jaargang 2, nr. 4, 10-04-2015
Beste ouders, Een nieuwe TTO nieuwsbrief. Zoals eerder vermeld kunt u de nieuwsbrieven ook terugvinden op de schoolsite onder TTO. Hier vindt u ook andere informatie! We kunnen weer terugkijken op een groot aantal activiteiten. Klas 1 is van 4 t/m 6 maart naar Hastings geweest. Het was wederom een geslaagde reis! Elk jaar komt het Engelstalige interactieve theatergezelschap ‘Phileas Fogg’ bij ons op school voor zowel klas 2 (‘s avonds met ouders) als klas 3 (s ’middags alleen leerlingen). Op 11 maart hebben zij voor klas 2 het theater ‘Little Victorians’ verzorgd en voor klas 3 ‘The Great War’. Alle leerlingen hebben actief meegedaan. ‘The Great War’ sloot heel mooi aan bij het vakoverstijgende project “The Great War’ waaraan de leerlingen van klas 3 kort daarna zijn begonnen. Van maandag t/m woensdag is er hard gewerkt aan het project, donderdag was er het bezoek aan Ieper en vrijdag de presentaties. Onze Chinese Leerling Bobby Lam uit klas 3Vt heeft hierover een mooi verslag geschreven dat u verderop in de nieuwsbrief kunt lezen met een aantal andere verslagen van leerlingen. De bovenbouwleerlingen uit 5Ht hebben begin maart hun CAE of PCE examen gemaakt. Helaas duurt het altijd een aantal weken voordat de uitslag bekend is. De komende weken staat er nog een aantal activiteiten op het programma. In de meivakantie (4 en 5 mei) maken de leerlingen uit 6Vt het IB examen. De data voor het FCE examen klas 3 en het CAE examen klas 4Vt vindt u terug in het activiteitenoverzicht onderaan deze nieuwsbrief. Het jaaroverzicht is overigens ook terug te vinden op onze website. De dag van Europa zal plaatsvinden op donderdag 4 juni. Aan het programma wordt hard gewerkt.
Hastings Klas 1 Van 4 tot 6 maart ging 1 TTO naar Hastings. We vertrokken vroeg in de ochtend. Het was lang rijden, want we gingen eerst naar Calais in Frankrijk. Dit duurde zo’n vijf uur. Toen we in Calais waren, moesten we twee uur op de boot wachten want er was vertraging. Eenmaal op de boot was het anderhalf uur varen. Na die tocht waren we in Dover. Vanaf Dover gingen we naar Rye om naar een lichtshow te kijken. De lichtshow ging over de geschiedenis van Rye. Het was erg interessant. Toen we dat hadden gedaan, ontmoetten we de gastgezinnen. Daar ging je eten en bleef je slapen. De volgende dag gingen we naar Brighton. Daar gingen we The Pavillion bekijken. Het was een heel mooi, historisch monument. Je kreeg een kastje mee, naar dat kastje moest je luisteren voor informatie. Toen de tour voorbij was hadden we twee uur vrije tijd en gingen we weer terug naar het gastgezin. De laatste dag gingen we naar Canterbury. Daar hadden we heel even vrije tijd. Na de vrije tijd gingen we naar een kathedraal. Daar mocht je zelf een beetje rondkijken en moest je vragen beantwoorden. Na al dit gingen we weer naar Dover en moesten we weer zo’n twee uur op de boot
wachten. Eenmaal weer terug in de bus maakten we een stop om wat te eten bij McDonalds. We waren rond 23 uur weer terug. Het was dus een lange, maar heel leuke reis. Michelle Jansen 1VT
jaargang 2, nr. 4, 10-04-2015 Bezoek Amsterdam Genietend van Amsterdam stonden de klassen 3Ht en 3Vt te wachten voor het Anne Frank huis. Na een tijdje te hebben gewacht mochten we naar binnen. We hadden zojuist de lange rij bezoekers voor het Anne Frank huis gepasseerd, en die was lang... straten lang. We waren verbaasd over het interieur, het was anders dan we ons hadden ingebeeld. Veel meubels waren verwijderd, wat op het eerste oog een misleidende indruk gaf van de ruimte. Maar onze verbeelding gebruikend was het Achterhuis aanzienlijk klein, zeker met het feit dat er acht mensen woonden. De meubels die nog in het huis stonden waren de oorspronkelijke meubels van toentertijd. Het was bijzonder om deze te zien. Ook het dagboek van Anne Frank was te bezichtigen en deels te lezen. In het achterhuis kon je ook filmpjes bekijken met informatie over de voormalige bewoners, een uitzonderlijk filmpje was een interview met Otto Frank, Anne's vader. Helaas was er niet genoeg tijd om de hele tentoonstelling te kunnen bezichtigen. Julia Vellinga 3Vt
Phileas Fogg Introduction This report will be about the evening that the Phileas Fogg Company came to the Antoniuscollege. I will describe the evening in which I and others students have token part in and about the role I played, describe the play. To show I am not lying I will even describe one of my roles with one in the interesting movie : Oliver Twist. Description of the evening This evening is very easy to describe. It was just amazing. I arrived on school at seven o’clock and I was one of the first students who arrived early. We had to go to a classroom to wait for the instuctors and then we could go and practice the play. We had to practice the play in the ‘Aula’ and after we had practised the play in front of the parents we did the real show. This was a very nice evening! Description of the Play The play was about children in the Victorian Times in England. The students (of 2 HT and 2 VT) all were given a character and had to act. No, now I am telling it wrong, they had to be a child from the Victorian time. We showed the parents how it was for a child and how they were treated in school, the mines, and in the cities itself. My roles in the evening play I have played several characters at the evening. I have played: 1. The Dead Body 2. The Guard ( in the factory ) 3. Passenger of a coach The Dead Body is played in the scene in the sewers. He is killed by Jack the Ripper. Before he is killed he has screamed to the audience and a single person three times.
jaargang 2, nr. 4, 10-04-2015 The Guard is seen by the audience in the scene in the factory, he has to guard the factory to prevent that someone’s escapes or does something violent. He is assisted by a female Guard. The Passenger of a coach isn’t really fit to describe because he didn’t say or really do something, it was just someone to make the scene look crowded or something like that.
Comparison with a character from Oliver Twist I will compare the Guard with the policeman in the city of London who has arrested Oliver because some people said he had stolen a handkerchief. Comparing the two 1. They both have a uniform 2. They both have authority to arrest someone 3. They both are paid to keep the place safe 4. They are both not to mean to everyone. This was the report. I hope you have enjoyed it! David Alsema 2Ht
jaargang 2, nr. 4, 10-04-2015 Last Wednesday, the 11th of March, I played with my student fellows in Phileas Fogg. Phileas Fogg is a British theatre company and every year they will come to our school and perform a play in the afternoon with 3tto and in the evening with 2tto. In the 3rd grade, your performance is about the Great War. So there will be a lot of soldiers, some desperate women, some nurses and so on. I read out a poem about this fellow soldier who killed himself. At the end, I played a soldier who got shot down after the mustard-gas explosion. I thought it was fun to play it. Just as last year it was again very funny. The way those actors behave, they are immediately in the character they play. They were not like (e.g.): Hi, I am Peter –and I am Daisy and will play…..” No, they were like: “SILENCE!!!! LISTEN PLEASE….!!” And I really liked that, in my opinion there were no bad points, it was that good! At the beginning you think that it’s impossible to play something without a script, but they prove that it is possible. I would really recommend this, they should do it on every bilingual school! Anne Vuyk 3Ht
Review Phileas Fogg: The Great War I’m writing a review on the The Great War play by Phileas Fogg. The play is about what the Great War was like, what condition everything was in, and how the people behaved. The Phileas Fogg ‘team’ consisted of 2 members: a man and a woman. The man was playing a military lieutenant, the woman was playing a subordinate of the lieutenant. The man wore a green military uniform, while the woman wore a dark blue uniform. I was in the group that was ‘guided’ by the woman. She explained in detail what we were going to do and why, like a history lesson where we could play what we read. She interacted very well with my group, and nobody missed any lines or did anything they weren’t supposed to do. At first I played someone from the church, then I read a piece of a poem written by a soldier, then I played a ‘carrier boy’, someone carrying someone else on a sort of mobile hospital bed, then I played a football captain, and at the end I played a general whose platoon was shot down. I had a lot of fun with this play, and I learned a lot from it. Bobby Lam 3Vt Bezoek aan Ieper Ypres, a lovely town behind an endemic history. I definitely revelled in the trip which gave me a chance to encounter the history of The Great War. When I actually received the information of having this project, I was interested of this new approach in education, the interdisciplinary approach which gives students opportunities to have different attitudes and perspectives towards the understanding of The Great War. It was new to me too, back in the days when I was still in Hong Kong, What we did was learning informations from the books, we didn't have the opportunity to actually have different perspectives on subjects, so I thought that it was truly valuable. During the trip, the class was surrounding with happiness, this can actually help us with the concentration for studying, which is positive thing. In addition, the value of merging all the subjects which include English, French, German, Chemistry, Physics, History, Drama and also Physical Education together as one subject is also a successful educational aspect because when all subjects are actually in one subject, we can understand though different kinds of seeing, understanding. Also the trip was another approach which can lead us into exploring new things and actually have an ambience, mood of it.
jaargang 2, nr. 4, 10-04-2015 We have studied John McCrae’s famous poem of The Great War, we have watched films about The Great War, recognised how soldiers were fighting in the trenches, linked-emotions between people, we have done studies about the machines that were used in WW1 including machine guns and tanks, we have made chemical mask and studied how it works and why it works and so forth and we also did the trenches exercises which let us to have a knowledge, idea how solid the exercises were. The day before the projects ends, we went to Ypres in order to have a vision of WW1, the trenches were taking my breath away, the condition was terrible and imagine a soldier with fear and had to deal with the condition. There were also propagandas kept in the museum and they were somehow misleading. When we arrived the Tyne Cottage Cemetery, we were definitely blown away by the size of the cemetery and after realising how many people were unknown and their bodies were never found, we understood that the war is cruel. We made a remembrance art piece in order to share our respect to the soldiers, we have written biography of our own soldiers in order to have an idea how the soldiers were fighting and knowing their past to understand the war a little more. When I stood in front of the headstone of my soldier, Jeffries, Clarence Smith, the feeling was really special, I know him because of the writing of the biography, his past, his family, how he was taken away. We clearly understood the dignity of the war, it was a pity, taking all the innocent souls away, we were very emotional to see the pity of the war and hope this will never happen again. In conclusion, this project was successful and a great experience to allow us to approach The Great War in different kinds of aspects and attitudes. Bobby Lam 3Vt Ik hoop dat u de bijdragen van de leerlingen met plezier heeft gelezen. Als u vragen heeft, hoor ik dat graag. Met vriendelijke groet, Marijke Verbree Coördinator internationalisering & TTO
Activiteiten kalender 2015 4 en 5 mei 4 juni 9 juni 6-13-20 juni 10 juni 6-13-20 juni
IB examen klas 6Vt Dag van Europa Cambridge Engels examen FCE Utrecht klas 3 Cambridge Engels examen FCE Utrecht klas 3 CAE examen klas Utrecht klas 4Vt CAE examen Utrecht klas 4Vt
9/10 juni 6-13-20 juni
3 vaardigheden spreekvaardigheid