The trip to Brest was very fun! I waked up on half past five. Then we go to Schiphol and we going in the airplane. When we are in Brest, we going to the Oceanopolis. There are fun penguins and other animals. Then we going to hotel and we gonna eat and sleep. We also make a nice bus trip on day 2. We droved belong the beach and we make a load of pictures. Day 3 and 4 we being on the school. It was very nice there, but the food was not very good... There also nice children, and we present a presentation to them. We have also memory, with Dutch and English words, and we play it with children with a age of 6 and 7. We make very good friends with the children from Norway. They speak VERY good English, and they are so friendly and funny! It was a nice excursion!!!!! And I like it very much!!!!!
Brest verslag door: Rutger v/d Steen We moesten om 6:00 uur op Schiphol zijn om naar Brest te vertrekken. Toen we in Brest aan kwamen bleken de koffers van de dames nog op Schiphol te zijn. We zijn naar het hotel gegaan om in te checken, daar hebben we onze koffers achtergelaten en zijn weer weggegaan naar een
restaurant. Na de lunch gingen we naar het Oceanopolis museum, dat is een heel groot aquarium met allemaal verschillende soorten vis. De vissen die er rond zwemmen zijn tropische vissen, vissen die in en rond Europa leven en poolvissen. ’s Avonds gingen we naar een restaurant met de Noorse mensen. Ik heb spaghetti met een stuk vlees gegeten. O ja, bijna vergeten de meiden hadden die middag hun koffers weer terug. Zondag hadden we om 9:00 uur ontbijt in het hotel, daarna gingen we toeren met de groeps bus langs de kust van Bretagne. Het was heel mooi daar en het was erg gezellig. In de middag hebben we geluncht in een restaurant bij een groot meer waar we twee gangen kregen. Toen gingen we op het laatst nog even zwemmen en daarna terug naar het hotel. Wanneer we even gedoucht hadden gingen Emiel en ik het moestuintje bezoeken achter het hotel we hadden een aardbeitje gescoord, lekker. Maandag moesten we vroeg op, want we gingen naar de Franse school. Daar werden we door de kinderen ontvangen die liedjes zongen voor ons. Toen hebben we onze presentatie gehouden voor een paar klassen. In de pauze werd je overspoeld door Franse kinderen. Oh, de lunch daar is niet echt geweldig. ’s Avonds bleven we op school eten en gingen we volksdansen. Dat was erg lollig maar ook vermoeiend. Dinsdag moesten we ook vroeg op, maar ik had me verslapen samen met Mika. Vandaag gingen we spelletjes spelen die we op school verzonnen hadden. We gingen ook nog spelen in het bos. We hadden meer vrije tijd en toen gingen we shoppen. We zijn ook naar een kasteel geweest, het was erg mooi. Woensdag moesten we alweer naar huis toe. Ik heb het heel leuk gehad en veel lol met de Noorse kinderen beleefd.
Report from Brest We went with 7 children, a teacher and a director to Brest by plane. That was quite a hassle but we arrived save. We went by cab to the hotel. There we put our luggage in our hotel room. After that we went with the director of the French school to Oceanopolis. We saw a lot of fish and sea
animals. In the afternoon we met the Norwegian people. They were really nice. In the evening we went to a restaurant with the Norwegian and the Italian women. There we sat at a real long table with the whole Group. Brian had his birthday so everybody sang a song. First Happy Birthday and then the song in Norwegian, Italian and then in Dutch. It was very nice. Sunday we drove with a touring car along the coast. That was very beautiful. We also went to an old medieval museum. And we went to the beach. That was very cosy. In the evening we ate in the hotel. In the mean time the English people arrived. Monday we went to the French school. It was very big and there were a lot of children. We did our presentation in English for some classes. And we played our Dutch memory game. We also went a lot outside. Luckily it was quite warm. We had a warm lunch. We really ate what we eat in the evening. And it was not good. At 4.30 pm al children went home. But we stayed. We went to the village in Brest and then we returned to that school. In the evening there was a party in the gym. We went dancing with everyone, which was quite enjoyable. Tuesday we went back to the school. We did not stay long we left at 1.30 pm. Wednesday morning we said goodbye. The English left before us. We went at 9.15 am with the cab to the airport. And we went back to the Netherlands. From Lisette
It was very nice in France. We know much new children now. Children from the lands that come to France. It was exciting for me, because it was my first tour with the plane! I like the plane very much (: All was oké , it was fun, nice, beautyfull, pretty, one word: Amazing ! I like it very much, if they ask I will again to France, I said yes ! Greets Heidi :)
Verslag Brest Mika 2013 zaterdag: Toen we weggingen van Parijs naar Brest, waren de meiden de koffers kwijt maar ze werden om 5 uur bij het hotel afgeleverd . Toen gingen we met een taxi naar het hotel. Eenmaal bij het hotel gingen we onze spullen uitpakken. Toen gingen we naar de zee bij Brest en aten een broodje in een restaurant naast de zee. Toen liepen we gelijk door naar het vissers-museum : Oceanpolis. Daar waren 3 afdelingen: de noordpool afdeling, de tropische afdeling en de kust van Europa. Je komt er heel veel te weten over verschillende onderdelen en je zag er opmerkelijk veel dieren. Een soort avifauna. Toen gingen we terug naar het hotel en hadden even vrije tijd. Daarna gingen we eten bij een restaurant. Na het eten gingen we terug naar het hotel en ging iedereen slapen. zondag: Toen gingen we met alle landen een bus-tour doen door Brest. We gingen op een gegeven moment stoppen. Toen liepen we door Brest en maakte allemaal foto’s van de stad. Toen kwamen we bij een restaurant voor middag eten en we kregen allemaal een gigantische maaltijd incl. warm toetje. Toen liepen we terug naar de bus en gingen naar het hotel om ons om te kleden voor het eten. maandag: Die dag was de grote dag we gingen toen naar de school om de powerpoint te presenteren en de taalles te geven. Toen we even pauze hadden konden we eten en drinken. Daarna hebben we de powerpoint en taalles nog 5 keer gedaan. Toen hadden we lunch in de kantine. In de avond gingen we ook nog volksdansen, daarvoor waren mensen ingehuurd om ons de dans te leren. Het was toen heel erg gezellig. Dinsdag: Die dag gingen we een bosspel doen met de naam: het wolven spel. We gingen ook de spelletjes uitvoeren. Eerst buiten en daarna in het klaslokaal. Ook moesten we die dag afscheid nemen van de scholen en de scholen van ons. Het was een leuk afscheid. Woensdag: Moesten we vroeg opstaan en inpakken want we gingen al vroeg weg ( te vroeg we moesten 30 min bij het vliegveld wachten). Toen we aankwamen bij Schiphol zaten de ouders tegen het raam aangeplakt om ons hartelijk te ontvangen. Ik heb een leuke tijd gehad in Brest.
On the first day I went to the airport very early in the morning with my 'supporters', I found it very exciting, my ecxiting feeling were because I went flying for the first time!! After celebrating Brians anniversary, we saw Mika on the plane because he wasn’t on time. The flight went very well, we had arrived at Paris we could not enjoy ourselfs there very wel because we had to run for our next flight. When we arrived there was happend something bad.The suitcases of all men are of Rutger, Brian, master Jan, Mika and me were there but the rest were not. We were told that they were still in Paris. They would deliver the suitcases at our hotel later that day. Later that day we walked out and saw two large cabs. We putted our cases in the cabs and drove to a small restaurant where we went for lunch with sandwiches. After that we went to a giant aquarium. That was super cool with a penguin who was acting strangely. When we got to the hotel, thay gave us the keys and we unpacked our suitcases. In the evening we had dinner in a fancy restaurant. I ate clams, the chef himself brougt it to us. When we were in the hotel we went to sleep quickly. When we woke up we ate a breakfast and left with a bus. We made a sort tour along the beach and along beautiful reefs and ruins. Finally we went to the beach itself. Eventually we went shopping. Almost all the childeren had some drinks bought because it was indeed warm. There we went back for lunch at a restaurant. After that we went to the hotel and have played football there. The next morning we were like celebrities to the playground. Well it felt. They welcomed us and then we got a tour around the school. After the tour they had a break and we played football. Then we had to give a few presentations. And then eat in the cafeteria. We were taken to the school and had to explain a game that every country had made, we had hints. Eventually we had to play it. That afternoon we went dancing in a room that was very corny. The next morning we went to school did more games. Later in the afternoon we went to a lawn in the forest a funny game a sort of ‘tikkertje’. Later we went shopping in Brest. I walked along all streets with a norwegian searching if there were still some nice shops. We also went to a castle and atfer that to a restaurant with pancakes. When we to the airport, we ate a sandwich en flew back home! Emiel van Gemert
Hi I'm Brian Voskuil and I'm going to make a report on the trip to Brest. We had to collect at the airport on Saturday. As we waited for the last kids everyone inside except Mika . He overslept! When we arrived Mika sat at the soda was already at the gate and we were still in that restaurant. When we went to the gate Mika stood there waiting for us. The flight went well, but we had to run on Charles de Gaulle. When we arrived in Brest we went for lunch in a restaurant and there after to Auqapolis (they had many fish). That night we went for diner with the bus. mika and Rutger quarrel with the Norwegians who had attached themselves to us in the restaurant but we became friends. The next day we had a bus trip along the coast (beautiful). We ate that night in the hotel. The next day we went to that school (Emiel and I overslept because his alarm clock did not work). When we arrived at the school we were welcomed with music and songs. Then we got a tour of the school. That day we had to also give our presentation (it was very good). That evening we had diner and went dancing. It went well (except for one dance). The next morning we went to that school the afternoon we had free. We went shopping in Brest. Then we went to a castle that had become a kind of museum of warships. That same day we had diner again, this time in a pancakerestaurant. We had a very good time. Unfortunately we had to leave the next day. Luckily we met the Norwegian at the airport in Brest and for the last time it was very fun to be together. The return trip went well. we went shopping at Charles de Gaulle (expensive!!). And when we landed at Schiphol all parents were already waiting for us (all pressed against the window). This was the report Bye!