The 12th Down syndrome’s symposium: Theoretical and Practical Training Course in Fetal Medicine
PROGRAM June 5, 2014 THURSDAY 9:00
Welcome János Szabó1,2, Márta Széll1 Department of Medical Genetics, University of Szeged, Medisono Fetal and Adult Health Research Center, Szeged Promising Novelties and promises of genomic research Chairman: Márta Széll, János Szabad
Chromosome stability János Szabad Department of Medical Biology, University of Szeged
Mobile genes Ernő Duda Department of Medical Biology, University of Szeged
10:10 Non-coding RNAs in human evolution and diseases Széll Márta Department of Medical Genetics, University of Szeged 10.35 Molecular targeted therapy in oncology practice Zsuzsanna Kahán Department of Oncotherapy, University of Szeged 11:00 Break Prenatal screening Chairman: János Szabó, Gyula Csermely 11:30 Abnormal fetomaternal glucocorticoid metabolism in the background of premature delivery: placental expression patterns of the 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 gene József Gábor Joó1, Csaba Demendi2, Balázs Börzsönyi2 1st Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Semmelweis University, 2st Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Semmelweis University, Budapest 11:50 Association of young age of pregnant women with the risk of isolated congenital abnormalities Gyula Csermely1, Endre Czeizel2 RMC – Fetal Medicine Centre1, Foundation for the Community Control of Hereditary Diseases2, Budapest
12:10 The accuracy of fetal echocardiography at the first trimester extended screening in a group of unselected 1843 consecutive fetuses Tibor Elekes, Gyula Csermely, László Molnár, Gábor Keszthelyi, Csaba Kelemen, Hajnalka Csernák, Zsuzsanna Kadala, Krisztina Kádár RMC- Fetal Medicine Centre, Budapest 12:30 Intrauterin prognosis for postnatal outcome of Down-syndrome Gábor Timmermann1, Anikó Ladányi2, Péter Mosonyi1, Mónika Mátyás2 Genium Fetal Medicine Centre1, György Gottsegen National Institute of Cardiology2, Budapest 12:50 Lunchbreak Interactive session on toxaemia Chairman: László Párducz, János Szabó 14:00 Toxaemia or pre-eclamptic toxaemia? An epigenetic approach János Szabó1,2, Andrea Szabó1,2, László Párducz3, Andrea Szabóné Nagy4 Department of Medical Genetics, University of Szeged1, Medisono Fetal and Adult Health Research Center2, Békés County “Pándy Kálmán” Hospital, Department of Obstetrical & Gynecological Ward, Gyula3, Institute of Food Engineering Faculty of Engineering University of Szeged4 14:25 Preeclampsia has a significant negative effect on human reproduction László Párducz1, Andrea Párduczné Szöllősi2, Andrea Szabó3,4, János Szabó3,4 Békés County “Pándy Kálmán” Hospital, Department of Obstetrical & Gynecological Ward, Gyula1,“Szent István” University, Health Care Campus, Gyula2, Medisono Fetal and Adult Health Research Center3, Department of Medical Genetics, University of Szeged4 14:50 Toxeamia as a metabolic disturbans. Cardinal symptomps: edema, proteinuria and hypertension Andrea Szabó, János Szabó Department of Medical Genetics, University of Szeged, Medisono Fetal and Adult Health Research Center, Szeged 15:10 Association between nutrition, lifestyle and health Andrea Nagy Szabóné1, Andrea Szabó2,3, János Szabó2,3 Institute of Food Engineering Faculty of Engineering University of Szeged1, Department of Medical Genetics2, University of Szeged, Medisono Fetal and Adult Health Research Center, Szeged 15:30 Break
Prenatal and perinatal management, ethical aspects Chairman: Adél Tóth, László Kaiser 16:00 Technical, legal and ethical aspects of medical documentation. A system with FMF screening methodology is possible in Hungary Károly Szili, János Szabó Department of Medical Genetics, University of Szeged, Medisono Fetal and Adult Health Research Center, Szeged 16:30 Clinicopathological correlations in spontaneous abortions and in medically induced therapeutic terminations Tamás Tóth, Patricia Forrás, Kitti Brinyiczki, László Kaiser Department of Pathology University of Szeged 16:50 Perinatal outcome and the risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders-retrospective, case-control study Melinda Vanya1, Károly Szili 2, Szabina Szűcs 3, Ágnes Vetró3, János Szabó2, György Bártfai1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology1, Department of Medical Genetics2, Division of Child- and Adolescent Mental Health, Department of Pediatrics3, University of Szeged 17:10 New ethical views about artificial abortion in the light of experiences gained by ultrasonic examinations Gábor Timmermann Genium Fetal Medicine Centre, Budapest 17:30 Guiding ethical principles in fetal medicine Adél Tóth, János Szabó Department of Medical Genetics, University of Szeged 18:00 Nasal bone length in the first and second trimester Károly Szili1,3, Andrea Szabó1,3, János Tamás Szabó2,3, János Szabó1,3 Department of Medical Genetics1, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Szeged2, Medisono Fetal and Adult Health Research Center3, Szeged
June 6, 2014 FRIDAY People living with Down syndrome Chairman: János Szabó, Márta Katona 9:00
Aprók a táncházban Students of Kozmutza Flóra Elementary School, Hódmezővásárhely
Drawings and paintings of a boy living with Down syndrome Márta Katona Department of Medical Genetics, University of Szeged, Medisono Fetal and Adult Health Research Center, Szeged
Treatment of Down syndrome János Szabó, Andrea Szabó Department of Medical Genetics, University of Szeged, Medisono Fetal and Adult Health Research Center, Szeged Fetal cardiac defects, neonatology, neurogenetics Chairman: Márta Katona, Hajnalka Orvos
10:00 The diagnosis and treatment of fetal arrhytmias Márta Katona1, Tamás Bitó2, János Sikovanyecz2, Hajnalka Orvos2, János Szabó3 Department of Pediatrics1, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology2, Department of Medical Genetics3, University of Szeged 10:20 Frequency of fetal cardiac defects in our department János Sikovanyecz1, Márta Katona2, Vajtai Luca1, Orvos Hajnalka1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology1, Department of Pediatrics2, University of Szeged 10:40 Break 11:10 Perinatal outcome of mothers aged 40 or older Hajnalka Orvos1, Judit Bakki1, Zita Gyurkovits1, Márta Katona2, Gábor Németh1, Attila Pál1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology1, Department of Pediatrics2, University of Szeged 11:30 Detection of new mutations in neurogenetic diseases Emese Horváth, Nikoletta Nagy, Márta Széll Department of Medical Genetics, University of Szeged New molecular genetic methods Chairman: Zsuzsanna László, Marianna Csenki 11:50 New molecular cytogenetic approaches Zsuzsanna László Department of Medical Genetics, University of Szeged
12:10 Preimplantation genetic testing using array Comparative Genomic Hybridization of patients with balanced chromosomal rearrangements Erzsébet Gajdócsi1, László Nánássy1, Annamária Nemes1, Ferenc Antal2, Gyöngyvér Téglás2, Marianna Csenki1, Attila Vereczkey1,2 Versys Clinics Human Reproduction Institute1, Reprogenex Genetic Diagnostic Laboratory2, Budapest 12:30 Retrospective analysis of the first 1000 Preimplantation Genetic Screening done in Hungary using array Comparative Genomic Hybridization Ferenc Antal1, Diána Debreceni1,2, Marianna Csenki12, , Julianna Schönléber1 , Gyöngyvér Téglás1, László Nánássy2, Erzsébet Gajdócsi2, György Báthori1, Attila Vereczkey1,2 Reprogenex Genetic Diagnostic Laboratory1, Versys Clinics, Human Reproduction Institute2, Budapest 12:50 Lunchbreak 13:40 Statutory meeting of the Hungarian Society of Fetal Medicine
HANDS ON TRAINING supported by the General Electric Healthcare 14:00 Diagnosis and management of twin pregnancies I. Bence Csapó, Graz, Austria (live demonstration) 14:40 Diagnosis and management of twin pregnancies II. Bence Csapó, Graz, Austria (live demonstration) 15:20 Break 15:30 Practical 1.: Ultrasound screening: 1st trimester Bence Csapó, János Sikovanyecz, Károly Szili, András Tankó, János Szabó (live demonstration) 16:30 Practical 2.: Ultrasound screening: 2nd trimester Bence Csapó, János Sikovanyecz, Károly Szili, András Tankó, János Szabó (live demonstration) 16:30 Practical 3.: Ultrasound screening of fetal heart Márta Katona (live demonstration) 17:30-18:30 Practical 4.: Measurement of NBL and PT Bence Csapó, János Sikovanyecz, Károly Szili, János Szabó (live demonstration) 19:00 G a l a dinner
June 7, 2014 SATURDAY New molecular genetic screening techniques Chairman: Márta Széll, Emőke Endeffy
Skin disorders in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units Zsanett Csoma1, Angéla Meszes1, Hajnalka Orvos2, Krisztina Mader3, Gyula Tálosi3 Department of Dermatology and Allergology1, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology2, Department of Pediatrics3, University of Szeged
Importance of molecular genetic examinations in prenatal diagnostics Emőke Endreffy Department of Pediatrics, University of Szeged
Development of a novel, digital PCR-based non-invasive screening method for numerical chromosomal abnormalities Nikoletta Nagy1, Éva Pap2, Márta Czakó3, Béla Melegh3, Bálint Nagy4, János Rigó4, Attila Pál2, Márta Széll1 Department of Medical Genetics1, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University of Szeged2, Department of Medical Genetics, University of Pécs3, 1st Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Semmelweis University4, Budapest
Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnosis from Maternal Blood Finally Available after 20 Years of Research Wolfgang Holzgreve, University of Bonn
10:30 Break SUMMARY 11:00 Pregnancy care, prenatal screening and diagnostics. State of the Art János Szabó Department of Medical Genetics, University of Szeged, Medisono Fetal and Adult Health Research Center, Szeged 11:25 Summary, take home messages János Szabó Department of Medical Genetics, University of Szeged, Medisono Fetal and Adult Health Research Center, Szeged 11:40 Test 12:00 Lunchbreak