VU Subsidy Desk Newsletter Nr. 4 - 11 November 2010
Dear Reader, Hereby we send you the fourth issue of the Subsidy Desk Newsletter 2010. Our previous Newsletter was dedicated mainly to the publication of over 50 FP7 calls for the 2011 Work Programmes, last July. This Newsletter again lists several recently published FP7 calls, including the ERC Advanced Grants. In addition, a range of national subsidy programmes has been included which may be of interest to you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions concerning these programmes, such as whether or not to apply. In addition, we would like to inform you that the VU Subsidy Desk has moved again, this time to its final location in room G-526 of the Medical Faculty (Van der Boechorststraat 7-9). The combined Subsidy Desk for VU and VUmc will be located here. Moreover, the Subsidy Desk is undergoing a transition: in the beginning of 2011, VU and VUmc will officially combine forces to open up an expertise centre for advice on national and international research grants. More details will be issued in the forthcoming issue of this Newsletter. FP7 liaison officer and LEAR Guido Leerdam is available every week day. Anna Coyajee is presently on maternity leave, and will be replaced temporarily by Titia Plantinga and/or Coos van Laar, who will be present at the Subsidy Desk VU/VUmc every Monday and Thursday. If you would like to make an appointment or talk to us about your grant plans, please use our central email address
[email protected] ******************************************************************************** Subsidy Desk VU/VUmc Room G-526, Medical Faculty Van der Boechorststraat 7-9 1081 HV Amsterdam Titia Plantinga/Coos van laar Tel. + 31- (0)20-4449923 e-mail:
[email protected]
Guido Leerdam (International Office) Tel. + 31 (0)20-4448503 e-mail:
[email protected]
Website subsidy information:
VU Subsidy Desk Newsletter no. 4, 2010
European Calls EU 7th Framework Programme Calls IDEAS CALLS Call Name
Call page on Cordis
Date Published
ERC-2011-ADG_20110209 Physical Sciences and Engineering
Call Page
ERC-2011-ADG_20110310 Life Sciences
Call Page
ERC-2011-ADG_20110406 Social Sciences and Humanities
Call Page
Call page on Cordis
Date Published
Clean Sky JTI 2010-05
Call page
IMI Joint Undertaking 3rd Call (2010)
Call page
ICT Call 7
Call page
Call page on Cordis
Date Published
Call Page
Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)
Call Page
Researchers' Night
Call Page
Other European Calls European Metrology Research Programme: Early-Stage Researcher Mobility Grant The ESRMG support Early-Stage Researchers (in the first 4 years of their research career) to develop their metrology expertise and gain experience of collaborative projects. The grant consists of a fixed rate travel and read more Deadline: Continuous Submission
National Calls NWO: Rubicon The aim of the Rubicon programme is to encourage talented researchers who have completed their doctorates in the past year the chance to gain experience at a top research institution outside the Netherlands (maximum of two years). Researchers from abroad may apply as well. read more Deadline: 1 December 2010
VU Subsidy Desk Newsletter no. 4, 2010
NWO: Continuous Access to Cultural Heritage (CATCH) The CATCH (Continuous Access To Cultural Heritage) programme focuses on information research that serves the cultural heritage sector. The programme funds research teams who carry out their work at a cultural heritage organisation. read more Deadline: 16 December 2010
NWO: Programme for Educational Research (PROO) Subsidy programme for the advancement of medium-range, fundamental-strategic, application-oriented, internationally-comparative and evaluative research into primary, secondary and (pre)vocational education. read more Deadline: 16 December 2010
NWO: Innovational Research Incentives Scheme (‘Vernieuwingsimpuls’) - VENI The Innovational Research Incentives Scheme consists of three different personal subsidy forms, each of which is designed for a different phase in the scientific careers of researchers. The VENI grant offers researchers who have only recently completed their doctorates the opportunity to develop their ideas during three years. read more Deadline: 6 January 2011
NWO: Added Value (‘MeerWaarde’) Added Value, a joint initiative between the Divisions for the Earth and Life Sciences (ALW), Humanities (GW) and Social Sciences (MaGW), has been set up with the aim of supporting researchers who wish to make their research results from current or recently read more concluded projects (more) suitable and available for third parties. Deadlines: 10 January 2011(humanities) / 20 January 2011 (earth and life sciences & social sciences)
NWO: Mosaic The Mosaic programme is designed to attrect more ethnic minority graduates into read more academic research, in order to promote diversity. Deadline: 11 January 2011
NWO: Green Genetics TTI (Technology Top Institute) Green Genetics is an initiative from companies in the plant cultivation industry and knowledge institutions to strengthen the knowledge infrastructure in the disciplines of plant genetics, plant physiology and plant pathology by means of joint research projects and educational initiatives. read more Deadline: 13 January 2011
NWO: Internationalisation in the Humanities With this grant instrument, the Humanities Divisional Board wants to facilitate the international cooperation between Dutch research groups and their foreign colleagues, stimulate the formation of international networks within the humanities and encourage humanities applications to international agencies. read more Deadline: 1 March 2011
NWO: PhDs in the Humanities The aim of the new PhD programme is to attract young research talent in the humanities. The structure enhancement plans of universities/faculties for education and organisation form the necessary framework for this. Two types of PhD position can be applied for, namely standard PhD positions and PhD positions for lecturers. read more Deadline: 1 March 2011
VU Subsidy Desk Newsletter no. 4, 2010
NWO: Continuous Submission Visitors Travel Grant Open Acces Publications Earth and Life Sciences – Scientific Meetings Brain & Cognition: an Integrated Approach Integrated Ocean Drilling Programme NCF Grants programme Parallelisation Big Grid Computing and Data Facilities Computing Time National Computing Facilities Incidental Financial Support Teacher in Research Network Subsidies Incentive Fund Open Access Publications Lorentz Center
read more read more read more read more read more read more read more read more read more read more read more read more read more
NWO: Free Competition
Free Competition Physical Sciences Open Competition Earth and Life Sciences Free Competition Humanities Secondment Grant Humanities TOP Grants
In a later stage Continuous submission Continuous submission Continuous submission Continuous submission
NWO: Bilateral Cooperation
Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral
cooperation cooperation cooperation cooperation cooperation
Germany China – Travel & Seminars Japan South-Korea Taiwan
Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous
Submission Submission Submission Submission Submission
ZonMw: Participatie en Gezondheid Het vierde programma Preventie heeft als doel het verkrijgen van nieuwe inzichten en het ontwikkelen, evalueren, verspreiden en met name implementeren van kennis in het preventiedomein. lees meer Deadline: 7 December 2010 ZonMw: Gezondheidszorgonderzoek; actuele projecten Het doel van het programma is te komen tot een betere programmering van gezondheidszorgonderzoek. De aanbevelingen uit het RGO-advies van 8 december 2008, voor zover die door ZonMw zelf kunnen worden overgenomen zijn daarbij leidend. Deadline: 30 December 2010 lees meer ZonMw: Programme Electromagnetic Fields and Health; International Exchange and Collaboration 10-50k€ Scope of the programme is to substantially enhance the Dutch knowledge infrastructure in the area of electromagnetic fields and health, giving the Netherlands its own scientific authority in this area. read more Deadline: 1 Februari 2011
VU Subsidy Desk Newsletter no. 4, 2010
ZonMw: Doorlopende TOP subsidie Preventieprogramma 4 Met dit programma wordt het mogelijk om de kennisketen rondom preventie sluitend maken door ruimte te geven aan innovatief onderzoek dat bijdraagt aan het oplossen van c.q. het opleveren van nieuwe invalshoeken voor actuele preventievraagstukken. lees meer Deadline: 1 April 2011 ZonMw: Doorlopende subsidieaanvragen voor TOP subsidies Het Open Programma beoogt, met zo min mogelijk restricties vooraf, het beste gezondheidsonderzoek van de beste onderzoek(er)s(groepen) te stimuleren. lees meer Deadline: 31 December 2012 FOM: Industrial Partnership Programme (IPP) An IPP is intended for longer-term fundamental research by FOM staff in close contact with industrial researchers in areas with a good potential for innovation and challenging scientific questions. In other words joint research that might yield groundbreaking innovations. read more Deadline: Continuous Submission FOM: FOm/v-subsidies FOM heeft het FOm/v-Stimuleringsprogramma ingesteld om meer vrouwelijke fysici te behouden voor de wetenschap. De persoonsgebonden posities voor postdocs zijn bedoeld voor vrouwen die op langere termijn hun loopbaan binnen de Nederlandse fysica lees meer willen vormgeven Deadline: Continuous Submission FOM: 'Fellowships for Young Energy Scientists'(YES!) The programme has been established by FOM and it’s objective is to offer opportunities to very talented young researchers to explore new, original directions in the field of energy. The YES!-fellowship is set-up as an important instrument to generate new creative researchers in the field of energy. lees meer Deadline: Continuous Submission STW: Open Technology Programme (OTP) STW funds thematically free scientific research of excellent quality with a utilisation aspect. Proposals from all natural science disciplines can be submitted to this Open Technology Programme (OTP). They are evaluated in competiton… lees meer Deadline: Continuous Submission KNAW: Van Walree Fonds Bevordering van het medisch onderzoek door subsidiering van buitenlandse congresbezoeken van studenten, het verlenen van een tweejaarlijkse prijs voor de beste journalistieke prestatie en het instellen van een bijzondere leerstoel. lees meer Deadline: 1 December 2010 KNAW: Schure-Beijerinck-Popping Fonds Het fonds bevordert ecologisch onderzoek, met name in het veld en met een nadruk op het hydrobiologisch en marien-biologisch onderzoek. lees meer Deadline: 1 December 2010
VU Subsidy Desk Newsletter no. 4, 2010
KNAW: Congressubsidiefonds 2011 Bevorderen van de organisatie van internationale wetenschappelijke congressen in Nederland. Aanvragen kunnen worden ingediend voor congressen met een totale begroting van ten hoogste 170.000 euro. lees meer Deadline: 1 Januari 2011 KNAW: Van Leersum Fonds Het fonds verleent in elk oneven jaar steun aan onderzoek in het vakgebied van farmacie, neurologie, inclusief neurobiologie, en radiologie lees meer Deadline: 1 Januari 2011 KNAW: Dr. J.L. Dobberke Stichting voor Vergelijkende Psychologie Het fonds ondersteunt onderzoek in de gedragsbiologie en psychologie voor zover lees meer daarbij diergedrag centraal staat. Deadline: 15 Januari 2011 TTI Green Genetics: Call for cluster projects This fifth call for TTI GG cluster projects is specifically aimed at fundamental and strategic research projects in which the company acts as principal and project leader, and which are active in the categories: breeding and cultivation of ornamental horticulture (‘flowers’), or field crops and/or vegetables. In addition, a range of small cluster projects will be established, specifically aimed at SME participation. lees meer Deadline: 13 December 2010 Agentschap NL: Civiele Vliegtuig Ontwikkeling (CVO) Ondersteuning van civiele vliegtuigontwikkelingsprojecten die worden uitgevoerd in het kader van een internationaal programma. Activiteiten zijn gericht op het vergroten van de mogelijkheden voor het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven en de kennisinfrastructuur om te participeren in de ontwikkelingsfase en de productie van civiele vliegtuigen. lees meer Deadline: 31 December 2010 Agentschap NL: Innovatief reizen van en naar het station Ideeën voor een nieuwe dienst of product in het voor- en natransport van de treinreiziger. U moet hiervoor nog een onderdeel verder ontwikkelen of u wilt een pilot in de markt uitvoeren, eventueel samen met uw partner(s). lees meer Deadline: 1 Februari 2011
Services VU/VUmc Subsidy Desk provides all the necessary links between the Vrije Universiteit and VU medical center research community and the European Union. It gives researchers a useful supplement to their ties with national and international bodies and with the European Commission. It also continuously monitors developments within existing RTD programmes and provides VU/VUmc scientists with up-to-date information on these programmes, both within and outside the EU Framework Programme (for instance programmes and projects administered by the External Assistance Directorate General or other DGs). Subsidy Desk works in close collaboration with the Technology Transfer Office (TTO), the Administrative Staff for Education and Research (Bureau Bestuurszaken VU and Strategy, Governance and Projects VUmc) and with several research desk offices at the faculties and divisions. 6
VU Subsidy Desk Newsletter no. 4, 2010
Are you thinking of submitting an FP7 proposal, or pondering the possibilities to join a consortium that already has put a few ideas to practice? Make an appointment with Subsidy Desk. See the above contact details! We hope to see you some time soon!