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Internationaal recht Blok4 International Law 5817 (internationalisering; Internationaal Recht) We kunnen internationaal recht (international LAW) opsplitsen in 2 stukken; 1. Private Law 2. International Public Law. Het tentamen zal voor 80% bestaan uit Private Law en 20% International Public Law Wanneer we praten over Private Law dan praten we over; Legal conflicts between parties from different countries. (conflicten tussen twee bedrijven uit 2 verschillende landen). Een aantal woorden die je moet kennen voor het tentamen zijn; 1. Litigation; Dit is een proces. 2. Plaintiff; Dit is de eiser in een proces. 3. Defendant; De gedaagde (De naam zegt het al; de verdediger). Private Law begint altijd met 3 questions (3 vragen) 1. What court/law has jurisdiction in matter? Hiermee bedoelen we; Waar?! (Welk recht& land) 2. What law is to be applied? 3. What is the content of the applicable law? Hiermee verwijzen we altijd naar 70 ciss sale International public Law is ongeveer 20% van het tentamen. International public law bestaat uit International institutions and human rights. UN EC (European Law) Voorbeeld van European law is het voorbeeld uit de les van het jennen bij de grens. De EU is nu 1 grens dus Nederland geeft een deel van zijn macht uit handen. Dit noemen we het EC Treaty: Super national LAW. Hierbij geven alle landen een deel van zijn macht uit handen. Dit geld dus ook voor Duitsland en Frankrijk. European Law; Sources. Dit zijn er 5. De belangrijkste zijn 1, 2 & 3. 1. EC Treaty (EC verdrag) Agreement between 2 country’s = Treaty. A Treaty can be directly effective (rechtstreeks, directe werking) Een burger kan via de rechter recht gebruik maken op verdrag. Het ECJ (European court justice) bepaalt of de burger recht heeft om gebruik te maken van het verdrag. 2. Regulations (verordening). Deze zijn Direct applicable and binding (No transfer into a national law needed) Hiermee bedoelen we; wanneer men een regel/wet maakt, die direct voor alle landen gelden (denk hierbij aan het voorbeeld over de routfilter). 3. Directives (richtlijnen). Transfer in national law needed. Het land krijgt de wet maar mag aanpassen in eigen richtlijnen. 4. Individual decisions (beschikkingen wanneer bedrijven samen gaan (fusie)) 5. Jurisprudence; The preliminary ruling by the ECJ De EC Treaty (4 institutions of the EC) Free movement of goods 1. The European parliament (Europees parlement) de stoelen (Seats) worden bezet door MEP, Member of the European Parlement. 2. The council of ministers. (Raad van ministers, hierin zitten alle hoofdministers van Europese landen, denk aan Balkenende, Sarkozie en Merckel. 3. The European Commission!!!! BELANGRIJK!!!( Europese Commissie, hier worden de regels/wetten gemaakt)
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Internationaal recht Blok4 4. The European court of justice (Europe’s hof van justitie) CISG (united convention on contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) Heb je toegang tot de CISG? (can be found in Application ART. 1 + 2 CISG ART. 1 We praten alleen over sale of goods Parties from different states Business to business (between professionals) ART. 23 CISG Information of an agreement 2 Voorwaarden voor een deal (aanbod en aanvaarding) ART. 14 (een voorstel om een deal te sluiten 1. Sales Bij een offer moet het specifiek zijn At what moment is the agreement concluded? When the acceptance becomes effective (ART. 23 CISG) What moment is the acceptance effective? Example! A makes an offer to B 1. June; writes A letter of ACC 2. June; B mails he letter 3. June; Mattress delivered the letter 4. B reads the letter 5. June; A writes confirmation The answer is 3 june because you only need a agreement. ART. 18.2 The place where he lives, ook al ligt hij in het ziekenhuis. (hoeft niet persoonlijk) Suppose: you deeply regret that you made a offer Opportunity #1 ART 15 CISG Withdrawl prevent the offer (this must be fast) Je moet een tegenbericht plaatsen voor of tegelijk wanneer het aanbod er is dus bellen!!! It’s impossible to with drawl a oral offer. How long is the offer valid? ART 17 + 18 CISG Rejection terminates the offer, when someone rejects the offer Period of time mentioned the offer Certain time offer in writing or oral offer Revocation of the offer (herroepen) ART 16 CISG Any offer is revocable, unless: The offer has been accepted Offeree has sent his acceptance Offer is irrevocable
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Internationaal recht Blok4 Example question 3 on page 45 Mr de Vries owns a big computer store in Enschede. He receives a flashy brochure from ‘der kompuking, a wholesale dealer in Hamburg. In this brochure the German firm offers a specific type of Pentium 4 Computer at € 750,-. De Vries send on June 10th a letter to the firm in Hamburg in which he ask for a discount: he want to buy 150 computers of that specific type, but only at € 700 each. This letter reaches kompuKing three days later. On June 15th KompuKing sends a letter to De Vries in which he agrees the price, mentioned by De Vries. This letter reaches De Vries on June 18th. De vries reads the letter the next day and he immediately sends a confirmation by E-mail. A week later De Vries sees the same computer in a store in Holland for € 650,- He is not amused and wants your advice: Question A; Does the CISG apply to this agreement? Yes ART: 1 CISG Contract of sale of goods between parties Yes the CISG apply the agreement Question B; Till what moment-time could De Vries withdraw his offer? ART. 15 CISG An offer maybe withdraw if the withdraw reaches the offeree before or at the same time as the offer 13th June Question C; Till what moment-time could De Vries revoke his offer? ART. 16 CISG Revoked if the revocation reaches the offeree before he has dispatched an acceptance. 15th July Question D; At what moment is the agreement concluded? ART. 23 + 18 CISG An acceptance of an offer becomes effective at the moment the indication of assest reaches the offers. June 18th Another example (Exercise 1 on page 45) Company A (Holland) wants to sell a certain truck to Company B (Austria) May 1; A writes a letter to B, in which he offers to sell the truck at the price of € 85.000,May 2; A sends the letter by post May 5; The letter is delivered to B at 10 AM May 6; B reads the letter May 7; B sends a letter of acceptance to A May 10; The letter reaches A May 11; A reads B’s letter May 12; A sends a confirmation E-mail to B Question A; Does the CISG apply to the agreement between A and B? ART. 1 CSIG Contracts of sale of goods between two parties Yes the CSIG apply the agreement and both parties are profession. Question B; Till what moment-time could A withdraw his offer? ART. 15 CSIG A offer may be withdraw if the withdraw reaches the offeree before or at the same time as the offer Between 5th may 10:00 AM Question C; SUPPOSE may 8th B receives an E-mail from A, in which A revokes his offer Is there a valid agreement? If so, why and at what moment? If not, why not? ART 16 CSIG The revocation was useless, the deal was accepted 10 may.
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Internationaal recht Blok4 In week 4 we ask; Question 1 Waar? What court or law? (EEX 27 countries) Question 2 Welk recht? What law is to be applied? The answer in EQ ECO TREATHY (page 21) It reference to the country in 4 steps Rules of Reference - Step A: Does the ECO apply? If the answer is NO then it’s Done ART. 1.1 International contractual Obligations urlermade breed valt onder elk contract maar omgekeerd. ECO regelt elk contract behalve TORT (onrechtmatige daad) ART. 1.2 Exceptions doorlezen, geldt er één dan geldt ECO NIET NB. ART 2. ECO Universal effect -
Step B: Did the contracting parties make a choice? ART. 3 ECO; this freedom of choice is redacted (hoeft niet op papier) maar expressed or demonstrated with reasonable certainty
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Internationaal recht Blok4 Voorbeeld Tentamen vraag Jansen, a company established in Holland, buys a large number of leather handbags from Gomez, a company established in Spain, to be delivered in Holland by the Spanish enterprise. On arrival in Holland the handbags prove to be of inferior quality than the parties had agreed upon. Jansen asks himself the following questions. 1. In this case what court of law has jurisdichtion? Uitwerking: Bij deze vraag gaan we naar het EEX verdrag (page 22 in reader). Deze vraag werken we uit in de volgende stappen; EEX Stap 1; Check of parties choose a certain court of law in writing or evidenced in writing ART: 23:1 EEX In this question the answer is no. Stap 2; Does the EEX apply? ART 1 + ART 2 EEX De zaak moet een; Civil Mathers en een memberstate zijn. In this question the answer is yes. ART 1 + 2 EEX Civil mathers and lives in a memberstate. Stap 3; Does a special provision apply? EEX Insurance matters ART 8 EXX EEX Consumer contracts (Dit geldt wanneer er gekocht word in een winkel) Always country of consumer A. Betalingstermijnen B. Lening ART 15 EEX C. Deal in Nederland met een zaak in het buitenland ART 18 – 21 Employment contracts Employee plaintiff: Choice Employer plaintiff: domicile employee ART 22 EEX Immovable property Country where property is situated In this question the answer is no Stap 4; Does a general provision apply? HOOFDREGEL! ART 2 EEX Court of law of the domicile (waar jij woont) of the defended OR ART 5 EEX Contract TORT Maintains (leveronderhouds) Wanneer artikel 2 + 5 EEX beide samengaan is het antwoord; Alternative Jurisdiction; The plaintiff can chose. In this question the answer is ART 2 EEX + ART 5 EEX The plaintiff can choose; Alternative jurisdiction.
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Internationaal recht Blok4 Voorbeeld Tentamen vraag Jansen, a company established in Holland, buys a large number of leather handbags from Gomez, a company established in Spain, to be delivered in Holland by the Spanish enterprise. On arrival in Holland the handbags prove to be of inferior quality than the parties had agreed upon. Jansen asks himself the following questions. Vraag 1 hebben we nu beantwoord. We gaan verder naar vraag 2. 2. In this case what law is to be applied to the contract? ECO Treathy It referce to the country (page 21, 27 country’s) Rules STEP 1; Does the eco apply? If no then done Is het een; - ART 1.1 International contractual obligations (uitermate breed, valt onder elk contract maar omgekeerd. ECO regelt elk contract behalve TORT. - ART 1.2 Read the exeptions. Geldt er één dan geld ECO niet. - NB. ART 2 ECO Universal effects The answer of this question is Yes apply ART 1.1 ECO + ART. 1.2 ECO, International contractual obligations and no exceptions. STEP 2; Did the contracting parties make a choise?