Berikut aturan dalam detox “ala pak bondan” Selama program detox tidak mengkonsumsi makanan padat (Nasi, roti, daging, sayur-buah(dalam bentuk padat) dan lain-lain). Tiap 2 jam minum jus buah atau sayur 200cc. No Cemilan (Dilarang keras Nyemil). minum air putih 6-7 gelas. Buah dan sayur yang dijus memiliki Glycemic Index (GI) dibawah 50%. Jus less sugar dan tanpa susu kental manis. Minum jus tanpa ampasnya. Menurut Pak bondan cairan jus sayur/buah itu cukup nutrisinya. Jika Anda merasa “lapar”, sering kali hanya sebatas pikiran kita yang lapar bukan tubuh kita” Namun pada ibu hamil dan menyusui sebaiknya tidak melakukan diet ini, dan untuk penderita suatu penyakit sebaiknya konsultasi terlebih dahulu dengan dokter. Beberapa Buah dan sayuran yang Glycemic Index (GI) rendah Buah-Buahan/Fruits Pisang 43 Kurma 42 Ceri 22 Anggur 46 Apel 38 Pear 38 Plum 39 Jeruk 44 kiwi 53 Sayur/Vegetables Asparagus 15 Brokoli 15 Timun 15 Kacang Polong 15 Kacang merah 24 Kacang kedelai 16 Tomat 15 Wortel 49 selada, all varieties 10 Jamur 10 Bayam 15 Buncis 33
Ingin Awet Muda? Lakukan Detox Dengan Jus Buah Apr
Hidup Sehat adalah dambaan setiap orang baik yang berusia muda maupun usia paruh-baya . Untuk menjadi sehat banyak cara yang bisa dilakukan . Ada yang melakukan dengan berolah-raga , diet , mengatur asupan makanan , senam kebugaran dan lain sebagainya .
Nah dalam topik ini akan saya paparkan bagaimana menjadi sehat dengan melakukan puasa detox dengan jus
buah . Ada bermacam detox
yang dikenal orang
diantaranya dengan minum ramuan herbal tertentu , dengan cara rendam kaki yang diberi cairan khusus dan aliran listrik arus lemah dan terakhir yang akan saya uraikan adalah menjalani detox dengan jus buah selama 40 ( empat puluh ) hari . Ya 40 hari tanpa makan nasi , hanya minum jus buah saja dari jam 7.00 hingga jam 19.00 setiap 2 jam sekali . Bagaimana penerapannya? ikutilah uraian berikut : Apa itu Detox ? Detox pengertian awamnya adalah mengeluarkan racun-racun dari dalam tubuh yang masuk melalui makanan yang kita telan , melalui cairan yang diminum dan melalui udara yang dihirup dari sekitar kita . Tanpa disadari bahwa sebenarnya setiap saat banyak jenis racun yang masuk kedalam tubuh melalui cara-cara diatas . Nah racun-racun ini kalau dibiarkan mengendap didalam tubuh lambat tapi pasti akan menjadi masalah dikemudian hari . Hal ini sangat tergantung dari paparan yang dialaminya . Kalau konsentrasinya pekat maka efek racun tersebut akan lebih cepat muncul sebagai gejala-gejla penyakit tertentu . Itulah sebabnya orang-orang yang sudah masuk kelompok paruh baya lebih banyak kita lihat sangat reyot fisiknya , bahkan ada yang belum masuk kelompok usia itu sudah pada nyeret kaki sebelah habis kena serangan stroke . Nah anda mau seperti itu ? Jawabannya pasti kompak . . . tidak mauuuu . Nah kalau jawabannya seperti itu ya nurutlah dengan apa yang akan saya uraikan berikut ini . Persiapan fisik . Untuk bisa mengikuti ritual detox dengan jus buah ini dengan sukses ada hal-hal yang mesti diperhatikan . Bagi orang yang biasa makan pada jam-jam sembarangan alias ” lapar mata ” atau setiap nyium aroma makanan yang maknyus langsung ngiler ya perlu waktu semingguan lah untuk persiapan ini . Dan bagi orang yang sudah biasa makan teratur tak perlu persiapan yang lama , tapi cukup 2 – 3 hari saja sudah cukup. Selama waktu persiapan ini lakukan secara bertahap pengurangan asupan makanan yang berat-berat kemudian secara bertahap pula gantikan porsinya dengan buah-buahan . Buahnya bisa buah apa saja yang ada di pasar atau lapak buah . Kalao mau murah lagi meriah gunakan saja buah-buahan lokal . Persiapan mental.
Persiapan lainnya adalah persiapan mental . Kenapa saya katakan ini ? Karena detox dengan jus buah merupakan suatu proses mengurangi secara bertahap asupan nutrisi yang esensial yang berasal dari produkproduk berprotein hewani dan kemudian diganti dengan produk nabati . Tentunya hal ini akan berdampak syok ‘ringan’ pada kondisi tubuh kita . Menurut pengalaman saya yang sudah lebih dari lima kali melakukan ini bahwa detox jauh lebih berat dari puasa yang umum orang lakukan . Jadi tanpa persiapan mental ini biasanya ritual detox akan gagal baru diawal saja . Juga yang tidak kalah pentingnya dipersiapkan ketika saat detox dengan jus buah berlangsung tidak boleh kerja yang terlalu berat , istirahat cukup , tidak boleh kena sinar matahari karena kulit sangat sensitif , nah ini yang sper berat . . . yaitu ‘ no sex ‘ . Fase pertama ( Mulai action ) . Pada hari pertama ‘ mulanya biasa saja ‘ karena cadangan lemak yang ada di otot dan kulit akan mulai menyusut , pada sorenya baru dikit-dikit rasa lemas . Besok paginya , ya inilah permainan uji mental yang sesungguhnya baru dimulai . Pertama yang sangat dirasakan adalah rasa lapar disertai perut agak mulas , kepala mulai berat dan agak pening . Lidah rasa kelu dan kaku , semua rasa seperti hambar . Kotoran berwarna agak kehitaman , ini tergantung dari pola makan sebelumnya . Kepekatan warna ini menunjukkan kadar racun yang ada didalam tubuh . Pada fase pertama ini biasanya orang sering gagal menjalani detox . Fase kedua . Hari ketiga sampai hari keempat akan terjadi penyesuaian . Kondsi lidah mulai secara berangsur normal . Kondisi tubuh secara keseluruhan juga mulai menuju pada fase keseimbangan . Perasaan bobot tubuh mulai secara berangsur semakin ringan . Biasanya berat tubuh sudah menyusut antara 2 – 3 kg . Fase ketiga . Fase ini dimulai pada hari kelima hingga hari ke lima belas . Disini akan terjadi proses lanjutan pembersihan racunracun dari dalam , dan tubuh rasanya semakin enteng . Pakaian terutama pada lingkar pinggang menjadi longgar , begitu juga berat tubuh terus menyusut dari 2 – 3 kg . Fase keempat . Pada fase ini yaitu dari hari ke enam belas hingga hari ke tiga puluh terjadia proes kestabilan . Keadaan tubuh benarbenar serasa kapas , ringan sekali karena bobot tubuh bisa menyusut 3 – 4 kg . Fase Kelima ( terakhir ) . Pada fase yang terakhir ini yaitu hari ke 31 – 39 adalah peoses pemulihan , artinya selama sembilan hari ini akan terjadi proses pembersihan racun-racun secara tuntas . Otot-otot serasa sangat lentur seperti karet , karena pada saat sebelum detox badan rasanya kaku seperti kayu , gerak sedikit otot dan persendian rasa nyeri . Tapi pada fase ini
kita bisa melakukan gerakan-gerakan yang biasa dilakukan oleh balita , seperti mencium lutut pada posisi kaki lurus . Bahkan ketika kita duduk di kursi bisa melakukan gerakan melilitkan kaki kanan pada kaki kiri tanpa bantuan tangan dan tanpa rasa sakit . Selamat untuk anda yang bisa lulus dari ujian kelima fase diatas , selanjutnya tibalah pada hari ke 40 , hari yang dinanti-nantikan kembali pada kehidupan normal . Tidak berlebihan kalau saya katakan bahwa pada hari ke 40 ini rasanya lahir kembali kedunia sebagai orang lain , sebagai pribadi yang bugar , sehat
dan walafiat .
Untuk diperhatikan , layaknya kalau orang baru berbuka puasa ya sperti itulah perlakuannya disini , tidak boleh langsung makan yang berat-berat . Sebagai pembuka makanlah bubur yang lembek ditambah kaldu , sayuran dan pelengkap aroma yang diblender agar organ pencernaan tidak kaget , kerana selama sebulan lebih istirahat . Biasanya siang perut sudah serasa mules mau B.A.B . Ini hanyalah respon tubuh sementara setelah seleai menjalai detox dengan jus buah dan esok harinya sudah kembali notmal .
Scroll down to the Shopping List
The 7 Day Juice Fast Plan is great if you’re looking to get cleansed, detoxed, and lose weight. There are two breakfasts, two lunches, and two dinners for you to chose from but remember, this 7 Day Juice Fast Plan is just that, a plan. You don’t have to follow it 100% word for word or meal for meal, but you should follow the core advice within it. A few things to keep in mind when following the 7 Day Juice Fast Plan.
1. If a certain recipe is unappealing to you, make substitutions that are similar. For example, if a recipe calls for Kale but you can’t get any Kale or just don’t like Kale, then replace it with Spinach or even Broccoli. It’s okay to replace, substitute, or change up the recipes.
2. You should not eat any solids during this 7 Day Juice Fast Plan. It defeats the purpose of it. So stay away from any solids, you’ll be Just On Juice for seven days.
3. If you get headaches, or strong cravings, it is normal for the first 2-4 days. Just stay focused and stay on the juice. Make an extra Juice to drink if you feel like your about to cave in and eat something solid.
4. Drink at least 16 oz of water after each juice meal. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
5. Start each day off by juicing 1/2 lemon (peeled) and mix it with 12-16 ounces of warm to hot water. I do this as soon as I wake up each morning, it’s important to cleanse your digestive system and give you a good boost of energy.
6. It’s recommended to have between 4-6 juices per day each consisting of 16-20 ounces. The below list is great to get you started with different juices. You can choose whichever juices you please while on your juice fast. The list takes into consideration you will try them all. So feel free to experiment while on your 7 day juice fast plan!
Breakfasts Morning Glory
Mean Green
2 Apples 1 Cucumber 1 cup Blueberries 2 cups of Grapes 2 Kale Leaves 1″ Ginger
Jolt Juice
1 Granny Smith Apple 1 Cucumber 4 Stalks of Celery 4-6 Kale Leaves 1/4 Lemon Peeled 1″ Ginger
2 Tomatoes 1-2 Garlic Cloves Peeled 1 Bunch of Basil (20 Leaves) 1/4 Lemon Peeled
Shopping List of 7 Day Juice Fast Plan
12-15 Granny Smith Apples x 2 16 – 20 Cucumbers 1 Bag of Carrots 1 Bag of Oranges 6-12 Tomatoes 7 Beets 1 Garlic
Sunset Passion
Bruschetta Tang
2 Apples 1 Orange 1 Cucumber 1/4 Lemon Peeled 4 Kale Leaves
1 Beet Sliced 1 Cucumber 1 Carrot 1 Granny Smith Apple 4 Kale Leaves 1/4 Lemon Peeled 1/4 Lime Peeled
Green Machine
4 Kale Leaves 2 Apples 2 Cups Spinach 1/2 Cucumber 2 Celery Stalks 1 Med Carrot 1″ Ginger
Things to Remember While on the 7 Day Juice Fast Plan
You may want to split up the 7 Day Juice Fast Plan into two separate trips to the grocery store. You can do this by getting 12 apples, 12 cucumbers, 1 bag of celery and 2-3 bags of spinach or kale half way through the 7 Day Juice Fast Plan. After 3-4 days you will start to feel an abundance of energy, headaches will be gone, and you won’t be as hungry. This means you have overcome the hard part and pushed out a majority of the toxins in your body. Keep going strong, it’s definitely worth it. Why stop now?
Shopping List of 7 Day Juice Fast Plan
1 Bag of Basil Large 4 Cups of Blueberries A Bag of Grapes 3 Bags of Celery 5 Big Bags of Spinach or 8-12 Bundles of Kale A Ginger Root 7 Lemons 2 Limes
Things to Remember While on the 7 Day Juice Fast Plan
Always wash and clean your produce before juicing it! Clean out your juicer after each use. It helps to take Ziploc gallon size bags and prepare your fruit and veggies ahead of time. I will put breakfast in one bag, and lunch in another bag, it cuts down juicing time in the morning. REMEMBER, you don’t have to follow this 7 Day Juice Fast Plan 100%. Feel free to experiment with your own veggies and fruits while juicing. You can come up with your own recipes so use the above recipes as guidelines. Make sure you are coring your apples as you do not really want to juice the seeds. You can pour any of these drinks over ice and enjoy them or drink them how they are. Do not add salt, but feel free to add spices such as pepper, fresh mint, basil, oregano, chives, or thyme.
How to Make a Detox Juice Citrus and AppleFat BurnerDreamsicle Edited by Fianchetto, GeGeGeLL
Detox juices are designed to cleanse your digestive system while providing the rest of your body with helpful nutrients and vitamins that can restore your body to peak health. There are many types of detox juices available, each of which draws aid from numerous fruits and vegetables. Ad
Ingredients Citrus and Apple Edit
16 oz. (500 ml) organic apple juice
2 lemons
2 limes
1 cup (250 ml) water
Fat Burner
2 grapefruit
3 lemons
1 Tbsp (15 ml) honey
4-inch (10-cm) piece of ginger root
3 medium apples
2 cups red grapes
1 small sweet potato
1 pear
Makes about 4 servings
Method 1 of 3: Citrus and Apple
1 Pour the apple juice into a 1-quart (1-liter) pitcher. You can use any apple juice you want, but organic apple juices contain no chemicals and are generally considered the best choice for detox juices. At the very least, you should avoid apple juices with extra sugar added.
The pectin in apples is thought to help flush out cholesterol and toxins through the liver and kidneys.[1]
2 Roll one room-temperature lemon on the counter. By rolling the fruit on the counter, you break some of the interior membranes that hold the juice, making it easier to squeeze juice out.
The citric acid in lemons have a mild laxative effect, which helps your digestive system remove waste.
3 Cut the lemon in half. Use a sharp knife to cut the lemon length-wise, rather than the traditional width-wise cut. Cutting the lemon in half from tip to tip exposes more flesh, making it easier to juice.
4 Squeeze the juice out from each half. Use your hands to squeeze the juice out directly over the pitcher of apple juice.
5 Repeat the rolling, cutting, and squeezing procedure with the remaining lemon and two limes. The inside of a lime is similar to that of a lemon, so you can get more juice out of it by rolling it on the counter and cutting it in half length-wise.
Limes also contain citric acid, which helps flush waste from the system.
6 Dilute the mixture with water. If you prefer a stronger taste, you can leave the juice as is. Water helps flush out the system, however, and may make the juice taste less strong.
7 Mix the liquids thoroughly. Stir the three juices and water together with a rubber spatula until well combined.
8 Serve chilled. This juice is best served cold. It also holds well and can be stored safely for several weeks, but you may find more benefit from it if you drink it sooner rather than later.
Method 2 of 3: Fat Burner
1 Peel the grapefruit. Grapefruit promotes hydration, contains antioxidants, and cleanses toxins from the blood. To make the grapefruit easier to juice, you need to remove the skin and separate it into slices.[2]
Score the rind of each grapefruit with a sharp knife, but do not pierce through into the flesh of the fruit. Create a single score around the top of the grapefruit, about 2 inches (5 cm) down from the center tip.
Peel the rind off the grapefruit by gripping onto the scored cut and peeling it back by hand.
Slide your thumb under each segment of the fruit to separate them.
2 Place a collection container beneath the spout of your juicer. If you can fit a 1-quart (1-liter) container, do so. If not, you may need to combine batches of juice into a pitcher of that size as you juice.
3 Run the grapefruit through the juicer. Insert grapefruit segments into the juicer several at a time until all the segments have been juiced.
4 Run the ginger through the juicer. If you have a small juicer, you may need to cut the ginger into chunks beforehand. For larger juicers, however, no cutting is necessary.
Ginger is thought to improve digestion and aid metabolism, among other things.
5 Roll room-temperature lemons on the counter. Rolling the lemons loosens the juice inside.
6 Cut the lemons open with a knife. Cut each lemon from end to end, rather than across the middle, in order to expose more of the juice-containing membranes and squeeze more juice out.
7 Squeeze the lemon juice into the container of grapefruit and ginger juice.Continue squeezing until you can no longer produce juice from any of the halves.
8 Stir in honey. Use a rubber spatula or large spoon to stir the honey into the three juices until it is evenly distributed.
9 Drink cold. This juice tastes best when served refrigerated or over ice.
Method 3 of 3: Dreamsicle
1 Clean your produce. It is especially important that you scrub dirt off the sweet potato, since these vegetables are prone to getting dirt trapped in the skin. You should also quickly rinse your apples, grapes, and pear, as well.
2 Slice the apples and pear. You can peel these fruits beforehand with a knife or vegetable peeler, but doing so is not necessary since the juicer should be able to remove it.
Apples provide fiber, which helps to clean out the digestive tract.
Pears also have a high fiber content, as well as a low glycemic index, which helps prevent a spike in blood sugar.
3 Cut the sweet potato into chunks. Again, peeling the vegetable beforehand is optional since the juicer can do the work of separating the skin from the juice for you.
Sweet potatoes contain many beneficial nutrients and vitamins. The carotenoids in sweet potatoes, for instance, may help fight off the effects of aging.
4 Place a collection container beneath the juicer. A 1-quart (1-liter) pitcher works well, but if you cannot fit a container that large beneath your juicer, you can collect several smaller containers of juice and combine them into a larger pitcher once finished.
5 Run the produce through your juicer.[3] Alternate between handfuls of apple, grapes, sweet potato, and pear. Continue feeding the produce through the juicer until all of it is gone.
Many believe that grapes can help treat constipation, indigestion, and fatigue, among other conditions.
6 Mix the juice together. In order to make sure that the juices have thoroughly combined, mix the pitcher of juice with a rubber spatula or spoon.
7 Enjoy chilled. Drink the juice with ice or enjoy it straight from the refrigerator. Ad
If you do not have a juicer, you can also use a blender to extract juice from your produce. You will need to strain the juice from the pulp afterward, however. Do so by pouring the juice through a wire mesh strainer with small gaps. Ad
Ask your doctor before putting yourself on a detox diet. Most detox juices contain a high amount of sugar and very little protein. This can cause you to become easily fatigued and may even cause your blood sugar to spike.[4]
Things You’ll Need
Sharp knife
Rubber spatula or spoon