ISBN : 978-979-3132-35-8
Penyusun : Drs. Lukman Nulhakim, M.M. Drs. Juli Jajuli Susy Haryati Penyunting : Ir. Sukanda, M.Si. Ir. Sukadaryati, M.Si.
Abstrak Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan ISBN 978-979-3132-35-8 DIPUBLIKASIKAN Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan Jl. Gunung Batu No. 5 PO Box 182 Bogor 16610 Telp. (0251) 8633378, 8633413, Fax. (0251) 8633413 DESAIN COVER Lukmanul Hakim
Percetakan : CV. Dewi Sri Jaya
KATA PENGANTAR Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan telah lama melaksanakan kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan. Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan tersebut disampaikan melalui wadah seperti Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan, Info/Buletin Hasil Hutan, Prosiding Hasil-Hasil Penelitian dll. Substansi hasil penelitian yang disampaikan terdiri dari berbagai disiplin ilmu seperti disiplin ilmu keteknikan hutan dan pemungutan hasil hutan, sifat dasar, biologi dan pengawetan kayu, biodeteriorasi, pengolahan kayu, pemanfaatan hasil hutan, kimia dan energi serta hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK). Untuk memudahkan pencapaian informasi tentang gambaran umum hasil penelitian dan berkaitan dengan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK) di bidang Kehutanan terutama yang menyangkut pemanenan Hasil Hutan, jalan sarad, alat eksploitasi dll, kami akan menerbitkan informasi hasil penelitian dimaksud, yaitu Abstrak keteknikan hutan dan pemungutan hasil hutan. Materi dari abstrak tersebut merupakan hasil penelitian yang telah diterbitkan oleh P3HH mulai dari tahun 1984 sampai dengan tahun 2008 yang bersumber dari publikasi Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan, Info/Buletin Hasil Hutan, Prosiding Hasil-Hasil Penelitian, dll. Untuk perbaikan dan kesempurnaan penyusunan abstrak ini, kritik dan saran Saudara sangat kami perlukan. Semoga abstrak ini bermanfaat adanya bagi para pengguna. Bogor, Juni 2009 Kepala Pusat,
Dr. Ir. Maman Mansyur Idris, MS NIP. 1950 0703 1979 03 1 01 i
i iii xvii 1
A. Keteknikan Hutan
001. Ekstraksi Kayu dengan Sistem Kabel Layang Gaya Berat Ber-Rem di Areal Hutan Tusam KPH Pekalongan Barat Perum Perhutani Jawa Tengah …............................................. 002. Kajian Praktek Pembersihan Tunggak Eucalyptus sp. dengan Cara Kimia di HPHTI PT Toba Pulp Lestari Provinsi Sumatra Utara ............................................................. 003. Efektivitas Penggunaan Tirfor dan Katrol Tuas pada Penebangan Jati di Jawa Tengah ............................................ 004. Produktivitas dan Biaya Pengeluaran Kayu dengan Sistem Kabel P3HH 20 ......................................................................... 005. Produktivitas dan Biaya Alat Muat Bongkar Exp-2000 ......... 006. Peningkatan Produktivitas Kerja Alat Muat-Sarad Serbaguna Exp-2000 Hasil Perbaikan ...................................... 007. Produktivitas dan Biaya Penyaradan Kayu dengan Traktor Pertanian yang di Lengkapi Alat Bantu ................................... 008. Pengeluaran Kayu dari Petak Tebangan menggunakan Hasil Rekayasa Alat Model Exp-2000 ...................................... 009. Perkembangan Teknologi Sistim Kabel pada Kegiatan Pengeluaran Kayu Bulat di Hutan Pegunungan Pulau Jawa 010. Produktivitas dan Biaya Pengeluaran Kayu dari Hutan Tanaman dengan Sistem Kabel Layang P3HH24 di KPH Pekalongan Barat .......................................................................
3 5 5 6 7 8 9 10
011. Pengeluaran Kayu dengan Sistem Kabel Layang P3HH24 di Hutan Tanaman KPH Sukabumi ......................................... 012. Produktivitas dan Biaya Pengangkutan Bibit pada Medan Sulit dengan Sistem Kabel Layang ........................................... 013. Uji Coba Alat Kabel Layang P3HH24 untuk Mengeluarkan Kayu Pinus Hasil Penjarangan di Areal Berbukit ................... 014. Uji Coba Pengeluaran Kayu di Hutan Tanaman Pulau Laut dengan Sistem Kabel Layang P3HH24 yang Disempurnakan ......................................................................... 015. Analisis Produktivitas Kerja Extraksi Kayu dengan Sistim Kabel Layang dalam Sistim Tebang Habis di Hutan Jawa Timur ........................................................................................... 016. Kajian Operasi Pengeluaran Kayu Sistem Kabel Layang Expo-2000 dengan Penggunaan Alat Pendukung ................. 017. Kajian Pengeluaran dan Pembuatan Kayu dengan Alat Expo-2000 yang Disempurnakan ............................................. 018. Perbaikan Kontrol dan Drum Balik Sistem Kabel Layang Expo-2000 untuk Ekstraksi Kayu .............................................
12 13 13
15 16 16 17
Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
019. Pengaruh Lama Teresan dan Diameter Tegakan Jati terhadap Persentase Kerusakan Kayu ..................................... 020. Beberapat Catatan Tentang Eboni di Sulawesi ....................... 021. Faktor Eksploitasi di Hutan Alam Dipterokarpa Pulau Laut .............................................................................................. 022. Faktor Eksploitasi Kayu Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus Miq)... 023. Faktor Eksploitasi Meranti di Sumatra Barat, Kalimantan Barat dan Kalimantan Selatan .................................................. 024. Faktor Konversi Produksi Dolok Pinus dari Hutan Alam (Studi Kasus di Satu Perusahaan Hutan di Aceh) ................... 025. Penggunaan Foto Udara dalam Penilaian Kerusakan Tajuk Akibat Eksploitasi Hutan ..........................................................
19 19 20 21 22 22 23
026. Peranan Kegiatan Pemanenan Kayu dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Masyarakat Sekitar Hutan: Kasus di KPH Sukabumi dan KPH Cianjur ..................................................... 027. Faktor Eksploitasi Beberapa Jenis Kayu Hutan Produksi Alam dan Penyebaran Limbah Pembalakannya .................... 028. Faktor Eksploitasi Kayu Sungkai (Peronema canescens Jack) .. 029. Faktor Eksploitasi (Fe) untuk Hutan Produksi Alam Lahan Kering ......................................................................................... 030. Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Kelompok Peneliti Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemanenan Hasil Hutan, P3THH, Bogor, Tahun 2000-2002 .................................................................................... 031. Beberapa Aspek Penting Penerapan Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) dalam Pengolahan Hutan di Indonesia .......... 032. Kajian Faktor Eksploitasi Berdasarkan Jenis Pohon: Studi Kasus di Satu Perusahaan HPH di Kalimantan Barat ............ 033. Kecenderungan Meningkatnya Nilai Faktor Eksploitasi di Hutan Produksi Alam ............................................................... 034. Faktor Eksploitasi Beberapa Jenis Kayu Hutan Produksi Alam dan Penyebaran Limbah Pembalakannya .................... 035. Pengaruh Lama Teresan dan Diameter Tegakan Jati terhadap Persentase Kerusakan Kayu ..................................... 036. Usaaha Meminimasi Limbah Eksploitasi dalam Rangka Peningkatan Nilai Faktor Eksploitasi ...................................... 037. Potensi dan Biaya Pemungutan Limbah dan Penebangan Kayu Mangium Sebagai Bahan Baku Serpih ........................... 038. Analisis Kerapatan Jalan Hutan berdasarkan Hasil Penafsiran Foto Udara dan Survey Lapangan: Study Kasus PT. INHUTANI II ....................................................................... 039. Pengkajian Parameter Fungsi Volume Pohon Melalui Foto Udara di Kalimantan Timur ..................................................... 040. Faktor Eksploitasi Jenis Meranti di Jambi, Kalimantan Tengah dan Kalimantan Timur ................................................ 041. Pendugaan Volume Tegakan Berdasarkan Jumlah dan Kerapatan Tajuk pada Foto Udara ...........................................
24 24 26 26
28 30 31 31 33 35 35 36
36 37 38 38
042. Pendugaan Potensi Hutan Sagu dengan Menggunakan Teknik Penginderaan Jauh ........................................................ 043. Penerapan Sistem Mekanisasi dalam Kegiatan Penebangan Jati untuk Mengurangi Ketergantungan Terbatasnya Penyediaan Tenaga Blandong di Jawa .................................... 044. Identifikasi Permasalahan yang di Hadapi Dewasa ini dalam Pemanenan Hutan di Luar Jawa ................................... 045. Kemungkinan Subtitusi Kayu Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) dengan Jenis Lain Sebagai Penghara Penggergajian .............. 046. Kajian Pemanenan terhadap Kerapatan Tegakan di Bagian Hutan Alam Tropis Propinsi Lampung .................................. 047. Kajian teknis Praktek Uji Coba Sistem Tebang Jalur dan Tanaman Indonesia ................................................................... 048. Application of Band Ratios to Landsat Thematic Mapper Digital data (Tm) and Their Role for Discriminating Land Covers ......................................................................................... 049. Klasifikasi Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal, Erosi tanah Hutan dan Iklim Mikro untuk Penetapan Ambang Batas dalam Pemanenan Tebang Pilih di Hutan Alam ................................ 050. Analisis Produktivitas Kerja Ekstraksi Kayu dengan Sistem Kabel Layang dalam Sistem Tebang Habis di Hutan Jawa Timur ........................................................................................... 051. Hubungan Kerapatan Jalan Hutan dengan Intensitas Pemungutan Kayu ..................................................................... 052. Analisis Biaya Pemanenan Kayu Bulat Sistem Kemitraan HPH-Koperasi Desa di Kalimantan Tengah ........................... 053. Kajian Penggunaan Lahan Hutan dan Perubahannya Menggunakan Data Citra Spot Landsat dan Radar ............... 054. Produktivitas dan Biaya Peralatan Pemanenan Hutan Tanaman: Studi Kasus di PT Musi Hutan Persada, Sumatera Selatan ........................................................................ 055. Kajian Pemanenan Jenis Ramin di PT Diamon Raya Timber. 056. Penggunaan Peralatan Pemanenan Kayu yang Efisien pada Perusahaan Hutan Tanaman di Kalimantan Selatan .............
40 40 41 42 43
45 46 47 48
49 50 51
057. Kajian Penggunaan Lahan Hutan dan Perubahannya Menggunakan Data Citra Spot Landsat dan Radar ............... 058. Kecenderungan Meningkatnya Nilai Faktor Eksploitasi di Hutan Produksi Alam ............................................................... 059. Teknik Zonasi Lahan dalam Manajemen Kawasan Hutan yang Berkesinambungan dengan GIS (Geographic Information System) .................................................................. 060. Kajian Praktek Pembangunan Hutan Tanaman Industri di PT Riau Andalan Pulp dan Paper ............................................. b. Pembukaan wilayah hutan (PWH) 061. Intensitas Pembukaan Wilayah Hutan dan Ekstraksi Kayu dalam Pengusahaan Hutan Alam di Luar Jawa ...................... 062. Praktek Pembuatan Prasarana Angkutan di Areal Hutan Rawa Sumatera Selatan ............................................................. 063. Stabilisasi Tanah Liat dengan Kapur pada Konstruksi Badan Jalan Hutan di Pulau Laut ............................................. 064. Jenis dan Banyaknya Kayu Arang yang Dipakai dalam Konstruksi Jalan Rel di Hutan Rawa, Propinsi Riau .............. 065. Pengaruh Intensitas Tebang Bayang Terhadap Kelembaban dan Daya Dukung Jalan Hutan .......................... 066. Biaya Konstruksi dan Volume Kayu pada Jalan Rel Kayu dan Rel Besi ................................................................................. 067. Komposisi Jenis Kayu yang Digunakan dalam Konstruksi Jalan Rel di Hutan Rawa Sumatera dan Kalimantan .............. 068. Kemungkinan Penggunaan Latex untuk Stabilisasi Badan Jalan Hutan ................................................................................. 069. Lapisan Perkerasan Komposit Batu Pecah pada Konstruksi Jalan Hutan ................................................................................. 070. Intensitas Tebang Bayang Optimum dalam Pemeliharaan Jalan Hutan ................................................................................. 071. Potensi Jalan Hutan dalam Akselerasi Erosi Tanah di Kalimantan Barat .......................................................................
52 53
54 55 56 56 56 57 58 59 59 60 61 62 63 63
072. Keadaan Elemen Jalan Hutan dan Potensinya dalam Mempercepat Erosi Tanah ........................................................ 073. Beberapa Aspek Geometrika Jalan Hutan dan Hubungannya dengan Erosi Tanah ......................................... 074. Efektivitas Jalan Hutan di Suatu Perusahaan Hutan di Riau 075. Perkembangan Keadaan Jalan Hutan Menurut Waktu dan Hubungannya dengan Potensi Erosi Tanah ........................... 076. Praktek Pembuatan Jembatan Kayu Bulat Sederhana di Beberapa Konsesi Hutan di Kalimantan ................................. 077. Penggunaan Tanah Liat Sebagai Bahan Konstruksi Lapisan Aus Jalan Hutan ......................................................................... 078. Keadaan Jalan Hutan di Hutan Jati dan Potensinya dalam Akselerasi Erosi Tanah .............................................................. 079. Praktek Pembuatan Jalan Hutan dan Permasalahannya di Daerah Propinsi Jambi ............................................................... 080. Intensitas Penggunaan Jalan Hutan sebagai Prasarana Pengangkutan Kayu di Tiga Perusahaan Hutan di Jambi dan Kalimantan Selatan ............................................................ 081. Keadaan Jalan di Daerah Hutan Non-Jati Jawa Tengah dan Potensinya dalam Akselerasi Erosi Tanah ............................. 082. Studi Kasus Kerapatan Jalan Hutan di Dua Perusahaan Hutan di Jambi ........................................................................... 083. Kajian Jalan Hutan di Wilayah Hutan Cepu Jawa Tengah .... 084. Analisis Perkiraan Biaya Pembuatan Jembatan Kayu Bulat: Studi Kasus di Perusahaan HPH PT Serestra II di Propinsi Jambi ............................................................................................ 085. Analisis Pembangunan Prasarana Angkutan dan ekstraksi Kayu serta Dampaknya terhadap Lingkungan Hutan di Propinsi Riau .............................................................. 086. Intensitas Pembukaan Wilayah Hutan dan Ekstraksi Kayu dalam Pengusahaan Hutan Alam di Luar Jawa ...................... 087. Pengusaha Nipah dan Permasalahannya ............................... 088. Hubungan Kerapatan Jalan Hutan dengan Intensitas Pemungutan Kayu .....................................................................
64 65 65 66 67 68 69 70
70 72 72 73
75 75 76 77
c. Penebangan 089. Pengaruh Pembuangan Banir dalam Penebangan Pohon terhadap Efisiensi Pemungutan Kayu: Studi Kasus di Suatu Perusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Barat ................................ 090. Produktivitas dan Efisiensi Pemanenan Kayu dengan Teknik Penebangan Pohon Serendah Mungkin di Hutan Produksi Alam: Studi Kasus di Tiga Perusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Tengah ................................................................... 091. Pengaruh Penebangan Terkendali dan Konvensional terhadap Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal dan Produktivitas Kerja ............................................................................................ 092. Peranan Kegiatan Pemanenan Kayu dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Masyarakat Sekitar Hutan: Kasus di KPH Sukabumi dan KPH Cianjur ..................................................... 093. Peningkatan Produktivitas dan Efisiensi Penebangan Kayu Mangium di Satu Perusahaan Hutan Tanaman di Propinsi Jambi ............................................................................................ 094. Produktivitas dan Biaya Produksi Penebangan Hutan Tanaman Industri di PT Inhutani II Pulau Laut ...................... 095. Efisiensi Penebangan Pohon Secara Konvensional dan Terkendali di PT Asialog Jambi ................................................ 096. Produktivitas dan Biaya Penebangan Gergaji Rantai Stihl 070 di Satu Perusahaan Hutan Tanaman Industri di Jambi .. 097. Praktek Penebangan Pohon di Hutan Rakyat (Penggunaan Kulit Batang Pohon Pisang dan Tambang untuk Sarana Pemanjat) .................................................................................... 098. Perbaikan Teknik Penebangan untuk Minimasi Limbah Pembalakan dengan Cara Penurunan Tinggi Mulut Takik Rebah ........................................................................................... 099. Penebangan Serendah Mungkin untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Kayu: Studi Kasus di Dua Perusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Timur ..................................................................... 100. Efisiensi Penebangan Kayu di Kawasan Hutan dengan Sistem Tebang Pilih Indonesia ..................................................
82 83 83 84
86 87
101. Efisiensi Penggunaan Chainsaw pada Kegiatan Penebangan: Studi Kasus di PT Surya Hutani Jaya, Kalimantan Timur ..................................................................... 102. Volume dan Klasifikasi Limbah Penebangan pada Beberapa Pengusahaan Hutan di Aceh dan Kalimantan Timur ........................................................................................... 103. Masalah Kepecahan Kayu dalam Penebangan di Hutan Jati 104. Peningkatan Pemanfaatan Kayu Rasamala dengan Perbaikan Teknik Penebangan dan Sikap Tubuh Penebang: Studi Kasus di KPH Cianjur, Perhutani Unit III Jawa Barat .. 105. Efisiensi Pemanfaatan Kayu Mangium pada Berbagai Teknik Penebangan, Sikap Tubuh dan Kelerengan Lapangan: Studi Kasus di Satu Perusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Selatan .................................................................... d. Penyaradan 106. Sistem Penyaradan pada Eksploitasi Hutan Pinus di Jawa Tengah ......................................................................................... 107. Pengaruh Jarak Sarad dan Volume Kayu yang Disarad terhadap Produktivitas Traktor Penyaradan ......................... 108. Penyaradan yang Direncanakan untuk Minimasi Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal: Studi Kasus di Dua Perusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Timur ................................ 109. Studi Kasus Produktivitas dan Biaya Pengeluaran Kayu dengan Sistem Kabel Layang Koller 300 ................................. 110. Perbandingan Penyaradan Kayu dengan Sistem Manual dan Eksavator di Hutan Rawa Bagian III: Kajian Teknis, Ekonomis dan Ekologis ............................................................ 111. Produktivitas dan Biaya Penyaradan Kayu dengan Kerbau di Jambi ....................................................................................... 112. Produktivitas Pengeluaran Dolok Kayu Tusam dengan Sistem Kabel Layang Iwafuji 115 ............................................. 113. Produktivitas dan Biaya Penyaradan Kayu dengan Traktor Pertanian Type Ford 5660 di Hutan Tanaman Semaras, Pulau Laut ...................................................................................
88 89
91 92 92 92
93 94
95 96 97
114. Produktivitas dan Biaya Penyaradan Skyline Isuzu 240 di Satu Perusahaan Hutan Tanaman Industri di Jambi .............. 115. Perbandingan Penyaradan Kayu dengan Sistem Manual dan Eksavator di Hutan Rawa Bagian 1: Produktivitas Kerja 116. Produktivitas Traktor Caterpillar D7G di Suatu Perusahaan Hak Pengusahaan Hutan di Jambi ........................................... 117. Kajian Penggunaan Kapasitas Traktor Komatsu D85e-Ss dalam Upaya Peningkatan Produktivitas Penyaradan .........
98 99 100 100
e. Muat bongkar 118. Efisiensi Pengangkutan dan Muat Bongkar Kayu di Suatu Pengusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Tengah ........................... 119. Kajian Produktivitas Alat Muat Kayu KPH2 di BKPH Gunung Halu, KPH Bandung Selatan Perum Perhutani Unit III Jawa Barat ...................................................................... 120. Produktivitas dan Biaya Muat Bongkar Kayu Bulat dengan Menggunakan Alat Mekanis ...................................................
102 103
f. Pengangkutan 121. Produktivitas Angkutan Lori Dorong di Hutan Jati .............. 122. Produktivitas Angkut Truk dan Truk Semi Trailer di Sumatera dan Kalimantan Selatan ........................................... 123. Pengaruh Jumlah Tenaga Pendorong terhadap Kecepatan Lori pada Pengangkutan Kayu ................................................. 124. Produktivitas dan Biaya Angkutan Truk di Tiga KPH Perum Perhutani Jawa Tengah ................................................. 125. Produktivitas dan Biaya Angkutan Kayu dengan Rel Baja dan Rel Kayu .............................................................................. 126. Studi Kasus Produktivitas dan Biaya Angkutan dengan Truk Isuzu di Dua Hak Pengusahaan Hutan di Sumatera Barat ............................................................................................. 127. Produktivitas dan Biaya Pengangkutan Tiga Jenis Truk Angkutan Kayu di Tiga Hak Pengusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Barat .......................................................................
103 104 105 105 106
107 xi
128. Prestasi Pengemudi Truk Angkutan di Suatu Pengusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Barat ....................................................... 129. Penilaian Jumlah Penggunaan Truk Angkutan di Dua Perusahaan Hutan di Sumatera Barat ...................................... 130. Evaluasi Jumlah Penggunaan Truk Angkutan di Suatu Perusahaan Hutan di Riau ....................................................... 131. Prestasi Pengemudi Truk Angkutan Kayu dari Berbagai Kelompok Umur ........................................................................ 132. Studi Penggunaan Truk Colt Diesel 100 PS untuk Pengangkutan Bibit dalam Pembangunan Hutan Tanaman Industri ........................................................................................ 133. Pengangkutan Kayu dengan Truk di KPH Bojonegoro dan Saradan ....................................................................................... 134. Pengaruh Kerusakan dan Kelerengan Jalan Hutan terhadap Produktivitas Pengangkutan Kayu: Studi Kasus di Kalimantan Barat ....................................................................... 135. Pengaruh Tanjakan dan Volume Muatan terhadap Produktivitas Lori Dorong di Hutan Jati ................................. 136. Evaluasi Logging Truk Berdasarkan Umur Pakai, Produktivitas dan Biaya Angkutan ......................................... 137. Produktivitas dan Biaya Traktor Pertanian untuk Pengangkutan Bibit dalam Pembangunan Hutan Tanaman Industri ........................................................................................
108 109 110 111
111 112
113 114 115
g. Hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK)
138. Studi Perbaikan Cara Penyadapan Kopal di KPH Sukabumi 139. Beberapa Macam Perlakuan terhadap Penyadapan Agathis spp. untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Getah ................................... 140. Penyadapan Getah Pinus merkusii dengan Menggunakan Beberapa Pola Sadap dan Tingkat Konsentrasi Zat Perangsang ................................................................................. 141. Manipulasi Pola Sadap untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Getah Pohon Agathis (Agathis spp.) ....................................................
118 119
142. Hubungan antara Diameter Pohon dan Produksi Getah dalam Penyadapan Getah Agathis spp. .................................... 143. Perbaikan Sistem Pemungutan Lak dalam Rangka Peningkatan Produksi ............................................................... 144. Cara Pengusahaan Hutan Nipah (Nypa fructicans) di Batu Ampar Kalimantan Barat .......................................................... h. Ergonomi 145. Kecelakaan Kerja dalam Kegiatan Eksploitasi Hutan di Kalimantan Tengah ................................................................... 146. Penyakit Pekerja dalam Kegiatan Eksploitasi Hutan di Kalimantan Tengah ................................................................... 147. Perbaikan Beban Kerja antara Kegiatan Penebangan Secara Mekanis Melalui Penerapan Prinsip Ergonomi .......... 148. Antropometrik Penebang Jati di BKPH Bandungsari KPH Purwodadi Perum Perhutani Unit I Jawa Tengah .................. 149. Produktivitas dan Beban Kerja Operator Gergaji Rantai pada Kegiatan Penebangan Pohon Berbanir Tinggi di Hutan Alam di Kalimantan Tengah ........................................ 150. Penggunaan Gergaji Rantai pada Penebangan Jati dan Dampaknya terhadap Kebisingan dan Beban Kerja .............. 151. Pengaruh Latihan Kerja terhadap Volume Limbah Eksploitasi .................................................................................. 152. Beberapa Masalah Ergonomik dalam Kegiatan Penebangan di Kalimantan Barat ................................................................... 153. Kondisi Ruangan Kerja pada Tiga Pabrik Kayu Lapis di Sumatera Selatan ........................................................................ 154. Tingkat Kebisingan di Industri Penggergajian Kayu: Studi Kasus Dua Penggergajian Kayu di Kalimantan Selatan ........
119 120 121 121 121 122 123 124
124 125 126 127 127 128
C. Dampak Pemanenan
155. Kerusakan Tegakan Sisa Akibat Eksploitasi Hutan dengan Sistem Traktor dan Highlead ....................................................
156. Pengaruh Intensitas Penebangan dan Lereng terhadap Keterbukaan Tanah ................................................................... 157. Tingkat Kerusakan Tegakan Hutan akibat Operasi Penebangan pada Dua Hak Pengusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Barat ....................................................................... 158. Pembalakan Ramah Lingkungan untuk Minimasi Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal: Kasus di Satu Perusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Timur ..................................................... 159. Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal dan Produktivitas Kerja pada Tebang Penjarangan secara Selektif: Kasus di Satu Perusahaan HTI di Sumatera Selatan ...................................... 160. Dampak Pembalakan Berwawasan Lingkungan (PBL) terhadap Kerusakan Tegakan dan Biaya Penyaradan di Hutan Produksi Alam ............................................................... 161. Pengaruh Penyaradan terhadap Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal pada Berbagai Tingkat Kelerengan ............................ 162. Pengaruh Penyaradan Kayu dengan Traktor Rantai Kelabang terhadap Penggeseran dan Pemadatan Tanah Hutan ........................................................................................... 163. Pengaruh Penyaradan Kayu dengan Traktor Rantai Kelabang terhadap Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal ................... 164. Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal Akibat Kegiatan Penebangan dan Penyaradan: Kasus di Suatu Perusahaan Hutan di Riau 165. Dampak Penyaradan Kayu terhadap Terjadinya Keterbukaan Lahan di Kawasan Dua Perusahaan Hutan di Riau .............................................................................................. 166. Minimasi Keterbukaan Lahan melalui Penyaradan yang Direncanakan: Kasus di Dua Perusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Timur ..................................................................... 167. Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal Akibat Penyaradan dengan Traktor pada Berbagai Tingkat Kerapatan Tegakan .............. 168. Keadaan Jalan Sarad dan Pohon Ditebang pada Tegakan Tinggal di Kawasan Sebuah Perusahaan Hutan Riau ............
132 134
135 135 136
137 138 139
169. Limbah Kayu Akibat Pembuatan Jalan Hutan dan Tebang Bayang pada Enam Hak Pengusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Timur ..................................................................... 170. Pengaruh Penggunaan Traktor terhadap Tegakan Tinggal pada Beberapa Pengusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Timur .. 171. Volume dan Klasifikasi Limbah Eksploitasi Hutan ............... 172. Kerusakan Tegakan dan Limbah Pemanenan Hutan Rawa pada Kawasan Suatu Perusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Barat ............................................................................................ 173. Kajian Keberadaan Tegakan Tinggal dan Keterbukaan Lahan pada Kegiatan Penebangan dan Penyaradan di Suatu Perusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Tengah ................... 174. Pengaruh Pemanenan Hasil Hutan terhadap Tingkat Kerusakan Tegakan pada Dua Hak Pengusahaan Hutan (HPH) di Kalimantan Barat ....................................................... 175. Klasifikasi Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal, Erosi Tanah Hutan dan Iklim Mikro untuk Penetapan Ambang Batas dalam Pemanenan Tebang Pilih dan Hutan Alam ............................. 176. Kondisi Tegakan Tinggal di Kawasan Dua Perusahaan Hutan di Riau .............................................................................
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PETUNJUK PEMAKAIAN CONTOH: 001 1 /1,2005 2 Ekstraksi Kayu dengan sistim Kabel Layang Gaya Berat Ber-rem di Areal Hutan Tusam KPH Pekalongan Barat Perum Perhutanai Jawa Tengah (Wood Ekstraktion Using Gravity Skyline With Brake System in The Pine Forest of West Pekalongan District, Perum Perhutani Central Java)3. Oleh/By: Zakaria Basari, Wesman Endom & Marolop Sinaga4. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan 15 (6) 1998 : 371 - 3845. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan hasil Hutan6. Bogor 7. Pine forest in Java are mostly found on mountainous areas. To make down hill wood extraction easier, a study of using gravity skyline cable with brake system was counducted. The objective of this study is find the real working productivity and cost of the operation. The result of the study showed thet an average working productivity was 3 3 0.22 m /trip or 2.27 m /hour. Fixed cost was Rp 3855,00/hour, variable cost was 38 Rp 6444,44/hour, and therefore, the extraction cost was Rp 3855,70/ m Keyword: Skyline system, pine forest, productivity and cost
Keterangan: 1. Nomor urut abstrak 2. Edisi tahun terbit Abstrak 3. Judul bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris 4. Pengarang 5. Nama Terbitan, volume (nomor) tahun: halaman 6. Penerbit 7. Kota terbitan 8. Abstractk (Abstrak) 9. Kata kunci xvii
I. PENDAHULUAN Pada buku abstrak hasil penelitian Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan dibagi kedalam 3 kelompok besar, yaitu Keteknikan Hutan, Pemanenan Hasil Hutan, Khusus untuk kelompok pemanenan hasil hutan dibagi lagi ke dalam 7 sub kelompok, yaitu perencanaan, pembukaan wilayah hutan (PWH), penebangan, penyaradan, muat bongkar dan ergonomi. Kegiatan keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan dimaksud adalah : 1. Keteknikan hutan adalah disiplin ilmu yang mencakup semua seluk beluk penerapan teknik sipil, teknik mesin dan keteknikan lainnya dalam penyediaan sarana dan prasarana pengelolaan hutan seperti jalan, jembatan, bangunan pengendali erosi, tempat pengumpulan/penimbunan kayu dan lain-lain atau berupa kegiatan seperti persiapan lahan untuk penanaman hutan, pembuatan teras dan bangunan lainnya yang menunjang kegiatan produksi hasil hutan dan melindungi kualitas sumberdaya hutan.. 2. Pemungutan hasil hutan adalah serangkaian kegiatan yang dimaksudkan untuk mempersiapkan dan memindahkan kayu dari hutan ke tempat penggunaan (pemasaran) atau pengolahan. -
Perencanaan hutan: Kegiatan penataan hutan sebelum dilakukan pemanenan meliputi inventarisasi hutan, penataan blok tebangan dan perencanaan penebangan. - Pembukaan wilayah hutan: Kegiatan yang dilakukan sebelum penebangan dimulai dengan kegiatan perencanaan pembuatan jaringan jalan, pembuatan jalan, pembuatan TPN dan pembuatan TPK serta log pond. - Penebangan: Kegiatan merobohkan pohon dengan menggunakan gergaji rantai (chin sow). Kegiatan ini dimulai dengan penentuan arah rebah pohon, pembuatan takik rebah
dan takik balas serta pembagian batang sesuai peruntukan pemanfaatannya. Penyaradan: Kegiatan mengeluarkan kayu dari tempat tebangan ke tempat pengumpulan kayu (TPN) dengan menggunakan alat sarad seperti traktor, exavator dan manual (tenaga manusia). Muat bongkar: Kegiatan pemuatan dan pembongkaran kayu di TPN atau TPK dengan menggunakan weel loader atau exavator. Pengangkutan: Kegiatan pemindahan kayu dari TPN ke Log pond atau industri pengolahan kayu dengan menggunakan logging truk, dan poonton yang ditarik oleh tug boat. Ergonomi: Kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan kenyamanan kerja,keselamatan kerja dan kebisingan dalam kegiatan pemanenan kayu.
3. Dampak pemanenan yaitu pengamatan dan evaluasi terhadap suatu yang diakibatkan karena adanya kegiatan pemanenan pada suatu areal blok tebangan dari kawasan hutan baik terhadap masyarakat maupun kawasan hutan itu sendiri.
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II. ABSTRAK A. Keteknikan Hutan 001/5, 2009 Ekstraksi Kayu dengan Sistem Kabel Layang Gaya Berat Ber-Rem di Areal Hutan Tusam KPH Pekalongan Barat Perum Perhutani Jawa Tengah = Wood Extraction Using Gravity Skyline With Brake System in the Pine Forest of West Pekalongan Districct, Perum Perhutani Central Java Oleh/By: Zakaria Basari, Wesman Endom & Marolop Sinaga. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 15 (6) 1998: 371-384. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Pine forest in Java are mostly found on mountaineus areas. To make down hill wood extraction easier, a study of using Gravity Skyline Cable with Brake System was counducted. The objective of this study is find the real working productivity and cost of the operation. The result of the study showed that an average working productivy was 3 3 0.22 m /trip or 2.27 m /hour. Fixed cost was Rp.3855,00/hour, variabel cost 3 was Rp. 6444,44/hour, and, therefore, the extraction cost was Rp. 3855,70/ m . Keyword: Skyline sistem, pine forest, productivity and cost. 002/5, 2009 Kajian Praktek Pembersihan Tunggak Eucalyptus sp. dengan Cara Kimia di HPHTI PT Toba Pulp Lestari Propinsi Sumatra Utara. Oleh: Zakaria Basari. INFO Hasil Hutan 13(1) 2007: 61- 69. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Salah satu cara untuk mempermudah penanaman bibit pohon pada daerah bekas tebangan di hutan alam adalah dengan cara melakukan pembersihan areal tanaman dari sampah/limbah tebangan Keteknikan Hutan
dan pembongkaran tunggak pohon. Cara ini, bagi para pengelola hutan alam/tanaman di luar Jawa masih jarang dilakukan, dikarenakan belum diketahui pemanfaatannya. Sehingga bagi sebagian pengelola hutan ada yang merasakan bahwa limbah tunggak yang masih berada di areal bekas tebangan tersebut dapat merupakan masalah yaitu, di satu pihak jika limbah tunggak bekas tebangan tersebut tetap berada di lapangan akibatnya dapat mengganggu kegiatan kehutanan lainnya seperti untuk kegiatan panyaradan pengangkutan dan penanaman, tetapi di lain pihak jika dilakukan pencabutan/pembersih aspek teknis dan ekonomisnya belum banyak diketahui. Salah satu solusi untuk memecahkan masalah diatas, perusahaan HPHTI PT Toba Pulp Lestari (TPL) yang berada di propinsi Sumatra Utara, mencoba melakukan teknis pembersihan tunggak secara sederhana, yaitu dengan cara melakukan penyemprotan larutan kimia sehingga diharapkan tunggak akan mengalami pembusukan dan selanjutnya hancur secara alam. Lokasi perusahaan yang dijadikan sebagai ajang kegiatan penelitian tersebut adalah di wilayah kerja Dinas Kehutanan Kabupaten Toba Samosir. Teknis pem-bersihan/pembusukan tunggak di gunakan dengan alat semprotan (sprayer) ukuran volume 20 liter. Jenis obat yang di gunakan adalah larutan obat roundup dicampur dengan air (H2O) dan larutan obat Ally. Tujuan penelitian adalah ingin memberikan informasi tentang teknis dan ekonomis pembersihan/pembusukan tunggak Eucalyptus sp. diareal bekas tebangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara teknis yang mengalami pembusukan ringan 64%, pembusukan sedang 22% dan yang mengalami pembusukan berat 14%. Produktivitas pembersihan tunggak Eucalyptus sp. rata-rata mencapai 100 tunggak/jam. Sedang biaya operasi rata-rata sebesar Rp. 848.23/tunggak. Kata kunci: Hutan, tunggak, teknik pembersihan, Eucalyptus sp.
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003/5, 2009 Efektivitas Penggunaan Tirfor dan Katrol Tuas pada Penebangan Jati di Jawa Tengah = Effectivenees of Using Tirfor and Lever Block on Teak Felling in Central Java. Oleh/By: Maman M. Idris, Zakaria Basari & Soenarno. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 2 (4) 1985: 8-13. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The study of tirfor and lever block effectiveness in teak felling was conducted at the Perum Perhutani (The Forest State Corporation) Unit I Central Java on June 1982 and July 1983. Both felling equipments were used cut the press down to the desired directions. The purpose of the study is to find out the effects of tirfor and lever block on log damages in felling actives. The study was carried out in a three locations with different slopes i.e. 0 10% and 11 30%. The result indicates that on the 11-30% slope, the tirfor reduces 5.25% log damages compared with that of the lever block. It is conclude that in sloped areas tirfor is more efective then lever block. 004/5,2009 Produktivitas dan Biaya Pengeluaran Kayu dengan Sistem Kabel P3HH20 = Productivity and Cost of Log Extraction By Using P3HH 20 Skyline System. Oleh/By: Dulsalam, Maman M. Idris & Wesman Endom. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 15 (3) 1997: 151-161. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation of productivity and cost PF log extraction by using P3HH 20 skyline system was carried out at Segaranten sub Forest Distric, Sukabumi Forest Disrict, Unit III Perum Perhutani West Java, in 1995 . The objective is to try out the skyline system made by Forest Products and Forestry Socio-Ekonomic Research and Development Centre and to know its producivity and cost. Data on Spesification of skyline system, the size of extracted logs, working times, fuel and oil consumption and labor wages were collected. The results are as follow: Keteknikan Hutan
1. Simple skyline system made by forest product and forestry Socio-Economic research and Development centre showed promising result in extracting logs up hill. 3 2. Logs volume extracted varied from 0.061 to 0.308 m /trip with an average 3 of 0.141 m /trip. 3. The productivity of P3HH 20 Skylines system ranged between 0.575 and 3 3 5.508 m /hour with an average of 1.856 m /hour. 4. Average cost of log extraction by using P3HH 20 Skyline system was 3 Rp. 9.51/ m 5. Average cost of log extraction by using P3HH 20 Skyline system was 3 cheaper than that by using Koller 300 skyline system i.e : Rp. 9,531/ m and 3 Rp. 33,322/ m , consecutively. 6. It is suggested that carriage and brake mechanisms be improved. Keywords: Productivity, cost, log extraction, skyline system. 005/5, 2009 Produktivitas dan Biaya Alat Muat Bongkar Exp-2000 = Productivity and Cost of Loading/Unloading Equipment Exp-2000. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom, Zakaria Basari & Ishak Sumantri. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 21 (1) 2003: 67-81. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Loading and unloading works are intermediary activities in the logging operation. The logs after being felled/cut down in the forest will be of economic values when they cannot be brought to the inherent processing industry. Lightweight and small-size logs favor manual work in their handling as long as man power is available. Heavy-weight and large-size logs, however, necessitate an auxiliary heavy-duty equipment, since the manual work is sometimes no longer effective for loading-related operation, e.g. hoisting, placing, regulating their position, etc. the unloading of such as logs, conversely, turns out to be easier, but can pose a dangerous threat. Therefore, cautious care is necessary.
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In dealing with loading/unloading problems as such particularly in plantation forest, a special equipment that is simple in design has been devised, called as Exp-2000. The equipment, which is powered by 11-HP's diesel engine, can also perform the skidding-operation. The overall cost in devising the Exp3 2000' equipment was Rp. 50,000,000. The trial test as performed on the m / hour the equipment revealed the following results: 3 1. The average loading and loading productivities were consecutively 9.54 m 3 per hour and 13.18 m per hour. 3. 2. Cost of loading as well as unloading was Rp. 1.597,48 per m 3. 3. The average skidding productivity was 0.5053 m hm/hour with skidding 3 cost at Rp. 30.160 per m 3 4. The skidding cost might be reduced to Rp. 21.165 per m and concurrently 3 the productivity increased to 2.25 m per hour, if the more powerful diesel engine, e.g. 25 HP were used. Keywords: Log loading/unloading, equipment, productivity, cost. 006/5, 2009 Peningkatan Produktivitas Kerja Alat Muat-Sarad Serbaguna Exp2000 Hasil Perbaikan = The Increase in Productivity of The Exp-2000 Multipurpose Leader-Skidder Equipment. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom, Semedi Tohdjaya & Yayan Sugilar. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 21 (3) 2003: 277-289. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The Exp-2000 is a multipurpose equipment designed for use in logging operation, especially for loading and skidding of logs. In the first trial conducted 3 in 2001, the productivity of Exp-2000 turned out to be very low i.e. 0.872 m hm/hour. The investment cost of Exp-2000 was about Rp. 67.5 million so the cost of operation was Rp. 28,736.25 per hour. After improvement in the performance bas been improved: skidding productivity was increased to 3.293 3 3 m .hm/hour and production cost of was reduced Rp. 8,725.29 per m .
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In loading operation, the performance of Exp-2000 has been improved by 3 3 increasing productivity from 3.293 m /hour to 34.705 m /hour and decreasing the cost from Rp. 5,315 per m3 to Rp. 828,03 per m3. It means that the implementation of a new improved Exp-2000 is promising both technically and economically due to higher productivity compared to that of using animal (buffalo) and conventional skyline system previously developed by the Research and Development Center for Forest Product Technology, Bogor-Indonesia. Keywords: Multipurpose loader-skidder, loading, skidding, productivity, and improved performance. 007/5, 2009 Produktivitas dan Biaya Penyaradan Kayu dengan Traktor Pertanian yang di Lengkapi Alat Bantu = Productivity and Cost of Log Skidding Using Agriculture Tractor with Auxiliary Equipment. Oleh/By: Sukadaryati, Dulsalam & Djaban Tinambunan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 23 (4) 2005: 283-297. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. A study on productivity and cost of log skidding using agricultural tractor with auxiliary equipment was carried out at a mangium forest plantation in Bogor. The study aimed at gathering technical and financial information about of log skidding using agricultural tractor with auxiliary equipment. Data on skidded log length and diameter as well as skidded working time and cost were collected. The result revealed the for agricultural tractor with simple auxiliary 3 equipment, could produce approximately 3 logs/trip and 2.075 m .hm/hour. Agricultural tractor with winch could perform a better skidding productivity 3 i.e. 2.32 m .hm/hour. However, cost of log skidding using agricultural tractor with simple auxiliary equipment was of log slighty lower than that of winch attachment. It is recommended that auxiliary equipment of agricultural tractor for log skidding be improved. Beside that, log skidding in areal were manual skidding is not possible, the use of agricultural tractor with auxiliary
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equipment is one potential alternative. Keywords: Agricultural tractor, productivity, cost, simple auxiliary equipment, winch
008/5, 2009 Pengeluaran Kayu dari Petak Tebangan Menggunakan Hasil Rekayasa Alat Model Exp-2000. Oleh: Wesman Endom, Zakaria Basari, Sumedi Tohdjaya & Yayan Sugilar. Prosiding Bogor, 19 Desember 2002: 179-192. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Pengeluaran kayu dari petak tebangan ke pinggir jalan angkutan atau ke tempat pengumpulan sementara (TPn) merupakan kegiatan pengangkutan yang bersifat minor. Kegiatan ini lebih dikenal dengan sebutan penyaradan. Sekalipun bersikap minor tetapi peranannya dinilai penting dengan alasan: (1) Pengeluaran kayu dari hutan melalui proses penyaradan dan pengangkutan perlu secepatnya dilakukan, karena kayu cepat menurun kualitasnya bila lama tertimbun di hutan. (2) Mudah terkena serangan jamur biru, bubuk basah, bubuk kering atau serangan penggerek lain, (3) Kegiatannya perlu memperhatikan aspek lingkungan, sosial dan pendidikan disamping aspek teknis dan ekonomisnya sendiri. Oleh karena itu, pengeluaran kayu harus mendapat perhatian serius. Sebagai antisipasi kendala lapangan antara lain mengurangi beban kayu saat cara manual penyaradan dan mengurangi kesulitan saat diperlukan pengadaan tenaga kerja, maka dirancang rekayasa alat Exp-2000 sedemikian rupa, sehingga yang pada mulanya dibangun hanya untuk muat/bongkar, kemudian diperbaiki dan dapat difungsikan sebagai alat sarad. Alat ini cukup sederhana dilengkapi dengan mesin diesel bertenaga 11 PK. Hasil uji coba sebagai berikut:
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- Produktivitas muat rata-rata 3,986 m .m/jam, sedang biaya muat 3 sebesar Rp. 5,315/m , - Produktivitas bongkar rata-rata 5,025 m3.m/jam sedang biayanya sebesar Rp. 4,216/m3 - Produktivitas penyaradan rata-rata 0,8721 sedang biayanya sebesar Rp. 24,294/m3. 009/5, 2009 Perkembangan Teknologi Sistim Kabel pada Kegiatan Pengeluaran Kayu Bulat di Hutan Pegunungan Pulau Jawa. Oleh: Zakaria Basari. Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian Hasil Hutan Bogor, 19 Desember 2002: 220-232. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Dewasa ini penggunaan teknologi tepat guna di bidang kehutanan merupakan suatu alternatif. Di hutan produksi P Jawa yang bertopografi berat, teknik pengeluaran kayu bulat dengan cara manual adalah tidak efisien. Oleh karena itu diperlukan alat bantu tepat guna. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba di beberapa tempat di hutan P Jawa mulai dari tahun 1976-2000, beberapa alat bantu yang dipandang secara teknis, ekonomis dan ergonomis layak digunakan dalam pengeluaran kayu bulat yaitu dengan sistem kabel. Alat sistem kabel tersebut diantaranya: (1) Unimog, (2) Sistem kabel layang gaya berat ber-rem (GSS), (3) Sistem kabel layang P3HH20, (4) Sistem kabel layang Iwafuji 115, dan (5) Alat serbaguna exp 2000. Produktivitas kerja Unimog tipe 411 rata-rata mencapai 2,93 3 m /jam dan Unimog tipe 406 rata-rata 3,18 m3/jam. Produktivitas sistem kabel layang gaya berat ber-rem rata-rata mencapai 2,27 m3/jam dengan jarak bentangan kabel 300 m. produktivitas sistem kabel layang P3HH20 rata-rata mencapai 1,96 m3hm/jam dan Iwafuji rata-rata mencapai 33,33 m3hm/jam. Sedang produktivitas alat serba guna expl
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2000 rata-rata sebesar 6,44 m /jam. Biaya operasi dari masing-masing 3 3 3 alat rata-rata adalah Rp. 21,057/m , Rp. 3,855,70/m , Rp. 25,235/m , Rp.16,879/ m3 dan Rp. 6000/m3. Kata kunci: Produktivitas, biaya operasi, unimog, sistem kabel layang. 010/5, 2009 Produktivitas dan Biaya Pengeluaran Kayu dari Hutan Tanaman dengan Sistem Kabel Layang P3HH24 di KPH Pekalongan Barat = Productivity and Cost of Log Extraction Using P3HH24 Skyline System in Plantation Forest of West Pekalongan Forest District. Oleh/By: Dulsalam & Djaban Tinambunan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 24 (1) 2006: 77-88. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. A study on productivity and cost of log extraction using P3HH24 skyline system was carried out in plantation forest of West Pekalongan Forest District. The objective is to find out the productivity and cost, as well as various operational aspects of log extraction using P3HH24 skyline system. The study results revealed that: 1. Operating P3HH24 skyline system for log extraction in plantation forest of West Pekalongan Forest District was running well. 2. Extracted log diameter ranged from 20 to 51 cm with an average of 36 cm while the average number of logs per turn varied from 1 to 3 logs with the 3 volume varied from 0.040 to 0.500 m / turn with an average of 0.163 3 m /turn. 3 3. The productivity of log extraction varied from 1.527 to 5.656 m /hour with 3 an average of 2.519 m /hour while an average cost of log extraction was 3 Rp.15,713/ m . 4. Compared to local standard cost of log extraction, the cost of log extraction using P3HH24 skyline system was cheaper and, therefore, it was feasible to be applied.
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5. In the forest areas having slopes of 15% and up, it is recommended to use P3HH24 skyline system for log extraction. Keywords: Plantation forest, P3HH24 skyline system, productivity, cost. 011/5, 2009 Pengeluaran Kayu dengan Sistem Kabel Layang P3HH24 di Hutan Tananam KPH Sukabumi = Log Extraction Using P3HH24 Skyline System in Plantation Forest of Sukabumi Forest District. Oleh/By: Sukadaryati & Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 24 (2) 2006: 157-169. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Log extraction in plantation forest with relative smaller log dimension needs specific attention. The centre for forest products research and development had engeneered P3HH24 Skyline System designed for log extaction for that specific forest condition. The research objective was to obtain technical and financial information of using P3HH24 skyline system for log extraction in hilly plantation forest. The results showed that volume of wood 3 3 and working time ranged from 0.012 to 0.144 m with an average of 0.046 m and from 77.0 to 215.8 second/turn with an average of 161.0 second/turn, 3 respectively. The productivity varied from 1.665 to 8.018 m /hour with an 3 3 average of 3.562 m /hour while the average cost was Rp. 16,300/m . Log extraction using P3HH24 skyline system was economicaly feasible with pay back periode = 1.39 year; NPV = Rp.75,175.045; IRR=66.4%; and B/C ratio=1.51. Keywords: Plantation forest, P3HH24 skyline system, log extraction, productivity, cost.
ABSTRAK Hasil Penelitian Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan
012/5, 2009 Produktivitas dan Biaya Pengangkutan Bibit pada Medan Sulit dengan Sistem Kabel Layang = Productifity and Cost of Seedling Transportation on Heavy Terrain Using Skyline Cable System. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom, Yayan Sugilar & Silvanus Suprapto. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 25 (1) 2007: 1-14. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This study examined performances of the improved equipment, namely Semanggi-I, in conveying seedling around the heave terrain. Result indicated that Semanggi-I performed better than the first prototype. Semanggi-I could convery approximately 5,000 - 6,000 wich is twice as much the productivity of prototype-I. Although the fix and operating cost of Semanggi-I is somewhat higher than the first prototype, the average trasportation cost of Semanggi-I is only Rp. 7/seedling which is about half of the cost when using prototype-I. Keyword: Forest and land rehabilitation, field constraints, seedling transportation, skyline system. 013/5, 2009 Uji Coba Alat Kabel Layang P3HH24 untuk Mengeluarkan Kayu Pinus Hasil Penjarangan di Areal Berbukit = Trial of P3HH24 Skyline for Extracting Pine Logs of Thinning Activity in Hilly Area. Oleh/By: Sukadaryati. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 26(1) 2008: 57-69. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The extraction of pine logs of thinning activity in plantation forest area is usually caried out manually by manpower. However, it is inefficient to be applied in hilly areas or in the field with difficult topography. Therefore, the trial of P3HH24 skyline for extracting pine logs of thinning aktivity was caried out in those areas. During the trial, any difficulties were observed and tried to be solved. The paper aimed to provide technical and financial information in the Keteknikan Hutan
using of P3HH24 skyline to extract pine logs from thinning activity. The result showed that the productivity in extracting logs are ranging 3 3 from 0.674 to 1.458 m /hour with an average of 0.950 m /hour and the cost is 3 Rp.81,030/m . Futher analysis showed that P3HH24 skyline was not economically fesiable to use in extracting log of thinning activity in plantation forest of RPH Kalirajut. Keywords: Skyline, thinning, pine, productivity and cost. 014/5,2009 Uji Coba Pengeluaran Kayu di Hutan Tanaman Pulau Laut dengan Sistem Kabel Layang P3HH24 yang Disempurnakan = Log Extraction Trial in Plantation Forest Pulau Laut Using Improved P3HH20 Skyline System. Oleh/By: Dulsalam & Djaban Tinambunan. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 20 (4) 2002: 313-331. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Log extraction in undulating forest areas needs special attention. Forest Products Research Centre has made improvement on P3HH20 skyline system designed for extracting log on undulating area. The equipment consists of three main parts such as power machine unit, wire rope and its auxillary and carriage intended to guide log movement. At the firs time, the capacity of the equipment 3 was only 0.308 m /round trip. In 1998, the equipment was improved and then in 1999 was tried to extract logs in forest plantation of PT Inhutani II, Pulau Laut, South Kalimantan. The coice of the location was done purposively. The objective is to prove whether the impoved P3HH20 skyline system is suitable for extracting log in plantation forest area having undulating terrain. The research results showed that: 1. The use of improved P3HH20 skyline cable system for log extraction in plantation forest Pulau Laut provides promising suitability with still relatively low productivity. 2. Log diameter extracted ranged from 17 to 43 cm with an average of 23 cm while log length extracted ranged from 8 m to 12 m with an average of 11 m.
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3. Log volume extracted varied from 0.026 to 0.309 m /round trip with an 3 average of 0.160 m /round trip. 4. Effective log extraction productivities ranged from 1.404 to 2.810 m3/ hour with an average of 1.980 m3/hour while the total log extraction productivities varied from 0.485 to 1.080 m3/hour with an average of 0.885 m3/hour. 5. The average of log extraction cost was Rp. 23,572/m3. 6. To increase log extraction proctivity, it is suggested that further improvement on ballast and endless cable need to be done, as well as further trial in field operations. Keywords: Log extraction, skyline system, productivity, cost, plantation forest. 015/5, 2009 Analisis Produktivitas Kerja Extraksi Kayu dengan Sistem Kabel Layang dalam Sistim Tebang Habis di Hutan Jawa Timur = Produktivity Analisis of Wood Extraction Using Skyline System on Clear Cutting in East Java Forest. Oleh/By: Zakaria Basari, Djoko Sumanto & Wesman Endom. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 15 (3) 1997: 169-189. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. One of more productive log extraction techniques on hilly area is a skyline system. Skyline system observed in the study by using a 115 HP of Isuzu yarder. The objective of the study was to measure its work productivity, extraction cost and ecological aspect. The system productivity was evaluated by calculating skyline productivity on each line, its extraction cost consisting of fixed and operational cost. Ecological aspect was calculated by measuring area of forest floor exposured by the system. The result showed that average productivity was 2.17 3 m /day with its effetive working hours was 5.77 ha/day. Cost of extraction was 3 2 Rp. 18,596/m . Exposured forest floor was 295.8 m /ha or 1.75%.
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Keywords: Forest harvesting, skyline, impact of logging, productivity, cost of operation. 016/5, 2009 Kajian Operasi Pengeluaran Kayu Sistem Kabel Layang Expo-2000 dengan Penggunaan Alat Pendukung = Study of Applying Expo-2000 Skyline wich Auxiliaries for Extracting Logs. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 24 (4) 2006: 339- 357. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Expo-2000 exemplifies prototype designed and built foe yhe extraction of log. In 2005, Expo-2000 was improved and equipped with three simple tools, i.e.: modified mini truck, support for Expo-2000 and model KM Exp-I carriage. The experiment of using Expo-2000 for log extraction showed the 3 productivity varied from 5.18 to 19.5 m .hm/hour, depending on hauling distance, log size, ground surface condition and tree desity. The result revealed that expo-2000 productivity increased through the use of an additional tool such as KM Exp-I carriage that equipped with braking system. In this way, the investment was Rp.100 milion (including cable and other auxiliary items), and 3 log extraction cost was Rp. 60,175 /hour or about Rp. 11,620/ m . Financial analysis by using bank interes at 18% year and cost projection of 6 year, the Expo-2000 skyline has the net present value (NPV) of Rp. 8 milion Rp. 81 milion with the internal rate of return (IRR) of 22- 52%. In this case, 3 local wage of workers is Rp. 35,000/ m . Keyword:
Wood-constructed carriage, Expo-2000, auxiliary tool, harvesting, skyline & productivity.
017/5, 2009 Kajian Pengeluaran dan Pemuatan Kayu dengan Alat Expo-2000 yang Disempurnakan = Study on Logs Extraction and Loading Using Improved Expo-2000. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom, Sukanda, Yayan
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Sugilar & Hasan Basri. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 24 (5) 2006: 449461. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. As an attempt to over come difficulty in manual collection of wood logs from felling of particular forest stands locsted on steep or inclined area, it is necessary to find out a breakthrough by providing extraction equipment which should be inexpensive, easily operable, productive, and low in operation as well as maintenance cost. As the relevance, trial on collecting and loading/ unloading of wood logs using the improved Expo-2000 equipment was carried out at Sub Forestry District of Ciguha, administratively under Forestry District of Sukabumi (West Java). The Expo-2000, following its improvement that incorporated the use of andless cables, afforded the statisfactory productivity in wood gathering at 5 3 3 m .hm/hour with loading/unloading performance of about 50 m .m/hour. As such the investement cost was Rp. 100 milions, so the total ownership and operation cost amounted to Rp. 60,175 per hour. Therefore, the expenses of 3 wood colleting was Rp. 12,305 per m .hm, and wood loading cost was Rp. 1,135 3 per m .m These expenses were quite effective and efficient compared to those implementing the conventional system, which incurred the corresponding cost i.e. Rp. 35,000 and Rp. 15,000 respectively. Keywords: Logs extraction, effective, efficient, Expo-2000. 018/5, 2009 Perbaikan Kontrol dan Drum Balik Sistem Kabel Layang Expo-2000 untuk Ekstraksi Kayu = Improvement of Snatch Block and Haulback Drum Expo-2000 Skyline Using for Logs Extraction. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 25 (4) 2007: 342-361. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. There are two problems noticed in Expo-2000 skyline trial in 2005 i.e. 1) haulback drum needs stonger locking system, and 2) the snatch block for transferring the cable very often stuck in between the frame.
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In 2006 the improvement of haulback drum with locked system as well as on the car i.e. disk lock system were complated so that log extraction can be done uphill or downhill. Other improvement was done by making new small snatch block to subtitute the old one. 3 The improved Expo-2000 achieved the productifity 5-19 m .hm/ hour, depends on hauling distance, log size, field surface situation and tree density. The cost of Expo-2000 about Rp. 100 milions, and log extraction opertion cost 3 was found Rp. 60,175 /hour or about Rp. 11,620 / m . Calculation at 18% /year interest rate and 6 years cost projection showed that at increasing cost operation of 10% may reduce the profit earn, that is reflected on NPV and IRR that become positive at the rental cost of Rp. 25,000 3 per m meanwhile if the opertion cost was not increasing at even the rental cost 3 of Rp. 22,500 per m , the value of NPV and IRR were positive. Keyword: Skyline, performance, improvement, haul back drum, snatch block.
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B. Pemanenan Hasil Hutan a. Perencanaan 019/5,2009 Pengaruh Lama Teresan dan Diameter Tegakan Jati terhadap Persentase Kerusakan Kayu = Effect of Girdling Duration and Diameter on The Teak Wood Damages. Oleh/By: Soenarno & Maman Mansyur Idris. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 7 (3) 1990: 101-105. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Girdling treatment of teak stand before felling not only intended to reduce the teak wood damage but also aimed at reducing log transport costs. On the other hand, prolonged girldling treatment could generate significant disadvantage effect, among others: decreasing total wood volume, degrade forest land fertility, and often inducing wild under growth, etc. This study deals with a research on the exent of the effect of girdling and size of diameter on the logging damages of teak wood. The study was carried out at Pasar Sore Sub Forest District, at Cepu, Central Java. Tis study reveals that the extent of the damages are inversely proportional to the girdling time and diameter of the trees. The average damage percentages per trees on one year girdling duration with diameter classes 5059 cm, 60-69 cm, 70-79 cm are 3.02%, 4.17% and 7.41%, while on the two years girdling duration the damage for the same diameter classes are 5.62%, 6.76%, and 7.08%, respectively. 020/5, 2009 Beberapa Catatan Tentang Eboni di Sulawesi = Some Notes on Eboni in Sulawesi. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 12 (3) 1994: 89-95. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Central Sulawesi is one of the areas where Eboni species (Ebony spp) grows naturally. The other areas are North Sulawesi and North Maluku. The Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
species have valuable wood and many people like them due to their artistic and black appearance. In the last few year,the species have been decreasing and today they can be categorized as endangered or at least as in vulnerable condition. Since 1988,in accordance to the Ministry of Foresty Decision No 988/MenhutIV/1988,the harvesting of Eboni had been banned. The observation of the logged forest area shows that the number of Ebony trees in the field is very small. To protect the species from their extinction,the strict regulations are required and the activities of the planting and lending need to be intensifed. The other observation result are as follow: 1. Most felling activity had been out on the small diameter of 35 cm while trees are still growing well to reach larger diameter (60 cm or more). 2. Part of the wood utilized was only heartwood that had the volume of about 42% ot total volume. Therefore,to have larger volume,it better to harvest only big trees of diameter 60 cm or more. 021/5, 2009 Faktor Eksploitasi di Hutan Alam Dipterokarpa Pulau Laut = Eksploitation Factor in The Pulau Laut Dipterocarp Fortest. Oleh/By: Apul Sianturi, Ishemat Soerianegara, Rahardjo S. Suparto dan Syafii Manan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 1(1) 1984: 1-10. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation on the “exploitation factor“ in the natural dipterocarp forest of Pulau Laut, South Kalimantan was carried out in 1981. Sixty trees with a diameter at breast height from 50 to 160 cm were selected as a sample from the stands in north and central pulau laut. From the investigation the following conclusions are in order: 1. The logging waste in the natural dipterocarp forest of Pulau Laut is 20 percent, with a standard error of 1,4 percent. 2. Exploitation factor in the Pulau Laut natural dipterocarp forest ranges from 76.8 to 82.4 percent, averaging 80 percent. 20
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3. The volumes of the trees obtained by estimating the diameters at breast height and the heights of the clear boles are consistantly smaller than those obtained by measuring the diameters and lengths of the clear boles after the trees were cut especially in hilly forests. 4. Both diameter and clear bole lenght have significant effect on exploitation factor, their relationship being quadratic. 5. Optimum dimeter for highest yield is approximately 77 cm. This however, requires further research especially in relation with silviculture and felling cycle. 022/5, 2009 Faktor Eksploitasi Kayu Ramin (Gonystylus Bancanus Miq) = Exploitation Factor For Ramin (Gonystylus Bancanus Miq). Oleh/By: Marolop Sinaga, Dulsalam dan Sampe Radja Simarmata. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 2(3) 1985: 19-22. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This investigation is carried out in the Central Kalimantan and West Kalimantan areas at three logging companies. The purpose of this investigation is to determine the exploitation factor for Gonystylus bancanus Miq. The knowledge of exploitation factor will help logging companies in the planning and control of production. The exploitation factor is the ratio of stem volume utilized to the stem volume that actually could be utilized. The latter represents part of the stem from its lowest point to its first branch. The part of the stem considered utilized is that part which reached the log pond or other point for marketing. Exploitation waste in the areas of the forest companies observed ranges from 11.1% to 21.2%. This means that the exploitation factor ranges from 78.8% to 88.9%. The average of exploitation waste is 16.7%, consisting of parts from stumps 2.9% and parts from stems 13.8% and hence the exploitation factor is 0.81. Exploitation waste can be kept at a minimum by better planning and improving skill of the workers. Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
The Exploitation factors among provincial regions and logging companies are not significantly. Among diameter class, however, they differ highly significantly. Therefore, the exploitation factor reported here should be used with great care. 023/5, 2009 Faktor Eksploitasi Meranti di Sumatra Barat, Kalimantan Barat dan Kalimantan Selatan = Logging Recovery of Meranti in West Sumatra, West Kalimantan and South Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 5(2) 1988: 47-49. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. A study on recover in Meranti logging operation was carried out in West Sumatra and West Kalimantan in 1948, and in South Kalimantan in 1985. The purpose of this study is to determine recovery figures for Meranti at these particular locations, which may be usefull in the planning efforts of logging companies. The study comes to the following conclusions : 1. Average logging recovery for Meranti in West Sumatra, West Kalimantan and South Kalimantan is 0.84. 2. Recovery among provinces and among forest companies do not differ significantly. 3. Recovery between diameter classes differs significantly. It is suggested that logging of small diameter trees be done with care, to avoid leaving relatively small timber in the forest. 024/5, 2009 Faktor Konversi Produksi Dolok Pinus dari Hutan Alam (Studi Kasus di Satu Perusahaan Hutan di Aceh) = Conversion Factor of Log Production of Pine From Natural Forest (A Case Study at a Logging Company in Aceh). Oleh/By: Maman Mansyur Idris & Sona Suhartana. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 13 (4) 1995: 162-168. Pusat 22
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Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This paper is presenting the result of the study on conversion factor of log production of pine (Pinus merkusii) from natural forest. Study carried out at logging company in Aceh in 1991. The aim of the study was to know the conversion factor of pine log production from natural forest including volume and mass units of measurement. The data were analised statistically by t-test. The results of this study showed that the conversion factor of pine log production unit were : (1) for fresh 3 3 cut, 1 month and 2 months duration was 0.985 m /ton or 1.0152 ton/m , (2) for 3 3 3 and 4 months was 1.086 m /ton or 0.9208 ton/m and (3) for 1 year was 1.239 3 3 m /ton or 0.8071 ton/m . 025/5, 2009 Penggunaan Foto Udara dalam Penilaian Kerusakan Tajuk Akibat Eksploitasi Hutan = The Assesment of Crown Damage Due to Logging by Means of Aerial Photograph. Oleh/By : Ishak Sumantri & Wesman Endom. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 5(2) 1988 : 85 - 92. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation of the impact of logging operations on crown damage by using the areal photograph of forest areas of PT. INHUTANI II in Pulau Laut, South Kalimantan was carried out. The results of the investigation lead to the following conclusions : 1. Panchromatik black and white aerial photograph of 1 : 20,000 scale is good Panchromatic enough to use for evaluating the damage of dominant and codominant crowns and crown closure of the trees. It is found that the crown of 11 trees/ha were damaged, consisted of 9 tree crowns were damaged partially and 2 tree crowns were damaged totally. 2. Steeper terrains caused larger decrease of crown closure of the trees. On the slope of 0- 15%, 25- 45% and 45% and above, the crown closure reductions were 61%, 76% and 80%, respectively.
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026/5, 2009 Peranan Kegiatan Pemanenan Kayu dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Masyarakat Sekitar Hutan: Kasus di KPH Sukabumi dan KPH Cianjur = The Role of wood activity to Increase Earnings of People Lived Around the Forest: Casses in Sukabumi Forest District and Cianjur Forest District. Oleh/By: Ishak Sumantri & Sukadaryati. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 21 (2) 2003: 139-153. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Timber harvesting activities in Perhutani areas are with the involvement of people living around the forest. An investigation was conducted to find out the role of timber harvesting activities in increasing the income of people involved. The results showed that 1) People living around the forest were involved in felling, skidding, and collecting log in temporary logyard; 2) Workers involvement were temporary and their wage system were differed from location to location. In Sukabumi, the whole work contract system was applied with the income ranging from Rp. 109.800 to 187.417/person/compartment or Rp. 13.725 to Rp.23.500/person/day. In Cianjur, the piece work system was applied with the income ranging from Rp. 97.788 to 179.166/person/ compartment or Rp. 5.750 to Rp. 10.500/ person/day; and 3) The income obtained from timber harvesting activities still can not significantly increse worker's income and, therefore, it is necessary to furthur seek a proper model suitable for the need of temporary and low income workers to participate in managing forest in Perhutani areas. Keywords: Timber harvesting, wage system, worker's income, temporary workers 027/5, 2009 Faktor Eksploitasi Beberapa Jenis Kayu Hutan Produksi Alam dan Penyebaran Limbah Pembalakannya. Oleh: Wesman Endom. Prosiding Ekspose Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Bogor, 27 24
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Maret 1995: 133-143. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan Bogor dan Sosial Ekonomi Kehutanan. Pembangunan kehutanan di indonesia kini memasuki tahap jangka panjang ke II, dengan orientasi program lebih mengarah kepada hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan efisiensi, peningkatan produktivitas kerja, peningkatan kualitas, pendisiplinan pengusaha, peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat melalui kegiatan penyuluhan serta peningkatan IPTEK. Dibanding dengan program pembangunan tahun-tahun sebelumnya, maka semenjak pertengahan Pelita III, produksi kayu bulat tahunan yang di produsir melalui pembalakan para pengusaha hutan, jumlahnya sudah jauh berkurang. Hal tersebut di pengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, antara lain adanya kebijakan larangan ekspor log (1985) lokasi tebangan yang sudah semakin jauh dan lebih berat, peralatan sudah tua, dan perhatian terhadap kelestarian sumber daya hutan lebih besar. Oleh karena itu sudah sewajarnya pengusahaan hutan yang kini sedang di benahi, memperhatikan cara pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan hutan yang lebih efisien yang berkesinambungan. Dalam makalah ini, disajikan gambaran nilai FE dan limbah beberapa jenis kayu hutan produksi alam dari suatu pengusahaan hutan tanah kering daerah bukit, di propinsi Kalimantan Barat. Sebagai gambaran dalam ringkasan seminar Eksploitasi Hutan yang di selenggarakan tahun 1980, di sebutkan bahwa limbah ekploitasi saat itu masih besar, masih lebih dari 40%. Hal ini juga di tunjang oleh karateristik hutan tropis yang heterogen baik jenis, ukuran, komposisi dan penyebarannya, sehingga nilai tegakan menjadi lebih terbatas, karena kayu berharga sangat sedikit. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa nilai FE saat itu masih sangat rendah (0,6).
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028/5, 2009 Faktor Eksploitasi Kayu Sungkai (Peronema Canescens Jack). Oleh: Dulsalam. Prosiding Ekspose Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bogor, 27 Maret 1995: 144-172. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan Bogor dan Sosial Ekonomi Kehutanan. Penelitian faktor eksploitasi kayu sungkai (Peronema canesoens Jack) telah di lakukan di Jasinga, Bogor, Jawa Barat pada tahun 1993. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya faktor eksploitasi kayu sungkai. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut data panjang dan diameter batang dengan minimal 10 cm serta tinggi tunggak dikumpulkan. Penebangan dilakukan secara tradisional dengan menggunakan gergaji tarik, hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Panjang batang kayu sungkai yang dapat di manfaatkan di kebun rakyat Jasinga, Bogor berkisar antara 3,70 - 9,60 m/pohon dengan rata-rata 6,69 m/pohon sedang diameter pohon setinggi dada untuk pohon yang ditebang berkisar antara 17 - 31 cm dengan ratarata 21 cm. 2. Volume kayu yang dapat dimanfaatkan berkisar antara 0,51- 0,301 m3/pohon dengan rata-rata 0,150 m3/pohon. 3. Besarnya volume kayu yang seharusnya dapat dimanfaatkan berkisar antara 0,055-0,305 m³/pohon dengan rata-rata 0,160 m³/ pohon. 4. Besarnya faktor eksploitasi kayu sungkai berkisar antara 0,72-0,97 dengan rata-rata 0.90. 029/5, 2009 Faktor Eksploitasi (Fe) untuk Hutan Produksi Alam Lahan Kering). Oleh: Haryono & Wesman Endom. Prosiding Ekspose Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bogor, 27 Maret 1995: 173-192. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan Bogor dan Sosial Ekonomi Kehutanan. 26
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Hutan merupakan sumber daya yang dapat diperbaharui dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan manusia. Hal ini sesuai dengan tujuan pembangunan nasional pada umumnya dan pembangunan kehutanan pada khususnya. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, sumber daya hutan harus dikelola dengan sebaik-baiknya. Pengelolaan hutan Indonesia menganut prinsip kelestarian hasil dan pemungutan hasilnya diusahakan dengan prinsip maksimal (INTAG 1985). Sedangkan menurut Buschhel & Hus 1986 dalam Maman Sutisna, 1990 menyatakan bahwa dalam pengusahaan hutan produksi, kedua azas tersebut diartikan hutan harus menghasilkan hasil hutan sebanyak-banyaknya namun tanpa merusak kesehatan hutan itu sendiri sehingga hutan yang diusahakan dapat menjalankan peranannya secara terus menerus. Hal ini akan terlaksana apabila ada keseimbangan antara hasil produksi dengan pertumbuhan hutan. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut dalam pelaksanaannya, oleh pemerintah dalam hal ini Departemen Kehutanan yang menetapkan jatah produksi tebangan persatuan waktu sesuai siklus tebang yang telah ditetapkan dalam pedoman sistem silvikultur TPTI (Tebang Pilih Tanam Indonesia). Pelaksanaan pengelolaan hutan alam produksi dikerjakan oleh para pemegang HPH swasta maupun pemerintah. Dalam penetapan jatah produksi tebangan tahunan, lima tahunan, dan dua puluh tahunan untuk masing-masing konsesi hutan, Departemem Kehutanan menetapkan Angka Eksploitasi Hutan (AE) untuk kayu pertukangan sebesar 0,56 atau 56%.AE tersebut gabungan antara nilai Faktor Eksploitasi (FE) dan Faktor pengaman (FP) yang besar nilai tersebut berturut-turut yaitu 0,7 dan 0,8 (Dirjen Pengusaha Hutan 1994). Nilai Faktor Eksploitasi (FE) 0,7 tersebut pertama kali ditetapkan berdasarkan surat keputusan Direktur Jendral Bina Program Kehutanan tahun 1981. Dasar penetapannya adalah hasil penelitian Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan (LPHH) pada 24 perusahaan pengusaha kayu (HPH) yang terbesar di 11 (sebelas) propinsi (LPHH 1980). Kondisi pengelolaan hutan alam pada saat itu masih berorientasi Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
kepada eksport kayu bulat (log), ketrampilan pekerja pembalakan belum begitu tinggi serta pengolahan kayu di dalam negeri masih terbatas pada kayu gergajian. Akan tetapi dengan adanya larangan ekspor kayu bulat dan makin meningkatnya keterampilan para pekerja pembalakan, disamping adanya perkembangan yang pesat industri hasil hutan, maka dipandang perlu diadakan penelitian kembali terhadap besarnya Faktor Eksploitasi tersebut. Yang dimaksud Faktor Eksploitasi (FE) merupakan perbandingan antara bagian batang yang dapat dimanfaatkan dengan bagian batang yang diperkirakan seharusnya dapat dimanfaatkan (Soenarso S dan Sampe Radja S 1970 dan 1980). Batang yang dapat dimanfaatkan adalah bagian batang yang telah diangkut atau di keluarkan dari areal hutan dan siap di pasarkan. Secara garis besar Faktor Eksploitasi (FE) di pengaruhi oleh kondisi medan dan tegakan hutan, tehnis eksploitasi, orientasi pemanfaatan kayu dan jenis kayu. Berdasarkan batasan diatas maka pada hakekatnya faktor eksploitasi (FE) erat hubungannya dengan limbah eksploitasi dimana semakin besar limbah yang terjadi berarti faktor eksploitasi semakin kecil. Dengan demikian upaya pengurangan limbah eksploitasi dapat meningkatkan besarnya faktor eksploitasi. Sejak dimulainya pengelolaan hutan alam di luar pulau Jawa sampai sekarang nilai faktor eksploitasi (FE) yang digunakan dalam penetapan jatah volume dan areal tebangan belum pernah di tinjau kembali (Anonymous, 1994). Padahal orientasi eksploitasi sudah mengalami perubahan. Pada era sebelum tahun delapan puluhan orientasi untuk ekspor log sedangkan sesudahnya ditujukan untuk bahan baku industri dalam negeri, dengan tujuan untuk menaikan nilai tambah dan devisa, disamping itu juga dapat menyerap tenaga kerja dan menghemat sumberdaya hutan. 030/5, 2009 Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Kelompok Peneliti Keteknikan Hutan dan . Pemanenan Hasil Hutan, P3THH, Bogor, Tahun 2000-2002 Oleh: 28
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Dulsalam, Djaban Tinambunan, Ishak Sumantri dan Marolop Sinaga.Prosiding Ekspose Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembagan Bogor, 19 Desember 2002: 15-35. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Makalah ini menyajikan hasil-hasil penelitian Kelompok Peneliti Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemanenan Hasil Hutan tahun 2000-2002. Tujuannya adalah memberi gambaran tentang hasil-hasil penelitian Kelompok Peneliti Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemanenan Hasil Hutan tahun 2000-2002. Hasil penelitian yang dirangkum adalah hasil penelitian tentang: (1) Penebangan pohon di hutan alam produksi yang efisien dengan kerusakan tegakan tinggal minimal, (2) Penyaradan berwawasan lingkungan untuk minimasi kerusakan tegakan tinggal, (3) Kajian efektivitas jaringan jalan dengan sistem informasi geografi, (4) Zonasi lahan dalam manajemen kawasan hutan yang berkesinambungan dengan sistem informasi geografi, (5) Penggunaan data satelit untuk mengevaluasi perubahan penggunaan lahan, (6) Produktivitas dan biaya penebangan dengan gergaji rantai di hutan tanaman, (7) Produktivitas dan biaya pengeluaran kayu dengan kabel layang (skyline) Isuzu 240 di hutan tanaman, (8) Pengeluaran kayu di hutan tanaman dengan sistem kabel layang P3HH24 dan, (9) Pengeluaran kayu dengan alat muat serba guna (Exp. 2000). Hasil-hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan acuan oleh pengguna dan penentu kebijakan di bidang keteknikan hutan dan pemanenan hasil hutan. Kata kunci : Keteknikan hutan, kerusakan tegakan, efisiensi penebangan, produktivitas, biaya, kerapatan jalan, data satelit, pemanenan hasil hutan.
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031/5, 2009 Beberapa Aspek Penting Penerapan Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) dalam Pengolahan Hutan di Indonesia. Oleh: Djaban Tinambunan. Prosiding Hasil Penelitian Hasil Hutan Bogor, 19 Desember 2002: 201212. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Meskipun di Negara-negara maju telah lama menetapkan RIL, tetapi Indonesia baru dalam tahap awal untuk mengenal dan menerapkannya. Pemahaman tentang potensi keuntungannya, hambatanhambatan pelaksanannya dan strategi implementasinya masih memerlukan upaya yang lebih intensif untuk memasyarakatkannya. Penerapan RIL berpotensi mendatangkan keuntungan berupa peningkatan laju pertumbuhan tegakan tinggal, pengurangan kerusakan tegakan tinggal, pengurangan kerusakan tanah, pengecilan ukuran rumpang, pengurangan kerusakan kanopi, peningkatan kemungkinan mengubah siklus tebang dan peluang lebih mudah mendapat sertifikat ekolabel. Namun potensi tersebut belum dapat direalisasikan di Indonesia karena adanya beberapa hambatan berupa kurangnya kepastian areal pengusahaan hutan, peraturan pemerintah dan pelaksanannya kurang efektif, biaya tinggi dan tidak jelasnya keuntungan finansial daripada RIL, informasi RIL dirasakan masih kurang, kurangnya pedoman teknis yang memadai dan kurangnya kemauan yang serius dari para pihak terkait. Untuk menghadapi hambatan tersebut perlu dikembangkan suatu strategi implementasi, meliputi pembuatan pedoman yang baik, peningkatan kegiatan pelatihan, kegiatan program pelaksanaan yang jelas dan praktikal, pelaksanaan penilaian terhadap pelaksanaan, penegakan hukum yang tegas dan penerapan sistem sertifikasi. Dengan strategi ini diharapkan teknologi RIL dapat memasyarakat dengan segera. Keywords:
Reduced impact logging, pengertian RIL, hambatan RIL, strategi implementasi. ABSTRAK Hasil Penelitian Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan
032/5, 2009 Kajian Faktor Eksploitasi Berdasarkan Jenis Pohon : Studi Kasus di Satu Perusahaan HPH di Kalimantan Barat = A Study on Exploitation Factor in Forest Harvesting Based on Trees Species : A Case Study in One Forest Concession Holder in West Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom dan Maman Mansyur Idris. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan 14 (1) 1996: 16-23. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Natural production forests in Indonesia have been harvested since 1970. In carrying out the harvesting of the forests, the goverment a parameter so called Exploitation Factor (FE) as a basic calculation of annual allowable production. Currently the value of FE is 0.7 regaldess the species. The value means that only about 70% of log volume can be extracted from the forest in the cutting operation. In this study an analysis of FE was carried out to see whether it is necessary to differentiate the value based on tree species. Data were collected from real logging activity in the forests. An analysis using hones by Significant Difference test showed that in reality there is no significant difference among the means of FE. This result justifies the use of single value of FE for all species. Keywords: Forest, harvesting, logs, conversion factor 033/5, 2009 Kecenderungan Meningkatnya Nilai Faktor Eksploitasi di Hutan Produksi Alam. Oleh: Maman Mansyur Idris dan Wesman Endom. Prosiding Hasil Penelitian Hasil Hutan Bogor, 27 Maret 1995: 111-132. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan Bogor dan Sosial Ekonomi Kehutanan. Pengusaha hutan produksi alam di Indonesia sampai saat ini telah berlangsung lebih dari satu dekade. Periode tersebut merupakan
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bagian dari wujud pemanfaatan hutan produksi alam, yang diatur sedemikian rupa dengan sistim silvikultur tebang pilih (TPTI), dengan siklus tebang 35 tahun. Diharapkan dari areal hutan yang diusahakan itu dapat diperoleh manfaat sebesar- besarnya secara berkelanjutan. Untuk melihat tingkat keberhasilan dari pengusaha hutan yang telah berlangsung, pada dasarnya dapat diukur dengan prinsip ITTO Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management (1990), yang mencakup hal-hal berikut: 1) Socio-economical; di mana selain menjamin tercapainya manfaat secara ekonomis juga wajib memperhatikan kepentingan masyarakat lokal. 2) Land-use Planning; yang mencerminkan tata guna lahan suatu negara yang tepat dalam menjamin berbagai kepentingan. 3) Forest Management; yang mampu menyelenggarakan berbagai kapentingan fungsi tidak saja produksi, tetapi juga konservasi baik biodiversity, tata air dan tanah, disamping tentunya masalah kepentingan masyarakat setempat (penduduk asli). Dalam pengelolaannya, perencanaan pengusahaan hutan produksi alam dilakukan secara bertahap. Pertama yaitu rencana jangka panjang untuk selama periode 20 tahun (RKD), lalu dijabarkan dalam rencana jangka menengah yang dirinci dalam rencana karya lima tahunan (RKL), dan kemudian dirinci lagi dalam rencana jangka pendek yaitu rencana karya tahunan (RKT). Untuk menjabarkan rencana karya pengusahaan itu, terdapat salah satu tetapan yang dipergunakan dalam memperhitungkan besarnya panenan kayu, yaitu yang disebut dengan faktor eksploitasi (FE). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan (LPHH) periode 1974-1977, nilai FE ini ditetapkan sebesar 0,7. Nilai 0,7 diatas, merupakan pencerminan dari tingkat efesiensi yang dicapai pengusaha dalam memanfaatkan kayu dari pohon yang dipanen/ditebang, yang besarnya rata-rata 70%. Selebihnya, ditinggal
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di hutan yaitu yang disebut dengan limbah pembalakan (logging waste). Hingga kini nilai FE sebesar itu masih di pakai, karena baru sekitar 1% dari jumlah HPH yang ada yang telah diteliti FE nya. Di sisi lain, sejalan dengan perkembangan kemajuan teknologi pemanfaatan kayu yang semakin baik, meningkatnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan para pekerja lapangan serta pengawasan lapangan yang semakin intensif, volume kayu yang dimanfaatkan belakangan ini semakin besar. Sebagai gambaran dapat disebutkan bahwa pada tahun delapan puluhan, venering kayu bulat pada industri kayu lapis masih tersisa hingga diameter 30 cm, sedangkan saat ini sudah dapat mencapai hingga diameter 5-10 cm. Dengan demikian, bagian kayu yang dapat dimanfaatkan dari pohon-pohon yang ditebang juga meningkat. Hal ini berarti nilai Faktor eksploitasi yang diperhitungkan semula sebesar 0.7, kini dinilai sudah tidak sesuai lagi, karena tidak mencerminkan peningkatan efisiensi pemanfaatan kayu yang telah terjadi. 034/5, 2009 Faktor Eksploitasi Beberapa Jenis Kayu Hutan Produksi Alam dan Penyebaran Limbah Pembalakannya. Oleh: Wesman Endom. Prosiding Ekspose Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bogor, 27 Maret 1995: 133-134. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan dan Sosial Ekonomi Kehutanan. Pembangunan kehutanan di Indonesia kini memasuki tahap jangka panjang ke II, dengan orientasi program lebih mengarah kepada hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan efisiensi, peningkatan produktivitas kerja, peningkatan kualitas, pendisiplinan pengusaha, peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat melalui kegiatan penyuluhan, serta peningkatan IPTEK.
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Dibanding dengan program pembangunan tahun-tahun sebelumnya, maka semenjak pertengahan Pelita III produksi kayu bulat tahunan yang di produksi melalui pembalakan para pengusaha hutan, jumlahnya sudah jauh berkurang. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh berbagai: faktor, antara lain adanya kebijakan larangan ekspor log (1985) lokasi tebangan yang sudah semakin jauh dan lebih berat, peralatan sudah pada tua, dan perhatian terhadap kelestarian sumber daya hutan lebih besar. Oleh karena itu sudah sewajarnya pengusahaan hutan yang kini sedang dibenahi memperhatikan cara pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan hutan yang lebih efisien dan berkesinambungan. Sebagai gambaran dalam ringkasan seminar Eksploitasi Hutan yang diselenggarakan tahun 1980, disebutkan bahwa limbah eksploitasi saat itu masih besar, masih lebih dari 40%. Hal ini juga ditunjang oleh kerakteristik hutan tropis yang heterogen baik jenis, ukuran, komposisi dan penyebarannya, sehingga nilai tegakan menjadi lebih terbatas, karena kayu berharga sangat sedikit. 035/5, 2009 Pengaruh Lama Teresan dan Diameter Tegakan Jati terhadap Persentase Kerusakan Kayu = Effect of Girdling Duration and Diameter on The Teak Wood Damages. Oleh/By: Soenarno & Maman Mansyur Idris. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 7 (3) 1990: 101-105. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Girdling treatment of teak stand before felling not only intended to reduce the teak wood damage but also aimed at reducing log trasport costs. On the other hand, prolonged girldling treatment could generate significant disadvantage effect, among others: decreasing total wood volume, degrade forest land fetility, and often inducing wild under growth, etc. This study deals with a research on the extent of the effect of girdling and size of diameter on the logging damages of teak wood.The study was carried out at Pasar Sore Sub Forest District, at Cepu, Central Java.
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This study reveals that the extent of the damages are inversely proportional to the girdling time and diameter of the trees. The average damage precentages per trees on one year girdling duration with diameter classes 5059 cm, 60-69 cm, 70-79 cm are 3.02%, 4.17% and 7.41%, while on the two years girdling duration the damage for the same diameter classes are 5.62%, 6.76%, and 7.08%, respectively.
036/5, 2009 Usaha Meminimasi Limbah Eksploitasi dalam Rangka Peningkatan Nilai Faktor Eksploitasi. Oleh: Dulsalam. Prosiding Ekspose Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bogor, 27 Maret 1995: 162-164. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan dan Sosial Ekonomi Kehutanan. Limbah pembalakan dapat terjadi di tempat penebangan, penyaradan, muat bongkar dan sepanjang jalan angkutan. Potensi limbah pembalakan dari pohon yang di tebang cukup besar yaitu 37,29 m³/ha. Potensi limbah ini cukup potensial untuk diminimalkan untuk meminimasi terjadinya limbah pembalakan dapat dilakukan dengan cara sebagai berikut : 1. Peningkatan efisiensi pemungutan melalui perencanaan pembalakan yang baik. 2. Kerja sama antara regu penebang dan penyarad yang baik. 3. Perbaikan teknik penebangan. 4. Manghindari sistem upah borongan. 5. Tujuan pemanfaatan yang beragam. 6. Peningkatan keterampilan tenaga kerja. 7. Perlu adanya pengawasan yang memadai dan sanksi yang tegas.
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037/5, 2009 Potensi dan Biaya Pemungutan Limbah dan Penebangan Kayu Mangium Sebagai Bahan Baku Serpih = Potency and Harvesting Cost of Wastes from Mangium Stand Felling as Rawmaterial for Wood Chip. Oleh/By: Sukadaryati, Dulsalam & Osly Rachman. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 23(4) 2005: 327-337. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Harvesting of plantation forest so far is still not yet performed optimally as proved by substantial amount of wood-waste generation. Wates from plantation forest tree felling with minimum 15 cm diameter can by volume reach 57%. An appropiate forest management should be strictly enforced to achieve zero waste. One way to enhance harvesting cost of waste harvesting efficiency is the waste utilization into wood chips. In relevance, assesment on potency and harvesting cost of waste from plantation forst's mangium (Acacia mangium) stand as wood chip material was carried out at sub Forestry Distric of Parung Panjang, Forestry Distric of Bogor in 2002. in average potency and harvesting cost were consecutively 3 0.079 m per mangium tree stand (15,4%) and Rp. 15.250 /sm. The waste 3 potency feasible for wood chip endeavor was 8,33 sm (4,44 m ) per ha. Meanwhile, the basic price of mangium wood waste was Rp. 23.375/sm. Govermental support is urgently needed to implement a policy that can encaurage motivation of community around forest to utilize plantation forest's wastes as wod chips. The policy can be a facility to procure wood wastes with the price equal to the exploitation cost and determine profitable basic chip price. Keywords: Plantation forest, wood waste, potency, cost, chips. 038/5, 2009 Analisis Kerapatan Jalan Hutan Berdasarkan Hasil Penafsiran Foto Udara dan Survey Lapangan: Study Kasus PT. INHUTANI II = An Analisys of Forest Road Density Based on Aerial Photo Interpretation
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and Ground Survey : PT. INHUTANI II Case Study. Oleh/By: Ishak Sumantri. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 9 (2) 1991: 53-58. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Forest road network has a very important role in transporting logs from the focessing site or logyard. The investigation of forest road density by using the aerial photo of 1 : 20.000 and 1 : 60.000 scales had been conducted. The scope of the aerial fhoto is the second five- year working plan of PT. Inhutani II Pulau Laut, South Kalimantan. The results are as follows : 1. Based on aerial fhoto interpretation, forest road density is 7,6 m/ha. 2. Based on average skidding distance, and road construction and road maintenance costs, road densities are 12,7 m/ha and 17,4 m/ha, respectively. 3. Actual forest road dencity in PT. Inhutani II forest area is not optimum yet because it is far less than optimum values resulted from calculation based on average skidding distance, and road construction and maintenance costs. 039/5, 2009 Pengkajian Parameter Fungsi Volume Pohon Melalui Foto Udara di Kalimantan Timur = Study of Tree Volume Function Parameter by Aerial Photos In East Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Ishak Sumantri, Haryono & Machfudh. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 1 (3) 1984: 22-33. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The relationship between tree crown diameter and/or tree height which measured from aerial photos in tropical rain forest is the object of this study. Result of model analysis by crown diameter and tree height variable are as follows : 1. In the harvested primary forest condition, the most appropriate model for all tree samples is : 2 Y = 30,615 1,580 D + 1,247 T + 0,037 D 0,021 DT
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With coefficient sorrelation r = 0,9637. 2. The most appropriate model by crown diameter variable in the harvested primary forest condition for all trees samples is : Y = 1,732 + 0,214 D with r = 0,2971. For Meranti species, the most appropriate model is : 2 Y = 6,684 0,555 D + 0,020 D with r = 0,664 and for Ulin species is 2 Y = - 37,726 + 2,738 D 0,036 D with r = 0,0776. 3. The model and its analysis are valid for East Kalimantan only. 040/5, 2009 Faktor Eksploitasi Jenis Meranti di Jambi, Kalimantan Tengah dan Kalimantan Timur = The Exploitation Factor for Shorea spp. in Jambi, Central Kalimantan and East Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Sampe Radja Simarmata & Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 2 (1) 1985: 1012. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The study was carried out in three locations in Jambi, Central Kalimantan and East Kalimantan. The number of forest companies observed in each location varies from 2 to 4 which were randombly selected. The study concludes that: the logging waste ranges from 16,3% to 24,6% of the clear bole volume. The average logging weste is 22,2% consists of 12,2% trimming waste and stumps, and 9% defects. The exploitation factor ranges from 75,4% to 83,7% and the average is 0,80. This value was previously used for the observed locations. Diameter class has a highly significant effect (P<0,01) on exploitation factor. The explotation factor proportionally increases with the log diameters. 041/5, 2009 Pendugaan Volume Tegakan Berdasarkan Jumlah dan Kerapatan Tajuk pada Foto Udara = The Relationship of Stand Parameters in Areal Photos Towards Stumpage Volume in The Field in East Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Ishak Sumantri, Haryono and Machfudh. 38
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Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 3 (1) 1986: 32-37. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The relationship of stumpage volume by crown dencities persentage and numbers of crown which measured on aerial photos are the object of this study. Research take place in tropical rain forest which have been harvested by Indonesia Selective Cutting (TPI) in East Kalimantan. Result of model analysis are : 1. The distribution of crown densities percentage and numbers of crown data are normal distribution. 2. The relationship of stumpage volume over crown densities percentage and numbers of crown data are : 2 V = 169,7132 + 3,8514 N + 2,8532 C + 0,0004 C + 0,014 CN 3 Where : V : stumpage volume (m ) N : Numbers of crown C : Crown densities percentage. Coeficient of determination of the relation (R) = 0.7828. This model is significant at 95 % level after tested by F test. 3. The model and its analysis can be taken in East Kalimantan only. 042/5, 2009 Pendugaan Potensi Hutan Sagu Dengan Menggunakan Teknik Penginderaan Jauh = The Estimate of Sago Potential Using the Remote Sensing Techniques. Oleh/By: Ishak Sumantri & Haryono. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 5 (1) 1988: 23-30. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The aim of this study is to apply remote sensing techniques to estimate sago potential is a linear regression equation. Estimate parameter from aerial photo scale of 1 : 20000 is the crown density as dependent variable while sago soft core (empulur) volume as the in dependent variable. The linear regression equation of the sago potential is Y = 3,6731 X + 147,43 with 0,7313 coefficient. Based on the study linear regression equation Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
above appear to have reliable estimate and provided to be useful for planning of sago forest management. 043/5, 2009 Penerapan Sistem Mekanisasi dalam Kegiatan Penebangan Jati untuk Mengurangi Ketergantungan Terbatasnya Penyediaan Tenaga Blandong di Jawa = Applying of Mechanization Sytem to Teak Felling Activity for Reducing The Depence Upon Limited Forests Worker Supply in Java. Oleh/By: Maman Mansyur Idris & Soenarno. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 6 (8) 1990: 471-476. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Sastrodimedjo, (1975) pointed out that the present trend of wood processing industry development and formal education of younger generation caused some problems, especially in the sustainabily of forest worker supply in Java. Based on this consideration an alternatif for most widely applied felling system, i.e. manual felling system, needs to be sought. With regard to this problem a study was conducted at three Sub Forest District (RPH), namely Temenggeng, Pasar Sore and Sumberogo in Central Java to compare 3 (Three) felling system in teak forest. The result of the study revealed that the teak felling productivity averages on 2 years gilrded teak with mechanical, manual and combination 3 3 system applied to flat terrain were 2,5359 m /hour, 0,7128 m /hour and 0,8186 3 3 m /hour, respectifely. But those on hilly terrain were 1,5540 m / hour, 0,7374 3 3 m /hours and 0,796 m /hour, respectively. The average cost of full mechanical 3 felling system applied to flat terrain was Rp. 1,586.23/m , while that of on hilly 3 terrain was Rp. 2,165.93/m . 044/5, 2009 Identifikasi Permasalahan yang di Hadapi Dewasa Ini dalam Pemanenan Hutan di Luar Jawa = Identification of Current Prolems in Timer Harvesting Outside Java. Oleh/By: Djaban Tinambunan. Jurnal 40
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Penelitian Hasil Hutan 8(3) 1990: 88-94. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An observation on various problems faced by logging companies in practicing timber harvesting in their areas was conducted in seven concessionaries scattered from Sumatra to Irian Jaya in 1989. It is found that logging companies are facing many problems in almost all aspects of timber harvesting operations such as in general issue, planning, roading, training, and reseach and development. The main source of the problems is the condition where logging companies do not adapt their technologies to the current technologies development and field conditions. For quite long time all logging companies have sticked to the traditional tractor logging system without considering its suitability to specific local conditions. Also almost all regulations about timber harvesting are still the same as those in early 1970's and there is no competent institution available for analyzing various aspects of timber harvesting. All of these couse the use of static technology in the middle of many drastic changes, technology development and working conditions. As the result, it is noticed in the field that the efficiency of logging operations is low, the rate of logging waste is high, and the environmental disturbance is alarming. All of these problems need serious attention both from the government and private sectors. 045/5, 2009 Kemungkinan Subtitusi Kayu Ramin (Gonystilus bancanus) dengan Jenis Lain Sebagai Penghara Penggergajian = The Possibility of Substituting Several Wood Species for Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) as Sawmill Raw material. Oleh/By: Sukanda & M. Usmanyah, Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 9 (5) 1991: 201-206. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Forest harvesting on swampy forests especially to Ramih species in West Kalimantan has begun since 1958, consequently by now the forest potential of Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
this species has decreased. The purpose of this study is to evaluate a scoring system to determine the potentiel substitution of several wood species for ramin which have similar characteristicts to ramin in colour, textur, and other characteristicts which are considered important in wood utilization. The result of this study showed that in West Kalimantan it is estimated about 26 species have been used and have economic potential and general dominated by family of diptecarpaceae in dry land forest and Ramin is swampy forest. Using the scoring system, from 25 species of non Ramin it was found that there are 9 species which have similar characteristicts to Ramin, namely, cengal (Hopea Sangal Korth.), Kayu Cina (Prodocarpus motley Dummer), Jelutung (Dyera constulata Hook.f), Medang (Litsea sp.), Meranti Putih (Shorea sp.), Mentibu (Dactylocladus stenoctachvs Oliv.), Perupuk (Lophopethallum pachylhyllum King), Pisang-pisang (Mezzettia parvivlora Becc.) and Pulai (Alstonia scholaris R.Br.). 046/5, 2009 Kajian Pemanenan terhadap Kerapatan Tegakan di Bagian Hutan Alam Tropis Propinsi Lampung = Study of The Impact of Logging on Forest Stand Density in Tropical Rain Forest in Lampung Province. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom & Ishak Sumantri. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 9 (6) 1991 : 219 228. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This paper studied the logging impact on forest density in a forest concession in province of Lampung. 38 sample plots were taken consisting of 22 plots located in virgin/not yet logged and 16 located in logged over area. The results show that : 1. The initial potential of forest area can be classified as moderate, with composition of commercial wood of Dipterocarpaceae 43.9%, 14.4% non Dipterocarpaceae and the rest 41.3% of non commercial species. The average volume of commercial wood per hectare of diameter class 50 cm and 3 up ranged from 6-42 m , and for diameter class 20-50 cm ranged from 7-48
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m per hektar. The forest density of those two diameter classes varied from 4 16 trees per hektar, respectively. 2. Forest logging operation has reduced the volume and number of commercial trees per hectare (Dipterocarpaceae and Non Dipterocarpaceae) at about 50% and 38% respectively. Compared to TPTI (Indonesian Selective Cutting System) it was found that this condition can not meet the TPTI requirements for nucleus trees for the next cutting cycle. 3. The logging operation has caused the openings of land cover at about 2 30,54% per ha or similar to an area 3054 m per ha. 047/5, 2009 Kajian Teknis Praktek Uji Coba Sistem Tebang Jalur dan Tanaman Indonesia = Technical Analisis of The trial of the Indonesia Strip Cutting and Planting System. Oleh/ By: Djaban Tinambunan & Sri Sutopo. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 13 (6) 1995: 222-230. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The investigation of three concessionaires in Kalimantan practicing the trial of Indonesian Strip Cutting and Planting System was conducted in 1994. All the companies are in the early stage of the trial and, therefore, the focus of investigation is limited to trial preparation and timber harvesting with the aim of describing the real practises and various problems faced in the field. It is found that the productivity of each activity in preparation and timber harvesting in the Indonesian Strip Cutting ad Planting System (A) is lower than those in the Indonesian selective Cutting and Planting System (B). The comparison of several productivies are as follows : (1) Felling: 47 cu. m/day for A and 85 cu. m/day for B; (2) Skidding : 37 cu. m/day for A and 85 cu.m/day for b; (3) Loading-unloading : 55 cu. m/day for A and 150 cu m/day for B; (4) Hauling : 50 cu m/trip for A and 64 cu m/trip forB. The above figures and observation in the field lead to the nation of several problems faced such as: (1) in matching the required strip dirrection and real field condition; (3) improper skill of workers; (4) unsuitable wage system ; (5)
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inability to utilize the small diameter logs; (6) too large cable used for skidding; (7) too large log clamp available on loader tractor; (8) difficulty in handling small diameter logs onto logging truck; and (9) high precentage of land area disturbed due to large equipment and strip widht limitation. The trial is stil in the early stage and the information is very limited and, therefore, further investigations is strongly recommended to cover more locations and aspects so that the final result can be used by the authority to make sound conclucions in selecting the final arrangement of the Indonesian Strip Cutting and Planting System. 048/5, 2009 Application of Band Ratios to Landsat Thematic Mapper Digital Data (Tm) And Their Role for Discriminating Land Covers = Penerapan Operasi Pembagian Band pada Data Digital Landsat Tm dan Oleh/By: Peranannya untuk Memisahkan Penutupan Lahan. Machfudh & Joseph D. Kasile. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 15 (7) 1998: 405-422. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The study emphasized on evaluating band's ratios to landsat TM digital data for selecting appropriate band(s) which would provide high accuracy whenever it were used for discriminating lands covers. Six bands of the landsat TM data of the Barnebey Center and its vicinity, Sautheast Ohio, USA, were evaluated by using the IBM-PCIPS softwere on an IBM PC. Based on values of overlapping Landcover Index (OLI) and in-bound range of Brightness Value of each band operation, band 5/2 was the best band ratio for discriminating rivers, and band 5/3 for saverating lakes from other land cover. Ratio operations could not discriminate other land covers. Keywords: Remote sensing, Landsat TM, Land Cover, Digital analysis, Ratio, Image Analysis, Computer Aplication.
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049/5, 2009 Klasifikasi Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal, Erosi Tanah Hutan dan Iklim Mikro untuk Penetapan Ambang Batas dalam Pemanenan Tebang Pilih di Hutan Alam = Classification Non the Damages of Residual Forest Stands, Erosion of Forest Soil, and Deteriorating Micro Climate for Determining Threshold of Logging Impact Employing Selective Cutting in Natural Forest. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom & Zakaria Basari. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 19 (2) 2001: 69-88. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The logging impact on wood harvesting operation at natural forest is an important element that should be pay attention by all people to get sustainable forest management. This information is needed in order the forest damaged can be maintained to achieve health forest recovery of the logged forest area and high potency. So we can do the next harvest with a similar volume and quality or even more. That is our hope and sustain continuously. To achieve this, the cryteria and size of threshold forest damages is required. There is 3 main group of damages of the known i.e. threshold of residual stand damage, threshold of forest soil damage and threshold of micro climate. Based on consideration that in the reality in general was found logging impact still high so because globally in the worlds asking logging with friendly it is essensial to provide of limit of forest damage. Some activities that may produce heavy forest damage was road construction, felling, skidding and logyard establisment. Keywords: Impact of logging operation, valution, threshold, sustainable forest management. 050/5, 2009 Analisis Produktivitas Kerja Extraksi Kayu dengan Sistem Kabel Layang dalam Sistim Tebang Habis di Hutan Jawa Timur = Produktivity Analisis of Wood Extraction Using Skyline System on Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
Clear Cutting in East Java Forest. Oleh/By: Zakaria Basari, Djoko Sumanto & Wesman Endom. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 15 (3) 1997 : 169-189. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. One of more productive log extraction techniques on hilly area is a skyline system. Skyline system observed in the study by using a 115 HP of Isuzu yarder. The objective of the study was to measure its work productivity, extraction cost and ecological aspect. The system productivity was evaluated by calculating skyline productivity on each line, its extraction cost consisting of fixed and operational cost. Ecological aspect was calculated by measuring area of forest floor exposured by the system. The result showed that average productivity was 2.17 m3/day with its effetive working hours was 5.77 ha/day. Cost of extraction was Rp. 18,596/m3. Exposured forest floor was 295.8 m2/ha or 1.75%. Keywords: Forest harvesting, skyline, impact of logging, productivity, cost of operation. 051/5, 2009 Hubungan Kerapatan Jalan Hutan dengan Intensitas Pemungutan Kayu = The Relationship Between Forest Road Density and The Intensity of Timber Harvesting Oleh/By: Dulsalam. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 15(3) 1997: 200-211. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The investigation of the relationship between forest road density and the intensity of timber harvesting was carried out at two logging companies in Riau in 1995. Data on felling area, road length and log production were collected. The data were analised by linear regression with mathematical model as follows : Y=a+bX. The investigation result were as follows : 1. The averages of felled forest area per year at PT Kulim Company and PT
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Mandau Abadi were 1.875 and 969 ha/year with the average production of 47.242 and 17.909 m3/year, respectively. 2. The averages of forest road length built by PT Kulim Company and PT Mandau Abadi were 19.600 and 14.840 km/year; and their forest road density were 10.28 and 23.69 m/ha, respectively. 3. The average of timber harvesting intensity at PT Kulim Company and PT 3 Mandau Abadi were 25.27 and 59.69 m /ha, respectictively. 4. The relationship between the intensity of timber harvesting (y) and road density (x) can be expessed by regression equation of Y= 9.2598 + 1.8569 X with R2 = 0.7298. Keywords: Forest road density, timber harvesting, harvesting intensity. 052/5, 2009 Analisis Biaya Pemanenan Kayu Bulat Sistem Kemitraan HPHKoperasi Desa di Kalimantan Tengah = An Analysis of Forest Harvesting Cost of Forest Concession in Collaboration With Community Wellfare Cooperative in Central Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Zakaria Basar. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 22 (2) 2004: 113-122. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. To minimize illegal logging in natural production forest, one of concession forest in Kalimantan has initiative to do a joint bussines logging with a community welfare cooperative. The aim of the study was to measure productivity of extraction, operation cost, joint bussines income, investment and income of Koperasi Desa. The observation area was located at PT Tanjung Raya Intiga (TRI), Barito Huhu Puruk Cahu Forest District, of Central Kalimantan Province in 2001. 3 The results showed that logging production achieved was 892.9 m , log 3 3 extraction productivity m .hm/hour, operation cost Rp.14,227/m , logs selling revenue Rp.31,235,950,-, investment cost Rp.2,901,017.- and cooperative income Rp.28.902,017,-. Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
The finansial income was distributed to local community (34%), wages for cooperative bussines managers (29%), village contribution (4.5%) administration fee for cooperation in natural production forest management. Keywords: Operation cost, logging, joint bussines, cooperative. 053/5, 2009 Kajian Penggunaan Lahan Hutan dan Perubahannya Menggunakan Data Citra Spot Landsat dan Radar =Assesment on Forest Land Use by Interprenting Input Data of Spot, Landsat, and Radar Satellite Imageries. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom & Haryono. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 22 (2) 2004: 95-111. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. To enhance effectiveness of natural resources evaluation an assessment on the trend of land-use and its impacts is necessary. This is needed by regions which are interacted each others and covering large areas. A remote sensing technology is a reliable and approprite chois for such area. A study on the landuse assessment was employed using manual method through the implementation of Spot, Landsats, and Radar imageries. The result were as follows: 1.) Until the year 1980, the concession area situated at Long Nah, administratively under authority of PT.Inhutani I, East Kalimantan were mostly still covered by virgin forest with occasional and scattered small villages. 2.) Manual interpretation using imageries of Spot, Landsats and Radars disclosed the followind results : (a) Spot imageries turned out to be 64.7% as the correct figure and 35.3% as the false figure;, (b) Landsats imageries interpredet 53,3% as correct and 46.7% as false; (c) Radar imageries conducted in March and April 1998 revealed 38.1%as correet and 61.9% as false. 3.) Changes forest Land-use during the period 1980-1998 occurred in lowland dry forest and partl in swampy forest, which were further conberted to the plantation forest. Meanwhile, the changes for other land-use among 48
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other agriculture were almost insignificant (less than 3%). This is because soil layers in the corresponding land were thin and acidic rendering unsuitable for agriculture activities. 4.) In order to reduce high commission error, the appropriate number of strata relevant to the land-use interpretation should not be too detailed but adequately astablished as simply as possible. Keywords: Forest land-use, forest boundary, remote sensing imagery, monitoring. 054/5, 2009 Produktivitas dan Biaya Peralatan Pemanenan Hutan Tanaman: Studi Kasus di PT Musi Hutan Persada, Sumatera Selatan = Productivity and Cost of Harvesting Equipment in Forest Plantation: Case Study on PT Musi Hutan Persada, South Sumatera. Oleh/By: Dulsalam & Djaban Tinambunan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 24 (3) 2006: 251-266. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The study on productvity and cost of harvesting equipment in PT Musi Hutan Persada, South Sumatera has been carried out find the information about productivity and cost of plantation forest harvesting equipment. The study result revealed: 1. Felling equipment used was small-sized chainsaw of Husqvarna with an 3 average productivity of 2.14 m /hour band an average cost of 3 Rp. 15,334/m 2. Log skkidding was carried out using Timber Jack G10 forwarder with an average cost of Rp. 39,852/ m3 and using Timber Jack 1010B with an average productivity of 21.25 m3/hour and an average cost of Rp. 79,254/ m3 3. For log loading and unloading, log loaders of Hitachi and Volvo were used with average productivities of 70 m3/hour for loading and 34 m3/hour for unloading, respectively. The average loading costs for Hitachi and Volvo
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log loaders were consecutively Rp. 6,155/m and R.p 6,200/m , while the average unloading sosts for Hitachi an Volvo log loaders Rp. 12,671/m3 and Rp. 12,764/m3, respectively. 4. Log hauling by single trucks had and average productivity of 5 m3/hour and average cost of R.p 44,696/m3 and by semi trailer trucks had an average productivity of 15 m3/hourand an average cost of Rp. 37,676/ m3 . 5. Fellling tree and log hauling activities did not caused significant enviromental disturbace. Log extraction using forwarders of TIMBER JACK G10 and TIMBER JACK 1010B caused low top soil displacement while tracked loading tractors of Hitachi and Volvo caused high top soil displacement. 6. Equipment combination needs improvement and minimum log production per period should be determined so that log production flow can run smoothly and the workers and equipment do not have much idle time. Keywords: Harvesting, plantation forest, appropriate equipment, productivity, cost. 055/5, 2009 Kajian Pemanenan Jenis Ramin di PT Diamon Raya Timber = Study of Ramin Harvesting in PT Diamon Raya Timber. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom & Sukanda. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 26 (2) 2008: 105-116. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This study was undertaken to evaluate volume of ramin cutting in PT DRT (Diamon Raya Timber) 2003 cutting area. Evaluation was done using the formula developed by French (1883). The result shows that the allowable volume to be cut for cutting area of 2.000 ha is about 9.104.3 m3 taken from 3.672 trees. Another information from tracing of logged over area shows that the number of trees cut down ranged between 5.75-14.61/ ha with an average of 10.18 trees/ha, and 1.3-4.0 trees of them area ramin. Other sources show that the number of cut down ranged between 5.65-7.22 trees/ ha or in average of 6 trees/ha. This study shows that the company was trying to apply forest sustain 50
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yield principle in natural forest. Howaver, although it is allowed to cut the trees of diameter 40 cm and up, for the sake of sustainability, the cutting of large diameter trees should be limited in order to provide more mother trees as sources of seed and natural sedlings in the future. Keywords: Ramin, volume, harvesting, mother trees, sustainability. 056/5, 2009 Penggunaan Peralatan Pemanenan Kayu yang Efisien pada Perusahaan Hutan Tanaman di Kalimantan Selatan = The Use of Efficient Logging Equipment at a Timber Estate Company in South Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Sona Suhartana & Yuniawati. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 26 (3) 2008: 243-252. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Increase in log demand,lack of labors ,and rapid progress of technologi have contributed to the acceleration the use of mechanical logging equipment. With numerous kind and types of logging equiqment that have appeard it is neccesary to conduct a thorough planning in their uses .in relevan, a study was carried out at a timber estate company in South Kalimantan in 2007. This article looked into the use of passible effisient logging equipment there, which was further analyzed referring to maximum annual allowable cut (AAC), planned log prodution and realized log production.the result reveald that; (1) the use of efficient logging equipment woul have worked houdbased onwellplanned log production, which required concesutively 10 chainsaw units for log felling, 20 forwarder units for log skidding, 19 excavator units for iog loading/ unloading, and 61 trucks for log transportation; (2) The number of logging equipmen in the field for log felling was in excess, white those for skidding, loading/unloading, and transportation were lacking. This situation indicates that the use of logging/unloading, and transportotion were lacking. This situation indicates that the use of logging equipmen in this company was not well organized or balanced with respect to their number for particular operation types, and, therefore, was inefficient.
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Logging equipment, efficient, well-planned log production, annual, allowable cut, realized log production.
057/5, 2009 Kajian Penggunaan Lahan Hutan dan Perubahannya Menggunakan data Citra Spot Landsat dan Radar = Assesment on forest Land Use By Interpretting Input Data of Spot, Landsat, and Radar Satelit Imageries. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom & Haryono. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 22 (2) 2004: 95-111 Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. To enhance effectiviness of natural resourcase evaluation an assessment on the trend of land-use and its impacts is necessary. This is needed by region which are interacted each other and covering large areas. A remote sensing technology is a reliable and appropriate choice for such area. Study on the landuse assessment was employed using manual method trough the implementation of spot, landsats, and radar imageries. The results were as follows : 1. Until the year 1980, the concession area situated at Long Nah, administratively under authority of PT. Inhutani I, East Kalimantan were mostly still covered by virgin forest with occasional and scattered small villages. 2. Manual interpretation using imageries of spot, landsats and Radars disclosed the following results: (a) Spot imageries turned out to be 64.7% as the corret figure and 35.3% as the false figure; (b) Landsat imageries interpreted 53.3%; 46.7%; (c) Radar imageris conducted in March and April 1998 revealed 38.1% as correct and 61.9% as false. 3. Changes forest land-use during the period 1980-1998 occurred in low-land dry forest and partly and swampy forest, which were further converted to the plantation forest. Meanwhile, the changes for other land-uses among other agriculture were almost insignificant (less than 3%). This is because soil layers in the corresponding land were thin and acidic rendering unsuitable for agriculture activities.
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4. In orther to reduce high commission error, the appropiate number of strata relevant to the land-use interpretation should not be too detailed but adequately established as simply as possible. Keywords: Forest land-use, forest boundary, remote sensing imagery, monitoring. 058/5, 2009 Kecenderungan Meningkatnya Nilai Faktor Eksploitasi di Hutan Produksi Alam. Oleh: Maman Mansyur Idris & Wesman Endom Prosiding Ekspose Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bogor, 27 Maret 1995: 111-132 Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan Bogor dan Sosial Ekonomi Kehutanan. Pengusaha hutan produksi alam di Indonesia sampai saat ini telah berlangsung lebih dari satu dekade. Periode tersebut merupakan bagian dari wujud pemanfaatan hutan produksi alam, yang diatur sedemikian rupa dengan sistem silvikultur tebang pilih (TPTI ), dengan siklus tebang 35 tahun di harapkan dari areal hutan yang diusahakan itu dapat diperoleh manfaat sebesar-besarnya secara berkelanjutan. Untuk melihat tingkat keberhasilan dari pengusaha hutan yang telah berlangsung, pada dasarnya dapat diukur dengan prinsip ITTO Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management (1990), yang mencakup hal-hal berikut: 1) Socio economical; di mana selain menjamin tercapainya manfaat secara ekonomis juga wajib memperhatikan kepentingan masyarakat lokal. 2) Land use planning; yang mencerminkan tata guna lahan suatu negara yang tepat dalam menjamin berbagai kepentingan. 3) Forest management; yang mampu menyelenggarakan berbagai kepentingan fungsi tidak saja produksi, tetapi juga konversasi baik biodiversity, tata air dan tanah, di samping tentunya masalah kepentingan masyarakat setempat (penduduk asli).
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Dalam pengolahannya, perencanaan pengusaha hutan produksi alam dilakukan secara bertahap. Pertama yaitu rencana jangka panjang untuk selama periode 20 tahun (RKD), lalu dijabarkan dalam rencana jangka mangengah yang dirinci dalam rencana karya lima tahunan (RKL), dan kemudian di rinci lagi dalam rencana Jangka pendek yaitu rencana karya tahunan (KRT). 059/5, 2009 Teknik Zonasi Lahan dalam Manejemen Kawasan Hutan yang Berkesinambungan dengan GIS (Geographic Information System). Oleh: Haryono dan Arifin Prosiding Ekspose Hasil Penelitian Hasil Hutan Bogor, 19 Desember 2002: 170-178 Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Hasil Hutan. Perubahan kondisi sumber daya hutan di Indonesia terjadi sebagai akibat dari kompleknya permasalahan antara lain peningkatan permintaan lahan untuk peruntukan di luar bidang Kehutanan dan terjadinya illegal logging yang tidak terkendali akhir-akhir ini penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menyediakan informasi kondisi sumber daya hutan dan kawasan hutan yang perlu ditingkatkan kualitas konservasinya terhadap erosi. Penelitian ini menggunakan tehnik analisa data secara spasial dengan cara “overlay” antara beberapa jenis data (peta), dengan studi kasus di SUB DAS Cijolang, DAS Citanduy. Hasil analisa menunjukan bahwa kawasan hutan yang harus ditinggalkan kwalitas seluas 11181.95 ha (23.28%), menjadi hutan alam dengan serasah tebal seluas 16.81%, 3.79% hutan alam serah tipis dan tetap sebagai hutan produksi seluas 2.68%. sedangkan kawasan non hutan yang harus ditingkatkan menjadi hutan seluas 22149.16 ha (46.12%), menjadi hutan alam dengan serasah tebal seluas 6.10%, 23.54% hutan alam serah tipis, hutan produksi seluas 14,62%. Tingkat erosi rata-rata daerah penelitian sebesar 72.13 ton/ha/thn. Erosi terendah terjadi di Kecamatan Purwaharja sebesar 20.25 ton/ha/thn terletak di daerah denga tekanan penduduk yang tinggi (2.27) atau 54
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pada daerah lahan yang tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan hidup penduduknya. Sedangkan tertinggi terjadi di Kecamatan Salajambe sebesar 100.73 ton/ha/th, terletak di daerah dengan tekanan penduduk yang kritis (1.25) atau tekanan penduduk melebihi kemampuan lahannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup penduduknya. Nilai erosi tersebut lebih besar dari ambang batas toleransi sebesar 11 ton/ha/th (FAO 1990) dan 15 ton/ha/th (RRL 1987), sedangkan tekanan penduduk rata-rata sebesar 2.29 yang juga melebihi toleransinya (1.0). Kata kunci: Zonasi kawasan hutan, GIS, penataan kawasan hutan, konservasi lahan dan erosi tanah. 060/5, 2009 Kajian Praktek Pembangunan Hutan Tanaman Industri di PT Riau Andalan Pulp dan Paper. Oleh: Wesman Endom dan Zakaria Basari INFO Hasil Hutan 13(2) 2007: 113-127 Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Tulisan ini menyajikan kajian deskriptif komparatif atas pelaksanaan pembangunan hutan tanaman industri (HTI) yang dilakukan oleh PT. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP),yang dinilai cukup berhasil. Pelaksanaannya banyak melibatkan masyarakat sebagai pelaku utama diharapkan dengan pembangunan yang mengarah pada sistem pengelolaan hutan tanaman lestari dapat mendongkrak kelesuan usaha di sektor kehutanan. Perubahan cara kerja yang komprehensif dan berjangka panjang, serta keteknikan hutan tepat guna yang berwawasan lingkungan dengan prioritas mengembalikan kondisi hutan dan peranannya yang kini banyak mengalami kerusakan menjadi satu usaha kehutanan yang optimal merupakan model pengelolaan hutan yang sedang di bangun di PT. RAPP. Kata kunci: Pengelolaan hutan, antisipasi, pemanenan, produksi, berkelanjutan. Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
b. Pembukaan Wilayah Hutan (PWH) 061/5, 2009 Intensitas Pembukaan Wilayah Hutan dan Ekstraksi Kayu dalam Pengusahaan Hutan Alam di Luar Jawa = Infrastructure and Wood Extraction Intensities in Several Natural Forest Concessions in The outer Island of Java. Oleh/By: Djaban Tinambunan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 9 (6) 1991: 251-256. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation of forest infrastructure and wood extraction intensities was conducted in 10 logging companies in dry land forests and other 10 logging companies in swamp forests outside Java from 1989 to 1991. For dry land forests, it is found that average values of road density (combined main and branch roads) is 13 m/ha, commercial wood volume available for haversting is 56 cu.m/hz, and the realization of wood extraction is 41 cu.m/ha. An average amount of commercial volume left unutilized in the forest (wood waste) is 15 cu.m/ha. While in swamp forests, those figures are consecutively 11m/ha, 43 cu.m/ha and 11 cu.m/ha. Statistically, all the above values of dry and swamp forests are not significantly different. 062/5, 2009 Praktek Pembuatan Prasarana Angkutan di Areal Hutan Rawa Sumatera Selatan = The Practice of Infrastructure Construction in Swamp Forest Areas of South Sumatera Oleh/By : Djaban Tinambunan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 8(2) 1990: 42-48. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. A Study of the parctice of infrastructure (railroads) construction in swamp forest areas of South Sumatra was carried out in 1989. The intention is to find various aspects of field operations in that specific area and their possible consequences. It is found that supports of rails in swamp forest areas are consisted of
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either 4 or 5 layers of logs. In constructing those railroads, logs used vary from 140 to 177 cu.m/km. with an average of 166 cu.m/km. Including the volue of this material into calculation gives the total construction cost of railroad to the amount of around Rp.16.5 million per km. Soil disturbance is found to be minimal due to narrow railroad clearing and flat topography. Problems identified in the field are the excessive use of logs for railroads construction and large amount of other logs scattered and abandoned around railroads and manual skidding (kudakuda) roads. It seems that there is a strong need for the government and concessionaires to seriously pay attention and create better instructions and actions in managing those voluable swamp forests on a sustainable basis. 063/5, 2009 Stabilisasi Tanah Liat dengan Kapur pada Konstruksi Badan Jalan Hutan di Pulau Laut = Lime Stabilization of Clay Soils in Forest Road Subgrade Construction in Pulau Laut. Oleh/By : Rahardjo S. Suparto & S. Sutopo. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 1(2) 1984: 11-22. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Subgrade construction is an important part in forest road building. Subgrade soils with a high clay content could not be used satisfactorily as forest road construction material unless it is treated to increase its stability. The improvement of the physical characteristics of clay soils related to subgrade construction can be achieved by mixing lime of certainzation into the soil. The purpose of this investigation is to determine the amount of lime required for subgrade stabilization which have high clay content in Pulau Laut, South Kalimantan. The investigation reveals the following : 1. The efective amount of lime stabilization of soils is 7 percent of the dry weight of the soil, resulting in the following physical properties : 2 - Bearing capacity is 167 kg/cm at air dry condition, - Percent of swell is 2.3,
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- Plasticity index is 25.5, and - pH is 9.00. 2. Stabilization with 7 percent lime is most effective for use in forest road subgrade containing about 66% clay. 064/5, 2009 Jenis dan Banyaknya Kayu Arang yang Dipakai dalam Konstruksi Jalan Rel di Hutan Rawa, Propinsi Riau = Species and Amount of Wood Used in The Swamp Forests of the Riau Province. Oleh/By: Dulsalam & Apul Sianturi. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 1 (2) 1984 : 23 - 28. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An observation on the amount and species of wood used in rail-road construction in the swamp forests has been carried out in the PT Alam Wanasaki and PT Tenaga Kampar concession areas both located in Riau. The observation revealed that the wood species used in rail-road construction at the PT Alam Wanasaki area consist of 24 species with a volume of 243 m3/km. Those used at the PT Tenaga Kampar area consist of 12 species comprising a volume of 204 m3/km and the species used at the PT Alam Wanasaki area are mostly kelat (Xylopia malayana Hook.f.) with a total volume of 71 m3/km. The same is found at the PT Tenaga Kampar area using a total volume of 58 m3/km. Other wood species used in rail-road construction in both concession areas consist of a number of commercial species. Wood species which are considered suitable in the construction of railroad in the swamp forest of PT Alam Wanasaki are among others: bintangur (Callophyllum spp.), gelam (Eugenia spp.), medang (Litsea spp.), menggeris (Koompassia spp.), pelawan (Tristania obovata R. Br.), punak (Tetramerista glabra Miq.), resak (Cotylelobium melanoxylon Pierre.), tempurung (Baccaurea spp.), and tembesu (Fagraea spp.), comprising about 16% of the total volume used in the construction. Wood species selected for rail-road construction at the PT Tenaga Kampar concession area are : bintangur (Callophyllum spp.), medang (Litsea 58
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spp.) , and punak (Tetramerista glabra Miq.), comprising 32% of the total amount of wood used in the construction. Both companies made efforts to only use durable wood species, however, such species are scarce. 065/5, 2009 Pengaruh Intensitas Tebang Bayang Terhadap Kelembaban dan Daya Dukung Jalan Hutan = The Effect of Shade Felling Intensity on The Moisture and Bearing Capacity of Forest Roads. Oleh/By: Dulsalam & Apul Sianturi. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 2 (1) 1985 : 15-17. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Road maintenance has been generally considered as a major cost component in logging cost. An investigation on the effect of shade felling intensity on the moisture content and bearing capacity of forest road was carried out at the PT Wisma Lukita forest concession area, located in South Sumatera. Shade felling at the right and left side of forest roads is considered to be a factor which affects roads quality. It is said to affect soil moisture in the forest road structure, which in trun affects its bearing capacity. In this study, the effect of a set of five shade felling intencity levels were investigated, starting at 21 percent up to 70 percent with 10 percent increments. The effect on moisture content truns out to be significant, and set of five felling intensity levels caused moisture contents to vary from 8 percent to 20 percent. The effect on bearing capacity however, is non-significant. 066/5, 2009 Biaya Konstruksi dan Volume Kayu pada Jalan Rel Kayu dan Rel Besi = Construction Cost and Wood use in Wooden and Steel Railroad Tracks. Oleh/By: Dulsalam & Apul Sianturi. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 2 (4) 1985: 19-23. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.
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An investigation on construction cost and wood use in railroad tracks in swamp forests has been carried out at two companies located in West Kalimantan, in 1983. The investigation arrives at the following conclusion: 1. The construction of both wooden and steel railroad tracks uses 4 layers of sleepers. The difference between the two lies in the rails it self. 2. The bearing capacity of steel railroad track ranges from 2 to 4 tons, while that of wooden railroad track from 10 to 15 tons. 3. Construction cost of wooden railroad tracks is lower than that of steel railroad tracks, i.c., Rp.2.350.000.-/km and Rp.11.483.000.-/km respectively. The volume of wood used in wooden and steel railroad tracks 3 3 is 243 m /km and 241 m /km respectively. 4. The amounts of wood used between wooden railroad and steel railroad tracks do not differ significantly. Among layer, however, they differ highly significantly. 067/5, 2009 Komposisi Jenis Kayu yang digunakan dalam Konstruksi Jalan Rel di Hutan Rawa Sumatra dan Kalimantan = The Composition of Wood Species Used in Railroad Costruction in The Swamp Forests of Sumatera and Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Dulsalam & Apul Sianturi. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 2 (4) 1985: 24-27. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Data collected consist of the diameters and lengths of wood used in railroad construction in swamp forests companies in Sumatera, and six in Kalimantan. Railroads in the swamp forests are different in construction compared to those in the teak forests, generally requiring four layers of sleepers. This, of course, is due to the extremely low bearing capacity of the soil. Little is known about the problems of this type of railroad construction, primarily, with regard to the quantity of wood required. The steps of collecting data were as follow:
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1. Selecting suitable forest companies in Sumatera and in Kalimantan to be surveyed. 2. In each forest area 20 samples of 50 m railtrack sections were drawn systematically. 3. Diameters and lengths of logs within the sections were measured according to layers. The average amount of wood used in swamp forest railroad in Sumatera 3 3 and Kalimantan are respectively 142 m /km and 188 m /km. The volume of wood used in every km of railroad between regions are significantly differnet, and those among forest companies vary significantly. Wood used in every km of railroad construction and per layer of sleepers vary. The average of wood used for railroad construction of the 1st and 2nd 3 3 layer in Sumatera are respectively 55 m /km and 87 m /km. Those in Kalimantan consist of four layers of sleepers, i.e.: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th layer from the 3 3 3 3 top-down, averaging 32 m /km, 64 m /km, 74 m /km and 18 m /km of wood used per layer respectively. 068/5, 2009 Kemungkinan Penggunaan Latex untuk Stabilisasi Badan Jalan Hutan = Posibility of Using Latex for Forest Road Subgrade Stabilization. Oleh/By: Rahardjo S. Suparto & S. Sutopo. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 3 (3) 1986: 13-18. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Among the many known stabilized methods and materials that can be applied to improve forest road stability, latex is thought of as one such material that deserves trying. This experiment is to asses the possibility of using latex as a stabilizing agent. The following conclusions are in order: Latex can be used as stabilizing agent for clayey soil as subgrade material. A 4% latex content turned out to be effective to keep swelling,due to soaking in water, within a limit of 4.3%. Degree of compaction has no significant effect of swell. Degree of compaction Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
and percentge of latex content has significant effect on bearing capacity. Latex may be recommended as an alternative material for stabilizing subgrade soil in forest road construction. 069/5, 2009 Lapisan Perkerasan Komposit Batu Pecah Pada Konstruksi Jalan Hutan = Crushed Rock Composite Pavement in Forest Road Construction. Oleh/By: Rahardjo, S. Suparto & S. Sutopo. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 4 (2) 1987: 50-55. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The use of pavement in Indonesian forest road construction at present is not common practice.Paving of logging roads is still considered too expensive, especially when its construction is not rational and effective.Information on pavement design especially with regard to its composition should help forest companies in solving their forest road construction problems. This investigation looks into the prblems of finding the proper composition of crushed gravel and sand or rock dust for the construction of pavements. This kind of pavement is thought to have high shearing strength ,stability and density. A series of laboratory test were conducted for this purpose, employing factorial analysis. A performance test in the field was conducted to compare with the Telford system using paired samples. The investigation revealed the following: - Crushed rock had significant influence on the shearing strength of the pavement.This material mixed with rock dust showed significant interaction. - Rock dust itself and water did not have significant effect on the shearing strength of pavement. - The use of water may help facilitate the compaction process guiding the filler material into the voids among the crushed rock particles.
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- The proper composition turned out to be three units of crushed rock and two 2 units of rock dust,resulting in a shearing strength of 0.226 kg/cm . - Crushed rock composite made better pavement than the Telford system, resulting in lower settling of sugrade. - Based on the above,it is recommended to use a mixture of 2-3 size crushed rock and rock dust in the proportion of 3:2 for pavement of forest roads, using smooth drum roller to obtain proper compactio. 070/5, 2009 Intensitas Tebang Bayang Optimum dalam Pemeliharaan Jalan Hutan = Optimum Shade Felling Intensity in Forest Road Maintenance. Oleh/By: Dulsalam & Rahardjo S. Suparto. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 4 (3) 1987: 45-48. Pusat Penelitiand dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Forest road requires lots of sun and air to keep them dry. These can be obtained by “shade felling “of the stand at both sides of the road. The problem in this matter is the qustion about the proper felling intensity to render adequate sunshine and air without undue overcutting. Logging companies tend to fell as many trees as possible to ensure enough opening to les sunshine and air in. A Least Significant Difference (LSD) test on the data obtained from the observation indicate that felling intensity over 50 does not provide better result than 31 - 41.It is Therefore suggested that shade felling intensity be kept at 40% or less to save time, man power, cost and forest resource. 071/5, 2009 Potensi Jalan Hutan dalam Akselerasi Erosi Tanah di Kalimantan Barat = Forest Road Potential for Accelerating Soil Erosion in West Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Djaban Tinambunan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 5 (3) 1988: 104-113. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
A study on the potential of forest roads for accelerating soil erosion was carried out at four logging companies in West Kalimantan in 1987. Road elements measured in the field are those related to the Universal Soil Loss Equation factors such as road openings, surfaces, slopes and ditches, culverts, cuts, fills, diversion ditches, and the indence of vegetation. The results showed that forest soil disturbances caused by road construction create ground condition which has high potentials for accelarating erosion. Factors that caused this problem, as identified in the fiels, are : long and steep slopes, wide ground openings, and bare soil surfaces, in addition to the originally sensitive to erosion soil type, and hot and wet weather. Further study is necessary in order to find the real amount of soil erosion occured in forest roads in West Kalimantan. Qualitatively it is known to be high but quanitatively it needs to be found.
072/5, 2009 Keadaan Elemen Jalan Hutan dan Potensinya dalam Mempercepat Erosi Tanah = Forest Road Element Condition and their Potentials for Accelerating Soil Erosion. Oleh/By: Djaban Tinambunan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 6 (3) 1989: 171-177. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. A study on the forest road element conditions in relation to soil erosion potentials was carried out at two logging companies in Buntok area, Central Kalimantan in 1988. Road elements measured in the field are those relatid to the Universal Sil Loss Equation factors such as road openings, surfaces, slopes, ditches, culverts, cuts, fills, diversion ditches, and the incidence of vegetation. The results showed that forest road elements are in the condition of high potentials for accelerating soil erosion. Factors that caused this problem, as identified in the field, are : long and steep slopes, wide ground openings, and bare soil surfaces, in additions to the originally sensitive to erosion soil type, and hot and wet weather.
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Qualitatively, it is realized that soil erosion is quite serious. Therefore, further study is necessary in order to find the quantitative amount of soil erosion occured in the area. 073/5, 2009 Beberapa Aspek Geometrika Jalan Hutan dan Hubungannya dengan Erosi Tanah = Serveral Geometrical Aspects of Forest roads and Their Relation to Soil Erosion. Oleh/By: Djaban Tinambunan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 6 (7) 1990: 411-419. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. A study on the forest road geometrics in relation to the process of soil erosion was carried out at four logging companies in Kotawaringin Timur, Central Kalimantan in 1988. Road geometric aspects measured in the field are those related to the Universal Soil Loss Equation factors such as road openings, surfaces, slopes, ditches, cuts, fills, difersion ditches, and the incidence of vegetation. The result shows that forest road geometrics are in the condition of high potential for soil erosion. Factors that caused this problem, as identified in the field, are : long and steep slopes, wide ground openings, and bare soil surpaces, in addition to the originally sencitive to erosion soil type, and hot and wet weather. The concessionaires and Indonesian Goverment have not given proper attention to the seriousness of this soil erosion yet. Qualitatively we know that the erosion level is high but quantitatively we do not know the value yet. Therefore, further study is necessary. 074/5, 2009 Efektivitas Jalan Hutan di Suatu Perusahaan Hutan di Riau = The Effectiveness of Forest Roads at a Forest Company in Riau. Oleh/By: Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 7 (2) 1990: 48-53. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
An investigation on the effectiveness of forest roads was conducted at PT Siak Raya Timber in Riau in 1989. The objective is to find out the information on construction and uses of forest roads. The length of main and branch roads, and target and actual productions during the latest six years (from 1983/1984 to 1988/1989) were collected. The investigation result reveal that: 1. The length of forest roads built annually by PT Siak Raya Timber ranged from 16 km (consisting of 10 km main and 6 km branch roads) to 85 km (consisting of 65 km main and 20 km branch roads), with an average of 21,66 km (consisting of 11.68 km main and 20 km branch roads). 2. The annual felling area of PT Siak Raya Timber was 2.600 ha. The road densities ranged from 6.16 m/ha to 32.69 m/ha with an average of 21.66 m/ha. The road density is somewhat high compared to that stated in the forest Agreement. 3. The actual production of logs at PT Siak Raya Timber ranged from 3 21.225.65 m /year with an average of 34.417.03 m/year. 4. The difference between target and actual production average was relatively 3 3 large i.e 75.500 m /year compared to 34.417.03 m /year. The effectiveness 3 3 of forest road ranged from 268,67 m /km year to 2.305.86 m /km year with 3 an average of 1.010 m /km year. 075/5, 2009 Perkembangan Keadaan Jalan Hutan Menurut Waktu dan Hubungannya dengan Potensi Erosi Tanah = Development of Forest Road Condition in Relation to Soil Erosion Potential. Oleh/By: Djaban Tinambunan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 7 (3) 1990: 79-90. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation of the development of forest road condition in relation to soil erosion potential was carried out at four logging companies in South Kalimantan in 1989 to find the potential of forest road in erosion processes after constructed and continually used, or abanoned for various years. The condition of road elements especially those related to factors stated in the Universal Soil
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Loss Equation were recorded and, based on this information, the category of specific road in erosion potentials was decided subjectively to either one of very small,small, medium, rather large, and large. From the results, the following conclusions may be withdrawn: 1. In general, erosion potential of forest road is decreased with time due to the growth of variuos vegetation and the process of natural soil stabilization. 2. For continually used main roads, erosion potentials after about 2 years are still rather large to large; after 3-6 years are medium; and beyond 3 years are very small to small. If main roads are totally abandoned, erosion potentials after left around one year are rather large; after 2-3 years are small to medium; and beyond 3 years are very small. 3. For branch roads, erosion potentials for those abandoned uf to one years are rather large to large; abandoned 2-3 years are medium to rather large; beyond 3 years are very small to small. For skidding roads that constructed by clearing vegetation, litter and top soil all together,when abandoned one year or more, they were densely covered by vegetation and /or litter and , therefore, their erosion potentials are very small to amall. Erosion potential tendency for skidding roads constructed by soil cutting and/ or filling is almost the same as that in branch roads. 4. Logging company practices outsided Java showed that they are lacking in the knowledge of soil erosion, soil stability, drainage structures, and using vegetation for covering soil surfaces, all of which are important in minimizing environmental disturbances due to road construction activities. 076/5, 2009 Praktek Pembuatan Jembatan Kayu Bulat Sederhana di Beberapa Konsesi Hutan di Kalimantan = Simple Log Bridge Concstruction Practices at Several Forest Concessions in Kalimantan Oleh/By: Djaban Tinambunan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 8 (2) 1990: 70-76. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.
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An investigation on simple log bridge construction practices was carried out in five forest concession areas scattering in west, Central and South Kalimantan from 1987. 1989. The purpose is to find current practices, the amount of log/wood used and problems faced in constructing simple log bridges. It is obvios in the field that government guidance in planning, construction and maintenance of log bridges is still for from satisfaction. It is common to see that (1) the variation in bridge construction is large; (2) bridges are built to the strength for higher than required; (3) too many logs are used in bridge constuction; (4) problems of soil erosion around and under bridges are quite seriuos; (5) bridges are loaded with unnecessary heavy dirt and/or gravel which may reduce the effective supporting capacity of stringers; and (6) quite often the bridge was washed out due to low construction. Effective guidance from the government in forest bridge planning, consctuction and maintenance is strongly needed in order to reduce excessive use of natural resources (logs), to maintain proper bridge function for longer period, and to minimize environmental distrubances. For this purpose, the involvement of civil engineers in handling various forest engineering problems and pacing of research activities are urgently needed. 077/5, 2009 Penggunaan Tanah Liat Sebagai Bahan Konstruksi Lapisan Aus Jalan Hutan = Using Clay Soil for Wearing Course Material of Forest Roads. Oleh/By: Sri Sutopo. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 8 (3) 1990: 109-114. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Souil type of forest areas in Indonesia is dominated by clay. This soil is poor when used as forest road construction material but its engineering properties can be improved by certain treatments. Clay soils can be used as binding materials of wearing course construction. An investigation was carried out, using the mixture of soil, lime and crushed rock with the following result.
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1. Lime has highly significant influence on the binding strength of material for wearing course of forest roads. It proportion is 7% on weight basis. 2. According to laboratory test, the use of crushed rock has a highly significant influence on wearing course strength. Percentages of separated materials at 0%, 25%, 50% and 75% crushed rock mixture are 1.0%, 2.5%, 26.6% and 55.52% respectively. 3. An effective crushed rock percentage for clay soil wearing course construction is 25%. Among the material mixture (soil, lime and crushed rock) have significant interaction. 078/5, 2009 Keadaan Jalan Hutan di Hutan Jati dan Potensinya dalam Akselerasi Erosi Tanah = Forest Road Conditions in Teak Forest and Their Soil Erosion Potentials. Oleh/By : Djaban Tinambuan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 9 (3) 1991: 129-136. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation on forest road condition In teak forests of Cepu and Randublatung Forest Districts and their soil erosion potentials was conducted in early 1991. The samples of roads investigated were 30 segments in Cepu and 14 segment in Randublatung each of 50 m log. It is found that from the total of 266 km truck roads in Cepu, only 3.7% of them are in good conditions but 77.2% are active roads. For the 180 km rail roads, 65.4% are in good conditions.In Randublatung, the total length of truck roads is 237 km of which only 11.8% are in good conditions but 78.3% are active roads. For raiol roads, the total length is only 33 km only. 13.5 of them are in good conditions. The total area used for roads infrastructures (combinet truck and rail roads) in Cepu and Randublatung are 266 ha (0.8%) and 163 ha (0.5%), respectively. This means that an average land lost due to roading is 0.7%. All factors in the USLE for the teak forest areas of Cepu and Randublatung are in the level of low scores in terms of soil erosion acceleration
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potentials except soil erodibility. It is noticed in the field that this soil erodibility factor is covered by other dominant factors and, therefore, soil erosion potentials of forest roads are generally low. 079/5, 2009 Praktek Pembuatan Jalan Hutan dan Permasalahannya di Daerah Propinsi Jambi = Road Coonstuctions Practice and its Problems in Jambi Province Area. Oleh/By: Djaban Tinambunan Jurnal. Penelitian Hasil Hutan 9 (4) 1991: 150-157. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An observation on road construction practice and its problems in two logging company areas in Jambi Province was conducted in 1990. The specific physical condition of the area observed is quite light and, therefore, the cost of road construction is low at Rp. 5.84 million/km main road.In building the road, four steps are followed i.e.: road preparation survey, land grabbing and road grading. Road densities are 5.3 m/ha in the second company area. For these roads, land area used amounts to 111.24 ha from the total of 19.940 ha logged-over, area or 0.56 % in the first and 401.70 ha from the area of 35.021 ha logged-over area or 1.15 in the scond company. The ratio of road length to log volume extracted are 0.27 m/cu.m in first and 6.69 m/cu.m in the scond company. The rate of natural vegetation growth along forest roads is quite high which is very helpful in retarding soil erosion potential of the roads. 080/5,2009 Intensitas Penggunaan Jalan Hutan sebagai Prasarana Pengangkutan Kayu di Tiga Perusahaan Hutan di Jambi dan Kalimantan Selatan = The Intensity of Forest Roads Use as Log Transportation Infrastructure at Three Logging Companies in Jambi and South Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 10 (5) 1992: 179-185. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. 70
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This paper presents the results of an investigation on the use of forest roads as log transportation infrastructure at two logging companies in Jambi and one logging company in South Kalimantan carried out in 1990. The objective is to find out the information of the intensity of forest roads use as log transportation infrastructure. For that purpose, the data on forest roads length 3 (km) and actual log production (m ) for the period of between three and than years were collected. The results reveal that: 1. Forest roads at several forest companies in Sumatra and Kalimantan were commonly unpaved, and therefore, can only be used when they are dry. 2. The average lengths of forest roads built by A, B and C companies were 6,050 km/year with the range of between 2,000 and 13,000 km/year; and 12,733 km/year with the range of between 7,600 and 19,800 km/year; 11,275 km/year with the range of between 2,565 and 22,650 km/year, respectively. 3 3. Actual log production ranged from 18,045.48 to 45,555,60 m /year with 3 the average of 27,249.88 m /year for A company; from 19,484.07 to 3 3 41,526.29 m /year with the average of 31,485.36 m /year; for B company; 3 and from 15,892.25 to 54,553.95 m /year with the average of 36,745.30 3 m /year for company. 4. Correction factor to be used in calculating actual production from target production at A, B and C copanies were respectively 0.74 with the range of between 0.36 and 0.98; 0.97 with the range of between 0.96 and 0.99; and 0.76 with the range of between 0.32 and 1.09. 5. The intensity of forest roads use as log transportation infrastructure at A, 3 B and C forest companies range between 1,503.79 and 17,234.05 m /km3 year with the average of 7,165.73 m /km-year; between 984.04 and 3 3 4,400.75 m /km-year with the average of 3,076.61 m /km-year; and 3 between 1,352.53 and 13,292.74 m /km-year with the average of 5,147.53 3 m /km-year,respectively.
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081/5, 2009 Keadaan Jalan di Daerah Hutan Non-Jati Jawa Tengah dan Potensinya dalam Akselerasi Erosi Tanah = Forest Road Conditions in Non-Teak Folests in Central Java and Their Soil Erosion Potential. Oleh/By: Djaban Tinambunan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 11 (1) 1993: 29-36. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation on forest road condition in non teak forest of Kedu Utara and Kedu Selatan Forest Districts and their soil erosion potentials was conducted in early 1992. The sample of roads invetigated were 6 segments in Kedu Utara and other 6 segments in Kedu Selatan. Each of 50 m long. Forest areas distribution and road inventory were also investigated and collected. It is found that forest sections in both forest districts are spread in several regencies and each section consisted of several relative small areas scattered in many locations which are seperated by vilages and other land uses. This condition becomes the constraint in praticing good forest magement in the area. The total area used for roads infrastructure (combined graveled forest roads and public roads) in Kedu Utara and Kedu Selatan are 8.30 Ha (0.03%) and 60.62 Ha (0.14%), respectively. This means that an average land lost due to roading in only 0.08%. All factors in the Universal Soil Lost Equation (USLE) for the non- teak forest of Kedu Utara and Kedu Selatan are in the level high scores in terms of soil erotion acceletation potential. It is noticed in the field that many segments of forest roads have been seriously eroded, especially a long the berms and ditches, and on the fill and cut sections. Better planning and contruction practices of forest roads are necessary to avoid forest land damage due to soil erotion. 082/5, 2009 Studi Kasus Kerapatan Jalan Hutan di Dua Perusahaan Hutan di Jambi = Case Study of Forest Road Density at Two Logging Companies in Jambi. Oleh/By: Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 12 (2) 1993: 57-60. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. 72
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A study on the forest road densities was carried out at two logging companies in Jambi in 1990. The objective is to find out the information of forest road densities realized by the companies. Data on area cut and road constructed during the latest ten years felling blocks (from 1980/1990) were collected. The result of the investigation reveal that: 1. Annually,the length of forest road built by A and B logging companies ranged from 2,000 to 13,000 m with an average of 6,050 m,and from 7,600 to 19,800 m with an average of 12,733 m,respectively. 2. Forest road density of each felling block at A and B logging companies ranged from 2.10 to 20 m/ha with an average of 8.54 m/ha, and from 3.45 to 22 m/ha with anaverage of 10.02 m/ha,respectively. 3. The level of forest road density average in the two logging companies was still bellow those level based on Segebaden Formula. 4. It is suggested that long potential,road contruction cost and skidding cost be taken into consideration in contructing forest road. 083/5, 2009 Kajian Jalan Hutan di Wilayah Hutan Cepu Jawa Tengah Oleh: Haryono & Wesman Endom. Prosiding Ekspose Hasil Penelitian Hasil Hutan Bogor, 19 Desember 2002: 233-247. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Fasilitas jaringan jalan hutan yang memadai merupakan prasyarat penting dalam penyelenggaraan pengelolaan hutan berkesinambungan. Untuk memilih penempatan dan pembuatan jaringan jalan yang tepat dan efisien seluruh areal kerja dalam unit-unit pengelolaan, perlu dirisalah dan di daftar, dengan tujuan agar dapat disusun rencana Pembukaan Wilayah Hutan (PWH) dan Rencana Kerja Tahunan (RKT) dengan sebaik-baiknya. Untuk itu perlu diperhatikan secara seksama kondisi topografi, tegakan hutan, jenis tanah dan geologi.
Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
Studi kasus ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas jaringan jalan hutan dengan mencoba menganalisisnya melalui penerapan rumus PWH sebagai pembanding. Hasil kajian memperlihatkan bahwa prasarana jaringan jalan diwilayah hutan Cepu cukup memadai dengan kerapatana jalan 5.13 m/ha dengan persen PWH 100%. Kata kunci: Jalan hutan, efisiensi, pengelolaan hutan lestari.
084/5, 2009 Analisis Prakiraan Biaya Pembuatan Jembatan Kayu Bulat: Studi Kasus di Perusahaan HPH PT Serestra II di Propinsi Jambi. Oleh: Zakaria Basari, Wesman Endom & Dulsalam. INFO Hasil Hutan 6 (2) 2000: 38-52. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Tulisan ini menyajikan hasil penelitian analisis pembuatan jembatan kayu bulat di satu perusahaan HPH. Penelitian di laksanakan di PT. Serestra II, Cabang Dinas Kehutanan (CDK) Bangko, Dinas Kehutanan Propinsi Jambi pada tahun 1994. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) Cara kerja pembuatan jembatan; dan (2) mengetahui biaya tetap, tidak tetap dan total dalam kegiatan pembuatan jalan jembatan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa volume kayu bulat yang digunakan untuk pembuatan 1 (satu) buah konstruksi jembatan dengan panjang 10 m dan lebar 8 m adalah sebesar 144 m3 . Jumlah seluruh biaya pembuatan, biaya tetap, dan biaya tidak tetap adalah masing-masing berturut-turut sebesar Rp.41,175,058.60, Rp.304,965.50/jam, dan Rp.100,889.00/jam. Kata kunci: Jembatan kayu bulat, volume kayu dan biaya.
ABSTRAK Hasil Penelitian Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan
085/5, 2009 Analisis Pembangunan Prasarana Angkutan dan Ekstraksi Kayu serta Dampaknya terhadap Lingkungan Hutan di Propinsi Riau = Analysis on Infrastructure Contruction and Logs Exstraction, and Their Impact on Environment in Riau Province. Oleh/By: Djaban Tinambunan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 9 (5) 1991: 193-200. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation on various aspects of timber harvesting practices in two logging companies in Riau has been conducted in June 1991. One of them is operating in dry land forests and the other is inswamp forest. Road construction in the first company is accomplished by the steps of selecting route location, land clearing and road forming, road grading, and right of way clearing with the total cost of Rp 3.8 million/km. Whereas, log extraction is done by the steps of felling, skidding, debarking, loading, hauling and unloading with the total cost of Rp.8,210/cu.m. In swamp forests, rail road construction follows the steps of route survey, right of way clearing, installing rail supports and stell rails with the cost of Rp.8,420,000/km, including the costs of logs used for the supports amounts to 151 cu.m/km and steel rails. By using this facility and manual (kuda-kuda) skidding, it is found that the cost of log extraction is Rp.13,250/cu.m. Logging roads have many land openings and steep, bare soils so that they are in the condition of high soil erosion potential. Whereas, for rail roads, it is noticed that their soil erosion is low because the land on both sides and under the rails is well covered by litter, logs and vegetation roots. 086/5, 2009 Intensitas Pembukaan Wilayah Hutan dan Ekstraksi Kayu dalam Pengusahaan Hutan Alam di Luar Jawa = Infrastructure and Wood Extraction Intensities in Several Natural Forest Concessions in The outer Island of Java. Oleh/By: Djaban Tinambunan, Jurnal Penelitian
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Hasil Hutan. 9 (6) 1991: 251-256. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation of forest infrastructure and wood extraction intensities was conducted in 10 logging companies in dry land forests and other 10 logging companies in swamp forests outside Java from 1989 to 1991. For dry land forests, it is found that average values of road density (combined main and branch roads) is 13 m/ha, commercial wood volume available for haversting is 56 cu.m/hz, and the realization of wood extraction is 41 cu.m/ha. An average amount of commercial volume left unutilized in the forest (wood waste) is 15 cu.m/ha. While in swamp forests, those figures are consecutively 11m/ha, 43 cu.m/ha and 11 cu.m/ha. Statistically, all the above values of dry and swamp forests are not significantly different. The above facts imply that, nationwide, the high level of commercial wood waste does occur. Our estimate shows that the figure could reach at least 3.7 million cu.m per year. Efforts need to be done by all parties concerned to reduce that waste to the minimum level. 087/5, 2009 Pengusaha Nipah dan Permasalahannya = Thatch Palm Utilization and Its Problems. Oleh/By: Djaban Tinambunan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 10 (6) 1992: 227-234. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. A general investigation of thatch plam utilization in South Sumatra, Lampung and West Kalimantan had been conducted in 1991. The result and the very limited publication available show that the accurate area, distribution and potential of thatch palm forests in Indonesia are not know yet. The traditional use of thatch palm leaves for making roof has been know for a long time but it is still without any improvement. While the untilization of the palm for various commercial producst and, therefore, many of its aspect have not been know yet. 76
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It is now realized that all of the palm portions such as leaf, stem, fruit and juice can be used for certain products with relatively high economical values. It is noticed that in business of thatch palm untilization industry in Indonesia, several constraints are commonly faced such as the lack of data of the palm area, distribution and potential, the unclear institution responsible for the commodity, the long procedure of getting the permit for manging thatch palm, the difficult condition of thatch palm field and lack of infrastucture, the lack of skilled labor, technology, environmental information, the lack of socioeconomical analysis, the difficulty in gitting fund, and the lack of real support from the government. Futher research on various aspects of thatch palm untilization and development are necessary in order to provide scientific information to be used by interested parties so that the role of the commodity in improving the general life of local community and increasing government earing can be realized. 088/5, 2009 Hubungan Kerapatan Jalan Hutan dengan Intensitas Pemungutan Kayu = The Relationship Between Forest Road Density and The Intensity of Timber Harvesting. Oleh/by: Dulsalam. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 15 (3) 1997: 200-211. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The investigation of the relationship between forest road density and the intensity of timber harvesting was carried out at two logging companies in Riau in 1995. Data on felling area, road length and log production were collected. The data were analised by linear regression with mathematical model as follows: Y=a+bX. The investigation result were as follows: 1. The averages of felled forest area per year at PT Kulim Company and PT Mandau Abadi were 1,875 and 969 ha/year with the average production of 47,242 and 17,909 m3/year, respectively. 2. The averages of forest road length built by PT Kulim Company and PT
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Mandau Abadi were 19,600 and 14,840 km/year; and their forest road density were 10.28 and 23.69 m/ha, respectively. 3. The average of timber harvesting intensity at PT Kulim Company and PT 3 Mandau Abadi were 25.27 and 59.69 m /ha, respectictively. 4. The relationship between the intensity of timber harvesting (y) and road density (x) can be expessed by regression equation of Y= 9,2598 + 1,8569 X with R2 = 0.7298. Keywords: Forest road density, tember harvesting, harvesting intensity
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c. Penebangan 089/5, 2009 Pengaruh Pembuangan Banir dalam Penebangan Pohon terhadap Efisiensi Pemungutan Kayu : Studi Kasus di Suatu Perusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Barat = The Effect of Butterss Cutting in Tree Felling on Wood Harvesting Efficiency (A Case Study in a Logging Company in West Kalimantan). Oleh/By: Sona Suhatana dan Maman Mansyur Idris. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 13 (1) 1995: 19-26. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This paper presents the results of the study of the impact of buttress cutting in tree felling on harvestring efficiency. The case study was carried out in PT Kurnia Kapuas Plywood in West Kalimantan in 1994. the aim of the study is to know the influence of buttress cutting on wood havesting efficiency, The data were analysed by using the t-test. The result of study shows that the average of wood harvestring efficiency by cutting buttress is 68.1 % and without cutting buttress is 66.7%. 090/5, 2009 Produktivitas dan Efisiensi Pemanenan Kayu dengan Teknik Penebangan Pohon Serendah Mungkin di Hutan Produksi Alam; Studi Kasus di Taga Perusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Tengah = The Productivity and Efficiency of Wood Harvesting by Practicing The Lowest Possible Felling Technique (A Case Study in a Logging Companis in Central Kalimantan). Oleh/By: Maman Mansyur Idris & Sona Suhartana. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 13(3) 1995: 94-100. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This paper presents the results of the study of wood harvesting productivity and effeciency when practicing the lowest possible feling technique. The case study was selected in three logging companies in Central
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Kalimantan in 1994. then,the result are compared to those obtained from conventional felling technique. The results of study are as follow: 3 1. The average of wood harvesting productivity is 25.2 m /hr for lowest 3 possible felling technique and 28.8 m /hr for conventional felling. This difference is statistically significant. 2. The average of wood harvesting efficiency is 86.1% for lowest possible felling technique and 82.1% for conventional felling technique of 1.28 3 m /tree is highly significant. 3. The average of stump height when practicing the lowest technique is 0.45 m,while for conventional felling technique of is 1.21 m. 091/5, 2009 Pengaruh Penebangan Terkendali dan Konvensional terhadap Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal dan Produktivitas Kerja = The Effect of Controlled and Conventional Felling to Residual Stand Damage and Work Productivity. Oleh/By: Sona Suhartana. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 19 (4) 2001: 219-230. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The study was carried out at a forest company in West Kalimantan in 2000. The aim of the study is to know the effect of controlled and conventional felling to residual stand damage and work productivity. Data collected were: felled and damaged trees, trees with diameter of 20 cm and up, diamater and length of log, and felling time. The data was analyzed by t-test. The results of the study showed: 1) The average of residual stand damaged is 7.05% for the controlled felling and 11.75% for conventional felling. This difference of 4.70% is significant. 3 2) The average of the work productivity were 17.462% m /hr for the controlled 3 felling and 24,094 m /hr for conventional felling. This difference of 6,632 3 m /hr is highly significant. 80
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Keywords: Residual stand damaged, felling productivity, controlled felling technique, conventional, felling technique. 092/5, 2009 Peranan Kegiatan Pemanenan Kayu dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Masyarakat Sekitar Hutan: Kasus di KPH Sukabumi dan KPH Cianjur = The Role of Wood Activity to Increase Earnings of People Lived Around the Forest: Casses in Sukabumi Forest District and Cianjur Forest District. Oleh/By: Ishak Sumantri & Sukadaryati. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 21 (2) 2003: 139-153. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Timber harvesting activities in Perhutani areas are with the involvement of people living around the forest. An investigation was conducted to find out the role of timber harvesting activities in increasing the income of people involved. The results showed that 1) People living around the forest were involved in felling, skidding, and collecting log in temporary logyard; 2) Workers involvement were temporary and their wage system were differed from location to location . In Sukabumi, the whole work contract system was applied with the income ranging from Rp.109,800 to 187,417/ person/compartment or Rp.13,725 to Rp.23,500/person/day. In Cianjur, the piece work system was applied with the income ranging from Rp.97,788 to 179.166/person/compartment or Rp.5,750 to Rp.10,500/person/day; and 3) The income obtained from timber harvesting activities still can not significantly increse worker's income and, therefore, it is necessary to furthur seek a proper model suitable for the need of temporary and low income workers to participate in managing forest in Perhutani areas. Keywords: Timber harvesting, wage system, worker's income, temporary workers.
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093/5, 2009 Peningkatan Produktivitas dan Efisiensi Penebangan Kayu Mangium di Satu Perusahaan Hutan Tanaman di Propinsi Jambi = Increasing Productivity and Felling Efficiency of Accacia Mangium Wild at a Timber Estate in Jambi. Oleh/By: Sona Suhartana, Marolop Sinaga & Ishak Sumantri. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 22 (3) 2004: 175-182. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Implementation of felling technique in the timber estate is not yet practiced efficiently and appropriately. Study on the lowest possible felling technique (LPFT) is considered important to increase felling productivity and felling efficiency. This study was carried out at a timber estate in Jambi 2003. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of LPFT on felling productivity and efficiency. Data collected in this regard were: working time, wood volume, productivity, efficiency, stump height and felling cost. Two-categories data were analyzed with respect to their possible differences using a t-test. Results revealed that implementation of LPFT brought out more convenient impacts in comparison to the conventional felling technique (CFT), 3 as follows: (1) felling productivity increased at 3.177 m /hr; (2) felling effeciency increased approximately 7.4%; (3) felling cost decreased by some Rp.159.1 ; and (4) the average stump height were 21.14 cm for LPFT and 32.83 cm for CFT. Keywords: Felling technique, wood production, increasing production, timber estate. 094/5, 2009 Produktivitas dan Biaya Produksi Penebangan Hutan Tanaman Industri di PT Inhutani II Pulau Laut = Productivity and Cost of Felling Forest Plantation in PT Inhutani II Pulau Laut. Oleh/By: Marolop Sinaga. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 23 (1) 2005: 69-78. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. 82
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The research of felling plantation forest was carried out in forest area of PT Inhutani II, Semaras, Pulau Laut, South Kalimantan which has the plantation of mangium (Acacia mangium). The felling system used was clear felling with the sample of 97 trees in felling the tress, the small type chainsaw was used and the lowest possible cutting was practiced. The objective is to find the productivity and cost of forest plantation felling. The results show that the 3 productivity of felling is around 0.738-11.645 m /hour with the average of 3.12 3 3 m /hour. The harvesting production cost is around Rp.814 Rp.18,868/ m with 3 the average of Rp.4.411/ m . It is still possible to increase the productivity by improving workers skill. Keywords: Plantation forest, productivity, felling cost. 095/5, 2009 Efisiensi Penebangan Pohon Secara Konversional dan Terkendali di PT Asialog Jambi. Oleh: Sukadaryati. Prosiding Penelitian Hasil Hutan Bogor, 19 Desember 2002. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Kesenjangan akan ketersediaan bahan baku kayu dari hutan produksi dengan kebutuhan industri pengolahan menimbulkan kekhawatiran karena mendorong praktek penebangan ilegal dan meningkatkan limbah penebangan. Hal ini mengindikasikan pemborosan sumber daya hutan secara besar-besaran. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan penebangan kayu harus dapat menunjukkan tingkat efisiensi penebangan yang tinggi sehingga dapat menyokong pasokan bahan baku kayu industri yang memenuhi persyaratan baik kualitas maupun kuantitas. Tingkat efisiensi penebangan yang terjadi di PT Asialog dengan sistem konversional berkisar antara 77.66-85.74% dengan rata-rata 81.15%, sedang dengan sistem terkendali berkisar antara 0,84.3290.45%, dengan rata-rata 87.27% atau limbah yang terjadi berkisar
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antara 9.55-15.68%, dengan rata-rata 12.73%. Dengan demikian penebangan dengan sistem terkendali dapat meningkatkan efisiensi penebangan atau menurunkan limbah penebangan sebesar 6.13%. Keadaan lapangan, keterampilan penebang, dengan sistem pengupahan merupakan beberapa faktor yang perlu diperhatikan untuk mengurangi limbah penebangan yang terjadi atau meningkatkan efisiensi penebangan. Kata kunci: Efisiensi penebangan, limbah penebangan, sistem konversional, sistem terkendali. 096/5, 2009 Produktivitas dan Biaya Penebangan Gergaji Rantai Stihl 070 di Satu Perusahaan Hutan Tanaman Industri di Jambi Oleh: Sona Suhartana. Prosiding Hasil Penelitian Hasil Hutan Bogor, 19 Desember 2002: 193-200. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan pada tahun 2002 di satu perusahaan HTI di Jambi. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya produktivitas dan biaya penebangan dengan menggunakan gergaji rantai Stihl 070 di HTI. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi waktu tebang, volume kayu yang ditebang, pemakaian bahan bakar, oli/ gemuk, upah, dan biaya-biaya yang dikeluarkan lainnya. Data diolah secara tabulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Produktivitas penebangan dengan gergaji rantai berkisar antara 19.81-36.14 m3/ jam dengan rata-rata 27.98 m3/jam; (2) Biaya produksi penebangan dengan gergaji rantai sebesar Rp. 1,825.2/m3. Kata kunci: Produktivitas, biaya produksi, penebangan, gergaji rantai.
ABSTRAK Hasil Penelitian Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan
097/5, 2009 Praktek Penebangan Pohon di Hutan Rakyat (Penggunaan Kulit Batang Pohon Pisang dan Tambang untuk Sarana Pemanjat). Oleh: Wesman Endom. INFO Hasil Hutan 13(2) 2007: 137-144. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Praktek penebangan di hutan rakyat cukup sederhana, unik dan menarik. Karena tegakan hutan rakyat cukup rapat, maka untuk mengurangi kerusakan pada tegakan tinggal penebangan dilakukan dengan diawali memangkas cabang-cabang terlebih dahulu. Untuk memanjat dapat digunakan tambang dan batang pohon pisang kering sebagai alat bantu panjat. Cara penebangan seperti ini dapat di kembangkan untuk penebangan di hutan alam dengan beberapa penyesuaian misalnya perlunya penggunaan chain-saw mini untuk mempercepat pemotongan dahan dan seperangkat alat pengaman saat melakukan pamanjatan. Kata kunci: Penebangan, hutun rakyat, sederhana, aman dan murah. 098/5, 2009 Perbaikan Teknik Penebangan untuk Minimasi Limbah Pembalakan dengan Cara Penurunan Tinggi Mulut Takik Rebah = Improvement of Tree Felling Technique to Minimize Wood Waste by Reducing Undercut Height. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan 14 (7) 1996: 253-263. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Felling technique in logging operation affect both quantity and quality of logs produced. Improper felling operation may damages the wood in virious way such as splliting, splintering, and breakage. It leaves more wood waste in the forest. This study was attempled to reduce wood wastes in felling operation by improving felling technique i.e. through reducing height of undercut.
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The result showed that the reduction of height of standarized undercut by 30-60% can increase the volume of log produced around 1%. Calculation of the now method was found that additional cost is relatively small only about 3 Rp.344.13/m . Application of this inprovement technique, showever need a condusive marketing system. Keywords: Tree felling, wood waste, improvement, natural forest, eficiency. 099/5, 2009 Penebangan Serendah Mungkin untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Kayu: Studi Kasus di Dua Perusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Timur = The Lowest Possible Felling Technique for Increasing Wood Production : Case Study in Two Forest Companies in East Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Sona Suhartana & Dulsalam. Buletin penelitian Hasil Hutan 14 (9) 1996: 374-381. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This paper present the result of the study of felling produtivity and wood utilization level when practicing the lowest possible felling technique. The case study was selected in two forest companies in East Kalimantan in 1996. The aim of mthe study is to find information of the efect of practicing the lowest possible felling technique to the felling productiviting and wood utilization level. Then, the result are compared to those obtained from conventional felling technique. The results of the study are as following: 3 1. The average of felling productivity is 42.16 m /hr for the lowes possible 3 felling technique and 49.96 m /hr for convertional felling. This difference of 3 7.8 m /hr is significant. 2. The average of stump heigh when practicing the lowest possible felling technique is 37.6 cm, while for conventional felling is 56.6 cm. 3 3. The average of waste stump volume is 0.21 m /tree (3.34%) for the lowest 3 possible felling technique and 0.40 m /tree (4.54%) for conventional
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technique. The average of wood utilization is 6.08 m /tree (96.66% for the 3 average volume of trees falled of 8,81 m /tree) for konventional technique. There is 1.20% increase. 4. It is recommended that the lowest possible felling technique be implemented because this technique can increase wood utilization. Keywords: Felling productivity, lowest possible stump, felling technique. 100/5, 2009 Efisiensi Penebangan Kayu di Kawasan Hutan dengan Sistem Tebang Pilih Indonesia=The Efficiency of Tree Felling at The Natural Forest Areas Using The Indonesian Selective Cutting and Planting System Oleh/By: Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 11 (6) 1993: 232-240. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation of the efficiency of tree felling at forest areas using the Indonesian Selective Cutting and Planting System (TPTI) was carried out at 5 logging companies in Central Kalimantan and 3 companies in Sounth Kalimantan in 1990,The objective is to find the way increasing the efficiency of tree felling at the natural production forest. For that purpose,data on felled tree volume,actually utilized logs and part of good logs left in the forest were collected. The investigation result are as follow: 1. Considering long diameter of 10 cm and up,the effeciency of improved felling technique can be increased by 6.23%. 2. By using the improved felling tecnique,the volume of good quality clear bole logs is increased by 4.90%. 3. The averages of stump heights between improved and existing felling techniques were 51.07 cm and 114.86 cm,respectively. 4. The improved felling technique could increase the quality and volume of log for veneer (from 61.34% to 65.83%) and sawn timber (from 10.19% to 10.45%). 5. It is necessary that the exiting felling technical guisdance and long administration be improved.
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101/5, 2009 Efesiensi Penggunaan Chainsaw pada Kegiatan Penebangan Studi Kasus di PT Surya Hutani Jaya, Kalimantan Timur = Effeciency of Chainsaw Utilization on Felling: A Case Study at PT Surya Hutani Jaya, East Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Sona Suhartana & Yuniawati. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 24 (1) 2006: 63-76. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Recently, the use of chainsaw for felling industrial plantation forest has been increased significantly. However, the information about the number of chainsaw required for certain forset condition has not been known. The information is important for measuring the optimun works of chainsaw. This paper present the information for using chainsaw for mangium and gmlina trees felling. The optimum number for chainsaw required for mangium and gmelina trees felling is also discussed. The result of the study revealed that the efficient use of the number of chainsaw for felling trees was depended on production target, i.e for mangium felling needs 21 unit and for gmelina 5 unit chainsaws. The use of all chainsaws available in the field reduced working time significantly but created the problem of high chainsaw idle time afterward that caused high cost for their fixed costs. Keywords: Number of chainsaw, efficiency, production target, cost. 102/5, 2009 Volume dan Klasifikasi Limbah Penebangan pada Beberapa Pengusahaan Hutan di Aceh dan Kalimantan Timur = Volume and Classification of Logging Waste at Several Forest Companies in Sumatera and Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Sampe Radja Simarmata & Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 2 (2) 1985: 17-19. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.
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A study on volume and classification of logging waste has been carried out in several forest in companies in Aceh, North Sumatra, and East Kalimantan. Average wood waste volume at the logged over areas having diameter range from 10 to 39 cm with one meter in length or more were measured using the bereton method. The results of this investigation several that: 1. Logging waste volume in Aceh range from 26.46 to 29.08 m3/ha with an average of 27.85 m3/ha. In North Sumatra the value ranges from 22.94 to 38.66 m3/ha with an average of 28.90 m3/ha. It was formed that in East Kalimantan the logging waste ranges from 22.00 to 81.94 m3/ha with an average of 52.38 m3/ha. 2. The average wood waste at felling site was higher iin the forest companies in East Kalimantan. 3. Logging waste consists predominantly of those classifiedd as 10 to 39.9 cm iin diameter with 4 m length or more. 4. The average volume of logging waste classified as 10 to 19 cm in diameter with 4 m length of more in Aceh, North Sumatra and East Kalimantan are consecutively 17.5 m3/ha, 16.9 m3/ha. 103/5, 2009 Masalah Kepecahan Kayu dalam Penebangan di Hutan Jati = Problem of Log Split in Teak Forest Felling Operation. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom & Maman Mansyur. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 9 (3) 1991: 103-110. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This preliminary research was conducted with the aim of gathering various felling aspects in teak forests (Tectona grandis LF), which will be used for designing a practical, simple, and cheap equipment to reduce log split during felling operation. It is found in the field that the deviation of falling direction in conventional method was larger than that in mechanical method. An average stump height was still high and therefore, needs improvement. This will increase the volume of wood and income of the feller. Therefore, appropriate control and counselling of fellers are required. Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
The secondary data showed that log splits may occur at the bottom, midle and top of tree felled. In songgom (53 tree samples), the split occurd: 18.9% at the bottom, 67.9% at the midle and 13.2% at the top. In Cipeundeuy (50 trees samples), the figures were 6% at the bottom, 46% at the top. 104/5, 2009 Peningkatan Pemanfaatan Kayu Rasamala dengan Perbaikan Teknik Penebangan dan Sikap Tubuh Penebang: Studi Kasus di KPH Cianjur, Perhutani Unit III Jawa Barat = Increasing The Utilization of Rasamala Wood Improving Felling Techniques and Feller Postures: Case Study at Cianjur Forest Distric, Perhutani Unit III West Java. Oleh/By: Sona Suhartana, Yuniawati & Djaban Tinambunan Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 23 (5) 2005: 349-361. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This study was carried out in 2005 at the Cianjur Forest Distric, Perhutani Unit II West Java. The aim of this study was to find the increase of the utilization of Rasamala wood by praticing lowest possible felling technique (LPFT) and conventional felling technique (CFT) with two feller postures (squatted and lowed). Data collected in this regard were: working time, wood volume, productivity, effeciency, stump height and felling cost. Data were analyzed by using Factorial Split Plot. Result revealed that: (1) Implementation of LPFT brought more convenient impacts in comparison to the CFT where as felling efficiency increased approxmately 28.5% (squatted posture) or 28.2% (bowed posture); (2) Felling technique and feller posture have significant effects on felling productivityand felling cost; (3) Avarages stump height were 9.18 cm (squatted); 9.64 cm (bowed) for LPFT and 15.83 cm (squatted); and 16.41 cm (bowed) for CFT. Keywords: Felling technique, squatted, bowed and felling efficiency.
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105/5, 2009 Efisiensi Pemanfaatan Kayu Mangium pada Berbagai Teknik Penebangan, Sikap Tubuh dan Kelerengan Lapangan: Studi Kasus di Satu Perusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Selatan = Utilization Efficiency of Mangium on Several Felling Techniques, Feller Postures and Slopes: A Case Study at a Forest Company in South Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Sona Suhartana & Yuniawati. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 26 (1) 2008: 41-56. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The appropriate felling technique by paying attention to feller postures and slopes condition potentially can produce high productivity and timber utilization efficiency/ TUE also decreasing production cost. This study was carried out in June 2007 in one forest company in South Kalimantan. The aim of the study is to find out the effectsof slopes (≤ 15% and > 15%), feller postures (squatted, bowed, and stand), and felling techniques (convertional/CLT and lowest posible felling techniques/ LPFT) to increasing TUE of mangium. To recommed a better technique, the two felling techniques have been compared based on productivity, efficiency and production cost by using split plot factorial 2x2x3. The results showed: (1) implementing LPFT on slopes of ≤ 15% and > 15% with squatted and bowed can increase TUE about 14.5% equal to 3 Rp.5,140,642.080/ year/company with production realization of 633,084 m / year; decreasing stump hight around 2.6 cm; the lowest stum hight is 10.1 cm; and (2) implementing CLT with bowed on slope of ≤ 15% is better than LPFT based on productifity and production cost. Based on point 1, this is a chance for a forest company to apply the LPFT. Keywords: Timber utility Efficiency, productivity, production cost, lowest posible felling tehnique.
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d. Penyaradan 106/5, 2009 Sistem Penyaradan pada Eksploitasi Hutan Pinus di Jawa Tengah = Yarding system in pine forest logging in central Java. Oleh/By: S. Sutopo dan Maman M. Idris. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 2 (3) 1985: 1-9. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. A paper mill is to be erected in Cilacap, Central Java in the near future. The raw material must come from the hilly pine forests in the Pekalongan and 3 Banyumas area. The mill's daily intake ranges between 1,000-1,500 m of relatively small diameter pine logs. Therefore manual yarding system must be improved to increase its productivity. One way to do this is to yard with a wheeled cariage. The purpose of this investigation is to determine the feasibility of this yarding system in hilly pine forest terrain. The investigation reveals the following : 1. Yarding system by roda II is favourable in the hilly pine forest area in Central Java. 2. This system increases the income per Manday approximately by 31% compared to the traditional system (ngglebeg) for a distance of 1.0 km, and 18% for a distance of 2.0 km. 3 3. Yarding productivity by road II is approximately 1.58 m per day. 107/5, 2009 Pengaruh Jarak Sarad dan Volume Kayu yang Disarad terhadap Produktivitas Traktor Penyaradan = The Effect of Skidding Distance and Skidded Log Volume on The Productivity of Skidding Tractor. Oleh/By: Dulsalam & Sukanda, Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 8 (3) 1990: 83-87. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation on the effect of skidding distance and skidded log volume on the productivity of skidding tractor was carried out at a forest 92
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company in Jambi in 1985. Caterpillar D7 G tractors were selected randomly and their working times and skidded log volume were observed through work time study. The purpose of this investigation is to find of out the effect of skidding of distance and skidded log volume on the productivity of skidding tractors. The investigation comes to the following conclusions. 1. The average of skidding distance was 3.24 hm with standard error of 3 0.2066 hm while the average of skidded log volume was 9.08 m with 3 0.3773 m standard error. 3 2. The average productivity of skidding tactor was 92.09 m hm/hour with 3 standard error of 5,3405 m hm/hour. 3. The relationship between tractor productivity (Y) and skidding distance (X1) and skidding log volume (X2) can be expressed in the linear multiple regression : Y = - 43,1670 + 15,0704 X1 + 9,5175 X2 2 With R = 0.7150 4. The effect of skidding distanced and skidded log volumes on the productivity of skidding tactors are significant. The tractor productivity increases proportionally when the skidding distance and sikdded log volume increased. It is therefor recommended to make the skidded longs as possible as far as the tractor can handle. 108/5, 2009 Penyaradan yang Direncanakan untuk Minimasi Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal: Kasus di Dua Perusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Timur (Planned Skidding for Minimizing Residual Stand Damages) = A Case Study at Two Forest Companies in East Kalimantan). Oleh/By: Sona Suhartana. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 15 (1) 1997: 60-67. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This paper present the result of the study on residual stand damages caused by planned skidding. Log skidding by tractor carefully, will be the residual stang damages. By palnned skidding will be minimized that damages. Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
The case study was carry out at two forest companies in East Kalimantan. The aim of the study is to minimize the residual stand damages. Data collected were the number of trees felled/skidded the number of trees with diameter 20 cm and up, slove and the number of trees damages. The data was analized by using the t-test and the multiple regression. The study showed the following result : The average of residual stand damages caused by planned skidding is 8.4% and for conventional is 13.47%. This difference of 5.07% is highly significant, whereas the factors that influencing the residual stand damages is the slope for the planned skidding (highly significant) eventhough stand density and slope for the conventional skidding (highly significant).The planned skidding could be minimized the residual stand damages (5.07%). Keywords: Planning skidding, minimizing, residual stand damages. 109/5, 2009 Studi Kasus Produktivitas dan Biaya Pengeluaran Kayu dengan Sistem Kabel Layang Koller 300 = A Case Study Productivity and Cost of Log Extraction by Using Koller 300 Skyline System. Oleh/By: Dulsalam & Djaban Tinambunan. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 15 (8) 1998: 449-462. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. A study on productivity and cost of log extraction by using Koller 300 skyline system was carried out at one logging company in East Kalimantan in 1994. The Objective is to find information about productivity and cost of log extraction by using koller 300 skyline system. Data on koller 300 specification, extracted log dimension, fuel consumption, working time and labor wage were collected. The study results are as follows: 1. Time consumed to install, operate and remove koller 300 skyline system were 2.35, 3.89 and 1.39 hours roadline, respectively. 2. The diameter of logs extraction ranged between 15-52 cm with an average of 20 cm and the length varied from 4.3 to 30.7 m with an average of 8.5 m. 94
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3. The volume of logs extracted in each roadline ranged between 4.230 and 3 3 25.803 m / roadline with an average of 11.503 m /roadline while the volume of log extracted in each turn varied from 0.101 to 1,521 m3/ turn with an average of 0.466 m3/turn. 4. Equipment productivity in each roadline ranged between 1.04 and 2.98 3 3 m /hour with an average of 2.19 m /hour, with log extraction productivity (including time of installation and movement) varied from 0.85 to 2.19 3 3. m /hour with an average of 1.70 m /hour. 5. Unproductive time ranged between 0.24 and 3.81 hours/roadline way with an average of 1.10 hours/roadline way (18% to the total of working time). 6. Log extraction cost by using koller 300 skyline system varied from 3 3 Rp. 22,387 to Rp. 59,036/m with an average of Rp. 33,322/ m . Keywords: Productivity, cost, skyline system, koller 300. 110/5, 2009 Perbandingan Penyaradan Kayu dengan Sistem Manual dan Eksavator di Hutan Rawa Bagian III : Kajian Teknis, Ekonomis dan Ekologis = Comparation of Manual and Excavator Log Extraction System in Swamp Forest Part III : Study on Technical, Economical and Ecological Study. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom & Zakaria Basari. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 19 (1) 2001: 19-39. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Modified excavator is one of heavy equipment that might be usefull and environmentally friendly to be used for operational logging extraction especially in sweamp forest. It is therefore besides convenient and powerfull, it is also helpful as in effective alternative in anticipating the quikness of manual system which is called “kuda-kuda”. Related to the case, study by implementing both manual system and excavator was done in a forest concession, i.e PT. Inti Prona, a cutting block covering the 1997/1998 area thet located under management of Sub Forest District Dumai, Riau Province. The study covered aspects of extraction Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
productivity, extraction cost, and logging impact on the possible damage of residual forest stands due to the implementation of both system. The result that showed that the average of logs extraction productivity 3 was 16.80 m .hm per hour. With respect to the ecological impacts, it was found that residual forest stand damage occurred at 17.29% per ha (at pole stage) and 17.17% per ha (at tree stage). Further, operation cost hauling was assessed at 3 Rp.5,600 per m of extracted log. 3 Meanwhile, manual log extraction revealed productivity at 2.46 m .hm per hour. Ecological impact due to contruction of manual road extraction system and landling site (TPn) was the occurance of the damage to pole and tree stages at 28.25 % and 34.33 %, respectively. In the Same occasion, cost of 3 manual extraction about Rp. 23,000 per m . Keywords: Excavator, productivity, damage, tree, poles and extraction cost. 111/5, 2009 Produksitivitas dan Biaya Penyaradan Kayu dengan Kerbau di Jambi = Productivity and Cost of Log-Skidding Using Buffalo in Jambi. Oleh/By: Dulsalam & Sukadaryati. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 19 (3) 2001: 147-164. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation on productivity and log-skidding cost using buffalo (Bubalus bubalis).Was carried out at the area of Inhutani V in Jambi in 1999. The objective is to get reliable information about such productivity and cost. Connected with this purpose, some related data as collected were i.e, volume of skidded log, skidding distance, skidding-working time, buffalo working time, feedling cost, operator cost, and equipment. Volumes of log which was skidded using buffalo ranged between 0.094 3 3 and 0.904 m /trip with an avverage of 0.484 m /trip. Skidding distance using buffalo varied from 10 to 242 m with an average of 82 m. The working time varied from 11 to 83 minutes with an average of 30 minutes. The log skidding 3 productivity ranged between 0.035 and 1.211 m -hm/hour with an average of 96
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0.338 m3-hm/hour. Log skidding productivity costs using buffalo ranged between Rp.681 and Rp.23,589/m3-hm with an average of Rp.4,375/m3-hm. It is suggested tahat volume of skidded log in each round trip and skidding 3 distance be not more than1 m and 250 m,respectively. Keywords: Productivity, log skidding, buffalo. 112/5, 2009 Produktivitas Pengeluaran Dolok Kayu Tusam dengan Sistem Kabel Layang Iwafuji 115 = Productivity of Tusam Log Removal Using Iwafuji 115's Sklyline System. Oleh/By: Zakaria Basari. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 20 (1) 2002: 20-34. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This report deals with assesing the performance of tusam (Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vries) log removal using particular skyline system. The assesment in this regard is pointed out by the aim of this study, i.e. observing the productivity and operation cost of such removal. Related with those cases, investigation has been conducted and located in Cikajang Sub Forestry Distric, Garut Forest Distric, under the Indonesian State Forest Enterprise in Wst Java. The topographical location has a slope at about 50 - 500 with altitude ranging around 900-1000 m above sea level. The skyline machine used was a yarder manufactured in japan with the brand name as “IWAFUJI” and engine power at 115 HP. The harvesting or removal of tusam log was done using a clear cutting system. The result revealed that the removal productivity varied from 25.07 to 4317 m3 hm per hour with average at 33.33 m3 hm per hour. Meanwhile, the corres ponding production cost was Rp. 16,879.3 per m3. It turned out that such productivity (Y) was significantly affected by real removal frequency (X), which further could be be expressed in regression equation Y = 1,0659+0,1245X (r=0,5852) with F-calc = 4.15 greater than F-table = 2.1. The opening soil was 5 percent. Keywords: Skyline, tusam log, productivity, and operation cost. Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
113/5, 2009 Produktivitas dan Biaya Penyaradan Kayu dengan Traktor Pertanian Type Ford 5660 di Hutan Tanaman Semaras, Pulau Laut = The Productivity and Cost of Log Extraction using a Farm Tractor Type Ford 5660 at the Samaras Plantation Forest, Pulau Laut. Oleh/By: Dulsalam & Sukadaryati. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 20 (1) 2002: 35-54. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Investigation on assessing the productivity and cost of log-skidding using a farm tractor type Ford 5660 was carried out at the Semaras plantation forest under PT. Inhutani's concession situated in Pulau Laut (South Kalimantan) in 1999. The objective was to get appropriate and reliable information on the productivity and cost of log-skidding. The data collected were skidding-distance, working time, log volumes, purchasing cost, and labor wage; and further, they were all incorporated for assessment. The results were : 1). Log volumes skidded using the farm tractor ranged between 0.065-1.134 m3/one trip with an average of 0.434 m3/one-trip, while skidding-distance varied from 0.25-1.85 hm with an average of 0.937 hm, 2). Skidding time was in the range of 0.06 1.14 hours/one-trip with an average of 0.23 hours/one-trip, 3) The productivity of log skidding using the farm tractor recorded between 0.062 6.086 m3-hm/hour with an average of 2.075 m3hm/hour, while the cost of log-skidding was in the range of Rp. 9,522/m3-hm with average at Rp. 931,000/m3-hm Rp. 55,777/m3-hm, and 4) In implemanting the use of farm tractor for logskidding, the log volume and skidding-distance are suggestedat at about 1.2 m3 and 2 hm, respectively. Keywords: Productivity, cost, log-skidding, farm tractor. 114/5, 2009 Produktivitas dan Biaya Penyaradan Skyline Isuzu 240 di Satu Perusahaan Hutan Tanaman Industri di Jambi. Oleh: Sona Suhartana. Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian Hasil Hutan Bogor, 19 Desember 2002: 213-219. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Hasil Hutan. Bogor. 98
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Penelitian telah dilaksanakan pada tahun 2002 di satu perusahaan HTI di Jambi. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya produktivitas dan biaya penyaradan dengan menggunakan skyline Isuzu 240. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi waktu sarad, jarak sarad dan volume kayu yang disarad. Semua pengeluaran seperti pemakaian bahan bakar, oli/gemuk, upah, biaya penyusutan, biaya pemeliharaan/perbaikan, bunga, asuransi, pajak. Data diolah secara tabulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Produktivitas penyaradan dengan sistem skyline Isuzu 240 berkisar antara 17.7125.48 m3/jam dengan rata-rata 21.06 m3/jam; (2) Biaya produksi penyaradan dengan sistem skyline Isuzu 240 sebesar Rp. 3,768. 17/m3. Kata kunci: Produktivitas, biaya produksi, penyaradan, skyline Isuzu 240. 115/5, 2009 Perbandingan Penyaradan Kayu dengan Sistem Manual dan Eksavator di Hutan Rawa Bagian 1: Produktivitas Kerja. Oleh: Sona Suhartana. INFO Hasil Hutan 6 (1) 2000: 31-37. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 1998 di dua perusahaan hutan di Riau, dengan tujuan membandingkan produktivitas kerja alat penyaradan kayu dengan eksavator dan dengan sistem manual. Data yang di kumpulkan adalah : volume kayu ,jarak sarad dan waktu efektif penyaradan. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa rata-rata produktivitas kerja alat penyaradan kayu dengan eksavator adalah 20.51 dan untuk sistem manual sebesar 14.35 m3 hm/jam .Hal ini berarti peningkatan produktivitas kerja sebesar 6,16 sangat nyata pada taraf 99%). Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
Kata kunci: Produktivitas kerja, penyaradan kayu, eksavator, manual, peningkatan. 116/5, 2009 Produktivitas Traktor Caterpillar D7G di Suatu Perusahaan Hak Pengusahaan Hutan di Jambi = The Productivity of D7G Caterpillar Tractors at a Forest Company. in Jambi. Oleh/By: Dulsalam dan Sukanda. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 6 (6)1989: 368-372. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation on the productivity of D7G caterpilar troctors was caried out at a forest company in Jambi in 1985.Three tractors were selected randomly to be observed. The productifity of these tractors was collected through work time study. The purpose is to find the productivities of D7G caterpillar tractors so that this information can be used by forest companies in planning skidding operation. This investigation results reveal that: 1. D7G caterpilar tractors can be used to skid logs at dryland forests having easy and moderate topoghrapies. At skidding distances ranging from 75535 m with an average of 324 m these tractors can skid logs having volumes 3 3 ranging from 5.01-16.88 m /trip with an averge of 9.08 m /trip. 2. The average productivities of A, B and C skidding tractors were 59.22 , 3 89.81 and 123.69 m . hm/hour, respectively. The productivities among tractors were significantly different due to different skidding distances, tractor conditions, driver skills, average stand volume per ha, soil conditions, skidded log volume and topography. The average productivity of the three tractors was 92.09 hm/hour. 117/5, 2009 Kajian Penggunaan Kapasitas Traktor Komatsu D85e-Ss dalam Upaya Peningkatan Produktivtas Penyaradan = An Anallsis of Tractor Komatsu D85e-Ss Capacity Utilization and The possibility of Increasing Skidding Productivity. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom dan 100
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Sukanda. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 13 (6) 1995: 231-245. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This research was aiming at identifying the tractor skidding capasity in logging operation in the natural production forest. The tractor observed was Komatsu D85E-SS, and in thus study the specific gravity of 0.8 for all species was assumed. The result shows that the capasity of skidding was about 14.7 ton or equal to 18.40 m log. However, it was found that from 52 observations, 8% were done under the 20% capasity and 8% were done by winching. Those figures indicate that the skidder capasity has not yet fully utized. Therefore, the possibilty to increase the volume of skidding is widely open, meaning that the logging wastest can be overcome by skidding those above clear bole parts together with the main log. 3 The cost of skidding per m compared with 20 years ago was found to be 3 three time higher. The cost skidding per m was about Rp. 3225,- at the average distance of 3.16 hm. e. Muat bongkar 118/5, 2009 Efisiensi Pengangkutan dan Muat Bongkar Kayu di Suatu Pengusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Tengah = The Efficiency of Log Hauling and Loading-Unloading at One Logging Company in Central Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Dulsalam & Arifin Suzanto. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 15 (1) 1997: 7-17. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation on the efficiency of Log Hauling and Loadingunloading was carried out at one logging company in Central Kalimantan in 1994. The objectives is to get some information about the efficiency of log hauling and Loading-unloading to increase their productivity. Data on volume of log hauling and loading-unloading as well as the working time were collected. Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
The results are as follow : The average of log hauling by group A and 3 group B were 784.09 m km/hour with efficiency of 53.22% and 987.87 m3km/hour with the efficiency of 57.71% respectively. Besides that, the average of log loading-unloading were 12.82 m3m/minute with the efficiency 3 of 81,88% and 73.73 m m/minute with the efficiency of 56.04% respectively. To increase and the productivity of log hauling, log loading and unloading, it is suggested that log hauling, loading and unloading should be prepared well such that the activities can run well. Keywords: Efficiency, hauling, loading, unloading, logging. 119/5, 2009 Kajian Produktivitas Alat Muat Kayu KPH2 di BKPH Gunung Halu, KPH Bandung Selatan Perum Perhutani Unit III Jawa Barat = A Technical and Economical Studies of The Wood Loading Equipment KPH2 at BKPH Gunung Halu, KPH Bandung Selatan Perum Perhutani Unit III West Java. Oleh/By: Zakaria Basari, Sona Suhartana, Wesman Endom, Dulsalam & Yayan Sugilar. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 20 (2) 2002: 165-176. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The KPH2 a type of equipment for wood loading into truck was designed by Forest Engeenering and Forest Harvest Divition Forest Products Research Centre Bogor. An operation trial has been done in BKPH Gunung Halu, Bandung Selatan Forest District, Perum Perhutani Unit III West Java. The objevtive of this study is to see the productivity and operation cost of loading rasamala log (Altingia excelsa) into truck, using a helper KPH2 and by manual system. The results showed that productivity of KPH2 Equipment and manual were 0.02 m3/minute/m and 0,04 m3/minute/m, with operation cost of Rp. 18,523.00/m3 and Rp. 2,000.00/ m3 and respectively. Keywords: Harvesting, productivity, loading, cost. 102
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120/5, 2009 Produktivitas dan Biaya Muat Bongkar Kayu Bulat dengan Menggunakan Alat Mekanis Oleh: Yuniawati & Sona Suhartana. INFO Hasil Hutan 12 (1) 2006: 25-32. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Muat bongkar dolok merupakan salah satu kegiatan dalam pemanenan hutan. Di luar Pulau Jawa, pada areal yang luas, muat bongkar umumnya menggunakan peralatan mekanis. Harga alat muat bongkar sangat mahal sehingga perlu direncanakan secara matang sesuai keadaan lapangan. Dengan mengetahui produktivitas dan biaya muat bongkar, pemilihan alat yang sesuai dapat lebih mudah dilakukan. Beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Caterpillar 966C beroda menghasilkan produktivitas muat tertinggi. Produktivitas bongkar muat tertinggi menggunakan Allis Chalmers 745H dengan risiko kerusakan kayu sangat kecil. Biaya muat bongkar yang terendah masing-masing menggunakan wheel loader Komatsu WA350. Kata kunci: Muat bongkar, produktivitas, biaya. f. Pengangkutan 121/5, 2009 Produktivitas Angkutan Lori Dorong di Hutan Jati = Hauling Productivity by Hand Lorry in The Teak Forest. Oleh/By: Apul Sianturi. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 1 (4) 1984: 20-23. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. A study on the productivity of lorry transportation in the teak forest was carried out in 1982, at three forest Districts. Time study have been conducted for this purpose.
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2. 3. 4. 5.
The study shows that: The loading productivity of a 6-men crew are 2.2 , 1.7 , and 1m3 per hour in the Bojonegoro, Mantingan, and Blora Forest Districts respectively, with an average of 1.6 m3 per hour. Loading capacity of one lorry varies from 2.6 to 4.7 m3 of logs with an average of 3.6 m3. Lorry speed varies from 5.7 to 6.8 km per hour, with an average of 6.9 km per hour. Unloading pruductivity varies from 5.6 to 12.9 m3 per hour, with an average of 7.5 m3 per hour. Hauling cost varies from Rp. 86 to Rp. 92 per m3 km, with an average of Rp. 88 per m3 km.
122/5, 2009 Produktivitas Angkut Truk dan Truk Semi Trailer di Sumatera dan Kalimantan Selatan = Log Hauling Output of Truck and Semi Trailer Truck in Sumatera and Sout Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Apul Sianturi & Djaban Tinambunan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 2 (1) 1985: 1-3. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation on log hauling by truck and semi-trailer truck has been carried out at 14 concession areas in Sumatera and 5 concession areas in South Kalimantan in 1980 and 1981. The investigation comes to the following conclussions: 1. Logging companies in Riau, Jambi and South Sumatera use poorly constructed forest roads without any graveling. On theother hand those in South Kalimantan are relatively good graveled roads. 2. Effective hauling outputs of trucks range from 91 to 361 m3 km/round trip hour, with an average of 247 m3 km/round trip hour, and those of semi, trailer truck from 265 to 841 m3 km/round trip/hour, with an average of 494 m3 km/round trip hour. 3. There is prononeed linier between hauling distance and round trip time. 104
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123/5, 2009 Pengaruh Jumlah Tenaga Pendorong terhadap Kecepatan Lori pada Pengangkutan Kayu = The Effect of Crew Size on The Speed of Hand Lorry In Wood Transportation. Oleh/By: Apul Sianturi & Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 2 (1) 1985: 13-14. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This investigation was carried out in the padangan Forest District, Perum Perhutani Unit II, East Java, employing crews of various sizes, i.e., 4, 5 and 6 men to push the loaded lorries. Lorry speed is influenced by several facto, e.g., slope, crews size, teamwork among crew members. The influence of crew size on lorry speed turned out to be insignificant. The average speed of lorries are 3.3 km/hours, and 4.7 km/hours and 4.3 km/hours with standard error of 0.7 km/hourrs, 0.8 km/hours and 0.9 km/hours for 4, 5 and 6-man, crew, respectivelly. 124/5, 2009 Produktivitas dan Biaya Angkutan Truk di Tiga KPH Perum Perhutani Jawa Tengah = Truck Hauling Cost and Productivity at Three Perhutani Forest Districts in Central Java. Oleh/By: Dulsalam & Apul Sianturi. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 5 (2) 1988: 37-41. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation on truck hauling of logs has been carried out at three Perhutani Forest Districts in Central Java, in 1980, 1981 and 1982. The investigation comes to the following conclusions: 1. Annual working days for gasoline trucks range from 689 to 1.676 hours with an average of 1.40 hours, and that for diesel trucks from 671 to 811 hours with an average of 790 hours. 2. Effective hauling output of gasoline trucks in ton-km/year ranges from 9,833 to 65,482 with an average of 33,000, and that for diesel trucks from 6.683 to 108.948 with an average of 33,650.
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3. Hauling cost by gasoline truck in Rp per ton-km for the years 1980, 1981, 1982 increases from year to year, namely Rp.95,128 and Rp.169, and that by diesel truck Rp.78, Rp.80 and Rp.83, consecutively. 4. Hauling cost by gasoline truck is higher that by diesel truck. 5. The highest component cost of hauling logs by gasoline truck is fuel, i.e. 43 percent, and that at diesel truck, spare parts, i.e. 62 percent. 125/5, 2009 Produktivitas dan Biaya Angkutan Kayu dengan Rel Baja dan Rel Kayu = Productivity and Cost Study of Log Haulage on Steel and Wooden Rails. Oleh/By: Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 5 (2) 1988: 52-59. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The paper presents the result of a study on the productivity and cost of haulage on steel and wooden rails. The study was conducted at 4 logging companies in West Kalimantan during year 1982. There were 2 methods of log haulage observed, namely using locomotive and manual pushing. The logging companies generally used rail weighing 7-10 kg/m and 5 x 7 cm wooden rail. The distance between steel and wooden rails were respectively 60-70 cm and 60 cm or less. The crew size varied from 8 to 12 men for locomotive haulage consisting of 12-16 lorries, and 2-4 men/lorry for haulage on wooden rail. The result of the haulage study reveals also the productivity 3 3 figures of respectively 156.9 m km/hour and 2.4 m km/hour for the first and the second methods mentioned above. Log transportation on steel rail is safer for the labour compared with that on wooden rail, and the life of steel rail is much longer than that of wooden rail. Although steel rail is higher in the investment cost compared with wooden rail (Rp.14-21 million/km and Rp. 2.35 million/km respectively), the average 3 3 haulage cost per m km is about one-third of the latter (Rp. 80.1/m km and Rp. 3 254.4/m km. Respectively).
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126/5, 2009 Studi Kasus Produktivitas dan Biaya Angkutan dengan Truk Isuzu di Dua Hak Pengusahaan Hutan di Sumatera Barat = Case Study of Hauling Productivity and Operating Cost of Isuzu Trucks at Two Forest Companies in West Sumatera Oleh/By : Dulsalam & Sukanda. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 6 (1)1989: 6-11. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. A Study on productivity and operating cost of Isuzu TWD 20 (1979 model) trucks has been carried out at two forest companies in West Sumatera. The result shows that: 1. The average hauling productivity at PT Ragusa Ltd and PT Pasar besar is 113 m3 km/hour and 211 m3 km /hour, respectively. 2. The averge operating cost at PT Ragusa Ltd and pasar besar is respectively Rp.93,-/m3 km and Rp. 57,-/m3 km. 127/5, 2009 Produktivitas dan Biaya Pengangkutan Tiga Jenis Truk Angkutan Kayu di Tiga Hak Pengusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Barat = Hauling Productivity and Hauling Costs of Three Types of Log Hauling Trucks at Three Logging Companies in West Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Sukanda, Dulsalam & Ishak Sumantri. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 6 (4) 1989: 238-245. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation on hauling productivities and hauling costs of three types of log hauling trucks was carried out at three logging companies in West Kalimantan in 1988. three types of logging trucks, i.e. Nissan with semi trailer, Berliet with semi trailer and Nissan truck, were observed. The productivities of trucks were gathered through time study while the hauling costs were calculated based on secondary data. The purpose of the investigation is to find hauling productivities, operating costs of trucks and hauling costs. The results of the investigation are as follows: 1. The average hauling productivities of Nissan with semi trailer, Berliet with Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
semi trailer and Nissan trucks are 484.99 m3 km/hour, 492.02 m3 km/hour and 292.07 m3 km/hour, respectively. 2. The average hauling costs of Nissan with semi trailer, Berliet with semi 3 3 trailer and Nissan trucks are Rp. 63.08 m km, Rp. 64.66/m km and Rp. 3 84.33/m km, respectively. 3. The differences in both the hauling produktivities and hauling costs either between Nissan logging truck with semi trailerand nissan logging truck or between berliet logging truck with semi-trailer and nissan logging truck were highly significant because of the diperences in logging truck capacities, transport distances and driver skills. But the hauling productivities and hauling costs between berliet logging truck with semitailer and nissan logging truck with semi-trailer did not differ significantly because the logging truck capaticies, transport distance and driver skiil in PT Kawedar are compratively simmilar to those in PT Erna Juliawati. 4. Hauling costs by using smallar trucks are more expensive than those by using larger truck. 128/5, 2009 Prestasi Pengemudi Truk Angkutan di Suatu Pengusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Barat = Logging Truck Draivers Performances at Forest Company in West Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Dulsalam & Sukanda. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 6 (7) 1990: 420-425. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation on logging truck drivers' performances was carried out at a logging company in West Kalimantan in 1988. Seven logging truck drivers were observed using seven Nissan TZ 50 semi-trailer logging trucks (made in 1979). The purpose of this investigation is to find out logging truck drivers' performances necessary for logging companies to plan their employment in hauling activity. For this purpose, the investigation was done through work time study. The investigation comes to the following conclusions:
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1. PT Duadja II employs several logging truck drivers having various skills. Nissan TZ 50 semi-trailer logging trucks are used to transport logs from the forest to log pond. 2. Average performances of A, B, C, D, E, F, and G logging truck drivers were 765.79, 695.85, 652.56, 843.31, 74.,07, 709.20, and 759,00018 3 m km/hour, respectively. 3. The performances among logging truck drivers were significantly different due to the differences in load volumes and logging truck speeds as well as drivers' age and education levels. 129/5, 2009 Penilaian Jumlah Penggunaan Truk Angkutan di Dua Perusahaan Hutan dI Sumatera Barat = A Study on The Productivity of Logging Trucks at Two Forest Companies in West Sumatera. Oleh/By: Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian hasil hutan 6 (8) 1990: 488-494. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. A study on the productivity of logging trucks at two forest companies was done in 1984, and the result is reported in this article. Four logging trucks used by PT Ragusa and five by PT Pasar Besar were selected randomly to study transport time and load volumes through work time study. The purpose is to find out the optimum number of trucks suitable to transport logs from the forests to log ponds processing places or other distribution point. The result shows that: 1. Isuzu TWD 20 trucks were used to transport logs at the two forest companies. 2. The average log volume per and trip transportation at PT Ragusa and PT 3 3 Pasar Besar were 15.20 m and 12.84 m , respectively. 3 3. Average productivity at PT Ragusa and PT Pasar Besar were 45.6 m /day 3 and 25.68 m /day, respectively. 4. Logging truck productivities were possibly influenced by load volumes and transport distance. Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
5. The number of logging trucks actually urged in hauling logs at PT Ragusa and PT Pasar Besar were 5 and 11 units, respectively. Procurement of new or reparation of idle logging trucks is strongly recommended. 130/5, 2009 Evaluasi Jumlah Penggunaan Truk Angkutan di Suatu Peusahaan Hutan di Riau = An Evaluation of The Number of Logging Trucks Used by a Forest Company in Riau. Oleh/By: Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 8 (1) 1990: 1-7. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. A study of the number of logging trucks used by a forest company in Riau was carried out in 1989. To evaluate the number of logging trucks, transport times and load volumes of logging trucks were collected through a work time study. The objective is to find out the number of logging trucks which meets the logging company's production target. The investigation comes up to the following conclusion: 1. Log number and load volume averages hauled by Nissan TZ 52 logging 3 trucks were 4 logs/trip and 23.84 m /trip, respectively. At the distance of 21 km, the logging trucks normally took 190.65 minutes (3.18 hours) to transport logs from the forest to log yard. Logging trucks could transport logs three round trips per day. 3 2. The normal average productivity of the logging trucks was 71.52 m per day. 3 3. The average productive time of logging trucks was 71.52 m per day. 4. The number of logging trucks available was 2 units which conformed with the company's production target. For better operations, it is recommended that the company has one additional logging truck to meet its production target in the next working plan.
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131/5, 2009 Prestasi Pengemudi Truk Angkutan Kayu dari berbagai Kelompok Umur = Logging Truck Drivers Performances at Several Age Groups. Oleh/By: Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 8 (2) 1990: 37-41. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation on logging truck drivers' performances was conducted in West Kalimantan Province in 1988. The objective of the investigation is to find out the logging trucks drivers' performances at several age groups. The drivers of Nissan TZ 50 logging trucks at a logging company were observed using time study. To Achieve the study's objective, the drivers were categorized into four groups based on their age, namely ≤ 30, >30-35, >35-40, and > 40 years. The results of the study were as follows: 1. Logging truck drivers at the logging company are relatively old with the age between 30 and 45 years. 2. Logging truck drivers performances with the age groups of ≤ 30, > 30-35, > 3 3 35-40, and > 40 years were 702.87 m -km/hour, 796.80 m -km/hour and 3 684.54 m -km/hour, respectively. 132/5, 2009 Study Penggunaan Truk Colt Diesel 100 PS untuk Pengangkutan Bibit dalam Pembangunan Hutan Tanaman Industri = Study of The Use Colt Diesel 100 Ps Truck for Seedling Transportation in Timber Estate Estblishment. Oleh/By: Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 12 (4) 1994: 121-127. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This paper discribes the study of the use of colt diesel 100 PS truck for seedling transportation in timber estate estblishment carried out at one timber estate company in South Sumatera in 1991.The objective is to find out the information about the use of colt diesel 100 PS truck for seedling
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transportation. Data on productivity and cost of colt diesel 100 PS truck as weel as hauling distance and labors' wages were collocted. The study result are as follows : 1. Colt Diesel 100 PS truck is appropriate for transforting seedling from plantation sites in timber estate area. To make loading and unloading easy and to avoid the damage of seedling during transportation activity,the seedling should be put into strong wood boxes. 2. Colt Diesel 100 PS truck can be loaded with 20 to 21 seedling boxes consisting of 1.200 to 1,260 seedling. The productivity of Colt Diesel 100 PS truck for seedling transportation varied from 8,756 to 13,340 seedlingkm/hour with an average of 10,944 seedling-km/hour. 3. Cost of Colt Diesel 100 PS truks per seedling ranged between Rp.3.20 and 4.84/ seedling-km with an average of Rp.387/ seedling-km. 4. To make seedling transportation activity runs well,it is suggested that forest roads be paved so that they can be used at all weather conditions. 133/5, 2009 Pengangkutan Kayu dengan Truk di KPH Bojonegoro dan Saradan = Timber Transportation by Truck in Bojonegoro and Saradan Forest Districts. Oleh/By: Apul Sianturi & Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 2 (2) 1985: 13-16. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An observation on wood transportation by truck has been carried out in the Bojonegoro and Saradan Forest Districts. Trucks are Mercedes Benz, consisting of models ranging from 1970 to 1975. The annual operation days of truck at the Bojonegoro and Saradan Forest Districts are 147 and 193 days resfectively. The average annual hauling capacity of trucks in Bojonegoro and Saradan is 14,964 ton-km per year and 41,145 ton-km per year respectively. The average hauling cost in Bojonegoro and Saradan is Rp.300,- per tonkm and Rp.107,- per ton-km respectively. This cost is broken down into the following components: Fuel, 9 percent; grease, 9 percent; spare parts, 55 percent; tyres, 23 percent; miscellaneous, 4 percent. 112
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134/5, 2009 Pengaruh Kerusakan dan Kelerengan Jalan Hutan Terhadap Produktivitas Pengangkutan Kayu : Studi Kasus di Kalimantan Barat = The Effect of Forest Road Damage and Slope on Timber Transportation Productivity. A Case Study in West Kalimantan. Oleh/By: S. Sutopo & Rahardjo S. Suparto. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 5 (7) 1988: 420-424. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Timber transportation productivity decreases when forest road is deteriorated and The slope is large. This study tried to investigate the effect of slope and road damage on timber transportation productivity, and was carried out at the PT Sari Bumi Kusumah forest company areas in west Kalimantan in 1987. The Investigation results are as follows: 1. Slope Difference of 5% has significant effect on tranportation productifity. On flat, medium and steep slopes, the productivities are 265, 219 and 132 3 m .km/hr, respectively. 2. Transportation productivity is significantly influenced by a difference of 15% damage on the road.Productivities on relatively good road, medium 3 damaged and badly damaged roads are 292, 213 and 136 m . km/hr, respectively. 3. On flat and badly damaged roads (at a damage level greater than 30%), transportation productivity is reduced 64% which caused significant financial loss. The allowable road damage on flat terrain without cousing financial loss is 40%. 4. On medium terrain and medium damage roads (at damage levels between 15% and 30%), The loss is significant. Medium damaged (between 15% and 30%) and heavy damaged roads (greater than 30%), coused transportation productivities to be decreased as much as 25% and 58% respectively. The allowable road damage on medium terrain without cousing financial loss is 26%.
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5. On steep terrain, transportation productivity is decreased significantly i.e 58% of those on medium damaged roads (between 15% and 30%). A maximum road damage of 18% is allowable without cousing financial loss. 6. There is a significant interaction between slope and road damage. The steeper of slope and the heavier of road damage, the larger of decrease in transportation productivity. 3 7. In the transportation distance of 60 km and the timber price of US $ 70/m .If timber transportation productivity decreases 30%, it is strongly suggested to repair damaged road immediately in order prevent financial losses. 135/5, 2009 Pengaruh Tanjakan dan Volume Muatan Terhadap Produktivitas Lori Dorong di Hutan Jati = The Effect of Slopes and Load Volumes on The Productivity of Hand Lorry in Teak Forests. Oleh/By: Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 7 (1) 1990: 8-11. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation on the effect of slopes and load volumes on the productivity of hand lorry was carried out at Padang an Forest District, Unit II Perum Perhutani, East Java, in 1983. In the investigation, four levels of slopes ( i.e. 3, 4, 5, and 6 percent), four levels of load volumes ( i.e. 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 3 and 5.0 m ) and crew of 4 workers were used. The objective was to find the productivity of hand lorry operating on several slopes and with several load volumes. The results reveal that : 3 1. The productivities of log hauling larry ranged from 7,16 to 25,09 m 3 km/hour with an average of 16,45 m km/hour. 2. Higher slope and load volume coused the decrease in lorry productivity. 3. The relation of productivity (Y), slope (X1 ) and load volume (X2 ) can be expressed by the following equation of linear multiple regression: 2 Y = 48,626 2,199 X1 5,342 X2 with R = 0,58 4. Slopes and load volumes have highly significant effect on productivities.
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136/5, 2009 Evaluasi Logging Truk Berdasarkan Umur Pakai, Produktivitas dan Biaya Angkutan = Logging truck evaluation based on life time, productivity and hauling cost. Oleh/By: Sukanda, Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 9 (6) 1991: 247-250. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. In many forest concesions today, old logging trucks of 5-9 years old are being used. These trucks will be continuously used as long as spare parts are available and the equipment can be repaired. The results are low productivity and high cost. An observation in the field on 9 and 2-year old logging trucks in Central Kalimantan shows the following results: 1. For logging truck condition of 9-year old, effective working time is 63% 3 and productivity is 10,921 m /year which are lower than those for logging truck of 2-year old with effective working hour of 80.5% and productivity 3 of 18,678 m /year. 2. Hauling with logging truck of 9-year old is more expensive than that of 3 3 logging truck of 2-year old, i.e : Rp. 4,940/m /50 km ( Rp. 99/m /km ) and 3 3 Rp. 4,360/m /50 km ( Rp. 87/m /km ), respectively which means the 3 3 difference of 580/m /50 km ( Rp. 12/m /km ). 3. Due to large amount of maintenance cost, especially spare part cost than reached 54% of the total cost, the 9-year old logging trucks are not efficient anymore and, therefore, need to be replaced. 137/5, 2009 Produktivitas dan Biaya Traktor Pertanian untuk Pengangkutan Bibit dalam Pembangunan Hutan Tanaman Industri = Productivity and Cost Seedling Transportation Using Farm Tractor in Timber State Establishment. Oleh/By: Dulsalam. Buletin penelitian Hasil Hutan 14 (10) 1996: 433-443. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.
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This paper present the study result of the use for farming tractor for seedling transportation in timber estate company in South Sumatra in 1991. The objective was to obtain information about the use of farm tractor for seeding transportation. Data on the number of transported seedling and working time per trip as well as hauling distance and labor's wages were colected. The result are as follows: 1. Farm tractor trailer is appropriate for transporting seedling from plantation site to timber estate area. 2. The seedling should be put into strong wood boxes to make loading and unloading easy and to aviod seedlings the damage during transportation activity. 3. Trailer of farm tractor can be loaded with 20 seedling boxes consisting of 1,200 seedlings. The productivity of farm tractor for seedling transportation varied between 7,362 seedling km/ hour and 13,488 seedling km/hour with an average of 10,032 seedling km/hour. 4. Cost of farm tractor for seedling transportation ranged from Rp. 3,01,-/ seedling km- Rp. 5.51,-/seedling km with and average of Rp. 4.10,-/ seedling km. 5. Farm tractor can still be used in heavy terrain and mudy roads. Keywords: Productivity, cost, farm tractor, seedling transportation. g. Hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK) 138/5, 2009 Studi Perbaikan Cara Penyadapan Kopal di KPH Sukabumi = Study on The Improvement of Copal Tapping Procedure at Sukabumi Forest District. Oleh/By: Soenarno, Maman Mansyur Idris & Zakaria Basari. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 1 (3) 1984: 34-38. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Copal from Agathis tree has been one of important forest products, not only as export commodity but also as raw material for some industries. In the
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last few years however production in this country began to decrease, due to inefficient tapping by the forest worker. Because of this reason a study on the tapping procedure is necessary. This report deals with a preliminary study on the present “quarre” type of tapping procedure commonly adopted by the forest worker. The locality chosen was Gede Barat Sub forest district at Sukabumi, West Java. Three factors were chosen for the tapping study, namely the effect on of resin productivity of the location of the wound with respect to west and east direction (factor A), time of tapping (factor B), and type of wound covering (factor C). The result of this study shows that : 1. Covering of tap wound does not cause incoveniences to the worker. 2. Resin productivity is not significantly affected by the wound location. 3. The highest production of the resin per tree comes from the wound cut in the morning and covered with black coloured polyethelene sheet. 139/5, 2009 Beberapa Macam Perlakuan Terhadap Penyadapan Agathis spp. untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Getah = Some Treatments on The Tapping of Agathis spp. to Increase Resin Yield. Oleh/By: Dulsalam & Ishak Sumantri. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 2(2) 1985: 10-12. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation into tapping of Agathis spp.using several methods has beencarried out in malang forest District, unit II Perum Perhutani, East Java, in 1983. The methods are designed to increase resin yield per unit time by manipulating tapping time, duration and covers and orientation. The investigation reveals that: 1. Average resin production of the agathis spp. For one week to two weeks times using of black and white plastic cover s are respectively 9.85 gram/tree and 9.61 gram/tree. Without plastic cover the yield is 7.76 gram/tree, shigtly lower than when they are covered.
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The application of black plastic cover at tapping his significantly increased the yield up to 26.9% and those covered with white plastic of 23.8%. In both cases the resin yield is significantly higher compared to result obtained when tapping was carried out without cover. 3. Average resin yield at tapping face oriented to in east and west from one to two weeks are 7.48 gram/tree and 11.26 gram/tree, respectively. 4. The tapping face oriented to the west increases the resin yield up to 50.5% compared with that oriented to the east. 5. The average resin yield for one and two weeks are respectively 8.57 gram/tree and 9.95 gram/tree. Duration of tapping of the agathis spp. For one and two week does not effect the production level. Therefore 2 week tapping is not recommended. 140/5, 2009 Penyadapan Getah Pinus merkusii dengan Menggunakan Beberapa Pola Sadap dan Tingkat Konsentrasi Zat Perangsang = Resin Tapping on Pinus merkusii Using Various Tapping Patterns and Stimulant Concentration Levels. Oleh/By: Ishak Sumantri dan Wesman Endom. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 6 (13) 1989: 152-159. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Three methods for tapping pine tree resin i.e., 3 x 4 cm, 1.5 x 8 cm and indian tapping method were investigated in Cianjur Forest District in 1988. To increase the resin yield, sulphuhric acid (H2SO4) with 0%, 15%, 25%, and 35% concetration were used. Each tapping method was applied on fourty pine trees. The results are as fallows: 1. Using stimulant with the tree methods of tapping increase the resin yield. 2. From The three tapping methods applied, indian tapping method showed the highest resin yield, i.e 12.72 gram/ tree / day. 3. Indian Tapping method gives Rp. 5/kg profit. This value was found by subtracting selling price ( Rp. 150/kg) with production cost (Rp. 145/kg).
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141/5, 2009 Manipulasi Pola Sadap Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Getah Pohon AGATHIS (AGHATIS SP.) = Tapping Design Manipulation to Increase Resin Yield of Aghatis sp. Oleh/By: Ishak Sumantri dan Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 9 (1) 1991: 1- 4. Pusat Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This paper presents the results of investigation on tapping desaigns manipulation to increase resin yield of agathis sp. carried out in Wonosobo Sub Forest District, Purworejo Forest District, Unit II Perum Perhutani Central Java, in 1989. The objective is to find out the tapping design that can increase resin yield. For this purpose, the slanted and horizontal tapping designs were applied. Data obtained were analysed by using nested designs with 2 x 5 x 4 x factors. The results are as follows: 1. An average resin yield of Agathis sp. in Wonosobo Sub Forest District was 2.47 gram/tree/day with the range between 0.71 and 8.29 gram/tree/day. 2. The average resin yields of Agathis sp. using slanted and horizontal tapping design were 2.30 and 2.65 gram/tree/day, respectively. 3. The average resin yields of Agathis sp. in Februari, March, April, May and June were 1.88, 2.52, 2.62, 2.65 and 2.69 gram/tree/day, respectively. 4. The average resin yield of Agathis sp. at the first, second, third and fourth tappings were 2.35, 2.45, 2.53 and 2.65 gram/tree/day, respectively. 5. The resin yield among tapping months were different significantly while the resin yields either between tapping designs or among tapping prequencies were not significantly different. Compered to resin yield of horizontal tapping design, the resin yield of slanted tapping design was 15% higher. 142/5, 2009 Hubungan Antara Diameter Pohon dan Produksi Getah dalam Penyadapan Getah Agathis spp. = Relationship Between Tree Diameter and Copal Production on The tapping of Agathis spp. Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
Oleh/By: Ishak Sumantri. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 9 (6) 1991: 229-231. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This paper presents the result an investigation of the relationship between tree diameter and copal production in the Agathis spp. tapping. Copal tappings were done using slanted and horizontal tapping patterns on the Agathis trees having diameter between 24 and 40 cm with the age of 20 years. The results of data analysis are as follows: 1. At the even age agathis trees, there was no relationship between tree diameter and copal production. 2. Viewing from the coefficient of determination, the contribution of slanted tapping pattern was 12% and horizontal tapping pattern was 1%. Other factors that may affect copal production are the collor of bark and leaf, crown size and the direction of resin conal. 3. Better relationship between diameter and copal production may be obtained if the size of tapping quare is proportional to tree diameter/ perimeter. 4. Further investigation, by including other variables, is suggested in order to formulate better relationship. 143/5, 2009 Perbaikan Sistem Pemungutan Lak dalam Rangka Peningkatan Produksi = The improvement of Lac harvesting System to Increase Production. Oleh/By: Ishak Sumantri. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 10 (2) 1992: 63-68. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. A research on the improvement of lac harvesting system had been conducted in probolinggo Forest District, Unit II Perum Perhutani, East Java. Harvesting system and plantation site were observed to find higher lac production. The result are as follows : - The selective system is better than total cut system in producing lac. - The plantation on top of the hill produce more lac than other placees due to the richness of sun shine. 120
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144/5, 2009 Cara Pengusahaan Hutan Nipah (Nypa Fructicans) di Batu Ampar Kalimantan Barat = Utilizatiton and Tapping Technique of Nypa Forest (Nypa Fructicans) in Batu Ampar West Kalimantan Oleh/By: Sukanda. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 13 (4) 1994: 153-161. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Nipah (Nypa fructicans) is a species of the palmae family which grows on swampy areas,coastal and along bankriver. It is commonly known that the tree is able to produce so called nira (fruits) which can be used for sweety material. The Utilizatiton and development of wild nypa forest as sweetty material has been done by PT Milatronika Karya Nipah Indonesia in Sponti Jaya Nypa forest,Sub Distric of Batu Ampar,Pontianak. In order to produce some amount of nira from nypa,tending and special care particulary to thr fruit stems are requered. The nira processed into redish sugar,and sugar,cristle sugar,acid and fresh drinking water is obtained through cutting of the fruit stem. The red fructosa of nira has a composition as follows: sucrose 83.67% reduction sugar 2.27% total sugar 90.57%,carbon 4.57% and the rest in the form of parfume (nipa specific). The other benefits of nypa forest Utilizatiton are to create employment and regional development. h. Ergonomi 145/5, 2009 Kecelakaan Kerja dalam Kegiatan Eksploitasi Hutan di Kalimantan Tengah = Work Accidents in the Logging Industry in Central Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Maman Mansyur Idris & Soenarno. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 5 (1) 1988: 31-36. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Logging in Central Kalimantan is generally mechanized, utilizing modern machines. Involved in these activities are local labourers, many among
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which have not benefited any adequate training for their jobs. They are originally farmers or farm labourers, and most of them had very little, if any education. It is therefore, not surprising that they can't operate or handle the machines properly. The logging industry in characterized by hard work requiring, high skill and alertness. Shortcomings in these qualities leads to accidents caused by inumerable factors that are constantly present in the tropical high forests. To develop safety programs research is needed to gather information on work accidentsat varios logging companies through the year. The aim of this study is to find out about the effects of mechanized logging system on accident occurences. The study was conducted in Central Kalimantan, resulting in the following conclusions: 1. Accident frequeny rate according to ANSI standard for 500 labourers ranges 95 to 151 accident per million work hours. 2. Accident severity rate according to ANSI standard for 500 labourers ranges from 4,000 to 8,000 days lost per million work hours. 146/5, 2009 Penyakit Pekerja dalam Kegiatan Eksploitasi Hutan di Kalimantan Tengah = Workers Illness in Logging Activities in Central Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Sunarno dan Maman M. Idris. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 5 (7) 1988: 425-429. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Working conditions in tropical forests, especially in logging, are generally difficult. The materials handled are heavy, outdoor weather conditions are unpredicted, the growth of vegetation are commonly dense, and temperature and humidity are mostly high. These conditions, together with inappropriate workers' facilities and nutrient will lead to bad health conditions and occurence of various illnesses. An investigation carried out in two logging companies in Central Kalimantan reveald that there are 8 kinds of illnesses that are commonly 122
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suffered by workers, i.e : Influenza, malaria irritation of respiratory systems, felling of nausea, back and neck problems, headache/giddiness, sore eyes, and skin disease. The highest risk of having illness is for those working in transportation operations, followed by felling, skidding, and workshop. It is also found that the least risk is timber cruising activity. 147/5, 2009 Perbaikan Beban Kerja antara Kegiatan Penebangan Secara Mekanis Melalui Penerapan Prinsip Ergonomi = Improvement of Stress in Mechanical Felling Activities Through the Application of Ergonomik Principles. Oleh/By: Soenarno dan Maman Mansyur Idris. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 7 (1) 1990: 17-24. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Tree felling operations in Indonesia are commonly done by standing or bending workers, using chain saws. These techniques cause high stump residues (about 8.94%) and increase workers' energy consumption by 12% for standing and 55% for bending workers' positions. From ergonomics point of view, above techniques cause body position to be less natural, produce longer static muscular work hours, reduce work hours, create early fatique and physiological effect like work stress. This paper described the effect of improved felling method on work stress of chain saw operators and construction wood production. An investigation was carried out in twoprivate forest companies in Central Kalimantan in 1988. The results are as the following : 1. The improved felling method decreases work stress of chain saw operators, showed by the reduction of pulse rate to the amount of 13 15 beats/minute. 2. The improved method of felling trees with buttress heights of < 50 cm and 50 -150 cm cause the increase in construction wood products about 0.354 3 3 m and 0.542 m per tree felled,respectively.
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148/5, 2009 Antropometrik Penebang Jati di BKPH Bandungsari KPH Purwodadi Perum Perhutani Unit I Jawa Tengah = Antropometric of Teak Loggers in Bandungsari Sub Forest District Purwodadi Forest Distric, Central Java. Oleh/By: Sona Suhartana dan Maman Mansyur Idris. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 7 (1) 1990: 28-32. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Anthropometric data of the workers are essential in the practice of ergonomics, especially for the design of work places, machines and equipment in order to attain work comfort and increased work productivity. Anthropometric measurements were carried out to 18 teak loggers aging between 20-35 years. The measurements included: body, shoulder, elbow and hip height; shoulder and hip widht; length of arm and hand, length of upper arm, lower arm and hand; upper reach and arm span (measurements in standing position). In sitting position, the body measurements comprised sitting, elbow, hip and knee height; length of upper and lower log. The result showes that elbow height of teak logger has high variability and decrease their working comfort and productivity. Length of arm and hand which are longer than axe handle on the other hand speed up working fatique and inefficient work. 149/5, 2009 Produktivitas dan Beban Kerja Operator Gergaji Rantai, pada Kegiatan Penebangan Pohon Berbanir Tinggi di Hutan Alam di Kalimantan Tengah = Chain Saw Operators Productivity and Workstress on High Buttress Tree Felling In Natural Rain Forest in Central Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Maman Mansyur Idris & Soenarno. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 9 (2) 1991: 45-52. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. In general, there are three basic types/methods of chain saw operator's body position in doing mechanical tree felling in natural forest i.e; felling with 124
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squat, felling with standing in deeply bending forward and standing while both arms in extreme position in the soulder joint. However, the body position of chain saw operator in high buttress tree felling are usually in standing while both arms in extreme position in the shoulder joint. The extreme body position above does not only generate static muscular load causing early fatique and pain in the shoulder joint (Hagberg, et al, 1987) but also cause physiological load during work (Ayaz, 1987). For this matter, a study was conducted for the imfrovement of worker's productivity and workstress by introducing a new method of body positions felling technique. The investigation took place at Central Kalimantan in 1989. The results of this research as follows : 1. From faal variable point of view, the chain swa operator's wosrkstress during work is higher than the limited workstress level recommended by International medical opinion. 2. New felling technique applied on high buttress tree of 150 to 300 cm can reduse workstress rate about 3-8 beats/min. While, if it is applied on high buttress tree of > 300 cm causes the operator chain saw's workstress about 1-4 beats/min lower than operator chain saw's workstress in felling of tree with conventional method. 3. Productivity rate with new felling method applied on buttress high of 150 3 3 cm 300 cm and > 300 cm are about 19.298 m /hr and 18.207 m /hr. The productivity rate with conventional method applied on high buttress of 150 3 3 cm 300 m > 300 cm are 22.974 m /hr and 24.9794 m /hr. 4. Although the use of new method on high buttress tree felling causes negative effect in work productivity but in fact it can increase the forest wood utilization about 2.63% - 4.27%. 150/5, 2009 Penggunaan Gergaji Rantai pada Penebangan Jati dan Dampaknya terhadap Kebisingan dan Beban Kerja = The Use Chainsaw in Teak Felling and its Noise Impact on Working Stress. Oleh/By: Soenarno & Maman Mansyur Idris. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 9 (4) 1991: 139143. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
It is obvious that the use of chainsaw in teak felling has some advantages not only in increasing productivity but also in reducing felling defects. Nevertheless, using chainsaw in teak felling has also created a lot of inconveniences to forest worker. These include the distruction of physical climatic conditions and heavier phsycological stress of forest workers due to combined physical workload, Noise and fear of accident effects. Base on the above reasons, research on noise and forest workers' workstress is needed. This research is intended to determine a better method of felling technique in the efforts of controlling nois to provide a more favourable conditions for the workers. This research was carried out in Saradan Forest District, East Java. The results of the research reveal that both noise and the workes' stress rate occuring at teak felling is higher than at acceptable by the “World medical conventions” (Grandjean 1982). The average noise level rate is about 110 dB (A), and the average forest workers' stress is about 126 heart beats/min for chainsaw operator and about 98 heart beats/min for the helper. 151/5, 2009 Pengaruh Latihan Kerja terhadap Volume Limbah Ekploitasi = The Influence of Training on Felling Waste. Oleh/By: Marolop Sinaga, Sampe Radja S & Maman Mansyur Idris. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 1 (1) 1984: 23-33. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation of felling waste was carried out at three forest enterprises in North Sumatera. In each forest enterprise, the operators were trained before data collection was conducted. The result that training has significant effect on reducing the volume of felling waste. The average felling waste before and after training are 3 3 respectively 0.705 m /tree and 0.185 m /tree.It is therefore recommended that operator needs to be trained before.
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152/5, 2009 Beberapa Masalah Ergonomik dalam Kegiatan Penebangan di Kalimantan Barat = Some Ergonomic Problems in Logging Activities in West Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Maman Mansyur Idris & Zakaria Basari. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 1 (3) 1984: 15-21. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Preliminary study on ergonomics of forest concessions was emphasized on mechanic operators activities, with 62 respondents. The questioneire consists of ten problem areas, namely audiometry, pollution, vibration, phisycall work load, logging equipment operation, work capacity, psychology of work load, accident, safety, and the inventory of past ergonomic research. In general, the research indicated that the forest concession holders were not well aware of the importance of ergonomic aspects in their ventures. 153/5, 2009 Kondisi Ruangan Kerja Pada Tiga Pabrik Kayu Lapis di Sumatera Selatan = Working Conditions of Three Plywood Factories in South Sumatera. Oleh/By: Maman Mansyur Idris & Sona Suhartana. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 5 (5) 1988: 269-274. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation on working condition of three plywood factories in South Sumatra was conducted in1987. The objective is to find out the workers' judgement about their working conditions in terms of conveniences. The total of 265 respondents from plywood factories employed in the processing steps of wood preparation,peeling, reeling, unreeling, veneer preparation, gluing, pressing, finishing, quality control, packaging,workshops and laboratories were interviewed. The results showed that in each processing step, more than 60% respondents felt their working space conditions were far from being convenient due to inapropriate air circulation, dust, bad smell, noise, and vibration. Pemanenan Hasil Hutan
154/5, 2009 Tingkat Kebisingan di Industri Penggergajian Kayu : Studi Kasus Dua Penggergajian Kayu di Kalimantan Selatan = Noise Level in The Sawmilling Industry. A Case Study in Two Sawmills in South Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Soenarno & Maman Mansyur Idris. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 5 (7) 1988: 413-416. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Wood processing in Indonesia, especially sawmilling industries have been increased in the last decade. Until 1985, about 295 sawmilling industries with the production capacity of more than 8,500,000 m3/year have been installed. These industries have contributed to Indonesian foreign exchange of US $ 1,800.37 million. In their operations, the problem of ergonomics, such as high noise levels has not considered yet. An investigation was conducted in two sawmilling industries in South Kalimantan with the results as follow: 1. Noise level in the second industry was varied from 96 to 102 dB(A), and in the first industry was ranged from 92 to 94 dB(A). This difference is due to differences in the machine lay out and working space design. Both levels are higher than the maximum tolerable noise level of 85 dB(A). 2. Noise protection means for workers in the first industry are not required fir the time being, but in the second industry they are strongly recommended.
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C. Dampak Pemanenan 155/5, 2009 Kerusakan Tegakan Sisa Akibat Eksploitasi Hutan dengan Sistem Traktor dan Highlead = Residual Stand Damages Due to Tractor and Highlead Logging System. Oleh/By: Jurnalis Thaib. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 2 (4) 1985: 14-18. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Tractor and highlead yarding systems are the most common logging systems in the Indonesian Selective Cutting (TPI) of its tropical rain forest exploitations. The study of the logging system performances were conducted to evaluate the extend of residual stand damages. Studies in 22 forestry concessions revealead that the TPI concept have not been adopted satisfactorily. The study also confirmed that the average number of trees having 35 cm minimum diameter are 11.6-70.8 trees per ha of commercial species and 18.779.4 trees per ha for all species. With regard to the TPI, there were only 52.6 percent of the forest concessions conformed with the specified conditions where at least 25 potential trees per ha sould remained in the residual stands. Comparative study with highlead yarding system indicated that average number of potential trees in the residual stands were 5.1-16.6 trees per ha of commercial species and only 6.3-21.7 trees per ha for all species. None of the concessions with highlead logging systems have met the TPI requirements. The residual stand damage when using highlead yarding are significantly higher (P < 0.05) in comparison with that of the tractors. The residual stand damages were 68.7 to 71.7 percent for highlead system while only 3.9-52.2 percent for the tractor. The study concluded that with respect to damages, tractor yarding is preferable over highlead.
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156/5, 2009 Pengaruh Intensitas Penebangan dan Lereng terhadap Keterbukaan Tanah = The Effect Of Felling Intensity and Slope on Ground Exposure. Oleh/By: Jurnalis Thaib. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 2 (4) 1985: 2832. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Ground exposure is one of the stand damages caused by logging. Logging which generally do not comply with the stipulation of the Indonesian Selective Cutting (TPI) system, have caused varying degrees of ground exposure as follows: On slopes of 0-25% where the number of trees felled per hectare are 0-4, 5-9 and 10 or up, ground exposure varied between 5.4-13.8%, 13.4-22.5%, and 20.9-26.6% respectively. On slopes of 26% and up, where the number of trees felled per hectare are 0-4, 5-9 and 10 or up, ground exposure varied between 7.6 13.8%, 11.9 19.7% and 17.1 24.6% respectively. Dominant factors in the process of ground exposure are management, particularly with regard to the organization of skidding and hauling activities, and the number of trees felled per unit area. Unproductive tractor movements e.g. in location logs, increases ground exposures and total cost per unit logs produced, and should therefore be avided. 157/5, 2009 Tingkat Kerusakan Tegakan Hutan Akibat Operasi Penebangan pada dua Hak Pengusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Barat = Timber Stand Damage Levels Coursed by Felling Operations at Two Forest Consession in West Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Jurnalis Thaib. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 6 (2)1989: 137-141. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Minimum level of stand damages is one of the obyektives of the tropical rain forest harvesting practices in which the Indonesian selective cutting
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system is applied. In order to meet that obyective, various manual should be prepared based on sound quantitative data. Observation on stand damages due to felling operations has been carried out in Sukajaya Makmur Enterprise (SJM) and Kawedar Mukti Timber Enterprise (KMT), both located in west kalimantan. The stand damages caused by felling one tree vary from 3 to 8 trees with an average of 6 trees in SJM, and from 2 to 7 trees with an average of 4 trees in KMT. The relationships between stand damage (Y) and stand density (X) are : Y = -4.69 + 0.08 X for SJM and Y = - 6.83 + 0.08 X for KMT. The results of the study showed that the major causes of the variation of stand damages are improper direction of tree felling, and less control from supervisors/ managers. 158/5, 2009 Pembalakan Ramah Lingkungan untuk Minimasi Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal : Kasus di Satu Perusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Timur = Reduced Impact Logging to Minimize Residual Stand Damages a Case Study in a Forest Company in East Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Maman Mansyur Idris & Sona Suhartana. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 15 (3) 1996: 212-222. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Reduced impact logging is one of the main issue in the coming era of ecolabelling and free trade. The study was carried out at a forest company in East Kalimantan in 1997. The goal of the study is to minimize residual stand damage as an effort in ensuring sustainabilitynof forest utilization. Data collected were: (1) Felled trees, trees with the diameter 20 cm and up, damaged trees; (2) the number and condition of poles; (3) the number and condition of sapling and (4) the number and condition of seedling. The result of the study show; the average of residual stand damages for trees poles, sapling and seedling and seedling are: 11.2%; 4.9%; and 5.7% respectively for controlled and 13.1%; 11.97%; 12.9%;14.42% respectively,for conventional logging. The decrease of residual tand damages for poles, sapling and seedling are 7.07%; 8.4% and 8.72% respectively (highly significant). Dampak Pemanenan
Base on the result, it is recommended that controlled logging should be practiced because it can minimize residual stand damages. Keywords: Reduced impact logging, minimize impact,residual stand damage. 159/5, 2009 Kerusakan Tegakkan Tinggal dan Produktivitas Kerja pada Tebang Penjarangan Secara Selektif : Kasus di Satu Perusahaan HTI di Sumatra Selatan = Residual Stand Damage and Work Productivity Thinning: A Case Study at a Timber Estate Company in South Sumatera. Oleh/By: Sona Suhartana & Dulsalam Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 19 (1) 2001: 9-17 Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The study was carried out at a timber estate company in South Sumatera in 1999. The aim of the study is to know the effect of sellective thinning to residual stand damage and work productivity. Data collected were: thinned and damaged trees; residual stand; thinning time; diameter and length of thinned trees. The data was analized by tabulation. The results of the study showed that the average of residual stand damaged and the average of work productivity in selective thinning were 3 respectively 6.22% and 56.167 m /hour. Keywords: Selective thinning, residual stand, damage, work productivity. 160/5, 2009 Dampak Pembalakkan Berwawasan Lingkungan (PBL) terhadap Kerusakan Tegakan dan Biaya Penyaradan di Hutan Produksi Alam = The Effect of Reduced Impact Logging and Stand Damage and Skidding Cost in Natural Production Forest. Oleh/By: Sona Suhartana. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 20 (4) 2002: 285-301. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. 132
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This paper deals with the result of study on implementing Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) as well as Conventional Logging (CL), which was carried out in natural production forest under the concession operation of a forest company in Riau in 2001. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of reduced impact logging on possible improvement or securing the stand damage, level of ground exposure, top soil displacement, and cost related skidding productivity. The data collected in this regard were the number of felled trees (stands), number of trees with the diameter of 20 cm or greater, number of damaged trees and poles, ground exposure, top soil displacement, skidding cost, and skidding productivity. The data as such consisted of to main catagories, i. e. the one and the other one that resulted consecutively from the implementation of RIL and CL systems. The two-category data were analyzed with respect to their possible differences using a t-test. Result of study revealed that the implementation of RIL system brought out more convenient impacts in comparison to the CL, as follows: (1) Level of tree (stand) damage would decrease by about 5.4% (highly significant); (2) Ground exposure decreased by around 9 percent (significant); (3) the decrease in top soil displacement by about 2.4 mm (highly significant); (4) skidding cost 3 decreased by some Rp. 398.98 per m . With respect to skidding productivity 3 using RIL (compared to CL), there was apparently an increase by about 2.6 m per hour. However, such an increase was not significantly different. Based on environmental, technical and economical considerations, the RIL system for future logging operation can be recommended in preference to the CL. Keywords: Reduced impact logging, conventional skidding, forest-stand damages, skidding cost, natural forest.
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161/5, 2009 Pengaruh Penyaradan terhadap Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal pada Berbagai Tingkat Kelerengan = The Effect of Skidding to Residual Stand Damage on Several Slope Degrees. Oleh/By: Dulsalam & Sukanda. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 5 (5) 1988 : 307-310. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation on the effect of skidding to residual stand damage on several slope degrees has been done at PT Sumpol Timber in South Kalimantan in 1987. The purpose of this investigation is to seek in three differnet slope degrees : i.e : 0 20%, 20 40, and > 40%. Sample plots were selected with completely randomized design. Results of this investigation are concluded as follows : 1. Skidding has caused part of the risidual stand to damage. 2. The residual stand damage caused by skidding renges from 10 Tress/ha to 70 tress/ha (from 6% to 29%) with an average okf 30 trees/ha (15%) with standard error of 3.60 trees/ha. 3. The residual stand damage caused by skidding on: a. 0-20% slope ranges from 10 trees/ha to 50 trees/ha (6-18%) with an average of 23,3 trees/ha (11%) b. 20-40% slope ranges from 10 tress/ha to 70 trees/ha with an average of 30 trees/ha (15%). c. Greater than 40% slope ranges from 20 trees/ha to 70 trees/ha (from 10% to 29%) with an average of 38% trees/ha (19%). 4. The result of Least Significant Difference (LSD) test on the data revealed that the residual stand damage between 0-20% and > 40% slope differs significantly at 95% level. The higher the slope degree the greater the residual stand damage took place. 5. It is therefore sugested that skidding on 40% slope degree or more be done with great care in order to decrease the residual stand damage.
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162/5, 2009 Pengaruh Penyaradan Kayu dengan Traktor Rantai Kelabang terhadap Penggeseran dan Pemadatan Tanah Hutan = The Effect of Dolok Skidding by Crawler Tractors on Forest Soil Displacement and Compaction. Oleh/By: Maman Mansyur Idris, Yahya Fakuara, Gunarwan Suratmo & Rahardjo S. Suparto. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 5 (7) 1988: 394-399. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The study of the effect of log skidding by crawler tractors on forest soil displacement and compaction was carried out in one logging company in West Kalimantan in 1986. The results of the study are as the following: 1. The average volume of soil displacement was 0.06 cu.m/m of skid road, it is equal to 0.061 ton/sq.m. This level of soil displacement is higher than the soil loss tolerance of 0.0002 ton/sq.m. 2. Soil compaction, as indicated by the average soil bulk density is 0.16 g/ At this level of compaction, the porosity is 56% (far higher than 10% minimum porosity), which means that the growth of vegetation will be still favourable. 3. The role of soil water content an slope on forest soil displacement was positively significant. The role of skidding intensity on forest soil compaction was posotively significant and the role of soil water content and slope on forest soil compaction was negatively significant. 163/5, 2009 Pengaruh Penyaradan Kayu dengan Traktor Rantai Kelabang terhadap Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal = The Effect of Log Skidding Operations by Crawler Tractor on The Damage of Residual Stand. Oleh/By: Maman Mansyur Idris, Yahya Fakuara, Gunarwan Suratmo & Rahardjo S. Suparto. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 5 (7) 1988: 404409. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.
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The study of the effect of log skidding on the damage of residual stand was carried out in one logging company in West Kalimantan in 1986. The meaning of residual stand in the study are trees with diameter 20 cm and up. The result of the study shows that the average damage of residual stand is 18% per hectare, not included the damage caused by felling i.e. 15% per hectare. According to Indonesian Selective Cutting System, the residual stand is good enough to fulfill the sustained yield condition, that is keep at least 25 core trees to be left per hectare. The role of skidded trees number and stand density was significant effect on the residual stand damage. 164/5, 2009 Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal Akibat Kegiatan Penebangan dan Penyaradan: Kasus di Suatu Perusahaan Hutan di Riau = Residual Stand Damages Causes by Felling and Skiding Activities: A Case Study in A Logging Company in Riau. Oleh/By: Sona Suhartana & Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 12 (1) 1994 : 25 - 29. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This paper present study result of residual stand damages caused by felling and skidding activities. The case study was carried out at PT Dwi Marta in Riau in1993. the aims are: (1) to find the impact of felling and skidding on residual stand damages, (2) to know the factors influencing the residual stand damages and (3) to find the way of reducing residual stand damages. Data on the number of trees with diameter 20 cm and up, trees damages were collected. The data was analised by using the multiple regression. The result of study shows : 1. The residual stand damage caused by felling ranged between, 2.7-10.6% with an average of 6.6%ha. 2. The residual stand damage caused by skidding with crawler tractor varied from 2.7% to 22.3% with an average of 12.7% dst. 3. Both the number of trees felled and the slope in had highly significant effect to residual stand damages. The greater the number of trees felled and the slope,the greater the residual stand damages. 136
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165/5, 2009 Dampak Penyaradan Kayu Terhadap Terjadinya Keterbukaan Lahan di Kawasan Dua Perusahaan Hutan di Riau = The Impact of Log Skidding on Ground Exposure at Two Forest Companies in Riau. Oleh/By: Sona Suhartana. Buletin Penelitia Hasil Hutan 14 (2) 1996: 52-59. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This paper present the result of the study on ground exposure caused by skidding. The case study was carried out at two forest companies in Riau in 1995. The aim of the study ware : 1. to find the road skidding condition that show by the ground exposure caused by skidding. 2. to know the factors influencing the ground exposure and 3. to find the way of reducing ground exposure. Data collected ware the number of trees falled/skidded, the number of trees with diameter 20 cm and up. Length and area of skidding road. The data was analizer by using the multiple regression. The study showed the folowing result: 1. The average of non-productive skidding road is 13.4% from the number of productive skidding road; 2. The exrtavagant of tractor operation was 2680 hours; 3. The forest damage was 154.4 m2 per ha; 4. The ground exposure caused by sidding was 14.1 %; 5. The number of trees falled/skidded was highly significant to ground exposure. Keywords: Skidding, skidding road, ground exposure. 166/5, 2009 Minimasi Keterbukaan Lahan melalui Penyaradan yang Direncanakan: Kasus di Dua Perusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Timur = Minimizing Ground Exposure by Planned Skidding : Case Study at Two Forest Companies in East Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Sona Suhartana. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan 14 (10) 1996: 444 - 453. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Dampak Pemanenan
This paper present the result of the study on ground exposure caused by planned skidding. Log skidding by tractor can cause serious ground exposure. By practicing planned skidding, that ground exposure can be minimazed. The case study was carry out at two forest companies in East Kalimantan in 1996. The aim of the study is ti find the effect of planned skidding on ground exposure by minimizing non-productive skidding road. Data collected were the number of trees felled/skidded, number of trees with diameter 20 cm and up, slope and ground exposure. The data was analized by using the t-test and the multiple regression. The study showed the following result: 1. The average of non-productive skidding road caused by planned skidding is 4.4% from the number of productive skidding road and for convertional is 9.9%. this difference of 5.6% is highly significant. 2. The average of ground exposure caused by planned skidding is 11.2% and for conventionalis 15.2%. This difference of 4.0% is singnificant. 3. The factors that positively influenced the ground exposure and nonproductive skidding road are the number of trees felled/skidding and stand density, and the factor that negatively influenced tham is slope for planned skidding. It is found that the ground exposure in conventional skidding is influenced the slope (highly significant). The planned skidding could reduce ground exposure indicated by minimum non-productive skidding road. Keywords: Minimizing ground exposure, non-productive skidding road, planned skidding. 167/5, 2009 Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal Akibat Penyaradan dengan Traktor pada Berbagai Tingkat Kerapatan Tegakan = Residual Stand Damages Caused by Skidding Tractor on Several Stand Density Levels. Oleh/By: Dulsalam, Sukanda & Ishak Sumantri. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 6 (6)1989: 349-352. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. 138
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An investigation on residual stand damages caused by skidding tractor on several stand density levels was carried out at PT Sumpol Timber in South Kalimantan in 1987. Forty five sample plots were selected randomly in this research. The purpose is to gather information about the residual stands damages caused by skidding tractor on several stand density levels. The result of investigation reveals that: 1. The number of trees having diameter of 20 cm and up varies from 80 to 300 trees/ha with an average of 190.22 trees/ha. 2. The residual stand damages for the area with stand densities of <150,150199, and ≥ 200 trees/ha were 16.7, 28.3 and 39.0 trees/ha respectively. They are significantly different. 3. It is suggested that the skidding operations, especially in high stand density levels, be done with better planning in order to save powers, costs and resources. 168/5, 2009 Keadaan Jalan Sarad dan Pohon Ditebang Pada Tegakan Tinggal di Kawasan sebuah Perusahaan Hutan Riau = Skiddingroad and Tree Felled Situation on Residual Stand at a Forest Company in Riau. Oleh/By: Jurnalis Thaib & Sona Suhartana. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 9 (4) 1991: 144-149. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation of skidding performance was conducted at one Forest company in Riau, in 1988. The results showed that stand density ranges from 126 to 190 trees with an average of 158 trees /ha, soft soil without any rock, land slope ranges from 6.8 to 20.0% and the trees felled from 2 to 8 with an average of 5 trees/ha. Also it was found that the length of productive skidding road ranges from 91.0 m to 329.8 m with an average of 210.4 m/ha while the length of unproductive skidding roads varies from 2.5 m to 49.9 m with an average of 26.2 m/ha.
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The ratio between the lengths of unproductive and productive skidding road is 12.5%. By considering tractor's life time 20,000 hours,around 2,500 hours of them are unproductive. Relating this figure with owning and operating costs, those unprductive skidding road surely cause quite large loss. Besides, the unproductive tractor movements also cause land exposure to the 2 amount of 122.5 m /ha. All the above disadvantages can be minimized by planning skidding roads ahead and strictly controlling the operation 169/5, 2009 Limbah Kayu Akibat Pembuatan Jalan Hutan dan Tebang Bayang pada Enam Hak Pengusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Timur = Wood Waste Caused by Forest Road Construction and Shadow Cutting at Six Logging Companies in East Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Maman Mansyur Idris & Sona Suhartana. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan 14 (1) 1996: 715. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. This paper present the result of the study on logging waste caused by forest road coustruction and shadow cutting. The study carried out at six logging companies in East Kalimantan in 1990. The aim of the study are: (1) to determine the wood waste caused by forest road consruction and shadow cutting, (2) to fine the factors influencing the wood waste and (3) to find the way of reducing the wood waste. The results of this study shows that the average wood waste from trees 3 felled caused by forest road construction and shadow witting is 1.16 m /ha for 3 commercial wood species and 2.76 m /ha for non-commercial wood species. Keywords: Wood waste, forest road, shadow cut. 170/5, 2009 Pengaruh Penggunaan Traktor terhadap Tegakan Tinggal pada beberapa Pengusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Timur = The Effect of Tractor Logging on The Residual Stand in East Kalimantan Forest
ABSTRAK Hasil Penelitian Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan
Concessions. Oleh/By: Jurnalis Thaib. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 2 (3) 1985: 10-14 Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The damage to residual stands as a result of tractor logging is evaluated. In 10 concessions in East Kalimantan, the number of trees felled per hectare was corelated with the percent decrease in the number of residual trees (20 cm and up) per hectare. The result indicated that increasing the number of trees felled per hectare caused greater decrease in the precentage of residual trees (20 cm and up). A better logging plan, including strict adherence to the TPI (Indonesian Selective Logging) regulations, pre-laid skidding roads and tree location plan is recommended to reduce the damage to residual stands. 171/5, 2009 Volume dan Klasifikasi Limbah Eksploitasi Hutan = Volume and Clssification of Logging Waste. Oleh/By: Sampe Radja Simarmata & Haryono. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 3 (1) 1986: 27-31. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The aim of the study is to estimate the volume of waste producted by forest exploitation in the cutting area and to clasiffication of logging waste based on their sources. The kind of logging waste based on their sources consits of : 1. Waste come from threes which to be cut and divided of bole (tunggak) remained stem (batang) bacouse of bucking and stemp up to the first branch. 2. Damage trees have been coused by influence of both cutting and yarding. The meaning of waste in the study is stem and branches with diameter up 10 cm and length up 1 m and length of bole do not depend on the size. Data analysis used statistical methode. The methode was analysis of variance based on Bartlett test.
Dampak Pemanenan
Average of waste volume per ha is 18,935 m ha consist of soure of cutting tress 57.12%, effecting of cutting 38.13% and effecting of yarding 4.15%. In order to decrease waste and enhance resources efficiency,quickly make methode to solve problem with integrated survey between departments which connect with their problem,forest companies and population sourounded forest area. 172/5, 2009 Kerusakan Tegakan dan Limbah Pemanenan Hutan Rawa pada Kawasan Suatu Perusaan Hutan di Kalimantan Barat = Timber Stands Damages and Waste of Logging at The Swamp Forest of One Forest Company in West Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Jurnalis Thaib. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 9 (3) 1991: 97-102. Pusat Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. An investigation was carried out at one swamp forest company in West Kalimantan. Timber stand conditions indicated by the diameter of tree falled all of wich were dominant tree species and the density of all tree species having diameter of 20 cm and up are as follows: the diameter ranging from 39.7 to 62.2 cm with an average of 51.0 cm while the timber density ranging from 89 ti 164 trees with an average of 127 trees per hectare. By felling one tree for harvesting pupose. It caused residual stand damages between 0.35 and 1.73 trees with an average of 1.04 trees. This large range was caused not only by the distribution of timber stands but also by inappropriate felling directions. Logging waste that consisted of stump, clear bole, branch and 3 3 vuctimized trees with the diameter of 10 cm up were 0.10 m (2%), 0.80 m 3 (19%), 0.16 m (4%) and (12%), respctively. These wates can be utilized in the future because output of processing industry is sawn timber only and the location of log resources area is closed to the saw mill site.
ABSTRAK Hasil Penelitian Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan
173/5, 2009 Kajian Keberadaan Tegakan Tinggal dan Keterbukaan Lahan pada Kegiatan Penebangan dan Penyaradan di Suatu Perusahaan Hutan di Kalimantan Tengah = The Study of Residual Stand Condition and Ground Exposure Coused by Felling and Yarding Operation At Forest Concession in Central Kalimantan. Oleh/By: Sona Suhartana. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 11 (3) 1993: 117-121. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The damages of soil and vegetation coused by felling and yarding operations are unavoidable eventhough the operations are done very carefully. The conclusions of several previous studies related to the problem showed that residual stand damages and ground exposure are influenced by logging,because felling and yarding operations are carried out without proper planning. The aim of the study is to find the level of residual stand damage,total trees felled per unit area,and ground exposure caused by feeling and yarding operations. The study was carried out in forest concession of PT Kayu Tribuana Rama in Central Kalimantan in 1991. The gathered data were analysed by simple linier regressions analysis. The result area as follow : 1. The average of residual stand damage coused by felling and yarding operation is 11.1% for the average total trees felled of 5.9 trees/ha. 2. The effect of total trees per unit area on residual stand damage is highly significant. Logging operations in steeper slope could increase residual stand damage. 3. The average of ground exposure caused by logging operation is 16.7% for the average total trees felled of 5.9 trees/ha. 4. The effect of total trees felled per unit area on ground exposure is not significant. Logging operation in the company is not planned to comply with TPTI regulations.
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174/5, 2009 Pengaruh Pemanenan Hasil Hutan Terhadap Tingkat Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal pada Dua Hak Pengusahaan Hutan (HPH) di Kalimantan Barat = (The Effect of Logging to Residual Stand Damaged in Two Forest Concessions in West Kalimantan). Oleh/By: Sona Suhartana. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 11 (4) 1993: 153-156. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Disturbed soil and vegetation caused by logging operation is difficult to be avoided, even in good logging operation. Past studies related to this problem. Shows that forest concessions in Sumatera dan Kalimantan used Indonesia Selective Cutting System (TPTI) as a basic activity in logging operation. However, because of the weakness of government control activity, most of the companies were looking for financial benefit only and neglect the sustainability of the forest. The aim of this study is two assess the number of commercial trees (diameter 20 cm and up).damaged during logging operation. The study was carried out in two forest concessions : PT. Batasan/A and PT. Tanjung Pura Bakti/B in West Kalimantan. The result shows that : 1. The average were percentage of commercial trees damaged of diameter 20 cm and up during logging operation are 4.6% in A concessions and 5.6% in B concessions, 2. The average number of trees in concessions A are 8.9 trees/ha while in concessions B is 7.8 trees/ha. 175/5, 2009 Klasifikasi Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal, Erosi Tanah Hutan dan Iklim Mikro untuk Penetapan Ambang Batas dalam Pemanenan Tebang Pilih di Hutan Alam = Classification Non the Damages of Residual Forest Stands, Erosion of Forest Soil, and Deteriorating Micro Climate for Determining Threshold of Logging Impact Employing
ABSTRAK Hasil Penelitian Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan
Selective Cutting in Natural Forest. Oleh/By: Wesman Endom & Zakaria Basari. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 19 (2) 2001: 69-88. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. The logging impact on wood harvesting operation at natural forest is an important element that should be pay attention by all people to get sustainable forest management. This information is needed in order the forest damaged can be maintained to achieve health forest recovery of the logged forest area and high potency. So we can do the next harvest with a similar volume and quality or even more. That is our hope and sustain continuously. To achieve this, the cryteria and size of threshold forest damages is required. There is 3 main group of damages of the known i.e. threshold of residual stand damage, threshold of forest soil damage and threshold of micro climate. Based on consideration that in the reality in general was found logging impact still high so because globally in the wordls asking logging with friendly it is essensial to provide of limit of forest damage. Some activities that may produce heavy forest damage was road construction, felling, skidding and logyard establisment. Keywords: Impact of logging operation, valution, threshold, sustainable forest management. 176/5, 2009 Kondisi Tegakan Tinggal di Kawasan Dua Perusahaan Hutan di Riau = Residual Stand Condition at Two Forest Concessions In Riau. Oleh/By: Sona Suhartana & Maman Mansyur Idris. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan 14 (4) 1996: 129-137. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor. Log skidding activities using tractor usually caused high residual stand damages. To reduce the residual stand damages, the factor influencing them must be identified. A study was carried out at two forest concession in Riau In
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1996. The aims of the study are; (1). Two find the level of residual stand damages caused by felling and skidding, (2). to identify the factors influencing the residual stand damages and, (3). to find the way of reducing residual stand damages. Data colleted were the number of felled trees with diameter 20 cm and up an damages trees. The data was analysed by using the multiple regresion. The result of the study show; (1). The average of residual stand damages caused by felling is 11.5%; (2). the average of residual stand damages caused by skidding is 15.4%; and (3). the influence of the number of felled trees, stand density and the slope were highly significant to residual stand damages. Knowing the factor influencing the risidual stand damages, ones should be easy to find the way of reducing that damages. Keywords: Felling, skidding, felled trees, residual stand damage.
ABSTRAK Hasil Penelitian Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan
III. PENUTUP Dengan diterbitkannya Abstrak Hasil Penelitian Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan ini diharapkan akan memudahkan para pengguna dalam mencari informasi Hasil Penelitian Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan. Semoga bermanfaat.
INDEKS PENGARANG Arifin Basari, Z. Basri, H. Dulsalam
Endom, W.
Fakuara, Y. Haryono Idris, M.M.
Kasile, J.D. Machfudh Manan, S. Rachman, O. Sianturi, A. Simarmata, S.R. Sinaga, M. Soenarno Soerianegara, I. Sugilar, Y. Indeks Pengarang
52 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 13, 43, 44, 45, 53, 72, 93, 95, 100, 114, 125, 143 15 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 19, 20, 24, 27, 33, 34, 36, 47, 56, 57, 58, 61, 63, 68, 70, 72, 75, 84, 85, 86, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 99, 100, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 115, 117, 130, 132, 134, 136 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 21, 22, 24, 29, 31, 40, 43, 44, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 71, 72, 83, 87, 93, 98, 100, 116, 143 133 24, 35, 46, 50, 52, 71, 139 3, 17, 20, 29, 32, 38, 51, 77, 87, 90, 114, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 129, 133, 138, 143 142 35, 42 18 34 18, 56, 57, 58, 101, 102, 103, 110 19, 36, 86, 124, 139 1, 19, 27, 80, 124 3, 17, 32, 38, 114, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 126 18 5, 7, 11, 15, 100 149
Suhartana, S.
Sukadaryati Sukanda Sumanto, D. Sumantri, I. Sumanto, D. Sumantri, I. Suparto, R.S. Suprapto, S. Suratmo, G. Sutopo, S. Suzanto, A. Thaib, J. Tinambunan, D.
Tohdjaya, S. Usmansyah, M. Yuniawati
20, 49, 77, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 89, 91, 96, 97, 100, 101, 122, 125, 129, 130, 134, 135, 137, 138, 141, 142, 143 6, 10, 11, 22, 34, 79, 81, 94, 96 14, 39, 48, 90, 98, 99, 105, 106, 113, 119, 132, 136 13, 44 4, 21, 22, 27, 35, 37, 40, 79, 80, 105, 115, 116, 117, 118, 136 13, 44 4, 21, 22, 27, 35, 37, 40, 79, 80, 105, 115, 116, 117, 118, 136 18, 55, 59, 60, 61, 111, 133 11 133 41, 55, 59, 60, 66, 90, 111 99 127, 128, 137, 139, 140 6, 9, 12, 27, 28, 38, 41, 47, 54, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70, 73, 74, 88, 92, 102 5, 7 39 49, 86, 88, 89, 101
ABSTRAK Hasil Penelitian Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan
INDEKS KATA KUNCI Agricultural tractor Allowable cut Aman Annual 50 Appropriate equipment Auxiliary tool Biaya Biaya operasi Biaya produksi Bowed Buffalo Chips Computer application Controllod felling technique Conventional Conventional skidding Conversion factor Cooperative Cost Cost of operation Damage Data satelit Digital analysis Effective Efficiency Efficient Efisiensi Efisiensi penebangan Ekskavator Indeks Kata Kunci
7 50 83 48 14 27, 101 9 82, 97 88 95 34 42 79 79 131 29 46 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 34, 48, 86, 93, 96, 100, 114 14, 44 94 27 42 15 84, 86, 100 15, 50 72 27, 82 98 151
Equipment Erosi tanah Eucalyptus sp. Excavator Expo-2000 Extraction cost Farm tractor Felled trees Felling Felling cost Felling efficiency Felling productivity Felling technique Field technique Forest Forest and land rehabilitation Forest boundary Forest harvesting Forest land-use Forest road Forest road density Forest stand damage Gergaji rantai GIS Ground exposure Hambatan RIL Harvesting Harvesting intensity Haul back dru Hauling Hutan Hutan rakyat 152
5 53 2 94 14, 15 94 96, 114 144 144 81 89 79 79, 80, 88 11 29 11 47, 51 14, 44 47, 51 138 45, 76 131 82 53 135 28 14, 29, 48, 49, 100 45, 76 16 100 2 83
ABSTRAK Hasil Penelitian Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan
Image analysis Impact of logging Impact of logging operation Improved performance Improvement Increasing production Jalan hutan Joint business Kerapatan jalan Kerusakan tegakan Keteknikan hutan Koller Konservasi lahan Land cover Landsat TM Limbah penebangan Loading Log extraction Logging Logging equipment Log loading/unloading Logs Log skidding Lowest possible felling technique Manual Minimize impact Minimizing Minimizing ground exposure Monitoring Mother trees Muat bongkar Multi purpose loader-skidder Indeks Kata Kunci
42 14, 44 43, 143 6 16, 84 80 72 46 27 27 27 300, 93 53 42 42 82 6, 100 4, 10, 13, 15 46, 100 50 5 29 95, 96 89 978 130 92 136 47, 51 49 101 6 153
Murah Natural forest Non-productive skidding road Number of chainsaw Operation cost P3HH24 skyline system Pemanenan hasil hutan Penataan kawasan hutan Penebangan Pengelolaan hutan lestari Pengertian RIL Peningkatan Penyaradan Penyaradan kayu Performance Pine Pine forest Planned skidding Planning skidding Plantation forest Poles Potency Production cost Production target Productivity Produktivitas Produktivitas kerja Ramin Ratio Realized log production Reduced impact logging 154
83 84, 131 136 86 46 10 27 53 82, 83 72 28 98 97 98 16 12 1 136 92 10, 13, 34, 48, 81 94 34 89 86 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 44, 48, 81, 89, 93, 94, 95, 96, 100, 114 9, 27, 82, 97, 101 98 49 42 50 28, 130, 131
ABSTRAK Hasil Penelitian Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan
Remote sensing Remote sensing imagery Residual stand damage Sederhana Seedling transportation Shadow cut Simple auxiliary equipment Sistem kabel layang Sistem konversional Sistem terkendali Skidding Skidding cost Skidding road Skyline Skyline Isuzu Skyline system Snatch block Squatted Strategi implementasi Sustainability Sustainable forest management Teknik pembersihan Temporary workers Thinning Threshold Timber estate Timber harvesting Timber utility efficiency Tree Tree felling Unimog Unloading Indeks Kata Kunci
42 47, 51 79, 92, 130, 144 83 11, 114 138 7 9 82 82 6, 135, 144 131 135 12, 14, 16, 44 240, 97 1, 4, 11, 13, 93 16 88 28 49 43 2 22 12 43, 143 80 22, 45, 76 89 94 84 9 100 155
Valuation Volume Wage system Well-planned log production Winch Wood-constructed carriage Wood production Wood waste Worker’s income Zonasi kawasan hutan
43, 143 49 22 50 7 14 80 34, 84, 138 22 53
ABSTRAK Hasil Penelitian Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan
INDEKS GEOGRAFI Aceh Bojonegoro Central Java Central Kalimantan Cianjur East Java East Kalimantan Jambi Kalimantan Kalimantan Barat Kalimantan Selatan Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Timur Lampung Pulau Jawa Pulau Laut Riam Saradan South Kalimantan South Sumatra Sukabumi Sulawesi Sumatra Sumatra Barat Sumatra Selatan Sumatra Selatan Sumatra Utara West Java
Indeks Geografi
20, 86 110 1, 3, 70, 71, 90, 103 45, 77, 99, 120, 122, 141 22, 79, 88 13, 43 35, 36, 84, 86, 91, 129, 138 68, 70, 72, 80, 82, 94, 96, 98 58, 65 20, 29, 61, 77, 105, 106, 111, 119, 125, 128, 140, 142 20, 49, 68, 89, 102, 126 45, 77, 99, 120, 122, 141 35, 84, 86, 91, 129, 138 40 8 12, 18, 55, 80, 95 56, 63, 73, 108, 134, 135, 137, 143 110 20, 49, 68, 89, 102 47, 54, 125, 130 10, 22, 79, 114 17 58, 102 20, 105, 107 47, 54, 107 47, 54, 125, 130 1 88, 100
West Kalimantan West Pekalongan West Sumatra
20, 29, 61, 77, 105, 106, 111, 119, 125, 128, 140, 142 1, 9 20, 105, 107
ABSTRAK Hasil Penelitian Keteknikan Hutan dan Pemungutan Hasil Hutan