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Using Risk Reduction To Measure Team Performance Paul J. Componation, Dawn R. Utley, P.E., and James J. Swain Engineering Management Journal Vol. 13 No. 4 December 2001 The use of teams is a common feature in many organizations. Effective management of teams, however, is not an easy task. Team management can be particularly difficult when the projects undertaken have significant levels of risk. This article reports on a risk-based metric used to assess team performance. The metric, which is comprised of technical, cost, and schedule components, was used to identify and track risks for seven project teams working in an engineering group that supported manufacturing systems design. When the metric was used, there was a significant decrease in the duration of team meetings. A survey of team members also showed significant improvement in individual perceptions of the success of meetings in addressing customer requirements when compared to other meetings they were involved in that did not use the metric. Additional analysis examined team members’ level of satisfaction with how meetings were managed and overall project success. The article closes by noting some potential modifications that could be done to modify the risk-based team performance metric for use in other organizations. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang manajemen tim yang efektif dalam organisasi. Manajemen Tim dapat menjadi hal yang sulit ketika organisasi dihadapkan pada proyekproyek yang beresiko tinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metri berbasis resiko untuk mempelajari kinerja tim. Metrik yang digunakan terdiri dari tiga variable yakni, teknik, biaya dan rencana kegiatan. Ketiga variable ini digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi dan memindai resiko yang ada untuk tujuh proyek pada tujuh tim yang bekerja di bidang desainj manufaktur. Saat metric ini digunakan ada penurunan yang signifikan pada durasi rapat tim. Surve yang dilakukan pada anggota tim juga menunjukkan adanya perubahan significant pada persepsi tim terhadap keberhasilan rapat yang berkaitan dengan kepentingan customer dibanding dengan rapatrapat sebelumnya sebelum menerapkan metric ini. Analisis juga dilakukan untuk mengkaji tingkat kepuasan para anggota tentang bagaimana manajemen rapat dan
keberhasilan proyek secara keseluruhan.Penelitian ini berhail mencatat beberapa modfikasi yang dapat diterapkan dengan menggunakan metric berbasis manajemen resiko untuk diterapkan pada organisasi yang lain. JURNAL 02 Judul Penulis Sumber Abstraksi
Developing a facilitation model to promote organizational development in primary care practices Melody Rhydderch, Adrian Edwards, Martin Marshall, Glyn Elwyn and Richard Grol BMC Family Practice 2006, 7:38 Background: The relationship between effective organisation of general practices and health improvement is widely accepted. The Maturity Matrix is an instrument designed to assess organisational development in general practice settings and to stimulate quality improvement. It is undertaken by a practice team with the aid of a facilitator. There is a tradition in the primary care systems in many countries of using practice visitors to educate practice teams about how to improve. However the role of practice visitors as facilitators who enable teams to plan practiceled organisational development using quality improvement instruments is less well understood. The objectives of the study were to develop and explore a facilitation model to support practice teams in stimulating organisational development using a quality improvement instrument called the Maturity Matrix. A qualitative study based on transcript analysis was adopted. Method: A model of facilitation was constructed based on a review of relevant literature. Audio tapes of Maturity Matrix assessment sessions with general practices were transcribed and facilitator skills were compared to the model. The sample consisted of two facilitators working with twelve general practices based in UK primary care. Results: The facilitation model suggested that four areas describing eighteen skills were important. The four areas are structuring the session, obtaining consensus, handling group dynamics and enabling team learning. Facilitators effectively employed skills associated with the first three areas, but less able to consistently stimulate team learning. Conclusion: This study suggests that facilitators need
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careful preparation for their role and practices need protected time in order to make best use of practice-led quality improvement instruments. The role of practice visitor as a facilitator is becoming important as the need to engender ownership of the quality improvement process by practices increases. Maturity Matrik adalah sebuah instrument yang dirancang untuk mengkaji perkembangan organisasi dalam praktik dan untuk menstimulasi perbaikan kualitas pada bidang organisasi kesehatan. Ada sebuah tradisi dimana system pelayanan kesehatan di berbagai Negara menggunakan praktisi tamu untuk mengajar tim internal tentang bagaimana caranya untuk berkembang. bagaimanapun peran praktisi tamu sebagai fasilitator yang memungkinkan tim internal untuk merencanakan pengembangan kegiatan organisasi menggunakan instrument perubahan kadang sulit untuk dimengerti. Tujuan penelian ini untuk mengembangan dan mengeksplorasi sebiah model fasilitasi dengahn menggunakan Maturity Matrix. Model Fasilitasi yang ada sebelumnya adalah dengan memperhatikan empat factor yang mampu menggambarkan delapan belas keahlian. Empat factor tersebut adalah penataan rapat, penggalangan kesepakatan bersama, penanganan dinamika tim dan mengaktifkan pembelajaran tim. Dalam hal ini fasilitator telah secara efektif mengembangan kemampuan tim dalam 3 area pertama namun gagal dalam menstimulasi area pembelajaran tim. Penelitian ini menyarankan adanya persiapan yang detail dan waktu tertentu untuk mencapai keefektifan kegiatan. Peran fasilitator menjadi penting seiring dengan kebutuhan untuk menjadi bagian dari proses pengembangan kualitas lewat peningkatan jumlah fasilitasi.
Linking Nursing Unit’s Culture To Organizational Effectiveness: A Measurement Tool JESUS (JESSIE) CASIDA, PhD, RN, CCRNCSC, APN,C NURSING ECONOMIC$/March-April 2008/Vol. 26/No. 2 - Organizational culture consists of the deep underlying assumptions, beliefs, and values that
are shared by members of the organization and typically operate unconsciously. - The four organizational culture traits of the Denison Organizational Culture Model (DOCM) are characteristics of organizational effectiveness, which include adaptability, involvement, consistency, and mission - Effective organizations demonstrate high levels of the four cultural traits which reflect their ability to balance the dynamic tension between the need for stability and the need for flexibility within the organization. - The Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS) is a measurement tool that was founded on the theoretical framework of the DOCM, and in the field of business, is one of the most commonly used tools for measuring organizational culture. - The DOCS offers a promising approach to operationalizing and measuring the link between organizational culture and organizational effectiveness in the context of nursing units. Penelitian ini mengkaji efektivitas organisasi dari pendekatan budaya organisasi. Ada beberapa poin yang dicatatat: - Budaya organisasi terdiri dari tiga unsur budaya yang melekat yakni asumsi, nilai dan kepercayaan yang dibagi pada sesame anggota organisasi dan secara tidak sadar diterapkan dalam kegiatan organisasi - Empat ciri budaya organisasi dalam DCOM adalah ciri organisasi efektif, yakni kemampua adaptasi, partisipasi, konsistensi dan misi. - Organisasi yang efektif menunjukan adanya penerapan yang tinggi dari keempat kultur organisasi tersebut - The Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS) adalah alat ukur yang digunakan sebagai framework dari DCOM untuk mengukur budaya organisasi. - DOCS adalah pendekatan yang menjanjikan dalam mengukur budaya organisasi dan efektifitas organisasi pada konteks unit keperawatan kesehatan.
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Organizational assessment in general practice: a systematic review and implications for quality improvement Melody Rhydderch BSc MSc, Adrian Edwards PhD MRCGP MRCP, Glyn Elwyn BA MSc PhD MRCGP MRCP, Martin Marshall BSc MB BS MSc MD FRCGP, Yvonne Engels MPH, Pieter Van den Hombergh MD PhD and Richard Grol PhD Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 4, 366–378 Background Quality improvement of organizational aspects in general practice is receiving increasing attention. In particular, the impact of effective organization on preventative care has been recognized. Organizational assessments are typically used as part of professionally led accreditation schemes where there is a tension between externally led quality assurance and internally led quality improvement. The aim of this article is to inform the debate by reviewing the international-peer-reviewed literature on organizational assessments used in general practice settings. Methods The literature was searched for articles relating to organizational assessment. Titles and abstracts were examined by two independent reviewers and relevant articles obtained. Bibliographies were examined for follow-up references. Data were extracted on the development and use of assessment methods. Results Thirteen papers describing five organizational assessment instruments were included for detailed appraisal. Conclusion This review discovered a developing field containing different approaches to the measurement of organizational aspects of general practice. Whilst professionally led accreditation is welldeveloped and dependent on externally led quality assurance, approaches to internally led quality improvement are less well-developed. There is a need for organizational assessment tools designed for the purpose of stimulating internal development. Penelitian ini mengkaji efektifitas organisasi kaitannya
dalam bidang perawatan kesehatan. Pengkajian organisasi digunakan sebagai bagian dari skema akreditasi dimana ada ketegangan antara kualitas eksternal dan pengembangan kualitas internal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji internasional literature kaitannya dengan organisasi yang digunakan dalam praktik sehari-hari. Penelitian ini menemukan sebuah area yang mengandung pendekatan berbeda dalam pengukuran organisasi dalam praktik umum. Selama akreditasi professional dikembangkan dengan baik dan masih bergantung pada kepastian kualitas eksternal, pendekatan terhadap pengembangan kualitas internal kurang terjadi. Dibutuhkan sebuah alat ukur yang mampu menstimulasi pegembangan kualitas internal organisasi. Jurnal 05 Judul Penulis
Organizational Structure for Addressing the Attributes of the Ideal Healthcare Delivery System Mark E. Cowen, MD, chief, Clinical Decision Services, Quality Institute, St. Joseph Mercy Health System, Ann Arhor. Michigan; Lakshmi K. Halasyamani, MD, vice president, Quality and Systems Improvement, St. Joseph Mercy Health System; Daniel McMurtrie, MD, chair. Department of Obstetrics and Cynecology, St. Joseph Mercy Hospital; Denise Hoffman, RN, sen/ice integration leader. Department of Nursing, St. Joseph Mercy Health System; Theodore Polley, MD, associate chair. Department of Surgery, St. Joseph Mercy Hospital; and Jeffrey A. Alexander, PhD, professor. Department of Health Management and Policy, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor The Institute of Medicine's (IOM) report Crossing the Quality Chasm described the aims, characteristics, and components of the ideal healthcare system but did not provide the templates of organizational structures needed to achieve this vision. In this article, we review three principles of effective organizations to inform the design of a facilitalive clinical care structure: a focus on the patient and caregiving team, the use of information, and connectivity with executive and operational leadership.
These concepts can be realized in an organizational chart that is inverted to place patients and their care providers on top, flat with few degrees of separation between patients and executive leadership, and webbed to reflect connections to the professional and ancillary departments. An example of a recently implemented clinical care infrastructure follows this discussion. This model divides the patient population into nonexclusive subgroups, each with an interdisciplinary collaborative practice team that oversees and advocates the subgroup's clinical care activities. The organization's interdisciplinary practice council, in conjunction with its physician and nursing practice councils, backs these teams, providing a second layer of support. The council layer is connected to the health system board through the clinical oversight group, whose core membership consists of council chairs, the chief executive officer, and the chief medical and nursing officers. Clinical information for planning and evaluation is available at all levels. This model provides a framework for identifying the individuals and processes necessary to achieve IOM's vision. IOM melaporkan adanya gap yang menggambarkan tujuan, karakteristik dan komponen yang dimiliki oleh system perwawatan kesehatan yang ideal, namun tidak menjelaskan bagaimana struktur organisasi yang diperlukan untk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Dalam artikel ini direview tiga prinsip organisasi yang efektif untuk menginformasikan desain struktur perawatan kesehatan yang fasilitatif : fokus pada tim pasien dan pengasuhan , penggunaan informasi, dan konektivitas antara eksekutif dan kepemimpinan operasional. Konsep-konsep ini dapat diwujudkan dalam struktur organisasi yang terbalik untuk menempatkan pasien dan dokter mereka di posisi paling atas, sejajar dengan beberapa derajat pemisahan antara pasien dan kepemimpinan eksekutif, dan berselaput untuk mencerminkan koneksi ke departemen profesional dan tambahan . Contoh dari infrastruktur perawatan klinis baru-baru ini dilaksanakan mengikuti diskusi ini . Model ini membagi populasi pasien menjadi subkelompok eksklusif , masing-masing dengan tim praktik kolaboratif interdisipliner yang mengawasi dan pendukung kegiatan perawatan klinis subkelompok itu . Dewan praktek interdisipliner organisasi , dalam hubungannya dengan dokter dan praktek keperawatan dewan yang , mendukung tim ini , menyediakan lapisan
kedua dukungan . Lapisan Dewan terhubung ke board sistem kesehatan melalui kelompok pengawasan klinis , yang inti keanggotaan terdiri dari kursi dewan , chief executive officer , dan petugas medis dan keperawatan kepala . Informasi klinis untuk perencanaan dan evaluasi tersedia di semua tingkat . Model ini menyediakan kerangka kerja untuk mengidentifikasi individu dan proses yang diperlukan untuk mencapai visi IOM .