Study module (Specialisation): Hungarian Language and Literature Field of study: 1.1.1 Teaching Academic Subjects Level of study: bachelor Form of study: full-time Standard length of study: 3 years Academic degree awarded: bachelor (Bc.)
Compulsory courses The History of Hungarian Literature 1 - Csehy Z. Hungarian Phonetics and Phonology - Lanstyák Š. Theory of Literature - Mészáros O. Introduction to the Study of Hungarian - Misadová K. The History of Hungarian Literature 2 - Csehy Z. Present-Day Hungarian: Morphology 1 - Misadová K. The History of Hungarian Literature 3 - Dušíková A. Present-Day Hungarian: Morphology 2 - Misadová K. The History of Hungarian Literature 4 - Dušíková A. Present-Day Hungarian: Syntax 1 - Misadová K. The History of Hungarian Literature 5 - Grendel Ľ. Present-Day Hungarian: Syntax 2 - Misadová K. Stylistics - Hizsnyaiová I. The History of Hungarian Literature 6 - Grendel Ľ. Hungarian Lexicology and Semantics - Lanstyák Š.
1/W 1/W 1/W 1/W 1/S 1/S 2/W 2/W 2/S 2/S 3/W 3/W 3/W 3/S 3/S
P2,S1 P1,S1 P2,S1 P1 P2,S1 P2,S1 P2,S1 P2,S1 P2,S1 P1,S1 P2,S1 P1,S1 P1 P1,S1 P1,S1
2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3
100/0 50/50 50/50 100/0 30/70 50/50 40/60 50/50 40/60 50/50 20/80 50/50 100/0 20/80 50/50
1/W 1/S 1/S 1/S 1/S 2/W 2/W 2/W 2/W 2/S 2/S
S1 C1 P1,S1 P1 P1,S1 C1 P1 P1,S1 P1,S1 C1 P1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
100/0 100/0 100/0 100/0 100/0 100/0 100/0 100/0 100/0 100/0 100/0
3/S 3/S
S1 S1
1 1
100/0 100/0
A-buMA-401 Selected Issues in Finnish Literature 1 - Drábeková Z. A-buMA-311 Spelling Exercises - Misadová K. A-buMA-381 Introduction to the Question of Hungarian Literature
1/S 1/S 1/S
P1,S1 C1 P1
2 2 2
100/0 100/0 100/0
A-buMA-321 Bilingualism and Contactology
A-buMA-091 A-buMA-021 A-buMA-081 A-buMA-011 A-buMA-101 A-buMA-031 A-buMA-111 A-buMA-041 A-buMA-121 A-buMA-051 A-buMA-141 A-buMA-061 A-buMA-131 A-buMA-151 A-buMA-071
Semi-elective courses Philology Proseminar - Csehy Z. Morphological Exercises 1 - Misadová K. The History of European Humanistic Poetry - Csehy Z. Cultural History of Hungary 1 - Mészáros O. Uralistic - Lanstyák Š. Morphological Exercises 2 - Misadová K. The History of Education in Hungary - Mészáros O. Language Planning and Language Cultivation - Lanstyák Š. Cultural History of Hungary 2 - Grendel Ľ. Syntactic Exercises - Misadová K. Hungarian Literature of the 19th Century in the Context of World Literature - Dušíková A. A-buMA-221 Didactics of Hungarian as a Foreign Language - Misadová K. A-buMA-301 Selected Issues in the History of Modern Poetry - Csehy Z. A-buMA-161 A-buMA-171 A-buMA-251 A-buMA-241 A-buMA-181 A-buMA-191 A-buMA-271 A-buMA-201 A-buMA-261 A-buMA-211 A-buMA-281
Elective courses
Originating Outside Hungary and in Hungary - Csehy Z. - Lanstyák Š.
A-buMA-331 A-buMA-391 A-buMA-441 A-buMA-361
Finnish 1 - Drábeková Z. Text Seminar - Mészáros O. Cultural History of Hungary 3 - Dušíková A. Onomastics - Vörös O.
2/S 2/W 3/S 3/S
S2 S1 P1 S1
2 2 1 1
100/0 100/0 100/0 100/0 S
The State Examination: Defence of Degree Thesis Examination in the Subjects: • Colloquial examination of the subjects of Hungarian linguistics (contemporary Hungarian language), theory of literature and history of literature. Credit structure of the programme (compulsory, semi-elective, elective courses) C: 42, SE: 13, E: 7
Course Units in Teaching Academic Subjects Specialisation: Hungarian Language and Literature Compulsory Courses Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
Bibliography Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Introduction to the Study of Hungarian A-buMA-011 Katarína Misadová Teacher 2 1 Hours weekly 1/W Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester The history of linguistics, language and speech, the linguistic sign, the development and theory of language, language and society, linguistic typology, methods of language description, contrastive linguistics, language universals, the functions of languages. Saussure, F.: Bevezetés az általános nyelvészetbe. Budapest 1967; Zánthó: Generalia. Nyelvészeti Füzetek I. Szeged, 1994 Hungarian Phonetics and Phonology A-buMA-021 István Lanstyák Teacher 3 2 Hours weekly 1/W Semester 50% in the teaching period, 50% in the examination period Basic concepts from the field of phonetics and phonology, the phonetic and phonological plane of the linguistic system of Hungarian, the phonetic and phonological peculiarities of Hungarian in Slovakia. Kassai I.: Fonetika. Budapest 1998; Bolla K. (ed.): Fejezetek a magyar leíró hangtanból. Budapest 1982; Kiefer F. (ed.): Strukturális magyar nyelvtan II. Fonológia. Budapest. Present-Day Hungarian – Morphology 1 A-buMA-031 Katarína Misadová Teacher 3 3 Hours weekly 1/S Semester 50% in the teaching period, 50% in the examination period Description, classification and explanation of morphological phenomena, the system of word classes in Hungarian, verb, nominals in Hungarian, formal words, interjections, conversion between word classes. Keszler ed.: Magyar grammatika. Budapest 2000; Benczédy – Fábián – Rácz – Velcsov: A mai magyar nyelv. Budapest 1988; É. Kiss – Kiefer – Siptár: Új magyar nyelvtan. Budapest 1998.
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Present-Day Hungarian – Morphology 2 A-buMA-041 Katarína Misadová Teacher 3 3 Hours weekly A-buMA-031 2/W Semester 50% in the teaching period, 50% in the examination period The structure of the word, the analysis of its formal parts. Fundamental questions of morphology, types of stems, word formation, compounds, derivations, other ways of word formation, conjugation and declension. Keszler ed.: Magyar grammatika. Budapest 2000; Benczédy – Fábián – Rácz – Velcsov: A mai magyar nyelv. Budapest 1988; É. Kiss – Kiefer – Siptár: Új magyar nyelvtan. Budapest 1998. Present-Day Hungarian – Syntax 1 A-buMA-051 Katarína Hurková Teacher 3 2 Hours weekly 2/S Semester 50% in the teaching period, 50% in the examination period Deepening and widening knowledge of the simple sentence. The classification of sentences, structure and types of syntactic units, the main parts of a sentence, concord between the predicate and the subject, other parts of the sentence. Keszler ed.: Magyar grammatika. Budapest 2000; Benczédy – Fábián – Rácz – Velcsov: A mai magyar nyelv. Budapest 1988; É. Kiss – Kiefer – Siptár: Új magyar nyelvtan. Budapest 1998; Rácz – Szathmári: Tanulmányok a mai magyar nyelv mondattani köréből. Budapest 1977 Present-Day Hungarian – Syntax 2 A-buMA-061 Katarína Hurková Teacher 3 2 Hours weekly A-buMA-051 3/W Semester 50% in the teaching period, 50% in the examination period Theoretical and practical questions of various types of sentences in Hungarian. Complex sentences, compound sentences, suprasegmental phenomena. Keszler ed.: Magyar grammatika. Budapest 2000; Benczédy – Fábián – Rácz – Velcsov: A mai magyar nyelv. Budapest 1988; É. Kiss – Kiefer – Siptár: Új magyar nyelvtan. Budapest 1998; Rácz – Szathmári: Tanulmányok a mai magyar nyelv mondattani köréből. Budapest 1977
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Hungarian Lexicology and Semantics A-buMA-071 István Lanstyák Teacher 3 2 Hours weekly 3/S Semester 50% in the teaching period, 50% in the examination period General knowledge of lexicology and semantics, the lexicology of Hungarian, the specific features of the vocabulary of Hungarian in Slovakia. Historical semantics. Lexical relations. Kiefer F.: Jelentéselmélet. Budapest, 2001. Szilágyi N. S.: Rávezetés a nyelvi világ vizsgálatára. Kolozsvár, 1996; Hadrovics L.: Magyar történeti jelentéstan, Budapest, 1992. Theory of Literature A-buMA-081
Ondrej Mészáros, Zoltán Csehy 3 3 Hours weekly 1/W Semester 50% in the teaching period, 50% in the examination period Prosodic systems (syllabotonic, Western European, Greek – Latin, forms of ganavritta-prosody, simultaneous rhythm, rhyme constructions), genres of lyric poetry (epic, ballad, epic compositions of Petőfi and Arany). Szerdahelyi, István: Műfajelmélet mindenkinek. Budapest. Akadémiai Kiadó, 1997; Szerdahelyi, István: Irodalomelméleti enciklopédia. Budapest. Eötvös, 1995. Teacher
The History of Hungarian Literature 1. A-buMA-091 Zoltán Csehy Teacher 2 3 Hours weekly 1/W Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester Changes in Hungarian Literature from the oldest period until the end of the 16th century. Pre-feudal Hungarian culture and literature, medieval literature, the age of the Renaissance. Klaniczay,Tibor (ed.): A magyar irodalom története 1600-ig. Bp. Akadémiai Kiadó, 1964;Hargittay, Emil (ed.): Bevezetés a régi magyar irodalom filológiájába. Bp.Universitas, 1999 The History of Hungarian Literature 2. A-buMA-101 Zoltán Csehy Teacher 3 3 Hours weekly 1/S Semester 30% in the teaching period, 70% in the examination period Development of Hungarian literature from the Renaissance to the year 1772. Mannerism, Baroque, Rococo. Klaniczay, Tibor (ed.): A magyar irodalom története 1600-tól 1772-ig. Bp. Akadémiai Kiadó, 1964; Bán, Imre (ed.): A barokk. Bp. Gondolat, 1963.
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
The History of Hungarian Literature 3. A-buMA-111 Teacher
Ondrej Mészáros, Anikó Dušíková 3 3 Hours weekly 2/W Semester 40% in the teaching period, 60% in the examination period The program and protagonists of the Hungarian enlightenment. New tendencies in the poetry of the age. The program of renewing the language. Classicism and Sentimentalism in Hungarian literature. Beginnings of the Hungarian novel. The ascend of Romanticism, its literary program, the personalities of he first generation, the influences of folk-poetry, the beginnings of literary criticism. Bíró, Ferenc: A felvilágosodás korának magyar irodalma. Budapest. Balassi Kiadó, 1994; Horváth, Károly: A romantika értékrendszere. Budapest. Balassi Kiadó, 1997; A magyar irodalom története 1772-től 1849-ig, ed.:Pándi, Pál. Budapest. Akadémiai Kiadó, 1965 The History of Hungarian Literature 4. A-buMA-121 Teacher
Ondrej Mészáros, Anikó Dušíková 3 3 Hours weekly 2/S Semester 40% in the teaching period, 60% in the examination period Romanticism, conceptions for a deep social reform, József Katona, Kölcsey and the beginning of literary criticism, Kisfaludy, Vörösmarty, Petőfi. Development of the novel genre (Fáy, Jósika, Eötvös). Problems of the drama. Derivative poetry. The influence of positivism on the literary thinking. A magyar irodalom története 1849-től 1905-ig, ed.:Sőtér, István. Budapest. Akadémiai Kiadó, 1965; Horváth, János: A magyar irodalom fejlődéstörténete. Budapest. Akadémiai Kiadó, 1980
Title Code
Stylistics A-buMA-131
ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
István Lanstyák, Szabolcs Simon 1 3/W
Hours weekly Semester 100% in the teaching period The theory of linguistic styles. Phonostylistics, the stylistics of morphology, set phrases, proverbs and stock phrases. Different types of style in functional style and school practice. Tolcsvay Nagy, Gábor: A magyar nyelv stilisztikája. Bp., 1996. Szabó, Zoltán: Kis magyar stílustörténet. Bp. Tankönyvkiadó, 1982.
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Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
The History of Hungarian Literature 5. A-buMA-141 Teacher
Ondrej Mészáros, Ľudovít Grendel 3 2 Hours weekly 3/W Semester 20%in the teaching period, 80% in the examination period The first and second generation of Nyugat and Avant-garde. The development of Hungarian short prose at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The journal Nyugat, poetic works of Ady, Babits, Füst, Kosztolányi, Á. Tóth, Gy. Juhász. The novels of Móricz, Kosztolányi, Krúdy, Füst, Cholnoky brothers, Csáth, L. Nagy. The birth of Hungarian Avant-garde, the work of Kassák. The poetry of A. József and L. Szabó. A magyar irodalom története, vol. V., VI. ed. Szabolcsi, M. Bp. Akadémiai Kiadó, 1965., A magyar irodalom története 1905-től napjainkig. ed. Béládi, M. , Bodnár,Gy. Bp. Akadémiai Kiadó, 1967. The History of Hungarian Literature 6. A-buMA-151 Ľudovít Grendel Teacher 3 2 Hours weekly 3/S Semester 20%in the teaching period, 80% in the examination period The Hungarian novel after the classical realism: Márai, L. Németh, Déry, Szentkuthy. The importance of the journal Újhold (poets: Pilinszky, Nemes Nagy). Folk Surrealism (Juhász, L. Nagy), existentialism and experiment in prose (Mándy, Mészöly, Örkény, Ottlik, I. Kertész). The poetry of Weöres. Neo-avant-garde: Tandori, Oravecz. Political and love poetry of Petri. The Curator of Konrád. The peak of Hungarian modernism in prose: Nádas, Esterházy and the postmodernism. A magyar irodalom története 1945-1975, vol. II., III. ed. Béládi, M.a Rónay, L. Bp. Akadémiai Kiadó, 1986., 1990., Kulcsár Szabó, Ernő: A magyar irodalom története 1945-1991. Bp. 1993. Seminar to the Degree Thesis A-buMA-651 Teacher 14 2 Hours weekly 3/S Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester The preparation of the degree thesis by the help of the consultant on a chosen topic. Depends on the choice of the topic.
Semi-Elective Courses Title Code
Philology Proseminar A-buMA-161 Teacher
ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
István Lanstyák, Zoltán Csehy 1 1/W
Hours weekly Semester 100% in the teaching period The methods of scientific research, the auxiliary sciences, practical and formal sides of the professional publication. Hargittay, Emil (ed.): Bevezetés a régi magyar irodalom filológiájába. Bp. Universitas, 1997., Eco, Umberto: Hogyan írjunk szakdolgozatot?. Bp. Kairosz, 1996 Morphological Exercises 1. A-buMA-171 Katarína Misadová Teacher 2 1 Hours weekly 1/S Semester 100% in the teaching period Practising morphological phenomena. The system of grammatical categories in Hungarian, verbs, substantives, formal words, interjections, conversion between grammatical categories. Keszler, Borbála ed.: Magyar grammatika. Budapest. Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, 2000, Bencédy-Fábián-Rácz-Velcsov: A mai magyar nyelv. Budapest. Tankönyvkiadó, 1988, É. Kiss-Kiefer-Siptár: Új magyar nyelvtan. Budapest. Osiris, 1998 Uralistics A-buMA-181 2
István Lanstyák Teacher 2 Hours weekly 1/S Semester 100% in the teaching period The sources of the prehistory of Hungarian ethnics. Uralian ethnics. Uralian languages. The basics of comparative linguistics. The so-called Uralian original language. Other possible genetic relationships (Indoeuropean, Altaic, Jukagiric languages), the so-called nostratic theory, areal connections. Bereczki, Gábor 1980. A magyar nyelv finnugor alapjai. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó., Hajdú, Péter 1973. Bevezetés az uráli nyelvtudományba. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó., Hajdú, Péter 1981. Az uráli nyelvészet alapkérdései. Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest., Csepregi, Márta ed. 1998. Finnugor kalauz. Budapest: Panoráma.
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Morphological Exercises 2. A-buMA-191 Katarína Misadová Teacher 2 1 Hours weekly 3/W Semester 100% in the teaching period Exercising the morphological phenomena. The structure of the word, analyse of its formal parts. Basic questions of morphology, the types of radicals of words, word-formation, composites, other ways of creating words, conjugation and declension. Keszler, Borbála ed.: Magyar grammatika. Budapest. Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, 2000, Bencédy-Fábián-Rácz-Velcsov: A mai magyar nyelv. Budapest. Tankönyvkiadó, 1988, É. Kiss-Kiefer-Siptár: Új magyar nyelvtan. Budapest. Osiris, 1998 Language Planning and Language Cultivation A-buMA-201 Szablolcs Simon Teacher 2 2 Hours weekly 2/W Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester Theoretic questions of language planning and language cultivation. Specific questions of the minority status of Hungarian in Slovakia. Practise with texts. Tolcsvai Nagy, Gábor (ed.) 1998. Nyelvi tervezés. Budapest: Universitas Könyvkiadó., Lőrincze, Lajos–Fábián, Pál 1990. Nyelvművelés. Egyetemi jegyzet. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó.
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Syntactic Exercises A-buMA-221 2
Katarína Hurková Teacher 1 Hours weekly 2/S Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester Practicing the knowledge about the simple sentence. Classification of sentences, The structure and types of syntactic units, the main parts of the sentence (the correspondence of the predicative and the subject), The subordinate parts of the sentence (object, attributive, the problem of apposition, the types of adverbs). Keszler, Borbála ed.: Magyar grammatika. Budapest. Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, 2000, Bencédy-Fábián-Rácz-Velcsov: A mai magyar nyelv. Budapest. Tankönyvkiadó, 1988, Rácz-Szemere: Mondattani elemzések. Budapest. Tankönyvkiadó, 1998 Didactics of Hungarian as a Foreign Language A-buMA-231 Katarína Misadová Teacher 1 1 Hours weekly 3/S Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester Contrastive examination of the student’s mother tongue as a foreign language on different linguistic levels. Phonologic, lexical-semantic and morphologic systems of the given languages. B. Nádor-Giay ed.: A hungarológia-oktatás elmélete és gyakorlata. Budapest . NHK, 1989, B. Nádor ed.: A magyar mint idegen nyelv fogalma. Budapest. NHK, 1991
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
Cultural History of Hungary 1. A-buMA-241 Gabriel Hushegyi Teacher 2 1 Hours weekly 1/W Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester Development of culture in Hungary in a Central European context with a special regard to the development of architecture and fine arts until the 18th century. Material culture in the period of the Hungarian conquest. The concepts of mediaeval art in Hungary. The specific features of Hungarian Romanesque and Gothic art. Renaissance art in the court of Mátyás Corvin, Renaissance in Hungary. Galavics-Marosi-Mikó-Wehli: Magyar művészet a kezdetektől 1800-ig. Bp. 2001, Magyarország építészetének története. Ed.: Sisa J., Wiebenson, D. Bp. 1998, A magyar művészettörténet-írás programjai. Ed.: Marosi, E., Bp. 1999. The History of European Humanistic Poetry A-buMA-251 Zoltán Csehy Teacher 2 2 Hours weekly 1/S Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester A survey of European Neo-Latin poetry. Reading and analysing texts. Styles and artistic trends. Models and interpretation systems. Huszti, József: Janus Pannonius. Pécs, 1931., Bartók, IstvánJankovits,László-Kecskeméti,Gábor (ed.): Humanista műveltség Pannóniában. Pécs, 2000. Cultural History of Hungary 2. A-buMA-261 Gabriel Hushegyi Teacher 2 2 Hours weekly 2/W Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester The development of arts and culture in Hungary in a Central European context from the 18th century until 1914. The culture and art of Baroque and Rococo in Hungary. Enlightenment and the reform period of the Hungarian culture and arts. The rise of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the development of scientific life especially in the historical sciences. Classicism, Romanticism, Historicism and Art Nouveau in Hungary in the last decades of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The Nagybánya school, the message of Munkácsy, the works of RipplRónai, Mednyánszky, Csontváry, Gulácsy, etc. The position of art criticism and history of arts. Galavics-Marosi-Mikó-Wehli: Magyar művészet a kezdetektől 1800-ig. Bp. 2001, Magyarország építészetének története. Ed.: Sisa J., Wiebenson, D. Bp. 1998, A magyar művészettörténet-írás programjai. Ed.: Marosi, E., Bp. 1999.; Németh L.: Modern magyar művészet. Bp. 1968.
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
The History of Education in Hungary A-buMA-271 Ondrej Mészáros Teacher 2 1 Hours weekly 2/W Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester The adoption of Christianity, Catholic church in Hungary before the reformation, reformation in Hungary, education before the Ratio Educationis and the import of ideas, education and church in the 19th and 20th centuries. Kósa, László (ed.): Magyar művelődéstörténet. Bp. Osiris, 2000, Mészáros, István – Németh, András – Puskánszky, Béla: Bevezetés a pedagógia és az iskoláztatás történetébe. Bp. Osiris, 2000 Hungarian Literature of the 19th Century in the Context of World Literature A-buMA-281 Anikó Dušíková Teacher 2 1 Hours weekly 2/S Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester The influence of Sentimentalism and German Romanticism on the literary thinking. The influence of Goethe. The parallels of European (Hugo) and Hungarian drama. Historical novel in the context of the period (Scott). Beranger, Byron and Petőfi. A romantika. Budapest. Gondolat, 1979, Turóczi-Trostler,J.: Magyar irodalom – világirodalom; vol. 1-2., Budapest. Akadémiai Könyvkiadó, 1961, A komparisztika kézikönyve, ed. Fried István. Szeged. JATE, 1987, A romantika enciklopédiája. ed. Claudon,Francis. Budapest. Corvina, 1990 Selected Issues in the History of the Modern Poetry A-buMA-301 Zoltán Csehy Teacher 1 1 Hours weekly 3/S Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester Analysis of the poems of T.S. Eliot, E. Pound and other writers. Fischer , Ján.O.(ed.): Dejiny francúzskej literatúry. Praha, 1979, Fauchereau, S.: Századunk amerikai költészetéről. Bp. Európa, 1974.
Elective Courses Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
Spelling Exercises A-buMA-311 2
Katarína Misadová Teacher 1 Hours weekly 1/S Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester Deepening the orthographical skills of the students. Basic principles of Hungarian orthography, spelling capital initial letters. The spelling of singular words and collective nouns. Punctuation. A magyar helyesírás szabályai. Budapest. Akadémiai Kiadó, 11. edition, Vörös, F.: Legyen biztos helyesírásunk. Budapest. Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, 1996 Bilingualism and Contactology A-buMA- 321 István Lanstyák Teacher 2 1 Hours weekly 2/W Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester Types of bilingualism. The questions of individual bilingualism. Bilingual communities. Linguistic integration and assimilation. Bilingual education. Linguistic behaviour of bilingual speakers. Bilingual linguistic systems. Bilingualism in the Carpathian basin. Empirical research. Bartha, Csilla 1999. A kétnyelvűség alapkérdései. Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó., Göncz, Lajos 1985. A kétnyelvűség pszichológiája. Újvidék: Forum., Lanstyák, István–Szabómihály, Gizella ed. 1998. Nyelvi érintkezések a Kárpát-medencében. Pozsony: Kalligram–MKKI., Štefánik, Jozef 2000. Jeden človek, dva jazyky. Bratislava: Academic Electronic Press.
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Finnish A-buMA-331 2
Zuzana Drábeková Teacher 2 Hours weekly 2/S Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester The bases of Finnish language. Learning the most important parts of speech according to the textbook of O. Nuutinen (about 10-12 lessons). Nuutinen, Olli: Suomea suomeksi 1. SKS, Helsinki, 1983. 154 s., Hämäläinen, Eila: Suomen harjoituksia 1.SKS, Helsinki, 1985. 149 s. + MC. Onomastics A-buMA-361 1
Ottó Vörös Teacher 1 Hours weekly 3/S Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester The history of Hungarian naming. The system of geographical and personal names. History. Kálmán, Béla: A nevek világa. Bp. 1973, Balázs, János: A tulajdonnév a nyelvi jelek rendeszerében, ÁNyT, č.:1. , s.41-52. Introduction to the Question of Hungarian Literature Originating Outside Hungary and in Hungary A-buMA-381 Zoltán Csehy Teacher 2 1 Hours weekly 1/S Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester The contrast of expressions literature, language of literature and the country where it was written. Schools of literary theories after 1945 and now. Styles and artistic tendencies in the present Hungarian literature. Stylistic categorization of works of the Hungarian literature arisen abroad, belonging to the universal values of Hungarian literature. Kulcsár Szabó, Ernő: A magyar irodalom története 1945-1991. Bp. Argumentum, 1993., Tőzsér, Árpád: A nem létező tárgy tanulmányozása . Bratislava. Kalligram, 1999.,Tőzsér, Árpád: Az irodalom határai. Bratislava. Kalligram, 1999 Text Seminar A-buMA-391 2
Ondrej Mészáros Teacher 1 Hours weekly 2/W Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester Getting acquainted with the basic text of postmodernist hermeneutics, Gadamer’s work “Wahrheit und Methode”. Reading and analysing the text. Gamader, Hans-Georg: Igazság és módszer. Bp. Gondolat, 1984., Szondi, Peter: Bevezetés az irodalmi hermeneutikába. Bp. T-Twins, 1996
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Finnish Literature A-buMA-401 2
Zuzana Drábeková Teacher 2 Hours weekly 2/S Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester Finnish literature from the period of Swedish (1155-1809) and Russian rule (1809-1917) and the first years of independent Finland. Kalevala. Ivo Železný, Praha 1999., Kanteletár. Európa, Budapest 1985., Slovník severských spisovatelů. Nakladatelství Libri, Praha 1998., Laitinen, Kai: A finn irodalom története. Gondolat, Budapest 1981., Világirodalmi lexikon. ed. Szerdahelyi, I. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1970-... Cultural History of Hungary 3. A-buMA-441 Gabriel Hushegyi Teacher 1 1 Hours weekly 3/S Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester The development of Hungarian arts and culture between the two world wars, its social-historical, philosophical-aesthetical aspects and Central European contexts. Activism, Constructivism of Kassák and MoholyNagy; Hungarian emigrants and European Avant-garde, their influence on the modern arts of Czechoslovakia. The debate of Expressionism and Avant-garde in Hungary. Avant-garde, Neoclassicism and the official art of the period. The position of art criticism and theory of art. Artistic life in Central Europe between the two World Wars. Worringer, W.: Absztrakció és beleérzés. Bp. 1989, Passuth K.: Avantgárd kapcsolatok Prágától Bukarestig 1907-1930. Bp. 1998, Abelovský-Bajcurová: Výtvarná moderna Slovenska. Bratislava, 1997.; Németh L.: Modern magyar művészet. Bp. 1968. Finnish 1 A-buMA-331 2
Zuzana Drábeková Teacher 2 Hours weekly 2/S Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester Basics of Finnish. Basics of word classes until the classification of verbs – 10-12 units of the textbook. Nuutinen: Suomea suomeksi I. Helsinki 1983 (1-9.)
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Selected Issues in Finnish Literature 1 A-buMA-401 Zuzana Drábeková Teacher 2 2 Hours weekly 2/S Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester Finnish literature in the age of Swedish hegemony (1155-1809) and Russian supremacy (1809-1917) and the first years of Finnish independence. Laitinen K.: A finn irodalom története. Budapest 1981; Képes G.: Finn versek és dalok. Budapest 1959. Finnish 2 A-buMA-001 Zuzana Drábeková Teacher 2 2 Hours weekly A-buMA-331 3/W Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester 20 lessons from the textbook by Olli Nuutinen. Translation of shorter texts from Finnish newspapers written in easier language Selkouutiset. Nuutinen: Suomea suomeksi I. Helsinki 1983 (10-20.) Finnish 3 A-buMA-002 Zuzana Drábeková Teacher 2 2 Hours weekly A-buMA-001 3/S Semester 100% in the teaching period of the semester Suomea suomeksi 1 and Suomea suomeksi II (the first lessons) exercises concerning grammatical features already learnt, further translations of newspaper articles, listening to recordings, watching films etc. Nuutinen: Suomea suomeksi I-II. Helsinki 1983, 1984 Finnish Studies A-buMA-003 2
Zuzana Drábeková Teacher 2 Hours weekly 2/W Semester 25% in the teaching period, 75% in the examination period The crusades, the period of the Swedish rule, Finnish Grand Duchy as the member of Russia, independent Finland (until the end of the second world war). Jutikkala E.-Pirinen K.: Dějiny Finska. Praha 2001, Hejkalová M.: Finsko (Stručná historie státu), Praha 2003
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content Bibliography
Title Code ECTS credits Prerequisites Assessment Content
Selected Issues in Finnish Literature 2 A-buMA-004 Zuzana Drábeková Teacher 2 2 Hours weekly 2/S Semester 50% in the teaching period, 50% in the examination period Romanticism from Turku and from Helsinki. Kalevala, Runeberg, Lönnrot, Kanteletar, Topelius, Kivi, Leino, Aho, Canth, Finno-Swedish modernism, Linnankoski, Jotuni. Kivi A.: Sedem bratov. Bratislava 1992; Aho J.: Železnica. Bratislava 1988; Södergranová E.: Jesenná lýra. Bratislava 1969; Södergranová E.: Země, která není. Praha 1987; Kianto I.: Červená čára. Praha 1962. Love as a Topic in Philosophy and Literature A-buMA-005 Ondrej Mészáros Teacher 2 2 Hours weekly 3/S Semester 50% in the teaching period, 50% in the examination period The topic of love in philosophy and literature, different approaches to the topic. Antique conception of love: myths, Empedocles, Plato. Love poetry in the age of Antiquity. The Middle Ages: Christianity, with special emphasis on morality. St. Augustine, troubadours, Minnesänger, Petrarch, The Romance of the Rose, The Renaissance: neo-Platonism, L.Ebreo. Intellectual modernity focusing on the individual. Stress on the senses: libertarians and the Marquis de Sade. Schopenhauer's approach to the subject. Stendhal and his theory of crystallisation. Romanticism: G. B. Shaw's Don Juan. The relationship between men and women as seen by Weiniger and Simmel, metaphysical and sociological perception of the subject. Love in the literature of the 20th century. The hippie movement. Feminist theories and feminist literature. Postmodernism Mészáros O.: Závan transcendencie. Bratislava 2000; Luhmann N.: Liebe als Passion. 1982; Platon: Symposion, Luhmann N.: Liebe als Passion. 1982; Weininger O.: Geschlecht und Charakter. Wien 1912.