rssN 1410-9883
Masyarakat Ekonomi AEAN (MEA) Antara Ancaman dan Tantangan Membangun Kerukunan Antar Umat Beragama Anaphor, Cataphor, and Exophor in Postcard Texts Membangun Intensi Kewirausahaan Bagi Mahasiswa LPTK Alternatif Menyiapkan Kemampuan Memasuki Lapangan Kerja Baru yang Mandiri
Teaching Speaking Using Describe and Draw Technique
Scrutinizing Students'Writing Using 6 + 1 Trait Writing to University Students Grammatical Errors in Essay Writing at English Department Students Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar dan Motivasi Mahasiswa Offering C melalui Model PembelajaranAdvunce Orgunizer Implementasi PhoTransEdit dalam Pengajaran pengucapan Bahasa Inggris Effectiveness of Using Reciprocal Method in Teaching Reading Comprehension Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor di Dinas Perhubungan, Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Blitar
Figurative Language in The Selected poems of William Shakespeare Applying Mind Mapping Strategy in Speaking Learning Activity Penerapan Active Learning untuk Menanamkan proses Berpikir
Intuitif pada Mahasiswa
Pengembangan Modul Expository Essuy Writing Berbasis ScientiJic Approach untuk Mahasiswa STKIP PGRI BLITAR
tssN 1410-9883 CAKRAI'VALA PE N DI DI KAN Forum Komunikasi llmiah dan Ekspresi Kreatif llmu Pendidikan Terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan April dan Oktober terbit pertama kali APril 1999
Ketua Penyunting Kadeni
Wakil Ketua PenYunting Saiful Rifa'i Penyunting Pelaksana R. Hendro Prasetianto Udin Erawanto
Riki Suliana Prawoto
Penyunting Ahli Miranu Triantoro Masruri Karyati Nurhadi Pelaksana Tata Usaha Yunus Nandir Sunardi
Langganan Z
t.iufr"" nf.
we sel ke alarnatT ataU s aha.
"o*oi iiaitmm dengan
Blik,Tob- !O34?) 801493' Jl. KalimantanNo. dltambah ongkos kirim Rp- 5-0mP0'Uang langganan
AlamatPenerbit/Redaksi : STKIPPGRIBIitaT,
1AKRAWALA nENDIDIKAN diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tingg Kegrrum dm ilmu Pendidikan pGRI Blitar. Ketua, niu-. ffi furyati, M. Si, Pembantu Ketua : M. XH.fra lrsyadi, ST, M-Pd penyunting menerima sumbalgan tulisan yang^belum pernah ditsrbiftan dalam media cetak a1i]rei dapat diryIY pf1, lain. Syarat-ryurut, for ui, aufi utoru" tqtl j"'"ui ini. Naskah y*imasuk.direlaah oleh Penvunting penyunting.al atart Aan Mitra Bes'tari;;tuf dTnilai kelayakannya. Penyinting melakukan
;;;'"ii, iffiilifii;ffiLd;1up;a, tulisan ya1g dimuat ;;dh";
tanpa mengubah maksud isinya'
lssN 1410-9883
GAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN Forum Komunikasi llmiah dan Ekspresi Kreatif ltmu pendidikan !'o!gme 17, Nomor 2, Oktobei20T5
Daftar Isi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) AntaraAncaman dan Tantangan Miranu Triantoro Kerukunan Antar Umat Beragama Erawanto
Ygpb:ng* Udin
{rypho.r, Cataphor, and Exophor in postcard Texts K. flendro prasetianto
Kewirausahaan Bagi Mahali_swa LPTK sebagai Alternatif Memasuki ia!"rtilK;q,; gu* yurg Mandiri ........
-Intensi Kemampuan
Yenyiapkan Ekbal Santoso
using Describe and Draw rechnique
t47 157
Scrutinizing Students,Writing Using 6 + I Trait Writing to University Students
Grammatical Errors in Essay writing at English Department Students Herlina Rahmawati
Dessy Ayu
upayalVleninglatkan Hasil naslr seraJar Berajar oan dan Motlvasl Motivasi Mahasiswa offering melalui Model pembelai Pembelaiar an Advance A rlirnn no Orsanizer omn - i - olajaran Zemmy Indra Kumala Dewi
c 181
Implementasi PhoTransEdit dalam pengajaran pengucapan Bahasa Inggris M. Ali Mulhuda
Effectiveness of using Reciprocal Method in Teaching Reading comprehension Susianti, Nurhadi Multoto
Pelaksanaan Pelavanan pqgerlj_ia.n Kendaraan Bermotor di Dinas perhubungan, Komunikasi dan inforrnatiffi taurpi:i.i glitu,
Hery Nuryahman, Kadeni
lected poem s o f wi
am shakesp eare
Applying Mind Maoping Strategy in Speaking Leaming Activity ...................... Wratno Penerapan A.ctive Learninguntuk Menanamkan proses Berpikir pada Mahasiswa.....
Setting dan.Cetak
Desain sampul : H. prawoto
: "pM,, desigajiri;i;pii_;;k
Pengembangan Modul Expository Essav Writing Berbasis Scientific Approach untuk
Mahasiswa STKIPPCT
)Z-karangsari-081 70 St 8Z 84
"_i:;,'x:l;;l:;x;:;x#:l'""* STKIP PGRI BLITAR A!.ttf\ g+tif
: Dalam penelitian ini mencoba membuktikan apakah metode resiprokal lebih daripada metode grammar translation untuk mengajar reading comprehension.
Dalam penelitian
ini design penelitian yang digunakan-adalah expJrimen?al. Setelah
mengadakan penelitian di SMPN 9 Blitar,-meidapatkan kesimpulan bahwa metode resiprokal memberikan hasil yang secara signifikan tetitr Uait Aaripadametode grammar
KataKunci: Reciprocal method, grammar translation method, teaching
Abstract : In this study tries to prove whether reciprocal teaching method is more effective than the traditional grammar translati'on -"tt oa ti teach reading comprehensicn. Experimental design is applied to prove whether the two methods produce significantly different results. After conduciing the experiment in SMpN 9 B]itar, and analy_zing the data usingANCOVA method, foind out fhat reciprocal method of teaching reading comprehension produces significantly better result ihat Grammar
Translation Method.
Keywords: Reciprocal method, grammar translation method, teaching
Grammar translation often makes the students passive. They are often not fully involved in the process of teaching and learning activities, because the method
Grammar Translation Method (GTM) has been used by English teachers to teach
for tens of years. It has some advantages, first it is simple to do. Just by using the textbooks, the teaching and
(GTM) does not require the students to do so. The writer tries to apply a new method, that
learning activities can be done smoothly. Secondly, the method does require the
is reciprocal method, to make the students more active in the teaching and learning
students and the teachers to use so different
process. He conducts experimental research
activities. They just need to concentrate on the text. Thirdly, if they find difficulties, they
just look up the dictionaries to find
prove whether reciprocal method
produces significantly better results than grammar translation method.
The alternative hypothesis
meaning ofthe difficult words.
Besides these advantages,
formulated, that the students taught by using 196
17, NOMOR2, OKTOBER 2015
reciprocal method gots better aohievement
meaning. The sfirdent or teacher can break text
than those taught by using gmmmar
into logical subsections, usually determined
translation method. The data collectedwill be
by the natural transitions in the text.
ana|yzed by using ANCOVA method, and the
Reciprocal Teaching Strategy is used in teaching foreign language learners. First,
calculation is analyzedbyusing SPSS method.
eciprocal Teaching Strategy
Reciprocal teaching is
There are some reasons why
instructional strategy based'on modeling and guided practicd, in which the instructor first
a set of reading comprehension
English is not a second language but it is really a foreign language for Indonesian people,
especiallyto'r students. Second, reading is one strbject in which the students have problem.
strategies and then gradually cedes
Third, thismethodcanhelpthe students tobe a good reader and get some knowledge about
responsibility for these strategies to the students (Brown & Palaincsar, 1989; Palincsar, 1986; Palincsar & Brown, 1984 in
reading. Fourth, the students need a new learning strategy that make the process of teaching and leaming more interest and the
students is not ft el bsrEd.
Specifically, reciprocal teaching consists of three main components, namely, the teaching and learniog of specific reading comprehension strategies, the dialogue
The,Implernentation of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy
Tanya (2003:
l4) said that
between the instructor and students where'the
Reciprocal Teaching has four main strategies
instructor msdels why, when, and where to
that teachers and students employ together to
use these reading comprehension strategies,
and the appropriating
of the role of
teachers by the students, that is,'students begin
to model the reading comprehensiorr strategies for other students. (Peter et al, 2006
I 06-
comprehend text namely predicting, questioning, clariffing, and summarizing. Oczkus (2013) calls the strategies as the 'lFabulous Four" or "be the teacheC'. The first strategy predicting, involves previewing the
The reciprocal teaching strategy is a
text to anticipate what may happen next.
strategy that can improve the students'reading
Readers can use information from the text and
With three specific
their prior knowledge to make logical
will more easily to
predictions before and during reading, When
components, the students understand
you are reading a piece of fiction with a class, lead ttre students through a discussion ofthe text
Reasons for Reciprocal Teaching Strategy Fathur & Taufik (2009: 13) points out that Reoiprocal Teaohing is another technique
sffucture of stories. Review elements usually
found in fiction such as characters, setting, a problem,
resolution, and a theme or lesson.
The sgcond stategy questioning, during
provides stopping places for students as they
reciprocal teaching discussions, students can be asked to "be the teacher" as they
that teaches the strategy of summarization.
construct, examiRe, and extend
Susianti, Muyoto, ElJbctiveness Of (Jsing Reciprocal
create questions to ask one another that are based on important points in the reading. The language ofquestioning that students may use
includes the question words who,what,where, wh en, why, ho
w, and w hat if.
The Next strategy clarifying helps students monitor their own comprehension as they identifr problems that they are having in
Method l9g
Method since it wasfirst used in the teaching
of the classical languages, Latin an d Greek (Chastain, ],988). Earlier in this century, this method was used for the purpose of helping students
read and appreciate foreign language literature. It was also hoped that, through the study of the grammar of the target language,
comprehending portions oftext or figuring out difficult words. During this step of reciprocal
grammar of their native language and that this
teaching, the teacher and,students have the opportunity to share ..fix-up', strategies to
familiarity would help them speak and write their native language better. Finally, it was
construct meaning. The clariffing step of reciprocal teaching makes problem solving during reading more explicit for students. When they learn to identiff and clari$r diffrcult words
or confusing portions of text, students become more strategic readers.
students would become more familiar with the
thought that foreign language learning would help students grow intellectually; was
recognized that students would probably never use the target language, but the mental
of learaing it would be beneficial
The last strategy Summarizing is a
complex process that requires the orchestration of various skills and strategies. To summarize effectively, sfudents must recall and arrange in order only the important events in a text. The summary organization is based on the type
of text-either narrative or expository (Lipson, lgg6). When summarizing a story sfudents may use the setting, characters, problem, events, and resolution to guide their summaries. Students may use the following promprs to guide their summaries: The most irnportant ideas in this textare... etc.
Advantages of Using Grammar Translation Method Fachrurrazy (2011) mentioned that there are some advantages which are given by
the method; first, classes are taught in the mother tongue, with little active use of the
be easy
to understand teacher's instruction,
target language. So, the students
much vocabulary is taught in the form of lists
of isolated word, third, Grammar provides the
rules for putting words together,
instruction often focuses on the form and inflection of words and the last the teacher can easilytell to the students aboutthe lesson.
Grammar tanslation Method (GTM) Based on Diane Larsen-Freeman (2004: I l) The Gramm ar-Trans lati on Me thod is not new. It has had dffirent narnes, but it
Disadvantages of Using Grammar
Translation Method Fachrurrazy (2011) mentioned that
has been used by language teachersfor many
as the
years. At one time it was called the Classical
some disadvantages, they are this method did
haditional method, this method also gives
and writing),
little or no attention is given to pronunciation and little attention is paid to the
CONCLUSIONAND SUGGESTION After conducting the research, it can be concluded that reciprocal method can
produce significantly better result than
aim at mastering productive skills (speaking
granrmar translation method, as it is predicted
RESEARCH METHOD The research is Applying quasi
before. The main reason is that in reciprocal
experimental research using non-randomized
teaching and learning processes. Consequently
pretest-posttest control group. This is a quasi
it is suggested that whenever possible teachers
experimental because the two groups to be the
can apply reciprocal method to improve the
of the study are already given as a classroom $oups. They are not classified
using random technique. Pretest and post test
is applied. The different
achievement between the students' sfudents' scores
ofthe pretest and posttest is considerdd
to be the students'achievement. Control group
is also applied. There are two classes as the sample. One class, experimental class is used
using reciprocal technique, and the other class, control group, is taught using grammar
translation method.
The population of this study is the second year students of SMPN 9 Bitar, and the
samples are taken from two classes, class E and F. Each class consists
class, class
of 30 students. One
E, is taught using reciprocal
method, and the other class, class F is taught by using grammar translation method.
The data about the students' achievement
on reading comprehension
collected using pretest and post test. The results are analyzed using
method the students are more involved in the
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