What is drug testing? Some schools, hospitals, or places of employment conduct drug testing. This usually involves collecting urine samples to test for drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, PCP, and opiates. Apa obat pengujian? Beberapa sekolah, rumah sakit atau tempat kerja melakukan pengujian obat. Hal ini biasanya melibatkan mengumpulkan sampel urin untuk menguji untuk obat-obatan seperti ganja, kokain, amfetamin, PCP, dan opiat.
Why do some schools want to conduct random drug tests? Schools that have adopted random student drug testing are hoping to decrease drug abuse among students via two routes. First, schools that conduct testing hope that random testing will serve as a deterrent, and give students a reason to resist peer pressure to take drugs. Secondly, drug testing can identify adolescents who have started using drugs so that interventions can occur early, or identify adolescents who already have drug problems, so they can be referred for treatment. Drug abuse not only interferes with a student's ability to learn, but it can also disrupt the teaching environment, affecting other students as well. Mengapa beberapa sekolah ingin melakukan tes obat acak? Sekolah-sekolah yang telah mengadopsi pengujian obat acak siswa berharap untuk mengurangi penyalahgunaan narkoba antara mahasiswa melalui dua rute. Pertama, sekolah yang melakukan pengujian berharap bahwa pengujian acak akan berfungsi sebagai penghalang, dan memberi siswa alasan untuk menolak tekanan untuk mengambil obat-obatan. Kedua, pengujian obat dapat mengidentifikasi remaja yang mulai menggunakan obat-obatan sehingga intervensi dapat terjadi lebih awal, atau mengidentifikasi remaja yang sudah memiliki masalah obat-obatan, sehingga mereka bisa disebut untuk pengobatan. Penyalahgunaan obat tidak hanya mengganggu kemampuan siswa untuk belajar, tapi itu juga dapat mengganggu lingkungan pengajaran, mempengaruhi siswa lain juga.
If a student tests positive for drugs, should that student face disciplinary consequences? The primary purpose of drug testing is not to punish students who use drugs but to prevent drug abuse and to help students already using become drug-free. The results of a positive drug test should be used to intervene with students who do not yet have drug problems, through counseling and follow-up testing. For students that are diagnosed with addiction, parents and a
school administrator can refer them to effective drug treatment programs, to begin the recovery process. Jika seorang mahasiswa tes positif narkoba, harus bahwa siswa menghadapi konsekuensi disiplin? Tujuan utama dari pengujian obat adalah bukan untuk menghukum siswa Napza tapi untuk mencegah penyalahgunaan narkoba dan untuk membantu siswa yang sudah menggunakan menjadi obat bebas. Hasil tes positif obat harus digunakan untuk campur tangan dengan siswa yang belum memiliki masalah obat-obatan, melalui konseling dan pengujian lanjutan. Untuk stud ents yang didiagnosis dengan kecanduan, orang tua dan administrator sekolah dapat merujuk mereka ke program perawatan obat yang efektif, untuk memulai proses pemulihan.
Jika seorang mahasiswa tes positif narkoba, harus bahwa siswa menghadapi konsekuensi disiplin? Tujuan utama dari pengujian obat adalah bukan untuk menghukum siswa Napza tapi untuk mencegah penyalahgunaan narkoba dan untuk membantu siswa yang sudah menggunakan menjadi obat bebas. Hasil tes positif obat harus digunakan untuk campur tangan dengan siswa yang belum memiliki masalah obat-obatan, melalui konseling dan pengujian lanjutan. Bagi siswa yang didiagnosis dengan kecanduan, orang tua dan administrator sekolah dapat merujuk mereka ke program perawatan obat yang efektif, untuk memulai proses pemulihan. Short term: Even a single use of an intoxicating drug can affect a person's judgment and decisonmaking—resulting in accidents, poor performance in a school or sports activity, unplanned risky behavior, and the risk of overdosing. Jangka pendek: bahkan sekali pemakaian obat memabukkan dapat mempengaruhi seseorang penghakiman dan decisonmaking — dihasilkan dalam kecelakaan, kinerja yang buruk dalam kegiatan sekolah atau olahraga, perilaku berisiko tidak direncanakan, dan risiko kelebihan dosis. Long term: Repeated drug abuse can lead to serious problems, such as poor academic outcomes, mood changes (depending on the drug: depression, anxiety, paranoia, psychosis), and social or family problems caused or worsened by drugs. Jangka panjang: diulang penyalahgunaan obat dapat menyebabkan masalah serius, seperti hasil akademis yang miskin, perubahan mood (tergantung pada obat: depresi, kecemasan, paranoia, psikosis), dan masalah sosial atau keluarga disebabkan atau diperparah oleh obat-obatan.
How many students actually use drugs? Drug use among high schools students has dropped significantly since 2001. In December, the 2007 Monitoring the Future study of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders showed that drug use had declined by 24 percent since 2001.
Penggunaan obat antara siswa sekolah tinggi telah menurun secara signifikan sejak tahun 2001. Pada bulan Desember, 2007 Monitoring masa studi siswa kelas 8, 10, dan 12 yang menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan obat telah menurun sebesar 24 persen sejak tahun 2001.
Despite this marked decline, much remains to be done. Almost 50 percent of 12th graders say that they've used drugs at least once in their lifetime, and 18 percent report using marijuana in the last month. Prescription drug abuse is high—with nearly 1 in 10 high school seniors reporting non-medical use of the prescription painkiller Vicodin in the past year. Meskipun penurunan ini ditandai, masih banyak dilakukan. Hampir 50 persen dari siswa kelas 12 mengatakan bahwa mereka telah menggunakan obat-obatan setidaknya sekali dalam seumur hidup, dan laporan 18 persen menggunakan ganja di bulan terakhir. Penyalahgunaan obat resep tinggi — dengan hampir 1 dari 10 SMU pelaporan non-medis penggunaan resep painkiller Vicodin tahun lalu.
What testing methods are available? Metode pengujian apa tersedia? There are several testing methods available that use urine, hair, oral fluids, and sweat (patch). These methods vary in cost, reliability, drugs detected, and detection period. Ada beberapa metode pengujian yang tersedia yang menggunakan urin, rambut, cairan oral, dan keringat (patch). Metode ini bervariasi dalam biaya, keandalan, obat-obatan yang terdeteksi, dan periode deteksi.
How accurate are drug tests? Is there a possibility a test could give a false positive? Seberapa akurat adalah tes obat? Apakah ada kemungkinan tes dapat memberikan positif palsu? Tests are very accurate but not 100 percent accurate. Usually samples are divided so if an initial test is positive a confirmation test can be conducted. Federal guidelines are in place to ensure accuracy and fairness in drug testing programs.
Tes sangat akurat tetapi tidak 100 persen akurat. Biasanya sampel dibagi jadi jika pengujian awal positif tes konfirmasi dapat dilakukan. Pedoman Federal berada di tempat untuk memastikan keakuratan dan keadilan dalam pengujian program obat.
PRO : 1. UNTUK MENGETAHUI BERAPA BANYAK DAN MEMBANTU MENGOBATI 2. MENGURANGI PENYEBARLUASAN PENGGUNA NARKOBA 3. KONTRA : Drug use among high schools students has dropped significantly since 2001. In December, the 2007 Monitoring the Future study of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders showed that drug use had declined by 24 percent since 2001.
MAHAL ( to do testing, we need the cost of an expensive)
What testing methods are available? There are several testing methods available that use urine, hair, oral fluids, and sweat (patch). These methods vary in cost, reliability, drugs detected, and detection period. And it’s so expensive. Not everyone want to give their money for it. Okay?
Tests not 100 percent accurate. Usually samples are divided so if an initial test is positive a confirmation test can be conducted. Federal guidelines are in place to ensure accuracy and
fairness in drug testing programs. So, do not close the possibility testing can give a incorrect results.
The Effectiveness of Mandatory-Random Student Drug Testing
Students involved in extracurricular activities and subject to in-school drug testing reported less substance use than comparable students in high schools without drug testing, according to a new evaluation released today by the Institute of Education Sciences. Although illicit substance use among adolescents has declined over the past decade, it remains a concern. Under one approach to address this problem, students and their parents agree to students being tested for drugs (and in some cases, tobacco or alcohol) on a random basis as a condition of participation in athletic or other school-sponsored competitive extracurricular activities. The study, The Effectiveness of Mandatory-Random Student Drug Testing, examined 7 districts that were awarded grants in 2006 by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools to implement mandatory-random drug testing programs in their 36 high schools. The districts volunteered to be in the program and were spread across seven states. Because these were districts committed to adopting such programs and they were clustered in mostly Southern states, the study results cannot be generalized to all high schools nationally.
The evaluation involved more than 4,700 students and compares the substance use reported by those in "treatment" high schools randomly assigned to implement the drug testing program immediately (in the 2007–08 school year) with the substance use reported by students in "control" schools assigned to delay implementing the program for a year (until 2008–09). The goal of the mandatory drug testing program was to reduce student substance use in three ways—by deterring substance use, by detecting substance use, and by having spillover effects on other students in the school as they observe and are influenced by the behavior of their peers. Students were surveyed before and after the program started about: their participation in school activities; their attitudes about school and knowledge of school policy; their attitudes about substance use and awareness of drug testing; and their report of substance use in the past month, in the past six months and their lifetime. Researchers focused primarily on students who participated in activities that would make them subject to the random drug testing, but also examined the impacts on other students. Key findings include:
Some 16 percent of students subject to drug testing reported using substances covered by their district's testing in the past 30 days, compared with 22 percent of comparable students in schools without the program. Similar patterns were observed for other measures of studentreported substance use, but those differences were not statistically significant. In the one-year period studied, there was no evidence of any "spillover effects" to students who were not subject to testing—the percentage who reported using substances in the past month was the same at both treatment and control schools. There was no effect on any group of students' reported intentions to use substances in the future. Of the students subject to drug testing, 34 percent reported that they "definitely will" or "probably will" use substances in the next 12 months, compared with 33 percent of comparable students in schools without the program. There was no evidence that the drug testing reduced students' participation in extracurricular activities or affected their connection to school. Researchers also examined whether students in schools with drug testing , perhaps because they were more aware of the consequences of substance use, might be underreporting such use. However, there were no differences between the treatment and control groups in students' reports of how honest they were in completing the surveys or in how often students didn't respond to particular questions. Also, there were no inconsistencies in reports of lifetime use between the surveys they completed before knowing whether their school required drug testing and afterwards.