Pak Bei 15
15 Surat Teguran
Langkah Awal Pak Bei menghadapi masalah dalam pekerjaannya. Ingat-ingat masalah yang pernah Anda hadapi dalam pekerjaan atau pelajaran Anda. ― Have you ever experienced a problem at work (or at school)? Was it with your superior (atasan) or with a colleague (rekan kerja)? Write down a few sentences or narrate the event to a classmate.
Kosa Kata Pak Bei 15 1
lapor, -an tekun, ke-an rajin, ke-an hasil karyawan silakan selama minggu, selangsung terus, men-kan sejak tak kerja, meng-kan apa pun kecuali rokok, measbak puntung dari mana terus menerus hati, memper-kan tanpa lengah detik tegur, -an tulis, ter-
a report. Here: to deliver a report (menyampaikan laporan) diligence, effort diligence, application result, outcome, output employee go ahead, please for (the duration of...) one week directly, straight ahead continue since, from no, not; = tidak carry out whatever, anything; tak mengerjakan ~ do nothing except, but, than to smoke ash tray cigarette butt Here: how continuously, on and on observe, watch without careless, inattentive second (unit of time) tidak se~pun not even a second a warning written; in writing
Pak Bei 15
Kegiatan 1―Mengurutkan The six cartoon pictures are out of order. Can you rearrange them? Print and cut the pictures, then reorder them.
Pak Bei 15
Kegiatan 2―Menyimak Now read the cartoon (in correct order) carefully, using the word list above.
Pak Bei 15
Kegiatan 3―Menjodohkan Each of the following 10 texts belongs to a bubble. Match them. A. Lho! Sudah seminggu ini saya terus-menerus memperhatikannya, dari pagi sampai siang tanpa lengah sedetik pun!
B. Selama seminggu ini, masuk kantor jam 8 pagi dan langsung duduk di tempatnya…
C. Pak, saya mau menyampaikan laporan tentang aktivitas, ketekunan, kerajinan dan hasil 3 kerja karyawan baru kita itu. D. Bagus itu! Teruskan.
E. Silakan.
F. Dua?
G. Tapi sejak jam 8 pagi sampai jam 12 siang, ia tak mengerjakan apa pun, kecuali merokok. Dan hasilnya, satu asbak puntung rokok.
H. Nih! Yang satu untuknya, yang satunya untuk Pak Bei, karena sudah seminggu tak mengerjakan apa-apa.
I. Dari mana Pak Bei tahu?
J. Bagus! Akan kubuat teguran tertulis, dua.
Pak Bei 15
Kegiatan 4―Kosa Kata Tekun and rajin are very similar in meaning. Tekun stresses that an activity is done with concentration, dedication and conscientiousness whereas rajin stresses that an activity is done frequently (as in Belakangan ini dia rajin datang kemari ‘Recently he is visiting us often’). Note also that rajin normally precedes the verb it qualifies whereas tekun follows the verb and is preceded by dengan: Anak itu rajin belajar. But: Anak itu belajar dengan tekun.
Kegiatan 5―Tata Bahasa: Imbuhan ke-an 1. The circumfix ke-...-an can be used to form adversative verbs such as kehujanan (adversely effected by the rain, i.e. to get caught in the rain). Under the influence of Javanese it is also occasionally used to express the superlative, e.g. kebesaran = terlalu besar. But the most common usage of the circumfix is to form abstract nouns mainly from adjective bases: - tinggi: high → ketinggian: altitude - kaya: rich → kekayaan: wealth - benar: true → kebenaran: truth - gagal: fail → kegagalan: failure - rusak: damaged → kerusakan: damage 2. Occasionally, verbal bases can be used as well: - duduk: sit → kedudukan: position - datang: come → kedatangan: coming, arrival - pergi: go → kepergian: departure, journey, exit, death 3. The ke-...-an circumfix is very productive and can be easily attached to roots that already carry affixes as well as to compounds: - tidak tahu: ignorant → ketidaktahuan: ignorance - tidak adil: injust → ketidakadilan: injustice - terkait: hooked → keterkaitan: connection, association, relevancy - berangkat: leave → keberangkat: departure - beraksara: literate → keberaksaraan: literacy - terbuka: open → keterbukaan: openness - seragam: uniform → keseragaman: uniformity - berhasil: succeed → keberhasilan: success - tidak berhasil: fail → ketidakberhasilan: failure - aneka ragam: diverse → keanekaragaman: diversity
Latihan 1 Decide whether a ke-an noun can be used or not. 1. (Ketekunan, Tekun) pegawai baru itu semakin meningkat. 2. Gadis itu sangat (rajin, kerajinan). 3. Rumahnya (rusak, kerusakan) parah akibat hujan badai itu. 5
Pak Bei 15 4. (Rapi, Kerapian) dalam berpakaian juga dinilai dalam lomba itu. 5. Pesawat itu (datang, kedatangan) tepat waktu. 6. Dia bekerja keras agar (berhasil, keberhasilan). 7. Dia bekerja keras agar memperoleh (berhasil, keberhasilan). 8. (Celaka, Kecelakaan) itu terjadi di Jalan Diponegoro. 9. Gadis itu sangat (cantik, kecantikan). 10. (Cantik, Kecantikan) gadis itu sudah tersebar kemana-mana. 11. Rajin adalah awal dari (pandai, kepandaian) 12. Karyawan baru itu dipecat karena (malas, kemalasan)nya.
Latihan 2 Add ke-...-an to the following words, and then write your own sentence. Example: Miskin → Kemiskian. Banyak keluarga di Pulau Sumbawa hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan. (Many families in Sumbawa live beneath the poverty line). 1. Kaya → _________________
____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Baik → _________________
____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Suka → _________________
____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Disiplin → _________________
____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Marah → _________________
____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Cemburu → _________________
____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Pandai → _________________
____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Sehat → _________________
Pak Bei 15
Kegiatan 5―Tata Bahasa: Imbuhan -nya In the Pak Bei cartoon we find a number of appearances of the suffix -nya: tempatnya; hasilnya; memperhatikannya; untuknya; satunya. Basically, -nya is a third person pronoun (he, she, it, him, her, his, its): Ia duduk pada tempatnya. He sits at his place. Saya terus-menerus memperhatikannya. I constantly watched him. Yang satu untuknya. One for him. The suffix -nya can also occur attached to the head noun, being translated ‘the’ (See Sneddon’s Grammar 2.50, p. 155-6). This is usually the case when the noun has not before been mentioned but is understood within the context of the sentence: Kalau nanti mau masuk ke rumah, kuncinya ada di bawah batu. ‘When you want to enter the house, the key is under the stone. Here -nya can occur as a key is assumed in the context of “to enter a house”. Likewise “result” (hasil) can be assumed in the context of work. The difference between satu ‘one’ and satunya ‘the other one’ is similar to the difference between lain meaning ‘other’ in a contrastive sense – that is ’other, something or someone different’ – and lainnya meaning ‘other’ in the sense of ‘something extra, something or someone in addition’ as explained by Sneddon in his Grammar on page 157.
Pekerjaan Rumah―Menulis Having read the cartoon thoroughly, recreate this cartoon’s ending, with a different outcome for Pak Bei (you could include the new employee defending himself and turning on Pak Bei in retaliation).
Kunci Latihan 1:
1. ketekunan; 2. rajin; 3. rusak; 4. kerapian; 5. datang; 6. berhasil; 7. keberhasilan; 8. kecelakaan, 9. cantik; 10. kecantikan; 11. kepandaian; 12 kemalasan.