Situation in Czech Republic Situation: Base of the system – Secondary care Posttotalitarian attitude and habits Repression – totalitarian regime, tighting up - Midwives not getting autonomous licences
- Women being refused their rights and wishes Strasbourgh court – verdict vs. its interpretation by czech media and Judges – „east vs. west“ point of view
Challenges: Lack of knowledge and widespread biased knowledge (among
professionals and society) Lack of will for changes Complex problem – historical, economical, political, social
ICM Congress in Prague
vs. Any medialisation, reflection in czech context… OR
Verdict of Strasbourgh Court:
verdict itself vs. its interpretation
Verdict of Strasbourgh Court: verdict itself vs. its interpretation
Freedom, dignity, choice It is not only about liberty Malpractices routinelly performed on daily basis
Shifted vision of „normality“ Systematic changes inevitable – which is a complex
and complicated procedure
Project „Another way“ - Jak jinak Aim of the project is to achieve systematic changes in birth options by introducing Primary Midwifery Care based on continual midwifery model of care
Vision of the project
Bring complex changes in czech
perinatal system of care
Widen the safe options and services
for birthing and pregnant women, modwives and doctors
Bring in the continual model of care
inspired by international EBM practice and international guidelines (WHO, NICE, ICM, etc.)
Bring in the system the Primary
Midwifery care which it lacks
Work Breakdown Structure Characteristics of the project Phase I. Proposal and realisation of functional system of Primary care in CZ ( ex.: introduction of Birth houses) Cooperation and communication with other organisations Medialisation – opening of public discussion and objectivisation of facts in Childbirth Cooperation with insurance companies Adequate involvement of men in the topic Education of Midwives – Autonomy of profession, physiology of Childbirth Cooperation with doctors
Brief structure of the project Phase I. (continuing) Fundraising Legislative adjustments – in cooperation with other organisations and government Therapeutic group Phase II. Birthing and educational centre for Midwifes (and other providers of childbirth care) Cooperation with secondary care Comunication with politics Phase III. Education of public – schools, high schoools, colleges, etc. Professional education for Primary care (all providers of care women, children and families) – high schools, colleges
Network of Birth houses
What we have achieved? International Congress ICM, june 2014 in Prague
Interviews (videos) with fifteen midwives from international context Petition of professionals to support changes in CZ – was signed by 1216 midwives from all over the world
Cooperation and consultations with other
organisations and institutions,included international.
„Viral" video - Jakub Kohák, main role – famous czech actor Pavel Liška – around 30.000 views within 5 days
Concert for Vincent - „Birth, Live and Die as
humans“ - 18.9.2014 Vodafone Foundation – „Rok Jinak“ - we won a „Divoká karta“ (Wild card) of people – project manager for educational programme for autonomy and physiology of Childbirth
Viral video „Jak jinak – Another way to pee“
Provokující video: Rodit je stejně přirozené, jako jít na záchod
„Představte si, že jdete na záchod na malou a najednou vás obklopí lékaři a sestry. Položí vás na lehátko, zapnou blikající a pípající monitory a nutí vás, abyste pod jejich dozorem potřebu vykonali. Že by vám to nešlo? Herci Pavlu Liškovi ve videu, s nímž přišla iniciativa Jak jinak, také ne. Autoři kampaně se tímto způsobem snaží upozornit na to, že ve zdejších porodnicích porod stále ještě připomíná nemocniční zákrok, ačkoli mnohé matky by bez neustálých zásahů lékaři dokázaly porodit snáze.“ (Blesk,30.9.2014)
Information leaflet
Information leaflet
Concert for Vincent „Birth, live and die as humans“
Foundation of VODAFONE - ROK JINAK Won a competition
Project "Jak jinak" got into the final of the competition "Roku jinak" of theVodafone Foundation. Získali jsme Divokou kartu prostřednictvím hlasování. Our effort was supported by 5453 people. We got another professional into our team a project manager Anna Vršník. V projektu "Jak jinak" chceme kromě jiného vytvořit funkční model primární porodní péče, jak ho známe z vyspělých zemí EU, kde o většinu rodiček pečuje samostatná porodní asistentka. Také se snažíme o to, aby práce porodní asistentky byla uznávanou autonomní profesí a jejich služby proplácely pojišťovny. Ženy tak budou mít možnost volby místa a způsobu porodu a zároveň bude zajištěno bezpečí pro ně i miminko. Nedílnou součástí naší práce je i osvěta odborníků i laické veřejnosti o tom, že těhotenství a porod jsou zdravé a přirozené procesy.
How to implement changes? Examples of good practice – Denmark, Canada, United Kingdom, and others Inspiration - New Zealand and its situation 20 years ago simmilar to ours, „what made the change“, etc. DISTRIBUTION OF RELEVANT INFORMATION (within professionals as within society) PROFESIONALISATION OF NETWORKS COOPERATION
Thank You for Your attention!
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