O.K., so, my name is Josef Müller. I am the executive director of Junior Achievement, Czech Republic. Junior achievement is a non-profit educational organization. It has been founded in 1919 in the USA and here in the Czech Republic, it has been brought by Mr. Tomáš Baťa, the famous Czech-Canadian entrepreneur and since year 1992 we are active here in the Czech Republic working with several hundred of schools and up to now we have over 300.000 students that went through our programs over these 20 years. Junior achievement works with different types of schools. We have three pillars of activities. Our first pillar is the pillar of entrepreneurship, the second pillar we work with is financial literacy and the third pillar is work readiness or, let’s say, skills at work, so preparation for the world of work. So all these three pillars are very important for young people. We work, as I said, with different types of schools. The most importantly we work with secondary schools. We have different programs for each of these fields and we try to make sure that our programs bring a lot of onhand experience and also that they are a bit different to what students experience during the normal school hours. So we provide methodology to their teachers and we also allow business people to come in the class and help deliver our program to the students. So, we have, as I said, we have three pillars, three activities. I may give you some examples of what we do. So, for example, in the entrepreneurship pillar, our most popular program is the program called JA Student company, where young students aged 16-19 found their own companies and actually run their own business for one school year. So they start with the process of the foundation of the company. Then they…of course, they have to decide the name, they have to decide their activities, they divide the roles within their student company, then they run the company throughout the school year, they do a lot of activities, they work with real products, real services, real money and then, at the end of the school year they submit a report of their activities, they can apply for a competition, which we hold at every end of school year and the best company from the Czech Republic has the chance to represent the country at the European finals which take place at different places every year. So this year, for example, it’s Bucharest. The second pillar, when we talk about financial literacy, we also have programs for this. We have a program called Get to Know Your Money, which is an e-learning which allows teachers and students to use it in their classes and bring a lot of new information to them. It also allows the teachers to give some quizzes and tests to the students. And we also provide a public portal which is connected to banking literacy. In Czech we call it bankovní gramotnost. And this portal gives a basic information about how to behave when dealing with a bank, whether I have money or I need money, etc. And we believe that this is a part of financial literacy that is essential for everyone because not everyone maybe has the time or, let’s say, energy to do their own budget every week, but these things you have to do whether you want or not as long as you have an account in a bank. And then the third area is the preparation for the business world and basically, what we do there is we provide programs for middle schools. When people are deciding whether they continue studying, at which type of school or whether maybe they will just finish their education at middle school and go to the world of work immediately. So we provide programs called Profession Orientation. Being part of the student company is an absolutely unforgettable experience. It not only helps to get to know your friends more, helps develop your soft skills, team skills, presentation skills, some IT skills when you prepare your webpage, design skills when you work on your annual report, also helps you to learn how to talk to the people, how to sell, how to negotiate, also maybe how to face some challenges that you most probably will face during your business and it is really something which a lot of people remember for the rest of their lives.
Takže já se jmenuji Josef Müller a jsem výkonným ředitelem Junior Achievement pro ČR. Junior Achievement je nezisková vzdělávací organizace. Byla založena v roce 1919 v USA a do ČR ji přivedl známý česko-kanadský podnikatel Tomáš Baťa. V ČR působíme od roku 1992. Spolupracujeme s několika sty škol a za posledních 20 let prošlo našimi programy přes 300.000 studentů. Junior Achievement pracuje s různými typy škol. Máme tři hlavní pilíře činností. Naším prvním pilířem je podnikání, druhým je finanční gramotnost a tím třetím je příprava pro vstup do pracovního prostředí. Všechny tyto pilíře jsou pro mladé lidi důležité. Jak už jsem zmínil, pracujeme s různými typy škol. Nejdůležitější jsou ale střední školy. Pro každý z těchto oborů máme odlišný program a snažíme se žákům zajistit spoustu praktických zkušeností a odlišit se od běžného vyučování. Učitelům poskytujeme metodiku a do vyučování zveme podnikatele, aby pomohli přiblížit náš program žákům. Takže, jak už jsem řekl, máme tři pilíře činností. Dám vám možná pár příkladů toho, co děláme. Například v oblasti podnikání je náš nejpopulárnější program s názvem JA Student Company. Zde studenti ve věku 16-19 let zakládají vlastní firmy a vedou je po dobu jednoho školního roku. Takže začnou založením firmy, musí rozhodnout o jejím názvu, o její činnosti. Pracují s reálnými produkty a službami a se skutečnými penězi. Na konci roku předkládají zprávu o svých činnostech a mohou se přihlásit do soutěže, kterou pořádáme na konci každého školního roku. A nejlepší firma z ČR má šanci se reprezentovat v evropském finále, které se každý rok pořádá jinde. Letos to bude v Bukurešti. Máme také program pro druhý pilíř, který se zabývá finanční gramotností. Máme program s názvem Poznej své peníze, což je internetový výukový program, který mohou využít učitelé i studenti ve třídě a který jim přináší mnoho nových informací. Učitelům umožňuje, aby žákům zadávali testy a kvizy. Také provozujeme veřejný portál s názvem Bankovní gramotnost. Tento portál poskytuje základní informace o tom, jak si počínat v bance, ať už peníze máme nebo je potřebujeme. Domníváme se, že toto je součástí finanční gramotnosti, kterou každý potřebuje, protože ne všichni mají dost času nebo energie si každý týden vytvářet rozpočet. Ale tyto věci člověk musí chtě nechtě dělat, tedy pokud máte účet v bance. No a třetí pilíř je příprava na svět byznysu a zde vlastně poskytujeme program pro střední školy. Když se žáci rozhodují, zda pokračovat ve studiu, na jakém typu školy anebo jestli střední školou své vzdělávání ukončit a vstoupit okamžitě do světa práce. Takže zde poskytujeme program Profesní orientace. Být součástí studentské firmy je naprosto nezapomenutelný zážitek. Nejenže vám pomůže opravdu poznat své přátele, rozvinout své komunikační dovednosti, dovednosti práce v týmu, prezentace, znalosti IT při tvorbě webových stránek, grafické dovednosti při psaní výroční zprávy, ale také vás to naučí jednat s lidmi, prodávat, vyjednávat, čelit těžkostem, kterým budete s největší pravděpodobností čelit i ve své firmě. Je to prostě něco, co si spousta lidí pamatuje po celý život.
EXERCISE 1 Discuss and share your answers to the following questions: 1. Do you follow the latest news about banks, banking products or the current economic situation? How can you benefit from being familiar with this kind of information? 2. Do you know any famous Czech entrepreneurs? What do you know about Tomáš Baťa? 3. Do you believe that if you want to be good at business, you must be born with the necessary skills or do you think you can learn them? Explain.
EXERCISE 2 Are these statements TRUE or FALSE? 1. Junior Achievement was established by Tomáš Baťa. 2. The second pillar of JA activity concerns financial literacy. 3. You must be at least 16 to be able to start a JA student company. 4. The goods and services JA student companies deal in are not real. 5. You have to submit an annual report if you run a JA student company. 6. Junior Achievement does not help students decide about their future careers. 7. The speaker thinks that banking literacy is a part of financial literacy that everyone should know about.
EXERCISE 3 Listen and fill in the missing text. 1. Junior Achievement is a non-profit educational organization. It has been founded in 1919 in the USA and here in the Czech Republic, it has been brought by Mr. Tomáš Baťa, the famous Czech-Canadian entrepreneur and since year 1992 … 2. Junior Achievement works with different types of schools. We have three pillars of activities. Our first pillar is the pillar of , the second pillar we work with is iteracy and the third pillar is or, let’s say, skills at work, so preparation for the world of work. 3. … we try to make sure that our programs bring a lot of hand-on experience and also that they are a bit different to what students experience during the normal school hours. 4. …our most popular program is the program called JA , where young students aged 16-19 found their own and actually run their own business for one school year. 5. They work with products, services, money and then, at the end of the school year they submit a report of their activities, they can apply for a , which we hold at every end of school year and the best company from the Czech Republic has the chance to represent the country at the European finals which take place at different places every year. 6. And this portal gives a basic information about how to when dealing with a bank, whether I have money or I need money etc. And we believe that this is a part of that is essential for everyone because not everyone maybe has the or, let’s say, to do their own every week... 7. Being part of the student company is an absolutely unforgettable experience. It not only helps to get to know your friends more, helps develop your soft , , , some when you prepare your , when you work on your annual , also helps you to learn how to talk to the people, how to sell, how to negotiate, also maybe how to face some that you most probably will face during your business and it is really something which a lot of people remember .
EXERCISE 4 Match the following English expressions with their Czech equivalent. 1. ENTREPRENEUR
12. RUN
PHRASE BOOK Use the vocabulary list to develop questions you could ask the speaker in a mock interview. With a partner, take turns being the speaker and the questioner. Role play asking and answering your questions about the importance and impact of Junior Achievement in Czech Republic. ANNUAL REPORT
A written record for an organization, institution, or company that summaries, defines, and quantifies the scope of all activities conducted during the denoted year of operation.
Distinguishes between knowledge gained directly through one’s own activities, from knowledge that is learned indirectly through others.
Competency, usually regarding language use. Increasingly, it is used metaphorically with other kinds of competencies, i.e. financial literacy, media literacy, etc.
Colloquial expression that differentiates interpersonal and intercultural communication skills from technical or content-specific knowledge, e.g. hard skills.
EXERCISE 5 DISCUSS, PREPARE, AND PRESENT 1. IDENTIFY some existing companies with well-chosen names. Why do you like them? Does the business stand up to its name? What characteristics do these companies have that make them successful? 2. BRAINSTORM: Work in small groups. You have ten minutes to brainstorm a name for a new company and the concept behind it. The company should be aimed at people who prefer quality more than a low price. What kind of new presence would you aim at in the marketplace? Present your results to each other. 3. REFLECT: Which group had the most creative concept? Which group had the most innovative name? Which group had the most unusual idea? What factors are important for you to consider if you are starting a business? What kinds of challenges do you think the speaker is talking about that the JA Student Company participants may have experienced? What are your criteria for success? Are you more interested in being involved in non-profit activities or profit-making activities? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches to generating different kinds of ‘returns’ on investments?
EXERCISE 6 GRAMMAR AND SYNTAX TEST 1. The speaker in the video said: “It not only helps to get to know your friends more, (it) helps develop your soft skills…” In the first case, the speaker decided to use the verb tense, TO + infinitive after HELP. In the second case, he used a bare infinitive in the same situation. Did he make a mistake? 2. Are there other verbs which can sometimes be used with TO + Infinitive or with a bare infinitive? Explain. 3. Look at the following examples. What is the meaning of MAKE in all of them? Can you formulate the rule for using MAKE with TO + infinitive and with bare infinitive? A) The teacher made all the students finish cleaning up the room before they could leave. B) He was made to sell his house to pay off his debts. C) No one should be made to leave their own country. D) My father made me repeat the rule until I learnt it by heart. 4. Look at the following examples. In which of them could ‘TO’ be used before the highlighted phrases? A) I don’t like shopping so what I've done is order a new computer over the Internet. B) All I did was suggest that she should lend him no more money. C) Will you tidy the house and wash the dishes before I get home? D) Do you want to have a snack now or wait until later before we eat? E) I didn’t want to do anything else this afternoon, except read my book. F) My brother does nothing but watch TV when he gets home from school. G) It's quicker to bike to the station rather than take the car. H) I have to fix breakfast for everybody as well as take the children to school before I can leave for work.
EXERCISE 3 1. Junior achievement is a non-profit educational organization. It has been founded in 1919 in the USA and here in the Czech Republic, it has been brought by Mr. Tomáš Baťa, the famous Czech-Canadian entrepreneur and since year 1992 … 2. Junior Achievement works with different types of schools. We have three pillars of activities. Our first pillar is the pillar of entrepreneurship, the second pillar we work with is financial literacy and the third pillar is work readiness or, let’s say, skills at work, so preparation for the world of work. 3. … we try to make sure that our programs bring a lot of hands-on experience and also that they are a bit different to what students experience during the normal school hours. 4. …our most popular program is the program called JA Student Company, where young students aged 1619 found their own companies and actually run their own business for one school year. 5. They work with real products, real services, real money and then, at the end of the school year they submit a report of their activities, they can apply for a competition, which we hold at every end of school year and the best company from the Czech Republic has the chance to represent the country at the European finals which take place at different places every year. 6. And this portal gives a basic information about how to behave when dealing with a bank, whether I have money or I need money etc. And we believe that this is a part of financial literacy that is essential for everyone because not everyone maybe has the time or, let’s say, energy to do their own budget every week... 7. Being part of the student company is an absolutely unforgettable experience. It not only helps to get to know your friends more, helps develop your soft skills, team skills, presentation skills, some IT skills when you prepare your webpage, design skills when you work on your annual report, also helps you to learn how to talk to the people, how to sell, how to negotiate, also maybe how to face some challenges that you most probably will face during your business and it is really something which a lot of people remember for the rest of their lives.
AFTER YOU WATCH EXERCISE 4 1D,2G,3I,4K,5E,6N,7P,8O,9M,10H, 11B,12C,13F,14L,15J,16A
AFTER YOU WATCH EXERCISE 6 1. The speaker was right in both cases. Help is a verb that can be used with or without ‘to’ before the infinitive. When we use it without an infinitive it sometimes sounds more informal. The latter use is also more typical of American English. 2. There are only a few of them. A typical example is the verb MAKE (meaning FORCE). 3. TO MAKE in this case means TO FORCE somebody. It is used with a bare infinitive in the active voice and with TO + infinitive in the passive voice. 4. TO can be used in B, D, E, G, or H. There are other structures where using either TO+infinitive and the bare infinitive are both possible. Expressions with do or did, such as what I've done or all I did can follow either pattern. When two infinitive structures are connected by and, as well as or, except, but, than or as, it is normal practice to omit to in the second clause.