Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (S.Pd.I)
MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp (0298) 323433 Fax 323433 Salatiga 50721 Website: www.stainsalatiga.ac.id email:
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In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful. Hereby the writer declares that this graduating paper is made by the writer herself. It is not containing materials and written and has been published by other people and other people’s idea except the information from the references. This declaration is made by the writer, and she hopes that this declaration can be understood.
Salatiga, February 19th 2013 The writer
Siti Rohmah Noviyanj 11308112
MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp (0298) 323433 Fax 323433 Salatiga 50721 Website: www.stainsalatiga.ac.id email:
[email protected]
Norwanto, M.Hum The Lecturer of Educational Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga
ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE Case: Siti Rohmah Noviyani’s Graduating Paper Dear: The Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. After reading and correcting Siti Rohmah Noviyani’s graduating paper entitled “A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF INDONESIAN – ENGLISH CODE MIXING USED IN JSYK RUBRIC PUBLISHED ON MAY-JULY 2012 EDITION OF COSMOGIRL MAGAZINE”. I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by educational faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Salatiga, February 19th 2013 Consultant
Norwanto, M.Hum NIP.19751015 200212 1 006
Motto QS. AL INSYIROH: 5-6
So verily, with the hardship, there is relief. Verily, with the hardship, there is relief.
This work is sincerely dedicated for: œ Allah SWT the Almigthy God œ My beloved family
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, the kings of universe and space. Thanks to Allah for His blessing so that I finished this graduating paper as one of requirement to finished study in English Department faculty of States for Institute Islamic Studies. This graduating paper would not have been completed without support, guidance and help from individual and institution. Therefore, I would like to express special thanks to: 1. Mr. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag as the rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga. 2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd, as the chief of Educational Faculty. 3. Mrs. Mashlihatul Umami, S.Pd.I. M.A as a chief of English Department. 4. Mr. Norwanto, M. Hum as my graduating paper counselor who gives me knowledge and guidance to finish this graduating paper. 5. All lecturers in English Department Faculty of STAIN Salatiga. Thanks for all guidance, knowledge, support, and etc. 6. My beloved family. My smart mother as my second conselor who always help me to finish my graduating paper (Sri Wuryani) and my best father (Muhammad Anwar S.A) who always gives encouragement,
My little sister my cute litte sister (dek Ida and dek Yaya), and my little brother (dek Arifin) who always be the reason why I have to finish this graduating paper as soon as possible. Love you all. 7. My special friend for always support me and be very patient with me when I was angry. Big thanks! =D 8. My besties Henny Wulandari, Veronica Niken, Lely, and Nia who always be there when I need friend to share happiness. 9. My close friend in campus Anie Mufidah and Ulil Hidayah who directly help me in working with this graduating paper. 10. My cute friend Vina Ristiyani for borrowing me so many books. 11. All of my friends in TBI D ’08, especially Alfisyah Liasari and Dewi Yuliyana who help me providing some books to support me making this graduating paper. 12. All of staffs who help the writer in processing of graduating paper administration. 13. Everybody who has helped me in finishing this thesis. Thanks for all supports, advice, suggestion and other helps that you all gives.
Furthermore, this graduating paper is expected to ba able to provide useful knowedge and information to the readers. The writer will apreciate any detaild criticisms leading to the improvement of this graduating paper.
Salatiga, February 19th 2013 The Writer
Siti Rohmah Noviyani 11308112
Cover page ………………………………………………………………………. I Declaration ……………………………………………………………………… ii Attentive counselor notes ……………………………………………………….. iii Statement of certification ……………………………………………………….. iv Motto ……………………………………………………………………………. v Dedication ………………………………………………………………………. v Acknowledgment ………………………………………………………………. vii Table of content ……………………………………………………………........ ix Abstract …………………………………………………….………………....... xi CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION……………………………………....………... 1 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H.
Background of the study ……………………………………………. 1 Limitation of the problem …………………………………………... 4 Statement of the problem ………………………………………….... 4 Purpose of the study ……………………………………………….... 5 Benefit of the study …………………………………………………. 5 Review of Related Research ……….………………………………. 6 Defition of Key Term ……………………………………………….. 7 Graduating paper outline ……...………………………...………….. 8
CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ……………………... 10 A. Bilingualism ………………...……………………………….……... 10 B. Code Switching ………………………………...…………………... 10 C. Code Mixing ….... ………………………………………………….. 13 1. Definition of Code Mixing ……………………………………... 13 2. Forms of Code Mixing …………………………………………. 15 D. Componets of Speech (Speaking) Theory by Dell Hymes ………... 20 CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHOD ……………………………………….. 26 A. Research Method …..……………………………………………….. 26 1. Research Approach …………………………………………….. 26 2. Type of Research ……………...………………………………... 26 3. Object of The Research …………………...……………………. 27 4. Data Sources ……………………………………………………. 27 5. Method of Data Collection …………………………...………… 27
6. Technique of Data Analysis ……………………………………. 28 B. Data Presentation ………………………………………………….. 29 CHAPTER IV. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ………..…………………... 73 A. Forms of Code Mixing .............……………………………………. 73 B. Factors Influencing Code Mixing ………………………………… 118 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ……………………….. 125 A. Conclusion ……………………………………………………..…. 125 B. Suggestion ………………………………………………………… 127 BIBLIOGRAPHY
ABSTRACT Noviyani, Siti Rohmah. 2013. A Descriptive Analysis of Indonesian – English Code Mixing Used in JSYK Rubric Published on May-July 2012 Edition Of Cosmogirl Magazine. A Graduating Paper. Educational Faculty. English Department. State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Norwanto, M.Hum Key word: code mixing, Indonesian – English Code Mixing, JSYK Rubric The purpose of this study is to describe the Indonesian- English code mixing found in Cosmogirl magazine. The research problems are what are the forms and factors influencing code mixing in Cosmogirl magazine. The writer uses descriptive qualitative approach as method for analyzing the data. The writer collects the data by reading the selected articles on JSYK Rubrics in Cosmogirl magazine and selecting sentence that consists of Indonesian-English code mixing, and then coding the selected code mixing by giving code numbers to help the analysis run well. It was identified that English insertion are in the form word, phrase, hybrid, word reduplication, idiom, and clause. The factors influencing code mixing are the informal situation (Situation) , the educated class of the writer and the readers (Participants), the purpose of writing magazine that is to entertain the readers (Ends), the topic about young lifestyle (Act Sequence), relax way to deliver the message (Key), written language as the way to deliver a message, nonstandard language used in magazine (Instrumentalities), the engagement between young people with English, the preference of young people to choose something that is famous and western oriented (Norms), and printed media form to publish magazine (Genre). The achievement of this research are expected to be an additional source of code mixing and also developing code mixing field in the next research.
A. BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEM Nowadays, English code mixing occurred in society was influenced by the global spread of English. Globalization era requires people to master more than one language. By a lot of people who speak two or more language, for example Indonesia and English, Indonesia becomes a multilingual country. It is not impossible for people to have ability in using different languages to interact and communicate with others. Besides, using English is becomes popular in society. People use English for many necessities, for example to manage their business. Their habit to use English in their daily life will accidentally reflect into their language. That’s way; the use of code mixing is getting rapidly developed. Furthermore, people sometimes switch code within a domain or social situation. When there is some obvious change in the situation such as arrival of new person, it is easy to explain the switch. It will be influence of language use. A speaker may similarly switch to another language as a signal of group membership and share ethnicity with an addressee. Even speakers who are not very proficient in a second language may use brief phrases and words for this purpose, (Holmes, 1992; 41). Code switching and code mixing are the effect of language development. They use code switching and code mixing in order to make their communication easier.
The trend of using code mixing is also happened in written language such as: newspaper, novel, and magazine. The language used in magazine is also suited to the reader’s daily life. One kind of written language that is much influenced by English is a magazine. Magazine is one of mass media that printed and published every certain time (every month, every week, and every day). The magazine is categorized into different kinds: business magazine, fashion magazine, healthy, technology, sport, and entertainment magazine. There is much information that can be got from magazine. Cosmogirl magazine is one of famous young magazine in Indonesia, It contained a lot of information that mostly expose young lifestyle, including fashion, beauty, lifestyle, tips, celebrity news, entertainment, book review, etc. It is published monthly. Since Cosmogirl magazine is dedicated for young readers, the editorial staffs write the articles by using informal Indonesian language. One of the indicators is inserting other language into Cosmogirl magazine’s articles. To give a little description of what the researcher intends to do, the researcher gives some examples as follows: 1. Ada berbagai excitement dalam acara Prom, salah satunya adalah ajang pemilihan Prom King & Queen. (May Edition, page 126) (There are many excitements in Prom program, one of them is the election of Prom King and Queen).
2. Resto yang satu ini recommended buat kalian yang mau menikmati kuliner khas Jepang dalam suasana yang homey dan cozy. (July Edition, page 113) (This restaurant is recommended for those who want to enjoy Japanese exclusive culinary in a homey and cozy atmosphere).
These examples above show the use of code mixing in Cosmogirl magazine. There are some insertions of English vocabulary in these sentences. It happens to almost all the article of Cosmogirl magazine. The mixture of the language is being used to suit into reader’s culture. It has a mean to be easily accepted by young people because it is closely related to their daily lifestyle. As stated by Bhatia and Ritchie (2004) that some languages are viewed as more suited to particular participant/social groups, setting or topics than others. A particular group of people may employ different kind of code-switching and code-mixing for different purposes (Wardaugh, 1992: 109). It can be concluded that the use of code mixing in Cosmogirl magazine is dedicated to the readers who mostly young people. As far as code mixing is concerned, the writer is going to analyze code mixing used in Cosmogirl magazine. Since there are only fewer detailed studies about how code mixing is formed, it is interesting for the writer to make an analysis entitled: A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF INDONESIAN – ENGLISH CODE MIXING USED IN JSYK RUBRIC
B. LIMITATION OF THE PROBLEM In this study, the writer will only focus on the Indonesian- English code mixing used in Cosmogirl magazine Mei-July 2012 Edition.
C. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The problem to be examined in the present study is formulated as follows: a. What are the forms of code mixing that occurred in Cosmogirl magazine? b. What are the factors influencing the use of code mixing that occurred in Cosmogirl magazine?
D. OBJECTIVE OF THE RESEARCH Based on the research background and statement of the problem, the study is aimed at: c. Finding out the types of code mixing that occurred in the feature article of Cosmogirl magazine. d. Finding out the purposes of code mixing that occurred in the feature article of Cosmogirl magazine.
E. BENEFIT OF THE RESEARCH By conducting this research, the writer expects that this study will be useful for both theoretically and practically: 1. Theoretically a. Generally it allows readers to larger their knowledge about sociolinguistics especially about code mixing phenomenon in our society. 2. Practically a. It gives a clear explanation about Indonesian-English code mixing for the readers to use it appropriately. b. It can be used as a reference for the other researcher to arrange this kind of research in the future.
F. REVIEW OF RELATED RESEARCH The writer finds that many of graduated students have done some researches in the topic of code mixing that help the writer in doing research paper but in different objects and ways in applying the theories. The previous research was written by Sofiyana (2009) her research “A Descriptive Study of Indonesian-English Code Mixing Used in Kawanku Magazine”. She discussed the form, the type and the reason to analyze the Indonesian – English code mixing in written language.
Another previous research was written by Henny Widhi Astuti (2010), the student of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga in her paper entitled “A Descriptive Study of Code Mixing and Code Switching Used in Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled Maryamah Karpov”. In her research, she focused on the types of code mixing and code switching in this novel. This research has the same approach as that Sofiyana. What make this research different are the data and data source. Sofiyana took Indonesian- English code mixing as the data and using Kawanku magazine as data source, while the data source of this research is Cosmogirl magazine and taking Indonesian-English code mixing sentence in it as the data.
G. DEFINITION OF KEY TERM In order to avoid misinterpretation and unnecessary and misunderstanding of the terms underlie the title, the terms are clarified as follows: 1. Code Mixing Conversational code mixing involves the deliberate mixing of two languages without an associated topic change. (Wardaugh, 1992:107) Other definition is added by Suwito (1985:75) that code mixing is employing two or more languages by means of inserting the elements of a language to another which is consistently used. While Muysken
(2000:2) defined code mixing as all cases where lexical items and grammatical features from two languages appear in one sentence. In this case, code mixing is considered as an alternation of two languages including grammatical and lexical in one sentence, both Indonesian and English.
2. Cosmogirl magazine Cosmogirl magazine is a young magazine dedicated to young readers who are senior high school and college students. The rubrics in magazine including monthly routine articles, beauty and health, fashion, life style, celebrity news, tips, and so on. There are about 202 pages. It is published by PT Gramedia Printing Group Jakarta and the address is in Wisma Kosgoro 6th floor, MH Thamrin Street 53 Jakarta 10350.
H. PAPER ORGANIZATION Chapter I is introduction which presents the background of the problem, limitation of the problem, statements of the problem, objective of the research, benefit of the research, review of previous research, clarification or definition of key term, and paper organization. Chapter II presents review of related theory. It consists of theories underlying the study.
Chapter III shows research method and data presentation. This chapter discusses code mixing found in Cosmogirl magazine and the methodological aspects of the study. Chapter IV proposes data analysis. It provides the analysis and interpretations of findings. Chapter V observes conclusions and suggestions. It includes the conclusion and suggestions to other researcher who like to contribute such study.
A. BILINGUALISM Sociolinguistic research discussing code mixing has closely related with bilingualism. Bilingualism is included in this related theory since it underlies the occurrence of code mixing and code switching phenomenon. Indonesian people are at least bilinguals. We have seen that almost Indonesian people master Indonesian Language and vernacular language. When we meet someone speaking two languages in the conversation with other people, then he/ she become bilingual. Also, foreign language acquisition will add the language they master, so they are not only be as bilingual, but also multilingual. In bilingual community, the switch of language that they mastered is influenced by many factors. Wardaugh (1992: 99) explained that the important thing is that bilingualism and multilingualism are normal in many parts of the world that people in those parts would view any other situation as strange and limiting. There is a long history in certain Western societies of people actually ‘looking down’ on those who are bilingual. In addition, people who are bilingual or multilingual do not necessarily have exactly the same abilities in the language (or varieties); even, that kind of parity may be exceptional. (Wardaugh, 1992: 96)
Bloomfield (1993) defined bilingualism as an acquisition of two languages as fluently as native speaker of language. It implies the definition that bilingual person is someone who master two languages as well. In addition, it is a habit of using two languages in interaction with other people. (Nababan, 1991:27) W.F. Mackey (1972:554 in Yulia Mutmainnah, 2008) explained as a switch between two or more languages by the same speaker/people. The condition and situation will be faced determine the switches of languages chosen.
B. CODE SWITCHING Several scholars have attempted to define code-switching. Muysken (2000:2) clarified “The more commonly used term code switching will reserved for the rapid succession of several languages in a single speech event, for reason which will be made clear.” While Hudson (1996: 51-53) defined code switching as a form of language usage by bilingual person by choosing one of many codes depending on the situation. Holmes (1992: 41) mentioned that people sometimes switch code within a domain or social situation. When there is some obvious change in the situation, such as the arrival of a new person, it is easy to explain the switch. Besides, code switching may be related to a particular participant or addressee.
Code switching is defined as the alternation of two languages within a single discourse, sentence, or constituent. Intersentential alternations occur when the switch is made across sentence boundaries (Grosjean, 1982; Torres, 1989 in Eunhee, 2006). Poplack (2000, in Eunhee, 2006) stated that code switching is the alternation of two languages within a single discourse, sentence or constituent. Clyne (2000, in Eunhee, 2006) suggests code switching as the alternative use of two languages either within a sentence or between sentences. Also this contrasts with transference, where a single item is transferred from languages B to A (or vice versa), whether integrated into the grammatical and /or phonological system of the recipient language or not. Code switching is applied by people who live in bilingual or multilingual community, and the actual choice made on a particular occasion is determined by many kinds of factors (Wardaugh, 1992:144). The example of this statement is the report of Tanner on linguistic usage of a small group of Indonesian graduate students and their families living in United State. Wardaugh (1992: 106) split up code switching into two: Metaphorical and Situational Code Switching. Situational code switching occurs when the languages used change according to the situations in which the conversant find them: they speak one language in one situation and another in different one. No topic change is involved. Metaphorical code switching is a kind of code switching when there is a change of topic in the language used (Wardaugh, 1992:106). It can be said that this kind of code switching occurs
when the speaker consider that using some of foreign words or sentences will emphasize to what is pointed out, in order to get attention from listener. According to Hudson (1996), one of them is called situational code switching
because of switching language of bilingual person always go
together with the change of one external situation (e.g. when someone is talking with family) to another one (e.g. when someone is talking with neighbor).
C. CODE MIXING 1. Definition of Code Mixing Code mixing as a language phenomenon is frequently occurs in multilingual and bilingual society. Several scholars have attempted to define code mixing. Wardaugh (1992:106) introduces a theory that: “Code mixing occurs when conversant uses both languages together to extent that they change from one language to the other in the course of single utterances.” Other definition is added by Suwito (1985:75) that code mixing employs two or more languages by means of inserting the elements of a language to another which is consistently used. While Muysken defined code mixing as all cases where lexical items and grammatical features from two languages appear in one sentence. Trudgill (2003: 23) gave explanation: “The process whereby speakers indulge in code-switching between languages of such rapidity and density, even within sentences and
phrases that is not really possible to say at any given time which language they are speaking.” It is also emphasized by Trudgill that: “Sociolinguistic explanation for this behavior normally concentrates on the possibility, through code-mixing as a strategy, of projecting two identities at once, for example that a modern, sophisticated, educated person and that of a loyal, local patriot.” Further, Wardaugh (1992:106) also explain that code mixing used as a sophisticated language and a source of pride, “Conversational code mixing involved the deliberate mixing of two languages without an associated topic change. Conversational code mixing is not just a haphazard mixing of two languages brought by laziness or ignorance or some combination of these. Rather, it requires conversant to have a sophisticated knowledge of both languages and to be acutely aware of community norms. These norms require that both languages be used in this way so that conversant can show their familiarity or solidarity. The ability to mix code in this way is now often a source of pride.” Also, code mixing expresses as solidarity markers and an established community norm, “Such conversational code-mixing is often used by bilinguals, primarily as a solidarity marker and has become an established community norm in the Puero Rican community in the New York City. However, a speaker who mixes codes in this way in conversation with a friend or acquaintance will almost certainly shift entirely to English when addressing a monolingual Englishspeaking person or entirely to Spanish when addressing a complete stranger who is obviously of Spanish origin.” (Wardaugh, 19.00.92:108)
In terms of definition from Bhatia and Ritchie (2004) in Eunhee Kim (2006), code mixing refers to the mixing of various linguistic units
(morphemes, word, modifiers, phrases, clauses, and sentences) primarily from two participating grammatical system within a sentence. In other hand, Wienreich (1953:73) in Muysken gave opinion that code mixing can be a sign of lack of bilingual proficiency and interference. Holmes states that code-mixing suggests the speaker is mixing up codes indiscriminately or perhaps because of the incompetence, where as the switches are very well-motivated in relation to the symbolic or social meanings of the two codes (1992: 50) However, for some speakers, code mixing is the unmarked code in certain circumstances (Myers-Scotton 1993 in Muysken). Neither does it reflect limited proficiency in either of the languages involved. Rather, speakers who code mix fluently and easily tend to be quite proficient bilinguals (Poplack 1980, Nortier 1990) in Muysken. Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that code mixing is considered as an alternation of two languages including grammatical and lexical in one sentence, in this case Indonesian and English. 2. FORMS OF CODE MIXING Suwito (1985:78) split up code mixing into six: insertion of words, insertion of phrases, insertion of hybrids, insertion of word reduplication, insertion of idioms, and insertion of clause. A further explanation will be explained as follows: 1. The insertion of words
The insertion of words means adding English words inside Indonesian utterances. Katamba (1997:10) said that word is formed by combining two or more word bases to form a new lexical item. In addition, Bauer (1988:25) states that a word is a unit, which is in print, in bounded spaces on both sides. Here are the examples: a. Padahal, CG! Bilang kegiatan ini bisa jadi family time yang menyenangkan lho! (Whereas, CGI said that this activity can be a happy quality time!) b. Kamu bisa punya tour guide gratis! (You can have a free tour guide!)
2. The insertion of phrases Lyons (1968:171) defines a phrase as any group of words which is grammatically equivalent to a single word and which doesn’t have its own subject and predicate. The examples are:
a. Tour guide biasanya memakai kaos dan payung kuning dan menunggu di dekat Astronomical Clock. (May Edition, page 114) (Tour guide is usually wear shirt and yellow umbrella and waiting near Astronomical Clock). b. Sampai akhirnya sekarang aku bisa menjadi shoes designer untuk sebuah brand sepatu di Bandung. (May Edition, page 123) (Until now I can be a shoe designer for a shoes brand in Bandung).
3. The insertion of Hybrids Rakasiwi stated it is a combination of word pieces. In this case is a combination between pieces of Indonesian word and English word. Mikhail Bakhtin in Patricia Seed conveyed that hybrid is an utterance that belongs by its grammatical and compositional makers to a single speaker but that actually contains mixed within it two utterances by social differentiation, or by some other factor and become unconsciously mixed. The examples are: a. Partywork sendiri sudah memiliki paket Prom Night yang
(Partywork has Prom Night packet that can be checked from Partywork Indonesia’s website) b. No wonder, kamu sudah mempersiapkan segalanyamulai dari long dress untuk outfit-mu, prom partner, akomodasi, sampai sepatu cadangan seandainya high heels kamu bikin pegal atau haknya patah. (No wonder, you have prepared everything- such as long
accommodation, and back up shoes in case of your high heels make your foot ufortable or its broken)
4. The insertion of word reduplication Word reduplication is the repetition of some parts of the base (which may be the entire base) more than one in the word. Here is the only example: a. Serunya lagi ada subject-subject yang pengajarnya akan mengajak kamu mengamati fashion langsung ke mal, pagelaran busana, sampai ke museum yang ada kaitannya dengan fashion. (May Edition, page 122) (Another enjoyable thing is some subjects that the teacher will invite you to directly observe fashion in mall, dress performance, and to museum that related with fashion.)
5. The insertion of Idioms Hornby (1987: 421) argues that idiom is a Phrase or sentence whose meanings is not obvious through knowledge of
individual meanings of the constituent words but must be learnt as a whole. Idiom is an expression which has a different meaning that of the individual meaning of each of its component parts. The idiom cannot be translated literally from one language into another without some change in its meaning or connotation (Dixson, 1971). Thus, idiom has a different meaning from its origin words. The examples are: a. Jadi, ketika me-makeover diri, antara fisik dan mental, jangan sampai cuma salah satu yang menjadi fokus. (May Edition, page 113) (So, when you makeover yourself, it should be both physically and mentally, don’t just focus on one of them) b. Kamu pasti penasaran dengan update berita terbaru dari mereka. (You must be curious with the update of their current news)
6. The insertion of Clause Shawn (1981: 33) defined clause as a group of words that owning a subject and predicate. Clauses are classified into two:
independent clause and dependent clause. Independent clause can stand themselves as sentence or may appear within sentences as grammatically
(subordinate) cannot stand themselves and therefore the meaning on the reminders of the sentences in which they appear. The examples are: a. Jika memang harus berbicara soal hal ini, be extra careful and
wise. (May Edition, page 125) (If when have to talking about this, be extra careful and wise) b. Kalau sekedar menyebarkan twit yang inspiring saja sudah
bikin kamu happy, it will make someone else happy too. (May Edition, page 126) (If sharing inspiring twit can make you happy, it will make someone else happy too)
3. COMPONETS OF SPEECH (SPEAKING) THEORY BY DELL HYMES Hymes (1974:58) outlined eight elements which influenced of using code mixing. It called as Component of Speech. In short, all the elements are being abbreviated into SPEAKING: a. Situation ( Setting and Scene) Hymes (1974:58) divided situation into setting and scene. The first one is setting. It refers to the time and place of a speech act and, in general, to the physical circumstances. It can be pointed out that setting related with the place where the speech act do.
The second part is scene. It is distinct from setting, designated the “psychological setting”, or the cultural definition of an occasion as a certain type of scene. Within a play on the some stage with the some stage set the dramatic time may shift ‘ten years later”. In daily life the same persons in the same setting may redefine their interaction as a changed type of scene, say, from formal to informal, serious to festive, or the like. Speech act frequently are used to define scenes, and also frequently judged as appropriate or inappropriate in relation scenes. Setting and scene themselves, of course, may be judge as appropriate or inappropriate, happy or unhappy, in relation to each other, from the level of complaint about the weather to that of dramatic irony. Setting and scene may be linked as components of act situation. Scene implies always an analysis or cultural definitions. Setting probably is to be preferred as the informal, unmarked term for the two. b. Participants Hymes (103) explained that participant related to capacities and preferences of sender, receiver, auditor for a variety, plus age and sex. It is also explained further by Rahardi (2001: 30) that participants consist of minimal two speakers or more. Sometimes the conversations that involve many people enable the speaker to switch code. The speakers choosing code involve two dimensions
of human social. It is horizontal dimension (solidarity) and vertical (power). Solidarity is contacts of first speaker and second speaker which have connected before. Whereas power is connected to age, status, etc. c. Ends Ends refer to the purpose of speech. Rahardi (2001: 31) stated that the purpose of an utterance tends to convey information or ideas. It also used to seduce, to persuade, to impress, and many other. The other purpose is to change other people’s behavior and to maintain a good relationship between speaker and addressee in a speech community. d. Act Sequences Act Sequence is pointed out in form and content of utterance. Form of utterance is related with selected word that is used, how to use, and the relationship between the utterance and topic of conversation. Furthermore, Fishman (1972:15) clarify when particular classes of interlocutors talk in a specific sort of occasion, they tend to choose one of many theoretical codes to discuss a certain topic. Topic divided into two types; there are formal and informal topics. Formal topic showed by standard language, neutral style and serious. While informal topic is pointed out by substandard, emotional style and relax. (Suwito, 1985:74)
In just this way, Holmes (1992: 44) stated that people may switch code within a speech event to discuss a particular topic. In Cosmogirl magazine, the writer use code mixing to discuss a particular topic such as fashion, lifestyle etc in an informal forsm. e. Keys Hymes (1974:58) stated that: “The significance of key is underlined by the fact that, when it is in conflict with the overt content of an act, it often overrides the latter (as in sarcasm). The signaling of key may be nonverbal, as with a wink, gesture, posture, style of dress, musical accompaniment, but it also commonly involves convectional units of speech too often disregarded in ordinary linguistic analysis, such as English aspiration and vowel length to signal emphasis. Such features are often termed expressive, but are better dubbed stylistic since they need not at all depend on the mood of their user.” f. Instruments Instrument means the way to deliver a message, by spoken language, written language, phone or telegraph. Also, it related to code of utterances, such as: language, dialect, and register. g. Norms
Two kinds of Norms discussed by Hymes (1974: 61) are including Norms of Interaction and Norms of Interpretation. Norms of Interaction related to the analysis of social culture and social relationship in a community. In the case of norms of interaction, Rahardi (2001:33) give explanation that it refers to the ability of doing something by people when they speak with their partner. Consider, for example, in Javanese speech community, when we will talk to other, but he still have conversation with other people, it is necessary to wait and postpone what would we convey no matter how important and urgent it is. It doesn’t allow interrupting the conversation. The interruption will be considered as a violation of norms, that is a norm of politeness in Javanese speech community. Whereas, norms of interpretation is simply refer to the belief system of a community. For example, (Watson and Graves 1900:976-7) in Hymes (1974:60) giving example that: “Arabic and American students differ on a series of interactional norms: Arabs confront to each other more directly (face to face) when conversing, sit closer to each other, are more likely to touch each other, look each other more squarely in the eye, and converse more loudly.” h. Genres
Genre is about in what form the speech event is happens. As Hymes (1974: 61) clarified that the speech even can be conveyed in several forms as follows: poem, myth, tale, proverb, riddle, curse, prayer, oration, lecture, commercial, form letter, editorial, etc. It can be said, we use different code for different genre.
In this chapter, the writer would like to explain the research method which is consists of research method and data analysis. Research method is divided into: type of research, object of the research, data source, method of data collection, and method of data analysis.
A. RESEARCH METHOD 1. Type of Research The research design of this study is a descriptive qualitative research. It is called qualitative research since it provides a systematic, factual, and accurate description of a situation of area (Issac and Michael, 1987:42). According to Dabbs, “Qualitative refers to the meaning, the definition or analogy or model or metaphor characterizing something. It deals with the meaning of things and one view of meaning associative”.
Besides, the write also applied qualitative method. This method is based on the datas which are words and not about the number (Sudaryanto, 1993:62). In this research, the writer described the forms of code mixing in Cosmogirl magazine of the article in Cosmogirl magazine and explained the factors influencing the use of code mixing in Cosmogirl magazine.
2. Object of The Research The object of the research is code mixing in Cosmogirl magazine. The researcher analyzed code mixing viewed from the forms and the factors of using code mixing in Cosmogirl magazine.
3. Data Sources The sources of the data of this research were the selected articles in Just So You Know (JSYK) Rubrics from three editions of Cosmogirl magazine starting from May to July 2012. The data were the inserting of English code mixing into Indonesian utterances.
4. Method of Data Collection In this research, the writer uses documentation method since the data source in this research is obtained from written text on selected articles in Just So You Know (JSYK) Rubrics of May-July 2012 Edition of Cosmogirl magazine.
According to Kuntjoroningrat, documentation is a method used to get data about some variables like magazine, recording, book and letter (1985: 64). In this study, the writer use selected articles in Just So You Know (JSYK) Rubrics of May-July 2012 Edition of Cosmogirl magazine as the data source and then coding the data. Then the writer focused on the use of code mixing based on the forms and many factors influencing it. 5. Techique of Data Analysis The data were analyzed through the following procedures: a. Data Collection Through this step the writer reads the selected articles in Just So You Know (JSYK) Rubrics of May-July 2012 Edition of Cosmogirl magazine. b. The identification After collecting the data, the writer listed the appropriate and inappropriate data. c. Classification The writer applied the theory proposed by Suwito which is suitable to help classifying data. The writer classified the Indonesian-English code mixing that occurred in Cosmogirl magazine into each forms: inserting of words, inserting of phrase, inserting of reduplication word, inserting of hybrid, inserting of idioms, and Inserting of clause.
d. Data Analysis In this step, the writer also referred to the Components of Speech / SPEAKING theory as proposed by Dell Hymes (1994:3334) which is suitable to identify factors influencing code mixing. This theory is divided into eight: Situation (Setting and Scene), Participants, Ends, Act Sequence, Keys, Instrumentalities, Norms, and Genres. B. DATA PRESENTATION The writer found code mixing on Cosmogirl magazine. The writer provides data presentation as follows: 1. FORMS OF CODE MIXING THE INSERTION OF WORDS A. NOUN 1). As a Subject N.S.1.
Nah, marshmallow yang satu ini berbentuk unik mirip Teddy Bear. (May Edition, page 117)
Cakes dari Laduree juga jadi favorit Miss Blair Waldorf dalam Gossip Girl lho! (June Edition, page 114)
Beberapa flavor yang dikenal adalah Sfusato Lemon, Tonda Gentile Trilobata Hazelnut, Leonforte Peach, dan Bronte Pistachio. (June Edition page 114)
Range harga minumannya cukup bervariasi, mulai dari 2.000 hingga 4.500 KRW. (June Edition, page 115)
Flirting sich boleh saja, tapi kamu harus tahu batasnya. (June Edition, page 135)
Banyak view keren yang jarang kita perhatikan selama pergi ke sekolah atau kampus. (June Edition, page 137)
satu backpack atau koper yang kuat plus
isinya yang tepat untuk dibawa liburan. (June Edition, page 140) N.S.8.
Selain Red Velvet Cake, dessert yang satu ini juga jadi favorit di Goods Diner. (July Edition, page 112)
Reunification Palace menjadi landmark Ho Chi Minh City sekaligus tempat tinggal dan tempat kerja President Vietnam Selatan saat Perang Vietnam. (July Edition, page 119)
Show ini menggunakan puppet, dilakukan di atas air dan digerakkan oleh orang-orang di belakang tirai. (July Edition, page 119)
Enterpreneur harus punya pemikiran yang bagus untuk memahami semua hal tentang bisnis yang ia
jalankan, seperti pola dalam ekonomi, pasar, sampai organisasi. (July Edition, page 121) N.S.12.
Ini dia business unit dari Putera Sampoerna Foundation Indonesia
yang untuk
di dan
sebaliknya. (July Edition, page 121) N.S.13.
Spot asyik yang sering jadi tempat diskusi dan curhat sama teman! (July Edition, page 122)
Pecinta blueberry pasti menyukai minuman yang satu ini. (July Edition, page 112)
2). As an Object N.O. 1.
CosmoGIRL! sejati dapat menjaga keseimbangan antara body and soul. (May Edition, page 113)
N.O. 2.
Supaya lebih irit, kita bisa ikut tour gratis untuk wisatawan tiap jam 11.00 dan 14.00. (May Edition, page 114)
N.O. 3.
Sebenarnya letak Petrin Tower nggak jauh dari Old Town, tapi kita bisa menggunakan tram sampai halte terdekat
Edition, page 114) N.O. 4.
Mulai dari lifestyle sampai
tingkat penganan
keselamatan penduduk Praha. (May Edition, page 115)
N.O. 5.
Hias cupcakes favorit kamu dengan menambahkan M&M’s Milk Chocolate di atasnya. (May Edition, page 117)
N.O. 6.
Nikmati cheese cake dengan Delfi ChaCHa Crispy sebagai topping. (May Edition, page 117)
N.O. 7.
Setelah itu masukkan buttermilk dan aduk perlahan. (May Edition, page 118)
N.O. 8.
Bagi rata adonan untuk tiga loyang sehingga kita akan mendapatkan tiga layer kue. (May Edition, page 118)
N.O. 9.
Serunya lagi ada subject-subject yang pengajarnya akan mengajak kamu mengamati fashion langsung ke mal, pagelaran busana, sampai ke museum yang ada kaitannya dengan fashion. (May Edition, page 122)
N.O. 10.
Soalnya, berkat reputasi dan network yang bagus dari ESMOD, kamu akan ditarik langsung oleh para designer, brand, perusahaan yang tertarik sama hasil karyamu. (May Edition, page 122)
N.O. 11.
Kita bisa saling share karena teman-teman sejurusan punya passion yang sama di bidang fashion. (May Edition, page 123)
N.O. 12.
Kalau sekedar menyebarkan twit yang inspiring saja sudah bikin kamu happy, it will make someone else happy too. (May Edition, page 126)
N.O. 13.
Ada berbagai excitement dalam acara Prom, salah satunya adalah ajang pemilihan Prom King & Queen. (May Edition, page 126)
N.O. 14.
Kita perlu aktif di kelas, rajin mengikuti kepanitiaan dan organisasi, serta eksis di berbagai event sekolah. (May Edition, page 131)
N.O. 15.
Tapi ada juga factor “B” lainnya yang tak kalah penting: brain! (May Edition, page 131)
N.O. 16.
Sebagian besar teman-teman sekolah pasti punya account Facebok, Twitter, atau Google Plus. (May Edition, page 131)
N.O. 17.
Buat proposal beserta budget (perkiraan biaya) yang diperlukan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, serta minta waktu untuk mempresentasikannya. (May Edition, page 131)
N.O. 18.
RAN masih menjadi request yang paling banyak di tiap SMA. (May Edition, page 134)
N.O. 19.
Saat patah semangat, Groovy menantang pride mereka sehingga jadi percaya diri lagi. (May Edition, page 134)
N.O. 20.
Untuk mereka punya rasa saling mendukung, salah satu yang sering Groovy minta adalah panitia menyiapkan video flashback berisi cuplikan foto-foto kenangan misalnya foto saat orientasi sekolah, menyiapkan pensi, atau event lainnya. (May Edition, page 134)
N.O. 21.
Alasannya karena penampilan mereka penuh energy dan bisa menyemangati crowd. (May Edition, page 134)
N.O. 22.
Kunci paling utama adalah teman-teman dari event organizer harus mampu menjadi penyambung crowd agar suasana menjadi cair dan menyatu dalam sebuah acara. (May Edition, page 134)
N.O. 23.
Selalu bawa contoh gambar untuk diperlihatkan ke hairstylist kamu. (May Edition, page 136)
N.O. 24.
Soal outfit, kamu akan memilih tampilan yang beda, you want nothing to do with that typical prom-gown stuff. (May Edition, page 139)
N.O. 25.
Sekitar 15 ribu macam macaron terjual setiap harinya di took kue dan pastry yang berbasis di Paris, Prancis, ini lho! (June Edition, page 114)
N.O. 26.
Sesuai namanya, restoran ini bisa jadi pilihan tepat saat kita mau kasih surprise buat mama di hari
special, misalnya saat hari ulang tahun mama. (June Edition, page 115) N.O. 27.
Resto ini terkenal dengan menu makanan Belanda, seperti Hotchpotch, yaitu stamppot dari mashed potatoes dengan sayuran, sosis, meatball, dan bacon. (June Edition, page 115)
N.O. 28.
Main course-nya berkisar €15, sedangkan untuk dessert bisa didapatkan dengan harga €6. (June Edition, page 115)
N.O. 29.
Untuk dessert, kita bisa coba Bitterkoekjes IceCream atau Dutch Delight. (June Edition, page 115)
N.O. 30.
Antoinette, Antoinette Burger, Crepes. (June Edition, page 115) N.O. 31.
Atau Saint Honore L’amour seharga S$8.5 yang terbuat dari choux pastry, rose petal cream, dan almond.( June Edition, page 115)
N.O. 32.
Garlic custard agak sulit, dari gimana caranya supaya kita bisa dapat essence yang tepat. (June Edition, page 116)
N.O. 33.
Bahan yang unusual untuk dimasak adalah snail, waktu itu aku pernah bikin pasta dengan snail. (June Edition, page 116)
N.O. 34.
Kalau pengen jadi chef, kalian harus banyak belajar teknik masak. (page 116)
N.O. 35.
Saya menikmati dinner di Old Lahaina Luau. (June Edition, page 120)
N.O. 36.
Aku Modern Hall karena memiliki desain yang inovatif tapi luxury. (June Edition, page 121)
N.O. 37.
Aku mengunjungi sedikitnya 12 pantai yang berbeda untuk snorkeling dan sunbathing.( June Edition, page 121)
N.O. 38.
Pilih lagu upbeat supaya lebih bersemangat. (June Edition, page 128)
N.O. 39.
Dari pada bengong di rumah karena kondisi keuangan yang pas-pasan, coba dech jadi volunteer untuk event musik atau konser.( June Edition, page 134)
N.O. 40.
Inilah saatnya kamu menghirup udara segar di pagi hari, dan membentuk badan dengan olahraga seperti jogging atau bersepeda. (June Edition, page 134)
N.O. 41.
Selama ini, kita memilih untuk telepon atau chatting dengan teman-teman sekolah. (June Edition, page 134)
N.O. 42.
Asah otak dengan kegiatan lebih fun seperti main scrabble, puzzle, atau baca buku best seller. (June Edition, page 137)
N.O. 43.
Di sana kamu tiap pagi santai di pantai, siangnya wisata kuliner, sore hari menjajal olahraga ekstrem seperti surfing atau parasailing, dan malamnya untuk clubbing.( June Edition, page 139)
N.O. 44.
Ingat girls, tujuan utama liburan bukan cuma having fun. (June Edition, page 139)
N.O. 45.
Kalaupun kamu liburan di rumah saja, gunakan waktumu untuk berolahraga, memasak, atau membuat kerajinan tangan (crafts, scrapbook, dan lain-lain). (June Edition, page 139)
N.O. 46.
Jangan khawatir, girls! (June Edition, page 139 )
N.O. 47.
Kalau sudah menentukan lokasi liburan, browsing dan research bisa lebih spesifik dan lebih fokus. (June Edition, page 140)
N.O. 48.
Sebaliknya, jangan juga mengisi liburanmu hanya dengan tidur, main games di computer, atau bermalas-malasan di depan tv. (June Edition, page 139)
N.O. 49.
Biarpun namanya liburan, pasti ada saatnya butuh menghibur diri sendiri, seperti saat menunggu
boarding atau saat cuaca nggak memungkinkan kita keluar. (June Edition, page 140) N.O. 50.
Sereal dalam kemasan kecil juga bisa jadi bekal yang praktis dan sehat sebagai snack. (June Edition, page 140)
N.O. 51.
Pilih backpacking atau yang lebih lux? (June Edition, page 140)
N.O. 52.
Lupakan rasa kurang percaya diri yang disebabkan kesadaran kita akan kelemahan yang kita miliki, maupun yang dikarenakan pada bully dan hater yang selalu berusaha menjatuhkan kita. (July Edition, page 111 )
N.O. 53.
Pas banget buat kalian yang suka seafood. (July Edition, page 112)
N.O. 54.
Kiwi harajuku adalah mocktail yang terdiri dari potongan buah kiwi dan jus lemon. (July Edition, page 112)
N.O. 55.
Selesai menikmati main course, sekaranglah saatnya mencicipi dessert dari café Aria. (July Edition, page 112)
N.O. 56.
Resto yang didominasi white bricks dan kayu ini memadukan konsep American classic dengan Asian
maupun Mexican untuk pilihan menu. (July Edition, page 112) N.O. 57.
Ingin mencicipi burger dengan nacho? (July Edition, page 112)
N.O. 58.
Kehangatan dan kenikmatan cokelat bercampur dengan tiga potong marshmallow besar di atasnya. (July Edition, page 113)
N.O. 59.
Selain itu, yang tak boleh lupa untuk dicoba adalah hangout di The Orbit, tempat recommended di Segarra yang cocok sekali untuk melihat sunset sambil bersantai. (July Edition, page 116)
N.O. 60.
Oh ya, kita juga bisa booking Segarra untuk birthday party, gathering, dan konser musik, lho. (July Edition, page 116)
N.O. 61.
Mereka membuka open recruitment dengan beberapa tahapan sebelum kita resmi jadi member. (July Edition, page 120 )
N.O. 62.
Tahapan yang aku lewati yaitu penyaringan melalui form, focus group discussion, dan interview. (July Edition, page 120 )
N.O. 63.
membentuk mimpi kita karena kita jadi tahu
kemampuan dan passion diri sendiri. (July Edition, page 120) N.O. 64.
Nah, kalau kuliah di SSB, MEKAR Enterpreneur Network pasti akan membantu kamu mengasah kemampuan bisnis, mulai dari berbagai ide sampai memperluas networking. (July Edition, page 121)
N.O. 65.
Apalagi, ada kesempatan internship sehingga kita bisa bertemu calon investor dan menarik mereka agar menginvestasikan modal di usaha yang kita rintis. (July Edition, page 121)
N.O. 66.
Tapi kamu juga bakal belajar bikin soal psikotes dan assessment (identifikasi dan analisa suatu informasi). (July Edition, page 122)
N.O. 67.
Salah satu penyebab bullying masih banyak terjadi adalah karena isu ini sering dianggap enteng oleh orang-orang, sehingga para pelaku bullying nggak diberi treatment yang seharusnya. (July Edition, page 125)
N.O. 68.
Sebelumnya Shawn telah mengembangkan Napster dan Rupture dan dia sukses berada di cover majalah Time karena keberhasilannya membuat Napster. (July Edition, page 126)
N.O. 69.
David Karp masih berumur 25 tahun dan sekarang menjadi entrepreneur yang tinggal di New York. (July Edition, page 126)
N.O. 70.
Karp pernah mencoba sekolah di Bronx Science kemudian umur 15 tahun dia memilih untuk homeschooling. (July Edition, page 126)
N.O. 71.
Pinboard style yang membuat penggunanya bisa mengatur semua koleksi image mulai dari events, hobi, dan interest hingga berbagai inspirasi yang bisa datang ke kita melalui pin yang ada. (July Edition, page 127)
N.O. 72.
Beda dengan founder sosial media lain, latar belakang Ben justru sekolah di bagian medis dan pernah bergabung di perusahaan besar Google. (July Edition, page 127)
N.O. 73.
Foursquare bernama Dodgeball untuk tesisnya di Interactive Telecommucations Program, New York University. (July Edition, page 127) N.O. 74.
Sebenarnya SoundCloud dibuat di Stockholm, Swedia tapi kemudian didirikan di Jerman pertengahan 2007 oleh sound engineer Alexander Ljung dan artist Eric Wahlforss. (July Edition, page 128)
N.O. 75.
Selain dapat sample barang gratis, kamu juga bias mendapat honor yang disesuaikan dengan produk yang kamu coba. (July Edition, page 130)
N.O. 76.
Sekarang, siapa sih yang nggak punya account Twitter? (July Edition, page 131)
N.O. 77.
Aktif dan punya ‘kedekatan’ dengan follower. (July Edition, page 131)
N.O. 78.
Tapi, untuk yang tergabung dalam perusahaan survey, akan menerima bayaran perbulan sebagai gaji karyawan. (July Edition, page 131)
N.O. 79.
Misalnya, kalau brand-nya bergerak di bidang kesehatan, pasti buzzer yang dipilih harus paham dan sering update tweet seputar masalah kesehatan. (July Edition, page 131)
N.O. 80.
Meja belajar termasuk spot yang paling sering kamu gunakan selain tempat tidur. (July Edition, page 134)
N.O. 81.
Tembok meja belajar termasuk bagian paling penting yang mempengaruhi mood belajar kita. (July Edition, page 134)
N.O. 82.
Selain bikin mata jadi kembali segar, ada efek happiness saat meletakkan bunga di atas meja belajar lho. (July Edition, page 134)
N.O. 83.
You’re totally real, dan cowok-cowok suka kenyataan bahwa kamu betul-betul menarik dan bukannya cuma suka flirting untuk mencari perhatian. (July Edition, page 136)
N.O. 84.
Selera humormu membuat dia mengira kamu lucu, cool, dan down to earth. (July Edition, page 136)
N.O. 85.
Asah otak dengan kegiatan lebih fun seperti main scrabble, puzzle, atau baca buku best seller. (June Edition, page 137)
B. Verb V.1.
Porsi makanan di Praha bisa dua kali lipat dari pada Indonesia, jadi kita bisa sharing dengan teman-teman. (May Edition page 114),
Minta papa mama kamu menceritakan kisah cinta saat mereka pertama kali berkenalan, atau coba kamu share pengalaman masa kecil yang paling berkesan. (June Edition, page 128)
Resto yang satu ini recommended buat kalian yang mau menikmati kuliner khas Jepang dalam suasana yang homey dan cozy. (July Edition, page 113)
C. Adjective Adj1.
Salah satunya untuk menenangkan kita saat lagi bad mood. (May Edition, page 115)
Adj2. Adj3.
Selain wangi cokelatnya yang menggoda, M&M’s juga terlihat colorful. (May Edition, page 117) CG! juga setuju kalau proverb ini juga mengingatkan kita untuk nggak jadi orang yang terlalu snoopy, nosy, and gossipy. (May Edition, page 125)
Kalau pintar membacanya, kita bisa lebih peka menyikapi gerak-gerik orang lain (baca: jadi lebih aware kapan harus maju atau justru stay back) (May Edition, page 126 )
Pastikan dari ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki happy terus. (May Edition, page 126 )
Otomatis kalau otak happy, ia akan memberi kode pada tubuh bagian lain untuk merasa happy juga. (May Edition, page 126 )
Kalau sekedar menyebarkan twit yang inspiring saja sudah bikin kamu happy, it will make someone else happy too. (May Edition, page 126)
Konsepnya outdoor di Gedung Arsip Nasional yang dipenuhi taman-taman dan bangunan klasik. (May Edition, page 134)
Akhir-akhir ini K-Pop benar-benar booming. (May Edition, page 134)
berkesan nggak
merepotkan. (May Edition, page 134) Adj11.
Selain itu ada legendary Kalua Pork yang dimasak dengan panggangan bawah tanah tradisional khas Hawaii, juga Taro Salad, Lomi Lomi Salmon, Musubi, Pulehu Steak, dan Guave Glazed Chicken. (June Edition, 121)
Berbeda dengan naik mobil atau kereta yang lebih banyak
umumnya lebih smooth. (June Edition, page 129 ) Adj13.
Pastikan kehadiran si dia bisa menambah unsur fun dalam liburanmu. (June Edition, page 135)
Kamu pasti penasaran dengan update berita terbaru dari mereka. (June Edition, page 137)
Pasti banyak yang tertarik dengan barang-barang milik cewek stylish sepertimu. (June Edition, page 137)
Pilih backpacking atau yang lebih lux? (June Edition, page 140)
Soalnya, interior resto yang satu ini memang didesain dengan konsep homey. (July Edition, page 112)
Resto yang satu ini recommended buat kalian yang mau menikmati kuliner khas Jepang dalam suasana yang homey dan cozy. (July Edition, page 113)
Pizza dough-nya empuk dan crispy ditambah salmon yang gurih. (July Edition, page 113)
The famous Be Thanh market di Ho Chi Minh City kirakira gabungan antara Mangga Dua dan Pasar Baru di Jakarta. (July Edition, page 119)
Pengajar berkualitas dan friendly yang sebagian besar dari luar negeri. (July Edition, page 121)
Di jaman serba mobile seperti sekarang, berbagi pesan pun jadi lebih gampang. (July Edition, page 130)
D. Conjunction Conj1.
Di satu sisi, it may bother you but to some people it may inspire. (May Edition, page 125)
Well anyway, dengan mengenal orang-orang baru kita bisa belajar untuk menghadapi berbagai karakter yang berbeda. (June Edition,page 127)
Last but not least, kalau orangtuamu juga libur dan memiliki banyak waktu luang selama masa liburanmu, kalian sekeluarga bisa menggunakannya untuk campaign atau family outbound. (June Edition, page 133)
Atau kalau kamu sedang liburan keluarga, dan pasti sungkan untuk mengenalkannya pada orangtuamu, at least ajak adikmu atau sepupu buat say hi. (June Edition, page 135)
2. THE INSERTION OF PHRASE A. Noun Phrase 1) As a subject NP.S.1.
Tour guide biasanya memakai kaos dan payung kuning dan menunggu di dekat Astronomical Clock. (May Edition, page 114)
Candy shell pada bagian luar cokelat ini sangat tipis. (May Edition, page 117)
Dalam menghadapi persaingan, a true queen akan bersikap kompetitif namun tetap sportif. (May Edition, page 131)
Selain penampilan menarik, a true prom queen harus berwawasan luas dan memiliki nilai akademis yang baik. (May Edition, page 131)
Dalam menghadapi persaingan, a true queen akan bersikap kompetitif namun tetap sportif. (May Edition, page 131)
Request theme seperti Hawaii atau Mask Party pernah kita kerjakan. (May Edition, page 134)
Kalau top list masih dipegang oleh Hip Hop Dancers! (May Edition, page 134)
Sequin dress dan gliterry eyeshadow bisa bikin kamu bersinar saat Prom Nite. (May Edition, page 136)
Dancing all night long dengan sepatu barumu itu akan beresiko kaki lecet. (May Edition, page 136)
Salah satu pemilik franchise coffee ini dikelola oleh keluarga Yesung Super Junior. (June Edition, page 115)
Berbagai French classic dessert yang enak bisa kita temukan di sini. (June Edition, page 115)
Cobain juga Café Caramel seharga S$8, almond
tart yang diolah dari caramel dan
coffee mousse. (June Edition, page115) NP.S.13.
Garlic custard agak sulit, dari gimana caranya supaya kita bisa dapat essence yang tepat. (June Edition, page 116)
Worst case scenario, kalau memang dia kelihatan
untuk berkenalan
berteman denganmu, toh kemungkinan besar kamu nggak akan bertemu lagi dengannya. (June Edition, page 134) NP.S.15.
Inspiring quotes yang bikin kita tersenyum juga bisa kita tempelkan. (July Edition, page 134)
2) As a Object NP.O. 1.
Aku juga sempat menonton organ concert di gereja St. Giles yang terletak di Old Town. (May Edition, page 115)
NP.O. 2.
Salah satunya untuk menenangkan kita saat lagi bad mood. (May Edition, page 115)
NP.O. 3.
Memang tempat duduknya jadi agak jauh, yaitu di second balcony, tapi hal itu bukan masalah besar kok saat kita sudah berada di dalam gedung. (May Edition, page 115)
NP.O. 4.
Di daerah
ini juga
cemetery, yakni Basilica of St. Peter dan St. Paul. (May Edition, page 115)
NP.O. 5.
Bagian dalamnya adalah milk chocolate yang mengandung kakao, cocoa butter, dan gula. (May Edition, page 117)
NP.O. 6.
Nikmati cheese cake dengan Delfi ChaCHa Crispy sebagai topping. (May Edition, page 117)
NP.O. 7.
Yup, cemilan ini memang mengandung cocoa powder. (May Edition, page 117)
NP.O. 8.
Campurkan cocoa powder dan pewarna makanan. (May Edition, page 118)
NP.O. 9.
Tambahkan vanilla essence, aduk adonan dengan spatula sampai warnanya merata. (May Edition, page 118)
NP.O. 10.
Mau jadi Assistant Designer, Fashion Stylist, Fashion Journalist,
jadi Fashion
Designer, itu semua tergantung kamu. (May Edition, page 122) NP.O. 11.
Kita bisa jadi time traveler, lho. (May Edition, page 123)
NP.O. 12.
Yang nggak kalah seru, aku bisa mendalami dan praktik ilmu yang aku dapat dengan magang sebagai Acecories Designer di sebuah
brand accessory selama beberapa bulan. (May Edition, page 123) NP.O. 13.
Sampai akhirnya sekarang aku bisa menjadi shoe designer untuk sebuah brand sepatu di Bandung. (May Edition, page 123)
NP.O. 14.
Kedua anggota badan ini menjadi salah satu reading tool yang kuat. (May Edition, page 126)
NP.O. 15.
Karena itu, mendingan kita banyakin senyum, soalnya memasang happy face itu cuma menggerakkan 3 otot wajah yang terbukti relaxing. (May Edition, page 126)
NP.O. 16.
Soalnya, saat kita mulai menggerakkan badan, otak akan melepas endorphins (the happy chemicals) sebagai respon atas aktivitas tubuh yang meningkat. (May Edition, page 126)
NP.O. 17.
Ada berbagai excitement dalam acara Prom ,salah satunya adalah ajang pemilihan Prom King & Queen. (May Edition, page 131)
NP.O. 18.
Sayangnya, nggak semua cewek tahu makna sebenarnya menyandang gelar Prom Queen. (May Edition, page 131)
NP.O. 19.
Banyak teman CG! yang menyangka billa namanya terpilih sebagai salah satu calon Prom Queen, maka dia bisa bersikap angkung layaknya seorang diva. (May Edition, page 131)
NP.O. 20.
Nah, justru karena cerita- cerita behind the scene ini lah sebuah Prom Night jadi semakin berkesan. (May Edition, page 134)
NP.O. 21.
Mewujudkan ‘mimpi’ mereka dan acara Prom Night menjadi berkesan adalah bagian dari tugas sebuah party organizer. (May Edition, page 134)
NP.O. 22.
Selain suasananya berkesan lebih nyaman dan memorable, kita nggak perlu dress code yang merepotkan. (May Edition, page 134)
NP.O. 23.
Selain itu, ada juga futuristic theme dengan dominasi lampu dan layar besar LED yang membawa suasana jadi lebih seru. (May Edition, page 134)
NP.O. 24.
Kunci paling utama adalah teman-teman dari event
penyambung crowd agar suasana menjadi cair
dan menyatu dalam sebuah acara. (May Edition, page 134) NP.O. 25.
Kunci paling utama adalah teman-teman dari event
penyambung crowd agar suasana menjadi cair dan menyatu dalam sebuah acara. (May Edition, page 134) NP.O. 26.
Foto-foto bareng teman se-geng dan slow dance dengan pacar. (May Edition, page 136)
NP.O. 27.
Simpan jauh-jauh niat untuk melabrak junior yang datang dengan dress seksi atau cewek yang sengaja menyenggolmu di dance floor. (May Edition, page 136)
NP.O. 28.
Sudah beli heels cantik, dan siapkan flat shoes bling-bling sebagai alternatif in case of any emergency. (May Edition, page 139)
NP.O. 29.
No wonder, kamu sudah mempersiapkan segalanya- mulai dari long dress untuk outfitmu, prom partner, akomodasi, sampai sepatu cadangan seandainya highheels kamu bikin pegal atau haknya patah. (May Edition, page 139)
NP.O. 30.
Kamu lebih suka menggunakan akhir pekanmu dengan produktif walau tetap having fun: pergi ke gym, menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga, atau mengerjakan tugas sekolah. (May Edition, page 139)
NP.O. 31.
something flowy, comfortable and effortelessjust like you! (May Edition, page 139) NP.O. 32.
Tapi bukannya berdandan cantik seperti cewek-cewek umumnya, Liz Gillies memilih tampilan vampire look. (May Edition, page 140)
NP.O. 33.
Kalau nggak berani ‘traveling’ keluar dari comfort zone kita, dunia kita bakalan seputar itu-itu aja lho. (June Edition, page 113)
NP.O. 34.
Tempat ini terkenal berkat reality show dari TLC yang berjudul DC Cupcakes pada tahun 2010. (June Edition, page 114)
NP.O. 35.
Kenal dengan double-decker macaron? (June Edition, page 114)
NP.O. 36.
Ada baguette dengan French butter, Salade Antoinette, Antoinette Burger, Crepes. (June Edition, page 115)
NP.O. 37.
Gimana dengan fast food? (June Edition, page 116)
NP.O. 38.
Tambahan tepung dan campuran yang tersisa untuk membuat stiff dough. (June Edition, page 116)
NP.O. 39.
Kalau bisa masak sendiri, kenapa harus beli fast food? (June Edition, page 116)
NP.O. 40.
Seperti memasuki fantasy land, kita harus melewati Hana Highway sebelum sampai ke Black Sand Beach. (June Edition, page 120)
NP.O. 41.
Virtually all of it through lush, tropical rainforest, dan di tiap jembatan ada air terjun yang
keindahannya. (June Edition, page 120) NP.O. 42.
Bentuk restorannya memakai buffet style yang authentic.( June Edition, page 120)
NP.O. 43.
Maui memang tempat terbaikuntuk melihat humpback whales. (June Edition, page 120)
NP.O. 44.
dari pertengahan
hingga pertengahan July, humpback whales menetap dan mengelilingi pulau Maui. (June Edition,page 120)
NP.O. 45.
Karena nggak bisa main games yang ada di HP
Sarankan kamu bawa board games seperti ular tangga, catur, uno, atau monopoli. (June Edition, page 120) NP.O. 46.
Aku menginap 2 malam di Modern Hotelsekitar 5 menit dari Ala Moana Shopping Mall dan shopping district Kalakua Avenue. (June Edition, page 121)
NP.O. 47.
Kebiasaan unik yang aku temukan adalah Hawaiian Shaka sign gestures. (June Edition, page 121)
NP.O. 48.
Gerakan tangan ini selalu digunakan untuk friendly approach atau segabai pengertian di antara perbedaan budaya tiap etnis yang menetap di Hawaii. (June Edition, page 121)
NP.O. 49.
Karena itu saat SMA aku masuk dalam ekskul modern dance. (June Edition, page 123)
NP.O. 50.
Bawa segala macam portable gadget game yang kamu punya. (June Edition, page 128
NP.O. 51.
Pasang lagu favorit di CD player mobil, lalu sing along bareng keluarga dan temantemanmu. (June Edition, page 128)
NP.O. 52.
Liburan seharusnya bikin kamu senang, rileks, dan
menghadapi rutinitas. (June Edition, page 129) NP.O. 53.
Nggak ada salahnya kamu menggunakan waktu yang ada untuk beauty sleep. (June Edition, page 129)
NP.O. 54.
Simpan dulu portable gadget atau tablet milikmu.
NP.O. 55.
Waktunya bermain dengan board games seperti Monopoli dan Scrabble. (June Edition, page 132)
NP.O. 56.
Misalnya pertandingan main course ala tim cewek versus dessert yang dibuat tim cowok. ( June Edition, 132)
NP.O. 57.
Di rumahmu tentu masih tersimpan albumalbum foto lama, atau bahkan home video dari berbagai event keluarga yang sudah lalu. (June Edition, page 132)
NP.O. 58.
Atau cari foto-foto orangtuamu ketika masih muda, kamu dan adikmu bisa melihat-lihat gaya rambut dan fashion style mereka. (June Edition, page 133)
NP.O. 59.
Padahal, CG! bilang kegiatan ini masih bisa jadi family time yang menyenangkan,lho! (June Edition, page 133)
NP.O. 60.
Last but not least, kalau orangtuamu juga libur dan memiliki banyak waktu luang selama masa liburanmu, kalian sekeluarga bisa menggunakannya untuk campaign atau family outbound. (June Edition, page 133)
NP.O. 61.
Adanya teknologi BBM, YM, Skype dan berbagai social media biasanya bikin kita jadi hidup serba praktis.(June Edition, page 134)
NP.O. 62.
Kumpulkan semua pakaianmu itu bersama teman lain dan bikin ‘garage sale’. (June Edition, page 134)
NP.O. 63.
Sering-sering pergi ke restoran baru atau hang out places seru yang belum pernah kamu datangi. (June Edition, page 134)
NP.O. 64.
Jangan sampai kita tetap makan junk food padahal ada makanan enak yang jauh lebih sehat di dekatmu. (June Edition, page 134)
NP.O. 65.
Meskipun dia terlihat sangat baik dan sopan, ingatlah bahwa cowok yang kamu kenal di
lokasi liburan bisa dibilang a total stranger. (June Edition, page 135) NP.O. 66.
Kamu bisa punya tour guide gratis! (June Edition, page 135)
NP.O. 67.
selanjutnya, siap-siap menjalani long distance relationship. (June Edition, page 135) NP.O. 68.
Asah otak dengan kegiatan lebih fun seperti main scrabble, puzzle, atau baca buku best seller. (June Edition, page 137)
NP.O. 69.
Ingat girls, tujuan utama liburan bukan cuma having fun. (June Edition, page 139)
NP.O. 70.
Contohnya, apakah kamu perlu membeli alatalat tulis, seragam baru, menambah koleksi flat shoes untuk kuliah, merapikan dan mendekorasi meja belajar supaya lebih apik, dan sebagainya. (June Edition, page 139)
NP.O. 71.
Kalau kamu mencontreng salah satu atau semua check list di atas, artinya kamu mengalami Post Holiday Syndrome. (June Edition, page 139)
NP.O. 72.
Misalnya, wisata kuliner ke kantin-kantin fakultas, atau nonton foreign language films
yang bisa membuatmu merasa sedang pergi ke luar negeri. (June Edition, page 139) NP.O. 73.
sama orang yang pernah
berkunjung ke lokasi pilihan liburanmu untuk mendapatkan
secara detil, bahkan hal-hal yang mungkin nggak ditemui di web atau travel blogs. (June Edition, page 140) NP.O. 74.
Yuph, hanya dengan cara ini kita bisa tahu what to expect- dari persiapan sampai ke operasional. (June Edition, page 140)
NP.O. 75.
Jangan sampai melakukan hal-hal yang membahayakan diri sendiri seperti nggak nolak ajakan teman bungee jumping padahal kamu hyper phobia. (June Edition, page 140 )
NP.O. 76.
Plus, tambahan poached egg seharga Rp 5.000,-. (July Edition, page 112)
NP.O. 77.
Diolah dari Espresso, cokelat, Hersey, fresh milk, dan whipped cream. (July Edition, page 112)
NP.O. 78.
Selesai menikmati main course, sekaranglah saatnya mencicipi dessert dari café Aria. (July Edition, page 112)
NP.O. 79.
Dessert yang diolah dari bua pir dan almond ini disajikan dengan potongan buah stroberi dan warm walnut ice cream. (July Edition, page 112)
NP.O. 80.
Resto yang didominasi white bricks dan kayu ini memadukan konsep American classic dengan Asian maupun Mexican untuk pilihan menu. (July Edition, page 112)
NP.O. 81.
Pilihan menu pembuka yang terdiri dari roast tomato, garlic croutons, dan potongan buah alpukat. (July Edition, page 112)
NP.O. 82.
Kita bisa menikmati Caesar Salad dengan grilled shrimp ataupun chicken breast. (July Edition, page 112)
NP.O. 83.
Selain bisa mencicipi makanan, kita juga bisa melihat-lihat
equipment. (July Edition, page 113) NP.O. 84.
Rasanya semakin nikmat dengan tambahan apple caramel dan es krim di atasnya. (July Edition, page 113)
NP.O. 85.
Nggak hanya interiornya, konsep Tokove juga menarik lho, all about DIY and homemade. (July Edition, page 113)
NP.O. 86.
Teh hijau dicampur krim vanilla plus crumble biscuit pada bagian atas tiramisu. (July Edition, page 113)
NP.O. 87.
Di acara ini, ada pemberian penghargaan kepada salah seorang loyal costumer dan manajer Starbucks. (July Edition, page 116)
NP.O. 88.
merupakan best seller mocktail yang nggak boleh dilewatkan. (July Edition, page 116) NP.O. 89.
Sekitar Chi Chi Tunnels terdapat National Defence
merupakan shooting area. (July Edition, page 116) NP.O. 90.
Di acara ini, ada pemberian penghargaan kepada salah seorang loyal costumer dan manajer Starbucks. (July Edition, page 116)
NP.O. 91.
Salah satu makanan khas Vietnam, Banh trang tron, terbuat dari rice paper lalu dipotong panjang dan tipis. (July Edition, page 119)
NP.O. 92.
Be Thanh tutup sekitar jam 6 malam dan digantikan oleh night market di sebelahnya yang buka sampai jam12 malam. (July Edition, page 119)
NP.O. 93.
Selain melayani pengiriman surat, Central Post Office menjual berbagai souvenir, paper weight, perangko, kartu pas, sampai bukubuku sejarah Vietnam. (July Edition, page 119)
NP.O. 94.
Sejak masuk jurusan Hubungan International FISIP UNPAD Bandung, banyak banget kegiatan yang mau aku ikutin seperti panitia acara malam keakraban, stage manager, pengurus
Medik di FISIP UNPAD. (July Edition, page 120) NP.O. 95.
Mereka membuka open recruitment dengan beberapa tahapan sebelum kita resmi jadi member. (July Edition, page 120)
NP.O. 96.
Tahapan yang aku lewati yaitu penyaringan melalui form, focus group discussion, dan interview. (July Edition, page 120)
NP.O. 97.
Selain itu kita dilatih cara memimpin berbagai social project, contohnya Project Culture. (July Edition, page 120)
NP.O. 98.
Untuk jangka panjang, aku ingin menjadi seorang dream coach dan banyak langkah
yang harus dipersiapkan sebelum mencapai itu semua. (July Edition, page 120) NP.O. 99.
Untuk jangka panjang, aku ingin menjadi seorang dream coach dan banyak langkah yang harus dipersiapkan sebelum mencapai itu semua. (July Edition, page 120)
NP.O. 100.
Perbedaan dengan social media lain biasanya Path terbatas untuk close friends, anggota keluarga, dan beberapa teman hang out. (July Edition, page 126)
NP.O. 101.
Saat berumur 14 tahun, Karp kerja dengan produser animasi bernama Fred Seibert kemudian pindah sebagai software consultant di UrbanBaby tahun 2006. (July Edition, page 126)
NP.O. 102.
software architect di Sony Music. (July Edition, page 127) NP.O. 103.
Awalnya mereka bekerja sama untuk membuat project multi-featured HTML5 di Burbn khusus untuk mobile photography. Edition, page 127)
NP.O. 104.
Kevin dan Mike adalah lulusan Standford University dan profesi keduanya memang sebagai software engineer. (July Edition, page 127)
NP.O. 105.
Sebenarnya SoundCloud dibuat di Stockholm, Swedia tapi kemudian didirikan di Jerman pertengahan
Alexander Ljung dan artist Eric Wahlforss. (July Edition, page 128) NP.O. 106.
Sebelum membuat Soundcloud, Alex adalah sound designer dan jadi business advisor. (July Edition, page 128)
NP.O. 107.
adalah sampai
feature tahun
writer dan
mendirikan perusahaan AdaptiveBlue yang juga melahirkan GetGlue. (July Edition, page 128) NP.O. 108.
Apalagi kalau kamu menjadi seat filler program acara di TV yang sering mengulang pengambilan gambar. (July Edition, page 131)
NP.O. 109.
Contohnya, untuk award ceremony, kamu disarankan memakai dress formal. (July Edition, page 131)
NP.O. 110.
Jadi, dengan bad teacher sekalipun, kamu bisa tetap jadi great student. (July Edition, page 133)
B. Verb Phrase VP.1.
Jika memang harus berbicara soal hal ini, be extra careful and wise. (May Edition, page 125)
Kalau pintar membacanya, kita bisa lebih peka menyikapi gerak-gerik orang lain (baca: jadi lebih aware kapan harus maju atau justru stay back) (May Edition, page 126)
Di saat bicara sama orang lain, kita bisa membaca kalau orang itu tertarik- baik sama pembicaraan atau just plain
you- dari
pandangan matanya. (May Edition, page 126) VP.4.
Do a flash test untuk memastikan dress kamu nggak tembus pandang ketika disorot cahaya kamera. (May Edition, page 136)
Padahal menurutku tujuan utama dari Prom adalah untuk have a good time. (May Edition, page 140)
Ini adalah cara penduduk local untuk say hello,
“alright”,”cool”, dilakukan
sebenarnya “hang
yang teriak
“ALOHHA!”. (June Edition, page 121)
C. Prepositional Phrase PP.1.
Ada juga squid with lemongrass. (June
Edition, page 115)
D. Adjective Phrase Adj.P.1.
Pada dasarnya menjadi terkenal atau popular itu jauh lebih mudah daripada menjadi orang yang well known. (May Edition, page 131)
Sebaliknya menciptakan
kalau situasi
berpotensi complicated”,
mendingan dihindari deh! (June Edition, page 135) E. Adverbial Phrase Adv.P.1.
Tempat yang dibuka pada bulan Oktober 1994 ini memiliki interior yang homey, perfect for enjoying a nice iced Coffee. (June Edition, page 115) Sudah beli heels cantik, dan siapkan flat shoes bling-bling sebagai alternatif in case of any emergency. (May Edition, page 139) 65
3. THE INSERTION OF HYBRIDS a. Jadi, ketika me-makeover diri, antara fisik dan mental, jangan sampai cuma salah satu yang menjadi fokus. (May Edition, page 113) b. Tenang, kamu bisa ambil short course-nya yang berdurasi 5 minggu atau 75 jam belajar. (May Edition, page 122) c. Jadi manusia (hampir) sempurna bukan berarti nggak perlu self-defense, seperti Captain America yang identik dengan shield-nya. (May Edition, page 131) d. Partywork sendiri sudah memiliki paket Prom Night yang bisa di-check melalui website Partywork Indonesia. (May Edition, page 134) e. No wonder, kamu sudah mempersiapkan segalanyamulai dari long dress untuk outfit-mu, prom partner, akomodasi, sampai sepatu cadangan seandainya highheels kamu bikin pegal atau haknya patah. (May Edition, page 139) f. Resep cupcake-nya pun diperoleh dari nenek mereka. (June Edition, page 114)
g. Main course-nya berkisar €15, sedangkan untuk dessert bisa didapatkan dengan harga €6. ( June Edition, page 115) h. Daripada nge-bully, lebih baik mempererat solidarits dan saling membantu dalam menonjolkan kelebihan yang kita miliki dan saling mendukung dalam meraih mimpi. (July Edition, page 111) i. Rasa blueberry-nya begitu terasa. (July Edition, page 112) j. Setahun kemudian, Karp pun membuat Tumblr sebagai project-nya. (July Edition, page 126) k. Selvadurai dan Crowley kemudian memiliki ide untuk membuat
penggunanya bisa mem-bookmark dan menjelajahi berbagai tempat, hanya melalui mobile phone(July Edition, page 127) l. Pekerjaan-pekerjaan berikut ini memang nggak ‘kelihatan’, tapi bukan berarti nggak ada value-nya lho. (July Edition, page 130) m. Misalnya, kalau brand-nya bergerak di bidang kesehatan, pasti buzzer yang dipilih harus paham dan sering update tweet seputar masalah kesehatan. (July Edition, page 131)
Serunya lagi ada subject-subject yang pengajarnya akan mengajak kamu mengamati fashion langsung ke mal, pagelaran busana, sampai ke museum yang ada kaitannya dengan fashion. (May Edition, page 122)
Jadi, ketika me-makeover diri, antara fisik dan mental, jangan sampai cuma salah satu yang menjadi fokus. (May Edition, page 113)
Aku sempat menyesal karena terlalu fokus untuk bikin desain yang up to date. (May Edition, page 123)
Psssst.. yang ini bukan gaya melet ala photo box, melaiankan
terangan. (May Edition, page 126) Id.4.
Jadi bukan hanya hangout dengan gang atau sekelompok orang yang itu-itu saja. (May Edition, page 131)
Tapi CG! bilang sayang banget kalau prom nite hanya kamu gunakan untuk hangout dengan mereka. (May Edition, page 139)
Kamu akan mingle, hanging out dengan sebanyakbanyaknya teman yang datang ke acara tersebut. ! (May Edition, page 139)
Old stories are never out-of-date, topic ini nggak pernah membosankan. (June Edition, page 128)
Selera humormu membuat dia mengira kamu lucu, cool, dan down to earth. (July Edition, page 136)
Nggak jarang gara-gara ucapan dan adu mulut, bad things happen. (May Edition, page 125)
Jika memang harus berbicara soal ini, be extra careful and wise. (May Edition, page 125)
Di satu sisi, it may bother you but to some people it may inspire. (May Edition, page 125)
Seperti Mumble di film Happy Feet, dancing does get you in a happy mood. (May Edition, page 126)
Yuk cari tahu perbedaannya, and soon you’ll be a true Prom Queen. (May Edition, page 131)
Datang ke prom dengan kereta kuda memang sepertinya romantic, but you probably don’t consider the smell. (May Edition, page 136)
Mereka buka peramal yang bisa baca pikiran, they don’t know what “swirly, flippy curls” looks like. (May Edition, page 136)
See, Hear, Speak No Evil pada akhirnya mengajak kita untuk menjaga ketat agar aura negatif nggak merasuki kehidupan kita dari level manapun, so we’ll be able to live our dream life. (May Edition, page 125)
Soalnya, makna kalimat ini menyimpan pesan yang baik untuk kita terapkan agar bisa terbebas dari situasi negatif di sekeliling kita- something we need a lot lately, right? (May Edition, page 125)
Kalau sekedar menyebarkan twit yang inspiring saja sudah bikin kamu happy, it will make someone else happy too. (May Edition, page 126)
Do a flash test, untuk memastikan dress kamu nggak tembus pandang, ketika disorot cahaya kamera. (May Edition, page 136)
Soal outfit, kamu akan memilih tampilan yang beda, you want nothing to do with that typical prom-gown stuff. (Mei Edition, page 139)
Soal prom dress, kamu akan memilih something flowy, comfortable and efforteless- just like you! (May Edition, page 139)
Tanpa harus merubah dirimu dan jaim (baca: jaga image) secara berlebihan, kamu perlu menunjukkan bahwa ladies like us deserves the crown. (May Edition, page 140)
I remember having to make her take off her high heels in the prom pictures, dan aku juga masih harus menjinjit. (Mei Edition, page 140)
Tempat yang dibuka pada bulan Oktober 1994 ini memiliki interior yang homey, perfect for enjoying a nice iced Coffee. (June Edition, page 115)
Old stories are never out-of-date, topic ini nggak pernah membosankan. (June Edition, page 128)
Seperti pesta-pesta lainnya, prom nite is all about having fun! (May Edition, 138)
Kalau semua resep di atas sudah disiapkan, waktunya untuk santai dan enjoy your journey.( June Edition, page 140)
Follow the rules, seperti kapan waktu tepuk tangan, boleh ngobrol atau tidak selama pertunjukan, dll. (July Edition, page 131)
Intinya, never give up! (July Edition, page 133)
Saat baru dekat sama cowok, it’s like starting a relationship from zero and we girls can be really clueless. (July Edition, page 136)
Love is in the details, dan cowok yang menemukan cara-cara kecil untuk berbuat romantic – seperti membawakan
pembicaraan 3 minggu yang lalu – bukan hanya mencari sembarangan hubungan, lho! (July Edition, page 136) C24.
You’re totally real, dan cowok-cowok suka kenyataan bahwa kamu betul-betul menarik dan bukannya Cuma suka flirting untuk mencari perhatian. (July Edition, page 136)
In this chapter, the writer is going to present the result of research of code mixing, after identifying the Indonesian- English code mixing used in the Just So You Know (JSYK) Rubrics on May – July 2012 Edition of Cosmogirl magazine. The writer provided the data presentation as follows:
1. FORMS OF CODE MIXING According to Suwito (1985: 78), code mixing is divided into 6; the insertion of words, the insertion of phrase, the insertion of hybrid, the insertion of reduplication, the insertion of clause, and the insertion of idiom. The writer found all forms of code mixing above that inserted in the JSYK Rubrics on May – July 2012 Edition of Cosmogirl magazine. The writer presented the data presentation as follow:
A. THE INSERTION OF WORDS One of many kinds of code mixing is the insertion of words. It happen when the English word is being inserted into Indonesian utterances. According to Suwito (1985: 78), the insertion of words were classified into eight groups, they are: the insertion of noun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition and exclamation.
1. Noun Noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea (Warriner, 1981: 36). The function of noun has closely related with its position in the sentence. In accordance, the writer classified the insertion of noun into two groups: noun as a subject and noun as an object. a.
Noun as a Subject Sapir (1921) in Lyons (1971: 335) defines the subject as the person or thing about which something is said. In addition, Finoza (2008:152) added that most of subject employs noun/noun phrase, clause, and phrasal verb. Subject is also marked by using question with the words “who” or “what” to the predicate. The writer also adopted Warriner’s terminology that subject is the part about which something is being said. (1982: 139) Noun as a subject means noun that denotes the person or thing of the action or what is described by the predicate. It usually stands at the beginning of the sentence followed by predicate. The insertions of nouns in Cosmogirl magazine are displayed in the table below:
Table 1: The insertion of nouns as subject in JSYK Rubrics on May-July Edition of Cosmogirl magazine Code N.S.1 N.S.2 N.S.3
N.S.4 N.S.5 N.S.6 N.S.7
N.S.8 N.S.9
N.S.13 N.S.14
Data Nah, marshmallow yang satu ini berbentuk unik mirip Teddy Bear. (May Edition, page 117) Cakes dari Laduree juga jadi favorit Miss Blair Waldorf dalam Gossip Girl lho! (June Edition, page 114) Beberapa flavor yang dikenal adalah Sfusato Lemon, Tonda Gentile Trilobata Hazelnut, Leonforte Peach, dan Bronte Pistachio. (June Edition page 114) Range harga minumannya cukup bervariasi, mulai dari 2.000 hingga 4.500 KRW. (June Edition, page 115) Flirting sich boleh saja, tapi kamu harus tahu batasnya. (June Edition, page 135) Banyak view keren yang jarang kita perhatikan selama pergi ke sekolah atau kampus. (June Edition, page 137) Cukup satu backpack atau koper yang kuat plus isinya yang tepat untuk dibawa liburan. (June Edition, page 140) Selain Red Velvet Cake, dessert yang satu ini juga jadi favorit di Goods Diner. (July Edition, page 112) Reunification Palace menjadi landmark Ho Chi Minh City sekaligus tempat tinggal dan tempat kerja President Vietnam Selatan saat Perang Vietnam. (July Edition, page 119) Show ini menggunakan puppet, dilakukan di atas air dan digerakkan oleh orang-orang di belakang tirai. (July Edition, page 119) Enterpreneur harus punya pemikiran yang bagus untuk memahami semua hal tentang bisnis yang ia jalankan, seperti pola dalam ekonomi, pasar, sampai organisasi. (July Edition, page 121) Ini dia business unit dari Putera Sampoerna Foundation yang membantu entrepreneur di Indonesia untuk mendapatkan investor dan sebaliknya. (July Edition, page 121) Spot asyik yang sering jadi tempat diskusi dan curhat sama teman! (July Edition, page 122) Pecinta blueberry pasti menyukai minuman yang satu ini. (July Edition, page 112)
(N.S.1). Nah, marshmallow yang satu ini berbentuk unik mirip Teddy Bear. (May Edition, page 117) The word ‘marshmallow’ belongs to noun. It can be translated into ‘makanan berjenis manisan yang putih dan empuk’ in Indonesian language. It is defined as subject because the word ‘marshmallow’ refers to thing doing the action by the predicate ‘berbentuk’. (N.S.10). Show ini menggunakan puppet, dilakukan di atas air dan digerakkan oleh orang-orang di belakang tirai. (July Edition, page 119) The word ‘show’ belongs to noun. It can be translated into ‘pertunjukan’ in Indonesian language. It is defined as subject because the word ‘show’ refers to thing doing the action by the predicate ‘menggunakan’. (N.S.14). Pecinta blueberry pasti menyukai minuman yang satu ini. (July Edition, page 112) The word ‘blueberry’ belongs to noun. It can be translated into ‘buah arbei’ in Indonesian language. The word blueberry is a part of noun phrase ‘Pecinta blueberry’ that can be translated into ‘blueberry lover’ in English. It is defined as subject because the word ‘blueberry’ refers to thing doing the action by the predicate ‘menyukai’.
Noun as an Object As noted by Finoza (2008: 153), object is a part of sentence that complements the predicate. It usually employs noun, noun phrase, or clause. Noun as an object means noun that become the recipient of the action of the predicate in the sentence. Therefore, noun as object comes after the predicate.
Two kinds of object according Warriner (1982: 98) are direct and indirect object. While direct object receives the action of the verb or show the result of that action, indirect object precedes the direct object ad tells to whom or for what the action of the verb is done. The writer found the insertion of nouns as object in the following table:
Table 2: The insertion of nouns as object in JSYK Rubrics on MayJuly Edition of Cosmogirl magazine Code N.O.1
Data CosmoGIRL! sejati dapat menjaga keseimbangan antara body and soul. (May Edition, page 113) N.O.2 Supaya lebih irit, kita bisa ikut tour gratis untuk wisatawan tiap jam 11.00 dan 14.00. (May Edition, page 114) N.O.3 Sebenarnya letak Petrin Tower nggak jauh dari Old Town, tapi kita bisa menggunakan tram sampai halte terdekat untuk mempercepat perjalanan. (May Edition, page 114) N.O.4 Mulai dari lifestyle sampai tingkat penganan keselamatan penduduk Praha. (May Edition, page 115) N.O.5 Hias cupcakes favorit kamu dengan menambahkan M&M’s Milk Chocolate di atasnya. (May Edition, page 117) N.O.6 Nikmati cheese cake dengan Delfi ChaCHa Crispy sebagai topping. (May Edition, page 117) N.O.7 Setelah itu masukkan buttermilk dan aduk perlahan. (May Edition, page 118) N.O.8 Bagi rata adonan untuk tiga loyang sehingga kita akan mendapatkan tiga layer kue. (May Edition, page 118) N.O.9 Serunya lagi ada subject-subject yang pengajarnya akan mengajak kamu mengamati fashion langsung ke mal, pagelaran busana, sampai ke museum yang ada kaitannya dengan fashion. (May Edition, page 122) N.O.10 Soalnya, berkat reputasi dan network yang bagus dari ESMOD, kamu akan ditarik langsung oleh para designer, brand, perusahaan yang tertarik sama hasil
karyamu. (May Edition, page 122) N.O.11 Kita bisa saling share karena teman-teman sejurusan punya passion yang sama di bidang fashion. (May Edition, page 123) N.O.12 Kalau sekedar menyebarkan twit yang inspiring saja sudah bikin kamu happy, it will make someone else happy too. (May Edition, page 126) N.O.13 Ada berbagai excitement dalam acara Prom, salah satunya adalah ajang pemilihan Prom King & Queen. (May Edition, page 126) N.O.14 Kita perlu aktif di kelas, rajin mengikuti kepanitiaan dan organisasi, serta eksis di berbagai event sekolah. (May Edition, page 131) N.O.15 Tapi ada juga factor “B” lainnya yang tak kalah penting: brain! (May Edition, page 131) N.O.16 Sebagian besar teman-teman sekolah pasti punya account Facebok, Twitter, atau Google Plus. (May Edition, page 131) N.O.17 Buat proposal beserta budget (perkiraan biaya) yang diperlukan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, serta minta waktu untuk mempresentasikannya. (May Edition, page 131) N.O.18 RAN masih menjadi request yang paling banyak di tiap SMA. (May Edition, page 134) N.O.19 Saat patah semangat, Groovy menantang pride mereka sehingga jadi percaya diri lagi. (May Edition, page 134) N.O.20 Untuk mereka punya rasa saling mendukung, salah satu yang sering Groovy minta adalah panitia menyiapkan video flashback berisi cuplikan foto-foto kenangan misalnya foto saat orientasi sekolah, menyiapkan pensi, atau event lainnya. (May Edition, page 134) N.O.21 Alasannya karena penampilan mereka penuh energy dan bisa menyemangati crowd. (May Edition, page 134) N.O.22 Kunci paling utama adalah teman-teman dari event organizer harus mampu menjadi penyambung crowd agar suasana menjadi cair dan menyatu dalam sebuah acara. (May Edition, page 134) N.O.23 Selalu bawa contoh gambar untuk diperlihatkan ke hairstylist kamu. (May Edition, page 136) N.O.24 Soal outfit, kamu akan memilih tampilan yang beda, you want nothing to do with that typical prom-gown stuff. (May Edition, page 139) N.O.25 Sekitar 15 ribu macam macaron terjual setiap harinya di took kue dan pastry yang berbasis di Paris, Prancis, ini lho! (June Edition, page 114)
N.O.26 Sesuai namanya, restoran ini bisa jadi pilihan tepat saat kita mau kasih surprise buat mama di hari special, misalnya saat hari ulang tahun mama. (June Edition, page 115) N.O.27 Resto ini terkenal dengan menu makanan Belanda, seperti Hotchpotch, yaitu stamppot dari mashed potatoes dengan sayuran, sosis, meatball, dan bacon. (June Edition, page 115) N.O.28 Main course-nya berkisar €15, sedangkan untuk dessert bisa didapatkan dengan harga €6. (June Edition, page 115) N.O.29 Untuk dessert, kita bisa coba Bitterkoekjes Ice-Cream atau Dutch Delight. (June Edition, page 115) N.O.30 Ada baguette dengan French butter, Salade Antoinette, Antoinette Burger, Crepes. (June Edition, page 115) N.O.31 Atau Saint Honore L’amour seharga S$8.5 yang terbuat dari choux pastry, rose petal cream, dan almond.( June Edition, page 115) N.O.32 Garlic custard agak sulit, dari gimana caranya supaya kita bisa dapat essence yang tepat. (June Edition, page 116) N.O.33 Bahan yang unusual untuk dimasak adalah snail, waktu itu aku pernah bikin pasta dengan snail. (June Edition, page 116) N.O.34 Kalau pengen jadi chef, kalian harus banyak belajar teknik masak. (page 116) N.O.35 Saya menikmati dinner di Old Lahaina Luau. (June Edition, page 120) N.O.36 Aku Modern Hall karena memiliki desain yang inovatif tapi luxury. (June Edition, page 121) N.O.37 Aku mengunjungi sedikitnya 12 pantai yang berbeda untuk snorkeling dan sunbathing.( June Edition, page 121) N.O.38 Pilih lagu upbeat supaya lebih bersemangat. (June Edition, page 128) N.O.39 Dari pada bengong di rumah karena kondisi keuangan yang pas-pasan, coba dech jadi volunteer untuk event musik atau konser.( June Edition, page 134) N.O.40 Inilah saatnya kamu menghirup udara segar di pagi hari, dan membentuk badan dengan olahraga seperti jogging atau bersepeda. (June Edition, page 134) N.O.41 Selama ini, kita memilih untuk telepon atau chatting dengan teman-teman sekolah. (June Edition, page 134) N.O.42 Asah otak dengan kegiatan lebih fun seperti main scrabble, puzzle, atau baca buku best seller. (June
Edition, page 137) N.O.43 Di sana kamu tiap pagi santai di pantai, siangnya wisata kuliner, sore hari menjajal olahraga ekstrem seperti surfing atau parasailing, dan malamnya untuk clubbing.( June Edition, page 139) N.O.44 Ingat girls, tujuan utama liburan bukan cuma having fun. (June Edition, page 139) N.O.45 Kalaupun kamu liburan di rumah saja, gunakan waktumu untuk berolahraga, memasak, atau membuat kerajinan tangan (crafts, scrapbook, dan lain-lain). (June Edition, page 139) N.O.46 Jangan khawatir, girls! (June Edition, page 139 ) N.O.47 Kalau sudah menentukan lokasi liburan, browsing dan research bisa lebih spesifik dan lebih fokus. (June Edition, page 140) N.O.48 Sebaliknya, jangan juga mengisi liburanmu hanya dengan tidur, main games di computer, atau bermalasmalasan di depan tv. (June Edition, page 139) N.O.49 Biarpun namanya liburan, pasti ada saatnya butuh menghibur diri sendiri, seperti saat menunggu boarding atau saat cuaca nggak memungkinkan kita keluar. (June Edition, page 140) N.O.50 Sereal dalam kemasan kecil juga bisa jadi bekal yang praktis dan sehat sebagai snack. (June Edition, page 140) N.O.51 Pilih backpacking atau yang lebih lux? (June Edition, page 140) N.O.52 Lupakan rasa kurang percaya diri yang disebabkan kesadaran kita akan kelemahan yang kita miliki, maupun yang dikarenakan pada bully dan hater yang selalu berusaha menjatuhkan kita. (July Edition, page 111 ) N.O.53 Pas banget buat kalian yang suka seafood. (July Edition, page 112) N.O.54 Kiwi harajuku adalah mocktail yang terdiri dari potongan buah kiwi dan jus lemon. (July Edition, page 112) N.O.55 Selesai menikmati main course, sekaranglah saatnya mencicipi dessert dari café Aria. (July Edition, page 112) N.O.56 Resto yang didominasi white bricks dan kayu ini memadukan konsep American classic dengan Asian maupun Mexican untuk pilihan menu. (July Edition, page 112)
N.O.57 Ingin mencicipi burger dengan nacho? (July Edition, page 112) N.O.58 Kehangatan dan kenikmatan cokelat bercampur dengan tiga potong marshmallow besar di atasnya. (July Edition, page 113) N.O.59 Selain itu, yang tak boleh lupa untuk dicoba adalah hangout di The Orbit, tempat recommended di Segarra yang cocok sekali untuk melihat sunset sambil bersantai. (July Edition, page 116) N.O.60 Oh ya, kita juga bisa booking Segarra untuk birthday party, gathering, dan konser musik, lho. (July Edition, page 116) N.O.61 Mereka membuka open recruitment dengan beberapa tahapan sebelum kita resmi jadi member. (July Edition, page 120 ) N.O.62 Tahapan yang aku lewati yaitu penyaringan melalui form, focus group discussion, dan interview. (July Edition, page 120 ) N.O.63 Bisa aku bilang kalau organisasi ini dapat membentuk mimpi kita karena kita jadi tahu kemampuan dan passion diri sendiri. (July Edition, page 120) N.O.64 Nah, kalau kuliah di SSB, MEKAR Enterpreneur Network pasti akan membantu kamu mengasah kemampuan bisnis, mulai dari berbagai ide sampai memperluas networking. (July Edition, page 121) N.O.65 Apalagi, ada kesempatan internship sehingga kita bisa bertemu calon investor dan menarik mereka agar menginvestasikan modal di usaha yang kita rintis. (July Edition, page 121) N.O.66 Tapi kamu juga bakal belajar bikin soal psikotes dan assessment (identifikasi dan analisa suatu informasi). (July Edition, page 122) N.O.67 Salah satu penyebab bullying masih banyak terjadi adalah karena isu ini sering dianggap enteng oleh orang-orang, sehingga para pelaku bullying nggak diberi treatment yang seharusnya. (July Edition, page 125) N.O.68 Sebelumnya Shawn telah mengembangkan Napster dan Rupture dan dia sukses berada di cover majalah Time karena keberhasilannya membuat Napster. (July Edition, page 126) N.O.69 David Karp masih berumur 25 tahun dan sekarang menjadi entrepreneur yang tinggal di New York. (July Edition, page 126)
N.O.70 Karp pernah mencoba sekolah di Bronx Science kemudian umur 15 tahun dia memilih untuk homeschooling. (July Edition, page 126) N.O.71 Pinboard style yang membuat penggunanya bisa mengatur semua koleksi image mulai dari events, hobi, dan interest hingga berbagai inspirasi yang bisa datang ke kita melalui pin yang ada. (July Edition, page 127) N.O.72 Beda dengan founder sosial media lain, latar belakang Ben justru sekolah di bagian medis dan pernah bergabung di perusahaan besar Google. (July Edition, page 127) N.O.73 Sebelumnya Crowley membuat project sejenis Foursquare bernama Dodgeball untuk tesisnya di Interactive Telecommucations Program, New York University. (July Edition, page 127) N.O.74 Sebenarnya SoundCloud dibuat di Stockholm, Swedia tapi kemudian didirikan di Jerman pertengahan 2007 oleh sound engineer Alexander Ljung dan artist Eric Wahlforss. (July Edition, page 128) N.O.75 Selain dapat sample barang gratis, kamu juga bias mendapat honor yang disesuaikan dengan produk yang kamu coba. (July Edition, page 130) N.O.76 Sekarang, siapa sih yang nggak punya account Twitter? (July Edition, page 131) N.O.77 Aktif dan punya ‘kedekatan’ dengan follower. (July Edition, page 131) N.O.78 Tapi, untuk yang tergabung dalam perusahaan survey, akan menerima bayaran perbulan sebagai gaji karyawan. (July Edition, page 131) N.O.79 Misalnya, kalau brand-nya bergerak di bidang kesehatan, pasti buzzer yang dipilih harus paham dan sering update tweet seputar masalah kesehatan. (July Edition, page 131) N.O.80 Meja belajar termasuk spot yang paling sering kamu gunakan selain tempat tidur. (July Edition, page 134) N.O.81 Tembok meja belajar termasuk bagian paling penting yang mempengaruhi mood belajar kita. (July Edition, page 134) N.O.82 Selain bikin mata jadi kembali segar, ada efek happiness saat meletakkan bunga di atas meja belajar lho. (July Edition, page 134) N.O.83 You’re totally real, dan cowok-cowok suka kenyataan bahwa kamu betul-betul menarik dan bukannya cuma suka flirting untuk mencari perhatian. (July Edition, page 136)
N.O.84 Selera humormu membuat dia mengira kamu lucu, cool, dan down to earth. (July Edition, page 136) N.O.85 Asah otak dengan kegiatan lebih fun seperti main scrabble, puzzle, atau baca buku best seller. (June Edition, page 137)
(N.O.23). Selalu bawa contoh gambar untuk diperlihatkan ke hairstylist kamu. (May Edition, page 136) The word ‘hairstylist’ is a noun. It can be translated into ‘penata rambut’ in Indonesian language. It is defined as indirect object because the word ‘hairstylist’ is not directly receives action of the predicate ‘selalu bawa’ (translated into ’always bring’ in English). It precedes the direct object ‘contoh gambar’. (N.O.40). Saya menikmati dinner di Old Lahaina Luau. (June Edition, page 120) The word ‘dinner’ is a noun. It can be translated into ‘makan malam’ in Indonesian language. It is defined as direct object because the word ‘dinner’ receives action of the predicate ‘menikmati’ (translated into ‘enjoying’ in English.) (N.O.77). Sekarang, siapa sih yang nggak punya account Twitter? (July Edition, page 131) The word ‘account’ is a noun. It can be translated into ‘keanggotaan’ in Indonesian language. It is defined as direct object because the word ‘dinner’ receives action of the predicate ‘nggak punya’ (translated into ‘do not have’ in English). Actually the word ‘account’ is a part of a noun phrase yaitu account Twitter, but it use Indonesian rule. The correct English composition of this noun phrase is ‘Twitter account’ (translated into ‘akun Twitter’ in Indonesian.
2. Verb
Verb is a word that expresses action or otherwise helps to make a statement. (Warriner, 1982:53). We can see also another definition from Mc Douggal and Edinburgh (1986: 122) that verb are words or group of words to denote actions performed by nouns or pronouns or the state of being a noun or pronoun. It has been noted by Warriner that the four basic forms of a verb called principial parts, there are: the infinitive, the present participle, the past, and the past participle (1982:139). The followings are the sentences containing English verbs: Table 3: The insertion of verbs in JSYK Rubrics on May-July Edition of Cosmogirl magazine Code Data V1 Porsi makanan di Praha bisa dua kali lipat dari pada Indonesia, jadi kita bisa sharing dengan teman-teman. (May Edition page 114) V2 Minta papa mama kamu menceritakan kisah cinta saat mereka pertama kali berkenalan, atau coba kamu share pengalaman masa kecil yang paling berkesan. (June Edition, page 128) V3 Resto yang satu ini recommended buat kalian yang mau menikmati kuliner khas Jepang dalam suasana yang homey dan cozy. (July Edition, page 113) (V1). Porsi makanan di Praha bisa dua kali lipat dari pada Indonesia, jadi kita bisa sharing dengan teman-teman. (May Edition page 114) The word ‘sharing’ can be translated into ‘berbagi’ in Indonesian language. It is a verb because it described an action done by the subject. The action denoted by subject ‘kita’ to object ‘dengan temanteman’. The verb ‘sharing’ comes up from the morpheme ‘share’ + ing indicating ‘present participle form’ that expressed present action.
(V2). Minta papa mama kamu menceritakan kisah cinta saat mereka pertama kali berkenalan, atau coba kamu share pengalaman masa kecil yang paling berkesan. (June Edition, page 128) The word ‘share’ can be translated into ‘berbagi’ in Indonesian language. It is a verb because it described an action done by the subject. The action denoted by subject ‘kamu’ to object ‘pengalaman kecil yang paling berkesan’. The verb ‘share’ indicating ‘infinitive form’ that expressed present action. (V3). Resto yang satu ini recommended buat kalian yang mau menikmati kuliner khas Jepang dalam suasana yang homey dan cozy. (July Edition, page 113) The word ‘recomended’ can be translatet into ‘direkomendasikan’. It is a verb because it described an action done by the subject. The action denoted by subject ‘we’ to object ‘kalian yang mau menikmati kuliner khas Jepang dalam suasana yang homey dan cozy’. The verb ‘recommended’ comes up from the morpheme ‘recommend’ + ed indicating ‘past form’ that express past or completed action.
3. Adjective Adjective is word that modifies a noun or pronoun (Warriner, 1982: 45). Most of noun, like animal, city, and man, have a very general meaning because they name a whole class of things. Adjective is used as a word that describes or makes clear the meaning of a noun to make these words definite and specific. The writer found inserting of adjective in the following table: Table 4: The insertion of adjectives in JSYK Rubrics on May-July Edition of Cosmogirl magazine
Code Adj1 Adj2 Adj3
Adj5 Adj6
Adj9 Adj10
Adj13 Adj14 Adj15 Adj16 Adj17 Adj18
Data Salah satunya untuk menenangkan kita saat lagi bad mood. (May Edition, page 115) Selain wangi cokelatnya yang menggoda, M&M’s juga terlihat colorful. (May Edition, page 117) CG! juga setuju kalau proverb ini juga mengingatkan kita untuk nggak jadi orang yang terlalu snoopy, nosy, and gossipy. (May Edition, page 125) Kalau pintar membacanya, kita bisa lebih peka menyikapi gerak-gerik orang lain (baca: jadi lebih aware kapan harus maju atau justru stay back) (May Edition, page 126) Pastikan dari ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki happy terus. (May Edition, page 126) Otomatis kalau otak happy, ia akan memberi kode pada tubuh bagian lain untuk merasa happy juga. (May Edition, page 126 ) Kalau sekedar menyebarkan twit yang inspiring saja sudah bikin kamu happy, it will make someone else happy too. (May Edition, page 126) Konsepnya outdoor di Gedung Arsip Nasional yang dipenuhi taman-taman dan bangunan klasik. (May Edition, page 134) Akhir-akhir ini K-Pop benar-benar booming. (May Edition, page 134) Selain suasananya berkesan lebih nyaman dan memorable, kita nggak perlu dress code yang merepotkan. (May Edition, page 134) Selain itu ada legendary Kalua Pork yang dimasak dengan panggangan bawah tanah tradisional khas Hawaii, juga Taro Salad, Lomi Lomi Salmon, Musubi, Pulehu Steak, dan Guave Glazed Chicken. (June Edition, 121) Berbeda dengan naik mobil atau kereta yang lebih banyak guncangan, perjalanan dengan pesawat umumnya lebih smooth. (June Edition, page 129 ) Pastikan kehadiran si dia bisa menambah unsur fun dalam liburanmu. (June Edition, page 135) Kamu pasti penasaran dengan update berita terbaru dari mereka. (June Edition, page 137) Pasti banyak yang tertarik dengan barang-barang milik cewek stylish sepertimu. (June Edition, page 137) Pilih backpacking atau yang lebih lux? (June Edition, page 140) Soalnya, interior resto yang satu ini memang didesain dengan konsep homey. (July Edition, page 112) Resto yang satu ini recommended buat kalian yang mau
Adj19 Adj20
Adj21 Adj22
menikmati kuliner khas Jepang dalam suasana yang homey dan cozy. (July Edition, page 113) Pizza dough-nya empuk dan crispy ditambah salmon yang gurih. (July Edition, page 113) The famous Be Thanh market di Ho Chi Minh City kirakira gabungan antara Mangga Dua dan Pasar Baru di Jakarta. (July Edition, page 119) Pengajar berkualitas dan friendly yang sebagian besar dari luar negeri. (July Edition, page 121) Di jaman serba mobile seperti sekarang, berbagi pesan pun jadi lebih gampang. (July Edition, page 130) (Adj3). CG! juga setuju kalau proverb ini juga mengingatkan kita untuk nggak jadi orang yang terlalu snoopy, nosy, and gossipy. (May Edition, page 125)
The word ‘snoopy’, ‘nosy’, and ‘gossipy’ belong to adjective because they modify noun ‘orang (people)’. They can be translated into Indonesian language; ‘snoopy’ means ‘suka mencari tahu urusan orang lain’, ‘nosy’ means ‘suka ikut campur’, and ‘gossipy’ means ‘suka menggosip’. This adjective is used to specify what the noun ‘orang (people)’ is like.
(Adj12). Berbeda dengan naik mobil atau kereta yang lebih banyak guncangan, perjalanan dengan pesawat umumnya lebih smooth. (June Edition, page 129) The word ‘smooth’ belongs to adjective because it modifies noun phrase ‘perjalanan dengan pesawat (trip by plane)’. The word ‘smooth’ can be translated into ‘lancar/ tenang’ in Indonesian language. This adjective is used to specify what the noun phrase ‘perjalanan dengan pesawat (trip by plane)’ is like.
(Adj15). Pasti banyak yang tertarik dengan barang-barang milik cewek stylish sepertimu. (June Edition, page 137) The word ‘stylish’ belongs to adjective because it modifies noun ‘cewek (girl)’. The word ‘stylish’ can be translated into ‘mempunyai
style yang bagus’ in Indonesian language. This adjective is used to specify what the noun ‘cewek’ is like.
4. Adverb Warriner (1982: 63) defined an adverb as a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Many adverbs usually end in – ly, but not all words which end in –ly are adverbs. The writer didn’t find any insertion of adverb in this research.
5. Preposition Preposition is a word that shows the relation of a noun or pronoun to some other word in the sentence (Warriner, 1982: 71). The writer didn’t find any insertion of adjective in this research.
6. Conjunction Conjunction is a word that joins words or group of words. It may join word, groups of words, and even parts of compound se ntences (Warriner, 1982:76). The insertions of conjunction are in the following table: Table 6: The insertion of conjunctions in JSYK Rubrics on May-July Edition of Cosmogirl magazine Code Conj1 Conj2
Data Di satu sisi, it may bother you but to some people it may inspire. (May Edition, page 125) Well anyway, dengan mengenal orang-orang baru kita bisa belajar untuk menghadapi berbagai karakter yang berbeda. (June Edition,page 127) Last but not least, kalau orangtuamu juga libur dan memiliki banyak waktu luang selama masa liburanmu, kalian sekeluarga bsa menggunakannya untuk camping
atau family outbound. (June Edition, page 133) Atau kalau kamu sedang liburan keluarga, dan pasti sungkan untuk mengenalkannya pada orangtuamu, at least ajak adikmu atau sepupu buat say hi. (June Edition, page 135) (Conj1). Di satu sisi, it may bother you but to some people it may inspire. (May Edition, page 125)
The word but is a conjunction because it connects between two clauses. The first phrase is “it may bother you” and the second phrase is”to some people it may inspire”. ‘But’ as a conjunction show the contast relationship between clause 1 and clause 2. (Conj2) Well anyway, dengan mengenal orang-orang baru kita bisa belajar untuk menghadapi berbagai karakter yang berbeda. (June Edition,page 127) The words well anyway is a conjunction since it connects between the previous sentence and other clause. It connects the previous sentence ‘Eits, dengan catatan kita tetap berhati-hati ya dengan orang- orang yang berpenampilan dan berperilaku mencurigakan’. (Conj4). Atau kalau kamu sedang liburan keluarga, dan pasti sungkan untuk mengenalkannya pada orangtuamu, at least ajak adikmu atau sepupu buat say hi. (June Edition, page 135) The word at least is a conjunction since it connects between one and other clause. ‘At least’ show the relationship that combines the first clause with other clause. It shows the same level among all clauses.
The insertions of phrases mean adding English phrases into Indonesian utterances. A group of word may also be used as a single part of speech – as a noun, adjective, or adverb (Warriner, 1982: 83). According to the previous theory, phrase is any group of words which is grammatically 89
equivalent to a single word and which doesn’t have its own subject and predicate. (Lyons, 1968: 171). Phrase is a group of words that doesn’t have any predicate. It is a group of two or more related words that does not certain both a subject and a predicate. (Shaw, 1981: 29). It is important to remember that a phrase never has a subject and a verb in a succession. Phrases cannot stand alone- they must be a part of a sentence. (Warriner, 1982:83). There are 5 types of phrase proposed by Quirk (1985: 60- 65): a. Noun Phrase b. Verb Phrase c. Adjective Phrase d. Adverbial Phrase e. Prepositional Phrase The writer found all types of 5 phrases in Cosmogirl magazine. Each type were explained and followed by its examples. The insertion of phrase is marked by underlined words: 1. Noun Phrase Noun phrase consists of a noun and its modifiers which include determiners, adjectives, prepositional phrases, and adjective (relative) clauses. The noun in a noun phrase is called the head noun. Dealing with this explanation, the writer classifies the insertion of noun phrase based on the function in the sentence, they are subject and object.
a. Noun Phrase as a Subject As mentioned, most of subject employs noun/noun phrase, clause, and phrasal verb (Finoza, 2008:152). Noun phrase as a subject means noun phrase that denotes the person or thing of the action or what is described by the predicate. Being as a subject in the sentence, it usually stands at the beginning of the sentence followed by predicate. Noun phrase found in Cosmogirl magazine are displayed in the table 7:
Table 7: The insertion of noun phrases as subject in JSYK Rubrics on May-July Edition of Cosmogirl magazine Code NP.S.1
NP.S.2 NP.S.3
NP.S.6 NP.S.7 NP.S.8
Data Tour guide biasanya memakai kaos dan payung kuning dan menunggu di dekat Astronomical Clock. (May Edition, page 114) Candy shell pada bagian luar cokelat ini sangat tipis. (May Edition, page 117) Dalam menghadapi persaingan, a true queen akan bersikap kompetitif namun tetap sportif. (May Edition, page 131) Selain penampilan menarik, a true prom queen harus berwawasan luas dan memiliki nilai akademis yang baik. (May Edition, page 131) Dalam menghadapi persaingan, a true queen akan bersikap kompetitif namun tetap sportif. (May Edition, page 131) Request theme seperti Hawaii atau Mask Party pernah kita kerjakan. (May Edition, page 134) Kalau top list masih dipegang oleh Hip Hop Dancers! (May Edition, page 134) Sequin dress dan gliterry eyeshadow bisa bikin kamu bersinar saat Prom Nite. (May Edition, page 136) Dancing all night long dengan sepatu barumu itu 91
akan beresiko kaki lecet. (May Edition, page 136) NP.S.10 Salah satu pemilik franchise coffee ini dikelola oleh keluarga Yesung Super Junior. (June Edition, page 115) NP.S.11 Berbagai French classic dessert yang enak bisa kita temukan di sini. (June Edition, page 115) NP.S.12 Cobain juga Café Caramel seharga S$8, almond tart yang diolah dari caramel dan coffee mousse. (June Edition, page115) NP.S.13 Garlic custard agak sulit, dari gimana caranya supaya kita bisa dapat essence yang tepat. (June Edition, page 116) NP.S.14 Worst case scenario, kalau memang dia kelihatan enggan untuk berkenalan dan berteman denganmu, toh kemungkinan besar kamu nggak akan bertemu lagi dengannya. (June Edition, page 134) NP.S.15 Inspiring quotes yang bikin kita tersenyum juga bisa kita tempelkan. (July Edition, page 134) (NP1). Tour guide biasanya memakai kaos dan payung kuning dan menunggu di dekat Astronomical Clock. (May Edition, page 114) The words “tour guide” is a noun phrase that consists of the word “tour” (noun) as a modifier and ”guide” as a head noun. ‘Tour guide’ can be translated into ‘pemandu wisata’ inIndonesian language. It is defined as subject because the noun phrase ‘tour guide’ refers to person doing the action by the predicate ‘memakai’. (NP.S.11). Berbagai French classic dessert yang enak bisa kita temukan di sini. (June Edition, page 115) The words ‘French classic dessert’ is a noun phrase that consists of the word “French” (noun) as a modifier, ‘classic’ (moun) as a modifier and ”dessert” as a head noun. ‘French classic dessert’ can be translated into ‘makanan pencuci
mulut klasik khas Prancis’ in Indonesian language. In this sentence, ‘French classic dessert’ is a part of a phrase ‘Berbagai French classic dessert yang enak’. It is defined s subject because the noun phrase ‘French classic dessert’ refers to thing doing the action by the predicate ‘bisa kita temukan’. (NP15). Inspiring quotes yang bikin kita tersenyum juga bisa kita tempelkan. (July Edition, page 134) The words “inspiring quotes” is a noun phrase that consists of the word “inspiring” (adjective) as a modifier and ‘quotes’ as a head noun. ‘Inspiring quotes’ can be translated into ‘kutipan kata-kata
yang menginspirasi’ in Indonesian
language. It is defined as a subject because the noun phrase ‘inspiring quotes’ refers to person doing the action by the predicate ‘juga bisa kita tempelkan’.
b. Noun Phrase as an Object In the previous explanation, noun phrase can also be an object in the sentence. Noun phrase as an object means noun phrase that become the recipient of the action of the predicate in the sentence. It usually stands after the predicate. The writer found the insertion of noun phrases as object in the table 7: Table 8: The insertion of noun phrases as object in JSYK Rubrics on May-July Edition of Cosmogirl magazine Code NP.O.1
Data Aku juga sempat menonton organ concert di gereja St. Giles yang terletak di Old Town. (May Edition, page 115) Salah satunya untuk menenangkan kita saat lagi 93
NP.O.8 NP.O.9
NP.O.11 NP.O.12
NP.O.14 NP.O.15
bad mood. (May Edition, page 115) Memang tempat duduknya jadi agak jauh, yaitu di second balcony, tapi hal itu bukan masalah besar kok saat kita sudah berada di dalam gedung. (May Edition, page 115) Di daerah ini juga terdapat Vysehrad cemetery, yakni Basilica of St. Peter dan St. Paul. (May Edition, page 115) Bagian dalamnya adalah milk chocolate yang mengandung kakao, cocoa butter, dan gula. (May Edition, page 117) Nikmati cheese cake dengan Delfi ChaCHa Crispy sebagai topping. (May Edition, page 117) Yup, cemilan ini memang mengandung cocoa powder. (May Edition, page 117) Campurkan cocoa powder dan pewarna makanan. (May Edition, page 118) Tambahkan vanilla essence, aduk adonan dengan spatula sampai warnanya merata. (May Edition, page 118) Mau jadi Assistant Designer, Fashion Stylist, Fashion Journalist, sampai jadi Fashion Designer, itu semua tergantung kamu. (May Edition, page 122) Kita bisa jadi time traveler, lho. (May Edition, page 123) Yang nggak kalah seru, aku bisa mendalami dan praktik ilmu yang aku dapat dengan magang sebagai Acecories Designer di sebuah brand accessory selama beberapa bulan. (May Edition, page 123) Sampai akhirnya sekarang aku bisa menjadi shoe designer untuk sebuah brand sepatu di Bandung. (May Edition, page 123) Kedua anggota badan ini menjadi salah satu reading tool yang kuat. (May Edition, page 126) Karena itu, mendingan kita banyakin senyum, soalnya memasang happy face itu cuma menggerakkan 3 otot wajah yang terbukti relaxing. (May Edition, page 126) Soalnya, saat kita mulai menggerakkan badan, otak akan melepas endorphins (the happy chemicals) sebagai respon atas aktivitas tubuh yang meningkat. (May Edition, page 126) 94
NP.O.26 NP.O.27
Ada berbagai excitement dalam acara Prom ,salah satunya adalah ajang pemilihan Prom King & Queen. (May Edition, page 131) Sayangnya, nggak semua cewek tahu makna sebenarnya menyandang gelar Prom Queen. (May Edition, page 131) Banyak teman CG! yang menyangka billa namanya terpilih sebagai salah satu calon Prom Queen, maka dia bisa bersikap angkung layaknya seorang diva. (May Edition, page 131) Nah, justru karena cerita- cerita behind the scene ini lah sebuah Prom Night jadi semakin berkesan. (May Edition, page 134) Mewujudkan ‘mimpi’ mereka dan acara Prom Night menjadi berkesan adalah bagian dari tugas sebuah party organizer. (May Edition, page 134) Selain suasananya berkesan lebih nyaman dan memorable, kita nggak perlu dress code yang merepotkan. (May Edition, page 134) Selain itu, ada juga futuristic theme dengan dominasi lampu dan layar besar LED yang membawa suasana jadi lebih seru. (May Edition, page 134) Kunci paling utama adalah teman-teman dari event organizer harus mampu menjadi penyambung crowd agar suasana menjadi cair dan menyatu dalam sebuah acara. (May Edition, page 134) Kunci paling utama adalah teman-teman dari event organizer harus mampu menjadi penyambung crowd agar suasana menjadi cair dan menyatu dalam sebuah acara. (May Edition, page 134) Foto-foto bareng teman se-geng dan slow dance dengan pacar. (May Edition, page 136) Simpan jauh-jauh niat untuk melabrak junior yang datang dengan dress seksi atau cewek yang sengaja menyenggolmu di dance floor. (May Edition, page 136) Sudah beli heels cantik, dan siapkan flat shoes bling-bling sebagai alternatif in case of any emergency. (May Edition, page 139) No wonder, kamu sudah mempersiapkan segalanya- mulai dari long dress untuk outfitmu, prom partner, akomodasi, sampai sepatu 95
NP.O.35 NP.O.36
NP.O.37 NP.O.38
NP.O.39 NP.O.40
NP.O.42 NP.O.43 NP.O.44
cadangan seandainya highheels kamu bikin pegal atau haknya patah. (May Edition, page 139) Kamu lebih suka menggunakan akhir pekanmu dengan produktif walau tetap having fun: pergi ke gym, menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga, atau mengerjakan tugas sekolah. (May Edition, page 139) Soal prom dress, kamu akan memilih something flowy, comfortable and efforteless- just like you! (May Edition, page 139) Tapi bukannya berdandan cantik seperti cewekcewek umumnya, Liz Gillies memilih tampilan vampire look. (May Edition, page 140) Kalau nggak berani ‘traveling’ keluar dari comfort zone kita, dunia kita bakalan seputar itu-itu aja lho. (June Edition, page 113) Tempat ini terkenal berkat reality show dari TLC yang berjudul DC Cupcakes pada tahun 2010. (June Edition, page 114) Kenal dengan double-decker macaron? (June Edition, page 114) Ada baguette dengan French butter, Salade Antoinette, Antoinette Burger, Crepes. (June Edition, page 115) Gimana dengan fast food? (June Edition, page 116) Tambahan tepung dan campuran yang tersisa untuk membuat stiff dough. (June Edition, page 116) Kalau bisa masak sendiri, kenapa harus beli fast food? (June Edition, page 116) Seperti memasuki fantasy land, kita harus melewati Hana Highway sebelum sampai ke Black Sand Beach. (June Edition, page 120) Virtually all of it through lush, tropical rainforest, dan di tiap jembatan ada air terjun yang nggak perlu diragukan lagi keindahannya. (June Edition, page 120) Bentuk restorannya memakai buffet style yang authentic.( June Edition, page 120) Maui memang tempat terbaikuntuk melihat humpback whales. (June Edition, page 120) Tiap tahun dari pertengahan Desember hingga pertengahan July, humpback whales menetap dan mengelilingi pulau Maui. (June 96
NP.O.49 NP.O.50 NP.O.51
NP.O.54 NP.O.55
Edition,page 120) Karena nggak bisa main games yang ada di HP saat berada dalam pesawat, CG! Sarankan kamu bawa board games seperti ular tangga, catur, uno, atau monopoli. (June Edition, page 120) Aku menginap 2 malam di Modern Hotelsekitar 5 menit dari Ala Moana Shopping Mall dan shopping district Kalakua Avenue. (June Edition, page 121) Kebiasaan unik yang aku temukan adalah Hawaiian Shaka sign gestures. (June Edition, page 121) Gerakan tangan ini selalu digunakan untuk friendly approach atau segabai pengertian di antara perbedaan budaya tiap etnis yang menetap di Hawaii. (June Edition, page 121) Karena itu saat SMA aku masuk dalam ekskul modern dance. (June Edition, page 123) Bawa segala macam portable gadget game yang kamu punya. (June Edition, page 128 Pasang lagu favorit di CD player mobil, lalu sing along bareng keluarga dan temantemanmu. (June Edition, page 128) Liburan seharusnya bikin kamu senang, rileks, dan jadi mood booster untuk kembali menghadapi rutinitas. (June Edition, page 129) Nggak ada salahnya kamu menggunakan waktu yang ada untuk beauty sleep. (June Edition, page 129) Simpan dulu portable gadget atau tablet milikmu. Waktunya bermain dengan board games seperti Monopoli dan Scrabble. (June Edition, page 132) Misalnya pertandingan main course ala tim cewek versus dessert yang dibuat tim cowok. ( June Edition, 132) Di rumahmu tentu masih tersimpan albumalbum foto lama, atau bahkan home video dari berbagai event keluarga yang sudah lalu. (June Edition, page 132) Atau cari foto-foto orangtuamu ketika masih muda, kamu dan adikmu bisa melihat-lihat gaya rambut dan fashion style mereka. (June Edition, page 133) 97
NP.O.66 NP.O.67
NP.O.69 NP.O.70
Padahal, CG! bilang kegiatan ini masih bisa jadi family time yang menyenangkan,lho! (June Edition, page 133) Last but not least, kalau orangtuamu juga libur dan memiliki banyak waktu luang selama masa liburanmu, kalian sekeluarga bisa menggunakannya untuk campaign atau family outbound. (June Edition, page 133) Adanya teknologi BBM, YM, Skype dan berbagai social media biasanya bikin kita jadi hidup serba praktis.(June Edition, page 134) Kumpulkan semua pakaianmu itu bersama teman lain dan bikin ‘garage sale’. (June Edition, page 134) Sering-sering pergi ke restoran baru atau hang out places seru yang belum pernah kamu datangi. (June Edition, page 134) Jangan sampai kita tetap makan junk food padahal ada makanan enak yang jauh lebih sehat di dekatmu. (June Edition, page 134) Meskipun dia terlihat sangat baik dan sopan, ingatlah bahwa cowok yang kamu kenal di lokasi liburan bisa dibilang a total stranger. (June Edition, page 135) Kamu bisa punya tour guide gratis! (June Edition, page 135) Jika hubunganmu berlanjut ke tahap selanjutnya, siap-siap menjalani long distance relationship. (June Edition, page 135) Asah otak dengan kegiatan lebih fun seperti main scrabble, puzzle, atau baca buku best seller. (June Edition, page 137) Ingat girls, tujuan utama liburan bukan cuma having fun. (June Edition, page 139) Contohnya, apakah kamu perlu membeli alatalat tulis, seragam baru, menambah koleksi flat shoes untuk kuliah, merapikan dan mendekorasi meja belajar supaya lebih apik, dan sebagainya. (June Edition, page 139) Kalau kamu mencontreng salah satu atau semua check list di atas, artinya kamu mengalami Post Holiday Syndrome. (June Edition, page 139) Misalnya, wisata kuliner ke kantin-kantin fakultas, atau nonton foreign language films yang bisa membuatmu merasa sedang pergi ke 98
luar negeri. (June Edition, page 139) Terus, tanya sama orang yang pernah berkunjung ke lokasi pilihan liburanmu untuk mendapatkan informasi semua keperluan secara detil, bahkan hal-hal yang mungkin nggak ditemui di web atau travel blogs. (June Edition, page 140) Yuph, hanya dengan cara ini kita bisa tahu what to expect- dari persiapan sampai ke operasional. (June Edition, page 140) Jangan sampai melakukan hal-hal yang membahayakan diri sendiri seperti nggak nolak ajakan teman bungee jumping padahal kamu hyper phobia. (June Edition, page 140 ) Plus, tambahan poached egg seharga Rp 5.000,-. (July Edition, page 112) Diolah dari Espresso, cokelat, Hersey, fresh milk, dan whipped cream. (July Edition, page 112) Selesai menikmati main course, sekaranglah saatnya mencicipi dessert dari café Aria. (July Edition, page 112) Dessert yang diolah dari bua pir dan almond ini disajikan dengan potongan buah stroberi dan warm walnut ice cream. (July Edition, page 112) Resto yang didominasi white bricks dan kayu ini memadukan konsep American classic dengan Asian maupun Mexican untuk pilihan menu. (July Edition, page 112) Pilihan menu pembuka yang terdiri dari roast tomato, garlic croutons, dan potongan buah alpukat. (July Edition, page 112) Kita bisa menikmati Caesar Salad dengan grilled shrimp ataupun chicken breast. (July Edition, page 112) Selain bisa mencicipi makanan, kita juga bisa melihat-lihat gitar ataupun recording equipment. (July Edition, page 113) Rasanya semakin nikmat dengan tambahan apple caramel dan es krim di atasnya. (July Edition, page 113) Nggak hanya interiornya, konsep Tokove juga menarik lho, all about DIY and homemade. (July Edition, page 113) 99
Teh hijau dicampur krim vanilla plus crumble biscuit pada bagian atas tiramisu. (July Edition, page 113) Di acara ini, ada pemberian penghargaan kepada salah seorang loyal costumer dan manajer Starbucks. (July Edition, page 116) Sedangkan minuman, Seggara Sunset merupakan best seller mocktail yang nggak boleh dilewatkan. (July Edition, page 116) Sekitar Chi Chi Tunnels terdapat National Defence Sports Shooting Range yang merupakan shooting area. (July Edition, page 116) Di acara ini, ada pemberian penghargaan kepada salah seorang loyal costumer dan manajer Starbucks. (July Edition, page 116) Salah satu makanan khas Vietnam, Banh trang tron, terbuat dari rice paper lalu dipotong panjang dan tipis. (July Edition, page 119) Be Thanh tutup sekitar jam 6 malam dan digantikan oleh night market di sebelahnya yang buka sampai jam12 malam. (July Edition, page 119) Selain melayani pengiriman surat, Central Post Office menjual berbagai souvenir, paper weight, perangko, kartu pas, sampai buku-buku sejarah Vietnam. (July Edition, page 119) Sejak masuk jurusan Hubungan International FISIP UNPAD Bandung, banyak banget kegiatan yang mau aku ikutin seperti panitia acara malam keakraban, stage manager, pengurus MEDICOMRADE, sampai tim Medik di FISIP UNPAD. (July Edition, page 120) Mereka membuka open recruitment dengan beberapa tahapan sebelum kita resmi jadi member. (July Edition, page 120) Tahapan yang aku lewati yaitu penyaringan melalui form, focus group discussion, dan interview. (July Edition, page 120) Selain itu kita dilatih cara memimpin berbagai social project, contohnya Project Culture. (July Edition, page 120) Untuk jangka panjang, aku ingin menjadi seorang dream coach dan banyak langkah yang harus dipersiapkan sebelum mencapai itu 100
semua. (July Edition, page 120) Selain Mark, masih banyak orang yang berada di belakang layar kesuksesan social media berikutnya. (July Edition, page 126) NP.O.100 Perbedaan dengan social media lain biasanya Path terbatas untuk close friends, anggota keluarga, dan beberapa teman hang out. (July Edition, page 126) NP.O.101 Saat berumur 14 tahun, Karp kerja dengan produser animasi bernama Fred Seibert kemudian pindah sebagai software consultant di UrbanBaby tahun 2006. (July Edition, page 126) NP.O.102 Sedangkan Selvadurai seorang former software architect di Sony Music. (July Edition, page 127) NP.O.99
NP.O.103 Awalnya mereka bekerja sama untuk membuat project multi-featured HTML5 di Burbn khusus untuk mobile photography. (July Edition, page 127) NP.O.104 Kevin dan Mike adalah lulusan Standford University dan profesi keduanya memang sebagai software engineer. (July Edition, page 127) NP.O.105 Sebenarnya SoundCloud dibuat di Stockholm, Swedia tapi kemudian didirikan di Jerman pertengahan 2007 oleh sound engineer Alexander Ljung dan artist Eric Wahlforss. (July Edition, page 128) NP.O.106 Sebelum membuat Soundcloud, Alex adalah sound designer dan jadi business advisor. (July Edition, page 128) NP.O.107 Alex Iskold adalah feature writer ReadWriteWeb sampai tahun 2009 dan mendirikan perusahaan AdaptiveBlue yang juga melahirkan GetGlue. (July Edition, page 128) NP.O.108 Apalagi kalau kamu menjadi seat filler program acara di TV yang sering mengulang pengambilan gambar. (July Edition, page 131) NP.O.109 Contohnya, untuk award ceremony, kamu disarankan memakai dress formal. (July Edition, page 131) NP.O.110 Jadi, dengan bad teacher sekalipun, kamu bisa tetap jadi great student. (July Edition, page 133)
(NP.O.52). Waktunya bermain dengan board games seperti Monopoli dan Scrabble. (June Edition, page 132) This sentence may seem as an incomplece sentence that does not conform to normal sentence rules. It is lack of subject. Actually, the subject is being ellipsis mentioned in the previous sentence. The words “board games” is a noun phrase that consists of the word “board” (noun) as a modifier and ”games” as a head noun. ‘Board games’ can be translated into ‘game yang mengguanakan papan’. It stands after the verb ‘bermain’ that means ‘playing’ in English. The phrase ‘board games’ is defined as an object because it is receives the action of a verb ‘bermain’ that means ‘playing’ in English.
(N.P.O.112). Jadi, dengan bad teacher sekalipun, kamu bisa tetap jadi great student. (July Edition, page 133) This sentence may seem as an incomplece sentence that does not conform to normal sentence rules. It is lack of predicate. Actually, the predicate is being ellipsis because it is considered that the reader of magazine sudah mengetahui maksud dari kalimat tersebut walau predikatnya tidak dituliskan.
There are two noun phrases in this sentence; ‘bad teacher’ and ‘great student’. ‘Bad teacher’ is in the first clause ‘dengan bad teacher sekalipun and ‘great student’ is in the second clause.
The words “bad teacher” is a noun phrase that consists of the word “bad” (adjective) as a modifier and ”teacher” as a head noun. The phrase ‘bad teacher’ can be translated as ‘guru yang tidak baik’ in Indonesian language. It is defined as an object because it receives the action of a verb ‘diajar (being teached’) that being ellypsis.
The words “great student” is a noun phrase that consists of the word “great” (adjective) as a modifier and ”student” as a head noun. The phrase ‘great student’ can be translated as ‘siswa yang hebat’ in Indonesian language. It is defined as an object because it receives the action of a verb ‘jadi’ (become’).
(NP22). Selain suasananya berkesan lebih nyaman dan memorable, kita nggak perlu dress code yang merepotkan. (May Edition, page 134) The words “dress code” is a noun phrase since it consists of the word “dress” (noun) as a modifier and ”code” as a head noun. The phrase ‘dress code’ can be translated as ‘peraturan dalam berpakaian’ in Indonesian language. It stands after the verb ‘enggak perlu’ that means ‘doesn’t need to’ in English. It is defined as an object because it receives the action of a verb ‘enggak perlu’.
2. Verb Phrase
Verb phrases are a group of word consisting of a verb, its auxiliaries, its complements, and other modifiers. Lyons (1971: 216) listed the basic components of verb phrase as verb and adverb. Table 9: The insertion of verb phrases as object in JSYK Rubrics on May-July Edition of Cosmogirl magazine Code Data VP1 Jika memang harus berbicara soal hal ini, be extra careful and wise. (May Edition, page 125) VP2 Kalau pintar membacanya, kita bisa lebih peka menyikapi gerak-gerik orang lain (baca: jadi lebih aware kapan harus maju atau justru stay back) (May Edition, page 126) VP3 Di saat bicara sama orang lain, kita bisa membaca kalau orang itu tertarik- baik sama pembicaraan atau just plain you- dari pandangan matanya. (May Edition, page 126) VP4 Do a flash test untuk memastikan dress kamu nggak tembus pandang ketika disorot cahaya kamera. (May Edition, page 136) VP5 Padahal menurutku tujuan utama dari Prom adalah untuk have a good time. (May Edition, page 140) VP6 Ini adalah cara penduduk local untuk say hello, tapi arti sebenarnya adalah “alright”,”cool”, or “hang loose” yang dilakukan bersamaan dengan teriak “ALOHHA!”. (June Edition, page 121) (VP5). Padahal menurutku tujuan utama dari Prom adalah untuk have a good time. (May Edition, page 140) The phrase ‘have a good time’ is a verb phrase that constructed by the word ‘have’ as a head verb ‘a good time’. While the phrase ‘a good time’ is constructed by ‘a’ (article) as a modifier, ‘good’ (adjective) as a modifier and “time” as a head noun. ‘Have a good time’ can be translated into ‘mempunyai/menikmati waktu yang menyenangkan’ in Indonesian language.
Relating with the position of this phrase which is stated after the word ‘untuk’ that is marked as Indonesian preposition, ‘have a good time’ can be defined as an object. It means, although the construction is in the form of verb phrase, but it is positioned as an object in the sentence.
3. Prepositional Phrase Prepositional phrase is a phrase that begins with a preposition and ends with noun or pronoun (Warrier, 1982:83). In addition, a prepositional phrase may be used as an adjective or an adverb. Pernyataan ini akan diperjelas dengan sub bab saelanjutnya.
Table 12: The insertion of prepositional phrases as object in JSYK Rubrics on May-July Edition of Cosmogirl magazine Code
Ada juga squid with lemongrass. (June Edition, page 115)
(PP1). Ada juga squid with lemongrass. (June Edition, page 115) The prepositional phrase ‘with lemongrass’ is a part of noun phrase ‘squid with lemongrass’ selain bagian dari noun phrase yang lainnya yaitu noun ‘squid’. 4. Adjective Phrase (Warrier, 1982: 85-86) Adjective phrase is the phrase that modifies a noun and a pronoun The adjective phrase may also consists of prepositional phrase that can be used as an adjective function in the sentence. It answers the same questions that a single-word adjective answer – What kind? Which one? How many? (or How much?)
Table 10: The insertion of adjective phrases as object in JSYK Rubrics on May-July Edition of Cosmogirl magazine Code
Adj.P.1 Pada dasarnya menjadi terkenal atau popular itu jauh lebih mudah daripada menjadi orang yang well known. (May Edition, page 131) Adj.P.2 Sebaliknya kalau si dia berpotensi menciptakan situasi “it’s complicated”, mendingan dihindari deh! (June Edition, page 135)
(Adj.P.1). Pada dasarnya menjadi terkenal atau popular itu jauh lebih mudah daripada menjadi orang yang well known. (May Edition, page 131) The phrase ‘well known’ consists of ‘well’ as adjective and ‘known’ as an adverb. ‘Well known’ can be translated into ‘dikenal degan baik’ in Indonesian language. It is defined as an adjective phrase because it modifies the noun ‘orang’(tanslated into ‘people’ in English. This adjective phrase is used to specify what the noun ‘orang’ is like.
(Adj.P.2). Sebaliknya kalau si dia berpotensi menciptakan situasi “its complicated”, mendingan dihindari deh! (June Edition, page 135) The phrase ‘it’s complicated’ consists of ‘its’ as pronoun and ‘complicated’ as an adjective. ‘It’s complicated’ can be translated into ‘rumit’ in Indonesian language. It is defined as an adjective phrase because it modifies the noun ‘situasi’ (tanslated into ‘situation’ in English. This adjective phrase is used to specify what the noun ‘situasi’ is like. 5. Adverbial Phrase
The definition of adverb cited from Warriner (1982:89) stated that adverbial phrase is a prepositional phrase that modifies a verb, an adjective, or an adverb. An adverb phrase usually modifies the verb in the sentence. Like a single-adverb, an adverb phrase qualifies or limits the meaning of the word it modifies. The other definition of adverbial phrase is adverb or any group of words that can substitute for an adverb (Finoza, 1993: 110).
Table 11: The insertion of adverbial phrases as object in JSYK Rubrics on May-July Edition of Cosmogirl magazine Code Data Adv.P.1 Tempat yang dibuka pada bulan Oktober 1994 ini memiliki interior yang homey, perfect for enjoying a nice iced Coffee. (June Edition, page 115) Adv.P.2 Sudah beli heels cantik, dan siapkan flat shoes bling-bling sebagai alternatif in case of any emergency. (May Edition, page 139) (Adv.P.1). Tempat yang dibuka pada bulan Oktober 1994 ini memiliki interior yang homey, perfect for enjoying a nice iced Coffee. (June Edition, page 115) The words “perfect for enjoying a nice iced coffee” consists of ‘perfect’ as adjective and ‘For enjoying a nice iced coffee’. ‘For enjoying a nice iced coffee’ as a prepositional phrase begins with the preposition ‘for’ followed by verb phrase ‘enjoying a nice iced coffee’. The verb phrase ‘enjoying a nice iced coffee’consists of ‘enjoying’ as a head verb and ‘a nice iced coffee’ (noun phrase) as a modifier. The noun phrase ‘a nice iced coffee’ consists of ‘a’ (article) as a modifier, ‘nice’ (adjective) as a modifier, ‘iced’ (adjective) as a modifier, and ‘coffee’as head noun.
The phrase ‘perfect for enjoying a nice iced coffee’is defined as an adverb phrase since it modifies the adverb ‘homey’. This adverbial phrase is used to limit the meaning of the adverb it modifies. (Adv.P.2). Sudah beli heels cantik, dan siapkan flat shoes bling-bling sebagai alternatif in case of any emergency. (May Edition, page 139) The phrase ‘in case of any emergency’ is an adverbial phrase which is contribute as an adverb that explains the purpose of the previous verb phrase ‘siapkan flat shoes bling-bling sebagai alternatif’. The phrase ‘in case of any emergency’ consists of two prepositional phrases; ‘in case’ and ‘of any emergency’. ‘In case’ as a prepositional phrase begins with a preposition ‘in’ followed by noun ‘case’. While, ‘of any emergency’ as a prepositional phrase begins with a preposition ‘of’ followed by noun phrase ‘any emergency’. Both phrases, in case’ and ‘of any emergency’ are defined as an adverb phrase since they modify the adverb ‘sebagai alternatif’ (as an alternative). This adverbial phrase is used to limit the meaning of the adverb it modifies.
C. THE INSERTION OF HYBRIDS Another type of Indonesian-English code mixing that occurs in this study is the insertion of hybrid. Hybrid is word or phrase that one part derived from one language while another part derived from a different language. Hybrid word is the word that partly consists of English word and another part derived from Indonesian word.
Table 15: The insertion of noun phrases as object in JSYK Rubrics on May-July Edition of Cosmogirl magazine Code H.1.
Data Jadi, ketika me-makeover diri, antara fisik dan mental, jangan sampai cuma salah satu yang menjadi fokus. (May Edition, page 113) Tenang, kamu bisa ambil short course-nya yang berdurasi 5 108
H.6 H.7 H.8
H.9 H.10 H.11
H.12 H.13
minggu atau 75 jam belajar. (May Edition, page 122) Jadi manusia (hampir) sempurna bukan berarti nggak perlu selfdefense, seperti Captain America yang identik dengan shieldnya. (May Edition, page 131) Partywork sendiri sudah memiliki paket Prom Night yang bisa di-check melalui website Partywork Indonesia. (May Edition, page 134) No wonder, kamu sudah mempersiapkan segalanya- mulai dari long dress untuk outfit-mu, prom partner, akomodasi, sampai sepatu cadangan seandainya highheels kamu bikin pegal atau haknya patah. (May Edition, page 139) Resep cupcake-nya pun diperoleh dari nenek mereka. (June Edition, page 114) Main course-nya berkisar €15, sedangkan untuk dessert bisa didapatkan dengan harga €6. ( June Edition, page 115) Daripada nge-bully, lebih baik mempererat solidarits dan saling membantu dalam menonjolkan kelebihan yang kita miliki dan saling mendukung dalam meraih mimpi. (July Edition, page 111) Rasa blueberry-nya begitu terasa. (July Edition, page 112) Setahun kemudian, Karp pun membuat Tumblr sebagai projectnya. (July Edition, page 126) Selvadurai dan Crowley kemudian memiliki ide untuk membuat sebuah aplikasi di mana semua penggunanya bisa membookmark dan menjelajahi berbagai tempat, hanya melalui mobile phone(July Edition, page 127) Pekerjaan-pekerjaan berikut ini memang nggak ‘kelihatan’, tapi bukan berarti nggak ada value-nya lho. (July Edition, page 130) Misalnya, kalau brand-nya bergerak di bidang kesehatan, pasti buzzer yang dipilih harus paham dan sering update tweet seputar masalah kesehatan. (July Edition, page 131) (H.1). No wonder, kamu sudah mempersiapkan segalanya- mulai dari long dress untuk outfit-mu, prom partner, akomodasi, sampai sepatu cadangan seandainya highheels kamu bikin pegal atau haknya patah. (May Edition, page 139)
In the sentence (H.2) above, code mixing occurs in the form of combining English word “outfit” (noun) and Indonesian word “-mu” (possessive pronoun). The word that modified by Indonesian possessive pronoun ‘-mu’ is English noun ‘outfit’. The combination of English-Indonesian different parts of language ‘outfit-mu’ can be translated as ‘your outfit’.
(H.7). Main course-nya berkisar €15, sedangkan untuk dessert bisa didapatkan dengan harga €6. ( June Edition, page 115) In the sentence (H.7) above, code mixing occurs in the form of combining English word “main course” (noun phrase) and Indonesian word “-nya” (possessive pronoun). The word that modified by Indonesian possessive pronoun ‘-nya’ is English noun phrase ‘main course’. The combination of EnglishIndonesian different parts of language ‘outfit-mu’ can be translated as ‘its main course’.
(H.8). Daripada nge-bully, lebih baik mempererat solidarits dan saling membantu dalam menonjolkan kelebihan yang kita miliki dan saling mendukung dalam meraih mimpi. (July Edition, page 111) In the sentence (H.8) above, code mixing occurs in the form of combining Indonesian word “nge-“(prefixes) and English word “bully” (verb). The word that modified by Indonesian possessive pronoun ‘-mu’ is English verb ‘bully’. The combination of English-Indonesian different parts of language ‘nge-bully’ can be translated as ‘bullying’.
D. THE INSERTION OF WORD REDUPLICATIONS According to Shepherd (1987:129), reduplication is the formation of a word by repeating it or by repeating a sound of it. The writer found that the word classes being reduplicated could be the base or the words + affixes. Table 14: The insertion of noun phrases as object in JSYK Rubrics on May-July Edition of Cosmogirl magazine Code
Serunya lagi ada subject-subject yang pengajarnya akan mengajak kamu mengamati fashion langsung ke mal, pagelaran
busana, sampai ke museum yang ada kaitannya dengan fashion. (May Edition, page 122)
(WR1). Serunya lagi ada subject-subject yang pengajarnya akan mengajak kamu mengamati fashion langsung ke mal, pagelaran busana, sampai ke museum yang ada kaitannya dengan fashion. (May Edition, page 122) The reduplicated word ‘subject-subject’ consists of noun-noun. The reduplication of word used to show the plural form of noun ‘subject’. Actually, the reduplication of those words doesn’t apply in English rule. However, the English word ‘subject’ is being reduplicated based on Indonesian grammar rule. In English, the regular way to form the plural of noun is to add an –s, the plural of nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, or sh is formed by adding –es, and other rules. E. THE INSERTION OF IDIOMS Hornby (1987: 421) argues that idiom is a phrase or sentence whose meaning is not obvious through knowledge of individual meanings of the constituent words but must be learnt as a whole. Idiom is an expression which has a different meaning that of the individual meaning of each of its component parts. The idiom cannot be translated literally from one language into another without some change in its meaning or connotation (Dixson, 1971). Idiom is also a phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual’s words and which must be learnt as a whole unit. It can be said that idiom has a different meaning from its origin words.
Table 16: The insertion of noun phrases as object in JSYK Rubrics on May-July Edition of Cosmogirl magazine Code Id.1.
Data Jadi, ketika me-makeover diri, antara fisik dan mental, jangan sampai cuma salah satu yang menjadi fokus. (May Edition, page 113) Aku sempat menyesal karena terlalu fokus untuk bikin desain 111
Id.4. Id.5. Id.6. Id.7. Id.8.
yang up to date. (May Edition, page 123) Psssst.. yang ini bukan gaya melet ala photo box, melaiankan ekspresi mengejek dengan terang-terangan. (May Edition, page 126) Jadi bukan hanya hangout dengan gang atau sekelompok orang yang itu-itu saja. (May Edition, page 131) Tapi CG! bilang sayang banget kalau prom nite hanya kamu gunakan untuk hangout dengan mereka. (May Edition, page 139) Kamu akan mingle, hanging out dengan sebanyak-banyaknya teman yang datang ke acara tersebut. ! (May Edition, page 139) Old stories are never out-of-date, topic ini nggak pernah membosankan. (June Edition, page 128) Selera humormu membuat dia mengira kamu lucu, cool, dan down to earth. (July Edition, page 136) (Id.2). Aku sempat menyesal karena terlalu fokus untuk bikin desain yang up to date. (May Edition, page 123)
Here, “up to date” consists of the words: “Up” (di atas) + “to” (untuk) + “date” (tanggal) → “up to date” (mengikuti perkembangan terbaru) Instead of translating by each word, ‘up to date’ is being translated on the whole into ‘mengikuti perkembangan terbaru’ in Indonesian language. It is defined as idiom because the meaning of the combined words is different from each origin words.
(Id.5). Tapi CG! bilang sayang banget kalau prom nite hanya kamu gunakan untuk hang out dengan mereka. (May Edition, page 139) Here, “hangout” is defined as idiom. It consists of the words: “Hang” (menggantungkan) + “out” (di luar) → “hangout” (nongkrong) Instead of translating by each word, ‘hangout’ is being translated on the whole into ‘nongkrong/berkumpul bersama teman’ in Indonesian language. It is defined as idiom because the meaning of the combined words is different from each origin words.
(Id.8). Selera humormu membuat dia mengira kamu lucu, cool, dan down to earth. (July Edition, page 136) Here, “down to earth” is defined as idiom. It consists of the words: “Down (turun) + “to earth” (ke tanah) → “down to earth” (rendah hati) Instead of translating by each word, ‘down to earth’ is being translated on the whole into ‘rendah hati’ in Indonesian language. It is defined as idiom because the meaning of the combined words is different from each origin words.
F. THE INSERTION OF CLAUSES Clause is a group of words with its own subject and predicate that is included in a larger sentence than phrase (Lyons, 1971: 171). Clauses are classified into two: independent clause and dependent clause. Independent clause can stand themselves as sentence or may appear within sentences as grammatically complete statements. While dependent (subordinate) cannot stand themselves and therefore the meaning on the reminders of the sentences in which they appear.
Table 13: The insertion of noun phrases as object in JSYK Rubrics on May-July Edition of Cosmogirl magazine Code C1 C2 C3 C4
Data Nggak jarang gara-gara ucapan dan adu mulut, bad things happen. (May Edition, page 125) Jika memang harus berbicara soal hal ini, be extra careful and wise. (May Edition, page 125) Di satu sisi, it may bother you but to some people it may inspire. (May Edition, page 125) Seperti Mumble di film Happy Feet, dancing does get you in a
C5 C6
C7 C8
C11 C12
C17 C18 C19 C20
happy mood. (May Edition, page 126) Yuk cari tahu perbedaannya, and soon you’ll be a true Prom Queen. (May Edition, page 131) Datang ke prom dengan kereta kuda memang sepertinya romantic, but you probably don’t consider the smell. (May Edition, page 136) Mereka buka peramal yang bisa baca pikiran, they don’t know what “swirly, flippy curls” looks like. (May Edition, page 136) See, Hear, Speak No Evil pada akhirnya mengajak kita untuk menjaga ketat agar aura negatif nggak merasuki kehidupan kita dari level manapun, so we’ll be able to live our dream life. (May Edition, page 125) Soalnya, makna kalimat ini menyimpan pesan yang baik untuk kita terapkan agar bisa terbebas dari situasi negatif di sekeliling kita- something we need a lot lately, right? (May Edition, page 125) Kalau sekedar menyebarkan twit yang inspiring saja sudah bikin kamu happy, it will make someone else happy too. (May Edition, page 126) Do a flash test, untuk memastikan dress kamu nggak tembus pandang, ketika disorot cahaya kamera. (May Edition, page 136) Soal outfit, kamu akan memilih tampilan yang beda, you want nothing to do with that typical prom-gown stuff. (Mei Edition, page 139) Soal prom dress, kamu akan memilih something flowy, comfortable and efforteless- just like you! (May Edition, page 139) Tanpa harus merubah dirimu dan jaim (baca: jaga image) secara berlebihan, kamu perlu menunjukkan bahwa ladies like us deserves the crown. (May Edition, page 140) I remember having to make her take off her high heels in the prom pictures, dan aku juga masih harus menjinjit. (Mei Edition, page 140) Tempat yang dibuka pada bulan Oktober 1994 ini memiliki interior yang homey, perfect for enjoying a nice iced Coffee. (June Edition, page 115) Old stories are never out-of-date, topic ini nggak pernah membosankan. (June Edition, page 128) Seperti pesta-pesta lainnya, prom nite is all about having fun! (May Edition, 138) Kalau semua resep di atas sudah disiapkan, waktunya untuk santai dan enjoy your journey.( June Edition, page 140) Follow the rules, seperti kapan waktu tepuk tangan, boleh ngobrol atau tidak selama pertunjukan, dll. (July Edition, page 131)
C21 C22 C23
Intinya, never give up! (July Edition, page 133) Saat baru dekat sama cowok, it’s like starting a relationship from zero and we girls can be really clueless. (July Edition, page 136) Love is in the details, dan cowok yang menemukan cara-cara kecil untuk berbuat romantic – seperti membawakan barangbarangmu atau mengingat pembicaraan 3 minggu yang lalu – bukan hanya mencari sembarangan hubungan, lho! (July Edition, page 136) You’re totally real, dan cowok-cowok suka kenyataan bahwa kamu betul-betul menarik dan bukannya Cuma suka flirting untuk mencari perhatian. (July Edition, page 136) (C1). Nggak jarang gara-gara ucapan dan adu mulut, bad things happen. (May Edition, page 125)
The underlined is a clause that consists of subject and predicate. The subject of this clause is the phrase “bad things” (‘bad’ as an adjective and ‘things’ as a noun) and the predicate is the word “happen”. ‘Bad things happen’ can be translated as ‘sesuatu yang buruk terjadi’ in Indonesian language. The example (C1) is defined as subordinate clause because it consists of two clauses. Among the two clauses do not have the same fuction. While the first caluse is conditional clause, the other is main clause. Referring to the function of the sentence, the subordinate clause is an adverbial clause which has conditional relationship. ‘Bad things happen’ is the conditional of the previous phrase ‘Nggak jarang gara-gara ucapan dan adu mulut’. The indicator of the relation is the use of the word ‘jika’ in the beginning of the example (C1)
(C2). Jika memang harus berbicara soal hal ini, be extra careful and wise. (May Edition, page 125) The underlined is a clause that consists of subject and predicate. The words ‘be extra careful and wise’ contained two verb phrases to make it more effective. It can be divided into ‘be extra careful’ and ‘be extra wise’. ‘Be extra careful’ consists of the word ‘be’ (linking verb) as a predicate followed by ‘extra’ and ‘careful’ as an adjective. It can be translated into ‘Jadilah sangat berhati-hati’ in Indonesian language. ‘Be extra wise’ 115
consists of the word “be” as linking verb and “extra” and “wise”as an adjective. It can also be translated into ‘Jadilah sangat bijaksana’ in Indonesian language. The subject in this clause is ‘you’, but is not stated because the clause ‘be extra careful and wise’ is in a command form. The example (C2) is defined as subordinate clause because it consists of two clauses. Among the two clauses do not have the same fuction. While the first caluse is conditional clause, the other is main clause. Referring to the function of the sentence, the subordinate clause is an adverbial clause which has conditional relationship. ‘Be extra careful and wise’ is the conditional of the previous phrase ‘Jika memang harus berbicara soal hal ini’. The indicator of the relation is the use of the word ‘jika’ in the beginning of the example (C2).
(C10). Kalau sekedar menyebarkan twit yang inspiring saja sudah bikin kamu happy, it will make someone else happy too. (May Edition, page 126) The underlined is a clause that consists of subject and predicate. The subject of this clause is the word ‘it’ and the predicate are the verb phrase ‘will make’. “Will make’ consists of the auxiliary verb ‘will’ and the head verb ‘make’. ‘Someone else’ (noun phrase) is the object consists of ‘someone’ as a head noun and ‘else’ (adjective) as a modifier. The adjective of this clause is ‘happy’ as an adjective, while ‘too’ is an adverb. ‘It will make someone else happy too’ can be translated as ‘Hal itu dapat membuat orang lain ikut senang’. The example (C10) is defined as subordinate clause because it consists of two clauses. Among the two clauses do not have the same fuction. While the first caluse is conditional clause, the other is main clause. Referring to the function of the sentence, the subordinate clause is an adverbial clause which has conditional relationship. ‘It will make someone else happy too’ is the conditional of the previous phrase ‘Kalau sekedar menyebarkan twit
yang inspiring saja sudah bikin kamu happy’. The indicator of the relation is the use of the word ‘jika’ in the beginning of the example (C10).
2. FACTORS INFLUENCING CODE MIXING The factors influencing code mixing referred to the Components of Speech as proposed by Dell Hymes (1994:33-34) consists of Situation (Setting
Instrumentalities, Norms, and Genres. Since all of the data were taken from Just So You Know (JSYK) Rubric of May-July 2012 Edition of Cosmogirl magazine, it can be predicted that the factors influencing code mixing were the same factors. The writer has choosen five data to represent the factors influencing code mixing. The data will be explained in the following: (N.O.4). Mulai dari lifestyle sampai tingkat pengamanan keselamatan penduduk Praha. (May Edition, page 115) The data (N.O.4) is taken from the article ‘Pretty Prague’ that tells about the trip to Prague. It can be analyzed using SPEAKING theory as follows: Situation: informal; Participant: the writer and the readers of Cosmogirl magazine; End (Purpose): to entertain the readers; Act Sequences: using code mixing to discuss the topic about young lifestyle; Key: relax condition in delivering message; Instrumentalities; Instrumentalities can be ‘channel’ and ‘form of speech’. Channel: in written form. Form of speech: non-standard language as the language varieties used in magazine. Norm: Norm is divided into norm of interaction and norm of interpretation. Norm of interaction: The familiarity of young people with English. Norm of interpretation: The preference of young people to choose something that is famous and western oriented. Genre: Conveying the speech event in mass media form. \
(Adj18). Resto yang satu ini recommended buat kalian yang mau menikmati kuliner khas Jepang dalam suasana yang homey dan cozy. (July Edition, page 113) The data (Adj18) is taken from the article ‘New in Town’ that tells about some café to hangout with various kinds of foods and beverages. It can be analyzed using SPEAKING theory as follows: Situation: informal; Participant: the writer and the readers of Cosmogirl magazine; End (Purpose): to entertain the readers; Act Sequences: using code mixing to discuss the topic about young lifestyle; Key: relax condition in delivering message; Instrumentalities; Instrumentalities can be ‘channel’ and ‘form of speech’. Channel: in written form. Form of speech: non-standard language as the language varieties used in magazine. Norm: Norm is divided into norm of interaction and norm of interpretation. Norm of interaction: The familiarity of young people with English. Norm of interpretation: The preference of young people to choose something that is famous and western oriented. Genre: Conveying the speech event in mass media form. (NP.O.39). Seperti memasuki fantasy land, kita harus melewati Hana Highway sebelum sampai ke Black Sand Beach. (June Edition, page 120) The data (N.O.39) is taken from the article ‘Pocketful of Sunshine’ that tells about the enjoyable trip to Hawaii. It can be analyzed using SPEAKING theory as follows: Situation: informal; Participant: the writer and the readers of Cosmogirl magazine; End (Purpose): to entertain the readers; Act Sequences: using code mixing to discuss the topic about young lifestyle; Key:
relax condition in delivering message; Instrumentalities; Instrumentalities can be ‘channel’ and ‘form of speech’. Channel: in written form. Form of speech: non-standard language as the language varieties used in magazine. Norm: Norm is divided into norm of interaction and norm of interpretation. Norm of interaction: The familiarity of young people with English. Norm of interpretation: The preference of young people to choose something that is famous and western oriented. Genre: Conveying the speech event in mass media form.
(NP.O.69). Contohnya, apakah kamu perlu membeli alat-alat tulis, seragam baru, menambah koleksi flat shoes untuk kuliah, merapikan dan mendekorasi meja belajar supaya lebih apik, dan sebagainya. (June Edition, page 139) The data (NP.O.69) is taken from the article ‘A Fresh (Re)Start’ that tells about some tips to come back to shool or college after enjoying a long holiday. It can be analyzed using SPEAKING theory as follows: Situation: informal; Participant: the writer and the readers of Cosmogirl magazine; End (Purpose): to entertain the readers; Act Sequences: using code mixing to discuss the topic about young lifestyle; Key: relax condition in delivering message; Instrumentalities; Instrumentalities can be ‘channel’ and ‘form of speech’. Channel: in written form. Form of speech: non-standard language as the language varieties used in magazine. Norm: Norm is divided into norm of interaction and norm of interpretation. Norm of interaction: The familiarity of young people with English. Norm of interpretation: The preference of young
people to choose something that is famous and western oriented. Genre: Conveying the speech event in mass media form. (V2). Minta papa mama kamu menceritakan kisah cinta saat mereka pertama kali berkenalan, atau coba kamu share pengalaman masa kecil yang paling berkesan. (June Edition, page 128) The data (V2) is taken from the article ‘Enjoy Your Trip’ that tells about some interesting tips to enjoy holiday trip. It can be analyzed using SPEAKING theory as follows: Situation: informal; Participant: the writer and the readers of Cosmogirl magazine; End (Purpose): to entertain the readers; Act Sequences: using code mixing to discuss the topic about young lifestyle; Key:
Instrumentalities can be ‘channel’ and ‘form of speech’. Channel: in written form. Form of speech: non-standard language as the language varieties used in magazine. Norm: Norm is divided into norm of interaction and norm of interpretation. Norm of interaction: The familiarity of young people with English. Norm of interpretation: The preference of young people to choose something that is famous and western oriented. Genre: Conveying the speech event in mass media form. The relationship between each factor with the use of code mixing has been interpreted by the writer in the explanation as follow. Situation: People always consider the kinds of situation they use. The language was used in informal situation is different from formal situation. In this research, the language used in magazine is in informal language. One of
the indicators of informal language is using other language, in this case is English, into Indonesian articles. Participants are the speaker and the hearer. The speaker is the writer of magazine. The hearer is the readers of Cosmogirl magazine that mostly young people in senior high school and college students. The hearer influences the use of code by the writer of magazine. Since most of the readers are educated people who are senior high school and college students, the use of appropriate language is required to suit the readers need. The writer is able to fulfill the readers need because they are educated people too. Thus, inserting code mixing in magazine has a mean to make the language looks more educated. Also, the inserting of code mixing by the writer of magazine is likely to show the familiarity and solidarity. Ends is the purpose of the speech, that is to entertain the readers. That’s way, code mixing is used to suit the readers with the interesting language that suitable to the young life so they can understand the contains of articles well. Act Sequence is related to choosing the suitable theoretical codes to discuss a certain topic. The content of speech act. In this research, code mixing is used to discuss the contain of magazine with the topic about young lifestyle. Key is related to the modalities from grammatical category in a language. It refers to the tone and the manner dealing with how message is
delivered. Since the contains of magazine discussed about young lifestyle, the suitable way to deliver message is in the relax way. Instrumentalities means the way to deliver message. The data is delivered in written language. Instrumentalities can be ‘channel’ and ‘form of speech’. Channel refers to the written language as the way to deliver a message. Channel is the medium of transmission of speech. The medium of message from the magazine is in a written form. Form of speech refers to the language varieties used in magazine. The language variety in this research is non-standard language which is not suit the standard language norms. The non-standard language is including the use of code mixing in Cosmogirl magazine’s articles. Norms is divided into two: norm of interaction and norm of interpretation. Norm of interaction is whether something is allowed or not to do by the speaker to the hearer. Something that is allowed is the using nonstandard language as mentioned in the previous point. The hearers are young people who are usually familiar with English, that’s way code mixing in this magazine is accepted by them. Norm of interpretation is the belief system of community. It refers to reader’s culture. The readers as young people tend to choose something that is famous and western oriented. The use of code mixing is very suitable to them. It can be accepted easily by young people because it is closely related to their lifestyle. Genre refers to the category of the speech event. The relationship between genre and code mixing is the influence between a certain kinds of
speech action event with the code choosen. In relation with code mixing, people who tell story use the suitable code to deliver the story as well as the writer of magazine apply the certain code in printed media form including magazine.
In this chapter the writer would like gives some conclusions and suggestions from the analyzed data. The conclusion and suggestion as follow: A. CONCLUSION Based on the statement problem and analysis of the study, the writer concludes as follow: The form of code mixing in the Just So You Know (JSYK) Rubrics on May – July 2012 Edition of Cosmogirl! Magazine based on Suwito’s theory are the insertion of words, the insertion of phrase, the insertion of hybrid, the insertion of reduplication, the insertion of clause, and the insertion of idiom. a. From the results of analyzed data of the insertions of words, the writer found that there are 130 data: 101 data in the insertion of noun (16 nouns as subject and 86 nouns as object), 3 data in the insertion of verb, 22 data in the insertion of adjective, and 4 data in the insertion of conjunction. However in this research, the writer didn’t found the insertion of adverb preposition and exclamation. b. From the results of analyzed data of the insertions of phrases, the writer found that there are 133 data: 124 data in the insertion of noun phrase (15 nouns as subject and 109 nouns as object), 6 data in the insertion of verb phrase, 2 data in the insertion of adjective phrase, 2
data in the insertion of adverbial phrase, and 1 data in the insertion of prepositional phrase. c. From the results of analyzed data of the insertions of hybrid, the writer found 13 data. d. From the results of analyzed data of the insertions of ward reduplication, the writer only found 1 data. e. From the results of analyzed data of the insertions of clauses, the writer found 23 data. f. From the results of analyzed data of the insertions of idioms, the writer found 8 data. The factors influencing code mixing according to the writer based on SPEAKING theory by Hymes are: the informal situation (Situation) , the educated class of the writer and the readers (Participants), the purpose of writing magazine that is to entertain the readers (Ends), the topic about young lifestyle (Act Sequence), relax way to deliver the message (Key), written language as the way to deliver a message and non-standard language used in magazine (Instrumentalities), the engagement between young people with English, the preference of young people to choose something that is famous and western oriented (Norms), and printed media form to publish magazine (Genre).
B. SUGGESTION After taking a look the result of the research, the writer proposed some suggestion as follow: 1. For the reader: The readers would know the forms of code mixing found in the Just So You Know (JSYK) Rubrics on May – July 2012 Edition of Cosmogirl magazine and the factors influencing it. 2. For future researcher: The writer hopes this research can be used by other researchers who will conduct the same topic related with code mixing. To enrich and develop the sociolinguistics study, the more profound research will be needed.
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: Siti Rohmah Noviyani
Place and Date of Birth
: Semarang Regency, November 10, 1989
: Reksosari Rt 04 Rw 01 Suruh, Semarang Regency, 50776
Educational Background
: 1. SD N Reksosari 01
Graduated in 2002
2. SMP N 2 Salatiga
Graduated in 2005
3. SMA N 3 Salatiga
Graduated in 2008
4. STAIN Salatiga
Graduated in 2013
Salatiga, 19th February, 2013
Siti Rohmah Noviyani 11308112