katrien vancroonenburg engineer-architect statiestraat 29A, 9180 moerbeke-waas, belgium +32 486 80 20 05
[email protected]
graphic experience selection of projects 0506 G04 t civielke, students magazine, engineering association G07 filmfestival, engineering association G16 t civielke, students magazine, engineering association G29 invitation for cooperation, student kickoff ugent
portfolio katrien vancroonenburg - graphic experience
selection of projects 0708 G32 manna, weekly student flyer, engineering association G33 bala website, engineering association G37 jobfair, engineering association G38 bebec, belgian BEST engineering competition G39 comedy festival, engineering association
selection of projects 09... G48 astrix, small concern G53 ebec, european BEST engineering competition G54 mid’o, small concern G61 delfien and thomas, wedding, private persons G62 flimfestival lichtervelde, small concern
G04 t civielke, students magazine, engineering association G07 filmfestival, engineering association G16 t civielke, students magazine, engineering association G29 invitation for cooperation, student kickoff ugent
G4, creation students magazine of the engineering association with a circulation of 8000 copies a year and contains interviews, research, advertorials,...
G7, design affiche and magazine filmfestival of the engineering association
Student Kick-Off? Een visie voor de toekomst Student Kick-Off? Een visie voor de toekomst Structuur Student Kick-Off wordt volledig gedragen door studenten en is nauw verbonden met de verschillende studentenkringen en -verenigingen. Dit garandeert dat SKO een vinger aan de pols heeft in het studentenmilieu en dus weet wat de studenten van vandaag aanspreekt. Deze kennis is noodzakelijk om een evenement op touw te zetten dat de ganse studentenpopulatie aanspreekt, hetgeen meestal ontbreekt bij nagenoeg alle louter commerciële activiteiten. SKO wil anders zijn, zonder daarbij enkel een nichepubliek aan te spreken, en kan daarvoor op de steun rekenen van vele studentenverenigingen. Studenten staan centraal in het volledige SKO-concept. SKO is er voor én door studenten. Om dit laatste ook naar de toekomst toe te beschermen is er voor gekozen om naar de volgende editie toe een vereniging zonder winstbejag op te richten. Student Kick-Off vzw werd in het najaar van 2006 opgericht met als doel onze werking verder te professionaliseren. Daarnaast biedt deze VZW ook de garantie dat de opgedane ervaring van de vorige edities niet verloren zal gaan en de succesformule van SKO ook naar de toekomst bewaard blijft.
Competenties organisatiecomité De leden van het Comité hebben hun strepen reeds verdiend ondermeer als: *praeses van VEK en VTK VEK:(faculteitskring Economie en Bedrijfskunde UGent) VTK:(faculteitskring Ingenieurswetenschappen UGent) *vice-praeses, sportpraeses, didactiekpraeses, PR-praeses… van diverse studentenkringen *studentenvertegenwoordiger in de Raad van Bestuur, Bestuurscollege, Commissie Communicatie en Faculteitsraden van de Universiteit Gent *voorzitter van het Gentse Faculteitenkonvent (FK) *voorzitter en ondervoorzitter van de Gentse Studentenraad *coördinator van de Dienst StudentenactiviteitenStudentenbeheerder
De kern van de werking wordt gevormd door het Kick-Off Comité, met 14 leden die paarsgewijze de 7 verschillende werkingscellen leiden.
Cel Coördinatie
*zenuwcentrum organisatie *voorbereiding vergaderingen *overzicht door begroting en globale opstelling / logistiek
Cel Branding
*verantwoordelijk voor alle informatiedragers (website, brieven, dossier) *bewaking uitstraling Kick-Off
Cel Bar/Terras
*voor alles wat te maken heeft met drinken op plein alsook uitbouw van terras
Cel Muziek
*verantwoordelijk voor de hele muzikale line-up, alsook muziekfaciliteiten (podium, PA, backstage...)
Cel Sponsoring
*reizen het hele land af op zoek naar sponsors *zorgt dat op event zelf alles qua (ontvangst van) sponsors en (visibiliteit) sponsoring in orde is
Cel Rand
*plannen en coördineren alle mogelijke randactiviteiten voor zover deze niet gelinkt zijn met sponsors (BBQ, infodorp, randanimo)
Cel HR
*recruteren, briefen, stimuleren en belonen van medewerkers
G16, creation students magazine of the engineering association with a circulation of 8000 copies a year and contains interviews, research, advertorials,... portfolio katrien vancroonenburg - graphic experience
G17, design brochure invitation for cooperation Student KickOff Ghent University
G32 manna, weekly student flyer, engineering association G33 bala website, engineering association G37 jobfair, engineering association G38 bebec, belgian BEST engineering competition G39 comedy festival, engineering association
G32, creation students weekly magazine of the engineering association with a circulation of 800 copies a week and contains research, calendar, novelty’s ...
beBEC 08
The goal of this engineering competition is making engineering students put in practice the knowledge they have acquired during their studies, while developing their social and soft skills.
The category of the competition is Team Design: teams of four students will have to solve a given technical problem within a limited time, resulting in a physical design that is able to perform a specific task.The winning team will be selected based on accomplishment of the task, originality, cost of materials used, team spirit and presentation.
More than 8000 engineering students of the following Belgian universities will be able to take the challenge: VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel ULB - Université Libre de Bruxelles UGent - Universiteit Gent KULeuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ULG - Université de Liège UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain
The event is divided in two stages: the first is a local engineering competition organised by every Belgian local BEST group. In the final stage the winning teams of every local round will compete against each other.
last year LOCAL ROUND Brussels VUB Louvain-la-Neuve Leuven Brussels ULB Ghent
14 February ‘07 21 February ‘07 28 February ‘07 3 March ‘07 13 March ‘07
24 20 28 80 40
participants participants participants participants participants
30 March-1 April ‘07
20 participants
G32, design graphic style engineering association
what we can offer COMPANY PRESENTATION TO THE PARTICIPANTS Joining the final stage of the engineering competition, you will have the chance to present your company in front of the beBEC participants, to talk about career opportunities and to promote special programs.
WORKSHOP WITH SMALLER GROUP It is possible for our partners to organise and lead a two hour workshop to let the students understand your working environment and working methods better. The workshop usually consists of case studies, simulations or training and is attended by 15 to 20 engineering students.
CONTACT WITH THE PARTICIPANTS Your company is given the possibility to provide judges for the competition during the local rounds and during the final round. Through this occasion your company obtains informal contact with the participants and organisers.
PROMOTION ON ALL BEBEC MATERIALS As official partner of the competition, your company will be promoted on every material of the Belgian BEST Engineering Competition: logos and items in the welcome package to participants, your banner in the session room and presence on the website used in all universities for promotion of the event.
cooperation We strongly believe that a cooperation between your company and BEST will be useful for both parties. Similar corporate relations in the past, both in the academic and the economic field, have resulted in employment of our members.
G38, design brochure invitation for cooperation for BEST, board of european students of technology
G39, design affiche and magazine comedy festival engineerin association portfolio katrien vancroonenburg - graphic experience
G37, design brochure and affiche jobfair for the graduate students of the engineering association
G48 astrix, small concern G53 ebec, european BEST engineering competition G54 mid’o, small concern G61 delfien and thomas, wedding, private persons G62 flimfestival lichtervelde, small concern
city of ghent ‘world’s third most authentic destination’
ghent university
open, open,committed, committed,pluralistic pluralisticand andaabroad broadinternational internationalperspective perspective
Lying in the northern part of Belgium midway between Brussels and Bruges, the city of Ghent was founded in the Stone Age as a settlement at the confluence of the rivers Lys and Scheldt.
Founded in 1817 as a Latin-speaking State University by William I, King of the Netherlands, Ghent University is a relatively young university. After its independence in 1830, the Belgian State was in charge of the then Frenchspeaking Ghent University. In 1930 Ghent University became the first Dutch-speaking university in Belgium.
Today, the rich historical heritage and the young
religious wars, but later the rising textile industry
Over the years eminent scientists such as Joseph
ted and pluralistic university with a broad interna-
population, spiced up with a large student crowd,
made Ghent the first truly industrial city in Europe.
Plateau (physicist, considered as a pioneer in the
tional perspective.
combines into a ‘brilliant mix of a wonderful past
G48, design logo, template, t-shirt 01/08
arrival day
team building
official opening
working day
working day
leisure day
working day
working day
closing day
depart. day
katrien vancroonenburg
working day
annelies +32 499 34 62 87 stefaan +32 473 91 58 32 sos europe 112
ghent organiser
7h30 7h45 8h00 9h00 11h00 11h15 13h30 14h45 16h45 17h00 19h00 20h00 21h00
development of motion pictures), Leo Baekeland
and a contemporary, vibrant city’, as the National
The 240 000 inhabitants of Ghent are known to
(inventor of Bakelite, one of the first plastics) and
BEST Ghent is affiliated with
Geographic Traveler Magazine put it when it ranked
be headstrong and proud, but also progressive and
Corneel Heymans (Nobel Prize winner in Medicine)
Faculty of Engineering. With over 2200 students
Ghent as the world’s third most authentic destina-
open-minded.The seaport and the university create
studied and worked at Ghent University.
and 550 researchers, it offers a wide range of
tion in 2008.
a lot of economic activity, but surely the 650 cafés
technological education including 7 bachelors, 16
and bars do their share of the business too! Apart
With a view to cooperation in research and
masters and various doctoral and life-long educa-
In the Middle Ages, the port and wool industry made
from the rich everyday cultural life, with amongst
scientific service, numerous research groups
tion programs. Also, the Faculty of Engineering is
Ghent flourish as the second largest city in Europe.
others the SMAK (City Museum for Contemporary
and institutes have been founded over the years.
the coordinator of 2 Erasmus Mundus programs:
The belfry, the Saint Bavo Cathedral and Saint Nich-
Art) and a sparkling music scene, the city also hosts
Several of them are renowned worldwide, in various
the Erasmus Mundus master of science in photonics
olas’ Church, that together form the characteristic
some very large cultural events such as the Gentse
scientific disciplines such as biotechnology, aqua-
and the Erasmus Mundus master in nuclear fusion
3-tower skyline of the present-day city, are just a
Feesten, I Love Techno, and Flanders International
culture, microelectronics, history,...
science and engineering physics. Besides education,
few examples of this glorious period. The 16th and
Film Festival-Ghent.
the faculty research groups carry out high-class
17th century brought devastation and decay due to
working day
the university’s
Today, after decades of uninterrupted growth,
research in all major fields of engineering.
Ghent University is one of the leading institutions of higher education and research in the Low Countries, with around 32000 students and 7000 researchers. Ghent University is an open, commit-
wake up shower & shave breakfast working time coffee break working time lunch @ MM working time coffee break working time dinner free time party
don bosco kortrijksesteenweg 1025 9051 sint-denijs-westrem
G53, design booklet closing day european BEST engineering competition and design awards, badges, nametags, ... arrival day
team building
official opening
working day
working day
working day
working day
closing day
depart. day
stefaan +32 473 91 58 32 sos europe 112
working day
annelies +32 499 34 62 87
7h30 7h45 8h00 9h00 11h00 11h15 13h30 14h45 16h45 17h00 19h00 20h00 21h00
working day
wake up shower & shave breakfast working time coffee break working time lunch @ MM working time coffee break working time dinner free time party
2nd edition
delfien en thomas 07 05 2011
VU Mid’o, wondelgemstraat 34, 9000 gent
design : vancroonenburg.be
niet op de openbare weg gooien
geprint op gerecycleerd papier
don bosco kortrijksesteenweg 1025 9051 sint-denijs-westrem
back to nature
l chtervelde f lm fest val papes putten 20th august 20II . free entrance
leisure day
broodjes kip tandoor 3.80 roastbeef 3.40 kip madras 3.40 verse tonijnsla 3.20 gerookte zalm 4.20 grijze garnalen 4.20 geitenkaas 3.20 brie 3.50 emmental 3.00 salades tomaat mozarella 5.50
basilicum, pesto, balsamicosiroop
geroosterde paprika
rode uiringen, fetakaas, olijven, basilicum
thomas en delfien van landeghem - vandenabeele
krokante zeesla
luc en christine vandenabeele - lambrecht
waregemsesteenweg 129
rik en carine van landeghem - dewettinck
varendrieskouter 153
grijze garnalen, gerookte zalm, komkommer
soep verse dagsoep + broodstick 4.00 quiche dagverse quiche 4.00 ontbijt croissant / chocolade croissant / pecankoek 1.00 chocolade muffin / blueberry muffin 1.50 verse yoghurt muesli 2.00 mido-smoothie wortel–gember–sinaas / passievrucht-sinaas/ 2.90 roze pompelmoes-bloedsinaas-kaneel / lassi chocolade huisbereide ice coffee / huisbereide ice tea 2.50 zoet dagsuggestie taarten 4.00 koffie * * kimbo koffie ristretto / espresso 1.80 machiato / cappuccino 2.00 lait russe / choc-o-lait 2.50 extra smaken 0.50 amandel / hazelnoot / botercaramel / vanille / kaneel / chocolade thee * * pure tea black ceylon / rooibos / earl grey / linden / 1.90 forest fruit verse muntthee 2.00 bionade vlierbessen / gember-sinaasappel 2.50 frisdrank cola / cola light / cola zero 1.00 vittel / perrier / tonic / ice tea 1.30 minute maid sinaas / minute maid appel 1.30
wondelgemstraat 34 / 9000 gent T 09 233 20 22 www.mid-o.be /
[email protected] ma-za : 6u00 - 18u00 / zo : gesloten
G54, design flyer, labels homemade juices, menu card portfolio katrien vancroonenburg - graphic experience
vijfseweg 28 bus 12
8790 waregem
9770 kruishoutem
9031 drongen
luc en christine vandenabeele - lambrecht
rik en carine van landeghem - dewettinck
u bent van harte welkom op het avondfeest om 19u00 in feestzaal shamrock te tielt, euromarktlaan 24
adrienne lambrecht – claeys
georges en georgette dewettinck - hovaert
andré vandenabeele - cappelle
eliane van landeghem - raman
18.00 21.00
nodigen u graag uit op het huwelijk van
delfien vandenabeele
program the end of the line the fantastic mr fox coordinates 51.03° latitude 03.12° longitude
thomas van landeghem op zaterdag 07 mei 2011 om 11u00 in de sint-eligiuskerk te kruishoutem
graag een seintje vóór zondag 10 april 2011 vrijblijvende cadeautip :
via delfi
[email protected] of 0472 35 95 16 731-0063514-51 of huwelijkslijst via giftlist.collishop.be lijstnummer 213990 paswoord NJF9112 Brouwerij Strubbe
G61, design wedding card, booklet, nametags, and menu card
graphics by www.vancroonenburg.be
G62, design affiche and flyer filmfestival lichtervelde, belgium