High Carbon Stock Approach to Support Sustainable Agriculture August 2017
By Aida Greenbury Co-Chair HCSA Steering Group
What is HCS Approach The High Carbon Stock (HCS) Approach is a global methodology for land-use planning that distinguishes forest areas for protection from degraded lands with low carbon and biodiversity values that may be developed, including integration with HCVs and peatland protection. The methodology was developed with the aim to ensure a practical, transparent, robust, and scientifically credible approach that is widely accepted to implement commitments to halt deforestation in the tropics, while ensuring the rights and livelihoods of local peoples are respected.
Adopting National Standards to Define Natural Forest Areas ▪ ▪
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Permenhut No 33 tahun 2009, tentang pedoman inventarisasi hutan berkala http://webgis.menlhk.go.id:8080/pl/pl.htm. HCSA mengadopsi metode stratifikasi tutupan lahan. Perdirjen BPK P3/VI-Set/2010 tentang Pedoman Pengukuran dan Pelaporan Verifikasi Kegiatan Pemanfaatan Hutan Lestari pada Areal Kerja Ijin Usaha Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Kayu. HCSA merujuk pada aturan ini terkait metode inventarisasi hutan, serta metode penyusunan alometrik karbon pohon. SNI 7645:2010 http://www.academia.edu/9194031/15._SNI_7645-2010_Klasifikasi_penutup_lahan. Klasifikasi penutup lahan. Dari standar SNI yang membagi penutup lahan menjadi 22 klas, terdiri dari 7 klas penutup lahan hutan dan 15 non hutan. Kemudian dalam HCSA disederhanakan menjadi 6 klas saja yang berhubungan dengan tutupan lahan bervegetasi hutan, semak dan belukar. SNI 7724:2011 http://www.academia.edu/6254454/SNI_7724-2011_oke. HCSA mengadopsi metode pengambilan data, dimana hanya dilakukan pada biomassa di atas permukaan tanah sesuai dengan masing-masing tingkat vegetasi. SNI 7725:2011 http://www.academia.edu/6254454/SNI_7724-2011_oke. HCSA mengacu pada SNI ini dalam penentuan alometrik mana yang akan digunakan dalam pendugaan nilai karbon sesuai dengan lokasi dan hasil studi yang sudah dilakukan sebelumnya. Alometrik dibedakan berdasarkan type ekosistem hutan alam dan hutan tanaman. Untuk hutan alam dibedakan menjadi tipe hutan lahan kering, hutan rawa gambut, dan hutan mangrove. Sementara Hutan tanaman dibedakan sesuai dengan jenis tanamannya. Selain itu juga dipertimbangkan faktor lokasi regional, alometrik dipilih sesuai dengan hasil studi di lokasi terdekat. RSNI_1b_Kelas Penutupan Lahan Dalam Penafsiran Citra Optis Resolusi Sedang.
Community at the Core •
Grew out of work by other standards ie RSPO & FSC, both of which have clear commitment of respecting the rights of indigenous and local community – –
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Protection of primary forest and HCVs, but regenerating forest can cleared It must respect the rights, including withholding consent
HCSA has been developed in addition to HCV Toolkit Practitioners must collaborate with the community, involving them in the management plan, mapping community area, to identify ways to provide incentives and support to maintain the forests, while improving livelihood and helping market access Corporations is key Developing funding mechanism to support the implementation It’s a learning process: works are being done (practical examples in the field) to understand gaps and address them
A short history of the HCS Approach • 2009 – Nestle No Deforestation commitment, then GAR • early methodology development and pilots • further commitments from APP, Wilmar, Musim Mas • wider implementation: Asia, Africa, PNG • emergence of SPOM and HCS Science study • HCS+ report and convergence begins • revision of toolkit begins – consultations • HCS convergence • 2017 – May – Launch of v2 of the toolkit
Ongoing multi-stakeholder collaboration - HCS Approach Steering Group
EcoN 6
Key focus – achieving No Deforestation - which areas are natural forest and which are degraded land?
Methodology implementation in 3 phases
Three Phases
Phase 1
Vegetation stratification to identify potential HCS forest areas
Phase 2
HCS forest patch analysis and conservation planning
Phase 3
Achieving forest conservation with stakeholders
HCS Forest Stratification
High-Density Forest (HDF/HK3)
Medium Density Forest (MDF/HK2)
Low Density Forest (LDF/HK1)
Young Regenerating Forest (YRF)
Scrub (S))
Cleared/Open Land (OL)
Remnant forest or advanced secondary forest close to primary condition
Remnant forest but more disturbed than HK3
Appears to be remnant forest but highly disturbed and recovering [may contain plantation/ mixed garden]
Mostly young re-growth forest, but with occasional patches of older forest within the stratum
Recently cleared areas, some woody regrowth and grass-like ground cover
Very recently cleared land with mostly grass or crops, few woody plants
PHASE 1 : VEGETATION STRATIFICATION – based on view from above and field plots
PHASE 2 : HCS FORESTS PATCH ANALYSIS DECISION TREE – A) Patch Prioritisation & swaps B) Integrated Conservation and Land Use Plan
Pockets ‘take’
Fingers ‘give’
Exchange patch
Supply chain implementation and future innovations
• HCS Approach: a practical, unified (convergence) & integrative land use planning tool to implement No Deforestation in the humid tropics • Millions of ha rainforest prevented from conversion, over 6 Asia Pacific & African countries, cross-commodity (Palm, P&P, rubber, etc) • Innovative multi-SH private sector initiative – support Zero Deforestation, collaboration with HCV Resource Network, and supports government commitments (GHG emissions reductions, SDGs) • Forthcoming innovations for - smallholders, support for protection of HCV/HCS areas, large-scale indicative HCS forest mapping for risk and jurisdictional, broader social requirements and in high forest cover landscapes and funding mechanism for support
Thank You