17.4.1 Afgeronde promotieonderzoeken Rijksuniversiteit Groningen -- Gokeler, A. (11-03-2015). Motor Control after ACL Injury. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. [C]. -- Hartigh, J.R. den (16-04-2015). Capturing Complex Processes of Human Perfor-
mance. Insights from the Domain of Sports. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen/Université de Montpellier. [B]. -- Moraal-Van der Linde, B.W. (05-11-2014). Daily functioning in children with deve-
lopmental coordination disorder. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. [C]. -- Rewijk, D.M.F. (12-03-2015). Captain van Jong Holland. Een biografie van Pim
Mulier, 1865-1954. Gorredijk: Bornmeer. [A]. -- Scheer, J.W. van der (18-03-2015). Low intensity wheelchair training in inactive
people with long term spinal cord injury. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. [B]. Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen -- Bossers, W.J.R. (10-12-2014). Physical exercise and dementia. Delaying cognitive
and motor decline via exercise. Groningen: Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen. [B]. -- Jaarsma, E.A. (29-10-2014). Sports participation and physical disabilities: Taking -- Stavrakakis, N. (09-03-2015). Physical activity and depressive symptoms. Is a
healthy body necessary for a healthy mind?. Groningen: Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen. [B]. Radboud Universiteit -- Poelkens, F. (12-11-2014). Exercise in Women with the Metabolic Syndrome. Mole-
cular mechanisms of exercise-induced changes in insulin resistance and vascular structure. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit. [B]. -- Schreuder, T.H.A. (24-11-2014). Optimizing exercise-induced vascular adaptations
in type 2 diabetes. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit. [C]. Wageningen Universiteit -- Catoire, M. (15-10-2014). Signalling role of skeletal muscle during exercise. Wageningen: Wageningen Universiteit. [C].
III Organisaties
the hurdle. Groningen: Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen. [A].
Jaarboek Sport & Strategie Organisaties editie 2014/2015
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam -- Coffeng, J. (28-10-2014). Leefstijlinterventie om herstelbehoefte bij kantoorwer-
kers te optimaliseren. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. [B]. -- Levels, K. (10-06-2014). Pacing strategies during exercise in the heat. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. [B]. -- Scheppingen, A. van (22-10-2014). Ontwikkelen en evalueren van een cultuurin-
terventie gericht op een sociale werkomgeving waarin zelfsturing t.a.v. gezondheidsgedrag en vitaliteit worden bevorderd. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. [B]. -- Verburgh, L. (03-03-2015). Neurocognitive functioning in talented soccer players.
A challenge for more sedentary children?. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. [B]. Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum -- Janssen, M. (28-11-2014). Playgrounds. Play hard, learn easy. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum. [A]. -- Nassau, F. van (27-02-2015). Dissemination of DOiT. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum. [A]. -- Nauta, J. (10-06-2015). Injury prevention in young children. A school based fall
related injury prevention program as an example. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum. [B]. -- Uijtdewilligen, L. (30-09-2014). Magic mirror on the wall, who is most inactive
of them all? Untangling determinants of a long-term inactive lifestyle in young adults. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum. [B]. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam -- Schijndel-Speet, M. van (11-02-2015). An evidence-based Physical Activity and
Fitness Programme for Ageing Adults with Intellectual Disabilities. Development, implementation and health effects. Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. [C]. -- Slaman, J. (25-11-2014). Promoting a healthy lifestyle. Effectiveness of an
intervention on physical behaviour and physical fitness among adolescents and young adults with spastic cerebral palsy. Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. [B]. -- Wijtzes, A.I. (13-05-2015). Social Inequalities in Young Children’s Lifestyle Beha-
viors and Childhood Overweight. The Generation R Study. Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. [B].
Maastricht University -- Dijk, J.W. van (05-06-2014). Exercise strategies to optimize glycemic control in
type 2 diabetes. Maastricht: Maastricht University. [C]. -- Keino, S. (01-10-2014). The double burden of malnutrition. A study of food secu-
rity, physical activity and nutritional status among women and children in Narok Country, Kenya. Maastricht: Maastricht University. [B]. -- Martens, E.A. (11-12-2014). Interaction of dietary protein with energy balance. Maastricht: Maastricht University. [C]. -- Snijders, T. (18-12-2014). Satellite cells in skeletal muscle atrophy and hypertrop-
hy. Maastricht: Maastricht University. [C]. -- Vaes, A.W. (30-01-2015). Daily physical activity and COPD. Maastricht: Maastricht University. [B].
17.4.2 Lopende promotieonderzoeken Rijksuniversiteit Groningen -- Aart, Ingrid van. Ieder kind kent gymtalent. Het optimaliseren van de interactie
tussen de docent bewegingsonderwijs en de leerling. Promotoren: C. Visscher & P.L.C. van Geert, Copromotoren: R. Mombarg & H.J.J.M. Veenker. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [A]. Copromotor: K.A.P.M. Lemmink. Gestart in 2008, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Bouma, Adrie. Effectiveness of a subject tailored life style intervention to improve
physical activity in inactive subjects in primary care. Promotor: R.L. Diercks, Copromotoren: A. Dijkstra, K.A.P.M. Lemmink, P. van Wilgen & F. Baarveld. Gestart in 2008, verwachte einddatum 2016. [B]. -- Brouwer, Silvia. Overweight and cardiometabolic risk in children and adoles-
cents. Effect of early motor development, physical activity and fitness. Promotor: R.P. Stolk, Copromotoren: K.A.P.M. Lemmink & E. Corpeleijn. Gestart in 2008, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Dallinga, Joan. Prevention of injuries in high level team sport athletes. Promotor: K.A.P.M. Lemmink, Copromotor: A. Benjamse. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Diest, Mike van. Sensor systems and serious games for balance training in elder-
ly. Promotor: C.J.C. Lamoth, Copromotoren: K. Postema & G.J. Verkerke. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B].
III Organisaties
-- Benjaminse, Anne. Motor learning in ACL injury prevention. Promotor: B. Otten,
Jaarboek Sport & Strategie Organisaties editie 2014/2015
-- Does, Henrike van der. Monitoren van (top)teamsporters. Fysiologische en
psychosociale aspecten gerelateerd aan prestatie en blessures. Promotoren: K.A.P.M. Lemmink & C. Visscher, Copromotor: M.S. Brink. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [A]. -- Doeven, Steven. Recovery rules. A study on Recovery in Team Sports. Promotor: K.A.P.M. Lemmink, Copromotor: M.S. Brink. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2019. [B]. -- Geraedts, Hilde. Use of a necklace-worn sensor in an individually tailored, home-
based physical activity program in older adults. Promotor: T. Hortobágyi, Copromotoren: W. Zijlstra & M. Stevens. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Greeff, Marck de. Het effect van bewegen tijdens de reguliere les op de taal-, en
rekenvaardigheden van achterstandsleerlingen in groepen 4 en 5. Promotoren: C. Visscher & R.J. Bosker, Copromotoren: E. Hartman & S. Doolaard. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Kosse, Nienke. Preventing falls in nursing home residents with smart technology. Promotor: T. Hortobágyi, Copromotor: C.J.C. Lamoth. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Kramer, Tamara. De (snel)weg naar de Davis Cup en Fed Cup. Onderzoek naar
het optimaliseren van talentidentificatie binnen jeugdtennis in Nederland. Promotor: C. Visscher, Copromotor: M.T. Elferink-Gemser. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2018. [A]. -- Mullender-Wijnsma, Marijke. Het effect van bewegen tijdens reguliere les op de
taal- en rekenvaardigheid van achterstandsleerlingen in groep 4 en 5. Promotor: C. Visscher, Copromotoren: R. Bosker, E. Hartman & S. Dolaard. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Niet, Anneke van der. Hoe fitter hoe slimmer. Het effect van een beweegpro-
gramma op de fysieke activiteit, fysieke fitheid, het executief functioneren en de leerprestaties van basisschoolleerlingen. Promotor: C. Visscher, Copromotoren: E. Hartman & J. Smith. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Otter, Ruby. Monitoren van (top)duursporters. Fysiologische en psychoso-
ciale aspecten gerelateerd aan blessures en overtraindheid. Promotoren: K.A.P.M. Lemmink & R.L. Diercks, Copromotoren: C. Visscher & M.S. Brink. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [A]. -- Platvoet, Sebastiaan. The development of a multidimensional instrument to
detect children talented in sports 6 to 8 years of age in physical education classes. Promotor: C. Visscher, Copromotor: M.T. Elferink-Gemser. Gestart in 2009, verwachte einddatum 2016. [B].
-- Regterschot, Ruben. Assessment of mobility with hybrid motion sensors in
older persons. Promotor: T. Hortobágyi, Copromotoren: W. Zijlstra & M. Stevens. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Sluis, Alien van der. Injuries in talented youth soccer players. Dealing with matu-
ration and growth. Promotor: C. Visscher, Copromotor: M.T. Elferink-Gemser. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2016. [B]. -- Tromp, Yvonne. The interplay between in-game playing behaviour, skill percep-
tions and beliefs in youth team sports. Promotor: C. Visscher, Copromotoren: M.T. Elferink-Gemser & G.J. Pepping. Gestart in 2008, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Vries, Lianne de. The development of a virtual environment to evaluate balance
recovery reactions, to validate an exergaming training intervention in elderly. Promotoren: G.J. Verkerke & K. Postema, Copromotor: C.J.C. Lamoth. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2016. [C]. -- Wierike, Sanne te. Talent development of youth basketball players. Promotor: C. Visscher, Copromotor: M.T. Elferink-Gemser. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Willemse, Bas. Smart Sport Choice (Slimme Sportkeuze). Promotor: C. Visscher, Copromotoren: M.T. Elferink-Gemser & E. Hartman. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [A]. -- Zeinstra, Edzard. Vibration and the Brain. What are the effects and principles of gyi, Copromotoren: M.J.G. van Heuvelen & G.J. Pepping. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2016. [C]. Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen -- Ark, Mathijs van. Patellar Tendinopathy. Physical Therapy and injection treat-
ment. Promotoren: R.L. Diercks & J.L. Cook, Copromotoren: I. van den AkkerScheek & J. Zwerver. Gestart in 2009, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Klaassen, Gerald. Determinants of physical activity and health in chronically ill
patients. Promotoren: G. Navis & S. Bakker, Copromotor: E. Corpeleijn. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B]. -- Kluitenberg, Bas. NLStarttoRun studie. Promotor: R.L. Diercks, Copromotoren: H. van der Worp & M. van Middelkoop. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Lu, Congchao. Lichamelijke activiteit en gezondheid bij zeer jonge kinderen in
Nederland en China. Promotoren: R.P. Stolk & P.J.J. Sauer, Copromotor: E. Corpeleijn. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2016. [B].
III Organisaties
vibration stimulation on cognition. Promotoren: E.A. van der Zee & T. Hortobá-
Jaarboek Sport & Strategie Organisaties editie 2014/2015
-- Vries, Astrid de. Patellar tendinopathy. Causes, consequences and the use of
orthoses. Promotor: R.L. Diercks, Copromotoren: J. Zwerver, I. van den AkkerScheek & H. van der Worp. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2016. [C]. Universiteit Twente -- Fix, Marieke. De sportomgeving als motivator. Karakteristieken en effecten van
leeromgevingen in de sport ten gunste van schoolverlaters. Promotoren: J. Pieters & W. Kuiper, Copromotor: H. Ritzen. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2017. [A]. -- Hattink, Ben. Kennisintensief en innovatief ondernemen in de sport. Promotor: A. Groen. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [A]. Radboud Universiteit -- Abswoude, Femke van. Implicit versus explicit learning in children with CP and
DCD. Promotor: B. Steenbergen, Copromotor: J. van der Kamp. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2018. [C]. -- Barte, Jeroen. Fatigue and Football Performance. Promotoren: M.A.J. Kompier & S.A.E. Geurts, Copromotor: A. Nieuwenhuys. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B]. -- Brown, Derrick. Joint Action Coordination Dynamics. Joint Action Coordination
Dynamics in Professional Dance. Promotor: R.G.J. Meulenbroek. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Haverkamp, Aad. Sport, cultural life script and biography. Promotor: P.J.A.N. Rietbergen. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2018. [A]. -- Hilhorst, Jarno. Sports and socio-emotional development of youth. Promotor: B. Steenbergen, Copromotor: M. Theeboom. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2016. [A]. -- Hoekman, Remco. Sport facilities and sport participation. Optimizing policy and
practice. Promotor: K. Breedveld, Copromotor: G. Kraaykamp. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [A]. -- Houten, Jasper van. The impact of life-change events on sport participation in
young adulthood. From Start to Finish?. Promotor: G. Kraaykamp, Copromotor: K. Breedveld. Gestart in 2015, verwachte einddatum 2019. [A]. -- Knufinke, Melanie. Optimizing Sleep to Improve Performance in Dutch Elite Ath-
letes. Promotoren: M.A.J. Kompier & S.A.E. Geurts, Copromotor: A. Nieuwenhuys. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B].
-- Luitzen, Jan. Noorthey Rules! De import van moderne (Engelse) sporten op het
Nederlandse jongensinstituut Noorthey (1820-1882), geanalyseerd vanuit cultuurhistorische en lexicografische invalshoek. Promotor: N. van der Sijs, Copromotor: M. Derks. Gestart in 2015, verwachte einddatum 2019. [A]. -- Middelkamp, Jan. Adherence of members in healthclubs. Promotor: B. Steenbergen. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2016. [A]. -- Rijpstra, Jan. Lichamelijke Opvoeding, Sport en Politiek. De rol van het Neder-
landse parlement bij de ontwikkeling van het beleid in de lichamelijke opvoeding en de sport 1814-2014. Promotor: C. van Baalen, Copromotor: M. Derks. Gestart in 2005, verwachte einddatum 2015. [A]. -- Roelofsen, Eefje. Neuromotorische flexibiliteit bij musculoskeletale aandoenin-
gen van de onderste extremiteiten. Neuromotorische flexibiliteit. Promotoren: R.G.J. Meulenbroek & M.W.G. Nijhuis-van de Zanden, Copromotoren: J. Bosga, W. Hullegie & R. van Cingel. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2016. [C]. -- Vries, Juriena de. The effect of exercise on employee mental health problems. Promotor: M.A.J. Kompier, Copromotor: S.A.E. Geurts. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Zondag, Jelle. Sport en Lichamelijke oefening in Nederland. Ideeën en Idealen,
1890-1940. Promotor: M. Monteiro, Copromotor: M. Derks. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2018. [A].
-- Aengevaeren, Vincent. The cardiac consequences of endurance exercise: can
too much exercise hurt the heart?. Promotoren: M.T.E. Hopman & M.J. de Boer, Copromotor: T.M.H. Eijsvogels. Gestart in 2015, verwachte einddatum 2018. [B]. -- Benda, Nathalie. Effects of high intensity, moderate intensity exercise training
on the cardiovascular status of heart failure patients. Promotor: M.T.E. Hopman, Copromotor: D.H.J. Thijssen. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Bongers, Coen. Cooling and hydration strategies to improve exercise perfor-
mance. Promotor: M.T.E. Hopman, Copromotor: T.M.H. Eijsvogels. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2016. [B]. -- Faber, Irene. Sportspecifieke determinanten voor talentherkenning binnen
de tafeltennissport. Promotor: M.W.G. Nijhuis-Van der Sanden, Copromotor: F.G.J. Oosterveld. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2016. [B]. -- Haaf, Dominique ten. Exercise and food in health. Promotor: M.T.E. Hopman, Copromotor: T.M.H. Eijsvogels. Gestart in 2015, verwachte einddatum 2018. [B].
III Organisaties
Radboud Universitair Medisch Centrum
Jaarboek Sport & Strategie Organisaties editie 2014/2015
-- Hartman, Yvonne. Personalised Exercise Medicine. Understanding cardiac, vas-
cular and mitochondrial adoptations for optimal exercise prescription in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Promotor: M.T.E. Hopman, Copromotor: D.H.J. Thijssen. Gestart in 2015, verwachte einddatum 2019. [B]. -- Hulshof, Hugo. Non-invasive surrogate for right ventricular pressure-volume
loops. Development, validation, and prognostic value of an innovative and novel echocardiographic tool in pulmonary artery hypertension. Promotor: M.T.E. Hopman, Copromotoren: D.H.J. Thijssen & A.P.J. van Dijk. Gestart in 2015, verwachte einddatum 2018. [C]. -- Maessen, Martijn. The cardiovascular effects of lifelong exercise. Promotor: M.T.E. Hopman, Copromotor: T.M.H. Eijsvogels. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2016. [B]. -- Mil, Anke van. New and old methods to assess in vivo vascular function
in humans. improving guidelines and exploring clinical impact. Promotor: D.H.J. Thijssen, Copromotor: M.T.E. Hopman. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2017. [C]. -- Scholten, Ralf. Effects of exercise training on the cardiovascular risk profile in
women with a history of preeclampsia. Promotor: M.T.E. Hopman, Copromotoren: F.K. Lotgering & M.E.A. Spaanderman. Gestart in 2008, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Seeger, Joost. Enhancing performance using ischemic preconditioning. Promotor: M.T.E. Hopman, Copromotor: D.H.J. Thijssen. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Veltmeijer, Matthijs. Thermophysiological demands of high intensity endurance
exercise. Promotor: M.T.E. Hopman, Copromotor: T.M.H. Eijsvogels. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Verheggen, Rebecca. How to activate your lazy fat and move your muscle mole-
cules. The influence of exercise training on adipose tissue and skeletal muscle transcriptome. Promotor: M.T.E. Hopman, Copromotor: A.R.M.M. Hermus. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2016. [B]. Wageningen Universiteit -- Hermens, Niels. Youth, Care and Sport. Intersectoral collaboration among youth
care and sport. Promotor: M. Koelen, Copromotor: K.T. Verkooijen. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2017. [A]. -- Knuiman, Pim. Optimal timing of nutrient intake to improve exercise recovery
and adaptation in concurrent training. Promotoren: E.J.M. Feskens & M.T.E. Hopman, Copromotoren: M. Mensink & J. Wouters. Gestart in 2015, verwachte einddatum 2019. [B].
-- Leenaars, Karlijn. Verbinding zorg, sport en bewegen. Promotor: M. Koelen, Copromotoren: A. Wagemakers & G. Molleman. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [A]. -- Regt, Margot de. Optimaliseren van het herstel van patiënten. Promotoren: B. Witteman & M.T.E. Hopman, Copromotor: M. Visser. Gestart in 2015, verwachte einddatum 2019. [C]. -- Smit, Eva. Verbinding zorg, sport en bewegen. Promotor: K. van der Velden, Copromotoren: G. Molleman & A. Wagemakers. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [A]. -- Super, Sabina. Youth, Care and Sport. Enhancing life prospects of socially vulnera-
ble youth through sport participation: a mixed method study. Promotor: M. Koelen, Copromotor: K.T. Verkooijen. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2017. [A]. -- Terink, Rieneke. Micronutrient status and exercise stress markers to monitor trai-
ning load and performance in athletes. Promotoren: R. Witkamp & M.T.E. Hopman, Copromotoren: M. Mensink & J. Kleingunnewiek. Gestart in 2015, verwachte einddatum 2019. [B]. -- Wardenaar, Floris. Dutch Sports nutrition and Supplement Study (DSSS). Promotor: R. Witkamp, Copromotor: M. Mensink. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2016. [B]. Universiteit Utrecht
citeit. Promotor: T. Robben, Copromotor: M. Oosterbaan. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2016. [A]. -- Chalhi, Sabah. Street-level’ werkers en jeugd bij georganiseerde sport- en
spelactiviteiten. Promotor: P. Verweel, Copromotoren: M. Koster & J. Vermeulen. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [A]. -- Deelen, Ineke. Spatial distribution of sport facilities and sport participation. Promotor: M. Dijst, Copromotor: D. Ettema. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [A]. -- Donkervoort, Ineke. Aansturing van hybride organisaties in de sport in Neder-
land. Promotor: P. Verweel. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2016. [A]. -- Doodewaard, Corina van. De betekenis van leerlingdiversiteit in het bewegingson-
derwijs. Promotor: A. Knoppers. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2017. [A]. -- Dortants, Marianne. Challenges to regulation of contested sports. Promotor: A. Knoppers. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2016. [A]. -- Eekeren, Frank van. Publieke waardecreatie in en door voetbalorganisaties. Promotor: M. van Bottenburg, Copromotoren: A. Meijer & J. Vermeulen. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2016. [A].
III Organisaties
-- Bogert, Kathrine van den. Nieuwe talenten: Meidenvoetbal tussen religie en etni-
Jaarboek Sport & Strategie Organisaties editie 2014/2015
-- Hon, Olivier de. Effectiveness of anti-doping policies. Promotor: M. van Bottenburg. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [A]. -- Jacobs, Frank. Sociale en morele ontwikkeling van jongeren en trainers/leer-
krachten. Promotor: A. Knoppers, Copromotor: I. Claringbould. Gestart in 2006, verwachte einddatum 2016. [A]. -- Karataş, Ali. Bij de hand nemen. Organiseren van samenwerking via sport in de
wijk. Promotor: P. Verweel. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [A]. -- Koekoek, Jeroen. Leren en leerprocessen in het bewegingsonderwijs. Promotor: A. Knoppers, Copromotor: I. van Hilvoorde. Gestart in 2007, verwachte einddatum 2016. [A]. -- Roest, Jan-Willem van der. Between plan and practice: changes in organizational
actions in voluntary sports clubs. Promotor: M. van Bottenburg, Copromotor: J. Vermeulen. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [A]. -- Slender, Hans. Sociale impact van lokale sportevenementen. Promotor: M. van Bottenburg. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [A]. --
Slobbe, Michel van. De sportvereniging en maatschappelijke integratie. Promotor: P. Verweel, Copromotor: J. Vermeulen. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2016. [A].
-- Smits, Froukje. Youth cultures and sport. Promotor: A. Knoppers. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2016. [A]. -- Snoek, Aernout. Effect van optimale training tijdens hartrevalidatie. Promotor: F.J.G. Backx, Copromotoren: S. van Berkel & B.M.A. Huisstede. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2017. [C]. -- Waardenburg, Maikel. Between plan and practice. Public policy and changes in
organizational actions in voluntary sport clubs. Promotor: M. van Bottenburg, Copromotor: J. Vermeulen. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [A]. -- Winters, Marinus. Mediaal tibiaal stresssyndroom. Promotor: F.J.G. Backx, Copromotoren: E.W.P. Bakker & M. Moen. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2017. [C]. Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht -- Bloemen, Manon. Kinderen met spina bifida en fysieke activiteit. Promotor: F.J.G. Backx, Copromotoren: T. Takken & J. de Vries. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2016. [B]. -- Ende, Karin van de. Chronische zieke kinderen en sportdeelname. Promotor: F.J.G. Backx, Copromotoren: T. Takken & J. de Vries. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2018. [B]. -- Habets, Bas. Achillespeesblessures bij sporters. Promotor: F.J.G. Backx, Copromotoren: B.M.A. Huisstede & R. van Cingel. Gestart in 2015, verwachte einddatum 2019. [B].
-- Horst, Nick van der. Preventie van hamstringblessures in het voetbal. Promotor: F.J.G. Backx, Copromotoren: B.M.A. Huisstede & D.W. Smits. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2016. [B]. -- Kemler, Ellen. Effect van een enkelbrace op recidiefklachten. Promotoren: F.J.G. Backx & A. Hoes, Copromotor: I. van de Port. Gestart in 2006, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Lankhaar, Jeannette. Hypothyreoidie en inspanningsintolerantie. Promotor: F.J.G. Backx, Copromotoren: P. Zelissen & J. Stubbe. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2017. [C]. -- Lankhorst, Kristel. Chronisch zieke kinderen, blessures en fysieke activiteit
(onderdeel van HAYS studie). Promotor: H. Stam, Copromotoren: J.F. de Groot & T. Takken. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B]. -- Thijs, Karin. Blessures in vrouwenvoetbal. Promotor: F.J.G. Backx, Copromotor: B.M.A. Huisstede. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2018. [B]. -- Valkenet, Karin. Pre-operatief trainen van hart- en oesophaguspatiënten. Promotoren: F.J.G. Backx & R. van Hillegersberg, Copromotor: J. Trappenburg. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2016. [C]. -- Zwinkels, Maremka. Chronisch zieke kinderen, sport en gezondheid. Sport-2-
Stay-Fit. Promotor: J.M.A. Visser-Meily, Copromotoren: O. Verschuren & T. Takken. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B].
-- Ganzevles, Sander. Statusmonitoring van topsporters. Promotoren: A. de Haan & P.J. Beek, Copromotor: M. Truijens. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [A]. -- Graaff, Erik van der. Snel en blessurevrij werpen in het honkbal. “Fastball”. Promotoren: H.E.J. Veeger & P.J. Beek, Copromotor: M. Hoozemans. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B]. -- Hofman, Nico. Performance determinants in speed skating. Promotor: C. Foster, Copromotor: J.J. de Koning. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2016. [B]. -- Hoogendam, Ad. Frontlijnwerkers in de sport. Promotor: W. Trommel, Copromotor: A. van Montfort. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2016. [A]. -- Kernebeek, Tim van. Bepaling motorische ontwikkeling van kinderen in het pri-
mair onderwijs. Promotor: G.J.P. Savelsbergh. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B]. -- Kruisdijk, Frank. Randomised controlled trial into the effectiveness of running
therapy in adult patients on depression (EFFORT-D). Promotor: M. HopmanRock. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015/2016. [B].
III Organisaties
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Jaarboek Sport & Strategie Organisaties editie 2014/2015
-- Maarseveen, Mariëtte van. Game insight and talent development. Promotor: G.J.P. Savelsbergh, Copromotor: R.R.D. Oudejans. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2016. [B]. -- Moeijes, Janet. Samenhang tussen lichamelijke activiteit, psychosociale gezond-
heid en kwaliteit van leven bij kinderen van 10 tot 12 jaar. Promotor: J.W.R. Twisk, Copromotoren: R.J. Bosscher & J.T. van Busschbach. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2016. [B]. -- Mulder, Roy. Real-time feedback voor een betere schaatsprestatie. Ontwikkeling
van de ideale schaatsslag per individu. Promotor: H.E.J. Veeger, Copromotoren: J.J. de Koning, A.L. Schwab & F.C.T. van der Helm. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B]. -- Orie, Jac. Performance determinants in speed skating. Promotor: C. Foster, Copromotor: J.J. de Koning. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2016. [B]. -- Paterson, Gareth. Talent development. Promotor: G.J.P. Savelsbergh. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Pluijms, Joost. Visual search and peak performance of sailors. Promotor: G.J.P. Savelsbergh, Copromotor: R. Cañal-Bruland. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Schreven, Sander. Propulsion in swimming. Promotoren: P.J. Beek & J.B.J. Smeets, Copromotor: H.T.M. Toussaint. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Simons, Monique. Actieve video games in de strijd tegen overgewicht. Promotoren: J. Seidell & J. Brug, Copromotoren: E. de Vet & M.J.M. Chin A Paw. Gestart in 2008, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Stevens, Tom. Monitoring work load during football: improving current methods
by the use of a Local Postion Measurement (LPM) system. Promotoren: P.J. Beek & G.J.P. Savelsbergh, Copromotor: C.J. de Ruiter. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015/2016. [B]. -- Wierenga, Debbie. De (proces)evaluatie van de implementatie en continuatie
van een multi-component leefstijlinterventie in twee verschillende werkplekken. Promotor: W. van Mechelen, Copromotoren: L. Engbers & P. van Empelen. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Witte, Annemarie de. “De perfecte basketbalrolstoel”. Optimalisatie van afstem-
ming van stoel en speler. Promotoren: H.E.J. Veeger & L.H.V. van der Woude, Copromotoren: M. Berger & M. Hoozemans. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B]. -- Zwaard, Stephan van der. Optimizing training strategies for athletes. Promotor: A. de Haan, Copromotoren: R.T. Jaspers & C.J. de Ruiter. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B].
Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum -- Badenhorst, Marelise. Talent development. Promotor: W. van Mechelen, Copromotor: E.A.L.M. Verhagen. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2018. [B]. -- Barboza, Saulo. Prevention of sports injuries on the field, elite field hockey as an
example. Promotor: W. van Mechelen, Copromotor: E.A.L.M. Verhagen. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2018. [B]. -- Berg, Magdalena van den. EU project omgeving, groen en gezondheid. Promotor: W. van Mechelen, Copromotor: J. Maas. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2016. [C]. -- Berg, Vera van der. SMART MOVES!. Promotoren: M.J.M. Chin A Paw & J. Jolles, Copromotoren: A. Singh & R.H.M. de Groot. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B]. -- Boonzajer-Flaes, Saskia. Krajicek playgrounds: do they improve physical acti-
vity in adolescents in deprived urban areas?. Promotoren: W. van Mechelen & M.J.M. Chin A Paw, Copromotor: E.A.L.M. Verhagen. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [A]. -- Brown, James. Evaluation of the BokSmart national rugby safety programme. Promotoren: W. van Mechelen & M. Lambert, Copromotoren: E.A.L.M. Verhagen & C. Draper. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Dessing, Dirk. Schoolzones: creating a safe and inviting school environment
for children’s physical activity. Promotor: W. van Mechelen, Copromotoren: -- Hespanhol Junior, Luiz. Running for health - the net health effect of running. Promotor: W. van Mechelen, Copromotor: E.A.L.M. Verhagen. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B]. -- Janssen, Kasper. Ankles back in control: prevention of ankle sprains in athletes. Promotor: W. van Mechelen, Copromotor: E.A.L.M. Verhagen. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Jelsma, Judith. Lifestyle and gestational diabetes in pregnancy. Promotor: W. van Mechelen, Copromotor: M.N.M. van Poppel. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Kampshoff, Caroline. Resistance and endurance exercise after chemotherapy. Promotor: W. van Mechelen, Copromotor: M.J.M. Chin A Paw. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2016. [C]. -- Koeneman, Margot. Towards tailored physical activity counselling. Conscious and
unconscious determinants of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in older adults. Promotor: M. Hopman-Rock, Copromotoren: A. Chorus & M.J.M. Chin A Paw. Gestart in 2009, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B].
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E.A.L.M. Verhagen & L. Engbers. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2018. [B].
Jaarboek Sport & Strategie Organisaties editie 2014/2015
-- Mountjoy, Margot. The role of International Sports Federations in safeguarding
the health and well-being of athletes. Lessons learned from FINA. Promotor: W. van Mechelen, Copromotoren: E.A.L.M. Verhagen & A. Junge. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2015. [A]. -- Persoon, Saskia. Physical exercise to improve fitness and combat fatigue after
high dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation. Promotor: F. Nollet, Copromotoren: M.J.M. Chin A Paw, M.J. Kersten & J. Brug. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Reijen, Miriam van. Versterk je Enkel. Promotor: W. van Mechelen, Copromotor: E.A.L.M. Verhagen. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2018. [B]. -- Stuij, Mirjam. The Meaning of Sport in Times of Health and Illness. Promotor: T.A. Abma, Copromotor: A. Elling-Machartzki. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [A]. -- Viester, Laura. Interventie ter preventie en reductie van overgewicht en klachten
aan het bewegingsapparaat onder bouwvakkers. Promotoren: A. van der Beek & P. Bongers, Copromotor: K.I. Proper. Gestart in 2008, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Weiler, Richard. The Development of an on-field and pitch side concussion
guidelines in football. What can we learn from disability football subgroups?. Promotor: W. van Mechelen, Copromotor: E.A.L.M. Verhagen. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2018. [B]. -- Wisse, Ester. The meaning of sports for ‘less priviledged’ people with hiv and
breastcancer. Promotor: T.A. Abma, Copromotor: A. Elling-Machartzki. Gestart in 2015, verwachte einddatum 2019. [A]. Universiteit van Amsterdam -- Tak, Igor. Hip and groin pain in athletes. Form, function and evaluation. Promotor: G. Kerkhoffs, Copromotoren: R. Agricola, J. Stubbe & A. Weir. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2016. [B]. Universiteit Leiden -- Heuvel, Nathanja van den. Pioniers en rolmodellen. De geschiedenis en huidige
professionalisering van het Nederlandse vrouwenvoetbal. Promotor: F.A.J. de Haas, Copromotor: M. Prange. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2016. [A]. Technische Universiteit Delft -- Doorn, Fenne van. Design research by Proxy: Participants (children) as research
collaborators. Promotor: P.J. Stappers, Copromotor: M.A. Gielen. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C].
-- Greidanus, Arnoud. Drag reduction in water sports. Promotor: J. Westerweel, Copromotor: R. Delvos. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Grift, Ernst Jan. Optimalisatie van voortstuwing door en over water. Promotor: J. Westerweel. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B]. -- Janssen, Mark. Profiling and designing for sensibility and sustainability in sport
participation. Promotor: A.C. Brombacher, Copromotor: S.B. Vos. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B]. -- Kruk, Eline van der. Ontwikkeling van de ideale schaatsslag per individu. Promotor: F.C.T. van der Helm, Copromotor: A.L. Schwab. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B]. -- Slikke, Rienk van der. “De perfecte basketbalrolstoel”. Optimalisatie van afstem-
ming van stoel en speler. Promotoren: H.E.J. Veeger & F.C.T. Van der Helm, Copromotor: M. Berger. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B]. -- Wang, Pan. Computational Design Optimization (CDO) Applied to Conceptual
Architectural Design. A Multi-objective Optimization (MOO) Method for the Envelope Design of Indoor Sports Buildings. Promotoren: J. Paul & Y. Sun, Copromotoren: S. Sariyildiz & M. Turrin. Gestart in 2015, verwachte einddatum 2018. [B]. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam -- Gauthier, Ryan Stephan. The Role of Law in Olympic Game Host Selection. Promotor: R.C.R. Siekmann. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [A].
plex. Promotor: S. Janssen, Copromotoren: J. van Sterkenburg & A. EllingMachartzki. Gestart in 2015, verwachte einddatum 2017. [A]. Tilburg University -- Kemmeren, Thijs. Tilburg sport. Urbanisatie, sport en identificatie 1844-1940. Promotor: A.J. Bijsterveld, Copromotor: P. Delheye. Gestart in 2009, verwachte einddatum 2016. [A]. -- Kuijsters-Timmers, Nanny. Sports club involvement and social interaction of
young adults at voluntary sports club. Promotor: A.A. Maes, Copromotor: C.H. van Wijk. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2018. [A]. Maastricht University -- Barreto de Mesquita, Rafael. Physical activity and ADL in patients with COPD
and/or CHF. Promotor: E.F.M. Wouters, Copromotor: M. Spruit. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2016. [B].
III Organisaties
-- Peeters, Rens. Issues of gender and race in the 21st century sport media com-
Jaarboek Sport & Strategie Organisaties editie 2014/2015
-- Beijers, Rosanne. Centraal vet en perifere spier: partners in crime in COPD. Promotor: A.M.W.J. Schols, Copromotor: H. Gosker. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [C]. -- Berendsen, Brenda. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of package 3 of the
BeweegKuur, a lifestyle intervention for people with an overweight related health risk. Promotor: N.C. Schaper, Copromotor: H. Savelberg. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Bool, Coby van de. Clinical outcome of nutritional rehabilitation on physical
functioning and cardiometabolic risk profile in COPD patients with muscle atrophy. Promotor: A.M.W.J. Schols. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Broers, Natascha. Transitions in dialysis: A survey on the effects of dialysis and
transplantation on cardiovascular and nutritional state, physical activity and quality of life. Promotor: J. Kooman. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Brouwers, Bram. Optimizing the beneficial health effects of exercise for diabe-
tes: focus on the liver!. Promotor: P. Schrauwen. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Dirks, Marlou. Electro stimulation of skeletal muscle tissue to prevent muscle
atrophy. Promotoren: L.J.C. van Loon & E.F.M. Wouters. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Drummen, Mathijs. Prevention of diabetes through lifestyle intervention: Effect
on the brain. Promotor: M. Westerterp-Plantenga, Copromotor: T. Adam. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [C]. -- Duvivier, Bernard. Interrupting sitting time improves insulin sensitivity and lipid
metabolism in people with diabetes mellitus type 2. Promotoren: N.C. Schaper & M.K.C. Hesselink, Copromotor: H. Savelberg. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2016. [C]. -- Essers, Hans. Adaptation profile to optimize interaction between user and arm
orthosis (ADAPT). Promotor: L.J.C. van Loon, Copromotor: K. Meijer. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2018. [C]. -- Gopal, Poornima. Systemic effects and comorbidity in COPD are associated
with markers of accelerated ageing. Promotor: E.F.M. Wouters, Copromotoren: N. Reynaert & E. Rutten. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Gorissen, Stefan. Muscle mass preservation. Promotor: L.J.C. van Loon. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Gosens, Willem. Exercise programs and physical activity in COPD. Promotor: M.K.C. Hesselink. Gestart in 2008, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B].
-- Gransier, Ruud. Ambulatory monitoring of knee loading during ADL, towards
personalized treatment and rehabilitation strategies for knee osteoarthritis patients. Promotor: L. van Rhijn, Copromotor: K. Meijer. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Groen, Bart. Nocturnal protein supply during sleep as a dietary strategy to
improve muscle mass in elderly. Promotor: L.J.C. van Loon. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Haenen, Harry. Long distance effective utilitarian biking. Promotor: M.K.C. Hesselink, Copromotor: H. Savelberg. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Holwerda, Andy. Muscle health and function. Optimizing muscle protein synthe-
sis in sports and healthy ageing. Promotor: L.J.C. van Loon. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B]. -- Hoor, Gill. Focus on resistance: an innovative, resistance-based intervention
to improve body composition and to promote physical activity in adolescents (12-18 years) with overweight or obesity. Promotoren: G. Kok & A.M.W.J. Schols, Copromotor: G. Plasqui. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B]. -- IJzerman, Herman. Improving mobility in diabetic patients through resistance
training. Promotor: N.C. Schaper, Copromotor: H. Savelberg. Gestart in 2006, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Jong, Joost de. Assessment of fracture healing and bone strength by high-
resolution peripheral quantitative computer tomography (HRpQCT). Promotor: -- Jonvik, Kristin. Beeting your competitors; dietary nitrate to enhance sports per-
formance. Promotor: L.J.C. van Loon, Copromotor: L. Verdijk. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B]. -- Kann, Dave van. Active Living. Physical activity as a daily habit for primary
school children through adaptations in social and physical environment. Promotoren: M.W.J. Jansen, S.P.J. Kremers & N.K. de Vries, Copromotor: S.I. de Vries. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2016. [A]. -- Kouw, Imre. Muscle health and function; Clinical nutrition. Promotor: L.J.C. van Loon, Copromotor: L. Verdijk. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [C]. -- Kramer, Irene. The impact of the macronutrient composition of a nutritional sup-
plement on postprandial skeletal muscle protein synthesis in elderly. Promotor: L.J.C. van Loon, Copromotor: L. Verdijk. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Liu, Wai-Yan. Walking stability and efficiency in COPD patients. Promotor: E.F.M. Wouters, Copromotoren: K. Meijer & M. Spruit. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C].
III Organisaties
J. van den Bergh. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2016. [C].
Jaarboek Sport & Strategie Organisaties editie 2014/2015
-- Mann, Robert. Biomechanical Determinants of Injury Risk in Long-distance Run-
ning. Promotor: M.K.C. Hesselink, Copromotor: K. Meijer. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Meis, Jessie. Determinants of long-term maintenance of intervention-induced
lifestyle changes in chronically ill patients. Promotoren: A.M.W.J. Schols & N.K. de Vries, Copromotor: S.P.J. Kremers. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Nyakayiru, Jean. Beeting your competitors; dietary nitrate to enhance sports
performance. Promotor: L.J.C. van Loon, Copromotor: L. Verdijk. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2018. [B]. -- Oomen, Pieter. Personalized multi body modeling. Promotor: L. van Rhijn, Copromotor: K. Meijer. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Oosterwaal, Michiel. A-footprint. Promotor: L. van Rhijn, Copromotoren: K. Meijer & C. Arts. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Pansters, Nicky. Make or break skeletal muscle: regulation of muscle plastricity
by GSK-3b. Promotor: A.M.W.J. Schols, Copromotor: R. Langen. Gestart in 2007, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Perkins, Timothy. Gene profiling of the response of bronchial epithelial cells to
particles. Promotor: E.F.M. Wouters, Copromotoren: B. Mossman & N. Reynaert. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Peters, Michiel. Micro-architecture of hand joints in rheumatic diseases. Promotoren: J. van den Bergh & P. Geusens, Copromotoren: A. van Tubergen & B. van Rietbergen. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [C]. -- Remmers, Teun. Sports and Physical Activity in Public Space: the PHASE project. Promotor: C. Thijs, Copromotor: S.P.J. Kremers. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2017. [C]. -- Stewart, Kelly. Health Potential: Unlock your secret to a healthy life. Promotor: M.P. Zeegers. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2018. [C]. -- Teuscher, Dorit. Tailoring an existing life style intervention to reduce metabolic
syndrome in individuals with low SES from different ethnic origins. Promotoren: M.A. van Baak & E.J.M. Feskens. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2016. [C]. -- Trommelen, Jorn. Muscle health and function. Sports nutrition. Promotor: L.J.C. van Loon. Gestart in 2012, verwachte einddatum 2017. [B]. -- Valenti, Giulio. Age, health and physical activity. Promotor: K.R. Westerterp. Gestart in 2011, verwachte einddatum 2015. [B]. -- Veld, Linda op ’t. Lower limb muscle function in COPD (Eclipse). Promotor: E.F.M. Wouters. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C].
-- Verboven, Kenneth. Endocrinologic regulation of lipolysis in obese subjects:
Impact of exercise intervention. Promotoren: E.E. Blaak & D. Hansen. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Vranken, Lisanne. Prospective evaluation of bone strength, physical activity, falls,
subsequent fractures and mortality in patients presenting with a recent clinical fracture. Promotor: J. van den Bergh. Gestart in 2013, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. -- Waard, Ellis. Musculoskeletal properties and fractures in patients with diabe-
tes mellitus type 2. Promotoren: J. van den Bergh & P. Geusens, Copromotor: T.A.C.M. van Geel. Gestart in 2014, verwachte einddatum 2018. [C]. -- Wulan, Siti. Normal body weight but adipose body composition: determinants,
metabolic consequences and the interaction with physical activity and diet. Promotor: K.R. Westerterp. Gestart in 2009, verwachte einddatum 2015. [C]. Nyenrode University -- Biessels, Ton. How and what top level sportcoaches learn. Promotor: R.J. Simons, Copromotor: R. Blomme. Gestart in 2008, verwachte einddatum 2017. [A]. Universiteit van Antwerpen -- Vertommen, Tine. Interpersonal violence against children in sport. Promotor: N.H.M.J. Schipper-van Veldhoven, Copromotor: F. van den Ede. Gestart in 2012,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel -- Dalfsen, Gerrit van. The International Innovative Sport Manager. Promotor: A.H. Broeke, Copromotor: H. Westerbeek. Gestart in 2010, verwachte einddatum 2016. [A].
III Organisaties
verwachte einddatum 2016. [A].