EJOS NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2013 New Zealand Action Committee Ex-Japanese War Victims _______________________________________________________________________________________ Dear All, Another year ends and 2013 has started. We wish you a prosperous New Year and hopefully something will be achieved for all of us. There was supposed to be a newsletter in November but I waited for the election results in the Netherlands. No special news though. The EJOS AGM will be held on the 18 May at the Birkenhead RSA. The Commemoration End of WW II in the Pacific lunch is planned for either August 17 or 24 in Ponsonby Food Court. Will let you know when confirmed. Below is my summary of some relevant issues over the last year: Last December the parties Groenlinks, PvdD and SP voted for a solution to the “Indische Kwestie” (De fracties van GroenLinks, de PvdD en de SP voor deze motie hebben gestemd). Read more about this on another page.
14 August 2012: the SJE (JES) offered a Paper Memorial of the fallen in Asia between 19411945 to Mrs Gerdi Verbeet. This was in the form of a thick book including the names of 11,500 men, women and children living in the Dutch-East-Indies who were lost as a result of the Japanese occupation. The book shows the hard work involved and the longing to reliably capture facts of the past. The authors went in search of what really happened to their father, their grandmother and their brother. They dug in archives, visited historical sites and questioned local people. If you have the name of a relative or friend who died during the period of 1941-1945 I can look it up for you.
In Japan his Excellency Shinzo ABE has been appointed as Japan’s Prime Minister for the second time.
PETITION: In order to get the “Indische Kwestie” on the agenda in Parliament I collected some 50 signatures, which I forwarded to the Indisch Platform”. On March 19th the signature-campaign will be offered to the Kabinet Rutte-2. ASIAN SOLIDARITY CONFERENCE: On December 7 I traveled to Taipei to attend the 11th Asian Solidarity conference for the issue of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan. Two SJE (JES) reps., Jose & Brigitte, were in the same Hotel, appropriately named “Orange Hotel”. The prime minister of Taiwan Ma Ying-jeou opened the conference. This was well publicized in the media next day. He chatted with the 4 ex Comfort Women present. They were all in their 90’s – one was 96. The conference was well organized and we had three sessions of 5 people for a speech on this subject. Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese and English talks were translated into your earpiece. I have been in contact with Jan Ruff-O’Herne a Dutch ex Comfort Woman. She wrote her book “50 Yrs of Silence”, lives in Adelaide and sent me one of her speeches. She will be 90 in JAN 2013. I was allowed to use her speech for my presentation. Many people were astonished about the fact that Jose (SJE) and I attended and had survived the Japanese Camp internment.
After the conference we had an outing to a former POW coal, gold or copper mine site. Our tour leader was a former Canadian Michael Hurst. He investigated and documented all the POW labour Camps here, traced more then 4000 names, had a memorial erected and a whole name-wall in a memorial park with all the 4000 names on. Jonkheer Alidius Warmoldus Lambertus Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer (Groningen, 7 maart 1888 – Wassenaar, 16 augustus 1978) was the last Gouverneur-Generaal van Nederlands-Indië and is listed here. During the Japanese invasion he stayed in the Dutch-East-Indies. He was interned on Formosa – now Taiwan – and Manchuria. He survived and returned to the Netherlands. There is a dramatic “Buddies” statue indicating the idea that if you had no buddy in the Camp you could not survive. Some photos of my visit to Taiwan are printed on the following pages. That outing day it was raining and we were all soaking, soaking wet!
“De Indische Kwestie” nogmaals: Wat ook de politieke kleur is geweest van de opeenvolgende Kabinetten, nu al 68 jaar lang wordt categorisch geweigerd om zelfs maar de Indische Kwestie in het Parlement te behandelen. Om dan nog maar niet te spreken van een oplossing ervan. De angst was en is dat een adequate compensatie van de Indische gemeenschap heel erg veel geld zal gaan kosten. Het gaat dan ook om een grote groep mensen. Het Indisch Platform is zich ervan bewust dat een volledige vergoeding van alle geleden schade nu een onmogelijkheid is. Dan spreekt men al gauw over vele miljarden euro’s. Ook in het buitenland is niet altijd de compensatie volledig geweest. Maar de kern van de zaak was daar het wegnemen van gevoelens van discriminatie en ongelijkheid, alsmede de erkenning van het collectief en individueel ondervonden leed. Het Indisch Platform streeft naar eenzelfde oplossing in de Indische situatie. Maar zowel de regering Balkenende-IV als de regering Rutte hebben met steun van de betrokken regeringsfracties categorisch geweigerd om beide NIOD studies Parlementair te behandelen. Herman Bussemaker.
AANSPRAAK magazine had several how we had “Christmas in the Camp” stories.
With sadness I report that on January 22 our member Frans Zieleman passed away of a heart attack. He was 80 yrs old. I was able to attend the funeral and say something on our behalf, which was appreciated by his wife, Anneke, and family. Also, on the 31st January Jopie ‘t Hart passed away peacefully at home. I attended an afternoon tea for her. She was a member from the beginning of EJOS 1989. Her in-laws were incarcerated in the Dutch-East-Indies. She was a member of the underground “Albrecht” in The Netherlands during WWII. See you at the AGM, May 18 and the Indische LUNCH, August 17 or 24. Kind regards, from Ivo Pabbruwe.
Five ex-Comfort Women at the Conference in Taiwan
Guide, Michael Hurst, on our outing to a former Japanese POW coal, gold or copper mine site. Please, notice the inseparable “buddies”. 3
Pasar Winter Rai gebouw in The Netherlands.
Passar Bandoeng in the former Dutch-East-Indies.
Ivo, EJOS rep., with José & Brigitte, SJE reps. in Taipei.
Rode kruis-team klaar voor het vertrek naar Indie. 1945.
Verlovingsfeest Kees Meinders en Frӧke Hens, Kebon Sirih, Batavia, Oktober 1940. 5
Oranje Hotel' Surabaya in ere hersteld. HARRY MULLER. 21 December 1996 SURABAYA - Voor velen is het Raffles-hotel in Singapore het mooiste klassieke horecaetablissement op deze wereld. De rijken der aarde logeren hier en nederige toeristen mogen meestal niet verder komen dan de hal van het hotel. Het was indertijd eigendom van de familie Sarkies. In de Indonesische stad Surabaya lieten zij in dezelfde stijl het Oranje Hotel bouwen. Dit raakte helaas wat in verval, maar voor zo'n 50 miljoen gulden is het nu helemaal in de oude glorie hersteld.De naam is veranderd in Hotel Majapahit, maar binnen hangt de koloniale sfeer uit de tijd van het voormalige NederlandschIndië.Het heet nu anders, maar binnen hangt nog desfeer van het voormalige Nederlandsch-Indië
De eerste steen van het Oranje Hotel werd gelegd door Eugène Lucas Sarkies op 1 juni 1910 en tot voor kort was dit het enige in het hotel, dat nog aan de koloniale tijd herinnerde. Na de onafhankelijkheid van Indonesië werd namelijk vrijwel alles van het voormalige moederland keurig weggepoetst.
2 7 November 2012: GroenLinks wil definitieve oplossing Indische Kwestie GroenLinks wil dat er erkenning, rechtsherstel en compensatie komt voor alle oorlogsgetroffenen uit Nederlands-Indië. Dit laat een woordvoerder van de Tweede Kamerfractie desgevraagd weten. Ook wil de partij dat Nederlandse dienstweigeraars uit de periode 1945-1950 eerherstel en compensatie krijgen. 6
20 December 2012
Werd in de plenaire vergadering van de Tweede Kamer gestemd over twee een dag eerder door Van Bommel (SP) en Sjoerdsma (D66) ingediende moties. De motie van Van Bommel had tot doel de regering alsnog financiële steun te laten verstrekken aan het door KITLV, NIOD en NIHM ingediende onderzoeksvoorstel. Uit het verslag:“In stemming komt de motie-Van Bommel (33400-V, nr. 59). De voorzitter: `Ik constateer dat de aanwezige leden van de fracties van GroenLinks, de PvdD en de SP voor deze motie hebben gestemd en de aanwezige leden van de overige fracties ertegen, zodat zij is verworpen.´”
‘Het Gebaar’ niet voldoende
Volgens GroenLinks heeft de compensatie die de Nederlandse politiek in het verleden heeft geboden ‘weinig van doen had met een schadeloosstelling en meer met een algemene vorm van smartengeld’. Zo noemt de partij ‘Het Gebaar’ van de Nederlandse regering(een eenmalige uitkering van 1.822 euro per persoon) ‘niet voldoende en onvolledig’. De partij wil dat de ‘Indische kwestie op een zorgvuldige en integere manier wordt afgesloten’. ‘In Nederland is voor veel groeperingen een compensatie gegeven maar bij de Indische gemeenschap heerst nog steeds het gevoel dat er voor hen nog geen finale kwijting is geweest,’ aldus de woordvoerder.
14 January 2013
Oproep van Stichting Het GebaarPolitiek Den Haag, zowel de regering als het parlement, waren tevreden met deze financiële regeling, maar de Indische oorlogsgetroffenen waren er minder over te spreken. De UIG leidde tot ongelijkheid. Ambtenaren die recht hadden op backpay, maar niet geïnterneerd waren geweest (zoals vele Indo-Europese civiele ambtenaren) kwamen niet voor de uitkering in aanmerking. Daarentegen konden personen die wel geïnterneerd waren geweest maar geen gouvernementsaanstelling hadden – en dus geen recht hadden op backpay – wel aanspraak maken op de uitkering. Ondanks de goede wil van de Commissie van Drie leidde de UIG tot nieuwe
frustraties bij gedupeerde betrokkenen. Pogingen de UIG te herzien, hadden geen resultaat. Belangenorganisaties als de SRK en de SNE slaagden er niet meer in hun achterban enthousiast te krijgen voor nieuwe acties. De betrokken oorlogsgetroffenen legden zich na vele decennia strijd neer bij de situatie. In 2000 stelde de overheid via Het Gebaar een schadeloosstelling ter beschikking. Deze uitkering was echter een vorm van smartengeld voor de ‘kille’ ontvangst van de naoorlogse repatrianten in Nederland en stond los van de achterstallige betalingen. Voor velen kent de geschiedenis van de backpay een open einde en als gevolg daarvan blijft deze kwestie onverwerkt. Marielle Scherer.
6 TOKYO: Abe says he will release new statement on World War II
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe AFP
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told lawmakers Friday he intends to release a new statement on World War II, a move that could cause friction with neighboring nations including China. “I would like to announce a future-orientated statement that will suit the 21st century,” Abe said. “On the timing and the content, I’m giving it serious thought.” The nationalist premier said he wanted to update a landmark statement issued in 1995 by thenPrime Minister Tomiichi Murayama, seen as a key step in what many Asian nations say was Japan coming to terms with its brutal history. The statement said Japan “through its colonial rule and aggression, caused tremendous damage and suffering to the people of many countries, particularly to those of Asian nations”, adding the premier feels “deep remorse” and offers a “heartfelt apology.” Abe said Friday he was in agreement with previous sentiments, adding: “Japan in the past caused great damage and suffering to many countries, particularly in Asia. 7
The Abe cabinet shares that recognition with past cabinets.” In a possible hint the statement may come in 2015, he said: “The so-called Murayama statement was issued to commemorate 50 years after the war, and 60 years after the war the (Junichiro) Koizumi administration issued a statement.” Neighboring countries that came under the yoke of Japan’s military tyranny in the first half of the 20th Century, notably China and South Korea, chafe at the idea of Japan reneging on its apology, which both insist was insufficient anyway.
Salamat Datang
Presentator van Andere Tijden vroeg zich af of De Gouden Eeuw , waarin de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC) floreerde, wel zo’n voorbeeldperiode is geweest. Zijn overpeinzing leidde uiteindelijk tot het megaproject De Gouden Eeuw (NTR/ VPRO) dat vandaag van start gaat. „Ik had nooit gedacht dat de publieke omroep in deze tijden van krapte het zou aandurven om zo’n dure serie te maken. Toen we groen licht kregen voor dertien afleveringen sprongen we een gat in de lucht”, verklapt Goedkoop, die met zijn team bijna twee jaar aan zijn geesteskind gewerkt heeft. „Ik ben historicus, maar het project was voor mij een ware ontdekkingsreis door de tijd. De 17e eeuw was een zinderende tijd, met Nederland zeventig jaar lang als middelpunt van de wereld. Handel, kunst en wetenschap kwamen tot grote bloei, waarbij de VOC fungeerde als economische motor”, aldus Goedkoop. Hij merkte dat in het buitenland nog altijd vol bewondering wordt gesproken over de Hollandse Gouden Eeuw, maar hij ontdekte ook de boze keerzijde. „De VOC was een staat in de staat en heerste met ijzeren vuist”, zegt Goedkoop, die in Indonesië op zoek ging naar de erfenis van Jan Pieterszoon Coen, de grondlegger van de VOC. „Hij was een formidabel organisator, maar om zijn doelen te bereiken voerde hij in de Oost een waar schrikbewind”, vertelt Goedkoop, die op de eilandengroep Banda, dertien generaties na het bloedbad, een nazaat sprak van een van de slachtoffers. Maar natuurlijk overheerst in de tv-serie de grote bloeiperiode met alle grote namen van die tijd,
zoals Michiel de Ruyter, Rembrandt van Rijn, Joost van den Vondel en John van Oldenbarnevelt. Goedkoop: „De dynamiek spatte er vanaf, de Amsterdamse grachtengordel werd aangelegd, de VOC ontwikkelde zich tot de eerste multinational ter wereld en de welvaart steeg tot ongekende hoogte. We proberen ook een link te leggen tussen verleden en heden via thema’s als de verstedelijking, immigratie, globalisering en de beurs." DALEN door GERARD SMIT
Wajang Kulit puppetry (Learned in
the Fremantle Maritime Museum) Once called Batavia, this famous harbour city, was long ago the prized destination port for the Dutch VOC trade ships. After a long journey across the Indian Ocean, this port was the place where ships could re-stock their food supplies and start trading their silver coins for valuable spices. Indonesia has a special tradition of using puppetry to tell stories, called Wajang Kulit. This includes traditional tales of gods, goddesses, monsters and battles and nowadays more current stories feature in this world of puppets. Wajang kulit stories are often based on the Hindu epics, the Ramayanak & Mahabharata. Hinduism was introduced to now Indonesia from India via maritime trade 2000 ago.
9 Reading: Lost Childhood: My Life in a Japanese Prison Camp During World War II Annelex Hofstra Layson & Herman J Viola Publication Date: October 14, 2008 Lost Childhood is the vivid, first-hand account of the horrors of war through the eyes of a child. This real-life memoir breaks a 60-year silence to tell one woman’s riveting story of prisoner life during World War II. As a little Dutch girl in Indonesia, Annelex Hofstra’s comfortable world was torn apart when she and her family were sent to Japanese prison camps for three and a half years. The story begins in 1942 when four-year-old Annelex is living on the island of Java in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). Her grandfather is a successful planter, and her father is a pilot instructor in the Royal Netherlands Navy. But her carefree childhood ends as the Japanese invade Java, and along with 10,000 8
other Dutch residents, Annelex's family is rounded up. With few belongings, they are shipped off to interment camps, to a helpless, unknown future. In a shockingly honest narrative, we learn of the tactics used by their captors to dehumanize the Dutch prisoners. We learn of the grinding daily routine of the prisoners, the food rations, the sleeping arrangements, and the awful sanitary conditions. We share in Annelex’s near-death bout with malaria. We also share some of the awful things she witnessed—extracting parasitic worms from a fellow-prisoner’s throat; the agonizing death by starvation of women punished for stealing food; and the sight of bodies being piled high on a truck. Eventually the hell ends and the family is liberated. But the girl’s personal hell plagues her in freedom. Just days after she is reunited with her father, he is killed in an explosion. World war is replaced by civil war in Indonesia, forcing the family to flee first to Holland and then to the U.S., where the family tries to mend their broken lives. For 60 years Annelex Hofstra Layson has repressed her early memories, shielding even her husband and children from the horrors of her past. With Lost Childhood, her harrowing ordeal is finally revealed. The author shares her story now to provide hope in young lives torn apart by war, and to inspire future generations to work for peace.
Light Reading: The Bathing Suit (author unknown) When I was a child in the 1950s, the bathing suit for the mature figure was boned, trussed and reinforced, not so much sewn as engineered. They were built to hold back and uplift, and they did a good job. Today’s stretch fabrics are designed for the prepubescent girl with a figure carved from a potato chip. The mature woman has a choice, she can either go up front to the maternity department and try on a floral suit with a skirt, coming away looking like a hippopotamus that escaped from Disney s Fantasia, or she can wander around every run-ofthe-mill department store trying to make a sensible choice from what amounts to a designer range of fluorescent rubber bands. What choice did I have? I wandered around, made my sensible choice and entered the
chamber of horrors known as the fitting room. The first thing I noticed was the extraordinary tensile strength of the stretch material. The Lycra used in bathing costumes was developed, I believe, by NASA To launch small rockets from a slingshot, which gives the added bonus that if you manage to actually lever yourself into one, you would be protected from shark attacks. Any shark taking a swipe at your passing midriff would immediately suffer whiplash. I fought my way into the bathing suit, but as I twanged the shoulder strap in place I gasped in horror, my boobs had disappeared! Eventually, I found one boob cowering under my left armpit. It took a while to find the other. At last I located it flattened beside my seventh rib. The problem is that modern bathing suits have no bra cups. The mature woman is now meant to wear her boobs spread across her chest like a speed bump. I realigned my speed bump and lurched toward the mirror to take a full view assessment. The bathing suit fit all right, but unfortunately it only fitted those bits of me willing to stay inside it. The rest of me oozed out rebelliously from top, bottom and sides. I looked like a lump of Playdough wearing undersized cling wrap. As I tried to work out where all those extra bits had come from, the prepubescent sales girl popped her head through the curtain, "Oh, there you are," she said, admiring the bathing suit. I replied that I wasn t so sure and asked what else she had to show me. I tried on a cream crinkled one that made me look like a lump of masking tape, and a floral two-piece that gave the appearance of an oversized napkin in a serving ring. I struggled into a pair of leopard-skin bathers with ragged frills and came out looking like Tarzan s Jane, pregnant with triplets and having a rough day. I tried on a black number with a midriff fringe and looked like a jellyfish in mourning. I tried on a bright pink pair with such a high cut leg I thought I Would have to wax my eyebrows to wear them. Finally, I found a suit that fit, it was a two-piece affair with a shorts-style bottom and a loose blousetype top. It was cheap, comfortable, and bulgefriendly, so I bought it. My ridiculous search had a successful outcome, I figured. When I got it home, I found a label that read, "Material might become transparent in water." 9
Beste Ivo, Ook jou en de overige leden van EJOS een voorspoedig en vooral gezond 2013 toegewenst. Laten we hopen dat dit het jaar wordt, waarin de Indische Kwestie wordt opgelost. Ik treed per 1 januari 2013 af als voorzitter van het Indisch Platform, maar blijf wel als adviseur aan het IP en de onderhandelingsdelegatie verbonden. De nieuwe voorzitter is Silfraire Delhaye, die tien jaar jonger is dan ik. Hij mag nu de kar trekken. Ik hoop ook op jullie steun voor de nieuwe voorzitter. Met vriendelijke groeten, Herman Bussemaker. Indisch Platform. Beste mensen, Mede namens Marjan wens ik jullie allen een fijn Kerst en een voorspoedig Nieuw Jaar toe. Naar ik hoop zullen de kleine stappen vooruit in ons aller streven in het afgelopen jaar ook in het volgende jaar verder voortgezet kunnen worden bij alle veranderende regimes in Japan, Nederland en Ver. Staten, met steun van de “people and politics” van China en Korea. SJE president Jan van Wagtendonk July 2012: Ejos member Marga Leonard spotted a new WWII memorial in Amstelveen for the Dutch-East-Indies people, who passed away during the Japanese occupation. “allen die ginds het leven lieten gedenken wij”. Thank you for the information. Wensen julie allemaal 'n gezellige Kerst en fantastisch 2013, Willy Pollard And so say all of us to all the EJOS members – een prettige Kerst and een Goed Begin voor het Nieuwe Jaar. Thanks Ivo from Claire Janssen. Dank je wel Ivo, wat leuk om dat in bahassa te zien. Heb hem verder gebruikt voor mijn indische vrienden. Jullie ook fijne feestdagen. Jose Adriaasen van de SJE. Beste Ivo, Dank voor je mailtje met goede wensen. Ook wij wensen jou en je gezin hele prettige kerstdagen toe en de allebeste gezondheid voor het nieuwe jaar. Ook dank voor al je inspanningen en info in het afgelopen jaar. John Stufkens & fam. Very happy Xmas & may 2013 bring happiness & joy. Lynda Batcheler, deceased Clara’s daughter.
Thank you Ivo a Merry Christmas & a prosperous New Year to you and yours too. Till Canter-Visscher. Veel dank voor de Eindejaars demonstratie van de SJE en petitie nr. 217. Het wordt nu tijd dat Japan erop reageert met de beslissende oplossing deze treurige saga tot een goed einde te brengen. SJE president Jan Wagtendonk's petitie is heel goed onder woorden gebracht. Ik heb grote bewondering, niet alleen voor Jan Wagtendonk, maar ook voor jullie "diehards” om elke maand weer een demonstratie te geven. Geef de moed niet op!! Keep in touch. Ik wens jullie allen prettige kerstdagen en een gelukkig, gezond en voorspoedig Nieuw Jaar. Love, Gerarda. From the Dutch Connection: We wensen jullie allemaal een vrolijk kertsfeest en een heel gelukkig nieuw jaar. Arjan van der Boon, Yolande van de Wetering, Kees Zegwaard, Jos Vroegop, Joost de Bruin, Lily Frederikse, Dick Kouwenhoven. The Dutch Connection reports about the future Museum in Foxton; The Dutch Connection museum idea is getting closer and closer to being turned into reality. One project that we've collaborated on for a while with one of the country's top ceramic artists, Anneke Borren - is now coming to a close. Our 3 by 5 metre Tasman Tableau (660 Delfts Blauwe Tegels!) is almost finished. Website: http;//www.dutchconnection.org.nz 20 October 2012. Indonesian Festival Northern Event center. Beste Ivo, Nou we zijn net terug en het was ramé ramé, veel eettenten met heel veel lekkere gerechten. Van Nasi Padang tot Risoles noem maar op. Heel druk maar genoeg eten voor iedereen en veel zit gelegenheid. Ook een grote stage met de nodige performances, not bad voor deze kleine Indonesische community. Hele ruime zaal en alles overzichtelijk opgesteld. De eet stalletjes trokken natuurlijk de meeste aandacht. Uiteraard werd er alleen maar tjedoer tjedar om je heen gesproken. Moeten ze meer doen. Wanneer is de volgende event ?? Groetjes, John Stufkens
1 November 2012. De Indische Kwestie 4.228 ondertekeningen De Nederlands-Indische gemeenschap verlangt gerechtigheid aan allen die door de 2e Wereldoorlog in Nederlands-Indië have en goed verloren en nog achterstallig salaris en pensioen te goed hebben. Al 67 jaar schuift ieder kabinet dit voor zich uit en weigert het op te lossen. By Febuary 2013, 12,000 signatures have been received.
A Few More Updates:
I have collected 49 signed papers from EJOS members and forwarded to the Indisch Platform in Den Haag. Special thanks to John Geesink in Christchurch who contacted people there. John Toxopeus has written his autobiography of his time during the Japanese occupation in a Boys Camp. Well done, John and good for the next generation to learn. John recommends; Reisgids Indonesië. Oorlogs plekken 1942-1949. (Uitgeverij Open Kaart). ISBN 978-90-75437-41-6. NUR 510. Gegevens afgesloten JAN 2010. Monique Knox, Henk Zeeman’s daughter, our financial auditor, underwent some drastic surgery in her abdomen. She has recovered and is okay now, feeling a lot better. At a Friendly Support meeting in Holland House 2 ex Dutch-East-Indies ladies got acquainted. It came to light that both attended the Santa Maria school in Surabaya but different classes with Mère Catherine. Ref. August Moesson page 25. Correspondence with ex Dutch-East-Indies Mrs. Cox, who lives in Napier. She is from the Dutch-East-Indies but managed to stay “outside” (the Camp) as a blond girl she had to hide whenever Japs came around for inspection. Her Mum did this very well. EJOS members Cita Adams and Nina Vink learned that they both were in Solo and Banjoe Biroe nr 10 & 11 Camps. End of WWII in the Pacific. 18 August 2012 I had organized the Indonesian lunch in the Ponsonby Food Court. KUTA BALI with cook Freddy. 56 People attended. Question? Does anybody know Eddie Cratier who lived (s) in Hoorn? Please let me know.
Do you know Mary Loman (1930!)? She went to Christchurch in 1951 or 1952. Where is she now? Please let me know, Ivo. 5344560
12 Important news regarding regaining and loosing the Dutch nationality as of 1 April 2013 Are you a former Dutch national who voluntarily obtained citizenship of another country prior to 1 April 2003? Do you hold besides the Dutch nationality another country's citizenship? Were you born before 1985 out of a Dutch mother and a non-Dutch father? Are you thinking of taking on the Australian or New Zealand citizenship in the near future?If you respond 'yes' to any of the questions above, we recommend you to contact your nearest Dutch Embassy or Consulate BEFORE 29 MARCH 2013 to obtain more information about your particular circumstances. Contact details can be found on Netherlands Mission Australia OR Netherlands Embassy New Zealand
Part of SJE’s petition to the Japanese Embassy. February 2013. 13
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Generations of Japanese are misled regarding their recent history, particularly on the Pacific War. Under the false banner “Asia for the Asians” Japan started a colonial war to drive out the Europeans! The Dutch East Indies, now Indonesia, was one of the objectives under the pretext that the Dutch refused to supply Japan with commodities. In fact it was to support Japan’s vastly expanding offensive war machine. The Japanese military and their agents occupied Dutch East Indies and singled the Dutch out for ultimate destruction. It is as sinister as that. That is the recent history of Japan. It ruined Japan financially as military nationalism reigned. Japan earned a reputation of tyranny, cruelty and disrespect for mankind. The global opinion regarding Japan is one of fear, as Japan still refuses to accept the consequences of the war crimes by its military during the Pacific War.
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION Annual subscriptions are now due. We are able to continue with the current yearly subs of $20 for EJOS per person, with an additional $20 donation for the SJE (JES) in The Netherlands. Please find enclosed a remittance form which you can mail in or bring to the Annual General Meeting in May.
EJOS INC. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Saturday 18 MAY. Door opens at 10.00. Meeting 10.30 RSA, Recreation Drive Birkenhead. Please enter your name in the register at the entrance. Coffee or tea available – gold coin donation. AGM will be followed by our traditional Indonesian Lunch prepared by Geoffrey, the cook. For EJOS members. Film footage on the Internet Some of these films last a long time but are worthwhile: Subject: Indonesie deel-1-1 - YouTube, Nederlands gesproken. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9hXS9OTgUw&feature=watch-vrec Subject: Japan's Dirty Secret - Unit 731 - YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7yDOXGmtro&feature=related Subject: Japan's War in Colour (Complete Documentary) Okinawa etc. - YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EsW_uvnSao&feature=related Subject: World war 2 full documentary - YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlcU1OtbnEc&feature=related 11
New Zealand Action Committee Ex-Japanese War Victims
Remittance Advice Please, find enclosed $40 being membership for the year ending 31 MAR 2013. Cheque to be made out to: EJOS Inc. Membership EJOS is $20 plus a max of $10 for additional family members.(Issue names please) Electronic banking; National Bank account name is E J O S Incorporated 06 0730 0123694 00.
We pay the SJE (JES) in The Netherlands a donation of $20. So you pay $40 or $50 for the membership. Any extra is for the “fighting funds” Please, specify. Thank you. Name: ................................................................................................................................................ Address: ................................................................................................................................................ Post Code: ..........................Phone number: .................................... . e-mail contact address: ................................................................... (If you do not have an email address give the email address of a relative who is happy to receive the newsletter on your behalf. eg daughter/son) Send remittance to Treasurer, Ian Ross,
(Pay; EJOS Inc.)
P.O.Box 525, Paraparaumu 5254 P.S. EJOS does not confirm receipt of cheques. If you receive the Newsletter – possibly 2 to 3 per year – That is proof of your membership.
EJOS Inc. established in Auckland Sept 1989. NGO Certificate of Corporation WN/622053, 21 Sept 1994 Under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 Henk Zeeman – President 1989-2009
Chairman Ivo Pabbruwe 99 Bradbury Road Botany Downs, Auckland 2010 New Zealand Email:
[email protected] Phone: +64-9-534-4560