTS district
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Fuzzy PID Controller for Shaft Torque Wind Turbine A. MUSYAFA1, A. HUSNA2, I. M. YULISTIYA NEGARA3, IMAM ROBANDI4 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Surabaya Indonesia 60111 email:
[email protected]
Abstract — To obtain a consistens electrical energy, required the application of torque on the shaft controls the wind turbine. When the wind speed at an average velocity and the variesation control, then the variables can be selected for the process referred to as the typed control on wind speed, generator speed, and power generators. Shaft torque control with conventional PID control requires the designer to find mathematical models and knowing well the system model. A fuzzy logic controller shaft torque as developed in this study, in this system no longer need a thorough knowledge of the system model and wind speed average is usually used to compensate for non linier system sensitivity. Fuzzy Logic control strategy (FLC) has the advantage when the system contains non linear. Like the wind turbulence or other control objectives include the load due to fatigue. The design of convensional PID control would like compare with fuzzy logic control. From the simulation shows that the FLC can produce better performance.
Keywords⎯ Wind turbine, fuzzy logic control, shaft torque .
Application Of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Based Power System Stabilizer for Dynamic Power System Stability WAHYUDI1, MUHAMMAD ABDILLAH2, IMAM ROBANDI3 Power System Operation and Control Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Surabaya Indonesia 60111 email:
[email protected] [email protected]
Abstract — This paper represents an application of interval type-2 fuzzy logic (IT2FL) based power system stabilizer (PSS) to improve the dynamic stability on power systems. Type-2 fuzzy logic PSS (T2FLPSS) is a PD (proportionalderivative) PSS with Interval type-2 Fuzzy Logic as a producer signals with adjustable gain control that is added outside the fuzzy logic block. Uses T2FLPSS generator speed deviation as input first, that of accelerating power is obtained as a second input. Simulation is done by comparing the response stability of the rotor angle and rotor speed using Matlab. The results obtained from the use of control T2FLPSS better than T1FLPSS settling time the rotor angle changes from 4.78 seconds to 3.42 seconds, and time settling the rotor speed changes from 5.51 seconds to 3.58 seconds
Keywords⎯ Interval type-2 fuzzy logic, power system stabilizer, dynamic stability
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Application of PCMSR Nuclear Power Reactor for Cogeneration as Eceltricity Production and Desalination ANDANG WIDI HARTO1, SETIAWAN EKO WAHYUDI2, ESTER WIJAYANTI3 Jurusan Teknik Fisika, Universitas Gadjah Mada,Yogyakarta, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — The worldwide human energy need continually inceases however the conventional energy resources continually decerase. Moreover the uses of the conventional energy resources emit the greenhouse gases. Thus the uses of the alternative energy resources, including nuclear energy, become important. On the other hand, the worldwide human need of fresh water also increases. This give the idea to use the heat rejected from the nuclear power reactor as the heat source for desalination. This research based on the solution of the simultaneous mathematical equation for MED system desalination using the heat rejected form PCMSR (Passive Compact Molten Salt Reactor) nuclear power reactor. The calculation result shows that PCMSR can be use for sea water desalination process to produce 10.000 ton/day of fresh water. The energy performance ratio (EPR) is 94,72 ton/hari/MW and the gain output ratio (GOR) is = 6,74 Keywords⎯ Kogenerasi, desalinasi air laut, MED, PCMSR
Lead Acid Battery Modeling for Electric Vehicle BAMBANG S.K1,3, ARMAN JAYA1,4, PURWADI A. D1,5, DEDID C. H1,4, MAURIDHIE H. P2, SOEBAGIO 2 1 2
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Surabaya Indonesia 60111 Departmen of Electrical Engineering –ITS 3 Departmen of Electrical Engineering –University of Jember 4 PENS-ITS 5 Departmen of Physic Engineering -ITS
Abstract⎯ Electrical energy plays an important role in our daily life. It can universally be applied and easily be converted into light, heat or mechanical energy. A general problem, however, is that electrical energy can hardly be stored. Capacitors allow its direct storage, but the quantities are small, compared to the demand of most applications. In general, the storage of electrical energy requires its conversion into another form of energy. Electrical energy is typically obtained through conversion of chemical energy stored in devices such as batteries. In batteries the energy of chemical compounds acts as storage medium, and during discharge, a chemical process occurs that generates energy which can be drawn from the battery in form of an electric current at a certain voltage. A computer simulation is developed to examine overall battery design with the MATLAB/Simulink. Keywords⎯ Electrochemistry, lead acid battery, simulink/matlab
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Maximum Power Point Tracking Using PID and Fuzzy Logic Control for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System ALI MUSYAFA, AGUS DHARMA, TAMAJI, I. MADE YULISTIYA NEGARA, IMAM ROBANDI Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Surabaya Indonesia 60111 email :
[email protected];
[email protected]
Abstract — This paper proposes a method of maximum power point tracking using PID conventional and PI fuzzy logic control (FLC) for grid-connected photovoltaic system. This system is composed of a buck converter and a single phase inverter connected to utility grid. The maximum power point tracking control is based on fuzzy logic to control a switch of a buck converter. Fuzzy logic controllers provide attractive features such as fast response, good performance. In addition, Fuzzy logic controller can also change the fuzzy parameter for improve the control system. The single phase inverter uses predictive current control which provides current with fluctuateon condition. Therefore, the system is able to deliver energy with power maximum. Fuzzy logic controller is simulated to evaluate performance. From simulation result, fuzzy logic controller can deliver more power than the conventional PID controller.
Keywords— Fuzzy logic control, maximum power point, photovoltaic system, converter.
Load Forecasting For The Distribution Network Of South And Middle Kalimantan Using Artificial Neural Networks Resilient Propagation JAZULI FADIL 1,2, ONTOSENO PENANGSANG1 , ADI SOEPRIJANTO1 1
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Surabaya Indonesia 60111 2 Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin, Banjarmasin. email :
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract—This paper present artificial neural networks (ANN) with Resilient propagation (RPROP) method implementation for Load Forecast System, especially long term forecasting with multi input and multi layer structure design. Previous study of Load Forecast System used ANN feed forward method with the back propagation (BPNN) for long term forecasting, but it will take long iteration for correcting error. By using RPROP method, error correction can be done faster , and in training process non-linear regression pattern of the electrical load can be done for long term forecasting. Data of the trained load changes is the distribution network data of south and middle kalimantan area in 4 years from several main power plants, weather data from BMKG in 4 years and citizen population with moving average from 2005 until 2008. The accuracy of the forecasting will be tested with the real data to know the maximum error deviation, hence correction can be done continuously on the network learning rate and weight. With this method, the error had closer zero with MSE 10-5.
Keywords—Artificial neural networks, BPNN load forecasting, RPROP
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
GPU-Based Parallel Algorithm for Construction of Uniform Grid Structure REZA FUAD R.1, MOCHAMAD HARIADI2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Surabaya Indonesia 60111, email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract—Ray tracing algorithm has been widely used for rendering photorealistic image in 3d movie, CAD, and architec-ture software. The biggest challenge to implent the ray tracing algorithm is a large computing power that needed by appli-cation. Uniform grid is one of many accelerating structure that used to reduce rendering time in ray tracing algorithm. In this paper, we introduce parallel algorithm for construction of uniform grid structure for used in ray tracing algorithm. We use a SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) microprocessor in GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) to implement the algorithm. Keywords—Photorealistic rendering, parallel algorithm, uniform grid, ray tracing algorithm, SIMD.
Creative Sublasi in Furniture Design from Used Corrugated Paper THOMAS ARI KRISTIANTO Ergodesign Laboratory, Industrial Product Design Department, ITS Surabaya
Abstract — Sublasi in design activity can be interpret as designer effort to manage various influence while designing things. Sublasi can be use to minimize moreover to cut off the influence flow from previous works. Therefore sublasi can be used as one of creative way to produce innovative works. One of methodology can be applied by explore designer creativity by creating unusual object. A group of 39 students worked together in 12 work hours within tight guidance, to produce unusual sitting facility from used corrugated paper. The have to produced creative concept and form by recycled-reused only corrugated paper. The project method allowed student forming the used paper by fold, slice, bend, cut, press, and fastened by its own part of paper. Another joinery material such us glue, screw, bolt, thread, string, were not allowed. Students were also used their pure imagination because they did not allowed to study things about this project before. Guide also asked they not thinking about common chair while designing.Lack of references and structural problem forced group to made several design alternative. Result were 39 variation design, within it, there were 20 works that had powerful track of creative sublasi.
Keywords— Creative, sublasi, used corrugated paper, sitting facility.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Design of PSO-SVR for Monthly Maximum Load Forecasting (case of study in Bali) INDRI SURYAWATI1, IMAM ROBANDI2 Laboratory of Power System Operation and Control Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, ITS Surabaya Indonesia 60111 email: 1
[email protected], 2
[email protected]
Abstract –Accuracy of electricity load forecasting is needed to prepare electricity supply to keep it in balance with demand in energy management. Electric load behaviors tend to fluctuated and often presents non linear data pattern. Therefore, determine forecasting method with strong general nonlinear mapping is important. Support Vector Regression (SVR) based on the Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) theory can solve nonlinear modeling by minimizing an upper bound of the generalization errors. The result of SVR forecast is depending by SVR’s parameters. This paper presents maximum load forecasting for monthly by using Particle Swarm Optimization – SVR (PSO-SVR) with case of study in Bali Island. This study is proposed to get the minimum error of maximum load in a month by optimizing SVR’s parameters. PSO is chosen to tune the parameters in order to improve forecasting error accuracy. The resulted error of PSO-SVR then is compared with previous model by GA-SVR.. Based on maximum load error and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), PSO-SVR shows outperform than previous model. The minimum of maximum load error using PSO-SVR give 0.1% and MAPE 0.34%.
Keywords— Support vector regression, particle swarm optimization, electricity load forecasting, maximum load error.
Dissolved Ammonia Removal From Aqueous Solution Through Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactor SUTRASNO KARTOHARDJONO, DODI CANDRA, ACHMAD EFFENDI, NYI MAS ASRI M. Chemical Engineering Departmen – University of Indonesia Kampus Baru UI, Depok 16424, email:
[email protected]
Abstract—Ammonia in water is one of pollutants produced by industrial processes. Based on Government Regulation number 18 of 1999 regarding management of hazardous waste and toxic materials article 8, paragraph 1, ammonia is classified as corrosive substance which can damage body tissue. Removal of ammonia dissolved in water is usually done in conventional aeration or by contact process using a column or packed tower and usually subject to high energy consumption. Problems that arise in the conventional processes have triggered researchers to find other alternative separation technologies. One of the alternative technologies that can be applied in the separation of ammonia dissolved in water is membrane-based separation technology. The aims of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the ammonia removal through hollow fiber membrane contactor. The results showed that the ammonia removal efficiency can achieve as high as 63.5%. Operating variables such as time and circulation rate of feed aqueous solution are found to remarkably influence the removal process efficiency. Within the range of feed flow velocities examined, increasing the feed flow velocity resulted generally in higher ammonia removal efficiency, higher flux and overall mass transfer coefficient.
Keywords—Flux, mass transfer coefficients and membrane contactor.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Causal Factors of Landslides at Panti Kabupaten Jember AMIEN WIDODO1, SUKANDARRUMIDI2, DWIKORITA KARNAWATI3, HERU HENDRAYANA4 Jurusan Teknik Sipil,FTSP,Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember,Surabaya,Indonesia Jurusan Geologi, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta email:
[email protected]
Abstract— The results of water electrolysis from brown gas system have been applied for car and improve fuel efficiency. Water was also included in the gas product which it decreased temperature and NOx emission.Unfortunately gas flow rate was constant at all engine speed which may be disturbed burning process at lowspeed because water became too much in the block cylinder. This experiment measured a lot of parameters of electrolysis process which near optimum value. Voltage varied from 1.3 to 3 volt for 1 sell, electrode current density under 0.2 A/cm2 and electrolyte concentration varied from 20 to 40%. Electronics controller of electrolysis has been made with them based on engine speed with power consumption varied from 0 to 93.6 Watt through PWM control duty. Gas product capacity obtained from 0 to 6.5 ml/s and water included from 0 to 26.7 mg/s. The controller was able to adjusted turn current at specific speed engine. The brown gas system obtained 61 from control target on the best power condition but was able to reduce over capacity of water in cylinder block at low speed. The experiment result showed H2 and O2 gas production had ability to brought water molecules so it made AFR (Air Fuel Ratio) became rich or best power condition (with AFR 12.5 : 1. This condition can reduce NOx , CO and HC emission.
Keywords⎯ Electronics control, brown gas, AFR and gas emission.
Craziness Particle Swarm Optimization (CRPSO) Solution for Optimal Economic Dispatch RIO INDRALAKSONO1, RIFAD MUBARAK BAMATRAF 2, IMAM ROBANDI 3 Power System Operation and Control Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Surabaya Indonesia, 60111, 1
[email protected],
[email protected] ,
[email protected]
Abstract — In recent years there are big improvements in power necessity. The growth of residences, commercial, and industry increase the need of electricity. On the other hand the improvement of power need is not followed with the development of power plant. This condition forces the power supplier to manage the power production properly. Since this related to fuel requirements for each power plant and cost that must be paid. A method which commonly used for manage power production is called Economic Dispatch. It helps the producer to set output power generation for each load correctly in order to reduce the cost of power generating. Using optimization method, the cost of power generated is cheaper than using mathematics method especially for complex characteristic. One of solution that developed is using CRPSO. The simulation result shows that using optimization method Craziness Particle Swarm Optimization (CRPSO) will be able to reach $ 23,00 cheaper cost of power generating for 1263 MW load demand and $ 4,00 cheaper for 1350 MW load demand better than conventional Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO).
Keywords⎯ CRPSO, PSO, economic dispatch
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Design of Feedback Control Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) for the Statcom (Case Study: SulSelbar System) INDAR CHAERAH G1,2, MUKHTAR SALEH1, ADI SUPRIJANTO2 2
1 Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Hasanuddin Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Surabaya Indonesia 60111
[email protected]
Abstract — Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) is one type of FACTS devices that serve to improve the power factor, voltage changes and improve system stability. STATCOM is a multi-input systems and multi-output (MIMO), so the control design using multivariable control is required. There are several methods to control this equipment include: PI and LQR, but both these methods is a method that does not take control of noise and disturbance. Bus method Participation Factor and Method qv curves obtained that the interconnection system Sulselbar, Bus Bontoala a STATCOM installation location. From the simulations carried out steady state values obtained from the LQG method faster than the PI and LQR methods.
Keywords⎯ STATCOM, stability, PI, LQR, LQG, disturbance, noise
Design of Three Phase Half Wave Rectifier with minimum THD and Power Factor Close to Unity using PI Fuzzy Switching control in Boost Converter AINUR ROFIQ N ¹, IRIANTO ², CAHYO FAHMA S. 3 1,2,3
Jurusan Teknik Elektro Industri Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya – ITS Kampus ITS Sukolilo,Surabaya 60111 email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Three phase Half wave rectifier is ones of technical changing the AC voltage into the DC voltage. In the rectification process which conducted by diode will arise harmonics on input current, so the current input source will be distoted and the phase shift so the power factor will low. With using the boost converter, beside increasing the output voltage, the rectification source also can decreasing that low frequence harmonics and increasing power factor. However, new harmonic will appear with high frequency from the result of switching process on boost converter. Therefor, This circuit is using the PI Fuzzy controller as switching in boost converter that expected to reduce the harmonics so input current is undistorted and overall power factor of rectifier circuits can be close to one
Keywords⎯ Three phase half wave rectifier, harmonics, bost converter, pwer faktor
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Dissolved Gas Analysis using Fuzzy Neural Network HASAN BASRI1, LITASARI2 Jurusan Teknik Elektro, FTI, UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia email:
[email protected] [email protected]
Abstract — Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) is one of the methods of fault diagnosis of the transformer. There are several methods to diagnose the incipient fault of the transformer such as Key Gas, Roger Ratio, Doernenburg Ratio, Total Dissolved Combustible Gas (TDCG), Total Combustible Gas (TCG), and Duval Triangle. One of the problems in fault diagnosis of transformer based on dissolved gas using traditional ratio method is lack of accuracy because not all of the ratios are match with the codes available. In this paper, fuzzy logic and artificial neural network are developed to increase the accuracy. The combination of the fuzzy logic and artificial neural network are known as fuzzy neural network method. In this thesis, Roger Ratio method is developed with fuzzy neural network. Then, the new method is trained with 75 cases of faults using back propagation algorithm and then tested with different 18 cases of faults. To calculate the accuracy of fuzzy neural network method, the results of the test with 18 fault cases are compared with the results of the traditional ratio method.
Keywords⎯ accuracy, analysis, diagnosis, dissolved gas, DGA, fuzzy neural network, incipient fault, ratio method, roger Ratio, traditional ratio method
Empowering of Information Technology to Increase HDI Level at Jembrana Regency NUR LAILI Center for Science and Technology Development Studies Indonesian Institute of Sciences 12720, email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract—Human Development Index (HDI) was the indicator to measure the prosperity level of community. Jembrana regency was one of regency in the province of Bali which had a lower HDI than the other regency. The government of Jembrana regency was creating policy to develop information technology infrastructures to increase the HDI of Jembrana. The information technology infrastructure development was done by two dimensions of HDI, which were education and health. The implication of it policy to Jembrana’s HDI was increasing of the literacy rate, average of timelong to school, and the number of life hope of Jembrana’s community.
Keywords⎯ Human development index, information technology, education, health, Jembrana
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Design Optimal Linear Quadratic Regulator For Static Synchronous Compensator (Statcom) Using Particle Swarm Optimization EFRITA ARFAH ZULIARI1, MUHAMMAD ABDILLAH2, MARWAN ROSYADI3 1,2,3
Power System Operation and Control Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Surabaya Indonesia 60111 email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) can improve power factor and dynamic stability on power system. STATCOM is Multiple Input and Multiple Output (MIMO) system, which can be presented by a mathematical model. This paper presents an application of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) as a modern tool to design controller parameter of weighting matrices Q and R of the LQ optimal control to obtain optimal gain as feedback of the Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) in its optimization. The LQ optimal control is designed using PSO to improve the dynamic response of the Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM). The final result show that application of LQ optimal control designed by using PSO can suppress active current Id, reactive current Iq, and DC voltage Vdc in the shortest settling time among the application of the alternative of proposed control.
Keywords⎯ STATCOM, linear quadratic (LQ) optimal control, particle swarm Optimization (PSO).
Improvement of Dynamic Stability in Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) using Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) based Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm FAJAR GALIH INDARKO1, MUHAMMAD ABDILLAH2, IMAM ROBANDI3
Power System Operation and Control Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Surabaya Indonesia 60111 email:
[email protected] 2email:
[email protected]:
[email protected]
Abstract--- In this paper, an approach based on Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm is presented for selecting the weighting matrix in Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) for Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB). Feedback gain settings of the system are obtained by minimizing the performance index using ABC algorithm to optimize the matrix Q and R elements. Since the performance of matrix Q and R determines the output performances of the system. We design the weighting matrix of a power system optimization by using the trial-error method, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method, and ABC method and compare the control performances. The simulation results show that the proposed method gives the response better than other methods and requires shorter settling time of control.
Keywords⎯ Linear quadratic regulator (LQR), SMIB, artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Study of Wastewater Treatment (WWT) Seaweed Factory Capacity: 360 m3 per day PRAYITNO State Polytechnic of Malang
Abstract — Wastewater Treatment (WWT) of Seaweed Factory contain some of pollutans as organic matter, BOD (>4,000 ppm), COD (30,000 ppm) , dys ( green to brown), smell fishy, pH ( 12-14, Total Suspended Solid (TSS) (> 3,000 ppm) which caused environment pollutionThe objective of study is to know the application design WWT of Seaweed Factory. The step of study is The design of WWT and The application of WWT Seaweed Factory . In the design WWT of Seaweed Factory have steps as study of characteristic wastewater, location survey, choice of process, process diagram, calculation mass balance and dimensions of operation unit, and hydraulic profile.The result of the application design WWT of Seaweed Factory can degradation pollutans to reach > 90% that consist primer storage basin , coagulation & flocculation basin, sedimentation basin, aerobic basin, clarifier basin, final basin, filtration tank, sludge basin. The result analysis of effluent are show pollutans concentration below quality standart as fixed by SK Gubernur East of Java No 45/2002
Keywords⎯ WWT, sludge, clarifier
Fuzzy Modulation in Networked Control System with Multiple Plant MAHARDHIKA PRATAMA, IMAM ARIFIN, MOCH.RAMELI Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Surabaya Indonesia 60111 email :
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Using network communication is become attention in a recent years. Network could reduce wiring cost, and could increase flexibility. In the control engineering , using network for data communicating have advantages, we called Networked Control System . Networked Control system can degrade a system performance because of having delay, and package drop out. In this paper, we proposed fuzzy logic modulation to improve a performance because of induced delay. Package drop out handle with markovian jump. A concern of this paper analysis in fuzzy logic modulation with multiple plant. We determine plant DC servo MS-150 and pressure process rig 38-714.
Keywords⎯ Networked, fuzzy modulation, multiple plant
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
An Investigation Into The Resistance/Powering and Seakeeping Characteristics of River Catamaran/Trimaran I. K. A. P UTAMA1, A. JAMALUDIN2, MURDIJANTO1 1 2
Department of Naval Architecture, ITS Surabaya Indonesian Hydrodynamics Laboratory, Surabaya
Abstract— Shortest route problem uses to find shortest path from initial point to the destination point. Greedy Algorithm is the most popular method to solve optimation problem that many alternatives can be choosed at any step solution. I.e. for every step must be selected the best solution. Process of finding the optimal solution from the shortest route must be selected one by one according to the segment direction. These selections done for the segment graph that has initial point and destination point, so from calculation done can be gotten shortest route for public transportation. The result of research shows that determining shortest path depend on cross point and public facility point, also the name point and determining distance and direction of path needed.
Keywords— Shortest route, greedy algorithm, optimize, graph
Internet-Based Information System of Shortest Route Management in Madiun’s Transportation Using Greedy Algorithm RUDY SETIAWAN Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Universitas Ma Chung Malang, email:
[email protected]
Abstract— Shortest route problem uses to find shortest path from initial point to the destination point. Greedy Algorithm is the most popular method to solve optimation problem that many alternatives can be choosed at any step solution. I.e. for every step must be selected the best solution. Process of finding the optimal solution from the shortest route must be selected one by one according to the segment direction. These selections done for the segment graph that has initial point and destination point, so from calculation done can be gotten shortest route for public transportation. The result of research shows that determining shortest path depend on cross point and public facility point, also the name point and determining distance and direction of path needed.
Keywords— Shortest route, greedy algorithm, optimize, graph
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Binary Response Nonparametric Regression Model With Single Smoothing Predictor JERRY DWI TRIJOYO PURNOMO Jurusan Statistik, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — In linear logistic regression model, the expectation of a binary response variable with the logit model ln(p(x)/(1-p(x))) = x`a. The assumption of linearity is often violated by smooth function of the explanatory variables, so that, alternative form are sought. The expectation of a binary response variable with the logit model become k
ln(p(x)/(1-p(x))) = ∑ φi ( xi ) where φi are general smooth functions of the explanatory variables. Estimation is i =1
achieving using local maximum likelihood. The technique is illustrated in university graduation problem (master degree), with status of grade point average (GPA) as response variable, and toefl pre-test and “Tes Potensi Akademik” (TPA) as explanatory variables.
Keywords⎯ Logistic regression, binary response, smooth function, local maximum likelihood
Identification of St Segment Changes of ECG Output Signal Using Wavelet Transformation M. R. BILLAH1., SUYANTO2, A. M. T. NASUTION3 Jurusan Teknik Fisika, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Heart as blood distributor in the human body produces electric signals within its activity. This electric signals later is translated into electrocardiograph (ECG) in order to diagnose function of the heart. ST segment as a part of the ECG signal has important roles in diagnosing function of the heart. This reseacrh has been developed into identification of three kinds of ST segments, which are normal, elevation and depression, using multiresolution analysis of wavelet transformation with daubeschies db3 mother wavelet at 4th level. Coefficients resulted from this analysis are extracted its features as their minimum values, maximum values, means, and deviation standards as inputs of Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). From the verification and testing process for each identification systems of normal, elevation and depression ST segments, the low-boundary of errors each 0.2856, 0.1750, and 0.6220 with average errors each 0.1558, 0.0728, and 0.4428 are obtained.
Keywords⎯ ECG, ST segment, wavelet transformation, multiresolution analysis, daubechies, feature extraction, ANFIS
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Model Predictive Control Design Study on Multivariable Tennessee Eastman Plant HARI SOLAGRATIA1, SUTANTO HADISUPADMO2, ESTIYANTI EKAWATI3 1
Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITB Bandung Indonesia 40132, email:
[email protected] 2 Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial Technology, ITB Bandung Indonesia 40132, email:
[email protected] 3 Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITB Bandung Indonesia 40132, email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Recently, control strategy continues to evolve with requires for improved performance, optimization, and the reliability of the controller to control the multivariable plant which contain interference. Model Predictive Control (hereafter called MPC) is an advanced control process strategy which based on process model. Furthermore, the advantages of MPC can handle multivariable process with dead time variations in process variable with respect to process limits. In this paper, model predictive control will be posed to control Tennessee Eastman plant with 3 pairing loop variable, reactor temperature towards temperature reactor cooling water, product composition with feed D, and compressor work controlled by compressor recycle valve. The model used is a process modeling approach to First Order Plus Dead Time (FOPDT). Observations of the MPC controller performance will be done by comparing with PID controller which tuned by Ziegler-Nichols method. the tuning parameter value Kp = 0.1 and Ki = 0.1 for the loop temperature, Kp=144 Ki=288 Kd=1152 for product composition loop, and Kp=12.04 Ki=192.768 Kd = 1.1295 for compressor work. From the simulation that have been made, MPC controller provides IAEtemperature= 51.8, IAEcomposition=57.01, and IAEcompressor=54.1 whereas PID controller yields IAEtemperature=59,1, IAEcomposition=65,1, and IAEcompressor=3,02.
Keywords⎯ Model predictive control, multivariable, tennessee eastman, simulation
Early Leak Detection of Pneumatic System using Pressure Differentiator HARUS L.G. Jurusan Teknik Mesin, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — In a pneumatic system leak means energy losses. As a result it has to be well detected, localized and stopped. There are several methods used in leak detection. We developed a pressure differentiator, tested its characteristics, applied it for air leak detection and report its performance. The mechanism consists of an isothermal chamber, a flow channel and a differential pressure sensor. The differentiated value of pressure is obtained by comparing the pressure of a measured object with the pressure change inside the isothermal chamber. Air leak at a pipe was detected by observing the differentiated pressure change of the pipe. The results are reported and discussed.
Keywords⎯ Pressure differentiator, pneumatic system, leak detection, energy efficiency
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Natural Energy Utilization For Simple Walk-Up Flat's Design In Indonesia ROBINHOT JEREMIA LUMBANTORUAN Jurusan Arsitektur, FTSP, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Energy crisis became the main issue for each of the nations in the world due to global economic social life impact. Wisdom of energy use and conservation efforts to be the main focus of anticipation that done. Simple walk-up flats is a housing typology for low-income communities (MBR) which in its design must be considered in a holistic aspect that can minimize the burden of operational costs to achieve effective demands for occupant. One effort that can be done to save the energy consumption is natural energy utilization with to optimalization passive system (passive mode) in simple walk-up flat building.
Keywords⎯ Energy efficiency, passive mode, walk-up flat’s design
Optimal Control Design of Power System Stabilizer in Single Machine Infinite Bus Using Craziness Particle Swarm Optimization RIFAD MUBARAK BAMATRAF 1, MUHAMMAD ABDILLAH 2, IMAM ROBANDI 3 Power System Operation and Control Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia, 60111, 1email:
[email protected] 2email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Nowadays there are a huge growth of power necessity in society. But not followed with the growth of power system to cover the need. This condition force the power system to work in their limit, make them easily to get unstable condition during disturbance. Disturbance comes as a result of power changes every time. The disturbance will grow and make generator loss the synchronization and make the system black out. There are several additional tool to damp oscillation during disturbance, one of them is Power System Stability (PSS). In this paper, a research investigated tuning method of Power System Stabilizer (PSS) using Craziness Particle Swarm Optimization (CRPSO). Using PSS based CRPSO, power system stability will increase better than using Conventional Particle Swarm Optimization (CPSO). From the research, it found that for the critical eigen value, the damping ratio is 0.0320 using CPSO and it increase to 0.0201 when using CRPSO.
Keywords⎯ Power system stabilizer, conventional particle swarm optimization, craziness particle swarm optimization
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Optimal Load Frequency Control Design on Multi Area Power System Using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy PI Controller MUH. BUDI R. WIDODO 1, MUHAMMAD ABDILLAH2, IMAM ROBANDI 3 Power System Operation and Control Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia, 60111 email:
[email protected]
Abstract — This paper represents the application of interval Type-2 Fuzzy PI (IT2FPI) Controller on two areas power system to improve performance of frequency response system by simulation using MATLAB. Simulation is done by comparing the frequency response of two power system in the control area using integral control, Proportional Integral Control (PI), the interval type-1 Fuzzy PI (IT1FPI) controller, and controller IT2FPI. The results of simulations carried out that by using the IT2FPI controller on two areas power system, first swing overshoot and settling time of frequency response system capable of suppressed, and each is -0.001535 pu and 11.3 seconds.
Keywords⎯ Interval type-2 fuzzy PI controller, load frequency control, two area power system
Optimal Placement of Capacitor for Reactive Power Compensation Using Particle Swarm Optimization Time Varying Acceleration Coefficient SEPTIAN DWIRATA1, RIFAD MUBARAK BAMATRAF2, RIO INDRALAKSONO3, ROBI FAJERIN4, IMAM ROBANDI5 Power System Operation and Control Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia, 60111 email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Reactive power compensation in power system feeder correctly will improve power system performance. It will increase voltage profile, power factor, release capacity, and reduce power losses in distribution. In this paper a study about optimal capacitors placement is conducted to reduce the transmission system. Using optimization method in optimal placement of capacitors will increase system performance better than locate it manually. In order to reach the minimum losses a Particle Swarm Optimization with Time Varying Acceleration Coefficient (TVAC) is conducted to avoid the premature convergence in Conventional Particle Swarm optimization. System study in this simulation is IEEE 26 buses. The determination of capacitor capacity and optimal location is done by PSO-TVAC is proven reduce the losses from 15.5340 MW to 14.9656 MW.
Keywords⎯ Reactive power compensation, PSO, PSO-TVAC
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Optimization of Cooling Water Network Using Water Pinch Analysis and Superstructure Optimization at Pulp and Paper Industry RUSLI N., IVAN ANTONI, ELLINA S. PANDEBESIE DAN RENANTO Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember email:
[email protected]
Abstract — In chemical industry, cooling water is an important utilitie in production process. In cooling water network, water from cooling water is supplied to cooling water network and returned to cooling tower to be cooled before circulated again. Commonly, the configuration is parallel so it needed more cooling water. In this research, the cooling water network is optimized so flow rate of cooling water and operating cost can be reduced. This research is using water pinch analysis (Kim and Smith, 2001 and superstructure method which are using Lingo 8.0. The result from water pinch and superstructure are compared with the existing configuration. From optimization result, it was concluded that cooling water flow rate can be reduced using water pinch analysis and superstructure method. The existing configuration needed 197.28 kg/s of cooling water with cooling water return temperature was 46.9oC and the total annual cost was Rp 2,962,084,794.78. With water pinch and superstructure method, cooling water rate could be reduced to 195.28 kg/s with cooling water return temperature was 47.04oC. The total annual cost for water pinch method was Rp 2,961,504,319 and for superstructure method was Rp 2,956,581,046.
Keywords⎯ Cooling water network, minimum, optimization, superstructure, water pinch analysis
Finding the Best Fishing Ship Principal Dimensions Using a Non-linear Programming Optimization Technique MOHAMMAD NURUL MISBAH, AHMAD NASIRUDIN, DJAUHAR MANFAAT Jurusan Teknik Perkapalan, FTK, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ One of importans tasks in fishing ship design to define the best, optimum ship principal dimensions. One of techniques to optain the optimum dimensions is an optimization technique. In this paper, a non-linear programming optimisation technique to find the most optimum ship principal dimensions is described. As a case study, the design of shipping ship, whose type is purse seiner operating at sea, north of the Brondong region, Lamongan, is discussed. The objective function of the above optimisation process is to minimise the total ship building cost (the investation cost). The parameters are the deadweight tonnage (TDW) components and the light weight tonnage, ship hull form coefficients, etc. The constants are the specific density of sea water, gravity, kinematic viscousity coefficient, etc. The constraints are the range values of the ratios of the principal dimensions, such as L/B for maneuvering, B/T and B/H for ship resistance, L/H for the longitudinal strength, the Froude number and the freeboard. The variables are the ship length (Lpp), breadth (B), depth (H), draught (T) and service speed (vs), that are to be optimised. This optimisation process is implemented within one of tools in the Microsoft Excel software known as Solver. In the problem solving, the method of Generalised Reduced Gradient (GRG) has been used. This method is a non-linear programming with constraints. From the optimisation process, the optimum principal dimensions of a purse seiner have been found, i.e., Lpp = 17.1618 meters, B = 4.4985 meters, H = 1.7994 meters, T = 1.5294 meters, and vs = 9.4 knots.
Keywords⎯ Fishing ship, purse seiner, optimization, non-linear programming
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
An Implementation of Grid-Computing On Large-Scale Structural Analysis Problems DATA IRANATA1, RADITYO ANGGORO2 Jurusan Teknik Sipil,FTSP, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia Jurusan Teknik Informatika,FTIinf,Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — For the realistic simulation of structural engineering systems, the numerical model of a structural system must be complex enough to capture the detailed behaviors of the real system at various scales. The computation of a large-scale simulation problem requires massive computing resources integrated together by high performance computing technique. Internet-based distributed computing is perceived as a promising avenue to achieve computing power. Although Internet is expected to be a significant bottleneck, the traditional parallel structural analysis procedure must be revised from the architectural level to minimize the amount and the frequency of data being communicated over Internet. A new grid-based simulation methodology for the realistic simulation of structural engineering systems is proposed in this paper. Two levels of parallel processing will be involved in this framework: multiple local distributed computing environments connected by Internet to form a grid-based distributed computing environment. In a simulation, a large-scale structural simulation task is decomposed into simplified global models and detailed component models in various scales. These multi-scale simulation tasks are distributed amongst clusters and connected together in a multi-level hierarchy coordinated over the Internet. The program architecture allows the integration of multi-scale models as clients and servers under a single platform. Keywords⎯ Structural analysis, realistic simulation, distributed computing, grid computing, internet.
Improvement of Respons Frequency and Noise Figure (Fn) of Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Si(1-x)Gex (HBT SiGe) based on arrangement Mole Fraction (x) TOSSIN ALAMSYAH1, DJOKO HARTANTO2, N.R. PUSPAWATI3, E. SHINTA DEWI YULIAN4 4
1,2,3 Departemen Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia Departemen Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Trisakti,Jakarta.
[email protected]
Abstract—This paper investigates effect of fraction mole (x) and germanium profile on the Response Frequency (threshold and maximum Frequency) and Noise Figure Performance (Fn) of SiGe HBTs. The model is quantified from the first model of HBT SiGe IBM with these parameters AE 0,25×10 µm2 WE 10 nm, WB 40 nm, WC 350 nm, NE 1021 cm-3, and NB 1019 cm-3. There are two main results of this research. First, a SiGe HBT with a fraction mole (x) 0.05 and a squared Germanium profile generates current gain dc (βdc), fT and fmaks of 149, 109 and 116 GHz. These values compared with the other germanium profiles as: trapezoid (140,103 and 109 GHz) and triangle (136,103 and 136 GHz) had the highest values. Second, when the mole fraction of squared profile up twice, the βdc, fT and fmaks increased 39%,4% and 3% while the trapezoid one are 39%,4% and 0%. The conclusion based on the first result is the squared profile has the lowest Fn (0.0964 dB) than the trapezoid (0.1086 dB) and the triangle one (0.1278 dB). Meanwhile based on the second one, the Fn increased 45% for square and 16 % for both trapezoid and triangle profile.
Keywords⎯ HBTs SiGe , mole fraction (x) , profil germanium, respon frekuensi, noise figure (Fn).
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Usage of Silica Powder for High Strength Concrete TRIWULAN, DANTO A., RUCHI R. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember,Surabaya, Indonesia
Abstract⎯ High strength concrete is still widely used recently at construction field. Development in science and technology effects a change in concrete technology on introducing other composite materials as mineral admixtures such as fly ash, silica fume and silica powder in order to enhance the compressive strength and obtain the specific properties in its application. In this research, silica powder as a cementitious material was introduced in concrete proportion to replace 0%, 5%, 10% 20%, 30% of Portland cement weight by using mix design of ACI code. Compression test, setting time test temperature hydration test and porosity test were then conducted. The result of this experiment shows that silica powder improves 30% of normal paste compressive strength. Wet silica powder grinded for 250 hours gives the optimum result. Moreover, adding of silica powder into the mixture enhances the compressive strength of paste, mortar and concrete, delays the initial and final setting time and decreases the hydration temperature.
Keywords⎯ Cementitious, silica, concrete, high strength
Performance of High Strength of Self Compacting Concrete with Hyperplasticizer and High Volume Fly Ash M.T. MUNIFSON1 , TRIWULAN2 , MUDJI IRMAWAN3, PRIYO SUPROBO4 1
2,3,4 Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, ITS, Surabaya. Jurusan Teknik Sipil Bidang Keahlian Struktur Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, ITS, Surabaya email:
[email protected]
Abstract ⎯ Within concrete research, High Strength of Self Compacting Concrete (HSSCC) is reported to be the ‘hot topic’ . As a high-performance concrete, HSSCC delivers these attractive benefits while maintaining all of concrete's customary mechanical properties and durability characteristics. In this research the properties of High Strength of Self Compacting Concrete will be achieved by the use of chemical admixture (hyper plasticizer) Viscocrete-10® and high volume of Fly Ash (replacement 60% to 100% by weight of cement). The workability conditions are tested using workability test consist of Slump Cone, V-Funnel, and L-Shaped Box. Compression, flexural strength and notched beam tests are carried out on hard concrete. The test result shows optimum proportion with hyperplasticizer 0,5% (by total weight of cement and fly ash) and fly ash 60% (by weight of cement), compressive strength at 3,7,28 and 56 days are 39,49; 48,83; 60,72 and 69,74 Mpa respectively. Flexural strength and fracture energy at 28 days are 10,27 Mpa and 37,5 Mpa respectively.
Keywords⎯ Self compacting concrete, high strength concrete, workability, fly ash, hyper-plasticizer
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Percentages Influence of Non Organic Waste to Value Briquettes Waste Heat From Organic Waste Biomass Banten City Type Cilegon RDF - 5 (Refused Derived Fuel 5 as an Alternative Fuel IMAN SAEFULOH1, NI KETUT CATURWATI2 Jurusan Teknik Mesin, FTI, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa e-mail :
[email protected], n4wati
Abstract⎯ Area of Cilegon – Banten is known as an industrial and urban area so that has potency as source of biomass waste and town garbage. Small partly area society around Serang - Cilegon have exploited the biomass mentioned as energy source simply. RDF-5 Briquettes represent of mixture briquette from inorganic and organic garbage. Technology of garbage processing can be strived for a new energy source and able to be used as fuel alternative of fossil fuel substitution. Based on measurement result assess calorie value by bomb calorimeter obtained energy value in briquette RDF 5 reaching 3000 - 5000 calorie / gram. Greater inorganic garbage composition at the briquette makes increased the energy value.
Keywords⎯ RDF-5, biomass, fuel alternative
Rain Cell Size Determination using Granger Causality Test SIS SOESETIJO1, ACHMAD MAULUDIYANTO2, GAMANTYO HENDRANTORO2 1 Teknik Elektro Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA) Teknik Elektro Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya email:
[email protected],{maulud,gamantyo}
Abstract—Site Diversity is one of techniques to compensate rain attenuation in milimeter-wave. However, to implement appropriate site diversity techniques have to involve base knowledge about rain cell dimension. In this paper, Vector AR (VAR) Model with Granger Causality Test is implemented to rain rate at 3 raingauge sites. Granger Causality test is used to check whether one site “granger-cause” to another site and vice versa. The result show that site C “grangercause” to site B and site B “granger-cause” to site A. It mean that rain cell have < 1 km diamater.
Keywords—Rain cell, VAR, granger-causality, site diversity
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Reduce Rank and Ensemble Kalman Filter: Analyse and its Application E. APRILIANI, B.A. SANJOYO, D.K. ARIF, D. ADZKIYAH Department of Mathematic, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
Abstract — In this paper we present the reduced rank ensemble Kalman filter (the RREnKF) algorithm and its application. Kalman filter is an estimation method of the state of stochastic dynamic system. The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is modification of Kalman filter algorithm to estimate the non linear stochastic dynamic system. The Square root EnKF is an algorithm to keep the numeric stability, but need more computational time. Here we analyze the reduced rank EnKF (RR-EnKF) as an alternative to reduced the computational time, and keep the accuracy estimation. We applied the RR-EnKF algorithm in some cases.
Keywords⎯ EnKF, reduced rank, computational time, accuracy
Simulation Study of Injection Temperature, Holding Pressure, and Cooling Time Effects on Sink Mark Formation on Plastic Injection Moulding HDPE LATIFAH NURAHMI, I MADE LONDEN BATAN Jurusan Teknik Mesin, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ The manufacturing of spade handle products by injection molding in plastic industry created defective products. It was caused of non standard process setting yet and still used trial and error method. To find out the correlation between product defects and process variables such as injection temperature, holding pressure, and cooling time. It was necessary to develop an empiric simulation model which is showed the correlation of product defects and those process variables. The research was done by varying process parameter value the simulated on plastic software. Combination of optimum value from simulation results was determined by Response Surface. The research results were obtained if injection temperature, holding pressure, and cooling time affecting simk mark. Combination of optimum value are injection temperature (Tmelt)=191oC, holding pressure (Phold)=33Mpa, and cooling time (tcool)=21 s, which is decreasing the defect until 12%.
Keywords⎯ Cooling time, holding pressure, injection molding, injection temperature, sinks mark.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Study on Effects of Statcom Installation to Improved Voltage Stability in SULSELBAR System INDAR CHAERAH G.1,2, ADI SUPRIJANTO2, ONTOSENO PENANGSANG2 2
1 Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Hasanuddin Jurusan Teknik Elektro Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) is one type of FACTS devices that serve to improve the power factor, voltage changes and improve system stability. In this study the effect of STATCOM installation will be explored in terms of voltage stability. By using the eigen value method of QV curves obtained and the conclusion that when STATCOM installed system stability improvements. This can be seen from the value of the eigen value Jacobian reduction matrix expanding and increasingly QV curve. The size capacity of the STATCOM is installed will also affect system stability improvements. Simulations performed using MATLAB software.
Keywords⎯ STATCOM, stability, PI, LQR, LQG, disturbance, noise
The Effect of Calcium on Strontium Waste Treatment using Electro Coagulation Method SUSETYO HARIO PUTERO1, KUSNANTO1, RATNA PUPITASARI1 1
Jurusan Teknik Fisika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada email:
[email protected]
Abstract ⎯ According to the previous research, electro coagulation method was proven to decrease strontium concentration on a non-impurity solution. This research will study the effect of calcium concentration on a liquid waste treatment by electro coagulation method. The experiment used aluminium electrode plate of 8 cm length, 2 cm width, and 0,1 cm thickness. The distance between electrodes was 1 cm. Electro coagulation process has been done to treat simulation waste containing 1000 ppm Sr(NO32 and variation of calcium concentration (500 ppm, 250 ppm, 125 ppm and 62.5 ppm). The experiment was conducted by using 16 V DC and 1.2 A within several varying time (5, 6, 7 and 8 hours). Then, the waste was analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and calculated their decontamination factors. The result of the experiment shows, that increasing of calcium concentration up to 300 ppm will decrease Sr concentration. After 300 ppm calcium addition will prevent decreasing of Sr concentration, due to the ability of calcium to produce complex ions. Increasing of electro coagulation time also decreases Sr concentration.
Keywords⎯ Calcium, electro coagulation, strontium
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Controller Design SMIB By Direct Feedback Linearization TAMAJI, MUSYAFA A., AGUS DARMA, IMAM ROBANDI Department of Electrical Engineering , Faculty of Industrial Technology Sepuluh Nopember Institut of Technology, Surabaya e-mail :
[email protected]
Abstract — Single machine infinite bus is a non linear dynamic system. To design the controller of non linear dynamic system is not easy. Usually, we linearize the system and after that design the controller as linear dynamic system. In this paper, we studied the controller design of single machine infinite bus (SMIB) by using a direct feedback linearization (DFL). This method is different with linearization method by Taylor series approximation. Here, we did simulation by Matlab program. From this simulation, we know that DFL method can be applied to design the controller of SMIB.
Keywords⎯ SMIB, DFL, design controller
Task Oriented Behaviour-Based State-Adaptive PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) Control for Low-Cost Mobile Robot IGI ARDIYANTO1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — This paper describes how state-adaptive PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) control can be applied to a low-cost mobile robot. Behavior-based state-adaptive control for this mobile robot behavior was designed using only three infrared sensors, a low-cost 8 bit microcontroller, and an electronic compass, with size of 22cm x 21cm x 16cm. The task oriented behavior-based approach is implemented as two tasks, wall following and goal seeking. Adaptive control used in this robot is PID algorithm using LMS (Least Mean Square) approach. Robot is given a map and run in an artificial corridor representing the map. The results demonstrate that each task works correctly and can run simultaneously. Experimental result shows that robot can run at maximum speed of 100 cm/s without any collision with the corridor. Robot can follow the wall, go to the goal, and avoid obstacles detected by the infrared sensors. Keywords⎯ Autonomous mobile robot, indoor navigation, behavior-based robotics, adaptive control, auto-tune PID.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Increasing the Acceptance and On-Line Transaction of an ECommerce Site Using Technology Acceptance Model ALI SADIYOKO1, CEICALIA TESAVRITA2, RICKY KURNIAWAN Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung, email: 1,2{alfa51 | ceicalia}
Abstract — This paper aims to predict consumer acceptance and usage of an e-commerce site by Indonesian users. The e-commerce site is Forum Jual Beli Kaskus, as well known as FJB Kaskus ( The study will explore which factors actually affect users to continue their activity from just browsing to do an actual transaction. The primary construct for capturing consumer acceptance of e-commerce are intention to transact and on-line transaction behavior. This paper is using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to explore driving factors which affect on a technology acceptance, especially in information technology and information systems. This research is using Pavlou’s TAM model, a comprehensive TAM model which is describing the factors that drive consumers to accept e-commerce and on-line transaction. Pavlous enhanced the original TAM model by adding a new construct, Trust. This work hopefully extends technology acceptance studies into new realms of e-commerce usage. This research confirms that Trust and Perceived Usefulnes variables have a significant influence for engaging users to do an on-line transaction in FJB Kaskus. Based on the findings, we propose some suggestions for increasing the acceptance and usage of FJB Kaskus, which are: using an escrow account to enhance trust and security, fixing some features in the webpage and rules.
Keywords⎯ On-line shopping, technology acceptance model, structured equation modeling
Controller Design of Chua’s Circuit by Sliding Mode Control and LMI TAMAJI, MUSYAFA A., AGUS DARMA, IMAM ROBANDI Department of Electrical Engineering , Faculty of Industrial Technology Sepuluh Nopember Institut of Technology, Campus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya 60111 e-mail :
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ In this paper, we studied controller design of Chua’s circuit which is chaos system. This system contents the non linear part and we applied the sliding mode control as design controller. Here, it is given the dynamic compensator to avoid the chattering in the sliding mode control. The dynamical compensator is design by using the linear matrix inequality (LMI). The simulation has been done by Matlab. Some of dynamic compensator is tried to observe the performance of system.
Keywords⎯ Chaos control, sliding mode control, dynamic compensator, LMI
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
The Effect of Copper Wire Extension under Grounding Cable to Ground Fault Current FACHRUDIN1, MUHAMMAD ABDILLAH2, IMAM ROBANDI3 Power System Operation and Control Laboratory Jurusan Teknik Elektro, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]);
[email protected];
[email protected]
Abstract — Condition Grounding system with soil resistivity is high enough to increase the amount of ground fault current, it is necessary to take appropriate steps to transfer the ground fault current distribution, so the danger of stress arising in the land of the sub-station and the surrounding area can be reduced. Analytical procedures to reduce the grounds fault current manifestation is described as a copper wire without insulation which is planted with a certain length in the same channel with the grounding cable. This method can result in reduction of grounds fault current through the grid system groundings in the sub-station.
Keywords⎯ Ground fault current, copper wire, grounding cable
The Performance Analysis of Traffic Patterns on Routing Protocols in Manet Using Network Simulator (Ns-2 and Tracegraph 202 YURI ARIYANTO Jurusan Teknik Informatika, FT Informasi, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary network without the use of existing network infrastructure. In such a network, each node operates not only as a host, but also as router forwarding packets for other mobile nodes. One of the main problems in ad hoc networks, namely the existence of performance that is not stabilized in the communication caused by a variety of traffic patterns that occur on the routing protocol ad hoc network. In this research will be analyzed performance of trafik patterns on routing protocols in manet with simulation using network simulator (NS-2 and tracegraph 202 for analysis the patterns routing resulted from network simulator (NS-2. Routing protocols that is analyzed are destination source routing (DSR), destination-sequenced distance-vector (DSDV) and ad hoc on-demand distance-vector (AODV).
Keywords⎯ Routing protocols, MANET, NS-2, tracegraph 202.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
The Role of Control Systems for Improvement Quality of Human Resources H. ROHANI JAHJA WIDODO email:
[email protected] &
[email protected]
Abstract — This paper presents Control Systems (CS) to support the Programs of Education & Training (E & T), Research & Development (R & D) for improvement quality of Human Resources (IQHR). The programs of the IQHR must be related with the modern Art, Science, Engineering and Technology (ASET). The prosperity of the Human Resources will be approached from prosperity approach which is mainly emphasized with three universes of aspects: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual (PIES) aspects. There are three basic requirements for developing the Physical aspect: Material, Energy and Information (MEI). Social welfare and increase of life quality are desired output that must be attained from the MEI aspects. Current standard of living of human being should be reported as feedback information in the programs of the IQHR. In global communication, developed countries and developing countries should build several attractive and sound symbiosis bridges, to prevent loss of universe balances. High quality of human resources as products of IQHR activities, have social impacts not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. A new work force strategy without denying the existing of high quality of human resources is established by retooling the work forces, thus the challenges of social impacts should be answered wisely and would be bright opportunities to improve human standards of living.
Keywords⎯ CS, E&T, R&D, ASET, PIES, IQHR, MEI, human standards of living, social impacts, work force.
The Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube from the Waste of Ethanol Plant with Ni/Co Catalyst and Natural Zeolite as Supported Catalyst ADRIAN NUR, BREGAS SISWAHYONO T.S., CHRISTIAN WIDI NUGROHO, VINA VIKRYANA, RIAN HENDRATA Jurusan Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sebelas Maret email :
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Carbon Nanotube (CNT) included in group of fullerence has tube / cylinder form with about nanometer in diameter. The potencies of CNT application cause the research about CNT have many attentions. CNT was produced from the waste of ethanol plant and the natural zeolite as supported catalyst. The waste of ethanol plant can be found in around of Surakarta and its price is cheap relative. The natural zeolite can be found in Klaten. The local substance used will decreasing the production cost of CNT. In this research, synthesis of CNT was done by the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) method that the waste of ethanol plant was used as carbon source by Ni / Co catalyst and the natural zeolite was used as supported catalyst. This research aims to determine the characteristics of CNT from the waste of ethanol plant was compared by the other substance that is ethanol and propanol. The preparation of catalyst Ni / Co was done by the impregnation of nickel and cobalt metal into the natural zeolite, and was activated by calcinations, oxidation, and reduction. The synthesis was processed by using quartz reactor in a furnace at temperature set 9000C and atmospheric pressure during 40 minute. CNT formed was analyzed by BET, SEM, and TEM. The analyses of BET give that the surface area of CNT is 15.09 m2/gram smaller than impregnated catalyst because CNT formed is small and lump so that they cover the active surface area of catalyst. The SEM analyses give the information about the porosity of CNT by the shadow method of SEM photograph. From this analysis, the porosity CNT from the waste of ethanol plant is 0.637 higher then CNT from propanol but rather lower than CNT from ethanol. The TEM analyses give the information about diameter of CNT. From this analysis, the diameter CNT from the waste of ethanol plant is 18.54 nm smaller than CNT from propanol. Keywords⎯ Carbon nanotube, synthesis, waste of ethanol plant, natural zeolite, chemical vapor deposition, characterization
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
The Use of Ceramic Membrane Contactor for Dissolved Ammonia Removal from Aqueous Solution SUTRASNO KARTOHARDJONO, DODI CANDRA, ACHMAD EFFENDI, NYI MAS ASRI M. Jurusan Teknik Kimia,FMIPA, Universitas Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Ammonia is even in low concentrations problematic to life in water environments due to the effect as a fertiliser promoting eutrofication and is normally removed by denitrification in wastewater treatment plants. There are many conventional ways to remove ammonia from water but most methods are dependent on relatively large amount of energy for the operation. Membrane contactors offer a superior solution for stripping ammonia because they provide a large surface area that facilitates fast separation of the ammonia from the wastewater. The aims of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the ammonia removal through ceramic membrane contactor. The results showed that the ammonia removal efficiency can achieved as high as 32.7 %. Operating variables such as time and circulation rate of feed aqueous solution are found to remarkably influence the removal process efficiency. Within the range of feed flow velocities examined, increasing the feed flow velocity resulted generally in higher ammonia removal efficiency, higher flux and overall mass transfer coefficient.
Keywords⎯ Flux, mass transfer coefficients and membrane contactor
Transient Stability Study on Sulselbar Interconnection System INDAR CHAERAH GUNADIN1,2, NADJAMUDDIN HARUN1, ADI SUPRIJANTO2
1 Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Hasanuddin Jurusan Teknik Elektro Institut Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya email:
[email protected]
Abstract — In Sulselbar interconnection system, the total extinction of the event (black out) the trend has increased so that the necessary studies that discuss the incident. One study is needed is a transient stability study. With this study will be obtained a description of time-critical clearing time (CCT) on each bus in the event of a short circuit interruption 3 phase. This study begins with the process of data acquisition system (generation, transmission and load) then the data is made in the model that has been available in the software PSSE 30.2. Then performed a simulation for 6 different operating patterns. From the simulation results showed that the stability of the interconnection system is very vulnerable to Sulselbar unstable in the event of disruption. This can be seen from the CCT time under 120 ms, which is the time to open the relay PMT. From the simulation also showed that when plants in Poso and Jeneponto sistem entered Sulselbar system, the stability of the system will get better, this time seen from above the CCT 120 ms. Keywords⎯ Black out, critical clearing time, transient stability
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Application Technology Vacum for making Packaging Sea Pearl and Polymer Material Transparant ADI WARDOYO Jurusan Desain Produk Industri, FTSP, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Solution problem solving from various effect pearl heaping result of type between other typing form to simple design because environmental, but factor and human, besides not give fascination as costly product masterpiece and lack of appreciation to existing artistic object To give the problem at one blow as packaging and also fascination to displayed easily and flexible, represent one of worker and fastener kinds of pearl for the order of Exclusive circle worker give the souvenir to client or kolega in the form of art object having fascination sence to long life.Its conclusion have showed the Merk/ branding, as creative form which always in memory and kept to be put above credensa in sittingroom or devider in guest room and each;every moment is always seen and have value as artistic object. Process which relative easy to and cheap at one blow can give the new employment for worker or entrepreneur of packaging aserta can assign value to add the product and can compete as product eksport widely and without poultice development and innovate the the desain. from desain of Pearl Choker which wait will be continued in form to other;dissimilar like for the Bangle of Pearl, Ring, Leontin,bross And etc.In of thick appropriate selected Transparent Polymer Material election material of the size required for the packer of which at one blow disply for base and Top packag, and flexible light substance. Result of stiffness of Pearl Choker with the systems vacuum technology at arm rest and fulcrums, from the result above expected can enlarge all worker and or UKM and also add the knowledge to the fore to get haki as patent in the field of design Product and also support Institute and Institution which have importance there is amenity and motivation.for export product design. Keywords⎯ Packaging labelling, souvenier and product accesories
Implementation Airport Sequence Flasher Using Cascade Villard Methode DJOKO SUPRAJITNO R.1, SUWITO2, ACHMAD AFFANDI3 Jurusan Teknik Elektro, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya email:
[email protected] ,
[email protected] ,
[email protected]
Abstract ⎯ Sequence flasher used by pilots during instrument landing approach to align the aircraft with the centerline of the runway. Sequence flasher creates a sequential strobing flash pattern that rolls toward the runway threshold. Conventional method in generating high voltage energy to the flash lamp using step-up transformer equipped with switch control. This method causing high dependability of spare-parts to the vendor. Otherwise power efficiency and switch control reliability not so good. This paper discussed design and implementation of sequence flasher using Villard Cascade method. Experiment in the laboratory within 72 hours showed that Villard Cascade method can changing the function of step-up transformer.
Keywords⎯ Sequence flasher, villard cascade, control
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Development of Graph Mining for Activity Network Prediction in Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) Payment System SAIFUL BUKHORI1, MOCH. HARIADI2, I KETUT EDDY PURNAMA3, MAURIDHI HERI PURNOMO4 Jurusan Teknik Elektro,FTI, Universitas Jember Jurusan Teknik Elektro,FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected] [email protected]
Abstract — This research develops the settlement mechanism in Real Time Grass Settlement by using Clearing house through serious game. Banks are represented as nodes that settlement process requests, then settled according to the set of simple rules. This research applys Graph mining approach for predicting activity network which will be formed. The result of this research indicates that amount of node are same, more of activity networks between banks hence is more Graph identified. While degree between 0 to 2, the smaller difference of the bank health level, which will forming network, the greater Graph available for identified. While for degree which more than 2 no Graph available for detected, this condition caused of fixed point behavior. Testing by using λ = 0.7, x started with degradation drastically towards stable value come near 0. λ = 1.8, x started with degradation drastically value towards stable value, but stability value still not yet come near 0. λ = 2.9, x oscillate about fixed point and convergence. While λ = 3.9, x start oscillation Keywords⎯ Real time grass settlement, clearing house, settlement, prediksi jaring kerja, graph mining, serious game
Short Term Load Forecasting Using Hybrid Artificial Neural Networks and Particle Swarm Optimization BAGUS HANDOKO1, RIFAD MUBARAK BAMATRAF2, RIO INDRALAKSONO3 MUHAMMAD ABDILLAH4, IMAM ROBANDI5 Power System Operation And Control Laboratory Departement of Electrical Engineering, FTI, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology 1
email :
[email protected] ,
[email protected] , 3
[email protected] ,
[email protected]
Abstract — Short-term load forecasting is an important factor in the planning and operation of power system. If the large power consumption is not expected, it would affect the readiness of the generating units to provide electricity supply to consumers. Power imbalance between the supply side and demand side could lead to losses. On the generator side, the power waste could occur if the power that generated is greater than the use of electricity at the consumer side. On the consumer side, the power blackout can occur if the power is increased less than the electricity needs of consumers. In this paper, presented research on short-term load forecasting using artificial neural networks (ANNs) which is combined with particle swarm method optimization (PSO). Load forecasting results by using the ANNs-PSO produces an average error of 1.37%, maximum error of 3.4023%, and the minimum error of 0.0523%
Keywords⎯ Load forecasting, neural networks, PSO.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Design of Linear Quadratic (LQ) Optimal Control Using Bacteria Foraging Algorithm (BFA) for Frequency Performance Improvement on Power System ISNAINI LAILI IZZATI1, MUHAMMAD ABDILLAH2, IMAM ROBANDI3 Jurusan Teknik Elektro, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia 3 email:
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Abstract⎯ This paper represents an application of Bacteria Foraging Algorithm (BFA) as a modern tool to design controller parameters that consists of weighting matrices Q and R the Linear Quadratic (LQ) optimal control to design the PI controller gain. The Linear Quadratic (LQ) optimal control which designed by BFA is used to improve the performance of frequency and Tie-line of Load Frequency Control in two-area power system. In the final result, the simulation shows that the application of BFA calculation to designed the LQ optimal control to obtain PI gain as an optimal gain of power system can significantly improve the frequency and tie-line performances in shortest settling time among the alternative proposed controls like as using Integral Controller, LQ optimal control designed by Trial-Error Method and LQ optimal control designed by Genetic Algorithm
Keywords⎯ Weight matrices Q and R, linear quadratic (LQ) optimal control, power system stability, bacteria foraging algorithm, genetic algorithm
Potential of Waste Biomass Palm Oil Energy as a Source of Electrical Energy in Indonesia INDRA PERMATA KUSUMA Jurusan Teknik Elektro, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Last few years, energy is a crucial issue in the world. Increased population growth is not matched with adequate supply of energy. Electrical energy supply crisis coincides with a crisis of fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal. Relevance of the electric energy crisis with fossil fuel crisis occurred because many power plants in Indonesia using fossil fuels as primary fuel. Solutions for the electric energy crisis and fossil raw materials as mentioned above is a source of alternative energy, alternative energy sources can become a substitute fuel which is environmentally friendly, effective and efficient. One of the potential of alternative energy that can be developed is the energy waste palm biomass, Potential of palm oil in Indonesia was quite high, Indonesia is a leading producer of palm oil after Malaysia. The production process of palm oil in the volume of waste produced is very large. Waste generated in the form of solid or liquid. The waste has a calorific value high enough, which can be used as boiler fuel in steam power plants [1]. In addition, environmental impacts generated in this power plant was quite low, when compared with fossil fuel. Gas Emissions of CO2 produced per kWh of about 1100 g of coal, while the fuel power plants of oil palm waste only 16 g per kWh its emission of CO2. with the result that, this electrical energy from oil palm solid waste classified as green to the environment [4].
Keywords⎯ Palm oil waste energy, biomassa energy, green energy.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Design to Develop Build with Modular System Sludge as Mixture of Material Wall Partisi and Plafond Simple Building ADI WARDOYO Jurusan Desain Produk Industri, FTSP, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Material of Sludge represent waste which the castaway represent problems exist in PRIMA PT ADI SURYAPRINTA of Waste reach 350 wet ton/day or 200 ton/day in a state of running dry which flammable problem otherwise immediately Tim Research Into Area of Technological Science Material of Majors design industrial product of ITS try to look for alternative made substance of mixture of substitute construction material for example Gibsum,Mdf,Hpl,Soft-Board or HDF which more and more out of reach and Costly purchasing power socialize generally. Growth in sector of development of housing which cannot be barricaded again because area of Development of housing non-stoped to walk. Result research into material which have module to from substance of sludge which later play tricks on environmental society around the factory to be improved any skill especially additional to increase producer in making until sale of material board of partition and plafond. Drawing near Factory Waste relocation location will lessen cost dismissal, perhaps will be considered by other, dissimilar and will is only imposed cost hygiene from Factory location go out until pleace tes early from researching into material sludge brought to laboratorium Material in Environment (FTSP, FMIPA And FTI) ITS through proposal step agreed DP2M by Riset at Material Composition to be made Substance Partisi & Plafond Modularly. System Modular of board of partition and plafond will be more be friendly to environment and good easier is way installation and also do not need of coat of finishing again, so that will lessen cost of painting and tried make of alternative of colour which is a lot of required without lessening aesthetic.First used as a simple construction material or construction material generally more flexible by bringing and or the way of installation as function of wall of partisi and plafond. Besides material is ready to attached also will be developed in the form of with other motif . Expectation with modular system will facilitate in delivery and installation and also of minimalise of appliance sheet and system of heater required in making and or flexible plus for size measure of space from small until the space which open space. Have been conducted to research of about paper mill waste exploiting sludge, with permanent coconut faber,coarse grass,shell plastic garbage and leaf upon which the friendly building panel making of environment expected own high strengly mechanic, because in research Result with composition is found between to 20%-45% substance sludge mixed with substance from Portland Cement(Pc) or the other;dissimilar mixture equal to 80%-55% also the inclusive of agglutinant and colour and mixture Keywords⎯ Sludge, mixture partition
The Characterization of Ring Laser Gyroscope System for Aircraft Navigation SAYUTI SYAMSUAR USMAN1, P. S. PRIAMBODO2 1
Study Program Opto Electro-technique and Laser Applications, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia 2 Pusat Teknologi Industri dan Sistem Transportasi, Kedeputian TIRBR, BPPT
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ This paper is presented to explore the characteristic of closed loop free space Sagnac Interferometer setup with ring cavity 12 cm x 12 cm consists of laser gas He Ne (λ = 632.8 nm), 3 mirrors, 1 collimator or beam expander, 1 beam splitter and 1 detector. The beam is splitted to be 2 beams in opposite direction which are transmitted and reflected to the mirrors by beam splitter and then detected by web cam on the layer as fringe pattern. The image data of fringe pattern on the fix and rotation platform have been analyzed by using Fast Fourier Transform algorithm to calculate the Power Spectral Density (PSD) and phase difference (φ) versus fundamental frequency (f). Beat frequency (fb) versus rotation rate of fringe pattern (ΩL) as lock in curve calculated by histogram display.
Keywords⎯ Sagnac interferometer, beam splitter, collimator, fringes, layer, PSD, beat frequency, lock in.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Reconstruction of Object 3D using Poisson Surface HERU ARWOKO1, MOCHAMAD HARIADI2 1
Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik Industri, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 2 Jurusan Teknik Elektro Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract⎯Surface reconstruction from oriented points can be done with a spatial Poisson problem. This Poisson formulation considers all the points at once, without resorting to spatial partitioning or blending, and is therefore highly resilient to data noise. Surface reconstruction problem that takes as its input an oriented point set and returns a solid model. The idea of our approach is to use Stokes' Theorem to compute the characteristic function of the solid model. Specifically, we provide an efficient method for computing the Fourier coefficients of the characteristic function using only the surface samples and normals, we compute the inverse Fourier transform to get back the characteristic function, and we use iso-surfacing techniques to extract the boundary of the solid model. Furthermore, our approach can be directly applied to models with holes and cracks, providing a method for hole-filling and zippering of disconnected polygonal models.
Keywords⎯ Indicator function, gradient field, poisson surface, fast fourier transform, objects reconstruction.
Design of 12 Pulse AC to DC Converter With Power Factor Closed Unity and Minimum Harmonic Using Fuzzy Logic Controller on Boost Converter AINUR ROFIQ N., SETYO SUKA WAHYU Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Politeknik Surabaya email :
[email protected]
Abstract — Abstract - Commonly AC to DC converter is non linier load because current switch process for obtain good output voltage. Its poor condition with input side quality when current form is not sine again because appearence of low frequency harmonics and decrease power factor. So in this paper describe about design of 12 pulse converter that has power factor closed unity and minimum THD where the current form is sine following the voltage input form and same phase with the voltage form. Methode of power factor correction and minimize THD value on this 12 pulse converter use fuzzy logic controller to control switching of boost converter. This circuit consists of 12 pulse rectifier, boost converter circuit, filter DC output and fuzzy logic controller. When this methode is simulated, it obtained percent of THD 3.86% and power factor value 0.99.
Keywords⎯ 12 pulse rectifier, switching boost converter, fuzzy logic controller, PF and THD
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Simulation Design Control System PID for Flexible-Link Cantilever Beam AHMAD YANI, BAMBANG PRAMUJAT, AGUS SIGIT Jurusan Teknik Mesin, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Vibration is something that can’t be avoided, especially in the flexible structure. Solution to overcome this problem is to control the vibration occurs. PID controller is a controller, which is still widely used in industry. There are several methods available for tuning process, i.e. Ziegler-Nichols, Cohen-Coon, and ITAE etc. The tune PID controller will be implemented on the flexible cantilever beam in order to minimize or suppress the vibration which occur during abrupt stop. From the results of simulation and analysis show the PID controller capable of achieving steady faster than the system without the controller. At position 10 cm when using the controller is faster than 2.6 seconds without a controller, the position of 20 cm in 9.3 seconds faster, and at position 30 cm 17.2 seconds faster.
Keywords⎯ PID controller, tunin, vibration
Effect of Residual Stress to Behavior of Stub-Column Stress-Strain Curve BUDI SUSWANTO, DATA IRANATA Department of Civil Engineering, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia email :
[email protected]
Abstract — Residual stresses are created in the column steel members usually due to heated at some stage during the fabrication process. As they cool down, the part of the cross section for which the surface area to volume ratio is the largest will lose heat more rapidly than the part for which the ratio for surface area to volume is small. The critical load and stress-strain curve of steel stub-column can be obtained by experimental and numerical method. From experimental method, we found that the - curve of the stub-column test always deviate from that of the coupon. This phenomenon must be attributed to the presence of “lock-in” or residual stresses in the steel column. And for numerical method, we used an idealized I-section, with h = bf = 30 cm, tf = 2 cm and tw = 0 cm, with the variation of residual stresses distribution of the section. By using Compaq Visual Fortran version 6, we can find the average stress-strain curve of stub-column with residual stresses.
Keywords⎯ Residual stress, stub column, critical load, euler buckling load
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Optimation Coolpad and Auto Charger with PI Controller BENNY SINGGIH SANTOSO1, RENNY RAKHMAWATI 2 Jurusan Teknik Elektro Industri, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, ITS email :
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ In generally, a cooling laptop (coolpad) only needs supply from USB to work. This is not efficient if notebook use for long time because not all notebook use in maximum performance. If notebook only use for office aplication, the temperature in under notebook not too heat than if notebook use for game or simulation. So in this paper explain how to design coolpad with speed controller and automatic on or off charger. The method used to speed control is PI (Propotional Integral) controller. PI control use to control switching transistor (PWM). To detect a battery condition uses Visual Basic 6.0 software. To send a data from notebook to microcontroller used a USB to Serial Converter. Temperature under notebook that sensing around 300C-500C.
Keywords⎯ PI controller, microcontroller AVR, PWM, USB to serial converter, visual basic 6.0
Early Detection for Short Circuit Symptom at Single Phase Induction Motor Winding Using Neural Networks DICKY N. WARDANA, DIMAS ANTON A., MAURIDHI HERY P. Department of Electrical Engineering, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Induction motor is one of the main equipment in industries. Failures of the machine parts will affect the industrial production. Therefore, early detection for induction motor damages is totally needed to avoid severe damage. This paper presents the identification method to detect stator fault in single phase induction motor. The proposed method identified very short duration, high impedance and non periodic fault at stator winding. The identification variable of this method is taken from stator intake current signal where as neural networks are used as a method of fault identifier. To reach the objective, experimental data, 50% and 75% short circuit of total winding, is used as case study. The simulation results show that the majority of short circuit conditions can be satisfactorily identified using this method.
Keywords⎯ Early detection, short circuit, neural networks, induction motor winding.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Transistor Gas Sensor from Conducting Polymer as the Material ICCHA HAMIDAH N.1, MADE ASMAWATI2 Jurusan Kimia, FMIPA, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 1
[email protected] [email protected]
Abstract⎯ Aniline and pyrrole can be used as source-drain material on transistor sensor gas, but aniline have to give base layer with pyrrole in order to plugged in inter-electrode at Au interdigital electrode. Top layer that used is 3methylthiophena, thiophena and aniline. These base layers and top layers was electropolymerizide at Au interdigital electrode transistor type according to cyclic voltammetry. The distance between electrode on the Au interdigital electrode is 250 µm. Transistor with pyrrole as base layer and transistor with aniline as first base layer and pyrrole as second base layer are show sensitivity change that different when the sensor gas was tested toward gasoline, biofuel, and kerosene. 3methylthiophene as top layer showed the higher sensitivity, be then thiophene, and the last is aniline. Whereas at transistor with pyrrole as base layer showed that top layer thiophena give the higher sensitivity, then aniline, and 3methilthiophene as the last.
Keywords⎯ Conducting polymers, field effect transistor (FET), cyclic voltammetry, electropolymerization
The Solution of Economic Dispatch for 26 Bus Power System Using Chaotic Ant Swarm Optimization (CASO) EFRITA ARFAH ZULIARI1, IMAM ROBANDI2 Jurusan Teknik Elektro, FTI, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Indonesia Jurusan Teknik Elektro,FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember ,Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected] [email protected]
Abstract — This paper proposed Chaotic Ant Swarm Optimization (CASO) method to solve the problems of economic dispatch of thermal generators in power system. The algorithm combines the behavior of ant colonies that have a smart and organized action in the irregularities of each individual ant in the foraging process. In this method, the active power generated by each generating unit which is a candidate solution will be represented by each individual ant. Through the process of self-organization, the ants behave as individuals in the initial conditions will behave the same, which is the optimal solution. Simulation results demonstrated that the method can obtain feasible and effective solutions, and it is a promising alternative approach for solving the Economic Dispatch problems in the 26-bus power systems.
Keywords⎯ Chaotic ant swarm optimization, economic dispatch, ant colony, swarms intelligent.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Pumping Station for Kali Medokan Flood Control using HecRas Program S. KAMILIA AZIZ Department of Diploma Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning ITS, Surabaya Indonesia 60111, email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Flood is one of problem often occurs in Surabaya City. Sub-system Medokan Semampir, where Kali Medokan as the primary channel always be floods every year. To overcome proposed to create a short cut East Nginden Intan Channel lead to the Kali Surabaya and South Semampir pumping station. From the results of the analysis concluded that the new pump is required with a capacity of 4x2.0 m3/sec.
Keywords⎯ Flood control, pump station
Amperometric Glucose Biosensor based on Adsorption of Glucose Oxidase at Electrode by Screen Tension and Deflection Thick Film Method AMINUDDIN DEBATARAJA, LATIF MAWARDI, NUR FAUZI SOELAIMAN Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Kampus Baru UI Depok email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ This paper presents application of quasi passive filter (QPF) for reduce harmonics in distribution networks. QPF is a passive filter that consists of DC link capacitor and inductor. QPF basically works same as the usual passive filters for reduce harmonics distortion which is tuned in the frequency filter. In this paper QPF is expected to reduce harmonics generated due to the use of a variety of nonlinear loads.
Keywords⎯ Harmonic, Quasi Passive Filter
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Application of Quasi-Passive Filter for Reduce Harmonic Distortion in Distribution Networks SYISKA YANA, MOCHAMAD ASHARI, M. HERY PURNOMO Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia 60111, email:
[email protected]\
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ This paper presents application of quasi passive filter (QPF) for reduce harmonics in distribution networks. QPF is a passive filter that consists of DC link capacitor and inductor. QPF basically works same as the usual passive filters for reduce harmonics distortion which is tuned in the frequency filter. In this paper QPF is expected to reduce harmonics generated due to the use of a variety of nonlinear loads.
Keywords⎯ Harmonic, quasi passive filter
Application of Empirical Mode Decomposition Technique for Identifying Damage in a Frame Structure Excited by Earthquake Loadings AGUNG BUDIPRIYANTO Program Diploma Teknik Sipil FTSP-ITS email:
[email protected]
Abstract — This paper discusses results of a study on response of a structure excited by earthquake loadings for identifying damage occurred in the structure. The structure investigated in this study was a ten-story reinforced concrete hospital building. Numerical investigation was carried out to obtain non-linear acceleration time response of a frame of the building structure under three levels of Denpasar and Kobe earthquake excitations, i.e., 1%, 10%, and 50%. The acceleration time response was decomposed using empirical mode decomposition technique to obtain intrinsic mode functions and to eliminate its residue. Spectrum of the function was then obtained and utilized to discriminate the structure conditions, viz. intact and damage. In this study damage was characterized by the occurrence of plastic hinges in beams of the structure. The results of this numerical study indicated that the scheme presented in this paper could be advantageously used to identify the damage occurred in the structure when it was excited by earthquake loadings.
Keywords⎯ Damage identification, multi story concrete building, earthquake loading
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Low Cost Method for The Fabrication of Sno2:F Film for Transparent Conductive Glass Application AGUS PURWANTO, ARIF JUMARI, AGUS NUGROHO, DONI KURNIAWAN Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sebelas Maret Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36 A Surakarta
Abstract⎯ Fabrication of dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) requires conductive transparent glass for electron conducting media. In this paper, a low cost method for the fabrication of highly conductive thin film SnO2:F (FTO) is investigated in detail. The method was conducted in atmospheric pressure implies to simply equipment arrangement. Using this method, a relative large area uniform FTO film could be produced (3 cm X 3 cm). The as-prepared FTO thin films were characterized using four probe resistivity meter, X-ray difractometry and UV-Vis measurement. The main factors controlling the film formation were deposition temperature, doping concentration and precursor concentration. The results indicated that optimum substrate temperature was 500oC with the optimum doping concentration of 12at.%. Precursor concentration was also found significantly controlled the sheet resistance of FTO film. The optimum precursor concentration was 0.5 M, in which produced film having sheet resistance of 11.8 ohm/square. Finally, the low cost method for the fabrication of FTO film have been reported which may be potential for DSSC electrode application.
Keywords⎯ FTO, deposition, low cost method, spray, sheet resistance.
Natural Coastal Defence in Indonesia as Wave Energy Dissipation ANDRE FELIKS SETIAWAN1, OLGA PATTIPAWAEJ2 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, Indonesia email:
[email protected], email:
[email protected]
Abstract — All mankind in all hemispheres feel impact of climate change. Indonesia as Archipelagic country has tropical climate and do not miss from impact of climate change climate. It makes Indonesia stay in very calamity position due to climate change. Rising of sea levels as one of impacts of climate change are threaten the coastal ecosystem and also change the nature of the biochemistry and biophysics in coastal area. In the other hand, the change in wave climate can generate coastal erosion. To overcome coastal erosion effect due to the change in wave climate in Indonesia, natural coastal defence is exploited as the wave energy dissipation. Natural coastal defence such as coral reef, field ponder, mangrove and other coastal vegetation are very effective to reduce the wave energy so that can prevent the happening of coastal erosion.
Keywords⎯ Coastal erosion, coastal vegetation, natural coastal defence, wave energy dissipation
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Fuzzy Logic Controler Optimal for Charger battery To Photovoltaic with Buck Boost Converter JEFRI LIANDA1, JOHNY CUSTER2 Department of Electrical Engineering, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — In this paper it is presented aplication buck boost converter at photovoltaic. Sun light Intensitas changing each so that voltage also change. Fuzzy Logic Controller used to control change duty cycle at Buck Boost Converter so that photovoltaic voltage is 20 volt.
Keywords --- FLC, buck boost converter
Design for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (RMS) KHAMDI MUBAROK Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Trunojoyo University email:
[email protected]
Abstract —This paper reviews research findings in the design of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (RMS). In order to provide comprehensive understanding of the concept, this paper begins with the definition of RMS and its key characteristics. The review concludes that the design for RMS divided into three stages. First is the machine level design, that is, the RMS components which include modular machines and open architecture software controllers. Second is the system level design (RMS operations) which encompasses grouping parts into families, system configuration, capacity management and other related activities. Third is other support systems or enablers of RMS. In this paper only the machine level design is discussed.
Keywords⎯ Reconfigurable manufacturing, RMS design, modular machines, open architecture software
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Integrated Model of Balanced Score Card and Technology Component Measurement : A Strategic Perspective in Indonesia Biofuel Engineering ARMAN HAKIM NASUTION1, SUKARDI 2, ADITHYA SUDIARNO 3 1, 3
Industrial Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 2 Industrial Technology Agriculture, Institut Pertanian Bogor email :
[email protected]
Abstract — The development of biofuel as an ecofriendly alternatif energy have value chain problem in allignment policies between related department. Identifiying its allignment, we make a strategic mapping by buiding integrated base scorecard, so the strategic target in the next perspective layer can be developed more realistic. Examining horizontal connection validity will use SEM modelling to show strong relation between objectives strategy, and it will be measured of constructed component on the internal process by Technology Coefficient Contribution indexes.
Keywords⎯ Value chain, structural equation modelling, BSC, technology coefficient contribution
The Formation of Star Topology in Zigbee Network on the JN5139 Microcontroller Based BAMBANG SUGIARTO Puslit Informatika, LIPI email:
[email protected];
[email protected]
Abstract — In the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) system, the determination of the network formation topology is something that must be done so the results of data monitoring from the censor could be sent to the Base Station Controller (BSC) through Zigbee communication. This paper will explaine the designing and development of star topology network in WSN system where all nodes of End Device will connect to one node (Co-ordinator) as the centre of the network and the centre of the collection of the results of data monitoring. Moreover, Co-ordinator functioned as gateaway between End Device nodes and BSC. With used JN5139 microcontroller as the controller and Zigbee transceiver then communication between nodes was happened so it can build a network with a star topology.
Keywords⎯ JN3159 microcontroller, network topology, wireless sensor network, zigbee.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
The Effect of Air Entry Velocity Variation to The Temperature Distribution Of Conditioned Room, A Three Dimensional Experiment Study DENNY M.E. SOEDJONO Program Studi D3 Teknik Mesin, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — There are a number of fundamental functions to be fulfilled by air distribution system in a room. Heat generated by different sources such as sunlight, lighting and other electrical installation has to be removed from the conditioned room. The air distribution system must also supply fresh air to the conditioned room. The temperature distribution pattern in the conditioned room is influenced by room geometry, heat sources, and air supply velocity on diffuser. In general, the goal of this research is to find the optimum velocity on diffuser With the low air velocity in the diffuser, temperature distribution is relatively equal at all observation levels and a decrease in temperature is more sloping.
Keywords⎯ Air supply velocity, conditioned room
Application of Biodiesel in Transportation Aspects a Review DHIKA RAMADHANNY PUTRA, SOKMA PRIMA, M. INDAH ZAINI, MUHAMMAD ARDIAN W., MARISON FERIANDI, CIPTO HADI PURNOMO, M. HENDRAJAT, RIDHO ROBBANI Fakultas Teknologi Kelautan, Jurusan Sistem Perkapalan, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Abstract — World oil supplies will run out, the reason for continued efforts to find substitute energy sources to petroleum. One of them is a source of alternative energy fuels, alternative fuels are quite promising for diesel motor fuel is biodiesel. Besides the reason of increasing crude oil is limited, several species of plants such as coconut oil, soybean oil and palm oil is directed to the nature of the raw materials that can be updated and also has been investigated for direct use as fuel in motor vehicles. The process of making biodiesel is through a process of esterification and transesterification process. Various tests performed to determine the value of the diesel engine performance, this is indicated by the value of power, torque, SFOC, BMEP, efficiency, and emission ratio of fuel used between biodiesel and diesel. Performance values obtained from a variety of different test result: the raw materials of biodiesel, the composition (% presentation) and biodiesel testing equipment or a different medium. In the establishment of a biodiesel plant needs to be done in order to study some of the technology get optimum results from the biodiesel. Which is obtained from studies of small-scale biodiesel plants.
Keywords⎯ Biodiesel, power, torque, SFOC, emission
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Design and Fabrication of Heater System NiCr Thin Films for the Application Gas Sensor Carbon monoxide (CO) Environmental Monitoring AMINUDDIN DEBATARAJA1, JAMSER SIMANJUNTAK2, SURIPTO3 1,2
Jurusan Teknik Elektro Politeknik Negeri Jakartap-Universitas Indonesia, Kampus Baru UI DEPOK 16425 3 Jurusan Teknik Sipil Politeknik Negeri Jakarta-Universitas Indonesia, Kampus Baru UI DEPOK 16425 email:
[email protected].
Abstract — This paper describes the design and fabrication of NiCr thin films, The thermal annealing behavior of NiCr films on glass substrates is discussed in the present study. The NiCr films were annealed at temperatures ranging from 30,6 oC - 387,8oC, with giving current 0.66 mA until 394,10 mA. Testing and characterization of NiCr thin films is also report and the result has shown of heater system for the application of gas sensor carbon monoxide (CO) with based materials of SnO2 is good.
Keywords⎯ Fabrication, NiCr thin films, heater system, characterization
Grouting Application for Strengthening Foundation Structure of Dam Construction DWANDARI RALANARKO1, GUNTAR WIDIOKO2 Program Studi Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang email :
[email protected]
Abstract — Growth of fast resident amount improve also amount of water required to society for everyday life. Dam which at first only woke up to assist to fulfill amount of water required, later then woke up also for the purpose of broader like flood control, power plant, and also relocation of industrial disposal. So that very require being paid attention that dam have to always good in a condition. But the condition of complex geology sometimes result damage at foundation so that very needed by the existence of repairs at dam, one of them that is with method of cementation (grouting). Cementation (grouting) represent inoculation of semi materials jell like cement into land ground material / rock with certain pressure through hole drill specially, with a purpose to close open discontinuity, holes and cavitys at gone to coat. Considering development and also repair of barrage still very is required, whereas condition of good geology progressively rareness, technological so that cementation will continue to be needed. At some dam which have finished to be waked up and in phase operate for and also conservancy even also in the reality still needed by work of additional cementation. Very matter require to be paid attention that is in the plan of grouting in dam must be done carefully and is specific, because result of the planning will be used as by reference in execution, so that can reach by result of repair of construction foundation matching with the specification of which is specified. An interesting matter, that growth of technology of grouting walk in harmony with environmental issue which during the time expands. Therefore, grouting application as a technological innovation of construction represent one of the medium materialization of development of infrastructure with vision of environment. Keywords⎯ Dam, grouting, foundation
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Slope Stability Analysis to Determine Slope Strengthens Method in Avoiding Landmass Movement: Case Study in Gombel Lama Golf Course Semarang, Central Java DWANDARI RALANARKO, AL HILAL 1
Program Studi Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang email :
[email protected]
Abstract — Semarang city is a city which has the variety of slope. Besides facing some problems like the flood and rob, Semarang also faces the mass movement problem. One of the regions that have the mass movement in Semarang is Gombel Lama Semarang Golf Course. The original soil condition in Gombel Lama Semarang Golf Course dominated by clay and supported by the hilly topography condition which attract the mass movement. Otherwise, the change of slope geometry from the original condition which is used to make golf course influence the mass movement happened. This research has purpose to know and learn about the slope stability condition in Gombel Lama Semarang Golf Course and recommend the slope strength method which is right to be used. The research method used is the descriptive and experiment methods. The analysis method that is used for analysis slope stability is the limit equilibrium method with Bishop Method. Analysis with Bishop Method is helped by model from Xstabl program. Based on the result of slope stability analysis, the first model condition of slope in research region is to have value of safety factors about 1.321. This value is limit equilibrium value where the condition of slope in research region isn’t safe anymore. In that case, it can be seen from the condition of slope is still have the mass movement. The expedient which have to do for saving the slope in there are with the simulation of parameter change of cohesion and groundwater surface. The simulation of parameter change of cohesion has purpose to strength the slope with grouting method. Otherwise, the simulation of parameter change of groundwater surface has purpose to strength the slope with drainage method. Based on the simulation of parameter change of cohesion and groundwater surface which are used to save the slope, increasing the relative cohesion value is easier to do well, even though increased groundwater surface parameter more difficult to do and can’t fulfill the criteria of safety factors which definite. In that case, it indicated that from the strength slope method which effective to save the slope in this research is grouting method. Based on the result of grouting calculation, therefore to create the safety slope in Gombel Lama Semarang Golf Course is needed Grouting until 22 meter in depth with 3 space of stripes which each has radius about 3 meter. Keywords⎯ Grouting, landmass movement, safety factors, simulation, slope stability
Reduction of Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emmisions as Impact of Economic Global Crisis and Imo Regulations
Department of Marine Engineering, Faculty of Marine Technology Ocean Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia 60111 2 Department of Ocean Engineering, Faculty of Marine Technology Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia 60111 email: eddy-koen@,
[email protected]
Abstract — The global economic crisis the world has made the condition of the maritime world slumped. In the sea transport sector increased financial burden of high costs and declining demand for the expanding marine services. These conditions make competition in the maritime world of increasingly fierce. One of solutions for this condition is reducing fuel consumption. This fuel reduction also affects the reduction of CO2 emissions, it is very important to welcome the IMO regulation on reducing CO2 emissions in 2018 by 30%. Analysis of fuel consumption reduction is done by reducing the speed of the ship and operational optimization of the motor engine at a vessel that uses Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP). This affects the process of change engine propeller matching that has been done. These changes will be analyzed based on the program being developed by the authors. Discussion of this problem only optimize the conditions have been attached, without making any recommendation to re-invest.
Keywords⎯ Reduction of fuel consumption, reduction of CO2 emissions, engine propeller matching, controlling of pitch propeller
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Genetic Programing And L-System Method For Representing Identification of Plant Growth Visualization SUHARTONO 1, MOCHAMMAD HARIADI2, MAURIDHI HERY P2 2
1 State Islamic University of Malang Department of Information Engineering Faculty of Industrial Technology Departement Electrical Engineering, ITS, Surabaya
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Application of Genetic Programming and L-System method for the development of parallel rewrite systems (L-Systems, Lindenmayer Systems) is used to describe the structure of the model plant. With the help of L-System method that aims to describe the formation of formal data structures representing rewritung rules. By using a combination of two methods to simulate the formation of structures in accordance with the characteristics of plants and identify plant growth. Control of formal data structures are complex exemplified by the development of plant structures generated by the visualization of 3D motion graphics.
Keywords⎯ Genetic programing, L-system, plant, environment
Petroleum Derivative Test With Clusters Gas Sensor SOETARNO, SUPRAPTO, R.Y. PERRY BURHAN Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, ITS, Keputih, Surabaya 60111 email :
[email protected]
Abstract — Research has been conducted to test the petroleum derived compounds: Premix, gasoline, kerosene and diesel with a gas sensor clusters. Gas sensor used in this study is the gas sensors made from tin oxide produced Figaro Inc: TGS-2620, TGS-2602 and AF-30. The advantage of using clusters for testing gas sensors can be used is a direct analysis without sample preparation. The purpose of this research is to detect petroleum compounds derived by using a gas sensor clusters. The results showed that cluster analysis of gas sensors that are used can be used to distinguish gasoline, kerosene, biosolar and premix. Compound analysis of each ingredient are also conducted
Keywords⎯ Gas sensors, gasoline, diesel, kerosene, premix
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Analisys of Fully Controlled 12 Pulse Converter System and Single Tuned Passive Filter Design to Reduce Harmonics
MOH. MARHAENDRA ALI, MOCHAMAD ASHARI, MAURIDHI HERY PURNOMO Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Surabaya Indonesia 60111, email:
[email protected]
Abstract — In this paper, developed a technique to reduce harmonics on the input side and the ripple voltage on the bridge rectifier 12 pulses. These techniques were simulated with a model 12 pulse converter system 100 KVA (380V, 50 Hz) by using MATLAB simulation program. These simulation results show that the single-tuned passive filters can reduce input current harmonics, from THD = 4.16% to 0.52% while the input voltage harmonics reduced from THD = 11.29% to 1.92%. The current and voltage input waveform become more sinusoidal. The power factor can also be repaired from the PF = 0.80 lag becomes PF = 0.97 lag so that pressing the power loss.
Keywords⎯ Harmonics, single tuned filter pasif, converter
Rainfall-Runoff Modelling In Deluwang Watershed With Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) MAHENDRA ANDIEK MAULANA, NADJADJI ANWAR Civil Engineering Department, Institut Technology of Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya email :
[email protected] email :
[email protected]
Abstract--- Flood problems commonly occur at North Java Area. Generally, flood problems caused of not properly drainage system and the most influeneed factor is the damage of cathment area. Watershed is the location of water conservation but the landuse changing because of human. The result of landuse changing at river basin is the occur of unpredictable discharge on it. This research will make a rainfall runoff model at Deluwang riverbasin, Situbondo, with SWMM software. Rainfall data which used in this research is daily rainfall in 2001. The data will be transformed to daily discharge which use some parameters, such as subcatchment area, infiltration, evaporation, Manning’s friction coefficient, and the landslope. The first model devide Deluwang river basin to 5th river ordo. This step find thaht the calibration number is -0,507 for Nash method and 2,652 for RMSE method which the rainfall data analyzed by artmatic method. For the 5th river ordo rainfall runoff model which use Thiessen coefficient, the calibration number is -0,499 for Nash method and 2,645 for RMSE method. The second model, devide Deluwang river basin to 4th river order based on Thiessen coefficient. This step find that the calibration number is -2,635 for Nash method and 4,118 for RMSE method. The calibration number is 0,204 for Nash method and 1,923 for RMSE method which using 3rd river ordo. For the 2nd and 1st river ordo, sequently give the calibration number 0,877 and 0,979 for Nash and 0,759 and 0,313for RMSE. The best fitting model for rainfall runoff at Deluwang riverbasin is devide subcatchment with 2nd and 1 st river ordo.
Keywords⎯ Watershed, SWMM, calibration
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Modelling of Temperature Distribution During Machining Process Using HSS Cutting Tool MOCHAMAD MAS’UD, BAMBANG PRAMUJATI Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
Abstract — In the process of conventional lathe HSS cutting tool are often found on small industry. Because cutting tool is one of the major components that play an important role, then the process happens lathe cutting tool which have resulted in the cutting temperature . Almost all the cutting energy converted into heat by friction between the cutting tool process with the work piece. Heat travels through the cutting tool occurred as a heat conduction process as well as broad tool material contact area is relatively small, so that the active areas of high temperature cutting tool. Micro structural changes due to high temperatures will raise the level of violence metal cutting tool and cutting tool experienced wear. HSS cutting tool on the geometry of a relatively simple and shaped material block size paralelepipedum 4 x ½ inc. In this study, a model of temperature distribution during machining process has been developed using ANSYS software. The simulation result shows that the temperature distribution can be well approximated using the developed model. The maximum temperature obtained from the model is the same as the one obtained using theoretical approach.
Keywords⎯ Temperature-cutting, HSS chisel, chisel geometry, elements to
Biodiesel Production Continuous System Using Oscilation Flow Reactor (OFR) NUR HAMZAH 1, SURYANTO 2, ZULMANWARDI3 1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang Ujung Padang Indonesia 90245, email:
[email protected] 2 Department of Mechanical, The State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang, email:
[email protected] 3 Department of Chemical Engineering, The State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang
Abstract — The process of formation of the esterification to produce biodiesel using a continuous system, type Oscilation Flow Reactor (OFR), has been done. This research aims to evaluate the system performance using continuous reactor types which include activities OFR design, manufacture, test system performance and product quality testing laboratory. Results system test shows that the formation process by using OFR types can accelerate the process of almost 6 times faster at this stage of the reaction process, compared to using a batch reactor system.
Keywords⎯ Biodiesel, reactor, esterification, oscillatory flow reactor (OFR)
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Optimal Tuning of PSS and AVR Gain Using Particle Swarm Optimization Time Varying Acceleration in Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) AS’ADI 1, RIFAD MUBARAK BAMATRAF 2, RIO INDRALAKSONO3, MUHAMMAD ABDILLAH4, IMAM ROBANDI 5 Power System Operation and Control Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia, 60111 1 2 email:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — The disturbance in power system can influence the stability and produce the oscillation in system, therefore the electrical power system must be maintain and obtain the performance improvement of the electrical power system is needed a control to reduce that. In this approach, the optimal tuning power system stabilizer (PSS) and Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) gain using Particle Swarm Optimization Time Varying Acceleration (PSOTVAC) method used as optimal control equipment to damp oscillation. Using PSOTVAC method to damp oscillation of electrical power system the result show that the PSOTVAC is faster than Conventional Particle Swarm Optimization (CPSO), the reach steady state using PSOTVAC has setting time 34 seconds and CPSO has 40 seconds, application PSOTVAC shows great improvement of performance.
Keywords⎯ Power system stabilizer, automatic voltage regulator, PSOTVAC.
Design and Manufacturing Electronics Control of Brown Gas Electrolyzer System RASIAWAN1, I NYOMAN SUTANTRA2, BAMBANG SAMPURNO3 Jurusan Teknik Mesin, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
Abstract — The results of water electrolysis from brown gas system have been applied for car and improve fuel efficiency. Water was also included in the gas product which it decreased temperature and NOx emission. Unfortunately gas flow rate was constant at all engine speed which may be disturbed burning process at low speed because water became too much in the block cylinder. This experiment measured a lot of parameters of electrolysis process which near optimum value. Voltage varied from 1.3 to 3 volt for 1 sell, electrode current density under 0.2 A/cm2 and electrolyte concentration varied from 20 to 40%. Electronics controller of electrolysis has been made with them based on engine speed with power consumption varied from 0 to 93.6 Watt through PWM control duty. Gas product capacity obtained from 0 to 6.5 ml/s and water included from 0 to 26.7 mg/s. The controller was able to adjusted turn current at specific speed engine. The brown gas system obtained 6 1 from control target on the best power condition but was able to reduce over capacity of water in cylinder block at low speed. The experiment result showed H2 and O2 gas production had ability to brought water molecules so it made AFR (Air Fuel Ratio) became rich or best power condition (with AFR 12.5 : 1. This condition can reduce NOx , CO and HC emission.
Keywords⎯ Electronics control, brown gas, AFR and gas emission
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Optimal Power Flow by Improved Adaptive Genetic Algorithm PATRIA JULIANTO1, IMAM ROBANDI2 2
1 Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Borneo, Tarakan. Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya Email:
[email protected] [email protected]
Abstract —This paper presents an improved adaptive genetic algorithm (IAGA) for the solution of the optimal power flow (OPF) with both continuous and discrete control variables. The continuous control variables modeled are unit active power outputs and generator bus voltage magnitude, while the discrete ones are transformer tap settings and switchable shunt devices. A number of functional operating constraints, such as load bus voltage magnitude limits, and generator reactive capabilities, are included as penalties in the genetic algorithm fitness function. Adaptive and advanced operators are used in order to improve the algorithm’s efficiency and accuracy. The solution algorithm has been implemented into a Delphi software and tested on the IEEE 30-bus system. Numerical results are presented and compared with results of other approaches.
Keywords⎯ Optimal power flow, genetic algorithms
Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources in Rural (a Case Study in the Village Slawu, Patrang, Jember) HERU MIRMANTO Jurusan Teknik Mesin, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Kampus ITS, Sukolilo Surabaya 60111 Email : herumir@telkom .net
Abstract⎯ Indonesia, especially in East Java has the potential of renewable energy sources in large numbers. These energy sources include a waterfall located in residential areas, mountainous areas. One of the potential that exists is in Kreongan River, Slawu Village, Sub Patrang, Jember Regency. This location has three waterfalls that can be used to generate electrical energy using water turbines. Seeing this condition will be the design of water turbine that can generate electrical energy in accordance with the power, reliability, high efficiency, easy operation and maintenance. From designing cross flow turbine generated electrical power of 25.78 KWatt
Keywords⎯ Renewable energy sources, design cross flow turbine
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
The Application of Reduced Rank Ensemble Kalman Filter to Estimate Heat Conduction Distribution DIEKY ADZKIYA1, ERNA APRILIANI2 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Institut Teknologi Sepuluh, Surabaya Indonesia email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ The Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) is a data assimilation method designed to provide estimates of the state of a system by blending information from a model of the system with observations. This method uses an ensemble (statistical sample) of state estimates to represent nonlinearity. One point that has to be considered when using EnKF is the size of ensemble. It is highly related with error estimates and computational cost. One way to make the computational time faster is using reduced rank. The goal of this paper is to investigate the relationship between size of reduced rank, error estimates and computational cost in one dimensional heat conduction model. We use numerical simulation using MATLAB to accomplish the goal. The result can be used as a reference to decide the appropriate size of ensemble.
Keywords⎯ Ensemble kalman filter, reduced rank, heat conduction
The Soil Layer Clasification in Panti – Jember Based on Geoelectric Data’s Intepretation NURUL PRIYANTARI, AGUS SUPRIANTO, SUPENO Jurusan Fisika, FMIPA, Universitas Jember
Abstract⎯ The research revealed of the flood phenomena and the landslide in Panti-Jember based on geo-electrical data’s has been done. The phenomena not only influenced by surface geomorphology condition, but influenced by conditioned beneath surface. The geophysical measurement show up sub-surface condition rely on lithology, hydrology, and natural disaster potential at Panti-Jember. The sub-surface condition dominated by sandstone, that occurred by sedimentation from after flood. Keywords --- Flood, landslides, geomorphology
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Bending Strength Test and Fatigue Test in Composite Material AlSi10mg + SiC (as Alternative Material for Ship Building) PRANTASI HARMI TJAHJANTI Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, FTK, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected] ;
[email protected]
Abstract — have been done to make composite material base on aluminum alloy (AlSi10Mg as matrix), and silicon of carbide (SiC) as reinforcement. This composite material is made by casting method use as alternative material for ship building. The result of bending test indicate that this composite material is brittle material. While for fatigue test show that addition of the biggest SiC(15%) can influence composite material more toughness, and not to creep quickly. In general, composite material of AlSi10Mg matrix + SiC. can use for ship building alternative material for the substitution of ship material of aluminum / alloy aluminum (brittle material), but not yet changed steel, because mechanical properties of this composite still below of steel
Keywords⎯ AlSi10Mg, SiC,aluminum alloy, composite material, bending strength, fatigue strength
Biofuel Production from Catalytic Cracking Process of Oleic Acid and Metil Ester NURJANNAH1, ACHMAD ROESYADI2, DANAWATI HP2 1
Jurusan Teknik Kimia, FTI, Universitas Muslim Indonesia email:
[email protected] 2 Jurusan Teknik Kimia, FTI, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia 60111
Abstract — Oil is energy source which is important for transportation, household and industry. Because of it is an unrenewable energy source, it is necessary to produce fuel from renewable source as alternative fuel substituting gasoline, kerosene and diesel from crude oil. One of renewable source can be finding from palm oil which has carbon chains i.e. oleic acid C18. It’s possibly to cracking to be hydrocarbon molecule with shorter carbon chains that expected have equality with hydrocarbon chains in the gasoline, kerosene or diesel. This research consists of two processes i.e. catalyst synthetic and cracking. Catalyst synthetic produced HZSM-5, which is characterized by AAS, became Si/Al 198. BET analysis showed that surface area of HZSM-5 213.3524 m2/g and average pore size 13°A. The experiment has done by heating of oleic acid until 360°C on the feed tank and flowing N2 as gas carrier with flow rate 90-190 ml/min. Oleic acid vapor and N2 flowing on the fixed bed reactor with heater element layer and 1 gram catalyst. The cracking reaction has done at temperature reactor 370-500°C for 75 min. The cracking product was analyzed by gas chromatography and HPLC. The result showed that the highest yield gasoline fraction by HZSM-5 is 39.53, kerosene 18.70and diesel 4.20% at reactor temperature 450°C and rate of N2 150 ml/min.The result of metil este showed that the highest yield gasoline fraction by HZSM-5 is 38.74%, kerosene 32.43% and diesel 17.83% at reactor temperature 500°C and rate of N2 130 ml/min The cracking of oleic acid and metal ester based palm oil with HZSM-5 proposed to produce hydrocarbon C6 – C12.
Keywords⎯ Oleic acid,metil ester, cracking, HZSM-5
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Application Maintenance Engineering Technology Based Predictive Analysis and Experimental Review of Vibration Signals Bearing Damage Internal Combustion Engine ACHMAD ZUBAYDI1, I MADE ARIANA2, LAHAR BALIWANGI3, FRANSISKUS LOUHENAPESSY4, MARCUS TUKAN, BSE5, SEMUEL M. TARIBUKA6 Program Pascasarjana Teknologi Kelautan (PPSTK) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 2009 email :
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Research predictive engineering maintenance technology based on the analysis and experimental study of vibration signals for bearing damage internal combustion engine, aims to apply the basic science of machinery in the engine maintenance. The method is carried out engine vibration testing and analysis of vibration signals and computational modeling to express the bearing damage. Experimental results show the crank 14 circles in 1 second and 1 circles to reach the crank 0.0666 seconds m/detik2 in 5581 or 5581 volts. Time domain signal at the highest vertical acceleration amplitude 0.6216 m/detik2 on lap 10. In the horizontal direction 0.7912 m/detik2 on circles 2 with a time 0.09229 seconds. Signal amplitude small vertical direction from the horizontal and vertical direction of the force is greater than the horizontal direction, can be ascertained that the vertical stiffness is greater than the vertical direction on circles 15 Hz. Frequency domain the largest vertical direction 0.0003289 m/detik2 the frequency at 45 Hz and 195 Hz frequency 0.000563 m/detik2 largest amplitude, is greater than the vertical direction. The results of experimental analysis in the frequency domain signal BPFO, BPFI, BSF and FTF appears on 7 to 800 Hz, with largest amplitude at 3xFTF 0.0003289 m/detik2, in this study the frequency of engine components can expressed. Keywords⎯ Vibration, amplitude, predictive maintenance, experimental, bearing, stiffness
Influence of Shock Loading (4-Chlorophenol and 2,4 Dichlorophenol) Concerning Submerged Adsorption Hybrid Bioreactor (Smahbr) Performance TRI WIDJAJA, ALI ALTWAY, MUSFIL AS Department of Chemical Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya, Indonesia 60111, email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ This article aims to examine the effect of shock loading (4-chlorophenol and 2,4 dichlorophenol) that present in synthetic wastewater concerning performance of SMAHBR (Submerged Adsorbtion Hybrid Biorector). Results revealed that PAC (Powdered Activated Carbon) addition with amount 10% of sludge concentration made SMAHBR work properly. Removal COD increased 15 until 21% if it was compared with control (without PAC addition). It is because of presence 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) and 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) was adsorbed by PAC. An experimental study has been performed using hollow fibers (pore size 0,1 µm) immersed in an aerated tank for treating synthetic wastewater and 4-chlorophenol or 2,4 dichlorophenol was injected as shock . This reactor was operated at different sludge ages (10, and 30 days).
Keywords⎯ 4-chlorophenol, 2,4-dichlorophenol, shock loading, SMAHBR
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Ethanol Production from Molasses with Immobilized Cells Technique in Packed Bed Bioreactor by Extractive Fermentation MUSFIL AS, TRI WIDJAJA, ALI ALTWAY Department of Chemical Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology , Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ The aim of this research is to study the effect of glucose concentration, Ca-Alginat and K Carrageenan density in immobilized cells on packed-bed bioreactor performance for ethanol production and the effect solvent flow rate on performance for packed column by % extraction recovery. This experiment is performed with glucose concentration 10%v/v, 14%v/v, 18%v/v and immobilized cells Ca- Alginat and K-Carrageenan concentration 2%w/v and amyl alcohol as solvent. Based on the result of study we can conclude that glucose concentration and Ca-Alginat and K-Carrageenan concentration have an influence on concentration and ethanol productivity.The result showed the maximum average result of immobilized cells in immobilized Ca-Alginat cells, ethanol concentration 8,76 %/ 69,15 g/L, yield 33,76%, and ethanol productivity 82,98 g/ while for immobilized cells in immobilized K-Carrageenan cells, ethanol concentration 7,63%/60,18g/L , yield 27,66% and ethanol productivity 72,22 g/ In extraction process, increasing amyl alhohol solvent flow rate will increase mass transfer and hence increase ethanol recovery. Keyword⎯ Ethanol, extractive- fermentation, immobilized cells, packed-bed bioreactor
Enzimatic Hydrolysis of Rice Straw to Glucose NADIEM ANWAR, ARIEF WIDJAYA, SUGENG WINARDI Jurusan Teknik Kimia-Fakultas Teknologi Industri-Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ The objective of this work is to produce glucose that can fermented to hydrogen by enzymatic hydrolysis and to investigate the effect of enzyme substrat ratio and pH to enzymatic hydrolysis of rice straw. Hydrolysis was conducted in 300 mL beaker glass equipped by mechanical stirrer. Samples were analyzed by dinitrocalycilic acid and measured by spectrophotometer. Based on the this study, it can be concluded that the higher the enzyme ratio to substrate was, the higher the glucose concentration obtained, but enzyme eficiency become smaller. Rice straw particle for 120 – 140 mesh is optimum enough to be chosen for rice straw hydrolysis. Decreacing pH from 5,52 to 3,92 will decrease the time of optimum hydrolysis from 6 to 3 hours.
Keywords⎯ Cellulase, glucose, hydrolysis, rice straw,
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
The Sunda Strait Infrastructure : A Concept Selection DANIEL MOHAMMAD ROSYID Department Of Ocean Engineering, ITS, Surabaya
Abstract⎯ A concept selection of infrastructures connecting Java and Sumatra is presented. A bridge of 29km long, of 7 segments the longest of which will have a free span of almost 3km claimed to be the longest one in the world is considered. An advanced ferry system is proposed as an alternative. The selection is carried out using three different arguments expressible in 16 selection criteria. The first argument is a paradigmatic one. The second is a topology argument. The last argument is techno-economic. The conceptual design analysis shows that the proposed bridge is not justified for further detailed engineering design. The paradigmatic argument demonstrates that a bridge solution is a typical big-island or continental solution. An alternative archipelago-paradigm solution will lead to a ship-based solution. A topology argument shows that a bridge is a solution for a concave land-mass domain, while two separate islands are not a concave land-mass domain. Finally, a techno-economic comparative analysis clearly shows that a bridge solution is strictly inferior compared to an advanced ferry system solution.
Keywords⎯ Inter-island bridge, the Sunda Strait, archipelago paradigm, topology, concave land-mass domain, advanced ferry system
Ethanol Production from Molasses by Use of Mutated Zymomonas Mobilis which is Immobilized on κ-Carrageenan Using Continous Stirred Tank Reactor PRISKILA GITA MARIA SINAMBELA, TONTOWI ISMAIL Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ This research was intended to exam the impacts of glucose concentration and -carrageenan density towards the activity of ethanol production by means of Zymomonas mobilis which is mutated by hydroxylamine, with a continous fermentation process. From the research which have been done, the highest ethanol level was obtained at 18% variable of glucose concentration and 2% -carrageenan density, valued 47,249 g/L. Whereas ethanol productivity which was formed at identical variable of glucose concentration and -Karaginan density was 8,505 g.l-1.jam-1. Hence, we could conlude that glucose concentration and -carrageenan density affected ethanol concentration and ethanol productivity which were produced from fermentation process. Keywords⎯ Ethanol, molases, zymomonas mobilis,
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Design of AC to DC 3 Phase Fullwave Rectifier with Minimum THD and Unity Power Factor Use PID Fuzzy Switching Control IRIANTO 1 , AINUR ROFIQ2, HENDRA MARINTA ADITIA3 1,2 Jurusan Teknik Elektro Industri, Jurusan Teknik Elektro Industri Program Studi D4 Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember email :
[email protected] 3
Abstract⎯ 3 Phase Fullwave rectifier is one of 3 phase voltage changes technics from 3 phase to DC voltage. Rectification process of diode will cause harmonics on input current so that the input current is distortion and cause phase shifting. With boost converter, besides increase voltage output, the result of rectification can be reduce low frequence harmonics and increase the input power factor. After that, appear new harmonics with high frequency because switching process on boost converter. Finally, this circuit will be complete with EMI filter so that obtain value of THD is 2.33% and power factor closed unity. Keywords⎯ 3 phase fullwave rectifier, harmonics, boost converter, EMI filter , power factor
Mass Transfer Modellng of Extraction of Asbuton Using Kerosene Solvent SUSIANTO, ALI ALTWAY, KUSNO BUDHIKARJONO, NOVI AKBAR, YULIA RACHMAWATI Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Data obtained from a study of asbuton extraction using kerosene solvent is still very limited in experimental conditions that a theoretical research (simulation) is required to obtain data or a more comprehensive information for asbuton extraction process. The aim of this study is to develop a mathematical model of extraction process of asbuton in the agitated leaching. The mathematical model developed in this study is based on the Shrinking Core Model (SCM) with asumption of spherical particles, steady state conditions and diffusion controlled leaching process. The equation model is solved numerically by Runge-kutta method. From this research, it can be concluded that the developed models can describe the experimental results very well. The results also showed that the extraction rate is not much influenced by the rotation speed of agitator, but the effect of particle size is more significan. Intra-particle diffusivitY (De) in this simulation does not show a significant influence on the rate of extraction. While mass transfer coefficient (kf) as well as the bitumen yield in this simulation tend to increase along with the increasing of particle size and agitator rotation speed.
Keywords⎯ Asbuton, ekstraksi, bitumen, shrinking core model, yield
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Safety Footpegs Design for Motorcycles Passenger PRIMADITYA, KRESNO SULASMONO Jurusan Desain Produk Industri, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perancangan, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Data from the police indicate the number of traffic accidents is dominated by motorcycles and it happened because of how motorists are paying less attention to driving safety and traffic regulations. This research aims to reduce the risk of traffic accidents, especially motorcycles passengers. This study begins with a historical review and analysis of the behavior of the passenger on a motorcycle accident. Continued with the planning study using a simulation model to testing the hypothesis of a motorcycles accident which results are used as a guide in the design phase and prototype manufacture. The study concludes with a survey for consumers to obtain quantitative data on consumer response and feedback. Researach shows that passenger that holds on the safety equipment having less risk to be thrown and get injured.
Keywords⎯ Footpegs, motorcycle, passenger, safety
Frequency Control on Micro Hydro Power Plant Using Fuzzy PI Controller SOEDIBYO1, IMAM ROBANDI2, MOCHAMAD ASHARI3 Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ The development of technology strategy at hydroelectric controller currently being increased. Micro hydro Power Plant is a small scale water that does not require the installation of large water storage, so that does not require much land and is an environmentally friendly plant species. Problems that frequently occur are the result of the rotation is not constant due to water flow and water level change (diversion) and the burden of change which eventually causes a change in voltage and frequency systems. Therefore, an optimal control strategy to keep the frequency fixed at the allowable limit for the maximum amount of energy from the flow of the river and at the same time the system remains stable. In this research comparing a frequency of system by using PID Conroller and Fuzzy PI controller system simulation using MATLAB. From the experimental results are expected with the installation of Fuzzy PI Controller able toincreasethe frequency of system performance.
Keywords⎯ Micro hydro, PID controller, fuzzy PI controller.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Solid Waste Digestate of Biogas production from Blotong and Azotobacter chroococcum – Aspergillus Niger microbe combined as Sources of Compost Production S.R JULIASTUTI1 ,SOEPRIJANTO2, A. PRAMONO3, H. PRABOWO4 Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Recent year organic agriculture was the most choice as one of the modern alternative agriculture with reason of nature protection and public health, and also fertilizer high cost and lack of chemical fertilizer trade. The use of natural resources and protection of input chemicals were the use of compost. The objective of this experimental was using blotong solid waste of biogas digester as source of organic fertilizer and to know the influence of A. chroococcum and A. niger on the organic fertilizer quality. Methode in these experimental used Rotary drum Composter as batch reactor with aeration rate0,586 m3 air/ day/Kg in Laboratory scale.Experimental variable was ratio of pure blotong and solid waste of biogas digester = 1:2 and 1:3 and starter mixture: solid waste of biogas digester = 1:2 and 1:3 without microbe. A. chroococcum and A. Niger combined were 5:3; 3:5 and 5:5 ( ml/kg solid waste). Sample were analyzed in N, P, K content, COD, BOD and water content. The experimental result showed that the most optimal N content increase was 121,74 % for blotong – digestate waste mixture of 1:2, and ratio of A. chroococcum : A. niger = 5:5, while the most optimal P content increase was 162,07 % for for blotong – digestate waste mixture of 1:2, and ratio of A. chroococcum : A. niger = 3:5.
Keywords⎯ Compost, blotong, solid waste biogas digestate, rotary drum composter, A. chroococcum , A. Niger
The First Design Automation System Power Crank Press Machine Based on PLC and Electro Pneumatic SAMPURNO1, MOH. DWI NURO SODRUL HUDA2 1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia 2 Faculty of Industrial Technology, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Automation machine is one way to increase the rate of production and safety. In case to increase the rate of production of a machine, the safety aspect of the production process can not be ignored. One of effort to improve safety on the power crank press machine is used movable die shoe. To automation power crank press machine, this is designed including movable die shoe, electro pneumatic system as activator and PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) as based controller electronic-system. At design of movable die shoe, the geometry and strength designed to the engine crank power press that was planned. In the design of the pneumatic system, using sizing method. While the control system for its electro pneumatic used PLC because of many advantages of it. The results of the design can increase the safety and rate of production 8,6 cycle/min, geometry is obtained Movable die shoe, component specifications of electro pneumatic is appropriate, components and program of control systems for electro pneumatic.
Keywords—Power crank press machines, movable die shoe, PLC, electro pneumatic.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Isolation and Modification of Starch from Breadfruit WILLY E HALIM1, IRWAN SK PUTRA2, FELYCIA E SOETAREDJO3, ANING AYUCITRA4 Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala, Surabaya email :
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) belongs to Moraceae family. The usage is limited by the poor storage properties of the fresh fruit. It is therefore reasoneable to maximize its potentials by processing it into different food products with better shelf-life. Conversion to starch would provide a more stable form as well as increase its versatility. The main purpose of this research was to investigate the optimum isolation condition of starch from breadfruit and study its functional properties. Physical modification of starch by heat moisture treatment and annealing were performed to study the effect of modification to starch functional properties. In this study, breadfruit starch was first isolated with various solvent and sleeping time. The starch obtaind at the optimum isolation condition was then subjected to heat moisture treatment and annealing modification. The functional properties of native and modified starches such as amylase-amylopectin content, swelling power, and solubility were studied. The result showed that the highest yield of starch was achieved while using aquadest as steeping solvent for 6 hours sleeping time. Both modification increased starch swelling power but lowered starch solubility. However, modification did not influence starch amylase-amylopectin content. Keywords⎯ Breadfruit, starch, annealing, heat moisture treatment
Flood Mitigation by Application in Situ Early Warning System in Panti – Jember, East Java ALBERTUS DJOKO LESMONO1, SUPRIYADI2 1
Program Studi Pend. Fisika, FKIP Universitas Jember, email:
[email protected] Jurusan Fisika, FMIPA Universitas Jember, email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Design and fabrication of In Situ Early Warning System in Panti has been done. The instrument work base on measuring river water level. When the river water level reachs at critical level, the danger signal will be transmitted to receiver in observation shelter that located at 1 km far away. Observer at the observation shelter transfers information of this danger signal to cluster community.
Keywords⎯ In situ early warning system, river water level, danger signal, clusters community.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
The Aliphatic Hydrocarbon of Medium Rank Coal from Kalimantan as Feasibility Indicator for Coal Liquefaction AMIEN SISWOYO, YULFI ZETRA, AGUS WAHYUDI, R.Y. PERRY BURHAN Unit Riset Geokimia Organik, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, 60111
Abstract⎯ Diversify the energy of coal is an alternative energy source that has strategic value and potential to produce liquid fuels instead of petroleum fuel. Characteristics of coal is needed to convert coal into liquid products, and geochemical characterization of organic compounds contained in coal is the source of information about the potential of a coal to be converted into liquid products. Medium rank coal from Kalimantan that has the potential to be converted into liquid coal, studied their aliphatic hydrocarbon. Medium rank coal of Kalimantan samples extracted, and the hydrocarbon fraction fractionated through column chromatography. Aliphatic fraction were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS), indicates the existence of some biomarker compounds include: n-alkanes (C17-C33 which dominated by long-chain alkanes, pristan with high abundance, phytane, bicyclic sesquiterpenes as transcadinane, olean-12 (13-ene, and hopanes C27-C32 (without C28. All these compounds showed the potential possibility of liquefy the medium rank coal from Kalimantan, because the compound have been identified also has high thermal stability. Especially for long chain n-alkane can also be a source of short chain n-alkanes and cycloalkanes which is a constituent of liquid fuel through a cracking process.
Keywords⎯ Aliphatic hydrocarbon, medium rank coal, organic geochemistry characterization
Design of One Phase AC- DC Full Wave Rectifier with Flyback Converter as DC Regulator Using PI Fuzzy Switching Controller SUTEDJO, RENNY RAKHMAWATI, YAMUDI Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, ITS email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ At electronics equipments usually require energies allowance form of DC voltages the Consequences from rectifiers circuit cause currents waveform becoming not flattening or distortions. On that case many developed a new forms from converters to repair of power factors and having good ability, like high power factor ,and low harmonic ( according to standard IEC. the kind of converter which will application as DC regulator is kind of flyback converter. Converter flyback is kind converter having very much advantage as: there are isolation sistem betwen side of input with side of output, the output voltage can to be tunning so to helping the work of flyback converter necessary used device switching as MOSFET, MOSFET can in condtion ON or OFF if there is signal triger at foot gate and source, so it necessary used PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) controller circuit to driver the MOSFET. This circuit is using the PI Fuzzy controller as switching in flyback converter that expected to reduce the harmonics so input current is undistorted and overall power factor of rectifier circuits can be close to one.
Keywords⎯ Full wave rectifier, harmonics, flyback converter, power faktor
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Human Motion Variation Synthesis using BVH Data TRI MARYANTO1 MOCHAMAD HARIADI 2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia, 60111, email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract⎯To create lifelike scenes on video games or cg animations, the character entities involved in the scenes has to be given various characteristics. For example, the developer could create various motions to each character with motion synthesis. In the process of creating the variation, there are some methods that could be done. Modeling the motion data is one of those methods. In this research we design a motion synthesis system to create variation from motion data automatically. The motion data is in the form of BioVision Hierarchy (BVH) file. The components that formed the system are : BVH data reader, motion data visualization, and the variation generator. We add random noise constrained by some threshold values to the original data. The result is varied motion data that still posses the original features from the input data. Because the noise given are random, sometime the synthesis result could be less natural than the original data.
Keywords⎯ Human motion variaton, bio vision hierarchy, motion synthesis
Vibration Modeling of Flexible-Link Arm Robot I.B. PUTU PUTRA ARIAWAN, AGUS SIGIT PRAMONO, BAMBANG PRAMUJATI Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia
Abstract ⎯ In this paper, Euler-Bernoulli theory implemented in building mathematical model of flexible-link arm robot which modeled as flexible cantilever beam with internal damping. By assuming fixed-free mode shape type, will be obtained equation of motion which is used in simulation process. Simulation process can show system response on vibration of cantilever beam due to sudden stopped which indicated impuls loading. Analysis of some position in beam will be shown and also transfer function value in each position. Those transfer function can be implemented in designing of vibration damper control system.
Keywords⎯ Euler-bernoulli theory, fleksible cantilever beam, mode shape fixed-free, system response, transfer function.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Design and Development of Weather Forcase Simulators for Surabaya City by Using Neural Network SYAMSUL ARIFIN Physic Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, ITS, Surabaya 60111 email :
[email protected]
Abstract — Weather very important role in world shipping. Based on this weather disturbance model is needed that can inform to all sea users. Weather interference model used is the method of Neural Network (JST) with temperature, pressure, humidity and wind speed as masukans and rainfall, ocean wave height and ocean currents as the keluaran value to be predicted. JST model obtained and implemented in the form of software and hardware as a predictor of the weather conditions the next day. The data obtained during 2 years of measurements by BMKG used for training and validation process models JST structure MLP (Multi Layer Perceptron) and selected the best one based on the parameters RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) and VAF (Variance Accounted For). The results validate the design of weather disturbance predictor maritime JST method produces a parameter specification for the predictive value of ocean currents produce RMSE = 0.137 and VAF = 58.7%, to predict ocean wave height value RMSE = 0.132 and VAF = 18.72%. As for rainfall prediction RMSE value = VAF = 0.299 and 26.122%.
Keywords⎯Identification, disruption maritime weather, weather prediction, neural networks
Performance of Ventilation at Housing in Limited Area in Hot-Humid Region YUSWINDA FEBRITA1, SRI NASTITI N EKASIWI2 , I.G. NGURAH ANTARYAMA3 Department of Architecture, FTSP, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ The function of cross ventilation for removing accumulated heat inside houses for hot-humid climate is difficult to cope, as the house has very limited house plot. By measuring the real condition in the existing houses, the study aimed to investigate the thermal performance inside the house. The results indicate that the increase of temperature in living room because of increasing outdoor temperature, building orientation, opening facing to wind direction, and opening ratio.
Keywords⎯ Performance of ventilation, housing in limited area, hot-humid region
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Fabrication of Magnetic Field Censor’s Base on Fluxgate Magnetometer AGUS SUPRIANTO. A1, BOWO EKO CAHYONO1, MITRA DJAMAL2 1
Jurusan Fisika, FMIPA, Universitas Jember, e-mail:
[email protected] 2 Jurusan Fisika, FMIPA, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Abstract⎯ The fabrication of magnetic field censor’s base on fluxgate magnetometer with multi-core structure has been done. Each core has four excitation coils and two pick-up coil. The excitation coils have been done as an internal magnetic field generator and the pick-up coils have been done as receiver of magnetic field changes. The intensity of the measured magnetic field is proportional with output voltage of sensor and inversely proportional with the distance of target. This censor have work range at -40mT to 20mT and The equality of the line as y=0,068+0,0011
Keywords⎯ Fabrication, magnetic field censor’s
Behaviour of Precast Concrete Beam Column Joint for Earthquake Resistant House and Fast Build with Open Frame Structure DIAN ISLAMIYAH , ENDAH WAHYUNI , AMAN S Jurusan Teknik Sipil ITS; email
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Technology is technology pracetak concrete construction concrete structure with the components it is printed in a special (off-site fabrication), the components are developed and ubsequently installed in the location (instalation) On this research developed a design system for meeting the connection beam-columns with concrete connection method using dry (dry-joint). Connection system adopted the system as steel structure connectors C 125x125x5 and steel bar dia 15 mm and steel structure 45 x 45 x 5.
Keywords⎯ Precast concrete, beam-column joint, dry joint
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
An Investigation into the Mechanism System of Wave Movement to Power Catamaran MURDJIANTO 1 I K.A.P. UTAMA 1 R.HANTORO 2 A.YOGHI 1 1
Jurusan Teknik Perkapalan, FTK, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia 60111 2 Jurusan Teknik Fisika, FTI, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia 60111
Abstract⎯ Mechanism of wave power system that consists of a spring system and foil. Mechanism of wave power system is used as catamaran propulsion systems installed on catamaran. This mechanism wave power systems can move with ocean currents that would move the foil and the spring will respond by giving the opposing forces so that there can beat move a catamaran against the current. These analyses used ANSYS software to model and calculate the mechanism system of wave power. It’s consist springs systems and aerofoil. Therefore the thrust can be obtained.
Keywords⎯ Wave, catamaran, spring, thrust
A Study Into The Development of Catamaran Fishing Vessel D SETYAWAN, I K. A. P. UTAMA, A SUGIARSO, AND MURDIJANTO Department of Naval Architecture, ITS
Abstract⎯ The use of catamaran particularly as passenger vessel has been popularly known. However, there is little information on the application of this fascinating ship as fishing vessel. A systematic research into the development of catamaran fishing vessel is being carried out at the Department of Naval Architecture of ITS and funded by the Directorate General of Higher Education under research scheme called National Strategic Leading Research. In the current work, 4 types of vessel are developed namely round bilge monohull, hard chine monohull, symmetric catamaran and asymmetric catamaran. Focus of the ongoing work is the estimation of resistance and power of the vessel as well as their layouts which are available for working deck for catching fishes activities.
Keywords⎯ Monohull, catamaran, fishing vessel.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Optimal Capacity of Capasitor using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for Economic Dispatch JANITA DIAH INDIARTI, RIFAD MUBARAK BAMATRAF, RIO INDRALAKSONO, IMAM ROBANDI Laboratory of Power System Operation and Control
Abstract--Pada jaring sistem tenaga listrik pada umumnya didominasi oleh beban induktif, besarnya beban induktif ini sangat berpengaruh dalam besar harga rugi-rugi pada saluran transmisi dan memperbesar biaya pembangkitan energi listrik. Biaya produksi energi listrik menjadi lebih besar karena pembangkit selain mensuplai daya aktif juga harus mensuplai daya reaktif. Pada sisi Transmisi, beban induktif ini menurunkan profil tegangan sehingga arus yang mengalir pada sistem transmisi menjadi besar. Meningkatnya besar arus yang mengalir pada jaring transmisi mengakibatkan meninggakatnya rugi-rugi pada saluran transmisi. Sehingga, pembangkit selain mensuplai beban konsumen, pembangkit juga harus mensuplai rugi-rugi pada transmisi di jaring. Solusi yang ditawarkan pada paper ini adalah dengan memasang kapasitor pada jaring transmisi. Besar kapasitas kapasitor yang diapasang ditentukan menggunakan metode Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Kemudian ditentukan kombinasi daya output setiap pembangkit menggunakan Economic Dispatch sehingga didapat biaya pembangkitan yang minimum. Metode yang digunakan dalam economi dispatch pada paper ini adalah metodr iterasi lamda. Hasil simulasi dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan memasang kapasitor yang besarnya telah di optimalkan menggunakan PSO dapat mengurangi biaya produksi sebesar $ 7,00 per jam lebih murah dibandingkan tanpa menggunakan kapasitor.
Keywords -- PSO, GA, kapasitor, economic dispatch
Reduction of Marine Diesel Exhaust Emission Using Seawater Electrolysis I MADE ARIANA Department of Marine Engineering, Institute Technology of Sepuluh Nopember
[email protected]
Abstract--This paper explains a method to simultaneously reduce marine diesel exhaust emissions. The emissions consist of NOx, SOx and PM. Scrubbing by seawater electrolysis is the method that proposed on this experiment. Electrolysis of seawater produces acid and alkaline around of anode and cathode with pH up to 5 and 12, respectively. Since acid easily reacts NOx and alkaline easily reacts SOx, the method can reduce concentration of NOx, SOx and PM up to 76%, 75% dan 42%, respectively.
Keywords-- Exhaust emission, marine diesel engine, seawater electrolysis
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Influence of Glucose from Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Sorghum Flour on Etanol Production Using Baker’s Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae SOEPRIJANTO1, ARIEF WIDJAJA1, ARINO ANZIP2, SUHARMADI3 1 2
Department of Chemical Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected].
Abstract⎯ Production of bioetanol from sorghum flour using baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was carried out in a batch culture. The aim of this experiments was to study the effects of enzyme α-amylase and glukoamylase additions on glucose yields, and the effects of glucose as a substrate on ethanol production. This process was carried out in several steps, i.e. liquefaction, sorghum flour slurry in a 2000 ml at a concentration of 30% (w/v) and supplemented with CaCl2 at concentration of 0.15 g/l was hydrolysed using a variety of concentrations of α-amylase (0,1 - 0,4%) at 100oC and pH 4.5-5 for 2 hours. Saccharification, glucoamylase at different concentrations (0.1 - 0.4%) was introduced and temperature was kept at 65oC and pH 5-5.5 for 72 hours. Glucose obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis was then fermented using baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to produce ethanol. Fermentation was conducted in a 2000 ml Erlenmeyer flask using a variety of concentration of glucose (100, 250 and 275 g/l) and yeast 0,2%, urea 0.5 %, and KH2PO4 0.5% (w/w). This media was incubated at a room temperature 28-30oC for 72 hours. The results showed that glucose yield obtained was 92.01% (w/w). While, the maximum ethanol obtained was 11.08 % (v/v) with glucose concentration of 275 g/l. Based on the sorghum , yield ethanol was 38.72% (v/w). It concluded that sorghum grain had a good potential as a raw material for ethanol production. Keywords⎯ A-amylase, ehtanol, enzymatic hydrolysis, fermentation, glucoamylase, glucose, liquefaction, saccharification, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, sorghum
Interpretation of Resistivity Data to Determine Distribution and Geometric of Sulphide Mineralization at Silo Jember East Java SUPENO1, NURUL PRIYANTARI2 1
Program Studi Pend. Fisika, FKIP, Universitas Jember, e-mail:
[email protected] 2 Jurusan Fisika, FMIPA, Universitas Jember, e-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ The measurement of subsurface resistivity that use geoelectric method has been carried out at Silo, Jember East Java. The aim of the survey is to know distibution and geometric of sulphide mineralization. In this measurement, the pole-pole electrode configuration with 10 by 10 electrode grid is commonly used for 3D surveys. The result of qualitative interpretations is a distribution of sulphide mineralization which have low resistivity of 12,5 Ωm – 30,8 Ωm located at 7,5 m – 53,4 m depth by 50 m – 50 m width.
Keywords⎯ Resistivity, silo area, sulphide mineralization.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Permanent Magnet Fabrication With Lumajang’s Iron Ore as Raw Material LIZDA JOHAR MAWARANI, TAUFIK HIDAYAT, DYAH SAWITRI, ZULKIFLI A, SEKARTEDJO Jurusan Teknik Fisika-Fakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya
Abstract⎯ On this research was done BaFe12O19 or ferroxdure permanent magnet fabrication with Lumajang’s iron ore as raw materials which extracted from iron sand. Barium Carbonat (BaCO3 with 99,03% purity was added. In the fabrication process, powder 400 mesh in size was compacted about 4,5 ton/cm2 in pressure. Sintering process was done at temperature 900-1100˚C with variation holding time are 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 minutes for each sintering temperature. The best result obtained on sample which processed in 1100˚C sintering temperature with 45 minutes holding time. The sample characteristics had been produced are remanent induction Br=150 Gauss, coersive force Hc=0,001 kOe and density is 3,21 g/cm3.
Keywords⎯ Permanent magnet, sintering, holding time, ferroxdure.
Flexural and Shear Behavior at Beam Column Joint Precast Concrete for Fast Build House and Earthquake Resistance with Infill Frame System BUDIANTO1, TAVIO2, DATA IRANATA3 1
Jurusan Teknik Sipil, FTSP, ITS, email:
[email protected] 2 Jurusan Teknik Sipil, FTSP, ITS, email:
[email protected] 3 Jurusan Teknik Sipil, FTSP, ITS, email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Earthquake which frequently happened in Indonesia lately, it have caused the structure design with earthquake resistance to make effective and can be worked in great quantities and efficient, without reduce strength of any structure building component for the planning use fully ductility (Seismic Design for Special Moment Resisting Frame). It is can apply to use infill frame system for precast concrete to building structure. Especially at beam column joint will be developed to make capable for support contribution to strength flexure and shear of building structure, with verification packet program structure analysis. So it is design module of dry joint connection at beam column joint which is give easily for assembly system to be done and then have achieve price selective for prominent after earthquake in regions. It have any difficulty with expense trouble so must be supply with anything reconstruction of house. Reconstruction which after earthquake very so much, in the fact demand to rebuild house with easily and fastest assembly of building structures it’s very important. So it make considering to assembly precast concrete for building strategy with make good job of building infill frame structure.
Keywords⎯ Design precast beam colum joint, infill frame, verification anaysis.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Seismic Design of Precast Concrete House YUYUN TAJUNNISA1 , ANANTA SIGIT2, TAVIO3, ENDAH WAHYUNI4 Jurusan Teknik Sipil, ITS email:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ One of the most costly natural disasters to strike Indonesia is earthquake. Rebuilding after disasters, all too often has involved restoring the same structures (especially houses) that were inadequate to handle the threats imposed on them. Precast concrete offers a solution to this problem, because of the advantages of high quality factory made units, speed construction, and the reduction of site formwork and labor. Precast concrete offers a solution to this problem. The aim of this research is to investigate and design the precast concrete house for high (WG 6 and medium risk seismic (WG 4 zone by using SAP2000 v9 and nonlinear program LUSAS v13.5-7. The house is designed with open frame and infill frame structural system. Structural stability is the most crucial issue in precast design because it involves the precast components. The results of this research have the same dimension and rebar of each component for the same type of house and structural system. But, it is different for spread foundation. They have variation dimension in open frame and infill frame structural system, also in different seismic zone. It has been carried out on behaviour of connections, bearing capacity, column foundation joints, wall joints and their effect on the stability of the whole structure.
Keywords⎯ House, precast concrete, seismic design
Behaviour of Precast Concrete Beam for Earthquake Resistance and Fast Build House Using Infill Frame System RETNO TRIMURTININGRUM1 TAVIO2 AMAN SUBAKTI3 Jurusan Teknik Sipil, ITS email:
[email protected],
[email protected] ,
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Indonesian is located in earthquake risk area, because it lies on sirkum pasific dan trans asia earthquake plate. Earthquake disaster causes many disadvantages, one of them is destroy the building especially the citizen’s house, that makes many people or citizen homeless. This situation compelled the goverment to rebuild the citizen’s house quickly. Therefore, it is required a fast build system and the guideline book to help the goverment realize it. The goal of this research is to make a gudeline book to build an earthquake resisting house using precast system. This spesific purpose of this research is to design the dimension and reinforcement of precast concrete beam suitably to the design that have been determined. This research start with make the design of one story (36 mm2 and two story house (66 mm2. After that, preliminary design and reinforcement design of each structure component of the house is calculated, including the precast concrete beam. This research uses infill frame system that consider the wall stifness in resisting the lateral load.
Keywords⎯ Precast concrete beam, earthquake resisting house, infill frame
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Behavior of Precast Concrete Column For Fast-Build and Earthquake-Resistant House With Open Frame System FATHMAH MAHMUD1 TAVIO2 DATA IRANATA3 Jurusan Teknik Sipil, FTSP, ITS email:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ The result of column design for earthquake resistant house have optimal dimension and bar. For type 1 has column dimension 150x150 mm2, flexure reinforcing 4 d 16 abd sgear reinforcement 8-75(in plastic huge) 8-75 (out of plstic hinge), for type-2 has column dimention 250x250 mm2, flexture reinforcement 8 D 16 and shear reinforcement 875(in plastic hinge) 8-75(out of plastic hinge). Basrs and dimention requirement of column forzone 4 and 6 are not different, because the seismic load between them is almost the same. Because of the longitudinal bar of beam is not different so the longitudinal and shear reinforcement of column are the same.The column connection which used steel plate shows: by increasing the load factor until 4 times produced stress 151.252 MPa, with plate thickness 8 mm and bolt diameter 16 mm. Mechanic connection of bolt show the maximum stress 1.5 MPa, is less than the standard for diameter bar 16 mm, 105.2 – 136 MPa.
Keywords⎯ Column, open frame, precast, connection
Design of Precast Concrete Column for Earthquake Resistant and Fast-Build House with Infill Frame System RECKY TIRTAJAYA1 , TAVIO2 , KURDIAN SUPRAPTO2, AMAN SUBAKTI2 1,2 Jurusan Teknik Sipil, ITS email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ The main goal of this research is to arrange a guideline to build an earthquake-resistant house with precast system in order to help and support government and local resident to rebuild safe-housing in short time, especially for the damage caused by earthquakes. The specific purpose of this research is to find out the most effective dimension and reinforcement of precast concrete column as the main object of this study, suitably to the design of house that have been determined. This research was started by created a model of simple single-story house and two-story house. Infill Frame Structural System is considered to the house, which consider both the stiffness of infill wall and frame to absorb lateral force. Connection between two precast column used steel bar connector (dry-joint system) in order to accelerate the construction time. This connection seemed to indicate fully-ductile behavior. It makes possible to design the house structure with seismic reduction factor (R) 8,5. This research obtained the optimal results: 150x150 cm2 (4D13 for singestory and 200x200 cm2 (8D13 for two-story house both in Zone 4 and 6. The requirements of seismic design for building such as strong column weak beam and displacement control have been considered.
Keywords— Earthquake-resistant house, infill frame, precast concrete column
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Design of Smart Course Control System Based on Fuzzy Logic in The Tracking Ship at Tanjung Perak Port Surabaya AULIA SITI AISJAH Engineering Physics Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya email :
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Fuzzy logic control system (FLC) is a control system that works based on input error, error change and / or acceleration error of the controlled variable. With the rules of FAM (Fuzzy Associate memory) that was built to produce a decision, can be used as a controller action which is fed to the actuator. In this paper described the design of fuzzy logic control systems on cruise ship line from Karang Jamuang - Port of Tanjung Perak, Surabaya. The design is carried out through computer simulation, using the model of the dynamics and environmental disturbance factors in the form of mathematical models. Decrease in the dynamic model of the ship based on Nomoto equation, wave disturbance factor is expressed in the form of a 2’nd order equation and the wind noise is expressed in the form of 1’st order. Input system is heading in the timeframe specified in accordance with the ship's speed and path length recommended by the Office of Navigation Tanjung Perak Port, while the output is driving a signal to the rudder action. Validate to the controller based on analysis system performance is done through simulation of the target trajectory in the form of Tracking in the cruise ship port of Tanjung Perak, Surabaya.
Keywords⎯ Fuzzy, karang jamuang, ship tracking, tanjung perak
Islamic Urinal Design to Increase the Quality of Sholat and Business Opportunity of Sanitary Industry in Indonesia BUDIONO1, ERI NAHARANI USTADZAH1, ANDHIKA ESTIYONO1, EKO NURMIANTO1 1
Department of Industrial Product Design, Faculty of Civil and Planning Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Today the number of people, particularly the Moslems, using the urinal is still low. Most people prefer to use the bathroom for a certain reason, keeping one self purified. Thia fact has brought this research to find the design criteria and urinal design alternative which can assure every urinal user, particularly the Moslems to keep oneself being purified. By studying existing product and urinal user at tree cities: Surabaya, Bandung, and Jombang, this research will result some design aspects that will support the design concept, such are : types of urinal, the user behavior during urinate, the user percentage and anthropometric study. The design concept is build upon main problems of existing urinal, such are : to eliminate the splash back of urine (najis) on the user body or clothes, safety and ergonomically function during purification, hand washing after secretion and keeping visual privacy (aurat). This design concept will be implemented into some urinal alternative design. The design is hope to solve the problems where Moslems can use the urinal safely and support the market of sanitary industry in the future. Keywords⎯ Aurat, ergonomis, najis, urinal
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
The Making of Natural Food Colours from Roselle Flowers (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) NILEM ONG, ROBY SUGIANTO, ERY S. RETNONINGTYAS, SURATNO LOURENTIUS Laboratorium Kimia Organik & Kimia Fisika, Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala, Surabaya email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ ROselle flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is a flower with red colour from the tropis area. The red colour from the roselle flowers can use for the natural food colour and can stop use the synthetic food colour can cause the bed healthy for human. The red colours from the roselle flowers is pigment antocyanin. The pigment of anthocyanin can use for the natural food colour and healthy for human. The research objective is to search the optimum condition for extrak the anthocyanin from the roselle flowers to make a natural food colour. This research through three point. First is extraction of anthocyanin with the various concentration of solvent ethanol (80%, 85%, 90%, 95% and absolute Ethanol) with variation of temperature (30oC, 45oC, 50oC, and 55oC). The second is purification, purification objective is to get more pure anthocyanin from the ekstraction. Third is test in the food, to make a colour in food for example in nutrijell and yoghurt. The result of the research is in the consentration solvent 80% and the temperature of extraction 30oC is the high anthocyanin for axtraction. The consentration of antocyanin for this condition is 15,53 mg/L.
Keywords⎯ Anthocyanin, rosella, natural food colour
The Modeling Development of Induction Motor Propulsion for Electric Vehicle by Vector Control Model ERA PURWANTO1, SUBAGYO2, MAURIDHI HERY P2, ARMANJAYA1, DEDID CH1,PURWADI3, BAMBANG KALOKO4 1 Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, Jurusan Teknik Elektro, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 3 Jurusan Teknik Fisika, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 4 Jurusan Teknik Elektro, FT, Universitas Negeri Jember email:
[email protected] 2
Abstract⎯ This paper describes a development study of Induction motor modeling which use for propulsion of electric vehicle. The most appropriate electric-propulsion system for a electric vehicle (HEV) is induction motors, the modeling of induction motor is traditional per-phase equivalent circuit has been widely used in steady-state analysis and design of induction motors, it is not appropriate to predict dynamic performance of the motor. In order to understand and analyze vector control of induction motors, the dynamic model is necessary. Unfortunately, the dynamic model equations are complex and there are many different forms of the model depending on the choice of reference frame. It is the objective to explain various forms in a concise way to understand clearly. In addition, the fundamental dynamic mechanism of the motor in the synchronous frame is developed and the basic principles of vector control is discussed in general terms. Keywords⎯ Motor modeling, HEV, dynamic
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Applying of Open Source Software: A Smart Solution to Face the Emulation in Creative Industries of Design and Architecture FILIPUS PRIYO SUPROBO1 , FAILASUF HERMAN HENDRA2 1 Department of Product Design, Faculty of Civil Engineering & Planning Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, email:
[email protected] 2 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering & Planning Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya
Abstract⎯ The research is a form of community devotion conducted by researcher on the funding of the Directorate of Higher Education for the period of 2009. By providing debriefing, monitoring and evaluation of an open design software implementation in the creative industries can be obtained by the condition that the actual level of open source software usability is not too low compared to proprietary products. In terms of public support administrative activities was found that behavioral changes in participants familiarity with open source software, while some editing functions compatible with software products owned by most of the participants which are generally MS Office. While 3dimensional CAD software based on open source like Google Sketchup 7 are generally not too low compared to proprietary products such as AutoCAD 2010. But that does not mean these products directly to get a positive response from users using to proprietary products. According to the results of usability testing approach using subjective evaluation and diagnostic evaluation at the end of training was obtained the fact that open-source products that are good usability in terms of learnability level, efficiency, effectiveness, and low-level errors may not be able to directly obtain a positive response. Determining factors such as level of familiarity that affect the ease of application since the product (memorability), and a sense of fanaticism that leads to user satisfaction (satisfaction level) may be worth more of other proprietary products, such as AutoCAD. Keywords— Architecture software, CAD, creative industries, industrial design, open source software, usability.
Inhibition of Development Stages And Globin Accumulation Of P.Falciparum By Giving Prenylated Xanthones From Garcinia Tetranda Pierre Stem Bark* HADI KUNCORO1, ATY WIDYAWARUYANTI2, AND TASLIM ERSAM3 1
Program Magister Ilmu Farmasi, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 2 Departemen Farmakognosi dan Fitokimia Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Penelitian Aktifitas Kimiawi Tumbuhan-ITS (PAKTI), Kimia FMIPA, Kampus ITS, Surabaya *) Corresponding autor
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Xanthones compounds was reported in the Garcinia plants can be classified in oxygenated xanthones, prenylated xanthones, geranylated xanthones, and modificated xanthones. Two of the eight compounds found from G.tetranda Pierre have potential in inhibits growth of P.falciparum parasite compared to the antimalarial drugs currently used as a standard, chloroquine diphospat [5]. Examined of the mechanisms action of two xanthones compounds known to work inhibition of hemoglobin degradation process in food vacuole of P.falciparum parasite by inhibits accumulation of globin and heme polymerization inhibition.
Keywords⎯ G.tetranda, prenylated xanthones, P.falciparum, hemoglobin degradation
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Predicting Silica Deposition in Enhanced Geothermal Systems DONNY S. BHUANA1,2,3, PETER J. ASHMAN2,3, GRAHAM J. NATHAN3 1
Department of Chemical Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia 60111 2 School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide South Australia 5005 email:
[email protected],
[email protected] 3 Centre for Energy Technology, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide South Australia 5005
Abstract⎯ A comprehensive study on the silica scaling problem in geothermal field was carried out to address the needs for accurate and reliable information on a typical Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS), including the kinetics of silica deposition, polymerization reactions, scaling stages, induction periods, homogeneous nucleation concepts, and molecular deposition. A simplified simulation for predicting the rate of silica deposition rate using the method of Rimstidt and Barnes and Weres, respectively, has has also been carried out under the typical conditions of a hot dry rock based geothermal power plant in Australia. The simulation results suggest that higher silica concentrations, salinity, and pH, respectively, are more prone to having higher rates of silica deposition. Based on the simulation conducted for a 30-meter heat exchanger, the deposition starts appearing at a certain point within the heat exchanger, i.e. 22.5 meters from the first end of the tube or approximately at 125oC. In a system with 550 ppm of initial silica concentration and a pH of 7, the maximum deposition rate is predicted to occur twice at about 102oC, i.e. at a distance of 27.5 meters from the heat exchanger inlet and at 1.5 meters down the reinjection well. Keywords⎯ Hot dry rock, silica fouling, silica deposition rate, silica polymerization
Multivariable Predictive Control of The Anaerobic Digestion Based Generalized Predictive Control Algorithm KATHERIN INDRIAWATI Jurusan Teknik Fisika, Fakultas Teknologi Industri ITS Surabaya Indonesia 60111, email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ This paper presents the design of a multivariable conttroller in an anaerobic digestion system. The purpose of the controlling is to maximize a produced methan gas flowrate by regulating pH and methan gas flow rate. The proposed controller is based on generalized predictive control (GPC) algorithm which used the dilution rate of an organic susbtrate and bicarbonate as the manipulated varibles. The control law is derived from the prediction model that relates the sistem output with the incremental control input. The performance of the control algorithm is evaluated via numerical simulations in the face of load disturbances and set-point changes. The results obtained may be useful for industrial biogas plants operating with mixtures of organic wastes, where organic waste rich in acetate (e.g., vinasse) will be added as a stimulating substance Keywords⎯ Kontrol prediktif, GPC, bioreaktor anaerob, ph, laju aliran gas methan
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Improvement Performance Of Micro Hydro Power Plant Model Based Power Electronics SOEDIBYO1, ONTOSENO PENANGSANG2, BAMBANG SUJANARKO3 Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember e-mail :
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ The use of ballast load in the number of PLTMH, in addition to still produce a voltage and frequency are less stable, also generates electrical energy disposal in the form of heat. By considering the demands of electric power quality and electrical energy demand increases, then this problem needs to be overcome. In this study will use a problem solving system-based power electronics, along with the use of fuel cell and electrolysis as a replacement ballast load. Fuel cell is a system that can turn hydrogen into electrical energy, while electrolysis is a system that sets the water into hydrogen and oxygen gas. Selected fuel cell instead of batteries or accumulators, because the fuel cell is more environmentally friendly, smaller size, and life time longer. So in this study will be the stabilization of voltage and frequency through the use of pseudo load and electrolysis power electronics systems in the form of rectifier and inverter system, and the fuel cell will provide power to the state needed greater power from micro hydro capacity.
Keywords⎯ Micro hydro, inverter, inverter controller, fuel cell
Application Model Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (Anfis) Controller Simulator As A Steam Turbine Speed SYAMSUL ARIFIN Physic Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology, ITS, Surabaya email :
[email protected]
Abstract ⎯ Speed control system of steam turbine is one of the main control system used in electric power systems because they affect the quality of the electricity produced in particular frequency. At first the control system uses a mechanical system in the development of hydraulic systems using a digital system or a microprocessor Digital ElectroHydraulic Controller (DEHC), DEHC a control tool with integrated software applications designed for a steam turbine valve applications, among them the control of PI, but as is well known PI control is model-based control of linear, while the turbine works in a nonlinear process. Clearly this will result in the dynamic characteristics of steam turbine performance is not optimal. Control methods using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), offers a solution to overcome the above problems. Because this method can work without having to make the plan linearization (steam turbine), with a view control system as a non-linear process that generates pairs masukan-keluaran data. Couple this data will be used to make the learning process of ANFIS controller. This research was conducted by using MATLAB® Simulink program with some parameters and based on variables derived from measurements in industrial power plants. First of all surveys done in the industry to get some similarities turbine speed control system which is controlled by PI control mode. Of the control process is taken to obtain random data a number of data masukan-keluaran pairs that will be used to make learning ANFIS controller. After the weighting factors obtained ANFIS controller, and then used as the ANFIS controller simulator steam turbine to replace the PI controller. From the analysis of simulation results obtained have made the performance index on the ANFIS control system test set-point 1 pu as follows: Rise Time, Tr = 3.927 seconds; Settling Time, Ts = 16.094 seconds and Maximum overshoot, Mp = 7.400, these results are compared with the PI control can reduce the value of the above with difference to Rise Time, ∆ Tr = 3,549seconds, Settling Time, ∆Ts = 7,462 seconds; Maximum overshoot ∆Mp = 7.116,and can pressing steady state error until 2.1%. Keywords⎯ ANFIS, steam turbines, governor, set point
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Removal of Iron and Manganese Using Micro Bubbles Ozonation and Membrane Filtration EVA FATHUL KARAMAH1, SETIJO BISMO2, FAHRUR ROZI3 1 Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia, Depok 16424, email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract ⎯ Provision of clean water to communities is one of the important factors to improve the health of the environment and society. The objective of this research is to analyze the product from water treatment unit which using micro bubbles ozonation and membrane filtration method, especially for iron and manganese removal. From this research, it was found that the ozonation and filtration process can remove iron and manganese from water. The best percentage removal about 98,64% for iron and 45,83% for manganese in a separate manner is obtain with ozonator PVC – ceramic membrane configuration. Whereas for iron and manganese removal simultaneously at the same configuration, the percentage removal is about 98,48% for iron and 25% for manganese.
Keywords⎯ Ozonation, micro bubbles, ceramic membrane, iron, manganese, fouling
Simulation of Distributorless Digital with Software Proteus 62.S4 LIZA RUSDIYANA1, BAMBANG SAMPURNO2 1
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract ⎯ Distributorless digital ignition system is expected toanticipate potential problems and shortages caused by the conventional distributor ignition system and weaknesses in distributorless analog. To obtain a description of the performance of the sysytem is done by using computersimulation software Proteus 6.2 sp4. Simulation test is conducted to know the time delay, the degree ignition before top dead center (BTDC). Simulation produced a variabel with the time between cycles and the delay before top dead center (BTDC).Simulation results show the greater the vehicle rounds the time delay small. Whereas before top dead center (BTDC) the greater. This trend shows the system in accordance with the ignition system needs.
Keywords⎯ Distributorless digital, proteus 62.S4, round, time delay, BTDC
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Build The Control of Temperature and Dampness at Automatic Process Nesting Egg of Industrial Scale Home BUDI LUWAR SANYOTO, SRI BANGUN SETYAWATI, NUR HUSODO D3 Teknik Mesin, FTI, ITS email :
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Conservancy of Chicken of kampung or chicken buras still require to be improved intensively, because egg production and its flesh own the potency of separate appetite and market. chicken's egg Price costlier kampung relative compared to a race chicken and its marketing is reckoned in item. flesh of kampung Chicken relative more liked because its flesh closer and own the typical aroma. In this research made an nesting machine by using operation of temperature and dampness and also automatic rotary egg, but egg rack weared to differ from there, where its oscillation twiddling model hence twiddling angle corner 30o - 45o;every 30 minute once. At hatch capacities 100 egg of formation of egg rack only one and heater element placed above and below/under from egg rack Control the dampness used Digital Controller ESAK-AA2 + Output ES3-R and dampness of space incubator used censor of Humidity ES2 - HB. To take care of the stability dampness in incubator used a aquarium pump for the fog of last water of the water blown by fan inside of space incubator. Censor of column Temperature used Thermocouple ( K ) 100 mm, while for the control of its used [Control of Temperature ESAN-R3MT-500 ( lot. 09375R ). Hatch result from this nesting machine show the efficacy 73,15 %, with the temperature 38,5 oC and also dampness 60
Keywords⎯ Automatic, temperature, dampness and egg twiddling
Increasing Indonesia Sea Endurance by Designing Fast Patrol Boat Maneuvering Control AULIA SITI AISJAH Engineering Physics Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya email :
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Indonesia is a maritime country with a sea area 2 / 3 of land area. A security system require waters of technology on a fleet of patrol boats for maritime in combing the areas relative to the topography of the islands apart, ie by applying one of which is keeping track of technology for fulfilling trajectory by Fuzzy logic based control system manuvering ship. Fuzzy control systems on ships for the fulfilling manuvering path consisting of Sugeno type fuzzy autopilot. In this paper will discuss the mechanisms of control system design based on fuzzy logic manuvering fast patrol boat FPB 38. System design is done using a computer simulation model to replace the mathematical model of ship dynamics and interference from environmental factors. Simulation results demonstrate the ability of control system design and direction in meeting the desire trajectory.
Keywords⎯ Fuzzy logic control, fpb 38, sugeno
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Increasing The Safety And Efficiency Sea Transportation By Designing Monitoring And Control System At Tanjung Perak Port AULIA SITI AISJAH Engineering Physics Department, Faculty Of Industrial Technology Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya email :
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Modernization of sea transport are integrated is needed, it is consisting of system improvements based shipping traffic demand (traffic demand), setting policy and safety boat cruise, cruise business management modernization and development of related industries. In the last 5 years of frequent occurrence of marine accidents sinking ship are ship collision, fire, problems in the engine, and leakage of the ship. These are caused by human error 41%, force majeur 38% and due to the structure of the ship is 21%. Some things that can be done to reduce the incidence of ship accidents, in addition to aspects of regulation and ship equipment, is the aspect of coordination to cope with the way monitoring and control activities. With the number of fleet (National and Foreign) of 8888 units (2006), the amount of this fleet has not increased system equipped with adequate communications with the provision proved to International Ships Security Certificate (ISSC) as many as +352 national ships (up to December 2006). In this paper is prupose here an integrated monitoring system with control system for the direction, position and maneuver the ship that make up a system at any time can provide information about the position, trajectory and direction of the ship. Monitoring system with the device control system as one part of data management systems and information (MDI) is required to provide services to their users and provide coordination services as practical aspects in the management of marine transportation. The system design consists of two data center systems (DCS) and a system that is located on the nodes as users and serves as a gateway to the nodes. Keywords⎯ Control, monitoring, Tanjung Perak.
Maximum Power Point Tracker based on Fuzzy Logic Controller for Stand-alone Photovoltaic SYISKA YANA1, MOCHAMAD ASHARI2 12
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia 60111 email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ This paper presents maximum power point tracker (MPPT) based on fuzzy logic controller for stand-alone photovoltaic (PV). In this paper FlC is applied to regulate the performance of maximum power point tracker. The inputs of FLC are PV power (PPV) and PV voltage (VPV) and the output is a voltage reference (VPV,ref). FlC is expected to optimize the utilization of stand-alone PV.
Keywords⎯ Stand-alone PV, MPPT, FLC
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
The Use of Acetylated Sago Starch as Soy Milk Ice Cream Stabilizer HENDY HERYANTO, BOB M HOESAN, ANING AYUCITRA, FELYCIA E SOETAREDJO Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala, Surabaya email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Sago is a kind of plant which has high content of carbohydrate, thus it is often used as substitute material of rice. Sago startch is now finding increasing application in various food products such as sago meals, biscuits, noodles, and desserts. Soy milk has been used as an alternative substitution of cow milk, since soy milk has low fat content and compatible for payient suffering lactose intolerance and also vegetarian. The main purpose of this research was to study the effect of acetylated sago starch addition as soy milk ice cream stabilizer to ice cream’s qualities (viscosity, overrun, melting temperature). Acetylation has been widely used in food industry to improve startch’s suitability for intended application. It hoped that acetylated sago starch could be used as an alternative ice cream stabilizer since its structure was altered and more resistant towards retrogradation. The results showed that the increase in ice cream viscosity and %overrun was proportional to stabilizer composition and agigation speed. Soy milk ice cream with 0.5% w/w of stabilizer composition and agigated at 500 rpm showed the highest viscosity of 390 cp and 29.44 %overrun. However, the melting test results did not follow similar tendency.
Keywords⎯ Sago, soy,ice cream
Design and Implementation of Infrared Wireless Sensor Networks and RS-485 Network for Multi-floor Parking Information System ALI HUSEIN ALASIRY1, ENDAH SURYAWATI N2, EDI SATRIYANTO3, RIDLA RIZALANI A4 Jurusan Elektronika,Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya Kampus PENS ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 1 2 email: ali@eepis‐, endah@eepis‐, 3 4
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ This paper presents an information system using the parking area wireless sensor networks (WSN) as an alternative solution to the data acquisition method of parking lot availability. Nodes that have the ability to detect the presence or absence of cars installed in each parking location. Information from each node was taken to the sub-master's level in multi-hop communication through infrared (IR) and then from the sub-masters data is sent to the master node of a PC via RS485 serial communication. Information can be viewed on a PC display which is also a database server. The prototype test network consists of 1 PC as the master node and 15-network nodes with composition of the 3 master nodes and 12 ordinary nodes that are connected in a tree topology. Each sub-master node prototype has a duty to acquire information from the parking lot a block comprises of four prototypes of the ordinary nodes. Node functions and network performance in transmitting the data retrieval mechanism inferred by IR communication can work well, with a success rate of data transmission reaches 100%, in normal light conditions simulating a parking lot. However there is still delay (latency) of about 4.5 seconds for each additional communication hop. Keywords-- Multi-floor parking, information system, wireless sensor networks
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Mixing Urea and Zeolite for Slow Release Fertilizer Using Orbiting Screw Mixer SEMUEL PATI SENDA, RENANTO HANDOGO, ACHMAD ROESYADI, WAHONO SUMARYONO Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, ITS Surabaya Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Slow release fertilizer (SRF) of urea is prepared by using zeolite as the matrix. Mixing of urea and zeolite is carried out in orbiting screw mixer. The effects of rotation speed and orbital speed of the mixer and particle size on power consumption, homogeneity, mixing time and specific energy consumption are evaluated. The experimental results show that higher rotation speed gives higher power consumption at orbital speed of 5 rpm for both particle size of 60 and 50 mesh. On the other hand, the power consumption decreases with increasing rotation speed at orbital speed of 67.5 rpm. Power consumption is dominated by mixer rotation motion. Smaller particle size needs higher power for mixing process. Nitrogen mass fraction ranges from 0.45 to 0.49 when mixture reaches homogeneity. The mixing time required is about 5 – 11 minutes for particle size of 60 mesh and 7 – 14 minutes for particle size of 50 mesh. At constant orbit speed, the higher the screw rotation speed, the shorter time needed to reach mixture homogeneity. For higher rotation speed, the shorter time mixing also obtained. Specific energy consumption of mixing process increases with increasing particle size. Combination orbital and rotation speeds of 5 and 67.5 rpms gives lower specific energy consumption for both particle size of 60 and 50 mesh. The lowest energy consumption is obtained by orbital speed of 5 rpm, rotation speed of 67.5 rpm, and particle size of 60 mesh. Keywords⎯ homogeneity, mixing time, orbiting screw mixer, slow release fertilizer (SRF), solid-solid mixing, specific energy consumption, urea, zeolite
The Application of an Hybrid Trilateration Method for MultiRobot Localization System ENDAH S. NINGRUM1, ALI HUSEIN A2 Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya Kampus PENS ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ The ability to know the location (localization) of robots in the environment or other robots, play an important role in multi-robot systems. Many methods and sensors had been propose, for example Dead-Reckoning; GPS; Vision based; etc.. Dead-Reckoning produce an accumulation errors, if used in a wide area or in a long time moving[1]. GPS has a level of significant errors when applied to a small robot or on the environment that are not large [2], while the vision has a poor response when applied to a fast-moving robots [3]. This research applied the trilaterasi methods that have been commonly used in communications systems, for localization in a multi-robot system composed of robots +11 cm in diameter. Sensors that are used in the form of 3 receiver with relatively fixed position to each other on a robot and an ultrasonic transmitter on the other robots. The principle of measurement based on the arrival time difference, or TDOA and processed by equation trilaterasi [4], to get the distance and relative orientation of the robot. Tests conducted on the condition still and moving the robot, at a certain distance and orientation, with a range of distance measurements between 30cm to 180cm. The result shows that this method successfully applied to the robot, with the average accuracy of 6% in the room, and the average accuracy of 5,2% outside the room. From the results of the analysis is also known that due to lack of the presence of some obstacles, that generate a magnetic field and the significant temperature changes in the robot environment. Another weakness of the system this system can not be used the same sensors (ultrasonic) for the purposes of obstacle detection, because it causes the interference. Keywords⎯ Multi-robot, localization, trilaterasi, ultrasonic, TDOA.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Human-Friendly Arm Robot Using Interactive Genetic Algorithm INDRA ADJI SULISTIJONO, ENDAH S. NINGRUM, BAMBANG SUMANTRI Program Studi Mekatronika, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya Kampus PENS, ITS, Sukolilo, Surabaya
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ This paper discusses about the trajectory generation system of a robot arm with the ability to interact with the environment, including humans. In this paper the interactive genetic algorithm implemented as trajectory generator uses human evaluation. To estimate the value of human evaluation, in this paper used state-value function.
Keywords----robot, trajectory, interactive genetic algorithm, evaluation, state-value
Energy Efficiency and Optimization of Hybrid Power System Configuration in Sebesi Island (Krakatau Conservation Area) HERLINA, EKO ADHI SETIAWAN, I MADE ARDITA Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424 Tel : (021) 7270011 ext 51. Fax : (021) 7270077 email :
[email protected] ,
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Hybrid power system is the integration of power system based on fossil fuel energy and renewable energy. The main purpose of the system is to save the fossil fuel and reduce the environmental effect, especially CO2 emission. The hybrid system is a multi-variable system. HOMER, a micropower optimization modeling software is used to analyze data for both wind speed and solar radiation, simulating hybrid system configurations at once and rank them according to its lowest net present cost. The configuration of the hybrid system in Sebesi island consist of a diesel generating unit , photovoltaic modules (PV) and wind turbines. The optimum hybrid system from the simulation and optimization result is consist of wind and diesel generating set. Contribution of wind turbin is 57% and the contribution of diesel generating set is 43%. The optimum hybrid system has $ 943.957 of the total NPC, COE is $ 0,492 $/kWh , fuel consumption in a yearly is 42.360 litre, CO2 emission is 112.258 kg/year or decrease 43,4% from the first condition, excess electricity is 44.984 kWh/year or 0.66%,
Keywords⎯ Hybrid system, simulation, NPC, CO2 emission, COE
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Housing Provision for Low Income Household in Bekasi Case Study: Self-help Housing SARAH CAHYADINI1, COLLINTHIA ERWINDI2, PURWANITA SETIJANTI3 Department of Architecture, FTSP, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia 60111 email:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ The Program of One Million Houses has been implemented by the government onf Indonesia since 2004, proclaimed by Megawati Sukarnoputri at the celebration of National Habitat Day October 9, 2003 in Denpasar. This program continues to this day, followed by development programs Thousand Tower (flats) in the year 2007. The basic concept of the programs are the provision of habitable houses for low-income communities (MBR). It is important to know the fact that the self-built or self help housing is very common in Indonesia, which formed as kampung that greatly benefitable in order to accommodate residential purposes for the citizens of middle to lower income. Therefore, the development of new houses must be carefully thought to avoid shortage (housing backlog) and the excess homes (over supply). This research is part of the research on the Formal Housing Needs and Housing By Community to Supports One Million Houses and One Thousand, which was done by taking samples of 5 other cities beside Bekasi in Indonesia. The research method is exploratory surveys, with the location of the city of Bekasi. The results showed that on several indicators used to assess the housing provision needs in study area are still largely unmet. Self-help housing which was developed incrementally are far more appropriate and greatly reduce dependence on government. If some of the funds allocated to formal housing with subsidized mortgages was altered to encourage self-help housing, the amount required is smaller with greater results. Keywords⎯ housing backlog, low income household, self-help housing
Internet Filter Software for Pornography Sites JOSEPH DEDY IRAWAN Department of Informatic Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITN Malang, email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ The internet is one of the greatest inventions of all time. As our families become increasingly intertwined with it, the more active role we must take to protect our loved ones from internet pornography. Although nothing can take the place of a well-informed parent that takes an active part in their children's online activities, Internet filter software adds a strong, additional layer of defense, giving parents an added measure of control and further peace of mind. Internet filter software gives you the ability to control content displayed, block websites and set up passwords. Internet filter software designed to protect against and counteract the tactics of aggressive online porn companies.
Keywords⎯ Internet Filter Application, Pornograph sites.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Materials Engineering of CuZn/Al2O3 Composite for Bullet Application WIDYASTUTI, ROCHMAN ROCHIEM ,MOCTAR KAROKARO Jurusan Teknik Material & Metalurgi, FTI, ITS, Surabaya
Abstract⎯ This research aims is to design and make a pistol bullets PS-01 assault are processed in a solid state phase (powder metallurgy). Bullet material is CuZn alloys as matrix material reinforced with Alumina powder (Al2O3). The combination of two mechanical properties very different materials will form the mechanical characteristics of a tough material, which can be applied as a defense material, especially in this bullet. The main constraints of the manufacturing process of composite material for bullet application from CuZn alloys and Al2O3 reinforce particle by powder metallurgy process is the number of process variables that must be studied to achieve optimum strength is expected. That is because the the powder metallurgy process includes 4 stages that have each stage has a variable that must be investigated. The first year of the study we was obtained composite manufacturing process variables CuZn/Al2O3 as material basic of bullet. With the variable Vt 40% Al2O3, 25 kN press force, 800oC sintering temperature and holding time sinter for 6hour produced by CuZn/Al2O3 composite elastic modulus values exceeding 329 GPa strength required for the manufacture of bullets PS-01 assault that is 320 GPa Keywords⎯ Komposit, CuZn, Al2O3, fraksi volume, gaya tekan kompaksi, tempeartur sinter, waktu tahan sinter
The role of Art, Spiritual, Science, Engineering & Technology (ASSET)for Improving Quality of the Indonesian Human Resources (IQIHR) SUSANTO SAMBASRI1, ROHANI JAHJA WIDODO2 Head of Electrical Engineering Department,Jenderal Achmad Yani University President of the Indonesian Control Systems Society(ICSS) email:
[email protected],
[email protected] &
[email protected]
Abstract — This paper presents the role of Art, Spiritual, Science, Engineering & Technology (ASSET) for Improving the Quality of the Indonesian Human Resources (IQIHR). There are four universe aspects: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual (PIES) aspects related with IQIHR. There are three basic requirements for improving PIES aspects: Material, Energy and Information (MEI). Those aspects are important inputs for Education & Training (E&T) and Research & Development (R&D) activities for development of ASSET. IQIHR is desired output that must be attained from activities of E&T and R&D based on ASSET. Keywords⎯ Asset, Iqihr, Pies, Mei, E&T, R&D
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Optimization of Heat Exchanger Network at Unit Cdu On Petroleum Refinery GALIH ABIPRAJA1, SAIFUL ARIF RAMADHAN 2, RENANTO3 Jurusan Teknik Kimia, FTI , Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email :
[email protected]
Abstract — In the Industry, Production process system is important to be done energy efficiency to get profit. For increasing energy efficiency, Heat Exchanger Network (HEN) retrofit system of stream process can be influential to economics any projects by comprehensive. Problem solution of the program with heat integration is important. In this work, Pinch analysis by existing structure was used to get heat exchanger network structure which the best and determine ∆Tmin as the first step, to get Maximum Heat Recovery-MER, wide minimum network area and total minimum heat exchanger. Existing structure was used to base case at this research is CDU unit on petroleum refinery. The structure development which appropriate by Pinch Method use three possibility. After that, it was resulted heat exchanger network structure by minimum utility Keywords⎯ Heat exchanger network, maximum heat recovery, optimization, pinch design method.
Characteristics of Bottom Shear Stress and The Net Sediment Transport for Solitary Wave SUNTOYO Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, FTK, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Bottom shear stress estimation is the crucial step, which is required as an input to most of sediment transport model. Acceleration effect in ocean waves moving into shoaling water, the wave amplitude becomes higher, the trough becomes flatter and the surface profile approaches the solitary waveform before wave breaking, causes the higher bottom shear stress occurs at higher acceleration and hence a higher probability for sediment transport. Characteristics of bottom shear stress for solitary wave is investigated by the baseline (BSL) k-ω model and validated by the theoretical solution for the boundary layer of solitary wave. It is found that while the velocity outside the boundary layer remains always positive and move in the same direction of wave propagation, the fluid particle velocity near the bottom inside the boundary layer reverses the direction due to the wave decelerates, as a consequence the bottom shear stress also changes the sign during the deceleration phase. Furthermore, the experimental results will be examined with the bottom shear stress calculation method incorporating acceleration effects. The bottom shear stress predicted by BSL k-ω model is then applied to predict the bedload transport under solitary wave. Moreover, the characteristics of the sediment transport under solitary wave are examined. Keywords⎯ Bottom shear stress, boundary layers, sediment transport, solitary wave.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Influence of Temperature Increase With Respect to Absorbed Energy, Lateral Expansion, and Shear Fracture Area of This Material (SA 350 LF 2 Class 1) to Determine the Transition Temperature HARI SUBIYANTO1, SUBOWO2 Jurusan Teknik Mesin, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email :
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Nozzle in pressure vessel has a function to increasing the velocity, so that material which has a good impact strength and wear resistance are needed. Work temperature of this part is susceptible to have a thermal shock. To overcame this problem, a forged material SA 350 LF 2 Class 1 has been chosen. This research are going to analyze to get some information whether this material appropriate with SA 350 standard. Charpy-Impact Test will be test on range temperature -46°C, -30°C, -20°C, 0°C, and 32°C. This research has an objective to knowing the effect of increasing temperature on absorbed energy, lateral expansion, and shear fracture area of this material (SA 350 LF 2 Class 1). Based on test result, known that SA 350 LF 2 Class 1 has a transition temperature are about -4,65°C (calculation) and -5°C (chart). Absorbed energy, lateral expansion, and shear fracture area are proportional with increasing temperature. This response has a value 32-208 joule, 0,32-1,7 mm, and 16-66% Keywords⎯ Charpy-Impact Test, transition temperature, brittle fracture, ductile fracture, absorbed energy, lateral expansion, shear fracture area
Comparative study of connection quality of welding (Submerged Arc Welding) between SS400 and Q235 plate SUBOWO1, HARI SUBIYANTO2 1,2 Jurusan D3 Teknik Mesin, FTI Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya e-mail :
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract - Mechanical properties is one of the criteria used as a reference to the selection of steel as the material to a workpiece. Occasionally some products included in the same standard, such as the plate is hot rolled coil steel SS400 and Q235. Based on the mechanical properties listed on the certificate of product quality, the steel is included in the standard ASTM A 252 grade 2 as a spiral pipe. However, if after the welding test is required to determine the extent to which differences in mechanical properties between the two. Differences in mechanical properties (tensile, bending, hardness, and micro structure) of the SS400 and 11.8 mm thick Q235 after welding (double V groove on each layer 3) using Submerged Arc Welding with welding speed of 110 parameters mm/75detik; 30 Volt; 350 Ampere with DC current is the purpose of this research. Basic mechanical properties of materials to be welded is SS400: 376 Mpa Yield Strength, Tensile Strength 499 Mpa, elongation in 2 inch Q235 and 27% 310 Mpa Yield Strength, Tensile Strength 415 Mpa, elongation in 2 inches 33%. The two basic materials are based on ASTM A252 Grade 2 are both entered in the criteria, namely 240 Yield Strength (min) Mpa, 414 Tensile Strength (min) Mpa, elongation in 2 inch 25 (min)%. Based on the results of tensile test both suffered broken metal stem area but SS400 tensile strength higher than Q235. Bending test results both have the same durability. The results of hardness testing and observation of micro structure of SS400 higher and smaller granulated (fine) compared to Q235.
Keywords : Hot rolled coil, mechanical properties, submerged arc welding
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Designing and Testing of Heat Engine for Small Scale Biomass Power Generation in Rural Area WARINDI, HERI T. SETIAWAN, AGUNG B. MULJONO, SUPRIONO Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram 83125, Indonesia, email:
[email protected]
Abstracts - Renewable energy resources in the future is expected to emerge mainly due to fossil fuel shortage and environmental issue. Biomass, one of the renewable resources is very potential in rural area in Indonesia because of availability, familiarity and ease of use. But, until now it is still not used in the form of electric energy because of technological difficulty, especially for the villagers. Furthermore there is a cheap energy option i.e. electricity grid (PLN). This research is an initial step to develop electric power generation system from biomass energy resources that can be built in rural area especially the one that isolated from the grid. The choice is a small heat engine that converts heat from biomass stove to electricity. The material to build can be collected from the store and workshop nearby. The basic theory from Stirling cycle is the based of the design. The movement of the engine is used to turn the dc generator. Some test is conducted to the effect of the heat to voltage, current and power of the dc generator. From the test, at optimal temperature of 235°C the prototype can generate maximum power of 2568 mW.
Keywords: Biomass power generation, Heat engine, isolated rural areas
Application of Interval Type 2 Fuzzy PI based Power System Stabilizers for Dynamic Stability Improvement in Single Machine Infinite Bus MUHAMMAD RIDHA FAUZI1 , MUHAMMAD ABDILLAH2, MUH. BUDI R. WIDODO3 AS’ADI4 , IMAM ROBANDI5 Laboratorium Power System Operation and Control Jurusan Teknik Elektro ITS, Sukolilo Surabaya 60111, INDONESIA 1) email:
[email protected] 2)email:
[email protected] 3) email:
[email protected] 4) email:
[email protected] 5) email:
[email protected]
Abstract- In this study, Interval Type-2 Fuzzy PI (IT2FPI) Controller is used as a Power System Stability (PSS). IT2FPI based PSS is used to improve the dynamic response to the Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB). Simulation is done to compare the rotor angular velocity deviation and rotor angle deviation on Single Machine Infinite Bus to regulate controlled excitation system using interval type-1 Fuzzy PI (IT1FPI) controller, and controller IT2FPI. From the simulation results obtained that by using the IT2FPI controller SMIB, the first swing overshoot and settling time of response to changes in angular velocity of rotor capable muted, and each is 1012 x 10-6 and 31.6 seconds.
Keywords- Single machine infinite bus, power system stabilize(PSS), fuzzy PI controller, IT2FPI.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Optimal Sizing of Static Var Compensators (SVCs) for Reducing Power Losses in 500 kV JAMALI Grid Power System using Bacteria Foraging Algorithm (BFA) JUNINGTIJASTUTI1, MUHAMMAD ABDILLAH2, FAJAR GALIH INDARKO3, IMAM ROBANDI4 Power System Operation and Control Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Surabaya 60111, Indonesia 1) email:
[email protected] 2) email:
[email protected] 3) email:
[email protected] 4) email:
[email protected]
Abstract - This paper explains the application of Bacteria Foraging Algorithm (BFA) to determine optimal sizing of Static Var Compensator (SVC) in 500 kV JAMALI grid power system. The main purpose of SVC installation is to stabilize bus voltage by injecting and absorb reactive power, so that losses on the transmission line can be minimized. Simulation results indicate that BFA method for installation of SVC that applied to the system can REDUCE total power losses from 99.050 + j831.826 MVA before SVC installation and decrease to 84.397 + j667.261 MVA after SVC installation. These results are better compared with the GA method that can only reduce power losses from 99.050 + j831.826 MVA decrease to 85.296 + j677.424 MVA.
Keywords : BFA, power losses, SVC
The Prospect of Developing Combined Cooling, Heating and Power System with Biomass Energy in China HAI-BIN GUAN, RONGF-FENG SUN, LI SUN, MIN XU, GUI-HUAN YAN, WEI-JIE ZHANG, JIAN-GUO JIANG, XIAO-XIA LI Energy Research Institute of Shandong Academy of Sciences, No.19 Keyuan Road, Jinan, 250014, China
Abstract- With the fast economic growth, the energy demand in China has increased two-fold in the past three decades. Various energy resources have been exploited and utilized and biomass is one of the energy resources that is abundant and has been widely used in China for a long time. Actually, biomass power generation technologies have become the focus, which convert biomass energy into some kinds of fuels (gas, liquid fuels, ethanol, etc.) to drive power generator. CCHP (Combined Cooling Heating and Power) system is highly evaluated and developed rapidly around the world possessing better performance than traditional energy systems because of the cascade utilization of energy. In this paper the principle and development of biomass energy conversion system and CCHP is clarified, the feasibility of combining the two systems together is analyzed from theoretical and technical points of view, and the active significance is also indicated. In conclusion, it is feasible to develop CCHP with Biomass Energy in an agricultural country such as China, which can flourish in the future.
Keywords: Biomass, combined cooling heating and power (CCHP), feasibility analysis
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Preliminary Experiments of Biomass Gasification in a Self-heated Fluidized Bed FAN XIAOXU, XIAO QI, JIANG GUILIN, LI SONG, GUO DONGYAN (Energy Research Institute of Shandong Academic Sciences, Jinan, Shandong, PR China)
Abstract - Gasification characteristics of rice husk were investigated in a pilot scale self-heated circulating fluidized bed of 200 mm in diameter and 6 meters in height. The experiment results and the differences in the cases of BFB (bubble fluidized bed) and CFB (circulating fluidized bed) gasification are presented and compared. The results show that the calorific value of gas, gasification efficiency and carbon conversion efficiency of CFB gasification are higher than those of BFB gasification. The temperature difference in CFB gasifier is only 40 from bottom to top and carbon content in fly ash is less than 16%.The calculated result shows that calorific value of gas can reached 7 MJ/m3 or so when CFB gasifier is scaled up.
Keywords CFB, BFB, calorific value of gas, carbon conversion efficiency, gasification efficiency.
Kinetic Study of Acetol Formation (2-Hidroxy Propanone) Through Dehydration of Glycerol ABDUL CHALIM, SUPRAPTO Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Kampus ITS, Sukolilo Surabaya. Email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Experimental results of the dehydration of glycerol to acetol (2-hydroxi propanone) are presented considering measurements in the temperature range of 300-400oC, at pressures of 1 atmosphere, reaction time from 5 to 120 minutes, and different catalyst of HZSM-5 and Cu-Zn. The reaction was carried out in a fixed bed reactor. The main products of the glycerol dehydration are acetol (2-hydroxi propanone). The results are compared with the studies of kinetic. The reaction pathway is a free radical dehydration, as well as dependence of temperature reaction, type catalyst and flowrate gas feed. The gas chromatography was used for the analyse experimental. From the analyse gas products are got of glycerol convertion 65%. Whereas acetol yield 10.68% was used Cu-Zn catalyst, at the reaction of temperature 400oC. The heterogen of Cu-Zn catalyst have the best of catalytic activity compared HZSM-5 catalyst. This research results of models kinetic of acetol, rP = 0.0213 CA0.02 (using Cu-Zn catalyst) and rP = 0.0081CA0.017 (using HZSM-5 catalyst)
Keywords : Dehydration, acetol, heterogen catalyst.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Making Biodiesel from Rubber Seed Oil by Transesterification Process using Packed Bed Reactor HARDJONO, RACHIMOELLAH Biomass & Energy Conversation Laboratory, Chemical Engineering Departement, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya e-mail :
[email protected]
Abstract--- This research aims to develop a new method of processing biodiesel from rubber seed oil with transesterification reaction. The method uses packed bed reactor with continue process. The process consists of extracting rubber seed, degumming, esterification, and transesterification. The process variable in this transesterification reaction are reaction time and temperature. The result of this experiment is that the making of biodiesel from rubber seed oil with transesterification reaction can be done by using packed bed reactor.
Keywords ; biodiesel, rubber seed oil, transesterification, packed bed reactor.
Material Stone Box POERWADI Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur, FTSP, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia e-mail :
[email protected]
Abstract--- Disasters due to natural phenomena, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, landslides often occurs and unpredictable. Causing suffering for the affected disaster. Assistance in the form of food and beverage packaging industry, is a form of expression of empathy. How to minimize the impact of beverage packaging waste fast food to raw materials during the construction of the emergency response? Entrepreneurial spirit saw the beverage packaging waste used as raw materials in the creative industry emergency response efforts and overcome the problem of preventing the occurrence of disease in a way beverage packaging waste using a form of reinforcing material equivalent soil geo textile material, which is very easy to make, cheap raw materials available for location reduction, aesthetic value due to a variety of colors & sizes. New material in the form of "rock box" that comes from combining raw land / sand / rock is put into the box beverage packaging (tea, milk, fruit, nutrisari), became resistant construction materials press, strong, berdimansi fabrication / measured by various shades of color aesthetic, if a touch of art into one of inovatip Alternative materials and beneficial to improving the quality of the surface of the floor covering or foundation materials for the construction of the sliding resistance-temporal simple shelters.
Keywords: Rock box beverage packaging waste, geo-textile
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Design of Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) for Sea Water Quality Monitoring IWAN MUHAMMAD ERWIN Pusat Penelitian Informatika, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia Jl. Cisitu No.21/154D Bandung 40135, email:
[email protected];
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Sea water quality was critical for continuation of marine life. Poor quality of sea water will cause damage of marine life. To maintain sea water quality so that always in good, then condition of them must be monitored. If the quality of sea water was indentified, we could be known whether there was disturbance in marine life. To known sea water quality, we must build a sea water quality monitoring system. The system generates real time data of sea water parameters and continually. This monitoring system consist of Remote Terminal Unit (RTU), master station and a sea water quality information system software. This paper explains how to design a RTU of sea water quality monitoring system. This RTU consists of a Programable Controller, analog input module, a radio modem or GSM modem and water quality sensors
Keywords⎯ sea water quality, programmable controller, real time, RTU, sensors.
Weblog: A Selected Means for Promoting Learners’ Autonomy in Learning English in Big Classes KARTIKA NUSWANTARA Service Unit of the Socio Humaniora Courses, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — It is almost everywhere in this country that the teaching of English at the tertiary level in non English Departments seems to be too ambitious. Since it is only devoted two credits; moreover, the class of English very often condensed with big numbers of students in class. However, teachers should no longer keep complaining towards the situation as today there is found an easily accessed media that can be brought into class as the learning media. By making use of the product of technology, like the use of weblog in education setting, such problem can be minimized, at least. In addition, the practice of using weblog in education setting would at the same time promote learners autonomy in which the cultivation of this capacity would help learners to keep sustained and motivated even when they are in a big and INEFFECTIVE CLASS. Keywords⎯ Autonomy, autonomous capacity, autonomous learning, big class of english, weblog
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Influence of Smart Game to Upgrade Memorize ability in Social Science Subject of fifth grade Elementary School SUGIARTO, MULA KARTIKA YUDHA Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — This study attempts to analyze the effectiveness of Smart Game to support the student to develope the memorize ability in Social Science Subject of fifth Grade Elementary School. This game is dedicated to support student learning process in a convenient situation, relaxed, and fun. In such condition the brain is more trained than the previous system which was assumed more monotonous. This research had been done to 30 (thirty) elementary students as the subject of the research. The data collector was evaluation test for Social Science Subject, this evaluation become an examination was given to the student as pre test and post test which consist of 20 questions. The analysis of data is the differentiate test in the same sample which get two different treatments or well known as paired t-test, with statistics program SPSS 11.5 version as the tool. From the analysis of data, it is shown that the number of t-count (6.781) larger than t-table (2.045), with the significance rate 5% (trusted rate). In short, it can be concluded that the result is significant, it means that there is a distinct number for the pre test and post test. Therefore the alternative hypothesis is accepted. The hypothesis is “there are influence of the giving Smart Game as the media to improve the memorizing ability of the material in Social Science Subject for the students in the fifth grade Elementary School.
Keywords⎯ Student in the fifth grade, memory, smart game, social science
Implementation of Information Technology in Improving Service Management Quality at Stakeholders on SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik WARDIKIN SMA Muhammadiyah 1, Gresik, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Modern management in the education take useful information technology as the key and give addition scores in building the good quality institute. The advantages takes SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik in the implementation information technology are (1) to improve service management quality comprehenship included school program on stakeholders, (2) to improve the trust education service to take decision in joining education institute, and (3) be able to increase performance institute in raising brand image on society and government. Keywords⎯ Technology information, service management quality
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Education in Family: Strategy to Antisipate Side Effects Technology Development SITI ATIYYATUL FAHIROH Department of Psychology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — In the future, technology develops faster and more sophisticated. Based on the prediction of the experts, new developing technology is really revolutionary. Things that are never imagined before and that are only in human dreams are possible to come true. The progress of technology, so far, gives benefit to human as the objectives of itself. But on the other hand, it also give negative impact to the human welfare. Family is the smallest social unit in the society; it is a bio-psycho-socio-spiritual organization. Therefore, a family has a power to anticipate side effects of technology development. Education in the family can be initiated early just before formal education time. It can continue until the individual grown up. Keywords⎯ Education in Family, strategy, Side Effect Technology
Material Development in Life Skill Education in Indonesian Text Book by Using Literacy Learning Model SYAMSUL SODIQ Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Competent – based Curriculum and its implementation in the curriculum of Individual level of Educational (KTSP) has imposed that eduacation is oriented towards life-skill education (PKH) (Depdiknas, 2006). However, in reality the implementation of life-skill education (PKH) in the curriculum is not yet imposed. This research is conducted based on the reality. The objective of this research is to create material development of Life skill education integrated into the subject of Indonesian and organized into a qualified and effective Indonesian text-book in order to help a literarcy learning model. This research has succeeded in developing material of life skill education in Indonesian text book using literacy model of learning in the form of (a) teacher’s book entitiled “Junjung Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia or Jubah Santri” (Honoring Indonesian language and literature) (b) Students book, and (c) Activity book. The results of this research are (a) The production of material development for life skill eduaction (PKH) organized into (a) Students book (b) teacher’s book (c) Activity book; (b) qualified text book; and the effectivity of the text book is high. Keywords⎯ Material development, life skill education, course book. literacy
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Market Branding and Macro Ergonomic Intervention to Revitalize Traditional Market Using Dynamic System Model EKO NURMIANTO1, RAHMATSYAM LAKORO2, MAHENDRA WARDHANA2, NUGROHO PRIYO NEGORO1 1
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology Department of Industrial Product Design, Faculty of Civil and Planning Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Modern market competitiveness pressure towards traditional one is a global fenomenon during the 1990’s This resulted from foreign investment liberation, trading, life style demand from medium class to high class in developing countries. Traditional market segment tends to go down as the modern market go up. This way market branding is crucial thing to improve traditional market. Primary data gathering methods conducted using direct observation to the field and observation with Financial Director of PD Pasar Surya, Head of Unit of Research and Development (Litbang), Head of Market of Darmo Trade Center, Kapasan dan Tambah Rejo. As a comparison to the existing revitalized market is using Carrefour dan Giant. Scenario creation improvement could be found as alternative which can be proposed to improve the existing traditional market by changing the values which affect the systems. In this scenario there are three alternatives, i.e. improvement from city existence, improvement from market management, improvement from other trader stakeholder. The next step after knowing relation between variable via causative circle diagram then development and dynamic system approach followed by using Stella Software to simulate the existing model and its improvement.
Keywords⎯ Market branding, macro ergonomics, traditional market, dynamic system model, creative industry
The Mediating Effect of Satisfaction in Relationship Service Quality toward Word of Mouth of Passengers’ Ferry’s Transport after Suramadu Bridge Building PRIBANUS WANTARA Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Trunojoyo, Madura, Indonesia
Abstract — Service quality has become a predominant part of all advanced business organizations’ strategic plans. Increasing attention paid to service quality has resulted in more progress and profit for company. Ferry’s Transport possesses all the characteristics of service industry, i.e., intangible, heterogeneous, inseparability, variability, perishable, and the customer participates in the process. The purpose of this research is to obtain evidences of the influence of service quality of Ferry’s Transport on passengers’ satisfaction and word of mouth. The number of respondents was 200 passengers of Ferry’s Transport. This is a causality research. The variables were measured using likert scale with 1 – 5 ladders. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with software AMOS 5 was used to test hypothesis. This result of the testing, using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), shows that: a). Service quality of Ferry’s Transport significantly influenced (dominant and positive) passangers’ satisfaction; b). Service Quality of Ferry’s Transport significantly influenced (positive) Word of Mouth; c). Passangers’ Satisfaction significantly influenced (positive) word of mouth.
Keywords⎯ Service quality, satisfaction, word of mouth
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Study in Aesthetic "Budoyo Resik", a Basic Guide One of the Trust Java community R.BAMBANG GATOT SOEBROTO Alur Perancangan & Kritik Arsitektur Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
Abstract — Studying and learning about the aesthetics of which resides in an activity, behavior habits; Budoyo Resik, of a community of trust Java. Like Resik Budoyo, how important is, where about aesthetic. Does the theory of aesthetics / art can be aligned with Resik Budoyo behavior? Need assessment in order to obtain sufficient understanding. For behold the Budoyo Resik with aesthetics cannot be separated. The step taken is the beginning of what is aesthetic, aesthetic theory, culture, Budoyo-doyo Resik mind, the intersection of aesthetics in Budoyo Resik, important in the present conclusion. Indeed Budoyo Resik or hygiene culture is in every religion, but that does not happen difference perception too far / polemic is limited to a trust doctrine actually Jawa.Budoyo Resik everyone knows but many do not understand. Keywords⎯ Budoyo resik, aesthetics, habits, beliefs java
Earthquake : Mitigation Action, Hazard Mitigation Goals and Objectives, Grand Challenge For Disaster Reduction SUNIK Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Katolik Widya Karya, Malang email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Despite significant progress in the application of science and technology to disaster reduction especially for earthquake, communities are still challenged by disaster preparation,response, and recovery. Reduced the number of lives lost each year to natural disasters had done, but the costs of major disasters continue to rise. As the costs continue to rise, we must move from response and recovery to proactively identifying hazards that pose threats and taking action to reduce the potential impacts. Instead, communities must break the cycle of destruction and recovery by enhancing their disaster resilience. The promotion and dissemination of seismic hazard mitigation technologies and strategies are briefly introduced. Each year, natural and technological disasters cause damages in Indonesia in terms of lives lost, disruption of commerce, properties destroyed, and the costs of mobilizing emergency response personnel and equipment. Indonesia experiences of earthquakes and, on average, seven earthquakes per year have a magnitude of 6.0 or greater, enough to cause serious damage. Whether they become disasters depends upon our disaster resilience—our capacity to prepare,mitigate, respond, and recover. This report outlines key opportunities for scientific and technological advances that will enhance disaster resilience and thus improve the Nation’s ability to face disasters especially for earthquake. Keywords⎯ earthquake – mitigation action – hazard mitigation goals and objectives – grand challenge for disaster
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Case Study of Housing Subsidies Formal in Gresik ANGGER SUKMA MAHENDRA1, DIAN RACHMAWATI1, HASIAN SIREGAR1 Jurusan Arsitektur, FTSP, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Gresik has potential as an alternative access, both regionally and nationally, for industry and trade activities especially given his national reputation in the management of large industries such as Petrochemical, and Semen Gresik. In the second development of the sector, the residential sector cannot be forgotten as supporting the sector. Residential sector is not only a proponent of the housing needs of the activists in the fields of industry and commerce in Gresik, but also the commuters from surrounding cities, especially Surabaya city. This analysis begins by identifying the existing settlements with three types of housing as an indicator, namely the formal housing, self-help housing, and slum housing. The sample of respondents to be taken in the formal housing Bakti Pertiwi Housing and Housing Great Honey Gresik Kota Baru. Two of these housing subsidies received from the banks (residential mortgages). While the location for sampling respondents slum dwellers and housing self-help is Yosowilangon area located west of the town of Gresik. Identification of existing processed to obtain accurate demographic data to then be processed again through the analysis of patterns of housing services based on demographic data such aspect, namely the area of origin, education level, type of job, income level and family size. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in the pattern of significant housing ministry based on original inhabitants, the level of income, and education level. The provision of formal housing (mortgage) the majority of citizens obtained by migrants (KTP non Gresik), earning a minimum salary fixed by 1.2 million / month, and at least high school educated. While those who work in the private sector / informal with a salary less than 800.000 and is a native of Gresik is largely self-supporting residents and slum housing. Output is expected to help improve the pattern of housing services in Indonesia in general, and in Gresik Regency in particular. Keywords⎯ Gresik, pelayanan perumahan, KPR
Housing Condition in Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, in 2009 ISPURWONO SOEMARNO1, ANDARITA ROLALISASI2 , ARFIANI SYARIAH3 Department of Architecture, FTSP, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — To be able to set a comprehensive housing national program, related information regarding current national housing condition is needed. To get those information in a fast way without sacrificing the accuracy, some cities are selected. These cities should characterize city types and represent all part of Indonesia. The selected cities are Bekasi, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Banjarmasin, Kendari, Bengkulu and Mataram. Similar informations of Batam, Medan, Palembang, Bandung, Samarinda, Makassar and Manado were surveyed six months in advance. This paper is a result from Mataram housing survey carried out last May 2009. The studi was initiated by secondary information gathering from related institutions within the city. Based on those informations area selection to be surveyed were selected. Basically, two housing types were surveyed. Firstly, housing which were built by the community itself (perumahan swadaya). Secondly, housing which were build using (any) financial subsidy or housing credit from the government. The results were then tabulated in such a way so they can be compared each other and the picture of national housing condition can be presented. The study results showed that the housing which were built by the community itself are located in the old part of the city, mostly without or with limited infrastructure facilities. Moreover, the occupants were mostly from the surrounding areas of the city, within the same province. Housing credit or financial subsidy were then dinikmati by those come from the areas outside the city or province.
Keywords⎯ Mataram, housing which were built by the community itself, national housing policy, housing credit/ subsidy.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
In Search of New “Religion “ in George Elliot’s Middle March MASULAH English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Victorian Literature portrayed, among other things, the spiritual transformation simultaneously taking place in the 18th and 19th century. One of the major themes of Victorian novels is a new understanding of spirituality and the search for new religion. The characters of Victorian novels are different in their spiritual adventures, but their starting point is similar: The disappearance of God. Victorian writers who find God’s absence express this absence in various forms. For some writers there seems to be no way of re-establishing the broken connection with the “sky”. Some other Victorian writers note that God is till present but fading. Such writers who note the fading of God explore the search for a new religion to substitute the lost one. George Elliot in her Middlemarch moves in this direction. This paper takes Middlemarch as a case example to observe how Victorian novels explore such a life without God and the new fashion of “religion.” Characters like Dorothea, Rosamond, Bulstrode, and Caleb Garth are set of people who lead a life without God, in its conventional sense of the word, and try to find the Surrogate God. Focusing on Dorothea and Caleb Garth, this paper probes into the following problems: How is the figuration of religion and God in Victorian literature in the 18th and 19th century. What kind of religion is explored in Middlemarch? How do Dorothea and Caleb Garth in the novel attain their religiosity? How they are still related to the traditional religion? Do they share something in common in their search of spiritual contentment? Keywords⎯ Religion, religious yearning, spiritual transformation, spiritual contentment, blank atheism, surrogate God, human sympathy, labor of desire
The Needs of Formal Housing, Housing by People, and Housing in Slum Area of Bengkulu HAPPY RATNA SANTOSA Department of Architecture, FTSP, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — The aim of the research was to find the housing needs in the city of Bengkulu. The houses include formal housing, housing by people and housing in slum area. The exact housing needs were important to avoid wrong target of people to be housed, and uneffective housing development. The physical condition of the houses and the available infrastructure were studied to find out wether the houses and their environment are up to standard. From the research it was found that, the formal housing with government subsidies is mostly needed by the low income people. All houses built by the people themselves can house many families, eventhough some need to be improved and equiped with basic infrastructure to provide adequate shelter for the dwellers. Keywords⎯ Formal housing, housing by people, housing in slum area
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Housing Delivery Systems in Banjarmasin MUH.FAQIH1, HARTATIK2, EMA UMILIA3 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Housing is one of the basic human needs. More than eighty percent of housing need in Indonesia was fulfilled by the community. This is a great advantage that must be maintained and developed by the government, such as by providing fund and resources to improve the house conditions and its environment. Other parties involved in housing delivery are private developers. In order to provide mass housing, the private developers, along with the government, have to avoid housing backlog and over supply. Moreover they have to consider housing queue, to build houses for the priority group. The research was held in Banjarmasin, in where majority of the inhabitant built self-help houses and developed unique settlements along the riverbanks. On the other hand, many private developers were involving in housing delivery through mortgage system KPR-BTN provided by the government. Thus, this research aims to get an overview of self-help housing conditions and whether the housing credit program met the target group. The research also provides information on the people who need assistance but had not yet provided. This is a descriptive research. Cross tabulation analysis by SPSS 17.0 was used to find out the influence of inhabitant characteristics on housing assistance and to compare self-help housing, slums and mass housing provided by the developers.
Keywords⎯ Self-help housing, formal, slums, housing backlog, over supply, housing queue
Energy and Behavior in Term of Interior Design YUSITA KUSUMARINI, SRI NASTITI NUGRAHANI EKASIWI Jurusan Desain Interior, Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — One of the parties which play roles in more energy consumption are the professions of building development and construction. They are civil engineering, architect, interior designer, mechanical electrical, and others. They are considered to play the role in the effort of adaptation and mitigation strategy in the impact of environment imbalance. One of the professions which play role practically in adaptation and mitigation strategy is interior designer. Interior design with an ecological approach consider to build an interior environment which can influence users to act ecological too. One of the aspects of ecology in design is energy efficiency. Behavior that influenced by the ecological interior condition is an efficient energy consumption behavior. The aspects of ecological interior are: space organization, material selection, lighting system, air system, water sanitation, indoor air pollution, and electromagnetic emission.
Keywords⎯ Interior design, behavior, energy efficiency
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Ergonomic Design Emergency Disaster Kitchen Using Mobile and Portable Concept EKO NURMIANTO1, BAROTO TAVIP INDROJARWO2, TAUFIK HIDAYAT2 2
1 Department of Industrial Engineering, FTI, Department of Industrial Product Design, Faculty of Civil and Planning ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Studying and learning about the aesthetics of which resides in an activity, behavior habits; Budoyo Resik, of Abstrak-Indonesia is a high-level-risk-of-disaster country which lies along Sumatra to Maluku Island. But the government had not perceived this condition yet with a proper refugee caring, management and emergency disaster facilities. The people were not aware of disaster and management disaster as well.Emergency disaster management facilities, i.e. emergency kitchen, nowadays hasn’t been built properly yet. This paper described the emergency disaster kitchen built by PMI (Indonesian Red Cross), TNI (Indonesian Army), or other organizations, which had not fit the refugee’s needs. This circumtances might result in an idea of building up a mobile and portable emergency disaster kitchen design which easy to use by people around disaster area.Field research and observation had been conducted in Bojonegoro regency. This observation had been done in two ways, individual questionnaire and focus group discussion. Data analysis showed that emergency disaster kitchen had not accomodate operator’s requirement and even the aid which arrived late. This also resulted in disaster victim whom easy to have disease. Although this emergency kitchen had not been yet fulfill ergonomic concept concerning comfort and safety. This research aim to give a recommendation of mobile and portable emergency disaster kitchen design that suit the refugee’s and operator’s needs effectively and easily. This research is financially supported by RUSNAS 2009 (National Strategic Research) Contract No. 10473/I2.7/PM/2009 date 1 April 2009 Keywords⎯ Ergonomic, design, mobile and portable, emergency disaster kitchen
Identification of Green Open Space Private on Simple Housing Estate in Surabaya IMA DEFIANA Jurusan Arsitektur, FTSP, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Along with population growth in big cities will reduce the amount of green open space area. If not followed properly then the cities air quality will decline. This condition is exacerbated by the increasing number of motor vehicles. This is an inverse ratio between the amount of green open space at a rate of population and transportation. Green area provision appropriately may contribute to improving air quality and reduce pollution levels, which are expected to reduce urban temperatures. This paper describes the identification of the existence of private open space on a simple residential real estate in Surabaya. By retaining green open spaces of private residents are expected to participate in improving the air quality environment. Green open space in residential real estate Surabaya small-medium type is used as a case study to support the proposed settlement of green open space of housing as part of urban open space sustainable development. Keywords⎯ Private green open spaces, real estate, simple housing estate
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Adapting to Changing Times: Energy, Economy and Environment Alternatives in Sidoarjo Regency, Indonesia JOHN MCLACHLAN-KARR UNEP Consultant, PO Box 111 Eagle Heights, Qld. Australia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Energy is finally being recognized in Indonesia as a principal determinant of economic vitality as well as environmental stress, both at the regional and global level. In spite of this, the relationship between economics and environment continues to be confused and there are many proposals that advocate polices that may oppose their own goals as well as undermining international climate change initiatives. In this Article, data are mostly from Evaluation of Alternatives from ‘Lusi’ Mud Volcano Disaster, Sidoarjo Regency (UNEP/AUSAID/ITS, 2008). The results show that Sidoarjo Regency has high energy use overall reflecting its favorable location and recent industrialization. The percent of renewable energy is 57% (mainly from solar and rain chemical potential) and nonrenewable energy is 43% (the largest source is oil products yielding 2.73 E+16 Joules per year). Most of this is used for transportation. Electricity use is relatively low. Most electricity production is from high carbon emission coal and oil. Natural gas is likely to substitute oil for many purposes due to its higher net energy yield. Increased reforestation for biomass is suggested as the highest yielding renewable energy source as well as a potential offset for carbon dioxide emissions as part of the reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation in developing countries (REDD) mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol. Keywords⎯ Energy, Economy, Alternatives, Net Yield, Quality.
Three Prenylated Xhantone from Garcinia as Cancer Inhbitor DWI OKTAVIANI JAMIL1, TASLIM ERSAM2 Jurusan Kimia,FMIPA, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia email: email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Determination of prenylated xhantone as cancer inhibitor from Garcinia was obtained by in vivo assay on mice (Rattus novergicus). Mice wsa injected by 200mg/kg W/W benzopyren with intraperitorial methode. Mice was added by theraphy compound with doses 100 mg/kg W/W. All of compounds tested in this study show potential cancer inhibitor. Determination of activity was done by account MDA (malondialdehid); p53, PCNA, dan RAS on mice’s lung by immunohystochemistry methode. 1,4,5,7-tetrahidroxy-2(1,1 dimethyl alyl) xhantone show potential anticancer more than, another compoun tested in this study, namelly α-mangostin and 2(1,3,6-trihidroxy-7-metoksi-8-prenyl)-4-(geranyl) xhantone. Result from this study indicate that 1,4,5,7-tetrahidrokxy-2(1,1 dimethyl alyl) has potential cancer inhibitor. Keywords⎯ Anticancerr, xhantone, garcinia, tikus putih galur wistar, benzopyrene
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Evaluation of Mucoadhesive Metronidazole Tablets Containing Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Celullose In Vitro AGNES NUNIEK WINANTARI1, ESTI HENDRADI2, BAMBANG WIDJAJA3 Jurusan Farmasi, Universitas of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Mucoadhesive metronidazole tablets containing hydroxypropylmetylcellulose 2208 100 cPs had been studied. Tablets were prepared weighing 200 mg. The drug-polymer ratio was 1: 4. Granules were prepared by dry granulation method. Slug were passed through ASTM 20 mesh and evaluated for moisture content, particle size distribution, density, compressibility, flow ability and drug content. The tablets were compressed using a hydraulic press. The tablets were subjected to hardness, friability and swelling index. In vitro studies for drug release and mucoadhesion property. The granules showed acceptable granule properties and complied with specifications for tested parameters. The tablets exhibited acceptable tablet properties. Results of the release study for 12 hours showed . 105,37 ± 2,17 %. Drug release between batch 1 and batch 2 were the same. Results of mucoahesion properties exhibited 4,70 ± 1,63 g. There is no difference mucoadhesive force between batch 1 and batch 2.
Keywords⎯ Mucoadhesive, tablet, metronidazole, hydroxypropylmetylcellulose
Voltammetric Determination of Antimalarial Xanthone Compounds MEGA VANIA1, SUPRAPTO2, TASLIM ERSAM3 Jurusan Teknik Kimia, FMIPA, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Assays of antimalarial compounds can be worked with cyclic voltammetric method. Antimalarial xanthone compounds that were used are β-mangostin, 3-isomangostin and chloroquine as a standard. Working electrodes that were used in cyclic voltammetric assays are gold, carbon and polypyrrole, were compared each other to find out the sensitivity in determine the compounds. Tools were operated at scan rate 100 mV.s-1 and potential range from -1 V to 1 V. gold has the highest sensitivity that showed with the highest value of oxidation current peak compared with other. Whereas, sensitivity of carbon was the lowest because of it didn’t show oxidation current peak significantly. Keywords⎯ Cyclic voltammetry, antimalarial, xanthone, polypyrrole
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Effect Of Citric Acid and Tartaric Acid To Physical Characteristics of Spray Dried Effervescent Kemuning (Murraya Paniculata (L.) Jack) Leaf Extract AGNES NUNIEK WINANTARI Pharmaceutics Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
Abstract — In order to develop kemuning as a natural products into an accurate dose of application, careful consideration of formulation-related parameters is required. Kemuning is a plant which have therapeutic effect in reducing body weight. The study was conducted to investigate the effect of the citric acid and tartaric acid to physical characteristics of spray dried effervescent granule of kemuning leaf extract. Acid sources used in this study were citric acid (Formula I) and tartaric acid (Formula II). Concentrated extract has dried using spray drier, then the dried extract was formulated in two formula involve sodium bicarbonate, silica coloidal, sodium saccharin, β-lactose anhydrate and essence. Both of products were evaluated for physical characteristics i.e : flowability, density, particle size distribution, moisture content and disperse time. Results showed similarity between formula I and formula II on flow ability, density, and moisture content. However there is different in disperse time. Keywords⎯ Effervescent, extract, kemuning leaf, spray dried, citric acid, tartaric acid
Optimization of Chitin Production from Penaeus monodon Shells at Ambient Temperature CRESCENTIANA D. POELOENGASIHHERNAWAN, SATRIYO K. WAHONO SUHARTO, M. KISMURTONO Technical Implementation Unit for Development of Chemical Engineering Processes, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Chitin, a friendly environmental material, has a wide range of application. The process production of chitin would influence the quality of the obtained chitin and cost production. The objective of this research was to optimize the chitin production at ambient temperature. Black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) shells were precondition by treatment with acetic acid 2.5% for an hour. Demineralization of shrimp shells was conducted under various times (6, 12, 18 and 24 hr) at ambient temperature using HCl 2N. Yield and ash content of demineralized shells were determined. Deproteinization of shells was achieved by treatment of demineralized shells using NaOH 2 N under various times (6, 12, 18 and 24 hr) and treatments, i.e. with and without stirring. Yield and nitrogen content of deproteinized shells were evaluated. Precondition with acetic acid, demineralization and deproteinization were carried out at a solid liquid ratio of 1 : 15 (w/v). Yield of demineralized shells was 45.65% in average, whereas its ash content ranged from 0.72 to 4.62%. Yield of deproteinized shells was 28.52% in average and its nitrogen content was 6.42 – 6.71%. The optimum process production of chitin from black tiger shrimp shell was 12 hr of demineralization and 6 hr of deproteinization.
Keywords⎯ Optimization, demineralization, deproteinization, chitin
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Live Hope Prediction For Diabetes Patients Using Adaptif Swam Optimized Organizing Map (Aswom) LILIK ANIFAH1 , MAURIDHI HERY PURNOMO2 Jurusan Fisika, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Surabaya1, Jurusan Teknik Elektro, FTI, ITS1, Surabaya, Indonesia
Abstract — Indonesia has the fouth rank about the total number of diabetes patients, with 8,6% of total indonesian citizens. Diabetes has been reseached by many researchers. This reseach is about live hope prediction using Adaptif Swam Optimized Organizing Map (ASWOM). It learn the data of age, sex, steroid, antivirals, fatigue, malaise, anorexia, liver big, liver firm, spleen palpable, spiders, ascites, varices, bilirubin, alk phosphate, sgot, albumin, protime, and histology of patient. The result system have been built could the dicision suppot system for medic field. Keywords⎯ Diabetes, adaptive, SOM, PSO, ASWOM
Dreg and Husk of Jathropa Seed and The Mixed of Organic Garbage for Making the Briquette as A Alternatif Energy ANDRI DHARMAWAN, THOMAS SUGIARTO GUNAWAN, ANTARESTI, SURATNO LOURENTIUS Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Jathropa seed waste is one of organic garbage that still has benefit value, one of the benefits is used for briquette produced. There are two kinds of jathropa seed waste, which are dreg and husks of jathropa seed. Dreg and husks of jathropa are suitable materials for briquette production because they have under 20% of moisture content and high of carbon content. Whereas, rice husks is one of additional raw material for briquette production. The objectives of this research are to obtain the best briquette with raw materials variation composition and variation of binder content. The variation of raw material based on mass comparison are dreg: rice husk (20:80; 40:60; 80:20), dreg:husk (20:80; 40:60; 80:20), and husk rice husk (20:80; 40:60; 80:20). Briquette was made from pyrolysis process then the carbon result will be size reduced and screened. After process screening, carbon was mixed with binder then dried in the oven. Briquette that produced was proximate analyzed. For all variable was found the best briquette with mass comparison of raw materials from rice husk: husk of jathropa seed (80:20) with 10% binder content, 8.45% of moisture content, 8.36% of volatile content, 63.05% of carbon content and 5743.44 cal/gram Keywords⎯ Dreg of jathropa seed, husk of jathropa seed, rice husk, briquette, pyrolysis
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Synthesis and Characterization of Mesopourous ZSM-5: Influence of Aging Time TRI ESTI PURBANINGTIAS, DJOKO HARTANTO, DIDIK PRASETYOKO Laboratorium Kimia Anorganik, Jurusan Kimia Fakultas MIPA, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — ZSM-5 mesoporous with aging time variation 24, 12, and 6 h have been synthesized successfully. Mesoporus phase of ZSM-5 was produced using template Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr). Synthesis was carried out using hydrothermal method with aging and crystallization temperature of 60oC and 150oC. Characteristic diffraction peak of ZSM-5 appeared at 2θ = 7-9º and 2θ = 23.02º, while the typical peak of mesopores materials appear on low 2θ <5o. Crystallinity will increase along with the addition of aging time.
Keywords⎯ Synthesis of ZSM-5mesoporous, aging time
Development Indonesian Wood Qualities by Complexs Reaction TASLIM ERSAM, VIVI AYU MUNAS AROFAH, ANIS IKA ROSYDA Department of Chemistry, FMIPA, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected]
Abstract — Alkaline lignin and tannin have isolated from Instia bijuga. Lignin isolation used alkaline condition with NaOH extraction and tannin were obtained from methanol;water (80:20) solvent. Both of them were identified by Uv-Vis Spectroscopy and infrared Spectroscopy first. For increased qualities of wood, lignin and tannin were complexed by metal formed complex compounds. This is asummed that complexation lignin-metal and tannin-metal can avoid it from damaged. Result showed that lignin and tannin have maximum absorption at 262 nm and 350 nm. Lignin is complexed by copper chloride and tannin by ferrum (III) chloride. This is potent for wood protection because its will prevent water entering wood. After treatment by metal, spectroscopy Uv-Vis not showed lignin and tannin spectra, respectively. Its revealed that lignin and tannin was binding with metal formed complex compounds. Keywords⎯ Instia bijuga, complexation, lignin, tannin
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Bioactivity Study of Alkaloid Compounds from Actinodaphne glomerata YULFI ZETRA, R.Y. PERRY BURHAN, DINA W. Jurusan Kimia, FMIPA, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Bioactivity studies have been done for actinodaphnine alkaloid compounds, which are successfully separated from the skin tissue of Actinodaphne glomerata plants. Determination of bioactivity of actinodapnine compounds obtained done by the method of brine shrimp lethality test (BSLT) and third instars larvae of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. The nature of bioactive compounds with actinodaphnine shown by BSLT method LC50 value of 69.90 ppm and the LC50 value of 198.5 ppm with a method of larval instar III of mosquito Aedes aegypti. Determination of the structure obtained aktinodafnin compounds, have been carried out based on spectral data Ultra Violet (UV), Infra Red (IR), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and mass spectroscopy (MS). Keywords⎯ Actinodaphne glomerata, actinodaphne, bioactivity
Sustainability of Fragraea elliptica as an Endemic Species of Karimunjawa Island LISTIANI, TUTIK NURHIDAYATI Program Studi Biologi, FMIPA, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Fragraea elliptica is one of an endemic species of Karimunjawa Island which is found in low land tropical forest as its natural habitat. Over exploitations without considering its regeneration and conservation will threat its existence. Fragraea elliptica can be used as a handicraft materials and build a house. The research has been done in Karimunjawa, East Java. Vegetation analysis result using belt transect method showed that Fragraea elliptica has been found in three locations i.e.: Ujung Gelam, Alang-Alang, and Legon Lele. The amount of Fragraea elliptica has been found in three locations was 64 which were indicated that its survival has been threatened.
Keywords⎯ Fragraea elliptica, endemic species, karimunjawa
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Preliminary Observation on Marine Sponge Diversity at Pecaron Bay Pasir Putih Situbondo East Java EDWIN SETIAWAN, AWIK PUDJI DIAH NURHAYATI, SRI NURHATIKA, FARID KAMAL MUZAKI Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia
Abstract — The Sponges diversity preliminary observation at Pecaron Bay Pasir Putih Situbondo East Java has been done in order to investigate its diversity character and order group relationship. In sampling area the class diversity were 100% (20 species) of Demospongian classes which divided into 5 orders of Haplosclereida (6 specimens), Dictyocertida (5 specimens), Halichondridae (3 specimens), Handromerida (2 specimens) and Poecilosclereida (1 specimen) and three unidentified specimens.
Keywords⎯ Preliminary observation, exploration, pecaron bay, sponges diversity
Simple Microbial Soil Slant Technological Application in the Dish-Washing Greywater Recycling Process ALI BUDHI KUSUMA, ANDINI WARIH WEDARINGTYAS, MALIKI UTAMA PUTRA Microbiology study programme,School of Life Sciences and Technology-Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia Biology study programme,School of Life Sciences and Technology-Bandung Institute of Technology email:
[email protected] Abstract — Soil is a complex habitat for so many kind of organisms especially microoganisms. Soil Microorganisms including Bacteria, Fungi, Actinomycetes, microalgae and also protozoa. Each of Microorganisms living in the spesifict microenvirontment inside or between a soil particle.Differences in the Acidity, Humidity , Soil Pore size and microbial requirements for spesifict nutrients makes a different microhabitat in a soil environtment.Simple Microbial Soil Slant is a kind of Waste Water Treatment technology that using a natural metabolism activity of soil heterotrophic microbial diversity in which they can use some soluble organic compound in the dish washing greywater as a substrate for they growth. Because ,in a fact that an organic compound containing in a soil it is only about 5% in a whole soil composition.It is still lack ammount of nutrient comparing with highly ammount of microbial community in a soil. This simply technology is a very economist,user-friendly,and environtmental friendly also( Zero waste concept ) for use in a home-scale standard needs. Besides,this technology also very helpfull to solve water crisis problem in a location in which hardly to get a clean water. There are three main step in order to recycling dish washing greywater including that step is a pra-treatment, core-treatment and pasca-treatment process. In the pra-treatment process,we use chitosan as a chealating agents for chealate anorganic ions and also solubel fat in a our crude water sample.After follow this pra-treatment step,the water dashing greywater get into a core-treatment step.We used one water gallon/column as a microbial soil slant chamber.Inside this chamber,we are fullfill and arrange our 4 different soil sample that is a vulcanic soil,andisol/humic,sand,and alluvial soil in a right layer location that we have determine it by microbial community structure analysis in every soil sample before.For example,Alluvial soil layer is ordered in a top position in the core-treatment chamber. Due to structure of microbial community in the alluvial/sediment soil mostly are anaerobic so that they are stronger than microbial community in others layer based on the ability for degradade a dangerous chemical from dish-washing solutions/detergents. In this chamber ,microbial community in every soil layer play a spesific roles ( niche ) for decomposize and degradade an organic compound in a water dishing greywater. This soil multi-layered decomposition of organic compound by microbial consortium activity is take place average in a ten days.So after we reduce our anorganic and organic compound in a two previous step(pre-treatment and coretreatment),then the last step is a water purification by ordinary water purification techniques. In this last chamber, we use a gravel stone,charcoal,palm fibril,and aquarium filter cotton that we arranged inside a column.Finally,after this dish-washing greywater recycling treatment, We can get a better water with properly physical and chemical qualification value ,so we can be used again this water for domestic secondary use. Keywords⎯ Organic compound decomposition, soil microbial consortia , microbial soil slant, waste water treatment
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Design and fabrication gas sensor based on conductive polymer AGUSTIANA, IKA ATIKAWATI, ITA ULFIN, SUPRAPTO Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Polypyrrole, polyaniline, poly(3methylthiophene), polythiophene are conductive polymer which used as material gas sensor. Conductive polymer was synthesis on interdigital electrode elecctrochemically in acetonitrile/ TBAPF6. Characterization of gas sensor divided by resistance changes of conductive polymer when it tested with premium, biosolar and gasoline. Conductive polymer has lowest resistance and stable film, are going to used as base layer conductive polymer double layer.Polipirol has lowest resistance change compared with polyaniline, polytiofena, and poly(3-methylthiophene). Conductive polymer double layer which has lowest resistance when it tested with premium, biosolar and gasoline are poly(3-methylthiophene), polythiophene, poly(3-methylthiophene) respectively. Keywords⎯ Voltammetry cyclic, gas sensor, conductive polymer, premium, biosolar, gasoline
Transient Stability Analysis with Solving Differential Equation of Multimachine Power System FEBRIANA KRISTANTI Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — This paper introduces a method as an accurate algorithm to analyse transient stability for power system with a multimachine through solving differential equation. This problem requires evaluation of a power system's ability to withstand disturbances while maintaining the quality of service. Many different techniques have been proposed for transient stability analysis in power systems, especially for a multimachine system. These methods include the time domain solutions, the extended equal area criteria, and the direct stability methods such as the transient energy function. However, the most methods must transform from a multi-machine system to an equivalent machine and infinite bus system.
Keywords⎯ Transient stability, multimachine network
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
The Influence of Nursing Intervention through Family Pathnership toward the Practice of Feeding Pattern on Infant of Age 6-24 Months for Nuclear and Extended Family A.AZIZ ALIMUL HIDAYAT1, MOERSINTOWARTI B. NARENDRA2, WINDHU PURNOMO3 1
Departement of Nursing, Faculty of Health Science, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia 2 Pediatric Health Science of Airlangga University of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia 3 Public Health Faculty of Airlangga University of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — The aim of the research was to explain the effect of nursing intervention through family pathnership toward the practice of feeding pattern on infants of age 6-24 months in nuclear and extendeed family. The design of the research was experimental. The sample of the research was ninety six (96) samples, which was chosen with simple random sampling.The sample was then divided into two parts of family in Kenjeran District and Bulak Surabaya, namely nuclear family and extended family. The variables measured were breastfeeding, PASI, soft food, family food, and a way of feeding through interviewing and observation. The data analysis used was Mann Whitney U. Result showed that effect of nursing interventions on the style of feeding containing of giving PASI (p= 0,003), soft food (p=0,005), family food (p=0,00), snacks (p=0,034), and way of feeding (p=0,00). Those effects can be shown with the increasing of frequency and way of feeding before and after intervention. The conclusion is increasing of feeding frequency shows the cognitive and behavioral change on the practice of feeding pattern.
Keywords⎯ Nursing intervention, practice of feeding pattern, and type of family
Reducing Large Data by Squashing Method WAHYUNI SURYANINGTYAS Mathematic Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — The purpose of this paper is to give the alternative solutions to reducing data, especially for large data. Data which have generate Pareto distribution is used for the aplication. The squashing method is used, where this method can reduce large data to a considerably smaller and more manageable one, that represents the original data well for the purpose of inference or prediction. The reducing data with squashing method have three step. First, grouping the data in regions. Second, establish weight and pseudo data point each regions. Third, indicate an equal between sum of data squashing with the main data. Implementation of squashing method use S-Plus program. Data in this skripsi using generate data by computer with , and n = 100000. Grouping done in four times, increasingly quantities of grouping cause momen of sub sample approach the one of main data.
Keywords⎯ Generalized Pareto Distribution, Squashing Method, Reduction, Squashing Data, Momen of Sub Sample
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Application Agrogeology and Geotech in landslide disaster Langkap – Purbalingga INDRA PERMANAJATI, SUBANA Program Studi Teknik Geologi Unsoed, Jl. Mayjen Sungkono Km 5 Blater – Purbalingga, Indonesia email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — In the last decade in the good news in print or electronic notably many reported that many natural disasters caused losses, both material losses and loss of life. Friday, October 30, 2009, Purbalingga disaster digemparkan with soil movement, though not big enough to take the victim but this avalanche access roads lead to total paralysis. The incident adds to the list of events in the district land movement increased Purbalingga. Some possible approaches are used as a method to minimize the impact of avalanches. The work done is the initial identification of the causes of avalanches of avalanches of observations based on earth science approach is a qualitative description of the condition of rock and rock Stratigraphy and engineering geology description of the condition and soil characteristics. Then mitigation efforts undertaken is to make technical recommendations to the observation handling causes avalanches and utilization of local components. Then one of the mitigation approach is to bio-engineering, this activity is investment management strategies with the appropriate plant species for reinforcing slopes. The approach is related to the plant soil conditions to nourish plants. Results obtained from field observations obtained in two of the first litologi a member of the formation and the upper site of weathering processes breksi because there rotasional soil movement and translational movement of rotasional sleding. Layer is smooth and serve as a slide area. Other causes are land uses that do not fit the rules of technique. Recommendations proposed technique is to adjust to the conditions of our research, namely by setting the slope geometry, construction of retaining wall (Retaining wall), and agrogeologi approach by utilizing the description of the land according to type of plant. Keywords⎯ Agrogeology, Geotech and movement mass disaster
The Subsurface Interpretation of the Mrawan Tunnel Based on Ground Penetrating Radar Data’s PUGUH HISKIAWAN, AGUS SUPRANTO Jurusan Fisika, FMIPA, Universitas Jember, Jember, Indonesia email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — The subsurface interpretation of the Mrawan Tunnel has been executed. The procedure of interpretation based on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method. This method used to make a bistatic antenna, 38 MHz and 75 MHz which it’s parallel line on the Mrawan tunnel. The result research to give up the distribution 2D image reflection and to shaping the reflection pattern beneath structure subsurface. Show that, the around points at 330 m, 520 m, and 575 m from the first of measurement have been indicated the aquifer which was estimated with relation to leakage the train tunnel.
Keywords⎯ Mrawan tunnel, GPR methods, leakage tunnel
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Ecological Function of Tree as Noise Abatement for Supporting Environment Health Surrounding Streetscape IMAWAN WAHYU HIDAYAT Cibodas Botanical Gardens, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Pacet Sindanglaya PO BOX 19 SDL Cianjur, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — The traffic has been creating many problems to the environment, especially for environment health. It activities have caused air pollutions, noises, and other which effected to the communities surrounding it. Noises were caused by sound of vehicles engine which spread to the environment through air. Noises can cause health problems for human, such as stress, lost of concentration, physiological health like headache and emotional. Noises from the traffic can be reduced by planting in roadside. Plants especially trees have a high potential to abate noises from traffic activities. There were two important aspects in trees planting: species selection and planting wide at the site. This study was to analyze and propose trees selection and its planning in the roadside landscape in order to enhance the environment which supporting the communities health surrounding it.
Keywords⎯ Traffic, environment health, noises, trees, species selection, planting wide, planning
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Rancang Bangun Perlengkapan Motor untuk Penumpang Sebagai Solusi Peningkatan Keamanan Penumpang KRESNO S, PRIMADITYA Jurusan Desain Produk Industri, Fakultas Teknik Sipil Dan Perancangan, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia 60111 email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Data dari kepolisian menunjukkan angka kecelakaan lalu lintas didominasi oleh sepeda-motor dan itu terjadi karena sikap pengendara yang kurang memperhatikan keselamatan berkendaraan dan peraturan lalu-lintas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi resiko akibat kecelakaan lalulintas terutama pembonceng sepeda-motor. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan kajian historis dan analisa perilaku pembonceng pada proses terjadinya kecelakaan sepeda-motor. Dilanjutkan dengan studi perencanaan menggunakan simulasi model untuk menguji hipotesa terjadinya kecelakaan sepedamotor yang hasilnya digunakan sebagai panduan dalam tahap perancangan dan pembuatan Prototype. Penelitian diakhiri dengan survei konsumen untuk untuk mendapatkan data secara kuantitatif mengenai respon dan masukan konsumen mengenai keinginan dan daya beli pasar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembonceng sepedamotor yang berpegangan pada alat pengaman memiliki resiko terlempar dan celaka jauh lebih sedikit.
Kata kunci⎯ Handle, motor, penumpang, sadel
PlazOre, Sistem Goreng Kantung Plastik untuk Bahan Baku Produk Kerajinan ELLYA ZULAIKHA, WALUYOHADI Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
Abstract — The attemp to recycle plastic in an easy and unexpensive way had been tried in this research using cooking oil to heat plastic. The shape, motif and texture of fried plastic can be a Unique Selling Point (USP) for Craft Product. The researchers try some experiments of plastic bag frying process which can produce exotic motif and texture to be used as craft products. Besides, the team also test some kinds of chemical materials as cleaner to extract oil and investigate the most prospective market and product development. Some activity of the experiments are observating the transformation character of HDPE (High density Poly Ethylene) and LDPE (Low Density Poly Ethylene) plastic bag when heated, investigating the most appropriate temperature to heat begin from 100oC – 275oC, and making observation when the plastic bags are mixed with other material. The results of those experiments are recommended process of frying plastic bag to produce exotic motif and texture to be used as craft product. The new material which is made by frying plastic bag using the recommended process is called PlazOre. The PlazOre Material can be applied for craft product as accesories, necklace, bracelet, brooch, bag, footwear, lamp cover and other interior elements.
Keywords : Fried plastic, recycle, craft
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Pengembangan Simulasi Aliran Air pada Saluran Drainase Kota Menggunakan Pemodelan Network Flow EVI SEPTIANA PANE, KETUT EDDY P Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia 60111 email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Musim hujan seringkali membawa masalah bagi penduduk khususnya di yang tinggal di Kota-kota besar. Kondisi lingkungan yang sangat tidak mendukung menyebabkan timbulnya genangan di beberapa wilayah. Genangan dan banjir ini sangat erat kaitannya dengan aliran air bawah tanah. Dengan mengetahui distribusi aliran air di saluran air bawah tanah pada saat terjadinya hujan, maka potensi terjadinya genangan dan banjir dapat diprediksi sehingga memungkinkan pengambilan langkah antisipasi. Sistem ini menggunakan data kontur tanah, data curah hujan, data jaring sungai serta saluran/selokan. Metode prediksi arah aliran air yang akan digunakan berbasis algoritma push relabel maximum flow. Model simulasi akan divisualisasikan dengan menggunakan program berbasis GUI, yaitu bahasa pemrograman Java Applet.
Keywords ⎯ Simulasi aliran air, saluran drainase, network flow
Aplikasi Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) untuk Optimasi Penjadwalan Perawatan Unit Pembangkit Thermal JEFRI LIANDA1, STEPHAN2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia 60111 email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Makalah ini membahas tentang penjadwalan perawatan unit pembangkit thermal dengan memanfaatkan fuzzy logic controller. Penjadwalan perawatan unit pembangkit merupakan hal sangat penting dalam optimasi keandalan sistem. Fuzzy logic digunakan untuk menghasilkan jadwal optimal yang diuji dengan 5 pembangkit dan periode perawatan 8 minggu. Hasil simulasi menunjukan bahwa optimasi penjadwalan perawatan dengan fuzzy logic lebih baik karena kapasitas pembangkit yang ON lebih besar dari permintaan beban.
Keywords ⎯ Maintenance Schedulling, fuzzy logic
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Variabilitas Spasial Hujan Bulanan dan Hujan Tahunan di Jawa Timur SRI WAHYUNINGSIH, INDARTO, MARTA ADI KIRANA Laboratorium Teknik Pengendalian dan Konservasi Lingkungan (Lab. TPKL), FTP, UNEJ. Jember email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Fenomena hujan selalu berfluktuasi dan bervariasi sebagai fungsi waktu dan ruang. Variabilitas hujan yang bervariasi sebagai fungsi waktu (variabilitas temporal) dapat ditunjukkan oleh trend data rentang waktu. Variabilitas sebagai fungsi ruang (variabilitas spatial) ditunjukkan oleh perbedaan hujan yang jatuh di berbagai wilayah. Penggambaran relatif variabilitas spasio-temporal diperlukan untuk pemetaan potensi hujan dan perkiraan karakteristik hujan di suatu wilayah. Artikel ini memaparkan analisa spasial dan analisa temporal terhadap data hujan di Jawa Timur. Data curah hujan harian diperoleh dari 958 stasiun pengamatan hujan (ombrometer) yang berasal dari sembilan (9) UPT PSAWS: (1) Balai Gedangan, (2) Balai Puncu Selodono, (3) Balai Butung Paketingan, (4) Balai Gembong Pekalen, (5) Balai Bondoyudo Mayang, (6) Balai Sampean Baru, (7) Balai Madiun, (8) Balai Bengawan Solo dan (9) Balai Madura. Data hujan harian tersebut mencakup seluruh wilayah di Jawa Timur. Periode rekaman tiap stasiun hujan bervariasi dari: 3 s/d 35 tahun. Hujan tahunan diperoleh dari akumulasi data harian selama 1 tahun. Selanjutnya, untuk tiap stasiun dihitung nilai hujan tahunan rerata. Hujan tahunan rerata tiap stasiun selanjutnya dijadikan sebagai masukan untuk analisa geostatistik. Analisa geostatistik dilakukan dengan metode Inverse Distance Weighed (IDW) dan memanfaatkan Tool Geostastitical Analysis di dalam Software GIS. Variasi dengan tiga metode interpolasi IDW digunakan yaitu: (1/d); (1/d2) dan (1/d3). Penelitian menghasilkan peta hujan tahunan di Wilayah Jawa Timur. Penggunaan metode interpolasi IDW = 1/d3, menunjukkan: 82% dari total luas wilayah di Jawa Timur memiliki hujan rerata kurang dari: 2.000 mm/tahun dan hanya 18 % yang hujan lebih dari 2000 mm/tahun.
Keywords ⎯ Geostatistik, IDW, hujan tahunan rerata, Jawa Timur
Monitoring Eutrofikasi secara in Situ dengan Teknik Diffusive Gradient in Thin Film (DGT): Kajian Interaksi Antara Sedimen dan Badan Air BARLAH RUMHAYATI Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia 65145 email:
[email protected]
Abstract — The algae blooming, which is well known as eutrophication, becomes major problem for most water systems around the world. Even though orthophosphate caused eutrophication has been removed, eutrophication could still occur seasonally due to the act of sediment as a source and sink of phosphate compounds. For eutrophication monitoring, the needs of information of concentration and type of phosphates species are important. To minimize contamination and to gain better understanding of sediment-water interaction, the in situ technique of DGT has been used for determining the concentration and species of phosphates in sediment and overlying water. The results showed that the concentrations of FRP and FOP in sediment approximately were 3 mg/L and 0.5 mg/L, respectively. Under anoxic condition, phosphates could be released from sediment and diffused into overlying water which was shown by relatively high concentration of phosphates in overlying water. Mineralization of FOP has occurred under anoxic condition which was agreed with an increase of FRP at depth of sediment. The residue of refractory organic phosphates species were detected at depth sediments along with the end group of polyphosphate at deeper sediment. By understanding the role of sediment, its interaction with overlying water and determining the phosphates concentration and species, eutrophication could be controlled.
Keywords ⎯ Eutrophication, phosphate compounds, DGT, sediment-water interact
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Kinetika Dekomposisi Metana dengan Katalis Ni/Cu/Al2o3 Menggunakan Reaktor Katalis Terstruktur PRASWASTI PDK WULAN, YUSWAN MUHARAM, WIDODO WAHYU PURWANTO Departemen Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Indonesia Email :
[email protected]
Abstract — Modifikasi bentuk substrat katalis dari bentuk wire gauze menjadi bentuk parallel flat plate (pelat sejajar) seperti dalam monolith reactor untuk produksi hidrogen dan nanokarbon bermutu dan bernilai ekonomi tinggi secara simultan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan loading katalis dan luas permukaan kontak antara umpan metana dengan katalis yang terdapat pada substrat katalis. Persamaan kinetika yang akurat dalam merepresentasikan reaksi dekomposisi katalitik metana menggunakan katalis Ni/Cu/Al2O3, diperlukan dalam desain reaktor, dan scale-up reaktor. Penelitian diawali dengan memformulasikan beberapa model persamaan kinetika dengan pendekatan analisis kinetika mikro (adsorpsi isotermis). Masing-masing model persamaan kinetika diuji dengan data kinetika yang diperoleh secara eksperimental. Data kinetika eksperimental diambil dengan variasi temperatur dari 650 oC sampai 750 oC pada tekanan amosferik. Hasil pengujian model persamaan kinetika dengan data kinetika menunjukkan bahwa model kinetika yang memiliki keakuratan tertinggi dalam merepresentasikan kondisi reaksi dekomposisi katalitik metana adalah model persamaan kinetika dengan adsorpsi sebagai tahap pembatas laju reaksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan energi aktivasi yang diperoleh sebesar 14,915 kJ/mol dan faktor frekuensi sebesar 114,949 x 106. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan terjadinya deaktivasi katalis akibat deposit karbon pada permukaan katalis sehingga ditentukan pula model persamaan kinetika yang melibatkan deaktivasi katalis dengan persamaan laju deaktivasi orde nol..
Keywords ⎯ Studi kinetik, dekomposisi metana, hidrogen, karbon nanotube, deaktivasi
Kolaborasi Mahasiswa dan Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan dan Swakelola Sistem Pengangkatan Air Menggunakan Energi Matahari GAMA HAFIZH ADITYA, MULYANA KARIM, BAYU BUANA NATANAGARA, SHOFIAH HAYATI, AISYA VELASOFI, DHANIS WORO F, ANTON HIDAYAT, TEUKU LUKMAN NH, AHMAD AGUS S Department of Physics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Gadjah Mada University, email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Energi matahari sebagai salah satu sumber energiyang potensial di Indonesia masih kurang diminati untukdikembangkan. Pengembangan energi matahari tidak sebatasuntuk menghasilkan listrik untuk rumah, tapi lebih aplikatifdengan melihat permasalahan yang ada. Giriharjo sebagai salahsatu desa dengan potensi sinar matahari 4,5 jam/hari memilikiketerbatasan dalam pemanfaatan air. Adapun sumber air didesatersebut berjarak 1400 meter dari pemukiman dengan medanberbukit-bukit. Kenyataan tersebut membuat mahasiswaUniversitas Gadjah Mada yang tergabung dalam KomunitasMahasiswa Sentra Energi berkomitmen untuk bekerjasamadengan masyarakat untuk membangun suatu system yangmemanfaatkan potensi lokal untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akanair bersih di Desa Giriharjo. Pelaksanaan program berjalanselama 2 tahun, tahun pertama sebagai perencanaan dan sosialisasi warga dan tahun kedua digunakan untukpembangunan fisik system dan instalasi sosial. Dengan perencanaan dan pelaksanaan yang dikoordinasikan antara warga dan mahasiswa, mahasiswa diterjunkan secara langsung dalam 2 periode Kuliah Kerja Nyata pada Juli-Agustus tahun 2008 dan 2009. Pembangunan system pengangkatan air menggunakan energi matahari tersebut rampung pada bulan Agustus 2009 yang berhasil menyuplai rata-rata 7800 liter/hari untuk kebutuhan 52 kepala keluarga yang belum terjangkau distribusi air. Untuk sustainability dari sistem, dibentuklah organisasi pengurus air yang dikelola secara swadaya oleh masyarakat
Keywords ⎯ Energi matahari, kesulitan air, potensi lokal
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Desain, Implementasi, dan Analisa Kinerja Sistem Pengaturan Berjaring pada Skala Laboratorium ALI FATONI, YUSUF BILFAQIH, SHOLIKUL DARMA SETYAWAN Jurusan Teknik Elektro, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember email :
[email protected],
[email protected] ;
[email protected]
Abstract — Sistem pengaturan berjaring merupakan suatu metode kontrol plant atau proses dengan memanfaatkan jaring sebagai media penghantar sinyal kontrol. Namun dalam kenyataanya, dengan adanya jaring maka akan timbul delay atau waktu tunda pada proses pengiriman sinyal kontrol pada plant. Penulis melakukan suatu desain dan realisasi sistem pengaturan berjaring pada plant servo motor DC dan plant pressure. Setelah realisasi dilakukan akan dilanjutkan dengan pengukuran dan analisa kinerja dari sistem pengaturan berjaring yang telah direalisasikan. Setelah penulis melakukan pengukuran dan analisa, penulis mendapatkan nilai packet loss pada jaring untuk plant servo motor dalam keadaan jaring tidak berbeban sebesar 0.62%, dan nilai paket loss dalam keadaan berbeban sebesar 17,22%. Sedangkan nilai packet loss untuk plant presure dalam keadaan jaring tidak berbeban sebesar 1.14%, dan nilai packet loss untuk plant pressure dalam keadaan jaring berbeban sebesar 26.49%. Nilai efisiensi jaring sebesar 98,54%. Sedangkan nilai utilisasi jaring sebesar 0.24.
Keywords ⎯ Analisa kinerja jaring, efisiensi jaring, sistem pengaturan berjaring, utilisasi jaring.
Perancangan dan Realisasi Kontroler PID Adaptif pada Pressure Process RIG 38-714 IMAM ARIFIN, MOCHAMMAD RAMELI, FAJAR KURNIAWAN Jurusan Teknik Elektro, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember ,Surabaya email :
[email protected]
Abstract — Sistem pengaturan berjaring (Networked Control Systems/NCS) merupakan proses kontrol melalui jaring komunikasi terhadap beberapa plant di komputer server dari beberapa komputer client. Dalam kenyataan di lapangan pada saat pengiriman data melalui jaring, masalah yang sering terjadi adalah adanya pengaruh dari paket yang hilang (packet dropout) dan waktu tunda (delay) yang akan mengakibatkan sistem tersebut semakin kompleks dan sulit dikendalikan. Masalah lain adalah ketidaklinieran dan sifat time varying dari plant proses tekanan yang digunakan. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini digunakan kontroler PID Gain-Scheduling untuk dapat mengatasi perubahan sistem yang non-linier dan dinamis serta melakukan pengujian kontroler melalui jaring NCS yang telah dirancang. Beberapa pengujian dari proses implementasi telah dilakukan. Hasil dari pengujian didapatkan bahwa kontroler PID Gain-Scheduling mampu untuk mengatasi respon keluaran yang non-linier, tetapi kurang mampu untuk mengatasi pengaruh dari jaring. Respon sistem dengan kontroler menghasilkan nilai kesalahan 0.2% tetapi waktu keadaan tunak menjadi 1.45 detik dari 0.7 detik.
Keywords ⎯ NCS, PID Gain-Scheduling
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Sistem Pengaturan Berjaring: Perancangan dan Realisasi Koneksi Plant pada Jaring ALI FATONI, ASEP ARWAN SULAEMAN, ZULKFLI HIDAYAT Jurusan Teknik Elektro, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember , Surabaya email :
[email protected]
Abstract — Penggunaan suatu jaring komputer untuk aplikasi sistem pengaturan telah meningkat pesat, sehingga dimungkinkan membuat suatu sistem pengaturan jarak jauh melalui jaring. Pada sistem pengaturan berjaring terdapat kontroler, sensor, aktuator, dan komponen sistem lainnya yang saling terdistribusi dan terinterkoneksi pada suatu jaring. Salah satu persoalan yang sering terjadi yaitu pada saat terjadinya paket yang hilang (packet dropout) dan adanya waktu tunda saat proses pertukaran informasi melalui jaring. Tugas akhir ini membahas perancangan dan realisasi sistem pengaturan berjaring pada sisi client. Eksperimen yang dilakukan adalah membandingkan kinerja kontroler dengan simulasi dan implementasi untuk mengatur kecepatan motor dc. Hasil analisa dan pengujian pada simulasi model yang diinginkan menunjukan time constant sebesar 7 ms dan time settling sebesar 21 ms. Jika menggunakan kontroler PI dan PID maka terjadi perbedaan pada error steady state sebesar 0,25%. Pada kontroler PID terjadi overshoot sebesar 140 rpm untuk simulasi dan 160 rpm untuk implementasi dengan masukan yang diberikan sebesar 1500 rpm.
Keywords ⎯ Sistem pengaturan berjaring, perancangan dan realisasi client, motor servo DC
Perancangan dan Realisasi Kontroller untuk Pengaturan Motor DC Melalui Jaring IMAM ARIFIN, MUHAMMAD YANUAR H, MOCHAMMAD RAMELI Jurusan Teknik Elektro – FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember , Surabaya email :
[email protected]
Abstract — Jaring komunikasi memudahkan pertukaran data antar komputer yang saling terhubung dengan jaring tersebut. Kemudahan dalam mendirikan infrastruktur, penggunaan yang luas, kecepatan bertambah, dan mudah dalam perawatan, menjadikan jaring sebagai salah satu komponen penting. Manfaat yang diberikan membuat ketertarikan untuk mengaplikasikan sistem pengaturan proses pada jaring. Sensor, kontroler, aktuator, dan plant yang saling berkomunikasi melalui jaring disebut sebagai sistem pengaturan berjaring (networked control systems/NCS). Merancang server untuk mengatur pertukaran data pada jaring, yaitu antara sensor, kontroler, aktuator, dan plant. Dan menyediakan fasilitas untuk pengaturan jarak jauh (remote control) serta dapat difungsikan sebagai sistem pengaturan kecepatan motor dc adalah yang akan dikerjakan dalam tugas akhir ini. Akhirnya, manfaat yang diberikan berguna pada institusi pendidikan dalam menyelenggarakan kegiatan praktikum jarak jauh (remote laboratory).
Keywords ⎯ Sistem pengaturan berjaring, perancangan dan realisasi client, motor servo DC
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Optimalisasi Daya pada Solar Cell Menggunakan Power Tracker HARTONO1,2, M.ASHARI1 1
Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik Industri, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected] 2 Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Cilegon, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Kendala solar cell adalah tidak tetapnya posisi matahari. Matahari terus bergerak kedudukanya sepanjang pagi sampai sore hari sehingga Solar Cell tidak mendapatkan cahaya matahari secara maksimum karena sudut penyinaran matahari yang terus berubah yang akan mempengaruhi besarnya daya yang dihasilkan.. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang alat pengendali posisi Module Solar Cell terhadap kedudukan matahari, agar Module Solar Cell mampu mengikuti pergerakan matahari, sehingga Module Solar Cell selalu tegak lurus dengan matahari, dengan demikian intensitas cahaya yang diterima dan energi listrik yang dihasilkan dapat optimal. Perbandingan hasil pengujian daya listrik yang dihasilkan solar cell sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan Power Tracker diperoleh kenaikan sebesar 19.96 %.
Keywords ⎯ Solar cell, power tracker, kenaikan daya listrik.
Pengembangan Mekanisme Multiplatform Robot Pencari Korban Bencana Alam INDRA ADJI SULISTIJONO1, SON KUSWADI1, EKO HENFRI BINUGROHO1, ACHMAD JAZIDIE2 1
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Electronics Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (EEPIS), Surabaya email: {indra, sonk, sragen} 2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Surabaya Indonesia 60111, email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Makalah ini memaparkan bagaimanamengembangkan multiplatform robot yang digunakan untuk membantu mencari korban bencana alam. Mekanisme robotdiilhami dengan inspirasi dari sistem biologi. Dengan simulasi, maka dapat diturunkan berbagai primitive behavior yang cukup banyak, sehingga memudahkan untuk menyusunnya menjadi gerakangerakan mobilitas kompleks. Dengan demikian dapat dikendalikan suatu gerakan kompleks sehingga robot mampu menghadapi situasi medan yang kompleks dan berubahubah. Hasil eksperimen juga ditunjukkan, untuk menunjang dan memperkuat apa yang telah didapatkan pada hasil simulasi.
Keywords ⎯ Robot pencari korban (SAR robot), terinspirasi alam (biologically-inspired), multiplatform, primitive behavior.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Studi Eksperimen Sistem Pengaturan Berjaring dengan Pendekatan Logika Fuzzy pada Motor DC berbasis LabVIEW IMAM ARIFIN, DIMAS SYARIF, KATJUK ASTROWULAN Jurusan Teknik Elektro, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya email :
[email protected]
Abstract — Secara umum, performa sistem pengaturan berjaring (SPB) selalu dipengaruhi oleh waktu tunda (delay) dan packet loss karena SPB terintegrasi dalam sebuah jarring yang dapat mengganggu performa dan kestabilan sebuah SPB. Makalah ini memperkenalkan pendekatan logika fuzzy untuk mengatasi waktu tunda dan sistem memori untuk mengatasi packet loss pada pengaturan kecepatan motor DC berbasiskan LabVIEW 7.1. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan logika fuzzy dan sistem memori mampu mengatasi waktu tunda dan packet loss yang terjadi pada jaring.
Keywords ⎯ Networked control system, logika fuzzy, motor DC, LabVIEW.
Model Hidrologi DAS ITN 2, Mengakomodasi Pengaruh Penggunaan Lahan dalam Analisa Potensi Sumberdaya Air KUSTAMAR1, SELVESTER SARI SAI2, ERNI YULIANTI 3 1
Teknik Sipil - Teknik Sumber Daya Air, FTSP.,ITN Malang, email:
[email protected] 2 Teknik Geodesi, FTSP., ITN Malang, email:
[email protected] 3 Teknik Sipil - Teknik Sumber Daya Air, FTSP.,ITN Malang, email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Informasi tentang potensi sumberdaya air sangat diperlukan dalam optimalisasi pengelolaannya, untuk mendapatkan manfaat yang maksimal namun dengan orientasi berkelanjutan. Potensi sumberdaya air dari sebuah sungai antara lain tercermin dari kontinyuitas debit sepanjang tahun. Fluktuasi debit sungai sangat dipengaruhi kondisi Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS), terutama jenis dan kondisi penggunaan lahan. Perubahan penggunaan lahan terjadi sangat cepat, dan mayoritas disertai dengan penurunan kuantitas dan kualitas vegetasinya. Hal ini tercermin dari semakin tingginya puncak banjir dan kecilnya debit sungai di musim kemarau. Pengaruh jenis dan kondisi penggunaan lahan dalam alih ragam hujan menjadi aliran sungai dalam bentuk: intersepsi, dan kekasaran permukaan lahan telah diakomodasi dalam Model Hidrologi DAS ITN 1. Dalam Model Hidrologi DAS ITN 2, usaha peningkatan kepekaan model terhadap perubahan jenis dan kondisi penggunaan lahan dilakukan dengan mengakomodasi pengaruhnya terhadap kapasitas infiltrasi. Pengaruh tersebut dinyatakan dengan koefisien koreksi (Kk), yaitu merupakan perbandingan antara besarnya kapasitas infiltrasi yang diukur pada suatu lokasi dengan kapasitas infiltrasi yang diketahui dari informasi jenis tanah. Uji model memperlihatkan bahwa penggunaan Kk tersebut menurunkan nilai parameter Koreksi Tinggi Puncak debit (KTP) dari 1,08 menjadi 1,02. Dengan demikian, hasil prediksi debit sungai akan semakin akurat baik aliran rendah maupun banjir. Dengan informasi yang lengkap, maka pengelolaan potensi sumberdaya air diharapkan semakin meningkat keberhasilannya.
Keywords ⎯ Model hidrologi, prediksi debit sungai, potensi sumberdaya air
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Proses Produksi DiEtil Eter dengan Berbagai Jenis Katalis dan Reaktor Unggun Tetap WIDAYAT, A ROESYADI, M RACHIMOELLAH Laboratorium Teknik Reaksi Kimia Jurusan Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya. email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Beberapa katalis H-zeolit dan HZSM-5 telah disintesa dan diuji karakteristiknya. Katalis H-zeolit disintesa dengan bahan baku zeolit alam dari Kabupaten Malang dan Kabupaten Gunung Kidul. Proses produksi DiEtil Eter menggunakan etanol teknis atau etanol konsentrasi 95%. Pada proses produksi DiEtil Eter akan terjadi proses penglepasan air. Reaktor yang digunakan adalah reaktor unggun tetap dengan berat katalis sebesar 1 gram, kondisi operasi adalah tekanan atmosferik dan temperatur awal 140oC. Uap etanol yang berasal dari tangki penguapan didorong dengan aliran nitrogen sebesar 200 ml/menit. Respon yang diamati adalah konsentrasi pada produk cair yang meliputi konsentrasi DiEtil Eter, etanol, metanol dan air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konversi etanol terbesar diperoleh pada saat digunakan HZSM-5 sebesar 56,44% dan yield DiEtil Eter terbesar pada saat digunakan katalis alumina dan H-zeolit. Semakin meningkat nilai perbandingan zeolit alam dengan pelarut asam klorida semakin besar nilai luas permukaan katalis dan konversi etanol. Konversi etanol terbesar diperoleh pada perbandingan reaktan 1:20.
Keywords ⎯ Katalis, konversi etanol, proses dehidrasi, yield DiEtil Eter, dan zeolit alam
Identifikasi Partial Discharge pada Motor Tegangan Tinggi Menggunakan Anfis Berdasarkan Spektrum RTDs INDRA BUDI HERMAWAN1, I MADE YULISTYA NEGARA2, MAURIDHI HERY PURNOMO3 1,2,3
Jurusan Teknik Elektro, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Partial Discharge (PD) merupakan indikator awal kerusakan bahan isolasi pada motor tegangan tinggi, sehingga identifikasi yang akurat pada fenomena tersebut sangat diperlukan. Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) pada motor tegangan tinggi, selain berfungsi sebagai sensor temperatur juga dapat berfungsi sebagai antena yang menangkap gelombang elektromagnetik yang dipancarkan oleh aktifitas Partial Discharge. Gelombang elektomagnetik ini juga berinterferensi dengan derau (noise) yang berasal dari Thyristor firing, rangkaian kontrol temperatur, stasiun pemancar radio dan sebagainya. Dalam penelitian ini, spektrum RTD pada motor diolah menggunakan Jaring Saraf Tiruan ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System) dengan metode pelatihan Sugeno untuk mengidentifikasi aktifitas PD pada motor tegangan tinggi. Penelitian awal yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa ANFIS sesuai untuk digunakan sebagai peng-identifikasi PD pada motor tegangan tinggi.
Keywords ⎯ Identifikasi, partial discharge, motor tegangan tinggi, spektrum RTD, ANFIS
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Peningkatan Prosentase Fe2O3 dari Pasir Besi Sebagai Bahan Baku Magnet Permanen Keramik dengan Metode Hydrothermal Oxidation DYAH SAWITRI1, SEKARTEDJO2, ZULKIFLI, LIZDA JOHAR3 1,2,3
Jurusan Teknik Fisika, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya
Abstract — Telah dilakukan proses pemurnian bahan pasir untuk meningkatkan kandungan Fe2O3 sebagai bahan baku dalam pembuatan magnet permanent Barium Ferrit. Pasir besi yang digunakan ada dua jenis, yaitu pasir besi FeZnCrO4 dengan kandungan awal Fe2O3 sebesar 58,39% dan pasir besi yang diambil dari Kota Lumajang dengan kandungan awal Fe2O3 sebesar 60,64%. Proses Hydrothermal Oksidasi dilakukan dengan cara melarutkan pasir besi dengan bahan katalis HCl, HNO3 dan H2SO¬4 pada suhu 90°C sampai larutan mengering (hydrothermal). Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pemanasan dengan furnace pada suhu 800°C selama 4 jam (oxidation). Didapatkan hasil peningkatan kandungan Fe2O3 tertinggi dengan katalis HNO3 yaitu pasir FeZnCrO4 dari kandungan awal 58,39% menjadi 60,23% dan pada pasir besi Lumajang dari kandungan awal 60,64% menjadi 73,13%. Dari hasil pemurnian pada pasir diambil yang tertinggi dari masing-masing pasir dan kemudian dibuat magnet Barium Ferit. Dari pengujian densitasnya didapatkan magnet dengan bahan pasir FeZnCrO4 sebesar 2,93 gram/cm3 dan pada bahan pasir besi Lumajang sebesar 3,19 gram/cm3. Hal ini sebanding dengan pengujian induksi remanennya yang diperoleh hasil 5 gauss pada pasir FeZnCrO4 dan 12,33 pada pasir besi Lumajang.
Keywords ⎯ Fe2O3, hydrothermal, oxidation, bahan magnet barium ferit.
Peningkatan Produktifitas Etanol oleh Sacharomyces Cereviseae dengan Operasi Tekanan Vakum ABDULLAH1, WIDAYAT2 Jurusan Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro Jl. Prof Sudarto SH Tembalang 50239 Semarang email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Etanol merupakan salah satu sumber energi alternatif. Kelebihan etanol sebagai sumber energi adalah sifatnya yang dapat diperbarukan dan emisi akibat karbon monoksida rendah. Etanol dapat diproduksi dengan proses fermentasi dari gula sederhana (glukosa /fruktosa). Proses fermentasi etanol dapat dilangsungkan secara curah /batch maupun kontinu atau sinambung. Kendala pada fermentasi etanol adalah inhibisi oleh produk etanol. Inhibisi ini terhadap produktifitas etanol dan pertumbuhan sel, yang dapat dihilangkan dengan pengambilan etanol secara terus menerus dari fermentor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari tekanan operasi dan konsentrasi subtrat /glukosa terhadap proses fermentasi etanol. Penelitian dilakukan dalam skala laboratorium dengan proses batch. Peralatan terdiri dari fermentor yang dilengkapi sistem vakum. Respon yang diamati adalah sel kering dari jamur, konsentrasi glukosa, sukrosa, etanol. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap 4 jam selama 1hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan etanol mempunyai tipe growth associated product pada fermentasi vakum etanol. Kondisi vakum memperbesar produktivitas pembentukkan sel dan etanol jika dibandingkan dengan tekanan atmosferik. Produktivitas pembentukan sel dan etanol maksimum pada operasi batch vakum dicapai pada tekanan 166,6 mmHg. Perolehan sel dan etanol maksimum pada operasi batch vakum dicapai pada tekanan 141,2 mmHg. Peningkatan konsentrasi glukosa awal secara significan berpengaruh pada produktivitas dan perolehan etanol.
Keywords ⎯ Fermentasi etanol, konsentrasi glukosa, produktifitas etanol dan tekanan vakum
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Analisis Manfaat Teknis Pengintegrasian PLTM Tersebar pada Sistem Distribusi (Studi Kasus pada Rencana Pembangunan PLTM Muaro Sako di Wilayah Kerja PLN Ranting Balai Selasa, Kab. Pesisir Selatan, Sumatera Barat) REFDINAL NAZIR1, AHMAD TOPAN2 1
Department of Electrical Engineering, Engineering Faculty,Andalas University Padang, Indonesia email:
[email protected] 2 Jurusan Teknik Elektro Unand & TJBPS Medco, email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Akhir-Akhir ini, pembangkitan (tenaga listrik) terdistribusi atau tersebar (distributed generation) dengan teknologi energi terbarukan semakin berkembang dan banyak diaplikasikan. Tulisan ini menganalisis manfaat pengintegrasian pembangkit listrik tersebar pada Sistem Distribusi Tegangan Menengah . Objek analisis menggunakan rencana pembangunan PLTM Muaro Sako yang akan diintegrasikan dengan Sistem Kelistrikan Balai Selasa, Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan. Analisis menggunakan software ETAP Power Station untuk perhitungan aliran daya dengan metode Newton Raphson. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengintegrasian PLTM Muaro Sako pada jaring distribusi Sistem Balai Selasa akan menghasilkan perbaikan tegangan dan penurunan rugi-rugi daya yang cukup signifikan pada Sistem Kelistrikan Balai Selasa.
Keywords ⎯ Energi terbarukan, pembangkitan (tenaga listrik) tersebar, PLTM, jaring distribusi, perosotan tegangan, rugi-rugi daya saluran
Pengembangan Klasifikasi Berbasis Gravitasi Data untuk Data Pelatihan yang Tidak Imbang MUHAMAD ARIEF HIDAYAT1, ARIF DJUNAIDY2 Pascasarjana Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Klasifikasi berbasis gravitasi data atau Data Gravitation Based Classification (DGC) merupakan teknik klasifikasi yang menggunakan gravitasi data sebagai kriteria klasifikasi. Pada DGC, sebuah obyek diklasifikasikan sebagai kelas yang menghasilkan gravitasi data terbesar pada obyek tersebut. Besarnya gravitasi data sebuah kelas pada obyek berbanding lurus dengan massa class dan berbanding terbalik dengan kuadrat distance antara pusat massa kelas dan objek. Klasifikasi menggunakan DGC menghasilkan akurasi yang rendah jika data pelatihan yang digunakan tidak imbang. Jika terdapat sebuah kelas yang proporsinya sangat besar dibanding kelas lain, maka gravitasi data kelas tersebut sangat kuat sehingga setiap obyek cenderung diklasifikasikan sebagai kelas tersebut. Hal yang sebaliknya juga berlaku. Penelitian ini mengajukan modifikasi metode DGC untuk meningkatkan akurasinya jika data pelatihan yang digunakan tidak imbang. Pada modifikasi yang diajukan, konsep massa pada metode DGC diinterpretasikan sebagai probabilitas prior. Dengan interpretasi ini, terbuka peluang untuk mengganti massa atau probabilitas prior dengan probabilitas lain yang lebih baik. Pada modifikasi yang diajukan, massa atau probabilitas prior diganti dengan probabilitas posterior yang dihitung menggunakan metode Naive bayes. Dengan modifikasi ini, diharapkan metode DGC memberikan akurasi yang lebih baik pada data pelatihan yang tidak imbang. Uji coba awal mengindikasikan bahwa modifikasi metode DGC yang diajukan memberikan akurasi yang lebih baik dari metode DGC asli pada data pelatihan yang tidak imbang.
Keywords ⎯ Klasifikasi berbasis gravitasi data, data pelatihan yang tidak imbang, probabilitas posterior
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Pembuatan Aplikasi Peta Potensi Rawan Banjir Berbasis GIS Pada Badan Lingkungan Hidup Surabaya NUR NAFISA AMINA, JOKO LIANTO BULIALI Departement of Magister Managemen Technologi, Faculty Managemen Technologi Information ITS Surabaya Indonesia 60111, email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Surabaya as the second biggest city in Indonesia having about 3.5 inhabitant in area of around 320 Km² constantly faces more complex problem, either in economy or social sector. One of them problem is the flood that has been prioritized and partly solved, however the result has not been as expected. As with UU No. 23/1997, UU No. 14/2008, PerPresNo. 85/2007, the use of GIS map is a must, while in Badan Lingkungan Hidup of Surabaya there has not been an application that can explain and represent flood areas in digital form. This research uses two spatial data models ( vector and raster model) and use ILWISS version 3.6 open source software. This application is expected to assist in the process of data exchanging, digitation, editing, analysis of flood risk areas in Surabaya.
Keywords ⎯ Build application map GIS with two spatial data models.
Jurusan Teknik Fisika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada 2 PT PLN (Persero) Litbang Ketenagalistrikan 1 Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada, email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Dalam perancangan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA) saat ini umumnya analisis, desain awal, serta studi kelayakan masih menjadi pekerjaan yang terpisah-pisah sehingga memakan banyak waktu. Dibutuhkan modul terpadu yang mampu memberikan layanan analisis kelayakan teknis, ekonomis dan finansial, termasuk didalamnya masukan berbagai variabel pokok perancangan PLTA. Dalam kegiatan ini dibangun modul terpadu yang mengintegrasikan berbagai modul perhitungan, baik yang sudah maupun yang belum dikembangkan sebelumnya. Modul-modul yang sudah dikembangkan sebelumnya yang dimanfaatkan adalah Modul Mock, Modul Analisis Ekonomi dan Modul Analisis Finansial, sementara modul yang dikembangkan pada kegiatan ini adalah Modul Penentuan Debit Andalan, Modul Perhitungan Daya dan Energi, serta Modul Penentuan Spesifikasi Turbin. Modul perhitungan yang dibuat diuji dengan data-data pada dua lokasi rencana PLTM, yaitu Polanggua (Gorontalo) dan Bonar (Nusa Tenggara Timur). Berdasarkan perbandingan dengan metode sebelumnya, pemanfaatan modul terpadu ini memberikan beberapa keunggulan. Keunggulan-keunggulan tersebut antara lain akurasi pengolahan data yang lebih baik, waktu perhitungan yang lebih cepat serta kemudahan dalam menentukan pilihan (debit andalan, jenis turbin). Keunggulan paling utama modul terpadu ini adalah dari sisi waktu pengerjaan.
Keywords ⎯ Hydro powerplant, integrated design module
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Rancang Bangun Text To Sound Menggunakan Metode Hybrid Sebagai Sarana Membantu Komunikasi Tuna Netra dan Tuna Wicara LILIK ANIFAH1, HAINUR RASID ACHMADI1, DWIKORANTO1, HARYANTO2 1
Jurusan Fisika, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Surabaya Kampus Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Ketintang, Surabaya 60321 2 Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Trunojoyo Kampus Universitas Trunojoyo, Bangkalan, Madura
Abstract — Alat bantu bagi tuna netra sampai saat ini adalah Reglet dan stylus, Mesin tik braille, Abacus, Peta timbul, Papan baca permulaan, Kertas braille, Tongkat tuna netra, Biji berhitung, Busur derajat braille, Jam dinding bicara, dan Weker talking. Tetapi untuk alat bantu yang bersifat komunikatif yang dapat mengubah informasi teks menjadi informasi suara belum ada. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk menciptakan suatu perangkat yang dapat mengubah informasi teks (tulisan) menjadi informasi sound (suara) dalam bahasa Indonesia. Teks yang akan dibaca diletakkan pada scanner yang selanjutnya diproses sehingga informasi teks tersebut akan otomatis diubah menjadi informasi suara. Hasil dari penelitian ini ternyata sistem yang dibangun telah dapat mengubah informasi yang berupa image (gambar teks) yang diinputkan dari scanner menjadi suara. Masih terdapat keterbatasan sistem inidiharapkan diadakan penelitian lebih lanjut sehingga didatkan sistem yang sempurna. Dengan teknologi ini maka diharapkan seseorang yang buta aksara dan tuna netra dapat terbantu dalam membaca suatu teks Keywords⎯ Segmentasi teks, normalisasi, learning, teks to speech, sound syntesis
Rancang Bangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Portable untuk Daerah Terpencil ISDAWIMAH, ISMUJIANTO, SILO WARDONO Jurusan Teknik Elektro Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Kampus Baru UI, Depok 16425
Abstract — The renewable energy is the focus of developed of the alternative energy. Solar cell the one of them, use as source of electrical energy (PLTS). This reseach is design and build of the Portable PLTS. The benefit of this PLTS are easy to carry, to use for anywhere, for example: isolated area, disaster are, floating house, mobile hospital mountain area etc. The components of PLTS are solar cell, battery, charger and inverter. This PLTS can supply the12V direct current (DC) and 220V Alternating Current (AC) for 500W load. The duration operation is depent of the load. The result of experiment, the voltage will be decrease if the load is increase. Keywords⎯ PLTS, portable, isolated area, solar cell
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Rancang Bangun Interior Modular Car Body Kereta Api Kelas Satu Generasi Baru Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Industri Transportasi Nasional BAMBANG TRISTIYONO1, AGUS WINDHARTO2, YUNENDAR ARYO HANDOKO3, BAMBANG ISKANDRIAWAN 4 2
1 Department of Industrial Product Design, Faculty of civil engineering and planning, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia Design Center Department, ITS Surabaya Indonesia, 3) Design Engineering Department, PT. INKA Madiun Indonesia, 4) Department of Industrial Product Design, Faculty of civil engineering and planning, ITS Surabaya Indonesia email:
[email protected], email:
[email protected], email:
[email protected]
Abstract- Public Transportation growth in Indonesia by using train estimated will progressively competitive to other; dissimilar moda transportation is inclusive of air transportation and go out to sea. In this time, trains of executive class contribute about 90 % earnings PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (PT. KAI). Mount the use of train of executive class mount from 65 % becoming 86, 25 %, specially at period of the happening of rare of and increase of oil fuel step by step lately. Infrastructure ironically and medium at train sector still be unfinished at last ten years. Industrial role of train national in the case of availability of medium and access, in this case PT. Industrial of Train (INKA) still lower. It technological domination design to develop; build the train and manufacture component : for example module of interior panel, passenger chair and module lavatory cause the train product yielded still fail to vie with the product yielded a other; dissimilar state. In order to improving competitiveness and service to product yielded go together the QCD, (quality, Cost and delivery), through paradigm newly pursuant to method of planning of comfort and speed at commercial train product is which competitive non possible to be reached by domestic industry. To develop the competency at the national industry, innovate and product development needed to process the activity research into formula to conception the product, continued with the application at activity of making prototype design to develop; build the car body of train of executive class with the Integrated Digital Design method (IDD). Keywords⎯ Integrated, digital design, digital prototyping.
Sistem Pengaturan Berjaring: Analisis Kinerja Kontroler Terhadap Delay dan Packet Dropout MOCHAMMAD SAHAL, GALIH WIDODO, KATJUK ASTROWULAN Jurusan Teknik Elektro, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, ITS, Surabaya e-mail :
[email protected]
Abstract — Dalam paper ini dilakukan analisis terhadap kinerja 2 buah rancangan kontroler saat menghadapi delay dan packet dropout yang bervariasi. Dengan intensitas delay yang semakin besar maka respon sistem baik di kedua kontroler menjadi semakin lambat dan dengan intensitas packet dropout yang semakin besar maka amplitude respon sistem baik di kedua kontroler akan semakin turun. Selama proses eksperimen tidak terdapat gangguan delay yang berarti. Intensitas delay selalu dibawah rise time sehingga tidak mempengaruhi kinerja kedua kontroler. Respon dengan kontroler PI memiliki ess yang lebih kecil dibandingkan kontroler PID ketika terjadi packet dropout dan respon dengan kontroler PID memiliki kecenderungan tidak stabil. Keywords⎯ Delay, packet dropout,PID
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Efisiensi Peredaman Energi dan Oksigen Terlarut dalam Aliran di Bendung Dawuan Situbondo EDIJATNO1, N. ANWAR2, V. DERMAWAN3 1,2,3
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected], email:
[email protected],email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Bendung Dawuan berada di Daerah Aliran Sungai Deluang Kabupaten Situbondo, berperan dalam penyediaan air irigasi. Saat ini bendung mengalami kerusakan pada muka, kaki dan hilir pelimpah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membuat model fisik hidraulik bendung di laboratorium. Model fisik dilakukan dengan membuat model atau miniatur pelimpah dengan alternatif perencanaan kolam olak standar United States Bureau of Reclamatoin USBR I, USBR II, USBR III untuk perlindungan kaki dan hilir pelimpah dengan mengalirkan lima variasi debit untuk tiap kondisi. Hasil uji model menunjukkan bahwa pada kondisi debit rencana, efektivitas peredaman energi USBR I 21,66%, USBR II 26,80% dan USBR III 36,32%. Pada kondisi debit maksimum, efektivitas peredaman energi USBR I 85,19%, USBR II 28,66% dan USBR III 38,84%. Pengaruh kolam olak terhadap kenaikan DO rerata saat debit maksimum, USBR I 0,69%, USBR II 2,28%, USBR III 1,35%. Keywords⎯ Pelimpah, kolam olak USBR, peredaman energi, dissolved oxygen (DO)
Penempatan Multigate Pada Produk Plastik Injection Mold Untuk Meminimasi Cacat Lentingan (Warpage) Studi Kasus Rak Kandang Ayam DADAN HERYADA1, BAYU PRATAMA2, HARTONO3, JATA BUDIMAN\4, YOSEPH ARDIANTO5 Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung
Abstract — The results of the formation of plastic products has been influenced by the mold design, one of the failures that resulted in mold design plastic product is called warpage defects, which occurs in the product due to cooling process. Warpage are caused due to the cooling process on parts of the plastic products that are not evenly distributed. The mold cooling channels designed to drain the cooling fluid to cool the product, so the product can be cooled uniformly. The issue most frequently encountered designed cooling channels in the mold is often not effective, the cooling of plastic products is uneven, it is because of complex products and / or limitations in the manufacture of cooling channels. In this study conducted an experiment by applying the multi-gate and positioning them on multigate for cooling products in a relatively uniform product, so that the resulting product of the distortion minimal warpage. The method of settlement of this research is to approach plasticflow simulation software. This experiment starting from the virtual model of a product / part with the aid of CAD software, then the virtual model analysis was conducted with the help of software engineering with design parameters and process required. The results of the analysis software and compared with experimental results of the data. Based on research already done that and multigate use multigate on product placement could affect the quality of the resulting plastic products, and useful in helping to place the cooling multigate to obtain more equitable distribution of plastic products that can reduce the occurrence of warpage in plastic products.
Keywords⎯ Plastic injection mold, multigate, warpage
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Perancangan dan Realisasi Kontroler Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) Pada Pressure Process Rig 38-714 KATJUK ASTROWULAN, ARIE WIBOWO, IMAM ARIFIN Jurusan Teknik Elektro, FTI, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Kampus ITS, Surabaya 60111 email :
[email protected]
Abstract — Dalam kenyataan di lapangan pada saat pengiriman data melalui jaring, masalah yang sering terjadi adalah adanya paket yang hilang (packet dropout) dan waktu tunda (delay) yang akan membutuhkan analisa yang lebih kompleks dan mengakibatkan sistem tersebut semakin sulit dikendalikan. Maka pada penelitian ini digunakan kontroler yang memiliki sifat regulator yaitu Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), untuk dapat mengatasi perubahan sistem yang dinamis.Dan pada implementasinya dibuat suatu laboratorium virtual untuk bisa melakukan aksi remote dan control over network dari komputer client ke komputer server melalui jaring local area network (LAN) dengan konfigurasi UDP. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan adalah LabVIEW 7.1. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa simulasi dan implementasi pengaturan LQR pada plant Pressure Process Rig 38-714 dari komputer server dan client.
Keywords⎯ Networked control system, LQR, LabVIEW 7.1.
Pengendalian Rasio Continuous Variable Transmission (CVT) Terbaru Dengan 2 Penggerak untuk Kendaraan Roda 4 Berbasis Close Loop Control WIDJOKONGKO H,1,2, BAMBANG SAMPURNO2, I.N. SUTANTRA2, SUHERIYANTO3 1
Jurusan Teknik Mesin, ITATS, Surabaya 2 Jurusan Teknik Mesin, ITS, Surabaya Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Diploma III, ITS, Surabaya email
[email protected]
Abstract — Use of automatic transmission system on vehicles in addition to improving the comfort in driving can also reduce fuel usage. The principle of the system continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) is the result of a shift system variation ratio (i) as a function of speed. CVT main problem is to change the variator push belt from the continuously variable belt Pulley (VDP) that is able to reduce the slip factor. Some of the efforts to resolve the problems among CVT Prasetyo (2007) continue the development of CVT design research Smart Car using a single drive hydraulic actuator. Research on the development of this factor is able to slip made reduce with 20% using a fuzzy control system. While Ariyono (2008) designed a system using CVT with actuator helical screw to set the gear ratio of CVT. The design was successfully to reduce factors slip ratio and torsional until 60 – 90%. However the solution still has a weakness on the CVT ratio change response generated is still slow. For that research in this system is designed CVT control system using closed loop mode using the electrical actuator as Fork Screw Push Belt, which able reduction of up to 94.41% for the ratio and capable of minimizing errors feed back into round 8.89 rad/s.
Keywords⎯ Close loop, CVT, ratio, and error
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Analisa Statistik untuk Studi Karakteristik Hidrologi Das-Das di Jawa Timur INDARTO1, SRI WAHYUNINGSIH2, ISHAK AFFANDI3 1,2,3
Laboratorium Teknik Pengendalian dan Konservasi Lingkungan, FTP, UNEJ, Jember email:
[email protected]
Abstract---Penelitian ini mendemontrasikan aplikasi metode statistik untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik hidrometeorologi pada 6 (enam) DAS di wilayah UPT PSAWS Bondoyudo Mayang (Kab. Jember dan Kab. Lumajang) di Jawa Timur. Data masukan utama adalah data rentang-waktu (time-series) berupa hujan dan debit harian. DATA diperoleh dari stasiun pengukuran yang terpasang pada masing-masing DAS. Karakteristik fisik DAS (yang mencakup: Luas DAS, kontur, topografi, jaring sungai, peruntukan lahan, dan jenis tanah) diolah dari database sumberdaya air yang tersedia. Hujan harian DAS dihitung dengan rerata aritmatik dari beberapa stasiun hujan di wilayah DAS. Data debit harian diambil dari stasiun pengukuran debit (AWLR) yang terpasang pada outlet DAS. Selanjutnya, data-data tersebut diimport ke dalam perangkat lunak River Analysis Package (RAP). Perhitungan di dalam RAP mencakup: nilai statiktik umum (maksimum, minimum, rerata, median, quantile, standard deviasi (SDT), coefficient variasi (CV), dan skewness); frekuensi kejadian; dan indek aliran dasar (Baseflow Indice/BFI) dan Flood Flow Indice (FFI). Hasil analisa selanjutnya ditampilkan dalam tabel dan grafik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan kerakteristik hidrometeorologi diantara DAS-DAS meskipun dalam suatu wilayah iklim yang sama. Hasil penelitian berguna sebagai dasar pengelolaan DAS.
Keywords--- Analisa rentang waktu, DAS, river analysis package (RAP), hidro-meteorologi
Teknologi Informasi dan Pendataran Indonesia AHMAD LABIB Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya email :
[email protected]
Abstract- Information Technology (IT) manifests itself as a revolutionary flatting factor in Indonesia. The world is indeed getting flat stimulated by the fast development of Information technology Business, government, education and mass media world are being changed by the sophisticated internet, wireless phone, and computer technology, cable TV and satellite and other information technology. The wave of change as the result of technological development also affects Indonesian and ready to flat. Information technology is the empowering device to broaden the choice and bring the knowledge at home. When IT enters the have-nots' home, it creates more choices and new relationship, changing the traditional one-way power relation between the have and the have not into multidimensional and global relations in which the have-nots have more equal grounding. However, that is the reason why the government, business and NGO and common people as well need to join this power to ensure that the flatting power of technology is affordable for anybody in the world including the most needy poor people among us.
Keywords: Teknologi informasi, pendataran, demokrasi.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Digitalisasi – AWLR (Automatic Water Level Recorder) Pada Fews (Flood Early Warning System) Das Sampean Madura Di Kab. Situbondo – Jawa Timur Dengan Komunikasi Gsm (Dial dan Sms) Gateway FITRI ADI ISKANDARIANTO, HERI JUSTIONO, HENDRA CORDOVA Jurusan Teknik Fisika, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]/
[email protected]
Abstract - Penelitian yang akan diajuakn dalam proposal ini merupakan kelanjutan dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh ketua peneliti sebelumnya dengan topik ”Early Warning System”. FEWS(Flood Early Warning System) merupakan sistem peringatan dini banjir yang akan diaplikasikan pada DAS (Daerah Aliran Sungai) dalam proposal ini lokasi yang akan digunakan sebagai penelitian adalah DAS Sampean Madura yang mengaliri Kab. Bondowoso dan Kab. Situdondo. Pemilihan DAS Sampean Madura dilatarbelakangi terjadinya banjir bandang yang banyak menyebabkan kerugian baik jiwa, materi, yang tidak sedikit pada tahun 2002 dan 2008. Dengan penerapan Sistem peringaran dini banjir ini maka pada DAS tersebut dapat dikembangkan sistem peringatan, pencegahan dan evakuasi yang tepat, capat yang dapat mencegah ataupun mengurangi dampak dari banjir yang akan terjadi. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan digitalisasi AWLR yang sudah ada. Digitalisasi terhadap AWLR dilakukan dengan merancang sensor elektrik yang nantinya bisa dikonversikan ke digital kemudian data hasil konversi level dalam bentuk digital dikirimkan ke Server FEWS (Flood Early Warning System) melalui Modem GSM. Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan sensitivitas sensor level yang dirancang adalah sebesar 16 mV/cm, sedangkan Akurasi dari AWLR digital yang dibuat sebesar + 2.35 cm. Sedangkan lama pengiriman Modem GSM dari AWLR Digital ke Server FEWS rata-rata sebesar 8.3 s.
Keywords⎯ Banjir, AWLR, digital, sensor, level, modem, GSM, FEWS
Aplikasi Gelombang Ultrasonik Efek Doppler untuk Pengukuran Kecepatan Pergerakan Benda HARRIS PIRNGADI1, MUHAMMAD RIVAI2, MIFTAH NURUL KARIM3 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia 60111 Email:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract – Pada penelitian ini telah dirancang alat untuk pengukuran pergerakan benda dengan menggunakan gelombang ultrasonik efek Doppler. Gelombang ultrasonik 40 KHz dipancarkan transduser pemancar kearah benda bergerak dan dipantul sampai diterima kembali oleh tranduser penerima. Dengan melakukan superposisi pada gelombang dipancarkan dan diterima maka dapat diperoleh selisih frekuensi. Selisih frekuensi ini adalah hasil pengukuran yang selanjutnya dikonversikan menjadi tegangan DC untuk diproses oleh mikrokontroler menjadi luaran berupa kecepatan pergerakan benda. Telah dilakukan pengukuran pada kecepatan 1-7m/det dengan hasil selisih frekuensi 97,7-415,45Hz dan kecepatan 1,19-6,83m/det dengan ketelitian 7,04%.
Keywords - Gelombang ultrasonik, efek doppler, mikrokontroler, pengukuran kecepatan, frekuensi ultrasonik.
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Pengembangan Material Karet Bantalan Mesin (Engine Mesin) Pada Formula Kompon Karet Alam NUR HUSODO Progdi Diploma III Teknik Mesin, FTI Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Kampus Keputih Sukolilo, Jl. Arif rahman Hakim, Surabaya 60111 email.:
[email protected]
Abstract – Karet alam sangat cocok untuk digunakan sebagai produk-produk bantalan karena pada dasarnya karet alam mempunyai sifat elastis, fleksibel dan sifat peredaman. Untuk meningkatkan sifat peredamannya perlu ditambahkan bahan pengisi. Salah satu bahan pengisi yang menjadi alternative adalah serbuk nilon dan serbuk vulkanist. Penelitian dilakukan dua tahap. Tahap pertama adalah penelitian dilakukan dengan membuat formula kompon karet alam yang kemudian ditambahkan dengan serbuk nilon. Kompon A adalah formula kompon karet alam untuk bantalan mesin, sedangkan variasi kompon B, C, D adalah formula karet alam yang ditambahkan dengan serbuk nilon sebesar 5 phr, 10 phr dan 15 phr. Waktu yang dipakai sebagai acuan untuk proses vulkanisasi optimum yaitu 11 menit pada ketebalan 2 mm. Vulkanist yang dihasilkan diuji sifat mekanik antara lain uji tegangan putus, perpanjangan putus, kekerasan, pampat tetap dan kepegasan pantul. Penelitian tahap kedua dilanjutkan dengan penambahan serbuk vulkanisat pada kompon karet alam untuk bantalan mesin. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penambahan serbuk nilon berpengaruh terhadap sifat mekanik, serbuk nilon dapat dikategorikan sebagai bahan pengisi non aktif akan menaikkan kekerasan akan menurunkan sifat mekanik lainnya. Sedangkan penambahan serbuk nilon akan menurunkan sifat kepegasan pantul yaitu dari 48,3%, 45,3 %, 42,6 %, 37,3% dan ini mengindikasikan adanya peningkatan sifat peredaman. Sedangkan adanya serbuk vulkanisat memperlihatkan adanya pengaruh yang akan yang akan memperbaiki kelemahan pada serbuk nilon. Keywords - Karet alam, karet bantalan mesin, vulkanisat, kepegasan pantul, sifat peredaman.
Pengembangan Teknologi PLTPH Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Daya Gunanya Sebagai Sumber Energi Listrik Rumah Tangga REFDINAL NAZIR Department of Electrical Engineering, Engineering Faculty Andalas University, Padang 25163, email:
[email protected]
Abstract – Di beberapa wilayah pedesaan Indonesia, Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Piko Hidro (PLTPH) sudah menjadi andalan utama dalam penyediaan energi listrik rumah tangga, terutama pada daerah perdesaan yang tidak terjangkau jaring PLN (off grid). Walaupun demikian, produksi energi listrik dari PLTPH saat ini belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Faktor pemanfataannya sangat rendah, hanya sekitar 30%. Hal ini terutama disebabkan oleh beban listrik rumah tangga yang sangat fluktuatif sehingga menyebabkan faktor beban yang rendah. Dalam mengatisipasi beban yang fluktuatif ini, PLTPH umumnya dilengkapi dengan sistem kendali beban, IGC (Induction Generator Control) untuk generator induksi dan ELC (Electronic Load Control) untuk generator sinkron. Namun dalam mekanismenya, sistem kendali beban ini akan melakukan pembuangan energi listrik yang tidak diperlukan melalui ballast selama pembebanan ringan. Permasalahan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana mengembangkan teknologi PLTPH yang dapat mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan energi produksinya. Dalam tulisan ini dilakukan pengembangan model PLTPH yang dapat mengoptimumkan pemanfaatan energi produksinya. Dalam rancangan ini sistem lama, IGC–ballast, akan diganti dengan kombinasi baterai dan inverter. Pada model pengembangan yang diusulkan ini, kelebihan daya output generator selama pembebanan ringan PLTPH tidak lagi dibuang akan tetapi dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan PLTPH dalam memasok beban terpasang. Dari simulasi yang telah dilakukan, untuk faktor beban sekitar 40 %, dengan sistem ini peningkatan kemampuan PLTPH memasok beban bisa ditingkat lebih dari 200%, tanpa peningkatan kapasitas turbin dan generator. Sedangkan besarnya energi listrik yang harus disimpan ke baterai relatif kecil ( hanya 5.200 Wh) jika dibandingkan dengan peningkatan kapasitas PLTPH memasok beban.
Keywords - Energi terbarukan, energi listrik, IGC, PLTPH, pengembangan teknologi, rumah tangga
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
City Branding Surabaya sebagai Pusat Industri Kreatif Nasional BAROTO TAVIP INDROJARWO, SABAR, ELLYA ZULAIKHA Jurusan Desain
Produk, FTSP, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia email :
[email protected]
Abstract — Surabaya is one of the big cities in Indonesia with various aspects of industries sector. Nowadays, our country entering the fourth economics era that is creative economics, after information era. In the next step, development of the potential creative industry in creative economics sector will be a crucial alternative within increasing the contribution in economics and business sectors, people’s life quality, creating brand image, communications equipments, cultivate the innovation and creativity, and strengthening the identity of an area. This research method using the case study approach that is distinguish to the experiment, survey, archival analysis, history and the case study. With this method, found that Surabaya city as one of the creative industrial cities, had differentiation in the research and development that stress in maritime. The link in maritime is a large number of its found, that is made the Surabaya city had strong positioning compared with another creative industrial cities in Indonesia.
Keywords⎯ Creative industry, differentiation, maritime and positioning
Improvement of Process Data Quality Using Data Reconciliation and Gross Error Detection, Case: Steam Metering System – Methanol Synthesis Unit IMAM ABADI, ALI MUSYAFA Jurusan Teknik Fisika, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Kampus ITS, Keputih Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111 email :
[email protected]
Abstract — Secara umum data hasil pengukuran mengandung dua jenis error yaitu random error dan gross error. Random error harus direduksi dan gross error harus dieliminasi guna memperoleh data hasil pengukuran yang akurat dan konsistensi data. Pada penelitian ini diterapkan teknik rekonsiliasi data dan deteksi gross error berbasis regresi linier untuk variabel flow pada plant steam metering system unit sintesa metanol yang terdiri dari 11 unit proses dan 28 stream dengan klasifikasi variabel proses yaitu sistem semua variabel diukur dan sistem sebagian variabel diukur. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi reduksi error pada semua sistem. Pada sistem dengan semua variabel diukur terjadi reduksi error sebesar 136,5 kg/h untuk data pengukuran proses dengan standard deviasi 2% dari true value dan 107,3 kg/h untuk standard deviasi 5% dari true value. Sedangkan pada sistem sebagian variabel diukur terjadi reduksi error sebesar 64,3 kg/h untuk untuk data pengukuran proses dengan standard deviasi 2% dari true value dan 401,8 kg/h untuk standard deviasi 5% dari true value. Strategi deteksi gross error yang digunakan yaitu metode berbasis regresi linier berupa pengujian global (global test) dimana metode ini mampu mendeteksi gross error ( bias ) dengan nilai uji bias minimum sebesar 10 % dari true value.
Keywords⎯ rekonsiliasi data, random error, gross error, steam metering system, stream
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Aplikasi SIS (Safety Instrumented System) pada Kontrol Temperatur Tutbin Gas HENDRA CORDOVA, MASRUL ARIF Jurusan Teknik Fisika, Fakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Kampus ITS Keputih Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract — The purpose of the Combustion process inside a Gas Turbine is to raise the air temperature so that the volume of the air increases to point where it is able to turn the blades of the turbine. To assure that Gas Turbine is functioning normally, there are a number of variables are Safety Integrity Level (SIL) which is the reliability of the safety related instruments, the performance of the interlock systems and the dynamic control. In this final project, a simulation has been done, to simulate the integration interlock systems (SIS) and the dynamic control (BPCS) using state flow diagram. The all performance achieved an error standard 2-5% and also to make shut-off the process via SIS if any over range process value. All the simulation can perform the safety response to the hazard situation. Keywords⎯ Combustion, Gas Turbine, Interlock, Safety, State flow
Eksperimen dan Simulasi Karakteristik Pengeringan Pupuk Ammonium Sulfat SUSIANTO, ALI ALTWAY, KUSNO BUDIKARJONO, MARGONO , RADITYA CAESARYANTO, SALMAN AL RASYID Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia 60111 email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model matematis proses pengeringan pupuk ammonium sulfat di dalam tray dryer dan mengestimasi harga parameter model difusivitas efektif (Deff). Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan mengembangkan model matematis yang didasarkan pada konsep hukum II Fick untuk difusi pada padatan berbentuk lempeng (slab). Faktor partisi dimasukkan dalam model pengeringan pada penelitian ini untuk kondisi batas pada permukaan padatan. Persamaan diferensial proses difusi untuk pengeringan diselesaikan secara numerik dengan metode finite difference. Hasil pengembangan model matematis ditulis dalam program Matlab versi 6.5. Validasi model dilakukan dengan fitting parameter model Deff menggunakan data eksperimen. dengan kondisi percobaan suhu udara pengering 50, 65, 85, 100 dan 110 oC, kecepatan udara pengering 1 m/s, dan tebal sampel 10 mm. Difusivitas efektif (Deff) dipengaruhi oleh suhu udara pengering, dimana pengaruh suhu terhadap Deff dapat dinyatakan dengan Keywords⎯ Permodelan, difusivitas efektif, faktor partisi, tray dryer, pupuk ammonium sulfat
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Estimator Growth Rate of Anaerob Microorganisme Based on Artificial Neural Network TOTOK SOEHARTANTO1, RONNY DWI NORIYATI2, RADIATMOKO3 Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial Technology, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract⎯ Bioreaktor Anaerob sangat efektif untuk mengolah limbah organic, mikro-organisme yang ada didalam bioreaktor anaerob sangat peka terhadap perubahan debit limbah yang masuk karena dapat memprovokasi kematian mikro-organisme yang ada. Fenomena ini dikenal dengan fenomena pencucian atau “ wash-out “. Untuk itu diperlukan monitoring kondisi mikro-organisme dengan berbasis model atau yang dikenal dengan “ soft-sensor”. Dimana model kecepatan pertumbuhan mikro-organisme merupakan fungsi dari gas CH4 yan keluar dan kondisi pH yang ada di dalam bioreaktor. Dalam penelitian ini model JST strukturnya dibangun mengunakan struktur NNARX dengan metode belajar levenberg marquardt terdiri atas 3 hiden note untuk estimasi CH4 dan 2 hiden note untuk estimasi pH. Optimalisasi struktur JST mengunakan teknik pruning, dimana sebelum pruning didapatkan RMSE= 1.7912e-004 setelah pruning didapatkan RMSE =3.7425e-005 .
Keywords⎯ soft sensor, gas CH4 , pH, estimasi, mikroorganisme, JST.
Kualitas Kekaryaan dan Komitmen Terhadap Kinerja Guru Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Wonokromo Surabaya GENDUT SUKARNO1, LIA NIRAWATI2 1 2
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Pascasarjana UPN”Veteran” Jatim, Surabaya, Indonesia Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik UPN”Veteran” Jatim, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Organisasi dalam meningkatkan kinerjanya, haruslah mempunyai komitmen terhadap pengembangan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki. Misalnya dengan melakukan pelatihan-pelatihan sehingga sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki tidak menjadi usang. Disamping pengembangan kualitas sumber daya manusia, peningkatan kesejahteraan, dalam hal ini karyawan juga akan memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar dalam peningkatan kinerja ataupun prestasi kerja karyawan. Unit Pelaksana Teknis Dinas (UPTD) Bina Pengelolaan Sekolah (BPS) Kecamatan Wonokromo Surabaya adalah organisasai pemerintahan yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan dan kebudayaan. Fenomena yang terjadi belakangan ini adalah naik turunya nilai rata – rata ujian akhir nasional yang dilakukan siswa kelas 6 sekolah dasar. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh kondisi kinerja para guru yang juga naik turun, turunnya kualitas kekaryaan dan komitmen guru yang dilakukan. Dalam penelitian ini sampel yang adalah guru pegawai negeri sipil sekolah dasar negeri di UPTD BPS Kecamatan Wonokromo Surabaya sebanyak 100 guru. Teknik penentuan sampel yang dipergunakan adalah random sampling dan untuk pengujian data menggunakan analisis SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). Dan dari hasil penelitian tersebut diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa kualitas kekaryaan berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja guru, tidak dapat diterima, dan komitmen berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja guru dapat diterima.
Keywords⎯ Kualitas kekaryaan, komitmen guru, kinerja guru
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Kajian Pendidikan Menengah Formal di Indonesia dalam Kaitan Menyeimbangkan Antara Lulusan dengan Kebutuhan Kerja ( Studi Kasus Sistem Pendidikan di Jawa Timur ) TOTOK MULYONO Teknik Komputer, Politeknik SAKTI Surabaya, Indonesia
Abstract — Education in Indonesia has been mandated in the Constitution of 1945 (the amendments) Article 31. With the mandate of the government or the state is obligated to provide and conduct educational facilities are adequate and affordable by the entire people of Indonesia. The fact behind the education (schools) with technology (Stakeholders) are felt and we can tolerate. Technology created by the business world not by the school. They have the possibility to move forward, thanks to the facilities and business interests. To shorten this gap, the balance of education so that graduates need not always miss the train with the technology. Through the educational map of the school system a single point, every school-age students, can follow the education starting from elementary school through college (Post Graduate) or from primary school to professional education (Bachelors), thus the need is clear direction, more simple, efficient, responsive and adaptive to the development of science and technology. Keywords⎯ Education, schools, stakeholders
Logofilosofi dan Unconditional Forgiveness : Sebuah Upaya Pelembagaan Ingatan Sosial pada Korban dan Keluarga Korban Tragedi Politik yang Traumatis RIZQY AMELIA ZEIN BADJABIR, JONNY EKO YULIANTO Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — The aim of this paper is to offer the new approach of therapy named logophilosophy. This new method will offered to the victim’s families of Indonesian public tragedy such as Trisakti Tragedy, Semanggi Part I, Semanggi Part 2 and another which pattrened repression feeling of the victim’s families. The incidental instruction from the goverment reducted collective memory of the society. Probably it comes be their technique to make the victim’s families could be acceptance. Logophilosophy will help them to recovery and reach their top performance of their life: unconditional forgiveness.
Keywords⎯ Repression, collective Memory, logophilosophy, unconditional forgiveness
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Pengaruh Penentuan lokasi backing plate dengan pendekatan teori ABC dan Skenario Simulasi Monte Carlo NENGAH KARTA, NYOMAN PUJAWAN Manajemen Industri MMT, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia
Abstract — The way to reduce warehouse operational cost is minimized transportation waste. Transportation waste is the waste that caused distance one location and the other location is so far or the acces of journey is not straight line. The effect of transportation waste is increasing lead time of material handling. At the moment the placement and repalcement of backing plate have not pattern. So that any high frequency transactional of using backing plate that placement is far but any low frequency transactional of backing plate that placement is near. To overcome the problem is making improvement of scenario that simulated by monte carlo methode to proved the scenario that has been created can reduce transportation waste. The effect implementation of scenario is reduce operational cost. Keywords⎯ Transportation waste, scenario, monte carlo
Mempergunakan Paradigma Seni untuk Membangun Identitas dalam Desain: Estetika Terintegrasi JULY HIDAYAT Jurusan Desain Interior, Fakultas Desain dan Teknik Perencanaan Universitas Pelita Harapan, Thamrin Blvd. Karawaci, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Design is used as a problem solving effort that is based on specific physical and psychological needs of its user. But nowadays, design significance both as culture expression & spirit of age had broadened its meaning as value system; system of representation, including identity. Developing identity recquired more intuitively approach as art working process that is counted the role of designer’s subjective intuition as a dominant and important tools in determining design decision and implementation. Design role in positioned itself as a messenger had open a new discourse of culture issues more than just a problem of physical matters. At this point, design has increase its function intervented with the significance of art as a trancendental media which able to improve human consciousness of humanity problems, also their relation with a more sublime matter and other human. Design goal is not merely dealing with the problem of beautification of visual element either fulfilled the function of use, but also a function of symbol and evocation. The dogma ‘form follows function’ must be understood comprehensively, not only as function of use. Following this concept, the design goal is summerized in integrated aesthetics that is the combination of beauty, goodness/righteousness and innovation.
Keywords⎯ Identity, aestetic, intuitive
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Konsep Housing Queue dalam Menentukan Prioritas Subsidi Perumahan (Kasus: Kota Kendari – Sulawesi Tenggara) WAHYU SETYAWAN, RITA ERNAWATI, JOHAN SILAS Department of Architecture, Faculty of Planing and Civil Engeenering, ITS Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Perumahan swadaya memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar dalam pembangunan perumahan di Indonesia. Perumahan swadaya muncul ketika masyarakat terdesak akan kebutuhan untuk bermukim namun tidak mampu bersaing di dalam pasar formal. Pada kelompok masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah diperlukan pemahaman yang jelas mengenai karakteristik permasalahan perumahan dan permukiman bagi MBR diantaranya adalah pernasalahan pembiayaan, ketersediaan lahan dan kelembagaan/sistem penyelenggaraan. Kebijakan subsidi perumahan harus tepat sasaran, yaitu kepada mereka yang berada di bawah batas pelayanan pasar. Subsidi yang diberikan melalui mekanisme pembiayaan melalui perbankan, ternyata dirasa tidak akrab dengan kemampuan Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah. Lembaga perbankan cenderung memberikan kredit perumahan bersubsidi kepada masyarakat yang memiliki kemapanan status dan finansial. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, perlu dilakukan kajian untuk menentukan prioritas penerima subsidi perumahan. Diharapkan dari kajian ini dapat dirumuskan kriteria yang akan menjadi dasar penentuan prioritas. Penelitian ini mengambil kasus di Kota Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara. Lokasi penelitian yang dipilih adalah pada perumahan formal bersubsidi, perumahan swadaya dan peumahan kumuh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerima subsidi perumahn di Kota Kendari ternyata tidak sesuai prioritas berdasarkan konsep housing queue. Masyarakat yang berpenghasilan rendah, berpendidikan rendah, pekerjaan yang rentan, dan jumlah anggota keluarga besar tidak menikmati subsidi tersebut. Di Kota Kendari prioritas faktor yang menentukan urutan (antrian) penerima subsidi perumahan adalah berdasarkan jumlah anggota keluarga, tingkat pendapatan, tingkat pendidikan, pekerjaan dan derah asal. Sehingga mekanisme penyaluran subsidi perumahan diharapkan dapat mengadobsi konsep tersebut. Keywords⎯ Housing queue, masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah, subsidi perumahan
Pembuatan Sensor Elektrokimia Berbasis Emas Nanopartikel untuk Kuantisasi Rasa Pedas secara Voltametri FREDY KURNIAWAN, LIANA ARI WIDYANTI, KUNTHI FATMAWATI Jurusan Kimia Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — The gold electrode and polyamide/gold nanoparticles modified gold electrode (polyamide/gold nanoparticles electrode) has been studied for capsaicin determination. Both electrodes have been proved to be used for the analysis, but they have different signal characteristics. The gold electrode gives decreasing current along with increasing the concentration of capsaicin. In contrary, polyamide/gold nanoparticles electrode provides increasing current along with increasing the concentration of capsaicin. Determination of capsaicin in the anodic direction using gold electrode is observed at potential 0.495 V. The voltammograms show that the limit detection of the measurement is 10 µM with the linear concentration range lies between 15 - 35 µM. The sensitivity of the gold electrode at this point is 0.127 µA µ Unfortunately, the cathodic current of the measurements can not be used for analysis. The voltammograms of poliamide/gold nanopartikel electrode show that it can be used for the analysis for both cathodic and anodic direction. The determination of capsaicin is performed at potential 0.439 V (for the anodic direction), and 0 V (for the cathodic direction). It is obtained that detection limit is 0.5 µM (anodic current) with the linear concentration range lie between 2-20 µM. At this point, the sensitivity of the is 0.102 µA µ The limit detection for the cathodic direction is similar to anodic direction (0.5 µM), and at this potential, the sensitivity of the electrode is -0.268 µA µ Keywords⎯ Capsaicin, gold nanoparticle, sensor, polyamid/gold nanoparticle electrode
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (1st APTECS), Surabaya, 22 Dec. 2009, ISSN 2086-1931
Uji Senyawa Antimalaria Golongan Alkaloid secara Voltametri Siklik DEVYANA DYAH WULANDARI, TASLIM ERSAM, SUPRAPTO Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematic and Science , ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia email:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — Pengujian senyawa antimalaria dapat dilakukan menggunakan metode voltametri siklik. Senyawa antimalaria yang akan dibahas pada jurnal ini adalah senyawa-senyawa golongan alkaloid, antara lain cinchona base, quinine hidroklorida, dan quinine dihidroklorida. Pengukuran ketiga senyawa ini dilakukan dengan variasi konsentrasi 10, 8, 6, 4, dan 2 ppm. Kajian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antara konsentrasi dengan arus puncak anoda dan menentukan pola radar plot antara arus puncak dengan elektroda dan antara potensial puncak dan elektroda. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah bahwa kenaikan arus puncak dipengaruhi oleh kenaikan konsentrasi dan radar plot elektroda yang digunakan terhadap senyawa yang diuji memiliki pola tertentu, namun hanya elektroda tertentu yang dapat mendeteksi dengan baik adanya senyawa antimalaria golongan alkaloid.
Keywords⎯ Alkaloid, antimalaria, cinchona, quinin, voltametri siklik.
Potensi dan Prospek Pengembangan Tanaman Sorgum Manis (Sorghum bicolor L.) sebagai Sumber Energi Baru dan Terbarukan SAMANHUDI Jurusan Agronomi, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia email:
[email protected]
Abstract — Energy crisis in some states and increasingly the lessen of fossil fuel reserve amounts in earth opens exploiting opportunity of crop as component of renewable fuels. All kinds of crops need to be dug, checked and developed to be source of bioenenergy which with quality for world public especially Indonesia. One of biofuel type which have been long enough been developed to replace fossil fuels is bioethanol (ethyl alcohol) what made of crops biomass through biology process (enzymatic and fermentation). There is various crop types which can be made as source of raw material of bioethanol, one of between its which most potential is developed in Indonesia is sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.). Sorghum is one of alternative of crop to be developed, because having wide adaptation, high productivity, needs slimmer relative input, resistant to pest and disease, and more tolerance to marginal land condition (drought, salinity, and acidity). Sees several of it’s the excellences, sorghum is cereal crop that is potentially to be developed as source of bioethanol in Indonesia.
Keywords⎯ Renewable energy, bioethanol, sweet sorghum, sorghum bicolor