A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendididkan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English Department of Educational Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) SALATIGA
Written by: MAGHFIRATUL MUNAWAROH NIM. 113 09 072
MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 02 Telp. (0298) 323706 Fax. (0298) 323433 Salatiga 50721 Website: E-mail
[email protected]
Hereby the writer declares that this graduating paper is made by the writer herself, and does not contain materials that written and has published by other peolpe and other people‟s idea except the information from the references. The writer is capable to account to her graduating paper if in the future it can be prove of containing others‟ idea or in fact, the writer imitates the others‟ graduating paper. Likewise, the writer made this declaration and hopes it can be understood.
Salatiga, 20th August 2013 The writer,
Maghfiratul Munawaroh
MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 02 Telp. (0298) 323706 Fax. (0298) 323433 Salatiga 50721 Website: E-mail
[email protected]
Salatiga, 20th August 2013
Hanung Triyoko, S.S, M.Hum, M.Ed. The Lecturer of Educational Faculty State Institute of Islamic Studies Salatiga ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES Case: Maghfiratul Munawaroh‟s Graduating Paper
Dear The Head of State Institute of Islamic Studies Salatiga Assalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb. After reading and correcting Maghfiratul Munawaroh‟s graduating paper entitled “LINGUISTICS STUDY OF CODE MIXING USED IN „EXPOSE‟ RUBRIC OF TEEN MAGAZINE AT 281-288 EDITIONS OF APRIL-AUGUST 2012”, I have decided and would like to propose that it could be accepted by educational faculty and I hope it would be examined as soon as possible. Wassalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb. Counselor,
Hanung Triyoko, S.S, M.Hum, M.Ed NIP: 19730815 19903 1 003
MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 02 Telp. (0298) 323706 Fax. (0298) 323433 Salatiga 50721 Website: E-mail
[email protected]
GRADUATING PAPER LINGUISTICS STUDY OF CODE MIXING USED IN „EXPOSE‟ RUBRIC OF TEEN MAGAZINE AT 281-288 EDITIONS OF APRIL-AUGUST 2012 MAGHFIRATUL MUNAWAROH NIM: 11309072 Has been brought to the board of examiners of English Department of Educational Faculty of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga in September 17th, 2013, and hereby considered to completely fulfill the requirement of the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and Education Department. Board of examiners, Head
: Prof. Dr. Muh Zuhri, M.A
: Benny Ridwan, M.Hum
1st examiner : Ruwandi, S.pd, M.A 2nd examiner : Munajat, M.A, Ph.D 3rd examiner : Hanung Triyoko, S.S, M.Hum, M.Ed Salatiga, September 17th 2013
“DO the best, GET the best, BE the best”
This graduating paper is dedicated to: My beloved mom and dad (ibu Sarmiyati and bpk Rohani), all of my lecturers at English department of STAIN Salatiga, my families and my friends, thanks for their help, support, advice, until I accomplished this graduating paper.
Alhamdulillahhirobbil‟alamin, Firstly I as the writer would like to praise and thanks to Allah, the Most Merciful, the most Beneficent, the Lord of universe, finnaly I could finish this graduating paper as partial fulfillment of the requirement for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam, Shalawat and Salam also praise to Rosulullah SAW, the Messenger for human life. However, this success can‟t be achieved without praying, support, guidance and help from my family, lecturers, and my friends. I could not accomplish this paper only by myself. In this opportunity, I would like to say my best gratitude and appreciation to: 1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag as the Chairman of STAIN Salatiga. 2. Mashlihatul Umami, S, Pd.I, M.A. as the Head of English Department of STAIN Salatiga, thanks for approving and accepting my graduating paper. 3. Hanung Triyoko, S.S, M. Hum, M. Ed as my counselor, who is very kind and patient in teaching me to accomplish this graduating paper. Thanks for his supports, advices and guidance. 4. Faisal Risdianto, S.S, M.hum as my academic advisor who always gives me support and advice to be better student from the first semester to the last semester.
5. All the lectures of English Department of STAIN Salatiga who have taught me. 6. Thanks to my beloved mother and father who always support and praying me to be a better and successful people. This graduating paper is especially for them. Hopefully I can make them happy and proud of me. 7. For my beloved friends (Pisol and Kunyul), don‟t forget me. I will always miss you all. 8. Thanks for my friends in “Kos Pak Kosmanto” (mbk Inay, Ama, Nana, Zulfa), I am happy life together with you all. 9. My entire friends in TBI C and all of 2009‟ers generation in English department. 10. For my Oong, thanks for your support. I believe we can make our dreams come true. Amin Finally, I know that this graduating paper is still not perfect, but I hope it will give advantages for peolpe who interest in English.
Salatiga, 20th August 2013 The writer,
Maghfiratul Munawaroh
Munawaroh, Maghfiratul. 2013. Linguistics Study of Code Mixing Used in „Expose‟ Rubric of Teen Magazine at 281-288 Editions of April-August 2012. Graduating Paper. English Department of Educational Faculty. STAIN Salatiga. Counselor: Hanung Triyoko, S.S, M. Hum, M.Ed. The aim of this research is to analyze code mixing that occurred in „Expose‟ rubric of Teen magazine at 281-288 editions. The writer drawn two problem statements, firstly about type of code mixing based on Musyken theory and the last one about the lexical items. It is a descriptive qualitative research and the data come from „Expose‟ rubric of eight editions of Teen magazine. To collecting the data the writer used note taking technique. She took a note on statements in „Expose‟ rubric that included in English code mixing. After it, she selected the data and chosen 31 sentences that would be analyze. The writer found more than 60% codes mixing are insertion type, 18% alternation type, and 13% congruent lexicalization type, for example: “funny” (insertion), “it‟s really sweet” (alternation), and “en” (congruent lexicalization). The journalist also inserted some lexical items in „Expose‟ rubric, such as “gadget” (noun), “faithful” (adjective), “bullying” (verb), “anyway” (adverb), “well” (interjection), “subway” (compound word), “attitude-ku” (hybrid), “boy band-boy band” (reduplication), “roller coaster” (phrase), and “this is different” (clause). Besides that the writer also classified some code mixing words that included in loan word, and it cannot be called as code mixing, such as “loyal” and “gossip”. The result of this research, the writer found three types of code mixing based on Musyken theory and lexical items that the journalists mixed in „Expose‟ rubric of Teen magazine.
Key words: Code mixing, Type of code mixing, Lexical items
TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE ....................................................................................................
DECLARATION ...................................................................................
ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTE ..................................................
STATEMENT OF SERTIFICATION ................................................
MOTTO .................................................................................................
DEDICATION .......................................................................................
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ......................................................................
ABSTRACT ...........................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study.............................................................
B. Limitation of the Problem ...........................................................
C. Statement of the Problem ............................................................
D. Objective of the Problem ............................................................
E. Benefits of the Study ...................................................................
F. Definition of Key Terms .............................................................
G. Review of Related Researchers ...................................................
H. Research Methodology................................................................
I. Thesis Organization ....................................................................
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE A. Bilingualism ................................................................................
B. Code Switching ...........................................................................
C. Code Mixing 1. Definition ..............................................................................
2. Type of Code mixing ............................................................
3. Level of Code mixing............................................................
D. Semantics 1. Definition ..............................................................................
2. Semantics Meaning ...............................................................
CHAPTER III DATA PRESENTATION Level of Sentence ........................................................................
CHAPTER IV ANALYZING DATA A. Type of Code Mixing 1. Insertion.................................................................................
2. Alternation.............................................................................
3. Congruent Lexicalization ......................................................
B. Lexical Items of Code Mixing 1. Morphological Level .............................................................
a. Word................................................................................
1) Single Word ..............................................................
2) Compound Word .......................................................
b. Hybrid .............................................................................
c. Reduplication ..................................................................
2. Syntactical Level ...................................................................
a. Phrase ..............................................................................
b. Clause ..............................................................................
C. Loan Word ..................................................................................
CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusions ...........................................................................
B. Suggestions ...........................................................................
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Mass media is any form communications intended for large audiences. Nowadays Indonesian mass media have been developed rapidly, such as broadcast media (TV, radio) or printed/written media (newspapers, magazines) and etc. Each of them tries to increase their quality and quantity. Starting by the coming of globalization era they use English to make their communication with the reader or listener more modern and effective. Many of Indonesian mass media have also been influenced by English. Because of that phenomenon, now we can find English in broadcast media or printed/written media. One of Indonesian mass media that use English is magazine. Magazine is weekly or monthly paper covered publication with articles, stories, and etc (Oxford Dictionary 2011: 265). In this issue, the writer decides to choose one of Indonesian magazine as an object of her study, which is a teen magazine. It commonly presents the entertainment pieces of news that describe the current state of the artists or bands, movies, drama series that are currently shown on local television channels, love affairs of artists, upcoming entertainment
activities, and others. In this research, the writer will investigate one of teen magazines, it is Teen magazine. Teen magazine is a medium for teenager to get information about the entertainment news. It is published twice a month. Sometimes the editor mixes and uses several languages to inform their readers in some rubrics. The using of language in this magazine should be modern and interesting because it is designed for teenagers. The phenomenon of mixing English in some rubrics of this magazine make the writer interested to understand about the types of code mixing and the lexical items in Teen magazine deeply. From the explanation above the writer titles this research as “LINGUISTICS STUDY OF CODE MIXING USED IN „EXPOSE‟ RUBRIC OF TEEN MAGAZINE AT 281-288 EDITIONS OF APRIL-AUGUST 2012”
B. Limitation of the Problem In this research the writer will analyze code mixing that occurred in „Expose‟ rubric of Teen magazine at 281-288 editions of April-August 2012. She describes about types of code mixing and the lexical items in the „Expose‟ rubric of Teen magazine.
C. Statement of the Problem Based on the problems above the writer will focus on the following questions: 1. What are the types of code mixing used in „Expose‟ rubric of Teen magazine? 2. What the lexical items are mixed in the „Expose‟ rubric of Teen magazine?
D. Objective of the Study This research is aimed at two objectives, they are: 1. To find out the types of code mixing used in „Expose‟ rubric of Teen magazine. 2. To find out the lexical items mixed in „Expose‟ rubric of Teen magazine.
E. Benefit of the Study The writer expects that this research can give theoretical and practical benefits. 1. Theoretical a. It helps the readers to enrich their knowledge about code mixing phenomenon in society especially in magazine/media. b. It will give some contributions to the reader to enrich their vocabularies building.
2. Practical a. It enriches the example of code mixing. b. It gives clear explanations of code mixing, so that it enables the readers to use Indonesian-English code mixing appropriately. c. It helps the other researcher to use this research as reference for their research.
F. Definition of the Key Term 1. Code mixing Code mixing is called intra-sentential code switching or intrasentential code-alternation. It occurs when speakers use two or more languages below clause level. According to Musyken (1999 in Lau Su Kia, Xiongyong Cheng 2011:4) code mixing means the lexical items and grammatical features of two languages that exist in the same sentence. In addition, Bhatia and Ritchie (1999 in Lau Su Kia, Xiongyong Cheng 2011:4) define code-mixing as follows: Code-mixing refers to the mixing of various linguistic units (words, phrases, clauses, and sentences) primarily from two participating grammatical systems across sentence boundaries within a speech event. In other words, code-mixing is inter-sentential and may be subject to some discourse principles. It is motivated by social and psychological factors.
Code mixing is a mixing of two languages, usually without a change of topic. Code mixing often occurs within one sentence, one element is spoken in language A and the rest in language B. For example: Seneng dan sedih juga karena banyak yang protes kenapa mention di Twitter nggak dibales. (Teen 283: 18) “I am happy and also sad because many people protest why their mention didn‟t replay” 2. Teen Magazine Teen magazine is dedicated for teenagers. This magazine covers about entertainment news (artists, movie, music and fashion). It is published twice a month in Saturday. There are many rubrics in this magazine, such as expose, film, music, fashion, my space and etc. It consists of 91 pages and printed by P.T Visi Indomedia. Teen publisher‟s address is in Guru Mughni street No.2 Karet Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12940. The magazine staffs of Teen magazine as follow: a. Editor in Chief
: Sandra Kartika
b. The Leader
: Yenny Wiryadi
c. The Vice Leader
: Andreyadi Berliano
d. Producer Editor
: Christy Ratna Gayarti
e. Editor
: Dian Eka Widiyanti
f. Editorial Staff s
: Doddy Irawan Dyah Puspita Wisnuwardhani
g. Photographers
: Ace Suhendar M. Akrom Sukarya
h. Graphics Designer
: Nanang Ahmad Suryana
i. Production
: Agus Siswanto
j. Preprinted
: Fransiska Iwan Linariyadi
k. Promotions
: Tammy S. Yonosepoetro Deswa Asrul
: Hari Yulianto Bayu Purna Yudha
G. Review of Related Researchers As the references of her research, the writer reviews the previous research which has a relation in terms of problems, research methodology and findings. In Dias Astuti Cakrawarti‟s research entitled “Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing in the Teenlit Canting Cantiq by Dyan Nuranindya”. She is the student of faculty of humanities Diponegoro University Semarang. She analyzed about the types of code switching and code mixing and the reasons why the characters in the teenlit Canting Cantiq by DyanNuranindya switched and mixed the language.
“A Descriptive Study of Indonesian-English Code Mixing Used in Gaul Magazine at 38th Edition of October 5-11, 2009” by Uswatun Rohmah, the student of State Islamic Institute of Salatiga. In her research, she discussed about the types of Indonesian code mixing and the lexical meaning of English code mixing. The last previous research is “A Descriptive Study of IndonesianEnglish Code Mixing Used in Kawanku Magazine (12th – 26th August 2009 Edition) by Sofiyana (2010) the student of State Islamic Institute of Salatiga. She described about the forms and the purposes of Indonesian-English code mixing used in Kawanku magazine.
H. Research Methodology In this chapter the writer would like to explain about research methodology. It consists of research approach, type of the research, object of the research, data collection method, data analysis, and research design. 1. Research Approach The writer uses qualitative approach in her research. This approach concerns the data which are words rather than in number. Therefore it is not include any calculation or numeration. According to Morse (1994: 3), qualitative research methods are in comparison, poorly described and lack perspective procedures. The goals of qualitative research are generally
development of theory, description, explanation and understanding (Diamond 1987 cited in Morse 1994: 3) 2. Type of the Research The type of this research is descriptive research. The writer will analyze the data according to the forms of Indonesian-English code mixing. 3. Object of the Research The object of this research is Indonesian-English code mixing which are found in „Expose‟ rubric of Teen magazine at 281-288 editions of April-August 2012. 4. Data collection method In collecting the data, the writer uses note taking technique. She tries to take a note on the statements or utterances in „Expose‟ rubric that are included in Indonesian-English code mixing. 5. Data Analysis After collecting the data, the writer takes the next step that is analyzing the data. The method of analyzing data that is used in this research as follow: a. Data collection In this step the writer reads all of „Expose‟ rubrics of 281-288 editions of April-August 2012 and put them as the data.
b. Identification The writer identifies the appropriate and inappropriate data of data collection. c. Classification After identifying the data, the writer classifies the Indonesian-English code mixing in „Expose‟ rubrics of Teen magazine into the types of code mixing and the lexical items.
I. Thesis Organization This research is organized into five chapters. The first chapter presents the introduction part, it consists of background of the study, limitation of the problem, statement of the problem, objective of the study, benefit of the study, definition of key term, review of related researchers, research methodology, and thesis organization. Chapter two is about review of literature explains some theories about code mixing. Moving to third chapter discusses about data presentation. Next, chapter four reports the finding of the research. It presents the result of the analysis of collected data. The last chapter of this graduating paper, chapter five is about closure which will be divided into two part, conclusion and suggestion.
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE In this chapter the writer gives underlying theories related to the research. The theories will be used to solve the problem and to analyze the data in this research. Firstly the writer discusses bilingualism and the result of it. Secondly, the review will focus on the results of bilingualism; they are code switching and code mixing. She also explains about the type and the level of code mixing. The last discussion is on semantics. A. Bilingualism In society, people use language to interact with others. Without a language people will find some troubles in their activities. Language is very crucial for them, but usually they use more than one language in their interaction. This phenomenon is called bilingualism. Bilingual is a functional ability that has a person to use second language in their interactions. In many parts of the world the bilingual ability is usual, moreover a monolingual individual regarded as a misfit person that has not an important ability. According to Hamers and Blanc (2000:6) as follow: “The concept of bilingualism is refer to the state of a linguistic community in which two languages are in contact with the result that two codes can be used in the same interaction and that a number of individuals are bilingual”
In other side Goh and Silver (2004: 49) state that bilingualism if the child is learning and using two different languages in their daily activities (at home or school). When they use more than two languages is called multilingualism. A country that uses bilingual system in school is Singapore. Based on the explanation above the writer concludes that bilingualism is a habit of using two different languages to interact with others that aimed to make understandable in their communication. In bilingual situation, a speaker usually change language or utterance, it depends on context and situation. According to Wardaugh (1992: 103) bilingualism results code switching and code mixing phenomenon. It happens when a speaker requires a particular language to switch or mix one language to another. B. Code switching One of the results of bilingualism is called code switching. Code switching is changing language based on a strict identification between the notions of “code/language” and “linguistic variety”. It can occur during the same conversation and change over sentences when a bilingual speaker uses more than one language in a single utterance above the clause level. Gal (1988: 247 in Ronald Wardhaugh 1992:103) says “code switching is conversational strategies used to establish, cross or destroy group boundaries to create evoke or change interpersonal relations with their rights or obligation”.
In addition Wardhaugh (1992: 106) describes two kinds of code switching, they are situational and metaphorical code switching. Situational code switching occurs when a speaker changes language A in one situation and uses language B in different one. There is no change a topic involved. Metaphorical code switching occurs when a speaker uses language X in one topic and switches into language Y to another topic. Based on the explanation above the writer concludes that code switching is using two or more different language in conversation above clause level. For instance: A: I can‟t leave him „coz I love him so much… B: Correct! You got the point! Kata „banget‟ itulah letak permasalahanmu sekarang ini. “Correct! You got the point! The word “banget” is your problem now” In the example above shows that the speaker B interacted in English and suddenly switched into Indonesian language.
C. Code mixing 1. Definition In a multilingual country the ability to using more one language in conversation is usual, such as code mixing. Code mixing is using the lexical items and grammatical features between two languages in one
sentence. Accoding to Wardhaugh (1992: 106) code mixing occurs when speakers use two languages together to show that they switch from one language to others in one utterance. However, conversational code mixing occurs when a speaker mixes two languages in conversation without an associated topic change. Furthermore, according to Holmes (1992: 50) code mixing suggests the speakers to mix codes indiscriminately because of incompetence. After the speakers mixed codes/languages they convey affective meaning as well as information. In addition, Bhatia and Ritchie (1999 in Lau Su Kia, Xiongyong Cheng 2011:4) define code-mixing as follows: “Code-mixing refers to the mixing of various linguistic units (words, phrases, clauses, and sentences) primarily from two participating grammatical systems across sentence boundaries within a speech event. In other words, code-mixing is inter-sentential and may be subject to some discourse principles. It is motivated by social and psychological factors”.
Code mixing divided into two kinds, inner-code mixing sourced from the native language and all variations such as informal and formal. The second is outer-code mixing, it sourced from foreign language, for example Indonesian and English language. Pfaff (1979 in Ronald Wardhaugh 1992: 107) provide the following examples of code mixing among the Spanish-English bilinguals, they are as follows:
Todos los Mexicanos were riled up “All the Mexican were riled up”
Estaba training para pelar “He was training to fight”
2. Type of code mixing Muysken (2000 In Monica Stella and Neny 2009:69) defines three types of code mixing, they are: a. Insertion Insertion occurs when lexical items from one language are incorporated into another. Example: Hal yang paling ditakutkan fans mereka pun terjadi. (Teen 288: 19) “The biggest anxiety of their fans is happened” Word “fans” is combined into Indonesian language in one utterance/sentence. b. Alternation Alternation occurs when structures of two languages are changed indistinctively both at the grammatical and lexical level. In other word, it is the combination of two languages in a sentence, which is overall not identifiable as belonging to either A or B. Example: “Saya bertemu dengannya ketika she was child” “I met her when she was child”
“She was child” is English clause, it is incorporated in Indonesian clause in one sentence. c. Congruent lexicalization Congruent lexicalization is the situation when an utterance uses the elements from either language in a structure that is wholly or partly shared by language A or B. Example: “Untuk bisa membuka aplikasi Youwave Android kita harus konek internet dulu” “To open Youwave Android application we must connect internet first” In English, the word “konek” means “connect”, but in Indonesian is “tersambung”. However in this sentence “konek” shows both of its languages. 3. Level of code mixing The linguistics levels dealing code mixing are morphological and syntactical level. According to Goh and Silver (2004: 2) morphology is the study of morphemes and the way to combine word formation. A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in a language. For example, „happiness‟ is formed from two morphemes, „happy‟ and „ness‟. „Happy‟ is free morpheme and „ness‟ is bound morpheme.
Syntax is the study of architecture of phrase, clause and sentence. It is the way words combine to form sentences and the rules to control those combinations (Goh and Silver 2004: 3). Morphology, syntax and semantics are recognized to deal with the structure of word. a. Morphological level 1) Word According to Lyons (1968: 200) word is a group of a particular meaning with a particular complex of sounds capable of a particular grammatical employment. It may consist of a single morpheme or a combination of morphemes. Word is divided into two part, they are single word and compound word. a) Single word Single word is only exists of one word and it can‟t be separated into two or more words. Sometimes it has suffixes. That included in single word are noun, adjective, pronoun, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection. Example: Kami di dalam mobil mau pulang show waktu itu. (Teen 282: 15) “We were in a car when we would go home from show” In the sentence above “show” is a single word of verb.
b) Compound word A compound word is made when two words are joined to form a new word. Cited in Example: Beberapa kali ditangkap kamera sedang hangout (Teen 287: 17) “They captured camera when they were hangout in several time” Hangout is a compound word that consists of two words. They are “hang” and “out”. 2) Hybrid In Oxford Dictionary (2011: 217) hybrid is animal or plant produced from two different species. But in linguistic side we can conclude that hybrid is the combination of word pieces of two different languages, such as English word and Indonesian word. Example: Harus lebih nguasai lagu-lagu nge-beat. (Teen 283: 18) “She has to mastery beat songs” “Nge-beat” is a hybrid because it is the combination of two pieces of word, “nge” is Indonesian prefix and beat is English word.
3) Reduplication Reduplication is an often grammatically functional repetition of a radical element or a part of it occurring usually at the beginning of a word and often accompanied by change of the radical vowel. Cited in Example: “Hubungannya selama ini fine-fine aja tuh” “So far her relationship is fine” “Fine-fine” is reduplication, the meaning of fine is enjoyable or pleasing. (Oxford Dictionary 2011: 166) b. Syntactical level 1) Phrase A phrase is group of words which have a particular meaning when used together. (Oxford Dictionary 2011: 329) Usually its function is together within a sentence and has one meaning. Kinds of phrases are adjective phrase, adverb phrase and noun phrase. Example: Tapi akhirnya aku langsung dapet golden ticket. (Teen 283: 16) “But finally I got a golden ticket” “Golden ticket” consists of two word, “golden” is an adjective and “ticket” is a noun. The function of phrase in sentence is an adjective. So it is called adjective phrase.
2) Clause Clause is component of a complex sentence, with its own subject and predicate, especially one doing the work of a noun, adjective or adverb (Hornby 1974: 153). It is divided into main clause and supporting clause. Main clause has its own meaning and can stand themselves without depend on others part of sentences. Supporting clause is the opposite of main clause. It can‟t stand alone and depend on others part of sentence. Example: “Kalo yang ini khusus buat Wonder Teen “I love your new style” (Wonder Teen 291: 15) “It‟s special for Wonder Teen „I love your voice‟” “I love your voice” is a supporting clause that incorporated in Indonesian clause. 3) Sentence Sentence is a group of words which makes a complete sense (Murthy 2003:221). Example: “Gaya Sohee selalu asyik dilihat, dan inner beauty-nya terpancar saat dia bernyanyi, menari, ataupun berbicara didepan kamera. Can‟t take your eyes often? Welcome to the club!” (Wonder Teen 291: 17)
“Sohee‟s style is eye catching, her inner beauty is go out when she sang a song, dance or talk in a camera. Can‟t take your eyes often? Welcome to the club!” The insertion of sentence is in the last of paragraph. Its function is to explain the previous sentence.
D. Semantics 1. Definition Semantics is the study of meaning such as meaning of words, phrase and sentences, and the study how language organized and expressed of it. In fact, meaning is a part of language but semantics is a part of linguistics. According to Goh and Silver (2004: 5) semantics just focused on meaning which is relatively fixed and does not vary with context. 2. Semantics meaning a. Lexical meaning Lexical meaning is the component of word meaning recurrent in all the forms of the word and in all the possible distributions of these forms ( The writer concludes that lexical meaning is the meaning of word when its word stands independently.
Example: “Comfort” has some meaning, (i) state of being relaxed and free from pain or worry, (ii) person of thing that brings you help or relief, (iii) thing that gives physical ease and makes life more pleasant. b. Grammatical meaning Grammatical meaning is the component of word meaning, recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of different words. It is an expression in speech of relationships between words based on contrastive features of
( In other word, grammatical meaning is the meaning that arise as the resulted of word function in sentence. Example: The word “class” in lexical meaning is a group of students taught together (Hornby 1974: 74). But in sentence “where is your class…?” have different meaning if the word “class” joined with other word, such as classroom, classmate, etc. c. Textual meaning According to Mansoer Pateda (2001: 129) textual meaning is the meaning of the reader after she/he read over all texts or sentences Textual meaning related with message or theme of text. Example: “Penyanyi Nugie ogah terjun ke kancah politik”. “Nugie won‟t involve his self in politic” (Kompas, 3 Februari 2009).
This sentence means that he won‟t concern in politic. “Terjun” in here is not jump, but involve his self in politic. d. Contextual meaning Contextual meaning or situational meaning is the meaning that resulted of the relation between speech and context or situation (Mansoer Pateda. 2001:116). Example: When a teacher got a student came late in the class, and then the teacher said “what time is it?” or “you disturb your friends”. It means that the student is not allowed to join the class.
CHAPTER III DATA PRESENTATION In the third chapter the writer shows the data that will be analyzed in her research. The data have been taken from „Expose‟ rubric in eight editions (281-288) of Teen magazine. „Expose‟ rubric discusses about the entertainers lives, activities, profiles and etc. There are 31 sentences that will be analyzed, they are as follows: Table Level of Sentence No
Aku suka cewek yang
Code Mixing
Roller coaster
nyambung, sayang dengan keluargaku, funny dan unik
Harry‟s fact : Jago juggling (bermain sulap dengan bola)
Harry‟s fact : Fobia
roller coaster 4
Niall‟s fact : Cowok
yang loyal dan faithful
Niall‟s fact : Dulu
pingin banget jadi sound engineer engineer, tapi malah banting stir jadi penyanyi
Harapan kami ke depan pengin jadi yang lebih baik lagi biar bisa go internasional. Dance dan suara harus lebih oke lagi.
Gadget favorit Bastian : semua gadget yang seru asal punya orang
Kami suka telusuri boy
Boy band-boy
band-boy band hebat.
Kami belajar penguasaan panggung dari mereka
Mas Dhani bilang sih „I
I love your
love your voice‟
Saya selalu mencari
sesuatu yang baru di tiap minggu. Jadi selalu mikir. Gak Cuma suara, tapi juga gimmick, gerakan dan lain-lain 11
Aku harus ngurusin berat badan lagi supaya terlihat lebih fresh
Beda banget rasanya
dengan Yoda yang dulu.
Sekarang aku harus
lebih menjaga attitude-
ku, karena banyak yang merhatiin
Konser ini disiarkan
langsung melalui streaming Google, MBC. Ini pertama kalinya konser K-Pop disiarkan nggak hanya di channel korea
Ternyata foto yang diupload Kim Sun Ah
adalah foto 4 tahun lalu,
saat Siwon masih unyu-
unyu banget
Diem-diem pemilik
nama lengkap Stefanny
Margaretha ini adalah
Hybrid (English
intruktur dance di
Bandung loh. Dia juga
jago split tuh. Paling keren kalo dance-nya bersanding sama Gigi
Aku lihat Cherrybelle itu
Girl band
wow. Ini kan girl band istimewa
Anyway, yang bikin heboh dari penyuka Tweety ini adalah suara tawanya yang menggelegar
Pengalaman Cherrybelle Variety show
Compound word
ke luar negeri bikin ngiri, ke Korea. Kami ke sana buat syuting variety show untuk sebuah progam teve
Kami sempet nyasar karena gak tau kalau jadwal subway itu cuma sampai jam setengah12
Dengan kesibukan Cherrybelle yang segudang, cewek –cewek cute ini bahkan gak sempet buat perawatan di salon
Seorang Kristen Stewart
juga gak kebal dari bullying lho Teenaholic
Aku selalu mengenakan pakaian nge-gym, ceplos
prefix+English word)
Well, gossip terbaru yang Teen kutip dari majalah OK tentang pasangan ini adalah mereka ngak sabar untuk mengikuti jejak Bella dan Edward Cullen: menikah dan punya Renesmee
Bahkan Rob juga mulai
Hybrid (English
membuat lagu pengantar
tidur buat calon baby-
nya dan Kristen kelak
It‟s really sweet, tambah
It‟s really
si narasumber
Dan waktu menonton
Spider-Man 10 tahun lalu, Teen terpesona melihat aksi en cerita dalam film itu, plus acting Tobey Maguire mendalami karakter Peter Parker yang nerd namun berhati lembut
Pertama kali ketemu
Screen test
Tapi aku tahu, this is
This is
Seorang pembaca
How could
Emma waktu screen test, aku seperti terbangun
Lauren bertanya “how could she? Rob benarbenar mencintainya?”
Kristen en Rob makan
Berikut analisis
relationship expert
malam bareng di resto Nobu, San Diego sebelum gabung bareng para pemain Twilight Saga : Breaking Down part 2 untuk mempromosikan film tersebut di ajang ComicCon
Dr.Gilda Carle yang biasa menangani hubungan asmara para seleb Hollywood
CHAPTER IV ANALYZING DATA Chapter four reports the findings of the research. It presents the result of the analysis of collected data. The data have been taken from eight editions of „Expose‟ rubric of Teen magazine. The writer will classify the data into two discussions. Firstly about type of code mixing based on Musyken theory, and secondly on lexical items that are mixed in „Expose‟ rubric. A. Type of Code Mixing According to Muysken (2000 In Monica Stella and Neny 2009:69), there are three types of code mixing, they are: insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization. 1. Insertion Insertion occurs when lexical items from one language are incorporated into another. After the writer classified the data, she found 15 sentences that included in insertion. a. Aku suka cewek yang nyambung, sayang dengan keluargaku, funny dan unik. (14/281) “I like a smart girl, love my family, funny and unique” b. Harry‟s fact: Jago juggling (bermain sulap dengan bola). (16/281) “Harry‟s fact: great in juggling”
c. Niall‟s fact: Cowok yang loyal dan faithful. (17/281) “Niall‟s fact: he is a loyal boy and faithful” d. Harapan kami ke depan pengin jadi yang lebih baik lagi biar bisa go internasional. Dance dan suara harus lebih oke lagi. (15/282) “Our hope in the future is to be a better and we can go international. Dance and voice should be okay again” e. Gadget favorit Bastian: semua gadget yang seru asal punya orang. (15/282) “Bastian‟s favorite gadget: all of exciting gadget that has by a person” f. Saya selalu mencari sesuatu yang baru di tiap minggu. Jadi selalu mikir. Gak Cuma suara, tapi juga gimmick, gerakan dan lain-lain. (18/282) “I always look for something new in every week. So I always think. It is not only sound, but also gimmick, dance and others” g. Aku harus ngurusin berat badan lagi supaya terlihat lebih fresh. (18/283) “I have to make my body to be slim again in order to look fresh”
h. Konser ini disiarkan langsung melalui streaming Google dan MBC dan ini pertama kalinya konser K-Pop disiarkan nggak hanya di channel korea. (13/284) “The concert was broadcasted live via streaming Google and MBC, it is the first time that K-Pop concert not broadcasted in Korean channel” i. Diem-diem pemilik nama lengkap Stefanny Margaretha ini adalah intruktur dance di Bandung loh. Dia juga jago split tuh.(12/285) “Secretly, a girl whose have name Stefanny Margaretha is dance instructor in Bandung. She also has a good skill in split” j. Anyway, yang bikin heboh dari penyuka Tweety ini adalah suara tawanya yang menggelegar. (13/285) “Anyway, that make a scene of this Tweety lover is a booming laughter” k. Dengan kesibukan Cherrybelle yang segudang, cewek –cewek cute ini bahkan gak sempet buat perawatan di salon. (13.285) “Because Cherrybelle have many activities, these cute girls haven‟t time to make a treatment in salon” l. Seorang Kristen Stewart juga gak kebal dari bullying lho Teenaholic. (12/286) “Kristen Stewart also get bullying, you know Teenaholic”
m. Well, gossip terbaru yang Teen kutip dari majalah OK tentang pasangan ini adalah mereka ngak sabar untuk mengikuti jejak Bella dan Edward Cullen: menikah dan punya Renesmee. (15/286) “Well, the latest gossip that Teen quoted from OK magazine about this couple is that they are not patient to follow the story of Bella and Edward Cullen: married and have Renesmee” n. Dan waktu menonton Spider-Man sepuluh tahun lalu, Teen terpesona melihat aksi en cerita dalam film itu, plus acting Tobey Maguire mendalami karakter Peter Parker yang nerd namun berhati lembut. (16/287) “When we watched Spider-Man 10 years ago, Teen fascinated to see the action and the story in that film, plus Tobey Maguire‟s action that absorbed Peter Parker‟s nerd character but soft “ The words “funny”, “juggling”, “faithful”, “dance”, “gadget”, “gimmick”, “fresh”, “channel”, “dance”, “split”, “anyway”, “cute”, “bullying”, “well”, “nerd” are English word that inserted in Indonesian sentences. 2. Alternation Alternation occurs when structures of two languages are changed indistinctively both at the grammatical and lexical level. It seems that one language is replaced by the other in one sentence. The writer found 4 sentences that included in alternation. They are as follows:
a. Mas Dhani bilang sih „I love your voice‟. (16/283) Indonesian Clause
English Clause
“Mr. Dhani said that „I love your voice‟” “I love your voice” is continuing of Indonesian utterance in one sentence. b. It‟s really sweet, tambah si narasumber. (15/286) English Clause
Indonesian Clause
“It‟s really sweet, Informant said” “It‟s really sweet” is alternation of Indonesian utterance that incorporated into English utterance in one sentence. c. Tapi aku tahu, this is different. (17/287) Indonesian C.
English Clause
“But I know, this is different” “This is different” is alternation of Indonesian utterance that incorporated into English utterance in one sentence. d. Seorang pembaca, Lauren bertanya „how could Indonesian Clause
English C.
she? Rob benar-benar mencintainya?” (16/288) Indonesian Clause “A reader from, Lauren asked „how could she? Is Rob really loves her?‟”
“How could she” is interrogative clause. It has a function of its sentence as alternation from Indonesian and English utterance. 3. Congruent Lexicalization Congruent lexicalization is the situation when an utterance uses the elements from either language in a structure that is wholly or partly shared by language A or B. in this research, the writer just found one type of congruent lexicalization. a. “Kristen en Rob makan malam bareng di resto Nobu San Diego sebelum gabung bareng para pemain Twilight Saga: Breaking Down part 2 untuk mempromosikan film tersebut di ajang Comic-Con”. (18/288) “Kristen en (and) Rob have a dinner together in Nobu restaurant San Diego before they join with actors of Twilight Saga: Breaking Down Part 2 to promote this film in Comic-Con award” In English, the word “en” means “and”, but in Indonesian is “dan”. However in this sentence “en” shows both of its languages. b. Harry‟s fact: Fobia roller coaster. (16/281) “Harry‟s fact: Phobia roller coaster” “Fobia” is Indonesia language but in English means “phobia”. In this sentence “fobia” shows both of its language. The meaning of it is strong unreasonable fear or hatred of something (2011: 328).
c. Bisa dipastikan karir Kristen akan terus berkembang dan tentunya gak menutup kemungkinan dia akan jadi seleb muda terkaya. How lucky you are Kris. (14/286) “Kristen‟s career will grow up continually and maybe she would be the richest young celebrities. How lucky you are Kris” “Karir” is Indonesia language but in English means “career”. In this sentence “karir” shows both of its language. The meaning of this word is series of jobs that a person has in a particular area of work (2011: 61). Discussion of Findings Table 4.1 The Frequency of the Occurrences of the Type of Code Mixing According Muysken Theory Used in „Expose‟ Rubric of Teen Magazine No Type of Code Mixing
18. 18%
Congruent Lexicalization
The table above shows the result of type of code mixing based on Musyken theory that occurred in „Expose‟ rubric of Teen magazine. There are
15 codes mixing that included in insertion, in other word 68.18% of all codes mixing are Insertion. Second type is alternation, the writer found 4 or 18.18% of codes mixing that included in alternation. The last one is congruent lexicalization, the writer just found 3 or 13.64% code mixing that included in congruent lexicalization type. We can conclude that type of insertion is the most frequent use. The insertion of word is often occurred because it‟s easy to add it in conversation or text. B. Lexical Items of Code Mixing 1. Morphological level a. Word Word is a group of a particular meaning with a particular complex of sounds capable of a particular grammatical employment (John Lyons 1971: 200). It consists of single word and compound word. 1) Single word Single word is consisting of noun, adjective, pronoun, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection. -NOUNIn this research, the writer found English nouns that inserted by journalist in „Expose‟ rubric of Teen magazine. There are 7 sentences that inserted English noun.
a) Harry‟s fact: Jago juggling (bermain sulap dengan bola). (16/281) “Harry‟s fact: great in juggling” “Juggling” is consisting of two morphemes. They are juggle (free morpheme of verb) and -ing (English suffix). The function of word in this sentence is noun. Juggling means a magic play with ball. b) Harapan kami ke depan pengin jadi yang lebih baik lagi biar bisa go internasional. Dance dan suara harus lebih oke lagi. (15/282) “Our hope in the future is to be a better and we can go international. Dance and voice should be okay again” “Dance” is noun as single word of English. It consists of one morpheme and can‟t be separated in two or more morphemes. In this sentence, “dance” has a function as subject. Dance means art of dancing and movements and steps in time to music (2011: 112) c) Gadget favorit Bastian: semua gadget yang seru asal punya orang. (15/282) “Bastian‟s favorite gadget: all of exciting gadget that has by a person”
“Gadget” is constructed by one morpheme and can‟t be separated. It included in single word of noun. Gadget means small useful tool or device (2011: 180) d) Saya selalu mencari sesuatu yang baru di tiap minggu. Jadi selalu mikir. Gak Cuma suara, tapi juga gimmick, gerakan dan lain-lain. (18/282) “I always look for something new in every week. So I always think. It is not only sound, but also gimmick, dance and others” “Gimmick” is single word of noun. It consists of one morpheme can‟t be separated into two or more morphemes. Gimmick means a way or trick to do something. e) Konser ini disiarkan langsung melalui streaming Google dan MBC dan ini pertama kalinya konser K-Pop disiarkan nggak hanya di channel korea. (13/284) “The concert was broadcasted live via streaming Google and MBC, it is the first time that K-Pop concert not broadcasted in Korean channel” “Channel” is single word of noun. It consists of one morpheme can‟t be separated into two or more morphemes. Channel is television station. f) Diem-diem pemilik nama lengkap Stefanny Margaretha ini adalah intruktur dance di Bandung loh. (12/285)
“Secretly, a girl whose have name Stefanny Margaretha is dance instructor in Bandung. She also has a good skill in split” “Dance” is single word of noun. It consists of one free morpheme and can‟t be separated into two or more morphemes. Dance means art of dancing and movements and steps in time to music (2011: 112) g) Dan waktu menonton Spider-Man 10 tahun lalu, Teen terpesona melihat aksi en cerita dalam film itu, plus acting Tobey Maguire mendalami karakter Peter Parker yang nerd namun berhati lembut. (16/287) “When we watched Spider-Man 10 years ago, Teen fascinated to see the action and the story in that film, plus Tobey Maguire‟s action that absorbed Peter Parker‟s nerd character but soft. “Nerd” is single word of noun. It consists of one free morpheme and can‟t be separated into two or more morphemes. Nerd is stupid or dull people. -ADJECTIVEa) Aku suka cewek yang nyambung, sayang dengan keluargaku, funny dan unik. (14/281) “I like a smart girl, love my family, funny and unique”
“Funny” is constructed by one free morpheme. It can‟t be separated into two or more morphemes. The function in sentence is as single word of adjective. Funny is causing laughter or amusing strange (2011: 179) b) Niall‟s fact: Cowok yang loyal dan faithful. (17/281) “Niall‟s fact: he is a loyal boy and faithful” “Faithful” is constructed by two morphemes. They are “faith” as free morpheme and “ful” as English suffix. It can‟t be separated into two or more morphemes. The function in sentence is as single word of adjective. Faithful is true believers in a religion or a political party (2011: 159) c) Aku harus ngurusin berat badan lagi supaya terlihat lebih fresh. (18/283) “I have to make my body to be slim again in order to look fresh” “Fresh” is constructed by one free morpheme. It can‟t be separated into two or more morphemes. The function in sentence is as single word of adjective. In this sentence fresh means full of energy. d) Dengan kesibukan Cherrybelle yang segudang, cewek –cewek cute ini bahkan gak sempet buat perawatan di salon. (13.285)
“Because Cherrybelle have many activities, these cute girls have not time to make a treatment in salon” “Cute” is constructed by one free morpheme. It can‟t be separated into two or more morphemes. The function in sentence is as single word of adjective. Cute means attractive, pretty or charming (2011: 111) -VERB“Seorang Kristen Stewart juga gak kebal dari bullying lho Teenaholic”. (12/286) “Kristen Stewart also get bullying, you know Teenaholic” The word “bullying” consists of two morphemes. They are bully and –ing. “Bully” is free morpheme of verb, and “-ing” is English suffix. The function in sentence is as verb.” Bullying” means do naughty behavior. -ADVERBAnyway, yang bikin heboh dari penyuka Tweety ini adalah suara tawanya yang menggelegar. (13/285) “Anyway, that make a scene of this Tweety lover is a booming laughter” “Anyway” is adverb. It‟s constructed from two free morphemes, “any” and “way”. It can‟t be separated each other to get the meaningful word.
-INTERJECTIONWell, gossip terbaru yang Teen kutip dari majalah OK tentang pasangan ini adalah mereka ngak sabar untuk mengikuti jejak Bella dan Edward Cullen: menikah dan punya Renesmee. (15/286) “Well, the latest gossip that Teen quoted from OK magazine about this couple is that they are not patient to follow the story of Bella and Edward Cullen: married and have Renesmee” The word “well” is single word of interjection. It consists of one of free morpheme. It can‟t be separated into two or more morpheme. 2) Compound word Kami sempet nyasar karena gak tau kalau jadwal subway itu cuma sampai jam setengah 12. (13/285) “We ever strayed because we didn‟t know if the subway just until half past eleven” The word “subway” is compound word. It consists of two parts of meaningful unit. They are “sub” and “way”, all of them are nouns. Subway is an underground railway system in a city.
b. Hybrid 1) Beda banget rasanya dengan Yoda yang dulu. Sekarang aku harus lebih menjaga attitude-ku, karena banyak yang merhatiin. (18/283) “It‟s different with Yoda in the past. Now I have to keep my attitude, because there are many persons that give attention me” “Attitude-ku” consists of two morphemes. It‟s combined of English noun (attitude) and Indonesian pronoun (-ku). Attitude is the way of thinking or behavior. 2) Ternyata foto yang di-upload Kim Sun Ah adalah foto 4 tahun lalu, saat Siwon masih unyu-unyu banget. (17/284) “In fact that the photo was uploaded Kim Sun Ah is about 4 years ago, when Siwon was really cute” “Di-upload” consists of two morphemes. It‟s combined of Indonesian prefix (di-) and English verb (upload). Upload is act or process of uploading. 3) Aku selalu mengenakan pakaian nge-gym, ceplos Kristen. (14/286) “I always use gym clothes, Kristen said”
“Nge-gym” consists of two morphemes. It‟s combined of Indonesian prefix (nge-) and English noun (gym). Gym is room or hall with apparatus for physical exercise (2011: 198). 4) Sukses bermetamorfosis nggak lantas kepribadian Kristen berubah lho. She‟s still very much a tomboy at heart. Kristen nggak berniat menanggalkan gaya grungy-nya tuh. (14/286) “After Kristen success, she never changes her personality. She's still very much a tomboy at heart. Kristen didn‟t mean to leave her grungy style” “Grungy-nya” consists of two morphemes. It‟s combined of English adjective (grungy) and Indonesian pronoun (-nya). Grungy means very dirty. 5) Bahkan Rob juga mulai membuat lagu pengantar tidur buat calon baby-nya dan Kristen kelak. (15/286) “Rob begins to make a lullaby song for his baby with Kris” “Baby-nya” consists of two morphemes. It‟s combined of English noun (baby) and Indonesian pronoun (-nya). Baby is very young child or animal (2011: 30). c. Reduplication “Kami suka telusuri boy band-boy band hebat. Kami belajar penguasaan panggung dari mereka”. (15/282)
“We like to investigate good boy band-boy band. We learn how to control the stage from them” “Boy band” is noun phrase. It‟s combined of two morphemes, “boy” and “band”. But in this sentence, “boy band” is repeated twice to show plural meaning. Boy band is a group of singers that sing and dance together in their performance. 2. Syntactical level a. Phrase 1) Harry‟s fact: Fobia roller coaster. (16/281) “Harry‟s fact: phobia roller coaster” “Roller coaster” is constructed of two words, “roller” (noun) and “coaster” (noun). It works as a noun in this sentence, so it called noun phrase. Roller Coaster
Roller head noun
Coaster modifier
2) Niall‟s fact: Dulu pingin banget jadi sound engineer, tapi malah banting stir jadi penyanyi. (17/281) “Niall‟s fact: Firstly, he wants be a sound engineer, but conversely he becomes a singer”
“Sound engineer” is constructed of two words, “sound” (noun) and “engineer” (noun). It works as a noun in this sentence, so it called noun phrase.
Sound Engineer
Sound head noun
Engineer modifier
3) Aku lihat Cherrybelle itu wow. Ini kan girl band istimewa. (13/285) “I know that Cherrybelle is wow. It is an extraordinary girl band” “Girl band” is constructed of two words, “girl” (noun) and “band” (noun). It works as a noun in this sentence, so it called noun phrase. Girl Band
Girl head noun
Band modifier
4) Pengalaman Cherrybelle ke luar negeri bikin ngiri, ke Korea. Kami ke sana buat syuting variety show untuk sebuah progam teve. (13/285) “The experience of Cherrybelle goes to Korea makes jealous. We went to Korea to shoot variety show on TV program” “Variety show” is constructed of two words, “variety” (noun) and “show” (noun). It works as a noun in this sentence, so it called noun phrase. Variety Show
Variety head noun
Show modifier
5) Pertama kali ketemu Emma waktu screen test, aku seperti terbangun. (17/287) “First time I met Emma when we were in screen test, I like woke up” “Screen test” is constructed of two words, “screen” (noun) and “test” (noun). It works as a noun in this sentence, so it called noun phrase. Screen Test
Screen head noun
Test modifier
6) Berikut analisis relationship expert Dr.Gilda Carle yang biasa menangani hubungan asmara para seleb Hollywood. (19/288) “The following analysis from Dr.Gilda Carle relationship expert who used to deal with the celebrity Hollywood romance” “Relation expert” is constructed of two words, “relation” (noun) and “expert” (noun). It works as a noun in this sentence, so it called noun phrase. Relationship Expert
Relation head noun
Expert modifier
b. Clause 1) Mas Dhani bilang sih „I love your voice‟. (16/283) Main Clause of I.C
Supporting Clause of E.C
“Mr. Dhani said „I love your voice‟” “I love your voice” is a supporting clause and incorporated by main main clause of Indonesian language. 2) It‟s really sweet,
tambah si narasumber. (15/286)
Main Clause of E.C
Supporting Clause of I.C
“It‟s really sweet, Informant said” “It‟s really sweet” is a main clause, and continued by supporting clause of Indonesian language. 3) Tapi aku tahu,
this is different. (17/287)
Main Clause of I.C
Supporting Clause of E.C
“But I know, this is different” “This is different” is a supporting clause, and incorporated by main clause of Indonesian language. 4) Seorang pembaca, Lauren bertanya Main Clause of I.C how could she?
Rob benar-benar mencintainya?” (16/288)
Supporting Clause of E.C and IC “A reader from, Lauren asked „how could she? Is Rob really loves her?‟” “How could she” is a supporting clause, and incorporated by main clause of Indonesian language.
Discussion of Findings Table 4.2 The Frequency of the Occurrences of the lexical items are mixed in „Expose‟ Rubric of Teen Magazine No
Lexical items
1.Single word a. Noun b. Adjective c. Verb d. Adverb e. Interjection 2.Compuond word
The table above shows the result of English lexical items that were mixed in Teen magazine. It was found 31 English words that were inserted into Indonesian sentences. The most commonly used are 7 nouns, 6 phrases, 5 hybrids, and followed by 4 to each of adjectives and clauses and 1 to each of verb, adverb, interjection, compound word, reduplication. In other word we can conclude that the most used are nouns. It‟s about 22% nouns have been mixed in Teen magazine by the journalists.
C. Loan Word In this research, the writer found English code mixing that commonly use in Indonesian language. The writer concluded that it could be included in loan word. They are as follows: a. Dari situ, Kami memilih 4 orang yang berhak masuk grand final (12/285) “From it, we choose 4 people that have a right to go in grand final” “Grand final” means the last step to be a winner in champion. This term is commonly use in Indonesian language. b. Aku ingat jadi olok-olok karena gak memakai jeans merk Juicy (12.286) “I remember when I got ridicule because I didn‟t wear Juice jeans”
“Jeans” means trousers made of strong cotton (2011: 238). In Indonesian language, there is no appropriate word to express “jeans”. So that Indonesian people loan this word to express it. c. Harapan kami ke depan pingin jadi yang lebih baik lagi biar bisa go internasional (15/282). “Our hope in the future is to be a better and we can go international. Dance and voice should be okay again” “Go international” means having a career or being popular in international world. Entertainers use this word to express their willing and feeling. There is no appropriate word to express it. d. Kristen mengakui dirinya selingkuh dari Rob dan menjalin affair dengan sutradara Snow White and the Hunstman (14/288). “Kristen confessed that she was dishonest from Rob and has an affair with Snow White and the Hunstman director” “Affair” is loving relationship between two people, when one of them is married (2011: 7). In Indonesian language “affair” means selingkuh, this terms is loan word of English language. e. Niall‟s fact: Cowok yang loyal dan faithful. (17/281). “Niall‟s fact: he is a loyal boy and faithful”. “Loyal” is faithful to something or somebody (2011:263). In Indonesia language “loyal” means setia, but Indonesia language also use term to express word “setia”.
f. Well, gossip terbaru yang Teen kutip dari majalah OK tentang pasangan ini adalah mereka ngak sabar untuk mengikuti jejak Bella dan Edward Cullen: menikah dan punya Renesmee. (15/286) “Well, the latest gossip that Teen quoted from OK magazine about this couple is that they are not patient to follow the story of Bella and Edward Cullen: married and have Renesmee” “Gossip” means informant talk about other people, especially about their private lives (2011:192). It‟s frequently use in Indonesia language.
CHAPTER V CLOSURE The last chapter consists of conclusion and suggestion. The writer concludes the type of code mixing based on Musyken theory and the lexical items that occurred in „Expose‟ rubric of Teen magazine at 281-288 editions of April-August 2012” A. Conclusion Code mixing is the using two or more languages in conversation or text. This phenomenon also occurred in Teen magazine. The journalists of Teen magazine inserted English language in „Expose‟ rubric. The writer selected 31 sentences in „Expose‟ rubric of 8 editions of Teen magazine as the data of her research. She classified the data into two discussion, firstly about type of code mixing based on Musyken theory, and secondly about the lexical items. After classified the data, the writer found some results as follows: 1.
The types of code mixing are insertion, alternation and congruent lexicalization (based on Musyken theory). She found 15 codes mixing that included in insertion, in other word 68.18% of all codes mixing are Insertion. Second type is alternation, the writer found 4 or 18.18% of codes mixing that included in alternation. The last one is congruent lexicalization, the writer just found 3 or 13.64% code mixing that included
in congruent lexicalization type. We can conclude that type of insertion is the most frequent use. 2. The lexical items mixed in „Expose‟ rubric of Teen magazine are 7 nouns, 6 phrases, 5 hybrids, and followed by 4 to each of adjectives and clauses and 1 to each of verb, adverb, interjection, compound word, reduplication. In other word we can conclude that the most used are nouns. It‟s about 22% nouns have been mixed in Teen magazine by the journalists. Besides that, the writer also found code mixing that has been involved in loan word, and it cannot be included in code mixing such as affair, gossip, loyal and etc. B. Suggestion In the end of this research, the writer purposes some suggestion as follows: 1. For English department students, after they read and known the result of type of code mixing based on Musyken theory and lexical items that occurred in „Expose‟ rubric of Teen magazine, it can be a reference in studying sociolinguistics especially about code mixing. 2. For future research, writer hopes to other researchers that will be conduct sociolinguistics research especially about code mixing to involve the other aspects of code mixing except the type based on Musyken theory and the lexical items.
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„EXPOSE‟ RUBRIC OF TEEN MAGAZINE AT 281-288 EDITION OF APRIL-AUGUST 2012 A. 281 Edition 281 Edition exposes about the profile of One Direction members. One Direction is a group of singers or known as “boy band”. They come from England. 1. Aku suka cewek yang nyambung, sayang dengan keluargaku, funny dan unik. (p.14) 2. Aku suka cute girl, but not super sexy, humoris dan lebih pendek dari aku. (p14) 3. Harry‟s fact: Jago juggling (bermain sulap dengan bola). (p.16) 4. Harry‟s fact: Fobia roller coaster. (p.16) 5. Liam‟s fact: Ingin mencoba surfing di berbagai tempat di dunia. (p.16) 6. Louis‟s fact: Loves wortel. (p.17) 7. Louis‟s fact: Nge-fan berat dengan Natalie Partman. (p.17) 8. Niall‟s fact: Cowok yang loyal dan faithful. (p.17) 9. Niall‟s fact: Dulu pingin banget jadi sound engineer, tapi malah banting stir jadi penyanyi2. (p.17)
B. 282 Edition This edition tells about Coboy Junior, boy band from Indonesia. They consist of four members. They are Bastian, Aldy, Kiki and Iqbal. 1. Meski masih ank-anak, Coby Junior udah berani bermimpi untuk go internasional loh. (p.15) 2. Harapan kami ke depan pengin jadi yang lebih baik lagi biar bisa go internasional. Dance dan suara harus lebih oke lagi. (p.15) 3. Insyaallah, album kami bakal launching tepat hari ulang tahun Coboy Junior bulan Juli nanti. (p.15) 4. Coboy Junior akan featuring sama boy band cilik super K. (p.15) 5. Bastian‟s favorite gadget: Semua gadget yang seru asal punya orang. (p.15) 6. Aku juga di follow sama Obama Indonesia. (p.15) 7. Kalau artis dalam negeri aku follow agnes monica. (p.15) 8. Kami suka telusuri boy band-boy band hebat. (p.15) 9. Kami di dalam mobil mau pulang show waktu itu. (p.15) 10. Ternyata itu base camp Coboy Junior. (p.16) 11. Honor pertama Kiki: Beli PS2 yang second. (p.16)
C. 283 Edition It covers about the best six of Indonesian Idol finalists (Regina, Zoda, Dion, Sean, Ferbri and Rossa). They tell their profile and experiences in Indonesian Idol. 1. Please welcome the gorgeous six of Indonesian Idol 7! Setiap Jum‟at malam, jutaan mata penonton Indonesia tertuju kepada kontestan Indonesian Idol 7 pada gelar acara Indonesian Idol Spektakuler Show di RCTI. Siapa sih yang nggak gemes melihat gaya cool Dion, sikap manis Febri, cuek-cueknya Yoda, suara emas Sean dan Regina? Everybody‟s waiting for their performances on Idol stage. (p.14) 2. Mas Dhani bilang sih „I love your voice‟. (p.16) 3. Beberapa hari kemudian dia posting fotoku dengan komen „could be the next Indonesian Idol‟. (p.16) 4. Tapi akhirnya aku langsung dapet golden ticket. Itu amazing banget. (p.16) 5. Juri favorit Rossa: Agnes Monica, she is my idol. (p.16) 6. Harus lebih menguasai lagu-lagu nge-beat. (p.17) 7. Soalnya kalo lagu nge-beat saya suka ngos-ngosan dan kurang gerak. (p.17) 8. Saya selalu mencari sesuatu yang baru di tiap minggu. Jadi selalu mikir. Gak Cuma suara, tapi juga gimmick, gerakan dan lain-lain. (p.17) 9. Aku harus ngurusin berat badan lagi supaya terlihat lebih fresh. (p.17)
10. Paling follower Twitter ku makin bertambah dan banyak yang panggil namaku di jalan . (p.17) 11. Beda banget rasanya dengan Yoda yang dulu. Sekarang aku harus lebih menjaga attitude-ku, karena banyak yang merhatiin. (p.17) 12. Senang tapi sedih juga soalnya banyak yang protes kenapa mention di Twitter nggak dibales. (p.17) 13. Aku ngrasa seluruh kemampuan ku keluar saat nyanyi lagu itu dan ngerasa enjoy banget di atas panggung. (p.17) D. 284 Edition The famous boy band from Korea “Super Junior” is especially exposed in 284 Edition. It explains about Super Junior activities after they finished the Super Show World Tour. 1. SuJu nge-hits banget lho di Singapure. (p.13) 2. Ketiga awards itu adalah Most Popular Group, Most Popular Artist dan Most Popular U-weekly Cover. (p.13) 3. Konser ini disiarkan langsung melalui streaming Google dan MBC dan ini pertama kalinya konser K-Pop disiarkan nggak hanya di channel korea. (p.13) 4. Selama 6 bulan SuJu melakukan 24 hari show di 10 kota di beberapa Negara. (p.13) 5. Keberhasilan konser ini membuat banyak promotor musik di berbagai Negara melakukan request. (p.13)
6. Ternyata foto yang di-upload Kim Sun Ah adalah foto 4 tahun lalu saat Siwon masih unyu-unyu banget. (p.13) E. 285 Edition Cherrybelle is one of the most popular girl bands in Indonesia. And this edition, “Expose” rubric discusses about the holyday experiences of Cherrybelle in Korea. 1. Dari situ kami memilih 4 orang yang berhak masuk grand final. (p.12) 2. Setelah melewati tahap demi tahap akhirnya kami dan management sepakat memilih Steffany dan Kezia. (p.12) 3. Diem-diem pemilik nama lengkap Steffany Margaretha ini adalah instruktur dance di Bandung lho. Dia juga jago split tuh. Paling keren kalau dance-nya barsanding sama Gigi. (p.12) 4. Mengikuti gerakan dance Cherry belle bukan lah sulit. (p.13) 5. Steffany pun curhat salama ia melawati proses training. (p.13) 6. Kami bangun subuh dan training sampai jam 5 sore. (p.13) 7. Kami latihan blocking, nyanyi dan attitude. (p.13) 8. Kezia dipilih Karena punya suara yang powerful. (p.13) 9. Aku lihat Cherrybelle itu wow. Ini kan girl band istimewa. (p.13) 10. Aku juga ingin salurkan bakat nyanyi dan dance aku supaya Cherrybelle tambah istimewa. (p.13) 11. Anyway, yang bikin heboh dari penyuka Tweety ini adalah suara tawanya yang menggelegar. (p.13)
12. Pengalaman Cherrybelle ke luar negeri bikin ngiri, ke Korea.Kami ke sana buat syuting variety show untuk sebuah progam teve. (p.13) 13. Mereka ketemu boy band Ze-a lho. (p.13) 14. Mereka minta diajarin dance gaya Cherry belle. (p.13) 15. Kami sempet nyasar karena gak tau kalau jadwal subway itu Cuma sampai jam setengah12. (p.13) 16. Akhirnya Cherly ngajak kami bertiga naik bus way. (p.13) 17. Chibi mau ke Jepang untuk perform. (p.13) 18. Niwey, jadwal Cherry Belle sudah full sampai lebaran. (p.13) 19. Dengan kesibukan Cherrybelle yang segudang, cewek –cewek cute ini bahkan gak sempet buat perawatan di salon. (p.13) 20. Kita beli lulur scrub di sana. (p.13) 21. Nah untuk body lotion para personil Cherry Belle curcol seru. (p.13) F. 286 Edition It tells about Kristen Stewart. She is one of the richest actresses in Hollywood. She becomes famous after she is acted in Snow White and The Huntsman movie. 1. Seorang Kristen Stewart juga gak kebal dari bullying lho Teenaholic. (p.12) 2. Aku ingat jadi olok-olok karena gak memakai jeans merk Juicy. (p.12) 3. Aku selalu mengenakan pakaian nge-gym, ceplos Kristen. (p.12)
4. Pengalaman di-bully saat sekolah itu membekas banget di benak Kristen. (p.12) 5. Hollywood yang punya style unik dan disukai para desaigner. (p.14) 6. Sukses bermetamorfosis nggak lantas kepribadian Kristen berubah lho. She‟s still very much a tomboy at heart. Kristen nggak berniat menanggalkan gaya grungy-nya tuh. Kristen gak berniat menanggalkan gaya grungy-nya. (p.14) 7. Foto-foto dirinya yang berhasil diabadikan oleh paparazzi terasa menakutkan. (p.14) 8. Meninggalkan kesan sebagai cewek cool dan asyik di sebuah pesta. (p.14) 9. Saat dijepret di red karpet. (p.14) 10. See, kebayangkan gimana cueknya Kristen. (p.14) 11. Bisa dipastikan karir Kristen akan terus berkembang dan tentunya gak menutup kemungkinan dia akan jadi seleb muda terkaya. How lucky you are Kris. (p.14) 12. Well, gossip terbaru yang Teen kutip dari majalah OK tentang pasangan ini adalah mereka ngak sabar untuk mengikuti jejak Bella dan Edward Cullen: menikah dan punya Renesmee. (p.15) 13. Bahkan Rob juga mulai membuat lagu pengantar tidur buat calon babynya. (p.15) 14. Rob selalu mengumumkan beberapa nada lullaby. (p.15) 15. It‟s really sweet, tambah si narasumber. (p.15)
G. 287 Edition This edition clarifies about the fact and the gossip of the player of Spiderman Movie. And also compare skills and profiles of the actresses or players of Spiderman 1, 2 and 3. 1. Dan waktu menonton Spider-Man 10 tahun lalu, Teen terpesona melihat aksi en cerita dalam film itu, plus acting Tobey Maguire mendalami karakter Peter Parker yang nerd namun berhati lembut. (p.16) 2. Nggak ada yang bisa menggantikan posisi Tobey as Peter Parker. (p.16) 3. Well, nggak ada yang nggak mungkin. (p.16) 4. Beberapa kali ditangkap kamera sedang hangout. (p.17) 5. Pertama kali ketemu Emma waktu screen test, aku terbangun. (p.17) 6. Emma itu cute, down to earth. (p.17) 7. Awalnya aku nggak terlalu aware tentang perasaanku pada Emma selama screen test. (p.17) 8. Tapi aku tahu, this is different. (p.17) H. 288 Edition 288 Edition tells about the love story of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. They are players of The Twilight movie. 1. Nggak bosen-bosen pasang tampang datar en no comment setiap ditanya „Are you guys dating?‟. (p.14) 2. Kristen mengakui dirinya selingkuh dari Rob dan menjalin affair dengan sutradara Snow White and The Hunstman. (p.14)
3. Robert Pathinson dan Kristen Stewart adalah pasangan paling hot di Hollywood saat ini. (p.16) 4. Tapi berita affair Kristen membuat fans mereka shocked, sedih dan marah. (p.16) 5. Seorang pembaca, Lauren bertanya “how could she? Rob benar-benar mencintainya?”. (p.16) 6. Fakta yang lebih menyakitkan dan menghebohkan para fans adalah Kristen memakai topi milik Rob saat ketemuan dengan sanders. (p.16) 7. Keterjutan mereka terus berlanjut di Twitter dan jadi trending topic world wide “Robsten is unbroken”. (p.16) 8. Kristen ngaku kalau statusnya in a relationship. (p.16) 9. Kristen dan Rupert Sanders duduk bersebelahan di acara dinner party kecil di sebuah resto Berlin. (p.17) 10. Kristen en Rob makan malam bareng di resto Nobu, San Diego sebelum gabung bareng para pemain Twilight Saga : Breaking Down part 2 untuk mempromosikan film tersebut di ajang Comic-Con . (p.18) 11. Menggunakan t-shirt dan kacamata hitam. (p.18) 12. Dari pertanyaan ini tersirat seberapa dalam hubungan Rob en ktisten. (p.18) 13. Kristen, Rob en Taylor Lautner naik ke panggung Teen choice Award. (p.18)
14. Tapi Rob en Kristen nggak terlihat duduk bersebelahan diantara para undangan. (p.18) 15. Dia juga mengunggah kartun Snow White yang tengah menangis dan minum dengan komen, „not so pretty or so pure after all‟ di akun Instagram yang kemudian seting privasinya dibuat tertutup bagi umum. (p.18) 16. Hal yang paling ditakutkan fans mereka pun terjadi. (p.18) 17. Anyway, bukan cuma Robert Pattinson dan Liberty Ross saja loh yang bingung. (p.18) 18. Charlie bahkan menawari Kristen untuk jadi ibu baptis bagi baby Jackson yang diadopsinya. (p.18) 19. Putus nggak sih Robert en Kristen? (p.18) 20. Berikut analisis relationship expert Dr.Gilda Carle yang biasa menangani hubungan asmara para seleb Hollywood. (p.18) 21. Dr.Charle nggak kaget kalo Rob en Kristen akhirnya berbaikan. (p.18)