Seringkali saya sadari betapa kehidupan lahiriah maupun batiniah saya dibangun atas pekerjaan rekanrekan saya, baik yang masih hidup maupun yang sudah tiada, dan betapa saya harus menyerahkan upaya saya dengan tulus untuk membalas segala yang telah saya terima itu. (Albert Einstein) You can do what I cannot do; I can do what you cannot do; Together we can do great things. (Mother Teresa)
The Law of Significance One is too small a number to achieve Greatness John C. Maxwell
The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork
T.E.A.M.W.O.R.K. Together Everyone Achieves More With Organization Recognition and Knowledge Nancy Singer, President and CEO Retail Credit Services of First of American Bank Corporation
Change Your Strategy Instead of working alone, you need to be a part of a team. Teams are incredible things. No task is too great, No accomplishment too grand, No dream too far – fetched for a team, It takes teamwork to make the dream work
Here Is What A Team Can Do For You
It makes you better than you are. It multiplies your value to others. It enables you to do what you do best. It allows you to help others do their best. It gives you more time. It provides you with companionship. It helps you fulfill the desires of your heart. It makes everyone on the team a winner.
Meraih Kemenangan Bersama TIM Menang dengan Kemampuan Bersaing
Menang dengan kerja sama
Melihat orang lain sebagai musuh
Melihat orang lain sebagai teman
Berkonsentrasi pada diri Anda sendiri
Berkonsentrasi pada orang lain
Menjadi curiga kepada orang lain
Memberikan dukungan kepada orang lain
Hanya menang kalau Anda baik
Menang kalau Anda dan orang lain baik
Kemenangan ditentukan oleh keahlian Anda
Kemenangan ditentukan oleh keahlian banyak orang
Kemenangan kecil
Kemenangan besar
Sedikit kesenangan
Banyak kesenangan
Ada yang menang dan ada yang kalah
Hanya ada pemenang
What About The Leader?
Leaders are the ones who bring teams together and lead them to victory
Why Do We Stand Alone? 1.
Ego. It marks a big step in your development when you come to realize that other people can help you do a better job than you could do alone. Andrew Carnegie
Why Do We Stand Alone? 2. Insecurity Insecurity most often causes leaders to sorround themselves with weak people. Only secure leaders give power to others. Why insecure leaders usually fail to build teams a. They want to maintain control over everything for which they are responsible. b. They fear being replaced by someone more capable.
Why Do We Stand Alone? 3. Naivete They naively underestimate the difficulty of achieving big things. As a result, they try to go it alone.
Why Do We Stand Alone? 4. Temperament Tak seorang pun lengkap tanpa tim… Kita saling membutuhkan. Untuk membuat kehidupan berhasil, kita harus saling membantu. Memberi dan menerima… Kehidupan sudah cukup sepi tanpa perlu kita perparah lagi dengan sok jagoan sendirian. Chuck Swindoll The Finishing Touch
Leading The Team
The test of a leader is taking the vision from me to we. Every effective leader knows that you can win with good players. And you can lose with good players. But you cannot win without good players. You will not advance far in business if you cannot work through others. (John Craig)
Becoming A Better Team Leader Think about The Greatest Dream you have for you life. Now, ask yourself, Is it bigger than I am? Does it benefit others as well as myself? Is it worth dedicating part of my life to? If you answer yes to all of these questions, then think about what kinds of people should join you to achieve that dream.
A Big Dream Needs A Team
Dare to dream… Have the desire to do something bigger than yourself.
Prepare the dream… Do your homework; be ready when the opportunity comes.
Wear the dream… Do It!
Share the dream… Make others a part of the dream, and it will become even greater than you had hoped. Florence Littauer
Profile of A Winning Team 1. 2. 3. 4.
They play to win. They have a winning attitude. They keep improving. They make their teammates more successful.
Tim macam apa yang harus dibangun? Jenis tantangan
Jenis tim
Tantangan baru
Tim kreatif
Tantangan kontroversial
Tim yang bersatu
Tantangan yang berubah-ubah
Tim yang cepat serta fleksibel
Tantangan yang tidak menyenangkan
Tim yang termotivasi
Tantangan yang beragam
Tim pelengkap
Tantangan jangka panjang
Tim yang bertekad
Tantangan sekaliber Everest
Tim yang berpengalaman
Faktor Yang Membuat Tim Efektif Tim yang Efektif…… Saling mempedulikan. Tahu dan mempraktekkan apa yang penting. Tumbuh bersama. Mempunyai senyawa kimia yang cocok. Menempatkan hak pribadi di bawah kepentingan tim. Menyadari setiap anggota memainkan peran yang khusus. Memiliki sederetan pemain cadangan yang kuat. Tahu dengan pasti posisi timnya. Bersedia membayar harganya. Mengatakan “Ya” pada pertanyaan yang benar.
Say YES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Do we trust each other? Do we have concern each other? Do team members feel free to communicate openly? Do we understand our team’s goals? Do we have a commitment to those goals? Do we make good use of each member’s abilities? Do we handle conflict successfully? Does everyone participate? Do we respect our individual differences? Do we like being members of this team?
Successful teams are ones whose members say YES –to big dreams, to great challenges, and to each other. If you and your teammates can say YES to them, then you are well on your way to accomplishing your dream
How to be The MVP* Visualizes what can be, not just what is (memvisualisasikan apa yang bisa dicapai, bukan sekadar yang ada)
Appreciates the other players (menghargai pemain-pemain lainnya)
Leads by example (memimpin dengan teladan)
Understands the big picture (memahami gambaran besarnya)
Adds value to the entire team (memberi nilai tambah kepada tim)
Brings home the bacon (membagikan apa yang dimiliki)
Learns quickly from mistakes (cepat belajar dari kesalahan-kesalahan)
Encourages others (mendorong sesama) *MVP = Most Valuable Player
How to “C” Your Way Into Better Teamwork
Commitment that inspires results. (Komitmen yang menginspirasikan hasil-hasil)
Contributions that makes a difference. (Kontribusi yang membuat perbedaan)
Competency that raises the standard. (Kompetensi yang meningkatkan standar)
Communication that increases effectiveness. (Komunikasi yang meningkatkan keefektifan)
Cooperation that creates harmony. (Kooperasi yang menciptakan keharmonisan)
How to “C” Your Way Into Better Teamwork
Chemistry that enchances personal connection. (Perpaduan yang meningkatkan hubungan pribadi)
Creativity that enlarges the team’s potential. (Kreativitas yang memperbesar potensi tim)
Conflict management that reduces tension rapidly. (Manajemen konflik yang mengurangi ketegangan secara cepat)
Cohesiveness that allows change to be rapid. (Kesatuan yang memungkinkan perubahan secara cepat)
Community that makes the journey fun. (Komunitas yang menjadikan perjalanan menyenangkan)
Team’s Dynamic According to The Placement
The Law of The Niche (Hukum Posisi Yang Tepat)
All players have a place where they add the most value John C. Maxwell
The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork
Team’s Dynamic According to The Placement
The Wrong Person in the Wrong Place The Wrong Person in the Right Place The Right Person in the Wrong Place The Right Person in the Right Place The Right People in the Right Places
= Regression = Frustration = Confusion = Progression = Multiplication
Put People in Their Place 1. 2.
You must know the team: visi, tujuan, budaya, sejarah, dsb. You must know the situation. Good team builders know where the team is and what situation requires. You must know the player. Leaders tend to make everyone else conform to their image, to approach their work using the same skills and problem-solving methods.
Jika Hukum Posisi Yang Tepat Diabaikan 1.
2. 3. 4.
Moral tim merosot karena tidak bermain sesuai kemampuan. Anggota tim sulit bekerja sama. Kepercayaan diri anggota tim merosot. Tim tidak akan pernah merealisasikan potensinya.
The Winning Team Members Need to Know 1.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Tell me what you expect from me. Give me an opportunity to perform. Let me know how I’m getting along. Give me guidance where I need it. Reward me according to my contribution.
Building The Winning Team 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Make the decision to build a team. Gather the best players possible. Pay the price to develop the team. Do things together as a team. Empower team members with responsibility and authority. Give credit for success to the team. Watch to see that the investment in the team is paying off. Stop investing in players who do not grow. Create new opportunities for the team. Give the team the best possible chance to succeed.
Wonderful Messages Motivate employees, train them, care about them, and make winners of them. At Marriott we know that if me treat our employees correctly, they’ll treat the customers right. And if the customers are treated right, they’ll come back… Bill Marriott CEO Marriott Hotels
Wonderful Messages
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. (Helen Keller) No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it. (Halford E. Luccock) We must learn to live together as brother or perish together as fools. (Martin Luther King, Jr.) Talent wins games but teamwork and intelligence win championships. (Michael Jordan)
Wonderful Messages
We have not come to compete with one another. We have come to complete one another. (Bill McCartney) It’s not how heavy the load, it’s how you carry it. (John C. Maxwell) We don’t work for each other; we works with each other. (Stanley C. Gault) If you can laugh together, you can work together. (Robert Orben)
How Can A Team Achieve Its Dream?
Personnel determine the Potential of the team. Vision determines the Direction of the team. Work Ethic determines the Preparation of the team. Leadership determines the Success of the team.