INTERGRAPH PP&M Benelux 2010 24 November Louwman Museum Den Haag, Nederland
Intergraph PP&M Benelux 2010 - 24 November 2010 TIME
9:40 - 10:15
Intergraph keynote
Peter van der Weijde, Intergraph
10:15 - 10:50
High-quality Plant Asset Data Handover – Peter Waywell, Intergraph Validation, Transformation & Loading Solution/ Exploiting an Integrated SmartPlant Environment in CAPEX & OPEX Plan Life-cycle Phases
10:50 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:45
3D and Caesar II (by Coade)
Paulo Moncores, COADE
11:45 - 12:30
SPE Integration and Interface Management on Major Projects
Phil Wright, WorleyParsons
12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:15
Tour Through Louwman’s Car Museum
14:15 - 15:00
Smart 3D
David Whittle, Intergraph
15:00 - 15:20
15:20 - 16:05
SmartPlant Electrical Basic & Detailed
Frank Joop & Diego Lopez, Intergraph
16:05 - 16:50
Leica 3D Integration 2209
Martin Vermeer, Intergraph
16:50 - 17:00
17:00 - 17:30
Snacks & Drinks
9:30 -
presentation abstracts High-quality Plant Asset Data Handover – Validation, Transformation & Loading Solution/Exploiting an Integrated SmartPlant Environment in CAPEX & OPEX PlanLife-cycle Phases Peter Waywell, Intergraph The quality of the information delivered by a project is critical to ensuring safe and effective operations. The high complexity and enormous volume of data, together with scarcity of qualified resources, makes data validation a high priority for many owner operators, but also poses enormous challenges. In this presentation, the speaker will discuss Intergraph’s Validation, Transformation, and Loading solution, which can verify data from multiple contractors or legacy systems and load it into target operations | systems. You will hear recommendations and strategies for ensuring timely handover, reduced costs, and improved data quality. 3D and Caesar II Paulo Moncores, COADE One of the biggest bottlenecks that persist in piping design is the exchange of data between the design and engineering models, as models typically must be rebuilt in one software application to reflect changes initiated in the other. The current process may consume many of the pipe stress engineer’s scarce hours, provides ample opportunity for modeling errors, and virtually ensures that designers and engineers are working on conflicting generations of the piping layout. In this session, the speaker will preview and discuss the plans and ideas for the “smart” integration of Smart 3D (as SmartPlant 3D and SmartMarine 3D are collectively known) and CAESAR II. You’ll see how data can best be exchanged between Smart 3D and CAESAR II today, and will learn what you can eventually expect to see in terms of true integration of the design to engineering process.
presentation abstracts continued
SPE Integration and Interface Management on Major Projects Phil Wright, WorleyParsons WorleyParsons Europe Ltd., is currently executing contracts on some of the largest hydrocarbon development projects in the world today.Managing project interfaces is highly complex, particularly in the execution phase with multiple EPC contractors, package equipment suppliers, design institutes, and owner organizations interfacing on a daily basis. For example, on a mega project, the total number of interface points may exceed 100,000. If these are not managed correctly, they have the potential to significantly impact a project’s overall cost.In this presentation, the speaker will explain the nature of the challenge, requirements for a solution, and the business benefits expected from the implementation of the SPO Interface Management business package to provide an overall interface management solution throughout the life of a project. Smart 3D David Whittle, Intergraph Intergraph Smart 3D solutions have added significant new features designed specifically to increase productivity and enhance performance. Intergraph experts will discuss the business and technical benefits of the new features released this year. Learn how you can improve your engineering designs and take full advantage of the latest Smart 3D software. SmartPlant Electrical Basic & Detailed Frank Joop & Diego Lopez, Intergraph In this session, the speaker will highlight the latest updates on Intergraph engineering and schematics products. Discover the new functionality and improvements to existing capabilities of SmartPlant P&ID, SmartPlant Instrumentation, SmartPlant Electrical, SmartPlant Electrical Detailed powered by SIGRAPH. CAE (our new addition to our schematic solution), SmartPlant Process Safety, and SmartPlant Explorer. In addition, hear about Intergraph’s interface to our partners such as ETAP and Emerson to support workflows and enhance the value of the solution offering. You’ll also learn more about the comparison between the P&ID and isometric and the PDMS 3D model, and the enhancements to the SmartPlant Isometric suite. Also covered in this session are new SmartSketch enhancements to better support the engineering work process, making it the drawing tool for SmartPlant 3D. Lastly, the speaker will provide an update on Intergraph’s overall engineering and schematics solution suite and our future plans. Leica 3D integration 2209 Martin Vermeer, Intergraph Laser scanning is “the” solution for brown field projects. This high tech technology enables designers and engineers to combine their 3D models with 3D objects and point clouds created by the laser beam.
Ons jaarlijkse evenement vindt dit jaar plaats in het nieuwe Louwman Auto Museum te Den Haag.De basis voor het Louwman Museum, ’s werelds oudste privé-collectie automobielen, is in 1934 gelegd door de aanschaf van een toen twintig jaar oude Dodge, die nog steeds in het museum is te zien. Inmiddels omvat de verzameling ruim tweehonderddertig antieke en klassieke automobielen. Kenners beschouwen de collectie, bijeengebracht door twee generaties van de familie Louwman, als één van de mooiste ter wereld.Het Louwman Museum is niet zomaar een automobielverzameling. De collectie straalt passie uit; liefde voor en kennis van de automobiel in al zijn verschijningsvormen. Elke automobiel vertelt zijn eigen verhaal en levert daarmee zijn eigen bijdrage aan de geschiedenis. Het zijn spiegels van de cultuur. De collectie is gehuisvest in een specifiek voor dat doel gebouwd museum in Den Haag, de stad waar P.W. Louwman een importschap voor Dodge- en Chrysler-automobielen begon. Het museumgebouw, ontworpen door de Amerikaanse architect Michael Graves, herbergt een grote ruimte voor het tonen van de collectie historische automobielen en is tegelijkertijd in harmonie met de historische omgeving. In het ontwerp is gebruikgemaakt van zowel moderne details als karakteristieke Hollandse elementen, zoals de steile puntdaken, waardoor de buitenzijde doet denken aan een koetshuis. De prachtige landschapsarchitectuur is geheel in evenwicht met het ontwerp van het gebouw, en is van de hand van de Nederlandse landschapsarchitect Lodewijk Baljon.
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