ILLUSIE RAPPORT ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 1
DE LAATSTE TWINTIGVOUDIGE VERSNELLING IN DE MAYAKALENDER De Mayakalender geeft een tijdsplan voor de evolutie van het bewustzijn. De negende en laatste twintigvoudige versnelling in deze kalender is gedateerd op 9 maart 2011. Deze datum markeert de start van de Universele Onderwereld. Een korte tijdscyclus van slechts 234 dagen die eindigt op 28 oktober 2011. Hierin zou ons bewustzijn zich in 13 'dagen' en 'nachten' van 18 etmalen in stormachtig tempo de laatste stappen moeten zetten naar een hogere vorm waarin wij meer in eenheid zullen gaan leven. Op welke feiten is deze verwachting gebaseerd? En welke mogelijkheden biedt deze 'eindfase' van de Mayakalender ons? Het tijdsplan in de Mayakalender De onderzoeker en auteur Carl Johan Calleman heeft op een fenomenale manier het tijdsplan van de evolutie gevonden in de Mayakalender. Deze kalender beschrijft volgens hem de verschuivende spirituele, of kosmische, energieën in de richting van een steeds hoger, of completer, bewustzijn. Het 'scheppingsplan' van de evolutie ontvouwt zich in negen golfbewegingen, of tijdscycli. Door de Maya's worden dit 'onderwerelden' genoemd. Via negen onderwerelden evolueert het bewustzijn zich naar steeds hogere niveaus om uiteindelijk uit te monden in een 'bovenwereld' waarin de mens een sprong heeft gemaakt (of de laatste stap zal gaan zetten?) naar eenheidsbewustzijn. Deze toevoeging tussen haakjes is niet onbelangrijk. Daar kom ik in een later artikel nog op terug ¹. De nieuwe onderwerelden stapelen zich als het ware op de voorgaande. Telkens wordt in een voorgaande onderwereld het noodzakelijke fundament van bewustzijn gelegd waardoor in de volgende een nieuw en hoger bewustzijnsniveau tot ontwikkeling kan gaan komen. Aan het eind van iedere onderwereld of golfbeweging heeft het bewustzijn zich dusdanig ontwikkeld dat er een (mysterieuze) twintigvoudige tempoversnelling kan plaatsvinden, oftewel een bewustzijnsverschuiving. Deze bewustzijnsverschuivingen volgen elkaar steeds sneller op doordat iedere nieuwe onderwereld 20x korter in tijd is dan de voorgaande. Zo is de eerste onderwereld, waarin zich in een zeer langzaam tempo het cellulaire leven ontwikkelde, maar liefst 16,4 miljard jaar lang en versnelt het ontwikkelingstempo van de volgende onderwerelden zich telkens met een factor 20 naar respectievelijk 820 miljoen jaar, 41 miljoen jaar, 2 ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 2
miljoen jaar, et cetera om in de negende en laatste onderwereld uiteindelijk nog maar 234 etmalen te bedragen. De volgende, van de oude Mayapiramides afgeleide, figuur beeldt deze stapsgewijze ontwikkeling uit.
Hemelen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Cellulaire onderwereld (OW) Zoogdieren OW Antropoïde (Apen) OW Mensen OW Regionale OW Nationale OW Planetaire OW Galactische OW Universele OW
16,4 miljard jaren. 820 miljoen jr. 41 mln. jr. 2 mln. jr. 102.000 jr. 5.125 jr. 256 jr. 12,8 jr. 234 dagen.
'Bovenwereld' Tijdversnelling 9x20x Biologische evolutie Mentale evolutie 28 oktober 2011 Iedere onderwereld is weer te verdelen in 13 periodes, 'hemelen' genaamd, oftewel zeven 'dagen' en zes 'nachten' waarin het bewustzijn zich in een afwisselend dag en nachtritme ontvouwt. Tijdens iedere dag zendt de centrale krachtbron in de kosmos (door de Maya's, maar ook door ander culturen gesymboliseerd door de levensboom ²) een nieuwe creatieve, initiërende energiepuls uit, die tijdens de daaropvolgende nacht wordt geïntegreerd en zich verder manifesteert in een uiterlijke vorm (lees: een bepaalde ontwikkeling, gebeurtenis of verschijnsel). De voorgaande twintigvoudige versnellingen Het mooie en het unieke van de bevindingen van Calleman zit hem vooral in de overweldigende hoeveelheid empirische feiten die zijn theorie ondersteunen. Het is dan ook merkwaardig dat zijn theorie in de nagenoeg geheel op empirische onderbouwing leunende reguliere wetenschap nauwelijks aandacht krijgt en niet serieus lijkt te worden genomen. Hetzelfde geldt voor de meeste Mayakalender onderzoekers en een grote groep New Age aanhangers, die zich slechts focussen op externe astronomische verschijnselen en op de daarmee samenhangende 'einddatum' 21 december 2012. Ook zij lijken in het geheel geen aandacht te hebben voor het feit dat de adembenemende theorie van Calleman door talloze feiten wordt ondersteund. ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 3
Over welke feiten heb ik het dan? Voor een uitgebreide beschrijving hiervan verwijs ik naar de boeken en artikelen van Calleman en die van mijzelf ³. Vooral in 'The Purposeful' Universe' geeft de bioloog Calleman een zeer gedegen beschrijving van het zich ontwikkelende leven over honderden miljoenen jaren. Hij legt deze ontwikkeling ook langs de bijna onmetelijke meetlat van de eerste vijf onderwerelden en respectievelijke hemelen. Maar ik focus me hierna op de start van de voorlaatste drie onderwerelden: de zesde Nationale, de zevende Planetaire en de achtste Galactische onderwereld. De start van de zesde Nationale onderwereld (3114 voor Christus) wordt gemarkeerd door de plotselinge opkomst van hogere beschavingen zoals die in Egypte, Soemerië en de Indusvallei (het huidige Noordwesten van India en een deel van Pakistan). Deze onderwereld is door Calleman zo genoemd, omdat hierin de in de vijfde Regionale onderwereld gevormde regio's zich in een periode van 5125 jaar tot landen of naties gingen ontwikkelen gedurende 13 hemelen van ieder 144.000 etmalen (circa 394 jaar). De dertiende hemel, of de zevende dag, van deze onderwereld startte in het jaar 1617. Dit jaar markeert de start van de rationele verlichting met de komst van verlichte geesten op allerlei gebied: Descartes, Gallilei, Spinoza en vele anderen in de wetenschap; grote Nederlandse schilders als Rembrandt en Rubens; en enkele decennia na dit jaar grote musici als Bach en Händel. Het empirische bewijs voor de volgende twintigvoudige tempoversnelling met de start van de zevende Planetaire onderwereld in het jaar 1755 is de start van de Industriële Revolutie in Engeland in datzelfde jaar. Een revolutie die de hele wereld zou gaan veranderen. In deze onderwereld, die 256 jaar duurt, is het planetaire bewustzijn tot ontwikkeling gekomen gedurende 13 hemelen van ieder 7200 etmalen (circa 20 jaar). Deze ontwikkeling heeft zich ondermeer gemanifesteerd in concrete gebeurtenissen als wereldoorlogen, in de daaropvolgende vorming van supranationale instituten als de NAVO en de Verenigde Naties en in een daarna steeds sterker toenemende globalisering. De dertiende hemel, of de zevende dag van deze Planetaire onderwereld, startte in 1992. In dit jaar werd Internet uitgevonden in het onderzoeksinstituut Cern in Zwitserland. De echte wereldwijde doorbraak van Internet vond echter pas plaats in 1999 en ontketende een ware IT-Revolutie. Deze doorbraak viel samen met de start van de achtste Galactische onderwereld op 5 januari van dat jaar. Sindsdien is de wereld in een ongekende stroomversnelling terecht gekomen, waarin het bewustzijn zich stormachtig ontwikkelt naar een aarde overstijgend galactisch niveau gedurende 13 hemelen van
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slechts 360 etmalen. De dertiende hemel, of de zevende dag, is begonnen op 3 november 2010. Sinds deze datum is een sterke toename te zien in de berichten over nieuwe technologieën zoals nano-technologie en alternatieve energievoorzieningen, maar ook over de zoektochten naar mogelijk leven buiten de aarde en naar het kleinste fysieke materiedeeltje. Het is mijn verwachting dat er een doorbraak op een van, of al deze, gebieden zal plaatsvinden rondom de start van de negende en laatste Universele onderwereld op 9 maart 2011. De bovengenoemde ontwikkelingen en gebeurtenissen tonen mijns inziens overduidelijk het waarheidsgehalte van het door Calleman gevonden tijdsplan in de Mayakalender aan. Blijkbaar is tijdens de respectievelijke startmomenten van de genoemde onderwerelden het bewustzijn telkens zover tot ontwikkeling gekomen dat er telkens een grote sprong voorwaarts kon worden gemaakt. Dit worden ook wel kwantumverschuivingen genoemd, oftewel doorbraken in voorheen geleidelijk verlopende ontwikkelingsstromen. De laatste twintigvoudige tijdsversnelling op 9 maart 2011 Sinds 17 juli 2010 bevinden we ons in de zogenaamde voorgolf van de komende negende golfbeweging of onderwereld. Door Calleman is deze datum de Bewuste Convergentie genoemd ¹¹. Hierop startte een voorgolf van 13 periodes van 18 etmalen die zich op het kantelpunt van 9 maart 2011 in verhevigde vorm zal doorzetten in de Universele golfbeweging (of onderwereld) van 13 hemelen van ieder 18 etmalen, uitmondend in de einddatum van de Mayakalender: 28 oktober 2011. In deze laatste Universele onderwereld zal het tempo van de ontwikkelingen in de buitenwereld, en dus ook in onze binnenwereld (waar de buitenwereld slechts een reflectie van is), wederom met een factor 20 toenemen. Daar waar de meeste mensen nu al moeite hebben om het tempo van de ontwikkelingen bij te benen, zal dit gevoel na 9 maart nog eens extreem toenemen. Het zal steeds minder mogelijk zijn om ons te verzetten tegen de voortstuwende impulsen die de kosmische levensboom ² ons geeft en wij zullen niet anders kunnen dan ons over te geven aan de stroom der ontwikkelingen. Zo is in de maanden voorafgaand aan 9 maart al heel duidelijk te zien dat het menselijke individuele bewustzijn zich niet langer neerlegt bij de overheersing door externe machtsstructuren. De in januari 2010 gestarte opstanden in de Arabische wereld zijn hier een goed voorbeeld van. Het volk komt in opstand tegen zijn overheersers, die niet langer opgewassen blijken te zijn tegen de druk van het steeds sterker wordende individu. ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 5
Individuele krachten kunnen zich in sneltreinvaart bundelen tot een grootscheepse, zeer krachtige, beweging door de wereldwijde communicatiemogelijkheden die de meest in het oog springende manifestatie van de achtste Galactische onderwereld - internet - mogelijk heeft gemaakt. Ook andere machtsinstituten staan op springen, zoals: het monetaire stelsel waarin centrale overheden en banken wanhopig proberen om met roekeloze geldcreaties het financiële systeem overeind te houden; religieuze instituten, zoals het Vaticaan, die niet langer in staat is om de deksel op de beerput te houden van het schandelijke kindermisbruik, gepleegd door hun door het onzinnige celibaat geteisterde priesters; grote, voorheen machtige, legers, als die van de Verenigde Staten die machteloos blijken te zijn tegen middeleeuwse krachten als de Taliban en het zogenaamde Al Qaida. Dit zijn allemaal overduidelijke voortekenen, voor degenen die ze zien willen, van een naderende doorbraak in het bewustzijn waarin de mens zich zal gaan bevrijden van het juk van externe machten en krachten en zich ook zal gaan beseffen dat de enige autoriteit die van hemzelf is. Tegelijk zal dit het groeiende besef met zich meebrengen dat het onzinnig is om elkaar te blijven bestrijden, omdat ieder individu onderdeel is van één en hetzelfde bewustzijn. In de op 9 maart 2011 startende Universele onderwereld zal de mens, via door de kosmische levensboom aangereikte impulsen, unieke mogelijkheden krijgen om een eenheidsbewustzijn ¹ te gaan ontwikkelen en daarmee zijn fysieke voorbestaan op deze aarde te verlengen. Om optimaal te kunnen meegaan en inspelen op de komende krachtige kosmische impulsen van de levensboom is het van belang dat we de exacte timing hiervan weten en kunnen volgen. Het tijdschema van de negende onderwereld De negende en laatste golf van bewustzijnsevolutie in de Mayakalender de Universele onderwereld - beslaat een periode van 234 etmalen, te verdelen in 13 hemelen van 18 etmalen. Evenals in het gehele tijdsplan van de Mayakalender staat ook hierin het getal 9 centraal. Even wat numerologie om dit te illustreren. De optelling van de afzonderlijke getallen van de periode van deze onderwereld is 2+3+4=9; ook de optelling van de lengte van iedere hemel geeft 1+8=9. Hetzelfde geldt voor alle voorgaande onderwerelden. De achtste onderwereld is 4680 etmalen lang (circa 12,8 jaar) en 4+6+8=18 (1+8=9). Iedere hemel daarbinnen is 360 etmalen lang, waarbij 3+6=9. De zevende onderwereld is 93.600 etmalen lang (circa 256 jaar) en 9+3+6=18. Iedere hemel is ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 6
7200 etmalen (circa 20 jaar), waarbij 7+2=9. De zesde onderwereld is 1.872.000 etmalen lang (circa 5125 jaar) en 1+8+7+2=18. Iedere hemel daarbinnen is 144.000 etmalen (circa 394 jaar), waarbij 1+4+4=9. Ditzelfde numerologische principe geldt voor iedere onderwereld! Het getal 9 is dus een zeer centraal getal in de Mayakalender. Waarom is dit belangrijk? Omdat we in sneltreinvaart een apotheose naderen waarin dit getal een ritme aangeeft waarop wij kunnen aansluiten om ons energetisch af te stemmen op de kosmische impulsen van de levensboom. In de negende onderwereld wordt namelijk voor het eerst een letterlijk 9 etmalen ritme geïntroduceerd. Ik zal dit hierna de 9 dagen telling noemen. Dit ritme is een directe consequentie van de lengte van de hemelen in deze onderwereld, die nog maar 18 etmalen (2x9) lang zijn. In deze 18-daagse cyclus, door de Maya's uaxaclahunkin (letterlijk '18 dagen') genoemd, zijn sommige dagen belangrijker dan andere, namelijk: A. De eerste dag van de uaxaclahunkin (dag 1 van de eerste 9 dagen telling). B. De top, of het hoogtepunt, van de uaxaclahunkin, die bestaat uit twee dagen (dag 9 van de eerste 9 dagen telling en dag 1 van de tweede). C. De laatste dag van de uaxaclahunkin (dag 9 van de tweede 9 dagen telling). Op de eerste dag wordt het zaad van de nieuwe energie gezaaid. Op de twee topdagen bereikt deze energie zijn hoogtepunt. En op de laatste dag dienen we deze energie los te laten en ons voor te bereiden op de komst van de energie van de nieuwe hemel ('dag' of 'nacht'). Om ons goed te kunnen afstemmen op de energie van de verschillende dagen dienen we de data van iedere uaxaclahunkin goed te weten en te volgen. Daarom geef ik hieronder het tijdschema van deze data: Voor de resterende periode vóór de start van de Universele onderwereld (het einde van de op 17 juli 2010 gestarte voorgolf): - 1 februari - 18 februari (met de top op 9-10 februari) - 19 februari - 8 maart (met de top op 27-28 februari) Voor de Universele onderwereld: - Dag 1: 9 maart - 26 maart (top op 17-18 maart) - Nacht 1: 27 maart - 13 april (top op 4-5 april) ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 7
Dag 2: 14 april - 1 mei (top op 22-23 april) Nacht 2: 2 mei - 19 mei (top op 10-11 mei) Dag 3: 20 mei - 6 juni (top op 28-29 mei) Nacht 3: 7 juni - 24 juni (top op 15-16 juni) Dag 4: 25 juni - 12 juli (top op 3-4 juli) Nacht 4: 13 juli - 30 juli (top op 21-22 juli) Dag 5: 31 juli - 17 augustus (top op 8-9 augustus) Nacht 5: 18 augustus - 4 september (top op 26-27 augustus) Dag 6: 5 september - 22 september (top op 13-14 september) Nacht 6: 23 september - 10 oktober (top op 1-2 oktober) Dag 7: 11 oktober - 28 oktober (top op 19-20 oktober)
Voor meer informatie over deze 9 dagen telling en de universele onderwereld verwijs ik naar het artikel van Calleman: 'March 9th, 2011: Dawn of the Unity Wave' ¹² Tot besluit Het is onontkoombaar dat het jaar 2011 zeer hectisch zal verlopen. Dit jaar is dan ook geen jaar zoals alle andere jaren in onze geschiedenis. De mensen hebben bij de start van 2011 elkaar zoals altijd 'prettig' of 'zalig Nieuwjaar' gewenst en misschien ook weer de nodige goede voornemens gemaakt (die in het algemeen inmiddels al in de vergankelijkheid verdwenen zullen zijn), alsof dit zomaar een volgend jaar in onze geschiedenis zou worden. Niets is echter minder waar. De reeds genoemde wereldgebeurtenissen in de eerste maand januari hebben hier al een voorproefje van gegeven. Maar dit is geen reden om in angst te schieten. Integendeel. Dit is het jaar waarop we gewacht hebben. Dit is het jaar waarin wij als mensheid een sprong voorwaarts kunnen maken op weg naar een meer eenheidsgericht bewustzijn!¹ Spring je mee? Je bent van harte uitgenodigd. Eric Huysmans Coach in persoonlijke en spirituele ontwikkeling en auteur van 'Stairway to Heaven' en 'Licht op Bewustzijn'. Zie ook www.sensability.nl of neem contact op via
[email protected] Noten ¹ In een volgend artikel zal ik specifiek ingaan op het begrip eenheidsbewustzijn en dit nuanceren met meerdere definities hiervan. Zie hiervoor ook mijn boek 'Licht op Bewustzijn'. ² Zie 'The Purposeful Universe' van Carl Johan Calleman en mijn boek ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 8
'Licht op Bewustzijn', hoofdstuk 7. ³ Zie www.sensability.nl, startpagina particulieren, en klik ook door naar literatuur/artikelen. ¹¹ Zie Calleman's artikelen 'The Conscious Convergence' en 'A Dualist Convergence 11.000 years ago?' en 'Licht op Bewustzijn', hoofdstuk 8. ¹² Artikel Carl Johan Calleman: 'March 9th, 2011: Dawn of the Unity Wave'.
©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 9
DE 2012 GESCHIEDENIS EN TOEKOMST VAN DE WERELD GEPRESENTEERD DOOR DRUNVALO MELCHIZEDEK The Birth Of A New Humanity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuUuPJSyMms&feature=player_embed ded The Maya of Eternal Time 2012 Deel 1: Drunvalo Melchizedek introduceert de Maya 2012 Kalender van Don Alejandro Perez Oxlaj hoofd van de 440 leden tellende “Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Priests” uit Guatemala. Uitleg over de Maya Kalender. Wat zeggen de Maya’s zelf over 21 december 2012. Is Bewustzijns Transformatie de basis van de Maya Kalender. Het ontstaan van een compleet nieuwe wereld na 2012. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBJuTjQ29H8 The Maya Eternal Time 2012 Deel 2: Drunvalo Melchizedek legt uit hoe de Maya’s naar de wereld kijken. Zaken zoals De Evolutie van Bewustzijn. De versnelling van Tijd. Een nieuwe manier om de realiteit om ons heen te aanschouwen en dat Iedereen met Iedereen verbonden is komen aan de orde in deze film van Drunvalo Melchizedek. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzJuib4EoQo The Maya Eternal Time 2012 Deel 3: Drunvalo Melchizedek gaat dieper in op de natuurlijke cyclus van het leven op aarde. Waarom de huidige op angst, schaarste en verwarring gebaseerde systemen instorten en vervangen worden door in vrijheid stromende keuze mogelijkheden en ervaringen. De integratie van bewustzijn binnen en buiten ruimte en tijd. De keuze voor een natuurlijke of kunstmatige c.q. synthetische realiteit na 21 december 2012. De relatie tussen de heilige geometrie en de Maya 2012 Kalender, Maya Voorspellingen, Maya Profetieën. De Gulden Snede. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B_Wxnv-YNQ The Maya Eternal Time 2012 Deel 4: Drunvalo Melchizedek over de Heilige Geometrie en Nummers die nooit eindigen. Waarom Fibonacci Reeksen overal in de natuur voorkomen en in de kunstmatige, door de mens gecreëerde wereld, ontbreken. Het herstellen van de verbinding tussen de oorspronkelijke natuur van de mens en onze huidige (kunstmatige) ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 10
cultuur. De cycli van ruimte en tijd. Luidt 21 december 2012 de tijd van Bewustzijns Transformatie in. Is de Maya Kalender de meest accurate kalender op deze aarde. Wat is de betekenis van de Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Priests van Don Alejandro Perez Oxlaj, Wakatel Utiw ofwel Wandering Wolf en de Grand Maya Itzi Council in relatie tot de Maya 2012 Voorspellingen en Maya 2012 Profetieën. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1ponCebXrA The Maya Eternal Time 2012 Deel 5: Drunvalo Melchizedek over de relatie tussen De Zon, De Maan en Het Universum. Waarom de Maya’s Oudsten van de Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Priests en de Grand Maya Itzi Council 527 jaar niet gesproken hebben. De originele rotatie mogelijkheden van de Maya Kalender. De betekenis van de Equinox, Zonnewende en 26.000 jarige cyclus voor de Aarde en haar bewoners. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymnLgaQkozs The Maya Eternal Time 2012 Deel 6: Drunvalo Melchizedek legt de betekenis van cycli uit. Waarom de aarde er 25.771,5 jaar over doet om door alle 12 sterrenbeelden heen te reizen. Waren de Hopi Indianen Maya’s en kwamen zij oorspronkelijk ook uit Guatemala. De komst van de Hopi Rode Ster. Edgar Cayce over de verschuiving van de polen. De verzwakking van het aard magnetisch veld als voorbode van de pole shift. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfKtX_leETE The Maya Eternal Time 2012 Deel 7: Drunvalo Melchizedek gaat dieper in op de elektromagnetische verschuiving van de polen. Verschuiven de polen binnen 24 uur. Is er geen elektromagnetisch veld vlak voor een Pool Verschuiving. Volgens Edgar Cayce komt de nieuwe Poolas in Rusland. Hoe hebben de Maya’s de vorige Poolshift overleefd. Is uw Bewustzijn al afgestemd op het nieuwe Elektromagnetische Veld van de Aarde. Raak tijdens deze Poolshift niet in paniek. Het duurt maar 24-30 uur. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwJM8_oWeIU The Maya Eternal Time 2012 Deel 8: Drunvalo Melchizedek praat over het grote verschil tussen Hart en Hoofd Energie. Hart energie is de energie van de natuur terwijl de Hoofd energie de energie van het Ego is. The End Of Time en End of The World Profetieën. De reconstructie van de originele Maya Codices. Kwamen de Maya’s uit Atlantis en de Azteken uit Lemuria. Waarom wordt over de hele wereld hetzelfde verhaal vertelt over 2012. De Atlantis kristallen schedels als communicatie platform, bibliotheek en transformator van bewustzijn. Zijn de Maya Kristallen Schedel Ceremoniën de Levende Bibliotheek ofwel geheugen van de Maya’s. ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 11
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC6jmMDUOBU The Maya Eternal Time 2012 Deel 9: Drunvalo Melchizedek over de Maya Ceremonies die de End of The World en End Of Time inluiden. Staat uw Hart al open voor de tijd NA 2012. De Tikal Kruin Chakra tempels van Guatemala. Volgens de Maya’s kwamen zij voor Atlantis van de Sterren. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpza6KvKuw0 The Maya Eternal Time 2012 Deel 10: Drunvalo Melchizedek vertelt over de Kristallen Schedel Maya Ceremoniën. Gaan de 14 Maya Sjamanen het collectieve Maya geheugen reconstrueren. Wanneer wordt de laatste Kristallen Schedel Ceremonie gehouden. Hoe helen de Maya’s zich met behulp van deze Kristallen Schedel Ceremoniën en Hart Kennis. Waar ligt het Hart van de Maya’s. De geheime ZonLicht grot van de Maya’s. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x40dqVTXmjk The Maya Eternal Time 2012 Deel 11: Drunvalo Melchizedek over de Levende Maya stenen en de Maya Water Ceremonie van Don Alejandro. De vervulling van de Maya Profetieën. De positieve Boodschap van de Maya Profetieën. Het begin van de nieuwe Cyclus. De Negen werelden. De overgang van de Vijfde naar de Zesde Wereld. De Cyclus van De Zesde Zon. De overgang van een Gepolariseerd Bewustzijn naar een Eenheids Bewustzijn. Wat gaat komen is prachtig en is het waard om gevierd te worden. Herinnert u al wie u eens was en weer kan zijn. Een oneindig onsterfelijk bewust zonnen lichtwezen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HneD4NECIjc The Maya Eternal Time 2012 Deel 12: Drunvalo Melchizedek beantwoord vragen van lezers. De Maya Profetieën, Maya Voorspellingen, Maya Codices en Maya 2012 verhalen kunnen vanuit vele gezichtspunten bekeken en ervaren worden. U bent een uniek wezen dat voor een unieke Maya 2012 ervaring heeft gekozen. Volg uw Hart. Volg uw Eigen Weg. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBUKMAXmGNU The Maya Eternal Time 2012 Deel 13: Drunvalo Melchizedek beantwoord vragen van lezers. De Wedergeboorte van een Onsterfelijk Bewustzijn. Iedereen kan het ZELF doen. Iedereen is welkom. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJlVIoObXhM
©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 12
The Maya Eternal Time 2012 Deel 14: Drunvalo Melchizedek beantwoord vragen van lezers. Niemand weet precies wat er gaat gebeuren. Dus luister naar uw Innerlijke Zelf en Volg Uw Eigen Weg. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCYu4LLmuTs
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IAN XEL LUNGOLD – THE MAYAN CALENDAR COMES NORTH Most people knowledgeable in the field of the Mayan Calendar understand the Mayan calendar as a system of indigenous people’s astronomy, astrology, divination and prophecy. The Mayan sacred books of astronomy and prophecy are painted on pages of processed bark of the amate tree. Many thousands of these books, called codices, were burned during the early 15th century by catholic priests. Much knowledge was lost, which is the first step in cultural annihilation. Maya priests were pushed far into hiding. They could only practice their culture in the most remote areas of Central America, Those who were caught were murdered. This practice continued up to the late 1980’s… The Maya knew this 500+ years of horror and devastation was coming. It was written in their prophecies 2000 years earlier… Mr. Ian Lungold entered the scene for his discovery of a simple formula to find any day on the Mayan Calendar from the Gregorian Calendar. Thereby providing access to every man, woman and child on Earth to bring the wisdom of the Mayan Calendar into their daily lives. What makes this information vital is many fold. First in general we have a roadmap of time and history in our hands with the Maya Calendar. A roadmap is not a crystal ball. But knowing where you are and seeing the landmarks along the way, is very reassuring. If you’ve been to a place before, you can prepare for the circumstances you will find there. The Pattern of Creation has been repeated 7 times before and so we have, or at least our consciousness has been through all this before. The actual pattern of Creation described by the Mayan Calendar looks like a pyramid with 9 levels. Immensely long periods of time with shorter and shorter periods of time stacked on top. Or even more accurately, as set of nested vessels, each of them 20 times smaller than the last. Each of these Creation Cycles (we are almost at the end of the 8th now) is 20 times shorter than the previous cycle – who said that time is speeding up -. ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 14
Each of the cycles is divided into 13 equal sections of time and each of these sections has a purpose onto Creation. In each of the 13 sections there are 7 Days and 6 Nights of Creation. This very same pattern has been used over and over in history by the Sumerian, Mesopotamians, Buddhists, Hinduists, Sufists, Taoists in their understanding of Creation. Also our Bible talks about the 7 Days to Creation. In this dazzling presentation, Ian Xel Lungold explains this structure in the Mayan Calendar and why it is predicting the Evolution Of Consciousness and all historical movements and events in frightening detail. Mr. Lungold boils all these knowledge and facts down to the Evolution of Anyone’s Personal Consciousness, which is really an eye opener for those who want to answer the big questions in life. In the first part Ian Xel Lungold explains the real meaning of the Mayan TUN & TZOLKIN Calendars as Spiritual Calendars opposed the solely Materialistic Western Gregorian Calendar. Lungolds elaborates in a very logical way on the structure of the Mayan Calendar and the incredible detailed way it handles and predicts the Evolution Of Consciousness Click Here to view Part One (appr. 1,5 hour) In part two Ian Xel Lungold explains the meaning of the Mayan Calendar for our time and moreover the message of what we can learn from the Mayan Calendar on a personal level about subjects like personal intent, stress, our mind and the necessary use of our intuition as time speeds up. Click here to view Part Two (appr. 1,5 hour)
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DR. CARL JOHAN CALLEMAN ABOUT THE CURRENT PHASE IN THE MAYAN CALENDAR WHICH WILL CATALYSE THE DECISIVE TRANSFORMATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS ON EARTH Dr. Carl Johan Calleman (Sweden) is a biochemical scientist; he has worked in labs for 30 years performing microbiology experiments. Most of his work was investigating how pollution causes disease to proliferate. By 2000 he trained his attention on the Mayan Calendar to see what correlations or sets of facts could be proven, not just “studied” as the archaeologists have done. What he uncovered with his new found “hobby” is quickly changing the world and the way we live with it. Dr. Calleman has scientifically proven the Schedule of Creation and Evolution over the last 16.4 Billion years (from the Big Bang forward) in his publications; Dr. Calleman Interview 1-5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-KSC22ekd0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acNAtTdkEVU&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWSBIIzAF0k&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIPNPwtN3cM&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv0AB5bkeFg Carl Calleman On The Mayan Calender and Current Events 2010 View this very recent interview “The Mayan Calendar & Current Events” from October 2009 with Carl Johan Calleman where he explains why the current Sixth Night of the Galactical Cycle will bring the decisive transformation of our consciousness. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W13uywNt_yw&playnext=1&list=PL45 ECC508A7D7671D ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 16
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFa-Btm_ljQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=br6KH32ZUaE&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEazTcTrnGk&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdxJurvYuC4&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE83V9cvTDA&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZFHidwC-Ec&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gx3HeFuir_Y&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELT5TAmOIIA&NR=1
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DOLORES CANNON: THE MAYAN CALENDER, 2012 AND 5D EARTH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riQdyr1hkuI&feature=related
INUITS ON CLIMATE CHANGE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCWK74ulb68 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Bul6hsbwA4&feature=related
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MAYAN CALENDAR RESOURCES AND FURTHER READING Books Calleman, Carl Johan - The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness Calleman, Carl Johan - Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our time : The Mayan Calendar Calleman, Carl Johan - The Purposeful Universe: How Quantum Theory and Mayan Cosmology Explain the Origin and Evolution of Life Melchizedek, Drunvalo - Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012
DVD’s Calleman, Carl Johan - Between 2 Worlds Lungold, Ian Xel - Welcome To the Evolution, Solving the Mayan Calendar Mystery, 2 DVD Set Lungold, Ian Xel - Lost Secrets of the Maya Lungold, Ian Xel - Mayan Calendar Comes North Presented by Ian Xel Lungold, Whitehorse, Yukon Canada, June 22, 2004 Mayan Mysteries - Drunvalo Melchizedek
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2010 THE LAST PERIOD OF DARKNESS COUNTDOWN OR NOW Where exactly are we according to the Mayan Calendar? We are in the 7th day of the first 7 levels of Creation. We are on the 3rd November 2010 entering the 7th day on the 8th level of the 9 level pyramid of time. This 8th level started on the 5th of January 1999 and completes together with all 9 levels on the 28th of October 2011. It is this process of seed to mature fruit that I will share now in this article. But firstly I will briefly explain a few relevant facts about the various levels of the pyramid. Level One The first level that started 16.4 billion years ago ignited a certain type of consciousness to be part of the divine plan’s purpose. This level resonates to Substance and at the inception of its fruition stage (the 7th Day) it brought in the fruit as Cellular. Each of these13 divisions of 7 days and 6 nights is 1.26 Billion years long. Thus the 7th day started nearly 1.26 Billion years ago and we are still in it and this level together with all levels completes on the 28th of October 2011. In fact all the above 8 levels fit into this 13th section called the 7th day which is 1.26 Billion years long. For a great explanation you can watch Ian X Lungolds DVD presentation at www.mayanmajix.com or you may read Dr. Carl Johan Calleman’s books where he shares his sacred findings www.calleman.com Level Two The second level which is 20 times smaller started some 820 Million years in the past. This level resonates to animals and its fruit is Mammalian. The 7th day started 63.1 Million years ago. As Creation resonates through and up the 9 levels of the Mayan Pyramid, each level is 20 times smaller. This allows for the feeling of time speeding up. In other words more and more is happening in less and less time. Life is a process of evolution which is speeding up to a point of Oneness where only sacredness will prosper. This speeding up has brought in the feeling of how many more challenges we are encountering because of the fact ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 20
that we are learning to find our center point which will bring our physical and spiritual being into synchronicity with Oneness. Level Three The third level resonates to Families and was ignited 41 Million years ago. The purpose brought in the fruit as the Anthropoid (human like in form) and the 7th day started 3.2 Million years ago. Level Four The 4th level started 2.05 Million years ago and resonates to Tribes. The 7th day and fruit of this level is the Human and this started 158 thousand years ago. As we climb up the levels you will start to notice how these cosmic forces of natural order are coming down to meet us and gift us with what we need to be complete and thus whole. Weather it seems bad or good we are gifted the tools from Creation to confront all situations. Our mind might get in our way but our heart will know the truth. Level Five The 5th level started 102 thousand years ago and resonates to Shamanism (communication with the cosmic forces). The 7th day of this level started 7900 years ago and the fruit is Regional consciousness. Level Six The 6th level (also known as the Mayan Long Count) started in 3115BC and resonates to Religion (a manmade system of faith and worship). The 7th day started 394.3 years ago in 1617 and brought the fruit of National consciousness. Level Seven The 7th level started in 1755 and resonates to Materialism (a greater interest in material possessions and comfort rather than spiritual values). The 7th day started in 1992 and brought the fruit of Planetary consciousness. The fruit of this level brings balance to Materialism which has been driven by power and it is from here that our human greed has been fueled. This fuel has given us inspiration to become successful in the illusion of our temporary comforts. If one goes back to the date of 1992, one can see what was going on in the collective consciousness. Apartheid was abolished in South Africa and in Germany the Berlin wall had just fell, to name just a few material powers that had to fall because they where not in balance with Creations divine purpose. We are for the most part starting to see ourselves for whom we have become and are starting to accept that ignorance is not bliss. Where we ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 21
are now in consciousness on the 8th level was just before 1992 on the 7th level. Level Eight The 8th level started on the 5th of January 1999 and resonates to Spiritualism (belief in, and divine communication with, cosmic forces). The 7th day starts on the 3rd November 2010 and brings the fruit of Galactic consciousness. This 13 year period from 1999 to 2011 comprises basically of 13 by 360 day cycles which are 7 periods of light and 6 periods of dark. These 12.8 years also represent a process of seed to mature fruit. What it has been all about is balance especially with our core truth, we are finding out how unethical the collective consciousness has been and how blind we have been. Its all part of the divine plan, consciousness in the 7th level was subjected to a unitary blindfolded consciousness taking it collectively away from inner spiritual truth, which it had to be to resonate to Materialism. Then we entered the 8th level and our eyes have been opened back into a dualistic consciousness which was last in effect on the 4th level some 102 thousand years ago. As we enter the 9th and last level we enter back into an opened unitary consciousness, which will be 234 days long and each day and night will be 18 days. The last time the collective consciousness was here was before 3115BC when there was receptiveness to the universe and a balanced attitude to life and humans lived in harmony with Creation. These last 13 years to the completion the Mayan calendar are preparing us on all levels for our birth into a “New Earth” of sacred balance. On the 8th level, in 1999 it was the start of the first of 13, 360 day Tun cycle taking us to the completion of the Mayan Calendar on the 28th October 2011. What is interesting to note is that from a numerological point of view the year 1999 added up, is 1. If you add 1+9+9+9 it = 28 and if you add 28 you get 10 and take away the 0 you get 1. Also, you will find that on a numerological level for all the years leading up to 2011 they synchronize with 1 to 13. 1999 = 1, 2000 = 2, 2001 = 3, and 2002 = 4 and so on up to 2011 = 13. For me this brings to light the notion that even the Gregorian calendar, as insidious as it is, is also on some level synchronizing to the completion of the Mayan Calendar. From 1999 to these present times we can look back in consciousness to see what we were up to and how things on a spiritual level are growing from a seed to a mature fruit. You can add your own experiences into these times but for me it has been a time of deep exploring within my heart, with much duality teaching me to trust the divine flow of life as I see myself connecting to my spiritual truth. First 360 day Tun cycle - 1st Day ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 22
The year 1999 is 1 and the start of the first 360 Tun Cycle. 1 = Initiates Cycle one is a period of light or an opening for the growth of consciousness. The seed is planted and it is time for a new beginning to create the flow in a new direction. For some it may have been a time of being unsure as we entered a new millennium. One is the beginning of all things and new perceptions are available. Second 360 day Tun cycle – 1st Night The year 2000 is 2 and the next 360 days. 2 = Creates a reaction Cycle two is a period of dark or the opportunity to apply the enlightenment just received from creations flow. The germination of the seed allows for new points of view. To be or not to be is the question. We are separate but one. We are 2 sides of the same coin and the coin will not be whole if we only look at one side. It is the application of “initiates”. After the seed is planted, does the seed grow or not? Have you noticed that before something begins we hold our breath in anticipation? Breathe in and let go with trust. Third 360 day Tun cycle - 2nd Day The year 2001 is 3 and the next 360 days. 3 = Activates Cycle three is another period of light, in nature the seed sprouts and displays 2 leaves. New points of view override old ones. History has shown this period to be a time of civil turmoil. This is the new light that brings the movement. The question is answered through communication. Sept 11, 2001, a big movement was communicated to the world. Forth 360 day Tun cycle – 2nd Night The year 2002 is 4 and the next 360 days. 4 = Stabilizes Cycle four is a period of dark when polarized factions come to blows over their differences. In human history these are peeks of violence. The 4 sides of a square bringing complete balance. The 4 directions connect with the center to bring about freedom from past barriers. Fifth 360 day Tun cycle – 3rd Day The year 2003 is 5 and the next 360 days. 5 = Empowers Cycle five is another period of light and in nature the development of a root system and the second set of leaves that will be the permanent part of the plant. Lies are disclosed so that progress is not blocked. Sixth 360 day Tun cycle – 3rd Night The year 2004 is 6. 6 = Creates flow Cycle six is another period of dark and the seedling set of leaves are ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 23
dropped from the plant as another set of leaves spring from the top. Failed systems are washed away, usually be force. Seventh 360 day Tun cycle – 4th Day The year 2005 is 7 and the next 360 days. 7 = Reveals Cycle seven is a period of light where in the plants life good progress is made for it to develop into a strong tree, the taproot grows deep to firmly attach the plant while the stock thickens and branches form. It is a period of expansion of the foundations laid. New points of view and ways of doing things take dominance. Eighth 360 day Tun cycle – 4th Night The year 2006 is 8 and the next 360 days. 8 = Harmonizes Cycle eight is a period of dark and brings the application of new procedures. The plant multiplies its leaves and root system abundantly. In human evolution it has been a time of rebuilding and healing. Ninth 360 day Tun cycle – 5th Day The year 2007 is 9 and the next 360 days. 9 = Creates forward movement Cycle nine is the brightest period of light (Quetzalcoatl – God of Light – Christ consciousness) and in the plants life it is when the chemicals are produced that carry information for the buds to form. In this period was when art was invented, the message of Jesus moved over Earth, Einstein discovered the theory of relativity and America with the victory of WW1 rose to world power. Tenth 360 day Tun cycle – 5th Night The year 2008 is 10 and the next 360 days. 10 = Challenge Cycle ten is the darkest period of dark and in the plants life it is the growth of the bud. In your life it was puberty. This has been a time of great physical hardships or major conflict. Going back in time, the Illonian Ice Age, Neanderthals going extinct, World War II, the Great Depression of the 1930’s and more recently the World markets finding challenges and crashing in December 2008 were examples of this cycles energy. Eleventh 360 day Tun cycle – 6th Day The year 2009 is 11 and the next 360 days. 11 = Creates clarity Cycle eleven is an enlightenment period of light and this brought the flower in a plants life. For you it was adolescence. In human history this was the creation of the 1st tools, the 1st attempts at agriculture and constructed shelter, the renaissance and the flower children of the 1960’s. ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 24
This has also recently seen the Flowering of our spiritual consciousness on a galactic level. Many of us are meeting our galactic friends. Twelfth 360 day Tun - 6th Night The year 2010 is 12 and the next 360 days. 12 = Creates understanding Cycle twelve is the last period of dark. In the plant’s life the flower wilts and dies, setting the stage for the fruit development or of seedpods that will dry. This is what happened to the Maya civilization right on queue. Throughout human history there have been conflicts and revolts during this period, most recent of these being the Vietnam War. Thirteenth 360 day Tun cycle - 7th Day The year 2011 is 13 and the next 360 days. 13 = Completes Cycle thirteen and a period of bright light, a time of readiness for something new and different. This is a time of ascension – going from one level to the next higher level. The plant spreads the seeds or drops the fruit to begin again a thousand times over. In human history it was during these repeated cycles of seed to mature fruit that consciousness developed Homo sapiens, agriculture and domesticated herds, signed treaties to establish the sovereignty of nations and their people and put up the Internet creating a planetary consciousness in 1992. Here we are now in 2010 at the precipice of the fruit of Galactic consciousness which will bare the seeds for our spiritual growth. The 7th Day Tree of Life Celebration With the beginning of the 7th day on the 8th level starting on 3rd November, one of the biggest “Happenings” needed now in consciousness is to balance the duality of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. I believe that for too long has the Masculine suppressed the Feminine and this is a great opportunity to set in place the “Intention” for this balance to happen. In fact the first 20 days holds a specific intention on the Mayan Calendar’s 260 day Tzolkin of the “Creation of forward movement” (Quetzalcoatl – God of Light). Below I have copied what Dr. Carl Johan Calleman states as an intention for us to possibly bring into our realm of consciousness. Possibly in some sort of sacred ceremony by yourself, or in a group which would magnify the intention. ''About 5100 years ago, at the beginning of the Mayan Long Count (6th Wave or National Underworld) a polarity of consciousness was introduced that created a separation between the masculine and the feminine. The result has been a suppression of the intuitive and feminine aspects of the human mind and soul. The pain associated with this separation has created a long-standing conflict between men and women that has resulted in often unbalanced, twisted and distorted relationships between ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 25
them. With the beginning (November 3, 2010, 5 Imix) of the Seventh day of the 8th wave, (Galactic Underworld) a polarity shift in consciousness will support humanity in the co-creation of a new, balanced and more harmonious, relationship between the masculine and feminine. While the true cycle begins on November 3, 2010, women and men all over the world are invited to locally co-create processes and ceremonies designed to restore the sacred relationship between the feminine and masculine for two days on the weekend of November 6-7, 2010. The intention of these ceremonies is to co-create balance and mutual respect between the genders and the freedom for all individuals to embody any combined expression of the sacred feminine and masculine''. Carl Johan Calleman RE-UNION TO THE ROOT OF THE WORLD TREE I Sean Alan Caulfield make a pledge I say this to myself because I am ancient and now only waking up to this truth. I love you, I thank you, please forgive me and I am sorry. I am seeing where I have gone wrong and I take full responsibility and from now on I consciously do the best I can to walk the SACRED road of balance, peace, harmony and love. For too long have women been suppressed and I as a man apologize for this, I am sorry. I open up a doorway to the Great Spirit asking for forgiveness for what I have done wrong knowingly and unknowingly towards women and the divine feminine within me. I will change my attitude towards women and I respect the female role as equal to the male, thus bringing in sacred balance of the divine feminine and masculine within my being. The 7th Day will also bring the balance of Eastern and Western hemisphere and the balance of the right brain and left brain. Level Nine The 9th level starts on the 9th of March 2011 and will resonate to Oneness. The 7th day and fruit of this level will be complete “Universal” consciousness and will start on the 11th October 2011. Each day and night of the 13 divisions of this 9th level to ascension will be 18 days. The possibility is that we will be gifted the tool’s for “Universal Co-Creation” enabling humanity and all of creation to live a future of complete Oneness. We will embark upon a time of anything but separate. It is already becoming more realized that everything outside of ourselves is inside and we are infinitely connected to everything. What we do to the sacred hoop we do to ourselves. The ancient people of Earth Mother knew this and still know this and they knew that humanity would lose its way and thus left ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 26
clues in the form of sacred teachings to help us now. In order for the fruit that we become to be able to give good see ds for our future we need to look inside our heart and look at who we are. Sources of inspiration Since May 2007 I have been studying Dr Carl Johan Calleman’s findings on the synchronicity of the Mayan calendar. www.calleman.com. I would like to add that this came about through the profound wisdom that Ian X Lungold shared in his Mayan Calendar DVD presentation and his website. www.mayanmajix.com. I was guided this way through my own spiritual quest as a searcher of truth and it has been my art and its influence from ancient sources that has aligned me closer to my hearts center. My heart feels we are certainly living in revealing yet exciting times. www.rockartgallery.com. This quest for the truth resulted in my journey to the Maya lands in May 2010 to meet the Mayan Elders with a group of beautiful people that travelled from all over the world. An inspiring pilgrimage it was and something that will forever be part of my spiritual essence. This sacred experience allowed me to not only talk about the Mayan calendar but also guided me to show myself how to walk the Mayan calendar from a perspective of the Maya Elders and Day Keepers. I had many questions and I learnt a lot. Meeting with Don Alexandra known as “Tata” and hearing his teachings was a great honour. This website shares Tata’s journey to fulfill an ancient prophecy. www.shiftoftheages.com Resources (I take this opportunity to say thank you to Carl and Ian’s valuable research and to all my teachers seen and unseen) www.calleman.com www.mayanmajix.com Affiliated websites www.spiritworldmedicine.com www.shaketheanthill.net www.shiftoftheages.com www.maya-portal.net www.treeoflifecelebration.com Contact information for Sean Alan Caulfield Email:
[email protected] www.rockartgallery.com
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MYSTERY 2012 . For several years, 12/21/2012 has been circulating as a key time for the world. I'd like to start a series of articles that examines this very interesting but also complex topic from different viewpoints (image source: NASA)... .
Mystery 2012 (part #3): earth & solar system changes (August 18th 2010) In the past months we have experienced severe earthquakes and the eruption of the volcano Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland (Link), which grounded the European air traffic for the first time since WW2. This is no surprise for me as I have been predicting since 2001-3 that the ongoing earth changes will accelerate, including a significant growth of the number of earthquakes and volcano eruptions. To my knowledge, none of the mainstream seismologists, geologists, and volcanologists did foresee the rise of earth events the past years because they have no understanding that a new 26,000 year Galactic cycle is ready to start. In the following article I'd like to discuss the ongoing earth changes and the likely implications for 2012/13.
Mystery 2012 (part #2): the Age of Aquarius hoax (February 17th 2010) This is the 2nd article of an article series on the topic “2012”, which today is becoming more and more discussed (2012 was also a movie title). At times the topic 2012 is mentioned in relationship with the so-called Age of the Aquarius, a myth I will debunk in this article.
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Mystery 2012 (part #1): wild sun ahead? (September 30th 2009) For several years, 2012 has been circulating as a key year for the world. I'd like to start a series of articles that examines this very interesting but also complex topic from different viewpoints. In the first article I am discussing the influence of the sun. Mystery 2012 (part #1): wild sun ahead? (30.09.2009)
For several years, 2012 has been circulating as a key year for the world. I'd like to start a series of articles that examines this very interesting but also complex topic from different viewpoints. In the first article I am discussing the influence of the sun (picture source: NASA).
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Even laypeople have already heard about the 11-year sunspot cycle, i.e. the number of sun-spots is governed by an 11-year cycle. Sunspots are a yardstick for solar activity and correlate very high with solar eruptions (green) and solar radiation as the chart below suggests. The solar cycle is apparently closely linked to the cycle of Jupiter, the center of mass (CM; Barycenter) and the impulses of the torque (IOT), which will be discussed in a separate article.
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1. Solar cycle & economic activity The correlation between sunspots and economic activity is subject to one of the oldest economic theories. Already the discoverer or Uranus, William Herschel (1738-1822), postulated a relationship of solar activity and wheat prices. The well-known neo-classic economist William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882) explained economic cycles and bad harvests with the aid of the sun. The following chart by Robert Rethfeld indicates a useful but rather weak correlation: in the central part of the expansive solar phase the US economy hasn't been shrinking since 1933, with just one exception (the 2-10/1945 recession that is shown incorrectly in the chart). Since the 19th century a recession was underway within 1-2 years after every solar max.
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During most of the time during the 20th century the US economy could be equated with the world economy (up to 50% of global GDP!). This is changing in the 21st century as the US is on the way back to becoming a developing country. So one should be precise: the solar cycle is indicative of the world economy. However, the current solar cycle (#23 resp. #24) is baffling solar watchers. After the sun was more active in 2003-4 than at least in 8,000 years (link), the sun is now as quiet as 1913 the last time (1913 was a key year because of the formation of the most powerful criminal organization on the planet, the Fed).
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source: NOAA
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source: www.CalSky.com
Depending on the smoothing of the curve (raw data1, raw data2, raw data3) late 2008 through early 2009 can be labeled as the low. At present, the „Solar Cycle 24 Prediction Panel" predicts the next high for approximately early 2013. In 2006 the official forecast was still that the next high would be 2011 (= 2000 + 11 years) but I was already sure at this time that the high was much more likely to come around late 2012/ early 2013, when everything is aligning. 2. Solar cycle & the stock markets There is a very interesting correlation with the stock markets, too: since 1933/34 (gold ban) we always had bull market highs (= start of a bear market) 0-13 months after a high in the solar cycle (Link): • • • • • • •
high solar cycle (+4 months) high solar cycle (+13 months) high solar cycle months) high solar cycle (+1 month) high solar cycle (+11 months) high solar cycle months) high solar cycle month)
4/1937 -> bear market begin Dow Jones 8/1937 5/1947 -> bear market begin Dow Jones 6/1948 3/1958 -> bear market begin S&P 500 8/1959 (+6 11/1968 -> bear market begin S&P 500 12/1968 12/1979 -> bear market begin S&P 500 11/1980 7/1989 -> bear market begin S&P 500 7/1990 (+12 3/2000 -> bear market begin S&P 500 3/2000 (+0 ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 35
This effect was already described in 1965 by Charles Collins in his article „Effect of Sunspot Activity on the Stock Market" in the „Financial Analysts Journal" based on 93 years of data analyzed. He concluded that a major stock market top is due when the average yearly number of sunspots rises to over 50. The sell signals are shown in the chart below which is taken from Bob Prechter's book „Market analysis for the new millennium".
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There is a 2nd (weaker) pattern of stock market tops about 2.5 years before the sun spot high based on a 11-year smoothing of the data which yields slightly different highs compared to nominal prices (source):
3. Solar cycle & inflation Solar activity (red) also correlates with inflation (black) as the chart below (again by Robert Rethfeld who is doing excellent research). The heavy manipulation of the CPI since the 1990s is roughly rectified by myself in the chart. Inflation markets (i.e. commodities) on average lead inflation.
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Earth's geomagnetic field is mainly determined by the magnetic field of the sun, we also see a clear connection with a correlation coefficient of up to r=0.82 (P<0.1%) as described by Brian Walsh in the „Cycles" magazine in 1993 (Link):
In early 1968 the quasi gold standard was more or less abolished, which lead to the inevitable expansion in money supply and inflation. Since that time every solar top made a bubble burst, in 3 of the 4 cases even in the same or following month which is incredibly precise: •
solar high 11/1968: stock market bubble bursts 12/1968 (the S&P 500 high of late 1968 was only exceeded nominally but not in real terms for decades) solar high 12/1979: commodity bubble bursts 1/1980 ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 38
• •
solar high 7/1989: Japan bubble (stocks & real estate) bursts 12/1989 solar high 3/2000: stock market bubble bursts 3/2000
There is an important rule: the more sun-spots, the more important. The super-storms 1859, 1921 & 1989 coincided with very important inflation highs: •
The super storm September 1-2, 1859 coincided with the highest inflation in a window of about +/- 50 year: in the late 1850s/ GB respectively early 1860s/ US (Civil War). In the 19th century the world wasn't as synchronized as it as today, Since the 20th century the solar alignment of inflation is much more precise. By the way, the first commercial oil drilling on August 28, 1859 (oil horoscope) was ‚accidentally' in the days before the solar storm. Connection: the sun is the main energy supply for the planet and oil is the main energy supply for the economy. The odds of these 2 key energy events being so close are almost zero. The super storm May 1921 coincided with the global inflation top of 1919-23 where the highest inflation between the 1860s and the 1940s was measured. Super-storm 1989: In 1990 the (official) US inflation was at the highest level of the past 25 years.
4. Solar cycle & wars Major (global) wars typically breaking out near the solar maximum, this will be covered in more detail in a separate article in the premium area. The symbolism is: sun = yang = inflation = war = destruction = government debt (moon = yin = deflation/ disinflation = peace). The fiery yang of the sun is strongest when solar activity is highest. In contrast, brilliant scientific breakthroughs and the births of geniuses are clustered near the solar low according to Prof. Dr. Suitbert Ertel from the University of Göttingen, Germany. Too much fire energy makes aggressive & manic, thus mass psychoses can typically be detected near solar peaks (bubble tops are in principal nothing else than collective madness). It's possible to protect against the negative solar influence e.g. with exercises developed by the IPN institute in Vienna, Austria. Gerhard Eggetsberger from the IPN institute claims he was the first to measure the kundalini energy with electronic devices. Of the thousands of persons tested, the most astonishing results were achieved by Mantak Chia and his Big Draw (drawing up the multi-orgasmic ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 39
energy). This technique has been integrated into neo-tantra. Mantak Chia from Thailand is the founder of the Healing Tao.
5. Solar cycle & key years in history Sun spot high years are often key years in history and mark turning points for the world. This effect was already discovered in 1926 by Professor Tchijevsky who reconstructed the sun spot number over 2500 years. Every 2nd solar maximum is very important because that's when the magnetic field of the sun flips: • • •
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1763: end of French-Indian War, the first war to be fought on more than one continent 1789 (+26 years): French Revolution, US dollar introduced 1815 (+26 years): end of Napoleon Wars, Congress of Vienna, inflation high The Tambora eruption in 1815 in Indonesia (volcano = fire energy) is the biggest volcano eruption on record. Due to the bad harvests it lead to the worst famine in the 19th century. 1835 (+20 years): the most important US stock market high of the 19th century in nominal terms 1861 (+26 years): begin US Civil War 1884 (+23 years): 1907 (+23 years): Rich Man's Panic - the high finance could drove the markets to their knees and blackmailed the US government to establish the unconstitutional Fed 1929 (+22 years): high stocks, begin of biggest depression in history 1944-48 (+19 years): end of WWII, inflation high & hyperinflation in many countries, currency reform Germany, the only time a nuclear weapon was employed, Bretton Woods sets the financial architecture for 30 years, UN founded (= key institution to establish the fascist New World Order) 1967-8 (+20 years): Vietnam War/ student uprisings/ name of an entire generation, 6-Day War 1989-90 (+21 years): oil on an all-time high ahead of Gulf War I, fall of communism & biggest political reorganization since WW2 2012-13 (+22-23 years): myriads of factors cross-confirm the importance of 2012-13
And finally there is another super-ordinated cycle: about every 5 solar cycles (55 years = 1/3 of the Landscheidt cycle of 166 years) there is very ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 40
high solar activity, followed by a depression in the years thereafter (source): •
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1778: The solar high 1778 wasn't exceeded for almost 2 centuries, it coincided with the official birth year of capitalism, the US & the illuminati in 1776. Depression in the 1780s. 1836: 1835 was the most important stock market high in nominal terms in the 19th century, followed by a collapse until 1842. 1893: 1893-1897 major depression, according to some sources the second most important after the 1930s. 1958: 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, probably most dangerous moment in history (danger of a nuclear war)
2010s: presumably with the next high 2012-3 very high solar activity, followed by a severe crisis and depression the years thereafter. We'll see who is right, the latest forecasts of astronomers only predict an average solar activity.
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6. Solar cycle & earth climate The ingenious private scholar Theodor Landscheidt researched, among other factors, the impulses of the torque (IOT) of the sun with the aid of the Golden section. He postulated a 166-year cycle of solar activity (Link1, Link2). The high of this 166-year cycle already was in the middle of the 20th century, we are on the way to the minimum due around 2030. Global climate should cool down a little bit but hardly to the level of the little ice age 1645-1715 (Maunder minimum) because the 1,500-year climate cycle (1500 years = circa 166 years x 3 x 3) is up the next centuries (Link). This aligns with the forecast of the leading climate ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 42
researcher Raymond Wheeler in his book „Climate: the key to understanding business cycles" that around 2015 a 10-year cool-wet period begins. The forecasts of the mainstream experts are mainly useful as a contrary indicator (just like in the markets): in the 1970s most climate experts were worried about the impending cooling of the planet - needless to say, just the opposite happened. Now we are told that we because we are killing ice bears we are all damned climate sinners - an indication that just the opposite will happen. Earth's climate is determined to 100% by solar activity and 0% by greenhouse gases, as a scientific analysis has revealed (Link). Historically we saw always first (!) the earth heating up and then centuries later (!) the concentration of CO2 rising. The chart below depicts the perfect correlation of solar activity (red) and earth temperature (black) - source:
Polar caps on Mars are melting twice as fast as on earth... The theory of the man-made greenhouse effect is a total fraud that was created by the illuminati to introduce the first world tax as a preparation for the New World Order and to block the economic development of poorer countries. A Gallup poll found that only 17 percent of the members of the Meteorological Society and the American Geophysical Society think that the warming of the 20th century has been a result of greenhouse gas emissions. (Link) Many of these 17% have presumably sold their soul, i.e. their income and career heavily depends on their participation in this three-ring circus. Meanwhile we have a greenhouse effect industry worth trillions and thus a very powerful lobby (companies, parties, NGOs...) based on nothing but a NWO hoax. ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 43
7. Solar cycle & technical problems (Link) The problem begins with the electric power grid. "Electric power is modern society's cornerstone technology on which virtually all other infrastructures and services depend," the report notes. Yet it is particularly vulnerable to bad space weather. Ground currents induced during geomagnetic storms can actually melt the copper windings of transformers at the heart of many power distribution systems. Sprawling power lines act like antennas, picking up the currents and spreading the problem over a wide area. The most famous geomagnetic power outage happened during a space storm in March 1989 when six million people in Quebec lost power for 9 hours. To estimate the scale of such a failure, report co-author John Kappenmann of the Metatech Corporation looked at the great geomagnetic storm of May 1921, which produced ground currents as much as ten times stronger than the 1989 Quebec storm, and modeled its effect on the modern power grid. He found more than 350 transformers at risk of permanent damage and 130 million people without power. The loss of electricity would ripple across the social infrastructure with "water distribution affected within several hours; perishable foods and medications lost in 12-24 hours; loss of heating/air conditioning, sewage disposal, phone service, fuel re-supply and so on." "The concept of interdependency," the report notes, "is evident in the unavailability of water due to long-term outage of electric power--and the inability to restart an electric generator without water on site." The strongest geomagnetic storm on record is the Carrington Event of August-September 1859, named after British astronomer Richard Carrington who witnessed the instigating solar flare with his unaided eye while he was projecting an image of the sun on a white screen. Geomagnetic activity triggered by the explosion electrified telegraph lines, shocking technicians and setting their telegraph papers on fire; Northern Lights spread as far south as Cuba and Hawaii; auroras over the Rocky Mountains were so bright, the glow woke campers who began preparing breakfast because they thought it was morning. Best estimates rank the Carrington Event as 50% or more stronger than the superstorm of May 1921. "A contemporary repetition of the Carrington Event would cause ... extensive social and economic disruptions," the report warns. Power outages would be accompanied by radio blackouts and satellite malfunctions; telecommunications, GPS navigation, banking and finance, and transportation would all be affected. Some problems would correct themselves with the fading of the storm: radio and GPS transmissions could come back online fairly quickly. Other problems would be lasting: a ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 44
burnt-out multi-ton transformer, for instance, can take weeks or months to repair. The total economic impact in the first year alone could reach $2 trillion, some 20 times greater than the costs of a Hurricane Katrina or, to use a timelier example, a few TARPs. Excursus: solar activity & short-term trading For the sake of completeness some words on the short-term effects of solar activity. Jeffrey Katz & Donna McCormick have published an empirical study titled „Sunspots and Market Activity" which demonstrated that a successful trading system for S&P 500 and wheat just based on solar activity can be constructed ("Stocks & Commodities", Volume 15, 1997): On the in-sample data, which ranged from January 1, 1984, through January 1, 1993, the system was profitable with an excellent profit to draw down ratio (see Figure 6). The total net profit was $17,075, and here were 84 trades, of which 57% were profitable, and the average trade was $203.27. The draw down was $1,987.50. [...] The statistics for the insample data were much more encouraging than for the S&P 500 system: The t-statistic was 2.6913 with 83 degrees of freedom, yielding a statistical significance of 0.0043. Geomagnetic storms on earth (caused by solar storms) have a large impact on human life as a research paper of the Fed Atlanta reveals (link): They examine diurnal numbers of urgent hospitalization of patients in connection with suicides, mental disorders, myocardial infarction, defects of cerebrum vessels and arterial and venous diseases. Comparison of geomagnetic and medical data show that at least 75% of geomagnetic storms caused increase in hospitalization of patients with the abovementioned diseases by 30-80% on average. Zakharov and Tyrnov (2001) document an adverse effect of solar activity not only on sick but also on healthy people: "It is commonly agreed that solar activity has adverse effects first of all on enfeebled and ill organisms. In our study we have traced that under conditions of nervous and emotional stresses (at work, in the street, and in cars) the effect may be larger for healthy people. The effect is most marked during the recovery phase of geomagnetic storms and accompanied by the inhibition of the central nervous system". In a nutshell, people don't feel too well after geomagnetic storms due to its effect on the epiphysis and hypophysis (body hormone regulation). The stock markets perform poorly in the 6 days after geomagnetic storms, that alone explains 0.8%-2.5% of the annual performance (up to 1/3). In the time 1932-2002 the influence of geomagnetic storms was present on 10% of all days. ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 45
Conclusion It's possible to derive the following conclusions based on solar activity that is expected to rise 2009-2012 and might culminate in a superstorm in late 2012/ early 2013: • • • • • • •
(1) boom of world economy through 2012, then crisis & depression (2) high of stock markets 2012/13, then bear market (3) inflation high & bursting of a bubble 2012/13, then disinflation (deflation) (4) begin of an important (global) war around 2012/13 (5) 2012/13 should be a (political) key year in history (6) Global climate is cooling down until 2030, especially after 2013 (top of 55-60 year cycle) (7) Perhaps we experience major technical problems after a superstorm 2012/13.
There are currently no comments on this article Mystery 2012 (part #2): the Age of Aquarius hoax (17.02.2010) This is the 2nd article of an article series on the topic "2012", which today is becoming more and more discussed (2012 was also a movie title). At times the topic 2012 is mentioned in relationship with the so-called Age of the Aquarius, a myth I will debunk in this article. Some new agers are debauching in the wishful fantasy that shortly the Age of the Aquarius will start where as if by magic suddenly everything will turn out well over night. This is justified with the ingress of the sun into the sign Aquarius. The vernal equinox is the point in the sky (sidereal zodiac) where the sun is located at the beginning of spring March 20-21 (0° Aries in the tropical zodiac). Due to the 26,000 year precession cycle (Platonic year) the vernal equinox is moving by 1° in 71 years, i.e. the tropical and the sidereal zodiac are slowly diverging. In order to keep the annoying waiting time short, the ingress into Aquarius is dated back to our time. What a pity that this is astronomically and astrologically totally wrong - but many new agers don't care about facts: 1. The current Age of Pisces is described as dark and violent, which is not at all in accordance with astrological theory. 2. The fixed stars are moving very slowly, that's why after some millennia the star signs (not to be confused with the zodiac signs) ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 46
are aligned totally different. So dividing the 26,000 year cycle in 12 parts according to the signs as they are today is totally absurd. And last but not least, the vernal equinox is still in the sign Pisces until about 2200-2600 (!). You might argue about the exact ingress, but during our lifetime it is still 100% in Pisces as the celestial map below demonstrates (Link1, Link2).
Mystery 2012 (part #3): earth & solar system changes (18.08.2010)
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In the past months we have experienced severe earthquakes and the eruption of the volcano Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland (Link), which grounded the European air traffic for the first time since WW2. This is no surprise for me as I have been predicting since 2001-3 that the ongoing earth changes will accelerate, including a significant growth of the number of earthquakes and volcano eruptions. To my knowledge, none of the mainstream seismologists, geologists, and volcanologists did foresee the rise of earth events the past years because they have no understanding that a new 26,000 year Galactic cycle is ready to start. In the following article I'd like to discuss the ongoing earth changes and the likely implications for 2012/13. Let's start with the amazing fact: in just 6 years the number of earthquakes with a magnitude of 4 or higher went up considerably (source: geo research center in Potsdam Link). Nominally the rise is more than +300%, but this might be partly due to the higher number of seismographs, so the exact rise remains questionable. For the same reason I don't give much credit to earthquake activity charts spanning decades, as the global network of seismographs was slowly built up in the 20th century: the number of seismographs has been rising by 4% each year on average (Link).
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The volcano eruption data are more reliable. We see a similar trend: since the low in the 1940s volcanic activity increased sevenfold (Link). According to research by the Max Planck institute the sun has been more active the past decade than at least in the last 8,000 years. Our planet is heating up from the core, like the other planets in our solar system. That's why the number of other natural disasters like hurricanes has also been increasing substantially (Link).
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Since the 12/26/04 tsunami (3rd largest earthquake with a magnitude of 9.1 Link) we have a cycle of 16 months that is certainly not an artifact, i.e. every 16 months global earthquake activity is increasing. 16 months is the 'solar heartbeat cycle' (link). The half-cycle of 8 months is also working partly. After the current earthquake high this cycle projects the next high for August-September 2011 and then around 12/21/2012. In my opinion this should also be the high of the 11-year solar cycle, which should reinforce the effects strongly. It is also pointing towards late 2012/ early 2013, like a myriad of other cycles. There is an interesting connection: the earthquake highs of the 16-month cycle are aligning with stock market highs and in turn were always bearish for 3-12 months: • • • • •
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1-2/2005: 8 months later the SPX was 8% lower than at the 12/301/3 high 5-6/2006: key high of the year on 12/5/06 9-10/2007: nominal all-time high 10/11/07 & bear market begin 1-2/2009: from the 1/6/09 high the SPX collapsed by -30% in the 1st quarter 2009 5-6/2010: high? Meanwhile we are testing the June-July 2008 earthquake high, which warned of the financial quake in SeptemberOctober 2008. 9-10/2011: high? 1-2/2013: high?
Amazingly, some major earth events are aligning with stock market highs almost to the day: • • •
12/26/2004 Asian tsunami-> 12/30/2004 high 1/12/2010 earthquake Haiti (in terms of the number of victims the worst earthquake of the 21st century) -> 1/14/2010 high 4/15/10 volcano eruption Iceland -> 4/15/10 stock market high: loss of -12% in the EuroStoxx meanwhile
The reason is obvious: major natural calamities are a sign of increasing instability on our planet which is bearish for the equity market (in real terms). Similarly, big solar events like sun storms are bearish because they make people feel less calm. For instance, the lower body melatonin level after is making sleep less deep. Moreover, on April 5-7 our planet experienced the longest magnetic storm since September 10-13, 2005, another bear signal (Link).
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Numerologically it's interesting that the air traffic grounding in Europe was almost exactly 3.141 days (pi 3.141 x 1000, Armstrong's PEI cycle) after the 9/11 grounding in the US, in both instances first-time events. Besides, the Eyjafjallajökull is 1666m high, the 666 is the Sign of the Beast, no surprise the bear market low of the S&P 500 (SPX) in 2009 was ‘accidentally' at 666 points... It's no surprise that now in the end times, when the dark side is planning its final coup (= New World Order NWO), the 666 signature is present all the time... Both the earthquake in Haiti on 1/12/10 and the very serious earthquake in Chile on 2/27/10 (the 5th strongest in newer history with a magnitude of 8.8) were exactly located on the Neptune line according to astrocartography (vertical cyan line). It's typical that earthquakes are found on the Neptune lines of solar eclipses. The reason for this is that the tectonic plates are floating on the magma in the bowels of the earth, i.e. a lot depends on liquids which are ruled by Neptune. In addition, the Chile earthquake occurred on the intersection of the Neptune line with the Pacific ring of fire where 80-90% of all earthquakes are located (graph created with the software „Sarastro").
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Correct earthquake prognosis should become more and more important and could save the life of millions of people when backed by politics. I think that it's possible to create a working model in 500-1000 working hours, based on these 4 main factors: 1. eclipses: Neptune lines and other factors 2. other astrological cycles 3. earthquake cycles: as investigated by the Cycles Foundation, David McMinn (Link) & Erik Hadik 4. Pacific Ring of Fire In my opinion, such a model should be able to predict heavy earthquakes with a window of some days and a radius of some hundred kilometers with odds of P=80%. However, this requires an adequate know-how to create such a model. I estimate that there are only 20-30 people on the planet who are able to do this. I have been researching astrology for 14 years. It's well known that in complex fields you need 10 years of study and practical application to become a real expert. Finally, in the past 2-3 years my long-term research efforts have reached fruition. Still, the markets are the toughest challenge, other forecasts are easier. E.g., the geopolitical ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 52
model predicted the largest risk for the time around 8/8/08, which timed the Russian-Georgian war almost to the day, the most important war of the past years. For time reasons I do not want to do these studies, but I am ready to supervise this type of life-saving researching free of charge. Contact me if you are seriously interested, in this case please send me a research draft with 20-50 pages. These earth changes have to be interpreted in the light of the dramatic changes in the entire solar system - which is ignored by 95-99% of the astrologers who continue to work as always because the paths of the planets are not changing. Nevertheless, the ongoing changes are incredible (link): (1) Sun: The sun's magnetic field is over 230% stronger now than it was at the beginning of the 1900s. According to researchers of the Max Planck Institute, solar activity is higher than at least in 8,000 years. (2) Venus: Polar light brightness has increased by +2500%. (3) Mars: The icecaps of Mars noticeably melted just within one year, causing 50% changes in surface features. Atmospheric density had risen by 200% above previous observations as of 1997. Note: we'd presumably all be dead if that had happened on earth! (4) Jupiter: Jupiter has become so highly energized that it is now surrounded by a visibly glowing donut tube of energy in the path of the moon Io. The size of Jupiter's magnetic field has more than doubled since 1992. (5) Uranus & Neptune: According to NASA's Voyager II space probe, Uranus and Neptune both appear to have had recent magnetic pole shifts - 60° for Uranus and 50° for Neptune. Neptune has become 40% brighter in infrared since 1996 (6) Pluto: Pluto has experienced a 300% increase in its atmospheric pressure 1988-2002.
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THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE BOSNIAN PYRAMID DISCOVERY By "Dr. Sam" Semir Osmanagich Wednesday, 26 January 2011 In April 2005 I first traveled to the town of Visoko, 20 miles northwest from Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina. My attention was caught by two regularly shaped hills, which I later named the Bosnian Pyramids of the Sun and Moon...when I first saw their triangular faces, obvious corners and orientation toward the cardinal points, I knew that they had to be constructed by a force other than nature. Since I had been investigating pyramids for decades I knew that pyramids in China, Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador have had the same type of soil and vegetation coverage. In 2005 I started working on this project and paid construction companies and geologists to do core drilling and geo-morphological analysis. I then announced to the world, in a press conference, that the first pyramids in Europe had been discovered. Shortly thereafter, I established the non-profit Archaeological Park...We have spent over 340,000 hours in archaeological excavation, sample testing and radiocarbon dating in the period of 2005 to 2011. We have determined that Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids consists of five pyramids discovered to date...The site also includes a tomb complex and a huge underground labyrinth. This discovery is history-changing for several reasons: 1. These are the first pyramids discovered in Europe 2. The site includes the biggest pyramidal structure in the world: The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun with its height of over 220 meters is much higher than the Great Pyramid of the Egypt (147 meters). 3. The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun has the most precise orientation towards the cosmic north of any pyramid. 4. The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is completely covered by rectangular concrete blocks. Properties of the concrete, such as extreme hardness and low water absorption, are, according to the scientific institutions in Bosnia, Italy and France, much superior to the modern concrete materials. 5. The pyramids are covered by soil which is, according to the state ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 54
Institute for Agro-pedology, over 12,000 years old. This finding confirms the Bosnian pyramids are the oldest pyramids on the planet. 6. Below the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids is the most-extensive underground tunnel and chamber network which runs for more than ten miles. 7. Ceramic sculptures have been discovered in underground labyrinth with a mass of up to 20,000 pounds which makes them the largest so far found from the ancient world. The list of the miracles in Bosnian archaeology does not end here. In the vicinity, we discovered the tallest tomb in the World: 61 meters high. England's Silbury Hill is 60 meters high. The Bosnian tomb consists of two-layer megalithic terraces, clay layers and artificial concrete layers. A team of physicists detected an energy beam coming through the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The radius of the beam is 4.5 meters with a frequency of 28kHz. The beam is continuous and its strength grows as it moves up and away from the top of the pyramid. This phenomenon contradicts our known physical laws and technology. This is the first proof of non-Hertzian technology on the Planet. It seems that the pyramidbuilders created the perpetual mobile a long time ago and this "energy machine" is still working. In the underground labyrinth we discovered three chambers in 2010 and small blue lake. Energy screening shows that the ionization level is 43 times higher than the average concentration outside which makes the underground chambers healing rooms. Further electromagnetic detection in 2011 confirmed that levels of negative radiation through the Hartman, Curry and Schneider grids are equal to zero in the tunnels. There was no technical radiation (from power lines and/or technology) found in the tunnels and no cosmic radioactivity. The ceramic sculptures are positioned over the underground water flows and the negative energy is transformed to positive. All of these experiments point to the underground labyrinth as one of the most secure underground constructions in the world and this makes it an ideal place for body rejuvenation and regeneration. Two hundred years of Egyptology have not produced a satisfactory answer to the question of what the real purpose was for building the pyramids. In only six years, our research in Bosnia has applied inter-disciplinary scientific methods, and looked at this complex through the physical, energetic and spiritual dimensions. We have had pioneering results which ©2011, De Maya 2012 Vriendenclub 55
affects the science of pyramids. Our history is changing with each new discovery. Perhaps by changing our beginnings we can change our present and our future for the better. Voor meer informatie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGM-_gS3E90 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXMt0waKHxM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfaFU6KAl0c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtEI3LzWp7g&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkgIR1o2A4A&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBL4md1Oytc&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3c0S9d6Av8&NR=1
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