Comenius 1.2 Multilateral Project 20082008-10 Contract number 142084142084-20082008-LLPLLP-BEBE-COMENIUSCOMENIUS-CMP 20082008-2010
Current functional assessment of children with special needs in Hungary Report made for Assessment rere-assessed: Current Assessment Practice in Europe: weaknesses, strengths and needs. In what way does assessment favour or inhibit inclusive education?
Krisztina Bohacs, Bohacs, Edit Tóth University of Szeged, Doctoral School of Educational Sciences
Structure of Presentation I. Organisation of assessment of functioning in Hungary II. New Concept of Classification— Classification—An Odd Distinction III. Anomalies in the distinction IV. Results of the Empirical Research V. Conclusion
I. Organisation of assessment of functioning in Hungary Institutions entitled to establish SEN: SEN: Committees for The Assessment of Learning Abilities and Rehabilitation (CALAR) Education Advice Services (EAS) Regulated by 14/1994. (VI.24.) sz. sz. MKM regulation
Functions of CALAR Institutions entitled to establish the existence of special educational needs Filter any disability Recommend the child for special care (type of care, care, place of care) care) Kindergarten directs suspected kids to nearest CALAR Classification code Segregation
Functions of EAS Recognises behaviour control, social learning and academic learning processes Prepare report Proves maturity for beginning school Dispense a child from certain school subjects Offer rehabilitation services -- in cooperation with teacher and parents
II. Public Education Act of 2007 – Odd distinction
SEN– SEN–a Organic genesis of atypical development Requires rehabilitative instruction special purpose establishments
SEN– SEN–b NonNon-organic origins of the disorder Remedial instruction Mainstream educational establishments
III. Anomalies in the distinction Different diagnostics SENSEN-a clinical psychology; psychology; neuropsychology SENSEN-b complex diagnostic procedures
Disorders of behaviour control organic or nonnonorganic Financial imbalance
Other Anomalies in the system Tests without normreference HomeHome-copied tests Offending authors rights LowLow-quality adaptations Professionals are trained in a rough way Professionals exceed their competencies Quality ensurance is not working in the field
Results of the Empirical Research First 75 online professionals questionnaire sent out Unfortunate timing of the questionnaire only few responses telephone interview 35 answers (10/25; 29/6) Personal interviews with parents: parents: 12 answers
Results of professional questionares 3030-35 different tests are generally used at present For cognitive functioning: functioning: WISCWISC-4 Vechsler intelligence test batteries (HAWIK, MAWI, MAWGYIMAWGYI-R) Raven’ Raven’s matrices lesser extent: extent: SON Very old memory tests and attention tests: tests: Benton test, Pié Piéron attention test; Révészsz-Nagy attention test; Brickenkamp d2 attention test
Results of Professionals’ Professionals’ Questionnaries For language developement Peabody Passive Vocabulary Test GMP (Hungarian diagnosic tool) Meixner vocabulary trial Developmental tests Bailey scales Frostigs’ Frostigs’ DTVP BrunetBrunet-Lézine test Bender A, B
Results of Professionals’ Professionals’ Questionnaries For pervasive developmental disorders: Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised (ADI(ADI-R)
Ways test are used: used: Static way 9/35 classroom observation 0/35 home observation 33/35 parents and teachers interviews Duration of time: time: 22-3 hours
Results of Professionals’ Professionals’ Questionnaries 0/35 satisfied 23/35 partially satisfied 8/35 not satisfied 4/35 „sufficient” sufficient”
Natural reaction of a Lecturer “I myself teach my students that they will have to prepare themselves to rere-assess the children they are going to work with and whom arrive from the National Committees. The reports are a list of deficiencies, use too general terms on therapeutic/rehabilitative possibilities. These reports don’ don’t address the most important question: what are the best ways of developing the child.” child.”
Results of Parental Questionnaries Waiting time: time: 33-9 weeks Lack of professional knowledge of the Comission Too few number of hours spent with the child during assessment no advice is given Committees don’ don’t have upup-toto-date information about the schools they refer their kids 10 out of 12 parents were extremely worrying before the assessment 10 out of twelve parents think the diagnosis is wrong
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