By Sigap Prahardika 19007021
Undergraduate Program of Management Study School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung 2010
By Sigap Prahardika 19007021
Undergraduate Program of Management Study School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung
August 12th 2010 Validated By
(Prof. Togar M. Simatupang) ID: 132 052 380 ii
PROJECT PLANNING AND SCHEDULING FOR BOARDING HOUSE EXPANSION Sigap Prahardika 19007021 Date of Final Examination: August 4th 2010 Date of Graduation: October 23rd 2010 Undergraduate Program of Management Study Institut Teknologi Bandung2010 Thesis Advisor: Prof. Togar M. Simatupang ABSTRACT Begins from owner vision to expand his boarding house bigger than existing, this project planning is created. The owner demanded is existing boarding to expand bigger than exist now in order could accommodate more people. This expansion is started when the owner Mr. Arif Wachjunadi see this as a big business opportunity on Bandung. Beside that, the owner also desires to create some great investment on property for the future. Mr. Arif Wachjunadi as the owner wanted the existing boarding house that located on Jalan Tubagus Ismail 2 No.8, Dago, Bandung have more rooms that can be board or rent. The owner demanded the house will expand for three floors and could accommodate 25-30 people. Not only that, the owner also wanted to improve his boarding house with several new facilities that can attract the outsiders to rent the room on his boarding house. The author accompanied by the project manager has objective to creating the project planning and scheduling for this boarding house expansion project. With assistance from project manager Mr. Omar The author will create project planning containing of planning the work activities, project costs and budgets, project activity scheduling, and allocating resources. First plan the work activity will consist of project goal, project definition, work breakdown structure, and linear responsibility chart. Second is project scheduling, this step is consisting of Gantt chart and Network Diagram using critical path method. The third step is project budget, and consists of unit price, raw material price, and total prices for each activity, and S-curve of the budget to help the project manager to maintain the budget allocation later on. The last step is allocating the resources; this step will consist of resources allocation and resources utilization. To do so, the author will do field research in order to get the actual data such as, the price of raw materials, interview the construction manager to estimate the project timeline, etc. Finally, the project planning and scheduling hopefully will create a big picture of the project before execution, and as a guide to help the project manager to carry out the project.
Keywords: Project Planning, Project Scheduling, Boarding House Expansion. iii
PROJECT PLANNING AND SCHEDULING FOR BOARDING HOUSE EXPANSION Sigap Prahardika 19007021 Tanggal Sidang: 4 Agustus 2010 Tanggal Wisuda: 23 Oktober 2010 Program Sarjana Studi Manajemen Institut Teknologi Bandung 2010 Pembimbing: Prof. Togar M. Simatupang ABSTRAK Dimulai dari visi pemilik untuk memperluas tempat kosnya lebih besar dari yang saat ini, perencanaan proyek ini dibuat. Pemilik menginginkan rumah kostnya untuk diperbesar, yang nantinya dapat menampung lebih banyak orang. Ekspansi ini dimulai ketika pemilik Mr Arif Wachjunadi melihat ini sebagai kesempatan bisnis besar di Bandung. Selain itu, pemilik juga berkeinginan untuk menciptakan sebuahinvestasi besar pada properti untuk masa depan. Mr Arif Wachjunadi sebagai pemilik, ingin rumah kos yang ada sekarang yang terletak di Jalan Tubagus Ismail 2 No.8, Dago, Bandung memiliki kamar lebih yang dapat disewakan. Pemilik rumah menginginkan rumahnya dibangun dengan 3 lantai yang nantinya dapat menampung kurang lebih 25-30 orang. Tidak hanya itu. Tidak hanya itu pemilik juga menginginkan rumah kostnya memiliki beberapa fasilitas serta qualitas yang baik, sehingga dapat menarik orang untuk menyewa kamar di rumah kostnya tersebut. Penulis didampingi oleh seorang manajer proyek bertujuan untuk menciptakan proyek perencanaan dan penjadwalan untuk proyek perluasan rumah kost ini. Dengan bantuan dari manajer proyek Mr Omar Penulis akan membuat perencanaan proyek dan pedjadwalan yang berisi perencanaan kegiatan pekerjaan, biaya proyek dan anggaran, proyek penjadwalan kegiatan, dan pengalokasian sumber daya. Pertama rencana kegiatan kerja akan terdiri dari tujuan proyek, definisi proyek, struktur rincian pekerjaan, dan tanggung jawab grafik linier. Kedua, penjadwalan proyek, langkah ini adalah terdiri dari bagan Gantt chart dan Network Diagram menggunakan metode jalur kritis. Langkah ketiga adalah anggaran proyek, dan terdiri dari harga satuan, harga bahan baku, dan harga total untuk setiap kegiatan, dan ditambah dengan S-curve dengan tujuan lebih memudahkan manajer proyek kelak dalam mengelola dananya. Langkah terakhir adalah pengalokasikan sumber daya; langkah ini akan terdiri dari sumber daya alokasi dan pemanfaatan sumber daya. Untuk melakukannya, penulis akan melakukan penelitian lapangan untuk mendapatkan data aktual seperti, harga bahan baku, wawancara manajer konstruksi untuk memperkirakan waktu proyek, dll Akhirnya, proyek perencanaan dan penjadwalan diharapkan akan menciptakan sebuah gambaran besar dari proyek sebelum pelaksanaan, dan sebagai panduan untuk membantu manajer proyek untuk melaksanakan proyek tersebut.
Kata Kunci: Project Planning, Project Scheduling, Boarding House Expansion. iv
PREFACE Thanks to ALLAH SWT for his blessing and permission that this final project could finish. Even this research only took place in short time, but the process of doing this project gave many meant lessons to the author. As a human being, I realize that this project still far away from the perfectness. The limitation of my capability makes this final project need more revisions and suggestions from the readers. I hope that this final project could useful for many people that read this final project. The succeeded completion of this final project does not escape of the helps from many people. I would like to give gratitude to: 1. Prof. Togar M. Simatupang, for his amazing guidance to me, in order to complete this final project, for his support that always encourage me to do better and better, and not to fill satisfy to earlier. 2. My beloved parent Arif Wachjunadi and Megasari Manhatanti, and my brother Harnas Prihandito, for support, for the pray, and never ending to give me some advices and motivations. Remember when they are try to stop if I 3. Best Thank you for Oom Omar and Tante Sasa as a project manager and architecture that always help me create this final project. Give me experience about the real project on field, not only theories which is I learned on my study. 4. Special Thanks to Armia Murida, Nanda Anugrah, Ismail Faidz, Ahmad Daudsyah Imami, Siti Hanissa, Ahmad Biondi, and Saviar. Without you guys this final project could not complete. Once again for you guys, finally I’m the one who graduate first and complete the final project, just kidding guys. 5. Thanks to soleh and diwa that helps with little things to make this final project finish such as, bought me pencil, paper, so many services that I could not mention one by one, thanks guys. 6. To all my friends, SBM-ITB 2010 for the support, advice, and humors, when I felt so under in the making of the final project, Especially to all my friends Fajar, Gede, Nicky, Bibil, Nigor, Nyoman, hendra that also in the making of the final project is guided by Mr. Togar M. Simatupang. Hope this Final Project will useful for everyone, THANK YOU.
VALIDATION PAGE ......................................................................................................... ii ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................... iii ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................................... iv PREFACE ............................................................................................................................. v LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... viii LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................... ix LIST OF APPENDIXS ......................................................................................................... x
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1 1.1 Problem Background ......................................................................................... 1 1.2 Problem Identification ....................................................................................... 2 1.3 Research Objective ............................................................................................ 2 1.4 Problem Boundaries .......................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER II STUDY LITERATURE................................................................................. 5 2.1 Plan the Work Activity ....................................................................................... 6 2.2 Project Scheduling .............................................................................................. 7 2.3 Project Budget and Cost.................................................................................... 10 2.4 Allocating Resources ........................................................................................ 10 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ............................................................................. 11 3.1 Identification ..................................................................................................... 12 3.2 Study Literature ................................................................................................ 12 3.3 Research and Data Collecting ........................................................................... 12 3.4 Data Processing ................................................................................................. 13 3.5 Conclusion and Implementation Plan ............................................................... 13 CHAPTER IV PROJECT PLANNING AND PROJECT SCHEDULING ........................ 15 4.1 Plan the Work Activity .................................................................................. 15 4.1.1 Set the Goal ........................................................................................ 15 4.1.2 Project Definition ............................................................................... 16 Project Team ............................................................................ 17 Command Chain ...................................................................... 18 4.1.3 Work Breakdown Structure ................................................................ 19 4.1.4 Identify Team (Linear Responsibility chart) ...................................... 20 4.2 Project Scheduling ......................................................................................... 22 vi
4.3 4.4
4.2.1 Gantt chart .......................................................................................... 24 4.2.2 Network Diagram Using Critical Path method .................................. 24 Project Budget and Cost ................................................................................ 25 Allocating the Resources ............................................................................... 27 4.4.1 Resources Allocation Table ............................................................... 28 4.4.2 Resources Utilization Diagram .......................................................... 28 4.4.3 Resources Utilization Table ............................................................... 29
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN .................................. 31 5.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 31 5.1.1 Plan the Work Activity ............................................................................ 31 5.1.2 Project Scheduling ................................................................................... 35 5.1.3 Project Budget and Cost........................................................................... 36 5.1.4 Allocating the Resources ......................................................................... 37 5.2 Implementation Plan ......................................................................................... 39 REFFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 44
3.1 Research Method .......................................................................................................... 11 4.1 Project Team ................................................................................................................. 17 4.2 Command Chain ........................................................................................................... 18
4.1 Linear Symbol Definition Table ................................................................................... 21 5.1 Total Budget Table ....................................................................................................... 37 5.2 Implementation Plan ..................................................................................................... 40
Appendix I .......................................................................................................................... 45 Appendix II ......................................................................................................................... 48 Appendix III ........................................................................................................................ 53 Appendix IV........................................................................................................................ 94 Appendix V ......................................................................................................................... 97 Appendix VI........................................................................................................................ 99 Appendix VII .................................................................................................................... 105