CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012
STEFAAN A. J. WALGRAVE – CV – OKTOBER 2012 1. Identification Name:
Stefaan Aloïs Johan Walgrave
Date of birth:
25/05/1966 (Wilrijk, Belgium)
Doctor in political and social sciences – KULeuven 1995 – supervisor: Prof. Dr. Karel Dobbelaere
Current function:
Full professor of political science at the University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Address work:
Research group M2P Department of Political Science University of Antwerp Sint-Jacobstraat 2 B-2000 Antwerp Belgium +32/10/45 12 45 (home) +32/471/55 21 31 (mobile) +32/3/275 57 25 (work)
Address home:
Avenue des Combattants 11 B-1320 Beauvechain Belgium E-mail:
[email protected]
Married (to Kathleen Wielemans) and three kids (Hannah, Sarah, and Marthe)
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012
2. Education 19781984 19841985 19851986 19861987 19871988
Secondary Sint-Albertuscollege, school Haasrode University Catholic University of Leuven University Catholic University of Leuven University Catholic University of Leuven University Catholic University of Leuven
Latin-Greek humaniora Sociology Sociology (Candidate in sociology) Sociology Sociology (Master sociology)
Great distinction Great distinction Great distinction Greatest distinction
Catholic University of Doctor in Political and Leuven Social Sciences
3. Professional career
From January 2010 till present: full professor political science at the University of Antwerp From January 2006 until December 2009: professor political science at the University of Antwerp From January 1999 until 2005: associate professor political science at the University of Antwerp From January 1996 until December 1998: assistant professor political science at the University of Antwerp From January 1995 until December 1995: scientific counsellor at the Ministry of Home Affairs, section VSPP (crime prevention) From October 1992 until September 1994: assistant sociology at the Catholic University of Leuven From October 1988 until September 1992: research grantee FWO at the Catholic University of Leuven From September 1984 until September 1988: student of sociology at the Catholic University of Leuven
4. Teaching at the University of Antwerp
Introduction to political science (undergraduate level – 550 students) Research seminar political science (undergraduate level - 15 students) Media & Politics (graduate level - 25 students) Seminar Media & Politics (graduate level – 20 students) Sociology of Organisations (1996-2000) Actual problems of Belgian politics (2003-2006) Political decision-making analysis (2000-2006) Civil Society & Politics (2000-2006)
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012
5. Publications (from 1998 onwards) Articles in peer-reviewed journals 1. Anke Tresch, Jonas Lefevere, Stefaan Walgrave (2012 forthcoming) “Steal me if you can!" The impact of campaign messages on associative issue ownership” Party Politics. 2. Stefaan Walgrave, Jonas Lefevere, Anke Tresch (2012 forthcoming) “The Associative Dimension of Issue Ownership” Public Opinion Quarterly. 3. Rens Vliegenthart, Stefaan Walgrave, and Brandon Zicha (2012 forthcoming) “How preferences, information, and institutions interactively drive agendasetting. Questions in the Belgian Parliament (1993-2000).” European Journal of Political Research. 4. Stefaan Walgrave, Ruud Wouters, Jeroen Van Laer, Joris Verhulst, and Pauline Ketelaars (2012) “Transnational Collective Identification: May Day and Climate Change Protesters’ Identification with Similar Protest Events in Other Countries” Mobilization, 17(3): 301-317. 5. Jacquelien van Stekelenburg, Stefaan Walgrave, Bert Klandermans , and Joris Verhulst (2012) “Contextualizing Contestation: The case of street demonstrations” Mobilization, 17(3): 249-262. 6. Stefaan Walgrave and Rens Vliegenthart (2012) “The Complex AgendaSetting Power of Protest. Demonstrations, Media, Parliament, Government, and Legislation in Belgium, 1993-2000” Mobilization, 17(2), 129-156. 7. Stefaan Walgrave, Lance Bennett, Jeroen Van Laer, and Christian Breunig (2012) “Multiple Engagements and Network Bridging in Contentious Politics: Digital Media Use of Protest Participants” Mobilization, 16(3), 325-349. 8. Jonas Lefevere, Knut De Swert, and Stefaan Walgrave (2012) “Effects of Vox Pops in Television News” Communication Research, 39: 103-119. 9. Rens Vliegenthart and Stefaan Walgrave (2011) “Content matters. The Dynamics of Parliamentary Questioning in Belgium and Denmark” Comparative Political studies, 44(8), 1031-1059. 10. Rens Vliegenthart, Stefaan Walgrave, and Corine Meppelink (2011) “Interparty agenda-setting in Belgian parliament. The role of party characteristics and competition” Political Studies, 59(2), 368-188. 11. Stefaan Walgrave and Joris Verhulst (2011) “Selection and Response Bias in Protest Surveys” Mobilization, 16(2), 203-222. 12. Peter Van Aelst and Stefaan Walgrave (2011) “Minimal or massive? The political agenda setting power of the mass media according to different methods” International Journal of Press/Politics, 16(3), 295-316. 13. Rens Vliegenthart and Stefaan Walgrave (2011) "When media matter for politics. Partisan moderators of mass media’s agenda-setting influence on Parliament in Belgium" Party Politics, 17(3): 321-342. 14. Stefaan Walgrave and Rens Vliegenthart (2010) “Why are policy agendas punctuated? Friction and cascading in parliament and mass media in Belgium” Journal of European Public Policy, 17(8): 1145–1168.
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012 15. Stefaan Walgrave and Joris Verhulst. (2009). “Government stance and internal diversity of protest. A Comparative Study of Protest against the War in Iraq in Eight Countries” Social Forces, 87(3): 1355–1387. 16. Stefaan Walgrave and Joris Verhulst (2009). “The First Time is the Hardest? A Cross-National and Cross-Issue Comparison of First-Time Protest participants”. Political Behavior, 31(3): 455-485. 17. Stefaan Walgrave, Michiel Nuytemans, and Koen Pepermans (2009) “Voting Aid Applications and the effect of statement selection” West-European Politics, 36(6): 1161-1180. 18. Bryan D. Jones, Frank R. Baumgartner, Christian Breunig, Christopher Wlezien, Stuart Soroka, Martial Foucault, Abel Francois, Christoffer GreenPedersen, Chris Koski, Peter John, Peter B. Mortensen, Frédéric Varone, and Stefaan Walgrave (2009). A General Empirical Law of Public Budgets: A Comparative Analysis. American Journal of Political Science, 53(4): 855– 873. 19. John Wilkerson, Frank Baumgartner, Sylvain Brouard, Laura Chaques, Christopher Green-Pedersen, Emiliano Grossman, Bryan Jones, Arco Timmermans, and Stefaan Walgrave (2009). “Le Projet Agenda Comparés: Objectifs et Contenus” Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, 16(3): 365-379. 20. Rens Vliegenthart and Stefaan Walgrave (2009) "Média et politique Les conditions de l’effet des médias sur l’agenda parlementaire belge" Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, 16(3): 423-440. 21. Stefaan Walgrave, Jonas Lefevere, and Michiel Nuytemans (2009). “Issue ownership stability and change. How political parties claim and maintain issues through media appearances” Political Communication, 26 (1): 153-172. 22. Frank R. Baumgartner., Christian Breunig, Christoffer Green-Pedersen, Bryan D. Jones, Peter B. Mortensen, Michiel Nuytemans, and Stefaan Walgrave (2009) “Punctuated Equilibrium In Comparative Perspective” American Journal of Political Science, 53 (3): 602-619. 23. Stefaan Walgrave and Michiel Nuytemans (2009) “Friction and Party Manifesto Change in 25 countries (1945-1998)”. American Journal of Political Science 53 (1): 190-206. 24. Vliegenthart, Rens and Stefaan Walgrave (2008), “The contingency of intermedia agenda-setting. A longitudinal study in Belgium” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 85(4): 860-877. 25. Stefaan Walgrave (2008) “Again the almighty mass media. A subjective assessment of the media’s political agenda-setting power by politicians and journalists in Belgium”. Political Communication 25(4): 445-459. 26. Stefaan Walgrave and Frédéric Varone. (2008). “Punctuated Equilibrium and agenda-setting: bringing parties back in. Policy change after the Dutroux crisis in Belgium” Governance: An International Journal of Policy and Administration 21 (3):365-395. 27. Stefaan Walgrave, Stuart Soroka, and Michiel Nuytemans (2008), “The mass media's political agenda-setting power. A longitudinal analysis of media,
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012 parliament and government in Belgium (1993-2000)” Comparative Political Studies, 41(6) 814-836. 28. Stefaan Walgrave, Peter Van Aelst, and Michiel Nuytemans (2008) “‘Do the Vote Test’: The Electoral Effects of a Popular Vote Advice Application at the 2004 Belgian Elections” Acta Politica, 43 (1):50-70. 29. Stefaan Walgrave and Knut Deswert (2007) "Where does issue ownership come from? From the party or from the media? Issue-party identifications in Belgium (1991-2005)" Harvard International Journal of Press and Politics, 12(1) 37-67. 30. Jan Jagers and Stefaan Walgrave (2007) "Populism as a political communication style. An empirical study of political parties' discourse in Belgium." European Journal of Political Research, 46(3):319-345. 31. Stefaan Walgrave and Joris Verhulst (2006) "Towards 'new emotional movements'? A comparative exploration into a specific movement type." Social Movement Studies, 5(3): 275-304. 32. Stefaan Walgrave, Patrick Dumont and Frédéric Varone (2006) "Policy with or without parties? A comparative analysis of policy priorities and policy change in Belgium (1991-2000)." Journal of European Public Policy, 13, 1039-1052. 33. Stefaan Walgrave and Peter Van Aelst (2006) "The Contingency of the Mass Media's Political Agenda Setting Power. Towards A Preliminary Theory." Journal of Communication, 56, 88-109. 34. Knut De Swert, Stefaan Walgrave, Tom Caals, and Mik Suetens (2006) "Ministeriële kabinetten en particratie. Carrièrepatronen van Belgische kabinetsmedewerkers (1970-1999)." Burger, Bestuur en Beleid, 3 (2). 35. Pippa Norris, Stefaan Walgrave, and Peter Van Aelst (2005) "Who demonstrates? Anti-state rebels or conventional participants? Or everyone?" Comparative Politics, 2, 251-275. 36. Joris Verhulst and Stefaan Walgrave (2005) "Gezien worden of gezien zijn. Over oude en nieuwe sociale bewegingen in de Vlaamse pers." Mens en Maatschappij, 80, 306-328. 37. Isabelle Bédoyan, Peter Van Aelst, and Stefaan Walgrave (2004) "Limitations and Possibilities of Transnational Mobilization: The Case of EU Summit Protesters in Brussels 2001." Mobilization, 9, 39-54. 38. Stefaan Walgrave and Knut Deswert (2004) "The making of the (issues of the) Vlaams Blok. The media and the success of the Belgian extreme-right party." Political Communication, 21, 479-500. 39. Stefaan Walgrave and Joris Verhulst (2004) "Emoties en slachtofferschap als drijvende kracht voor sociale bewegingen en mobilisaties. Een vergelijkend onderzoek." Belgisch Tijdschrift voor de Nieuwste Geschiedenis, 34, 509553. 40. Peter Van Aelst and Stefaan Walgrave (2002), “New media, new movements?” Information, Communication and Society, 5(4), 465—493.
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012 41. Knut De Swert and Stefaan Walgrave (2002) "De kanseliersbonus in de Vlaamse pers. Een onderzoek naar regering en oppositie in drie Vlaamse kranten (1991-2000)." Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 23, 371-403. 42. Mik Suetens and Stefaan Walgrave (2001) "Belgian Politics Without Ministerial Cabinets? On the possibilities and limitations of a new political culture." Acta Politica, 36, 180-205. 43. Peter Van Aelst and Stefaan Walgrave (2001) "Nieuwe spelers op het middenveld. Over sociale bewegingen in de 21e eeuw." Bestuurskunde, 10, 28-37. 44. Peter Van Aelst and Stefaan Walgrave (2001) "Who is that (wo)man in the street? From the normalisation of protest to the normalisation of the protester." European Journal of Political Research, 39, 461-486. 45. Stefaan Walgrave and Jan Manssens (2000) "The Making of the White March: the Mass Media as a Mobilizing Alternative to Movement Organizations." Mobilization, 5, 217-239. 46. Mik Suetens and Stefaan Walgrave (1999) "Leven en werk van de kabinetsleden. Wie zijn de mannen achter de minister en wat doen ze?" Res Publica, 41, 499-528. 47. Peter Van Aelst, Stefaan Walgrave, and Kristof Decoster (1999) "Politiek wantrouwen en protest." Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 20, 441-470. 48. Peter Van Aelst and Stefaan Walgrave (1999) "De stille revolutie op straat, Betogen in België in de jaren '90." Res Publica, 41, 41-64. 49. Benoît Rihoux and Stefaan Walgrave (1998) "Disparitions d'enfants et Justice: émergence de nouveaux acteurs." Courier Hebdomadaire du CRISP, 1590-1591, 72 pag. 50. Peter Van Aelst and Stefaan Walgrave (1998) "Voorbij de verzuiling? Kontich twaalf jaar later: een replicatie-onderzoek naar organisatienetwerken en politieke partijen." Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 19, 55-88. 51. Stefaan Walgrave and Jan Manssens (1998) "De Witte Mars als product van de media: De pers als mobilisatiealternatief voor bewegingsorganisaties." Sociologische Gids, 45, 340-375. 52. Stefaan Walgrave and Patrick Stouthuysen (1998) "Van tranen naar gebalde vuisten. Over de politisering van privé-verdriet: de zaak-Dutroux." Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 19, 347-376. 53. Stefaan Walgrave and Benoît Rihoux (1998) "De Belgische witte golf: Voorbij de sociologische bewegingstheorie?" Sociologische Gids, 45, 310-339.
Articles in (scientific) journals without formal referee-system 1. Walgrave, Stefaan, Jeroen Van Laer, and Joris Verhulst. (2008). Vlaamse en Belgische betogers onder de loep. Samenleving & Politiek 15 (2):27-35. 2. Van Aelst, Peter, Michiel Nuytemans, Jonas Lefevere and Stefaan Walgrave. (2007). "Lijst Dedecker: een gat in de politieke markt?" Samenleving & Politiek 14 (6): 12-16.
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012 3. Walgrave, Stefaan and Michiel Nuytemans (2006) “Wetgeving in België: wereldvreemd en/of rigide? De Belgische wetgevingsagenda in vergelijkend perspectief (1991-2000)” Tijdschrift voor wetgeving, 199-218. 4. Walgrave, Stefaan and Peter Van Aelst (2005) "Much ado about almost nothing. Over de electorale effecten van Doe de Stemtest 2004." Samenleving en Politiek, 12, 61-72. 5. Van Aelst, Peter, and Stefaan Walgrave (2004) "De verkiezingscampagnes van 2004." Samenleving & Politiek, 11, 19-21.
6. Walgrave, Stefaan, Tom Caals, Mik Suetens and Knut De Swert (2004) "Ministerial cabinets and partitocracy. A career pattern study of ministerial cabinet members in Belgium." PSW-paper (University of Antwerp). 7. Jagers, Jan and Stefaan Walgrave (2003) "'Politiek gaat over de mensen'. Populistische retoriek bij de Vlaamse politieke partijen." Samenleving & Politiek, 10, 12-22. 8. Bédoyan, Isabelle, Peter Van Aelst and Stefaan Walgrave (2002) "De Permanente Schoolstrijd”, Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsrecht en Onderwijsbeleid. 4. 9. Walgrave, Stefaan and Knut De Swert (2002) "Does news content matter? The contribution of the News media in the Making of the Issues of the Vlaams Blok." Ethical perspectives, 9, 249-275. 10. Walgrave, Stefaan and Knut De Swert (2002) "Doet het er toe welk nieuws er gebracht wordt?. De invloed van de nieuwsmedia op de agenda-setting ten gunste van het Vlaams Blok." Ethische Perspectieven, 12, 122-151. 11. Walgrave, Stefaan (2001) "Terug naar de normaliteit. Nationale trends bij de verkiezingen van 8 oktober 2000." Oikos, 5, 9-19. 12. Suetens, Mik and Stefaan Walgrave (2001) "Copernicus en de afschaffing van de kabinetten: de weg naar een beter bestuur?" Streven, 66, 347-350. 13. Walgrave, Stefaan (2000) "De zaak-Dutroux en de witte beweging." Tijdschrift voor de sociale sector, 4, 26-30. 14. Van Aelst, Peter and Stefaan Walgrave (1999) "De kracht van de massa. Over de symbolische strijd rond betogersaantallen." Samenleving en Politiek, 6, 2431. 15. Walgrave, Stefaan (1998) "De 'nieuwe emotionele bewegingen' en de arbeidersbeweging." De Gids op Maatschappelijk Gebied, 89, 753-762. 16. Walgrave, Stefaan and Peter Van Aelst (1998) "Van witte beweging naar slachtofferbeweging." Samenleving & Politiek, 5, 35-41. 17. Walgrave, Stefaan and Benoît Rihoux (1998) "De witte burgers over justitie en de zaak-Dutroux." De orde van de dag. Criminaliteit en samenleving, 1, 2430. 18. Manssens, Jan and Stefaan Walgrave (1998) "Populair en/of kwaliteit? De Vlaamse pers over de zaak-Dutroux." PSW-papers, 2, 2-35.
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012
Chapters in edited books 1. Vliegenthart, Rens and Stefaan Walgrave (2012 forthcoming), “The Interdependency of Mass Media and Social Movements” In: Handbook of Political Communication, Sage (Holli Semetko). 2. Walgrave, Stefaan and Jeroen Van Laer (2010), “Transnational versus National Activism. A Systematic Comparison of ‘Transnationalists’ and ‘Nationalists’ Participating in the 2006 European and Belgian Social Fora” In: The Transnational Condition. Protest Dynamics in an Entangled Europe (Simon Teune), Bergahn books, Berlin, pp. 23-41. 1. Michiel Nuytemans, Stefaan Walgrave, and Kris Deschouwer (2010), “Do the Vote Test: The Belgian Voting Aid Application” In: Voting Advice Applications in Europe, The State of the Art (Lorella Cedroni and Diego Garcia). Scriptaweb, Napoli, Pp. 125-142. 2. Deschouwer Kris, Pascal Delwit, Marc Hooghe, and Stefaan Walgrave (2010), “Les élections de 2009. Résultats et tendances générales”. In: Les voix du peuple. Le comportement électoral au scrutin du 10 juin 2009 (Kris Deschouwer, Pascal Delwit, Marc Hooghe and Stefaan Walgrave). Editions de l’université de Bruxelles, Brussels, pp. 7-23. 3. Hooghe, Marc, and Stefaan Walgrave (2010), “Opkomstplicht en politieke kennis: de onwetende burger aan het woord?”. In: De Stemmen van het Volk. Een analyse van het kiesgedrag in Vlaanderen en Wallonië op 10 juni 2009 (Kris Deschouwer, Pascal Delwit, Marc Hooghe and Stefaan Walgrave). VUBPress, Brussels, pp. 143-168. 4. Hooghe, Marc, and Stefaan Walgrave (2010), “Vote obligatoire et connaissance Politique: le parole au citoyen ignorant?”. In: Les voix du peuple. Le comportement électoral au scrutin du 10 juin 2009 (Kris Deschouwer, Pascal Delwit, Marc Hooghe and Stefaan Walgrave). Editions de l’université de Bruxelles, Brussels, pp. 117-134. 5. Walgrave, Stefaan, Jonas Lefevere and Marc Hooghe (2010), “Volatiel of wispelturig? Hoeveel en welke kiezers veranderden van stemvoorkeur tijdens de campagne?”, In: De Stemmen van het Volk. Een analyse van het kiesgedrag in Vlaanderen en Wallonië op 10 juni 2009 (Kris Deschouwer, Pascal Delwit, Marc Hooghe and Stefaan Walgrave). VUBPress, Brussels, pp. 29-50. 6. Walgrave, Stefaan, Jonas Lefevere and Marc Hooghe (2010), “Volatile ou capricieux? La modification des préférences électorales au course de la campagne”, In: Les voix du peuple. Le comportement électoral au scrutin du 10 juin 2009 (Kris Deschouwer, Pascal Delwit, Marc Hooghe and Stefaan Walgrave). Editions de l’université de Bruxelles, Brussels, pp. 25-42. 7. Walgrave, Stefaan and Jonas Lefevere (2010), “Do the media shape parties’ preferences? An empirical study of party manifestoes in Belgium (1987-2003)” In: Public Policy and the Media. The Interplay of Mass Communication and Political Decision Making (Sigrid Koch-Baumgarten and KatrinVoltmer). Routledge, London, pp. 44-64.
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012 8. Walgrave, Stefaan and Dieter Rucht (2010) "Introduction." In: The World Says No to War. Demonstrations Against the War on Iraq. (Stefaan Walgrave and Dieter Rucht). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, pp. xiii-xxvi. 9. Walgrave, Stefaan, and Verhulst, Joris (2010) “Politics, Public Opinion and the Media: The Issues and Context Behind the demonstrations" In: The World Says No to War. Demonstrations Against the War on Iraq. (Stefaan Walgrave and Dieter Rucht). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, pp. 42-60. 10. Walgrave, Stefaan, Dieter Rucht and Peter Van Aelst (2010) "New Activists or Old Leftists? The Demographics of Protesters" In: The World Says No to War. Demonstrations Against the War on Iraq. (Stefaan Walgrave and Dieter Rucht). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, pp. 78-97. 11. Walgrave, Stefaan and Bert Klandermans (2010) "Open and Closed Mobilization Patterns: The Role of Channels and Ties”. In: The World Says No to War. Demonstrations Against the War on Iraq. (Stefaan Walgrave and Dieter Rucht). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, pp. 169-193. 12. Walgrave, Stefaan and Dieter Rucht (2010) "Conclusion: Studying Protest in Context” In: The World Says No to War. Demonstrations Against the War on Iraq. (Stefaan Walgrave and Dieter Rucht). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, pp. 261-272. 13. Walgrave, Stefaan, Peter Van Aelst and Michiel Nuytemans (2008). Vote Advice Applications as new Campaign Players? The Electoral Effects of the "Do the Vote test" during the 2004 Regional Elections in Belgium. In: Non Party Actors in Electoral Politics. The Role of Interest Groups and Independent Citizens in Contemporary Election Campaigns, edited by D. Farrell and R. Schmitt-Beck. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 14. Walgrave, Stefaan, and Knut De Swert (2007). TV-nieuws als rollercoaster. Over thematische diversiteit, mediahypes en weggedrukte nieuwsthema's. In De kwaliteit van het nieuws. Kwaliteitsindicatoren voor televisienieuws, edited by M. Hooghe, K. De Swert and S. Walgrave. Leuven: Acco. 15. Walgrave, Stefaan, Knut De Swert and Volkan Uce (2007). Betekent kwaliteit van het TV-nieuws ook veel kijkers? Of is het omgekeerd? In De kwaliteit van het nieuws. Kwaliteitsindicatoren van televisienieuws, edited by M. Hooghe, K. De Swert and S. Walgrave. Leuven: Acco. 16. Walgrave, Stefaan, and Volkan Uce (2007). Nieuws over criminaliteit op het TV-nieuws: ruim overdreven? In De kwaliteit van het nieuws. Kwaliteitsindicatoren voor televisienieuws, edited by M. Hooghe, K. De Swert and S. Walgrave. Leuven: Acco, 189-210. 17. Verhulst, Joris and Stefaan Walgrave (2007). “Protest and protesters in advanced industrial democracies. The case of the 15 February global anti-war demonstrations.” In Civil societies and social movements, potentials and problems, Derrick Purdue (ed.), London: Routlegde, 124-144. 18. Walgrave, Stefaan (2006) "Het transnationale verzet tegen de oorlog in Irak. Een analyse in acht landen aan de hand van protestsurveys." In Op zoek naar Politiek. De vervagende grenzen van de democratie (Hooghe, M.) Acco, Leuven, 43-64.
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012 19. Norris, Pippa, Stefaan Walgrave and Peter Van Aelst (2006) "Does protest signify dissatisfaction? Demonstrators in a postindustrial democracy." In Political Dissatisfaction in Contemporary Democracies. Social capital, Institutions and Politics (Torcal, M. and Montero, J. R.) Routledge, London and New York, pp. 279-309. 20. Walgrave, Stefaan and Jan Manssens (2005) "Mobilizing the White March: Media Frames as Alternatives to Movement Organizations." In Frames of Protest. Social Movements and the Framing Perspective (Johnston, H. and Noakes, J. H.) Rowmann & Littlefield, Lanham (Maryland), pp. 113-142. 21. Hooghe, Marc, Knut De Swert and Stefaan Walgrave (2005) "Het leven zoals het is? Televisienieuws en onze kijk op de werkelijkheid." In Nieuws of televisie. Televisiejournaals als venster op de wereld (Hooghe, M., De Swert, K. and Walgrave, S.) Acco, Leuven, pp. 7-24. 22. Walgrave, Stefaan and Michiel Nuytemans (2005) "De rol van de media in de politieke-agendasetting." In Politieke-agendasetting in België (1991-2000). De moeilijke dialoog tussen publieke opinie, media en het politieke systeem (Walgrave, S., De Winter, L. and Nuytemans, M.) Academia Press, Gent, pp. 99-122. 23. Walgrave, Stefaan and Knut De Swert (2005) "De 'kanseliersbonus' revisited. Over de dominante aanwezigheid van de regering en de premier in het TVnieuws." In Nieuws op Televisie. Televisiejournaals als venster op de wereld (Hooghe, M., De Swert, K. and Walgrave, S.) Acco, Leuven, pp. 79-98. 24. Walgrave, Stefaan, Lieven De Winter and Michiel Nuytemans (2005) "Inleiding." In Politieke-agendasetting in België (1991-2000). De moeilijke dialoog tussen publieke opinie, media en het politieke systeem (Walgrave, S., De Winter, L. and Nuytemans, M.) Academia Press, Gent, pp. 1-14. 25. Walgrave, Stefaan and Peter Van Aelst (2004) "Nous disons ce que vous pensez." In La faillite de l'intégration. Le débat multiculturel en Flandre (Van den Broeck, B. and Foblets, M.-C.) Academia-Bruylant, Louvain-la-Neuve. 26. Van Aelst, Peter and Stefaan Walgrave (2004) "New Media, new movements? The role of the internet in shaping the 'antiglobalization' movement." In Cyberprotest (Van de Donk, W., Loader, B. D., Nixon, P. G. and Rucht, D.) Routledge, London. 27. Walgrave, Stefaan (2002) "Agalev op de breuklijnen." In Stemtest 2003. Wegwijs in de politieke partijen van België. 1830 tot nu Averbode, pp. 56-57. 28. Walgrave, Stefaan (2002) "De groene groei. Van Anders Gaan Leven tot Anders Gaan Regeren." In Stemtest 2003. Wegwijs in de politieke partijen van België. 1830 tot nu Averbode, pp. 52-54. 29. Decoster, Kristof, Peter Van Aelst and Stefaan Walgrave (2002) "De betogende Belg, Het profiel van de Belgische betoger en de normalisering van protest." In De kiezer heeft zijn redenen. 13 juni 1999 en de politieke opvattingen van de Vlamingen (Swyngedouw, M. and Billiet, J.) Acco, Leuven, pp. 193-214. 30. Walgrave, Stefaan and Peter Van Aelst (2002) "Wij zeggen wat u denkt. Over de politieke communicatie van het Vlaams Blok." In Het failliet van de
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012 integratie? Het multiculturalismedebat in Vlaanderen.Van den Broeck, B. and Foblets, M.-C.) Acco, Leuven, pp. 221-227. 31. Van Aelst, Peter, Stefaan Walgrave and Kristof Decoster (2000) "Politiek wantrouwen en protest." In Sociaal kapitaal en democratie (Hooghe, M.) Acco, Leuven, pp. 225-253. 32. Walgrave, Stefaan and Benoît Rihoux. (2000) "Une nouvelle militance 'émotionnelle'? Une analyse empirique des militants du mouvement blanc." In Militantisme et militants (Gotovitch, J. and Morelli, A.) EVO, Brussels, pp. 194-215. 33. Walgrave, Stefaan (2000) "De paradox van de witte beweging in België." In Emancipatie en subcultuur. Sociale bewegingen in België en Nederland (Sunier, S., Duyvendak, J.-W., Saharso, S. and Steijlen, F.) Instituut voor Publiek en Politiek, Amsterdam, pp. 50-73. 34. Walgrave, Stefaan (1998) "Agalev en de Vlaamse Beweging." In Nieuwe Encyclopedie van de Vlaamse Beweging (de Schryver, R., Durnez, G., Gevers, L., van Hees, P., de Metsenaere, M. and de Wever, B.) Lannoo, Tielt, pp. 4043.
Edited books 1. Green-Pedersen, Christoffer and Stefaan Walgrave (Eds) (2013 forthcoming) Agenda-setting From a Policy Theory to a Theory of Politics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2. Walgrave, Stefaan and Dieter Rucht (Eds.) (2010) The World Says No to War. Demonstrations Against the War on Iraq. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 3. Walgrave, Stefaan and Marc Hooghe (Eds.) (2010). Politieke mobilisatie en nieuwe communicatietechnologie. Een multilevel studie van de digital divide, Gent: Academia Press. 4. Deschouwer, Kris, Pascal Delwit, Marc Hooghe, and Stefaan Walgrave (Eds.) (2010). Les Voix Du Peuple. Le comportement électoral au scrutin du 10 juin 2009. Brussel: Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles. 5. Deschouwer, Kris, Pascal Delwit, Marc Hooghe, and Stefaan Walgrave (Eds.) (2010). De Stemmen van het Volk. Een analyse van het kiesgedrag in Vlaanderen en Wallonië op 10 juni 2009. Brussel: VUBPress. 6. Hooghe, Marc, Knut De Swert, and Stefaan Walgrave (Eds.) (2007). De kwaliteit van het nieuws. Kwaliteitsindicatoren voor televisienieuws. Leuven: Acco. 7. Hooghe, Marc, Knut De Swert and Stefaan Walgrave (Eds.) (2005) Nieuws op televisie. Televisiejournaals als venster op de wereld, Leuven: Acco. 8. Walgrave, Stefaan, Lieven De Winter and Michiel Nuytemans (Eds.) (2005) Politieke agenda-setting in België (1991-2000). De moeilijke dialoog tussen publieke opinie, media en het politieke systeem, Gent: Academia Press. 9. Baetens, Marleen, Isabelle Bedoyan, Peter Bursens, Hilde van den Bulck, Stefaan Walgrave Peter Van Aelst (2004) 'Who elected WTO' De politieke
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012 legitimiteit van internationale organisaties (EU en WHO), Gent: Academia Press.
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012
6. Research projects (from 1998 onwards) Externally funded research projects 1. Civil society and politics – BOF-project UA (1997-2000). 2. Street demonstrations in the 90s - FWO-project (2000-2001). 3. Trade unions and unemployment - IUAP-project (1997-2001). 4. Belgian and Flemish ministerial cabinets - FWO-project (1998-2001). 5. Social capital in an international perspective - FWO-grantee (2000-2002). 6. Agenda-setting in Belgium – DWTC-project (2001-2003). 7. The political communication of the Belgian political parties – King Boudewijn Foundation (2001-2002). 8. The political communication of the Belgian political parties – FWO-grantee (2001-2004) 9. New emotional movements – FWO-project (2002-2004). 10. The legitimacy of international organizations – DWTC-project (2002-2003). 11. Towards an Electronic News Archive – FWO-project (Max Wildiers Foundation)(2003-2005). 12. The Flemish media and the 2003 general elections – UIA-research council (2002-2004). 13. Electronic News Archive – ministry of media (2006-2009). 14. Agenda-setting and case studies - BOF-project UA (2005-2008). 15. Protest surveying – FWO-project (2006-2009). 16. ICT and political Mobilization – DWTC-project (2006-2008). 17. Changing Patterns of Participation and Representation – IUAP-project (20072011). 18. Political agenda-setting in times of change – ESF (FWO) – 2008-2011. 19. Parties and political agenda-setting in Belgium – TOP-project – 2008-2011. 20. Contextualizing Contention – ESF (FWO) – 2009-2012. 21. The agenda-setting impact of protest –FWO-project – 2011-2014. 22. Information processing of Individual political actors in a comparative perspective - ERC advanced grant - 2012-2016. 23. The determinants of exposure, attention and action – TOP-project – 2012 – 2015. 24. Steunpunt Media – Flemish Policy Research Center - 2012 -2015. 25. Changing Patterns of Participation and Representation II – IUAP-project 2012-2016.
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012
Research group Media, Movements and Politics ( (Sept. 2012) Head:
Stefaan Walgrave
Stefaan Walgrave Peter Van Aelst Peter Thijssen
Teaching assistant:
Anne Hardy
PhD-students: (Walgrave)
Ruud Wouters Jeroen Joly Debby Vos Pauline Ketelaars Anoeska Schipper Julie Sevenans Christophe Lesschaeve Lynn Epping
Jonas Lefevere Jeroen Van Laer Knut De Swert Audrey André
Project manager:
Julie De Smedt
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012
7. Conference presentations with peer-review selection procedure (from 2002 onwards) 2002, November 6, Utrecht (Netherlands), Etmaal van de Communicatie, paper: “Gezien worden of gezien zijn. Sociale bewegingen en de media”. 2002, November 22, Brussels, ODIS conference, paper: “Alweer nieuwe sociale bewegingen? Nieuwe emotionele bewegingen in België en elders”. 2002, April 1, Torino (Italy), ECPR Joint Workshop Sessions, paper: “The making of the Vlaams Blok by the media”. 2002, September 2, Boston (US), APSA national convention, paper: “The making of the issues of the Vlaams Blok” 2003, March 28-April 2, Edinburgh (Scotland), ECPR Joint Workshop Sessions, paper: “Open and closed mobilization contexts and the normalization of the protester”. 2003, April 2-6, Chicago (US), MPSA convention, paper: “Who demonstrates?”. 2003, May 24-26, San Diego (US), ICA convention, paper: “Populism in the communication of the Belgian political parties”. 2003, September 23-26, Marburg (Germany), ECPR General Conference, paper: “Transnational movements”. 2004, April 13-18, Uppsala (Sweden), ECPR Joint Workshop Sessions, paper: “Mass media and political agenda-setting in Belgium”. 2004, May 27-31, New Orleans (US), ICA convention, paper: “Mass media and political agenda-setting in Belgium”. 2004, September 1, Chicago (US), APSA Preconference, paper: “The contingency of the media’s political agenda-setting power”. 2004, September 2-4, Chicago (US), APSA national convention, paper: “Internal diversity of Protest”. 2005, July 1-3, Aarhus (Denmark), Policy Agendas Conference, paper: “Policy change and political parties in Belgium”. 2005, August 31, Washington (US), APSA Preconference, paper: “Media coverage and war in eight countries”. 2005, August 31-September 4, Washington (US), APSA national convention, paper: “Policy Change and political parties in Belgium” 2005, September 8-11, Budapest (Hungary), ECPR General Conference, paper: “Lonely in the masses”. 2005, November 18, Brussels, Interuniversitair Instituut voor Wetgeving, paper: “Wetgeving in België: rigide en wereldvreemd?”. 2006, April 25-30, Nicosia (Cyprus), ECPR Joint Workshop Sessions, paper: “Party programme change: friction or smooth adaptation”. 2006, August 31-September 3, Philadelphia (US), APSA national convention, paper: “The first time is the hardest? A cross-national and cross-issue comparison of first-time protest participants”. 2006, October, Antwerpen, Etmaal van de Communicatie, paper: “The agendasetting power of the mass media, a subjective perspective”. 2007, May 31-June 1, Antwerpen, Politicologenetmaal, paper: “The power of the polls”. 2007, May 7-12, Helsinki (Finland), ECPR Joint Workshop Sessions, paper: “Mass media’s impact on party manifestoes”. 2007, August 30-September 2, APSA national convention, paper: “How parties socialize their voters”.
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012 2007, December 14, Brussels, International Conference on Experimental Methods, paper: “Issue ownership dynamics”. 2008, May 16, Antwerp, Voting Advice Aids between charlatanism and political science, paper: “The importance of statement selection and benchmarking”. 2008, May 22-25, Montreal (Canada), ICA convention, paper: “Issue ownership dynamics”. 2008, June 19-21, Barcelona (Spain), Policy Agendas Conference, paper: “Where do punctuations come from? From friction or mimicry?”. 2008, August 27-31, Boston (US), APSA national convention, paper: “Where do punctuations come from? From friction or mimicry?”. 2009, April 15-19, Lissabon (Portugal), ECPR Joint Workshop Sessions, paper: “Setting the fear agenda”. 2009, June 14-16, Den Hague (Netherlands), Policy Agendas Conference, paper: “Towards a general theory of agenda-setting”. 2009, July 11-16, Santiago (Chile), IPSA world conference, paper: “Politicians’ perceptions of the media’s agenda-setting power”. 2009, September 2-4, Toronto (Canada), APSA national convention, papers: “Politicians’ perceptions of the media’s agenda-setting power” + “Towards a general theory of agenda-setting” 2009, September 9-12, Potsdam (Germany), ECPR General Conference, papers: “Politicians’ perceptions of the media’s agenda-setting power” + “Agenda-setting in parliamentary questions”. 2010, June 17-19, Seattle (US), Policy Agendas Conference, paper: “Does devolution lead to diverging issue agendas (or vice versa)? The case of Belgium” + “The Complex Agenda-Setting Power of Protest. Demonstrations, Media, Parliament, Government, and Legislation in Belgium (1993-2000)” 2010, September 2-5, Washington (US), APSA national convention, papers: “Beyond agenda-setting” + “Going the fast or the slow track. Tow agenda-setting tracks in Belgium”. 2011, March 31-April 3, Chicago (US), MPSA convention, paper: “The Associative Dimension of Issue-ownership” + “A Formal Signature of Media Storms” 2011, June 9-10, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Politicologenetmaal, paper: “The effect of statement selection in VAAs” 2011, April 21, Brussels, Associations Francophones de Science Politique, papers: “The effects of VAA statement selection” + “Determinants of issue congruence between voters and parties”. 2011, June 23-25 June, Catania (Italy), Policy Agendas Conference, papers: “The multi-media character of Media Storms”+ ““The Associative Dimension of Issueownership” 2011, August 25-27, Reykjavik (Iceland), ECPR General Conference, papers: “When Politics Matters for the Media” + “The causal problem with competence issue ownership” 2011, September 1-4, Seattle (US), APSA national convention, papers: “The effect of Popular Exemplars on Perceived Public Opinion” + “The multi-media character of media storms” 2012, August 30-September2, New Orleans (US), APSA national convention, paper: “Issue competition and the rise of radical-right parties in Belgium, Denmark and Switzerland”
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012
8. PhD-students supervised successfully Jan Jagers (graduation 2006) Peter Van Aelst (2006) Jonas Lefevere (2011) Jeroen Van Laer (2011) Aboulkasem Ziani (2011) Knut De Swert (2011) Joris Verhulst (2011) 10. Invited talks (from 2007 onwards) 2007, March 23, Brussels, Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis. 2007, May 3, Aarhus (Denmark), Aarhus Universitet. 2007, June 13, Brussels, Caritas vzw. 2007, June 16, Blankenberge, SP.A. 2007, September 27, Geneva (Switzerland), Université de Genève. 2007, October 19, Antwerp, Belgian Statistical Society. 2007, October 25, Amsterdam (Netherlands), Free University. 2007, November 29, Amsterdam (Netherlands), Netherlands School Communication Research (Nescor). 2007, December 19, Cologne (Germany), Universität zu Köln. 2008, March 7, Aberdeen (Scotland), Aberdeen University. 2008, November 3, Seattle (US), University of Washington. 2008, November 5, Eugene (US), University of Oregon in Eugene. 2008, November 14, Amsterdam (Netherlands), Free University. 2009, March 12, Montreal (Canada), McGill University. 2009, March 27, Leiden (Netherlands), University of Leiden. 2009, June 16, Den Hague (Netherlands), University of Leiden. 2009, November 30, Amsterdam (Netherlands), University of Amsterdam. 2010, March 8, Mannheim (Germany), University of Mannheim. 2011, June 7, Manchester (UK), University of Manchester. 2011, September 30, Davis (US), University of California at Davis. 2011, October 25, Los Angeles (US), University of Southern California. 2011, November 9, Austin (US), University of Texas at Austin. 2012, January 23, Palo Alto (US), Stanford University. 2012, March 22, Montreal (Canada), McGill University. 2012, March 26, Quebec City (Canada), Université de Laval. 2012, April 16, Palo Alto (US), Stanford University. 2012, June 4, Palo Alto (US), Stanford University.
9. Other professional activities (selection)
Head of the department of Political Science of the University of Antwerp (2006-2011). Member of the executive board of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Antwerp (2006-2011).
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012
Member of the executive committee of the Politologisch Instituut, the Belgian association of political science (2003-2005). Editor in chief of Res Publica, the peer reviewed Belgian journal of political science (2001-2002). Recipient of the Domestic Francqui chair at the UCL (2005). Nominated (second place) for Best Published Article in Political Communication Award in 2007 by the Political Communication section of ICA/APSA. Nominated for best presented paper in Political Communication at the ICA conference in May 2008 in Montreal by the Political Communication section of ICA/APSA. Member American Political Science Association. Member International Communication Association. Member of the Editorial Board of the ECPR Monographs and Classics book series (2004-2008). Member Editorial board of Social Movement Studies (2008- ). Member Editorial board of International Journal of Press/Politics (2008- ). Member Editorial board of International Journal for Public Opinion Research (2010- ). Member Editorial Board of Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties (2011- ). Referee for academic journals in the UK, US and Europe, including (since 2006) American Political Science Review, American journal of Political Science, American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, European Journal of Political Research, Mobilization, Party Politics, International Studies Quarterly, Comparative Politics, Communications, Research in Social Movements Conflict and Change, Political Communication, British Journal of Political Science, (Harvard) International Journal for Press and Politics, West European Politics, Res Publica, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, Acta Politica, International Journal for Public Opinion Research, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Communication, Political Studies, Public Opinion Quarterly, Scandinavian Politics, European Political Science Review, Comparative Political Studies, Comparative Politics, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and parties, American Political Research, Social Movement Studies... Member of the Board of ‘De Kracht van je Stem’, the education service of the Flemish parliament (2003- ) Member of the Council of Journalism (Belgium) (2006- ). Member of the Authoritative Panel for the Bibliometric database in the human and social sciences in Flanders (2009- ). Member of the evaluation commission of the Dutch Political Science programs (2009). Member of the expert review panel of the NCCR democracy of the Swiss Science Foundation (2010- ). Member of the scientific committee social sciences of the National Fund for Scientific Research (FWO)(2010- ). Section Head of MPSA section on Mass media and Political Communication at the 2011 convention in Chicago.
CV Stefaan Walgrave – Oktober 2012
Visiting Scholar Harvard University (Centre for European Studies): 20032004 (12 months) Visiting Scholar Stanford University (Department of Communication): 20112012 (12 months)