Title: Mediaeval and Renaissance Hungarian Literature/ Introduction to Literary Studies Code: LM11161 Nr. of credits: 7 Lecturer: prof. dr. Gábor Csilla / lect.dr. Zsuzsa Selyem Description of the Mediaeval and Renaissance Hungarian Literature courses: The objective of the courses is to help the students to get acquainted with the mediaeval and renaissance Hungarian literature; they have to practise strategies of interpretation of these texts taking into account the creation methods (imitatio, compilatio) and the special structure of the specific genres pg the period. Themes of the courses: Middle Ages – universality and Christianity, the concept of the beautiful within the system of sacred values, the reception of the medieval rhetoric and poetics in Hungarian literature, the problems of liturgical literature, the cult of saints and historiography; Renaissance – reception of Erasmus’ ideas and its consequences in Hungarian literature, the reformation and the Coucil of Trent. Description of the seminars (Gábor Csilla) The seminar aims at practising text analysis. These texts however are considered in a broader context. Text analysis involves knowledge about the theoretical thinking of the period in question. The themes are formulated in such a manner as to involve the characteristic genres of the period (legend, hymn, historiography, miracles etc). We pay attention to the functionality of the texts, we try to make aware of the essential difference between the contemporary concept concerning literature and the concept of the Middle Ages or the Renaissance: we also follow the convergences between literary, poetical, theological etc. approaches. Description of the seminars (Korondi Ágnes) The main aim of the seminars, besides studying the most important themes, literary genres and concepts of the medieval Hungarian literature, is to discuss some important texts in a broader context. We would like to situate them in the literary life of the age, and, more importantly, we intend to focus on some aspects considered usually as belonging to the history of mentality, spirituality, arts or books. The multiplicity of approaches is desirable, since the literature of this age had an explicitly functional character, being embedded completely in the readers’ political, religious, cultural and personal life. Students need to be aware of the essentially different character of this literature as compared with the present day literary phenomena. This should help them in understanding the medieval culture better. Bibliography: Klaniczay Gábor (szerk.), Európa ezer éve. A középkor, Bp., 2004.
Mezey László, Deákság és Európa, Bp., 1979. Joseph Szövérffy, A Concise History of Medieval Latin Himnody: Religious Lyrics Between Antiquity and Humanism, Leyden, 1985. Madas Edit, Középkori prédikációirodalmunk történetéb l: A kezdetekt l a XIV. század elejéig, Debrecen, 2002. Tarnai Andor, „A magyar nyelvet írni kezdik”: Irodalmi gondolkodás a középkori Magyarországon, Bp., 1984. Description of the Introduction in Philological Studies (prof. dr. Csilla Gábor) The objective of the courses of practical character is to introduce the students itno the main methods and techniques of scientific research. Therefore they will be helped to get familiar with the most important books of reference (dictionaries, encyclopaedies, journals etc.). They will get help to fiind material int libraries, and to get to know the most important dcumentaries in Cluj. There will be organized a visit to the University Library and to the Academic Library in Cluj. Within the framework of courses on textology they will get familiar with the characteristics of the critical edition in comparison to other types of editions. They will also get to know the characeristics of online editions. They will have practice on elaborating scientific texts. Bibliography: • Hargittay Emil (szerk.), Filológia: Bevezetés a régi magyarországi irodalom filológiájába, Bp., 2003. • V. Ecsedy Judit, A könyvkiadás Magyarországon a kézisajtó korában, Bp., 1999. • Tarnóc Márton, Régi Magyarországi Nyomtatványok 1473–1600, Irodalomtörténet, 1972, 521–528 és U , Kett s tükör, Bp., 1988, 256–266. Description of the Introduction to Literary Studies (dr. Zsuzsa Selyem): We shall study the literary phenomena in the contemporary space: after a short introduction to the history of the concept of literature we’ll analyse the different forms of contemporary literature. Which are its recent institutions, media? What is the literature’s function, position in them? How is it re-forming them? How are the basic literary genres (poetry, novel, short-story, drama, essay, criticism etc.) changing? What’s the impact of the net-culture? Our aim is – through these first introductory steps in the first semester of the first university year – to give a few orientative points in contemporary literature, to learn new reading-techniques, to acknowledge manipulatory ideologies, to develop the critical sense and to form autonomous vision on different literary phenomena, based on arguments and sensibility towards the caracteristics of the functioning of society of 21th century. Bibliography: Alain Badiou: Tizenöt tézis a kortárs m vészetr l. http://www.16beavergroup.org/journalisms/archives/000633.php
Walter Benjamin: A m alkotás a technikai sokszorosíthatóság korszakában. In: U : Kommentár és prófécia, 1967. 301-334.l. Jorge Luis Borges: Bábeli könyvtár. Fordította: Boglár Lajos. In: A titokban végbement csoda. Kriterion, Bukarest, 1978. György Péter: A kontextusok kontextusa. http://szabadbolcseszet.elte.hu/mediatar/hipertext_hipermedia/gyorgy_folyo.doc Tamás Gáspár Miklós: Levél a töpreng höz. In: Törzsi fogalmak II. Atlantisz, Bp., 1999. 385-437, 450-451 Form of evaluation: The final grade is compounded: 75% of the grade obtained at Mediaeval and Renaissance Hungarian Literature (exam), 25% Introduction to Philology (colloquium) and 25% Introduction to Literary Studies (colloquium). For obtaining the total credit one has to pass each discipline. Title: The History of Hungarian Literature, the Middle Ages and Renaissance Period Code: LM11261 Nr. of Credits: 4 Lecturer: lecturer Zsombor Tóth PhD Course Description: This course attempts to grasp the literary, both (neo)Latin and Hungarian literary phenomenon relying on the concepts of mentality and tradition. Since both of them seem to display strong connections toward historiography (the French Annales School) and theory of literature (hermeneutics), the lectures and seminars set forth a multi and interdisciplinary approach to the culture, literature and history of the Middle Ages. Consequently, in terms of method, this course proposes considerations regarding literally and poetical or social and anthropological phenomena in order to reveal the multifaceted complexity of textual representations and poetical programs prevailing in this period. All the same, this course will also emphasize the moral, spiritual and literary continuity between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, for, according to my strong conviction, these periods are not dissociable ones. Reading Assignments: BLOCH, Marc, A feudális társadalom, Osiris, Bp., 2002. DELUMEAU, Jean, Frica în Occident (secolele XIV−XVIII), Editura Meridiane, Buc., 1986. A magyar irodalom történetei. A kezdetekt l 1800-ig., szerk. JANKOVITS László és ORLOVSZKY Géza, Gondolat Kiadó, Bp., 2007. KANTOROWICZ, Ernst, The King’s Two Bodies: a Study in Medieval Political Theology, 2nd ed., Princeton:University Press, 1987. TARNAI Andor, „A Magyar nyelvet írni kezdik”: Irodalmi gondolkodás a középkori Magyarországon, Bp., 1984.
Grading: written exam. The grade of the written exam represents 70%, whereas class participation will contribute with 30% to the final grade.
Title: Mediaeval and Renaissance Hungarian Literature/ Introduction to Literary Studies Code: LM12161 Nr. of credits: 7 Lecturer: prof. dr. Gábor Csilla Description of the Mediaeval and Renaissance Hungarian Literature courses: The objective of the courses is to help the students to get acquainted with the mediaeval and renaissance Hungarian literature; they have to practise strategies of interpretation of these texts taking into account the creation methods (imitatio, compilatio) and the special structure of the specific genres pg the period. Themes of the courses: Middle Ages – universality and Christianity, the concept of the beautiful within the system of sacred values, the reception of the medieval rhetoric and poetics in Hungarian literature, the problems of liturgical literature, the cult of saints and historiography; Renaissance – reception of Erasmus’ ideas and its consequences in Hungarian literature, the reformation and the Coucil of Trent. Description of the seminars (Gábor Csilla) The seminar aims at practising text analysis. These texts however are considered in a broader context. Text analysis involves knowledge about the theoretical thinking of the period in question. The themes are formulated in such a manner as to involve the characteristic genres of the period (legend, hymn, historiography, miracles etc). We pay attention to the functionality of the texts, we try to make aware of the essential difference between the contemporary concept concerning literature and the concept of the Middle Ages or the Renaissance: we also follow the convergences between literary, poetical, theological etc. approaches. Description of the seminars (Korondi Ágnes) The main aim of the seminars, besides studying the most important themes, literary genres and concepts of the medieval Hungarian literature, is to discuss some important texts in a broader context. We would like to situate them in the literary life of the age, and, more importantly, we intend to focus on some aspects considered usually as belonging to the history of mentality, spirituality, arts or books. The multiplicity of approaches is desirable, since the literature of this age had an explicitly functional character, being embedded completely in the readers’ political, religious, cultural and personal life. Students need to be aware of the essentially different character of this literature as compared with the present day literary phenomena. This should help them in understanding the medieval culture better.
Bibliography: Klaniczay Gábor (szerk.), Európa ezer éve. A középkor, Bp., 2004. Mezey László, Deákság és Európa, Bp., 1979. Joseph Szövérffy, A Concise History of Medieval Latin Himnody: Religious Lyrics Between Antiquity and Humanism, Leyden, 1985. Madas Edit, Középkori prédikációirodalmunk történetéb l: A kezdetekt l a XIV. század elejéig, Debrecen, 2002. Tarnai Andor, „A magyar nyelvet írni kezdik”: Irodalmi gondolkodás a középkori Magyarországon, Bp., 1984. Title: The History of Hungarian Literature, the Baroque Period Code: LM 12261. Nr. of Credits: 4 Lecturer: lecturer Zsombor Tóth PhD Course Description: This course centered upon the early modern literature, culture and history in the Hungarian Kingdom and the Transylvanian Principality carries on the conceptual and methodological bases of the former course focused upon the Middle Ages. Accordingly, the two most important perspectives organizing the lectures and seminars into one interpretive discourse, are, of course, the aforementioned mentality and tradition. However, the lectures will expound the social and cultural history of the early modern period, providing a sound survey and evaluation of Reformation, Counter Reformation and their political, literary and historical consequences. Thus, confessionalism as a cultural construct, and its impact upon literacy and mentalities will be deciphered in order to explore the historico-anthropological complexity of the early modern Hungarian literary heritage. Reading Assignments: A magyar irodalom története 1600-tól 1772-ig, szerk., KLANICZAY Tibor, Bp., 1964. ZEMPLÉNYI Ferenc, Az európai udvari kultúra és a magyar irodalom, Bp., 1998. JANKOVICS József, Ex Occidente…, Bp., 1999. Retorikák a reformáció korából, szerk., IMRE Mihály, Debrecen, 2000. Craciun, Maria, Ghitta, Ovidiu, and Murdock, Graeme eds., Confessional Identity in East-Central Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002. Grading: written exam. The grade of the written exam represents 70%, whereas class participation will contribute with 30% to the final grade. Title: History of Hungarian Literature III. 1700-1850 Code: LM21161
Nr. of credits: 7 Lecturer: prof.dr.. Egyed Emese Assistant: drd. Biró Annamária Description (lectures) The thematical and critical bibliography serves as a background for the course that aims to present the literary phenomena characteristic for the Enlightenment as well as for the period that precedes the 1848/49 revolution. Special attention is paid to the imitation tendencies of more prestigious literatures (ancient and modern) and the achievement of the Hungarian literary thesaurus. The literary center and the literature of the countryside, the dialogue and the literary contacts are landmarks of the understanding of texts belonging to the 1700-1850 period. Compulsory bibliography Biró Ferenc : Magyar irodalom a felvilágosodás korában. Budapest Balassi 1994 Debreczeni Attila: Csokonai, az újrakezdések költ je. Debrecen 1997 Pomogáts Béla (red.): A nemzet imája. Tanulmányok a Himnuszról. Pro Universitate Partium Nagyvárad 2007 S. Varga Pál: A nemzeti költészet csarnokai. A nemzeti irodalom fogalmi rendszerei a 19. századi magyar irodalomtörténeti gondolkodásban Balassi Bp. 2005 Szalai Anna (red.) Tollharcok. Irodalmi és színházi viták 1830-1826 Budpast 1981 Title/Subject: History of Hungarian Literature III. 1700-1850 (seminary 2nd group) Code: LM21161 Number of credits: 7 lecturer: prof.dr.. Egyed Emese The seminar on History of Hungarian Literature completes the knowledge of Hungarian Literature acquired during the course and aims to study manuscripts and publications belonging to the period 1700-1850 in order to develop the philological skills, as well as the knowledge referring to the conservation and transmission of “literary” values in that period. The old manuscripts kept in the Central University Library, as well as the different types of publications will be analysed from the point of view of functional poetics. The Hungarian works and fragments from other sources (belonging to The Transylvanian Museum Society, Transylvanian families’ book collections) represent accessible examples for the theoretical knowledge acquired from the bibliography recommended for the course. The seminars are planned for 6 meetings in the special collection room (BCU Lucian Blaga) and 6 round table seminars held at the Faculty of Letters. Compulsory bibliography : (5 titles) BÍRÓ Ferenc, A magyar felvilágosodás korának irodalma, (1993, 1994) 1998 HargittayEmil (red).: Bevezetés a régi magyar irodalom filológiájába. 2. ed.. Bp., 1997 Marino, Adrian : Biografia ideii de literatur . vol. 2 Secolul luminilor, secolul 19. Ed. Dacia 1992 Stoll Béla (red.) : A Magyar kéziratos énekeskönyvek és versgy jtemények bibliográfiája (1542-1840) Balassi Kiadó Bp., 2002
V. Ecsedy Judit: V. Ecsedy Judit: A könyvnyomtatás Magyarországon a kézisajtó korában 1473–1800. Budapest, Balassi Kiadó Bp., 1999. Title/Subject: History of Hungarian Literature III. 1700-1850 (seminary 1st group) Code: LM21161 Number of credits: 7 lecturer: drd. Biró Annamária Description (seminars 1st group) The seminars consist of two phases, the first one containing the seminars held at the Faculty of Letters, the theme being the fictive and real journeys in Hungarian literature between 1700-1850. In the frame of the seminars the bibliography of the journeys will be conferred as the source of the history of mentality, the memoirs, journals and letters as the sources of real journeys but written according to the norms of the genre, and the literary texts as the transformation of the norms of real journeys into the literature. The second phase will take place in the Library of Romanian Academy studying manuscripts from the corresponding period the aim being to learn the transcription and commentation of the epoch’s manuscripts. This kind of knowledge is indispensable for a deep study of the respective period. Bibliography Hargittay Emil (Ed), Bevezetés a régi magyar irodalom filológiájába, Universitas, Bp, 1997 S. Varga Pál, Az eredetközösségi narratíva, in. U. . A nemzeti költészet csarnokai. A nemzeti irodalom fogalmi rendszerei a 19. századi magyar irodalomtörténeti gondolkodásban, Balassi Kiadó, Bp., 2005, 233-248. Martinkó András, A prózaíró Pet fi és a magyar prózastílus fejl dése, Budapest, 1965. Michael Harbsmeier, Az útleírások mint a mentalitástörténet forrásai, in. Korall, 2006 November, 25-53 Stanzel, Franz K (Ed.), Europäischer Völkerspiegel. Imagologisch ethnographische Studien zu den Völkertafeln des frühen 18. Jahrhunderts, Universitätsverlag C. Winter, Heidelberg, 1999 Evaluation: Students will be required to present a paper built up on the basis of the texts studied in the Central University Library (BCU) ”Lucian Blaga” – Special Collections (3 points). In addition they will have to be able to answer to a question from the bibliography of the seminar in the written examination. (1,5 points).The seminar attendance is compulsory. The problems that may occur will be discussed with the course instructor.
Hungarian Literature III. The Enlightenment and Romanticism
Code: LM21161 Nr of credits: 7 Lecturer: prof.dr.. Egyed Emese. The thematical and critical bibliography serves as a background for the course that aims to present the literary phenomena characteristic for the Enlightenment as well as for the period that precedes the 1848/49 revolution. Special attention is paid to the imitation tendencies of more prestigious literatures (ancient and modern) and the achievement of the Hungarian literary thesaurus. The literary center and the literature of the countryside, the dialogue and the literary contacts are landmarks of the understanding of texts belonging to the 1700-1850 period. Bibliography Bibliografie obligatorie: Biró Ferenc : Magyar irodalom a felvilágosodás korában. Budapest Balassi 1994 Debreczeni Attila: Csokonai, az újrakezdések költ je. Debrecen 1997 Pomogáts Béla (red.): A nemzet imája. Tanulmányok a Himnuszról. Pro Universitate Partium Nagyvárad 2007 Szabó Zoltán: A magyar szépírói stílus történetének f irányai. Corvina Kiadó, Budapest, 1998. Szalai Anna (red.) Tollharcok. Irodalmi és színházi viták 1830-1826 Budapest 1981 Title/Subject: History of Hungarian Literature III. (seminars) Code: LM21261 Number of credits: 7 Teacher: drd. Demeter Zsuzsa Within the framework of this practical seminar dedicated to literature between 1700 and 1850 we shall examine segments of literary, cultural, reading and genre history by analysing concrete literary texts. The seminar is guided by the programme of the leading course: by the analysis of representative literary texts we shall investigate more general aspects of the literary history characteristic to that age. Among the main questions of the material connected to the age of enlightenment we find: the examination of the notion of enlightenment, its historic transformation, the identification of present-day interpretation aspects; the knowledge of notions related to the history of styles within a given text; issues of genre and authorship. The period between 1825 and 1850 is approached by the works of three authors (Ferenc Kölcsey, Mihály Vörösmarty, Sándor Pet fi). When choosing the authors, dual perspectives had been observed. On the one hand it was considered important that the literary texts of the age be supported by the knowledge acquired by the students about the previous periods, on the other hand that they are offered a glimpse into the newer trends of a changing literary canon. Compulsory bibliography 1. Biró Ferenc, Magyar irodalom a felvilágosodás korában, Balassi, Bp, 1994.
2. Debreczeni Attila (red.), Folytonosság vagy fordulat, A felvilágosodás kutatásának id szer kérdései, Kossuth, Debrecen, 1996. 3. Takáts József (red.), A magyar irodalmi kánon a XIX. Században, Kijárat, Pécs, 2000. 4. S. Varga Pál, A nemzeti költészet csarnokai. A nemzeti irodalom fogalmi rendszerei a 19. század magyar irodalomtörténeti gondolkodásában, Balassi, Bp., 2005. 5. Margócsy István, Pet fi Sándor. Kísérlet, Korona, Bp, 1999. Evaluation: Maximum score that can be obtained during the seminar: 4.50 points. The score is divided as follows: • Presentation of a chosen theme: 0.50 points • Presence and activity during the classes: 0.50 points • Seminar paper: 2 points. • Question from the bibliography of the seminar during the leading course written examination: 1.50 points Participation at the seminar is obligatory (80%) Seminar papers are due by: 15 December 2007 Only those students will be accepted at the examination, who: - have delivered their seminar papers in due time; - have been present at the classes of the seminar (2 absences are permitted). Students will be required to present a paper built (3 points). In addition they will have to be able to answer to a question from the bibliography of the seminar in the written examination. (1,5 points+5,5 points from the course matter).: The seminar attendance is compulsory. The problems that may occur will be discussed with the lecturer. Dept. of Hungarian Literary Studies Title of the course: Hungarian literature in the second half of the 19th century (1849– 1908) Curricular ID: LM 22161 Dr. Levente Szabó MHist
Hungarian literature in the second half of the 19th century (1849–1908) Locating the content of the course within the curriculum: The course aims at being an introductory university framework in matters of a highly important period of Hungarian literature. It is going to focus on the elements of modernization occurring in the second half of nineteenth-century literature, at the same time connecting literary studies with social studies of modernization. Along this vision of the literary period at issue two core narratives will unfold. On the one hand the course emphasizes the social history of early modernist Hungarian literary phenomena and the ‘entangled literary history’ of literary works, movements, connections and social
structures, strata, phenomena. On the other hand writers and institutions of poetical ‘high’ modernism will be considered so as to rebuild a historical notion of modern literature and poetical modernization. Compulsory literature Dávidházi Péter, Hunyt mesterünk. Arany János kritikusi öröksége, Argumentum, Bp, 1994 (ed. 2.). Eisemann György, Mikszáth Kálmán. Kísérlet, Korona, Bp., 2001. Hajdu Péter, Csak egyet, de kétszer. A Mikszáth-próza kérdései, Gondolat Pompeji, 2005, 122-154. Szegedy-Maszák Mihály, Kemény Zsigmond, Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1989, 131-143. Szilasi László, Jókai Jókait olvas. (Szerz i szándék és olvasói akarat a Jókai-regényeket kísér Jókai-szövegekben) = Sz. L., A selyemgubó és a „bonczoló kés”, Osiris–Pompeji, Bp., 2000. S. Varga Pál, Mi a nemzeti irodalom = Nemzet – identitás – irodalom. A nemzetfogalom változatai és a közösségi identifikáció kérdései a régi és a klasszikus magyar irodalomban, szerk. Bényei Péter, Gönczy Monika, Debrecen, 2005, 293-328. Student assessment – active participation at seminars and handing in a min. eight-page seminar paper till a date esteblished on the first day of the semester (1/3 of the final mark) - written exam in the form of a test (1/3 of the final mark) - oral exam (with analytical exam questions regarding the issues touched upon along the course, the seminars or in their compulsory literature (1/3 of the final mark)
Title: History of Hungarian Literature V Code: LM 31161 Nr. of credits: 6 Lecturer: lect.dr. Balázs Imre József Description: An overview of the literature of Hungarian modernism (1906–1944). Objects of discussion: Canons in motion: a discussion of Hungarian Modernism. Ady Endre as a founder of Hungarian Modernism. Posthumous reception of Ady. Babits Mihály. Kosztolányi Dezs . Csáth Géza. Kaffka Margit and womens literature. Krúdy Gyula. Kassák Lajos and the Hungarian Avant-Garde. József Attila. Szabó L rinc. Szerb Antal. Radnóti Miklós and the literature of the holocaust. Füst Milán. At the seminars are discussed the works of: Karinthy Frigyes, Móricz Zsigmond, Kosztolányi Dezs , Dsida Jen , Szerb Antal, Márai Sándor. Compulsory bibliography: Szegedy-Maszák Mihály: Világirodalmi távlat megteremtése. Megjelenik a Nyugat cím folyóirat els száma. In: A magyar irodalom történetei II. Bp., Gondolat, 2007. 704–722.
Eisemann György: Modernitás, nyelv, szimbólum. Ady Endre: Új versek. In: A magyar irodalom történetei II. Bp., Gondolat, 2007. 689–703. Nemes Nagy Ágnes: A hegyi költ . Bp., Magvet , 1984. Szegedy-Maszák Mihály: Kosztolányi nyelvszemlélete, http://nyitottegyetem.philinst.hu/lit/kosztola.htm Horváth Györgyi: N i irodalom a magyar századel n. Sárkányf 1999/4. http://www.geocities.com/noszol/kafsarf.htm Title: Theory and practice of the literary profession Code: LM31161 Nr. credits: 6 Lecturer: lect.dr. Balázs Imre József Description : … At the end of the practical course, the students will have practical knowledge about: – editing literary and cultural reviews – editing books – writing literary criticism Methods: workshops, individual work in a tutorial system, direct contacts with editors Bibliography: Gyurgyák János: Szerkeszt k és szerz k kézikönyve. Osiris, Budapest, 2000. On-line and off-line literary and cultural reviews: Korunk Látó Élet és Irodalom Litera.hu Form of evaluation: exam. At the same exam it is evaluated the students knowledge about the courses and the seminars. The grade is added to the grade obtained at the course Theory and practice of the literary profession. 2/3 of the final grade comes from the History of Hungarian Literature V, 1/3 comes from Theory and practice of the literary profession.
Title: Children’s Literature Code: LM31165 Nr. of credits: 4 Lecturer: Agnes Klara Papp dr PhD Description: The genre of the tale: the difficulties of the definition and its causes. The types of the folktales. Motif-Index. Tale and children’s literature: similarities and differences.Theories about the origin of the tale. The relation betweenthe tale and the myth. Aspects and methods of the research.The morphology of the tale.The transformation of the folk-tale’s structure in children’s books. The transformation of the
folk-tale’s characters in children’s books.The reception of the tale, and its results in the narration of the tale. Traces of the oral tradition in children’s books.The public of the folk-tale and the audience of the children’s literature: the results of the differences. The reduction of the intrigue in children’s literature. The magic in tales.The fantastic and the allegoric tale Compulsory bibliography: Meletyinszkij: A mese strukturális-tipológiai kutatása, in: Propp: A mese morfológiája 1995-ös v. kés bbi kiadás Hermann Zoltán: A mese archeológiája (Propp meseelmélete) in: A meseszövés változatai szerk.: Bálint Péter Jung, Carl Gustav: Mélységeink ösvényein (A kollektív tudattalan archetípusairól szóló fejezet) Bettelheim, Bruno: A mese b völete és a bontakozó gyermeki lélek Franz, Marie-Louise von: Archetípusos minták a mesében Form of evaluation: Colloquium and interpretion of a tale
Title: History of Hungarian Literature V Code: LM 31261 Nr. of credits: 7 Lecturer: lect.dr. Balázs Imre József Description: An overview of the literature of Hungarian modernism (1906–1944). Objects of discussion: Canons in motion: a discussion of Hungarian Modernism. Ady Endre as a founder of Hungarian Modernism. Posthumous reception of Ady. Babits Mihály. Kosztolányi Dezs . Csáth Géza. Kaffka Margit and womens literature. Krúdy Gyula. Kassák Lajos and the Hungarian Avant-Garde. József Attila. Szabó L rinc. At the seminars are discussed the works of: Karinthy Frigyes, Móricz Zsigmond, Kosztolányi Dezs , Dsida Jen , Szerb Antal, Márai Sándor. Compulsory bibliography: Szegedy-Maszák Mihály: Világirodalmi távlat megteremtése. Megjelenik a Nyugat cím folyóirat els száma. In: A magyar irodalom történetei II. Bp., Gondolat, 2007. 704–722. Eisemann György: Modernitás, nyelv, szimbólum. Ady Endre: Új versek. In: A magyar irodalom történetei II. Bp., Gondolat, 2007. 689–703. Nemes Nagy Ágnes: A hegyi költ . Bp., Magvet , 1984. Szegedy-Maszák Mihály: Kosztolányi nyelvszemlélete, http://nyitottegyetem.philinst.hu/lit/kosztola.htm Horváth Györgyi: N i irodalom a magyar századel n. Sárkányf 1999/4. http://www.geocities.com/noszol/kafsarf.htm Form of evaluation: exam. At the same exam it is evaluated the students knowledge about the courses and the seminars.
Title: History of Hungarian Literature – Contemporary Literature Code: Nr. of credits: 7 Lecturer: lect.dr. Zsuzsa Selyem Description: We shall study Hungarian Literature in the second half of 20th century in a larger context. The literary phenomena have changed a lot since the second WW. The function, the position and possibilities of literature and its institution of the post-holocaust condition. Censorship, prohibition, propaganda, underground art in East-European dictatorship. Methodology: literary anthropology, history of politics, media-history, literature and film, literature and art relationship, the poetics of late-modernism and postmodernism, links and intertexts with universal literature. The studied litery oeuvres: Weöres Sándor, Ottlik Géza, Örkény István, Tandori Dezs , Pilinszky János, Erdély Miklós, Mészöly Miklós, Nádas Péter, Petri György, Esterházy Péter, Kertész Imre and Parti Nagy Lajos. Compulsory bibliography: Kulcsár Szabó Ern : A magyar irodalom története 1945-1991. Argumentum, Bp., 1994. Margócsy István: „névszón ige” – Vázlat az újabb magyar költészet két nagy poétikai tendenciájáról. In: „Nagyon komoly játékok” Pesti Szalon, Bp., 1996. Márton László: A kitaposott zsákutca, avagy történelem a történetekben. Jelenkor 1998. február. Rohonyi Zoltán (szerk.): Irodalmi kánon és kanonizáció. Osiris, Bp., 2001. Schein Gábor: Poétikai kísérlet az Újhold költészetében. Universitas, Bp., 1998. 187-228. Form of evaluation: exam and activity on seminars, fifty-fifty percent. The title of the course: Theory of Literature Code: LM32161 Number of credits: 7 Teacher: prof. dr. Orbán Gyöngyi Description of the discipline: We intend to study and understand the principles of literary hermeneutics in an applicative manner, taking into consideration the practice of teaching literature. The two problems can and must be connected because the students have their compulsory teaching practice in the third year; to read applicatively and to discuss the representative texts of modern hermeneutics may encourage their work. Moreover, we can often experience that the university studies scarcely and rarely have any influence upon the pedagogues’ daily work in which they tend to follow automatically the models set by their own teachers as regards their views and behaviour. The course built on group work and discussions has as an aim to make the students aware that they are
supposed to question the preconceptions of their interpretational practice, as well as to search for the possible ways of developing the interpretational abilities applied to the given situation.
Compulsory reading: 1. Manfred Frank: Mit jelent "egy szöveget megérteni"? In: Bacsó Béla (szerk.): Az esztétika vége - vagy se vége, se hossza?, Ikon Kiadó, Bp., 1995. 2. Hans-Georg Gadamer: Az eminens szöveg és igazsága. In: u : A szép aktualitása, TTWINS Kiadó, 1994. 3. Hans Robert Jauss: A költ i szöveg az olvasás horizontváltásában. In: u : Recepcióelmélet - esztétikai tapasztalat - irodalmi hermeneutika, Osiris, 1997. 4. Fóris-Ferenczi Rita - Orbán Gyöngyi - Székely Melinda - Vincze Kata Zsófia Zágoni Melinda: Beszélget könyv a megért irodalomoktatásról. T3 Kiadó, Sepsiszentgyörgy, 2003. 5. Sipos Lajos (szerk.): Irodalomtanítás a harmadik évezredben. Krónika Nova Kiadó, 2006.
Examination form: exam - test based on the compulsory reading (30%) - written exam (30%) - seminar activity(30%)
FINAL MARK: The mark obtained in History of Literature and in Theory of Literature in 3/2 proportion. Title: Ancient Rome and the historical novel in the 20th century Code: LM32166 Credits: 4 Dr. Horváth Andor, associate professor Description: The 20th century produced important changes concerning the theory and the methods of historical knowledge. As a consequence, the historical novel also reformed both his vision and methods in order to create new conditions of fictional authenticity. We shall analyse the perspectives of narators in 20th century novels on antique Rome such as the novels written by Anatole France, Thorton Wilder, Hermann Broch, Lion Feuchtwanger, Kosztolányi Dezs , Spiró György. We shall do researches on authors options about the possibilities of historical knowledge and what do these options conclude to in respect of aesthetical means and fictional authenticity. Compulsory bibiography (besides the studied novels): 1. Carr, David: The reality of the History. 2. Lukács, György: The historical Novel. 3. Ricoeur, Paul: Memory – fergotfullness – History 4. Rüsen, Jörn: The rhetoric of History.
Form of evaluation: exam.
Title: History of Hungarian Literature in the Second Half of 20th Century Code: Nr. of credits: 4 Lecturer: lect.dr. Zsuzsa Selyem Description: We shall study Hungarian Literature in the second half of 20th century in a larger context. The literary phenomena have changed a lot since the second WW. The function, the position and possibilities of literature and its institution of the post-holocaust condition. Censorship, prohibition, propaganda, underground art in East-European dictatorship. Methodology: literary anthropology, history of politics, media-history, literature and film, literature and art relationship, the poetics of late-modernism and postmodernism, links and intertexts with universal literature. The studied litery oeuvres: Weöres Sándor, Ottlik Géza, Örkény István, Tandori Dezs , Pilinszky János, Erdély Miklós, Mészöly Miklós, Nádas Péter, Petri György, Esterházy Péter, Kertész Imre and Parti Nagy Lajos. Compulsory bibliography: Kulcsár Szabó Ern : A magyar irodalom története 1945-1991. Argumentum, Bp., 1994. Margócsy István: „névszón ige” – Vázlat az újabb magyar költészet két nagy poétikai tendenciájáról. In: „Nagyon komoly játékok” Pesti Szalon, Bp., 1996. Márton László: A kitaposott zsákutca, avagy történelem a történetekben. Jelenkor 1998. február. Rohonyi Zoltán (szerk.): Irodalmi kánon és kanonizáció. Osiris, Bp., 2001. Schein Gábor: Poétikai kísérlet az Újhold költészetében. Universitas, Bp., 1998. 187-228. Form of evaluation: exam and activity on seminars, fifty-fifty percent.
Title: Reading Contemporary Literature Code: LM32265 Nr. of credits: 3 Lecturer: lect.dr. Zsuzsa Selyem Description: presentation of contemporary literary phemnomena; (re)cognition of contemporary literary technics; redifining the borders of literary genres and of different forms of art; the evolution of literary forms through different traditions and among other forms of media; the roles of the reader; professional, non-professional and anti-professional readings; creative strategies of interpretation. The gole is understanding contemporary literary
phenomena in its synchronicity, when there are not methodological and canonical conventions at hand. Compulsory bibliography: Arendt Hannah (1958): The Human Condition. Doubleday Anchor Books, Garden City. McFarlane, Brian: Novel to Film. An Introduction to the Theory of Adaptation. Oxford University Press, 1996. Gács Anna - Gelencsér Gábor (szerk.): Adoptációk. Film és irodalom egymásra hatása. Budapest, Kijárat Kiadó - JAK, 2000. Horváth Györgyi: N i olvasás: fenyeget élvezetek? In: Lóránd Zsófia et alii (szerk.): Laikus olvasók? A nem-professzionális olvasás értelmezési lehet ségei. L’Harmattan Kiadó, Budapest, 2006. 32-51. Mesterházy Balázs: „I just murdered the alphabet”. Eminem-jegyzetek. In: Lóránd Zsófia et alii (szerk.): Laikus olvasók? A nem-professzionális olvasás értelmezési lehet ségei. L’Harmattan Kiadó, Budapest, 2006. 245-256.. Form of evaluation: colloquium and activity on seminars, fifty-fifty percent. Title of the course: Comparative literature Cod: LM41102 Number of credits: 4 Teacher: Dr. Berszán István, Associate Professor Course description and topics Teaching purpose: to understand and apply comparative techniques based on Lacanian psychoanalysis and media theory Topics: Language and Lacanian psychoanalysis. The mirror stage and the Imaginary Subject. Symbolic cognition – desire and rule. The psychoanalysis of the person and the psyche as a textual formation. Psychoanalysis and literary analysis. Tropologic change in the chain of signifiers. Reading and transference (P. Brooks). Intertextual relation between text and reader (E. Ragland-Sullivan). The positions of the Subject and the discourse of the Other. Against the monomedial approach to literature (K. Ludwig Pfeiffer). Media configurations in culture. Historical structures of imaginary. Comparative analysis and cultural criticism: Japan versus Europe. The white and black Australia – media configurations in a film by Rolf de Heer: The tracker , 2002. Bibliography: - Jaques Lacan: "Részletek a Hamlet-szemináriumból", in: Bókay Antal, Er s Ferenc (szerk.): Pszichoanalízis és irodalomtudomány, Budapest: Filum 1998 - Jacques Lacan: "A tükör-stádium mint az én funkciójának kialakítója, ahogyan ezt a pszichoanalitikus tapasztalat feltárja számunkra", Thalassa (4) 1993/2 - Jacques Lacan: "A fallosz jelentése", Café Babel 1998/3 - Er s Ferenc: "Jacques Lacan avagy a vágy tragédiája", Thalassa (4) 1993/2
- K. Ludwig Pfeiffer: A mediális és az imaginárius. Magyar M hely – Ráció, Budapest 2005. Seminar topics Teacher: Demény Péter Description: We are studying the problems of identity in the mirror of literature. This notion became very questionable in postmodern writings. We examine Foucault’s studys, Shakespeare’s play, Cavafis’s and contemporary Hungarian poetry. Purpose: to understand that identity is a subjective and intersubjective „creation”. First semester First seminar: Introducing Second seminar: Michel Foucault. Where is „me”? Third-Fourth-th seminar:: Psziché by Sándor Weöres. The limits of the Self. Fifth seminar: András Ferenc Kovács. Escaping myself. Sixth seminar: Lajos Parti Nagy. Fighting with my own. Seventh seminar: Géza Sz cs: „Romeo and Juliet” Fighting is going on. I. Bibliography: Er s Ferenc: „Kísérteties” találkozások az alter-egóval. http://art.pte.hu/muveszetterapia/download/eros/kiserteties-talalkozasok-az-alteregoval.rtf Németh Zoltán: Parti Nagy Lajos. http://www.litera.hu/object.64d12b09-3098-4acbb0e5-960aec37e497.ivy Németh Zoltán: Erotika, nemiség és obszcenitás mint posztmodern identitásjáték. http://www.szepiroktarsasaga.hu/szepirok/index.php?pageid=318 Michel Foucault bemutatásában: Herculine Barbin, más néven Alexina B. Jószöveg, Budapest 1997. Selyem Zsuzsa: Kovács András Ferenc költészete. http://www.litera.hu/object.e6059400c574-42d5-b472-66e19188b9a1.ivy Examination: exam + assessment of a seminar essay
Title: History of Hungarian Literature V Code: LM41161 Nr. of credits: 5 Lecturer: lect.dr. Balázs Imre József Description: An overview of the literature of Hungarian modernism (1906–1944). Objects of discussion: Canons in motion: a discussion of Hungarian Modernism. Ady Endre as a founder of Hungarian Modernism. Posthumous reception of Ady. Babits Mihály.
Kosztolányi Dezs . Csáth Géza. Kaffka Margit and womens literature. Krúdy Gyula. Kassák Lajos and the Hungarian Avant-Garde. József Attila. Szabó L rinc. Szerb Antal. Radnóti Miklós and the literature of the holocaust. Füst Milán. At the seminars are discussed the works of: Karinthy Frigyes, Móricz Zsigmond, Dsida Jen , Márai Sándor, Faludy György, Rejt Jen . Compulsory bibliography: Szegedy-Maszák Mihály: Világirodalmi távlat megteremtése. Megjelenik a Nyugat cím folyóirat els száma. In: A magyar irodalom történetei II. Bp., Gondolat, 2007. 704–722. Eisemann György: Modernitás, nyelv, szimbólum. Ady Endre: Új versek. In: A magyar irodalom történetei II. Bp., Gondolat, 2007. 689–703. Nemes Nagy Ágnes: A hegyi költ . Bp., Magvet , 1984. Szegedy-Maszák Mihály: Kosztolányi nyelvszemlélete, http://nyitottegyetem.philinst.hu/lit/kosztola.htm Horváth Györgyi: N i irodalom a magyar századel n. Sárkányf 1999/4. http://www.geocities.com/noszol/kafsarf.htm Form of evaluation: colloquium. At the same exam it is evaluated the students knowledge about the courses and the seminars. Dept. of Hungarian Literary Studies Title of the course: Theories of literary history Curricular ID: LM 41184 Dr. Levente Szabó MHist
Theories of Literary Historiography Locating the content of the course within the discipline: As an intermediate course for those who have basic knowledge in the practice of historiography and literary historiography, but not in the methodological framework connecting and theorizing these, the aim of the course is to present the specific problems along a general framework in which aspects, trends, concepts and scholars can be positioned. Accordingly, while the lectures attempt to give a comprehensive outline of the major themes, problems and foreground the relevant contemporary debates, they will always be accompanied by several seminars which will offer the chance for students to position themselves regarding the problems presented, to discuss them along primary sources and secondary texts that provoke and enthrall. The core of the lectures will be positioned around the following issues: ideological biases and the literary histories (reading nation-building and literary history; the latest methods of conceptual history),
literary history and the diverging conceptions of memory, concepts of time and diverging literary histories (types of time structures, ideological uses of time, the possibilities of a history of the recent and contemporary literature), the applied history of media in literary history, the new trends in quantitative and qualitative literary sociology, the methods of social history in the literary one, space and spatial structures in literary history, the theories of text and textual intervention in literary methodologies. Compulsory bibliography: Hans Blumenberg, A korszakfogalom korszakai, ford. Török Ervin, Helikon 2000 / 3., 303–323. Roger Chartier, De la carte la lectur . Practicile citadine ale tip riturii = C. R., Lectori si cititori în Fran a Vechiului Regim, Meridiane, Bucure ti, 1997, 181–240. Friedrich Kittler, Optikai médiumok. Berlini el adás, 1999, ford. Kelemen Pál, Magyar M hely Kiadó – Ráció Kiadó, 2005, 123–153. Koselleck, Reinhart, Történelem, történetek és formális id struktúrák = K. R., Elmúlt jöv . A történeti id k szemantikája, Atlantisz, Bp., 2003, 147-162. Jörn Rüsen, Trauma és gyász a történelmi gondolkodásban, ford. Karádi Éva, Magyar Lettre Internationale 2004 / 3., 54. sz., 14–16. Anthony D. Smith, A nacionalizmus és a történészek, Regio 2000 / 2., 5-33. Eric Storm, The Rise of the Intellectual Around 1900: Spain and France, European History Quarterly 2002 / 2., 139–160. (vagy: Christophe Charle, Intelectualii in Europa secolului al XIX-lea. Eseu de istorie comparat , Institutul European, 2002. – bármelyik fejezet választható) Evaluation: Above the average reading, students will be asked to actively position themselves along the seminars. They will also have several written assignments linked to specific seminars. This will constitute half of the final mark, , the remaining half being the outcome of an exam on the issues touched throughout the course (including the comments of the students upon the works included in their compulsory bibliography).
Title: History of Hungarian Literature V Code: LM41261 Nr. of credits: 5 Lecturer: lect.dr. Balázs Imre József Description: An overview of the literature of Hungarian modernism (1906–1944). Objects of discussion: Canons in motion: a discussion of Hungarian Modernism. Ady Endre as a founder of Hungarian Modernism. Posthumous reception of Ady. Babits Mihály. Kosztolányi Dezs . Csáth Géza. Kaffka Margit and womens literature. Krúdy Gyula. Kassák Lajos and the Hungarian Avant-Garde. József Attila. Szabó L rinc. Szerb Antal. Radnóti Miklós and the literature of the holocaust. Füst Milán. At the seminars are discussed the works of: Karinthy Frigyes, Móricz Zsigmond, Dsida Jen , Márai Sándor, Faludy György, Rejt Jen . Compulsory bibliography: Szegedy-Maszák Mihály: Világirodalmi távlat megteremtése. Megjelenik a Nyugat cím folyóirat els száma. In: A magyar irodalom történetei II. Bp., Gondolat, 2007. 704–722. Eisemann György: Modernitás, nyelv, szimbólum. Ady Endre: Új versek. In: A magyar irodalom történetei II. Bp., Gondolat, 2007. 689–703. Nemes Nagy Ágnes: A hegyi költ . Bp., Magvet , 1984. Szegedy-Maszák Mihály: Kosztolányi nyelvszemlélete, http://nyitottegyetem.philinst.hu/lit/kosztola.htm Horváth Györgyi: N i irodalom a magyar századel n. Sárkányf 1999/4. http://www.geocities.com/noszol/kafsarf.htm Form of evaluation: colloquium. At the same exam it is evaluated the students knowledge about the courses and the seminars.
Title: History of Hungarian Literature VIII Code: Nr. of credits: 5 Lecturer: lect.dr. Zsuzsa Selyem Description: We shall study Hungarian Literature in the second half of 20th century in a larger context. The literary phenomena have changed a lot since the second WW. The function, the position and possibilities of literature and its institution of the post-holocaust condition. Censorship, prohibition, propaganda, underground art in East-European dictatorship. Methodology: literary anthropology, history of politics, media-history, literature and film, literature and art relationship, the poetics of late-modernism and postmodernism, links and intertexts with universal literature. The studied litery oeuvres: Weöres Sándor, Ottlik
Géza, Örkény István, Tandori Dezs , Pilinszky János, Erdély Miklós, Mészöly Miklós, Nádas Péter, Petri György, Esterházy Péter, Kertész Imre and Parti Nagy Lajos. Compulsory bibliography: Kulcsár Szabó Ern : A magyar irodalom története 1945-1991. Argumentum, Bp., 1994. Margócsy István: „névszón ige” – Vázlat az újabb magyar költészet két nagy poétikai tendenciájáról. In: „Nagyon komoly játékok” Pesti Szalon, Bp., 1996. Márton László: A kitaposott zsákutca, avagy történelem a történetekben. Jelenkor 1998. február. Rohonyi Zoltán (szerk.): Irodalmi kánon és kanonizáció. Osiris, Bp., 2001. Schein Gábor: Poétikai kísérlet az Újhold költészetében. Universitas, Bp., 1998. 187-228. Form of evaluation: exam and activity on seminars, fifty-fifty percent. Title of the course: Comparative literature Cod: LM42184 Number of credits: 5 Teacher: Dr. Berszán István, Associate Professor Description and topics Teaching purposes: profound study of several basic theoretical texts of the American deconstruction (after an introduction to literary theory in the first year) Topics: Paul de Man’s interpretation of Nietzsche: philosophy as literature, fictionality of the metaphysical concepts of Truth and Causality, rhetorics of classical logic. The critique of deconstructive rhetoric: performative action and the ethical gesture; duration, rhythm and temporality. Paul de Man’s interpretation of Kant: materiality and phenomenality in the Kantian Critiques, gaps in the analysis of Sublime, Augenschein as an optical-geometrical architecture and the architecture of the Kantian epistemology. The critique of deconstructive rhetoric: decision and pragmatics; the ritual of interpretation. Topics for seminars: during the semester we will analyze three important texts of Paul de Man 1. Az irónia fogalma. In Paul de Man: Esztétikai ideológia. Janus/Osiris, Budapest 2000 2. Pascal allegóriája a meggy zésr l. In Paul de Man: Esztétikai ideológia. Janus/Osiris, Budapest 2000. 3. Materialitás és fenomenalitás Kantál. In Paul de Man: Esztétikai ideológia. Janus/Osiris, Budapest 2000. Bibliography:
Paul de Man: A trópusok retorikája. In Paul de Man: Az olvasás allegóriái. Ictus, JATE, Szeged 1999. Paul de Man: A meggy zés retorikája. In Paul de Man: Az olvasás allegóriái. Ictus, JATE, Szeged 1999. Paul de Man: Fenomenalitás és materialitás Kantnál. In Paul de Man: Esztétikai ideológia. Janus/Osiris, Budapest 2000. Paul de Man: Kant materializmusa. In Paul de Man: Esztétikai ideológia. Janus/Osiris, Budapest 2000. Berszán István: Ideológia és rítus Paul de Man kritikai olvasataiban. Korunk 2006/7.
Examination: exam
Title: History of Hungarian Literature VIII Code: Nr. of credits: 4 Lecturer: lect.dr. Zsuzsa Selyem Description: We shall study Hungarian Literature in the second half of 20th century in a larger context. The literary phenomena have changed a lot since the second WW. The function, the position and possibilities of literature and its institution of the post-holocaust condition. Censorship, prohibition, propaganda, underground art in East-European dictatorship. Methodology: literary anthropology, history of politics, media-history, literature and film, literature and art relationship, the poetics of late-modernism and postmodernism, links and intertexts with universal literature. The studied litery oeuvres: Weöres Sándor, Ottlik Géza, Örkény István, Tandori Dezs , Pilinszky János, Erdély Miklós, Mészöly Miklós, Nádas Péter, Petri György, Esterházy Péter, Kertész Imre and Parti Nagy Lajos. Compulsory bibliography: Kulcsár Szabó Ern : A magyar irodalom története 1945-1991. Argumentum, Bp., 1994. Margócsy István: „névszón ige” – Vázlat az újabb magyar költészet két nagy poétikai tendenciájáról. In: „Nagyon komoly játékok” Pesti Szalon, Bp., 1996. Márton László: A kitaposott zsákutca, avagy történelem a történetekben. Jelenkor 1998. február. Rohonyi Zoltán (szerk.): Irodalmi kánon és kanonizáció. Osiris, Bp., 2001. Schein Gábor: Poétikai kísérlet az Újhold költészetében. Universitas, Bp., 1998. 187-228. Form of evaluation: exam and activity on seminars, fifty-fifty percent. Title of the course : Paleography - Cult and Canonisation Code: LM6101 Number of credits: 7
Lecturer: Éva Gyimesi, professor consultant Description of the course: We have been witnessing an intensification of professional debates regarding the large differences in the evaluation and canonisation of certain Transylvanian Hungarian authors by literary critics in Hungary and ‘across the borders’. At the same time, we have seen an increasing interest in the subject of cult and canonisation in literature. Therefore it appears to be important to pose certain theoretical and practical questions regarding canonisation strategies, literary values, and criticism. Literary value, appreciation of value, and the acts of canonisation – these are the most adequate notions enabling us to analise and evaluate a phenomenon that is nearly extraordinary in today’s Hungarian literary criticism: the cult of András Süt and Albert Wass, a phenomenon that has never been preceded by thorough, scientific analysis. Mandatory literature: Bojtár Endre :Az irodalmi m értéke és értékelése. In : A strukturalizmus után. (Szerk: Szili József, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1992.) Boka László : Látlelet és/vagy diagnózis. Egy korszer (bb) kánonkoncepció esélye (f)elé. (In: Boka L.: A befogadás rétegei. Ariadné könyvek. Komp-Press, 2004. 13-81) Boka László: Ideologikus alakzatok az (1957 utáni) erdélyi irodalom fogadtatásában. (In: i.m. 82-122.) Rohonyi Zoltán (Szerk.):Irodalmi kánon és kanonizáció. Osiris-Láthatatlan Kollégium. Budapest, 2001. Szegedy-Maszák Mihály: A bizonytalanság ábrándja: kánonképz dés a posztmodern korban. In: „Minta a sz nyegen”. 1995. Mode of evaluation, points : Presence in 80% of classes: 2 points Active presence: 2 points Essay: 3 points Creativity: 3 points Organisational issues, exceptional cases: Making up leeway is to be discussed at consultation hours. Plagiarism is penalized by refusal of essay. Description of seminars (Teaching assistant Dócy Örs, PhD candidate) The main objectives of this seminar are the presentation and definition of the academic peregrinations sources. The basis of the study will represent the journal of Bodos(i) Sámuel entitled Nevezetes változások: melyeket Életem folyása ’s viszontagságai Leirásában maradékom kedvéért fel jegyezgettem. By reading his diary the students may gain insight in the student life of the 18th century reformed college’s habits as well as in the university life of Franeker. Student would find this manuscript in the Old Hungarian
Books Section in the Academic Library of Cluj-Napoca, identified by the Nr: MsR 1554. Through this seminar the students will extend their knowledge about the history of handwriting and about development of handwritten books. Bibliography 1. Érszegi Géza: Paleográfia. In: Hargittay Emil (szerk.), Filológia: Bevezetés a régi magyar irodalom filológiájába, Budapest, Universitas Könyvkiadó, 1996. 45-58. 2. Deé Nagy Anikó, A könyvtáralapító Teleki Sámuel, Kolozsvár, Az Erdélyi MúzeumEgyesület kiadása, 1997. 14-37, 110-140, 157-224. 3. Deé Nagy Anikó, Sebestyén-Spielmann Mihály és Vakarcs Szilárd (szerk.), Emlékkönyv a Teleki Téka alapításának 200. évfordulójára 1802-2002, Marosvásárhely, Mentor Kiadó, 2002.
Tonk Sándor, Vita sine literis mors est. Gondolatok a marosvásárhelyi Teleki Téka megnyitásának 200. évfordulóján. 7-13. Sebestyén-Spielmann Mihály, A sárospataki (-gyulafehérvári) Református Kollégium Marosvásárhelyen rzött könyvei. 272-279. W. Salgó Ágnes, Epizódok Apponyi Sándor Hungarica-gy jteményének történetéb l. 450-464.
4. Gömöri György, Erdélyi merítések, Kolozsvár, KOMP-PRESS, Korunk Baráti Társaság, 2004. Kaposi Sámuel angliai utazása és kés bbi tanári m ködése. 116-129. Az enyedi kollégium anglial gy jtésének történetéhez. 138-149.
5. Bányai Réka (szerk.), Könyves m veltség Erdélyben, Marosvásárhely, Mentor Kiadó, 2006.
V. Ecsedy Judit, Könyvek és könyvnyomtatók I. Apafi Mihály korában (1661-1690). 9-22. Verók Attila, Az erdélyi szász polgárság 16-18. századi könyvjegyzékeinek olvasmánytörténeti tanulságai. 22-43. Körmendy Kinga, Iura Civilia-arbor consanguineitatis-carmen historicum. Teleki László kolozsvári könyvtárának kolligátuma MTAK Kézirattára K 566. 196-213. Sebestyén-Spielmann Mihály, Nagyenyedi könyvek a Teleki-Bolyai Könyvtárban. 171-195.
6. Jakó Zsigmond-Juhász István, Nagyenyedi diákok 1662-1848. Bukarest, Kriterion Könyvkiadó, 1979. Juhász István, Diákélet a Bethlen Kollégiumban. 5-40.
Examination: students should maintain 2 paper exams. The average of these exams will represent 50% of the final grade. Title: Literary concepts and ideas Code: LM6103 Credits: 7 Dr. Horvath Andor, associate professor Description:
The history of the French Literature has given the name of „La Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes” to a controversy which has taken place in the 17th century with strong echos since the 19th even to the present time. This dispute modified the previous vision concerning the legacy of the ancient culture and it revealed a new concept of the asthetic field and of the historical progress. Nietzsche’s „Birth of Tragedy”, published in 1872, is not only an inversigation about the most famous ancient literary genres, but it contents also a critical view upon western modernity. The author exhorts to a return in the past proposing his restauration in morals and culture. Seminars: Discussions about texts concerning French and German classicism (Corneille, Racine, Hölderlin), the evolution of the aestethical concepts (Baumgarten, Baudelaire, Taine, Zola, Dilthey), the western modernity (Spengler, Heidegger, Jean-Francois Lyotard, JeanLuc Nancy). The advancement from the classic to modern and postmodern. Compulsory bibliography: Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de: Méditation sur les Anciens et les Modernes. Kant, Immanuel: R spuns la întrebarea: Ce este Iluminismul? Nietzsche, Friedrich: Na terea tragediei. Habermas, Jürgen: Discurs filosofic despre modernitate. Heidegger, Martin: Metafizica lui Nietzsche. Form of evaluation: exam.
Title: Art History – The Relationship between Contemporary Prose and Film Code: LM6104 Nr. of credits: 5 Lecturer: lect.dr. Zsuzsa Selyem Description: I propose for analysis the relationship between contemporary literature and contemporary film, as a starting point to study contemporary aesthetics. I chose such pieces that are represented both as texts and films. We shall not deal with “adaptations” - our concern is to study different forms of art without supposing among them some kind of hierarchy (not speaking about the bad results for literature if such hierarchy would be given in present). We shall search for the characteristics and possibilities of different media. Concerning our methods I would emphasize narratology – how a story can be built in the material of language and how in the material of pictures, sounds, movements and so on. Taking into account the contemporaneity of our subject, we shall use anthropological and political approaches too, looking for the communication among different cultures and societies through the power and “aura” (Benjamin) of arts.
Compulsory bibliography:
Bodor Ádám: Az érsek látogatása. 1999. – Kamondi Zoltán: Dolina, 2006. 122’ Michel Houellebecq: Les particules elementaires. 1998. – Oskar Roehler: Atomized. 2006.108’ Elfriede Jelinek: The Pianist. 1995. – Michael Haneke: La Pianiste. 2001. 125’ Franz Kafka: The Castle. 1926. – Michael Haneke: Das Schloß. 1997. 124’ Krasznahorkai László: The Melancholy of Resistance – Tarr Béla: Werckmeister Harmonies. 2000. 145’
Form of evaluation: written study (10-15000n) and colloquium. Title: Historical Anthropology Code: LM6105 Nr of credits: 4 Lecturer: lecturer Zsombor Tóth PhD Course Description: Notwithstanding the continuous rapprochement between history and anthropology in western historiographical thinking and practice, in Eastern Europe this encounter is still delayed. Still, historical anthropology in its English or French version (Histoire Antropologique) consists of an impressive number of successful case-studies and books, which have surely shaped the general development of historical writing all over the world. Thus, the aim of this course is mainly to provide an initiation into the fascinating world of historical anthropology and microhistory. Consequently, the main topics will deal with methodological issues, such as, the small scale, contextualization and the concept of eccezionalmente normale. Furthermore, anthropological questions, such as normality, deviance, and center/periphery will be revisited to illustrate the innovative uses of historical anthropology. Reading Assignments: Macfarlane, Alan. "Historical Anthropology." Cambridge Anthropology, vol. 3, no.3, (1977): 7-13. Macfarlane, Alan. The Family Life of Ralph Josselin: an Essay in Historical Anthropology. Cambridge 1970. Muir, Edward. Microhistory and the Lost People of Europe. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press 1991. Ginzburg, Carlo. The Cheese and the Worms: the Cosmos of a Sixteenth Century Miller. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1980. Fairburn, Miles. Social History: Problems, Strategies, and Methods. New York: St. Martin' s Press, 1999. Grading: The class participation will contribute with 25% to the final grade and it will be complemented with an essay (8-10 pages) representing the remaining 75%.
Titlul disciplinei: Classical Rhetorics Codul: LM6107 Numar de credite: Cadru didactic: dr. Gábor Csilla Description The objective of the courses is to follow the changes of rhetorical thinking along the classical rhetoric structure. The reflections are done in an interdisciplinary context, viewing the universal valability and omnipresence of rhetorics in ancient, medieval and early modern age. Therefore it deals with the interferences between rhetoric and philosophy and dialectics, spirituality, hermeneutics. The main method is the reflection on rhetorical treatises written in different historical periods. Some special topics are being investigated in detail such as genus-stylus, inventio and spirituality, and special stress is also being put on the rhetorical behaviour in specific genres of the early modern age (preaching, meditation etc.). The objective of the seminars is to follow the rhetorical behaviour of different genres in different periods by analysis of rhetorized texts and to give attention to the function of classical rhetorics in the oevre of some canonized writers. Some of the themes: places of remembering and forgetting in Augustinus’ Confessiones; the rhetoric of passions in Didák Kelemen’ preachings; the rhetoric of the ordo in Bonaventure’s Itinerarium mentis in Deum; the rhetorics of contemporary political discourses. Bibliography: • Gert Ueding (szerk.), Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik 1–7, Tübingen, 1992–2003. • Imre Mihály ed., Retorikák a reformáció korából, Debrecen, 2000. • Bitskey István ed., Retorikák a barokk korból, Debrecen, 2003. • Gábor Csilla, „Religiosa actio mentis”. Meditációelmélet és meditációtípusok a kora újkorban Európában és Magyarországon = Gábor Csilla ed., Devóciók, történelmek, identitások, Kolozsvár, 2004, 9–60. • Douve Draaisma, Metaforamasina. Az emlékezet egyik lehetséges története, Bp., 2002. Title of the course: Theory of science Cod: LM6209 Number of credits: 7 Teacher: Dr. Berszán István, Associate Professor Description Foucault’s main work, L’archeologie du savoir elaborates a theory of science investigating the rules of knowing at the level of discoursive practices. A careful study of
it helps us to get orientation in the history of speech objects of the scientific discourse, to follow the spread of concepts and theoretical strategies and, in the same time, it can develop participants’ researching abilities. First, archeological description will be applied in the treatment of documents belonging to the field of the students’ individual research. Then, in the context of recent scientific discourses, archeological description itself will be examined as a research practice. The lecturer offers an approach to it from the perspective of an ethical inquiry on cultural practices. Bibliography: Michel Foucault: A tudás Archeológiája, Budapest: Atlantisz 2001. Richard Rorty: A nyugati értelmiség vándorútja, avagy a megváltó igazság hanyatlása és az irodalmi kultúra felemelkedése. Ford. Boros János és Orbán Jolán. In szerk. Berszán István: Gyakorlat – etika – pragmatizmus. Scientia: Kolozsvár 2006. Smolensky, Paul: A konnekcionizmus helyes kezelésér l. In: Pléh Csaba (szerk.): Kognitív tudomány. Budapest, Osiris 87—135. 1996. K. Ludwig Pfeiffer: 2005 A mediális és az imaginárius. Magyar M hely Kiadó – Ráció Kiadó, Budapest 2005. Berszán István: Kutatási gyakorlatok. In ed. Berszán István: Alternatív mozgásterek: m ködés és/vagy gyakorlás a kognitív folyamatokban, Scientia, Kolozsvár 2005. Examination: exam
Title: CRITICAL EDITIONS Codul: LM6210 Lecturer: Egyed Emese prof. univ II. III. Description: The course and the workshop looks to the texts from the point of view of communication. For this reason, different theories will be analysed that stands for the starting points of „editing” and publishing of texts in the beginning of 16th century. The critics of literary and linguistical sources – different interpretations. Scales of editing texts. The manuscript, the copies, the variants – different attitudes towards the sacrality and the context of texts. Collections and single exemplars. Attitudes towards the „will of the author”. Stabilitons of meaning or differentiating. Pertinent mistakes. What are monuments of language considered? Possibilities of searching the date of books through different editions. In the workshop we shall prepare classical texts for critical editions and for online publications. Bibliography: A magyar klasszikusok kritikai kiadásának szabályzata. Összeáll. Horváth Károly. Bp. 1961 (Szerkesztési irányelvek, II.)
Borsa Gdeon: Kalauz a régi nyomtatványokhoz. Továbbképzés fels fokon. Budapest 2003 Fogalmazványok a Tanhoz, illet leg az Üdvtanhoz. Ambrus Hedvig Mária, Deé nagy Anikó és Vakarcs Szilárd közrem ködésével szerkesztette és bevezetéssel ellátta Benkó Samu. Az Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület kiadása Kolozsvár 2003 Helikon – (Új) Filológia 2002 (Tematikus szám) Stoll Béla: Szövegkritikai problémák a magyar irodalomban Bp. 1987 Stoll Béla: Kéziratos énekeskönyveink és verses kézirataink bibliográfiája. Bp. (1966), 2003 Szörényi László: Szöveggondozás – magyar módra. Delfinológiai vázlat In Szörényi László: „Multaddal valamit kezdeni” Tanulmányok Bp. 1989 (JAK Füzetek 45) 250-277 Forma de evaluare: colocviu Dept. of Hungarian Literary Studies Title of the course: Literary institutions Curricular ID: LM 6211 (MA-level studies) Dr. Levente Szabó MHist
Literary institutions Locating the content of the course within the discipline: As an advanced course addressing the students of the Hungarian literary masterlevel studies Literary institutions aims at developing a historical and theoretical framework upon literary institutions and institutional developments from the perspective of current literary and historical sociology. Therefore the course is structured around major issues of current literary sociology using also the advanced results of Hungarian literary history so as to improve the understanding of the students regarding the possible implementation of methodological frameworks in a specific, national literary context: literary professionalization as a methodological tool for literary sociology; ideological uses and abuses in the literary professions; modern ideologies and the modernization of the literary system; liberalism and the genesis of the modern literary professions and institutions; the literary profession as life-style and its consequences for literary sociology; professional and non—professional reading and writing in literary history; the historical forms of the literary market; the historical roles of the literary intellectual and
the formation of the modern literary institutions; the historical notions of work and the conceptualization of literary work in the socio-historical studies. Compulsory literature Adoumié, Vincent, Le librettiste d’opéra au XIXe siecle, de l’artiste au professionel = La professionalisation des classes moyennes, sous la dir. de Pierre Guillaume, 219-238. Anderson, Patricia, The Printed Image and the Transformation of Popular Culture 17901860, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1991, 156-191. Beckman, Svante, Professionalization: borderline authority and authority and autonomy in work = Rethinking the Study of the Professions, eds. Michael Burrage
Torstendahl, SAGE, 1990, 115-137. Brandt, Juliane, Adalékok a munka fogalmának református koncepciójához a 19. századi Magyarországon, Korall (A munkától a szociálpolitikáig) 2001/5-6.,18-36. Burrage, Michael, Introduction: the professions in sociology and history = Professions in Theory and History. Rethinking the Study of the Professions, eds. Michael Burrage Ralf Torstendahl, SAGE, London, 1990, 1-23. Bourdieu, Pierre, La Noblesse d’état: grande écoles et esprit de corps, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1989. Dörner, Andreas, Literatursoziologie: Literatur, Gesellschaft, politische Kultur, 1999. Jarausch, Konrad H., The German Professions in History and Theory = German Professions 1800-1950, eds. Geoffrey Cocks York
Konrad H. Jarausch, Oxford U.P., New
Oxford, 1990, 9-24.
Kovács M. Mária, Liberalizmus, radikalizmus, antiszemitizmus. A magyar orvosi, ügyvédi és mérnöki kar politikája 1867 és 1945 között, Helikon
Universitas, Bp., 2001,
71-107. Meyer-Krentler, Eckhardt, ’Wir vom Handwerk’. Wilhelm Raabe als Berufsschriftsteller = Vom Wort der Arbeit. Zur literarischen Konstitution des Wertkomplexes ’Arbeit’ der in der deutschen Literatur (1770-1930), hrsg. Harro Segeberg, Max Niemayer Verlag, Tübingen, 1991, 204-230.
Pilbeam, Pamela M., The middle classes and the professions = P.M.P., The Middle Classes in Europe 1789-1914. France, Germany, Italy and Russia, Macmillan, London, 1990, 74-106.
Reader, W. J. Reader, Purchase and patronage = W. J. R., Professional Men. The Rise of the Professional Classes in Nineteenth-Century England, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1966, 73-83. Rüschermeyer,
vergleichende Geschichtsforschung = Professionalisierung in historischer Perspektive, Geschichte und Gesellschaft 1980 / Heft 3., 311-325. Thompson, Edward P., Az id , a munkafegyelem és az ipari kapitalizmus = Id ben élni. Történeti-szociológiai tanulmányok, vál. Gellériné Lázár Mária, Akadémiai, Bp., 1990, 60-116. Torstendahl, Rolf, The transformation of professional education in the nineteenth century = The European and American university since 1800. Historical and sociological essays, eds. Sheldron Rothblatt−Björn Wittrock, Cambridge U. P., 1993, 109-141. Evaluation: Above the average reading, students will be asked to actively position themselves along the seminars. They will also have several written assignments linked to specific seminars. This will constitute half of the final mark, , the remaining half being the outcome of an exam on the issues touched throughout the course (including the comments of the students upon the works included in their compulsory bibliography). The title of the course: Functional Aesthetics Code: LM6212 Number of credits: 3 Teacher: prof. dr. Orbán Gyöngyi Description of the subject: The aim of the subject is to familiarize the students with the hermeneutical approach of the basic problems regarding the literary text taking as a starting point Gadamer’s idea about the inseparable unity of text and interpretation: “The concept of text can only be defined based on the concept of interpretation.” Therefore we can state that the issue of text interpretation discussed hermeneutically may be interesting for any researcher investigating literature or linguistics. The main activity form will be the debate on the materials read together. Compulsory reading:
1. Hans-Georg Gadamer: Szöveg és interpretáció. In: Bacsó Béla (szerk:) Szöveg és interpretáció, Cserépfalvi Kiadó, Bp., é. n. 2. Rudolf Bultmann: A hermeneutika problémája. In: Bacsó Béla (vál.): Filozófiai hermeneutika. Szöveggy jtemény, Budapest, 1990. 3. Paul Ricoeur: Mi a szöveg? In: u : Válogatott irodalomelméleti tanulmányok, Osiris, 1999. 4. Mit jelent "egy szöveget megérteni"? In: Bacsó Béla (szerk.): Az esztétika vége vagy se vége, se hossza?, Ikon Kiadó, Bp., 1995. 5. Hans Robert Jauss: Irodalomtörténet mint az irodalomtudomány provokációja. In: u : Recepcióelmélet - esztétikai tapasztalat - irodalmi hermeneutika, Osiris, 1997.
Examination form: Vp - active participation in the debates (50 %) - essay written on a freely chosen subject (50 %) The title of the course: Introduction to the Theory of Literature A Code: LY12007 Number of credits: 3 Teacher: prof. dr. Orbán Gyöngyi Description of the subject: The theory of literature is an introductory subject in the second semester of the first year. Its aim is to help the students orientate themselves between present day literary theoretical tendencies; to practice the reading and interpretation of theoretical texts; to show the interrelatedness between literary theory and other literary disciplines (e.g. literary history); as well as to emphasize that studying literature always requires a theoretical attitude, since there is neither sight and image without a view, nor answer without a question. The aim of the seminar work is to read together and discuss theoretical texts. Compulsory reading: (5 titles) 1. Jefferson – Robey: Bevezetés. In: Bevezetés a modern irodalomelméletbe. Osiris Kiadó, Bp., 1995. 2. Rudolf Bultmann: A hermeneutika problémája. In: Bacsó Béla (vál.): Filozófiai hermeneutika. Bp., 1990. (fénymás.) 3. Gadamer, Hans-Georg: Az irodalom határhelyzete. In: Igazság és módszer. Egy filozófiai hermeneutika vázlata. Gondolat Kiadó, Bp., 1984. 4. Manfred Frank: Mit jelent "egy szöveget megérteni"? In: Bacsó Béla (szerk.): Az esztétika vége - vagy se vége, se hossza?, Ikon Kiadó, Bp., 1995. 5. Roland Barthes: A szerz halála. In: A szöveg öröme. Osiris Kiadó, Bp., 1996.
Examination form: exam - test based on the compulsory reading (30%) - written exam (30%) - seminar activity(30%)
Title of the course: Literary Theory B Cod: LY12007 Number of credits: 3 Teacher: Dr. Berszán István, Associate Professor Course description and topics Teaching purpose: an introduction to literary criticism, orientation in theoretical discourses about literature Topics: Positivism and premodernism. Classic and modern philology. The meaning of history for Hyppolite Taine and for Wilhelm Dilthey. Literature as a form of the consciousness (Marxism). The notion of form in the Russian formalism. The "close reading" technique and the contextualism in the New Criticism. Structurality of form. Phenomenological levels of the literary work (Ingarden). The poetic function of language (Jakobson). Barthes’ semiotic system: denotation and connotation . Classic and postmodern hermeneutics. Ontological status of the artistic work (Gadamer). Prejudices and understanding. Deconstruction of the metaphysics of presence (Derrida). Shaking the structuralist faith in totality. The critique of the centralized structure. Writing and différance. Dissemination and intertextuality. Deconstructive rhetoricism (Paul de Man). Bibliography: - Bókay Antal: Irodalomtudomány a modern és a posztmodern korban, Budapest: Osiris 1997 - Bókay Antal, Vilcsek Béla (szerk.): A modern irodalomtudomány kialakulása. Budapest: Osiris 1998. - Gadamer: a játékelméletr l szóló fejezet, in: Igazság és módszer (1960), Budapest: Gondolat 1984. - Jacques Derrida: "A struktúra, a jel és a játék az embertudományok diskurzusában", Helikon 1994/1-2 - Paul de Man: A temporalitás retorikája. In szerk. Thomka Beáta: Az irodalom elméletei I., Pécs: Jelenkor- JPTE 1996. Titlul disciplinei: The Theory of Literature - an Introduction Codul: LY12007 Numar de credite: 3 Cadrul didactic: PhD Dánél Mónika Seminar topics:
The seminar The Theory of Literature - an Introduction comprehends an interpretation of schools, discourses of theory of literature in historical context. The main topics of interpretation will be the Positivism, Historicisim, Russian Formalism, Structuralism, New Criticism, Hermeneutics, Deconstructivism, Psychoanalysis, Feminism and Postcolonialism. The discussions will consist in analyzing relations and differences between schools and discourses, focusing on philosophies of language, author theories and artwork interpretations. Bibliography: Friedrich Nietzsche: A nem-morálisan fölfogott igazságról és hazugságról. Athenaeum 1992/3, 3-15. Hans Robert Jauss: Irodalomtörténet mint az irodalomtudomány provokációja. In: Hans Robert Jauss: Recepcióelmélet – esztétikai tapasztalat – irodalmi hermeneutika. Osiris, 1997, 35-85. Roland Barthes: A strukturalista aktivitás. Helikon 1968/1, 101-105 Hans-Georg Gadamer: Szöveg és interpretáció. In. Bacsó Béla (red.): Szöveg és interpretáció. Cserépfalvi Könyvkiadó, é.n. 17-43. (Hévizi Ottó trad.); Paul de Man: A trópusok retorikája. Helikon 1994/1-2, 36-48. Toril Moi: Feminista irodalomkritika, In: Ann Jefferson—David Robey: Bevezetés a moder irodalomelméletbe, Osiris, 1995, 233-253. Homi K. Bhabha: A posztkoloniális és a posztmodern. Helikon, 1996/4, 484-509. Examination: exam + assessment of a seminar essay Title of the course: Comparative literature A Cod: LY21004 Number of credits:4 Teacher: Dr. Berszán István, Associate Professor Course description and topics Teaching purpose: to understand and apply comparative techniques based on psychoanalysis and archetypology Topics: Neurosis and psychosis – discovery of the unconsciousness. Classic methods of psychoanalysis. Compression, replacement and symbols. „Dreamer in broad daylight”— the Freudian approach to literature. Oedipal complex. Freud’s model for personality. Distincion between the personal and collective unconsciousness (Jung). The notion of the archetype. Shadow, Anima and the Wise Old Man. Psychology of artistic creation. The work of art as the symbol of archetype. Motivation of the image (Durand) and the notion of anthropological path. Anthropologic structures of imagery. Diurnal images: the figures of the time and the heroic symbolism. Nocturnal images: the symbols of descending and intimacy. The cyclic and progressive schemas.
Bibliography: - Sigmund Freud: Pszichoanalízis, Bukarest: Kriterion 1977. - Sigmund Freud: Álomfejtés, Budapest: Helikon 1985. - Carl Gustav Jung: A kollektív tudattalan archetípusairól. In C.G. Jung: Mélységeink ösvényein. Gondolat, Budapest 1993. - Carl Gustav Jung: Az archetípusról, különös tekintettel az animafogalomra. In C.G. Jung: Mélységeink ösvényein. Gondolat, Budapest 1993. - Gilbert Durand: Structurile antropologice ale imaginarului. Introducere în arhetipologia general . Univers, Bucure ti 1977. Seminar topics Teacher: Demény Péter Description: Literary application of the Freud’s and Jung’s theory. Purpose: Dynamic and heuristic seminars which confirms that in literature everything depends on interpretation, sensitivity and logic. First semester: Introduction. Freud’s letter to Mrs. Kosztolányi. Pál Réz’s study. Repression. Shakespeare: Hamlet. Double’s theme. Dostoievski’s novel, Kafka: Metamorphose. (Two seminars). Some themes in János Arany’s ballads. Analysis of symbols . Shakespeare: Midsummer Night’s Dream Second semester: Herman Melville’s novel Moby Dick. Analysis with Gilbert Durand. Bibliography: Dosztojevszkij, Fjodor Mihajlovics: A hasonmás. = U .: Kisregények és elbeszélések. Európa–Kárpáti Kiadó, Budapest–Uzsgorod 1965. 155–323. Er s Ferenc: „Kísérteties” találkozások az alter-egóval. http://art.pte.hu/muveszetterapia/download/eros/kiserteties-talalkozasok-az-alteregoval.rtf Franz, Marie-Louise von: A n i mesealakok lényegér l, illetve Csipkerózsika. In u .: N i mesealakok. Európa, Budapest 1995. Mérleg sorozat. 7-25, illetve 25-71. Freud levele Kosztolányinéhoz. http://www.hunbook.hu/index.php?op=news&id=147 Freud, Sigmund: A pszichoanalízis foglalata. = U .: Esszék. Gondolat, Budapest 1982. 407–475. Harmat Pál: A sekélység és a mélység. Kosztolányi és a pszichoanalízis. = Orpheus 1993/2–3. Kott, Jan: Élektra, Hamlet és Oresztész. In u .: Istenev k. Vázlatok a görög tragédiáról. Európa, Budapest, 1998. 282-313. Olasz Sándor: A regényíró Kosztolányi. = U .: A regény metamorfózisa a 20. század els felének magyar irodalmában. Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest 1997. 50–63.
Examination: exam + assessment of a seminar essay
Title of course: Comparative Literature B: Descent in the Inferno (Homer, Vergil, Dante) Code: LY21004 Credits: 4 Dr. Horváth Andor, associate professor Description: The Book XI. of the Ulysses (Nekya) describes the descent of the Hero in the Inferno as well as Book VI. of the Eneide and the first part of the Divine Comedy. This histories expresses both the origines and the structure of the universe, showing in the same time the recompense of the merits and the punishment of sinners. Strongly connected among them as historical forms of imagination, this works are also representatives for the continuity of three major periods of european literature: Greak and Roman Antiquvity, and christian time. Seminars: The term of Inferno can be applicated to many forms of human existence like family or love, but also social realities like labour, war, illness, concentration camp. Poets and writers are often using this image not for describe a territory of the underwold, but the reality of the lower world in the „condition humaine”. Compulsory bibliography (besides the 3 ones mentioned in the title): 1. Curtius, Ernst Robert: Literatura european i Evul mediu latin. 2. Eco, Umberto: Scrisoarea a XIII-a i alegorismul în Evul Mediu. 3. Eliade, Mircea: Le sacr et le profane. 4. Fry, Northrop: Puterea verbului. 5. Minois, Georges: Istoria infernurilor. Form of evaluation: exam. Title of the course: Comparative literature A Cod: LY22004 Number of credits: 4 Teacher: Dr. Berszán István, Associate Professor Course description and topics Teaching purpose: to understand and apply comparative techniques based on Lacanian psychoanalysis and media theory Topics: Language and Lacanian psychoanalysis. The mirror stage and the Imaginary Subject. Symbolic cognition – desire and rule. The psychoanalysis of the person and the psyche as a textual
formation. Psychoanalysis and literary analysis. Tropologic change in the chain of signifiers. Reading and transference (P. Brooks). Intertextual relation between text and reader (E. Ragland-Sullivan). The positions of the Subject and the discourse of the Other. Against the monomedial approach to literature (K. Ludwig Pfeiffer). Media configurations in culture. Historical structures of imaginary. Comparative analysis and cultural criticism: Japan versus Europe. The white and black Australia – media configurations in a film by Rolf de Heer: The tracker , 2002. Bibliography: - Jaques Lacan: "Részletek a Hamlet-szemináriumból", in: Bókay Antal, Er s Ferenc (szerk.): Pszichoanalízis és irodalomtudomány, Budapest: Filum 1998 - Jacques Lacan: "A tükör-stádium mint az én funkciójának kialakítója, ahogyan ezt a pszichoanalitikus tapasztalat feltárja számunkra", Thalassa (4) 1993/2 - Jacques Lacan: "A fallosz jelentése", Café Babel 1998/3 - Er s Ferenc: "Jacques Lacan avagy a vágy tragédiája", Thalassa (4) 1993/2 - K. Ludwig Pfeiffer: A mediális és az imaginárius. Magyar M hely – Ráció, Budapest 2005. Seminar topics Teacher: Demény Péter Description: We are studying the problems of identity in the mirror of literature. This notion became very questionable in postmodern writings. We examine Foucault’s studys, Shakespeare’s play, Cavafis’s and contemporary Hungarian poetry. Purpose: to understand that identity is a subjective and intersubjective „creation”. First semester First seminar: Introducing Second seminar: Michel Foucault. Where is „me”? Third-Fourth-th seminar:: Psziché by Sándor Weöres. The limits of the Self. Fifth seminar: András Ferenc Kovács. Escaping myself. Sixth seminar: Lajos Parti Nagy. Fighting with my own. Seventh seminar: Géza Sz cs: „Romeo and Juliet” Fighting is going on. IV. Bibliography: Er s Ferenc: „Kísérteties” találkozások az alter-egóval. http://art.pte.hu/muveszetterapia/download/eros/kiserteties-talalkozasok-az-alteregoval.rtf Németh Zoltán: Parti Nagy Lajos. http://www.litera.hu/object.64d12b09-3098-4acbb0e5-960aec37e497.ivy Németh Zoltán: Erotika, nemiség és obszcenitás mint posztmodern identitásjáték. http://www.szepiroktarsasaga.hu/szepirok/index.php?pageid=318 Michel Foucault bemutatásában: Herculine Barbin, más néven Alexina B. Jószöveg, Budapest 1997.
Selyem Zsuzsa: Kovács András Ferenc költészete. http://www.litera.hu/object.e6059400c574-42d5-b472-66e19188b9a1.ivy Examination: exam + assessment of a seminar essay
Title of course: Comparative Literature B Descent in the Inferno (Homer, Vergil, Dante) Code: LY22004 Credits: 4 Dr. Horváth Andor, associate professor Description: The Book XI. of the Ulysses (Nekya) describes the descent of the Hero in the Inferno as well as Book VI. of the Eneide and the first part of the Divine Comedy. This histories expresses both the origines and the structure of the universe, showing in the same time the recompense of the merits and the punishment of sinners. Strongly connected among them as historical forms of imagination, this works are also representatives for the continuity of three major periods of european literature: Greak and Roman Antiquvity, and christian time. Seminars: The term of Inferno can be applicated to many forms of human existence like family or love, but also social realities like labour, war, illness, concentration camp. Poets and writers are often using this image not for describe a territory of the underwold, but the reality of the lower world in the „condition humaine”. Compulsory bibliography (besides the 3 ones mentioned in the title): 6. Curtius, Ernst Robert: Literatura european i Evul mediu latin. 7. Eco, Umberto: Scrisoarea a XIII-a i alegorismul în Evul Mediu. 8. Eliade, Mircea: Le sacr et le profane. 9. Fry, Northrop: Puterea verbului. 10. Minois, Georges: Istoria infernurilor. Form of evaluation: exam. The title of the course: Aesthetics Code: LY31016 Number of credits: 4 Teacher: prof. dr. Orbán Gyöngyi Description of the subject: After an introductory lecture raising the main issues of the aesthetic experience, the lectures will focus on the classic texts of the history of aesthetics from Plato to Gadamer. In fact, this will
not be a traditional course in the “history of aesthetics”, since by reading anew the classic texts we are going to attempt to situate the current questions regarding the aesthetic experience into the flow of tradition. In other words: we shall try to “re-discover” the roots of our questions related to the “actuality of beauty” in the tradition of aesthetic thinking, and vice versa: we shall try to ask the old aesthetic questions anew (and in a new way). The seminars will focus on the theoretical and practical questions of the hermeneutics of art history, mainly based on the chapters of Oskar Batschmann’s book. Group : Hungarian IIIrd year, 1st semester
Compulsory reading: (5 titles) M. Heidegger: A m alkotás eredete. Európa Könyvkiadó, Bp., 1988. H. G. Gadamer: A szép aktulalitása (tanulmány az azonos cím kötetb l). T-Twins Kiadó, 1994. H. G. Gadamer: A m alkotás ontológiája és ennek hermeneutikai jelent sége c. fejezet. In: Igazság és módszer: Egy filozófiai hermeneutika vázlata. Budapest, 1984. O. Batschmann: Bevezetés a m vészettörténeti hermeneutikába (a szemináriumokra kijelölt fejezetek) Orbán Gyöngyi (szerk.): Esztétikai olvasókönyv A szép aktualitása kérdéséhez. Polis Könyvkiadó, Kolozsvár, 2002.
Examination form: exam - test based on the compulsory reading (30%) - written exam (30%) - seminar activity(30%)
Title: Literary Poetics and Criticism Code: LY31017 Nr. of credits: 3 Lecturer: Agnes Klara Papp dr PhD Description: The notion of the poetic and the genre. The heterogenity of the aspects of definitions. Aristoteles’ „Poetics”. The interpretations of the „Poetics” (Gérard Genette: Introduction a l’architexte) The main poetics from the classicism to the romantism (Boileau, Lessing, W. Schlegel, Schelling)The Aesthetics of Hegel. The contradiction of static notion of the genre and its history: the notion dynamics of Baktin. An irregular theory of genre: The Anatomy of Criticism of N. Frye. The Aesthetics of Croce. The notions of the genres and the linguistic structure (Roman Jakobson). The structuralisme and the poststructuralisme: the transformations of the problems. Compulsory bibliography: Arisztotelész: Poétika Horatius: Ars Poetica
Lessing: Laokoón Hegel: Esztétika (a Romantikus m vészetek c. szakaszból A költészet c. fejezet) Genette, Gérard: Introduction a l’architexte Form of evaluation: Colloquium The title of the course: Theory of Literature Code: LY32003 Number of credits: 3 Teacher: prof. dr. Orbán Gyöngyi Description of the discipline: We intend to study and understand the principles of literary hermeneutics in an applicative manner, taking into consideration the practice of teaching literature. The two problems can and must be connected because the students have their compulsory teaching practice in the third year; to read applicatively and to discuss the representative texts of modern hermeneutics may encourage their work. Moreover, we can often experience that the university studies scarcely and rarely have any influence upon the pedagogues’ daily work in which they tend to follow automatically the models set by their own teachers as regards their views and behaviour. The course built on group work and discussions has as an aim to make the students aware that they are supposed to question the preconceptions of their interpretational practice, as well as to search for the possible ways of developing the interpretational abilities applied to the given situation.
Compulsory reading: 1. Manfred Frank: Mit jelent "egy szöveget megérteni"? In: Bacsó Béla (szerk.): Az esztétika vége - vagy se vége, se hossza?, Ikon Kiadó, Bp., 1995. 2. Hans-Georg Gadamer: Az eminens szöveg és igazsága. In: u : A szép aktualitása, TTWINS Kiadó, 1994. 3. Hans Robert Jauss: A költ i szöveg az olvasás horizontváltásában. In: u : Recepcióelmélet - esztétikai tapasztalat - irodalmi hermeneutika, Osiris, 1997. 4. Fóris-Ferenczi Rita - Orbán Gyöngyi - Székely Melinda - Vincze Kata Zsófia Zágoni Melinda: Beszélget könyv a megért irodalomoktatásról. T3 Kiadó, Sepsiszentgyörgy, 2003. 5. Sipos Lajos (szerk.): Irodalomtanítás a harmadik évezredben. Krónika Nova Kiadó, 2006.
Examination form: exam - test based on the compulsory reading (30%) - written exam (30%) - seminar activity(30%)
The title of the course: Aesthetics Code: LY41003 Number of credits: 4 Teacher: prof. dr. Orbán Gyöngyi
Description of the subject: After an introductory lecture raising the main issues of the aesthetic experience, the lectures will focus on the classic texts of the history of aesthetics from Plato to Gadamer. In fact, this will not be a traditional course in the “history of aesthetics”, since by reading anew the classic texts we are going to attempt to situate the current questions regarding the aesthetic experience into the flow of tradition. In other words: we shall try to “re-discover” the roots of our questions related to the “actuality of beauty” in the tradition of aesthetic thinking, and vice versa: we shall try to ask the old aesthetic questions anew (and in a new way). The seminars will focus on the theoretical and practical questions of the hermeneutics of art history, mainly based on the chapters of Oskar Batschmann’s book. Group : Hungarian IIIrd year, 1st semester
Compulsory reading: (5 titles) M. Heidegger: A m alkotás eredete. Európa Könyvkiadó, Bp., 1988. H. G. Gadamer: A szép aktulalitása (tanulmány az azonos cím kötetb l). T-Twins Kiadó, 1994. H. G. Gadamer: A m alkotás ontológiája és ennek hermeneutikai jelent sége c. fejezet. In: Igazság és módszer: Egy filozófiai hermeneutika vázlata. Budapest, 1984. O. Batschmann: Bevezetés a m vészettörténeti hermeneutikába (a szemináriumokra kijelölt fejezetek) Orbán Gyöngyi (szerk.): Esztétikai olvasókönyv A szép aktualitása kérdéséhez. Polis Könyvkiadó, Kolozsvár, 2002.
Examination form: exam - test based on the compulsory reading (30%) - written exam (30%) - seminar activity(30%)