DAFTAR KATA Glossaries
DAFTAR KATA 1 BERTEMA Thematic Words in this glossary which are used conversationally in both Indonesia and Malaysia have no additional marking: cemburu [jealous]. Words commonly used in conversation primarily in Indonesia are marked with a raised I and those used in this way primarily in Malaysia are marked with a raised M : ban I / tayar M [tyre].
1 PERASAAN DAN SIFAT Feelings and attitudes perangai, tabiat I - personality, character; sifat - attitude; perasaan - feelings; tingkah laku, kelakuan - behaviour, actions; bertingkah, berkelakuan - to behave, act; pengalaman experiences khawatir I / khuatir M, bimbang - worried; resah I, risau, gelisah - anxious, apprehensive, nervous; tenang - calm, relaxed gembira, senang I, seronok M - happy; sedih - sad besar hati - elated; kesal I, susah hati M - depressed, troubled; tawar hati - disinclined, dispirited, reluctant; makan hati - sulking, brooding, fretting; sakit hati - annoyed, irritated, resentful; puas hati - contented, satisfied tersinggung - hurt, offended; kecewa - disappointed, let down; marah - angry sesal - regretful; menyesal (sesal)- to regret gemar - eager; bosan, jemu - bored, fed up; bersabar - patient semangat - spirit; bersemangat - spirited; minat - interested; berminat, tertarik - to be interested; sudi - willing; enggan - unwilling malu, segan - shy, embarrassed; canggung, kikuk I / kekok M - awkward, uneasy, feeling out of place; ragu-ragu - unsure, hesitant; to be hesitant, to hesitate; teragak M - to hesitate baik - good, kind; berbudi bahasa - courteous, thoughtful, considerate; sopan - polite; ikhlas sincere; bersimpati - sympathetic jahat - bad; nakal - mischievous, naughty; kejam, bengis - cruel, mean keras - harsh, strict; lembut - gentle, tender; halus - refined; kasar - coarse, crude 464
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heran I / hairan M, kaget - amazed astonished; terperanjat, terkejut - surprised, startled, taken aback murah hati - generous; tamak, serakah I - greedy, selfish; kikir I, pelit I , kedekut M - stingy cemburu - jealous; curiga - suspicious; degil, keras kepala - stubborn; sombong - conceited, proud lalai, alpa I , cuai M - neglectful, careless; berhati-hati, cermat M - careful berani - brave; pengecut (kecut) - timid, cowardly; gila - crazy pandai - smart; bodoh - stupid; bingung, keliru M - confused; salah, keliru I - mistaken letih, lelah, capek I, penat M - tired; malas, segan - lazy; segar - energetic; refreshed kacau - to annoy; ganggu - to disturb bising, ribut I - noisy ; sunyi, sepi - quiet, desolate bocor mulut I, becok M - talkative; pendiam - a quiet person (not talkative)
2 MENGEMUDI MOBIL Driving a car lampu - light; lampu besar - head lights; lampu kecil - parking lights, dims; lampu belakang tail lights; hidupkan lampu - to put on the lights lampu isyarat - signal lights; beri sinyal I, beri isyarat M - to signal tombol I, suis M - switch; tekan tombol, petik suis M - to switch on kontak I, ignition M - ignition; aki I, bateri M - battery kunci - key, lock; to lock; masuk kunci - to put in the key; putar kunci I, pusing kunci M - to turn the key mesin I, enjin M - engine; hidupkan mesin - to start the engine; matikan mesin - to turn off the engine setir I, kemudi I, stereng M - steering wheel; pegang setir - to hold the steering wheel; menyetir I (setir), mengemudikan I (kemudi), pusing stereng M - to steer
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gigi I, persneling I, gear M - gear; gigi satu, dua - first, second gear; masukkan giginya - to put the car in gear; tukar giginya, oper I - to change or shift gear kopeleng I, clutch M - clutch; tekan kopeleng - to press or engage the clutch; lepas kopeleng to free the clutch rem I, brek M - brake; rem tangan - handbrake; tekan rem, merem - to step on the brake; lepas rem - to free the brake; to take your foot off the brake; rem tidak makan the brakes don't hold klakson I, hon M - horn; bunyi klakson, mengklakson - to sound the horn pintu - door; tutup pintu - close the door; pintu tidak rapat - the door is not closed tightly tali pengaman I, tali pinggang keselamatan M - seat belt; pasang or ikat tali pengaman - to fasten the seat belts; buka tali pengaman - to unfasten the seat belts menyopir I (sopir), mengendarai (kendara) mobil, bawa mobil I, mengemudi I (kemudi), memandu M (pandu), bawa kereta M - to drive; parkir mobil I, letak kereta M - to park the car; kendaraannya banyak, lalu lintas sibuk I - there is a lot of traffic; macet I - a traffic jam; belok, putar I, pusing M - to turn; putar kembali I, pusing balik M - to turn around jalan - road, street, lane; jalan searah I, jalan sehala M - a one-way street jalan, maju I, gohek M - to drive on, to go ahead, to go forward; mobil tidak jalan - the car won't go; beri jalan - to let someone pass or give someone the right of way; makan jalan orang lain to enter someone else's lane; jalur I, jalanan M - lane motong I, potong M - to cut in; nyalip (salip) - to overtake; nyusul I, (susul) - to follow closely behind, mundur I / undur M, gostan M - to back up, reverse; berhenti, setop I - to stop; cepat I, laju M - fast; cepatnya, lajunya M - speed; batas kecepatan I, had laju M - speed limit bahaya - dangerous; licin - slippery; tergelincir - to skid; langgar, menabrak I - to crash into; tergilas I, gelek M - to run over; ada kecelakaan I, ada kemalangan M - to have an accident bensin I, minyak M - petrol; oli I, minyak pelincir, minyak hitam M, minyak silinder M - engine oil; tangki bensin - petrol tank; tekan gas I, tekan minyak M - to step on the accelerator; kuat makan bensin - to use a lot of petrol; tidak makan banyak bensin - to not use a lot of petrol roda - wheel; dongkrak I, jek M - jack; mur I, nat M - nut; kunci roda I, spana tayar M - tyre spanner ban I, tayar M - tyre; tukar ban - to change a tyre; pasang ban - to put on a tyre; bunga ban tread; angin ban, tekanan angin - air pressure; ban gundul I, tayar licin M - a bald tyre; ban kempes I, tayar bocor M, tayar pancat M - a flat tyre kaca I, cermin M - glass, window; spion I, cermin M - rear-view mirror; kaca depan I, cermin depan M - windscreen; wiper, penghapus kaca - windscreen wiper 466
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kap I, bonet M - bonnet; belakang, tempat barang-barang, bagasi I, boot M - boot; radiator radiator; sayap roda, spatbor I, mud guard M - fender knalpot I, perendam letus I, silencer M, perendam bunyi M - muffler, silencer; knalpot bocor the silencer has a hole in it busi, spark M - spark plug; bunga api, api - spark; voltase I, ketauk M - voltage regulator; onderdil I, suku cadang I, spare part M, alat-alat ganti M - spare part betulkan - to adjust, to repair; alihkan - to move, to change position servis - service; perbaiki, repair M - to repair; reparasi I to repair, repairs garit I, calar M - scratch; bergarit I, bercalar M - scratched; kepuk I, penyok I, kemik M - dented; remuk, hancur I - smashed; rusak I, rosak M - damaged bunyi - noise, sound; berbunyi - to make a noise, sound karat - rust; berkarat - rusty; cat - paint; to paint; las I, peteri M - to weld gosok - to scrub, polish; obat gosok I, poles I, semir I, ubat gosok M - polish; to polish
3 BAGAIMANA CUACA What's the weather like cuaca, hawa I, udara I - weather; cuaca baik - good weather; cuaca buruk - bad weather; cuaca berubah - the weather is changing; iklim - climate hari - day; hari makin gelap - the day is becoming dark; hari terang - the day is clear; siang daylight, daytime; malam - night, nighttime langit - sky; matahari - sun; bintang - star; bulan - moon; bulan purnama I, bulan terang M the full moon awan - cloud; berawan - cloudy, overcast; langit mendung I, awan mendung M - the sky is overcast angin - wind, air; angin bertiup - the wind is blowing; angin kencang - the wind is strong; kena angin - to be blown by the wind panas - hot; di tengah panas - in the heat of the day; out in the sun; hangat I - warm; dingin I, sejuk M - cold; sejuk I - cool, comfortable
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lembab - damp, humid; basah - wet; kering - dry kabut I / kabus M - mist, fog; embun - dew hujan - rain; hujan lebat, hujan deras I - heavy rain; hujan renyai-renyai, hujan rintik-rintik I - drizzle; kelihatannya mau hujan I, nampaknya nak hujan M - it looks like it is going to rain; kena hujan, kehujanan I - to get caught in the rain; jas hujan I, baju hujan M - raincoat; payung - umbrella salju I / salji temperature
- snow; beku - frozen; cair - liquid; suhu - temperature; panasnya I - heat,
badai I, ribut M - storm; hujan guntur I, ribut petir M - thunderstorm; guntur I, petir, guruh M thunder; kilat - lightning; topan I / taufan M - typhoon; tumbang - to fall over (as a tree) banjir, air bah - flood; kemarau - drought berlumpur - muddy; licin - slippery; tergelincir - to slip musim - season; musim hujan - rainy season; musim kering, musim kemarau - dry season; musim panas - hot season, summer; musim dingin I, musim sejuk M - winter; musim bunga spring; musim gugur - autumn air - water; air mengalir - the water is flowing; air tergenang I, air bertakung M - the water is stagnant; kena air - to get wet; tahan air - waterproof basah - wet; kering - dry
4 BANGUN/TIDUR Getting up/Going to bed tidur or pergi tidur - to go to bed, go to sleep; bangun - to get up, wake up; bangun terlambat to get up late; bangun lebih awal I, bangun pagi-pagi, bangun awal M - get up early jam, arloji I - clock; jam tangan - wrist watch; jam lonceng, beker I - alarm clock; tarik or pasang lonceng - to set the alarm; jam or lonceng berbunyi - the alarm goes off kamar kecil I, WC (wese)I, bilik air M, bilik kecil M, tandas M - toilet; kamar mandi I, bilik mandi M - bathroom tirai I, lansir M - curtain; buka or tutup tirai - to open or close the curtains kamar tidur I, bilik tidur M - bedroom; tempat tidur I, katil M - bed; selimut - blanket; bantal pillow; seperai I, cadar M - sheet
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laci - drawer; lemari I, almari M - wardrobe; baju - clothes; pakai or buka baju - to put on or take off clothes; baju tidur - night clothes; sarung - sarong; piama I / pajama M - pyjamas simpan baju - to put clothes away; merapikan barang-barang I, kemaskan barang-barang M to tidy things up; to put things in order makan pagi, sarapan - to eat breakfast; keluar dari rumah - to leave the house; kunci pintu to lock the door cukur - to shave; pisau cukur - razor; sabun cukur - shaving cream; janggut - beard; kaca I, cermin M - mirror bersiap - to get ready; alat kosmetik, alat solek bersolek, berdandan I - to put on make-up
- cosmetics, make-up; pakai make-up,
gigi - teeth; sikat gigi I, berus gigi M - toothbrush; benang gigi - dental floss; obat gigi I, pasta gigi I, ubat gigi M - toothpaste; sikat gigi I, berus gigi M, gosok gigi M - to brush the teeth; gusi gums basuh - wash; basuh tangan or muka - to wash the hands or face air - water; air panas - hot water; air dingin I, air sejuk M - cold water; buka or tutup air - to put on or turn off the water; pipa air I, paip air M - water pipe; keran I, paip M, pili M - faucet, tap; bak I, basin M - sink mandi - to bathe, shower; mandi air panas - to bathe in hot water; ember I, timba I, baldi M pail; gayung, koleh M - container used for dipping water sabun - soap; sampu I / syampu M - shampoo; handuk I, tuala M - towel rambut - hair; botak - bald; sisir I, sikat I - comb, brush; berus M brush; sisir rambut I, sikat rambut M - to comb or brush the hair
5 DI TEPI PANTAI At the beach pantai - beach, shore, coast; pasir - sand; laut - sea air - water; air pasang - high tide, the tide is rising; air surut - low tide; the tide is falling ombak - wave; ombak besar or kecil - big or small waves; air berombak - the water is rough jernih - clear (water); keruh - cloudy (water); berlumpur - muddy dalam - deep; dangkal I, cetek M - shallow A Course in Conversational Indonesian (Mintz)
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siput - shell, clam, snail; kepiting I, ketam M - crab; cumi-cumi I, sotong M - squid; ikan fish; batu karang - coral; rumput laut I, lumut laut M - seaweed angin - wind; angin bertiup - the wind is blowing matahari - sun; awan - cloud; langit mendung I, awan mendung M - overcast panas - hot; di tengah panas - in the heat of day, out in the sun; di tempat yang teduh, di tempat lindung M - in the shade mandi - to bathe, swim; celana mandi I, seluar mandi M - bathing trunks, bathers; baju mandi bathing costume; buka baju - to take off clothes; tukar baju - to change clothes; pakai topi to wear a hat kemah - camp, tent; berkemah - to camp; bertamasya I, pergi piknik I, berkelah M - to picnic; piknik - picnic; berjemur - to sunbathe, to lie in the sun; berenang - to swim; bermain - to play terjun - to jump, to dive; terapung - to float; menyelam (selam) - to dive under the water duduk - to sit; baring - to lie down selimut - blanket; handuk I, tuala M - towel; tikar - mat; kelambu - mosquito net bentang - to spread out (as a mat); kebas - to shake out; lipat - to fold gali I, korek M - to dig; lubang - hole; bakul - basket; ember I, timba I, baldi M - pail; sodok shovel panggang - to barbeque; to grill; salaian - a grill api - fire; nyalakan api - to light a fire, to kindle; kayu api - firewood; asap - smoke; berasap to smoke hutan - forest, jungle; bambu I, buluh M - bamboo; pohon I, pokok M - tree; dahan - branch (large); ranting - branch (small); daun - leaf lalat - fly; nyamuk - mosquito; semut - ant
6 PERKAWINAN Marriage melamar - to court; bertunangan - to be engaged; berkawin I / berkahwin M - to marry; bercerai - to divorce; perkawinan - marriage, wedding; perceraian - divorce
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pengantin baru - newlyweds; pengantin laki-laki - bridegroom; pengantin perempuan bride; suami - husband; istri I / isteri M - wife; suami-istri - husband and wife; pacar I - boyfriend, girlfriend bulan madu - honeymoon; berbulan madu - to go on a honeymoon baru kawin - newly married; sudah lama kawin - married a long time; tinggal bersama-sama, kumpul kebo I - to live together cium - kiss; peluk - embrace; mesra, pacaran I - intimate, close; cinta - love, to love; jatuh cinta - to fall in love; rindu pada - to miss; rasa - to feel bergaduh, bertengkar - to argue; lawan - to fight anak - child; son, daughter; cucu - grandchild; cicit - great grandchild adik ipar - brother or sister-in-law (younger); kakak ipar laki-laki I, abang ipar M - brother-inlaw; kakak ipar perempuan I, kakak ipar M - sister-in-law; ibu or bapak mertua - mother or father-in-law; menantu - son or daughter-in-law ucapan selamat I, ucapan tahniah M - congratulations; mengucapkan selamat - to offer congratulations; berterima kasih - to say thank you mengundang, jemput M - to invite; undangan I, jemputan M - invitation pesta I, selamatan I, kenduri, jamuan M - party, reception; hidangan - refreshments kartu I, kad M - card; kartu ucapan selamat perkawinan - wedding card; kue I, kek M - cake; kue perkawinan - wedding cake; hadiah perkawinan - wedding gift; mas kawin - dowry cincin - ring; berlian - diamond; emas - gold; perak - silver
7 BAJU Clothing jahit - to sew; tukang jahit - tailor, seamstress; mesin jahit - sewing machine; pesan baju I, tempah baju M - to have clothes made to order; beli siap dipakai I, beli sudah jadi I, beli sudah siap M - to buy ready made menisik (tisik) - to darn; sulam - to embroider; ikat - to tie, fasten ukur - to measure; ukuran - measurement; besarnya, saiz M - size gunting - scissors; to cut with scissors; potong - to cut; lipat - to fold A Course in Conversational Indonesian (Mintz)
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potongan - cut, style; gaya, mode I, fesyen M - fashion, style; corak, motif I - design; pola pattern; contoh - pattern, example; jalur - stripe jarum - needle; benang - thread; sarung jari - thimble; kain - cloth; kancing I, butang M button; kancing - studs; hook fasteners; rits I, ritsleting I, zip M - zipper panjang, labuh M - long; pendek, singkat M - short; ketat - tight; longgar - loose; sesuai M, cocok I - suitable lengan - arm; sleeve; bahu - shoulder; leher - neck; collar; dada - chest; ketiak - underarm; pinggang - waist saku I, kantung I, kocek M - pocket; kelim - seam; lipatan kaki or lengan - pants or shirt cuff baju, busana I - clothes; baju, kemeja - shirt; kaos I, T-shirt M - T-shirt; blus I, blaus M - blouse; celana I, seluar M - pants; jas I, jaket M - jacket; rok I, skirt M - skirt; sarung - sarong; kaos kaki I, sarung kaki M, stoking M - stockings, socks; topi - hat; sepatu, kasut M - shoes; das I, tali leher M - tie; ikat pinggang I, tali pinggang M - belt
8 AGAMA Religion mesjid I / masjid M - mosque; gereja - church; kuil - Indian temple; candi - Balinese temple; tokong - Chinese temple; sinagoga - synagogue Islam - Islam; Kristen I / Kristian M - Christian; Hindu - Hindu; Budha - Buddha; Yahudi - Jew; Konghucu - Confucius; Protestan - Protestant; Katolik - Catholic penganut - the followers of; penganut Budha - Buddhist; penganut Islam - Moslem; penganut Konghucu - Confucian menganut - to follow (a particular religion) mengamalkan - to practise or observe (particular beliefs, practices); merayakan - to celebrate; masuk - to convert; masuk Islam - to convert to Islam nabi - prophet; Yesus Kristus I, Nabi Isa - Christ; Nabi Muhammad - Mohammed Allah - God; insya Allah - God willing Tuhan - God; syurga - heaven; neraka - hell imam - Moslem prayer leader; pastor I - Catholic Priest; pendeta I Protestant clergyman; Hindu or Buddhist priest; pendeta Yahudi I - rabbi; padri M - priest, pastor, religious minister
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Koran - Koran; Kitab Injil - Bible; Kitab Taurat - Old Testament jiwa - soul, spirit; dosa - sin; berdosa - to sin; to have sinned adat - customs; ibadat - religious duty; korban - sacrifice; sunat - to circumcise; berpuasa - to fast suci - pure; mulia - noble, pure; saleh I / salih M, beriman - religious haram - forbidden; halal - acceptable according to Islamic law lonceng gereja I / loceng gereja M - church bell; lonceng berbunyi - the bell rings; azan, bang Moslem call to prayer khotbah I / khutbah M - sermon; zikir I, dikir M - hymn, chant; berzikir - to chant; nyanyi - to sing; nyanyian - song sembahyang - to pray; salat, solat - ritual Moslem prayers performed 5 times a day; pergi sembahyang, pergi solat - to go to pray; ambil air wuduk, ambil air sembahyang - to wash before saying prayers; berdoa - to offer a prayer of hope bersyukur - to give thanks; syukurlah - thanks to God memohon (pohon) - to ask for, request; minta maaf - to ask for forgiveness tunduk kepala - to bow the head; berlutut - to kneel; sujud - to bow from a kneeling position so that the head touches the floor derma, sedekah - alms; berderma, beri derma - to contribute to charity; zakat-fitrah - tithe; sumbangan - contribution
9 CUCI KAIN Washing clothes laci - drawer; lemari I / almari M - wardrobe; peti - box, chest merapikan I, kemaskan M - to tidy or straighten up; simpan - to put away; lipat - to fold; alas I, lapik M - to line (as drawers) sangkut - to hang up; penyangkut (sangkut) baju - hanger; gantung - to suspend; penggantung baju - hanger basuh - to wash; mesin cuci kain - washing machine; bilas to rinse; gosok - to scrub; papan cuci I, papan gosok M - scrubbing board; perah - to wring out; rendam - to soak; celup - to dip; palu - to beat; kebas - to shake out A Course in Conversational Indonesian (Mintz)
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gosok or seterika - to iron; seterika - an iron; semprot I, sembur M - to spray; kanji - starch; taruh kanji - to starch gantung I, sidai M - to dry on a line; jemurkan - to air in the sun; tali jemuran I, ampaian kain M - clothes line; jepitan baju I, sepit baju M - clothes pegs; tali - cord, rope kering - dry; basah - wet; lembab - damp; bersih - clean; kotor - dirty; noda I, tanda kotor M stain; berkerinyut I, berkedut M - wrinkled air - water; sabun - soap; taruh sabun - to add soap; buih - bubbles, suds, froth; berbuih to lather, froth, foam isi - contents; tumpah - to spill; tuang - to pour; buang - to throw away; bak I, basin M - sink; ember I, timba I, baldi M - pail; bekas - container; gayung, koleh M - water dipper
10 MENANGKAP IKAN Fishing umpan - bait; siput - snail, clam; shell; kepiting I, ketam M - crab; cumi-cumi I, sotong M - squid; udang - prawn; cacing - worm ikan - fish; sisik - scales; siang or buang sisik - to scale; insang - gills memancing (pancing) - to fish with a hook and line; kail - fishhook; sebentuk kail - one fishhook; pemberat kail I, ladung kail M - weight, lead sinker tali nylon I, tali tangsi M - fishing line; pelampung - float; jala - net lempar I, buang, campak M - to throw; tarik - to pull; ikat - to tie; lilit - to coil, wind; cucuk to pierce, place on a hook, skewer pegang - to hold; tangkap - to catch; potong - to cut gunting - scissors; to cut with a scissors; pisau - knife; tajam - sharp; tumpul - dull makan - to bite; lepas - to get away; sangkut - to get caught batu - stone; tersangkut batu - to get caught on a stone pasir - sand; laut - sea; pantai - beach, shore, coast; sungai - river; danau, tasik - lake air - water; air pasang - high tide, the tide is rising; air surut - low tide, the tide is falling; arus current sampan - boat (type); perahu - boat (type); motorbot - motorboat layar - sail; berlayar - to sail; dayung - oar; to row; sauh - anchor; buang sauh - to drop anchor; berlabuh - to anchor 474
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11 MENGATUR RUMAH Arranging things in the house perhiasan - decorations; lukisan - painting bunga - flower; pot bunga I, pasu bunga M - flower pot tirai I, lansir M - curtain; buka or tutup tirai - to open or close the curtains permadani I / permaidani M - rug; tikar - mat; perkakas, perabot, meubel I - furniture; sofa sofa; meja - table; kursi I / kerusi M - chair; tempat tidur I, katil M - bed lantai - floor; dinding - wall; atap I, bumbung M - roof; langit-langit I, siling M - ceiling; pintu door; jendela, tingkap M - window kamar I, bilik M - room; dapur - kitchen; kamar kecil I, WC (wese) I, bilik air M, bilik kecil M toilet; kamar mandi I, bilik mandi M - bathroom; kamar makan I, bilik makan M - dining room; kamar tidur I, bilik tidur M - bedroom; ruang tamu I, bilik tetamu M - living room tangga - stairs; naik or turun tangga - to go up or come down the stairs kain - cloth; kain basah - rag; sikat I, berus M - brush, to brush; lap - to mop, wipe; sapu - to sweep, wipe; penyapu (sapu) - broom; gosok - to scrub; gosok, poles I - to polish; obat gosok I, poles I, ubat gosok M - polish; cat - paint; to paint; tumpah - to spill miring I, herot M, serong M - crooked, slanted; kotor - dirty; bersih - clean; debu, habuk M - dust merapikan I, kemaskan M - to straighten up; cuci - to clean, to wash; basuh - to wash; bersihkan - to clean paku - nail; gantungan I, cangkuk M - hook gantung - to hang, suspend; sangkut - to hang (as on a nail); ikat - to fasten; lekat - to stick; pukul - to hit; cabut - to pull out; tanggalkan - to remove, strip or pull off bawa - to carry; bawa turun - to bring down; bawa naik - to take up; bawa masuk - to bring in; bawa keluar - to take out letak - to put, place; angkat - to pick up, lift; tarik - to pull; dorong, tolak - to push alihkan - to move, change position; ubah - to change; atur - to arrange; betulkan - to adjust; balikkan - to overturn, turn over; simpan - to put away, keep
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