4. FEB 2015
E-TAXI: win-win for airlines and airports? Libor Kurzweil, Director of Safety and Quality, Prague Airport
IATA Aircraft Taxiing Systems Conference
Coral Gables, Miami, FL
February 2015
Czech Republic country in the heart of Europe
The Czech Republic is a small country in the central Europe, which has an appeal for visitors. Thanks to its location at the crossroads of various cultures, the Czech Republic has countless cultural and historical points of interest. These destinations attracts a high number of foreign tourists every year.
Prague Airport Václav Havel Main Gateway to the Czech Republic LKPR / PRG 11 km distance from the downtown 11 million PAX in 2014 (max. 12,63 mil. in 2008) 125k MVTS in 2014 (max. 179k in 2008) 46 MVTS per hour of declared capacity RWY 06/24: 3715x45 m RWY 12/30: 3250x45 m Terminal 1: Schengen Terminal 2: Non-Schengen Terminal 3: General Aviation Terminal 4: Military 2 cargo terminals 5 APRONs 90 aircraft parking stands A380 ready 3
My journey to MIA
Taxi-out @ PRG with A320 Taxi-in @ CDG
4½ min., no queuing (CDM) 8½ min.
Taxi-out @ CDG with A380 Taxi-in @ JFK
9½ min. + 4 min. queuing 6 min. + tow to the Gate
Taxi-out @ JFK with M88 Taxi-in @ MIA
9½ min. + 20 min. queuing 3¼ min.
E-TAXI benefit analysis 1
Landing & Taxi-in
E-taxi is possible when the engines cool down. Mandatory cool-down time: 2 min. on idle (RR engines 3 min.) Recommended cool-down time: 3 min. Taxi-in time @ PRG: 2 to 5 min., average 3,5 min.
E-TAXI benefit analysis 1 Landing on 24 & Taxi-in
T Reverses clsd Engines idle
No chance for E-taxi T+40 s RWY vacated
T+2 min Cooled down Ready for E-taxi
RESULT Depends on combination of the RWY in use and aircraft stand, E-TAXI can be used 0 to 3 min of Taxi-in time. No significant benefit for PRG 9
E-TAXI benefit analysis 2
Docking & Handling start
• E-taxi technology may accelerate the initiation of the handling process by a few seconds. • There is no danger zone around the engines Good benefit for airports, but the ground staff must recognize that it is an E-taxi movement, otherwise they can‘t benefit.
E-TAXI benefit analysis 3
Side loading
Speeding-up the turn-round is attractive for LC carriers, in case the airport fees remains the same. Here the Gates require 20 % more concrete, the 2nd jetty for each stand = high investments => To be paid by airlines and passengers
E-TAXI benefit analysis 4
Power back
1. Ground staff nor the surrounding traffic is not affected by the Jetblast. 2. No waiting for disconnecting the tractor. 3. Taxiing can be initiated by an average of 2,5 minutes faster. Good benefit for airports For PRG evaluated in ARCPort simulation: APRON throughput improved by +2,7%
E-TAXI benefit analysis 5 Multiple ops on same Taxilane
Due to a Jetblast, a Safety zone of 100 m is required between two pushing aircraft.
With E-TAXI we could move at the same time as many aircraft as we want! Good benefit. 13
E-TAXI benefit analysis 6
Construction sites
E-taxi offers greater safety for construction activities carried out in proximity to the aircraft. Due to the fact that not 100% of Aircraft will have E-taxi, this advantage is impossible to use. Safe distances must still be determined in the same way as now, with regard to aircraft with the main engines running. Procedures remain unchanged. No significant benefit for airports 14
E-TAXI benefit analysis 7
Vehicles crossing TWYs
On the APRON there are crossings of TWYs and Service roads for vehicles. Vehicle drivers are obliged to stop, give way to Aircraft and wait until they get at least 100 m distance from a Jetblast source. In the case of E-taxi there is no danger of Jetblast and vehicles could cross much earlier. But, the pre-requisite is a recognition of E-taxi by the driver. The technology is not visible on the plane at first sight. It has to be visible, otherwise good benefit for airports is lost. 15
E-TAXI benefit analysis 8
Remote Deicing
During a de-icing the engines are usually running. The deicing time may vary from 5 to 40 min: E-taxi may save a lot of fuel, CO2 and noise. Deicing will be safer for personnel present at the Deicing stand. Good benefits for airports
E-TAXI benefit analysis 9
E-taxi is possible until there is a need to warm-up engines. Warm-up time: 2 min. mandatory 3 min. recommended 10 to 15 min. recommended after 6 hrs stay Taxi-out time @ PRG: 2 to 5 min. average 3,5 min. Mo 17
Not much queing thanks to CDM
E-TAXI benefit analysis 9 Taxi-out
T-1 min Engines running
T-2 min
T-3 min
T-4 min Starting 2. engine
T-5 min Starting 1. engine
RESULT With RWY 12 or 24 in use there is no time for E-taxi. With RWY 06 and 30 possible use of E-taxi is 1 to 2 min. Almost no benefit for PRG
HP 24
E-TAXI benefits for PRG airport in numbers
Total taxi time [s] E-TAXI taxitime [s]
120-240 120-240 180-300 120-240
90-300 240-420
24 Usage of RWY direction
DEP 12
60-300 300-420
Percentage of E-TAXI A/C Average use E-taxi / 1 movement [s]
No ARR/DEP yearly
70 000
70 000
E-taxi engine-hours / year
1 340
Fuel savings [ton]
2 950,09
7 880,16
N2O Savings CO2 Savings [ton]
Benefit for deicing
Increased throughput of APRON
Lost income: pushbacks
-2,38 mil. EUR
Lost income: towings
-467 200 EUR
Lost income total 19
-2,847 mil. EUR yearly (71,1 mil. Kč)
MY FOUR RECOMMENDATIONS TO VENDORS Make it visible. The staff must recognize E-taxi in use, otherwise they can‘t benefit. Illumination, flashlight, … Make it simple. Pilots are busy when taxiing, new workload = less situational awareness & risk of an incident. Consider automatic switching from/to E-taxi Want to enhance Safety? Develop anti-collision system with sensors and automatic braking Want to help pilots even more? GNSS technology becomes precise and reliable: Ultimate vision: Automatic power-back and E-taxi? 20
E-TAXI Procedures
Possible airport operation of the future: mixed traffic of Taxibots, WheelTugs, EGTSs, APTs and conventionally taxiing aircraft
All must live side by side
• • • •
No Jetblast issues No FOD intake Safety of staff Less APRON vehicles
Target audience: ramp personnel, pilots, drivers
Issued: February 2013
Cizí předměty FOD
FOD - Foreign Object Debris
Tři jednoduché zásady, které významně napomohou zmírnit riziko FOD.
Three simple rules that help to mitigate the risk of FOD.
1. Pracujte s očima otevřenýma. Spatříte-li cizí předmět na odbavovací ploše, prioritně jej odstraňte bez ohledu na to, kdo nepořádek zavinil.
1. Work with your eyes open. If you see a FOD on a movement area, remove it with priority, regardless of who has caused the particular debris.
2. Na odbavovacích plochách jsou instalovány žluté kontejnery, speciálně určené pro drobné předměty FOD. Větší předměty zajistěte a hlaste dispečinku Řízení provozu letiště, tel. 8000.
2. There are yellow bins installed on the APRONS, designated to small sized FODs. Larger FODs are to be secured and reported to Airfield OPS dispatcher, tel. +420 2 2011 8000.
3. Přemýšlejte, kde odstavujete své MMP. Nezapomeňte, že i toto vozidlo, zanechané na odbavovacím stání, je FOD. Vozidlo odstavené na odbavovacím stání je překážkou! Využívejte výhradně přidělená parkovací místa.
3. Think twice where do you park a GSE. Don’t forget, that even this GSE, parked on an aircraft stand, is a FOD. A GSE left on a stand blocks a handling process! Use the dedicated parking stands only.
Pozitivní příklad Ramp Agent p. Daniel Vašut z Menzies Aviation informoval 31.12.2012 Safety o nálezu FOD, poškozeného držadla víka kanálu v prostoru odbavovacího stání. FOD byl díky tomu okamžitě odstraněn a nezpůsobil zranění či škodu www.prg.aero/safety
Co patří mezi FOD? • odpadky, součástky, klíny, kužely, • zapomenuté nářadí, • pytle s odpadem po handlingu, • špatně zaparkovaná MMP a kontejnery, • poztrácená zavazadla, • obecně jakýkoliv předmět, který na plochu nepatří, anebo není na svém místě
What is considered as a FOD? garbage, parts, blocks, cones, • left tools, • trash from handling, • GSE or containers improperly parked, • left luggage, Generally, any object not intended to be on a movement area or not at its own place •
Created 2013 by Prague Airport, Safety Management Department Feel free to distribute. Email us if you want to be added to the distribution list or removed
Positive example Ramp Agent Mr. Daniel Vašut from Menzies Aviation reported 31.12.2012 a FOD, damaged handle of a drainage cover, found on an acft stand. Thanks to the report the FOD was removed immediately and did not cause injury or damage
[email protected]
Target audience: Ramp personnel
Odpojení letadla po vytlačení Zaznamenali jsme již několik případů, kdy posádka letadla zahájila pojíždění ještě před odpojením sluchátek interkomu ramp agentem.
13 briefs Issued: March 2014
Disconnecting the A/C after pushback We have recorded several incidents where flight crew started taxiing before disconnection of the headset by the Ramp agent.
• Posádka má z kokpitu letadla omezený výhled, proto se snažte být mimo její zorné pole co nejkratší dobu. • Sledujte motory letadla. • Nesnažte se schovávat před nepříznivým počasím pod letadlem se spuštěnými motory. • Dodržujte komunikační pravidla a předepsané fráze včetně potvrzování (readback). V případě sebemenších pochybností si vyžádejte zopakování či potvrzení instrukce. • Mějte na paměti, že letadlo se po odpojení tahače může pohnout dopředu. Pokud dojde k pohybu letadla, ihned upozorněte posádku! • Vyjmutí steering pin proveďte až po spuštění všech motorů! • Světelnou signalizaci parkovací brzdy (na některých typech např.Airbus) berte jen jako pomůcku - nenahrazuje předepsanou komunikaci.
• The crew has a limited view from the aircraft, so minimise the time you spend out of their field of vision as much as possible. • Watch the aircraft engines. • Do not attempt to hide from bad weather below the plane with the engines running. • Strictly follow the communication rules and use the correct phrases including confirmation (readback) - in case of even the slightest doubts, ask crew to repeat / confirm the instruction. • Keep in mind that the aircraft can move forward after disconnecting the tractor. Immediately notify the crew if the aircraft moves! • Do not remove the steering pin until all engines are not running! • Use the parking brake indicator (on certain types - e.g. Airbus) as an aid only - it doesn’t replace the proper communication.
Created 2014 by Prague Airport, Safety Management Department Feel free to distribute. Email us if you want to be added to the distribution list or removed
[email protected]
Multiple procedures for all Safety of Power-back Increased workload of pilots Losing situational awareness Engines not started and warmed properly – Less attention to the engine start procedure – Starting engines without assistance on ground
• • • • • • • 26
Failures / malfunctions Winter operations New type of vehicles (TxBot) Impact on CoG …………………………….. …………………………….. ……………………………..
Ing. Libor Kurzweil, Ph.D.
Director of Quality, Safety and Processes Management Safety Manager Prague Airport K Letišti 6/1019 160 08 Praha 6 t +420 220 112 645 m +420 724 550 576
[email protected]