45 Perpustakaan Unika
Alma, Buchari. 2002. Manajemen pemasaran dan pemasaran jasa. Edisi Revisi. Cetakan Kelima. Bandung. CV. Alfabeta. Anoraga, Pandji. 2000. Manajemen bisnis. Cetakan kedua. Jakarta. PT Rineka Cipta. “Ekspor Mebel Tumbuh 8%”, Minggu 8 Juni 2008, dalam www.kompas.com. “Ekspor Mebel Januari-Juni Naik”, www.tempo_interaktif.com.
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46 Perpustakaan Unika
Swastha, Basu dan Hani Handoko. 2000. Manajemen Pemasaran: Analisis Perilaku Konsumen.Yogyakarta: BPFE. Swastha, Basu dan Irawan. 2001. Manajemen pemasaran modern. Yogyakarta. Liberty. Tjiptono,F. 1997. Strategi Bisnis dan Manajemen. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset. Wasito,H. 1995. Pengantar Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Perpustakaan Unika
Produk Mebel Produksi PT. Devonshire Tunggalindo
Perpustakaan Unika
Perpustakaan Unika
Perpustakaan Unika
Hasil Rekapitulasi Jawaban Open Quest: Hilton Hawaiian Condominium 1. a. Products are fine. I think the superiority is the mechanical work that they’ve done. The delivery is on time. b. The weakness would be the colors which would not be as what we wanted. Also there are some pieces that had some scratch on it. The packing is not good enough, so sometimes the glasses broken. c. The company had a good profile. As long as we cooperate, big issues occur. The price is competitive.
2. Please maintain the quality of making, and improve on the colors. Please have a good packing, so the product wil be arrived in good condition
PGA National and Radisson Condominium 1.
a. The priority is the quality of the products. It has a strong structure and durable. The product also have a good quality b. The time of the shipments sometimes misse the due date. Sometimes the colors doesn’t be the same one after another c. Because its price and compactibility. Very straight forward, also no much problem issued
2. Products: Keep up the quality of the products, and its durability. Time of shipment: Please be more on time
Perpustakaan Unika
a. It is the neat carving that is applied on the products. Also the comfortness of it. The price are competitive. b. Sometimes the colors seems to be not the same as the others. The packing is not good, so there’s some hardware are missing c. It is because quality in carving and also the price that they’ve given. Please maintain the competitive price.
2. Please be more sensitive to the colors and keep up the other quality that you already have!
Crown Park Resort
1. a. The choice of materials used to make the furniture, is of the best quality, including the wood, finish and upholstery. b. In overall quality there is no problem, sometimes only schedule problem. c. Devonshire has good mission and vision for the company and the employees, it always has optimism to face every challenge.
2. Suggestion is to develop the system in production and system in marketing. Since I see in each company, the system become the problems that have to be handle to support efficacy of every support.
Perpustakaan Unika
The Franklin Hotel
1. a. The design of the furniture, it has certain elegance in it. Good mechanical work. b. There are some lacking of the product, that is the warranty of the product. The colors that would not be as what we wanted. c. It’s a very good partner, also in term of communication & design its very compact.
2. Warranty, it should be managed well. Please pay more atteniton to quality control of finishing product, especially for the colors
Palms Marriot 1. a.
The strength of the main structure, it has a very good quality in making the product and low prices
b. Sometimes there are some imperfection on the surface of the timber. The delivery time is not on time, less promotion c. They have a good company profile, also the price & discount that has been given
2. The imperfection on the timber, must be better. And please delivered on time schedule. The frequency of promotion must be upgrade.