n o i t a v o l inn
a i c o s r o f ign
des TU/e
il Coach Ne
tte Kru e J n u d li Saa
ust Gr Milan Kn
van Es A
rheul Pieter Ve
Gwen Kle e n r e b r e nt V
Content Summary 4 Introduction 6 Process 8 Design 16 Reflections 26 Appendix 34 Sources 56
Summary 4
Our goal is to make people live healthier. After doing some brainstorming, we came up with the sport-app idea which affects students. A questionnaire is made to gather more information about the students. This idea seemed to be standard, so during another brainstorm we cam up with two new ideas: the chair and the super students sports system. The latter is hard to realize so we focussed on the chair. Gathering information to specify the target group and other aspects regarding the design were the main activities which followed. When the concept was ready, the prototype could be made. The office chair we designed is a personal assistant, helping you to get a better and more active style of working.
Introduction 6
The goal of the project was to design a smart environment that helps people to get a more active and healthy lifestyle. This is the report of our process within the basic course design. In this booklet you are able to find everything the group has done during this basic course. One can find how the ideas are generated, which decisions are made to get to the final concept and which theory is used. All the aspects of the design process are mentioned within this report, together with a detailed description of the final concept.
Process 8
In the first week, we did a brainstorm-session to get an idea in which direction we would like to go and to get some first ideas. We first decided that our target group would be students. In the first part of our brainstorm-session, we thought of what is unhealthy in the life of a student (figure 1).
Figure 1
Figure 2
Then, the sports-part of figure 1 was extended. Eventually, this resulted in an idea of an app: The Super Students Sports app. This idea was developed in the second week. This idea can be found in Appendix 1. In week 3, two more ideas were worked out: The Chair (Appendix 2) and The Super Students Sport System (Appendix 4). The Super Students Sport System is an idea that is devised to partly solve the problem of the fact that doing sports is expensive. However, this idea is difficult to control and difficult to carry out. The Super Students Sports App is not really innovative and it is commonplace. Furthermore, the results of the questionnaire indicate that it is a design that does not function well. Along with these reasons, we decided to choose the idea of The Chair as our idea we will go through with. However, with this idea there will be a different target group: people who work the whole day behind a desk. Therefore, new research has to be done on this idea. After choosing a new direction and a new idea, research about the different facets of the idea are done. Research is done to the sitting behaviour of people, competition behaviour and to rewards. The findings of the research can be found in the paragraph ‘Theory’. The ideas generated so far about the chair become processed in a movie for the mid-term exhibition. Feedback of this mid-term can be found in Appendix 5. 10
The electronics are implemented in an office chair 11
Since the chair shouldn’t be annoying, there had to be thought about the interactions with the chair. Several brainstorms are done on the functions of the chair and the way to give it a personality. After these brainstorms becomes decided that the chair will be presented as a personal assistant which assists people who have to work for a long time behind their desk. When the concept is ready, the prototype can be made. This prototype consists of an office chair with a LED strip which could change color and strings which could make the chair turn. The chair will be presented on the exhibition using the Wizard of Oz method. The lights become implemented to show the transition from green to red lights which indicates it is time to take a break. During the preparation of the exhibition, tasks become divided. Milan and Gwen solve the electronics of the prototype. Vincent, Pieter, Ali and Jette create the mechanism of strings and the posters for the exhibition. The electronics of the prototype consist of three buttons. Two of the buttons are placed in the seat of the chair and are activated when somebody takes a seat. The third button is used to let the chair greet people. The ledstrip is connected with mosfets and resistors to the arduino. The arduino causes the color change. The arduino code can be found in Appendix 6.
After installing the electronics, the chair can be upholstered again 14
Next to a prototype, two posters are made 15
Theory For each of the three ideas, some theory was found. There was some literature about rewards (The Super Students Sport System), sitting behavior (The Chair) and competitive behavior (The Super Students Sports app). Sitting behavior There is done research to the effectiveness of short breaks on regular base by people doing computer work. This research is done by Robert A. Henning , Pierre Jaques , George v. Kissel, Anne B. Sullivan & Sabina M. Alteras-Webb. This is their conclusion: “Short rest breaks from computer work at 15-min intervals throughout the work day improved worker productivity and well-being at one work site but had little or no effect at a second work site. Short rest breaks that included physical activity were more effective than passive rest breaks. Differences in task demands between the two work sites suggested that the extent of task integration determined the effectiveness of the added rest breaks. Worker self-management of discretionary rest break behavior was proposed as a means to reduce task disruption from frequent rest breaks during more complex forms of computer-mediated work.” [1] Other studies have been done to the effect of supplementary breaks on musculoskeletal discomfort, eyestrain, mood, and performance in data-entry workers. Within this study, a regular working day with one break of 15 minutes of the first part of the work day and a same break 16
the second part of the day is compared to a workday with the same schedule but with a 5-min break during each hour which otherwise did not contain a break, for a total of 20 extra minutes of break time. The two work days became compared over forty days by 42 workers. The workers felt less discomfort if they had followed the schedule with the supplementary breaks. The beneficial effects were obtained without reductions in data-entry performance. [2] Leo de Jong has done research to the effect of the lacking of breaks on the amount of stress people experience. In his paper he cites Meijman and Dormolen who have found that an examinator who has no breaks experiences a continuous state of activity. This will result in feelings of stress and irritation the next day. When a break is missed, this can lead to stress. In this case, there could be conflicting expectations from the worker and the principle which lead to stress. (Buunk & Kleber, 1990). [3] Competitive behavior: Competition is defined as the direct struggle between individuals for environmental necessities or for a common goal. Some research is done about Male and Female Competitive Behavior by N. Datta Gupta, A. Poulsen, M. Villeval. [4] They found that “men choose the tournament significantly more often than women. Women are mainly influenced by their degree of risk aversion, but men are not. Men compete more against men than against women, but compete against women who are thought to compete. The behavior of men seems primarily to be influenced by social norms.” [4] According to other research, people can be divided into two global groups. There are people 17
who collaborate and people who want to do everything competition-related. This last category acts like it and thinks that everyone else also thinks like this. Because they act like this, other people will go with this and then the idea they have will be confirmed. However, this turns out to be not true, because people that collaborate prefer others that also collaborate above people that want to compete. Rewards Reward behavior doesn’t always motivate all persons to participate in something. The person needs personal interest to participate [5]. Rewarding someone is always better than punishing someone for their misbehavior. This because of the negative message you send too somebody. People rather get a positive message. Results show rewarding people when they do something good motivates people more than punishing them when they do something wrong [6].Rewarding behavior motivates people, but in what quantity it motivates people depends. Rewarding people isn’t a panacea, people are not working twice as hard because of the reward. Rewarding behavior also only works in quantitative work, in qualitative work it doesn’t show better results [7]. Other chairs The difference with already existing chairs and our design is that the already existing chairs just monitor your sitting behavior. You can see on al little display what you’re doing wrong. So you have to correct yourself and pay attention on display. The design we created monitors your sitting behavior and also corrects it with the back of the chair. 18
All the other functions we put on the design you can’t find in another already existing chair. The heating/airco I found build in in a bed, function of telling you you have to stand up and exercise is most of the time build in a computer. So these options already exist but not in an office chair.
A short questionnaire was done to find out if the Super Students Sports App would work. This questionnaire can be found in more detail in Appendix 3. We ask people to fill out a survey to get to know more about their opinion about sports and the amount of time they sport. 104 People filled out the questionnaire. From this amount of people, 58% was women and 42% was man. Most of the people who filled out the questionnaire are university students from 17-20. About 11% of the asked people did not sport at all and most of them would sport more if they had something which would stimulate them, but indicate that the comparison of their achievements with other year layers would not stimulate them. More common problems are too little time and the price of sports.
Design 20
The chair from Chairs2move is your personal assistant. He helps you to get a more active working style and to prevent problems like sore shoulders or headaches, which limit your performance. Your personal assistant will reward you if you have taken the advices into account. This can result in a nice massage or another pleasant feature. When you get to know each other better your assistant will greet you in the morning and will automatically adapt to your preferred and best working posture.
The final prototype 22
The chair we designed has several options as mentioned before.
Indication to take a break
It is better to take a break, instead of working for a very long time in a row (also see ‘Theory’). When the working day begins, the chair is colored green. While working, the color changes to red. This red color and a smooth movement of the chair indicate that it is time for a break. When one is in the flow of work and it is not the right time to take a break, the chair will understand this. The owner can work on and the chair will remind you to take a break after a while. Your phone is connected to the chair. The phone will detect the movement you make. The more movement you make (walking, cycling etc) the happier your chair becomes.
The chair will be a personal assistant, which likes to reward the owner. When advice is taken into account and there are done some body exercises, the chair will reward. The reward can exist of a nice massage or a distance control of the chair. This control will enable people to let the chair warm up or cool down before it is taken into use. It is possible to 23
control the chair with the phone application.
Your personal assistant helps you to get the right work posture and to maintain this posture. If the owner of the chair and the chair get to know each other better, the chair will turn automatically in the preferred working posture in the morning. The assistant will correct your posture when you tend to sit in the wrong way.
Your assistant will remind you to get up when you answer the phone or to go back to work when you have a long chat. If this chat is really necessary, you can of course precede the conversation. Research showed that standing up while answering the phone improves the health of the employee.
Reflections 26
Ali Saadun
Creating a functional design that makes sense is not an easy task. The hardest part is to design something from ‘scratch’, which in most cases requires more than one brainstorm sessions and even these sessions can lead to nothing. I have learnt that the design can come out of ‘nowhere’, in other words it can pop up in your mind and it might the best idea there is, even better than the ideas that are generated during a brainstorm session. Another important aspect of designing is making the options you want to implement in your design work. They should be useful or should add something that fits your basic idea (like health) on which your whole design is based. That was indeed very hard, because often you get feedback and after the feedback you think ‘ow, that is true’ and you have to alter your design.
Milan Knust Graichen
I chose this track of the basic course design because I thought it would connect to my own study and I liked the idea of working in a multidisciplinary team. Before the project started I had some doubts about whether the students from the other faculties would be skeptical about the course and if they would take the course seriously. Fortunately everyone in our team is actively participating in the combined team effort to create a smart environment that helps people to get a more active and healthy lifestyle. At the beginning of the project we were quite stuck with the idea of an app, we came up with some variations of it but was hard to come up with an innovative and inspiring design. I think 27
this happened because we were to focused on getting our user group (students) to the gym and we didn’t think about other ways to make people more active. In the last week before the midterm-deadline we took a totally different approach to our project. We looked around us and thought about de deadlines we often have, and realized people often sit for unhealthy long amounts of time, without taking a walk or a break. We came up with the new idea of a chair, that helps reminding you to stand up for a while and take a break when you are focussing on your work for a long time. This project supported my development as a designer especially by working in a multidisciplinary team. Working in a team is something that really appeals to me and I believe that an industrial designer needs to be able to work with all sorts of people with different educational backgrounds.
Jette Kruijtzer
I chose the social innovation design track because this direction fits best with my own study. One of the purposes of my own study is also to make people healthier. I think this course was interesting for my study because in this course, I actually learned to design something and what steps to take to achieve making a design. I learned that you can think of really good ideas during a brainstorm session and you can complement each other. In our process, we first were stuck with the application idea. I think it was good to switch to a completely different design. In this new design, the chair, we could make a prototype that can 28
be experienced. This is also more fun to work with. However, we thought of more functions for the chair and these changed easily to non-health related functions. We had to keep this in our head when thinking of new ideas. Overall, what I learned in this course is what to do precisely when making a design.
Gwen Klerks
Within this basic course, people of all studies worked together in multi-disciplinairy teams. Within the elaboration of the assignment, I noticed that this design process is very new for students of other studies. This made me realize how much I have learned and how much I have changed the past year. I am become a lot more open in the process and have gained a lot of self-confidence. I can come up with crazy ideas, which sometimes don’t seem to make any sense. I believe the do, because they can lead to other ideas. This made that I had to be clearer about my thoughts and ideas and have some more patience. I learned something about myself within this basic course. During the elaboration, we have never appointed tasks within the team. Nevertheless, it became clear during the last meeting that the other team members saw me as a sort of the leader of the team. I feel comfortable in the role of coordinator. Within the elaboration of the project, I noticed that we had some problems with brainstorming. 29
e talked a lot about why we shouldn’t do something and I heared a lot of ‘yes, but..’. I think a brainstorm shouldn’t be like this, so this could be a point to work on in the future.
Vincent Verberne
What I learned during this project is creating a good new design isn’t that easy. Having a good idea is just the beginning. You have to think of all the little details of the design. You get feedback, you have to understand this feedback and use it to improve your design. This seams easy but in reality this is much harder than I thought. You have to test some option and also have to research in literature to make decisions. This is what I learned during this project of design.
Pieter Verheul
I chose the social innovation version of this course, because I thought it would be good for me, to be part of a team with a lot of disciplines. It also seemed like a nice idea to look some further than the usual course, and see something from the other faculties. I really learned a lot during this course, and it was really nice to see all the steps of a design process. You really learn in a short period how to come up with an idea and work it out. The first steps were maybe the hardest, we really had a lot of trouble coming up with a good idea, but as a team we did the best we could. I am more than satisfied with the other team members, everyone did their best and we all did it with another view because of the different studies we follow. 30
The final product is for me something to be proud of, because you have something touchable, and that shows us that we have done the right steps.
Within this basic course, we had to work within a multidisciplinary team. This meant that not all of the members of the team were familiar with the design process used at Industrial Design. The non-Industrial Design students got familiar with this design process within this project. They learned to generate ideas while brainstorming and to elaborate on these ideas. The process turns out to be more complicated than maybe thought on the forehand. Brainstorming is not always easy, since we were sometimes too much talking about why an idea was not good or why we shouldn’t do this. This is not the right attitude within a brainstorm, since no idea is bad within a brainstorm and can lead to new ideas. We learned that making choices and choosing a direction seems sometimes hard, but it is very useful. Determining guidelines helps to come up with good ideas. We learned that the choices you make are not always definitive. We changed direction radically before the mid-term. So making choices seems scary on the forehand, but it is very useful to get further with the design. Not choosing is not getting any further.
We also learned to deal with feedback. Getting feedback is not always nice, but it is a very useful tool to create a good design which is the most useful for the most people. Feedback made us switch to another idea and fine tune this idea. Feedback can help to think about facets of the design you haven’t thought before. It can point out unforeseen problems and it helped us to prepare for the final exhibition. Working in a multidisciplinary team was for all of us a very useful experience. We noticed that we had different points of view. This was not a downside, rather an addition. Sometimes we had some difficulties with coming up with new ideas and were a bit stuck within an idea. We managed to take a step back and choose a radical different direction. We learned more to let go and go with the flow of the design. This made that we were able to finish a concept we were satisfied about in a way we all agreed on. We are proud on the product we delivered and look back on a good cooperation.
Appendix 34
Appendix 1: Super Students Sports app The goal of the sports app is to stimulate students to sport. The sports app will provide several services which will encourage students to start sporting or to sport more. The app offers several services, listed below Sports schedule Within the app, the student has the possibility to see the sports schedule of the Students Sports Center. The student can see which sport lessons will be given at a certain moment. Invitation Since lots of students like to sport together, but don’t always have friends to sport with, the app offers the possibility to find people to sport with. This function will enable students to place a suggestion or request to go sporting. Other students can respond to this request and the students can sport together. This function takes into account the sports level of students, which helps them to find an appropriate buddy. Competition To stimulate students to go sporting, the app will incorporate a competition element. The students are able to see the performances of other students of the TU/e. These achievements will be compared to each other by the app, but also by the study results of the students. Sporting will result in gaining points, but points can also be gained by responding on requests etcetra. 35
The application offers the option to create a group with other students. The results of these students will be compared. This enables the students to challenge friends. Progress The app does not only compare your sports results to others, it also follows your own progress and will do suggestions concerning further sport activities.
Appendix 2: The Chair This chair will stimulate people to take a break during their work. The chair knows how long you are working and will display this, for example by turning red. When people are sitting too long, the chair will start beeping. After people have walked a certain amount of steps or have taken a break of a certain length, the chair will turn into his original color. The chair could also reward the user. If the user for example takes a certain amount of steps or sports, the massage function will be activated.
Appendix 3: Questionaire Question 1 : Gender
Question 3 : Education Man 42,31% Woman 57,69% Question 2 : Age Jonger dan 17 0,96% 17-20 77,88% 20 of ouder 21,15%
WO 70,19% MBO 5,77% HBO 17,31% Voortgezet 4,81% Geen 1,92%
8-12 3,85% 12 or more 3,85% Question 5 : Do you like to sport together or alone?
Question 4 : How many hours do you spend on sports?
Alone 5,77% Together 60,58% Makes no sense 33,65% No time 11,54% 0-2 23,08% 2-4 31,73% 4-8 25,96% 39
sporten - Ik een teamsport doe waar al zo’n soort trigger in zit: namelijk het niet teleurstellen van je team. - het dan makkelijk is om bij te houden - Ik al aan teamsport doe en 2 keer train en een wedstrijd heb, en heb gewoon de tijd niet om nog zelf te sporten. Daarbij heb ik momenteel een blessure, dus dat is de grootste restrictie. - Het dan structuur heeft en ik er dus genoeg werk van maak om ook mezelf te laten geloven dat het belangrijk is. - mensen houden van motivatie, ik ook. Yes 53,85% - het grootste probleem op dit moment om te No 26,92% gaan sporten een gebrek aan motivatie is. I sport enough 19,23% - motivatie om iets te doen - Ik op deze manier mijn progressie beter kan Explanation bijhouden - Voortgang zien is altijd handig, maar als je bijvoorbeeld weet dat vrienden een bepaalde - alleen als een persoon me aanspoort, apps zijn gay sport doen zal je daar ook sneller heengaan. - er niet veel tijd meer over is om nog meer te - Ik gebruik nu Endomondo bij het mountain40 Question 6 Would you sport more if you would have something which stimulated you to go sporting, like a trigger which records your progress and compares it to others?
biken. Het kunnen zien van je gem. snelheid, - ik er dan makkelijker aan begin, en meer een de afstand enz. is een goeie motivatie. Je kunt doel heb. - dat zorgt ervoor dat je deze score wilt gaan zo goed zien of je verbeterd en bijv. doelen verbeteren dus eerder naar de sportschool opstellen. gaat dan wanneer je deze trigger niet hebt. - Ik sport al genoeg, maar een app die dit bi- een voortgangsapp stimuleert omdat je echt jhoudt zou wel zorgen voor meer regelmaat en dat ik me aan een sportschema ofzo houdt. resultaat ziet al js het maar op papier. E hij laat je eraan denken dat ne weer moet gaan - gewoon sporten. - Rare vraagstelling - die app je dan vertelt hoeveel je nog moet - Het houd je scherp! sporten die week - Dat maakt sporten leuker - Ik nu nogal makkelijk zeg: Naaahh ik ben - Waarom zou ik als niet-sport-geïnteressmoe, of mijn sportmaatje gaat niet. En een eerde überhaupt die app downloaden? beetje competitiedrang tussen mij en mijn - Je dan begeleid word en een beter schema sportmaatje kan wat goed doen :) hebt - ik er geen tijd voor heb. maar ik loop overdag al veel en dat zie ik dan als mijn lichaams- Question 7 : Would you sport more if there is somebody available to sport together with beweging. you? - Ik sporten fijn vind omdat je dan even niet met technologie bezig hoeft te zijn (kijken op Yes 66,35% No 18,27% schermpjes) I sport enough 15,38% - hoe meer stimualtie hoe beter. 41
- Ik dan vaker een potje zou gaan tennissen. - er dan een vaste afspraak staat en ik me dan soort van verplicht voel om te komen. - als de ander gaat, dan moet jij ook wel gaan - Competitie - Dat is gezelliger en motiveert. - sporten met iemand anders beiden stimuleert. - Meer motivatie - Gezelliger! - Sporten saai is, in vriendverband zou dat kunnen helpen. Explanation - Samen sporten is leuker ookal is het een in- - ik sport graag alleen - ik heb er niet veel tijd voor dividuele sport - ik denk dat het sporten wel leuker wordt als - Dat is gezellig en je motiveert elkaar je samen sport, een boost om te gaan sporten - Nee dan moet je je aanpassen aan de trainingsvoorkeuren van die andere persoon. - Leuker - je dan ook sneller gaat. - We elkaar dan stimuleren - je gemotiveerd wordt te gaan en door te zet- - dan heb je niet snel de neiging om af te zeggen. ten - Ik doe aan een teamsport, heb dus altijd een - iemand die meesport vind ik gezellig maar alleen ga ik ook want ik vind het voor nezelf team om me heen. 42
Explanation - Ik ken die mensen niet dus hun prestaties staan nogal ver van me af. - Het totaal niet goed te vergelijken is per studie/jaargang - Niet echt interessant - Ik het altijd beter wil doen Question 8 : Would you sport more if you could compare your sport results with results - Ik ben zo slecht in sport dat sportprestaties geen indruk op me maken. of other year layers? - Competitie - Is wel leuk! - dat me niet aanmoedigt om meer te gaan sporten. - Rare vraagstelling -- Dat maakt er een soort wedstrijdje van en dat vind ik leuk - Zie vraag 6. - ik er geen tijd voor heb. Yes 17,31% - Ik sport voor de ontspanning niet voor No 70,19% prestaties I sport enough 12,50% - dit me helemaal niet nuttig lijkt. Je zou kun43 ook belangrijk. - dat is leuker - Ik sport alleen samen, alleen ga je teveel nadenken, krijg je een zwaar hoofd van, samen is gezelligheid.
petitie ook tijdens trainingen. - Een doel waarvoor je traint. Dat kan de halve marathon zijn of een wedstrijd. - Al had ik de hele week niks te doen - Huisgenoten die doorzettender zijn dan ik met wie ik ga sporten - Meer tijd - Betere planning omdat ik een chaoot ben. - Meer vrije tijd! Question 9 : What would stimulate you to - Beloning, in vorm van gezonder lichaam etc. sport more? - - Goed weer - Mede sporters - Meer tijd beschikbaar hebben These answers are given: - Ik heb op dit moment geen tijd om meer te - Goede tijden en veel mogelijkheden. sporten, ik vind ook dat ik genoeg sport. Stim- Goedkopere sportpassen e.d. ulatie voor mij is mijn gezondheid. - Ik sport al 5x 1,5 uur in de week. Nog meer sporten laat me lichaam niet toe en het is niet - Als er meer mensen zijn die mee gaan sporten nodig. - Motivatie, afspraken, dichter bij het sport- iemand waar je mee samen sport die je centrum, meer ruimte (ergo garantie voor een boost om te gaan sporten plek op de loopband). - Een leuke teamsport met leuke mensen. - leuke sporten, goedkoop - Een doel - Wedstrijden ingedeeld op goed niveau, com- - vaste tijden en een alarm vooraf zouden 44 nen bijdragen aan de score van jouw studie, maar die bijdrage is te klein. Bij een kleinere groep zou dit misschien beter werken, dan voel je je meer verantwoordelijk voor de score, en kan je elkaar ook aanmoedigen. - nee ik sport voor mezelf - je dat dan dan probeert te verbeteren\
sport en hogerop te komen in de teams. echt helpen - een sportschool die dichterbij is - Vrije tijd - Een vaste afspraak hebben om te sporten, - Sporten op een hoger niveau - een leuke activiteit + groep waaraan je je kan les of iets dergelijks. Zeker met een team. Anders stel ik het makkelijk uit. optrekken - Een team waarin je traint. Zo voel je je ver- ik sport al genoeg antwoordelijk en zeg je minder snel af. - Eeeehm plezier. - Ik beweeg gewoon door mijn werk en naar - goedkopere lidmaatschappen, meer tijd de campus fietsen waarom zou ik meer gaan - andere mensen, ik ben in mn eerste jaar 8 sporten? kilo aangekomen - Een gezellige groep mensen om samen mee - Gezondheid - .. te sporten - (Sneller) resultaat zien - Apps die je voortgang bijhouden zijn een - Zelfvertrouwen, Fysieke kracht, in beweggoede motivatie. En die bijv. met een goed doel komen. Zo heb ik vroeger trainingssche- ing, gezond! ma’s gevolgd waar je in 7 weken een bepaald - goedkope fitness abbonementen en iemand die met me mee gaat sporten doel probeert te halen, zoals 100 pushups - Goedkopere prijzen voor sporten. Sporten kunnen doen of 25 pullups. Je dagelijkse/ integreren in schoolroosters. Net zoals in wekelijkse voortgang, duidelijke grafiekjes amerikaanse high school en univerities. enz. helpen om je hiervoor te motiveren. - Dat het een interessante bezigheid zou zijn. - Niets - De mogelijkheid om beter te worden in mijn Waarom zou ik met moeite een uur in de 45
sportschool door gaan brengen als ik dat niet - een sportieve partner die enthousiast mij stimuleert om ook te sporten en dat samen te leuk vind? Daarbovenop kost het nog eens doen. geld. Kortom: sporten moet vooral leuker worden. ‘Spelvormen’ - dus geen sportschool, - Eigenlijk is er voor mijn geen stimulans om maar wedstrijden (voetbal, basketbal, tennis) nog meer te gaan sporten, ik doe namelijk al aan topsport. Mijn huidige stimulans om te zijn te simplistisch in omgang. Tactiek en inzicht zou een grotere rol moeten spelen t.o.v. sporten is dat ik het leuk vind en het maximale eruit wil halen. fysiek vermogen. - Een betere planning; het is mij niet duidelijk - Iemand die mij van de bank af trekt - Meer sporten als een totale groep ipv kleine hoeveel tijd ik kwijt zal zijn aan het sporten. - Iemand die met me mee gaat. groepen mensen die altijd opzichzelf zijn en - Gezondheid, functieleger nooit buiten hun eigen groep handelen - niks - Mijn gewicht - een duidelijk doel stellen, waarvoor je wil - Gemotiveerde mede sporters, teamsport sporten. - Leuke sporten in de omgeving - Wat jullie al voorstelden: een sportmaatje, - iemand die me tot sporten aanzet. of groepen waarvan de score onderling of per - Een goed haalbaar sportprogramma - een gezonde omgeving waar ik kan sporten. groep bijgehouden kan worden. - Een leuke sport en gezelligheid voor en na zonder omgeven te zijn door uitlaatgassen. het sporten. irts in de buitenlucht. maar voor slecht weet - terugkerende groepslessen iets binnen, wat me laat denken dat ik toch - Samen sporten (en als ik dik zou worden ga gezond buiten aan het sporten ben. 46
ik wel meer sporten :P) - variatie - Ik sport nu vrij, wanneer ik wil. Ga wel naar lessen en merk nu in het begin van het jaar dat het weer een stuk zwaarder is dan voor de vakantie. Maar trainen met een doel (wedstrijd in het weekend, hardlopen om de 10 km mee te kunnen doen bijvoorbeeld), zou meer aanzetten tot elke week vaster. Nu verschilt het nogal wat ik doe per week. - Conditie - Samen met vrienden gaan, als mijn vooruitgang bijgehouden wordt, zodat je ziet dat het sporten zich loont. - Ik sport vanwege mijn intrinsieke motivatie en heb heb geen stimulansen nodig van buitenaf. Zoals het sporten met anderen, alleen of door middel van een app.
Question 10 : Comments These answers are given:
- No offence, maar wat een slechte enquete -- Heeee! - succes met jullie project! -- fuck colleges, iedereen naar de sportschool. succes - hoi - .. - Slechte enquête, redundante vragen, en vragen die niet van toepassing zijn i.v.m. een vorig antwoord, maar waar “n.v.t.” geen optie is. - nee -/ - Inderdaad zo lekker kort :) - Ook al vind ik stimulansen van buitenaf voor 47
Om dit concept te vatten in een ‘intelligent mij niet nodig zijn. Denk ik toch wel dat veel systeem’ zou ik vooral focussen op iets wat anderen hierbij wel gebaat gaan. Vooral het samen sporten en duidelijke doelen stellen, is inspeelt op het belonen van de genomen denk ik een sterke stimulans. Het gebruik van stappen, degene de erkenning geven dat deze een app is volgens mij minder. Er zijn nameli- weer vooruitgang heeft geboekt. Je kan het jk al veel van dit soort applicaties en wellicht sporten/bewegen zelf niet makkelijker maken dan het is. Je kan echter wel de stimulansen werkt het op korte termijn wel. Op de lange van vooruitgang en de stappen richting de termijn is de stimulans niet krachtig genoeg en vallen mensen weer in hun eigen patroon. goede richting versterken door deze te belonen en te erkennen. Ik denk dat wanneer je mensen aan het bewegen wil krijgen moet je inspelen op de intrinsieke motivatie van mensen. Wat willen ze © VDR WEB - EnqueteMaken.be - 2013 met sporten bereiken ?(welke motieven hebben ze, gezondheid, uiterlijk verschijn, conditie, fit zijn voor wedstrijden of willen ze bij een bepaalde cultuur/groep/ lifestyle horen) Het gaat dan nog om duidelijke realistische doelen stellen. Het gevoel van ‘vooruitgang’ ervaren,dichter bij je doel komen en trots op je eigen vooruitgang. Hierdoor wordt je intrinsiek gemotiveerd en kun je vaste patronen zoals ‘niet sporten/bewegen’ doorbreken. 48
Appendix 4: Super Students Sport System The results of the questionnaire showed that a lot of students found a sports card expensive. To motivate those students we could use this result. The idea is simple; more sporting is more discounts on your contract. Every sport you do gives you points. Depending on the time and the kind of sport you get those points. For example: Ann goes to the sports centrum and plays volleyball and indoor soccer, both for 1 hour. She gets point for both sports, 6 points for volleyball and 10 points for indoor soccer. She earned 16 points this time. The discount she gets is on the year contract with a maximum of the price of the year contract. For example like this: Points earned in 1 month Discount a point (cents) 0-50 0 51-100 1 101-200 3 201-400 7 So when you play soccer every month for 13.33 hour (3 hours a week makes 200 points). This provides you a discount of; 200*0.03*12 = 72 euro. To check that someone really was sporting, at the entrance of the sports field will be a card 49
reader you have to check in. of course at the end of the game you have to check out. This system measures the time and what sport you did. Those card readers will also be connected to the doors, so when you try to leave the room but you didn’t check out, the door won’t open. This to prevent fraude.
Appendix 5: Feedback movie presentations mid-term It is good that we switched to this idea; this could be a valuable concept. Think about how to make it more than ‘just’ a chair. Giving the chair a personality is a nice idea for this. Think about another way of interaction, instead of the changing color. Color does not mean the same for everybody. It is a good thing that the chair reminds you to get up when you for example have to take the phone. There are already made a lot of chairs, look to them and let them inspire you. Let the chair not become the boss, another sort of signal would be better for this. It should not be annoying to take a break. It is also possible that people are in a flow and just want to keep on working without having a break. The chair should be able to adapt to this.
Appendix 6: Arduino code
int blue = 0; int green = 255;
int inPin = 12; pin
// the number of the input
int outPin = 13; pin
// the number of the output float sitT = 0; int greenT = 0;
int buttonPin = 2;
int redT = 1000; int state = HIGH; output pin int reading; the input pin
// the current state of the // the current reading from
int previous = LOW; // the previous reading from the input pin int redPin = 5; int bluePin = 6; int greenPin = 3; int red = 0;
int T; int buttonState = 0; // the follow variables are long’s because the time, measured in miliseconds, // will quickly become a bigger number than can be stored in an int. long time = 0; // the last time the output pin was toggled long debounce = 200; // the debounce time, increase if the output flickers void setup() 52
state = LOW; analogWrite(redPin,0); analogWrite(greenPin,0); analogWrite(bluePin,0);
{ pinMode(inPin, INPUT); pinMode(outPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(bluePin, OUTPUT); pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT); int changeT = redT-greenT;
} else { analogWrite(redPin, 255); analogWrite(greenPin, 255); analogWrite(bluePin, 255); delay(200); analogWrite(redPin, 0); analogWrite(greenPin, 0); analogWrite(bluePin, 0); delay(200); analogWrite(redPin, 255); analogWrite(greenPin, 255); analogWrite(bluePin, 255); delay(200); analogWrite(redPin, 0); analogWrite(greenPin, 0); analogWrite(bluePin, 0); delay(200);
} void loop() { reading = digitalRead(inPin); // if the input just went from LOW and HIGH and we’ve waited long enough // to ignore any noise on the circuit, toggle the output pin and remember // the time if (reading == HIGH && previous == LOW && millis() - time > debounce) { if (state == HIGH) { 53
analogWrite(redPin, 255); analogWrite(greenPin, 255); analogWrite(bluePin, 255); delay(200); analogWrite(redPin, 0); analogWrite(greenPin, 0); analogWrite(bluePin, 0); delay(500);
light(); } previous = reading; } void light() { buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); if (buttonState == HIGH) { sitT+=1; } else if (buttonState == LOW) { sitT-=0.25; }
for(int i=1; i<256; i++) { analogWrite(greenPin,i); delay(10); } state = HIGH; } time = millis();
if (sitT < 0) { sitT=0; }
} digitalWrite(outPin, state);
else if (sitT > (redT + 20)) { sitT = (redT + 20);
if(state == HIGH) { 54
analogWrite(bluePin, blue); delay(1);
} if(sitT <= greenT) { red = 0; green = 255; blue = 0; }
else if ((sitT > greenT) && (sitT <= redT)) { int T = map(sitT,greenT,redT,0,255); red = T; green = 255-T; blue = 0; } else if(sitT > redT) { red = 255; green = 0; blue = 0; } analogWrite(redPin, red); analogWrite(greenPin, green); 55
Sources 56
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