Universitas Sumatera Utara
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, first of all, I would like to thank The Almighty Allah SWT who has given His blessing which made me being able to complete my study, especially in accomplishing this thesis. I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor, Dra. Masdiana Lubis, M.Hum. I have benefited greatly from her faith in my abilities and her tireless effort to improve my skill as a writer of the thesis. I could have not imagined having a better advisor for my sarjana, and without her commonsense, knowledge, perceptiveness and critical value I would never have finished my thesis. Thank you to my co-supervisor Drs. Yulianus Harefa, MEd TESOL for managing to read the whole thing so throughly, and his patience and care in reviewing my effort and hope to learn from his example. I would like to thank Drs. Syaifuddin, M.A., Ph.D as the Dean of Faculty of Letters and thank to Dra. Swesana Mardiah Lubis, M.Hum as the Head of English Department and Drs. Yulianus Harefa, MEd TESOL as the Secretary of English Department, for their suggestion and administrative assistances. My special gratitude is given to my dearest beloved parents, my father Taskot Sibuea, my mother Latipah Sitorus, my younger brother Romadona Idris, my younger sister Ade Putri Ramadhani, my grandfather H. Ali Sanusi, S, my grandmother Hj. Asimah, M, my uncles Ilyas, S, Syahriol Sitorus, S.Si., M.IT., Sanusi Sibuea SPd. Abbas, P, my aunts Lia Rianggawati, Romiyah, SPd., Rodiyah S, and Nuraimah for all their attention, support, prayers and endless loves. My thanks also go to my friends who support me during the time I compose this thesis such as Tiakhiroh, Sekar, Sri, Tika, Pera, Yusnita, Ade Ris and many else who can not be mentioned one by one. Medan, June, 2008 The Writer Khoirun Nisa Sibuea
Universitas Sumatera Utara
ABSTRACT Skripsi yang berjudul “An Analysis of Meaning Relations in The Color Purple by Alice Walker” ini adalah suatu analisis semantik yang membahas tentang penggunaan makna yang difokuskan pada ciri-ciri dan hubungan makna. Dalam skripsi ini penulis ingin mengetahui penggunaan makna relasi seperti Sinonim, Antonim, Polisemi, Homonim, Hiponim dan Meronim dalam konteks dan situasi tertentu didalam novel tesebut. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini penulis menerapkan metode anlisis deskriptif. Dalam menganalisis data penulis menggunakan teori F. R. Palmer. Adapun langkah-langkah yang dilakukan penulis dalam membahas analisa ini diawali dengan membaca, mencari dan mengumpulkan data yang mengandung makna relasi, kemudian mengidentifikasi, mengklasifikasi, dan menganalisis kata-kata tersebut berdasarkan makna yang terdapat dalam novel tersebut. Dalam hasil analisis semantik yang dibuat, disimpulkan bahwa dalam novel The Color Purple, makna relasi ditemukan yaitu Sinonim, Antonim yang terdiri dari Komplementari, Gradasi, Relasi , Polisemi, Homonim , Hiponim, dan Meronim . Makna dari setiap jenis meaning relation itu adakalanya hampir sama, tetapi kadangkala makna tidak hampir sama disebabkan beberapa faktor yaitu ukuran, cara melakukan, dan memperoleh informasi. Contoh Synonym pada kata ’ ship and boat’ maknanya sama yaitu ’kapal’ tetapi ada faktor yang membedakan yaitu ukurannya berbeda, ship adalah kapal besar sedangkan boat adalah kapal kecil.
Universitas Sumatera Utara
TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.......................................................... i ABSTRACT ................................................................................. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................. iii CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ............................................... I 1.1 Background of the Analysis ........................................ 1.2 Problem of the Analysis ................................................ 1.3 Objective of the Analysis .............................................. 1.4 Scope of the Analysis.................................................... 1.5 Significances of the Analysis ........................................
1 4 4 4 4
CHAPTER II :REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ....... 5 2.1 A Brief Review of Semantics Theory .......................... 2.2 The Scope of Semantics ............................................... 2.2.1 Meaning .............................................................. 2.3 The Goals of Semantics Theory................................... 2.4 Meaning Relations in English ...................................... 2.4.1 Synonymy ........................................................... 2.4.2 Antonymy............................................................ 2.4.3 Polysemy ............................................................. 2.4.4 Homonymy.......................................................... 2.4.5 Hyponymy........................................................... 2.4.6 Meronymy ........................................................... 2.5 Relevance Study...........................................................
5 6 7 9 10 10 12 14 16 17 18 18
CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGY.......................................... 20 3.1 Research Method.......................................................... 3.2 Data Collecting Method ............................................... 3.3 Population and Sample................................................. 3.4 Data Analysis Method..................................................
20 20 20 21
CHAPTER IV : AN ANALYSIS OF MEANING RELATIONS IN THE COLOR PURPLE .................................. 24 4.1 Synonymy .................................................................... 4.2 Antonymy..................................................................... 4.3 Polysemy ...................................................................... 4.4 Homonymy................................................................... 4.5 Hyponymy.................................................................... 4.6 Meronymy ...................................................................
24 30 43 44 46 50
CHAPTER V : CONCLUSSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS.... 51 5.1 Conclusions .................................................................. 51 5.2 Suggestions .................................................................. 51
Universitas Sumatera Utara
Universitas Sumatera Utara