Handleiding Galicaster video capture systeem
Wat is Galicaster? Galicaster is een video capture systeem waarmee lessen of kennis clips worden opgenomen in het auditorium. De lessen worden vervolgens aangeboden via Minerva, zodat studenten deze op een later tijdstip kunnen bekijken. Het is dus geen live uitzending.
Galicaster opstarten Op de desk van het auditorium staat een klein schermpje. Druk onderaan rechts op de zijkant op de on/off knop, tot het lichtje groen oplicht en het beeld verschijnt. In het startbeeld staan 2 opties: 1. Recorder: dient om de opname te maken 2. Media manager: dient voor het verwerken van de opnames
De camera en audio aanzetten • • • •
De camera kunt u aanzetten met de afstandsbediening, maar in principe staat die steeds aan De audio van de zaal aanzetten op de desk (knop audio, video, beamer) De beamer kan je aanzetten met de afstandsbediening Heel belangrijk is om steeds gebruik te maken van de microfoon in het auditorium. Zonder microfoon heeft de opname geen geluid. Het geluidsvolume kan onderaan rechts op het scherm geregeld worden met een slider. Ergens in het midden is prima.
De opname starten (recorder) Selecteer ‘recorder’. Een in twee gesplitst beeld verschijnt. Je kan enerzijds de presentatie van de projector volgen. Anderzijds zie je ook de spreker. •
Druk vervolgens op de ‘record’ knop (rode cirkel) om de opname te starten. Aan het eind van de opname klik je op de ‘stop’ knop (grijs vierkant).
De opname editeren (Media manager) •
Selecteer ‘media manager’. In dit scherm staan alle opnames op een rijtje.
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Selecteer de relevante opname en klik onderaan op de knop ‘edit’. Er verschijnt dan een invulscherm. Hier kunnen verschillende zaken ingevoerd worden: de titel van de opname, naam van de presentator, een korte beschrijving, en de taal. Deze invultermen zijn belangrijk! Ze dienen als trefwoorden om later de opname terug te vinden in het uitgebreide archief. Het invulveld ‘courses/series’ is voorlopig niet operationeel, en mag leeg gelaten worden. Klik vervolgens op ‘save’ om de gegevens op te slaan. Eens opgeslagen zie je in de media manager de aangepaste titel.
De opname verwerken (Media manager) • • •
De opname moet nu verwerkt worden tot een videobestand. Klik hiervoor in de media manager op de knop ‘operation’, onderaan naast de ‘edit’ knop. Er verschijnt een nieuw menu met keuzes. Klik op ‘ingest nightly’. De computer zal dan ’s nachts de opname verwerken. Het klaarmaken van de video vergt immers tijd en rekenkracht, en dat kan best ’s nachts ongehinderd gebeuren. Als alles goed gaat zal de opname de volgende dag ter beschikking staan. Let wel: de opname moet hierna nog geactiveerd worden in Minerva.
De opname activeren in Minerva • • • • • • • • •
Ga in Minerva naar je cursussen. Klik daar op het icoon ‘cursus eigenschappen’ Klik vervolgens op het tabblad bovenaan: ‘specifieke eigenschappen’. Onderaan ‘Opencast inschakelen’ aanvinken. Dit moet slechts eenmalig per cursus te gebeuren. Vervolgens kies je voor ‘materiaal toevoegen’. Het icoon ‘lesopnames’ verschijnt dan in beeld: klik hier op. Je komt in een nieuw scherm, klik daar op het tabblad ‘alle opnames’. In dit zoekvenster kan je de opname zoeken op trefwoorden Wanneer je de les gevonden hebt, klik je op het plusteken ‘toevoegen’. De opname wordt dan automatisch aan de les van waaruit je gestart bent toegevoegd. De studenten kunnen dan de opname bekijken
Bijkomende opmerkingen • •
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De grote computer onder de desk mag nooit uitgezet worden. Anders komt de verwerking van de videobestanden in het gedrang. Wanneer de opname in een donkere ruimte gebeurt, zal de lesgever in de opname moeilijk te zien zijn. Laat dus best voldoende verlichting in het auditorium aan. Het kleine voorbeeldscherm is een goede indicator. Om de capture agent met uw laptop te gebruiken: sluit de los liggende USB en VGA kabel aan de achterzijde van het scherm aan op uw laptop Een meer uitgebreide video tutorial van prof. Deprez vindt u terug op onderstaande link: http://icto.ugent.be/nl/faq/hoe-‐kan-‐ik-‐een-‐lesopname-‐toevoegen-‐aan-‐minerva
English user guide
The main area of Galicaster is the Recorder. The Recorder will show you a real-time preview of the devices set in the configuration. We will take a short tour through some screen captures and see the different sections. Top Bar In the top bar you will find the current Status and a button to return to the main page. The current time is also displayed, which can be very useful. The Status Area will show you the current state of the recording, which can be Preview, Waiting, Recording and Stopped. Basically, you want to know if the program is actually recording or not. In case any error appears, the status will switch to Error.
Event Panel The event panel will keep record of the upcoming recordings and provide you with some valuable information, like the recording's title or the current elapsed time. On the status tab you will get a aproximation of the remaining time and space for recording on the hard drive as well as the state of the connection and the name of the unit you're using.
On the event tab it will show the title of the next scheduled recording and the time to go before it starts. Seconds before starting, this timer will start blinking to get everybody's attention. Once started the event panel will show a countdown till the end of the recording. If you want to know which recordings are scheduled, press the cogwheel and a pop up window will show the list of them, allowing you to start immediately any future recording.
Control Panel The Control Panel is in the right bottom part of the screen. The panel contains the VU meter and the operation buttons.
Buttons will allow you to manage a manual recording, starting and stopping it at will. In administration mode, the Edit Button will replace the Help Button, which allows editting the recording metadata of the current recording. The ability to Pause recordings will be available in the upcoming releases.
The Media Manager is the area where recordings are browsed. You can operate on all the finished recordings from here. Two of the most most important features are Metadata and Operations. We will take a brief look to all its features.
Play To play a recording, double click on it or select it and press the Play Button. All the operations available in the Media Manager are also available in the Player environment.
Edit Metadata Recording metadata can be set up and edited. If the recording has been scheduled, the metadata is already filled up, otherwise it should be edited manually. When a recording is finished it appears on the Media Manager, where it can be browsed and edited. More information on Metadata Edition
Delete Any recording can be deleted but be aware that it will be erased also from your hard disk.
Operations Operations are the different actions that can be applied on recordings. When an operation is triggered it will be enqueued until previous operations are finished, showing Pending as its status. Once started, the operation status will change to Processing. If the operation process is successful its status will change to Done, otherwise it will Failed. Operations can be performed nightly, meaning they will be triggered at the period established as 'night', by default local midnight. This way, recording and processing will not interfere with each other. Nightly operations can be cancelled before they start. Selecting an immediate operation on a recording with that operation already scheduled as 'nightly' will override it. Operations take some time to be performed and they always consume some CPU load, so be careful of triggering operations right before starting a recording.
Ingest Ingest is the operation that sends the recordings to the publishing platform. Ingestion requires network access and some configuration data indicating parameters of the server to connect. Ingest will not be available if:
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The server configuration is wrong. The connection is disabled. The network is down. The server is down. The server is unreachable.
Once ingested, a recording can be re-ingested, but it will probably overwrite the previous one if you do it in the same server. Export to zip Export to zip will gather all the recording streams and metadata files into a single uncompressed zip file. The zip package will be placed on the zip designated folder, by default the user Home folder (i.e. /home/user/). Side by Side Beta Side by side operation exports a mediapackage streams to a single file. Once finished the resulting file will be placed on the sidebyside designated folder, by default the user Home folder (e.g. /home/user/). Note: Side by Side operation is still in beta phase, it only works on mediapackages with two video streams. Otherwise the operation will fail.
Operation Status and Colors The status of an operation is represented by both its cell colour and the message in the 'Operation' column in this way: • • • • • •
None : The operation has not been performed or enqueued yet. Nightly : The operation will be perfomed on the timetable set as nocturne. Pending : The operation is enqueued, waiting for other operations to be finished. Processing : The operation is being performed. Done : The operation was succesful. Failed : The operation has failed for some reason.
Colors can be modified by the administrator. Classic view -with lines coloured in function of the ingestion status- can also be set up. Metadata is the information related to the audivisual content on a recording. The metadata and content together forms a Mediapackage. In the Galicaster repository each folder represents a Mediapackage. Metadata is stored permanently on XML files. These files should not be edited directly. The Galicaster metadata scheme is based on the Matterhorn Metadata Scheme, and it is based on the Dublin Core initiative.
Metadata edition Metadata is the information related to the audivisual content in a recording. Mediapackages are simply a bundle containing the metadata and media content together. In the Galicaster repository, every folder represents a Mediapackage. In a Mediapackage, metadata is stored permanently on XML files. These files should not be edited manually.
The Galicaster metadata scheme is based on the Matterhorn Metadata Scheme, which in turn is based on the Dublin Core initiative. Metadata can be edited at different stages of the recording and the Mediapackage life cycle: 1. 2. 3. 4.
In scheduled recordings, at the Schedule UI in Opencast Matterhorn. During a recording in Galicaster, by clicking on "Edit Metadata". In Galicaster's Media Manager, at any time. After ingesting, back in Opencast Matterhorn
Galicaster supports a subset of the Matterhorn metadata: title, presenter, description, language and series. Please note that if the series is changed, all the metadata related to the series is also changed (series title, series description, series creators ...).
Metadata Editor
Custom fields Galicaster does NOT modify any other metadata field but the ones listed above. Galicaster ignores (and keeps unchanged) the other Opencast Matterhorn metadata fields, as well as any other custom fields you may want to add, through all the Mediapackage life cycle, unless, of course, the metadata files are modified outside the control of the application. For more information about Metadata and Mediapackages, check the Matterhorn Metadata Scheme.
Manage recordings You can do operations like ingesting, editing metadata or deleting a recording in the Media Manager. Just select a recording and use the different buttons available.
Play recordings To play a video you have to enter Media Manager and select a recording. Playable recordings need to be stored in the repository folder. In the player mode, you can also ingest and delete the recording or edit its metadata.
Recording To make a recording you have to access the Recorder. Once there, if available, you can start recording whenever you want. Make sure that your laptop is connected and the sound activeted before start it.