Halo Vale
Safety Tools Pencegah Insiden Bikers Wajib Ekstra Hati-hati CSMS, Solusi Melindungi Kontraktor
Peduli Kolega, Cegah Celaka Ed i s i K
SAFET 2014 Y
dari kami / from us
Pembaca yang budiman, Ada satu kaidah dalam keselamatan kerja: Tak ada satu pun proyek, tak peduli seberapa pentingnya, bernilai sebanding dengan hilangnya seruas jari, butanya sebola mata, atau hilangnya nyawa. Bila keselamatan telah menjadi pedoman utama bagi kemajuan, semua pihak bakal meraih ganjaran dari pekerjaan yang dilakukan dengan baik dan aman. PT Vale sangat memperhatikan keselamatan kerja. Benar, data stastistik menunjukkan turunnya angka kecelakaan kerja di PT Vale, namun setiap minggu tercatat insiden yang berpotensi membahayakan keselamatan kerja. Kecelakaan kerja ibarat gunung es, yang terlihat hanya pucuknya, kata GM Emergency Response, Health, and Safety PT Vale, Budiawansyah. “Setiap minggu ada update insiden, yang tidak menyebabkan orang cedera, tapi bisa menyebabkan bahaya. Insiden blasting yang membuat kaca kendaraan tambang pecah, misalnya, secara injury record nol. Tapi secara potensi bahaya ada,” ujarnya. Sebagai gambaran, pada kuartal II 2013, kasus injury menimpa 5 orang pekerja. Sedangkan kecelakaan light vehicles 7 kasus. Namun pada periode sama 2014, terjadi 1 kasus fatality. Salah satu upaya PT Vale segera untuk membuat zero harm adalah memberlakukan contractor safety management system (CSMS) pada November 2013 silam. CSMS merupakan panduan pemeriksaan kepatutan dan kelayakan suatu perusahaan kontraktor PT Vale dalam mengikuti kriteria standar kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja. Sistem ini sangat penting, sebab ada sekitar 3.500 kontraktor yang bekerja untuk PT Vale. Artinya, hampir 60% pengerjaan proyek-proyek PT Vale didukung tenaga kontraktor. Potensi bahaya kerja yang dihadapi kontraktor sangat tinggi. Halo Vale kali ini menyajikan edisi khusus seputar safety. Pelbagai topik seputar keselamatan kerja dibahas. Redaksi berharap, pemahaman kita mengenai keselamatan kerja tidak lagi karena ada pengawasan, melainkan lebih jauh menjadi kesadaran. Prosedur yang baik, sistem yang rapi, serta peralatan sesuai standar tidak ada artinya jika karyawan tidak menyadari pentingnya menjaga keselamatan. Seperti Pesan Keselamatan CEO PT Vale Nico Kanter pada 24 September 2014 silam. Dua fatality dalam 4 bulan terakhir dan dua kecelakaan kendaraan di minggu yang sama merupakan kejadian yang sangat menyedihkan. Sangat disayangkan, secara tragis kita kehilangan dua rekan di antara kita. Sekali lagi, menjaga keselamatan kerja adalah nilai utama perusahaan yang sudah seharusnya tertanam dalam diri tiap karyawan. Semoga sajian edisi khusus kali ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Selamat membaca. •
Dear readers, There is one rule about work safety saying: No project, no matter how critical, is worth a lost finger, a blinded eye, or tragic loss of life. When safety becomes the primary guideline for progress, all parties reap the rewards of a job well done and done safely. PT Vale is very concerned about work safety. No doubt. The data shows the work accident in the Company is reducing in number, but every week there is record on incidents that could potentially endanger the work safety. Work accident is like an iceberg, which is seen only the peak, said PT Vale’s General Manager for Emergency Response, Health, and Safety Budiawansyah. “Every week there is always an update about work incident. No casualty, but still it is potentially dangerous. For instance, blasting that broke the glass of mining vehicle. Injury is zero injury but potentially dangerous,” he said. The Company’s record shows in the second quarter of 2013, accident caused 5 people injured, while light vehicle incidents were 7 cases. In the same period in 2014, there is one fatality case. One of the efforts made by PT Vale to achieve zero harm is by imposing Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) in November 2013. CSMS is a guideline on the fit and proper test of a contractor company of PT Vale in following criteria of work health and safety standards. This system is very important given there are about 3,500 contractors working for PT Vale. It means, nearly 60% of the Company’s construction projects are worked by contractor workers. And, these workers deal with a very high potential work hazards. This time Halo Vale presents a special edition about work safety. We identify and discuss various issues on the related topic. Editors hope, our understanding about work safety is a self-awareness rather than an obligation because of supervision. Good procedures, organized systems, and qualified equipment would be meaningless if employees do not realize the importance of maintaining safety. Just like Safety Message from PT Vale’s CEO Nico Kanter in September 24, 2014. “Two fatalities have been accounted in the last four months and two vihicle accident in the same week were very unfortunate incidents. We are sorry to have two of our comrades tragically passed away. Keep this in mind, that safety is the main value of our company which should be embraced by all the employees. Hopefully, this special edition will be useful for us all. Happy reading.
Pelindung/Patron: Board of Directors PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, Penasihat/Advisor: Basrie Kamba (Director of Communications & External Affairs), Penanggung jawab/Editors in Chief: Teuku Mufizar Mahmud (GM Communications), Redaksi Pelaksana/ Managing Editor: Sihanto B. Bela, Redaksi/ Editors: Rohman Hidayat Yuliawan, Nala Dipa Alamsyah, Nuki Adiati, Maman Ashari, Mulyanah Mulkin, Fotografer/Photographer: Doni Setiadi, Desain & Tata Letak/Design & Layout: Hasni Fadhilah, Alamat Redaksi/Address: Jl. Ternate No. 44 Sorowako, Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Telp. 021-5249100, Ext. 9628 & 3656, Fax. 021-5289587. Redaksi Halo Vale menerima sumbangan naskah dari pembaca. Naskah ditulis dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti dan populer. Panjang naskah maksimal satu setengah halaman kuarto, spasi satu setengah. Sertakan foto atau ilustrasi baik gambar maupun grafik jika diperlukan. Saran dan naskah dikirimkan ke alamat email editor:
[email protected] dan
[email protected]. Readers are welcome to contribute articles for publication in Halo Vale. Articles should be written in prose that is easy to understand, with a line-space of 1.5 and a maximum length of 1.5 A4 pages. Include photos or illustrations, drawings or graphs, if necessary. Please send suggestions and articles to the editor at
[email protected] and
[email protected]. Anda dapat mengunduh Halo Vale edisi digital (PDF) di pada bagian Pers/Publikasi. Digital version of Halo Vale can be downloaded from on Press/Publication section.
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
Halo Va l e
Safety Too ls Pencegah Insiden Bikers Wa jib Ekstra Hati-hati CSMS, Solus i Melindung i Kontrakt or
i Kh
Extra Protection When Working at Heights 47
Safety Tools Pencegah Insiden
Avoid Electrical Sparks and Shocks 47
Safety Tools Prevent the Incident 16
Peduli K olega, Cegah C elaka Edis
wawancara | Interview Basri Kambatu: Karyawan adalah Emas bagi Keluarga 18 Basri Kambatu: Employee are the Gold for Their Family 20
SAF sus E 201 TY 4
TIPS | TIPS Agar Terhindar dari Tanah Longsor
Waspada Tergelincir dari Tangga Dump Truck! 24
Keselamatan adalah hal utama dalam kehidupan. Halo Vale mengulas kebijakan dan manajemen risiko di PT Vale. Termasuk tips keselamatan di tempat kerja dan area domestik.
4 4
LAPORAN UTAMA | COVER STORY Peduli Kolega, Cegah Celaka 6 Care to Co-Workers Annul the Accident 10
Bikers Must Be Extra Careful 52 TRIVIA | TRIVIA Fakta di Jalan Raya
Awas Petir bagi Pekerja di Area Terbuka! 54
6 Cara Tingkatkan Observasi Keselamatan 28
Beware Lightning In Open Area! 55
Six Ways to Increase Safety Observations 30
keselamatan di rumah |
Budiawansyah: Safety adalah Investasi
Budiawansyah: Safety Is Investment
Process Plant Area | Process Plant Area
Cover design : Hasni Fadhilah Photo : Doni Setiadi
Beware of Slipping from Dump Truck Stair! 26
wawancara | Interview
Safety is the main thing in our life. Halo Vale reviews PT Vale’s policy and risk management. Includes tips on safety in the workplace and domestic areas.
What Do They Say about Occupational Safety? 49
Bikers Wajib Ekstra Hati-hati
How to Avoid Landslide 23
testimoni | testimonY Pendapat Mereka tentang Keselamatan Kerja 48
Facts on the Road 55
Home Safety 9 Peranti Keselamatan di Rumah
Nine Safety Devices at Home
TIPS | TIPS Waspadai Lidah Api di Rumah Anda
Beware Fire Flame in Your House 61
Memadukan WCIP dan Behavior Dialogue 36
Tindakan Ketika Terjadi Gempa
Combine WCIP with Behavior Dialogue
What To Do When an Earthquake Happens 63
Permukaan Licin, Si Pembuat Tergelincir 40
CSMS, Solusi Melindungi Kontraktor
Slipped Surface is the Slippery Cause 40
CSMS, Solution to Protect Contractor 65
Perangkat Keselamatan |
wawancara | Interview
Safety Tools
Frans Gunterus: Lemahnya Penegakan Budaya Keselamatan Kerja 66
Diperlukan Manajemen Risiko dan Kapabilitas yang Baik 42 Good Risk Management and Capability are in Need 44 TIPS | TIPS Proteksi Ekstra Ketika Bekerja di Ketinggian 46 Hindari Percikan dan Sengatan Listrik 46
Frans Gunterus: “Weak Enforcement on Safe Work Culture” 68 KUIS | QUIZ
zoom in
Edisi Khusus 2014 | Halo Vale
surat pembaca / readers’ letters
Laporan Utama Jangan Terlalu Serius Beberapa edisi terakhir Laporan Utama Halo Vale saya anggap terlalu serius. Misalnya edisi 8, mengangkat isu nasional yang terlalu berat karena mengenai pelarangan ekspor mineral mentah. Saya kira, laporan utama Halo Vale perlu kembali memberikan porsi yang lebih besar dengan tema-tema santai, bahkan kalau bisa lucu, namun tetap bermanfaat bagi karyawan. Ini agar membacanya tidak tegang. Joni Rangan, Defense Security Service Dari sembilan edisi Halo Vale yang rilis, sebenarnya kami mengangkat isu serius atau berat baru pada dua edisi, yakni edisi 3, Mei 2013, tentang fluktuasi harga nikel dunia dan edisi 8, April 2014, tentang pelarangan ekspor mineral mentah. Selebihnya kami mengangkat isu-isu yang lebih ringan, bersifat internal, dan tentunya bermanfaat bagi pembaca. Misalnya, pada edisi 7-Desember 2013 soal persiapan pensiun karyawan. Terima kasih masukannya.
Distribusi Tidak Merata Halo Redaksi. Mengapa distribusi Halo Vale masih sering terlambat? Bahkan di departemen saya, kadang- kadang tidak tersedia. Padahal Halo Vale sudah memasuki edisi ke-9. Saya berharap soal distribusi bisa menjadi perhatian redaksi. Terima kasih. Sufiyanto Gammara, Process Technology Terima kasih kembali diingatkan. Soal distribusi memang masih menjadi tantangan. Namun kami berusaha agar tiap edisi Halo Vale terbaru dapat sampai di tangan pembaca rutin setiap dua bulan. Bila edisi cetak masih terlambat, Anda dapat membacanya di versi digital, dapat diakses melalui website PT Vale ( dan mengklik kolom publications. Terima kasih telah diingatkan.
Sejarah Vale Bagaimana kalau Halo Vale memuat artikel perjalanan dari era Inco tahun 1968 hingga era PT Vale saat ini. Mungkin bisa dibuat berseri bila ulasannya panjang. Hal ini akan sangat menarik karena membuat karyawan seperti bernostalgia dan mengetahui sejarah perusahaan yang kita cintai ini. Dahlan Landau, MEM Terima kasih masukannya. Usulan Anda sangat menarik. Mengulas sejarah bukanlah hal mudah, apalagi menceritakan hal-hal yang belum banyak diketahui secara luas. Kami akan pertimbangkan usulan Anda untuk edisi ulang tahun PT Vale di usia khusus, misalnya. •
Cover Story Should Not Be Too Serious I think in its last few editions, the Cover Story of Halo Vale, were too serious. For instance on Edition No. 8 which raised a national issue, on the ban of raw mineral exports. It’s better for Halo Vale to give a bigger portion for casual issues, or funny ones, if necessary, but still beneficial to the employees. We do not want to read the magazine in a tense. Joni Rangan, Defense Security Service From nine edititions of Halo Vale released, in fact we only raised a serious or hard issue twice, namely in Edition No. 3, May 2013, on the fluctuations in nickel prices and Edition No. 8, April 2014, on the ban of raw mineral exports. The rest, we raised a lighter issues, internal, and certainly beneficial for the readers. For instance on Edition No. 7, December 2013, on the retirement preparation for the employee. Thank you for your feedback.
Uneven Distribution Hello Editors Why the distribution of Halo Vale is still late? Even in my department the magazine is not available while it has been entering Edition No. 9. I hope the editors pay attention on distribution issue as well. Thank you. Sufiyanto Gammara, Process Technology Thank you for reminding us. Distribution is indeed still a challange. However, we try to make every latest edition of Halo Vale can be in the readers’ hand regularly every two months. When the printed edition is late, you can read in digital version which can be accessed via PT Vale’s website ( and click the publication column. Thank you.
Vale’s History I suggest Halo Vale to publish an article about its history since the Inco’s era in 1968 until now becomes PT Vale. Maybe you can make it in a series of articles. It will be very interesting because it will bring us to the nostalgia as well as understand the history of the company we love. Dahlan Landau, MEM Thank you for your suggestion and it is very interesting one. However, to review the history is not that easy, let alone to talk about things that have not been widely known. Anyway, we will consider your suggestion maybe for a special edition for PT Vale’s anniversary, for example. •
Kirimkan kritik, saran, dan tanggapan Anda tentang Halo Vale ke
[email protected] atau kirimkan surat ke DP 23B. Surat yang dimuat akan mendapatkan suvenir menarik. Pengirim surat pembaca yang dimuat, silakan mengambil suvenir di Communications & External Affairs Department pada hari dan jam kerja.
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
Send your opinion, comment and feedback about Halo Vale to
[email protected] or letters to DP 23B. For each letter published will receive a souvenir. For letter senders, kindly pick up your souvenir at Communications & External Affairs Department during the days and working hour.
pesan safety
laporan utama
Peduli Kolega, Cegah Celaka Fungsi dan penerapan Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) wajib dilakukan oleh pekerja yang melakukan pekerjaan di setiap area yang berisiko tinggi
Keselamatan kerja bukan hanya soal prosedur dan standar ideal di atas kertas. Dibutuhkan kesadaran dan kepedulian sesama pekerja.
Keselamatan kerja masih menjadi isu penting di sektor industri, termasuk industri pertambangan. Catatan ILO (International Labour Organization) 2012, industri pertambangan menjadi kontributor terbesar kecelakaan kerja yang mengakibatkan pekerja meninggal atau terluka. Memang, risiko industri pertambangan dinilai 10-100 lebih besar dibanding industri lain non-pertambangan. Tercatat 2,4 juta pekerja tewas, 79% berasal dari sektor pertambangan. Diperkirakan kerugian material—seperti perawatanpengobatan dan pembayaran kompensasi karena meninggal/cacat—mencapai 4% pendapatan bersih per kapita secara global. Eropa Tengah dan Timur, Cina, dan India menjadi wilayah pertambangan dengan jumlah kecelakaan kerja tertinggi.
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
laporan utama
Penyebabnya kecelakaan kerja di sektor industri, termasuk pertambangan, sebenarnya telah dideteksi dan terdapat standar antisipasinya. Namun masih saja memakan korban. Lalu, apa sebenarnya yang terjadi? OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), badan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja Amerika Serikat, menyebutkan, faktor manusia menyumbang 80% penyebab kecelakaan kerja. Temuan itu dirilis tahun 1976.
injury terjadi pada 5 orang pekerja. Sedangkan kecelakaan light vehicles 7 kasus, sementara pada periode yang sama 2013 hanya 4 kasus. Namun pada periode 2014, terjadi 1 kasus fatality. “Artinya memang masih ada persoalan di aspek keselamatan dan perlu dibenahi,” ungkap dia.
Program Pembenahan Beberapa hal masih menjadi “pekerjaan rumah” PT Vale, seperti sosialisasi budaya peduli dan bekerja aman antarrekan kerja, kedisiplinan pekerja dalam menerapkan standar dan prosedur kerja aman, dan menyempurnakan standar dan prosedur kerja. “Sebagai solusinya, kami menerapkan program-program yang praktikal dan teknis seperti job cycle check (JCC). Program ini bertujuan menyakinkan prosedur kerja telah dilaksanakan di lapangan dan dilakukan safety observation and inspection (SOI) bagi para seluruh pekerja,” ungkap GM Emergency Response, Health and Safety PT Vale, Budiawansyah. Dua program tersebut diharapkan mampu melibatkan para supervisor dan seluruh karyawan di jalur leadership functional untuk melakukan pengecekan di lapangan.
Seorang operator dozer sedang beroperasi di lokasi Konde, salah satu area kerja PT Vale.
Lima belas tahun kemudian, 1991, hasilnya tidak jauh berbeda. Hasil menggembirakan baru tampak pada riset terakhir OSHA tahun 2001—meski tidak signifikan—di mana faktor manusia menurun menjadi 76%. Bagaimana dengan industri di Indonesia? Data Kementerian ESDM tahun 2012, lebih dari separuh (87 kasus) dari total kecelakaan kerja di Indonesia berasal dari sektor pertambangan. Penyebab utama adalah lemahnya pengawasan prosedur dan standar bekerja aman di area kerja. Keselamatan kerja juga menjadi perhatian utama PT Vale. Menurut Hari Ananto, Senior Coordinator EHS Improvement PT Vale, statistik kecelakaan di area pertambangan perusahaan menunjukkan penurunan. Pada Kuartal II-2013, misalnya, kasus
Edisi Khusus 2014 | Halo Vale
laporan utama
“Dengan cara itu diharapkan kebersamaan untuk peduli bekerja aman terbentuk di antara seluruh pekerja, karena hal ini juga menjadi problema,” tambah Budiawansyah. Persoalan masih banyaknya pekerja yang sungkan mengingatkan sesama rekan kerja untuk bekerja aman, kata Budiawansyah, merupakan temuan dari Vale Global Survey 2013. “Dengan ditemukannya fakta ini, kami menjadi lebih fokus untuk mengubah mindset pekerja sehingga memiliki kebiasaan positif dalam menjalankan pekerjaan, dan sadar mengingatkan rekan kerjanya,” ungkap Budiawansyah. Persoalan lain adalah menjembatani isu keselamatan kerja dengan tuntutan peningkatan produksi. “Selama ini ada persepsi di kalangan pekerja kalau dua hal tersebut tidak seimbang diimplementasikan perusahaan. Padahal
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
tidak demikian,” ungkap Senior General Manager Mining & Exploration PT Vale, Basri Kambatu. Hasil penelitian Norman S Jenning, Senior Industrial Specialist ILO, tidak ada korelasi antara peningkatan produktivitas dan peningkatan angka kecelakaan kerja. Norman mengambil sampel penelitian dalam industri tambang Rusia pada 1999. Tahun itu terjadi peningkatan produktivitas kerja sebesar 16%, namun frekuensi kecelakaan merosot 23%. Sebaliknya, temuan Jenning menyebutkan adanya relasi antara tingkat kecelakaan kerja dan merosotnya pendapatan perusahaan. Pada 2005, kecelakaan kerja
laporan utama
dalam industri pertambangan batubara di Cina meningkat 74%. Akibatnya, pendapatan perusahaan merosot sebesar 36%.
Kunci Keberhasilan Salah satu kunci penting keberhasilan keselamatan kerja adalah soal budaya dan kepedulian antar-pekerja. Hal ini juga pernah disampaikan John W. Drebinger Jr, pakar dan praktisi keselamatan kerja pada pertemuan American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) di Amerika Serikat, Juni 2012 silam. “Kepedulian dan kesadaran bekerja aman antar-rekan kerja ibarat standar kerja yang tidak tertulis. Namun sebenarnya itulah yang merupakan reputasi si pekerja dan keberhasilan perusahaan menjalankan sistemnya,” ungkap Drebinger.
Frans Gunterus, konsultan DuPont Sustainable Solution, rekanan PT Vale untuk merancang program Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS), menegaskan, melakukan perubahan budaya dan standar kerja aman bukanlah pekerjaan mudah. “Risiko kerja memang tidak pernah bisa dibuat nol. Namun perlu dikontrol sampai ke tingkat serendah mungkin yang bisa diterima, praktis, dan masuk akal. Karena itu, pendekatannya bukan hanya personal-emosional, tapi juga persuasif-edukatif,” ujar dia. Jadi, pekerjaan rumah bersama kita adalah bagaimana membuat seluruh pekerja menunjukkan sikap positifnya terhadap kebiasaan bekerja aman dan peduli sesama rekan kerja. Istilahnya show me you care, make me aware. •
Edisi Khusus 2014 | Halo Vale
cover story
Care to Co-Workers Annul the Accident Occupational safety is more than just ideal procedures and standards of occupational safety on paper. It requires awareness and care among co-workers. Occupational safety is still an important issue in industrial sector, including the mining industry. The International Labour Organization recorded in 2012 mining industry contributed the largest accident in workplace resulting in death or injured workers. Indeed, risks in the mining industy are ranging at 10-100 percent higher than in other nonmining industries. Around 2.4 million workers were killed and 79% from the mining sector. The material loss—such as medical treatment and payment of compensation for death/disability—is estimated around
Halo Vale | Special Edition 2014
4% from net income per capita globally. Central and Eastern Europe, China, and India are among mining areas where accident at the workplace reached its top rate. The cause of accident in the industrial sector, including mining, actually have been detected and provided its standard anticipations. However, accident still take casualties. So, what really happened? The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), an occupational health and safety agencies in the United States, reported human error contributed the highest factor or around 80% as the causes of accident. The finding was initially released in 1976. Fifteen years later, in 1991, the report was not much different. An encouraging development showed in OSHA`s research in 2001— although not too significant—when human factor dropped to 76%.
cover story
Occupational safety is also be the major concern for PT Vale. According to PT Vales` Senior Coordinator for EHS Improvement Hari Ananto the accident statistics in the area of mining companies showed a decline. In the second quarter of 2013, for example, the case of injury occurred in 5 workers while light vehicles accident were 7 cases. However, in the same period in 2014, there was 1 fatality case. “It means there is still a problem in terms of occupational safety and it has to be addressed,” he said.
Improvement Program There are still some “homeworks” for PT Vale over the issue, such as socialization on a culture of care and occupational safety among co-workers, worker`s discipline in implementing the standard and procedures of occupational safety, and to enhance work standards and procedures. “As a solution, we have implemented practical and technical programs such as job cycle check (JCC) which aims to convince that the working procedure has been implemented on the ground and safety observation and inspection (SOI) which is applied for all workers,” said PT Vale`s General Manager for Emergency Response, Health and Safety Budiawansyah.
Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
cover story
The two programs are expected to engage supervisors and all employees especially at the functional leadership level to always do checking on the ground. “With that way of working, there will a common awareness among all workers to care for occupational safety, because this is still an issue,” he added. The problem is, he said, still many workers are reluctant to remind their co-workers to work safely as shown in the company`s findings reported in the Vale Global Survey in 2013. “Based on the finding we now more focus to change the mindset of our workers to have a more positive habit in carrying out their duties and remind each other among co-workers,” he said. Another problem is how to bridge occupational safety with the demand for production increase. “There is a perception among workers that these two issues are contradicting each other to be implemented, while they are not, in fact,” said PT Vales` Senior General Manager of Mining & Exploration Basri Kambatu. A study made by Norman S Jenning, ILO` Senior Industrial Specialist shows there is no correlation between the increase in productivity and increase in number of accident. Norman took a sample of his research from the Russian mining industry in 1999 when there was an increase in
work productivity by 16%, but the frequency of accident plunged by 23%. Jenning`s finding, however, shows a relation between the rate of work accident and the falling of the company`s revenue. In 2005, workplace accident in the coal mining industry in China increased by 74% and as a result, the company’s revenue declined by 36%.
The Key to Success One important key to success for a occupational safety is a culture and awareness among workers as said by John W. Drebinger, an expert and practitioner on occupational safety, in the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) meeting in the United States in June 2012. “Care and awareness of occupational safety among co-workers is like unwritten standard of work. But it actually shows the workers’ reputation as well as the success of the company in implementing its system,” he said. Frans Gunterus, Dupont`s consultant for Sustainable Solutions, who is partner of PT Vale to design programs on Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS), affirmed that to change the culture and occupational safety standards are not an easy job. “The risk of work can never be made to zero. However, it should be controlled to the lowest possible level that is acceptable, practical, and reasonable. Therefore, the approach is not only personal-emotional, but also persuasive-educative one,” he said. Thus, our common homework is how to make all workers showed their positive attitude towards occupational safety habit and care for co-workers. The popular term is “show me you care, make me aware”. •
Halo Vale | Special Edition 2014
pesan safety
Area tambang
Safety Tools Pencegah Insiden JCC dan SOI hadir untuk membudayakan semangat saling mengingatkan dan peduli keselamatan antar-rekan kerja. Kaca kendaraan kotor dan tangki air wiper kosong, sepertinya urusan sepele saja. Namun siapa sangka hal sepele itu telah menimbulkan kecelakaan kerja, meski tidak memakan korban jiwa. Tahun 2013 lalu, kendaraan antar-jemput pekerja Departemen Mines terseret dump truck sejauh 64 meter di jalur tambang Sorowako gara-gara kaca kendaraan kotor sehingga penglihatan pengendara terganggu. Di tahun yang sama, Basri, seorang pekerja kontraktor, mengalami cedera serius di pergelangan tangannya setelah terhunjam ranting tajam dalam aktivitas tree cutting di area eksplorasi. Seandainya waktu itu ada pengawas yang melakukan observasi lingkungan kerja terlebih dahulu, tentu Basri tidak bakal mengalami cedera. Dua insiden tersebut seolah mengisyaratkan masih lemahnya disiplin pekerja dalam mengikuti prosedur keselamatan kerja.
Supervisor lapangan sedang melakukan Job Cycle Check (JOC) kepada operator dozer di lokasi.
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
Hasil penelitian Norman S. Jenning, Senior Industrial Specialist dari International Labour Organization, menyebutkan, 90% kecelakaan di tempat kerja disebabkan manusia (human factors). Sementara Kementerian ESDM menyebutkan, 86% kecelakaan kerja akibat tidak mengikuti standar dan prosedur kerja aman. Senior Coordinator EHS Improvement PT Vale, Hari Ananto, mengatakan, area pertambangan dan eksplorasi PT Vale yang seluas ribuan hektar di Sorowako memang membutuhkan tantangan tersendiri dalam manajemen keselamatan. Dua insiden tersebut hanyalah gambaran kecil dari potensi bahaya yang dihadapi pekerja Mining bila tidak menerapkan standar dan prosedur kerja aman.
Area tambang
Catatan PT Vale, sedikitnya terdapat 10 bahaya utama di area Mining, antara lain bahaya operasi alat berat dan kendaraan, peledakan, slope stability, kondisi jalan tambang, bekerja dekat air, clearing operation, hingga penguncian. “Tapi di urutan nomor satu adalah antarjemput pekerja dengan menggunakan kendaraan operasional dari dan ke lokasi pertambangan,” tambah Hari. Sebab aktivitas ini bersifat kontinu, sekali jalan bisa mengangkut delapan pekerja, dan kendaraan melintas di jalan tambang, jalur kendaraan berat operasional tambang. “Jadi bisa dibayangkan risiko yang dihadapi bila pekerja tidak disiplin dan taat prosedur kerja aman,” Hari menekankan. Catatan EHS Department, pada kuartal II 2013 terdapat 5 pekerja mengalami injury, dan pada periode yang sama 2014 terdapat 1 kasus fatality. Kasus light vehicle accident pada Juni 2013 mencapai 7 kasus, sedangkan periode sama 2014 terdapat 4 kasus. Heavy equipment accident pada Juni 2013 mencapai 11 kasus, sedangkan pada periode sama 2014 meningkat menjadi 12 kasus.
Mengubah Budaya dan Perilaku Untuk mengantisipasi seluruh potensi bahaya kerja, PT Vale sebenarnya telah memiliki guideline atau “payung prosedur” bernama Golden Rules. Guideline ini, diterapkan sejak 2005, dilengkapi dengan prosedur yang lebih detail menyangkut major hazard standard (MHS) dan critical
activity register (RAC). “Aturan tersebut tidak hanya mengatur soal tree cutting, bekerja di slope, dan sebagainya, tapi semua bahaya kerja. Persoalan yang kita hadapi sekarang adalah bagaimana kita semua bekerja mengikuti aturan tersebut. Masih ada gap di sini. Inilah tantangan PT Vale,” tambah Hari. Lantas apa upaya perusahan untuk mengikis lebarnya gap tersebut? “Kita jembatani dengan dua safety tools, yakni JCC (job cycle check) dan SOI (safety observation and inspection). Hal ini untuk menekankan apakah suatu pekerjaan sudah memenuhi prosedur dan standar. “Pendekatannya adalah persuasifedukatif melalui dialog antar-semua lini dan saling mengingatkan,” ujar Hari. Sejalan dengan implementasi safety tools tersebut, tetap dilakukan peningkatan dan me-refresh sosialisasi pemahaman Golden Rules kepada para pekerja. Dari hal tersebut diharapkan dapat mengubah perilaku yang mengedepankan bekerja aman sesuai prosedur, dan tentunya antar-pekerja saling peduli keselamatan. •
Hari Ananto, Senior Coordinator EHS Improvement PT Vale.
Edisi Khusus 2014 | Halo Vale
Mining Area
Safety Tools Prevent the Incident JCC and SOI develop the spirit of mutual care and remind each other among coworkers over occupational safety. Dirty windshield and wiper’s water tank is empty sound like a small issue. However, who ever thought this small issue could create an accident? It happened in 2013 when the shuttle bus for Mining workers was dragged by dump truck to 64 meters in the mine lane in Sorowako only because the bus’ windshield was dirty so the driver could not see well. Fortunately, there was no fatality. In the same year, Basri, a contractor worker, suffered a serious injure as his wrist pierced by a sharp twig when he did tree cutting activities in the exploration area. If only
Halo Vale | Special Edition 2014
Employees were on discussion, at coal conveyor area.
his supervisors did observation on the work environment before the work started, he may not get injured. The two incidents show how weak the workers’ discipline in following occupational safety procedures. A study made by Norman S Jenning, Senior Industrial Specialist of the International Labour Organization, shows 90% of accident in the workplace are due to human error. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources reported 86% of accident in workplace caused by workers who do not follow the occupational safety standards and procedures. PT Vale’s Senior Coordinator EHS Improvement Hari Ananto said the company’s thousands of hectares mining and exploration area in Sorowako requires its own challenges especially on safety management. The two incidents are just a small picture of the real big potential hazards faced by Mining workers if they ignore occupational safety standard and procedures. PT Vale identified at least 10 major hazards in Mining areas, including the dangers related to operation of heavy equipment and vehicles, blasting, slope stability, mine road condition, working near water, clearing operation, and locking.
Mining Area
“The number one danger is operation of shuttle bus to take and pick up workers to and from mining sites, why? Because it is a continuous activity,” said Hari. In one trip, he added, at least eight workers are on board and the car is passing mine road which is also used by heavy vehicles for mining operation. “You can imagine the risk if the workers are not discipline and obey the occupational safety procedures,” he said.
has been implemented since 2005, is completed with a more detailed procedures regarding Major Hazard Standard (MHS) and Critical Activity Registers (RAC). “The rules do not only regulate about tree cutting, working at slope, and so on, but all occupational hazards. The issue we face now is how do we work based on those rules. There is still a gap and this is a challenge for PT Vale,” he said.
EHS Department recorded in the second quarter of 2013 there were at least five workers injured and in the same period in 2014, there was one case of fatality. There were 7 cases of vehicle minor accident in June 2013 and in the same period in 2014 there were 4 cases. Accident on heavy equipment in June 2013 reached 11 cases, while in the same period in 2014 increased to 12 cases.
So, what does the company do to address the gap? “We bridge it with two safety tools: JCC and SOI, in order to ensure that a work has complied with the procedures and standards. We use persuasive-educative approach through dialogue in all lines and remind each other,” he said.
Change the Culture and Behaviour To anticipate all of the potential hazards in the workplace PT Vale actually has provided a guideline or “procedure umbrella” so-called the Golden Rules. This guideline which
In line with the implementation of the safety tools, the company remains to improve and refresh the understanding of Golden Rules among to the workers. The efforts aim to change the behavior of workers to put occupational safety in accordance with procedures, and certainly to remind each other among them about occupational safety. •
Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
Basri Kambatu:
Karyawan adalah Emas bagi Keluarga Berulang kali, Senior General Manager Mining & Exploration Department PT Vale Indonesia Tbk ini menyinggung soal kesadaran mematuhi prosedur. Seberapa patuh kita memakai helm atau sabuk keselamatan saat berkendara? Seberapa besar pemahaman kita soal risiko melanggar rambu lalu lintas? Begitu juga ketika bekerja. Apakah prosedur kerja hanya dijalankan dengan benar ketika ada atasan atau pengawas? Semua pertanyaan itu bermuara pada kesadaran individu. Dalam perbincangan dengan Halo Vale, Basri Kambatu, menjelaskan seputar perbaikan yang senantiasa dilakukan perusahaan guna meningkatkan kinerja keselamatan, penegakan aturan, dan perannya sebagai leader untuk memotivasi rekan-rekan sesama karyawan. Lebih daripada itu, dia menegaskan bahwa kuncinya adalah kesadaran. Prosedur yang baik, sistem yang rapi, serta peralatan sesuai standar tidak ada artinya jika karyawan tidak menyadari pentingnya menjaga keselamatan. Berikut petikan wawancaranya.
Dari tahun ke tahun, target produksi selalu meningkat. Itu artinya intensitas dan beban kerja bertambah. Apakah ada pengaruhnya pada kinerja keselamatan? Tidak ada hubungan antara peningkatan produksi dan semakin tingginya risiko keselamatan kerja. Mau produksi banyak
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
atau sedikit, kadar kita me-manage safety tidak berkurang, karena mengurus safety adalah usaha yang berkesinambungan. Layaknya mengayun sepeda di jalan tanjakan, kita harus terus mengayun, karena begitu kita berhenti mengayun sepeda akan mundur ke belakang.
Adakah hikmah yang bisa diambil dari kasus fatality yang menimpa rekan kerja kita? Saya kira banyak hal yang dapat dijadikan pelajaran dari kasus fatality yang menimpa rekan kerja kita. Karyawan PT Vale dan karyawan kontraktor rekanan perlu me-review kembali hal yang menjadi kelemahan dan memerlukan improvement, seperti standardisasi kelengkapan safety equipment yang akan dipergunakan menyelesaikan pekerjaan di area operasi. Juga perlu meningkatkan system control pemeriksaan kelengkapan equipment yang akan dioperasikan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan di area kerja, serta mengimplementasikan standar keselamatan kerja di area kerja sesuai yang berlaku. Manajemen sistem safety kontraktor dirangkum dalam satu program yang disebut Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS). Proses penyusunan dan implementasinya sangat didukung semua eksekutif dan jajaran Manajemen PT Vale. Juga disambut baik oleh para kontraktor rekanan PT Vale, karena kedua belah pihak sangat memahami dengan baik tujuan program ini. Proses kemajuan implementasi program CSMS ini di-review bersama-sama secara berkala oleh tim penyusun CSMS, Project Manager, dan manajemen area operasi. Semua itu disemangati oleh eksekutif PT Vale, dalam hal ini COO.
Ada masalah klasik yaitu standar bagus di atas di atas kertas, tapi implementasi dan follow up masih lemah. Bagaimana pendapat Anda? Hal yang menjadi fokus utama adalah bagaimana implementasi program safety dilakukan secara konsisten dan berkesinambungan agar semua berjalan baik, sehingga tercipta proses operasi sesuai standar. Sedikit saja terjadi penyimpangan implementasi standard procedure, risiko terjadinya kecelakaan sangat tinggi. Program dan proses transfer knowledge safety menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Implementasi program safety di semua lini berproses, karena membutuhkan kontribusi serius masing-masing individu sebagai subjek dalam melakukan aktivitas pekerjaan. Sangat baik sekiranya tiap individu melakukan prosedur atas dorongan kesadaran, bukan karena merasa diawasi atau karena faktor industrial. Bila pemahaman karyawan masih pada level merasa segan terhadap atasan atau takut dihukum bila melanggar, maka perlu dinaikkan sehingga safety menjadi kebutuhan tiap individu. Sebagai contoh, ketika berada pada posisi bertanda “STOP”, seorang karyawan harus dengan ikhlas dan sadar untuk berhenti sejenak mengamati sisi kiri, kanan, dan depan sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan. Tindakan ini dilakukan demi menghindari risiko kecelakaan terhadap dirinya dan orang lain.
Bagaimana dengan mekanisme kontrol yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan? Misalnya JCC. Apakah ini membantu implementasi safety? JCC adalah audit random yang dilakukan di lapangan untuk mengamati seorang karyawan telah melakukan pekerjaan sesuai prosedur atau tidak. Dengan melakukan audit JCC secara berkala, bisa disimpulkan seberapa besar tingkat penerapan prosedur kerja secara berkesinambungan, atau seberapa besar prosedur kerja dijadikan budaya kerja. Manajemen sangat yakin, sekiranya semua karyawan melakukan pekerjaan didasarkan pada prosedur dan konsisten, risiko kecelakaan bisa diminimalkan.
Sudah sebaik apa penegakan aturan keselamatan di PT Vale? Penegakan aturan keselamatan kerja sangat serius dilakukan. Dimulai dari komitmen pimpinan puncak, pengawas lapangan, dan karyawan. Sejalan dengan itu, pengetahuan safety terus ditingkatkan dengan melibatkan konsultan dan pemerintah sebagai narasumber. Perusahaan juga konsisten menerapkan sanksi, bahkan pemutusan hubungan kerja, bagi karyawan yang melakukan pelanggaran safety yang dapat berakibat cedera minor, serius, hingga fatality.
Kembali kepada kesadaran karyawan untuk menjaga keselamatan. Apa upaya perusahaan, khususnya Anda sebagai leader, untuk menggugah mereka? Mengubah perilaku untuk bisa secara sadar mengikuti semua aturan safety berproses, butuh waktu dan kematangan berpikir. Perubahan perilakukan ini, seorang leader dituntut menjadi sumber inspirasi, panutan, dan guru yang baik dan tegas dengan tujuan memberikan perlindungan terhadap tim yang dipimpinnya.
Apa lagi upaya yang bisa dilakukan untuk membangkitkan kesadaran? Atasan atau leader harus memberi contoh dengan perilaku dan tindakan safety yang benar. Juga membangun budaya sesama pekerja tidak perlu merasa sungkan untuk memberikan masukan terhadap teman kerja jika melakukan pelanggaran safety. Saat ini, seorang teman kerja masih enggan menegur teman kerja yang melakukan pelanggaran safety. Seharusnya keselamatan diri dan teman kerja selalu menjadi prioritas. Sekali lagi, semua perubahan butuh proses. Namun, sebagai manajemen, kita tidak berhenti berusaha dengan tetap mengacu pada sebuah filosofi yang kita pegang, yaitu me-manage safety ini seperti mengayun sepeda di jalan mendaki. Bagi saya, karyawan adalah aset perusahaan yang tidak ternilai. Karyawan sendiri adalah sumber mata air kehidupan sebuah rumah tangga. Saya mengibaratkan seorang karyawan adalah emas bagi keluarga yang tidak boleh tergores sedikit pun. Apabila emas ini terganggu, maka perputaran roda sebuah keluarga akan terganggu juga.
Bisakah kita mencapai zero harm?
Sebagai perusahaan terbuka, PT Vale punya target itu dan program menuju zero harm telah dicanangkan. Saat bekerja, kita membicarakan sistem, manajemen, tools, serta edukasi karyawan mengenai safety. Kalau semua komponen itu berjalan dan terintegrasi dengan baik, saya yakin kondisi ideal itu bisa tercapai. Kuncinya adalah komitmen semua lini tetap terjaga, dan kesadaran akan hakikat kita sebagai insan manusia perlu kita junjung baik. •
Edisi Khusus 2014 | Halo Vale
Basri Kambatu:
Employee are the Gold for Their Family Many times this Senior General Manager of Mines & Exploration talks about awareness of employees to obey the procedures. How obedient are we to use helmet or safety belt while driving? How big is our understanding about the risk of breaking the traffic signs? Likewise, when we are working, do we execute the procedures correctly only when our boss or supervisor is around? All these questions are finally back to the individual awareness of the employees themselves. In a talk with Halo Vale, Basri Kambatu, explaining about efforts taken by the company in order to improve the safety performance, enforcement of rules, and his role as a leader in motivating his fellow employees. Furthermore, he emphasized the key of all is awareness. Good procedures, organized systems, as well as appropriate equipment are meaningless if there is no awareness from employees about the importance of maintaining occupational safety. Here is the except of Halo Vale`s interview with him.
From year to year, the Company`s target of production is increasing. It means the intensity and burden of work also increase. Is there any relation with the safety performance? There is no relation between the increase in production and the increase in risk of occupational safety. Either the production is high or not, the level on safety management will never reduce because safety is a sustainable effort. It`s like biking on the uphill road, we have to keep biking because once we stop it we will step back.
Halo Vale | Special Edition 2014
What lesson can we learn from the fatal case that befalls our co-worker? I think there are many things we can learn from the fatal case of our fellow co workers, employee of PT Vale Indonesia and employees of contractor partner need also to review anything seen as a weakness and needs improvement, such as standardization for safety equipment used in the operational area. Also, it is necessary to improve control system in checking the completeness of equipment to be operated in the workplace, and implement the applicable standard of occupational safety in the work area. The management system for contractor safety is part of the program called Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS). The process of its formulation and implementation is supported by all executives and management team of PT Vale Indonesia. The system is also welcomed by contractor partners of the Company, because both parties understand well the goal of the program. The process of implementation progress of CSMS program is reviewed periodically together by CSMS formulator team, Project Manager and the management of the operational area. This is all supported by executives of PT Vale Indonesia, in this case the COO.
It is always be a classical phenomena that good standard is only good on paper. Implementation and follow up are always weak. What do you think? The main focus is how this safety program implemented consistently and sustainably, so everything goes well and operational process is running based on standard. Even for a smallest deviation on the implementation of this procedures standard the risk for accident is very high. Program and transfer process of the safety knowledge become very important. Implementation of safety programs in all lines proceed, as it requires a serious contribution of each individual as a subject in performing work activities. It will be perfect if each individual performing the procedure at the instigation of his/her own consciousness, not because of being watched or due to other industrial factors. If the awareness of employee appears only because his/ her reluctant to the superiors or the fear of being punished then it must be upgraded. The awareness on the safety must become the need of each individual. For example, when we drive and there is a “STOP” sign then we have to stop. Look carefully in the right, left, and front before we continue to drive. It is good to avoid the risk of accident to happen to ourselves or to others.
What about the control mechanism conducted by the company? For instance JCC, is it helpful for safety implementation? JCC is a random audit conducted in the field to observe whether employees have done their work properly based on the procedures or not. By conducting this audit periodically, we can conclude how far the work procedures are implemented sustainably or how much it is used as a work culture. Management is very confident, assuming all employees do their work based on procedures consistenly, the risk of accident can be minimized.
How good is the enforcement of safety rules in PT Vale Indonesia? We are very serious with this enforcement of safety rules. It is started from the commitment at the highest level of the company`s leaders, and then to the field supervisors and employees. In line with this, the knowledge among employees about safety is also upgraded by involving consultants and the government as sources. The company
is also consistent in applying sanctions, and even dismissal for employees who violate the safety rules which cause injures, minor of serious until fatality.
Back to the awareness of the employees on the occupational safety, what the company`s effort, and you in particular as a leader, to attract their awareness? To change the someone`s behavior takes time and requires maturity of thought. In this process, a leader is required to be the source of inspiration, model and a good and firm teacher with the sole of purpose of protecting his/her team.
What else? A superior or leader must be the model for a proper behavior and actions on occupational safety. Also, it is necessary to build a culture among workers to remind each other or give input to their co-workers who make violation related to the occupational safety without feeling reluctant. Until now, employees are still hesitate to remind their coworkers who violate the regulation on occupational safety. It should not happen, because the safety of ourselves and other workers must become priority. Once more, everything needs a process. However, as part of the management, I will never give up to make efforts that refer to the philosophy that to manage occupational safety is like riding a bike on the uphill road. For me, employees are the valuable asset for the company. Employees themselves are the spring of life for their family. Employees are the gold for their family, so they should not be scratched. If the gold is disturbed, the rotation of the wheel of their family`s life may also be disrupted.
Is it possible for the company to reach a zero harm? As a public company, PT Vale has targets and programs which have been implemented to achieve the zero harm. In work, we talk about system, management, tools, and education for employees on the safety. If all those components run and integrated properly, I truly believe this ideal condition can be achieved. The key is a consistent commitment from all lines and awareness on our nature as human beings that should be respected. •
Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
Agar Terhindar dari Tanah Longsor Tanah labil kerap ditemui di area pertambangan. Apalagi ketika intensitas hujan tinggi. Banyak titik-titik perlu mendapat perhatian khusus para pekerja, karena potensi longsor atau tanah ambles lebih besar terjadi.
“Safety Alert” yang dirilis Health, Safety and Security Department Vale Brasil 6 April 2012, ada beberapa tindakan yang dapat menjadi perhatian pekerja agar terhindar dari potensi longsor dan terkubur tanah yang labil.
Lihat Kondisi Sekeliling
Lakukan Risk Analysis Tools
Pastikan seluruh aktivitas pada area tanah berlereng dan penuh bebatuan telah melalui risk analysis tools yang akurat dan berkelanjutan.
Tetap Aktifkan Radio Komunikasi
Radio komunikasi sangat penting untuk aktivitas operasi di area tambang. Pastikan radio Anda berfungsi dengan baik. Selain untuk kondisi darurat, radio ini mempermudah koordinasi dan keterkinian informasi terkait area kerja Anda di area tambang.
Pekerja Memiliki Kualifikasi
Pastikan seluruh operator kendaraan tambang adalah merekamereka yang telah memenuhi kualifikasi untuk mengendarai dan mengoperasikannya. Lakukan update training bagi operator sebagai upaya implementasi critical activities requirements (RAC) sebagai salah satu standar keselamatan kerja di PT Vale.
Pelatihan Kestabilan Slopes
Pastikan operator yang menangani kestabilan slopes di area mining telah mengikuti Risk Prevention Involving Slope Stabilization Training.
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
Kontrol Ekstra di Area Rawan Titik-titik yang memiliki timbunan tanah dan atau pembuangan batu merupakan area yang berstatus rawan di area tambang. Area-area ini perlu kontrol dan pemantauan ekstra, khususnya musim hujan, karena potensi longsor lebih tinggi.
Pastikan bila kendaraan berat akan parkir, area tersebut benar-benar aman. Amati area di sekeliling Anda dan pastikan tidak ada potensi longsor atau tanah ambles sebelum kendaraan merapat dan berhenti.
Kemiringan Lereng Sesuai Standar
Bila operator kendaraan tambang membuat slopes (lereng), pastikan kondisi kemiringan lereng atau tanah yang menggunung (piles) sesuai dengan RAC 8 specifications.
Bekerja Sesuai Prosedur
Bekerjalah sesuai prosedur dan standar yang telah diatur. Hindari melakukan tindakan yang mengundang bahaya. •
How to Avoid Landslide Labile soil is often found in the mining sites, especially during high-intensity rainfall. Many point of locations need special attention from workers because potential erosion or landslide and subsidence are bigger to happen.
“Safety Alert” released by the Health, Safety and Security Department of Vale Brasil on April 6, 2012, stipulates several measures need to do in order to avoid the potential landslides and being buried in the labile soil.
Do Risk Analysis Tools Ensure that all activities in the area which is sloping land and full of rocks have been passed through accurate and sustainable risk analysis tools.
Observe the Surrounding Situation Make sure when heavy vehicles will be parked, the area is completely safe. Observe the area around you and make sure there is no potential landslides nor land subsidence before the vehicles are coming close and stopped.
Keep the Communication Radio On Communication Radio is very important for operational activities in the mining areas. Make sure your radio works fine. Besides for emergency need, radio is also to facilitate coordination and up date information related to your working site in the mining areas.
Workers Must Have Qualification Make sure all mine vehicle operators are those who have met the qualifications to drive and operate them. Make special trainings for operator as an effort to implement critical activities requirements (RAC) as one of the safety standard in PT Vale.
Slope Area Meet the Standard When the mine vehicle operators make slopes, make sure the slope level or piles meet the standard of the RAC 8 Specifications
Slope Stability Training Make sure the operators who deal with the slope stability in the mining area have followed Risk Prevention Involving Slope Stabilization Training.
Extra Control in Prone Area The points of area which have barrows and or stone disposal are prone area in the mine area. These areas need extra control and monitoring, particular in the rainy season, due to a higher potential for landslides.
Do Your Work Based on Procedures Please do your work in accordance with the prescribed procedures and standards. Avoid any dangerous action that risk your safety.
Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
Waspada Tergelincir dari Tangga Dump Truck!
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
Guncangan keras di dalam kabin akibat medan tambang yang ekstrem atau tangga menuju kabin dump truck yang licin, mudah membuat Anda terpeleset dan jatuh. Sebuah perusahaan asuransi di Amerika Serikat pernah melakukan studi, 25% operator pernah jatuh dari kendaraan beratnya dan sebagian besar menderita cedera. Salah satu standar agar operator kendaraan berat tambang terhindar dari terpeleset ketika naik ke kabinnya adalah menaati prosedur ”Three Point System” sebagai pengetahuan dasar. Prosedur ini menyarankan untuk memanfaatkan empat fondasi tubuh Anda, yakni 2 tangan dan 2 kaki dengan cara “tiga fondasi dalam satu gerakan”. Misalnya 2 tangan 1 kaki atau 1 tangan 2 kaki ketika ingin keluar-masuk kendaraan tambang. Dengan menaati prosedur “Three Point System” ini, Anda akan berdiri stabil dan kokoh meski di landasan yang licin dan vertikal seperti tangga menuju kabin kendaraan berat. Berikut daftar aktivitas yang perlu dan tidak boleh Anda lakukan ketika menaiki tangga kendaraan berat.
Lakukan: • Gunakan sepatu safety yang memiliki sol tebal dan baik. Jangan pakai sandal atau kaki telanjang. • Keluar-masuk dengan posisi kepala menghadap bodi kendaraan. • Pastikan cengkeraman Anda kokoh ketika menggenggam handrails. • Lakukan dengan pelan-pelan. Tingkatkan kehatihatian ketika cuaca buruk. • Perhatikan permukaan di sekitar tangga kendaraan tambang ketika Anda naik atau turun.
Jangan Lakukan: • Jangan lakukan gerakan naik dan turun dari kabin kendaraan berat dengan terburu-buru. Selain tergelincir, tindakan tersebut dapat membuat Anda cedera seperti kram atau keseleo otot.
• Jangan pernah berpikir untuk melompat turun, meski Anda perlu buru-buru atau merasa kuat. • Tangga adalah akses utama menuju kabin kendaraan berat. Jangan pernah berpikir untuk menginjak ban sebagai injakan untuk naik dan turun. • Jangan gunakan rangka pintu sebagai pegangan. •
Edisi Khusus 2014 | Halo Vale
Beware of Slipping from Dump Truck Stair!
Halo Vale | Special Edition 2014
Violent shaking in the cabin due to extreme mine area or slick stairs to the dump truck’s cabin can make you easily slip and fall. An insurance company in the United States has had a study showing that 25% of total operators ever fell from their heavy vehicles and most of them injured. One of standards for operators to avoid from slipping when they go up to the cabin is to obey the “Three Point System” procedure as a basic knowledge. The procedure suggests you to utilize the four foundations of your body, namely, 2 hands and 2 feet by using “three foundations in one move”. For example, 2 hands 1 foot or 1 hand 2 feet when you are in and out of the mine vehicles. If you comply the “Three Point System” procedure, you will stand stable and sturdy even in slippery and vertical site like stairs to heavy vehicle cabin. Here is the list of do and don’t activities for you when you climb the stairs to heavy vehicle.
Do: • Wear safety shoes which are still in good condition especially the soles are thick and good. Do not wear sandals or bare feet. • Exit-entry with the head position facing vehicle body. • Make sure your grip is strong when holding handrails. • Do everything slowly and carefully, and increase the caution when the weather is bad. • Always pay attention to the surface condition of stairs of mine vehicle when you go up.
Don’t: • Do not be in a hurry when you go up and down to and from the cabin of mine vehicle. Not only being slipped, you can also be painful due to cramp or muscle sprain. • Do not even think of jumping down, even if you need to rush or feel strong. • The stairs is the main access to the heavy vehicle cabin. Do not even think of stepping on the tire as a step to go up and down. • Do not use door frame as a handle. •
Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
Cara Tingkatkan Observasi Keselamatan Hal penting bekerja di area operasi tambang atau pabrik pengolahan adalah melakukan observasi lingkungan kerja. Hal ini penting untuk mengetahui kondisi, potensi, dan tindakan antisipasi bila terjadi bahaya di area tersebut. Namun melakukan deteksi keselamatan area kerja juga perlu kiat agar efektif dan efisien. Berikut enam caranya:
1. Kumpulkan Masukan Melalui Diskusi Diskusi merupakan salah satu cara mengumpulkan informasi tentang area kerja paling efektif dan efisien. Anda, ibaratnya, memiliki banyak mata para pekerja, sumber informasi paling riil karena berdasarkan pengalaman dan pengamatan di lapangan. Metode ini juga efektif sebagai perekat emosi, evaluasi, sekaligus saling mengingatkan pentingnya bekerja aman antarpekerja. Di PT Vale, metode ini juga dilakukan oleh departemen-departemennya melalui “Safety Talk” atau “Safety Tool Meeting” yang dilakukan setiap pekan.
Safety training bertujuan meningkatkan kesadaran pekerja menghargai pentingnya keselamatan dalam bekerja.
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
2. Jangan Segan Bertanya Anda tidak harus menjadi ahli untuk dapat mengobservasi keselamatan area kerja. Anda dapat mengumpulkan informasi dengan bertanya. Ya, semakin banyak bertanya ke siapapun di area kerja, semakin banyak kondisi dan situasi suatu area kerja yang dapat Anda ketahui. Dari hal itu, Anda akan memiliki acuan untuk mencari solusi bila timbul persoalan tentang keselamatan kerja di area tersebut. Bertanyalah dengan hal-hal yang sederhana kepada para pekerja. Misalnya dimulai dengan ”Pekerjaan apa yang Anda lakukan di area ini?” dan dilanjutkan dengan “Potensi bahaya apa yang Anda identifikasi dari pekerjaan yang Anda lakukan?”, “Apakah ada orang terluka atau cedera dari pekerjaan ini?”, “Seperti apa prosedur keselamatan kerja di bagian ini?”
3. Fokus pada Perilaku Segudang prosedur bekerja aman diberlakukan, namun bila pekerja tidak punya perilaku taat dan disiplin akan nihil hasilnya. Karena itu, dalam mengumpulkan informasi dalam observasi, Anda perlu fokus memperhatikan perilaku kerja aman para pekerja. Sedisiplin dan setaat apa mereka mengimplementasikan prosedur tersebut. Termasuk hal sederhana, seperti penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD) maupun prosedur bekerja di area khusus (misalnya di tempat ketinggian, ruang tertutup, area yang memiliki medan listrik, dan sebagainya).
4. Semua Pekerja adalah Role Model Peningkatan kesadaran bekerja aman di area kerja adalah tugas dan tanggung jawab semua pekerja. Hal itu perlu dipahami seluruh pekerja dari seluruh level. Meski setiap area atau section memiliki leader, perlu disadari seluruh pekerja adalah role model penerapan bekerja aman.
5. Berkunjunglah ke Area Kerja Lain Informasi yang valid adalah informasi yang memiliki komparasi. Begitu pula dengan observasi program keselamatan kerja dan lingkungan kerja yang aman. Anda perlu membandingkan area kerja yang satu dengan lainnya. Istilahnya studi banding. Hal ini penting untuk mengetahui plus-minus penerapan program keselamatan kerja di perusahaan Anda dengan perusahaan lain. Semakin banyak area kerja yang Anda kunjungi, semakin banyak referensi yang Anda miliki sebagai dasar perbaikan program atau sistem keselamatan kerja di tempat Anda.
6. Berilah Penghargaan bagi Mereka yang Bekerja Sesuai Standar
Penghargaan tidak mesti berbentuk materi. Feedback positif berupa pujian melalui dialog yang hangat kadang lebih mengena di hati pekerja. Tentu hal ini dapat membangkitkan budaya kerja aman. •
Edisi Khusus 2014 | Halo Vale
Obeying procedures, two employees were checking the LV.
Six Ways to Increase Safety Observations One important thing to know when you work in the operational area of the mine or processing plant is to observe the working environment. It is important to know the condition, potential, and anticipation actions need to take when danger takes place in the area. But to do the safety detection in the working site also needs tips to make it effective and efficient. Here are the six tips:
1. Collect Information From Discussion Discussion is one most effective and efficient way to gather information about work area. It is like you have many eyes from the workers, the most real information resources because based on experience and observations in the field. This method is also effective as an adhesive of emotions, evaluation,
Halo Vale | Special Edition 2014
as well as as a forum to remind each other among workers on how important to work safely. In PT Vale, this method is also carried out by all departments through programs called “Safety Talk” or “Safety Tool Meeting” which is held every week.
2. Do not Hesitate to Ask You do not have to be an expert to be able to observe the safety of the work area. You can gather information by asking. Yes, the more you ask to anyone in the work area the more you know about condition and situation of a work area. You will have knowledge and reference to find solutions when problems related to occupational safety in the area really take place.
Ask the simple things to the workers. For example, starting with “What are you doing in this area?” And continued with “What potential dangers you identify from the work you do?”, “Is anyone ever hurt or injured on work?”, “What kind of occupational safety procedures applied in this section? “
3. Focus on Behaviour Thousands of safety working procedures can be imposed, but if the employees do not have obidience and discipline to follow them, it is nonsense. Therefore, in collecting information in an observation, you need to focus on giving attention to safe work behavior of the workers. How obidient and discipline are they in implementing the standards of safety work procedures, including some simple things such as the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and work procedures in specific areas (eg at heights, confined space, an electric area, etc).
4. Every Worker is A Role Model Raise awareness to work safely in the work area is a duty and responsibility of all workers. It should be
understood by all employees at all levels. Although each area or section has a leader, we need to realize that all workers are role model of an implementation of a safe work.
5. Visit to Other Work Area Valid information is the one that has comparison. Similarly, the observation of occupational safety programs and safe work environment. You need to compare one work area to another. They call it a comparative study. It is important to know the plus-minus safety program implementation in your company and in other company. The more work area you visit, the more references you have as a basic repair program or safety system in your place.
6. Appreciation for Those Who Work as Standars
Appreciation is not always in a material form. A positive feedback such as credit through a close dialogue sometimes is more meaningful for workers. Of course this can raise a safe work culture. •
Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
Safety adalah Investasi GM Emergency Response, Health, and Safety PT Vale ini bicara soal pentingnya leadership, sikap genuine care, dan safety sebagai investasi untuk membentuk budaya kerja aman. Membentuk budaya kerja nir-celaka bukan hanya soal regulasi dan standar. Ada esensi yang perlu dipenuhi, yakni budaya dan implementasi. Hal itu, menurut GM Emergency Response, Health, and Safety PT Vale, Budiawansyah, hanya dapat dicapai dengan tindakan proaktif antar elemen pekerja. Juga sikap saling peduli sesama. Istilahnya, sikap positif bernama genuine care. Seperti apa sikap positif tersebut, dan apa yang dimaksud safety adalah investasi? Berikut wawancara dengan Halo Vale.
Kehidupan adalah yang utama, demikian salah satu nilai Vale. Bagaimana PT Vale mengimplementasikannya sebagai budaya kerja? Kehidupan yang dimaksud dalam nilai Vale itu bukan hanya bicara tentang manusia. Tapi juga bagi lingkungan dan makhluk hidup lainnya, misalnya soal kualitas air dan habitat makhluk lainnya di sekitar operasi PT Vale. Inilah tantangan besar kita. Kita perlu men-set strategi besar untuk hal itu. Sedangkan soal keselamatan kerja, safety is about leadership. Manakala leadership lepas sedikit, maka culture itu hilang. Pasalnya, culture itu bukan tumbuh berdasarkan kebutuhan untuk bekerja dengan aman dan kebutuhan perusahaan untuk berbisnis secara berkelanjutan. Inilah big picture kita saat ini. Perlu diubah mindset-nya, baik ke perusahaan dan juga pemangku kepentingan.
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
Bagaimana strateginya? Salah satunya adalah dengan menetapkan standar tinggi oleh Vale. Program-program kita buat, misalnya melalui job cycle check (JCC), yang bertujuan menyakinkan prosedur kerja telah dilaksanakan di lapangan. Kita melibatkan para supervisor atau siapapun mereka yang berada di jalur leadership functional untuk bisa melakukan pengecekan di lapangan. Dengan cara itu diharapkan kebersamaan untuk peduli bekerja aman terbentuk di antara seluruh pekerja.
Apa ciri kerja aman yang telah menjadi budaya? Adanya genuine care dalam diri seorang pekerja. Dia punya kebiasaan positif dalam menjalankan pekerjaan. Budaya bekerja aman otomatis ada di dalam dirinya. Misalnya, ada pekerja melihat pekerja lain tidak sesuai standar atau prosedur, dia akan mengingatkannya. Jadi dia tidak acuh. Hal ini diketahui dari Global Survey bahwa masih banyak pekerja sungkan menegur orang ketika bekerja tidak aman. Tentu temuan ini baik karena bisa menjadi feedback dan bahan refleksi perusahaan. Bila genuine care itu terbentuk, inspeksi atau audit didasari rasa kepedulian, keinginan untuk memperbaiki situasi, dan menjaga keberlangsungan situasi yang telah baik. Bukan sebaliknya. Memperbaiki sekadarnya saja.
Yang selama ini terjadi? Vale berusaha menetapkan standar yang tinggi agar peduli kepada karyawannya. Sebelumnya, kita hanya mencatat hal yang berpotensi bahaya, misalnya karyawan menggunakan motor untuk berangkat kerja. Kalau dulu, hanya dicatat sebagai tindakan yang berbahaya. Tapi sekarang selain diingatkan juga dicatat sebagai salah satu performance karyawan. Tapi mengapa masih ada kecelakaan di lapangan meski requirement dan standar Vale itu sudah bagus? Masalahnya ada pada lemahnya fondasi budaya dan implementasi. Inspeksi, audit dan sejenisnya masih dianggap sebagai menunaikan kewajiban. Seharusnya inspeksi berdasarkan potensi bahaya dan frekuensinya. Setiap area bahaya utama itu ada level atau ranking-nya. Ada bahaya yang bisa kita terima (acceptable risk) tapi juga ada bahaya yang tidak bisa diterima (unacceptable risk). Yang ini juga ada level menengah sampai ekstrem. Hal inilah yang perlu disasar. Misalnya, inspeksi ke Utilities, bahaya utamanya adalah kelistrikan. Tentu hal-hal terkait itu yang diprioritaskan untuk diinspeksi. Bagaimana kepatuhannya, alat, prosedur, dan orang-orangnya.
Begitu pula ketika di Mining. Bahaya utamanya adalah alat berat, maka inspeksilah hal-hal tersebut. Blasting juga besar, tapi frekuensinya tidak tinggi. Maka itu, untuk melakukan inspeksi perlu ditimbang-timbang mana yang paling besar. Bukan karena setoran jumlah inspeksi. Tapi istilahnya, I have to care with certain potential hazard that could happen in the certain area. Jadi implementasinya bukan dibuktikan di atas kertas. Kalau diaudit good score, but not good result on field.
Anda mengatakan safety is about leadership. Leadership yang seperti apa?
Leadership yang punya komitmen dan genuine care tadi. Maka akan terbawa secara otomatis. Pada akhirnya safety ini akan menjadi investasi jangka panjang bagi perusahaan. Safety itu bukan soal kita kehilangan kesempatan berproduksi atau menghasilkan uang atau barang, tapi safety adalah investasi. Bila terjadi kecelakaan di suatu area, operasi terpaksa dihentikan untuk melakukan assessment karena regulasinya begitu. Untuk menyakinkan bahwa area itu aman dan tidak terjadi peristiwa serupa. Ujungujungnya berimbas pada produksi barang dan jasa tadi. Andai safety diutamakan dan terhindar dari insiden, tentu produksi akan jalan terus. Imbasnya juga tidak hanya ke perusahaan, tapi si pekerja yang mengalami insiden tersebut. Orang bekerja kan, ingin melihat hasil kerjanya dan memberikan manfaat kepada keluarganya. Tapi kalau dia mengalami kecelakaan, semuanya percuma.
Artinya selalu di bawah. Misalnya tahun ini kita patok 1,28, ekuivalen dengan sekian kasus, kenyataannya saat ini juga masih di bawah. Tapi yang perlu kita lihat bukan di situ. Sebagai seorang safety professional, ada “gunung es” yang terjadi di bawah. Setiap minggu ada update insiden, yang tidak menyebabkan orang cedera, tapi bisa menyebabkan bahaya. Insiden blasting yang membuat kaca kendaraan tambang pecah, misalnya, secara injury record nol. Tapi secara potensi bahaya ada. Terus ada kejadian near miss lain, tidak menyebabkan cedera, tapi menjadi sorotan. Artinya high potential accident masih banyak terjadi. Statistik tidak menggambarkan kondisi yang sebenarnya. Hanya sebagai teropong dan feedback bagi perusahaan.
Jadi apa yang bisa dilakukan agar kondisi kerja selamat dan aman itu tercapai? Budaya ini butuh waktu. Seperti mata rantai. Selain itu, sebagai manusia kita juga perlu peduli sesama. Perlu proaktif. Kenalilah bahaya di area kerja, maka akan timbul reaksi untuk menghindarinya. Kalau tidak, ibarat sleeping with enemy. •
Salah satu yang sering kami ingatkan, misalnya, agar pekerja menggunakan kacamata ketika bekerja di area-area wajib kacamata. Apa gunanya membeli televisi dari hasil kerjamu, tapi kau tak bisa menikmatinya karena buta akibat kecelakaan kerja. Tidak sampai tujuan utamanya.
Bagaimana statistik keselamatan kerja tiga tahun terakhir?
Kalau hanya melihat angka-angka, kita kelihatan baik. Dari data yang ada, tingkat kekerapan insiden itu menurun. Misalnya tahun lalu di-set up 1,5, kita bisa sampai 1,4.
Budiawansyah, GM Emergency Response, Health, and Safety PT Vale.
Edisi Khusus 2014 | Halo Vale
Safety Is Investment GM Emergency Response, Health, and Safety of PT Vale talks about the importance of leadership, genuine care attitude, and safety as investment to establish a safe work culture. To establish a non-accident work culture is not just a matter of regulations and standards. There is the essence that needs to be met: culture and implementation. These two, according to GM Emergency Response, Health, and Safety of PT Vale, Mr. Budiawansyah, can only be achieved by a proactive measure among element of workers. Also, caring attitude among work fellow. The term for it is positive attitude called genuine care. What is positive attitude and what does safety is investment mean? Halo Vale team interview him.
Life matters most, thus it is one value of PT Vale. How does PT Vale implement it as a work culture? Life meant in the value of Vale is not just about human, but also for the environment and other living things, for example about water quality and habitat of other creatures around the operational sites of PT Vale. This is our great challenge. We need to set a grand strategy for it. As for safety work, the safety is about leadership. When the leadership is a little loose the culture will be lost. The culture is not growing by the need to work safely and the company’s need to make a sustainable business. This is the big picture we are today. We need to change this mindset of either the company andthe stakeholders.
Halo Vale | Special Edition 2014
Budiawansyah, GM Emergency Response, Health, and Safety of PT Vale
What is the strategy? One is by setting up a high standard by Vale. We make programs, for example through job cycle check (JCC), which aims to convince the working procedures have been implemented in the field. We engaged supervisors or anyone who is on functional leadership to check in the field. With that way we expect a spirit of togetherness to aware for a safe work will be formed among all workers.
What kind of safe work which has been a culture? The existence of genuine care within every worker. They a positive habit in working. A safe work culture has automatically existed within them. For instance, one worker sees others do not work in according to standard or procedures, he will remind them. So, he is not indifferent. From the Global Survey, it is found that many workers are still reluctant to remind other co workers who do not work safely. Certainly, this is a good finding as a feedback and reflection for the company. If that genuine care is form within every worker, inspections or audits based on a sense of caring, a desire to improve the situation, and keep the good situation sustainable. Not on the opposite. Fixing minimally.
And what has been going on so far? Vale seeks to set high standards in order to care for their employees. Previously, we only noted the potential dangers, such as the employee uses a motor to go to work. In the past, we only recorded as a dangerous act. But now, besides warning we also noted as one of the employee’s performance. But why was accident on the field still happening despite Vale’s requirements and standards are good? The problems lay on the lack of cultural foundations and implementation. Inspections, audits and the like are still considered as part of fulfilling the obligation. We do inspections four times a month. Inspection should be based on potential dangers and its frequency. In every main dangerous area there is a level or rank of danger. There is a danger that we can accept (acceptable risk) but also there is one we can not (unacceptable risk) and it is still clasified from middle to extreem level. This is something we need to address. For example, inspection to the Utilities, the main danger is electricity. Any matter related with it will be prioritized for inspection. How is the compliance, tools, procedures, and the people. Similarly, in Mining the main danger is the heavy equipment, then do inspection related to it. Blasting is also a big potential danger but the frequency is not high. Thus, it is necessary to consider which one has bigger potential danger. It is not because of the amount of inspection, but the term is “I have to care with certain potential hazard could happen in the certain area.’’ So the implementation is not merely on paper. If it is audited we get good score, but not good result on the field.
You said safety is about leadership. What kind of leadership? A leadership with a commitment and genuine care. It will be automatically driven. In the end, safety will become a long-term investment for the company. Safety is not a matter of we are loosing the opportunity to produce or make money or goods, but safety is an investment. When an accident occurs in an area, based on regulations, the operation has to be stopped for
assessments. To ensure that the area is safe and no similar accident to happen. Finally, it impacts to production of goods and services. If safety is prioritized the accident will not happen, and production is going on as usual. If an accident happens, it impacts not only to the company, but to the workers who experienced the incident. People work because they want to see the result of their work and it should bring benefit to their families. If they got an accident, everything is useless then. One thing we often remind to our workers, for example, is they have to wear spectacles when working in areas with ofspectacles obligatory. What is the point you buy a television from your salary but you can not enjoy it because you are blind dues to accident in workplace? The main goal is not achieved.
How is the statistic result on occupational safety in the last three years? If you just look at the numbers, we are good. The data shows the frequency rate of accidece is lower. For example, last year we got 1.4 from the estimation 1.5. It means we got lesser accident. This year, we set 1.28, equivalent to certain amount of cases, and our year to date is also still below that figure. However, we need to see more than figure. As a safety professional, there is an “iceberg” in the bottom. Every week there is an update incident. It does not injure our worker, but it can cause danger. For example, blasting incident that makes glass mine vehicles broken. No injury but there is potential danger. Also some other near miss accident. Nobody got injured but it become spotlight. It means high potential accident is still many. Statistic does not present a real situation. It is just as binoculars and feedback for the company.
What can we do to make a secured and safe workplace? Culture takes time. It’s like a chain. Moreover, as a human being we also need to care to each others. We have to be proactive. Identify any danger in the work area, then there will be a reaction to avoid it otherwise is like we are sleeping with the enemy. •
Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
Process Plant Area
Memadukan WCIP dan Behavior Dialogue Berkumpul dan berbagi. Mereka membangun lingkungan kerja yang kondusif dan aman bersama-sama. Di Process Plant dengan mesin-mesinnya tersimpan bahaya yang siap meledak jika sikap hati-hati diabaikan. Bahaya kelistrikan, panas, debu, penguncian, hingga alat berat hanyalah beberapa di antaranya. Di area ini, menurut Process Plant Senior Safety Coordinator EHS Improvement Anggoro Rohadi, meski frekuensi terjadinya insiden sangat kecil, bila terjadi, imbasnya sangat besar terhadap proses produksi dan pekerjanya. “Karakter inilah yang membedakan Process Plant dengan area kerja lain di PT Vale,” ujar dia. Anggoro memberi contoh, ketika Furnace 4 meledak pada 2013. Insiden tersebut bukan hanya membuat proses produksi mengalami delay, tapi juga punya efek turunan. “Kalau personal safety, orang bekerja menggerinda dan kalaupun dia terluka, hanya dirinya yang merasakan. Kalau di Process Plant, pengaruhnya bisa ke multiple fatality,” ujar dia.
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
Selain potensi bahaya dari mesin-mesin pabrik, lingkungan kerja di Process Plant juga menjadi perhatian safety management. Misalnya soal suhu tinggi dan debu, khususnya di area furnace. “Di area ini, kami tidak pungkiri tingkat heat stress tinggi, area berdebu, dan waktu kerja teman-teman juga dituntut kontinu. Hal ini menjadi tantangan,” tambah dia. Meski daftar potensi bahaya Process Plant berderet, para leader dan pekerja tidak pernah gentar. Mereka justru aktif memberikan masukan dan mencari solusi untuk mencegah kecelakaan. Bahkan dalam implementasi safety process, area ini menerapkan kerja sama lintas departemen, yakni operation, maintenance dan engineering, karena bukan hanya soal penggantian dan perawatan alat, tapi juga modifikasi.
Process Plant Area
Ada pula kegiatan bernama behavior dialogue—biasa disebut job cycle check—yang merupakan bagian dari safety tools yang diimplementasikan PT Vale. Pada pertemuan tersebut biasanya disandingkan dengan SOI (safety observation and inspection). Dengan SOI ini para pekerja menjadi lebih paham prosedur dan standar kerja aman. Mereka juga punya kebebasan untuk menyampaikan kondisi kerja langsung ke leader. “Kalau di Process Plant, behavior dialogue ini digelar setiap Selasa pagi. Banyak masukan yang riil dan aplikatif dari para operator agar standar prosedur kerja lebih realistis dan bagus ketika dimplementasikan,” ujar Anggoro. Perbaikan elektroda dan dinding furnace merupakan contoh kecil hasil dari behavior dialogue. Guna mengoptimalkan lingkungan kerja yang kondusif, PT Vale juga menerapkan working condition improvement program (WCIP). Inisiatif yang telah direalisasikan sejak dua tahun lalu ini bertujuan merancang dan membuat lingkungan kerja lebih aman dan sehat. WCIP juga bertujuan meremajakan infrastruktur PT Vale yang telah berdiri sejak dekade 1970-an ini.
Bertahap Implementasi WCIP di area skimming Furnace 2, misalnya pemasangan alat pengembus udara segar (fresh air) dan curtain (tirai plastik) agar pekerja mendapatkan udara lebih bersih di area kerja. “Furnace 2 sebagai pilot project-nya. Di furnace lainnya juga akan dilakukan hal yang sama. Namun secara bertahap, karena untuk merealisasikannya perlu disinkronkan dengan jadwal Furnace Rebuild,” tambah Anggoro. Impelementasi WCIP di area skimming Furnace 2 tersebut juga merupakan hasil dari program Furnace Rebuild tahun 2012. Jadwal rebuild selanjutnya ditargetkan awal 2016. WCIP juga melakukan perbaikan pada fasilitas lain seperti toilet dan lunch room.
Anggoro Rohadi, Process Plant Senior Safety Coordinator EHS Improvement
10 Bahaya Utama di Process Plant Bahaya molten material. Bahaya operasi alat berat dan kendaraan. Bahaya kondisi alat berat dan kendaraan. Bahaya benda berputar. Bahaya listrik. Bahaya penguncian. Bahaya bekerja dekat air. Bahaya bahan-bahan berbahaya (dangerous goods). 9. Bahaya bekerja di ketinggian. 10. Bahaya pengangkatan dan penyanggaan beban. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Untuk mengoptimalkan keselamatan bekerja di ketinggian di area Process Plant, direalisasikan dengan pemasangan guarding (pagar) di area conveyor, handrail, dan life line. “Inisiatif perbaikan fisik lingkungan kerja ini merupakan salah satu fokus RAC (requirement for critical activities),” tambah Anggoro. •
Edisi Khusus 2014 | Halo Vale
Process Plant Area
Combine WCIP with Behavior Dialogue Gather and share. They build a conducive and safe work place together. The Process Plant where a lot of machines are put is a big potential danger of explosion if cautious attitude is ignored. Electrical hazards, heat, dust, locking, and heavy equipment are just a few of those dangers. In this area, according to Process Plant Senior Safety Coordinator EHS Improvement Anggoro Rohadi, despite its frequency of incidents is very small, however if it happens it takes a very large impact on the process of production and also to the workers. “This character that distinguishes between Process Plant with other work areas of PT Vale,” he said. Anggoro referred to an accident took place in 2013 when Furnace 4 exploded. It caused not only the production process delayed but also affected to its derivatives. “In case of personal safety, if you work and get injured, only you feel it. However, in Process Plant, an incident can affect to multiple fatality,” he said.
Halo Vale | Special Edition 2014
Besides its potential danger from the factory machines, work environment in Process Plant has become main concern of the safety management. High temperature and dust problem, particularly in the furnace area, for example. “In this area, we do not deny that the level of heat stress is high, it is dusty area, and working time or workers must be continuous. This is a challenge,” he added Despite of many potential dangers, the leaders and workers in Process Plant do not flinch. On the other hand, they actively provide feedback and seek solutions to prevent accident. Even in the implementation of safety process, this area applies cross-departmental cooperation, namely operation, maintenance and engineering, because it’s not just about replacement and maintenance of equipment, but also modifications.
Process Plant Area
There is also a meeting called behavior dialogue or job cycle check which is part of the safety tools implemented by PT Vale. Usually the meeting also discuss about SOI (safety observation and inspection) in which the workers are expected to be more aware of safety work procedures and standards. They can also freely convey their work conditions to the leaders directly. “In the Process Plant, behavior dialogue is held every Tuesday morning. We get a lot of real and applicable input coming from the operators who want the procedures and standards of safety work to be more realistic and better in the implementation,” he said. Improvement in the electrodes and furnace’s wall are among samples resulted from the behavior dialogue.
To optimize its work environment to be more conducive PT Vale also implements a special program called Working Condition Improvement Programs (WCIP). The program has been practiced since two years ago which aims to design and make the work environment safer and healthier. WCIP is also intended to rejuvenate infrastructure of PT Vale which has been established since 1970s.
Gradual Implementation The implementation of WCIP in the area of skimming Furnace 2, for example, includes installation of fresh air blower and plastic curtain to make workers get a cleaner air in the work area. “Furnace 2 is the pilot project. We will do the same things in other furnaces gradually because we have to synchronize with the schedule of Furnace Rebuild,” he added. The implementation of WCIP in the area of skimming Furnace 2 is also resulted from Furnace Rebuild program in 2012. The next rebuild will be targeted in early 2016. WCIP also makes improvements to other facilities such as toilets and lunch rooms. To optimize occupational safety at height in the area of Process Plant, PT Vale has installed guarding (fence) in the conveyor area, handrail, and the life line. “The initiatives to make these physical improvements are coming from the RAC (requirement for critical activities),” he said. •
Ten Major Hazards in the Process Plant 1. Molten material. 2. Operation of Heavy Equipments and Vehicles 3. Condition of Heavy Equipments and Vehicles 4. Rotating Objects 5. Electricity 6. Locking 7. Working Near Water 8. Dangerous Goods 9. Working at Height 10. Load Removal and Buffering
Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
Permukaan Licin, Si Pembuat Tergelincir Lumpur, oli tumpah, genangan air, atau bahkan rasa lelah bisa membuat Anda terpeleset atau kesandung. Hal ini perlu menjadi perhatian, apalagi bagi Anda yang berada di area tambang atau pabrik pengolahan. Di Amerika Serikat, 3 dari 5 pekerja pabrik mengalami cacat atau tewas karena insiden ini. Poin-poin lain yang perlu diperhatikan: 1. Perhatikan area kerja Anda sebelum memulai. Apakah di ketinggian, menggunakan tangga, atau di tanah. Deteksi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah Anda memerlukan peralatan khusus keselamatan kerja, mengetahui potensi bahaya, dan tindakan apa yang perlu diperhatikan di area kerja tersebut. 2. Fokus dan konsentrasi terhadap apa yang Anda kerjakan. Bila kelelahan atau dalam kondisi tidak fit, sebaiknya jangan paksakan dan sampaikan hal tersebut kepada atasan Anda untuk mencari solusi terbaik. 3. Bila melihat ketidakberesan terhadap area kerja atau alat bantu kerja, laporkan kepada atasan. Namun bila hal tersebut dapat Anda perbaiki, pindahkan, dan sisihkan sendiri dan tidak berbahaya. 4. Cukuplah berjalan, jangan berlari. 5. Bersihkan sepatu Anda bila solnya berlumpur atau berminyak. •
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
Slipped Surface is the Slippery Cause Mud, spilling oil, puddles, or even fatigue can make you slip or stumble. This must be a concern, especially for those in the mine area or processing plant. In the United States, 3 of 5 factory workers are disabled or killed because of these incidents. Some points need to be noticed: 1. Look carefully your work area before you start to work. Assess your working area carefully before you start whether using stairs, walking at height or on the ground This detection aims to analyze whether you need any special safety equipment, know the potential dangers, and know what actions need to be considered in the work area. 2. Focus and concentration working. If you are tired or unfit, do not push yourself to work. Tell your supervisor in order the best solutution. Unfit condition can disturb your consentration. 3. If you found something unusual in the work area or working tools, consult to your supervisor. 4. Just walk, do not run. 5. Clean up your shoes if there is mud or oil. •
pesan safety
Perangkat Keselamatan
PARA : Activity Personal ysis al n A k Ris
rvation ety Obse Form Saf ion (SOI) dan ect ) and Insp eck (JCC Cycle Ch Form Job
Diperlukan Manajemen Risiko dan Kapabilitas yang Baik Josimar Pires kembali mengingatkan seluruh pekerja PT Vale untuk meningkatkan disiplin bekerja aman.
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
Suasana duka menyelimuti PT Vale. Dua karyawannya meninggal dunia pada semester pertama 2014. Pertama, Simon Yaman Sio dari General Facilities & Service Department, yang mengalami kecelakaan sepeda motor di poros jalan Sorowako-Wasuponda ketika pulang kerja pada 12 Februari 2014. Kedua, Lukas Bandaso dari Mines & Exploration Department, yang tewas akibat longsoran tanah di area pertambangan Petea B1-Area Barat pada 10 Mei 2014. “Enam bulan terakhir merupakan masa paling menantang bagi perusahaan dan keluarga kita karena peristiwa tragis tersebut,” ujar Chief Operating Officer PT Vale, Josimar Pires. Dari hasil investigasi, kedua insiden tersebut terjadi akibat minimnya menjalankan prosedur kerja sebagaimana mestinya. “Hal ini merupakan kenyataan yang kita hadapi berulang kali. Itu tidak bisa dipungkiri,” tambah Josimar. Josimar menyayangkan masih ada rekan kerja yang melakukan pekerjaan tanpa memikirkan risiko yang dihadapi. “Tentu hal ini masalah yang serius bagi kita, karena kita telah dianggap sebagai perusahaan yang matang dan mampu menjalankan disiplin operasional,” ujar dia.
Perangkat Keselamatan
Mengutip “Message from Peter Poppinga” yang dirilis Management Bulletin pertengahan Agustus lalu, kinerja keselamatan Vale Base Metal—di mana PT Vale masuk di dalamnya—pada kuartal II-2014 berstatus stagnan. Namun fakta ini, menurut Direktur Eksekutif Base Metals Vale ini, perlu dijadikan momentum untuk mewujudkan zero harm. Beragam upaya telah dilakukan PT Vale untuk mewujudkan komitmen tersebut. Mulai dari inovasi, otomasi alat khususnya di pabrik pengolahan, hingga paradigma baru dalam bekerja aman. Beberapa di antaranya dengan meningkatkan frekuensi kegiatan safety talk, menambah form pengecekan seperti SOI (safety observation & inspection), dan JCC (job cycle check). “Kita memang tidak mungkin meniadakan seluruh risiko. Karena itu, kita perlu memiliki perangkat manajemen risiko dan kapabilitas yang lebih baik. Para pimpinan tetap terus mengingatkan timnya untuk bekerja aman melalui dialog-dialog untuk mengelola risiko,” tambah Josimar.
Salah satu inovasi terbaru PT Vale dalam meningkatkan kesadaran bekerja aman adalah peluncuran personal activity risk analysis (PARA). Perangkat baru untuk mendukung pekerja dalam meminimalisasi risiko bahaya kerja ini dirilis bertepatan dengan Global Safety Prevention Week pada 11-15 Agustus 2014 silam.
Identifikasi dan Komunikasi PARA berbentuk buku saku, berisi petunjuk bagi pekerja dalam mengidentifikasi risiko dan bahaya berdasarkan major hazard standard (MHS) sebelum mereka menjalankan pekerjaan. Terdapat 12 fokus MHS yang menjadi check list PARA, antara lain bekerja di ketinggian, peledakan, kelistrikan, dan bahan berbahaya. PARA juga memberikan penjelasan tentang faktor-faktor risiko suatu aktivitas kerja dan tindakan pencegahannya. Format PARA hampir sama dengan formulir check list SOI, namun kontennya lebih detail. Buku saku ini juga dilengkapi tips antisipasi suatu bahaya dan diperuntukan bagi seluruh level pekerja PT Vale. Berbeda dengan SOI yang fungsi dan peruntukannya untuk para leader ketika melakukan inspeksi. PARA nantinya juga dibagikan kepada karyawan kontraktor, termasuk para tamu PT Vale. “PARA ini seperti catatan pekerja terhadap bahaya atau risiko di tempat mereka berada atau bekerja. Caranya, luangkan waktu 1-3 menit untuk memeriksa bahaya dan risiko yang mungkin dapat muncul di tempat kerja Anda melalui buku PARA,” ujar GM Emergency Response, Health & Safety, Budiawansyah.
Chief Operating Officer PT Vale, Josimar Pires
Selain membantu identifikasi bahaya, PARA ibarat “jembatan komunikasi” antara pekerja dan leader mereka. “Semangat tools ini adalah menanamkan proaktif, dua arah, dan bottom up. “Bertanyalah kepada pengawas jika Anda ragu-ragu atau belum aman memulai pekerjaan. Jika ada hal yang tidak dapat diselesaikan atau kondisi tidak aman yang tidak bisa diselesaikan di tempat Anda bekerja, maka hubungi pengawas untuk ditindaklanjuti,” tambah Budiawansyah. Kehadiran PARA sekaligus menggantikan hazard report form yang dinilai kurang efektif. •
Edisi Khusus 2014 | Halo Vale
Safety Tools
Good Risk Management and Capability are in Need Josimar Pires repeatedly reminds all workers of PT Vale to improve their discipline on occupational safety. PT Vale is in grief. Its two employees died in the first half of 2014. Simon Yaman Sio, a staff at the General Facilities & Service Department, who got a motorcycle accident on the road between Sorowako-Wasuponda on his way back home from work on February 12nd, 2014 and Lukas PARA : Bandaso from Mines & Exploration Personal Activity Department who was killed by a Risk Analysis landslide in mining area in Petea B1-West Area on May 10th, 2014. “The past six months is the most challenging period for the company and our families because of the tragic accident,” said Chief Operating Officer of PT Vale, Josimar Pires. Based on the investigation, it is found that both incidents occurred due to among others lack of discipline in implementing safety procedures. “This is the reality we have to deal with repeatedly. It’s undeniable, unfortunately,” he said. He concerns that there are still workers who work without thinking about the risks they may deal with. “Certainly, this is a serious problem for us, because we have been regarded as an experienced company and capable in running the operational discipline,” he said.
Halo Vale | Special Edition 2014
Form Safety Observation and Inspection (SOI) dan Form Job Cycle Check (JCC)
Referring to “Message from Peter Poppinga” released by Management Bulletin in mid of August, about the safety performance of Vale Base Metal-where PT Vale is includedin the second quarter of 2014 is stagnant. This fact, according to Executive Director of Base Metals of Vale must be used as a momentum to achieve zero harm.
Safety Tools
PT Vale does its best to achieve its commitment. From conducting innovation and automation of its tools especially in the processing plant until applying a new paradigm in occupational safety such as increasing the frequency of activities on safety talk, adding checking form of SOI (safety observation and inspection), and JCC (job cycle check). “We could not eliminate all the risks, therefore we need to have a better risk management and capability. The leaders keep reminding his team to work safely through dialogues on how to manage the risks,” he added. One of PT Vale’s latest innovation in improving the awareness on occupational safety is by launching the Personal Activity Risk Analysis (PARA). The new device aims to support workers in minimizing occupational hazards is released coincides with the Global Safety Prevention Week on 11-15 of August 2014.
Identification and Communication PARA is a pocket book that contains instructions for workers in identifying risks and hazards based on Major Hazard Standards (MHS) before they
do their works. There are 12 standards listed in PARA, including working at height, blasting, electricity, and hazardous materials. PARA also provides explanations on the risk factors of work activities and the preventive actions. The format of PARA is almost similar to SOI’s check list form, only its contents are more in detail. This handbook is also featured with tips on anticipating dangers and intended for all levels of workers of PT Vale. In contrast to the SOI which functions and allocation are for leader level while conducting inspections, PARA will be distributed to all, including contractor employees and also visitors of PT Vale. “PARA is like notes of workers on hazards or risks in wherever they are or in their workplace. Take one to three minutes to check for hazards and risks that may happen in your workplace through PARA book,” said GM Emergency Response, Health & Safety, Budiawansyah. In addition to helping identify hazards, PARA is like a “communication bridge” between the workers and their leaders. “The spirit of this tool is to instill a proactive, two-way, and the bottom up communication. Just ask to your supervisor if you are in doubt or feel not safe to start work. If there are things or unsafe conditions which cannot be solved at your workplace, then contact your supervisor for further actions,” he added. PARA can replace the hazard report form which is recently considered less effective. •
Chief Operating Officer PT Vale, Josimar Pires
Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
Proteksi Ekstra Ketika Bekerja di Ketinggian Data Health and Safety Department Vale Brasil 14 Februari 2014 menyebutkan, jatuh dari ketinggian merupakan insiden dengan rekor cukup besar dalam seluruh operasi Vale di dunia. Pada 2013, misalnya, tercatat 10 insiden dan memakan korban cedera maupun jiwa. Untuk menyelamatkan Anda dari insiden tersebut, ikuti beberapa petunjuk praktis berikut: • Gunakan alat keselamatan kerja di ketinggian, paling standar adalah body harness yang diikatkan di railing yang aman secara vertikal. • Sediakan perintang dan papan peringatan adanya pekerjaan di ketinggian yang sedang dilakukan atau benda berbahaya yang dapat jatuh. • Diperlukan proteksi atau supervisi beberapa operator di area kerja. • Segera peringatkan pengawas proyek bila ada perubahan rencana dalam pengerjaan proyek. • Taati papan peringatan atau area yang diisolasi karena ada proyek yang sedang berjalan. • Laporkan kepada supervisor bila Anda melihat sesuatu yang tidak beres atau tidak sesuai prosedur keselamatan.
Hindari Percikan dan Sengatan Listrik Mesin-mesin di area pabrik pengolahan tentu bertegangan listrik tinggi. Anda perlu ekstra waspada bekerja di area ini. Lengah sedikit, arus listrik bisa menyengat Anda.
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
Ada beberapa kiat agar Anda terhindar dari bahaya tersengat listrik, yang kami sarikan dari Occupational Health and Safety and Business Security Department, Vale Brasil: • Pastikan orang-orang yang bekerja dengan mesin beraliran listrik atau kelistrikan adalah mereka yang terlatih dan memenuhi kualifikasi. • Pekerja diwajibkan menggunakan alat pelindung diri (APD). • Pastikan keberadaan work permit (PT) dan task risk analysis (ART) bagi para pekerja telah terpenuhi sebelum pekerjaan dilakukan. • Pastikan hanya mereka yang memiliki otoritas yang dapat mengakses sumber kelistrikan di daerah kerja yang dimaksud. • Ketika akan melakukan perawatan alat, pastikan untuk memutus aliran listrik dan lakukan penyegelan dan memberi tag di area terminal listrik tersebut (RAC-04). • Status listrik nol itu juga harus dipastikan dengan alat voltmeter (RAC-11). • Lakukan pengecekan kembali kabel koneksi di panel terminal. Pastikan sudah dalam kondisi off. • Hindari tindakan yang tidak aman. Ikuti prosedur kerja aman. •
Extra Protection When Working at Heights Data from the Health and Safety Department of PT Vale Brasil on February 14, 2014 shows the falling from height is a quite big accident in the record of entire Vale’s operations in the world. In 2013, for example, there were 10 incidents which claimed lives and injuries. To save you from such incidents, follow some practical instructions below: • Use safety tools needed for working in heights. The most standar tool is body harness that is tied to safe railing vertically. • Provide barrier and warning signs that the work in heights is being carried out or dangerous objects could fall. • Provide protection and supervision operators in work area. • Immediate notice must be given to project supervisor if there is any change in the work plan. • Obey the warning sign or isolated area because there are ongoing projects. • Report to your supervisor immediately once you see something unusual or is not appropriate to safety procedures.
Avoid Electrical Sparks and Shocks The machines in the mill area are certainly high-voltage electricity. You need to be extra vigilant to work in this area. If you are a little off guard, electric current can sting you. There are a few tips for you to avoid the danger of electrical shock, which we summarized from the Occupational Health and Safety and Business Security Department of Vale Brasil: • Make sure the people who work with the high-voltage electricity machines or electricity are well trained and qualified. • Worker is obliged to wear self protection tool (APD). • Ensure the work permit (PT) dan task risk analysis (ART) for workers have been fulfilled before the work begins. • Ensure only those who are in charge who can access the electricity in the related workplace. • Before doing tool maintenance, be sure to cut off the electricity and do the sealing and tagging in the area of electrical terminals (RAC-04 • The zero electricity status must be confirmed with voltmeter (RAC-11). • Check and recheck all connection cable in the panel terminal. Make sure it is in off posision. • Avoid unsafe action. Follow the procedures of safe work. •
Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
Pendapat Mereka tentang Keselamatan Kerja
Herman Timbayo, Ore Controller-Mines & Exploration Dept.
Yulianti Marcelina, Operator Dump TruckMines & Exploration Dept.
Musafir, Electrician-Support Service Dept.
“Menurut saya, prosedur keselamatan PT Vale sudah baik. Apalagi dengan adanya sistem pengecekan sebelum melakukan kerja seperti SOI (safety observation & inspection), membuat pekerja lebih taat dan disiplin mengamati potensi bahaya di areanya sebelum bekerja. Seperti di area saya, Petea Blok Barat, sebelum bekerja kami memeriksa kondisi lereng apakah ada potensi longsor atau tidak, memeriksa kondisi pondokan tempat beristirahat, dan para leader selalu berkeliling memantau lokasi kerja.
“Sebagai pekerja di lapangan, saya mengapresiasi kebijakan manajemen dan para leader untuk lebih gencar mengutamakan keselamatan kerja, karena risiko kerja kami lebih besar daripada yang tidak di lapangan. Saya juga mendengar bahwa keselamatan lebih diprioritaskan pada bagian produksi. Tentu hal ini memotivasi seluruh pekerja.
“Ada budaya kerja yang berubah di tempat saya dengan keberadaan JCC (job cycle check) dan SOI (safety observation & inspection). Sebelum bekerja kami jadi terbiasa melakukan pengecekan alat dan area kerja. Leader kami juga rutin berkunjung ke lokasi kerja untuk menghimpun masukan terkait prosedur dan standar kerja aman.” •
Keberadaan sistem ini juga membuat kami, pekerja, lebih peduli dan tidak sungkan saling mengingatkan bila ada rekan kerja yang kami anggap bekerja tidak sesuai dengan prosedur atau standar keselamatan kerja.” •
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
Adanya SOI, misalnya, membuat pekerjaan kami lebih terarah dan ekstra hati-hati dalam bekerja. Kami jadi tahu batasan-batasan agar dapat terhindar dari terjadinya insiden kerja.” •
What Do They Say about Occupational Safety? Herman Timbayo, Ore Controller-Mining & Exploration Dept. “In my opinion, the occupational safety procedure of PT Vale is good. Especially with checking system before working such as SOI (safety observation and inspection), makes workers are more obedient and discipline to observe potential hazards in their work area before working. As in my work area, Petea West Block, before working we always examine the condition of slope area to make sure whether it is potentially landslide or not, check the condition of hut we usually use to rest, and our leaders are always around to monitor the work place. This system also makes us, the workers, are more aware to other co-workers and not hesitate to remind each other when any of us does not work properly according to the procedure or standard of occupational safety.” •
Musafir, Electrician-Service Support Dept.
Yulianti Marcelina, Dump Truck Operator-Mining & Exploration Dept. “As a field worker, I do appreciate the policy of the management and our leaders who intensively put priority on occupational safety, because our works have greater risk than those non-field works. I also heard that occupational safety becomes a more priority on the production. This, certainly, motivates all workers. The SOI, for example, makes us more effective and cautious in the work. We know the limits in order to avoid incidents in work.” •
“There is a change in a work culture at my work place since JCC (job cycle check) and SOI (safety observation and inspection) are applied. Prior to work we are accustomed to check equipment and work area. Our leaders also regularly visit work sites to gather information regarding to occupational safety procedures and standards.” •
Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
Bikers Wajib Ekstra Hati-hati Terapkan prinsip safety riding selama berkendara. Tidak bisa dimungkiri, kendaraan bermotor roda dua menjadi alternatif transportasi yang paling banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Data Korps Lalu Lintas Polri mencatat, populasi kendaraan bermotor terbanyak disumbang oleh sepeda motor dengan jumlah 86.253 juta unit di seluruh Indonesia pada 2013. Sementara ASEAN Automotive Federation (AAF) mencatat, Indonesia mengambil tiga perempat market share dari total penjualan sepeda motor di seluruh negara ASEAN pada periode Januari-April 2014. Namun populasi yang selalu naik dari tahun ke tahun itu belum diimbangi kesadaran untuk mempraktikkan prinsipprinsip safety riding. Angka kecelakaan sepeda motor masih sangat tinggi. Hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2013 menyebutkan, kecelakaan sepeda motor merupakan salah satu penyebab cedera terbanyak, dan umumnya menimpa penduduk kelompok usia 15-24 tahun. Dibandingkan hasil Riskesdas 2007, Riskesdas 2013 menunjukkan peningkatan proporsi cedera transportasi darat (sepeda motor dan moda transportasi darat lain) dari 25,9% menjadi 47,7%. Mengendarai sepeda motor memerlukan keterampilan. Alat transportasi ini memiliki beberapa kekurangan, seperti kurang terlihat di jalan karena adanya faktor blind spot. Dimensi sepeda motor yang kecil memberikan sedikit perlindungan terhadap pengendaranya. Berikut adalah pengingat penting untuk mengurangi risiko kecelakaan bagi pengendara sepeda motor.
Posisi Tubuh §§ Sebelum berkendara, pastikan tubuh merasa nyaman agar tidak mengalami nyeri atau trauma saat berkendara.
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
§§ Posisi duduk yang baik adalah paha dalam menjepit jok kendaraan sehingga motor bisa dikontrol meski di tikungan. Duduk dengan posisi kaki terbuka berbahaya, karena bisa membuat Anda kehilangan keseimbangan. §§ Tekuk lengan Anda ketika memegang stang motor. §§ Usahakan posisi tangan tidak menahan berat badan. §§ Pertama kali menjalankan kendaraan, pastikan kaki kanan berada di tuas agar bisa mengontrol rem belakang. §§ Pastikan pandangan mata selalu luas, melihat ke depan, dan merekam segala aktivitas yang berada di depan sehingga Anda dapat mengambil keputusan yang tepat selama berkendara. §§ Jangan pernah melihat dalam jarak pendek atau melihat ke aspal, karena ini bisa mengganggu keseimbangan dan membuat Anda tertabrak.
Penggunaan Rem §§ Posisikan jari telunjuk dan jari tengah berada di tuas rem depan agar bisa membantu selalu memberhentikan kendaraan atau mengontrol kecepatan. §§ Pastikan Anda menggunakan kedua rem, depan dan belakang.
§§ Posisi tubuh tetap tegak saat melakukan pengereman. §§ Ketika ada lubang di depan, tekan tuas rem depan dan belakang sebelum motor memasuki lubang. Mengerem di saat menabrak lubang bisa membuat Anda terpental. §§ Tekanlah tuas rem depan dan belakang sebelum memasuki tikungan. §§ Saat lintasan licin, pastikan Anda mengerem secara perlahan dengan ditekan berkali-kali agar kendaraan tetap stabil dan seimbang. §§ Jangan pernah melakukan pemberhentian hingga ban terkunci, karena bisa menghilangkan keseimbangan. §§ Saat mengerem dan motor berhenti, kaki kiri yang pertama turun agar kaki kanan bisa tetap mengontrol rem. §§ Jangan panik saat melakukan pengereman.
Sebelum dan Saat Berkendara §§ Pastikan kendaraan Anda dalam kondisi layak jalan. Selalu gunakan ban yang berulir dan tidak aus. §§ Patuhi peraturan lalu lintas dan selalu tertib di jalan. §§ Jangan berkendara di bawah pengaruh alkohol. §§ Atur kecepatan, jangan menyalip terlalu ekstrem, jaga jarak aman. §§ Berkonsentrasi sepanjang perjalanan. §§ Sebisa mungkin, hindari berkendara di tengah cuaca buruk. Hujan bukan hanya menghalangi pandangan pengemudi melainkan juga mengurangi kemampuan roda untuk mencengkeram aspal. §§ Waspadai bahaya pasir, kerikil, atau sampah di jalan raya bisa membuat motor tergelincir tibatiba. Gundukan atau lubang yang mungkin tidak berbahaya bagi kendaraan roda empat, bisa menjadi bahaya serius bagi pesepeda motor. §§ Selalu kenakan helm standar dengan kriteria antara lain memiliki lapisan luar yang keras, bagian dalam lunak dilengkapi pelindung dari busa, rangkanya kuat, memiliki tali pengunci, dan bersertifikasi SNI, DOT, atau SNELL. §§ Jangan mengubah jalur tiba-tiba, berikan lampu isyarat (lampu weser) kepada sesama pengguna jalan sebelum mengubah lajur ataupun saat mendahului. §§ Hargai pengguna jalan lain, kontrol emosi dengan baik saat berkendara. •
Edisi Khusus 2014 | Halo Vale
t l s u u f e r M a s C r a e r t k x i B Be E Safe Riding Principles It is undeniable that motorcycle becomes an alternative transport most used in Indonesia. Data from the Traffic Police shows motorcycle contribute the largest in number in vehicle population reached to 86,253 million units throughout Indonesia in 2013. The ASEAN Automotive Federation (AAF) reported Indonesia took the threequarters market share of the total sales of motorcycle in all ASEAN countries in the period of January-April 2014. Unfortunately, the rising number is not matched with the awareness of the motorists to practice safe riding principles. Thus motor accident are still very high. The Basic Health
Research or “Riskesdas” in 2013 showed motor accident was the biggest cause of injury among people with ranging of age between 15 to 24 year old. Compared to the research in 2007, in 2013 there is an increase in the proportion of land transport injury (motorcycles and other land transport modes) from 25.9% to 47.7%. Riding a motorcycle requires a skill. This mode of transportation has several disadvantages, such as less visible on the road due to a blind spot factor. Its small dimension also provides a little protection to the rider. The following tips are helpful to reduce the risk of accident for motorists.
Body Position §§ Before riding, make sure you body is comfortable, so you will not feel any pain nor trauma when riding. §§ Good sitting position is your thighs tightly clamp the seat so the motor is under control even in the bended road. Sitting with legs open is dangerous because it lose your balance. §§ Bend your elbows when riding to prevent the possibility you were thrown from the motorcycle. §§ Hand position is not to hold your weight §§ When you start to ride the motor, make sure your right foot is on the lever so you can control the rear brake. §§ Make sure your eyes are always wide open, looking ahead and notice everything so you can take a proper decision during riding. §§ Never look with a short distance like looking at the asphalt because it disturbs your balance and makes you get hit.
Halo Vale | Special Edition 2014
Use of Brake §§ Index and middle fingers must be on the front brake lever so you can stop the motor and control the speed. §§ Make sure you can use both front and rare brakes. §§ Body position must be upright when braking. §§ When you find a hole, press both front and rare brakes before motor enters the hole. To brake when the motor hit the hole can make you bounce. §§ Press the brakes, front and rear, before your motor enters bended road. §§ In a slippery road, press the brakes slowly and several times to keep the motor stable and balance. §§ Sudden braking will locked your tires. §§ When braking and stop the motor, position your left foot on the ground first while your right foot still control the brakes. §§ Do not be panic when braking.
Before and After Riding §§ Make sure you motor is roadworthy. Do not use worn tires. §§ Obey the traffic regulations. §§ Never ride under an influence of alcohol §§ Set the speed, do not overtake extremely. Keep the safe distance. §§ Focus while riding §§ If possible, do not ride in bad weather. Rain not only obstructs your eyes, but also reduces the capability of the tires to clamp the asphalt. §§ Beware with hazards. Sand, gravel, garbage on the road can cause sudden slip. Bumps or holes which are not too dangerous for car can be a serious danger for motorists. §§ Always use a standard helmet with the following criteria; hard cover outside and soft cover inside and completed with a foam protection. It must have a strong frame, rope locking and certified with SNI, DOT and SNELL. §§ Do not make a sudden turn, give signal light to other riders before you turn or when you overtake. §§ Respect other riders, control your emotion while riding. •
Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
Fakta di Jalan Raya Keselamatan di jalan raya merupakan salah satu fokus kampanye keselamatan PT Vale. Pasalnya, ancaman kecelakaan bisa terjadi ketika pekerja hendak berangkat kerja atau pulang kerja. Angka kecelakaan di jalan raya secara global juga cukup tinggi. Berikut beberapa fakta soal keselamatan di jalan raya versi World Health Organization tahun 2013: 1. Lebih dari 1,2 juta orang tewas akibat tabrakan di jalan raya setiap tahunnya. Korban luka mencapai 50 juta jiwa. 2. Separuh korban kecelakaan tersebut adalah pejalan kaki, pesepeda, dan pengendara sepeda motor. 3. Menggunakan sabuk pengaman yang benar sebelum berkendara dapat mengurangi risiko kematian sebesar 61%. 4. Pengendara motor yang memakai helm dapat mengurangi risiko kematian sebesar 45%. 5. Keberadaan dan pemberlakuan regulasi anti-alkohol bagi pengendara dapat mengurangi 20% tingkat kecelakaan di jalan raya. 6. Setiap mengurangi kecepatan 1 kilometer/jam mengurangi potensi terjadinya tabrakan sebesar 2%. 7. Sebanyak 23% kecelakaan di seluruh dunia disebabkan penggunaan telepon saat berkendara. 8. Berkendara sambil menelepon meningkatkan risiko terjadinya tabrakan sebanyak 5 kali. Mengetik dan mengirim SMS meningkatkan risiko kecelakaan 8-23 kali.
Awas Petir bagi Pekerja di Area Terbuka! Bagi pekerja di area tambang atau eksplorasi, waktu mereka lebih banyak berada di hutan atau ruang terbuka lainnya. Bahkan bila ada suatu pekerjaan sangat penting, ketika hujan deras mendera, mereka tetap bekerja. Padahal
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
hujan deras kerap disertai petir yang menggelegar. Bahaya pun mengancam. Menghadapi situasi petir sebelum atau ketika hujan, berikut beberapa pedoman yang perlu Anda lakukan agar tetap aman dan selamat: 1. Carilah tempat berlindung yang aman di dalam gedung. Itulah pilihan terbaik! 2. Jika Anda berada di dalam kendaraan, tetap berada di dalam dan jaga pintu dan jendela tetap tertutup rapat. Jangan sentuh bagian logam dari mobil sampai badai berlalu. 3. Jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan tempat berlindung, cari tempat yang lebih rendah di daerah yang jauh dari pohon, pagar besi, dan benda tinggi. Posisi terbaik adalah berjongkok dengan kaki rapat, kepala menunduk, dan tangan memegang lutut bagian bawah. Jangan letakkan tangan di lutut dan jangan pernah berbaring di tanah. 4. Jika Anda berada di hutan, carilah daerah dengan pohonpohon kecil. Cobalah untuk mendekam jauh dari batang pohon.
Fakta Petir 1. Sebuah sambaran petir memiliki tegangan sebesar 100 juta volt dengan panjang 2-3 mil. Sedangkan gelegarnya bisa terdengar hingga 10 mil. Dengan kekuatan seperti itu, sengatan petir hampir sama dengan panas permukaan matahari. 2. Petir selalu menyambar di tempat yang sama. Puncak gedung Empire State Building di AS disambar petir sebanyak 100 kali setiap tahun. 3. Ada yang mengatakan bahwa tubuh manusia menyimpan energi listrik. Maka berbahaya bila menyentuh tubuh manusia yang tersambar petir. Ini adalah mitos. Tubuh manusia tidak menyimpan energi listrik dari sambaran petir. Jadi sangat aman menyentuh korban tersambar petir untuk memberikan pertolongan pertama. • Sumber: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Facts on the Road
Road safety is one of PT Vale’s safety campaign. Threat of accident can occur when workers go to or from work place. The numbers of road accident globally are quite high as well. Here are some facts about road safety issued by the World Health Organization in 2013: 1. More than 1.2 million people were killed on the road every year. Injured victims reached 50 millions. 2. Half of those victims are pedestrians, bikers, and motorists. 3. Wearing safety belt can reduce the fatal risk to 61%. 4. Helmet can reduce fatal risk to 45%. 5. The anti-alcohol regulation (Drive Under Influence) laws can reduce to 20% of road accident. 6. Every reduction of speed to 1 km/hour can reduce potential collision to 2%. 7. As many 23% road accident in the world is caused by calling while driving. 8. Calling while driving increases the risk of collission 5 times higher as for typing and texting, are 8-23 times.
Beware Lightning in Open Area! For workers in mine or exploration area, most of their time are in the forest or other open space. Even if there is a very urgent work, they have to work amids downpour whereas thunder often boomed during heavy rain. It means danger.
To anticipate thunder or lightening before or during rain, the following guides will help you to keep safe and secure: 1. Find a shelter inside the building. That is the best option! 2. If you are in the vehicle, stay in and keep the doors and windows close. Do not touch metal in your vehicle until the lightning is over. 3. If you can not find any shelter, find a lower place where it is far from tree, iron fence and high object. The best position you can do is squatting, bow your head, and put your hand under your knees. Do not put your hand on your knees nor lying on the ground. 4. If you are in the forest, find an area with low trees. Try to crouch away from trunk.
Facts about Lightning 1. A bolt of lightning has a voltage of 100 million volts with a length of 2-3 miles. While the thundering can be heard up to 10 miles. With such power, lightning heat is similar to the solar surface. 2. Lightning always strikes in the same place. Peak of Empire State Building in the United States has been struck by lightning at least 100 times every year. 3. Some say there is electricity energy within the human body, so it is dangerous to touch human body which is struck by lightning. It is only a myth! Human body does not keep electricity energy from lightning strike. So, it is safe to touch person who is struck by lightning to give first aid. • Sources: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
keselAmatan di rumah
Peranti Keselamatan di Rumah
Rumah sudah seharusnya menjadi tempat berlindung yang paling aman dan bebas kekhawatiran. Coba lihat sekeliling. Sudah amankah rumah Anda dari potensi bahaya? Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) Kementerian Kesehatan RI tahun 2013 menyatakan, prevalensi cedera secara nasional adalah 8,2%, dengan angka tertinggi ditemukan di Sulawesi Selatan (12,8%). Jatuh menjadi penyebab cedera paling umum, terutama di jalan raya (42,8%) dan di rumah (36,5%). Namun risiko bisa dicegah. Dengan peranti berikut, ditambah kewaspadaan dan perilaku sadar keselamatan, rumah Anda akan menjadi tempat yang aman.
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
1. Alat Pemadam Api Ringan (APAR) Besar kemungkinan alat pemadam api hanya akan menggantung di sudut ruang, bahkan hingga berdebu. Namun ada kemungkinan peranti tersebut dapat menyelamatkan isi rumah, bahkan nyawa Anda sekeluarga. Letakkan APAR di dekat dapur atau tempat lain yang punya potensi bahaya terbakar. Pelajari cara menggunakan APAR dengan benar.
2. Pegangan Tangga Seperti hasil Riskesdas 2013, jatuh merupakan penyebab cedera yang paling banyak. Dengan memasang railing atau pegangan di pinggir tangga, risiko jatuh bisa ditekan. Selain itu, singkirkan benda-benda, mulai dari mainan hingga pakaian kotor, dari anak tangga agar penghuni rumah tidak tersandung.
3. Lampu Tidur
Lampu tidur sangat membantu ketika terbangun tengah malam. Sebaiknya lampu diletakkan di kamar dan di jalur yang kerap Anda lewati, misalnya jalur menuju kamar mandi atau pintu depan. Bagi Anda yang punya gangguan penglihatan, misalnya rabun jauh, penerangan akan mengurangi risiko terjatuh.
4. Keset Anti-selip
Jatuh di lantai kamar mandi yang licin bukan kejadian baru, bahkan mungkin pernah Anda alami sendiri. Untuk mencegahnya, letakkan keset antiselip sebagai tempat berpijak saat mandi atau saat keluar dari bathtub. Keberadaan keset ini semakin penting ketika Anda tinggal satu rumah dengan lansia.
keselAmatan di rumah
5. Teralis
9. Peralatan P3K
Selain mengamankan rumah dari pencuri, teralis juga mencegah anakanak, terutama Batita dan Balita, melompat keluar jendela sehingga menekan risiko cedera yang fatal.
Tidak ada seorangpun tahu kapan musibah atau cedera menimpa. Karena itu, persiapan sangat penting. Menyediakan sebuah kotak berisi peralatan P3K adalah salah satunya. Isi kotak P3K Anda dengan plester, cairan antiseptik, alkohol 70%, kapas, perban, kasa steril, perban elastis, gunting kecil, sarung tangan, dan cotton bud. Siapkan pula obatobatan berupa obat penurun panas, pereda nyeri, anti-alergi, obat tetes mata, obat diare, krim luka bakar, dan salep gatal. Jika anggota keluarga ada yang memiliki kondisi medis tertentu, misalnya asma atau hipertensi, siapkan obat-obatan yang mereka perlukan. Beri label yang jelas pada kemasan tiap obat dan periksa secara berkala untuk memastikan peralatan P3K Anda tidak kedaluwarsa. •
6. Lemari Obat Terkunci Keracunan merupakan bahaya tersembunyi di rumah. Pastikan Anda menyimpan obat-obatan di dalam kotak yang terkunci. Bahan kimia seperti pembersih lantai dan racun serangga juga perlu dijauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak.
7. Pengaman Stop Kontak Jika Anda memiliki anak usia dini, risiko tersengat listrik bisa dicegah dengan memasang penutup stop kontak, sehingga anak tidak bisa memasukkan jarinya ke lubang berarus listrik. Upaya pencegahan lain adalah memasang stop kontak di tempat yang cukup tinggi agar aman saat banjir dan tidak terkena air saat mengepel lantai.
8. Tangga Segitiga Menggunakan kursi untuk mengganti bola lampu, mengecat tembok, atau mengambil buku di rak tinggi bukan pilihan yang aman. Untuk meraih tempat-tempat yang tinggi, tangga ganda berbentuk segitiga merupakan peranti paling ideal. Demi mengurangi frekuensi naik-turun tangga yang melelahkan dan berisiko, sebaiknya letakkan benda-benda yang kerap Anda gunakan di tempat yang mudah dijangkau.
PANGGILAN DARURAT PEMADAM KEBAKARAN PT VALE: 9999 (Ext), HP: (021) 524-9999 & 0811-42-4888.
Edisi Khusus 2014 | Halo Vale
Home Safety
Nine Safety Devices at Home Your home should be the safest shelter and worry free place for you. Take a look around your home carefully, is it really safe from any potential danger? A basic health research made by Ministry of Health in 2013 showed prevalence of injury nationally is 8.2%, with the highest rate found in South Sulawesi (12.8%). Falling is the most common cause of injuries, especially on the road (42.8%) and at home (36.5%). However, the risks can be prevented. With these following devices, and attitude of vigilance and safety consciousness, your home can be really a safe place.
Light Fire Extinguisher
The lightweight fire extinguisher may just hang in the corner of the room and dusted. However, this stuff could save your home and even the life of your family members. Put it near the kitchen or other places that have potential fire hazards. Learn how to use a fire extinguisher properly.
Halo Vale | Special Edition 2014
Stair Handrails
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Based on 2013 Basic Health Research report, falling is the most cause of injuries. By installing handrails or handles on the stair will reduce the risk. In addition, remove objects, such as toys and dirty clothes, from the stair to prevent the risk of stumbles.
Bedside Lamps
Light sleeper is very helpful when you wake up in the middle of the night. It is better to put them in a way you often pass such as near bathroom or door. These lamps also help those who have vision problem such as nearsightedness from risk of falling.
Home Safety
Anti-slip Mat
Falling in a slippery bathroom floor is not a new thing, even you may have experienced yourself. To avoid this put anti-slip mats at the bathroom or near bathtub. This mat is very important especially when you live with elderly people.
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Besides to secure your home from burglars, trellis also prevents children, especially toddlers, from jumping out of the window so it reduces the risk of fatal injury.
Always Lock the Drug Box
Toxicity is a hidden danger at home. Therefore, make sure you keep all medicines in a locked box. Chemicals such as floor cleaners and insect repellent must be kept out of the reach of children.
Socket Cover
If you have young children, the risk of electric shock can be prevented by installing a covered socket, so your children could not put their fingers into the electricity holes of socket. Other preventive measures are by putting the socket in high place. It is also safe from water during flood or when you mop the floor.
Triangular Ladder
Using a chair to change a lamp, paint the walls, or pick up a book on a high shelf is not a safe option. To reach those high places, triangular ladder is the most ideal option to be used. To reduce the frequency of going up and down from ladder which is exhausting and risky, it is advisable to place the objects that you often use in an easily accessible place.
First Aid Kits
No one knows when a disaster or injury happens. Therefore, preparation is very important, for instance to provide a box containing first aid kits. Fill in your first aid kits box with plaster, antiseptic liquid, 70% alcohol, cotton, bandages, sterile gauze, elastic bandage, small scissors, gloves, and cotton bud. Also you need to prepare some drugs like anti fever, pain reliever, anti-allergic, eye drops, diarrhea pills, burn treatment cream and itch ointment. If one of your family members has certain medical conditions, such as asthma or hypertension, you should put medicines for such illnesses. Do not forget to put a clear label on every drug and medicine and check periodically the expired dates of your equipment. •
EMERGENCY CALL FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT OF PT VALE: 9999 (Ext), HP: (021) 524-9999 & 0811-42-4888
Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
Waspadai Lidah Api di Rumah Anda Selain listrik, api merupakan potensi bahaya lain di rumah yang kerap menyebabkan cedera atau kematian penghuninya. Dalam catatan CDC (Centres for Disease Control & Prevention), 2 dari 3 korban cedera dan kematian di rumah terjadi akibat api. Maka itu, pahamilah area dan benda-benda yang mengandung atau menggunakan api yang dapat memicu terjadinya kebakaran, misalnya kompor, lilin dan rokok yang menyala, atau kabel-kabel elektronik. Berikut beberapa hal yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk meminimalisir terjadinya kebakaran dan tindakan ketika terjadi kebakaran di rumah:
Dobel Cek Peralatan 1. Api biasanya kerap muncul dari dapur, di mana kompor berada. Pastikan lakukan dobel cek apakah kompor sudah mati bila selesai digunakan. Apalagi ketika Anda hendak keluar rumah. 2. Jangan pernah berpikir meninggalkan kompor menyala meski Anda beranggapan hanya sebentar untuk menerima telepon. Matikan kompor!
Pasang Detektor Asap 1. Usahakan rumah Anda memiliki detektor asap. Minimal 1 unit di area/ruangan yang menurut Anda sering menggunakan api, misalnya dapur atau kamar tidur. 2. Lakukan cek rutin fungsi detektor asap sebulan sekali. Gantilah baterainya minimal sekali setahun dan mengganti unitnya setiap 10 tahun sekali. 3. Pastikan seluruh anggota keluarga akrab dengan suara alarm detektor asap.
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
Siapkan Sistem Pemadaman Api
1. Hal ini dapat Anda lakukan dengan menyiapkan alat pemadam api ringan (APAR). Letakkan di tempat yang mudah diakses dan penghuni rumah mengetahui cara menggunakannya. 2. Akan lebih baik bila rumah Anda dilengkapi home sprinkler system (sistem penyemprot air) yang biasanya dipasang berdekatan dengan detektor asap. Sistem penyemprotan air sangat bermanfaat meminimalisir kerusakan atau luka bila terjadi kebakaran di rumah Anda.
Rute Evakuasi dan Tindakan Lainnya 1. Buatlah rute evakuasi. Diskusikan dan sampaikan kepada seluruh anggota keluarga soal rute evakuasi di rumah Anda ini. 2. Lakukan latihan evakuasi bersama anggota keluarga, minimal setiap sebulan sekali. Kesempatan itu juga perlu dibarengi berbagi pengetahuan dasar antisipasi atau tindakan ketika terjadi kebakaran, misalnya jangan membuka pintu bila terasa panas, evakuasi dalam tempo sesingkat-singkatnya, hubungi nomor telepon gawat darurat, dan jangan kembali lagi ke rumah bila sudah berhasil menyelamatkan diri. 3. Bila Anda mengalami luka bakar ringan, kompres luka dengan air mengalir selama 5 menit. Bila luka bakar cukup parah, segera minta pertolongan medis. •
Beware Fire Flame in Your House Besides electricity, fire is another potential hazard in the house that often result in injury or death of the occupants. In the records of the CDC (Centres for Disease Control & Prevention), 2 of the 3 victims of injuries and deaths from accident in the house are from fire.
Double Check Equipment 1. Fire is usually coming from kitchen where stove is there. Make sure you double check whether the stove is off after use. Especially when you are about to leave the house. 2. Do not ever think to leave the stove on, although you just receive a telephone. Turn off your stove first!
Thus, recognize the area and the objects that contain or use a fire which can lead to fires, for instance stoves, candles and cigarettes, or electronic cables. Here are some things you can do to minimize the fires and actions to be taken when fires take place at home:
Prepare Fire Extinguisher 1. You can do this by preparing a light fire extinguisher. Put it on the place which is easily accessed and the member of family in the house know how to use it. 2. It will be much better if your house is installed with home sprinkler system which is usually put near the smoke detector. It is very useful to minimize damage or injury when fires takes place.
Install Smoke Detector 1. Install smoke detector in your house. At least one unit for one room, especially in kitchen and bed room. 2. Do routine checking whether it works fine or not, at least once in a month. Change the battery once in a year replace the detector once in every 10 years. 3. Make sure every member of the family is familiar with the sound of the smoke detector.
Evacuation Route and Other Actions 1. Plan an evacuation route. Discuss and inform to all members of the family about it. 2. Do evacuation simulation with your family members, at least once in a month. This is also a chance to share knowledge on the anticipation and action when fires occur, for instance, do not open the door when it is hot, do evacuation as soon as possible, call the emergency lines. 3. If you got minor burns, put them on flowing water for at least 5 minutes. For serious burns, get medical aid as soon as possible. •
Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
Tindakan Ketika Terjadi Gempa Sorowako, tempat operasi PT Vale, merupakan salah satu daerah patahan di Sulawesi sehingga cukup sering terjadi gempa. Dalam setahun, rata-rata Sorowako mengalami 4-6 kali gempa dengan tingkat guncangan kecil hingga medium. Kesadaran akan bahaya gempa wajib dimiliki warga Sorowako dan pekerja serta keluarga PT Vale. Berikut beberapa tindakan penting sebelum dan ketika terjadi gempa. 1. Identifikasi kekuatan rumah Anda menahan gempa. Termasuk mengidentifikasi jenis perabotan yang berpotensi jatuh atau roboh ketika terjadi gempa. Amankan perabotan itu dengan cara meletakkannya berdempetan dengan tembok dan tidak menghalangi jalan. Juga cek fungsi dan kondisi peralatan yang menggunakan listrik, gas, dan api karena benda-benda ini dapat berimbas buruk ketika terjadi gempa.
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
2. Bila terjadi gempa dan Anda sedang berada di rumah, jangan panik. Bila Anda tidak dapat segera keluar dari rumah, berlindunglah di bawah meja. Kalau Anda di tempat tidur, lindungilah kepala dengan bantal. Bila ingin keluar rumah, gunakan alas kaki, karena gempa kerap membuat barang-barang berantakan, seperti kaca bertebaran di lantai. 3. Bila sudah di luar rumah, tunggulah di area aman yang jauh dari bangunan tinggi, tiang listrik, atau pohon. 4. Bila rumah Anda roboh, jangan masuk ke dalam rumah hingga kondisi aman. Lebih baik menunggu sekitar 1-2 jam untuk mengantisipasi gempa susulan atau robohnya rumah. Lakukan observasi di sekitar rumah untuk mendeteksi apakah ada kebocoran gas, hubungan pendek listrik, atau percikan api. •
What to Do When an Earthquake Happens Sorowako, where the operation of PT Vale locates, is one of the faults in Sulawesi so earthquake is quite often to occur. Within a year, there are an average of 4-6 times of earthquake in Sorowako with a small to medium-level shocks. Awareness of the dangers of earthquake must be owned by Sorowako residents and PT Vale’s workers as well as their families. Here are some important actions need to be taken before and during an earthquake. 1. Identify the strength of your house to withstand earthquakes, including to identify the typical of furniture which could potentially fall or collapse during an earthquake. Secure the furniture by attaching them onto the wall so they will not blocked the access. Also check the function and condition of home appliances that use electricity, gas, and fire because these objects can be badly affected during the earthquake.
2. When an earthquake happens and you’re at home, do not be panic. If you can not get out of your home immediately, go under the table. If you are in bed, protect the head with pillow. If you want to leave the house, use footwear, because earthquakes often cause some items falling apart, like glass scattered on the floor 3. When you are outside the house, wait in the safe place which is far from high building, electricity pole or tree. 4. If your house collapsed, do not go in until the condition is safe. It is better to wait for 1-2 hours to anticipate the following earthqake or collapse. Oberve the surrounding area to detect whether there is leak of gas, short circuit or flames. •
Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
Contractor Safety Management System
CSMS, Solusi Melindungi Kontraktor
PT Vale menerapkan sistem manajemen perlindungan keselamatan para pekerja kontraktornya. Ada sekitar 3.500 kontraktor yang bekerja untuk PT Vale. Artinya, hampir 60% pengerjaan proyek-proyek PT Vale didukung tenaga kontraktor. Melihat jumlah yang besar ini, potensi bahaya kerja yang dihadapi kontraktor sangat tinggi. “Aktivitas PT Vale tidak bisa lepas dari peran kontraktor. Perusahaan membutuhkan mereka karena mereka sangat membantu untuk pekerjaan insidental. Namun mereka juga perlu dilindungi dalam bekerja,” ujar GM Emergency Response, Health, and Safety PT Vale Budiawansyah. Melihat fakta tersebut, PT Vale memberlakukan contractor safety management system (CSMS) pada November 2013 silam. CSMS merupakan panduan pemeriksaan kepatutan dan kelayakan suatu perusahaan kontraktor PT Vale dalam mengikuti kriteria standar kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja. Masuk dalam kriteria tersebut aspek legal, teknis, peralatan, dan kapasitas pekerjanya. CSMS diwujudkan dalam tujuh tahap, yakni Pra-kualifikasi, Persiapan Kontrak, Pemilihan Kontraktor, Pemberian Kontrak, Pelatihan, Pengaturan Pekerjaan, dan Evaluasi Periodik. Untuk program ini PT Vale menyusun konsepnya bersama konsultan keselamatan kerja DuPont Safety. “CSMS PT Vale sejalan dengan UU Nomor 1/1970 tentang Keselamatan Kerja dan regulasi terbaru pemerintah, yakni
Halo Vale | Special Edition 2014
PP Nomor 50/2012 tentang Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja,” ujar Direktur Pengawasan Norma K3 Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi, Amri AK. Kendati demikian, CSMS tidak diberlakukan kepada seluruh perusahaan kontraktor. Hanya yang bersifat self supervised (kontrak dengan pekerjaan yang disupervisi oleh kontraktor sendiri). Jumlahnya sekitar 400 kontrak dengan kategori kontrak bersifat low, medium, dan high terkait kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja Latar belakang CSMS, menurut Team Leader CSMS PT Vale, Abu Ashar, adalah statistik angka kecelakaan kerja masih tinggi di kalangan kontraktor. Ada lima kriteria yang menjadi fokus evaluasi periodik CSMS, yakni kecelakaan/ cedera pekerja, Golden Rules, kesehatan dan keselamatan perilaku, EHS meeting, dan sistem manajemen COO PT Vale, Josimar Pires, berharap, penerapan CSMS ini dapat menihilkan angka kecelakaan kerja. Dia juga mengimbau seluruh entitas PT Vale saling bantu dan menyukseskan program ini. “Ajaklah orang-orang agar menyadari bahwa hal ini penting, sehingga ke depan pesertanya semakin banyak memahami dan dilakukan dengan sungguh-sungguh,” ujar dia. •
Contractor Safety Management System
CSMS, Solution to Protect Contractor PT Vale implements a management system of safety protection to its contractor workers. There are about 3,500 contractors working for PT Vale. It means, almost 60% the company’s projects are supported by these workers. Given the big number, the potential danger faced by these contractors are very high. “Activities of PT Vale can not be separated from their role. The Company needs them because they are very helpful to do incidental works. Therefore, they must be protected in the work, “ said GM Emergency Response, Health, and Safety PT Vale Mr. Budiawansyah. Given the fact, PT Vale has decided to implement a contractor safety management system (CSMS) since November 2013. CSMS is a fit and proper examination guide of a contractor company of PT Vale in fulfilling criteria of health and safety work standard. The criteria include some aspects like legal, technical, equipment, and capacity of workers. CSMS embodied in seven stages, namely pre-qualification, Preparation of Contract, Contractor Selection, Contract Provision, Training, Work Settings, and Periodic Evaluation. For this program PT Vale formulate the concept with Occupational safety consultant DuPont Safety.
“PT Vale’s CSMS is in line with the Law No. 1/1970 on Occupational Safety-Health (OSH) and the latest government regulations, PP No. 50/2012 on the Application of Management System on Occupational Health and Safety,” said Director of Supervision of OSH Norm of the Manpower and Transmigration Ministry Amri AK. However, CSMS does not apply to all contractor companies. Only certain companies with self-supervised (contracts supervised by own contractors). There are around 400 contracts with category of low, medium, and high related to occupational health and safety. CSMS Background, according to PT Vale’s CSMS Team Leader Abu Ashar is the statistics show the number of accident in workplace is still high among the contractors. There are five criteria become the focus of CSMS’ periodic evaluation, namely workers’ accident/injury, Golden Rules, behavioral health and safety, EHS meetings, and management systems.
Penandatangan prasasti pencanangan program CSMS bagi karyawan kontraktor
PT Vale’s COO Josimar Pires hopes the CSMS implementation can nullify number of work accident. He calls on all entities PT Vale to help each other and support the program. “Invite the people to learn how important it is, so that in the future more participants understand and do these more seriously,” he said. •
Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
Frans Gunterus:
Lemahnya Penegakan Budaya Keselamatan Kerja Menurut konsultan Contractor Safety Management System PT Vale dari DuPont Safety ini, cara berpikir keliru yang selama ini berkembang di masyarakat menjadi kendala terwujudnya masyarakat sadar keselamatan dan pentingnya mewujudkan kerja yang aman. Keselamatan kerja dan kompetensi kontraktor bekerja aman merupakan salah satu perhatian PT Vale. Sejak November 2013, PT Vale menerapkan CSMS, sebuah program yang mengatur prosedur dan standar keselamatan kerja yang harus dipenuhi kontraktor di PT Vale.
Sempat menimbulkan polemik, penyusunan CSMS menyita energi dan waktu panjang Tim Komite. Halo Vale mewawancarai Frans Gunterus—konsultan DuPont Sustainable Solution, praktisi keselamatan kerja dengan pengalaman lebih dari tiga dekade. Konsultan ini membantu PT Vale menyusun program CSMS tersebut. Seperti apa konsep CSMS? Berikut petikan wawancaranya.
Apa persoalan krusial yang dihadapi pertambangan nasional terkait keselamatan kerja? Persoalannya ada pada cara berpikir sebagian masyarakat kita yang menganggap kecelakaan merupakan kehendak Tuhan. Contohnya, ketika ada karyawan PT Vale tewas ketika berangkat kerja dengan menggunakan motor, pasca itu Manajemen terus-menerus menghimbau agar karyawan menggunakan bus karyawan. Namun apa yang terjadi? Ada karyawan yang menggerutu karena mereka berpikir tidak lagi diperbolehkan menggunakan sepeda motor. Padahal perusahaan niatnya baik, demi mengurangi potensi bahaya ketika berangkat dan pulang kerja. Istilahnya, ada gap in thinking terjadi di sini. Hal ini tidak hanya terjadi di Indonesia namun juga di negara lain. Yang membedakan adalah tingkat persentasenya, dan itu sangat bergantung pada tingkat awareness budaya keselamatan setempat. Gap in thinking juga terjadi di dunia industri pertambangan dalam wujud perilaku berbahaya (unsafe acts/UA) dan kondisi berbahaya (unsafe conditions/UC). Ketika UA dan UC ini terakumulasi sebagai akibat lemahnya mekanisme kontrol, maka ketika UA dan UC itu tercetus akan menjadi kecelakaan serius. Risiko kerja tidak pernah bisa dibuat nol, namun perlu dikontrol sampai ke tingkat serendah mungkin yang bisa diterima, praktis, ekonomis dan masuk akal. As low as reasonable and practical.
Halo Vale | Edisi Khusus 2014
Bagaimana dari sisi regulasi keselamatan kerja? Pasti ada hal yang dapat diperbaiki, baik regulasi dari pemerintah maupun PT Vale sendiri. Namun, bagi saya keduanya sudah memadai. Persoalannya bukan di regulasinya, melainkan di tataran implementasinya.
Seperti apa lemahnya implementasi tersebut? Coba lihat, mengapa anak-anak kita berani membawa motor tidak pakai helm, bahkan melanggar rambu-rambu lalu lintas? Itu karena lemahnya penegakan aturan (law enforcement). Padahal regulasi dan sanksi atas pelanggaran keselamatan kerja dari Kementrian ESDM untuk sektor pertambangan sudah jelas. Sanksi ada dan jelas, tapi acapkali tidak dijalankan. Di negara maju, pemerintah mengenakan sanksi masif terhadap pelanggaran, apalagi bila menyebabkan kematian. Baik perusahaan maupun pekerjanya dapat dikenai sanksi hukum. Hal itu yang perlu ditingkatkan di Indonesia maupun PT Vale. Pelaksanaan diawasi, tapi pelanggaran terhadap aturan masih lemah. Hal ini yang kemudian tercetus dalam wujud proses pembiaran dan menyebabkan lemahnya budaya keselamatan kerja kita.
Catatan Departemen ESDM 2013, ahli K3 di Indonesia hanya 63.000 orang, sementara pekerja tambang di Indonesia mencapai 1,6 juta orang. Apakah hal ini menjadi kendala? Minimnya pengawas pertambangan itu bukan hanya di Indonesia, tapi juga di seluruh dunia. Bahkan di negara maju, hal itu lebih ekstrem karena gaji karyawan jauh lebih mahal. Maka dari itu, DuPont menekankan bahwa safety is a line management responsibility. Artinya, keselamatan kerja itu adalah tanggung jawab manajemen lini. Mereka lah bertanggung jawab atas safety di areanya.
Artinya keselamatan kerja di perusahaan swasta tidak dapat mengandalkan pengawasan dari pemerintah? Tidak bisa, karena hal itu memang tidak mungkin. Justru pimpinan perusahaan yang harus memberikan penekanan keselamatan kerja dari lini di atas, dan lini ini melanjutkan pesan ke bawah. Istilahnya cascade down atau getok-tular. Soal keselamatan juga tidak hanya tugas inspektur safety, tapi seluruh pekerja. Jadi dia tidak hanya mengawasi jalannya pekerjaan, tapi juga sisi keselamatannya.
Ada pihak lain yang dapat mengawal keselamatan kerja ini? Di negara-negara maju, ada banyak aturan keselamatan kerja yang lahir atas permintaan serikat buruh. Misalnya, regulasi OSHA (Occupational Safety Health Administration) 29 CFR 1910.119 mengenai Process Safety and Risk Management. Regulasi ini terbit atas desakan serikat buruh di Amerika Serikat yang meminta agar perusahaan memiliki action plan tertulis untuk keselamatan kerja serta menyertakan kaum buruh ketika menyusunnya. Serikat buruh di sana menuntut agar mereka dapat bekerja dengan aman di perusahaan.
Apa rekomendasi DuPont untuk CSMS PT Vale?
CSMS sebenarnya konsep yang sudah dikenal dan diterapkan cukup lama di dunia. Di PT Vale, populasi pekerja 60%, atau bahkan lebih, adalah para kontraktor. Mereka berada di garda depan yang berhadapan langsung dengan potensi bahaya riil seperti mengemudikan dozer, bekerja di ketinggian, bekerja di tegangan tinggi, masukkeluar hutan memotong pohon, dan sebagainya. Maka sangat tepat ketika PT Vale memprioritaskan pembuatan CSMS. Awalnya, usaha ini tidak sepenuhnya dipahami, bukan hanya oleh para kontraktor namun juga oleh karyawan PT Vale sendiri. Ada banyak yang mengeluh dan menganggap perusahaan suka membuat aturan-aturan baru. Untungnya, hal ini mampu diatasi ketika ketua Sub Committee CSMS di bawah pimpinan Pak Abu Ashar konsisten maju terus melakukan sosialisasi dan langkah-langkah penyempurnaan mekanisme CSMS.
Apa syarat utama implementasi CSMS? Yang utama adalah memilih kontraktor yang prokeselamatan kerja. Itu dulu. Selebihnya ke teknis, seperti persiapan kontrak dan sebagainya.
Anda yakin CSMS akan berjalan sesuai rencana? Ya, saya yakin, kalau PT Vale konsisten dalam implementasi di lapangan dan tidak sebatas di atas kertas. •
Edisi Khusus 2014 | Halo Vale
Frans Gunterus:
“Weak Enforcement on Safe Work Culture” According to DuPont Safety’s Consultant for Contractor Safety Management System of PT Vale the mistakenly thinking among community become constraints to establish the community who aware on the safe work and the importance to establish a safe work pace. Occupational safety and competence of contractors are deeply concerned by PT Vale. Since November 2013, PT Vale has applied CSMS, a program which sets up procedures and standards of occupational safety that must be met by contractors of PT Vale. With some polemics occured, the preparation of CSMS has consumed the energy and time of the Committee Team. Halo Vale had the opportunity to interview Frans Gunterus-consultant of DuPont Sustainable Solutions, Safety practitioner who has more than three decades of experience. This consultant has helped PT Vale in formulating its CSMS program. What kind of CSMS concept he initiates? Here are excerpts of the interview.
What are the crucial issues faced by the national mining regarding to occupational safety? The problem is in the way of thinking of some parts of our society who think the accident was the will of God. For example, when an employee of PT Vale was killed when leaving for work on a motorbike, after the incident the management of the company was constantly calling for employees to use the bus for employees. But what happened? Some employees were grumbling because they think they were not allowed to use the motor bike. In fact, the Company has a good intention in order to reduce potential dangers to and from work. There is a gap in thinking here. It does not happen only in Indonesia but also in other countries. The difference is the percentage rate, and it is highly dependent on the level of awareness of local safety culture.
Halo Vale | Special Edition 2014
Gap in thinking also occurs in the mining industry in the form of unsafe acts (UA) and unsafe conditions (UC). When UA and UC accumulated as a result of weak control mechanisms, then one day UA and UC will blaze into a serious accident. Occupational risk can never be made to zero, but it needs to be controlled to the lowest possible level that is acceptable, practical, economical and reasonable. As low as reasonable and practical.
How it is seen from the regulation of occupational safety? There must be things can be fixed, either the regulations from the government or from PT Vale. However, for me, both are adequate. The problem is not on the regulation, but in term of implementation.
How weak is the implementation? Let’s see, why are our children dare to ride motor cycle without wearing helmet, and even violating traffic signs? It is because the law enforcement is weak. The regulations and sanctions for any violation of occupational safety issued by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for the mining sector is clear. The sanction is there and clear, but not implemented. In developed countries, the government impose a massive sanctions for any violation, especially when it takes lives. Both the company and the employees can be punished.
This is something needs to be improved in Indonesia and PT Vale. The implementation is supervised but sanctions against violation is still weak. Later, it becomes an omission and weakens our occupational safety culture.
The data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in 2013 shows the number of occupational health and safety (OHS) experts in Indonesia is just 63,000 people while mine workers reached 1.6 million people. Is this a problem? The lack of mining supervisor is not only in Indonesia, but also in the whole world. Even in the developed countries, and it is more extreme because the employee’s salary is far higher. Therefore, DuPont stressed that safety is a line management responsibility, meaning occupational safety becomes the responsibility of the management line. They are responsible for the safety in its area.
Do you mean the occupational safety in the private companies can not depend on the control from the government? No we can not, because it is not possible anyway. The leader of the company must emphasize on the occupational safety top down or cascade down. Safety is not only the duty of safety inspector, but all workers. They do not just supervise the work but also the safety.
Are they any other parties who can oversee this Occupational safety? In developed countries, there are many rules on the occupational safety made on the request of the labour unions. For example, regulations on OSHA (Occupational Safety Health Administration) 29 CFR 1910,119 on Process Safety and Risk Management. This Regulation is published at the urging of labor unions in the United States who requested the company to have a written plan of action on the occupational safety and included them in the making process. Labor union demanded they can work safely in the company.
What are DuPont’s recommendations for PT Vale’s CSMS?
In fact, CSMS concept has been known and implemented for quite long time. In PT Vale, where 60% of workers, or even more, are contractors. They are in the vanguard of dealing directly with the real potential dangers such as driving a dozer, working at heights, working on high voltage, tree cutting, and so on. So it’s quite right when PT Vale decides to prioritize CSMS. Initially, these efforts were not fully understood, not just by contractors, but also by employees of PT Vale itself. Many complained and assumed the company only like to make new rules. Fortunately, the complaints could be answered when the leader of CSMS Sub-Committee Abu Ashar continued consistently to socialize and make improvement to the CSMS mechanism.
What the main requirement on the CSMS implementation? The key is to select pro-occupational safety contractor. That is first. The rest is more on technical thing such as contract preparation and so on.
Are you sure CSMS will work as plan? Of course, if PT Vale is consistent in the implementation in the field, not just on the paper. •
Special Edition 2014 | Halo Vale
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